yeah order okay oh yeah thank okay this is the regular meeting of the shade tree Commission we are reporting right yes this is the regular meeting of the shade tree Commission of the burough of Fair Haven in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burrow Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this meeting on February 7th 2024 is available by call and phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question comment by phone or through Zoom by the rais hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and Star Ledger on January 26 2024 posted on the burrow website the bullton board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the shade tree commission secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting okay roll call Chris Larson present Mike D'Angelo gonna be AB Leah beani is gonna be absent Peter deatti present Mike hoey Chris mccab Kevin McGovern I see you Kev you're muted though will count sorry is it working or no okay Jill Sullivan here Bonnie tvia yeah okay you have okay please join me with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay uh did everybody peruse the prior meeting minutes yes the only thing I um didn't we when Mike suggested a contest for the tree purchasers and to announce the winner was it that they get the tree for free isn't that what we said winner is wasn't that the the winner would we would pay for the winner right was that is that clear in the way the minutes read that we're going to pay for it what section are you on the very first page the resident tree buying program the last sentence uh did we vote on that were we discussing I think it was yeah it was an idea think it's like official okay yeah there definitely wasn't a motion to spend money yet okay all right I'll make a motion to approve the minutes second second second second okay minutes approved project updates we'll jump right into it yeah Grant um so uh where we were last time um was that we I reviewed the Davy uh treekeeper proposal um with everybody and just as a refresher uh they proposed for $155,000 which is the amount of our grant to inventory a th000 trees and that would include um one year of software um and then we have to buy the software every other year subsequent to that um since then uh we received a new proposal from a company called Arbor Pro which is also somebody I talked to a while ago but they came back um and it's really compelling it's it's good news um so their proposal is they would be able to do 2600 trees um and they would give us the first year of software for free um so that's nice sure um they also uh we're of the opinion um that uh we don't have 5,000 trees that this 2600 trees will get us pretty close to a complete inventory now I mean I'm going to like raise an eye for at that when somebody's telling us we have 5,000 trees and someone's telling us we have 2600 trees but regardless of who's correct on our total quantity of trees I think obviously 2600 trees and a year free inventory is a better deal um um so the next steps here are um we are going to be hosting a demo for the players in in the buau that would be using this inventory um next week uh assuming that they don't have any major issues with it um I mean quite honestly if they have major issues with this inventory they're going to have major issues or with this software they will have major issues with every software that I've seen because they're all very similar um this would likely be the company that I would suggest that the shade tree recommends to councel um I did talk to Davey again after I received this just um because uh the person there has been patient and cooperative and um you know I just wanted to give him a chance to counter um and he said that he could not touch this um he he said I don't understand how they're going to make any money off of this he said but that's good for the burrow maybe they're just no they're not they've been around for a long yeah um and oh and the also thing that arborco would be including is the tree inventory summary which is something that Davey was not including that I was going to do myself or ask um Sherie to do so all around you know he said I understand that I can't compete with this this is baby and um you know he said this is a really straightforward project I can't even try and convince you that you know they're gonna okay so that so you know that's where we are with this um what else did I say I I think that there's one um correction that I I've learned um since last time also that I've been um saying that once we do this we would never have to do it again um that's not really that's not really the case um you know the the recommend ation is that you would do another inventory and it would go it would be faster and better you know assuming that your town maintains the um the software as they as they go through their maintenance and as they um notice different um problems or different conditions of the trees or if they want to change the risk however um you know five years down the line it's a good idea to have another grow come out and kind of take another assessment of your complete inventory to make sure that you know something that wasn't a risk five years ago and now is is being identified if it hasn't been missed um to kind of like you know account for the growth of the trees um what else to like kind of um look at the trends like maybe you know five years ago the spider Lantern fly wasn't here and now it is so kind of to identify something like that um and really I think also a good point is just time as we kind of go forward and make a management plan to this will be a good check on how we're doing sure um so you know it's just something that I I I know I've said multiple times that I don't think we'd have to do this again but you know as I asked that question to um Chris Chris Conelly at Arbor Pro he kind of um put that out there and then again reading I went and actually finally read the new uh roles or the new guidelines for the um Community forestry management plan and they mentioned also like a a re a reinvent so you know not anytime in the immediate future but you know in five years from now we might be looking to go down this path again um and there's also one other thing uh that I noticed um I don't think we'll need to do it now but a sample based inventory for forested areas is another uh recommendation which is something we kind of touched upon talking when we're talking about doing these individual tree counting and these individual inventories um it might be something we need to put on the radar in the fiveyear plan okay so uh that's that does does arbit Pro do that that they go into like the Natural Area and take like is it taking like a portion of it and yeah it's kind of like a a yeah a sample right yeah um yes would do that but that's that would be something that we would have to do in the future because it's not going to fit to the budget for this yeah because we talked about getting like for students as part of some you know volunteer requirement or something or yeah you know you absolutely could do that and I think that that's um again like something that we could give permission to put into the individual tree inventory but for for any of these inventories to count they have to be done by certified ARS Foresters so um you know depends on depends on you know what you need it for I suppose right yeah anyway so um that's that's it on that if anybody words um great news on that uh what do they call Arbor Pro they reached back out to us I had talked to them a while ago and they were on my list to call them again and they read our minutes and because they have a relationship with the um with the uh New Jersey D and they kind of asked for a list of people that received the grant um so they out to us again like I'm promised you on the list yet um so he copied and pasted our the shade fre meeting minutes to me and said I heard you yes and then he like basically read that my comments to me yeah a little bizarre but I was like yeah that sounds like me um spr yeah so yeah so obviously I'm glad he did and um and I think his I think this their software looks great I think it would be I think it you know I think it'll be a great fit okay um so they write up a um proposal yes and then we said and then we have to get it approved like when do we need to do this what would they want to do well the what's going to happen is next week is they're going to demo to the end users assuming that yeah a few other people assuming that you know they don't have any issues with it then next meeting here we would have to vote on what our recommendation would be and then that would go to council after that so um you know hopefully we should be able to vote on this in March and then we would pass it off to I guess Brian to take it to council sure and you know I guess I would go to that meeting in case there's any questions if they inventoried like 2600 trees Jill and that's like I'm just making up a number if that's 80% of the trees is there a certain threshold that's considered like a full inventory like for your for your earlier notes from last month for it to count before you could go back for Grants and stuff like that um the the good news is that we can have a partial inventory in order to be approved in the management plan um but there would have part of that plan would have to include how we're going to complete the inventory so I think in order for it to be a complete Street in Street inventory they'd have to hit every street um but you know a partial inventory will give us Credit in order to be approved um for our plan to be approved so that's that's good news and could we if it is partial then that's obviously will be part of our of our plan in order to to complete the inventory and you know it could be done over you know if that gets us to 80% or 50% we can say we want to you know do the next 25% in two years and then 25% off you know we just have to Define how we're going to complete it and would we can we P can we fund raise to fund the rest of it or how does that work like I I I don't remember I had brought that up at one point but I think that there's something I think I think you brought I just want to what it was or was I yeah I mean that would be more like an operational cost I think the town would have to right unless we wanted to pay for it out of our fund yeah I don't think yeah we wouldn't want to so to cross that bridge we come to it but I mean that would we'd have to ask for the budget I mean right which is you know we can do but we would also we have to make the town aware of it so they can put it in right I think one budget line item I I can't imagine that that would happen this year like we'd have to have them come back sure um but I mean assume I things they approved the budget in May or June right um it was it June it's still working budget until about April okay so I mean we wouldn't really know that's just the in time for this year's budget right I guess I don't know I mean maybe this maybe this guy right and if we're at 2 if if he does 2600 trees and he's like you have 100 more trees that's going to be super disappointing here it's 300 Google Earth I mean he's looking it I I that's what I assume that both of these guys were doing but this is why when one of them says we had 5,000 the other one says 2600 I'm like huh like you know this is the the raised eyebrow I don't know that they really know until they're till they're here yeah which kind of you know brings me back to the the gut check question and um you know I think I I could take this offline with um with Christy on like the idea of engaging you know some other people like what would be necessary for us to engage the environmental Club at rfh in order for them to kind of do a little work for us on Counting trees and stuff but you know last time we did that with students it was like permission slips and a whole BL we don't need to spend time on that tonight until we actually have know what we need to do um that's yeah so I'm up next again so you're up next tree bu um so we're still nothing much has changed here I don't think since last time we're I I started to put together the document that we the brochure I'll call it that we used last time um with the trees that we landed on um I have the preliminary dates in there um of taking orders from March 4th to March 25th so that's like a Monday to Monday um can you repeat that March 4th through March 25th for orders for orders um with the info going to firer Brook by the TW Friday the 29th that's the hard date they wanted it by the end of March so I'm kind of really pushing that but yeah I mean she's pretty flexible um the planting will be miday um what I need help with chrisy maybe is that Google order form yeah okay thank you um so I'll work on finishing up the the info sheet it's like maybe 50% done I just need to get some pictures and stuff in there um and then I'll give that graphic to Leah for posting online I mean on socials um and then the only other question um which Bonnie brought up already is if we wanted to talk about Mike's suggestion of doing some sort of giveaway associated with the tree buying programs and I I I'll say initially um I thought about this a little bit more and I think it like confuses it like I I don't know if it's the right decision because I think like the whole people are like the whole idea of how this program works like what they have what residents have to understand is like the ordered this has nothing to do with the town it has to do with firm book and you're going to pay them and they're going to show up like it's a lot to to like comprehend right um without adding another variable and they're like oh and you might get it free I mean I I like the idea I just don't know if because this program is so new if this is the right time to do it I mean that's just my opinion but um yeah makes sense I guess it's all how we promote it um if we do and say uh I mean is it something that we almost want to not promote and then just randomly slect someone and then and then promote the idea the fact that we yeah chose someone after the fact yeah I I mean it's just a lot like if you if you look at the information that goes out it's a lot of information like it because it has like yeah it's long because it has a description of all the trees and like lots of links have had an order like it's not it's just complicated but um unless we wanted to do something um like we did the you know with um the pron where we ask people if they want to submit their request for a tree and then we purchase one through the program like we did last time um as and kind of treat treat that as like that could still be an arbor day thing like we're going to give away tree for Arbor Day on your personal property I don't know like kind of chew on that for a minute I I just when I was I get I thought was thinking about that today as I was trying to get this form together and it's just a lot it's just people don't read no read pages they know quick bullet points yeah no it's a good point um I think it is a good point Sorry to jump in Chris um I had I had a bunch of conversations with folks with the quanson cherry tree giveaway and it was sort of in the other direction it was they applied for the giveaway and then I came back and said you know either you won but that was only two people or you didn't win but you can buy the tree through the tree py buying program which is which is nice to be able to do but I I kind of agree with you it's a little it's a lot it's a lot of information all at once I I'm not exactly sure to think about that but I think I agree with you Joel that it's It's tricky to message all that and have it clear yeah um because I'm thinking now if you were offering a tree and people had the tree buying program kind of all coming at them at once it would be it would be it would be tricky it would be confusing or could be confusing so I have another I know you got called chrisy by Lee Davidson did she speak to you yes yes okay about um a memorial trade yeah I saw thata all right so yeah um what about I mean is that complicated because it's not being planted in that person's yard I think it complicates I think because it's going on public property yeah that's what we yeah I didn't want to respond to that email the three of us on because we there are some I mean some technicalities we have to iron out they want to it's very nice and now that we have Hard dates we need we know show have some time to order up until the 24th the 20 the 25th yeah so if she could work out with the burrow where that go I can't imagine would be a problem planting it hope it wouldn't be such a big deal yeah I think it's a nice spot and um so I think I think we can get that done and she's you know she's GNA get I think that's that's Happ the B she talked about Third Street Trail and I know so this was a member of the Garden Club of Fair Haven um and I even said you know what about like the bird sanctuary or something like that too I me we have you know I don't know so yeah I so also she was asking about like watering so didn't say that's all but that's the yeah car will be the tricky right because it's property if it's on Thursday Trail but um I mean maybe she' be was she set on by Centennial Hall or Li any yeah that's where a couple locations oh she did she she texted me and said um thiry Trail she did say anything about I don't know yeah I don't know about Third Street Trail because that's like how are they getting a truck back there I know yeah so that one might be I wasn't sure how they PL I didn't see the trees being planted so I wasn't sure what was involved but yeah um of back I didn't see them either like I was trying to find them around I didn't find them that day um but uh yeah I would have to ask about that if it was going into into a trail yeah um okay well which I that's less complicated of course than trying to plant it at B sentennial Hall so there was that that they how they plan I mean if it's all just manable hopeing it Digging It Out by hand but I mean the question might be easier a memorial tree program I mean we have five or six on the Thirsty Trail people Lov the idea of that so I don't know if if it could be part of you know like every fall we plant Memorial trees want them we shouldn't get hung up location too much I think it's fine I think it would be an easy sell yeah just I could reach out to them and ask them about how they would feel about planting a tree that they have to walk down a trail to plant like if they say they can't do it during this program then we would just have to say yeah you could buy it but you can't put it there yeah um but that's not how it's set up right now but I could I could yeah they've ever had yeah don't buying a tree but not if you don't have place in your yard where they would then the default option would be by sentennial call I guess for that's what she mentioned in the email she sent to I mean she would definitely just have to get that approved though before they show up obviously right um because well then they'll just have to take it home and I don't want back with them and I don't want them to have to I don't want to I don't want to mess up that relationship us yeah at this point we're still new yeah yeah so that's where we are so um as soon as that Google um the form is ready to go uh you could get it up and up and running time how was their inventory are they a lot of people buying trees I mean I they are she said their inventory was low this year the selection that she had for us was low they had a big not that they didn't have a lot of trees they just had a lot of their wholes sers by like large quantities so which is good yeah all right moving on Green Team Natural Area update okay um so the Green Team um Kelly Flanigan the chair presented at council meeting last night um to get the sign for the P Garden on Third Street Trail and that got approved so be an educational we um the Green Team received a $2,000 Grant from Jersey um to put in the garden and part of it is an educational piece so that's important you know so they want to why plant this and all that so be planting we'll be buying plants and ass sign Put On th trout um in the spring sometime coup the gam of Girl Scouts involved in planting some plants that's best interest um and L Rel day is again on May 5th Sunday um we're planning starting to talk about things so you could think about what we want to do we want to try to do something a little more engaging we had said last year maybe anyway wanted to tell Peter to put that on the calendar it's on okay good um The Fair Haven Fields Natural Area um we had um a fellow from um weeds Inc which was a recommended um invasive company come out and just look at that property the Northwest Mar that was planned out just to try to make a game plan because talk to you know different ideas of how to you have to really prepare the site first and we want to plant it and then have all bases come back so we've talk about treatment options and all that they actually went over and bird sanctuary too and thir Street Trail um and are putting together proposal but the big thing he said was you have a deer problem that is the number one problem you have with any trees they're eating all the under story they're creating the invasive problem um and you need to deal with that so lock and walking but um yeah so that's that's gonna you know it really needs to be addressed somehow some way and um I mean he said above our pce SC yeah yeah yeah no I know but it just it's it's a talking point in town because I mean I spoke to a woman today and she said what are you I said you know it's kind of we have to do something there are so many more for square mile he said we have like 200 we should have like 25 or something I it's incredible how many deer we have um and this was based on what he saw was eaten everywhere he said this is he said you don't have a chance for a baby tree to grow because as soon as it starts to grow they bite it off right so you can't regenerate for us so it's it's really isn't a big deal and we need to figure it out so um so anyway so that they're working on that um I did talk to them about the um saplings like I don't know um did we get that order in the order for the little yes yes that was confirmed um so we'll find out I guess closer to the date was awarded so there's going to be involved teer day at her Haven Fields national area so I thought maybe if we wanted to give them a away there maybe the shade tree could show up and kind of collaborate if anybody wants to come and volunteer and help give away trees and then if people can either take them home or if they don't want them they could plant them in the Natural Area um so I am happy to go pick them up um and keep them in Bucks of water until we're ready next to your sales next to you can't believe the Trees of my driveway I know yeah next thees yes we get there we get there come Bonnie when is that volunteer day so that we are talking about um March or excuse me April 27 28th right after arboring either one of those we I need there's a meeting next week for the historical Association or excuse me the fair Fields natural areaer um so we'll we'll confirm that but we're thinking it' be nice to do around AR day that all moving on to community outreach is Leah on no okay all right uh got a uh little side note there Ivy awareness Chris mccave you aware of this Ivy I'm aware of it I didn't I didn't see any at the redwoods in California this week I I did some research I didn't see much they don't grow that high yeah um what I I kind of at a loss here what were we uh about the I iy awareness well you know what maybe because um because of this volunteer day that we had at thir Street Trail attack the ivy I had sent Leah some information on Ivy removal why was important and if you want to post something about our volunteer day because it kind of shown people how to do it and uh maybe that was what it is okay um and i' also said I read something at University of Maryland about Ivy and they said it can actually Harbor bacterial Leaf scorge for oak trees so it really is important to get it off so any I thought I don't think she had time to place about the I but um well that was a good outing on Sunday I mean I think do you know how many people 50 people yeah I hacked away a little bit there yeah Kevin was hacking away um yeah so it was fun actually was it's fun it was enjoyable it was a nice day work out in the woods sure absolutely Christine you won't know you won't know if you have poison ivy for another day or two so I a lot of scratches Chris you would send an email about um engaging Sherry possibly on the whether or not Ivy was helpful or hindrance and getting like a a line on that and then doing some community outreach on it I believe your email said um yeah we had uh I I thought the last I I thought from what I remember was um we had done something similar to it but I'll I'll double check and and uh and I'll I I can send an email to Sher Chris didn't we um didn't you send me an email saying that we already did did something like that uh about the ivy I thought uh there was something saying that we kind of already did it uh but I'll look into it I was just oh yeah it was in the door okay I was gonna look into just doing it to some of the houses that we see where it's completely enveloping um you know all of their their uh trees and you know just trying to give them some kind of knowledge as how it may lead to the death of the trees and so that was my my plan or Theory yeah I'm sure a lot of people might just Overlook it as at times it looks nice and they don't even think about it but well it provides it makes more of a screen because it's all over the tray but yeah I think that's not good for the tray all right moving on so fighting climate change at home lecture uh Bonnie and I went to a lecture and Jill and Jill you were there yeah what you I would have put you I'm sorry I would have youve done enough talking already this me um but it was at mommoth University I forget the gentleman's name m what was his name again Dr Doug Telly oh right and um no I just want I thought it was worth bringing up I there were some really interesting handouts had I known what I was taken and in this handout that you see Le some nice planting options here see email it around um but had I known I was taking such good material I think I would have just taken the whole stack and this would have been a great handout for uh livey love day or love where you live Day live live everywhere you love love everywhere both work spread the love um but no I thought I thought it was a very interesting uh lecture I told Bonnie jokingly that I said I fully expected to uh fall asleep and I did not I found it um it it was just very interesting and I thought this gentleman handled it very well I I was expecting kind of a almost like a you know Skies falling and the planet on fire approach and it wasn't that he was it was very measured and very inight obviously you know Little Steps could make a a a very big difference if everybody took those steps um the garden uh pollinator Garden very important easily done in your your own backyard um other the what plant and oak plant and oak plant and Oak I mean that's a huge one um and uh I also thought I I found found it interesting I I never gave it any thought he mentioned how lethal the the mosquito treatment is has become even the people that just do it in their backyards even the you know quote unquote organic treatment is really wiping out way more than mosquitoes and in fact the mosquitoes aren't really even that affected by it um so I thought that was I thought that was very interesting stuff to make you think yeah I I agree I thought that um his approach or his message was very approachable like take responsibility for yourself basically and your yard and and not to say you know get rid of your lawn but maybe make your lawn a little smaller and like it just um very thoughtful like very digestible um yeah I I was pleasantly surprised as well is that is that hand out something you can scan and share I'm GNA try yeah scan it we'll email it around um I was thinking and I don't know if there's any kind didn't worry about any kind of copyright issues but if we did scan it or if we could get a printer to make the same thing um there are I mean there are Partnerships and sponsorships list oh no can College I mean maybe we can print up get them like printed up or maybe they'll B yeah it's been around for a while um yeah 2019 so um but it's yeah it's really I think um Peter also found a um another CE opportunity with that is featuring that speaker I just found out Peter um that they will give ceu so I'll circulate that around as well yes it was part of the native plants of New Jersey Society right Peter yes yeah right so she just got back to me saying they would offer three cus I think it's like an all day thing so um I will for that along that's conference yeah is it down Tomer I think um I don't remember I can take a look right now I an email from them I think uh I wonder if I could reach out to any what did we get our C did we get for 23 yeah oh for that lecture they're not reflected yet they so um I will follow up with her next week because we had a lot of towns people go too that's great so I mean I told them all to sign in yeah but I'm not sure if they would have they would get if they signed in doesn't have to be it said it you did have to put where you were from once I get the list I'll have you forget it yeah were three right here we what do we need eight again Christi for the year yeah y yeah but there's like eight people from Fair Haven that we already nailed it and that budget line um but I think I'll maybe I'll reach out to these people here and see maybe they'll be kind enough to send us so they were saying that mosquito spray kill that kills the trees is that what you're saying it kills the insects it kills uh you know butterflies and it pretty much kills everything not and it apparently it really does not do um it doesn't Wipe Out the mosquitoes the way it's you would think so he was saying does very little damage yeah like managing like trying to eliminate an adult mosquito population is difficult and that's what that is trying to do um and he did give a way to um better control the mosquitoes from you know their infancy I guess mosquito dks that would be a great thing to have we at I mean I don't know it would be this commission but we should that's a good idea um because it really yeah it's really it's luring them in so they lay the eggs and then this dunk kills all the eggs just curious because it seems like you know half half or more of the town has those little signs in their lawns all the time so that's why I was asking so that's a lot they kill all the bugs in your yard too y chrisy I just emailed you I mean this is it was a screenshot that I took while I was sitting in the audience there the what mosquito dun are and um I think he recommended basically putting out a bucket of water maybe a couple grout your yard that's where they go TOS draw something on top and and then putting whatever that $12 whatever he said $10 Dunk Dunk is in the bucket literally look like little dunk and dos that's the picture that could look well they would be that would be a great hand out huh yeah I think that would that would be a great uh social media post yeah sure yeah right that and Ivy yeah it was a very interesting talk um I know you love it I've watched him several times and he but he keeps changing it and getting more and more but just when he shows you when he adds up all the national parks and all all over the country and then the private land is such a so much bigger than everything else and so if we could just do our part on our own little private piece and everybody does that it adds up to be way more than the national parks and his idea is you know stop think about wildlife in the national parks think about it as part of your own environment and be part of it instead of yeah right so of course he's all to leave leaves and you know don't put chemicals down which is yeah but I think it's so smart how he's talking too he's like of course like you leave your leaves but maybe you clean up leaves on the majority of your property but you leave it where it falls directly underne underneath the tree so it's very intentional like to to say you know yes I am taking care of my yart this is on purpose right like I thought that would like to me like that was just a really smart it's just smart he wasn't really lecturing he was just informing yeah but they call that soft Landings like leaving the leaves under your tree so that when the little cocoons and Things fall off they land in there and then they can live there all winter um and then they can become bird food in the spring so that was pretty good um okay moving on uh Christmas tree Mike Hoy is not here not on okay I'm have to get with him um and sound tree I guess we're yeah we just gotten the days right I just need to schedule something that week with Maryland and I just need to get a v of her she's very very very busy um yes so if you yeah I I will for the next meeting I will try to get like a couple days and then because I know some people I think Mike really wanted to be there yep um I like I think I said before like if we just if we can agree on a date at this point I mean I I don't want to now exclude her give her another yeah but do you want do you want to pick it well Mike's not here Mike's not here I mean we um the formalities uh chrisy can we we can't pick a date we just three of us correct if outside of this meeting well is there anybody else who we say wants to come to help with anything you need so just let me know um so if we are going to involve this the kids or the school it would obviously weekday right well the ARB day the actual things that Mike does with um is that on AR day the the drawings and all that he go into the the drawings are submitted prior to our day and then um he would submit them or did he email them around or did some of them wind up hearing we um at your May meeting following AR day and then winners came and so the award was on in June in June [Music] um but when did we pick the award right before before love where he lived at it was it was known who won at that point right your main meeting okay I think we when we hung all the pictures up I think they had the winners um okay so April or May well earlier is better because you know you it's just going to be cooler there's greater chance of water you know that earlier sure so I don't know I mean it's I mean do you want to try for AR day Friday oh the 28th yeah April 28th let's go Friday the 2 26 26 sorry I like it Kevin are you around Friday the 26th yeah I can as long as something doesn't come up from work I could probably work from home and help out that day for sure just check with yeah sure do we need to vote on that no okay okay so I will I will ask okay and then moving on ARB day Mike is not here um I know um he did send an email he is um working on the usual ARB day plan for the drawing and everything like that so it's moving along I think Tuesday April 23rd we will be having an Arbor Day theme day of programming we will have the tree theme oh this is from uh for the sickles age kids um and this is from the the uh librarian children's librarian April 23rd they will be having a ARB day themed programming uh we will have um tree themes story ages 1 through 4 at 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. which will feature tree stories and a tree take and make craft for our after school program K through three uh will be from 3:45 to 4:15 we'll have a handprint tree Craft um what who's the maybe this is who he usually works with for this program it's the librarian so I think they're they're all yep um I just trying to think if we can plant the tree while they have a bunch of kids doing something related to we wanted to try to coordinate that's maybe that's too busy yeah I think it's nice that they do something on Tuesday actually have something on act Arbor Day yeah and maybe we'll have Mike Reach Out The Librarian talk this this is what we're doing on Arbor Day right there in their okay in the park and I think that'd be uh I think that'd be nice so but I think we should hold hold firm and plant that sucker all right or suers that's at the the other part William um I think we're GNA have to Circle back to that one because I think that um was it uh DJ DJ had some questions about it or he just didn't want it move yeah um there's so much room in marter I mean if we put it on somewhere else yeah I'm all in favor and they are going to lose some trees no um so I like that idea I think I think all three should go right there I don't if everybody's in agreement I think get them off your porch yeah let's go let's do it another year will go by like that you'll be those trees will be another year older all right we're gonna go for three okay bring your shovels um okay uh next item is Habitat Humanity property Tree Room there is a um property uh the corner of um Hendrickson place in Allen Street it's going to be um it was explained that it was PT order that it was going to be handed to Habitat for Humanity um and that lot will be cleared uh Sher SPO did go there to um look over and Survey the area there was um I should have but the um uh lot of invasives basically the lot is covered with invasives and IV there's a couple of native trees there but apparently they're in very bad shape um the one tree is right in the middle of the uh proposed structure um but she also mentioned that it it was in very bad shape so um is there a house on this property now there is not it's um if you're looking at the entrance of Public Works it's to the right down further down the street to like the corner okay not the one right next door to the DW no no okay wait where is it Alan and Hendrickson no um it's right Kevin it's it's if you if you're coming off a third and you go down Allen Street like you're you want to go into the public works just keep going yeah go to the opposite corner got it and what is Habitat for Humanity doing there um I don't have all the details on that I guess they are um it was affordable housing um and we have to meet a I guess quota if you will this is the property that's been selected to be developed got it so she do say there's a gr of sasas that have cover with IV are they going to try to cut the IV off first doesn't there's anything wrong with them but yeah um I don't know this is uh I have a feeling when this property gets developed they're going to do the usual clearing and but I mean the way I read this is and I I I'm not I haven't driven by it recently but it doesn't look like the property is in necessarily great shape as far as the trees are concerned the burrow is obligated obligated to have a shovel ready lot or headit for Humanity so that's why as such the trees have to but I I think this is a good opportunity for us you know weigh in before the plant gets too far and make sure that they are planting native species on it when they so they're taking out yeah they so whose job is or H so are they going to replace all like how many trees does it say how many trees are on there how many total trees oh well if it's a they're going to build a house on yeah it's a habitat I mean like the Garden Club of Fair Haven um does a lot of landscaping for Habitat for Humanity that's one of their things they do um so I mean that would be a nice place to donate you know trade too I don't know could be I I this is really in its infancy so it's you know way out there so what are they asking us to do uh Teresa just wanted us to be aware of it she want this is going on and um want us be work okay I think you knowbe you start seeing some trees come down I mean Sher seems to think that everything um that was I don't know I did not get the sense that there was and I I could be wrong but I get sense that there's much of value here I can see you have a dig pain I just feel like if you have mature trees and you put your house it helps it blend in like who wants a house on a open lot with nothing like if you just have a few trees that are around you it makes it look like the trees the house is more I don't know cozy night I I just if you can keep them at the corners I understand they want to BU they might very well do I mean she was just talking about the tree that was in the middle of right in the middle of the proposed structure and that there was a hazardous black lupus near the side yeah um so okay well they're asking for [Music] uh okay 20 24 shade tree calendar Peter yeah so just everyone what's that how we doing with doing all right um so just just just as a reminder the original thought was just to get key dates on account I was originally thinking a calendar but I think it might just be a list of dates we don't have that many um but to to just facilitate our planning so to keep those dates in front of us as a group and each meeting we can refer to them uh and that will help us to think about things like you know budgeting scheduling approvals uh for Budget that sort of thing uh and so I just thank you Christie for getting this up I'm such short notice um so I just started a list uh and I've actually been as we've been talking um filled in a few uh filled in a few dates so far so um Christy I think it moved a little can you scroll down I'm just seeing the top of my uh my email was there before um but so March we have resident tree buying program um Jill I just filled in March 29th is the plant list is due that date um April we have Arbor Day on the 26th and I believe we're going to we said we're going to plant the Salem oak on ARB day was that right 26 yeah what's that yes on the 26 yes y um may we have love where you live day and uh Bonnie that's May 5th I just I just heard that so I'll I'll jot that down um and then I had some other things the community forestry management plan deadline I think it's December 24 but somehow it's the it's it's actually the 2025 because of uh I don't really remember why but we're there there's some reason that we have an extra an extra year does that sound right to people we have to hire Sherry right no no no we don't no I believe that it's you must start working on it but you have a almost like a Grace year to be working on it and then complete it by the 25th but ours does expire December 31st 24 okay yeah um so in order to be compliant for 20 after 2025 we have to be complete okay all right um yeah so is it something we're doing ourselves no we'll probably have to hire somebody but it's not necessarily to be Sherry okay yeah um we're wait to see if grants are available yeah they might be okay has to LIC yeah Christy it looks like we lost the list again so this is really funny because if I put it on your side of the screen they can't see it in person if I put it on your side of the screen oh I don't need to I don't need to see it if you guys can see it that's great I I just thought I was looking at what you guys can see you want the other um what I just mentioned about the um be Haven Fields Natural Area volunteer day the weekend after Arbor Day the 27th 28th I think yeah um that we might be I mean kind of one of our things we're supposed to be doing is educating people and engaging the public right as part of the shade tree commission yeah Community out so that's why I thought if we were at their check-in table maybe something about the trees and yeah yeah I was thinking about that weekend but I need to confirm that volunteer weekend with the par fills naturally okay so that's fairen field Fair Haven Fields Natural Area advisory committee great but um I like like yeah I don't know the non committee um either the weekend before or that weekend so okay find okay and that that's the weekend after Labor Day we think it's Arbor Day uh sorry Arbor Day right um great the day after yeah okay uh so I'll get that in there um tree lighting do we want that on our list does that matter planting it all depends on what tree we're lighting I guess uh maybe hold off on that one for now we got that one that goes out in the burrow Buzz too right so it's it's already advertised calendar yeah okay um and again this is for our planning for I mean we can also use it to communicate to others but this is for our planning purposes so that we can just keep out ahead of some of these things just kind of keep them in front of us and make sure we're we're thinking about them um the Arbor Day drawing contest I just put in there so maybe we can add that to the list um May maybe it's not maybe it's it's not important enough to be on this on this list um the fall resident tree buying program uh maybe we just put that out there and we'll pick a date for it later you could put that in you could put that in um August August yeah because that's what it was last year okay do we want to think about like a theme for each month or something that Leah could you know just to steer Leah give her I don't know just an idea what we might want to be telling people what like I mean just like um good like a pruning tip or something in the spring or or in the fall consider leaving your leaves you know why this is important like I don't know it's just something um I mean I do I I do like Sly like ideas every once in a while so I mean I could just do that if you better if you don't make G [Laughter] I mean maybe we could be thinking about those things right like this is like this is pruning season or something I don't know yeah think about think about those things um any key dates for the tree ordinance at this point I'll let you guys know as soon as it's on the um Council agenda for Workshop okay yeah when the next council meeting is February 26 and that agenda the mayor hasn't worked on yet but it is going to be on the 26 because this that would be the first step is getting into a workshop Workshop session I will obviously forward it to you guys so you can go to the meeting if you want and read over it and everything okay yeah that would be a good thing to have on calendar yeah it would be I think it would be great to have a show of support yeah right be there on the ordinance yeah just for when it's it's GNA be discussed great yeah it's just every time a tree comes down we could have been making money if they didn't PL tree have a you be stock by a little tree Bank about so um and I don't know if we're getting too much in the weeds here but the annual budget I it's probably it's good to have on here like when when we when we need to have that annual budget in um which I think is it October I I was looking at the ordinance it looked like it was October but um I don't know if that's actually it done in practice um and then December so I think you guys did November meeting but should we start in October it's probably not bad because it usually it's good idea leave that in there you said it's in the ordinance that I have to go look at that what's that what was in the ordinance um regarding the budget oh I was um I know was poking around the ordinance uh that that was the the kind of formation of the shade tree commission uh let's see if I can find it yeah certification of expenditures during October of each year the commission shall certify to the burough Council the estimated sum necessary for the proper conduct of its work during the ensuing calendar year dot dot do that doesn't seem like that's happening in practice maybe we should start um and then annual report uh you know I think that tends to fall to the chair person but um that uh I think when do we do that it's at the end of the year right we put the report together um and then it's submitted to council I think this year I think I'm doing at the March meeting now yes or I think as of now he has you so that should be on the on the calendar right the day that you're going to present we can all come and support you I will keep you in the room the agenda tends to change so I will as soon as it's set I will definitely okay so that would be kind of a March thing right and then we can keep an eye on it and then think about when we want to back into that maybe theit you're right um anything else that uh just you know you can come you can get back to me later but anything anyone else wants to add to this list now [Music] like we want planting trees well we have two major you know we do have the tree buying program twice a year which is great um or do the inventory I could give you that date but that's still what was that when when the inventory is being conducted we'll we can put that on there okay yeah right but we won't know that until until we're approved but yeah okay that could be a TVD if you want to if you're keeping a list there yep great great great well we can we'll give this a try see if it's helpful and um what I'll do is I'll clean this list up and then chrisy I'll send it back to you and then maybe we can include it uh if it if it works for the group in in next uh in the documents for next time no B you do bring a a good good point we should be playing trees obviously um the fall tree binding program would our day would be in August you said the the set ERS yeah last year we took orders in August like for two or three weeks and then they planted at the end of September okay um so I would assume that that we would have a similar timeline this year okay uh they do their inventory in the beginning end of June beginning of July and that's when she lets me know what's available okay and then it just takes a little time to put together y um and they like to plant you know September October was there a price change or as she let on the prices stay the same it with the exception of one of the Evergreens instead of being 270 is 325 because it's a bigger tree okay um but was it a Christmas tree no it was a one of the juniverse but it was yeah the uh the shade trees and the flowering trees are are 385 and then um The Evergreens are 270 with the like I said with the exception of that one that's um a 7 to8 foot tree as opposed to a six to S foot okay um yeah yeah that's good um maybe we should start working on if so if we're gonna my thinking was if we if we shade tree buys x amount of trees we're going to have to get approval because we're they're not all going in our individual yards um but that is something we should probably work on now starting getting picking areas and because we're going to have to get approvals we're going to have to I don't know if we're going to have to it's going to have to go to a meeting or several Council meetings it might be something obviously if we pick the Third Street Trail if yeah find out about that for us um yeah I'm I don't know still that that playground behind the community Community Center is so hot and awful that nobody wants to go there right um chrisy are there any updates I mean I know the the construction is going on but um I think I mentioned this before that was always the one like oh they're going to do construction back there so we can't plan anything anything back there but I mean the construction is underway I think we probably a good idea I guess what kind of uh damage would be done to any that we'd want to plant around the playground have you talk about it all um sounds like yes I think I talk to everybody about it uh it's just it's um is he would he be in charge of that because it's a park that's his jurisdiction okay D well and he would certainly know if there's going to be changes to that area with the new yeah I wonder what the TP is going to be I don't know I don't I forgot they do I need that tennis court and basketball court I that's what I mean he would know what's going to happen is there plan as far out area wise as I don't as the the basketball court the one that's there now I don't know well there was I think the old basketball court that you know was closer to yeah to parking uh no oh the one that the little and then T cours and they're both gone yeah I mean I I think I mean you weren't thinking planting stuff back there but closer to the the park the playground yeah that's just front there wasn't there there when I first started there was also that um the people in Maple that were promised trees M along their property line that never got replaced and we had said we yeah um so that could be an opportunity too MH well that's you promis a tree and where done yes yeah why did they lose trees to Maple I'm trying to think where they they back up to the park they back up to like the basketball court area there was some kind of work done there I for what it was the church no no like um did they CLE no it's the what happened in the par yeah yeah yeah yeah I was actually talking to one of the girl she so she actually backs up right behind the playground they took out a bunch of trees I can't remember why don't remember I think a branch fell on on or near the playground and they came in and evaluated the condition of the trees and I I think a lot of them were at risk for um you know coming close to hitting the the playground and so they took them out I thought I thought that was part of the motivation for cleaning it up yeah there was something about that and I feel like there was I feel like there's like two things that happened which eliminated that or maybe yeah some one of their backyard see there's two that just got wiped out they had no but they definitely would promised some sort of replacement that never happened so maybe that should be the goal um rather than you know I know like I I like personally to like pick one thing work on it because time constraint so we seem to we don't get anything done I I don't know I think that should be uh the goal maybe make good on that promise I mean we didn't make the shade tree commission didn't make the promise the town did but um maybe we should work towards getting amount of trees in that Row the one yeah well um was Christy St St was there and then um's escaping will come today but she the one that she reached out to me at one point and I think a couple they came to meetings early on like IED came to a couple meetings and kept bringing out you don't have that power but thinking the shade tree commission should be people that can get it we'll try yeah um so if we want to shoot for let's put let's make that our project for the year what do we say um we want to shoot for a fall planting for them and um so calendar wise we want to make sure we're we have to go check out the area um we should probably talk to the people that that put in all that effort to come talk to us too well that's really Town property but still so maybe some we'll pencil in sometime in October maybe to plant a oh it would be like H September with the with the resident tree buying program right yeah do you think feel like your turn it only because um we kind of got an approval for Arbor Day and then there was a couple little glitches here and there to put some plants in so there are a couple trees that are there one of them got knocked over by deer where are you talking about um next to the playground and I did talk to one of the Neighbors about it okay the other so we we did a couple people kind of popped in a couple but I don't know if they're going to make it or whatever there two blows there okay but they' need more tree ninjas ninjas you're on record that word has been used um but they need more they so they still need trees yes so I have C shoose yes very she also was very worried that just another right behind where the tsport was there's this line of trees that look like they belong to the person that lived behind the tort but she said they're actually the Burrow's property and she said I feel like they're going to take them all down I I don't know what they're going to do there but they're if you it's hard to describe it but if you go if you're on the playground and you're kind of looking old kind of behind the old and you look and you think it's the person's yard there're just a bunch of probably Locust and I can't really because you can't really see they might behind the wall the like the tennis wall not that behind where the court was anyway that might be a project place too be nice they left those and didn't just take them down but do we have any Christie do we have any uh Clarity on that area like right behind no in the old tennis court right we don't have a plan for that we can lsdj yeah see but if there was pending work not part of this not part of the ongoing what's that it might be phases okay but there would have been a uh by now there' be a draw up plan yeah DJ I would love to know they're G put where the tennis court was it' be nice if the community center had Windows instead that's you know and opened up onto an area that was actually nice to hang out and Sh yeah like a community like a community CER like it was actually a community center not like a giant holding something um all right um I'm just trying to think how to approach this if we want to try to get honestly try to get trees planted in that area behind those people's homes I guess uh I can I'll reach out well you you can't you you're aren't going to do that till they take the vents down from the project it's kind of you have to go look that well how yeah how far is that I'm talking about that behind the more where the basketball basketball court is the one that's usable the one this is but you do have to get from the neighbor she comes out and you well not if it's on count property right well you know look we're going to try to help you lady here you know well she did plant a big tree in her yard and she wants to make sure it doesn't get shaded so oh okay but um but there's still plenty of room okay all right just can't have acorns on the basketball cour no no okay let me see all right we'll figure out something maybe see I the ball roll here okay um moving on to tree removal permit data oh on the um at the last meeting requested the live data so that's there as well see I share can you guys see yep thank you to be number that's so deceptive because if you scroll to the bottom it's that 281 remove 242 rep that 242 that's what they were told to do who who was told the person removing this is what they were told they oh oh so how many of these have been planted I don't know that's what they were this is what they were told to do well El so we I mean so isn't this the bu enforcer see if these have been done so in the letter that the resident gets when they are approved from the tree permanent says please send a picture once it's been planted they also get a grace period because obviously no one's going to plant a tree now so they get a grace period till typically like six months so like a lot of them all the ones that are being done since probably November they get until June 1st 2024 so kind of like I'm moving time who checks who checks to see if these are gone we were just about to put you in charge of that Chris'll go well well that I mean that issue came up repeatedly over review of the ordinance um again the what did they call what's the name in the ordinance uh tree officer officer tree conservation officer is the type um you still trying to get clarity on that um I would imagine that this would fall under they per viiew the tree conservation so and one of the big um kind of loopholes in the tree ordinance that needs to be fixed is so this person has to plant this tree but then it's under the dbh like the protected circumference because it's only a little baby so it has no protection going forward so they put it they can put it in and take it out and then or just a few mon later yeah um again that that has been the I think the ordinance you know basically speaks to a lot of good things but it it's going to all it the whole thing is going to come down to enforcing it and inspecting it and re inspecting it in this case like a year later how's your tree down you know it's it's daunting it's in complicated it's it's it's kind of funny but like I mean are you really going to have someone in the town a town employee that is checking up on people's trees a year or two later down the road from a construction project or a renovation sort of untenable unless you know like someone's enforcing it right um You have to shift the burden to the person that is supposed to put the tree in and then provide like a picture for a couple years or something you know if we're concerned about people putting something in and ripping it right out it's like how are you ever gonna know hold send a picture of your tree with the newspaper in front of it Proof of Life yeah but honestly I mean it is it's I mean you ly just heavy fine on it and then you know make it so and they canare they don't have to have the tree they can contribute to the tree fund like that would be the thing if you don't want a tree then put money in it we plant a tree somewhere else right is that that's a good idea I there is there is that option yeah um you're GNA need yeah and then again who's managing that tree somebody goes in and plants a little tiny stick tree in the middle of who knows where right so it strikes me there's an education piece missing here right why should people I mean I don't know how do you how do you people should just how do you encourage people to understand why Tre is so important in their yard sure sure you know um it increases their real estate value it gives them shade reduces he you know I mean eventually I mean I mean I think in many cases I think probably in more cases than we think people are going to want to plant a tree and keep the tree um I think like I think you're right like the intention is good but there's work involved in keeping a tree alive especially the first year sure and if it doesn't make it I don't know that there's the motivation to try again right right like I think that's where the breakdown happens a lot sure all you do is get a glass of wine turn your hose on and stand there for a few minutes and it's so easy there's just very relaxing I was just gonna say a great Instagram I think Bonnie I think what do we like Instagram Snapchat throw out little little little little tidbits from Bonnie coming to you glass of what do you charet weekly update still here what was that Kevin I was saying a weekly update of you stand with a glass of chard saying still here see taking care of this is easy yeah it's just it's not that hard I mean it's Harding one for me [Laughter] one see this could be fun we might get a lot more followers that's the approach we're missing probably would it is great everything else is drink of the day to water your tree yeah yeah water yourself while you're watering the [Laughter] tree getting back on um yeah what are we going to do with this that's just for your review and on the other note on the agenda is the accreditation so I submitted all the work for the Tre City USA and the njf annual report accreditation so um should be good for another year being credited and that's it so you're all to date on that side okay um I think we'll make a note uh at the next meeting though let's have a discussion with our new liais on about enforcement it's in the ordinance but is there really any kind of plan to I think yeah um execute right the the enforcement I think foran is looking for very clear Direction what exactly we want him to do you know yep I got that impression as well so I'll come up with a some of the B points for and you know shoot remember um um new agenda oh I was say I just said yeah new agenda I forgot to tell us about the fair havenfield natural are area it is the 50th anniversary of that property 1977 that property was acquired um all of the Natural Area I mean the fair hiden Fields the Natural Area that whole big track of land 77 Acres that the whole so Dave bordon one of the members of the um who was the chair and has been on the committee forever wrote a history of the area and it's it's really beautifully written and you read you're like oh my gosh the whole town worked together to make this happen get the grants to keep it from being developed and you think about if that area if those people had not gotten together I mean everybody was involved in Saving that think what this town would be like if we didn't have those playing field we didn't have the Natural Area I just it's amazing so we're trying to work on um some sort of Celebration some sort of awareness about that um and that's this year is there a specific dat the well we haven't we haven't picked a date but I I all kind of feel like it should be I mean it's this year it was 77 or 70 um what am I say 74 yeah um so we're just in the process trying to think of a way to celebrate it so maybe we want to donate tree to the naturally honor of the 50th Anniversary I don't know just something might be oh I think that's pretty yeah I that definitely something to be celebrated yeah that'll be under your um Natural Area update Bonnie yes okay very good anybody else new agenda items all good all right moving on to public participation any public participants if you have a question online please use the raiseed hand feature and I will bring you over no questions okay make a motion to adjourn this meeting yes second that's second all right meeting adjourned thank you everybody have a good evening thanks everyone everyone good meeting Chris good evening