##VIDEO ID:oufPGO8amCM## that clock a little fast Here Comes somebody here all right we'll call this meeting to order this is the Fair Haven shade tree commission meeting of September 4th [Music] 2024 this is the regular meeting of the shade tree Commission of the Bureau of Fair Haven in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting ACT public me meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burrow Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this meeting on September 4th 2024 is available by Callin phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the raiseed hand button and will will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press the two times and Star Ledger on January 26 2024 posted on the burough website the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the shade tree Commission secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting roll call uh Chris Larson here I okay uh Michael D'Angelo not here Leia beani here Peter got it here Michael hoey not here Christopher McCabe not here Kevin McGovern here Jill Sullivan not here Bonnie tvia here and councilman councilman Brian Olen and burough secretary Christin Larson are present stand and join me in the pledge of Alle I ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation god with liberty and justice for all okay we look over the minutes of the prior meeting make a motion to approve okay move right into our project updates the resident tree buying program Jill is not here but she did send me her updates so I will read the resident tree buying program and her um inventory Brant update as well uh the tree buying program she said uh I think it is off to a slow start uh Christie you were saying there's only been three orders so far um she was hoping it would up after Labor Day which I think is probably okay orders closed September 13th so please share info with all your family we'll continue to post it in the buz okay I know I I emailed it to the uh other like the Green Team and everybody today asking them to post it great okay um yeah Jill pretty much just that was the same sentiment here in our updates for that uh the update on uh inventory she says the data collection portion of the tree inventory is complete Arbor Pro is able to inventory all Street trees throughout the burrow as well as most of our public parks and spaces where the data collection of this type made sense they are now in the QC portion quality control portion of the evalu of evaluating the collect the collection data after that is complete they will upload everything to the cloud-based software we will receive training and be able to begin using the software after that and it is her hope that we will close out this grant by the end of the year those updates from Jill well um DPW geted in that too oh I believe so yeah right see DPW because they were in on this from the get and Dave Carl they've been on some of the preliminary calls so I think they will yeah all right Green Team and Natural Area update f um so the Natural Area has been talking uh Carolyn told Jill to see if maybe they could use burn too for tree purchases um and they haven't spoken to them yet but I'm going to go on that um tour lecture lunch um really I want to see what G book's all about and um kind of find out is the natur native trees um so I want to just kind of find out what they can do with them and if we always I mean I know with our program we kind of get what's left after all the big guys have come in and all the the tree planting all over New Jersey has taken PL place so I just I'm very curious to see what it's like and um anyway so I'm going to go on that um and they're still working there're hopefully be seeding the that place they cleared out and they've treated um the Northwest by the cell tower um and that's going to be happening in September October the green team is um we were throw because uh one of the Eagle Scouts uh wants to do an addition to the pator Garden um as his project so we're going to be helping him out in October um there's going to be October 26 27 um anybody wants to volunteer help we're going to be adding soil planting fencing um so hopefully we can get that all squared away there'll be Scouts involved as well I'm sorry that's October 2 26 and 27th they're going to be having um Alex oranic is going to be having a car wash I believe a fundraiser on uh September 14th at Rumson Firehouse to raise money for this so um and we're also going to um ask for donations if people are dividing their natives this fall so I'm talking to the Garden clubs and um anyway so that's that's good we're excited about that um and um just kind of wonderful little side note Kelly uh Flanigan submitted the PO Garden project to an for the environmental award and we won so it was kind of a nice little thing wonderful yeah we um I mean there's going to be a ceremony I think uh an award ceremony the end of the month um so anyway yeah so we were excited about that um and so I think that's it okay um Carolyn when she reached out she cced me on the email I know Jill did respond and gave Carolyn contact information and whatever but I was just curious is the natural area trying to start their own buying program they they have would fund it they are interested in ways to plant trees there's looking into it um it's uh it's a little trickier in there just getting a water it's truly a watering thing we planted trees we planted shrubs um if we get the our Burrows watering truck in there on a regular basis that would be great but we haven't really been able to do that yet so I'm not sure we have to figure that out before we plant these trees okay yeah she mentioned you guys want they want to buy a lot that was great yeah but I was just curious because it sounded like and I meant the as Caroline too I didn't know if they were trying to do another program no like their own buying program like were they trying to do that and almost sound I think they just wanted to utilize fir for for to buy some threes yeah through okay okay yeah I I just did kind like a bunch of overlap like which is two commissions having two program not that we get any money from that it's just promotion well I don't even know do we have account with I was thinking they should do we have sure if we were actually involved because we aren't buying the trees residents are we just set off because um in the past St tree trust bought those qu and chair oh right right right okay could they I mean do they not want to just buy them through the program or are they trying to get more um we could I guess I mean maybe they were trying to get them a little less expensive like I'm not sure oh good um yeah I haven't really um had a chance we haven't had a natural committee meeting but I'll follow on it out we don't let compete I don't think there's any right I think basically what's like you know I'm thinking you know just for this planting so far we're off to kind of a slow start and we kind of want to be able to keep firm Brook engaged with our program as well just to make it worth their while to um continue giving it giving the town like a good fix right are there three orders or just three trees did did three orders three different orders but are there multiple trees in certain or probably just one tree couple have two okay but that's what's their minimum 10 to come out here yeah um you know I don't know nothing I checked with Joe we haven't run into that issue yet yeah there was a minimum there was a minimum I feel like it wasn't something crazy like 20 or something I think it was like 10 it something that I was like oh we hope to do that but the past few Cycles they we've averaged about 50 and they need at least two to three days to plant those so they have enough to come out day um but now that you have such a nice Report with them maybe they'd be more hole if you don't if we I should just post some stuff with pictures of trees that are available rather than making them have to go onto the lake maybe anything promote um yeah maybe like a little something about the trees remember I just remember there a lot but I wasn't there are with the coffee crease well we're going what we're going to buy does does what we're doing count toward yeah we're going to talk about that does it count to the toward this toward this that would be on top yes yeah yeah okay so so we can roll into our community outreach here and there are a couple um that failed from the last cycle that are being replaced by through the one year guarantee oh really okay interesting they're honoring that that's good to know um uh community outreach okay we have 198 followers uh we're so close to 200 um and as I said earlier I I did send a message to uh the other social medias for Green Team and Natural Area to share poses ask share poses um I have so I don't I think this is interesting I wanted your thoughts Fair Haven living you know we all get this at home they uh the um the gal in charge of it uh Jen Jensen asked me if I had any anything to add to it or if I knew any and I was like well actually the shry commission would find some free exposure um so they do have a Content deadline for the 6th which is what Friday um but if you guys have any thoughts uh maybe I could put something together that could be included in Fairing and living um I don't know I was trying to get the cover cover I've already been on the cover I don't want to brag but satou aut sat the commissioner after all it's kind of a big deal um so I don't know I wanted your thoughts it do we think it's a good idea if I just have some content that we can add there I mean you want to can we well when does it come out it come out it's for October When does the when does close it's too late oh okay I mean we can I I don't know if we want to highlight here's the here's the challenge I tried to find out before tonight what exactly we're allowed to do do I need to make a graphic does it do I just providing bullet points that they turn into something or do I actually write something do you have to pay for the space no no they're just looking for they just they were looking for some content and I said would you mind if the shade I'm sure the Shader Mission would be interested um and they were okay with that so um uh I guess the long and the short of it is I'm just trying to gather your thoughts what would be prioritized to be put in there uh or any ideas and then I'll have to you know obviously um see if that works for them but I just thought it might be another way to get some you want to explain the inventory why it was done oh I like that and what we're going to and why we had to get it done and um we have to update the community Forest management plan I mean I you know I don't know um because people might have questions about why um how about how about just a a big page that says the Fair Haven shade tree commission would like to remind you to tear the ivy Off remove the ivy your okay yeah we G do like a um like did you know that the Sher you know the shade tree commission does X Y and Z like this is what this is why we exist we do we hello we exist this is what we do yeah I don't know I don't know if you pulled a 100 people how many people would know what we do aside from you know bother trees right like I think we do a lot more than people think we do okay yeah would you mind checking with so there's one thing someone told me one of the magazines is basically vin gopal it's a partisan magazine it might be this one I don't I don't know if it's true um this is best version media I don't think has to do with him it might be one called Community something I think I know what you're talking about I think I know what you're talking about yeah and I was just going to say if it's that one just check to see because or be Eyes Wide Open about if it's partisan like I happen to be Republican and if it Republic magazine I wouldn't want to do it right no I can understand that um just if if it's not that one then it's not an issue I love the idea in general just I want to be careful of that so I used to be an Advertiser in here as a as a realtor and I you know I paid to be in it I don't I think what what that one is is a different one it's like a different type it's great publicity yeah no I can understand think you're concerned think people actually read this because it's little and it's fair pen and you know I like to read about the fames yeah yeah um so okay noted yeah it's a good idea so the deadline would be Friday though for the next for the October issue correct it it comes out every month every month okay you could always do it the next year do it the following yeah um you know I don't want to ask too much because they're you know they're just letting us add content but I also don't want it to be I want it to be the right thing sure yeah come up little polish idea then go forward talk about I mean although you been put on I mean why not get start I'll try even if it's just a one bullet rip down the I get the I you already create all those graphics for the door I did correct I do I mean I could you mean just use that I don't know I gotta I gotta see what they I need I just need to get in touch with one of them or get the he back one of them just okay well I have your thoughts provided this is by nonpartisan okay I iy behind a Ghostbusters thing that little red uh the circle the more iy oh yeah you're right okay that's easy all right I'm done with ideas um but I think it's good segue Peter we're moving on to the 2024 calendar good good one idea uh I there's not much since the last well I don't have much since the last uh time we reviewed this so it seems like September 13th is that right is the is the last day to order a tree or is that not right did I hear that yes that's correct um and then October I have submit annual budget is that still true we submit our annual budget in October I haven't received anything from the CFO yet that usually holds for that but um it's around that time it is around that time okay leave it up there okay um and then I just have the in December the community forestry management plan deadline is December 24 the plan expires but we have a one-year grace period so that's out in front of us as well but seems like it's a year away here something for the calendar oh there you go thank you I was about to ask for anything else so please New Jersey Shad federations 99th annual conference October 17th and 18th in Atlantic City wait till next year wins the big one this is it it it is really interesting of course you know I'm a total person so I'm like with my peeps but it's it's very interesting and they talk about the inventory and you know there's there are something on the ordinances there's all sorts of interesting topics in here so anyway sounds good um I sent everyone the uh link for registration and um if it's something you're interested in it come out of the sh Tre budget which means we have to go through the purchase art process which means you would need to let me know um what did I say in the email the 10th I believe if that's something you're going to register for it's 10th of October no no September because there's there's a early bir no the the conference is in October but registration fee goes up after September yeah 12th or something so the bur will pay the early rate it's two days it's Thursday and Friday and they have what the municipal track for everybody and then they have the licens tree expert they like the professionals um they divide in two different things so I'm sure Sher will be there um but she will probably be going to I saw last year um so anyway yeah so um I mean I feel kind of like hard because I went last year I don't want to be a you know wants to go now you're in your we don't include like you know the suite at the borada just just before I complete my uh my report um continuing ed credits do to be completed are we are we good on those for the year okay da Carl and Bo Bernardo of DPW just attended a a seminar at Ruckers regarding trees so we'll get their credit as well and I I get them [Music] yeah so we don't need thresh no doesn't carry over but we still learn right just keeping keeping on our radar for next year uh plant trees near the playground by the community center so we're going to wait until that's completed uh so that's something out in the future um and just a thought does it make sense to get a quanon in that uh order and we could go down the list from the folks who were interested last year on Fair Haven Road and uh give another one away for next for the spring planting or uh we could I mean we could do a fall I mean if we wanted to we could we could buy one and then give it you know we could give it away so if we I'm sure I'm sure one of those there were many people on that list who were interested in participating again so we could I'm sure if we bought one we would find a home for it how much money do we have left in our budget and the trust fund is about 5,000 and we have to use that by the end the trust fund is ours oh that's ours okay okay do we have budgeted money that you do have planting budgeted money which is how much except I think it's like 3,000 I to double check Christmas let's um let's try to stay on topic because I'm G to get to some planting issues here um but Christy do we have an actual planting date with Fernbrook yet or does that they get back they said they're going to likely be end of September early October okay so we don't have a date for that I was going to say put that on the calendar um but I don't know how far out you're carrying it uh Peter at this point but maybe we can put something on the calendar for when's the spring orders are they in March or April they ended up not getting planted till like May or June they pled in May or June but what are the orders were they March or I think they were marchish so I was think this year January or February and maybe we can advertise in the Fair Haven Living magazine be ahead of it and put that in the mag for like a March or April Edition whichever one coincides with our orders I can ask I can try it would be is BET put another Monday one sure well well I just was going to say just make a point ball is the best time to plant trees like really I mean it really is particularly like last winter was so rainy and wonderful the trees were thrilled to get in late spring okay um no you anything else on count no that's all I have to say thanks um can I just add something the cmfb that's do at the end of December 31st you get a one-year grace period U we had asked Sherry sparo for um a quote to prepare that for the shade tree um no she's saying with these new guidelines that are instituted this year no one has ever done one yet and no one wants to be the first one apparently to do one said so um but obviously we need to be compliant so I don't know if it's worth looking at other did she get my price other no other Consultants other our last one was done by Bill Brash right and and he is still I'm not sure it's him or his son is in the same business but he's in freeold he was at the conference last year speaking like I don't know he wrote the our first one it might be worth asking him if he he's super involved youre expert kind of make sense she was just she basically just provided the information when we asked for the quote that no one's done one so they're they're whole maybe they'll get a lot more information at that conference again but it's really something that should be on the Forefront of that calendar that could take months for someone to write that so how did she leave it exactly like we're not going to do it or she said she's still waiting for more information from the state oh all right follow up with her [Music] um make a note and put that on the next meeting's agenda all right moving on to tree planning at the community center in mcarter park um so I'll start with marter Park I met with Marilyn Schwarz principal and Frank git the business administrator and talked about the tree locations that we um agreed to buy and plan and Mar they um they loved it they were very happy to hear about that but they did not like our idea of the area in which the trees should be planted um they said the fence line there they still use it as lineup and things like that and they thought it would just be kind of in the way um and of course the the wide open area that is right there in the middle of course they it has to stay wide open it's where they play games and do more lineup and everything else um so we talked about a few other areas uh towards the back um um uh the back if you're closer Park Lane yeah if you're if you're entering the park from like directly across from CLE school if you just crossed over there and if you went into the park the back left corner there's a Turf area um I know last year when I met with Sher speiro and uh Nick um and Dave there there are a couple big old trees back there that they are they're keeping an eye on them they they have some issues um so I thought maybe we could put you know one or two back there um talked about Marilyn talked about there's that playground right there but then um DJ pointed out that they're might be redoing that playground equipment and then not to just some future that true and um so that probably wouldn't be a great idea they're also going to do the turf that little Turf thing so planning there so then I thought back to the corner entrance where we put the two s Moes there are a couple of trees so like the three all right so if can't see yeah they they're the picture so so there's those two right there in the Forefront and then there's one sorry I was going to share the screen so they can see it those are s Moes no no the ones on the street are uh can you guys see that maybe something rub them really bad a couple years ago they weren't protected so yeah the trunks look pretty like they are roughed up and there's there's one there's another one like right mhm so there's three in a row but I mean they look like they're doing pretty good frankly um but then there's that one right there right there in the middle do that's a dogood right he's struggling yeah and then there's one you can't really see it but D oh can you go back this one directly across like there's the S Mo in the middle there with the light sign directly across there's another one that's also struggling like behind the S uh yeah next it's right there yeah it's pretty timy still it's it's this guy this guy oh yeah and then you can't see that yeah but anyway like those two look like they were kind of struggling Chris you could you could put the Nutri between those um like stagger them in like they don't have to be in a line trees should never be in a line it just makes them look kind of well yeah but that's I was thinking like should we talk about just replacing those two or leave them and plant and next to them maybe but then I you know probably thinking way too much but um uh our little guy this this guy or S Mo here mhm he seems to be growing at a rate much faster than the other guy because he he's older is he yeah okay I was worried about the sunlight yeah no it one of them started out bigger because one was the original one that Dave got and then he remember he picked up some more yeah yeah so all right so then I just started thinking that I don't maybe it's not a great idea to plant any more in there because I know um so I was thinking that you know there it's safe it's not going to be bothered uh we did say we're were going to buy four so we could do we could put two up front here two towards the back um it's very shaded in the back very shady so I don't know if it's going to well a very corner it's kind of open but um you know I mean can we talk about another option every time I walk down Cedar the corner where it hits Third Street that corner where that baseball diamond is oh yeah is that is so I know it's like an oven another one yeah yeah I mean and and if you put trees that didn't I mean obviously you got to be careful what you put yeah for you mean right outside of the sidewalk there like yeah right there down the way so the every time I see bleachers that don't aren't in the shade I think I think we could do like it is I don't know what they have to offer but we could do some kind of either something right behind that sign but but there is space here and here we could do like tall calmer type of something that stays narrow but but you want shade right want shade but it's you don't want to block right you don't want to there not a lot of room there isn't a ton of room so that's why I was thinking something narrow that'll just think about leaves too yeah you don't want to drop fruit or a ton of leaves right I mean something but I that's why I took that picture after I took the other pictures um because I thought that would be a good area and then yeah then that I've had several people ask me about that the garden I mean the the playground right behind there at um yeah yeah so here you know this area came up years ago and I walked over there this weekend and honestly like unless you wanted to plant something on this side of the basketball courts um there's not a lot of room on the other side it's really except that's that's what they took all they and promised they were going to plant them back again yeah but but then again jumping ahead there there is something planted there somebody planted something there instead it's like a 12T stick man no well we had with some extra trees I know on tree I seen trees that like they're dead and then you see take it that's a two BL but again now my understanding is there could potentially be a another phase to this project somewhere again they're still talking about doing some work to this for the tennis court to the tennis court to the basketball court is that playground new it's still it's so it's it's so Sunny there so it's brutal nobody goes there because it's so brutal can we plant between the basketball court and the playground is that too small a space it's tight you really want to be careful of anything dropping on basketball especially you know I mean look leaves are going toow you can't prevent everything but in the playground like on the corners of the playground like you know under it's mulched or whatever um you inside the mulch area so that would actually cast shade on like the little picnic area whatever they have some T white gares back there yeah that's yeah that's on the other side of the fence line and a little further away but I don't know if that was those people were begging first because they had water issues after we took down this trees yeah I don't really I can't remember I know like when I just started it must have just happened I don't know they just started I I can't really remember the the whole back story no they cleared them why did they clear them because they were they were worried about them falling on the playground the kids and the S what if we just planted like two like good size shade trees well that's what we're gonna that's what we're talking about so we have marter Park and we have the community center um like I said they Marilyn and Frank love the idea of planting trees in there but now the areas are starting to get a little tricky yeah so I don't know do you want to go two marter two over the field but I mean we have to get all this approved obviously especially the whole there's also fields at faen Fields like when you come out of thirsty Trail the field that's right there they again um they took they remember where they took down the tree I never remember what field numbers they are but the one that when you walk out Third Street into the fair hiden Fields there's a two yeah that's number two so there's a bench there like there's a bench it's a memorial bench and then there's bleachers there's no Shader on that that would be fairly easy for the water truck to get in in water or if we ever had station like spring floors and maintenance you maintenance so we have to look at a couple things I guess we have to we're going to have to get approval for these trees if we want to try to get them on the community center [Music] um but we also have to have the order in by September 13th so the Council next week Monday um so I don't want to well I still would like to move forward with the puren where you were just talking about the trees that are damaged I mean Sher said that those trees will not likely live a long life because they they were so severely damaged by trees by I remember her saying so plant offset in between them yeah and it would it would shap the sidewalk um people walking you're talking about in between yeah she seemed pretty sure they were not going to make it yeah yeah I was surprised last year I was like I don't look great those do look a lot better than I would have thought but like I said that Dogwood and then the other Dogwood looks like it's struggling I don't know if it's a dogwoods just so you think it's struggling or do you think just take a while but a little Char see it makes it all right so what do we think focus our efforts on this planting in mcarter or Community Center do Christy do we have to have a location with the order when we two two and two yeah two and two two we can but we're gonna have to need to know where the and figure out exactly where you're going to do it can we do can would he be willing to do that if we just figure it out and then I would do that like the council meeting Monday yeah I don't think agenda at this point though would it I'm sorry would it make the agenda at this point well Brian can bring it up they can bring it up in the other business I we you already sent the memo regarding marter Park I didn't receive any comments I don't know if you did but I'm glad you met with yeah they like I said they were happy but they just didn't want not in that area so yeah I'm I'm good with two and two moving you know two there and if we can if two seems to be okay to put in that Community Center area along that fence line so what would they ask be of council to C check or for the locations just the locations we pay for it out of our trust fund right the community center and um and marter I think was marter already marter was what the memo that you wrote was on so we'll have the memo plus uh Community Center two and two yeah like right along chrisy can you pull yep maybe we see what what's the next photo down there a little like you see the swing set the blue swing set right behind maybe behind them there's a fence line there between that between the swing set and that white it's I guess a little garage okay it's just bare it's open um like I said years ago the people I guess the town took down trees because it was they were deemed hazardous there was some concern um and then the people there I guess were told I don't know if they were told by the town or the shade tree commission at the time that you know I will definitely replant them at some time and you know six seven years gone by and there's nothing they used to come to meetings and ask about it all the time yeah they um so I was just wondering maybe we could you know pop two along that fence line is that where they want them too like along where we're pointing out or not necessary that's where they were all taken down I think I think even more were taken along the whole the whole line fence line on this side I remember I was over there looking at the park and I asked some of the people there and they said oh be great have trees like on this side theeb field and um as well so would like to keep it simple and and I think simpler is better and just say something like mcarter and Community Center two trees each has the shade tree commission work with DJ to figure you know or something like that make sure say community center playground and not the community they don't get confused about yeah the playground and then so so they'll they say yes and then we have to introduce it first and vote well the was already yeah and that's it hopefully yeah it doesn't have to be amended then um but as a matter of process the governing body like when they say Moes were planted in marter park um Tracy just brought it to like the council meeting and it got its blessing for it to go in C yeah want make sure yeah might need a reminder lot I'm sorry Chrissy again the order has to be in by the 13th yeah so and right now we have which trees if we have a if we have a location I would say within 20 ft I feel like can 30t give the address to the parks but then somebody's going to have to be there on the day of planting to show them exactly yeah we Elms and two Elms and two coffee what that's what was the original previous location we could change them you know if we you know maybe if we're going to do two along Fair Haven Road by marter should they be CH trees or should they be more ornament ornal I think they're both big shade trees I would say I don't think anything falls off Elm trees do elm trees shed anything I don't think they little bit of leaves just not balls no tly things like Maples or I think coffee trees they might have something more make with them at fields and put the Elms here well we're not talking because we're talking right now we're talking M I'm sorry yeah yeah definitely yeah definitely nothing Dro in anything here that's to be better see um okay so two shade trees at marter and two shade trees at Community Center playground all right and we're going to move along uh tree removal permit data there you go do we need to take a deep breath this of future Revenue that's I was just GNA say yep is there an extra yes chrisy is there an easy way to share those don't don't take more than 30 seconds I I just uh there happens to be a way uh what was 101 the six Maple and a birch came down well only two of the six allowed so that huge tree came down this weekend on inant at 101 can you guys see that what address Kevin uh they took down a gargantuan Tree on Princeton it's I don't know which number I don't see it on here though 101 pron that was approved two weeks ago would it be approved 2 weeks ago and then they took it down on Labor Day maybe would that be normal yeah some people wait months after they I think it was it was dead it was huge it like literally took them an entire day to take it down and they did it on Labor Day so that's why I off how about 117 is that it the second house in [Music] from trying to think of where the numbers you short no oh good it was humongous it was like over 100t high it was dead though I think oh oh it's coming right back coming right back I'll tell youpr shade already well 48 Princeton had one decayed tree two Gumball trees one removal one Decay how big do Gumball Tre get yeah okay those get big all this money just sitting there W for placement um are we having any discussion about the ordinance was thinking the bottom of the agenda I know just I just thinking that be nice to do that we have the lovely presentation right now okay mind sure whichever one you'd rather do first doesn't matter is there any I I didn't know if you wanted to like soften the blow with the Iceland discussion or follow up like make it like make it like the dessert okay make it the dessert I didn't move it around in Veta actually because I wasn't sure but doesn't matter I mean so ordinance so um after we all did our discussion um I got feedback from the environmental commission it wasn't in the meeting format it was individually um and then Sherry chimed in and a few others including the mayor um it's at attorney review right now plan to introduce the workshop portion of it on Monday um it's largely um thank you all for your input both in the meeting and then individually we had some talks I know um it's essentially the same there are a few things added um the mayor had a great suggestion the title we added the word canopy maximization so it's tree removal protection andot how it's worded but then canopy maximization which is a goal over the community to maximize the can um and then projecting existing trees so construction sites some spelling out of of what's required there we had I think the drip line wasn't before CRI Zone was but not trip line um so it's part of that um and then um the large tray removal process we added something that sort of mimics the zoning that um you have to notify neighbors if you're taking down tree a large tree you know large Tree project um and but I have to ask uh the attorney if that's okay basically so I have that that's one of the items highlighted for the attorney to make sure that that's okay what yeah I'm sorry to interrup uh did did did the attorney give any shed any light on um being able to um like who would enforce it I know we had a chat I have not had any any feedback yet okay so I think it's in good shape um um I one big question in from person to resident why did you decide to do that because I feel like that LS out if it's the definition and also all throughout resident and person should be an applicant should all be capitalized right because you've identified those terms but a resident is a person who is living at the house no I changed to resident because resident means an individual who resides on the res residential property or contractor hired by the individual who resides on the residential property where a tree uh regul by ordance is removed or proposed and what about capture the contractor a property that is owned by the velare but he's not living there oh that should be included that's I don't I feel like it's kind of slipping through if it's slipping through it's the applicant when you're applying it says for a resident but I think it should be for a I just think that I do remember making that change I thought it was clear if it was res well the app yeah see I don't I feel like that is allows some uh people we actually want to um after the most I I don't I don't want um developers or whatever to build to S through right so if if that's what it did on the and so application process you put any Resident cross out person but resident so don't all so if a developer owns the house but he not living there and wants to cut down the trees I I feel like that not yeah so I wanted it to be consistent throughout but maybe I jumped I just don't understand this going from person to Res what what was wrong with person cuz the person was everybody in fact like I'm wondering if it's it says uh individual resident Corporation utility company partnership firm Association I mean is there any way a developer could be like an LLC or something that could then say oh I'm not part of that is there any way they could slip through this does I think I the reason is I think it was to me when I was reading it looked like it was inconsistent that sometimes it was saying resident sometimes it was saying person and I just made it the same Maybe that's not a good Mo I didn't think about this that part so I'll have to revisit that um still would love to have Tre removal company on the hook um for just doing things under the table and know when there wasn't a permit and that they should be checking um and I just wonder if when they register with the town if they could sign something say they understand there has to be a permit and that they will check like is that burdensome on them to to do that they want to do business in the town I don't know what our process is I think that's also questions that I gave yeah him like what what or how can we enforce yeah compliance I me you see there's just some huge case where in West Orange where some development cut down like 150 trees and they are going going after them and the contractor well if they do that here that's where you're in the penalty table and it basically doubles so if you cut down 10 trees that are big you're paying four grand a tree okay just so it's There's real teeth there um they have to put the pre removal company that they're using on the application to remove it okay and we do not allow it to be processed unless that tree removal company is registered with the town it's an annual okay registration whether you're a landscaper or a tree removal company and whereby we take a fee of course um paperwork Certificate of Insurance they have to have a license treat kind of looks like you know like those things get as an award as a kid you know um and we cross check all that information so they're not allowed to like a resident can if they hand us an application with somebody who's not registered we say we call that company and they register or they have to change their okay good we just do that for crosschecking insurance they they had a piece equipment but then they're not okay but that that's assuming they go through the process right so but if would there be I guess you said there would be it's an attorney question could we put something in there that you know the person Andor resident will be responsible to pay whatever penalty they circumvent this and we will also hold the contractor who did the work responsible and well so this say any person who is found to be in violation of the provisions ordinance shall be subject to the fine of either schedule B1 or B2 which is the penalty schedules and this is person so actually I missed it probably yeah I think so well that's person right because person is company but I just think everything should be person company as well sometimes it was resident and I I remember thinking why is it saying two should be one um so there must be a reason why sometimes it was resident verion well just yeah person includes everybody including residents right and then make sure you capitalize it everywhere um I I was also wondering on the protection of existing trees um it's just in connection with any construction comma subsequent to tree clearing but prior to the start of construction is subsequent Tre clearing does that have to be I don't know why that just sounds like is it is it necessary to put that phrase in there I guess I see what you're meaning but I just wasn't sure that it was necessary to I think I copied that language from another like somewhere else let me let me think about the connection with any construction so after the tree clearing but prior to the start of construction snow fencing are the protective are except the constru don't think it's really I mean they're not going to protect trees com down well so that's the idea I guess is you you take down the trees you're going to take down and then the stuff that's remaining you put the fencing around it yeah I don't know why it just sounds I I don't know just sub subsequent I it just it just struck me as wrong and I I also wonder how what happens when you violate this because it is constantly violated that they move all of a sudden you look and there's truck parked on the trees Roots like is there any sort of um this doesn't come with a penalty but I do think if if the construction company violates this they should be warned and then find and then find you know whatever because who Joe checks this is that who's doing this Cod enforcement officer I believe so yeah it's going to be determined byor do for a future B administrator I just I I mean does that make sense to to have violators like you have to put it up but you got to keep it up and you've got to abide by it that's what it says yeah I know but you see what they do in town um how do we handle when people don't do what they're supposed to do uh Brock gets involved he's a c code enforcement officer in the police department and he will issue summons and then they go to in rson okay so that's in place that yeah that's happen this year with oh good developer we we talked a little bit about potential like because they come out so much to inspect the property yes that's right like right you talk about that potentially people are there frequently from the to when you're doing construction so like if they don't if they aren't putting up that proper fencing around the drip line um then they wouldn't be allowed to move on to the next of their construction and that's what I think we were hoping to check on that we could do that there's only sorry M there's only a handful of developers in Fair Haven right I mean we could all name them why can't we have them sign a consent order come to their yearly registration or whatever it is that they've read they've read the threee and they will abide by it doesn't doesn't help us from enfor person standpoint the problem is we have we have I'm seeing when I go into broker opens that some of these developers are uh from like North Jersey and they think this is like a cash cow and they don't really know the market and they don't really have a stake except for you know their investment um and I I wouldn't necessarily trust that they would actually read it or follow it that's my concern but if they sign it they they AR the economics of a build is usually the the Builder owns the plot of land right and builds the property so that right there and then then don't they fall under the penalties of if they violate the rules of the uh of the of the tree ordance we're talking about as far as you know penalties if they don't get approval to cut trees down the problem the problem is not only that it's that if they don't adequately adequately protect the critical root Zone and the problem is it takes so long for these trees to die they will have already moved on sold the house the buyer there but it's been four years and now the tree dies well that's because the Builder didn't AC adequately protect with tree but it's not bu's so that's why we have to have enforcement throughout the building process because it could even be one of the one of the subs that come in and like move it and then park the truck like so if since they're out there so frequently to inspect all of the other parts of the build at different at different points uh I wonder if we could you know add it to their uh awareness like that they need to to be on top of if the orange fencing isn't in place I didn't think about the under under carry I think it's a great point I think a lot of people like you know to your point like four years later they crush the roots and I I saw it in my own neighborhood and so and it takes so long that it's really they're going to be gone right and so now this ordinance requirement to do fencing around the trees that you haven't taken down and then and that's on the books so when we send people from the burrow out that's part of the part of the process so I I think it addresses as best as we can can you can't control everything all the people all the time but you can do do your best is my sense do we is it is it does it need to be said in the ordinance that if it's not adequate adequately protected that uh the their um I'm sorry guys yeah if they're in violation then their their project can't proceed until it's in place it doesn't say that you think that's something you could add not a bad idea they must comply or they yeah like throughout the bill Pro so do you want the attorney to review that yeah to make sure that um Iceland yeah absolutely um let's all just go there that's Chris right now so when the agenda for the council meeting Monday's council meeting without I can send you guys a link if you want to attend in person or link if you want to attend on to for when it's Workshop which is the beginning of everything it's be the beginning and the middle and the end probably I'm GNA try and be there yeah please come you know it's just been it's been very stressful um so you know more voices they better um and I I'd like to be able to say that I've got shaper commission support I know everyone abolutely happy but I think we did a good job of chopping it up and making the best that we could yeah abolutely and important thing uh is it's gonna hopefully get past it and get money coming in so Iceland um I know 900 ad a bunch of my ancestors left Norway and went to Iceland the first thing they did is chop down all the trees um there there wasn't uh any food there they were it was very cold uh so they literally to stay alive they ended up chopping down all the trees you know 900 years ago and the world kind of forgot about them the country um and so the first time I visited I was 1996 and I noticed that there were there were hardly other than a raiki VEC in the city there were no cities or no trees out in the Farmland um it's so long story short my good friend from business school owns a a fishing company makes the catches the little Arctic shrimp um and he wanted to be carbon neutral so we came up with a plan that's this chart is um to capture enough CO2 to offset his um carbon production for the shipping vessels and um what that chart is it's a 50-year chart and the graph of each of them is the amount of carbon that a um a Hector of trees which is about two acres captures over the life of the tree and if you're familiar with Calculus the integral is the area under the graph and so the idea is to plant the right mix of trees that over the longest period of time will maximize the area the gra there's only four species um that are viable there that fit this cotton wood the large the pine Spruce um and so it's 250,000 trees a year being planted there's about 10 years left to go we have a team of four Scotland and Estonia the planters that come they live there in summer I planted 30 trees in about an hour this yeares they're are they bare root I they like little light weight they're little you you it's a tree it's tall and skinny and it's in a plug of dirt and you just drop it in a tube looks like a bik tire pump thing you push it in the ground hit a button it drops down take it out take so many steps like another one take another step it's pretty fast so this thing dig digs the hole and interesting so if you ever go to Iceland I can get you a to of the tree very cool but it's fun fun they have um so one of the big impediments of of this movement is the Sheep it's like our deer they eat everything and so to plant the trees first you have to put fencing all around you know a thousand hectar and it's super expensive it doesn't have to be high though to be high but I have a picture I think I sent it to Mark Olson of the line of where the fence is the trees and then where the Sheep as they just eat everything and they're invasive they're trying to get rid of them buckets they don't eat them they yeah they eat the Sheep but there's that many yeah the Sheep Farmers they just let them go in the countryside they're not penned in it's sort of old yeah free range they are really dumb that's true I for that um but it's it's exci it's fun too you to feel like you're making a little bit of a difference and we were oh so the thing about this too is for the purposes of Fair Haven you know having by my mind constantly planting new trees is very good you have diversity of species you have diversity of Ages um you never know right like if we have a bunch of old oak trees and some disease comes through and kills old oak trees it's like having no under story and so um I think this ordinance will help facilitate that um you know constantly planting your trees I think is great you get the different parts of the curb you know some of it's steeper um so the four the four colors are different types of tre different species yeah Cottonwood large pine and Spruce the Cottonwood is the big one that jumps up really fast and then it kind of dies off so basically you're planting red green and blue is that basically the moral story C was the only deciduous tra what's that the Cottonwood is the only deciduous tree yes I believe so yes yeah I was wondering like in Rik what kind of did they have so they have some like I've seen Maple but it's pretty harsh climate you know so in raiky it's a little bit warmer and some protection from buildings and wind and stuff but this is like out in the countryside yeah it's on the side of a mountain basically and so it's a really harsh environment and it's also dark six months of the year so it's tough some of the trees are not native they had to get them from Russia because they could grow in that climate um interesting that's very neat I didn't know people would be so interested in this yeah I want to it's it's a fun to watch got to get that uh sh tree trust fun up so we um that Cur that curve is pretty uh that curve is pretty fascinating the um the what you described with the trees and the kind of maximizing the area under that curve that was pretty cool all right thank you Brian um GNA move on to any new agenda items for the next meeting cfmp the community plan okay have one question Jill Jill was asking us to look into I think grants for invasiv yeah was I I started Googling looked around and I think I contacted someone at inj and and sent some emails out I haven't got anything back yet it was just last week but I didn't see anything directly related to like getting grant money for an invasive species you want I don't I'm sort sort of posing the question are we aware that these grants definitely exist in New Jersey yeah I wanted to wanted to put that on the agenda maybe we can put it on for next uh next next meeting um but like you I I wasn't all too familiar with it and haven't really done any kind of I mean there was stuff about grants like even at the federal level about the you know a billion dollars but from Biden and stuff like that but it wasn't the more I dove into like New Jersey specifically and and looking around the different sites it was kind of point you to like and Jack and stuff like that and it didn't say anything about like specific to like we'll give you a grant of this if you give an heer XYZ Bas so I didn't see anything like that so I just want to make sure that they're out there well Kevin um Le you just volunteered to be our Point person on the invasive keep digging you want to keep digging a report put that on the there is a grants committee um and that's Michael D melli and Co I think um are the two Representatives I do know background I learned a lot about grants um the past eight months um it's a lot more complicated than I thought it would be sort of a first blush common sense it doesn't work that way yeah it's a process usually involves us matching so we have to have money for that and our budget is up to here y so it's not so easy to get it also the staff has to administer the Grant and there's paperwork required and do they have the bandwidth and I think we have several in the pipeline so my first reaction was oh some free money and then it turns out it's it's a process it's got a lot behind the scenes I think for now we should just establish if they even exist for that I'm pretty sure fron open space bohos is and there's this New Jersey Strike Force about invasives yeah I think that the I think that they W be out there I mean it's interesting our new B administrator um said he's brokee a bunch of Grants so he's familiar too yeah which is great there was a lot of stuff about grants being awarded for trees but they were being awarded to places like Newark like urban urban areas that are very poor that don't have a lot of f for that so I did see a lot of allocations of Grant Monies to stuff like that but the idea of them giving it to Fair Haven is kind of different and I think so I was just trying to figure out like it's worth pursuing if we know that this has happened before mind we'll put it on the agenda do a little more great thank you um we are good with cus chrisy but I think maybe we should should we put it on the agenda we're good till the end of the year we'll have to start again into January yeah I don't know if it's um or an agenda item this year then all right I can um circulate the report for next because it shows exactly who took them the credits so if you want me to circulate that for next meeting I can show that to you guys okay and I'd like to get um oh you put it on there the CF yep and be followed with Sherry regarding whether or not she'll give this I can follow there yeah yeah okay all right anything else anybody wants to think of adding all right anybody out there in uh whatever that is cloud space if you have a comments or question please use the raise hand feature on zoom and we will bring you over there are no public comments okay I make a motion to adjourn this meeting wait a second all right everybody work thank you see you next month um oober everybody good night thanks everyone