##VIDEO ID:8M_ZJFyxqk0## [Music] he called me while like 6:30 said he was just all right I guess we're going to start now um this a regular meeting of the fair Heaven Zoning Board of adjustment adequate notice of this meeting has been given pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act at the time of the board reorganization in January of this year the board adopted its regular meeting schedule for the year schedule was sent to and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 26 2024 and the two River times on February 1st 2024 that notice was also posted on the bulletin board in burough Hall has remained continuously posted there as required by the statute copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the buau clerk copy of the notice has also been sent to such members of the public as have requested such information in accordance with the statute adequate notice that been given the board secretary is directed to include this statement in the meeting minutes of the meeting sorry uh roll quote Please Mr here angel here Mr Mr for oh here sorry Walker Mr canella here Mr here and Mr leer yeah Mr leader is pending and he's on Route so we're going to start with a couple of admin items if you don't mind Mr much time as we can trou at all do the salute I don't have much unfortunately I wish I had more oh I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with first comes the wor uh minutes from the November 14th he is there he is I saw isues with the minutes so I'll make a motion to accept the minutes for the November 14 second yes yes yes yes okay um the only other thing on the administr is be any want to do that when did uh did you read you read I read the whole thing did you you read the uh the other introduction I don't have the other all right great let me read that just for the sake of read I was looking for the [Music] [Music] okay before proceeding with the formal meeting well for uh for the record you got me on that I shut up not with an as before proceeding with the formal meeting tonight I'd like to say a few words to the applicants or experts in the audience about the role and authority of the caran Zoning Board of adjustment the board is a separate independent Municipal legal entity and its limited Authority is specifically set forth in The Bard ordinances and the New Jersey municipal land law sad are judicial nature and the members of the board are on pap volunteers appointed by the mayor and Council zoning board does not the B land laws and regulations the B Council dides that zoning board does not enforce the land laws with the B Fair Haven this is the responsibility of the B code enforcement officer this board deals with appeals for Relief and the requirements of the B's land use laws for denial by zoning officer an opin is never entitled to a variance also known as an exception to the zon regulations of must be specific criteria required by the New Jersey municipal L's law and ordinances by satisfying certain required standards of approv the board has no authority to weave these requirements bur approv is always upon the applicant show that he or she is entitled to specifically requested the has Pro that a deviation from the regulations will advance the purposes of the ordinance and that the deviation would substantially outweigh any detriment to the Zone plan VAR ances relate to the future use of the land or non intended authorized to remedy temporary or unique personal situations um Shield please I'd like to get a series of copies made I'd like like you to have a copy of that i' like Doug to have a copy of that I'll take mine back eventually but we can do it and we can get back to it in January uh okay so we publicly announced that the um the goods matter is not going to be heard tonight not yet okay so uh I that we in case depends on whether there's notice because your yes chairman uh board members evenk the um unfortunately uh Miss cfone had a family medical emergency so she was not able to join us this evening we apologize for any inconvenience to the board uh we'd ask that it please be carried um I know the board meets on uh January 9th in 2025 however I have a conflict that evening um I also know the board Meats on February 6 when I have the mer of matter that evening so I don't know if the goods matter might be able to be heard on Thursday February 6th as well I will be here coincidentally the mer that what do we have scheduled right now we have two other matters on the agenda February 6 the car matter and the Gil um 125 Harvard that's coming back goes and what's on for January January we just have to reorder with an opening for anything from tonight that would potentially okay um so I don't have an objection to putting the goods matter on third for February but I you know just depending on how things be fourth fourth because there's currently three Mara park is there any way we can move anybody from there to January has anybody requested the febrary meeting no not if they've noticed already we could I could reach out and see if he want to put either one of those what schedule for March uh currently it's open uh Mr aens you can either sit and for 4 for February and we'll see what's going to happen um you won't if it's if it's 4th but if you're okay with the idea that Things fall out and maybe there's an opening otherwise it'll move tomorrow as we've seen this evening I saw last evening Three Bs in front of me and wall moved and I moved up from 4th to 1st so that's fine chairman February 6th please okay uh I'll make the motion to move the goods matter to the February 6 2025 meeting without any obligation to Renown thank you sir wave uh extension time act please we'll file that with board secretary yes sir thank you second Mr yes yes Mr canel yes Mr sh yes Mr yes all right ready good one uh if I could just just the shair yeah please just just to straighten out a fairly tortured procedural history but but just the same we did hear this back on July 11 uh substantial amount of testimony then the matter Was Heard carried several times and then heard again on October 21st um I understand that we have a couple of additional exhibits that I'd like to place on the record um and obviously we continue to have jurisdiction over this matter I would like to Mark as a7a plans that were revised on the architect revised as of November 18th 2024 um zb3 the uh CME report over the signo um July 29 2024 zb4 C report St down zb4 CME report of November 26 2024 the signature of Jordan Rizzo our last marking in October October 21 was a12 bringing us up to a12 are there any additional exibits that you may have want to offer that I haven't already read uh not at this time Mr Kats uh the architect may have some supplemental um exhibits that he's brought but I'd like to lay a foundation for them relative to Mr rizo's review letter let me do this anybody will rewear everybody just in case I don't recall who is K is our architect yes tesy give two hour dve before the board will be the truth the whole truth not about the truth I do okay again my instruction to you is as always before you start speing please tell your name for record so you know and can identify your voice if we have to make a transcript think that sounds good back to you chairman kind of recall board members that was just SP have been qualified as an architect both the July and October hearings previously obviously has been sworn um while he's getting set up um I'll just preface um the comments to say that uh the board had asked that we take a very hard look at the uh whether or not there was truly a need for the F variants in this matter we did take that hard look we eliminated the F variance the plans that have shown as exhibit 7A in front you reflect that there is no F variance the majority of the other variances have been eliminated uh that leaves just two variances the variance for the uh front porch filling in the front porch along the oak Frontage and then the existing parking along the willow Frontage um I'll have Mr spin provide a little bit more detail with regard to his revised plans good evening Mr good evening uh again Kevin SP n k from kanzan associate Architects at 21-00 208 South in charol New Jersey um we have revised the elevations as discussed I have uh new color renderings I would like to present to the board that you can actually see what the new house would look like A3 they have a date on them they do not there's just two color renderings um it is just a revise rendering from the previous renderings that we provided thank you okay um based on the last hearing the last meeting uh was really looked at it is how we could really reduce the size of the house to get us under the f um if we can turn our attention to the previous application the previous drawings that we had uh just for one second I'm just going to show you what we cut off of the house just so it's easy to see I highlighted it so it makes it easier and this is a comparison between what was previously presented and what's now shown as a7a can we just clarify when which take previously have we only seen a single set of drawings and this is now the second set or were there res third thir so this is what you presented the last time not the original time that is correct Y and based on that we look to doing was trying to cut more off of the first floor on the uh left hand side of the house so we were able to chop off uh 3 foot n off the side the entire length of it which is 20 uh 221 and cutting back in in this area so we were able to take this whole section off which added up to 107.2 Ft and that's existing right now that's existing that is correct we're taking an additional 107 ft off the first floor of the house M um currently the house is at 25 ft 4 in from the neighbor's house uh measured from corner to corner so with us taking the 3 fo9 off we're actually increasing our separation between the two houses uh to almost 207 on the new plan the the the first floor says 1678 and the new first floor is 1522 that's more than 107 is that the in total is that the you're taking off that is correct it's the total 7.2 ft that were taking off on that side of the house there I see 15 22.3 for the proposed first floor area from 60 and 78 1522 floor say 1522 this thing is8 that's more the last well yes because the ex 1678 but in the last time we did take off at the first floor the actual first floor was 16298 on the last because you were removing part of it last time I see okaying another got you thank you on the second floor we were taking the entire side of the house off side that we were bumping out completely off then put the front elevation back 2T on two sections so we're actually getting some more uh Dynamic movement on the front elevation and I'm removing another 5' 6 and 12 in off of this side of the house pulling it back so ultimately we're taking an additional 23.6 off the second Z so total I've removed 31.8 Square ft which gets us just under uh where we are are required to for the F in order to do that go to the new PL that first thing we did was we rotated the dining room moved the closets from the side over to this side so we were able to pull everything further into the dining room I rotated the front stair 90° so it's actually rotating up into the house rather than wrapping along the front I was able to pull everything in from this side the house that's where we're gaining that 3 foot n off that side of the house pull the the whole we also removed The Powder Room from this side and made what was the bathroom that was a private bathroom for the guest room now it is a bathroom for the entire floor so you lost the powder room but you gained access to that bathroom uh the guest bedroom now has access to it off the hallway instead that was the Crux of the first Flair the second floor what we did again we took off the entire side I pulled the uh walk-in closet in move the primary speed to the corner and put the bathroom between the primary suite and bedroom number two um again the stair wrapping up allowed us to open up and get a nicer sized laundry room at the front of the house and I switched the the closets around the two closets are at the end the bathroom still stayed in the middle between this the Jack and Jill for the two bedrooms ultimately we have now reduced the square footage we've increased um the setbacks on the side of the house um I believe the only variances that we're asking for now are the front porches that are expanding the existing non-conforming of the front P we're just expanding it across the front of the house and that's a fill in right that's is that a fairway to characterize that that is correct just an extension following the exact plane of where the exact current porch is just extending it across the whole house how short is it now meaning depth no how much width are we missing okay right now we were gaining one foot two on porch on this side and on this side we'll be adding 10 foot 10 10 foot on this side yeah 10 foot 10 so we're adding 12 ft to the total porch across ball fry and that's to make it symmetrical that is correct yep and as you can see in the color rendering provided it is a it's a very nice look it especially with the the hip roof and keeping a nice deed roof on this porch it really steps the house down to the ground and it makes it look smaller is is it fair to say that if you didn't do that that would not be a better aesthetical alternative absolutely it would not be as balanced that's for sure I think it looks good just my personal opinion from the r excent much more reduced in scale what was the original when we first we first discussed this in July what was total square footage that was originally the very first time it was near 32 I'm not I think approaching [Music] 33 33 3392 3400 do you have the front elevation on it the original the very original the very original I've got all three sets with me it's remarkable to me how the house now aligns with the look that the Zone calls for and I knew it when I saw it and I know that it has been incredibly difficult to get here but I'm so glad that we're here it is gorgeous thank thank you can I see the most recent elevation before before tonight this is what we are presenting tonight the last month's I guess elevation the middle one yeah the middle elev sorry from the October meeting that is this nothing was changed from the front you want to we reduced everything the back on this push the windows back yeah correct and and what we have done now is we've removed this portion here decreased this and then created a hip roof on the porch as well so the hip here sort of align with the hip on this side really flowest to house we've also pushed this section and this section back two feet and this s section back in additional five the hard thing that was done with the removal of the square footage that exists on the first floor to give you enough room for the second to make it all work but aesthetically it is it's it's working yes yeah it's working we have lost that the owners were looking for but it it doesn't I understand 500 square ft is not a small amount of square footage and uh there 600 squ ft is which come down in total I want to ask you about the notations on the plans I see a lot of really nice architectural detail I really like the standing seam roof is the proposal and the application um coming along with a commitment to actually make all of these aesthetic details part of this plan yeah that one next yes right oh yeah whatever it's easy for me to say it's the owner has to do it so yes so represent that the uh the architectural details that shown on the plans revised through November 18th 2024 the applicant will construct now there is still one item that was brought up on Mr uh on Jordan R's uh letter um and that is regards to Windows square footage and the percentage to the elevation so I created another um exhibit yeah another exhibit to show where the square footages are and the verifi that we have met the species that you need and how we will meet on one if let's hand it out first so Mr was there a particular elevation you there's two so there's the front elevation which is really the side it's onow I see the north North elevation which is the top sheet and what I'm handing out um I guess this would be a the South so chairman board members for the record the revision is intended to address uh Mr rizo's comment uh from his letter of November 26 comment 4B on as in bravo on page four the Willow Street front elevation and southern side elevation so North and South essentially have been revised to eliminate windows from the previous plan demonstrate compliance with Section 30- 7.7 D is in Delta which requires that each side of the house contain at least 4% is Windows alternatively if the applicant cannot comply the variance would be required the applicant is not seeking any further variances chairman we'll go through how how we going to do uh and I I've gone over this with Jordan on the on the phone so I just want to present it to you to make sure everybody is okay with what we're looking to do on the North elevation which is the willow side elevation currently the square footages uh of the elevation or what you will see highlighted in yellow on the sheet that I presented is uh 67.6 squ ft we currently have one window on this elevation which is 11.5 ft and there are going to be Windows within the garage door now to be on the conservative side a typical garage door panel is 2 feet so I assumed a 1 foot2 window by 3 foot6 long there will be four of them total in the door that would add up to an additional uh 27 point U sorry 16.4 Square ft which would get us 4.5% of this elevation by meeting the 4% requirement on this North elevation that is correct and windows in the garage door um what I've been told you count as part of the windows with regard to the first floor it would seem as though at best there would be room somewhere on the porch but then on the second floor there's there's there's a reason that you haven't added any windows on that second floor you've got backs of closets you have you have these two roof coming directly or this gable roof or hip roof coming directly into the side of the house so the only place I can put them would be in the corners here and here this is Complicated by the chimney okay these are both closets that are already there and I've already added a window in in the front and back of the house to the more prominent elevations so there are already windows in the closet there's no reason to put an additional window in the closet and at the very center in this area right here where I couldn't fit one is where where you probably want one that's the bathroom that's where the toilet actually is and I would love to put one over it but because of the roof there is no room to fit a window in that location okay what about sou South elevation again the yellow on the exhibit that I presented to you is the actual elevation of the walls and that adds up to 6891 Ft currently we are showing one window on this elevation right now which is in the primary bedroom um and that is 14.9 sare Ft so we technically are at 2.16% but what we will do um if the board uh foresees their approval on this uh we make a condition of approval we will add a second window to the master site um in the opposite corner so that the bed would be sitting between the two windows the next stands will be under the window that would bring us to a a grant of 4.32% so we would have nothing as a variance on that side we'll just add a second window here and and on the first floor that's your media wall in the great room first floor there's two built-in bookshelves on either side of the fireplace at this point in this room and on this end it is the uh guest bedroom and the bathroom the bathroom is the shower on that end so really is not uh prudent put a window in the shower um and at this end here there's already a big window on the front this is the only wall to put the bed on in that bedroom uh it doesn't make sense to put a window over the bed and the window that you're proposing to put on the second floor in the master doesn't complicate your floor layout it does notop elevation do little St one again that is the elevation that's facing directly to the neighbor's house so typically you try not to put the windows so I'm just going to throw it out because I I hadn't really focused on it until now that we're looking at it um is there a way to use any um siding detail in the elevation that faces Willow in order to create some visual interest I'm specifically thinking of a triangular pattern or something to create something other than the the start siding above the garage on the second floor uh again because of the push and pull on the house and the way the house actually lays out you can see it in the second rendering that we provided it is a very good view of that end of the house you really don't see it I mean this is a true the way you're looking at the house straight on you never actually look at a house straight on you're never looking at it in this elevation you're always going to see it in perspective you're always going to see it from eye level which is significantly lower down here this really isn't visible okay look I I certainly don't feel strongly about it but I would just throw out there that as you're looking at it you might want to do something to just make that a little more interesting and but I think your point is well taken this is shown at a mid level you're going to be a ground level I don't think it's a big deal and we do try to accentuate that with details such as the koal at the top as well as all the brackets that we'll be putting on down here it's just little details add on really nice did you get dimensions on the Cupa too koopula is 3 10 x 31 by 5'2 tall to the the actual top of the is the kual account towards your pention on that Elation I did not add it in it wasn't included so that's that technically would be more you can you um just add those dimensions on fion yep said 3 fo 10 by 3 fo 10 by 52 thank Mr R do you have anything further um at this point I really just have a few more technical comments um in my letter five would you agree with all those the main one being the dimension off of the neighbor to the cell I understand that you're removing portion of your house anything it's getting better yes it's 254 currently we taking off the house so if you could to show approxim Dimension does be a survey Dimension just so that in the future it's present plan they a knowledge thatly that we'll culate to that y thank you sorry what was that stipulation it's it's really just to address the comments in my letter um but this one was specifically 5c it's the setback to the principal structure on the adjacent property 25 25 foot separation between the two structures they testimony that apply show it on and we'll provide that on the plan I don't have further how about you Mr I have nothing further chairman board members we had entered um Mr hudack uh testimony with there are fewer variances so we stand by that testimony okay any members of the public have any questions or comments with regard to the uh good one application GS okay anything in closing MRI uh other than to thank the board for the opportunity to refine the plan and come up with something uh that obviously is very complimentary to this Zone and the requirement uh bulk wise as well as the traditional standards of floor area and um habitable maximum habitable floor area lot coverage and building coverage thank you Scot um last thank the previous one just visually I know this isn't part of what we do you know we're dealing with these set facts and and floor areas and things like that but there was something visually that hung me up it um it somewhere along the left hand side of the building just looked like a large block and um I'm just struck by how bringing the floor area ratio into compliance seems to have brought it visably into what I feel really does complement the rest of the neighborhood here um you know we discussed a lot how um have visible this houset to the town because of its location [Music] um and how the way that area is zoned and the the houses that are in the neighborhood changes on one side of Willow significantly to these smaller two-story almost Cottage sized houses um on the other side of Willow um you know much larger than older houses and on this stretch of Oak um more of the remaining ranches from the original development there but some that have been renovated and expanded um without really going up a full two stories with those um sort of floating um Second Story editions that are that are narrower than than the rest of the house um and I think this uh this new plan is uh I just am I'm surprised and happy about the way that bringing it into the floor area ratio brought it um just aesthetically into into the neighborhood really well that's it's hard for me to explain I guess but that's that's what I'm saying I I had a question I recall I'm sorry I'm out of procedure with the question but we had some discussion about a tree at the southwest corner is that Tre going to be remain now yes okay yep that's the reason why on the last application we actually pulled everything pull that notch in I wasn't sure what the new procedure that's fine would remain unfortunately the tree is it's a 4 foot 10 round or 4 foot diamer so it is a big tree um but it's only a few feet off the corner of the house so it is already by us pulling it back actually the RO a little bit more room to grow ex um first congratulations we started very early in the pregnancy and now here's the baby yeah no exactly um but you know it's been a process there's a lot of cor alars here it's been a process but I think the end result is something that um you know we could I mean to what Al said I mean the this design is H fantastic and uh uh for the piece of property in the town it is you know very visible area of the town I mean I think you know from the beginning to the end I think we're we're at a much better loal all around um and I think as you live in a house you're going to come to appreciate the bigger porch some of the artistic designs and we really appreciate the trade-offs that you did to bring it within compliance um so I have uh I mean I could not be more were enthusiastic about the this final product and again congratulations and tell your wife we wish her the best and the baby y baby Kevin yes how big n pound one first time on a public record there you go second time we're not getting Footprints up I agree with everything you guys said I think I think you did a great job I really I I love the proportionality of it all symmetrical um given where it sits on the lot I mean this is exactly why we do what we do and I um I think it's great for the town I have people coming up to me saying like I've been following you know such and such and and they just they really appreciate when all the effort comes together and something like this comes out of it so I think it's great and um congratulations anything else no well I certainly Mr Bak I I want to thank you I I think you did a terrific job guiding them I certainly want to thank the applicant Mr aens I think you've done a great job the whole team in figuring out what what made sense I also think that when we look at this relative to what these requirements are we see um why they are what they are but there there's a lot of architectural effort here um to make it work there's a lot of tricks that you're employing and they're all working really really well um so with that I'll make a motion um to approve um the good one application um the uh uh the uh uh the approval will be based on the truth and accuracy of the record um it will be based on the condition that we're going to add the window as discussed to the Southside elevation um I there's anything else right there's a stipulation about stipulation with regard to the notes on the relative to the architectural deta details the standing steam Roes the U the bracketing and the trim detail um the shutters and yeah yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr Le yes thank you very much you congratulations again and again H what do we have on no I knew you're I the softer side of I will see you next year to the it's not like Farmhouse thing RI on it merry Christmas everybody happy holiday see you next year see you next year my friend getting and it's actually the Ann second my b a big award the entire year was it a CO year you got the greater RS in Fair Haven area oh no no I got a CO era it was two years ago so we you just got in the Dr for a year how dare you stri all right Mr aens we're ready for you for Gil all right also can we confirm jurisdiction on this matter jurisdiction is been confirmed are there anything preliminarily by way of yes Jordan socks Jordan those are really cool socks thanks on my eyes CL do they both yeah right well done there's a no there actually two more um there's seven total checklist [Music] waivers um four of them are the standards there's three uh outside M County freeold to Conservation District County Health Department and then any easements C in which would be provided if it is applicable one of them is providing one of the check list itself I don't take exception to because printed it and buil it out original signed and sealed survey with raised seal I received a PDF copy of this to scale so I would ask that at a later date that be submitted file No Object to make that a conditional approval no objection and then the last one would be the uh the draft notice I don't person second to I think we're good we confirm that we have jurisdiction we took a look at the notes I a copy a copy of the not sure please okay would you like that now sure take care of uh this is my only this I mean would you like to see it this is my only verion the original with I'm sure I'm not sure I understand Mr did you not or what what was your issue with I don't have an issue with ited with the initial application we're good we're good we're good thank you um yeah sure go ahead I'd like to Mark the following exhibits uh that's A1 the Land Development application checklist and Zoning Board of adjustment application from part three as A1 architectural site plans four plans and elevation Three Sheets last devised to July 16 20124 as A2 uh image of survey of property one sheet prepared by Charles eell dated May 10th uh 2021 unrevised A3 uh zoning permit denial prepared by zoning officer dated June 25th 2024 that will be 84 uh zoning Board of adjustment resolution dated September 7 2020 sorry 2001 marked A5 color photographs excuse me color images of the subject property undated uh four Images A6 we have the CME report of October 4th 2024 over the signature jordo the zb1 zb2 will be the CNA report of November 26 2024 again jordano those are all of the exhibits that I have at this time there were going to be any more just mark them as we go along you're up to A7 as your next one A7 as the next one I can Cur thank you very much Mr Kat chairman board members Mark Akens on behalf of the applicants Alyssa and Raymond Gil III um ladies and gentlemen this is a Circa 1950s uh existing single family residents at 200 Oxford Avenue with a attached garage um Mr Mrs Gil reside in the residence with their three children and they propos a covered front porch with interior renovations to the first and second floors and um modest additions to increase the number of bedrooms from 3 to four um these additions are largely within the existing footprint front yard setback is presently nonconforming the resolution that was referred to as A5 notes that the setback in 2001 September 7 2001 was at 20 ft plus or minus for 30 ft it's required so that was established some time ago um we're proposing uh with our porch to be at 19 feet 6 in um the depth of that porch incidentally is 6 feet front to back so it's not a terribly deep porch um there's another variance um that's proposed for the air conditioning units today they are non-conforming at 5.5 ft we propose to move them farther away from the side yard uh so thereby mitigating the existing Conformity from 5.5 to 6.2 ft um in addition because the front yard area from the driveway and sidewalks is greater than 25% at 38% proposed that is technically a variance as well I think what's significant for this application is and again this is a lot that's almost 9,000 square feet in the r 7.5 so the key metrics here in the burrow right F maximum habitable floor area lot coverage and building coverage were all well within those four parameters which I think is is significant also for the board's consideration this evening is that while the maximum height of a structure in the r 7.5 is 30 ft we're at 22.8 so we're well below from a massing standpoint the the massing that's allowed in the r 7.5 so with me this evening um in addition to the Gill should board have any questions for them are is um Anthony canduras licensed and registered architect in the state of New Jersey anybody's going to testify step forward good just in case just in case all your right hand you all Solly swear the testimony for this board will be the truth all truth not the public truth yes my usual instruction when you start testifying before you say anything just state your name spell your last name for the thank you Mr aens yes this resolution with regard to the tunies the former owners of the property yes 2001 yes what does it do well what what happened here so it was to enlarge uh to extend a rear Dormer and to enlarge an existing bedroom in the rear front I I I don't I don't know it says it says rear well there is no Dormer in the front now extend a rear Dormer to enlarge an existing bedroom 47 ft so it sounds like if if you consider those together then it sounds like there was an existing bedroom that was enlarged via a rear Dormer in the rear of the structure that shed door that's on the back so am I reading this as other people are reading this that there were no new variances created by whatever modification happened in 2001 and this was simply a matter of uh moving through pre-existing nonconformities it seems H the conclusion one of the conclusions reached chairman is that the existing non-conformity will not be affected presumably the front yard set back the premises will gener generally be in Conformity with the surrounding premises okay now with regard to the front yard setback which wasn't in compliance in 2001 um you are proposing to effectively hold the existing line with regard to what is the current setback I'm going to let Mr Kor uh show that graphically in his um in his drawings as well as testified to it if that's okay all right so we're going to fiddle with the FR I want to understand exactly what the variances are that are triggered you talked about what you didn't need and the the fact weren't pushing up against some of the things we see a lot of but tell I know you need something for the driveway driveway the air conditioning units which we're in improving can I just clarify that real quick um yes they are improving they're switching size of the house also so currently they're on the North side they'll be switched to the South Side set back is slightly increased so so front driveway lock coverage uh uh air conditioning suppressors and the porch in the front your got it that's it than we don't know if the porch is changing how much it say 20 plus orus 6 in thetically but it's going to be exacerbated laterally yes side to side yes so today you want to refer to page seven in my letter there's a photo at the front of the house the measurement in existing conditions is to the railing okay the real back is probably more than 25 no no no I mean the railing sits proud of the of the step is that a real number Mr aens 25 25 27 on the nose to the house itself I think that's what 25.7 so the plus or minus 20 ft that's it's not shown but that's to the uh the r yeah if everyone does look at page seven of Mr rizo's letter that that shows you the front elevation and maybe that's a good place for Mr curas to to start would you like me to place his credentials on the record no we'll stipulate on Mr gor thank you very much thank you okay Mr gor your show Anthony condur c n d o r i s uh so if you look at the site plan and look at the the building you can see that there's various rectangles that are hatched and that is those are the areas of the house that are actually being expanded so it's it's an existing kind of a hybrid Cape house um has the upstairs has a very awkward layout it's got slope ceilings there's a very low Dormer in the front um not a lot of Headroom and a lot of spots so um the homeowners you know didn't want to do a major second floor Edition we just basically did a lot of tweaks to try to get a little more space up stairs and push out a couple spots to uh to create more battery space so the only actual expansion of the footprint is happening uh page the first Flore plan the expansion of footprint from a building standpoint is the SM that adding to the back of the garage other than everything stays on top of the foot of the house uh so in the on the floor you'll see we have an attached garage uh there's a there's one bedroom on the first floor and um there's a play room and a family room in the rear so for the first floor we just kind of move some walls around and change the kitchen around a little bit to to get more room uh and of course the mud room uh behind the garage allows them to have laundry this house does not have a basement it's on the crawl space uh if you look at the second floor again it's I I realized it's a little bit of a confusing floor plan but uh in the rear of the house you'll see that we expanded this one area in the back to create that third bedroom on the second floor this front bedroom uh right now has a very low ceiling if you look in the photos there's a dorm in it comes down you know proba like a 4ot height so there we just picked up the front of the house you'll see on the East elevation here um that's the front uh we we took that shed Dormer and put a Gable Dormer on top of it and we didn't go all the way up on the sides of the walls we still kept it low profile because we are maintaining the existing height of the house so I think this is a very low scale and very subtle change that we made here and that's still 22 ft still up 22 ft yeah 2210 plus or minus yeah okay um and then next to that new Gable that we put on is an is a shed dor that we expanded over uh to give room to that the master which if you go back to second I'm sorry not the master the master is in the rear um I'm sorry there's there's four bedrooms upstairs I AP take your time yeah be quick here don't be quick be thorough it's okay so um the front bedroom has this front section of the house has a very low ceiling height the roof just comes down and there's a there's a short knee wall so we picked up that that room there and that's why you have this expanded shed F let me go back to Mr ches the question if you could pull back the sheet that shows the first floor could you discuss the width of the porch yes we we established the depth at six feet thank you Mr I was going to say it's going to take but I was waiting for Mr cond yeah so the the dep on the board sorry could you trace it for the board just trace it with your finger oh the diens is a column in the way can you see it just it's all it's all right we're good yeah it's it's out 6 feet and it's 19' 4 in wide okay so it goes across the it's a little bit less than 120 right okay to quantify and it ties in with the with the roof line above it and kind of balancing out I think the ports is in attractive into the house rather than just front door and is it essentially all this one elevated platform whole thing is a step down and there's no raing it does not require any ra but the whole the whole thing is essentially to step down yes yes what's the height of that what's the height of that that one long slap there uh it's up the porch yeah yeah it's actually uh it's about 6 in so I I stopped there for a second because it probably willon require a step but we will recess it into the porch to maintain the frep back can you tell me what the and maybe just the way I'm looking at it what's the dimension of bedroom 2 why don't we talk about let's go to the porch this go on the porch so I I want talk about the porch cuz 6 ft is absolute bare minimum and dropping a step into the porch creates the potential for a dangerous condition are you only proposing to do that because you don't want to ask for a variance actually we wouldn't get a variance right you get the first that's right just you get the first six inches well no but the actual overhang of the porch is technically being measured in this case oh that's right yeah oh goes to the over it goes to the the furthest feature above okay that's six High so you ring it be that if it's a cover porch the porch itself te so the roof overhang is going to be count be set backt over the well the setb back's 30t so the whole thing is inside of exctly and when you're exacerbating it in any direction both horizontally laterally it's all going to be you're going to need it regardless are would you would you prefer step in front it up to it 100% okay so in that case it would be the face of the second the second Riser right which would be the face of the porch so there's no there's no separate second Riser that's the porch itself correct just just so everybody understands the minute you drop that step back you you've got on both sides you've got a a trip Hazard going down and in you've only got six feet and by the time you add those columns you're going to have five or less right you've got you have roundings yeah uh no no roundings no okay so so that's good so it'll be usable but I I really feel like you're cutting it too thin to push that step back but why do you need a step if it's six inches how how high are your steps no there'll be there'll be one one tread in front of the porch which normally doesn't count in the setback although the whole thing is in the setback I guess so that's the issue no I'm just saying from vertical stand point if the platform itself is 6 in no the platform no it's six it's about 16 in oh okay Oh I thought I heard six inches yeah okay that's so so let's a little F tap the break for a second so let's re let's regroup so from the existing grade to the top of the 4 floor that's 16 in I I can give you more accurate number if you want if I can would you scale it yes please just let's let's have our record be thorough try to do that thank you the the the front elevation looks as though there's almost a bite out of the front yard to place that second step down in but your Gres higher to the left it I could have imagined it only being six in without the existing grade yeah it doesn't look that high that's why let's just get it accurate I don't I don't think that it's material I you're not asking for a lot let's just get it right right well you know our drawing sometimes we don't have the grades shown accurately so I'm looking at this photo demonstrations I don't know what this is in your package you look A6 A6 you've only got two steps as it is and it looks like that one dropped and that's all flat across so I don't know if that's right so yeah there's two rals here about six or seven inch and that's all we would need if we had to add something we would only need one the almost Lev with first yeah it drops right exct it comes down right yeah that's my bik can you give us the height why don't we just start back with yeah could you could you scale off the height between existing grade and the proposed right top of the keeping in mind that the existing grade does sort of slope up as you move to the left here well take take the lowest spot I think that's what we're concerned about so yeah in front of where the porches the way it's where you see it on the plan we're at about 15 in 15 from the lowest grade okay yeah so then if you had one step at seven and a half that Bridges the gap between top of the porch floor and the existing grade and we're not proposing to change the existing grade of the front yard right no no what and what's the average depth of a tread you do you think uh nine and a half is the minimum but probably 10 it' probably be 10 okay so that's just so whatever that number is on here it's just going to come out by that okay all right go to 10 Ines so chairman does that uh does that answer the questions with regard to the porch dimensions and the potential configuration of the porch yeah the the the balance of the porch is intended to be in line with what is currently the top of the stew yes yeah I think we're close enough okay uh do we want to go back to the dimension of the bedroom number four the question it justs this looks very small maybe I'm reading it yes they are they are fairly small could you scale those off for the board yes the front you about the FR no the back number two is by V number two is 116 by 9' 6 okay yeah I just couldn't read the numbers so the existing square footage is B I can't read it's too small this squared footage is 1970 1,970 and what's the proposed is 2311 where is where's all that square footage exactly I know we've got a mudro but it isn't that big is it where's all that well you know when when we LIF the we added volume to the house up on the second floor but but the way that we're measuring now are you is it the 18 in and you were excluding it on the existing and now you're coming up so now it's coming in right okay but but everything is within the existing perimeter short the mudroom in the back that is correct but you you it's the air area to the bedroom 2 the mudroom and then the proposed second floor addition the primary bedroom's in addition that's that's neware okay yeah but not really no no no because they have they current it's currently existing with a roof that comes way down just the doored it's just the door increasing the volume why don't we walk the board through why don't we walk the board through each area of the house that adds to the square footage that gets us from 1970 to 2311 I think the best place small compared to that but on page one bottom left you have your actual diagram say I can't read it if it says yeah on the lower left of page B1 you'll see uh when you jump when you go from existing to proposed two second floor diagrams that are right on top of each other you can see that we we added that bedroom the primary bedroom that one section exactly that's new but that's within it's within the footprint within the footprint but that's new second floor SC correct so so the mud room is like 97 sare ft it looks like here right and then the most of it's on the second yes okay yes so it's just under 300 on the second floor and just under 100 on the first floor 97 and 96 square feet respectively or 300 296 I didn't yeah you're close yeah yeah it's right yeah all right for three variances front yard back with regard to the porch right yes just talking about talk about the driveway talk about the compressors yes so the compressors moving those from side to side that's correct yes and and do we have an enhanced side guard setback to begin with for this property right 16 is required and we're at 19 and change for a total for a total yes we're at 19 for a total and we have 62 and2 ft of Frontage where 60 ft is required in the r75 right right we got extra depth too right we 143 where 100 is required in the r75 correct 100 is the death required we at 143 why are you relocating I understood you're saying you're moving one side to the other uh we were try we were trying to improve the condition it's and they have a yeah they have they have a walkway on the side there it's that's in the way okay what about moving it to the back if you're going to spend the money to move it why not move it to the back well you you'd wind up putting it in the useful area of the backyard here that you were trying to get them away from the rear of the house um so yes we could have moved them to the back but it was more desirable to put them on the side we thought we'd be improving them I wouldn't want in the back there's a small p is there another space that can you move to on the same side without so the walkways more usable without on the side where they are now yeah the side where currently ex no you wouldn't be able to avoid the walkway any anywhere along that wall okay okay yeah I see and that's the mud room so it makes it even narrower there yeah okay yeah pretty small so with driveway driveway so drive away right so the uh we are short on the the percentage that you would need for the uh well we need three parking spaces that are supposed to be behind front set we can't meet that condition the way there way that the driveway we have one spot in the garage but the driveway itself is in front of the front Seer is it just the parking or is it the driveway cover percentage the variance is the percentage the waiver is the part okay so all right I got the waiver let's talk about the percentage in the C so we're not U Mr Cur we're not adding to the size of the drive are Notting nonform it's a factor no it's a factor of the front yard shrinking so this because of the porch yeah the the front yard strengths so your denominator shrinking right it presently conforms uh I don't I live presently conformance but it's getting worse okay so it's it's driveway area over front yard area front yard area being everything in front of the house how how much driveway we have I can't tell even on the survey there's 267 by I don't know what the width is that's the depth the depth is 267 I'm going to ask U the gills if they might know approximately what the depth of what the width of the garage is excuse me the width of the driveway is too far side by side it's 18 ft yeah I see 95 but that's not the whole that's only one I is indicating approximately 18 FTS we can park two cars we're not proposing a change at all it's the existing condition the conditions being exacerbated by the fact we're losing front yard not not proposed to be changed at all it's it's it's buffered on each side by block curving no change proposed you agree with here's comments it's simply a fact through decreased front yard it's purely because of the porch That's the only reason reason right okay right there there's no other reason for the variance right okay I have a few questions Just sh my uh the survey we received is dated 2021 um you just represent if that survey is it remains accurate nothing else has been installed constructed yes and I've got the one that I'm looking at is actually sealed now so I can provide that as part of the record as well just referring to it in the presentation but I'm happy to leave it Mr part of this one seal does come out too often but the ordinance requires sidewalk along front in 12 properties um and it also goes on to explain that the burough engineer will review the applicability and ultimately Pally calculate fee or so I would ask that you just contact the buau engineer to see if that would beable we'll make that contact Mr and if he requires the contribution in Le of the sidewalk we'll make the contribution consistent with the ordinance there's no sidewalk on the side of the street no sidewalk on the side of the street no sir and then U we want to have it just R this out yeah do that and then have you considered um installing a drywall at all so we have some testimony on that um and can you review the So currently uh we didn't do the Excavating to see what's there but there are two on on the garage on the corner on the front corner of the existing garage and the rear corner of the existing garage there are two gutters that go into a pipe that we don't know where it goes on the opposite side of the house there's just leaders that go to dat so um we we can review try to determine whatever's down there and um figure out if we need to add anything or we can connect the other two and find out what's we don't know exactly what's there we we didn't install them but apparently the two lers on the North side they go to some kind of an underground facility the two leaders on the South Side do not so we can see if we can connect them and find out what we've got there with further investigation but there is some kind of a system there presently chair that that investigation alone might cost you a percentage of what it will cost you to put in a drywell is there is there room in a desire to install a dryw in the rear to take the leader water and put it under if the if the board wants that to be done we could certainly do it the the increase in building coverage here is the front porch and it's the the mud room everything else would be above the right that's what we're talking about yeah the is actually above an existing slate patio so there's no we know no impervious increase that do we know if there are any drainage engs currently are there any standing water anything like that we're not aware of any no no um and and again you know in terms of some of the the metrics that I referred to in my in my opening you know maximum building coverage here is 35% um we're going to from 17 to 19 and change so we're we're well below that in terms of Maximum lot coverage uh 45% is the max we're going from 32 to 335 so here again as I shared in my opening remarks you know we're well below these traditional metrics uh in VAR zoning ordinances the board requires it certainly we we do it but we think it's a DI Minimus increase overall it is it is it's I can't always say that it's objectively true but it's nice to say nice to be able to say hav agre my personal take I don't think it's a b of increase to warant my I don't either then will you just address the balance of my technical comments one of those was providing the survey which was already agreed to yes the others be discussed verbally we have no problem stipulating to those Mr R consistent with your letter November 26 2021 thank you thank you okay anything further mrri nothing further chairman anything further from the board okay uh any members of the public have any questions or comments regarding the application okay um anything in closing nothing in closing chairman other than thank the board for its consideration of the application on behalf of the guil family uh I um I I like getting dryw whenever we can get them I don't think it's right to try to require them um when an applicant has not uh profer to do so and I don't feel that here uh I think the front porch is important um I think that the front porch is appropriate I think we should give them room for the step so that they can have use of all of it um it's it's all minimal I don't have anything further I think it's obviously a sound plan yeah I got nothing further to add I think the plan visually is a big improvement over what's there and function as well and uh I with Mr leader so long as we get the proper number for that set back and we give them the extra step they get it's only a 6ot port so that extra step is going to make a lot mhm y I don't think that the driveway percentage is exacerbated because the front yard shrinking is not well it's shrinking but only by that step right but percent is going to be the same because they what's that the you're you're adding six feet of porch on the existing stoop is not 6 feet it's not okay so whatever that Dimension is is what your front yard is the percentage is not changing because because the driveway is not getting wider so everything in front of the front yard setback is the front yard you're not changing the width of the driveway so so the the percentage can't change I I think that the Delta between that being right and wrong is whether or not the measurement is from the front yard setback or from the setback requirement I believe I took it from the front of the house not necessarily we measure the front yard to the house it's okay in the end it doesn't matter it's the front yard which is the the portion of the front yard the front yard is entirely in front of whatever the setback is so as long as the width of the driveway doesn't change yeah you're not changing the percentage you're just shrinking the universe yeah yeah okay no variance is triggered or right it's I'm going to propose we clean it up yeah regardless I think that the point is well taken and I think if there was concerns about it I think it might be material but I don't think we have concerns about anything else no out of motion I'll make a motion then to accept the applicate to approve the application as submitted based on the truth and accuracy of the record um we need to get the the correct front yard set back though with that extra with the extra step I mean so it's 19.6 now um we can say 10 in we can say foot you could just say 18.6 and then that gives us little flexibility on the tread size you to do the alternative to the [Music] uh here's what I would suggest I would suggest that you go home you sketch it you send it in and by the time we get to the resolution we and write it down sure the idea is that you're going to have your six foot porch across the front and you're going to drop a step in front of that so that you get full use of the six feet your step should be what you feel like you need it to be don't make it n and a half if you want it to be 12 okay thank you then conditioned on the submission of the I I think that their motion is to approve it with the front yard set back at a number that'll be set at time of the resolution to permit to step in front of the court what do you say than yesel yes Mr for yes yes yes thank you very much ladies genten thanks a lot good evening happy holidays everyone keep waiting for Ridgeway my to say he's in a snow drip somewhere did I contract yes all right so we're just going to ask you to just sort of exit quietly Mr we only have one L thing which is uh the discussion about the 2023 a year late and your report Mr for y so Marty and I actually spoke this morning about it we are unless anyone has any other feedback we got a lot of information from Sheila she's compiling a little more we're g to put something together I think we're also going to just bang out the 2024 one right after this ends because we're so late into it anyway as well and then they won't be hanging over our head that's terrific that's a great idea it's pragmatic and I like that yeah so we're going to take care of that um and then yeah that's what we're going to do so Mar chill I think Marty's gon to reach out to you um for some of the other stuff to compile and we're going to work on and get a lot of the good data and hopefully get a really good uh really good report together so and then 20 24 will be pretty much a breeze honestly might as well just bang it out thank you so yeah good so when you get that stuff together I think that we should take and uh set some time on an agenda in early 2025 to review to no no to see what what all that leads us to in terms of making some suggestions to the planning board the Master Plan update oh 100% yeah that'll give us a really good opportunity to focus on it I agree um Marty and I are going to sit and try to draw some conclusions if there are any from the data and then we can uh we can report those as well and that'll help if there's anying uh things like voting districts or anything else we want to and given the Master Plan update it's going to be Master planie should say it's p the 2024 rep com yeah yeah that's great that's great okay anything else public comment yeah public comment what's up Tracy thaning yeah we good to see you all thank you's back thousand say was so moved by the design of that house he was like it's not even everything's in the front yard it wasn't even design without me it was just that the wide universe of the law coming together and supporting a better design I know so so think about it this way right so on one level it is completely accidental and and just happens to be that it comes down to that number and with the design things it feels and looks right right but on the other side but on the other it's obviously not they're obviously targeting the number but on the other side of that it shows you that it works can be research well when you came up with those numbers and then when they conform to them eliminate the variances and you can't get to 12200 ft on the second floor unless you remove space from the first floor which is the problem with those ranches they're roughly 18 to 2,000 ft and you can't just add another story you got to get creative and and you have to do the hard stuff which is maybe pull out you can't here at least you go to some other places you slap another not in this Zone and that was the problem personally I think it looks better the old one was just it looks better it's a Cornerstone piece everyone sees it every day it's going to be beautiful if they do the Landscaping like that it's it's classy thing with the chi they did a very nice job yeah it really is very nice yeah it's great um you need to go to architect for that though I mean technically it won't it wouldn't work but I mean you could you could really a lot of things I mean he did a very nice job so he did a great job but you had an applicant there that was willing to listen wanted the house wanted to figure it out and cooperated and and you know compromised yeah you that 600 sare F feet they I'm sure that was hard to do it's a lot it was hard to do but they'll be very proud of that yeah very proud okay any else motion of Christmas second all in favor I thanks is that hell is that a oh my God look at that my friend Pat power would you join in the 40s my my old neighbor Pat power is a real estate appraiser and he was going through his stuff when he sold his house he says