##VIDEO ID:8hyeCkzE1c4## good I like love itar I know Shannon Happy New Year really H I [Music] got no see that's what she does every time she's proba don't care I don't care I'm teaching all of my students in my AA classroom to tell time on an analog you really should because I don't know how every time I look at my like my watch I don't know why I can do it on my regular watch I I cannot figure it out on my my students that's easy I learned that on Tik Tok that's easy no it's not well how am I gonna get all my recipes Pinterest do we only have one of these okay because I had two what I two now we need a teacher for it they probably they probably were going through yeah but I knew L's learning for third grade do you have a kitchena mixer for every child that's what we can use with the extra the cafeteria cafeteria every kid gets a kitchen to learn to turna does that mean that my that would be awesome I fac you can't do facilities no it has to be kitchen related it has to be within the kitchen like you could do stoves and stuff right you can do equipment you can do stoves anything with the walls and the windows you can't do can't call State you mean Leon Le good evening good evening and welcome to the organization meeting for the Board of Education it is 7:30 pm I would like to call the meeting to order roll call Mr baldowski here Dr berini pres Miss Brown present Mr Miss fich pres Miss Mrs Mayan present Mr Rosenberg Mr spendel Miss Yurman we have a quorum okay the New Jersey open open public meeting law wased to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of of and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Faron board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof distributed to the persons on the approved list posted in the Board of Education administra administrative office and sent to the Bergen record in the Star Ledger the announcement posting for the organization meeting along with the date place and time thereof was distributed on January 5th 2024 can we all stand for the flag salute Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the results of the the annual School Board elections held on November 5th 2024 were as follows Mr baldowski 7,194 Mr iella 4,768 Mr Santana 4,695 Mr Banta 4524 miss pascar 3,618 miss corala 3,489 miss t tulchinsky 2855 based on the results of the following members were elected for three-year terms Mr baldowski Mr Elia and Mr Santana at this time Mr kamgno will administer the oath office to the newly elected Board of Education members e e and that I be true faith and Allegiance and aliance to the same to to the same and to the governments and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and this state and and the state under the authority of the people under the authority of of the people so help me God so help me I state your name I do solemnly swear do swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for the office of member of Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to RS 1941 to RS 1941 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense or off listed in listed in in njsa njs 18a 121 18 a 121 and that I will faithfully and faithfully impartially impar and justly andly perform all the duties perform all the duties of that office of office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations congratulations congratulations a picture okay sure thank you family members got your pictures we'll do a roll call of the new board Mr baldowski here Dr berini present Miss Brown present Mr Elia here miss felich present Mrs Mayhem present Mr Rosenberg Mr Santana present Miss yman present we have a quorum now I would like to take nominations for president of the board I nominate myself for presiding of the board a second no second is needed oh but will be noted thank you name nomin I'd like to nominate Julie Mayhan for president I would like to um Joe balowski nominate Joe baloski for president I second I will respectfully decline the nomination thank you Mr vich okay so we're going to take a vote on the nomination for Mr Wilkin Santana as board president point point point of information yes uh can we uh say a few words before the vote that's according to the Robert's Rules that's permitted the if I may yes take 30 seconds only the uh vote sir on your nomination first because it was I a point of information is that according to last year and I remember it quite vividly it says it doesn't say we could or we can't that's what the policy says so why can't we make a new practice since it's a brand new board can we have a board vote no vote other than a vote on the nominations and we're going to move to that now so Mr sana's nomination yes Mr baldowski no Dr berini No Miss Brown no Mr Elia no Miss faich yes Mrs Mayhan no Mr Rosenberg Mr Santana yes Miss Yurman yes vote does not pass roll call vote on the nomination Miss May yes Mr Bowski yes Dr berini yes Miss Brown yes Mr Ilia yes Mrs fich no Mrs Mayhan yes Mr Rosenberg Mr Santana yes Miss yerman no motion passes I will now take nominations for vice president like to nominate Joe Bowski for vice president anyone else okay roll call please Mr baldowski yes Dr berini yes Miss Brown yes Mr Elia yes Miss fich no Mrs Mayhan yes Mr Santana yes Miss yman yes motion passes okay congratulations [Applause] this portion of our board meeting is specifically for comments on resolutions listed in tonight's agenda when speaking please state your name and Municipality of residency do not give us your full address it's not necessary uh specify which resolution you are addressing limit your remarks to three minutes state law prohibits board members and administrators from discussing Personnel matters student discipline or other confidential issues please note this is not a dialogue or Q&A session between speakers and the board while we may not respond to immediately or to every comment meet tonight all input is carefully considered and helps inform our decisions responses may come through emails reports board statements website updates or the after the comment period ends thank you for your participation in our school communities governance the floor is open to the public is there anything on the Google meet Google uh form there are no comments the floor is closed I will now open the floor to board member comments on agenda items Miss felich so I'd like this what I'm want to read right now is corresponds to the board agenda code of ethics I wrote an email to Mr janio on November 24th 2024 at 4:37 p.m. and I said Mr denisio I have [Music] doctor continue I would like not to be interrupted you can say your comments after I speak I have repeatedly expressed my concern about the emotional abuse I've experienced at the hands of the board president particular to her uncontrollable Outburst I generally fearful of my physical safety which is why I have limited my inter interaction with her as much as possible last week I attempted to communicate with her via email in the hopes of a different outcome however the same day during the most recent board meeting which is no in November she began shouting and demeaning me in public I chose not to respond as I have have feared she might physically harm me unfortunately this is not the first time in the past two years that I have felt unsafe because of her inability to control herself thank you for your understanding sincerely Rita I have said multiple times to this board I feel unsafe and what does the board do I elect someone that makes me unsafe by screaming at me yelling at me and I'm not the only board member there are three other board members that have been experiencing the same and the it seems based on my experience those three board members have two things in common they have accents and they were born in another country I believe that this needs to stop I should feel safe in any in the school district and I should feel safe to communicate my feelings and my thoughts in addition I would like to say during the board last board meeting a a former board member walked out of the of the meeting and pointed to a member of the audience and said you're a loser end quote this doesn't seem like proper board conduct we're talking about code of ethics this is a brand new year and I'm hoping this brand new year there will be a change and that everyone should feel safe when they're when they're into when they're at this board meeting also I would like to bring up um it seems that that past un past practice for the past six board for the past six years board members with that were born in another country have been overlooked for leadership positions and and board members with less board experience were given leadership assist I would like this practice to uh to be completely eradicated this year because this has no place in Fair along my other concern on this agenda is September 25th board meeting the 202nd to the 24th the the school is closed due to the Jewish holiday so I'm asking if we can move the September's board meeting for a week earlier so that it doesn't since schools are closed the board com uh the questions to the agenda and everything seems going to be very confusing so I'm asking uh for the board to consider changing the September meeting to one before and lastly we talk about um advertising in the newspaper for um the the board board meetings I and one of them is The Herald news I was hoping we can advertise in the fairon newspaper and also in the fair long calendar for the following year thank you Miss Gman so um on 7B the September meeting I also have a concern the most religious Jewish holiday is on September 23rd and 24th and the next day would be and the school's closed and the meeting would be on the 25th um there's no time a to prepare we're not honoring U the holiday of rashash Shana which is a very sacred holiday in the Jewish religion and um I don't care if it's the week before or the week after but even if we had it on the 25th there's absolutely no preparation for um for any board for the Jewish board members to be able to prepare um to ask ask questions or look at paperwork because of the solemn holiday it's it's a new year holiday but it's a solemn holiday to recognize um a Jewish holiday that has been on our calendar probably since day one um uh so I would um like to make a motion to change the September 25th um board meeting to U the the week after or before or before anybody can input week before or week after but definitely not on that day second before okay before before it's fine okay so before it's F yeah I would recommend that if we want to make that change that I agree the week before because otherwise it'll be too long of a stretch without board action in the month of September it's a busy time so I would recomend week after is actually October it's October 2nd yeah oh yeah that's fine so we should just just adjust that verbally here and we could adjust that on the agenda and then we'll make that notation so that way we could put it down as a motion in a second board we had a second or oh oh yeah what do you think administra is comfortable okay that's fine okay is that good yeah perfect thank you appreciate it and then I just have one other thing again it's a same thing that Reed is talking about um the heral news uh covers news in csex county and I think parts of uh Morris County uh nowhere near FAL one and I and we had this problem two years ago when we were trying to have the notices in The Shopper except at that that year they did not they stopped taking notices now whether they're doing it again I don't know but we W want to look into that but I would rather um Go With The Star Ledger than to go with the newspaper that nobody in Bergen County reads so i' like to make a motion to um change it from the star from the Herald News to The Star Ledger to have our meeting notices I second that and point of information uh the Falone newspaper does have a classified [Music] section discussion there would be discussion because there is a motion on the floor um so we are going to open for discussion on the motion and I will just let everybody know that there was a new law just signed in providing temporary relief for posting of Public Notices so we are going to actually have to have this discussion um right now there is relief for Bill s- 3957 A- 5151 that was signed in by Governor Murphy on December 31st which um is providing us the opportunity for a bit of relief from January 1 to March uh March 1st so that um as some of our newspapers are shutting their um doors on paper copies and printing um we have to find an alternative so we will be having this discussion again um but I just wanted to give you that that information so you have it as we're discussing this motion did you want to speak or were you just about to say that I was going to say that since I wrote an article on it just this morning um um but also the Star Ledger is defunct as in three a month yeah oh hence why they they uh released this this bill um so so what we are able to do per this bill is um consider posting public meeting notices on an online version of newspapers uh that newspaper met the requirement for uh the 2024 so we do have that option now say vage how about we post it on the F newspaper everybody gets it in this the community newspaper it has a classified section so why can't we post it everybody gets it in town it's a paper copy most people read it so it's actually a good way to advertise our meetings and also I understand it's too late because they printed the calendars for the fairon the community calendar but I think if we could approve the meetings earlier or some other time we can actually have it where they post their meetings we can actually advertise in the actual calendar of the Fairland calendar so so right now we can table the conversation about um the actual calendar that's provided by fairin so that we can discuss currently um the motion on the floor the motion on the floor is to change the newspaper from advertising in The Herald News to the community newspaper that goes out in the mail to in to Falon residence or the Star Ledger which well we Star ledg right yeah I know but that was what was propos Mr Santana before I I um opine on this I would like to hear what the U superintendent thinks about this um we are going to change because the her news is going out of business so you know I would like to know what the superintendent thinks before I this hi uh I don't have an objection uh to The Herald news I um would have no objection to modifying that to removing that as one of the Publications we still have another newspaper um I think that would satisfy our requirement all right so um so then I I'll support the motion but I respectfully disagree that the community newspaper that everybody reads it uh we all do respect in Fair LA actually a lot of people do not read that paper that's my my personal opinion and um as a matter of fact they stopped uh covering fairon and they included many other towns and they barely cover Fair loone there's probably one article about fer loone and this is why you have a lot of online newspap online uh newspapers such as the top news and the patch who fill that Gap so I would like for the the that Community uh newspaper to actually give ferlon more respect and cover the town widely uh because they're not doing it the proper way and for us to give them a lot of uh funds in fees and for for them not to CER them properly I do not I I do not feel comfortable with that so I will refer to the recommendation for the superintendent Miss Brown um so I just want I'm asking like a clarifying question uh it would it be possible then because I was kind of feeling the same way I know my community newspaper is now mulch on my on my on my street after the rain but um I know that I read I like the idea of getting it the information out into in something that we read and I get a lot of emails from the patch does that new think it does okay so that doesn't give us any leeway tap into and the patch are not printed papers okay so that was my question I didn't know if that that bill gave us any leeway to use them for clarification The Herald news is pic County not Morris County it's also the same publisher as the Bergen Record okay point of order um The Herald news I read about my brother in susex County he's a he's a not disagreeing but it is primarily P County it is the same publisher as the bur King record but but it's not it's not Bergen County and it's not fair one and I don't need to call my brother in Sussex County because I don't have a subscription to ask him when the meetings are or anybody else in this room or in our community it's too far out of our reading readership area and I would and if if the Shopper has changed and again it was discussed two years ago and they were not accepting ad these type of ads if they are doing it again um I think we should we should you know ask for f Falone Community News to have it printed why spend money on Herald news when nobody in Farland is going to read it I spend the money call the question no um point of point of order uh M um Madame President I would like for every board member here to that wants to have an opinion on this topic to be heard that would be respectful to all I I hear you Robert's Rules does state that in order that when a member calls the question we have to call for roll call okay roll call roll call Mr balowski no Mr [Music] that's clarification wait did we're voting on what clarify the motion thank you the motion is to change the newspaper from The Herald News to the community newspaper or the Star Ledger so that was what you originally said so amend your motion say okay so I want to amend my motion to say Harold change the Harold News to if to the fair alone Community News as um advertising of of meetings okay who had the second me yes are we may president yes are we certain that the community paper accepts these notices it says it says classified section they do have a classified section okay okay okay all right so let's begin the thank you let's begin the roll call a new okay Mr baldowski no Dr berini since I did want to speak on this topic I will vote no Miss Brown no Mr Elia no Miss fich yes is to agree to change it correct yes Mr Rosenberg is okay m Mayhan abstain and Mr Santana since the superintendent did not have a problem with this motion yes and Miss yman yes motion does not pass Miss yman are you finish with your comments okay Mr Santana good evening everyone this moment is not about Personal Achievement it's about the needs of our children and the future of our community I want to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to the residents of fom for entrusting me with this significant responsibility it is truly an honor to stand before you today as a member of the furom Board of Education I want to extend heartfelt thanks to my family friends and supporters who are here tonight for their uning encouragement and and believe in my vision for our schools Fong is a vibrant diverse community and our schools are its heart as I I am reminded of the values that brought me here the importance of inclusivity the commitment to standing against hate and the mission to provide every child with a safe supportive environment where they can strive education is the foundation of our future with over 20 years of experience as a teacher and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within our schools I have seen firsthand the transformative power of thoughtful leadership and collaboration I am committed to championing initiatives that prepare students for tomorrow's challenges I am committed to supporting policies that are in the best interest of our district Empower our superintendent and prioritize increasing student achievement for all Learners this include ensuring that every child whether an English language learner a student with gifted and talented or any other unique background has the resources and opportunities they need to thrive equally important is fostering a a learning environment where students feel safe supported and motivated to achieve their full fullest potential more importantly we must Foster a culture of respect like starting right here on the board understanding and support ensuring every student feels seen value and empowered to succeed to my fellow board members I look forward to collaborating with you to serve the best interest of our student staff and communities I don't care how you vote after the vote we we still have to work together before the vote or after the vote uh transparency accountability and partnership will guide my Approach as we work together to navigate the challenges ahead as we embark on this journey I am filled with hope for what we can achieve together furlong's greatest strength is its people parents Educators and neighbors and people that don't have kids in the school system also who are united by a shared commitment to providing the very best for children finally I would like to extend my deepest than to my wife in the Army we've been married for almost 20 years and my daughter Valentina who's 13 she's turning 14 next month she goes to Memorial she's in eighth grade I I will stop but I want to ow her to my friends family and everyone who cast their bottles for me and not for me uh your trust means the world to me together we can build a future that reflects our community's value and equip every child with the tools they need to succeed a student achievement is my vision and if I see student achievement for all students and I mean all students then you will have my vote and my support but if all students are not achieving at high levels including English language learning special needs and everyone every single student boys and girls then we're going to have a problem but if you want all the students to achieve then I'm with you 100% thank you and let's let's let's get along let's have a a a positive board and um I pledge to support the board's decision even if my vote does not become one of those five votes thank you Dr balini thank you thank you a couple things one um I do agree with Rita on the fact that we should I I think everyone in this audience if you live in fairon you look at the calendar for one reason garbage collection and and comingling you want to know what what's this week do you have a is it comingling is it paper so we all look at that calendar I actually save it so I think it's a I don't know if we're allowed to do that is that legal it's a written paper document can we can we call it a paper is that legal or not legal guys I'm not giving up all my time I'm just question uh I will actually let Dr diio because he can explain that unfortunately we're unable to do that because it's part of rorg but I will let Dr diio further explain okay so part of the challenge with putting out the calendar um for the year any earlier than we do right now is we play this guessing game with the Department of Education and the governor's office regarding the budget so much of what goes into our calendar hinges on uh when the budget approval will come from the governor's office which will then dictate our budget season in February and March um so that's that's a big obstacle a big hurdle for us to get the calendar out any earlier do we know that now we know that now for this from the state for for this February right so we're only about six to eight weeks out so that's why this is typically the time of the year that we do that that was a good idea read it was good uh the uh Wilkin said something about the shopper expanding its its um area of coverage and I looked at the Shopper either this week or last week depending on when I picked up the paper that was wet on the lawn from from the rain because most of us don't look at the shoer at least I don't I do look at the calendar uh is that the headline was about River Edge I said what Riveredge in a fairon chopper so I do agree with you that it's or maybe it was Jean Al Lisa expanding its range somebody over on that side uh but I do want us to look I know the from my experience in previous districts the cost can get pretty extensive when you start even putting in the Shopper or whatever it's called now uh so I I would hesitate before we say we're going to put it in the Shopper if it's going to cost us $500 a meeting to put it in the Shopper I don't think it's worth it so I'm I'm a little concerned about that so I think we should look at the cost First and and lastly on maybe on a negative point I never vote based on someone's accent I vote based on someone's ideals and and their and the points of the of the of the vote not on someone's accent thank you Dr ber also just to add to Dr Dr deise Who said the dates for that are discussed during reorg for the following year are based off the new board members and the new board so to make those decisions with a prior board not knowing that the new who the new board would be wouldn't be fair and would be a disservice to those incoming board members Miss zman uh one other suggestion and and I think maybe the motion wasn't um correct is that going to Herald news that's out of our reading area why are we spending $500 when we could be in fairon and spend $500 so that all I'm going to say about that so that that failed understood that's that's the way it is but um what another suggestion would be the FAO Council has a mailing list that if uh people want to sign up for a mailing list they can sign up um and they receive an email that goes over when there's meetings and when they're having a work session and all that and um usually what usually what happens when we do different things within the school district it's only going to the parents the students it's not going to the overall community and maybe we should also make it another Avenue of notifying parents of meetings and of things happening within our district um to allow other community members like if I wasn't on the board I wouldn't hear anything but if I signed up for an email and said I'd like to receive an email that goes out to the whole school Community I would like it to go to the to the the town that there should be an option to sign up for an email list in town so if you actually read the sunshine statement it does State an approved list I'd recommend to anyone who is interested in um signing up for set approved list that they reach out to the Ba's office I don't know the details of how to get on the approved list but I can certainly look into that and we can discuss it or present it during um other business at our next board meeting if people are unable to reach out to the business office on their own um Miss Brown um what Lisa was talking about kind of reminded me of this time last year didn't we discuss at last reorg meeting trying to get this this list out on the email that the town sends with all of the things that happen in town as a flyer of things happening in town I thought we discussed that at the last reor meeting I could be making that up but if we didn't is there any way that we could get that out on the town's mailer um if that's possible and I I just wanted to say too that I think Rita had a great idea about the calendar even though we can't do it Dr diio uh so to Miss Brown and Miss yurman's points uh around expanding our reach to the broader Community uh this past fall that's actually something that we actually did Institute so I'm not exactly sure how many people within the Falone Community actually read all of the links but I want to say it was actually late uh November definitely by December there were at least two emails that um our weekly Communications that go out were actually linked to the Township's email as well um at least as a starting point uh for folks to be able to click on the link and to get information so that's an Avenue that through our conversations with the township um they've been very receptive to allowing us to be able to do that um we we actually can't have their list of emails right so people actually have to opt in uh but we can include our information through them and and the community members even if they don't have children within our schools have that as an option thank you Mr Bowski thank you I I just wanted to comment actually just a little more on the newspaper publication sorry to keep eating that um I read a really good article did you right it was published today firm website brilliantly great analysis thank you thank you um Star Ledger um no I simply wanted to to highlight that this current Bill temporary relief is only until March 1st so we expect the legislature to change the publication uh notice requirement within the next three months so I think that's a perfect time to discuss it especially if they allow us to only do electronic I I understand the tradition of the paper printed newspaper and put in the notice there but if we really want to reach the community community it is the electronic version that's going to reach them more um so I would recommend that we push this to committee one within the next three months once the legislature acts on that um I also wanted to comment noticing that there is not board comments later um but this is a board agenda item being reelected to the board I simply wanted to thank the community for their continued support and for allowing me to serve again on this board um it is truly an honor and privilege and it is not lost on me the the special um ability to serve the school district that I have attended my entire life and now get to serve up here um as I hit 10 years out of Falon High School hard to I know a decade it's hard to believe I can't um where does the time go truly so quick um so it's a it's special to serve up here and I'm truly grateful for that um and I look forward to serving alongside all of you here and during the 100th anniversary of the Fon Public School District thank you anyone else okay the floor is closed if everyone can please um either look at 7A for the code of ethics um or pull out your paper um be it resolved that the Board of Education adopts the code of ethics which includes the school ethics Act njsa 18a 12- 24.1 and the quote of ethics for school board members which has been received and discussed that the policies and procedures regarding training of District Board of Education members has been adopted that each Board of Education member acknowledge receipt of the code of ethics for the Schoolboard members and has become familiar with the code of ethics what we will do is um I will actually start um with Miss yman if that's okay and we will go around and we will each take um one section I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes should be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures do I keep reading no okay I will make I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and I will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the needs the individual needs of all children children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing I will confine my board action to policym um planning and appraisal and I will make to frame policies and plan only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well-run I will recognize that Authority rests the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its schools I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I will also support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties and I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution thank you I'll just ask everyone to um sign your acknowledgement of receipt noting that we all agreed to the code of ethics it is January 2nd 2025 you can just put it back in your folders we'll if everyone can just um send these down to miss spey put in your oh put them in your folder make it easier okay um before we vote on 7B I would just like to read um so that everyone has a full understanding and a few of the changes um schedule of board meeting location and dates fairon Board of Education regular meetings and executive closed sessions whereas Senator Byron M be open public meeting act requires a public body with within seven days following its annual organization meeting to post and disseminate a schedule of the regular meetings of the public body to be held during the succeeding year now therefore it be resolved that the fom Board of Education will approve their regular monthly meetings to be held at room 19 Thomas Edison school 37-1 faon Avenue Falon New Jersey on the fourth Thursday of each month for the ensuing year unless advertised otherwise the board will move into an executiv closed session immediately after opening the meeting at 7 p.m. to discuss matters exempt from public discussion by law including but not limited to student matters contract matters Personnel matters negotiations and or litigation following executive Clos the public portions of the meeting will begin at 7:30 unless otherwise noted um be it further resolved that the business administrators is authorized and directed to advertise and announce the annual schedule of such meetings as more particularly set forth below um you will see on the agenda there are very specific dates um what I really wanted everyone to take note of was is that you'll note uh there are deviations from the fourth Thursday of the month um in September November December and January of next year obviously unforeseen circumstances May Force the rescheduling of a meeting and in such cases notice of the scheduled date place and time thereof will be provided uh based off of the open public meeting act um you'll notice that the two stars are tensi of dates based on the state doe official release of election calendar and then the three stars notes a an education Committee of the whole meeting will be beginning at 7 pm with public session beginning at 800m that in particular is um a new note on this calendar and I wanted to make sure that the uh Community was aware so can I get a motion to do a motion can I have a motion for 7 A and B so moved second second roll call please Mr balowski yes Dr berini yes Miss Brown yes Mr Elia yes Miss felich yes Mrs Mayhan yes Mr Santana yes Miss yman yes can I get a motion for 8 a through C so moved second roll call please Mr balowski yes Dr berini Miss Brown yes Mr Ilia yes Miss felich no on B everything else yes no on 8 B Mrs Mayan yes Mr Santana yes Miss yerman no on B yes on everything else okay I will now open the floor for public comments on agend non-agenda other business the portion this portion of the board meeting is specifically for comments on any matter when speaking please note to state your name and Municipality of residents specify which resolution you that doesn't make sense we've to that out um limit your remarks to three minutes I will also ask you to please sign in uh state law prohibits board members and administrators from discussing Personnel matter student discipline or other confidential issues please note this is not a dialogue or Q&A session between speakers and the board while we may be may not respond immediately or to every comment made tonight all input is carefully considered and helps inform our decisions responses may come through emails reports board statements website updates are after the comment period closes thank you for your participation in our school's Community governance the floor is open to the public Google for oh thank you Christine there are no comments on the Google form well Christine's here uh Christine Weinstein faon um just to add to the conversation and kind of a question is we used to put the board meetings and the dates and such up on the digital signs and we that sign up at the street uh at this school had has a flag waving all the time now and I thought me it was just me and I was just missing it or something but it's never there's never any information up there anymore and it was really helpful as a reminder because I go up and down F onav how many times do we all you know drive up F onav that it was really helpful to see the dates there you know coming up and such um another thing the ptas do announce all the Board of Ed meetings next Board of Ed meetings they're all in the the uh minutes we also put them up on our websites as well so we are trying to help get those dates out to the community I to only look at the calendar for um co- mingle or um very rarely do I look at anything else uh I do not get the community news they don't deliver it to me and I think it's because I'm the only house that faces front to Burbank Street on my little Burbank area so I don't get that paper so it wouldn't be helpful to me I don't know how many other people get it or it's just a sloppy mess by the time they get it because I see them piling up all over the place too uh so I um hope that we can just kind of come to the digital age and not have to worry about a paper I know that's a law or whatever it is a policy but maybe we can hopefully you know change that going into the future thank you and congratulations to all of the new members and I know that the ptas are going to be really you know excited to work with the new board and thank you so much for all of your service thank you thank you okay this is gonna be okay the floor is closed please note um our upcoming meeting for the regular monthly meeting of for January is January 23rd 2025 at 7:30 p.m. here in the Eugene M Banda public meeting room and on February 27th 2025 at 7:30 p.m. um also here in the Eugene M Banda public meeting room um can I get a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I happy New Year everyone