##VIDEO ID:https://webstreaming.ctv15.org/viewer.php?streamid=7522## It's regular meeting of the city council on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 or 2025. We'll call this meeting to order at 7 o'clock. Roll call. Gustafson, here. Leahy? Here. Meyer? Here. Milke? Here. Wattenberg? Here. Linehan? Here. Alright. Everybody's here. Approval of the agenda. Any changes to tonight's agenda? None, mayor. None here. Okay. No, mayor. Just a comment that, we did amend the agenda since it was originally published on Friday with the 2 additional items that have been noticed here. That have been noted here. Okay. Presentations. We don't have any here to start the year with. We do have, approval of our minutes of our final meeting in 2024 of December 23, the city council meeting minutes. Any changes to the minutes? Do I hear a motion to, approve the minutes of December 23, 2024? So moved. So moved by Mayer. Further discussion? Hearing none, all those in favor, signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, same sign. Motion carries 5 o. Public hearings? Don't have any tonight. We do have a consent agenda that has 13 items on it. 1st is our general disbursements through December 31, 2024 of $38,087 94ยข. Mayor? Yes. If I may, were were we to approve the agenda? We kinda We did. I think we need a motion and to to say that we're approving it or do we not need to? Lehi Lehi made Melanie made a motion. We only made the motion. Did I not call for a vote? Did you maybe I missed it. There was a vote, but Is there a vote? I don't remember. It's always if you wanted to, you could approve it again, or it could be a Okay. Consensus unanimous approval. Oh, unanimous approval of the agenda, but Yep. Okay. Okay? Minor. A minor point. We'll token well, we can go back one and, all those in favor of approving the agenda, signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, same sign. Motion carries 50. Thank you. 3. Now we'll go back to the consent agenda, where let's see. We had the general disbursements payroll through December 31 of $27,668.27, Wire payments through December 31, 2024 of $17,743.09 Approval of city licenses as outlined in the packet. 3, approval of Resolution 2501 designating the official depositories for 2025 4, designating the city's official newspapers, The Pioneer Press, for 2025 number 5, affirming the elected officials' out of state travel policy 6, appointing Jim Wattenberg as acting mayor 7, reappointing commission members 8, appointing council members as liaisons for city commissions 9, reviewing and adopting city council standing rules and council advisory commission roles and guidelines 9, approval of resolution 2502, designating 2025 data practice policy for the public and officials. Number 11, approval of resolution 2503, the master traffic signal agreement with Ramsey County. 12, approval of resolution 2504, supporting grant application submission for grant funds through the University of Minnesota Good Neighbor Fund. And 13, approval of Resolution 2505, authorizing a budget amendment and funds not to exceed $10,000 for the renovation of a city hall public safety office. A move to approve the consent agenda. Further discussion? All those in favor, signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, same sign. Motion carries 5.0. Any comments on consent agenda we want to bring forward to those that, are here or listening at home beyond what one would read into it. Kind of housekeeping, basically. Okay. Just a small remark that is still very important. Our city operates because we have staff, council, and we have a host of volunteers on our various commissions, and also our task force. So I just want to commend and thank our commissioners for, continuing to serve in the capacities of the commissions they're on. Alright. Thank you. Jack, anything on 13? Sure. Yeah. Happy to comment. So 13 is a late edition. Just kind of trying to move quickly to get the Saint Anthony police offices up and running. So we had our vacant fire command watch over kind of in the public works side by the bays. We've been using it for storage since 2021. Saint Anthony when, you know, they've started talking about coming back and we started exploring kind of space needs, we offered that we had space available, and they've taken us up on it. So our public works department, they've been back kind of renovating the offices, and we're gonna make a really nice space for the officers, but we're looking and seeing that we need a little bit more than we could do just in house. So we're probably gonna bring in, for example, the windows. We need to tint them just to make sure it's CJIS compliant. So essentially that if people are walking by, they can't see an officer's screen, and then stuff. So we're gonna bring in kind of some tinting and then also building some desk space too. A furniture, we're gonna get usually secondhand. We think it probably won't be nowhere near this. We're just requesting this fund authority just for additional support just to make sure that we're covered if costs get higher than we think. Thank you. That's great. It'd be good to make a nice space for our officers. Absolutely. Yep. Sounds good. Give us a tour. Yeah. We'll have the tour as part of our, meet the police officers and, give you a spot to to meet with them before you go, I don't know, ride along or something. That'd be great. Okay. Policy items. Don't have any. Next step brings us to information and announcements. Council member Wasson. I do not really have any, information or announcements. Just looking forward to another great year for the city and and maybe actually getting to act as mayor if you go on vacation for a little bit here. So we'll see if, see if I can do a final job as reading through the agenda and keeping us all on on task. So Excellent. That's it. Council member Leahy. Just along the lines of commissioners, there are I don't know if there's more than one, but at least the community engagement commission has openings. And so please consider, serving on the commission. And there's also room for youth on that commission as well. So Council Member Meyer. No announcements for me. Okay. Council Member Mealky. Sure. Just a reminder that we are, on behalf of the International Institute of Minnesota located here in Como connect, collecting household cleaning supplies, paper products and personal hygiene products for families that they're helping settle. And we're collecting those through January 17th And then reminding people that there is a special election for the Ramsey County commissioner for the district that includes our city. You can vote now at Plato building or the building. Yeah. It's the Plato building or on Election Day at our regular precincts, polling places. Excellent. Did you say the donations are accepted here? Yes. Right here in the as you walk in. We've had that we emptied the boxes. Staff emptied the boxes, so people have been bringing things in. Mhmm. I've got some extra diapers that didn't work out. So Perfect. Excellent. Yep. I was gonna add extra packages to my, Costco run, make certain that we got toilet paper and toilet, you know, and all of that going because Great. So anyway, I just haven't gotten them here to city hall. So we gotta get that done by 17th. Thank you. Yep. Or or before. And, I don't really have any announcements other than we had a great year in 24, looking forward to another one in 25, and I want to thank everybody who participates during the year. So be there. And what else is going on? We've got things happening in the city. Maybe an update on our skating rinks and and that. Yep. Thank you, mayor and council. So a couple of updates. Ice skating rinks are open. So we have both the Curtis Field rink and then also the Pleasure rink over at The Grove. They opened up earlier this week on Monday. Weather looks really good for the 10 day forecast, so a little bit different year than last year, which is great. Another one too. So the city is we're currently troubleshooting our speed trailer. So to kinda give the council recollection, back in July, we had it deployed on Larpenter. This was something we've had for about a year to kinda help us monitor speed, study different areas. Somebody took a baseball bat to it and, broke the solar panel mainframe. Took about 6 months for the replacement parts to come, and so we're still working on getting it up and running. So public works is kinda testing out. We got it out running, but it's throwing up some kind of odd things that we're trying to work through. So that's still in the works, but we're hoping to get that out because there's a long list of people that wanna see the Speed Trailer in their neighborhood. So we wanna be able to deploy that. It clocked me at 188 miles. Oh. Man, I didn't I didn't think your Honda went that fast. And then That's some car. It was it was it's have our well known tuner cars. So And then so the other ones too, so we're also kinda working on repair of our street lights on the Grove. So 7 lights there that were damaged due to copper wire theft. We brought in a contractor to do emergency repair. They got in once they actually got in, got the contracts, so we're trying to work on it. Underground is just too frozen. And so we waited till it warmed up a little bit before this latest thaw. Still too frozen even with some deicing efforts. So, unfortunately, it looks like it's gonna be spring. So we'll kinda work on that. In the interim, there are, you know, it's 7 lights that are down. To be honest, they aren't throwing a ton of light as it is these days. They're about 25 years old, but we'll hopefully see what we can do for that. And then, otherwise, 2 staff is, just getting other stuff. Let me see. I just had this, just getting ready. Public works has been going through and preparing in case there's any future, deicing events. So that's the summary of most of what we have. Excellent. Okay. Open this up to community forum if you'd like to, address the council and give us your thoughts. A fire would know about the a rebating decision of the streets. Okay. And, come come on up to the, to the podium and so we can hear you and so that live at 1402, Iowa. Okay. And I got a a a map and live at 1402 Iowa. Okay. And I got a map in the mail of the streets that they're going to be working on. Yep. And, they did the north south streets a few years back. And at that time, only the people on the north south streets were assessed for that? Correct. And that and they were we were promised that when they did the east west streets that, we wouldn't be assessed. That the people who live on north south streets would not be assessed? Correct. They won't be. Okay. Great. Yeah. They seem long side. To yeah. Well well, to clarify, assessments are on a corner lot? Yeah. Well, yeah. All the all the corner people people only the corner people paid for the north the north south. Right. Yeah. Because the, assessment policy is that on a corner, you pay for the long side, not the short side. Okay. So then when so this time, even though the so your short side, your front, you know, your short side, that will not be assessed to you because you've already paid I just wanted to remind people. That's all. Short side. Yeah. So and then there's an open house on, on the topic tomorrow night Okay. At, 5:30? Yes. So open house tomorrow, 5:30, where we'll discuss a little bit more. And it does kinda depend. It'd be something maybe we can talk offline if you're interested. Okay. Look a little bit more at your property and see what the assessment is. We invited the entire project area, even people that are on North South streets, just in case it impact or in Okay. You know, the construction will impact them regardless. Okay. You might not have an assessment. Well, I'm sure the the construction one. Yeah. Yeah. What I would look at is in your letter, on one of the last pages, it'll have your assessment amount. And if you don't see anything regarding that, you're most likely just invited to the meeting. Okay. Great. Yep. Thanks. Thank you. Good. Oh my god. Yeah. Thanks for standing up and coming and finding out. Appreciate that. Yeah. Well, I I'm recently retired and thought I'd get more involved in community activities. Cool. We've got openings on commission for you. We could talk about it off offline too. Okay. Okay. Thank you, sir. Thanks. Did you get its name, the comment? Yep. The, any other, community forum? Call it twice, and thank you for that. Not having any we'll close community forum. And, this is a it's kind of a formality meeting, so I would, be open to, somebody moving towards, item K. I'd like to make a motion to adjourn. There we go. Motion is made to adjourn. Thank you all for attending and for watching, and all those in favor of adjournment, signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, same sign. Motion carries 5 o. Thank you very much. We are adjourned.