I call the regular monthly Mee is November 16 20123 call to order at 7:35 p.m. can I have a roll call please Mr Bowski here Mr B here Dr ber pres Mrs Mayhem pres Mr Rosenberg here Mr spel pres mman pres Mr barar here the New Jersey open public meeting war was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of the public public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the fail on board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof distributed to the persons on the approved list posted in the Board of Education administrative office and sent to the Bur record in the Star Ledger the announcement posting for the regular monthly meeting along with the date place and time up was distributed on January 19th 2023 the items to be discussed through the Clos work session if needed of the November 16 2023 regular monthly meeting may include Personnel matters student matters legal matters negotiations and Grievances and tactics and techniques utiliz and protecting Public Safety of property the results of these discussions will be made public as soon as possible could everybody please stand and join me and flag of the United States of America for stands one nation God indivisible with okay at this time first of all I would like to to publicly uh welcome Dro our new superintendent off fa on thank God and also before we get started I want to public also thank uh uh Franco who was our Acting Superintendent since J Who uh has done a superb job and was on top of everything besides working her other department and she did a great job while she do guiding our district and working well with all our students Administration so publicly I want to thank you for great [Applause] job at this time at this time I'm going to open up the meeting to our student representative reports and tonight I apologize I do not have your names uh but I do want to say something real quick most of you don't know but five weeks ago I was hit by a car and I'm I'm lucky to be sitting here and talking to everybody um I just want to publicly thank the community of fair one but the school community from the administration from principles and every else for reaching out to me but I want to give a big shout out to Memorial Middle School who gave me two giant banners that still sit in my house and tons of cards and I read every one of those cards and when you have kids that take time to wish you well and thank you for everything you do for them when anybody says to me this is a thankless job it's not a thankless job that's why you do it so I want to thank Memorial Middle School but I want to thank the entire School community and everybody from the ptas the FL pto's everybody that sent cards to me I couldn't do it without you and by the grace of God that I'm here five weeks later because I got hit I do not remember it at all but I got hit so hard that I got rolled up onto the CL so I'm lucky to stand be alive so but I want to probably thank everybody here especially Community thank Memorial Middle School celebrated its annual salute to service veterans event on Friday November 3rd continuing a cherished tradition the school extended warm invitations to Veterans from the local community as well as parents and family members of students to join in the day's festivities in addition to an opening all school assembly our honored guests visited classrooms and engaged in conversations with students and staff members sharing their experiences and insights on Thursday November 2nd Mr grubman facil ated a visit to TJ by local veterans who met with students to share stories about their service and as has become Tradition at TJ we have set America's white table outside of the auditorium where it will remain until Thanksgiving to honor the men and women who have served in America's armed for congratulations to Memorial's fifth grader adri Gupta on being selected as one of six students in the nation to serve on this year's sunmade Board of imagination Adria's job as a board member is to test new products provide feedback on these products and design new and imaginative ideas recently adre received a few new flavors of raisins to try including Cherry Cola Dill P pickle and PB&J in addition to ADR receiving a $5,000 scholarship Memorial Middle School also received a donation of $5,000 and a year supply of raisings for all the students thank you adri for sharing this amazing accomplishment and we look forward to sharing all your sunmade adventures with you and AD is actually with us tonight [Applause] under the direction of our guidance counselors Mrs Fleming and Mrs espinos our seventh and eighth grade Pierce for peace club members will be visiting the Stepping Stones classes at West Morland on Friday November 17th for the first of our monthly play dates throughout the year our thanks to M and the teachers at West mland miss guber miss garbis parcel and Mrs Miss stabinsky for their time and Care in facilitating these gatherings for our students the annual Thanksgiving food drive has commenced aiming to gather food itself for the Fon food pantry ensuring families in the community can relish the upcoming holiday gratitude is extended to all staff students and families for their invaluable contributions and support towards this initiative their dedication and generosity makes a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need during the season of giving wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving over the last 5 years this has become the most important time of year for our school a time when we work to honor the memory of students classmates and loved ones to to deliver smiles to those in need next week our wathon in memory of Dylan Ronaldo to support our local emergency services fire ambulance and heavy rescue and the field taramina scholarship fund will also serve as the kickoff for our for our fifth annual Christian kicks with love from Lucy and Peter Holiday Drive Christian Lucy and Peter were givers always willing to offer a helping hand to others in a time of need a promise our school Community has made is to honor this characteristic between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve students families and friends are invited to help us raise funds that will be used to support the Jackson strong foundation and children from fairon with specific medical needs as well as purchase care packages for patients receiving treatment at hacken Tech Children's Hospital [Applause] uh in in The Mask show our rep is in the M thank you very much thank you great job [Applause] sh conratulations great job well all all right this time I'm going to turn the meeting over to our superintendent Rio uh for any superintendent comments that any might help you have any com I do I do thank you first of all uh I just like to thank everybody here tonight uh members of our community uh especially the Board of Education uh for entrusting me as your new superintendent of schools as you know I began on Monday my first official day I've been spending the past 90 days transitioning with uh the very talented and dedicated administrative staff that we have um before uh I really get into it I'd be remiss if I didn't thank Mr Franco for serving in the capacity of AC superintendent and and working so closely with me in my transition as well as the other members of our Central administrative team uh it's been a wonderful transition I'm very excited to officially be here um it's been a very busy but extremely productive week this week uh on Tuesday we had a wonderful administrative team meeting for two hours uh sharing a lot of ideas with our wonderful administrators and supervisors um I have a number of visits at our schools tomorrow with our our building principles that I'm very excited about and um I I I thank you all for for the opport um moving forward um I would also uh like to share that uh in regards to ADR who's here with us with the award tonight we do have a resolution this evening uh that's 10A to accept the gift of $5,000 in that donation which is absolutely wonderful so not only uh Is AO one of six wonderful uh students across our nation to serve as a board representative for sunade um but also $5,000 brings an opportunity for Memorial School to possibly engage in a number of different initiatives whether it's a greenhouse to grow fresh produce or an Atrium where students can engage um or a number of different opportunities uh that may exist in the different ideas that have come forward so congratulations again thank you for your wonderful work and and everything that you have done and will continue to do as a representative so well done [Applause] and then last but not least uh I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge resolution 5 on our board agenda this evening um in memory of Dylan Ronaldo um and I'd like to read it out to everyone because I know how impactful of an individual he was within the community and uh the second that I started to engage with members of the community so many people have come up to me talking about Dylan and the impact that he has had and his family and um the recent fundraiser over at the Dutch house and the trip of folks who actually took the trip down to Baltimore uh recently for the services so um I'd like to read this out loud for for all of us here and for the community uh and then uh engage in a moment of silence at the end for him whereas Dylan Ronaldo was a dedicated member of the Falon community and School District whereas Dylan Ronaldo tragically lost his life in the line of duty as a lieutenant firefighter be it resolved that the fairon Board of Education will honor Dylan Ronaldo's memory by retiring number 14 from the Falon high school football team and boys lacrosse team be it further resolve number 14 will be mounted at Sasso field please join us uh in a moment of silence foran in this thank you and uh just lastly uh Mr Baro I would just like to just Express uh Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here um to all your family and friends um and uh thank you for all of your support and look forward to do great work thank you okay this time I'm going to open the meeting to public comments oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I just wanted to say something about what he just said you don't mind me doing it now um you let me do the public comments first and I do the board comments I I was one with the resolution I want to make comment something about it too this time we're going to open up the meeting to the public comments on the agenda only so if there's anything on the agenda you want to speak I just ask that you uh step up to the microphone state your name we not give us your Full House address please and uh speak whatever you want to speak about on the that's on the agenda if you're here to speak about something else cuz I know we're not that exciting actually a good football game on I tonight too so um I know that if you're here to speak about something else unfortunately you're going to have to sit there for a little while we'll come back to public comments on anything but first we do on the agenda so if anybody has anything to speak on the agenda uh from the public uh feel free to uh step up to the microphone uh good evening my name is Lisa memen Edward Street um I want to say uh good evening to the members of the board and well welcome Dr diio we're very happy you're here uh my comments are in reference to I believe it's page 30 on the agenda section 7f referencing in particular recommended action number one the approval of winter sports schedule C uh I would like to publicly thank the board as well as members of the central office administration and the administration at the high school that received and took action regarding the grave concerns that were expressed to them by many of the cheerleading parents we are grateful for your partnership in res in resolving this issue and for Expediting a resolution that provides this team of athletes with the opportunity to continue their season thank you thank you else you have anything on the Google forms questions from Google forms I'll Che see nothing one more time anybody from the public on anything on the agenda at this time we're going to open up board comments to the on the agenda Mike had his hand up first and then we'll go to Julie and then it'll be R myself I I want to talk on the motion foro so I come home from the meeting last month the monthly meeting and I look on Facebook from a very well-known former mayor in town and it says prayers out for number 79 and then I needed to find out who was number 79 I didn't know who was that number 79 and um my son called me up and he said I think it was Dylan did he hear about the fire in Baltimore and I knew that Dylan was a fire fire in Baltimore matter of fact it was just the Saturday before that we had gone out to dinner Nelly's and Dylan's mother was beaming about him about him getting married about him making Lieutenant about him um everything he's doing in Baltimore and um we went to the School Board conference and and after a day at the school board con conference my wife my son called uh texted me that Dyan had passed away um Dylan was the real thing he was the real thing if you want to see that the future um the leaders of the today of tomorrow go to f one schools today that is Dyan Ronaldo Not only was he an athlete but um he took it he took that he grew up in the fire department if anyone didn't know his father was fire chief and is now a deputy fire CH is Deputy fire chief he was what they call a firefighter he he was the firefighters kid he grew up in the fire housee and that particular year there was a bunch of them that all attended our schools together and they all as soon as they turned 15 they joined the fair alarm rescue squ as soon I'm sorry I'm taking so long um Ron can you bear with me yeah you got little time left thanks um they all joined the F Rescue Squad at 15 fine fire department at 16 and a bunch of them went on to become firemen in different places professional firefighters in different places um to get be a lieutenant in a city fire department at 26 is is something shows his leadership unfortunately my vacation was scheduled at the exact wrong time because I couldn't go to Baltimore and I wasn't wasn't back on time for uh the touch house on Saturday night I was able to attend the the football game that they honored him at and they collected $6,000 just at the football game um for him I strongly endorse this this resolution um he he coached my my grandson in Lacrosse uh I mean this guy was just he is what he is and they they ously made him Captain so here's the captain Ronaldo thank you um first and foremost welcome Dr diio and welcome back Ron um we are so happy at least I am so happy to see you back ahead of this table um to the family of Lieutenant Ronaldo uh Geraldine uh Ralph Floren and Daniel um for his Brave heroic sacrifice may his memory be a blessing to all of you and to our community um it's why we live here because this community is family and it is incredible to see our school Community our community rally around such in amazing family um in times of hardship and in times of happiness and celebration um thank you to our rurn PTA to sunade guards of California and to Lisa Cohen of LMC architecture for your gifts for our school district and finally congratulations um to our retirees for a collective 77 years of service that is absolutely incredible and I am so grateful that our students have had those 77 years of service because um we have one teacher and three power professionals yesterday was power professional educator day um you on our front lines every day and our children cannot grow and learn and be as successful as they are without you so thank you guys so much thank you welcome just wanted to say that first um i' like to thank um the class of 1967 for their service scholarship I think that's wonderful thank you I would also like to say thank you for the gifts and may said them so I'm not going to repeat them the last thing is I'm coming with the I'm talking about the approval of the staff Wellness Day program I went to the work uh I think we have 183 days of school and I feel that every day a teacher or a power professional someone and not in our buildings A Child doesn't learn a child's day is all messed up and I feel like it it could happen and I feel like the we want to be more incentive for our teachers and our staff to be in the building versus not in the building and one of the things I wish we would have taken up instead of this Wellness days or maybe they can do an addition to this Wellness days I learned the we attended in October that NJ well we have health healthare and we get an NJ well is basically if you complete do a physical you get $250 so if 25% of our staff does this the district saves 1% of the cost of the healthcare and what the presenters did is they used some of the money to give back to the teachers another one they use that half of the money the other half of the money to do different activ ities with the teachers and do little Raffles with an iPhone or uh watches and all these different swag where they had this logo of the school with the socks and teachers wore and I think that is incredibly fun it's exciting teachers get money but they stay in the classroom and I think that's what is important because when a teacher is not in the class there's nobody can teach that the same way as a teacher will so I'm going to be voting no for this not because I'm against day off for the teach we I believe everybody should have a day off but those days are given to us or we we have them and with the new law where you can take a day off even when if you're childless sick you can take a SI because of the new law I think we should keep we should in sensitive our teachers to be in our school versus not in our school so I'm going to vote no for that thank you thank you Jo thank you um I first actually I wanted to highlight the importance of our program and thank the board for hopefully uh approving it um because throughout Co we have seen the mental stress that it puts on our faculty and staff on our students as well we see them at home um and the ability to provide our hardest work in people in this District an opportunity to take a day off without worrying about maybe their sick time that they may be using to care for a sick child for going to a graduation now that sick time has opened up um I I am confident in our administration's ability to ensure that learning continues for that one day that a faculty or staff member may be missing from the classroom um and so I simply wanted to highlight the the uniqueness of this that our prior superintendent had created for our district and excited that it will continue for another year hopefully um I also wanted to highlight uh Miss Mayan M oh no 80 years a school not don't come to me for even more impressive Sor um and then I also did want to also highlight Mr Rosenberg had mentioned Dyan um truly embodied The Leaders of Tomorrow attend par on schools today um I was grateful for the opportunity to have worked closely with him as a student at the the high school we had graduated together he was while I was Student Government join the fire department a day apart from each other both turn 16 uh the same week um so I'm glad to see this resolution thank you Mr barbero for creating this and ensuring that we provide an opportunity for our students to look up to somebody um to somebody that was in that were in their shoes at one point um and to know that greatness really walks the halls ofon High School and all of our thank so about the wellness program my only concern is is that not every employee of the district program um our after care or after care or blun shades are not included in this program I believe we have a program it should be inclusive of um of everybody that works in our district um and I'd like we make a motion to table this until the next meeting so we have time to I have a motion I got a motion uh by Lis a second by read it to table uh I don't have the number 12 excuse me 12 12 12 so we can explore how the setup is and that it's all inclusive of the entire EMP important to any questions or comments on the motion see can I have a call please Mr bosi no Mr vant nay Dr verini No Mich yes Mrs Mayhem no Mr Rosenberg no Mr spendel no missman yes Mr barbar no motion does not else I just two coup things I just wanted say uh one I want to thank all our retirees and as we stated before I'm not going to rep we have power professionals and as somebody stated earlier they are the backbone of our classrooms uh people sometimes don't realize how important they are to their child's life every day but they are and uh we're losing some good real good ones I know they've been around for a long time and again when year power professional has stayed your district for over 20 plus years you know the the district's doing something right uh again thank all the gifts and scholarship as always you know it's great um I can't wait to see all the kids walking around with raisins in memoral all on the ground um last thing I just wanted to say about uh I came up to the resolution I I know Dyan for a long time went to school with my son play sports with my son and in something I thought was appropriate but also I think it's the start of something new i' I've been deal I've dealt with the all of Fame committee over the years being on the board of B been on the committee as a member we always have one rep on there so hopefully it's the start of a Ring of Honor for any we we have a lot of famous people that came from Fair one uh students former students say not just athletes but in a lot of different ways in the Arts and everything else um but the biggest thing was is that if any of's didn't see it what his fiance said live your life like Dylan lives his life you have a kid that's 26 years old and you have firemen that have been a fireman 10 years longer than him saying he was the best fireman they ever work with that's pretty impressive and one thing I will say you know he went way too soon but he did what he loved he wanted he wanted to be a fireman I remember when he came back from his first semester of bur Community College I said how's it going he goes I'm done I can't do this stuff I'm going to be a f and that was it he became a fire so you know like I said that's one of the reasons I did it and again our thoughts and prayers will always go out to the entire Ronaldo family but hopefully passes tonight and it'll be something that we can uh look at every time we step on that field this year so that's it um okay at this point I'm going to go to I need an approval of the minutes so let's roll please mrki yes Mr vain on the October 19th executive session yes Dr ber yes Mich yes Mrs M abstain on the minutes and the exact from 109 yes to everything else Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes Miss Yurman yes Mr Bara I'm stain on the October 19th uh meeting and executive session yes motion passes thank you I have a motion for 58 to e roll call please Mr bin yes Mr B yes Dr verini yes Mich yes Mrs Mayhan yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr Spindel yes M Yurman yes Mr Barbara yes motion passes I need a motion on item 68 to so move second can I have roll call please Mr Bowski yes Mr B yes Dr berini yes Miss shich yes Mrs Mayhem yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spel yes Miss yes Mr R yes I need a motion of items 7 a to H so moved second I sour P roll call please no for A1 A1 right yes and everything else thank you Mrs Mayhan yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes Miss yman yes Mr Barb yes motion passes uh I need a motion for e a to c second roll call please mrki Mr I Dr ber yes Mich yes Mrs mayem yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes M yman yes Mr Barb yes motion passes dat a motion for 9 a to d so moved second roll call please Mr Bowski yes Mr van yes Dr berini yes movich yes Mrs Mayhem yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr Spindel yes Miss yman yes Mr Barbaro yes and I expect to see all the board members have a pick of ball courts okay I will as soon as I get better so it's growing it's growing and it's growing make sure you stretch you hear any physical th hey that's noral problem we got to have some Le here once in a while uh can I have a motion for 10 a to I roll call please Mr Bowski yes Mr B Dr berini yes Mich yes Mrs Mayhem yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr Spindel yes M yman yes Mr bar yes thank you okay at this time now I'm going to open up the meeting public comment my my I I need a uh motion for 12 uh a so moved second roll call [Laughter] [Laughter] please my name yes yes mid no Mrs May absolutely Mr Rosenberg yes Mrs yes M yes all right now is it possible to mix up names in different rather than consistently us with he's a [Music] little at this time I'm going to open up the meeting to public comments on anything you'd like to speak about now just so you understand if you have any questions we're going to take your questions and we're going to answer all the questions at once at the end so if we don't answer your question don't be insulted say oh they ignored me now we're not that's how we do this okay just state your name uh your street do not give us your address and uh all to your public anybody want to speak you got smile hey that's fine I know you a long time you um hi my name is Miguel Castillo and I live on gvi place and I'm one of the cheer captains for the Fon High School cheer team so first of all I just want to say good evening to everyone here and the members of the board um I would just like to voice my opinion on the series of events that have occurred this season all the decisions that the board has made have all been incredibly fast and I do not believe everything has been taken into consideration to be more specific I am here along with the other Captain and the girls in our team that could make it here as well we want to make our voice be heard since throughout this whole thing no one has scared to ask the actual cheerleaders that do the sport what they have seen every story has two sides and I would like to be the bo I would like to voice the competition team's perspective on our new chosen coaches I know that if the board decided that our former three coaches had to go but everyone on this team wants Carly Lombardi to stay as one of our coaches we deserve someone who is experienced and loves this sport as much as we do Cari did not only go to college and became a cheerleader she also is part of the UA camp and constantly works with other cheerleaders throughout the country I know that the board has been working over time to try to give all of us a season this year but I feel as we don't deserve just a season we deserve to be pushed to our full potential and to have the most successful season we could possibly have last year the cheer team won big North Champions a title that would have never been achieved without coach Karly Lombardi and Coach Cordy I find it extremely unreasonable for so many decisions to be taken on our team without consulting any of the cheerleaders that are in practice as every day and see the firsthand disrespect from multiple girls on the team on how they completely switch the story and make out the coaches to be the bad people the parents that have been complaining nonstop and sending hateful messages to the coaches do not realize that their kids act completely different at practice than they do at home thank you for your time and I really hope the board takes into consideration the petition of the fan High School competitive cheer team to allow Carly Lombardi to come as one of her coaches thank [Applause] you good evening my name is Vladimir kkin Greenwood Drive um first of all Dro welcome um I apologize if I if I will be a longer than three minutes the topic is overcrowding so just to give everybody a little background for those who don't know uh several years ago uh Schools elementary schools mostly were already overcrowded and middle schools as well and the town passed referendum it was a big referendum uh and the decision which seems perfectly make sense at the time uh was that middle schools are to be built out in expand them and fifth grade to be moved from elementary school to Middle School serious this better okay sure I I hope online they can hear me as well uh so uh it was done uh and the idea was good middle school has now space because it's expanded elementary schools now have space because fifth grade is mostov out so you have extra space however something didn't work out because a couple years later the schools are overcrowded again uh there was a demographic study done uh the demographic study done was uh in the winter of 22 it was released I believe in April of 22 uh yes April 22 it is on the website uh and the demographic study predicted that in a few years most of the town schools will be overcrowed uh so that was done in April 22 it was released to the public in the summer of 22 uh and soon thereafter uh the previous superintendent mosia uh I believe hired a group of Architects who were supposed to walk through the schools and come up with recommendations like what to do about ocity uh I hope they did what they were supposed to do uh I believe their report was not released publicly uh and they were supposed to walk through the schools at the end of 22 so basically 11 months ago so first I would like to express a wish to release the report to the public uh secondly it's been a year it's time to do something uh I would like to mentioned that uh here on the demographic report it's a big report 71 Pages uh to me the most interesting is page 67 which has table number 24 which lists capacity of each school and if you compare capacity of each school to what's been in this agenda item 4 C uh you can see that two schools are seriously overcrowded today Redburn and TJ Redburn has a capacity of 352 students it has 422 you got minute left okay you can come back up sure uh so redb is overed by 20% that's that's a lot PJ is overcrowded by 10% capacity 1,39 and it has 1146 so um I know that means you just started but please try to move it to like uh towards the top uh of your long priority list one other thing uh obvious thing that could be done about it is build out the schools uh and I don't know the state of the budget but I believe we have many millions of dollars in our capital reserve so we might be able to do it without referendum that's it thank you thank you [Applause] else sorry I'm a little nervous okay just just St your name and down when you're done oh my name is Lea F Second Street so this is about one of my coaches Carly um I just want to say something about her she's generally one of the meain people that push me to do the sport every day I go there to have fun and there cuz I love it I've been doing it for 70 plus years and I want to continue to do it throughout my senior year um she's the one that maybe do competition she's the one that pushing me every day to be who I am now um I'm great because of her and she is generally been a really really great person like um with the court and outside the court um or whatever um she I love her very much and not even as a coach but as a person as well I've gotten to know her these past few years as someone that I can rely on and um I genuinely respect with um all my being and I I hopefully I am a respectful person as well and I like to um speak for her that um J is like a great person to other girls here and um she likes to advocate for us and I just want to say thank you and I hope that she can come back thank you good job thank you oh I forgot to read my name all right we'll get you all we'll get you anybody else any other issues or topics anybody wants to discuss thank thank you um at this time I'm going to open up the meeting to Board of Ed on anything out about four different things so I may have to come back this at the last board meeting parents brought up the fact that anti-Semitism in the schools were on the rise I sent a request to the administration requesting that information be given to the public as well as myself as to what the parents had complained about and to the requests that they made about these incidents and also about what was done to improve on eliminating as as much as possible this anti-Semitism unfortunately I have not received any of that information nor have any of the other board members receive that material I am asking again since I have been getting repeated emails from parents that semi that anti-semitism is on the rise it is still there it is manifested in the schools and I want to know what is being done to eliminate this or stop it and I'd like an answer sooner than later because as this continues it's going to grow worse and as all of you are aware it's not only in verlon it is throughout the country and it is throughout our colleges and universities as well that's number one number two uh and I'm not writing on tops of the things but I am number two you guys do get PS know CS I asking that the since we have not had our committee meeting because you were looking for a superintendent and we're now back in the in the uh realm of of being consistent with meetings I am requesting that our next educational committee meeting bring up place on the agenda the possibilities of having community service in our high school I've requested that for quite a while I'd like to see it placed on the agenda the next thing is in the past we're talking a few years ago we used to receive a blurb on new higher we stopped having the blurb emailed to to us through our agenda or attached to the agenda and it was placed in a binder that was given to us the night of the board meeting I don't think it's sufficient for us to receive that information to digest what's going going on there are people and I know they're shorts and teaching but there are people who start on step seven start on step nine start on step three I want to know the rationale why we're paying these teachers so so much more than starting on step one and if we had that blurb I could digest the information days before and ask questions prior to rather than embarrassing anybody uh or blind ciding them on on the date of that meeting and the last thing is we were supposed to have a representative a student representative from the high school represent being a member of the Board of Education Without voting privileges we still have not found that individual to attend our meeting and I think we're in violation actually uh of of not having anybody else so I've been walking around town for the past couple of months and one of the things that I a lot of our members of our community asked is for our meetings with on fairon TV and the reason why our meetings are not on Fong TV is because of the voice quality and to be honest to hear our videos sometimes I have to replay a couple of times just to hear what a person says and I'm hoping and I know that when they were at the high school the administration bought microphones for everyone to have so I was hoping the administration can actually put them on now so that we can have better voice quality and therefore we can be on a fair TV so that members of our community can watch it because not everybody can use YouTube so that could be possibility another thing is I've been complaining about bardocks for about a year and a half and I we were waiting for a new superintendent to come in that's what we were waiting for I hope it could be be considered to get something different than board dos because for example May 22nd 2023 meeting if you look at the public agenda none of the attachments you can press and get anything out of it so it's just list and say attachment and that's it you can't get an attach you can't see it on your phone it's impossible to look at it on your phone without moving and it's just not a good product and I understand there's must be other products that could be better than this and also we had a gifted and talented audit um in beginning of September I was hoping the administration can provide us some guidelines of what has transpired since from that from September 1 it was I think September 1st or second till now and see what are the progressions and if they're considering doing one of the things such uh one of the suggestions that's having been gifted and talented for the entire year versus the 10 week pull out um also I'm hoping I've been asking I'm chair shair I'm the chair of the shared services committee I've been with the council I'm hoping it's been months and I've been trying to schedule a meeting for and I explain to you why so you're bringing something up that you were explained why in the process of what it is and it's not something you like unfortunately that's the way the process is but go ahead continue you were explain the process and I explain it to you go ahead okay because it's not the board of education's fault so go ahead I'm not blaming the Board of Education I'm hoping that the council with be our me of this meeting and hopefully would agree to have a meeting of shared services but because the board I know reached out to the council and I'm hoping the council would be courteous enough again to say okay let's meet and let's nego talk about maybe we can share share services and save the taxpayers of fair loan some money so that's what that's why I'm making it in the public meetings there's no other way of doing thank you and I'm not blaming anybody on the board of education just want to make sure that it's clear I think Daniel might have corrected already I just got to Bo members that Google form is not open okay okay just I just open up I do I I want to agree with Mark on what he said I think all of them are valid points and as a member of the education committee we certainly going to discuss that just want to concur with what Mark is saying yeah um thank you I just wanted to comment very briefly more broadly um if we could get a better understanding of the evaluation system for coaches simply because I know a few issues we've had throughout the year where we've um changed coaches have coaches so just a better understanding that that can be provided at some point um whether that needs to Beal and I do agree with to my right volunteering when some of the meetings were in the high school um during Co past Co I brought it up and I basically said 10 hours years of high school which would be basically an afternoon year and I was as and I would to look at because volunteering not only for our immediate Community but in general OSP enjoy five hours afternoon a year is is not really a lot and it really looks good on your college resume it really does they take that more into consideration and really very deep into how much do you give back to your community whatever that community may be so Mark and I know there's other MERS that support Mike all right I I wasn't going to speak on it because it was going to the education committee but I'm on the education committee and I'm not going to be able to be at the retreat this weekend I am going to talk about it um as far community service is great I I grew up with community service in this town um to this St obviously I think we I think when when it goes to your committee Mr Mayhem please keep in mind first of all get the opinion of our administrators at the high school about how much it's going to cost the amount of paperwork that it's going to involve how many students are involved in community service already and because I think you're going to find out really good things about community service in our high school and all our schools actually um that it's already being done for the most part and then I want you to be able to consider please what you're going to do to the students that don't do the community service are you going to not let them graduate because that's a big a big deal what are you going to do with some of our special needs students not I'm not talking a lot of our special needs students do loads of community service within the high school but there is Comm there is different different special needs and um especially emotional uh especially emotional needs so I think that where I am a firm believer in community service I am not a firm believer in making someone volunteer because if you make someone volunteer you're not volunteering so that's just my opinion it's Miss may just take it from take it from take it take it from where it came and I because I didn't do it before because it wasn't on the agenda welcome the form is open okay um Julie then Jean I just want to remind our board members I imagine that I shouldn't have to do this but it sounds like I do tonight in order to have something placed on the committee's agenda all you have to do is email myself or Ron or the Committee Member and Ron that's our policy that's our procedure that's our protocol when you do it it goes on the agenda so email me I'll put it on an education agenda and we don't have to sit here and BR stand thank you done I'm done I'm not a fan of for volunteerism we're not in the Army you're volunteering your volunteer volunte got come from your heart where it doesn't mean anything don't go into it uh we oh man I got to do this for two hours no you have to want to do it otherwise it doesn't mean anything it looks good on a res but otherwise you know you got some po that maybe he's on three sports team Maybe got a job maybe maybe she she can't get to whever the volunteer work has to be done Force volunteerism is not volunteer that's it I know you your hand up your hand up before I continue real quick I I'm going to speak first actually I'll let Mark go one more time and read it go because I'm going to speak a little bit I'm going to answer a few of the questions and comments I'm glad that there were opinions that differed from mine because this is going to make discussion on the particular topic but I just want to clarify some things I did not grand stand that that's what was intended for me I've asked for the last I don't know how many months that this been place on the agenda and unfortunately with the hiring of the superintendent and with other things been placed on the agenda as it should have been I'm not blaming anybody but I'm saying that I went through the motions correctly and it was just did not appear there also I want the public to know that the Honor Society is mandated to do community service and they are not asked and they are not told you don't have to if you don't want to they are forced into being a volunteer as part of the Honor Society and of course it would be foolish to say that 100% of the students in the high school would be mandated into doing this there are always exceptions always and whether those ex exceptions are for A specific group of people perhaps those who are special ed who cannot get around as others can fortunately get around and that's fine but at least we start somewhere having volunteerism whether it be mandated volunteerism or not opens up opportunities to these students to see what other jobs that they never considered going for would what would what it would be like maybe somebody Volunteers in a hospital and says you know what this is a great idea I really like doing what I'm doing maybe I'll seek a profession as a nurse where go for being a doctor whether they go to a to a garage and they they look at what's going on and boy or girl says yeah you know I'm interested in working on fire this is a great opportunity it opens their eyes into these different fields so having a discussion on this I'm glad there were opposition to what I said well that's why we have committees correct so I delighted will it will be put on the committee thank you I I just want to know when the board get the report that mrin was talking about about the mapping of the capacity and the didn't get at least board has not got not yesel that was done prior to so I would like the opportunity to review that with the district architect and as well as Dr um it should go through our finance first and then um a publication following uh once we have alled understand it and okay couple things real quick oh yes we have one comment online go ahead I apologize and then I'll then I'll go thank you uh the comment is from uh old gin uh I would like to welcome Dr Denio as our new superintendent of fair loone schools we are honored to have you join our district as a parent I look forward to this school year working with you toward our common District bold and ensuring that all students are reaching their full potential and driving I'm also grateful for the opportunity to join the meeting virtually to participate and make comments this communication is extremely important the parents community of fair alone is very involved in the education of their children and I am sure you'll be hearing from many of us soon myself included best wishes for your new school year in fairon and welcome thank you so a couple things just wanted to touch on a real couple quick things first of all re I apologize to you I didn't think I I misunderstood what you doing I just want to make sure that I didn't know I could respond to you right away just like gu the TV request I have no problem with it I sent it the next day to the business administrator and she's in the process of talking to our tech department to see if we can get everything straightened out so again when somebody sends me something I jump on it as fast as possible even the last couple weeks when I was laid up I still did as much as I possibly could except for the first two weeks um second of all Mark as far as committee meetings I agree with you I tried to plan going back actually back to September I was with in discussion with uh Mr Franco Dr lactina they know about scheduling meetings coming up trying to work around school boards you know the everything else and then unfortunately I kind of got sidetracked so uh not means we're not going to still try to get any there with the holidays coming but we'll see if we can squeeze one or two Cas with janary I understand that but I'm just just to let you know I'm not I'm just saying I was on top of trying to get more committee meetings and not only just committee meetings but work sessions we also did something years ago which we came up with a committee meeting list so every month we kind of would again it has to be something that we need to speak with there's times the ba might call I'm the chairman of buildings and grounds of Finance the call said we really need to have a meeting before this thing so we have to do it and the reason I said to she has to be on ship services and I agree with you we might be able to get something before the end of the year now the new Council has been been in they wanted to wait till the election was over um but in the past sometimes they'll call us and say hey we want to get together and we might not have something sometimes we call them and say get together and they might not want to get together so we got to try to all work together but we'll try to get something together in this um that was on shared services uh board members when somebody requests something from the superintendent okay you need to go through the president because you could say I would like to see if we could get this or I could see if we can get that because you want something doesn't mean the eight other board members want and it doesn't mean the superintendent automatically goes and does it so please just the point of information do not send something I know I'm copied on all email as the current president just because you just just s it to me say I'd like this I will send an email out to the board do not require all I can and if majority of the board and and I will let you know I I mean you can see it I'm not going to lie majority of the board wants to investigate something then we will investigate but it just be can't well I I want this and stuff like that I want to congratulate you guys for coming out speaking ladies and young men speaking tonight that's the way democracy works you have to understand something we do investigate things and yes we will be looking at the evaluation process Mr B we have to speak to our principal and so on and so forth um sometimes yeah I mean I can tell you something right now I've been in this town for 29 years I've coach almost 12 29 years I'll ask some of you guys how you like the coach I can't stand the coach that's because you're not starting okay the other kids like it they're starting okay so I never take that I take that with a grain of salt so sometimes if you guys believe in something come here to this board meeting send us an email you can send the board an email just because you're a student it doesn't mean that you can we read everything okay we would respond back to you but I give you Kudos and everything else and then we'll look into with your request so on and so forth later on with Administration um and lastly I think I pretty much touched on everything the questions that everybody had a couple of questions you know Mark like you said Mark it's good discussion actually we have committees for we have work sessions for so on so forth but uh I wanted to publicly also congratulate our three uh board members Mahan the village and congratulate welcome Jean Brown we'll be taking my spot and uh I want to congratulate Mandy I don't if she's still here she left but I congratulate on a good effort and hopefully she'll try again um like I said you know we always look for people that want to run for the board know it's not a thankless job some people do uh and the reason why it's not a thankless job because you got to come into this job for one reason one reason only the kids that's why we do this yeah do I keep the taxpayers in mind absolutely I am a taxpayer I live in okay but you know what also vad last did with your your overcrowding I agree with you 100% when I got on the board of education or been involved with the board almost 17 years we at 4,000 kids we're at 5700 why because we are a good great school system not good we are a great okay so when everybody wants to come here and criticize about this that there man you just missed just thank you wait I just I just you I said good job good election don't go away keep fighting for oh no thanks thanks a lot I I I was campaigning so much my voice is down but miss we understand it we all do here on this board okay the one thing is we all have to work together and try to figure out something because you know what everybody comes and complains and we do understand it nobody really has a solution and I don't know if there is is a good solution yet okay and you know we can add on to schools and you got to be careful because if things level off and you might have empty schools you never know you got to be careful and by the way building new schools not that cheap I can tell you right now and once we got a we got a staff I'm being honest I remember years ago when this all started one lady says let go to new school for $10 million I can't get out of the ground for $10 million carfield just finished a Brin school for $55 million K to four okay that was it 55 million um but I just wanted to congratulate the the future board to wish you guys luck and stuff like that and um this Saturday the 18th uh we were having our board retreat at the high school in the media center at 9:00 it's open to the public if you're welcome to come we're going to be discussing some things um but again and uh you know one last thing again I want to thank everybody for all their support uh it's been a rough five weeks but by the grace of God I am here on the live uh and uh I haven't seen anything the video or nothing like I said I don't remember anything uh but what I'm told I shouldn't be so uh I will leave what everybody is laugh every day smile every day be nice to everybody and you know what whether you like somebody or not you know just give them a smile because you don't know what that person's going through that day and the last thing as parents hug your children every day and as as children hug your parents every day every day that's God's Hest truth okay always remember that no matter how bad your day gets okay you can always start it over anytime during the day or the next day but always remember that okay that's it uh excuse me oh I need a motion to our next monly meeting is December 14th uh here at Thon school that's our next monly meeting outside of the retreat there's any committee meeetings or something we will notify the public I need a motion to uh close no move second all favor great night