##VIDEO ID:xEpru_n2caY## all right good evening this is a regular meeting of the Fair Haven planning board adequate notice of this meeting has been given pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act at the time of the board reorganization in January of this past year the board adopted its regular meeting schedule for the year notice of the schedule was sent to and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 6 2024 and the TU times on February 1st 2024 as well as supplemented by published notice of July 11 2024 to advise of the hybrid form that notice was also posted on the Bolton board in burrow Hall and is remained continuously posted there as required by the statute copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the bur clerk copy of the notice has also been sent to each to such members of the public as have requested such information in accordance with the statute adequate notice having been given the board secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting uh she like me to a roll call please yeah yeah Mr here Mr P here Mr B Mr Nika here Mr Anderson Mr ba here Jo me Jo pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the republ stands one nation thank you um well jumping right into the agenda here um we have no old business to discuss uh although I guess we can we could probably do this pretty free form as if people have questions and followups from the last meeting um new business nothing on the agenda here we don't we didn't we had an application or whatever that was that was carried or that was uh ended up being a change of jur zoning of but I do just as an FYI receive a revised application from the seafood S Seafood uh Market um which went to R today and so he has technically 4 days knew that so we should be expect that New Year great um moving to the administrative items did everyone have a chance to look at the November 19th uh minutes any comments I had one I think on page one um near near the timeline for the affordable housing numbers just to clarify that first bullet point round four started formally in July of 2024 or 2025 24 correct yeah it says 25 on so that Amendment other than that I had uh I had nothing as far as Corrections go anybody else I actually have one so I took facilities as the um to work on for the work stream okay I'll thank you um other than those Corrections uh do we have a motion to approve the minutes motion second bu yes m c yes [Music] yes I think that's it all right um well I think the meet of tonight is effectively follow-ups um as we began our discussion and kind of got into a little bit into the details of U of the master plan re examination um it it is a shame I think that we had some well Kelly yes you point out you have facilities but circulation was Neil um land use was Andrew um uh conservation recation open space elements with bordon um and then the the housing element I think is still the full planning board by committee um but also in conjunction with council's going have heavy input into into the affordable housing and the updates from that but um you know I was trying to think like maybe what what we could do today is maybe Kelly you and I since we're here we could talk about our our kind of elements that we took away and um you know what what research have you done what have you found from the pack Master plans and you know what what do you think is worth discussing you know whether it's the survey uh or is it specific things that seem to have come up since then or I mean I thought mine was fairly simple um because going back to the master plan it outlined that the you know Police Department needed to be renovated uh public works you know Community facilities and we've done all of that so you know back looking back at the master plan I mean we we addressed what was in there um as it pertains to that I thought one of the ties was just coming up with a couple questions for a potential survey moving forward so I did that I mean it's pretty basic um I didn't know how deep we were we were going I think all ideas are good ideas at this point right I think we're we're you know we're kind of we're ahead of the survey but we you know we got to start maybe putting so of these things on paper right so as they get recorded in minutes that's you know might be the start of yeah some survey questions so yeah so as it pertains to the survey I just you know question how satisfied are you with the outcome of the facility Improvement project then listing them all and you know it's basically by percentage um you feel like you were a part of the process did you attend in open house to review the to review the project and plans and that was basically it more about kind of how we did it so I mean I feel like we address I mean it's a major part of the you know yeah yeah if I recall as we look want to find the page in the in the re exam because it was like I was checking things off so page 16 well and also in the Sur um like every single like whether it's in progress travel and honestly I is it that one down to yeah it is but I I I left it just kind of open-ended because I know they renovated it and stuff but isn't there always like a lot of question around Fisk chapel and what is it yeah I guess you're right like like I what's the main purpose of it it does get used for meeting it does get good thank you oh fish Apple we have a project starting next week perfect Ada improvements we're doing a new ramp new Ada and we just got some um a matrix back from the architect for the remaining work that needs to be done so we can get everything and we We believe We secured a grant from the historic trust for the painting of the exterior perect that's great so it's but this is like the Final Phase wrap it up awesome excellent so that was yeah that was my out the other outstanding thing I just didn't know enough about or if it fell in here was lighting like in all of the like fa fields and the community center and you know that was a big question the survey too yeah and in the master plan um the only thing I would say looking at the the last couple surveys or I guess the two um I mean people do say they're pretty much satisfied with what we had offered um so I feel like moving into this I mean it should just be a win-win given that it's listed that we needed to do this and you put the questions out in the survey I don't know do we do we know from from Council or Rich are there any things proposed by mayor and Council for facilities anything well yeah we have DPW the police department the community center so those are ongoing but those were checked in a sense just ongoing anything new other than because I think we addressed that like I said we're going to be finalizing the vice attenni Hall projects which what's that one there what's the latest there so we did a we got a grant through block grant to do Ada improvements we're going to be doing the ramp so that's by senteno I thought on Cedar they also refer to it as fish yeah the same oh same place that's my okay right there are improvements though that we're going to be doing at the am Church on Fisk Street which is like a private partnership talked about that no just catch we just jumped in the facility the facilities element like R we're just starting with Kelly wasn't wasn't there and again fresh my Rec different boards but wasn't there when we and I thought it was here when we looked at the school we when we did there because they came back for us for the capital Improvement we took a look wasn't there a discussion with regard to doing something with parking or entering into something or increasing something for parking primarily for people when they drop off pick up yeah we did a project on Willow Street we probably added 50% more spaces okay so we should probably put that in that that's it wasn't I didn't see it yeah the section below remember you lowered the hill yeah the other work we did is was on Third Street we did a through um a do Grant we basically linked to two schools from pedestrian and bike kind of design where we added now we have a full pedestrian route between no one and simples Ada accessible mainly funded through grants just troubleshooting does buildings and Facilities I mean this is really the one of the last buildings that needs to be done at some point right isn't the the the roof right now is a we have I'm going to be putting the roof out the bid in the first quarter 25 for this building that's that's just a but certainly that should be something that should be mentioned tra for the next 10 years that's the next time we're going to do this what about be Haven Road although that's where you start getting into Capital Improvement even the sidewalks where you're you're C that's not facil fa the other facility is um concession stand at fairh fields that building is over 20 years old now it's going to need a new roof it's going to need new HVAC the bathrooms are getting decent wear and tear as the uh activities have increased just through even the increase of pickle ball tennis all the other sports related activities camps so that that type of structure at some point is going to need and I think it might be worth mentioning anything does the burrow maintain any type of a marina or the only um I mean we've got we've got some Waterfront assets you know the dock million at the dock U some bulkheading the um we're still in the planning phases of the acquisition for 21 fairhead road we had the do Normandy Park come online recently that probably needs to be added but that that would fall more under the uh deorations open space but facility wise I always think of you know bricks and mor buildings what about the um fire station like any part of that whole complex that is owned by the fire department and then there's um there's an agreement with the burrow based on you know who maintains it who pays electric who cuts the grass who takes care of where the the fire operatus is stored so they're responsible for their amance and up deep and no the burrow there's an agreement between the fire department and the burrow it's been ongoing for many years sort of a service and it's a mutual back and forth was there yeah so the responsible for maintenance excuse me the bur that is responsible for the building maintenance yes not all the building maintenance they're only responsible for areas where fire app apparatus or first aid type equipment is stored so if it's a garage bay where the fire truck is and the heat doesn't work actually the heating system might be there's a there's a separate agreement it's on file okay that spells out all the parameters in fact I just looked at it the other day for for something but like like like the DPW and the fire in the police station bur doesn't maintain the bathrooms in the back that they put on the back of the first a building so there's there's things like that so do we have a long range plan or investment for that part that we are responsible for it's a it's a an agreement that's been in place that's been longstanding and both parties no I understand the agreement is like they do this we do this so if we are the burrow and we're responsible for the roof for example like is the roof due in 20 years is it due in 10 years do it do that sort of thing but do we have that visibility they just did the roof not too long ago and they just did a pretty major Improvement up on the second floor I believe the building itself is masonry and brick so it's pretty stable um they did a bunch of site work years ago that it was kind of like a pay it down as you go we used to make a painting annually to pay off it was they called it the concrete apron so all the concrete in the front and the side and they did all the parking lots over and everything so that's all been done within the last 20 years Rich what about the brush that was the one I I was on that committee for one point and then that committee stopped and a new committee started so the brush you mean the brush stage area where we bring the brush facility I mean ior list is brush facility here yeah so there's um there's an area that's carved out off of William at the end of the Hendrickson where the burrow brings its brush it's we call it the brush staging area the brush is brought there on a regular basis staged every six months actually a couple weeks ago we brought a tub grinder in we outsourced it they grind it and then they hallway The Shred for the mold for the products we have an agreement through Green Acres we're allowed to continue to do that use um there is a permit associated with it we do get inspected pretty much monthly by the county to come out and they It's All Good Housekeeping type stuff that they look at okay and we make sure our books are in check and so in general that's kind of the way it's been right just it's been the way it I just know there's a whole committee and people like windows are rattling like I just didn't know where they're at that so we're still grinding we're still doing whatever we're doing there we're still grinding you know the last grind they were done in and out in three days yeah I didn't hear anything about it this year no yeah yeah we usually we do an email blast we let everybody know we we work with the police on it to make sure the equipment can get in there everybody's safe makeing very clear hours of operation so it did say in the master plan that it should be considered for relocation but I guess we're not considering it we have looked at other options but the challenge is most of our open space is on our Recreation open space inventory it's not permitted use loud and historically it's been there it's pre-existing and um you know we yes we did look at it through the BLC committee and everything came back to pretty much status quo right like there's nothing else to yeah you know the one big change we made was we had a shared service with the neighboring town and we got rid of them you know we you have the addition of all that stuff addition of that product it's just our and and it's also it's because it's just our material we don't even have to necessarily pre out to bid we get quotes we handle it administratively we get it done and that's it and we work with local vendors and they know the drill okay when we were putting it out to bid we were getting companies from Pennsylvania North Jersey they don't necessarily know how we are you know how things need to run down this way in a small community and you know they would show up with 100 Door trucks and we're like wait guys you're not even going to get under that overhead wire right or make that turn at Fair Haven Road so so maybe it's fair to say we changed the process not necessarily the location is that a Shar controll I think it's more of a controlled effort and you reduce the SC I guess you could still put a just just sorry come back to the fire station so like this reexamination is good for another seven years that's 10 years looking so there's no burrow investment required in the next 10 years for the fire station we could have that conversation but not that I'm aware of you know the we pretty much handle the general upkeep of the exterior cutting the grass trimming the edges when there's a no heat we send a guy over to fix the heat um but like you said the roof replacement you know any of those type of improvements yeah that's they do my very very fundamental understanding you have a fire district they offer to provide services for that and then there's a mutual agreement as to who's maintaining facilities they do their own fundraising they're a separate they're a separate corporate entity and are authorized to take care of in this fire district they then elect officers and things like that but they do enter into an agreement you should probably also dovetail similarly with first aid yeah and and also Library again because some of those are shared Partnerships so maybe address those for facilities as well are we are we maybe for the library are we part of the M County facility you're part of as far as I know system they do have like they their own internet if they want to do certain improvements I think they have to get approvals um would know all the specifics St that would the library kind of get uh you know put in together with the bar hallon together unless somebody's going to separate them and build a new library right yeah the library goes hand inand with bur hall because they're under the same roof right and the employees that work at the library are bural employees oh okay and we now have a shared service with little silver for librarian so there's been some creative ways for cost savings because the librarian she retired and we decided to and the governing body decided to um do a shared service with the neighboring Town shared utility like utilities all that it's all comingled there's no like separate meters for the library there's no separate meters I mean there's no separate electric no separate it's it's all in this building y there's no lease Arrangement it's the Fair Haven Public Library yeah facility facility where they share I think is the the inventory that they have the books and the all the media activities and the computers and the activities that's where everything is shared from a countywide system right you your count roofs it's just a roof right this place is just a roof like you're just count roofs for your buildings right this is just one roof anybody else have any more input on facilities I was going to say I was going to go through each element is it okay if I check with the public sure go through each El sure let them all come up okay is there anybody here from the public that has any questions or comments about please uh please join us at the if you'd like to sit closer too um some concerns if we ever had to get another piece of fire equipment and it doesn't fit in the building that was built in 1952 would the town have to add on a wing or with the fire department add on the way that apparently we're responsible for the graes I don't know if that's a question we can answer I think we might just have to take a look at that agreement that situation so good question if if and when they look at new apparatus they have a full committee that handle that and they look at they look at the housing of the truck the maintenance of the truck what's required they're in need of a larger um a ladder truck that would not fit into the current phase and that's why I'm bringing this out because it's something that needs to be to go higher well perhaps through this process we can interact with the fire department to see what some of their wants and needs are from a master plan standpoint reason why we can't reach out to them and ask what their potential change and facilities are going to evade yeah who would handle that takeaway reaching out to the fire department chair would designate someone to prepare letter by attorney shout out to them um or I mean we can just have an informal telephone call I'd rather do the informal telephone Calla could you email somebody Rich would you mind taking that away yeah thank you you're gonna get there anyway um Z BR anything else no no that was good I'm waiting I'm ready for the next one it's going to be my my element as well um yeah how the rec Fields I guess that would be open space or is that differentation open space for recreation yeah that question so as far as so I have utilities element um and I think I might be the only one here that had volunteered for one specific thing but so I'll just go through what I uh my observations were um so if looking back at the 1991 master plan seems like you know the utilities uh the goal and this this came up across re-exams over the course of the years to Monitor and assure adequate and and efficient um utilities and services and this mainly pertains to water sewage natural gas electric um some things like brush and leaf uh ser did come up um garbage uh was was mentioned as well and then on occasion you get the mentions of like Paving curbs and and sidewalks I don't see that as a utility as much it was more if there's a dig to service utilities underground are the um you know are the uh Paving curves and sidewalks brought back to serviceable you know in a timely manner so um more recently uh storm water and impervious coverage came up a lot um and as it relates to to to drainage and water around here um there is some interesting um commentary about Fair specifically in a report by Ruckers that Chila sent around um and it seems like almost every and I read a few of them like I read Red Banks I read you know ours and uh I can't remember which the other one but they all seem to kind of this record report seems to recommend the same thing everybody is like you know to reduce water in the sewers by 10% they suggest bio retention systems and more porous pavement systems so it's it's the effort is the the effort is like to try to keep storm water out of the rivers and seep through the ground I guess yeah yeah and so it just seems like they have the same Concepts um for for Solutions um so I think it's so it's interesting that at the at the bigger level in New Jersey it's storm waterers becoming talked about like utility like metering it yeah and so in the next 10 years that will continue to be a conversation so I don't know if that's something we want to it's mention or preempt in how I think in all the recent you know documents storm ERS mentioned so I think we should we should address it and you know we should have whether it is trying to reduce it through you know bio retention and you know Forest Paving or should we try to store it and use it for you know for some you know reuse kind of concept I saw there's some like these you know um aggregation tanks that will take you know rain water and store and then they'll use it to like some other function in the spring when you can water the the town garden or something like that one of the things we've done is clean out a lot of those catch bacing right does that help well that helps from the maintenance of our existing infrastructure yeah yeah and the down the downstream flow yeah I mean that's and you also diverted something right you you diverted the flow over by Colonial terrorists no that no that was a um as part of the subdivision well they have a they have a they have an extensive recharge system under that cold stck but the the Overflow there's a check valve which controls right and there a problem with that the outl yeah they'll flow through yeah that was just through like a corrective action measure and I thought you did something on Smith Street I guess not yes yes um I believe put in pipes that were larger for better connection it was a large pipe that went to a smaller pipe and it backed up the w we upsized the crossing at the intersection of Smith and foran but that was that was an infrastructure operation okay so that doesn't really affect storm water it allows storm water to flow fre where before we bought we felt we was getting bottleneck but one thing we did do is the um when when the acne site came before us they took all their ref front off from that building that backs up along Smith and that goes into a th000 gallon recharge on their property so that kind of goes into that if you take 10% or whatever that number yeah that's great yeah um you know maybe something and I'm sure this probably comes up zoning um as applications are processed I and then we come up here you know for commercial sites right that we some we always want to have a an Ask U for for rainwater from n since recharge pit so the other made the other big change we made was we rewrote the street opening ordinance where now when a utility or or property owner opens the street or opens the RightWay they need to do full restoration that's why this summer you saw all those streets being paved by the gas company uh Paving subcontractors and the water company subcontractors because we had that we had those ordinances in place where before they would they would either pave the trench or they were infrared where they were patch it in or do half the road now it's full pavement with curve to curve edge of pavement to Edge payment so that that may be worth mentioning I underlined that that's actually in the 91 master plan is that in the event future development exceeds the service capabilities of water and sewer facilities the plan anticipates that developer will upgrade the necessary utility service in such a way that the additional houses or commercial units are constructed I think it also implies that like it goes cosmetically goes back to the way that it was like with with no no DET to the town right so and the only other thing I would mention is part of the Town part of the burrow is still on Red Bank B it's not all Jersey we had a meeting our administrator had a meeting with the town manager Red Bank probably a couple months ago just to start a discussion to see if you know like the portion of Harrison and lake and some of those College streets are still on red B water and we get complaints or residents fall in with issues I don't know if you are we're on New Jersey okay yeah I know the master plan mentions American B specifically but I don't think it mentioned portion of the burrow is on red that not heard I guess that is utilities um is it would we want that to be a goal of the burrow to bring everyone on Jersey I think I think ultimately it is a goal I I I can't speak on behalf of the May Council but I think that was part of the objective of having that meeting because the um the infrastructure isn't isn't what it is for the New Jersey American order side of it like when we did Lake Avenue the second I opened the road up like things started to fail we had to shut the road job down and get Red Bank to come in and do an emergency water main replacement so their infrastructure is much older they don't have the resources to keep up with the improvements like New Jersey americ does that's really what it is I see okay so so it' be a better water experience for our residency thing too is all the um a lot of you may have gotten notifications where they're doing the meter they're doing the service Replacements yeah for the lead pipe and that's that's part of that whole thing too is that there's a 10year plan and I think they're already on like year six so moving along with that she you're on red water on C do you feel that do you feel onar is there any experience that you can share that if you wish you had Fair even water or sorry I guess I don't know any difference right to say how's it taste comp right they've done a lot of sampling over the last couple of years sampling yeah and they are doing that replacement the pipes stages yes yeah yeah I'm just curious from from a utility standpoint then if that is part of this element what is the benefit is it is it that are the infrastructure will be updated in a more timely sense but it sounds like the Red Bank experience is similar I'm just curious what the gain is oh the pressure is I I was going to ask is it only infrastructure is like the source of your water different than American Water the Red Bank actually supplements their source with New Jersey Amica so it's not just their plant but they do have a separate Source they have a separate Source but they don't have enough so they have to tap into New Jersey americ to provide the water supply that's needed this was in here somewhere like most of it comes from over on the swim swimming River and then when it doesn't come from swimm Riv it's I think it's um supplemented through the Manis Manis res that's it's somewhere in in but it didn't mention companies it mentioned reservoirs and Facilities out that so so it's just interesting that you know from a town perspective of just being like more homogeneous if the source does matter right that's just an interesting element it's not just the infrastructure of the pipes and how they're updated yeah but right if we're all most of the town is on one reservoir and it's healthy and happy and half that town is on a different Reservoir and it's not healthy and happy and it should be a goal for all of us to be healthy and happy might make it might make it easier I don't know I don't know I don't know that it has to be our goal I'm just pointing it out that it's different didn't we just approve a new storm water reduction plan or something like that recently new regulations that were coming in to address old standards and going from Simply the the 100e storm to other events and then also what was happening to things that what's when people were developing do they go to the old standard did they go to the new standard what happens to things in the pipeline so we did have that that was recent but there are I think over the past at least the past five years we have probably annually received some different storm water regulation from the Jersey D and it's not a I want to say heavy-handed it's please adopt this to make sure that your ordinances are consistent with is the expert on that right well we both work on it yeah he's been taking the lead on most of it so he could be another resource I me we did SLE things like just making sure all new construction had dry Wells right which I'm saying ties into this whole utilities thing the goal of reducing storm water retention reduction the ordinances we're keeping up what they're putting into play is doing that like you said on gutters or dry Wells instead of getting dumped in sewers and all that stuff so I should should be mention basements have to be 2 feet above the seasonal high water mark people were building their basements into the water table and that water was being pumped into the streets so we got that we're seeing some things that will go back to utilities but also cross over I'm talking about storm water cross over to the land use element and memo I sent out early on you have the land use plan statement for strategy smart growth storm resiliency and environmental sustainability there that particular statute requires you have within your land use element but I think and we're going to address some other things that you have because I think it goes it crosses over to utilities that the land use development element will have statement concerning smart growth which will consider potential locations for installation of electrical V Vehicles charging stations form resiliency with respect to energy Supply flood prone areas and environmental infrastructure and environmental sustainability so here's where you have something crossing over between the land use and going back to your utilities we obliged to make ready for that and again your your Reclamation would be I think to suggest that we begin to start planning for those things I don't think you have to solve that problem we reexamination but I think you have to recognize that this is a respons ability in a change in legislation since 2018 there's a couple of other things like that but I I think the electrical one comes to going back to utilities where at least we should put or devote some paragraphs to those things that over time we need to address uh yeah thank you for bringing that because I was that was seg way into that I'm sorry um no it's perfect actually said it out perfectly so so yeah so the the the electric vehicle Supply and make ready parking space is I as I read as I read your note that does seem like a utilities you know adjacent type of subject and I was thinking for the survey you know I think there's I think there's some some metrics and goals somewhere where it's like you know x% parking spaces need to be you know done in a Make Ready sense where they can you know anticipate putting an EV charging station there at some point in the future but it's it's wired underneath the ground I feel like this came up with the police station maybe um yeah and so it seems like we're we are implementing that but I think maybe at least for the survey you know to let Town's folks uh let the residents know that in some way that we are thinking about that and that you know you know maybe a question could be like you know are you are you aware that there's now a mandate for Ev you know power uh for all new parking lots and things like that I don't know some come we ask what's their preference like because burough Hall has a parking lot the fire station has a parking lot the businesses on here have very small parking lots so if we asked our neighbors where would they prefer to have parking spots that are chargeable like that would be good information for us to know that's great yeah well like last's left off though there's there's there's no rules right there there's nothing that says we have to put in one electrical one EV spot for every 10 spot right it's it's done as it's done as a carrot provision right to decrease your parking requirement okay that if you have a charging station you get a credit by so that if you had to put in 10 but you have an EV station maybe you get maybe you get away with putting in eight so to speak right okay so that be de level no but I I think in terms of what we do as the planning board you know down the line you may want to have in our checklist of items you know are you putting in you know when we are we putting in are you putting in electrical facilities are you putting in those kinds of it's not no okay so for zoning it's not anywhere not even for commercial property is one thing but see we have to review that statute making private people do it completely and that's and that's where your planner will come in help you with some of those things again this is not to solve it in your reexamination report but since 2016 no we have to identify the challenges right so if it is let's let's hypothetically let's say I own a small commercial building if if I want to redo it and I come before zoning and there's a rule that says I now have to [Music] offer came before it wouldn't be an administrative function if you came in for site plan review that's where that's where comment not if you went to the zoning officer you said I came in for zoning right well that's that starts the process doesn't if I want to rebuild that lot they rebuild that property would say and so to it start with zoning they would be the first group you don't have to you can you can automatically submit to a board submit an application to the board secretary you don't have to get you don't have to get denied at the zoning officer which is which is why it might be easier to have it in your check off list of site plan give us your smart growth your smart growth compliance give us your and and they may not we may decide how we want to handle them although the feedback I'm getting this afternoon that our zoning permit application is too complicated because there's a lot of questions on there like you know pick one do you that's a different conversation you know different conversation but to add that extra layer on there guess well but that's good to know too yeah we do want to be user friendly yes in day so but I mean something is sometimes as simple as are you taking down trees you got to ask it so you have to ask it yeah of course I that does ADD and you don't see that in all the checklists throughout every municipality it's part of the duee diligence process you have to walk them through that and let them know you're going to need to do this this this if you do this you might have to do that yeah but I think that at least the electric I think you're probably talk more of a commercial property yeah I think we'd struggle to mandate at a residential level I think you struggle to mandate at a commercial level look at all these dealerships who went g go crazy with EVs and now they're sitting around everywhere because nobody wants them you know I would it' be tough try to make me take my Park out whatever I was doing and put in a bunch of EV things two for every 10 that may that may be what the survey informs us and just coming back to the storm water um wearing my other hat on environmental commission it would be really helpful to know in the survey responses how would people be interested in or willing to do things at their individual to capture SL yeah a great question you be willing to be willing voluntarily yeah voluntarily do do one of those bio retention you know I'm not trying to be too specific I'm just you know at that level um like some people will already do it like my home does that already but there are some that don't and so it would be work that they would I will tell you we are routinely seeing before the Zoning Board of adjustment if you're seeking variance relief and you have increased any type of impervious coverage um um even even if that isn't what's driving you for the variance relief but when you're seeking that there is almost routinely an exploration whether or not you would place in a dry well to capture rain War off The Gutter and and routinely we're seeing people because they I think they see the benefit of it they don't want they don't want increased drainage problems on their own property either and they seem very willing to do that so that something like that and or and I again it's it's not necessarily required where you're increasing that that either the impervious or the building coverage and you're already tying in for a variance we're seeing the willingness to do that it helps the Board get over the hump of what you're doing that's uh getting you through your special special reasons have we thought about doing like perable pavement and stuff like that like you know making that requirement to again continue with this reduction of runoff and rain water and you know certain areas or essential areas definitely are oversized or whatever I think that was part of the police station conversation too we it's like a single family residential I don't know I just I looked at I printed um Sheila given us the Middletown's master plan and these are some of their storm water recommendations and ideas and I I think that's kind of a decent so I think it it we break it into like the different zones like we just saw fire station has a huge coverage huge concrete runs right off it right everywhere else AC has another large and I think that's been broached there's a a Rucker study that talks about different parts of our burrow where we can attack storm water runoff and collection that's one of them um but I think that the individual resident level it's more about helping people make different choices right when someone's going to put in a driveway or some redo their driveway their patio like how do we help them know what what options there are right perhaps your re exam it's to ask the burrow to assist to a design for if permeable papers is giving we give you a credit for your impervious instead of total impervious coverage we're going to give you credit if you do something where it is a you know permeable base we give you a 50% credit for that so to speak worth that out if you put in a rate if you give a a rainu if you do something like that that we can then develop regulations where if you might otherwise need a variance for imperious coverage if you do these things maybe you can lessen that or it or whatever and that can be something a recommendation we'd like to see if that's if that's what again I think it's important to make sure people are willing to want to do that back you help your surve yeah com back the survey get a pulse on what people are open to and what percentage are open to those things and then I think that can really inform policy one other dumb question utilities what's the relative cost of the old 91 form of the Town owning garbage Tru and running okay the final my final comment was going to be literally so 91 DPW did the garbage as as 91 what was the cost benefit of that model and and given the recent changes to our uh service is it worth re-examining doing it ourselves um I know that would probably involve buying a truck you know sort of a real involved by several trucks anding additional staff that's when I started here in ' 07 that's when they were starting to have conversations about Outsourcing it we still had it inous we had three large trucks and a small truck on recycling day it took the entire department to pick up the burrow it was a little different than that was when you a loose cardboard next to your camp but then you also had the large toter everything was still one arm Bandits we had continuous mechanical breakdowns there's a lot of moving Parts with those with those units not just the truck the cab and the engine it's also the attachment on the back with the arm mechanism and everything else and at the time they did a study and they determined that it was more cost effective and they were they were down sizing in staff I mean DPW used to have 20s something guys we have seven right now you know so practicality of trying to bring plus plus addition service we can't hire anybody and we've been interviewing and we can't just like every otherwhere industry just what we're dealing with right now W okay so and and the other thing too is the supply chain issues we we order a dump truck takes two years to get it if not more have there been Cooperative Arrangements between different municipalities say own so when they did the trash bid this last go around we looked at the neighboring towns to see when their contracts were up to see if we can kind of reset the clock to try to piggy back and do a multi burrow and um that's why we get yeah we did a three year so we didn't we didn't lock ourselves into a five we a three year which you know we're halfway done with that already that was as of what May [Music] June so we're two and a half years left before we know about it we're going to be talking again about putting it out to B what was the total I mean dumb question what was the total cost of the bid you know I mean that's sort of an unfair question but the bid had so many different options is it is there I guess it's public record that we can dig that up yeah bid pack public record and it would have everything from the Tipping fees included to it's not just picking up it's and dumping it out to the it it was up like by 95% 96% over the previous contract and we only had one response sorry what was the increase 97% right yeah yeah so wow just getting back over the exact same service nothing added just well I mean the I'm sure the cost of the Tipping fees went up I'm sure the cost of other administrative fees went up fuels up and and cost we only had one offer that's it it's like someone decided we're going with be Haven someone decided they're going with come on just a a final note on storm water I just wanted to pull up a document back in August Nick and I Nick Pinsky and I had a uh a zoom call with the ru University Water Resources program they had a service where they offer to municipalities to help us with some of our storm water needs whether it's ordinance reviews uh water implementation planning things of that nature we contacted them we were actually the first municipality to contact them they submitted a proposal and we accepted their their service so that was as of a couple months ago so they're working with us all these requirements things that we need to do and basically free so we're working with one of their phds in the program and it's the RC Water Resources program and they're providing a level of service for us so we are doing a lot of Partnerships kind of behind the scene I know you saw all the documents that we did with Ruckers and there was one with Stevens and and some of the others that we've worked with in the past that that certainly sounds like it's worthy of a paragraph in re exam does this does this include sort of your your water service or Sewer Service no this is strictly storm water strictly storm water yes how is how is the Burrows services for water sewer delivery not deliver sewer but disposal and delivery of water I mean your infrastructure for their pumping stations those kinds of things well those items or or you doing it like most municipalities when we have a large commercial infrastructure we take a look at it and say like you're going to make a contribution to something the other well in our case we have a regional Sewer Authority two RS and we have a private entity New Jersey American and some of red B quter okay so it's not necessarily managed and maintained by the burrow or burrow officials okay so it might be worth having that ask whether are they looking to do any plant upgrades are there any new rules and Rags that need to go into place where that might trigger some upgrades they have to do in town um I mean obviously as we pave streets we send out our drawings to all the utility companies to get their feedback to see if they're looking to do any improvements prior to us Paving sure we not but I think though a town like Fair Haven that is pretty much built out the infrastructure is in in place um from a sewer standpoint is adequate the water and gas companies have been doing tremendous amount of upgrades in the last 15 years I think the gas companies pretty much done they've upgraded all their their meanss and the water company has done a lot as well so what would you place the age of our sewer system now depends what area town okay yeah yeah intelligent response you know and to your point you know are they looking at doing any upgrad for any of the pump stations that are in the bur as well I I will tell you there was a there was a correspondence I was a part of with with uh I'll send an email chairman chairman Fred which was you know which was you know what this is from our you I know we were going to touch base with um bur administrator and his question was does it look like the planning board is going to be doing a full rewrite of the master plan or there going to be a reexamination TOs and in that I also sent a note out to invite him to share with the planning board if there were any proposed infrastructure changes if they thought there might be any thoughts of changing any zoning or things that they might be considering um because I think we should be aware of that and at least address that as planning um so I think there are things that are com coming our way if if that's happening I mean I don't I have not heard nor do I think plan of any Redevelopment in those are sometimes things that happen if it's in a planning stage and it's and it's right for discussion you would again want to make sure that that was referenced in your reexamination that would take care of things like land use utilities facilities if you're going to have something like that designated area Okay um before I ask the public is there anything else from the planning board regarding utilities discussion utilities element discussion again I'm kind of pigy backing off the Middletown one ideas one of their things was moving um stuff out of flood zone areas we don't have any stuff in flood zone right town was like Town equipment we don't have any bur facilities or right they're not ours right it doesn't matter okay and then the um because we got of the community as well or facilities as well kind of thing what about police um Vehicles equipment DPW vehicles are they all you need to buy 20 new trucks or are they all uh our Fleet is good or fleet's young Fleet old in DPW we basically work off a fiveyear plan where we we do uh kind of look ahead to see where these certain vehicles are going to be the condition they are in um staffing needs and and even I guess it might be worth mentioning too like we've we've kind of looked at we we built DPW in such a way where the days of buying a truck to do one thing is no more right where we don't just buy a truck to use it twice a year we buy a truck to use it every day we've we've trimmed down on a lot of that where it's multi-use type Vehicles which makes sense is if the trucks aren't moving they're robing they're not they're not doing anything so you know even from our snowplow operations we do most of the plowing with pickup trucks now our streets are are set up for that where I came here we had these large dump trucks and all we all I did was I constantly pulled people out all night long because we kept getting stuck because they can't make the turns and there's a foot of snow and you know so those types of things those different changes we made um I can't really speak on behalf of PD do we do we provide we provide the PD I'm assuming right we provide and we build build these cars in house which Le quite rare for M to okay sorry explain that build so they buy they'll buy say a Ford Explorer or a Chevy Tahoe Police Package type truck which is your Basic Police Interceptor type vehicle we build everything from uh putting in the sirens putting in the the the um light the light bars we wire everything for the laptops we do everything that's in those bars we basically strip it out we take the seats out we take everything out the headliner everything's out and pulling wire and build them W and we've been doing them for years soldering wires that's doing it now right je Jarvis well it's it's through DPW yeah he would assist the the vehicle maintenance mechanic with all of that and um Chief basically orders all the parts that he needs and as everything delivered over to DPW and as things come in we're yes it's it is um it's a lot of time though and effort to get it done because it's what we've had in the last few years is you can't sometimes you're waiting for parts you can't get certain parts it take where things used to be off the shelf now it takes three months to get some bracket that you needed so but it's what what predated this was some sort of analysis that said this was a better way than buying a finished car I must have long time ago that's a long time ago like prior because we were just talking about when I came onard with the trash right said it was better to Outsource crash does this building cars predate that oh yeah when I came on board the vehicle maintenance the mechanic started here in 1981 and he worked with me for a number of years and he was building police cars so this started this could have started 40 years ago 50 years ago so yeah fun little factoid about new stereo I'm just going to buy the component dri exactly c um anybody else on utilities facilities up here anything from public well I have a thought because it has been mentioned about putting solar on our buildings and I don't know whether that would fit under facilities or whether it would been under utility for both places cross over we did a we had an we had a consultant do an analysis for both DD Community Center and also DPW and the results came back that just from a cost effective standpoint it it didn't make sense the amount of usage at those facilities the the the you know how they spread it out over 25 years or whatever that number is it did not the cost justification wasn't there you could still do it for you know if you wanted to do it from an environmental benefit but the cost was so great the increase in upgrading the roof structure to handle the solar panels just it we have all those reports so I mean that might be worth mentioning that that was done it was part of a larger energy assessment if I recall correctly well they did years ago they did an overall energy audit and assessment for the buildings but this was specific just the solar for the new buildings for the DPW renovation and the new PD and Community Center building Happ to face the right way anyway that most people don't realize L parameters like I have 5 Warehouse you be oh this is perfect you know you can put on both sides and people come and they like we can only put on this side that side's not going to catch the sun based on where the sun rises so these big plans start dwindling down too there many Sol p and what do you get out of it for the cost you know the roof has to be able to support the weight right plus they only size they only provide there's there's calculations you do so you you can't generate more than you need necessarily you have to they're going to look at your usage and I had it done for my house it it didn't make sense you know if the electric bill is X you know it it just didn't it didn't add up and and we we did the same thing here and the other thing too the technology that's in these new buildings and the smart lighting and the sensors and the LED that's out there now and all it's all Bluetooth it is state-ofthe-art like we just had a big training session at DPW on the lighting system it is unbelievable I I assume at some point that whatever you do here you you'd upgrade that as well the lighting situation when this building get you can still have an assessment done they will come in and they will tell you you know if you change these out do these to more energy efficient and as long as the cost savings over and you meet your Delta it's work do I'm some familiarity with it different school districts where they have a much larger physical plan and in a sense what's done is the the school does not own that that solar panel array right you know you're having a company come in they do the assessment they get the credits for for what they're doing you get the benefit of the of the reduced electric and then over a period of time you either buy the system or you have them take it down um so the separate contractor and you really do need a fairly large facility to make it work that's right that's the thing that they always get you on you don't own the equipment right somebody else gets the credits like the the well there's different models there's different models that was the catch the one time I looked at oh they're referred to as and they get they get so much money to do it so it's an incentive for them they get a contractor that they that they in a sense do business with after they've acquired the you know you do you have to do a whole it has to pay it has to pay for yourself using it under the screen broker for the srax yeah and they get a percentage so there's you know we have all those reports so it it can be worth mentioning that the analysis has been done any other questions from public yes yep uh the Water Company I'm not sure has made improvements that they need to a number of years ago during High usage obviously in the summer when everybody's filling it h and ordering their ons and everything we had to um restrict our usage and not because the reservoir was low it was because the water company didn't have the pumping capacity to keep the water pressure up so I'm not sure whether they ever made the changes that they needed to or when they have restrictions in place is it because they don't have the puming capacity yet well they just did that massive water M project on River Road yeah but that has nothing to do with their pum capacity over in um by the res for well it has to do with the conveyance of the water so yeah and you have to have the pumping capacity in order to be the water pressure up in order to get it do that I pinned them down in a counsil meeting about this and I wasn't sure whether they ever went ahead and did anything that so then my second point is what can we do about the power company because I'm just tired of resetting everything in my house underground that's right bir theine except when the pole gets hit and rs and that's not going to help everybody's not going to go underground yes when you have new construction you can put it underground very easily but everybody here is not going to do that what wasn't it voted wasn't it looked at and people didn't want it which I can't believe but well think the call if I recall from shade tree days you know the conversation is similar like everybody wants big beautiful trees but they don't want them to damage the wires during storms because everything's above ground and the cost to bury everything you know not just not the ones to your house but the the high wires out it's you know tens of millions of dollars just for our little town I don't but what happened after sing we had Crews from out of state come in they said how Antiquated our equipment in town was and this was at a general meeting that we had during the after effects of Sandy that and as far as I know we're still dealing with it yeah I I would imagine that in a survey if we included some questions about are the residents happy with the consistency of power here I could I could guess what the answer is um but it's still not good that's but what do we what could like what can we affect you can have a conversation I guess right the borrow can have a conversation power compy that's it we don't we tied this into a reexamination issue or question right do we want to make it a land use or planning thing where every future house that's built the the utility has to put something Underground when more than a certain number of houses on a certain on a street requirement you have to have undergrounds but from the pole to your house right that's different from poll to pole so if we were going to read like Gentry was done years ago right if you're is that all underground there right yeah it is right so if we were G to like that's how we would AFF change if we're going to say you know so many houses in a particular neighborhood or a street or whatever change I land though we have no more land is going to be developed right so how you going to get the existing I think if anything take a look at your generator is it is it easily attainable for a resident to have a generator installed or is it too much red tape and they come to the zoning board I don't that's more of a land use type thing where I think if you look at the amount of generators that have gone in in the last Sandy numbers are staggering I would imagine it's not that hard to get the that are out there it's not but you know it's you can't put them in a side yard you don't put them in a front yard you know yeah it's going to be way certain inch away from window so many feet away from your house can't be next anything combustible it's right everywhere yeah I know but then there's an expense thing to it all too you want to put as close as you can to your gas you want to close can you're incoming electric so you don't have to run gas electric across all yeah this ran it's a great topic um but I don't know that we're going to come up with the with solution for everyone you know but it it is something to keep in mind well this is the right the master plan is the right place to mention um we should aspire to better right so um any further um sorry any further questions from public on any of the utilities or facilities or what we discuss tonight um before I L we go I want to I have a couple followups from class meeting mainly for for Rich and any else any else on the uh on the exam re exam I I just have one question uh I was talking to Chris York today and he's he doesn't know are we definitely going with a reexamination has that been decided I thought that had been decided we're not rewriting the whole master plan right I don't think that we've committed to that I think the ream he hasn't gotten formal notice of it yet I just re-exam yeah I think that was the question that was approached with the chair I think the chair's response speak for the chair was was that we were leaning towards reexamination as opposed to um an entire wred the master plan and the the inquiry that was made by by the town was you know because there's a different cost element and if we're constructing our budget we'd like to know right they're doing the 25 budget so maybe we should make sure that we get back to for administrator if that if if so say you all that we're on re-examination to formally do that so that they can plan for that and that would also be something that then you would reach out to your professionals [Music] it's you according to Chris the the average cost of a rewrite would be $114,000 versus 30 for reexamination get my vote what's the what drives that sorry profal Services I would I would think you know the amount of time that we have to spend rewriting the whole thing you know I'm just curious because a lot I'm like because I have it like I'm just looking at it here on my screen it's you some of it's copy and paste and then you know youve got this stuff from 2016 I'm just is it so something I I pick up if you go like the very first couple Pages it has like the breakdown of all the different land like how much is public how much is private how much is wre all that like that's very inconsistent across a lot of our documentation so from the EC perspective if I look at our documentation doesn't necessarily line up with that I I'm just telling what no no let me just finish so all I was going to say is it would be great to use this because we're we're looking at our environmental resources inventory which is basically a a plan for all of our open spaces and so we see a lot of opportunity to align with the master plan yeah or just cons be consistent so if someone were to want to read both of these documents and I don't know that anyone does but if they were they would it wouldn't be contradictory or confusing well we did and we did adopt the last I think we did adopt the last land use inventory into our master plan so that was to allow for better alignment um but it doesn't it doesn't take away from like it's written here one way and written here no should be the same um so I guess I I I apologize I missed a couple months so I may have missed that part of the conversation but I just I was curious what the main I I remember we had a professional and in like August or September he talked a lot about what the differences were um it didn't sound like it was it sounded more like semantics than it did anything else but you're actually Chris is putting really real dollars that may be a question to ask you know like what what drives the cost for one what drives the cost for the other I didn't look at this yet but that's a lot prettier than looking at this scanned in you know I looked at the pr someone I and and this is kind of like their their ideas and then like the comments below what they think they do but like the Princeton one is pretty and Asbury Park one's pretty and there's pictures in downtown they talk about they're curving and but to but to a one that we've reviewed my recollection is to everyone they were all reexaminations they were not Reit right I'm just saying what happens if we get into a reexamination and it costs the same amount like did we actually rewrite it or do we I think choing between two different paths or we are we choosing the amount of time we're going to personally spend on this probably probably a little bit of each that was what was unclear to me it's like you know are we between a and b or actually just we're choosing you know how much effort we're GNA put into what is considered a rewrite just I'm kind of like picking back around semantic wise you know we change the Border in the title in the first page that you could you could say we reexamined our master plan everything is hunky dory we don't need to change anything except for listing of an acknowledgement that these statutes now say our master plan in the land should have the electric should have this should have storm water we recognize that and we will work towards it thank you so much have a good night thank you yeah as opposed to saying you know what the r70 zone does not work you know we need we need you know or if you really sat down that maybe this is what drives the cost if you really took a look at your land use as opposed to your zoning okay you know how many and we occasionally you see it in a very good presentation selling Court of adjustment where an individual comes in and says okay we're in the R50 but we're B boarded by the r10 and the r70 is up the street I don't know why we're the R50 because we don't need anything we never have been done that to really then take a look at what's being done and saying does the zoning still serve you um and and you you know your municipality better than I do I know in certain towns you know you have as small as r36 and as large as as r150 which is you know basically the size um doesn't still serve you and you do a get into the reads and say this Zone doesn't serve you anymore so we should eliminate this zone or if you had an overlay not too long ago a re-exam I was a re-exam you had an overlay with a design towards encouraging Circle growth never took off nobody ever used the overlay okay well 10 years later get yeah so I mean those are good examples I actually think what this format I thought was really helpful just to kind of do a bit of a deep dive in utilities facilities we spend our time in the next couple months doing that like knock off two a time maybe it becomes obvious that there's you know facilities that maybe is not a deep dive it's not a heavy lift we kind of name things we wrote down I know I take a bunch of notes like we kind of know you know here are the things that are coming up in the next 10 years it's like kind of well known maybe we move on we don't spend a lot of hours on that section but we get to another section maybe Open Spaces Recreation maybe land use one of those we find out in the conversation oh there's a lot there's a lot going on there and we have to spend more time there I I don't know that that answers the question is it a rewrite versus a re-exam we might just spend more time in certain areas than than others to dub tail off about I I do notice because of your affordable housing numbers and you're going to have to also have you know if you need to revamp your housing element and your affordable housing plan that needs to be done a year earlier than you completed re exam right you know our time we so I'm thinking the housing probably be done a year in advance and when you get to your re-exam took care of that in June of 25 you don't need to do anything in June 26 so that one's probably going to be off your table pretty quick yes uh so that that is I did want to transition in the affordable housing in a second um but I do I think it is valid or we decided that this is a re-exam or a rewrite um the way that I thought Fred and I have been talking about this maybe was only clear in my mind and not others but this is going to be a re-exam um and not a rewrite but when you see it online you know it does look like you could use a clean up I would love it to look like that you know the final result but if in this environment I don't want it to cost an extra $110,000 I I agree the cost is way too high but at the same time like you're saying you know it's like we're going through the process and you're not going to know it's a technically re-exam or reite till you get to the end right I mean you're going through like facilities and saying hey here's what I had in the last bing bing bang they complete all those there anything condition we have to add we have to add the bar H in the library one thing gets added like you said that's easy it's easy peasy thing to do some of these other areas might be a bigger lift that's why we need a planner you know and I guess I guess we'll know that if the process is us coming up with what we think we completed what we think is open sending had a survey what do the people want then we'll come to is this a big lift like a rewrite or is it everybody thinks everything's fine everything's good and you know there's not right now you've got your half of the equation this is what we see needs to be done and then get your survey yeah well I'm sure Fred has responded to him um all right I did want to ask uh we bro the subject of the affordable housing um and Betsy you did mention Chris you work so I guess this is this question is for both rich and Betsy um with regards to the council needing a resolution by January 31st where what is the latest um from the planners the attorneys and the administrator on affordable housing is there anything that we need to do in this room no what they're going to do either at the uh reorganization meeting or the meeting I think it's on the 27th of January they're going to accept the 92 units that we've been additionally tasked with but then we're going to turn around and um request relief okay so we we've done that before and we were successful we got our um realistic develop RDP down to four from 472 So based on the fact that we don't really have a lot of open space available we should be one of the lowest percentages in the county yeah so we're hoping to be successful with that but if we if we we don't agree to it from you know at this point the the cost of litigation is crazy and there's no guarantee you'll be successful isn't there there's like um there like 25 municipalities right now 26 suing over the yeah this round four whatever call it right and then um so the children said you you accept and still negotiate right if you reject you have to file your court case by February I don't know if that that piece was was understood by the board okay that's really out of that's really out of the planning board here it's really the municipalities but if you accept by January 31st you still can negotiate as to how you're what your final final number is but if you're completely rejecting it either by the the methodology etc etc you have to file your action by yeah and our attorney Mike Edwards is very much in favor of accepting it and then negoti what yeah and you you can reconcile the Grievances that you have and you have then that extends that out to April 1 the uh was there supposed to be a planning was there supposed to be a committee fair housing committee that met and go goes over all this stuff and I just remember us being deeply involved last year last time we did for the planning board with Todd but this time around like the planning board has done we haven't done anything yeah I I don't even know if there's been anything that we can do at this point but yeah to sent out an email today did you get it he sent something out today want to know if he was still on the committee okay I think so committee hasn't met so look I I think we'll we'll take council's guidance on what planning board needs to do for this okay for this should should we invite well I was going to suggest January was going to be re reor meeting right so in February once we get past January 31st uh Council resolution and then whatever you know whatever the next steps are we're accepting that too with then requesting relief can we request who Mike Edwards or Mike Sullivan to be here at the planning War meeting in February sure and I mean if they both get nak last time we had someone phone in [Music] yeah we had Mike asked about question yeah yeah yeah and you know every meeting we have you know we're a month closer we're a month closer and I know that the first deliverable is really the January 31st but you know now that we have the numbers and a plan I mean I think we should be the committee should be meeting and if you know plan Board needs to be doing something we're here to help and that committee I think is going to be reappointed on January 6 that the and if if someone can inform when when you last did this I wasn't part of that was there greater capacity in the areas that you were looking at or was it this is this is this is we're maxed out here no we are kind of maxed out we just we weark some are that we thought would be available for development like you know the that church area off field if they ever sto we created overlays we did the business district overl so like but but we had meeting after meeting after meeting to come up with that I just feel like this time around just kind of like Hey we're gonna say yes and we're going to do this and we're not having me I have a sting everything for the first time first time the first time yes but we also identified areas where we could realistically provide fair share housing and that was go and then the burrow gave up the have time humanity dece there for the houses yeah all that took a lot of time how much time do we spend with Eminem Just designing the building yeah yeah and then before we can come to an agreement right any update on that I'm that up yeah no yeah f um actually on that subject if we have to come up with four additional units can that go into Eminem or is that all done dusted and we have we spoken for I know like if we have the four more that we're talking well we don't know if it's four more could be could be 12 it could be one it means whatever is negoti now your outside number is 92 depending on where you go through your grievance process to to narrow that down that's why I'm asking as to the existing facilities and the overlays did you think that there was greater capacity again it's almost like the difference between the reite and the re can you just can you just say okay these are adequate and we still can see this but if here we got we saw overl we saw this find locations to to achieve those goals in the next 10 years that is all I have does anybody else have any questions on planning board anybody in the public have anything they want TOA online I think is there somebody online no hand up I think continuing in the direction we just did with different categories worked pretty well yeah that's that was kind of the as of last meeting we when we assigned um kind of when we assigned different elements to different dist the task was to come to this meeting with some sort of um preparation I'm at the beginning or so too but some other means we kept just talking about the match can I can I join you or help you with the conservation Recreation open space um you can I'm doing it with Dave bordon but you're welcome to to join us okay um if you I would say that land use has Andrew circulation is Neil um yeah I could also pitch in with L sorry I would say I would say instead of uh conservation I know you have one foot of that but um we might need a resource on with those other two elements we've actually accomplished a lot in terms of open space and access to the river know with our micro projects on gra and Baton Road and then purchasing 21 Fair Haven Road that's significant I think the next how what do you see if any to improve that in the next 10 years yeah suggestions yeah the community center Fields is probably the next playground there that's phased to is that these two the community center playground yeah I don't think it's yeah there's nothing nothing's been devel I say concrete not right first plan all right anybody object by make a motion to adjourn second all right all in favor allos thank everyone there everybody see