##VIDEO ID:_sTNR7qg0h0## [Music] okay this is the Fair Haven shade tree Commission meeting of October 2nd 2024 this is a regular meeting of the shade tree Commission of the bur of Fair Haven in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burrow Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this meeting on October 2nd 2024 is available by call and phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be call will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the rais hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was spent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and Star Ledger on January 26 2024 posted on the burough website the bulleon board and the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the shat Tre commission secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting right Christine roll call CH larison here Mike D'Angelo here Leah beani here Peter deti here Mike Hoy absent Chris mccab not yet Kevin McGovern absent Jill Sullivan here Bonnie tdia here you have a COR okay great stand and join me for theedge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all agenda pleas okay everybody look over the prior meeting meeting minutes make a motion to approve second and it's approved all right we're going to get right into it with the fall resident tree buying program um yeah so uh we definitely saw a drop off in the number of orders this time uh we have 21 trees ordered uh however that includes two Replacements from um last fall that firm Brook that that the TR didn't make it in firm Brook is onor their guarantee of a year um it ALS that also number also includes what um we're buying um so I I think that's a pretty significant drop off but still um 21 trees are going in in the ground and um in my opinion that's worth it so absolutely um we they called for the markouts already um and uh I think that the planting date is the 9th but I haven't gotten a 100% confirmation on that have you received that she it's the nth okay all right can't finish all that day they'll come back the 10th okay all right so um yeah unfortunately I mean the our contact there is wonderful um but if you had multiple people on the email sometimes it's not a reply all it's just a reply to one person so we disordinate information yeah um so that that's you know that's what that is um um Jill do you know who's coming to that because the Natural Area I wanted to meet with Kevin you know is Kevin going to be there I I he normally is but I don't know um so I I did see that email from um yeah I I I don't I mean he offered when we were there he said he could come out and just he wanted to look at the site that they wanted to I I yeah but I don't I do not coordinate with that with them at all when they're here like I've actually never seen them plant a tree for as many times we as we've done this okay so I do not go out and meet with them or anything like that so um from what I understand like they said you have to find Kevin when he's here I mean from what Carolyn said in that email but um I don't have Kevin's phone number like so would it would it be okay if I reached out to him and just asked him to let me know when he's here okay you don't you don't care okay no that's how seamless this process is great Bonnie um I think Caroline has been corresponding with administrator York and I think we're gonna I don't he asked me to make the introduction with Caroline and I don't are you part of that the Natural Area with burnbrook you're doing that too okay well I'm on the Natural Area committee um and because I went on the tour I spoke to Kevin about things and I know he wanted to do some things before he she made contact with him so I would TCH Chris your yeah make sure that the tree locations are identified and all that stuff with DPW and maintenance and all that kind of stuff so I just touched B with her okay Caroline okay well if you could just tell her if the ninth is a firm date but they're planting 21 trees that day so I guess it'll be up to him when he like obviously that's his priority for that day right right okay he was the one who suggested that he was going to be in town and maybe he could look at the and Rec the best tree so it was his suggestion yeah so yeah um yep that's good I just know there's been more correspondence on and then go to inventory yep I just wanted to make one mention um on the on piggybacking on the resident tree buy program I did reach out to gentleman whose name I forget chrisan Maple who came P Gary Patterson and I sent him an email informing him that we will be planting two trees in that area that he was concerned about all those years ago in a community center oh nice oh um finally um I did explain to him that the you know the development over there is probably still a fluid situation but hopefully this is a start that's good job nice go ahead um I'm just thinking that there was someone else that came to the meeting when I first started here about that area I think back to that and maybe just I'll them into yeah or no they're just gonna appear there next week as well um okay so the inventory um last we left uh the inventory was done and the data was going into QC it still is there um however we do have a training set for next Thursday um so it gave a deadline it's my impression they're kind of given a deadline for their data out analyst or whomever is doing this QC on our um on our data to have it done so that we could have a live training session next Thursday um so I'll be there christe will be there uh Dave Carl will be there Nick vinsky will be there and Shar will be there um we get do get 10 accounts within this um within our contract I think that I would recommend that there would be more than one shade tree commission member trained yeah so next Thursday at at noon I believe it is um is it in person or reported or anything I just have continuing for my work it's it's a zoom call um so it it yeah I don't know if that is going to be recorded I I think that next you know maybe in the next um sha tree commission meeting maybe we could have like a little demo I'm sure that I will not be proficient in it but we can at least take a peek um maybe between the two of christe and Chris and myself we could kind of figure it out before that it seems pretty um straight Lord um I might I might be available for that too so if an email goes out then I always watch it it's it's at noon like a lunchtime thing it's noon I think it's I I originally thought it was scheduled for two hours but it's only scheduled for one okay um that could probably so uh yeah I think like if if all of us kind of look at it I don't know that within the um the 10 allocated accounts that shade tree should take half of them I think we should probably leave some space for like additional burrow employees but um if everybody's looking at it that would be a good idea um and then perhaps you know if we go forward and this is something that the um that they want to stick with as we have to pay for um you know it might be a good idea to have like a shade Tre commission email you know like shade Tre commission gmail.com or something like that that kind of allows access um to the commission as a whole as opposed to being me or you um okay it's something to think about um so that's it thank you than so can you just reach out to me offline or individually if you would like to attend so I can um send the Google uh it's like a teams invite yeah okay is it strictly over Zoom or is there something live here last time Microsoft teams okay what are there a limited spots or how does this the training I don't think so no because we're just going to be watching all right them do it can you like send it to us I'm not sure if my training is going to be done for my actual like thing but I am able to I'd like to watch okay and that's a good point we can ask him if he's he'll be recording it so we can maybe that's a right I'm sure we can right yeah thank you Joe sure um cus real easy we are well beyond our requirements we have we only need eight and we have 20 and a half I wish they could carry over but uh they don't um so yeah it's like uh oh and Dave Carl bought us in five and a half credits and of course Bonnie and Jill who else we good um so we're in good shape there um this doesn't have anything to do with cus but I did want to make mention mention at this time that we did get our community appeal check and thank them I did send them a thank you letter on behalf of the commission the total was uh $175 Wonder so um thank you yeah was great so thank you people of fair hav and moving on to the community forestry Management program um uh Christy earlier in September or mid-september reached out to Sherry uh regarding this plan um about writing uh a grant for the funding and uh we did not hear back from her so I did reach out to her again today about the same and did not hear back from line so that is the update um I was thinking probably giving her another day or two but I think at this stage of the game we're going to have to if she doesn't get back to us about it um we're going to have to look elsewhere because well suddenly it'll become very time sensitive so um while I say that maybe I should just say yeah she did so that's the update there s ask Bill Brash the guy who did the first one he's still doing this right uh I don't know this is just to write the grant the gr the grant to fun one well I asked her for a a fee schedule for everything because regardless if we get the grant or not we still need to write someone needs to write it so hopefully she lists out I do have an estimate from the people from Arbor Pro um which will be useful whenever right cigarette is right or the cmfp for them okay so that's good to know okay good um all right that's it so hopefully hopefully I we'll hear back from her in the next day or so I would like to stay with her it's something her company can do um but we have to cross that bridge when we come to um all right we're going to move on to Green Team and Natural Area update uh um so as far as the Natural Area Tom beds um and I both went to book um he represented the Natural Area um and I have to say have you been have you been out it is the most impressive wonderful place it really is it's huge um they have so many trees we took a tractor ride around and and they point out all the trees they talk about how they every winter um they trim them they take they take such good care of them it was tough because they haven't had a lot of water recently but um they have a big form they donate all this food to you know um food kitchens they have a CSA program which is you know the community um agricultures whatever um where people can come and get food uh vegetables there um they just are so community-minded they have a summer camp where they're teaching kids all these nature programs it's it's just I was so impressed by the people there and just I mean it really makes me happy that we're working they so nice and I met Brian M who is um the head of the shade tree for manison who you know started this whole thing he's a great guy um and I did send you Chris before I left you on the trip about this they have a um Brian and several other shave trees have started a shore oh area um group that just kind of gets together in masan sure area shade tree meeting and it's on October 16th at 6:m at massan bro Hall um and we are invited if anybody wants to go um they just kind of discuss sh tree issues um and uh he was telling me that they're working on their ordinance they have a new mayor I guess brother who's big tree guy so he's thrilled um anyway so it just it it was um so Tom is trying to their Community peal money they want to work with f BR to plant some trees so it's not a you know tree buying not going to compete with us in anyway they just want to utilize it and thought they could have it combined with the schedule when they come to plan for the resident tree they could also plant for that I think that you should approach it um a little bit different it like because you know the way that the resident program works is that they are looking at their inventory after they fill our water winners so if you're going in there with a dollar amount to spend yes like you would have the opportunity to probably pick from a broad a range of trees like you know like there they can only offer us I would presume you know this maple tree because they have so much of it and that they know that they're going to be able to fill a lot of orders if they get them whereas like if you only want you know two dog woods they probably could sell those to you yeah so I don't know I would just like look at it like that as well and I right I did ask him about the the Turkish filbert I said why that tree he said because it is the toughest little tree there is he say it's just a great because it sounds like a Turkish bber like bar native but anyway they're you know it was just interesting them talking about the various trees and and um I I don't know I just I really look forward to working with them more and um we can get more us planted Natural Area some um Green Team uh [Music] update I'm sorry I'm a little spy right now for 24 hours but um so I'm sure there's something else to say about but right now so sorry sorry good work all right community outreach yeah I'm sorry bunny you want me to send that sh area information out to the Commission in like in case anyone wants to attend yeah I'm thinking I have it on my calendar I'm singing up going down um just see what it is what was the date the 16th the 16th um am I speaking uh we have 199 followers on our Instagram almost 200 we get a I'm sure I'm sure we have a bot or two in there already but AI sign up please how's that work um uh so uh yes I will I need to work on content um but I can I can do our thank you for the community appeal can do like a little thank you post that's um that' be nice I spoke to the editor for fair Heathen living um I I like basically sent him an article I wasn't sure what he wanted he wanted to just talk and ask questions and i' answered them or if he wanted me to write something up so I said he could reach out and we could have a conversation and he get up or uh he could use what I sent him um and then I didn't hear from him like yesterday for asking about November so I don't know I'll try and I'll try and communicate again with him not he said nothing about what I sent him last month um so I'll try again i' included a picture from when we planted um the uh and um and uh our logo and I tried to just give like a broad St you know of what we do as a commission gos are I mean maybe you could take a picture of um plant some of the res you buy or something we could get a list of the addresses and maybe just try to did they let you know when they coming did they I they did on Pary Trail they they had the number they they kind of gave us a heads up of course that was the day before they give me the chronological order that they'll be starting and in but that's it then they just depends how long yeah I I say I've never seen them it's not because I haven't gone looking for them I've just never seen them been to yeah so yeah and so we think we're going to plant the trees at the um Community playground and they're going to do okay they are going to do that y because that would be good to get a picture of that yep so up with that if they someone's going to have to meet them to show them exactly where oh who's that going to be well who is this DPW doing a wear yeah having aemp next to that next to that 12T stick you put in the ground well I tell you what I took I took I took broken tree back it's in my y with duct tape on it and it's growing I'm like I can't believe it but the other one I don't know what happened but it is showing grow so I will go dig that out to back to my house and nurse it back you take that out I mean it's big it's dead but it's big there's a little bit of there there's noad no you never give up on a tree never give up on a tree place bets yeah I will go get it out of the ground I will do that and I put it in so I must get it out so but there those are two spots there I don't know if there is there is a neighbor who lives right behind there who does not want her newly planted tree to get too much shap you just have to be a little bit too bad well I'm just saying that it's it's um I could show you where that me I don't know so I mean I think if I recall correctly your D your tree is here and I I was thinking it was like you know it would be there was two the other one I told you wor yeah then that put in my yard oh okay so it's when I saw it so I mean if you if you're looking at it from from standing on the playground in your trees right here I was probably like two to the uh right of it along that right like heading towards the road and goes Third Street okay I just we were trying to stay away from the basketball court that was our yeah I think primarily it's going to be it's going to be next I mean you know where he lives right right there yeah does someone from the town need to be there like yeah chrisy is it some like Town official or to be there them well you can put Stak put Stak in the ground we just just has to be marked where they want it yeah Dave Carl could put like a white spray pain or something right yeah well I'll make sure they uh don't touch your there's no sprink I'll make sure they protect your I get it I'm gonna get I'll probably get it tomorrow I get it out I don't know how much more that tree can take Bonnie I got be honest okay um all right good uh that's all I have all right uh invasive species grants Kevin is not here so we will move along to the Shay Tre calendar Peter uh not too much left for this year uh the annual budget uh submission is that happening in October uh I think we're going to put that into November okay um we are I was hoping to have some numbers from Cherry um so maybe we'll be better prepared next meeting hopefully how much you don't know how much money we have left uh I don't know what we have left this year this is for next year's budget uh Christy do we do you know what we have left oh for this year yeah um because you were planting the fern book trees on public property um public lands they came out of your regular operating budget your tree planning budget instead of your trust so that remained untouched so the majority let's see um training and conferences you still have about $500 Bonnie to son to go to burnbrook um and then the sh tree Federation conference that's all so you have money left there um the your tree planting budget like I said those four trees came out of there so but you still have um $5,000 left and and we the Christmas tree came out of there too yeah okay that's what, that um that we have to spend before the end of the year yes and all purchase orders need to be done like by you need to go down by November it gets very this is what keeps happening is you have money left over at the end of the year and we should use it could we what happens to that money if we don't use it doesn't we lose it but it goes town right it doesn't it's not like yeah you know the town doesn't lose it right you know it's just that it's harder for us to like justify a budget if we don't use the budget year after year yeah um and we're going to need I think a heftier budget uh going forward because of the tree inventory program and the software and the cmfp [Music] um other miscellaneous Chargers you have the time for the canyon the poer winners and you hand it out at L live day you'd give out more money for that poster content see a pile of posters like yeah get them get them in here so chrisy what um what is the tree budget for the furrow what is their maintenance budget I don't know could you find could we find out what it is I'm just going I just what do we spend on these what does the bro is I have a question but I think it might need to wait until New agenda item wow is it is it related it's tree related all right go ahead we've had a mult you know we had that horrible issue over at the community center at the basball field where the where the tree fell on okay that's off topic calendar though I'm just kid I know it is I tree related but not having to do not count and then another I don't know if you saw on Facebook branchet um where was that that was in marter park park it fell near the swing set that's pretty bad just like yesterday oh was there a big storm no bran were down my yard so I feel like I don't want the community to lose confidence in the trees um but I I don't know if our budget can be used to like have Sher come out and like just like kind of like another look see I mean just I don't know that she we did do it not too long ago um and they are looking at trees in mcarter park um let's um let's let's focus on the calendar here and see if there's anything we no it's it's good wores um but is there anything that we should make sure we get on the calendar um yeah the only other things I have are the community Forest forestry management plan deadline which is December but I guess we have grace period to next December uh and then just looking into next year uh for January we added putting a notice out about the resident tree buing program for the spring okay um and I'll stop there and we'll start over next next year but that's uh go ahead okay all right but to your point is there anything else you want to add to the uh to our reminders can be sure well there's always AR day yeah that's there right yeah okay but planting trees is that I know is it what are we going to plant trees plant trees year round by not specific date well but I'm just but seems to me Earth week barate like that week should be recognized by okay yeah I agree that we can do we want to get something so it won't we get it on our calendar though for a month or two ahead so we can maybe scout out an area get the money allocated pick a few trees um yeah so when when what do you think is a good February day was April 26th this year so start find that in February sure good time meeting so we'll pick a location for uh tree planting on our day yeah if we do it in February then we definitely have to have it nailed down by the March meeting right is well April well an April meeting before armor day but most likely have to have something on order is that the Fernbrook planning that's in May right I remember yeah I know excuse me they um didn't fill it until May last year and they would not do it during that week so so we got we'll use maybe look at who was it Capell that did the tree the Christmas tree um or other yeah do we want to do anything like have a speaker who's The Speaker like fber said that you know they they would come and talk to our DPW or other people about trimming their trees properly um I mean that I think we're that's one of our things we're supposed to do isote education and I think there are lots of people that have come and speak on trees um I don't know what you it maybe an of bar today have something like aneno Hall it'll be hopefully they'll have some of the work done um idea about I like that I like that too IB en so I would say maybe January meeting talk about it yeah if we want to I wonder if we could get a few residents to like volunteer their tree to have like a demonstration on how to remove I Ivy off of their tree or to like trim a new tree like train any tree like kind of like a field trip yeah F more with right um more engagement yeah I like that I'm sure we could find some trees covered with Ivy yeah yeah I mean Ivy is straightforward I think but trimming entry I think think about is good fun um were you okay okay uh my my last question or my last thought from this conversation is do we want to have a point during the year where we kind of check in on our budget so we don't we don't October or no um we want to do that quarterly that might be good yeah we just have a quarterly report on when on the quarterly the first financials and then monthly the second half of the year I'm like I feel like get we you know like it gets a little or maybe like every month third month the fourth quarter I don't know well I definitely want to get we missed did we miss the Spring planning we didn't do anything spring planning for f Brook buying we didn't do that at all no it was a time it was when we um were first they first did the public um planting on the Third Street Trail the memorial trees okay or Memorial tree okay I don't think we used any of our funds we weren't involved that and Quant we didn't do yeah but again like we could you know we could separate what we want to do from the resident buying program it's not like that they wouldn't come here if we had a separate order you know it's just again like right about what's available so right you know they're an approved vendor and if we like what they're doing we could use them for you know other things specific things right yeah I was just thinking in terms of money why we we didn't spend any for that spring planning that's screen purchasing so we'll definitely get that on the calendar for next year M and make sure we buy for the spring also and also for ARB day and I think we'll make better use of our budget you just really want to get those trees in the ground in like March or early April and take advantage of the rain if there's nothing worse in fin in late May or June and then it's just then you have to water it all the time you what you don't want to buy them in no I just want to them early and I know that the rest of BU they was late right was early May last year about point so I mean we'll we'll go off on our own for part what about fairen Fields I feel like they took those trees down they have a bunch of um calorie pairs that are down by you but that b that could you could add more trees and eventually take them out since they're invasive I don't know do we ever coordinate with the parks I would ask parks and wck see what those thoughts are before we start saying we should put trees places yeah because you don't know what they're going to plant for that I'd be happy I'd be happy to reach out to do that yeah yeah I mean did they ever they want I remember um DJ wanted to plant a big tree a shade tree by uh the playground equipment to to give a lot of shade there a lot of sun there but it ended up being really expensive because obviously they wanted a fulls size tree right away yeah just I really think is there I'll reach out to DJ and then I'll see if they're in the tree will in 15 years the tree will catch up yeah but we'll see you know what see if there's any needs for him actually do that yeah so maybe we should put that in for January since I'm sure I'm sure it'll for the the pl because we won't F Brook will be too late in the season for planning we'd like to get it done what do you think early March is best funny I just think it's early as you I mean I think December I mean the fall is obviously the best then you get the you know we have another rainy winter like we had last year that was so great everything went end got rain rain on all winter well then I guess we can also have the discussion should we go all in in the purchasing right yeah I think that makes the best time it's the best time okay I was just thinking I wanted to make sure we don't yeah we don't end up with the extra money but if we do make a concered effort to maybe pick more places than they did this year um yeah I guess we can go all in on fall on the October purchasing I me we can of course do over day but or or you do an educational thing I mean I don't know if it's in the schools or it's in the community or you know I don't know what would appeal to people but um I don't know just something to get people that speaker that we had from he was just like you need to get people that are in charge of caring for the trees really engaged in caring for the trees and helping to spread the word and Inspire everybody else the well do you want to look into like something like that and then may we can even start discussing it at the next meeting um put that a new business or save it for early part of next year January that is my report okay thank you thank you Peter uh tree removal permit data Christie sorry so for the month how many came down are you asking um last meeting in September the Su was 20 came down in September there was a big one on my road but was I I should say did oh yeah I know what happened that's how many were approved to be removed a lot of times when the permits are filed people don't end up doing the work till mon you never know when they're actually doing it right 20 were approved to be removed andt okay September doesn't look awful because everything listed here at least is dying dead dying dying dead two removal disase disase dead okay um and that brings us to the tree ordinance update councilman Olson is obviously not here I know he is all the way business um the last time we spoke it was just casually just said there kind of Motoring through the existing this current version now um looking for errors omissions I guess it sounds like a proof reading slash workshopping uh time and um I think he's looking to move forward with it pretty rapidly it sounded like in the next meeting or two so has got his eyes on it now I well I think it's I think it's a combination of two I think so's looking at the attorney and um and Arizon missions so that was that was the last update last I Reed so with that does anybody have any proposed new agenda items as a matter of fact now that I'm done PL jumping on Peter um uh I'm just wondering like I know that you're right like the the inventory that they just did assess the health of the trees I wonder if there's something that we could inform the public and then if there are trees that are in foror health like the one that maybe dropped the branch the problem with the one at Community Center is that that's a private tree that's a private tree um but um you know I I don't know uh is there I feel like we should do or say something especially because we were mentioned on Faceook and on the faceb yeah I saw the posts and and it was an anous poster it out we got the idea critical of us not job so no no didn't say trying to get a solution it said what is the town doing about the trees um this tree this limb um it was very large and it did fall right next to the playground and there were children present and um it could have been yeah it most certainly would have yeah hurt a child very badly um I know mcarter is an area that Sher and the town are keeping an eye on there are some trees there that are going to be a problem they're they're struggling um for one reason or another um and um I don't know I know in time some of those trees back there are going to come down they're going to have to come down and um yeah I'm just hopeful we get some money coming our way because I I'm sure you know in town style it'll be the trees will come down but there won't be any plan to put any Replacements in there and I think you know if we get some funds coming our way from the ordinance I think we'll be able to play a very active role in replenishment of that area it's put in that back corner that's where they're yeah I don't think have any we even talk about that no she so when I met with Mr Schwarz and Frank grip the business administrator before the last meeting um yeah no they were they were very happy to hear that we were interested in planting trees there um they if you remember they had issue they just they didn't want any trees where we initially thought they would want trees um because they used it for a student lineup um but that back area um they were of course open to it I guess we're going to have to look at it closer and maybe you know get sher's input on it because it's it's still very shady back there and I I'm just curious as to whether or not how how well a new tree would do back there right now like where you would put it I guess I'm sure it would work but you know what the best thing to do would be to somehow to see when because a lot of them are white oak so they immediately started sprouting acorns and I talked to Dave car about this like go can you just not mow them down when you're could you just try to protect some of these babies because the best tree is one that grows on its own is you know sure it's like the mother tree and the baby starts to grow and they're like they you know have that connection I I don't know and then they're free just let them grow the little ones and just watch them and the kids could watch them and somehow protect them and you know take care of their it's tough to do right there so much traffic back there I know that's why I don't know how you would do it it's tough to unless you caged it I was just going to say I mean could we cage in an area and put a little sign on it you know future future o in progress and you know um something like that could work um yeah but I think we're you know we're also going to need to do some planting up there in there in the near future right it's I mean that that people spot with somebody put like Seven Oaks in and then all those nice Serviceberry somebody did a great job in the front of the park planting those trees they don't look you know they're probably what 30 years old or something but just do the same thing in the back corner put in some nice put in some service some nice other interesting tree well I mean I don't know why we couldn't maybe look at that for our early spring planting maybe that's where we need to focus our efforts and we just have to get that water to con to I think that really has to be part of our request that with DPW that our trees that we're planning are on their schedule sufficing to say for the issue in hand though with you know what you brought up I think it's a very a very good issue um problem is you know we can't cover everything you know that's why we have this commission to help protect the town and these acts of God because uh you know we protect part of this body is liability for the T having sh tree commission I think looking at Jill's inventory hopefully will give us an idea what we need to focus on but I do think it's very important especially in areas like Parker park or uh par Fields there's a lot of kids and a lot of traffic you really have to be careful like you know thing at the baseball field that was a private property tree but if that tent wasn't there it could have been much much worse you know we can't we can't protect against all these acts of God but we can at least keep an eye on things my concern my concern Mike is that we're changing the ordinance and if the if the community becomes scared of their own trees I think it's going to be a larger issue like I would like to build the confidence that you know you know a lot of these trees are very sturdy like they're healthy trees um and that the ones on public lands we now have a m of which are unwell I know that the maintenance of those is on the town is on like DW and not on us but like I don't know I just I'm a little concerned that with you know our upcoming ordinance and a tree falling on a baseball team like I don't want our and then you know again the marter park I just don't want to shake the confidence of our of our John's V about the trees yeah it's a good point it's a really good point yeah I I I I completely agree with you I just don't agree that we should um be making public tree specific data and what they said about the risk of each tray um I think that that would be a mistake like I think that we can talk to it like broadly um but I mean can you picture it if you know no but can we can we I mean I mean can we leas with DPW to check that inventory and check those trees I'm sure clean yeah yeah yeah but like you know like you could see that going in either direction where a tree that was um labeled as as low risk healthy that tree can fail you know and the same in in another way so right um I think and we can't put that we can't put that risk assessment like as the public facing um portion of the inventory there is a there is a public facing portion that's available okay um and that was something that they they definitely emphasized um in shade in the like broad shade training but also specific to taking you know this inventory and what you would actually have as public facing okay um the part of the interface that is public facing um the notion of saying that we we have we have a tree inventory of public trees and they are assessed in terms of their health and viability right that points to process and to me it's sort of like if we could come out and say we have this process we've been following this process process works but it doesn't mean that trees don't fall down it's not perfect but this is what we this is what we do this is how we do it which I think would be ideal I don't I don't know if we can quite map that out at this point but I completely agree with J you can't go Tree by tree speci but I think we could talk about even now and this is not this is 100 % true is the um how it was being managed on a spreadsheet um and now where we're going with it is going to improve the um you know the priority of Maintenance I yes um and and the ability to for that to be more fluid um uh so that I think that's something that you know we could talk to um and it's imminent so that's that's good yeah yeah and as far as confidence for trees Le I mean we can only go so far you know if someone feels like their property or their family is at risk there's not much we can do about it to be honest with you that's true yeah and it's I think it's it's you know on the hus of the of the homeowner or the owner said well this one I don't feel good about this there not much we can do about it we I mean honestly anything that comes to council when they say I want this tree to come down because I don't feel safe there's no way we can say that you you can't take down that tree um so it's it's it's a tough It's a double-edged sword it's tough because you obviously you don't want a lot of good trees to come down but again you got to think about the safety and and the public welfare of of the town and If you deny it does that mean you're going to accept responsibility to the town responsibility that tree never deny it but they haven't been denying it I think I think you know for me I'd like I'd like to um I don't know I don't know how to like educate the public better on you know and I don't know I I have too many thoughts and they're all going in right now but um you know also part of the health and of of the community are are that the trees exist yes I can totally understand that you know I wouldn't want a tree to fall in my house um and acts of God are something absolutely we cannot control but I don't know I just this is something that's just making me a little we should think about it because maybe you know there's a way like you know we could direct them to Tree Experts if they have any concerns where they can get an honest opinion you know I had a tree that I was concerned about it wasn't even on my property it was on my neighbor's property and bill came out nicely enough and said no that tree is fine even though doesn't look great it's not going to it has a low likelihood of falling so things like that direct them to experts who can evaluate the truth anybody has any concerns I like that how do we like that how do we how do we do that how do we do that so that's something we can think about and brainstorming and come on something we budget for a little bit too but I also think like maybe part of the education portion of what we should be doing is talking about how you know you pay or you blow your lawn once a week there is um there a cost to maintaining your trees like you should have you should have somebody coming in and removing your dead limbs every you know two years or whatever it is and kind of like educating on that you know like having trees in your yard there is there is maintenance associated with that would be a good you know because people wait until the tree yeah is a problem and and because it's expensive to get but but at the same time it's not paint your house I do I mean I I also I just worry about too like some of our community members may not be able to afford to maintain these trees and like what do we do like is there anything that we can do about that um I don't I like we planted some trees for people and granted maintenance is way more expensive than planting trees but um I don't know it it's tough too because you're talking about private prop proper and you go onto private property like even if we were to help subsidize somebody's maintenance then all of a sudden and I don't even know if the town would approve of us doing something like that because then you're you're you're on private property you're fussing with somebody's tree and now whose responsibility I wonder if there's it kind of stks to but like in this litigious world we live in it's just like everything is just going to be you know it could go it could go wrong I'm wonder if there some sort of like resident tree maintenance where we would just be the Brokers of you know organizing it and but would have absolutely nothing to do with the you know the transaction between find I'm sure if anybody could find a true maintenance program you could find stop talking she comes up with these great ideas and all she's like oh great I guess um but no that that is a great idea and I wonder if there is some kind of like in my line of work I do a lot with State co-ops and you know I I could maybe research a few of them and see if there is any kind of state contract out there that a town could be involved in that you know they they say look they publish it our labor rate is X and this is what we do for this labor rate um but that would be that's then the town would have to hire them yeah you got be careful with vendors unless it's like state sponsored right because you can't you can't support one individual so I was thinking there are so I I can name three tree companies in town but you don't want to support one vendor in town right so like a Fernbrook situation would be ideal right um they don't do any maintenance do that I say I I'll give them a call half joking any we knew anyone who uh probably do like like a 100y old oak tra I mean you know thinking maybe they everyone it's a small they know people you know Kevin from Frontier you know what no no I mean I think he's great he's just super busy right I've been waiting for him to come trim like great Myrtle for a year oh really Tree Business [Music] okay but yeah that's a good idea some kind of like we're going to be in your area from October 1st through you know October 10th um call schedule your maintenance there's you know 10 slots available for the trick is to find someone who isn't trying to make money and say yeah you need to do all this work but because I mean like I work with a guy who he comes he goes no that fine don't do anything with that one but those you should take off because it's you know the way that the train and all that and Liv so it's getting the the right people what's his name I think Kevin Kevin is I me Kevin to come and work child for free you got give you a day of work because I think I believe in what you're doing so he's really he's really good so I mean we have some really nice tree people in town that's a good idea we got to brainstorm this because I think it I it could be something or it could be it's it's part part of it yeah and who knows you know I think a lot of people if they maintain their trees then they wouldn't get to the point where they're like I to take this down right right sure okay so maintenance education program anyone else new agenda items all right we're coming into November so um definely put Budget on the agenda uh for the next meeting Christie and um hopefully we'll hear um I'll follow the G sharing we get some numbers again DPW situation situation the situation up there in the Tre found BPW um is that oh yeah on the agenda I don't know we put the meeting here say what's happening I yeah I myself I don't know enough about it to really comment on it I mean you seen it right you seen the plans or no seen the lack of trees that they took everything down I don't why you when they were first playing they didn't remove the Cs and the Cs have strangled the trees and made them dangerous so they took them out things they going to be replaced who's replacing them do you have an inside word there uh it's all part of the plan yeah yeah so it's a little extra replacement now okay well um let's put that on for the next meeting um and maybe you know you know I can maybe gather some information there was a landscape plan submitted with the drawing I remember we discussed this didn't we discuss this at the beginning of the year or last year with Sher and we talked because we also noticed that there weren't there were some non-natives and we we recommended that certainly they came down um so let's we can put it on the agenda for next meeting and I just moreo before we called me you know I ran said what happened like it was us you know weren watching after the trees right right you know what I mean it just and actually I believe the bur administrator went out and talked with the people on Maple who live opposite that so they were Li of the situation he did that's this must have been at the last council meeting just okay okay good thank you um all right if there are no more agenda items we'll move on to public participation yeah and I'm actually ready you are I think having a presentation for the town is a good idea and you can talk about why the I has to come down what kind of Maintenance you need to do for your tree and also what kind of problem areas to look for so when you need to call a tree expert and I would recommend an arist as opposed to somebody who cuts down Tre yep that's very Point okay my second suggestion since I see that you may go for an invasive invasive species for it have you thought about goats yeah that' be so fun I I have a list of people who come to this area I need to move anywhere so I think that I always thought that'd be so fun to put on thirsty Trail and you know because have the pend in yes I have an invasive problem so that's why I've beening for a do I wish I could own one but I found a whole bunch of these that do um take care of New Jersey geese police but for invasive species yes yeah I I think it'd be fun even know that does it cost a lot of money anything that you do is GNA cost money sure and I would like to avoid poisoning and have it's just any especially since I'm on the water yeah bn's on the water we don't want poison on water goat munchers do they do these goats um eat poison ivy yes they do what they do I'm not sure about the other kind of VES so we would have to investigate that everything I was to Susan can we man keep this can we absolutely thank you next meeting if I run across Caroline at some point and then my third thing is uh uh at The Parks and Rec meeting last night the um the problem in thearter park was discussed they are aware of the branch it was also a cycle branch that came down in the bird sanctuary and took out you have another section of the fence falling down that's some of it looks like it's been removed okay all right you're up the date there you go thank you sus appreciate it I I think we really definitely need to put goat munches on the agenda for next next next meeting and I mean get they're going to come in and so it's that's I think let them Ro again you're not going to do in your yard because they're GNA e all of your plants right they're not going to just eat the bath everything but if you put them out in like thiry Trail if they just they cim up the trees they eat you know they they do yeah and then you have to you know obviously watch and be careful they don't escape and then but what if goat what if we have the goats and like invite the town to like come see and then during that have a presentation of about like would be a way to like P and engage that's what I was asking about the poison ivy though if the goats are eating the poison ivy then can't have anybody touching the goats because it comes out of their skin you could get Poison by touching the goats well hopefully they'll be be more to like Le a lot of a lot of families would love that especially with young kids 100 miles from po that [Music] so oh here we go within 60 mes of Asbury a neighborhood Farm very cool all right all right any other I'd be happy to research this unless this was ask munching if you're if you're gone just ask if hamlock look good um okay that be a weird opening question hi he's wondering a go I've seen some okay your name isson where what town am I not going to with my V calling another number in and I mean would they eat in V Japanese na what if they'll chew on that maybe I should ask them what they will eat and what they yes yes I think they much e a lot of Hemlock who they soc no I we've had a little bit all right thanks uh if that is all any other public participation Bry anybody online there is no one online except Chris M hi Chris hey Chris hello he's not public um all right I'll make a motion to adjourn this meeting second all good work everybody thank you thank you all all righty thank you Susan question you need meet in November and in December or okay all right next month we'll have to appr the dates for 2025 so working on the calendar oh okay so get that on the agenda too then you get that all [Music] right how much yeah I wonder how much they need to show up even for like the private or we can listend