this is a meeting of the Fall River Commission on disability for Wednesday April 10th 2020 4 pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may trans or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible uh roll call chairman Dennis pelli presid Vice chairwoman de Pico presid commissioner Dan roard presid commissioner an O'Neal Souza present okay and Lisa Silva has um let me know that she's in an all day conference today so um she will not be present um I understand that there is um a desire to put voting items on the top Mr chairman yep motion to take the agenda out of water please okay do I hear a second second okay roll call vote chairman Dennis pelli yes Vice chairwoman debie Pico yes commissioner Dan robard yes commissioner an O'Neil soua yes okay we're going to be dealing with um c um I don't know why I didn't list the agenda that way but these are all Finance items um so we have all of our eight scholarship recipients um all of them uh they two from each school so there's a total of eight so um I will be asking for a motion to allocate $112,000 Mr the chairman y I'd like to make a motion that we allocate $112,000 for scholarship for the year 2024 do I hear a second second okay thank you um is there any are there any questions or [Music] discussion okay hearing none I'll entertain a roll call chairman Dennis Paul S yes Vice chairwoman Debbie Pico yes commissioner Danny um sorry commissioner Dan robard yes commissioner an O'Neil Souza yes okay we received oh I'm sorry go ahead I'd like to make a motion that we accept the donation uh on behalf of BOS bank for $11,000 okay do I hear a second to that motion second motion any discussion or questions all right I'll entertain a roll call vote chairman Dennis pelli yes Vice chairwoman Debbie pachico yes commissioner Dan robard yes commissioner an O'Neil Souza yes okay the final issue uh to be voted on um Mr chman yes do do you want uh uh to say anything about this matter before I make my intended motion yeah um I did circulate um to the Commissioners the um the memorandum of understanding uh the new memorandum proposed new memorandum of understanding um um which was put together by attorney Gary Hoak um regarding the the uh parking our our partnership with the frpd um and the only thing I'll say about it is there are um there are a number of problems with the memorandum of understanding um so um you know this isn't this isn't the final resolution but um I'd like to recommend to the commission that we reject this memorandum Mr chairman yep I'd like to make a motion that we reject the proposed memorandum of understanding between the for ofer police department and the for River Commission on disability okay do I hear a second to that motion is this on the agenda um it's under it's under Finance it was oh I I just didn't see it on the agenda okay um um I just see see budget report Mr chairman it's all on the agenda yeah Mr chair what motion to table this item until next month yes okay all right I will entertain the motion to well first we have to withdraw don't we was a second motion I make a motion to give we to withdraw to my prior motion to reject the mou second okay let's do a roll call vote chamman Dennis Pauli yes Vice chairwoman Deb pachico yes commissioner Dan roard yes commissioner Ann O'Neal Souza yes okay um I apologize figured that since this was all under finances um I thought that this could be brought up today so this is my this is my fault and I apologize for that I just wanted to save us all an open meeting law complaint if we would get one I you know what you know uh you know what I I totally agree with that thank you um thank you for being a rescuer um so we'll table this until next month um I got to get back on track here uh so we took the motion CL the minutes of the PRI meeting oh thanks okay motion this is the last voting item then motion to approve the minutes for the meeting of March 13th second moot motional approve okay do I hear any um any any discussion or okay I'll entertain a roll call chairman Dennis Pauli yes Vice chairwoman Debbie pachico yes commissioner Dan roard yes commissioner an O'Neil Souza yes okay motion carries okay those are all the voting items so we'll go to the updates um under Ada the only Ada item I have is that beginning May 1st um I there's a little bit of commotion here but um I attended a a um a um a network connecting conference it was it was um it was hybrid so I attended to be a zoom in Boston sponsored by the mass office on disability and they announced today that beginning May 1st there will be over $5 million available for municipalities to apply for Ada Improvement Grants so so um they've done this now for a few years so um um we'll definitely see that this gets circulated but beginning in May 1st there will be applications available for uh five over $5 million to be allocated by any municipality that applies for these grants that was kind of the big news that came out of that conference the conference was recorded and I will be receiving an email with a link L to the recording and what I will do is circulate it to the rest of the commission and you guys can kind of listen and see what went on this morning was a pretty interesting um actually a very interesting conference so that's the only Ada update I have are there any policy updates from the vice chair no this is de Pico no updates at this time okay and under Finance you all receive the budget report for March um um so we'll go on to outreach scholarships and I just things are moving very smoothly the event is Saturday no Sunday Sunday May 5th at 11:00 a.m. it's at McGovern's Restaurant um and like I said it'll be at 11:00 a.m. and we have all our eight recipients thanks to the schools that all the four schools that are participating um does anybody have any questions about the about the event itself if I could just ask I know that you invited mayor kugan to present the citations what time would that be because that happens to fall on the same day of the wling at the kushka memoral at noon so I just want to make sure I get the May there for the proper time okay um well and you can let me know later okay okay can I do can I do that later because I just want to check um I just want to check because I know arrival time is 10: a.m. and brunch is being served at 11:00 a.m. so if if if we can I'm just thinking out loud guys but but I will definitely confirm it with an um offline but maybe we can do it somehow with between 10:30 and 11: um so let's say around 10:30 and 45 um so let me just confirm that for me when you are able I will I will definitely do that um thank you I'll definitely do that okay thank you um are there any more any other questions for about the day we appear to be all set um so the next is is there any old business old business okay is there any new business our next meeting will be Wednesday May 8th 2024 is there any new business right hearing none I will entertain a motion to adjourn nobody wants to adjourn motion to adjourn do do I hear a second second okay I'll do I'll entertain a roll call chairman Dennis Pauli yes Vice chairwoman Debbie Pico yes commissioner I'm sorry commissioner Dan roard yes commissioner an O'Neal Souza yes okay we are adjourned have a great day