##VIDEO ID:RQAipKBynLQ## the community preservation committee meeting held at one government center uh Fall River Mass uh at 6:00 uh one government center uh pursuing to the open meeting laws any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and deemed acknowledged and permissible um we'll start with roll call to my left Joan Bentley Alexander Silva Kristen Cana Olivera John brt Jim Michael FAS okay before we start our meeting I did want to uh remember uh an individual that just passed away in our community was a big uh involved in uh Community preservation yeah um Jim Soul uh if you didn't know him was a great guy um you could talk to him about preservation sailing anything I mean he was just there but he was also a big member of uh getting CPA passed in fall river which uh helped fund 100 projects $13 million so he did a great job in his short life and God bless him u a great individual uh I just wanted to recognize him from our board he did serve on our board and uh I just wanted to put that out there Alex did you you work with this first love the for of preservation yeah you said it well okay y all right thank you for that uh all right thank you thank you for doing that uh CI do we have any citizen input yes Armando yes could you oh you're you got the I signed in for the yearing oh okay yeah you're in the first hearing okay so you're all righty okay uh first uh let's see uh approve of the minutes from uh August 19th the regular meeting can I have a motion to uh approve I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting on August 19th 2024 which was the annual meeting uh no we had the regular meeting this is for the regular meeting this is annual meeting okay annual meeting first okay annual meeting that's yeah okay so who do I have a second on that I'll second that all in favor I I okay then can we have a motion for the August 19th regular meeting I'll make a motion to approve the August 19th 2024 regular meeting minutes all in favor I I I okay next we're moving on to eligibility hearing for new members this is where we uh you have four categories open space historic Recreation and housing that you have to fall into uh once they meet that uh they're eligible for funding uh in December when they have to turn it in um so for people presenting tonight uh you can don't have to be long-winded uh why your project should be eligible state that you don't have to get into the financing the funding all that just why your project is eligible um so let's see the first one up tonight is the 1270 and 1288 Pleasant Street renovation rehab uh project description is bring back to original state as an apartment house and commercial retail space new roof Windows Doors Plumbing electrical service complete renovation to allow the building to be rehabit and used today has it original intent um can you come up and good evening Alando Ferrara um this is a building that's uh can you just State your address uh my office is at 227 Union Street New Bedford could you speak out of the microphone it's better I don't know well say something and I'll tell you you you can sit down comprehensive design build services from uh New Bedford as well so that's my entity so here's a building that's a uh when you look at it when you're driving up the street it's a uh a landmark it's historical um it's a building that has held uh historical uh uh assets going on there with the storefronts and the apartments up above and to um just let a building like that go to waste I think it's it's a a shame for the community and it's actually a great um revitalization of a building that's there as well and put it to a use that today we need which is housing so um we'd be looking for um under the historical preservation and also the housing just because it's it's it's going to be a big asset for the community okay um I see you're asking for 300,000 you're putting 5 million the 5 million's already secured that's being uh that's being worked on and that's what we're looking at so not saying that it's 100% secured as of now so like you have housing and store with that would come a uh deed restriction um if you did it under affordable housing uh we do 25% for uh affordable housing so figure out which one you want to fall under um does the board have any questions so that's uh kind of in line with my question uh so um applying under the community housing category are you planning on any deed restricted affordable units at the property CU that's that's what you need to do to qualify under that category right now my client is actually on the zoom he's driving so uh Ron can you hear the question yes can everyone hear me yes yeah uh yes we would be having some uh deed restrictive uh affordable housing units in there all right and I think along lines of what chairman Brandt said um I think the Target that we ask for is 25% units affordable um so just in the application that's what we would be looking to see or something close to it um to qualify under community housing the other work would qualify under historic preservation except for the stuff uh inside the plumbing and the electrical service that doesn't qualify under historic preservation but stuff on the exterior envelope would so the windows and the roof and such uh the 25% uh restriction is reasonable they've discussed that with me okay excellent okay either one um no further questions can I have Mr chairman could you summarize what was said over the for the C they're going to look at both aspects either housing which would be 25% affordable or they go the historic Route and just do the outside of the building not the inside or both or both yeah yeah just one question the $5 million how did that was how did that come up with that uh estimate of the 5 million for the renovation uh of that project Ron the overall we came up with the prices approximately $200 per square foot which seems to be the average uh in the area in these Renovations of of this type based on the overall square footage and the new code requirements that are going to be needed that's the price per square foot that seems to be falling in line by local developers and other people doing uh similar renovation projects very good thank you same question what did he say he's well the five million is an estimate on the average cost of 200,000 $200 per square fo$ square foot per square foot per unit per square foot yeah per square foot okay so can I have a motion for eligibility actually one other thing I just want to make sure uh so under the historic preservation category I just want to make sure you'd be comfortable with the historic preservation deed restriction on the property upwards of 30 years yes this is going to stay in my family's portfolio uh we not buying it to flip it or condo it out okay thank you so yes going I have a motion I'll make a motion uh to move forward the 1270 to 1288 Pleasant Street renovation Rehabilitation project to the next round is eligible under historic preservation and community housing I'll second okay roll call vote uh Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Christ can Al yes John BR yes James hinsby yes Michael FAS yes okay and now you have the next project too which is 1616 and 1622 Pleasant Street renovation rehab uh basically the same work uh taking it back to the original state new roof new Windows Doors Plumbing Electrical uh you fall under the same housing historic same guidelines would fall into that one are you okay with that yes again that one is one that needs a little bit more TLC on the outside so um we could look at the interior as well for the housing but I think we're going to be needing a little bit more uh towards the historical restoration and repointing the building uh the roof has collapsed so we get a rebuild that roof as well and that's a building that uh right now we've designed for the housing aspect that we've got six units there existing and we're looking to take that and double it to go to 12 so I mean we're looking to help help out with the housing stock as best as possible and restore these buildings back to where they need to be well it is a good thing because I mean uh they've got to push on Pleasant Street trying and when you have better housing and better storefronts you have more activity and correct you know so uh any questions from the board um yeah just uh same same comments and questions as the last project uh interior work such as Electric and Plumbing wouldn't qualify in historic preservation community housing caveats um and I just want to make sure uh just for clarification purposes with the community housing Mone you understand that that those funds have to go directly to either support or create the affordable housing units um you can't say and this is just an example from a past applicant you can't uh apply to put in an elevator to service the whole building that elevator for example would have to solely service the affordable housing units so that's what we mean by the funds have to go directly to the affordable housing units okay thanks understood any other questions just I just have a comment so um and this goes for your project and anybody else that's here for historic preservation just a reminder um you do need to get letters of um recommendation from the historical commission to be uh to have your application be complete so that's important and if you haven't got that yet Jason is in here his email is on histor uh commission so that you have to December to get all that information okay I have a motion just one more question I'm assuming you had the same calculation of uh building per square foot uh associated with the renovations of the project is that correct we do with the exception like I said this one has a little more structural work that has to be done so those numbers might be going up a little bit more than the other one at $200 a square foot uh like I said we got to look at you know uh any fissures that have occurred in cracking in the facade and that one we have to rebuild the whole roof because of the cave in that's there so it it has an automatic sprinkle system that's natural right now so we have to get that before the building gets even more damaged but yes that would be also the same square footage plus whatever else would be okay thank you okay so can I do I have a motion for eligibility or I'll make a motion to move 166 1622 Pleasant Street to the next round okay second I second okay roll call vote Jo Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Kristen K oliv yes John brt yes James quby yes Michael Ferris yes thank you and just for the record under the historic preservation in community housing community housing categories uh next we have a Highland uh local 40c historic district expansion form bees under historic preservation uh for consultant to produce the required form bees for interest Property Owners submit for expansion of for River only protected historic district in the city yep and so I'm a member of the board of directors of the preservation Society so I'm going to recuse myself okay um I'm actually uh did prob boner work associated with it as a member of that Society so I have to accuse myself as well all right okay hi my name is James suer I'm a board member of the for preservation Society I live at 300 Stetson Street my name is James suer I'm a board member of the Fall River preservation society live at 300 Stetson Street in Fall River and I'm Jason bshar naraki uh I chair the Fall River historical commission and my address is 45 Bigalow Street okay go ahead and just explain your project for us sure um so the uh historical commission uh voted back I believe in October or November of 2023 to uh study the possibility of expanding the city's only uh local historic district which is protected under uh Mass General law 40c um it gives the historical commission the ability to uh review any exterior exterior changes um uh that affect the architectural characteristics of a building from a public way um currently the city has 48 properties within the highlands local historic district um so we have sent out surveys to approximately 149 additional residences in the existing Highlands National register District um for possible inclusion we have received about 30 of those surveys back which is on average to the Past uh study committee about 10 years ago um so this is to um uh go towards the uh hiring of a uh of a consultant that would provide the uh required form BS uh as required by the Massachusetts historical commission the form B's are basically the uh inventory sheets of each property within a district um it goes over um all the historical background of the property um architecture style condition that sort of thing um and um the form bees that we have on file were last done around 1980 um so it would that would be to update those and also to provide the um uh necessary um eligibility reports to the mass historical commission as well as city council once that goes through um so so it's a documentation effort so in CPA it falls under historic resources um under um CPA it's a building structure vessel real property or document which this would be or artifact that is listed on the state Register of historic places or has been determined by the local historic preservation commission to be significant in history archaeology architecture or culture so it would fall into that category um in CPA um it's defined under Mass General Law chapter 44b section two one thing that when the when we did the last 40c that people were concerned about is if I'm in the district I have to change everything on my property and that's not the case at all if a home is going to be part of this new district and say has a uh uh a fence that is not wood or original to the building it's not like you have to remove it but moving forward if you have a wooden um railing banister for one example you can't change it to a plastic fence or plastic railing so it would be that way with the same thing as sighting if it's if you have vinyl sighting you do not have to take it off but if you were to move forward with a building that has wooden structure you can't add vinyl sighting to it in this District okay on there does the board have any questions can I have a motion to uh move to eligibility I'll make a motion to move forward the Highland local 40c historic district expansion Form B I'll make a motion to that to eligibility and I'll second that okay roll call vote Joan Bentley yes Christen can Oliver yes John Brett yes James hinsby yes thank you gentlemen thank you very much thank you all righty next is um Night Out restoration falls under a historic preservation restoring the iconic uh owl neon uh sign back to its original more medicine appearance new mechanical electrical and plumbing system installed welcome back design service construction of handicap assisted bathrooms and U restoration of the neon sign and windows and aluminum skin we're looking for 125 tell us a little about the project Anton dasas 492 Jun Street Fall River Joseph nasala 637 High Street okay I'm sure all of you are familiar with the night owl at the intersection of Eastern Avenue and Pleasant Street so what we're looking to do is restore the exterior skin which is stainless steel so I incorrectly put aluminum so it's a stainless steel uh there are a number of broken windows um the lights do not work we're looking to restore the historical owl into a more menacing and I saw the question what does that mean uh on the application I show the original Night Owl which had more of a brownish um color and I believe it was the neon around the eyes it had claws on branches so it'll be a full restoration of that main piece the second one is uh the owl uh logo or sign on the side of the chimney and then there's a third sign which is a arrow that says Diner which currently doesn't exist so we're going to be looking to replicate that um in addition to that um we plan on putting a handicapped bathroom on the side of it uh the design will mimic the old um wagon style um if any of you are wondering what that looks like I believe the fall R reporter has a 3D video that you can look and see what we're looking to do on that I also put on here electrical and plumbing um which Alex I understand you said that doesn't qualify I apologize for that I I didn't know if that was a recent change because early on when we had met with Stuart that was all approved but that's fine have any questions uh well that was one of my questions that we wouldn't cover the Mechanical plumbing and Electrical uh now this would come with the deed restriction uh then also if you were to sell the building you'd have to pay back CPC the funds that we did within a 5year period if you sold it a question the conversation that we had and maybe you can correct me was that if they sell the property they're going to make sure that the deed restriction would go as part of the sale they they they want to make sure that that of the sale then we would probably but um my other question is uh how long have you owned this building since uh 20 2002 2002 uh 2002 2002 now I mean CPC money is uh for preservation but it hasn't been open no Money's been invested in it we kind of look for partners that invest in their your years would be a business so you haven't really invested anything in the property so to me I just would rather see a little investment before we throw in our money because our T it's taxpayers money so we're not I don't know how they would look at that is US funding new signs new lights even though it's historic but it's not UPR running uh who knows if it's going to get up running I mean there's a lot of ifs there for me I I can answer that um so I apologize if I didn't make that clear in the application so we we have 125 as just a placeholder so we're going to give you all of the estimates and it'll be your decision if you want to fund all of it part of it or none of it uh and that's a conversation that we had that I always indicated that this committee would like a 5050 yeah yeah so they're well aware of that we we've had that conversation and the reason that we're here is we want to see it open again we we'd like to see it open too I'm just wondering why no investment before this and then you know people say we're we're not a piggy bank you know so that's I want to make sure that I'd rather seen investment first before this well the the entire kitchen which is 50% of the space that's none of this here yeah and that's a substantial number but you talking to the microphone so your voice drops and I really miss I'm sorry Jim you can move the mic you know there there you go there you go um the kitchen itself is a substantial uh investment and there's a full basement uh that supports the kitchen and everything um and that's everything that uh the owner is going to take care of you know we have a lot of we have foundation work for the new addition uh that whole section is brand new this committee can choose not to pay for the handicap uh facility but we hope that uh the diner itself uh would qualify under the historical preservation does the board have any questions I do I have a question do you have an estimate at this time of what the other work will cost we wanted to get through this phase and I'm going to provide drawings so that we can get estimates okay so there there's no estimate at this point on anything else that that was just my rough idea uh obviously we're going to sit down with Electrical Plumbing which you don't cover see what those numbers are that's going to be on the December two uh final application for you you're going to see all those numbers I have a question uh what is your time frame associated with uh the design build of this project and up and running so my understanding is we are not to do any work um if you fund it you have to fund inside start then they will spend the money and then you will verify that the work was done and then you've released the money at that point but what time frame in general are we talking about a year five years 10 years or we're ready uh depending on the approval to go right into drawings drawings can be done in six to 8 weeks and then construction can start shortly after that I wouldn't want to go too much further because the contractors might say Hey you know my estima is now 90 days old and you know they'll come back with a new number so we would want to start right away so me correct me if I'm wrong but the question before is tonight is only uh eligibility so we didn't ask you to provide you know matching investment information timeline or estimates now that's all in the full application it's just a matter tonight if this project is eligible um you mentioned the understanding about the mechanical and electrical piece um I know that in past decisions sometimes the you know requirements have changed because of you know evolving case law um we've been told you know counter that now by the same person you mentioned Stuart who's our consultant from the community preservation act uh Coalition who is the consultant for all the other communities and municipalities throughout the Commonwealth um he was the consultant who gave us that recent decision regarding the elevator for Community House in uh but yeah it seems like you have an understanding about what the requirements would be under historic preservation my only concern would be I saw in that recent Herald news article um there was some mention of a possible intent to sell the property to the Future um in the past we've asked or or had required applicants to pay back that if it wasn't something that was disclosed uh upfront um but if that is included in your application as you said that deed restriction follows the property and that's an understandment of the the sale um maybe that would be something that would be table for the community at that time thanks okay any other questions yeah they may want to add this in your in your application but I think you said you required it about 20 years ago I'm sure was that right yes did you fix anything I mean the question I have is um I am familiar with with old buildings and it looks like nothing got fixed for at least 20 years yeah for most of the time was closed huh the diner was closed for a period of time okay but I hope you would address that in your application I'm not okay what's the motion for the board I'll make a motion to move forward the night owl restoration application uh forward through the eligibility phasee under the historic preservation category to the full application Phase second R call vote Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Christen K Al yes no yes James Michael FIS yes all right passes thank you next is St an's uh preservation Society uh store preservation uh towards the remaining 300,000 Capital they have they needed for the final phase of the building exterior restoration repointing at St an's original Vermont maple exterior walls renewal of joints and motar Joints 100,000 hi uh Bob gin St an Shrine preservation 818 Middle Street Fall River yes this is um you know we've completed the uh South Side the hospital side um uh roof and all the gutters and right now we're in the process of restoring the uh north side which is the Dominican Academy side uh that side is being paid for by somebody who left us half their estate so um so that should be done late November early December and once that's done we're going to begin the process of uh pointing uh in between all the uh blue you know the Vermont Blue Marble um and once that's done and sealed the the outside of that church will be fully sealed um that church was made the last 500 years and it and it wasn't maintained so um we're going to have it in very good shape I just like to say that uh the building inspector has been very very for River has been very very helpful because you know how often it's a100 million building I've never restored a $100 million building before um and they also recommended that we hire stock Associates uh so they've been our our consultant and uh you know they they've they've really looked at the building and it's in really good shape uh the towers the green the towers with the copper on the outside uh they sent somebody up there I wouldn't go up there uh on the inside and uh from 190 six no water no damage it's it's perfect so you can imagine the Craftsman of those days uh sealing that those Towers so um so this would be the third phase and um and Brad is uh Brad from San Francisco do you want to say something Brad he's raising the rest of the money of the $300,000 um um to to finish the repointing and SE and sealing the outside did you want to say anything Brad or is it I just like to say thank I'll be very brief can you hear me yeah can you hear me now yep okay I first of all I want to thank the committee for the uh the previous Grant which has really helped us with the first piece of the roof as uh as Bob mentioned and I was back in Fall River not too long ago got to see that roof with all this beautiful copper gutters and I think it really makes a statement when I was growing up in Fall River and Swansea when I drove across the briman Street Bridge the skyline to me was Notre Dame which is no longer there Notre Dame Church dery High School which is moved now and St an so to see that coming back it's just this warms my heart and this is as Bob said this is the last phase of sealing the outside of the church which because of the leaks it was threatening the structural Integrity of the building um this once this is done the entire outside of the church will be sealed in good for another 50 to 75 years uh and we estimated it's about $300,000 we'll have more detailed uh estimates for you for the final application um the St ANS preservation Society has some money on hand now and as Bob mentioned I'm working on some national potential National funders because we got it this far it's easier to ask for money because people see it's going to happen you always get the best support from people outside the community when you're in the last stages of doing it when this is the final piece to finish it so I'll be working on that and happy to answer any questions you uh I I'm just uh congratulate you guys on the the resources and funding that you can get into this project uh and I'm glad to see that uh you did complete the round that we did uh previous y sometimes we give money to a nonprofit and it takes for years before they get the project done yeah and it shows a commitment on your part that uh uh you're putting it to use and the committee gets the community gets to see that uh so that's all the questions I have with the board I have uh two questions actually uh the first is more of a recommendation or a congratulations to you um someone who vacations up in the Ontario area when I uh actually go to church up there on my uh vacation I I mentioned that I'm from Boston I don't get a pee but when I mention that I'm from Fall River massachus it's people come out of the woodwork and they keep on speaking about St an's and the f and the kind of Tourism that's brought in not only just locally but internationally uh the second portion uh that I have is it's really kind of what is the vision or the game plan we went up and we've done some work and uh visited the Notre Dame pilica in Montreal and so uh they have a very uh unique U program where they have entertainment of Music very religious um and also um a light show associated with it and for a beautiful building of this nature um there should be some type of a sustainable I guess plan on what how we could continue to U beautify and keep this U beautiful facility up and running and so has that ever been thought about I know the building was originally built for 500 years and we're doing um improvements to it for the next 100 years U plus or minus um what is the end goal ultimately um with this besides just uh creating some type of a sustainable I guess working business model for it so that it uh is preserved um for an eternity well um as far as the the upcap and maintenance we plan on in the future um you know like we we clean the boiler every year which wasn't done you know we um you know so we're we're going to we're going to maintain it right uh current president is a was a project manager for Nar and then R Island energy so he's really good at the the engineering side I'm the kind of the finance person but you know we're running it as a shrine and um and once we get uh the the endgame is to once we have the outside sealed we'll use private funds to fix the upper church and open that up uh to the public but as of right now we're running it as a shrine downstairs and we've gotten um aside from the money that were raised for the outside of the church uh we've had um we're we're we put in we've put in uh four some pumps downstairs so we stopped all the water from coming in uh we also uh asked the Providence C the president of Province college is from River and uh I invited him down and uh they they actually paid for an entire Chapel to be restored so um so we we we currently had masses we're on the trolley stop from um on the bus route now um and recently for the first time in um decades uh we had a pilgrimage uh a bus load of people from uh Quebec come down um to our thing so the news is getting out and uh you know you know we're making a lot of progress every single year you know so any other questions can I have a so hi um so I just had um two things just based off of your applications to answer at least my kind of take on them uh you asked about require if you should get a new letter of support from the dicese for the full application um I would say yeah just just to reup it it's been a couple years and it's a new project entirely so that would be good um and then regarding a new deed restriction as well that would be up to the committee but I think you could maybe expect to have the existing deed restriction possibly re up to 30 or maybe a consecutive one that takes place after I don't know what the committee would be up to but I would expect some form of additional protection um for the additional funds yeah I believe they already signed they signed the dri yeah for the previous Grand so yeah the committee may want okay yeah more protection with more funds all right yeah but if anybody would like to come and check it out I'll take you upstairs and show you around and um uh it's the largest church in the dases and if there's ever a big event that's the place to have it personally I like to see if we get like the four of a symphony to play there or or something like that because it's a it would be a great venue upstairs because the seats 2,000 people oh as mentioned uh the uh Notre Dame um Basilica is an excellent example of a public private type of partnership with the dases and uh it's done extremely well and so the reason I say this is that in a 100 years from now we would like to see that building still going strong and coming up with a solid business plan that's sustainable um that would be a good example of looking at this and this is kind of common quite frankly over in Europe a lot these dases and churches have done the same way so yeah I mean the dases ranted as a um as a parish mhm we're running it as a shrine yeah and that that that's made a lot much uh big difference um we sell $6,000 worth of candles a month you know um I I was surprised that you know once we opened up and we're open every day that um that that kind of support but you've also done extensive work down in the shrine yeah it looks beautiful yeah yeah y we're almost done downstairs and if I could just I just add one thing and that is if you haven't been upstairs I was there as a child but I went again several times in recent years and if you haven't been up there in a while you should take Bob up on his invitation it is a stunning space and it has one of the largest pipe organs in the England and it's in very good shape yeah so there are all kinds of possibilities of having events there Musical events and that's what I think we're all hoping will happen once the upper church is open sounds good thanks so can I have a motion to I'll make a motion to move the application forward to the next round under historic preservation okay second roll call Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Kristen can aliv yes John brt yes James HBY yes Michael fish yes okay thank you all right thank you guys nice and then next is the Narrows uh Gate House repair for River Waterworks complex item uh number 15 pay for engineering designs permitting construction of exterior structural ornamental repairs will contribute to the restoring of the historic appearance of the building and making it weathertight safe and secure uh it's under historic preservation for 250 good evening so this project is the Narrows gate house so I don't know if everybody's familiar with the location of this gate house so this is actually um if you're going down Route 195 westbound uh if right before you take the 24 Northbound exit right to the right hand side there it's a uh Granite style building building uh constructed in the gothic uh style it mirrors a 1875 Pump Station that uh is down on the edge of the North wupa Pond the building actually houses the uh control structures that divide the North and South witha so that's the only point of uh that water could flow either from North or South those Gates primarily stay closed unless the north becomes too full then we need to open it and drain it into the South uh so the work that we're looking to do the structure is in good condition uh we did a update of the gate structures that are within that building about 12 years ago um but the exterior of the building needs some updating uh the sofits the gutters that type of uh those types of things uh we're looking to uh redo uh the uh sofits have become open allowing uh animals to come into the building as well as the COA gutas uh definitely need work uh the roof is still in fair condition it's a slate roof um so that's the overall project with the estimated budget of 250,000 okay um did you get a letter from the hisor commission on this one uh we are in front of them on their next meeting which is this this yeah tomorrow I believe yeah we missed the last meeting we do apologize to the commission but me and Mike got our lines crossed and neither of us showed up I know in this uh this one and the next one if you get any additional outside resources that would be helpful without a doubt yeah definitely as you know we're always looking for other funding sources as well uh and we will be uh we we be reaching out for any other additional funding sources that we can prior to the uh funding round uh any questions from the board can I have a motion I'll make a motion to move forward The Narrows Gate House repair fall over Water Works complex item number is I'm sorry did we just do you want to talk about Waterworks complex we're on a water we're on we're on the gar Gate House Gate House yeah well it's a single Grant request so yeah for 250 that one was right for the gate house the Waterworks separate yeah yeah the other one's separate oh sorry it says Waterworks as well sorry number 15 versus number 12 I a motion to move forward the n gay House repair fer waterworth complex item number 15 under the historic preservation category have a second a second okay roll call Jo May Bentley yes that's you oh sorry Alexander silly yes christien can R yes John brt yes James HBY yes Michael FES yes all right then moving on to the next one uh zob Waterworks complex repair shed number 12 make essential repairs to the uh building from 1930 shed converted from a repair shed to a cold storage building included in the project will be replacement of roof Windows overhead doors and repointing of the brick that one you're looking for 450 yes correct so this is the uh what used to we used to use as our garage facility up at our water maintenance complex with the construction of our new building across Bedford Street uh this building has now been uh winterized and we're currently using it as cold storage so to get U some of our equipment uh pots and pieces uh out of the weather uh and into a uh building even though won't be heated or anything like that it's a lot better than uh stuff sitting outside so what we'd like to do is repair the roof on that building sofits Windows Doors repoint it uh so that that building would be uh would be in a good condition to be able to move forward okay like I said on the same on this if you the letter from the store commission and any outside would be greatly appreciated uh that project uh any questions from the board do I have a motion I'll make a motion to move Fall River Waterworks complex repair shed number 12 move that forward to the eligibility round there a second second roll call Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Christen k ol yes John BR yes James hensby yes Micha yes all right next is the Samson parcel acquisition require permanently protect from development 10 acres of Samson parcel located agen to the andac farms on the west side of Blossom Road and Eastern Fall River uh this adjoins for the new members this joins the aner and rock Farms that we funded two years ago last year I'm I'm gonna actually recuse myself from this uh okay so uh Michael or Michael boss here I work at 2929 Blossom Road for the water department on the reservation Mike a little more I want to hear you Mike laier 2929 Blossom Road is where I work for the water department I'm the reservation Forester um the Samson parcel is immediately adjacent to ader Ona farm ader farm as you know knows approximately 9 Acres it's the home of what will become the uh Southeastern Mass bio Reserve Environmental Education Center and um it is um it is a parcel that's still privately owned this is a 10 acre parcel adjacent to the nine um we are in the process of having in a a professional appraisal done so um this this number is a sort of a placeholder actually we had an appraisal done several years ago so we're actually updating this appraisal um and it's expected that what we would do with this parcel is protect again protect um most of the parcel uh it's got ecological values it's partially forested partially Farmland um and it will become part of the programming um and you know utilization of adod De farm so it it really would expand the footprint of of the farm proper um by 100% a little more actually U and it would get us uh an ability to um the property would be contiguous to other reservation properties as well so it would contribute toward um obviously open space water Watershed protection and um the possibility of networking a trail system uh to the center so it's it's really uh an opportunity that um it's one of the last opportunities to really augment a site which you know as you as you've seen is is just Exquisite to be able to have the center in a full view of and contiguous to the uh the reservoir sounds like a great addition to what we already acquired uh this was under open space for 355 uh and then any outside funding will come in yeah that's our that's our uh that's our trademark so yeah so so you recall for ader Rond de we got I think it was 50% from the drinking water uh no it was it was a it was actually a little bit more possibly land a land grant that's land acquisition U uh for for biodiversity or a diversity uh so there are a couple of grants that we have in mind that that one again potentially or the drink of water supply Grant but you know generally generally we'll put an application in front of you for the whole project um and we we really the city really uniquely qualifies for uh especially the state grants so we we would expect to match this in some respect yeah just one thing with this passle we wouldn't want to make uh some of the grants uh have very restrictive um um conservation restrictions on them we wouldn't want to make this possible too restrictive uh due to the fact if we want to have trails that Connect into our other properties within the bio Reserve we want to leave that option open so that may um come into difficulties when we're looking for some of those other sources but we're definitely looking for them okay does board have any questions one question so this parcel would Grant ad ader Farm uh Waterfront access correct or I think I saw that in the M yes so this is one of the last uh think there's two other pels uh that have full access to the northw topper pond so this does uh down where the power lines cross this piece is still under this fee of this pel with a uh with a um a easement to the power company okay yep if if you would mind I would just put a finer point on that because I think what you were driving at is um people think that the whole 100% of the shoreline of the north wupa Pon is protected and it's not there are a couple of parcels uh that uh we would seek to you know and and then I mean we'd be the Envy of many communities to think that 100% of our primary drinking water supply Shoreline is protected and not only that but within our own corporate boundaries that's that's that's one of those Treasures that uh often goes unspoken but it's it's uh it's something that we really uh can be uh happy with in Fall River thanks for that uh so no further questions can I have a motion just a a comment sure I'll thank you very much for doing this I support the the project the more you can gain funding and and other places it will really help uh the two of your projects are 23ds of the amount of money we get every year yes yes that's understood so I will help if you need okay Finish can I have a I'll make a motion to move the Samson parcel parcel acquisition forward on under the open space uh category have a second I'll second roll call Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Christen can aliver yes John brt yes James Hornsby yes all righty then the next is I should know this guy's name is it hinger jger uh paral acquisition uh acquire permanently protect 230 Acres of so-called hackenburg parts were located east of Blossom Road and Eastern Fall River uh under open uh open space uh 690,000 um tell us a little about that sure so I don't know if this will help or not but Hassen Jagger in German is hair hunter or rabbit Hunter Hassen Jagger for what that's worth um yeah this is this is the largest uh undeveloped parcel uh remaining in the bio Reserve footprint area uh it's it's one we've uh been discussing with the owners uh for a long time uh protecting this parcel um some of the natur some of the benefits of it ecologically it's the headquarters to the um bread and cheese Brook which feeds the the um uh the West brand to the the east branch of the Westport River uh which is a cold water fishery uh it it gives uh connectivity to the Ecology of um all of the the the uh the bio Reserve Partners the state Trustees of reservations um and the wupper reservation and also brings that protection of the um bioserve right to the Westport line so that's uh it's an important infill parcel um it's also a landlock parcel so uh as far as you know development um uh uh you know potential there it's it's kind of low so um we're hoping to require that working with the trustees of reservations uh as a partner and and again the same uh the same principle goes there's there are there are some options there is some potential uh grant funding available to this parcel that's not for Samson for example the Forest Reserve um which is a state uh ea uh uh you know Grant um program that just was announced so there are a few you know potentials to do that with this one as well now on this property are we buying uh he has an agenda that has excess Road into the property you is that part of the 230 Acres this is this is just that landlock parcel we have Parcels that are adjacent to it with Trail access okay right yeah it does not include any of the um house lots that that property owns around this passel all right sounds good um Jim yeah uh two things one uh you're not planning to put the road in uh this we would not be constructing any road again thank you yeah this is a landlock parcel as as we see and the same speech I made before about funding and for the committee the U this has more of an opportunity for funding because it is uh totally preserved Forest as opposed to something that is adjacent to of the in this in the adarac a Community Education Program with with and my hope is that it could be well used as part of the Community Education and and I hear you talking about connecting trails and okay any other questions all right can I have a motion I move I move that this be approved as eligible under open space for 690 right under whatever you just said I'll I'll second that all right roll call vote Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes CHR can Oliver yes John BR yes James Hornsby yes Michael feris yes okay thank you very much thank you have a good night next up is the uh dery block under historic preservation they want to replace 132 Windows uh 5481 uh good evening uh for the record my name is Ken foler and the Executive Vice President of Bristol County EDC uh located at 139 South Main Street Fall River and also a Fall River resident myself um you have before you tonight the dery block application which um a few of you may be familiar with certainly those members that served on the board last year um this calls for the rehab of uh 80 to 84 North Main Street um Mr Ferris uh who's part of the uh Ferris Development Corporation is currently in the process of um moving forward with the rehab of that property itself uh is seeking monies uh for um the replacement of the windows uh in accordance with uh standards set forth by um by the uh National Park Service as part of a historic tax credit application the project itself does have uh National Park Service and Mass historic commission approvals part one and part two so the project will be moving forward ultimately uh the overall project is um about a $7 million project at the end of the day um this project as I said came to you uh last year uh it was recommended for approval uh last year um in the spring of last year Mr Ferris uh decided to withdraw his application because there was another competing application 66 Troy Street that was also looking for funding for its windows and since his project was not as ready as 66 Choy Street at that time he decided to uh voluntarily withdraw his project but he's brought it back before the board this year for a reconsideration and hopefully for advancement now I recall last year the uh the windows are more than 548 right so he's match he's gonna so overall though the entire project is over like about 7 million and yeah the 548 that's just for the windows that doesn't include the that like a eight or 900 yeah once you add in all your other ancillary cost in terms of construction and demo and all these other things that the price goes up this is for the physical purchase of the windows themselves not necessarily the cost of installation removal and you know uh dis discarding the addition the existing Windows uh now did he update the historical commission letter no we're going to be doing that okay you just just one point of clarification in your applications you may want to put that there that you need it I think that is in in there the check it's on the checklist I didn't know if it was part of the preliminary application or once you get through the preliminary bring it up yeah yeah yeah so it's like you know so it's just a question when you ask for it right so we just right for the final absolutely so that that's I like to mention that yeah yeah so it's like I didn't know what I should ask it for now I didn't want to be so presumptuous to ask for it if it didn't get through this board you know so well you always could like you could always ask for an advance put it with you I know I know so we will be yeah we will be requesting that as well uh does the board have any questions can I have a motion I'll make a motion to uh move the project forward for dery Block replacement of Windows for 548 111 under historic preservation second I'll second that roll call Joan Bentley yes Alexander yes Christen K Oliver yes John brtt yes James Hornsby yes Michael FIS yes okay next we have uh St John's Holy Ghost club uh under historic preservation for 225,000 installation of uh fire suppression and sprinkler system throughout the entire building yes so I'm here tonight on behalf of that oh are you good so here tonight you know we come before you uh with regard to requested um funding for the installation of fire suppression and sprinkler system throughout the entire building uh just for the record the Coughlin school is actually listed on the national registers of historic places was designed by Frank Irving Cooper and constructed in 1893 in a Romanesque Revival style um it was named after John Coughlin who served as the mayor of f from 1890 to 1893 in September 2015 there was a pending sale of cough coughin school to a private developer uh that sale was terminated as a result of an oome related fire that left the school uh that fire to the school which caused smoke and water damage throughout the building and structural damage to the multi-sided roof in August 2016 the city put the coflin school back out to bid and the nonprofit St John's Holy Ghost Association was the winner bidder and agreed to secure the building and put a new roof on within 60 days from uh taking its ownership from 2016 the president the St John's Holy Ghost Association has replaced the roof and has made other improvements throughout the building to accommodate the stated purpose of use as office Spades for a club at Community Food Pantry Restaurant and function hall in order to move the project to the next phase for the utilization of the building for these purposes the the club needs to address the fire suppression system it's sort of like the Chicken and the Egg you can't get all these other activities taking place without the fire suppression system uh it's anticipated and you know a total cost of $850,000 is needed to further make make further improvements to the building to get it all up to code right now there's a Code issue there um and once as you all know once you surpass a certain threshold in a code that's going to put you into a different level of compliance where you actually have to put a whole new adhere to the the new code as opposed to just making repairs to the existing code so again that request here is pivotable pivotal to the use of the building for extended purposes and they can't use the building until they address the fire suppression system um they can't get the fire suppression system until uh they secure funding for and they can't generate any money at the building until they get the fire suppression system so it's like a big circle right so fire suppression system allows them to start utilizing the build for civic functions Community Food Pantry different types of Civic and religious um uh uh events and generate some income from that which will then help further make further improvements to the building all righty uh we have been investing in the in the building uh it's it's good to see some Pleasant Street uh for years we haven't gotten anything out of Pleasant Street now this time around we're getting uh the whole block uh it so we're glad to see that uh um now this year would be a deep restriction on the building um and then you'd also need the historic commission uh recommendation uh that's the only questions I have to to give is there any so it's my understanding and interpretation of the historic preservation category that you can't use any funds for internal projects like this such as fire suppression I believe we actually denied an eligibility application last year that requested a similar a similar project um so like for example you said that one of the plann projects was the windows that would be something that would qualify under historic preservation um in terms of fire suppression I I hear that you and I'm not questioning you Alex but the National Park Service preservation standards allow for these types of purposes and these types of improvements we kind of did that with the uh for Arts Association fire supression well no we added a handicap bathroom and ramp because it had to meet code so when you have to come up the code it does fall into yeah but that's still exterior but the inside bathroom is still I um that's up for debate with me still but yeah I I just find it hard to believe that the CPA regulations do not do not comp Do Not Mirror the National Historic preservation standards it's more stringent in terms I'm not sure stringent because if you look at the RS which I have they specifically refer to the interior standards of of review so I'm not questioning I just probably I think for everybody's sake you may want to get clarification on that because I think that's an issue that's going to continuously come before this this board to see what is eligible what may not be eligible you may have the prerogative to say that you don't want to put your funding in those areas but in terms of Eligibility I think clarification may be may be uh necessary just for that just for everybody's interpretation yeah I I think on our past practice when we did the handicap bathroom and the ramp this would fall under the same updating I mean not necessarily and like I said that St requiring a historic building to put the codes in so well feel free to like steuart our consultant who deals with like follows the case law regarding all Community preservation act projects throughout the state has previously told us that this does not qualify if you'd like to re askk him that's fine um it's up to you but it's my take on it if it does if it's not eligible certainly the windows would be eligible that's something we'd be will also interested exterior has to be right I think the the reason for we didn't request the windows is because we want to get the building function we could replace all the windows completely understandable we can't get the fire suppression you got a building with nice windows but you can't occupy it or utilize it yep completely understand the plate Okay so so do we just want to mention in the application that fire suppression or historic preservation windows do I have a motion well the problem with that is if if we don't fund the fire suppression system and we put the money for the windows are you going to have money for the fire suppression system eventually they're going to be they're going to have to find the money rates they can't utilize the facility to help generate that Revenue so now it's a question of having different types of fundraising activities for that purpose So eventually they will be able to do that so we don't want to foro any funding opportunity even if it's for the windows now in anticipation of additional funding come down the street um but you know the the other the other challenge here from for financing is that this is a social club and Banks typically don't Finance Social Clubs because nobody signs Pro personally right and so there's no in the event that a loan goes bad there's no collateral but for the property itself in terms of satisfying the loan that may be out there so it's really challenging when you have social clubs trying to do these things because you have hundreds of well you know well-intentioned volunteers trying to make a go of this thing and putting in a lot of their own labor and a lot of their own money but to get the big chunks of money that's when it becomes problematic and that's why you know getting a building in a usable condition so they can generate revenue is the preference but certainly they won't turn it back on funding for Windows if H if necessary all right so I I understand what Alex is saying because I know that has been an issue and I know that at some point Stuart did address it but I also know that we have in the past funded things and I think before we say know this is not eligible I think we really should get clarification both in I mean I talked to steuart about the the bathrooms and stuff and this so but it fall under the same guidelines so I think if we had a motion that would uh include uh EST storic preservation for the windows and then fire suppression and then when it comes to eligibility we'll know which way we want to go so do I have a motion for or we could also do it conditionally if like for the fire suppression on the condition that we do get confirmation that CPA funds can do that under historic preservation it's all right do do we know what roughly what the price tag is for the windows is it comparable to the fire suppression I understand your yeah it's 850,000 but I don't have a specific break down for the windows but as we all know windows are very expensive you know and especially you know when you they're not seeking historic tax credits for this building so they have a little bit more flexibility in the type of window they they could put there as opposed to you know getting tax credits for that purpose so we'd have to get a uh a specific cost estimate for that well it still has to follow Secretary of interior standards because if it's under historic preservation CPA still has those guidelines so it the the windows still need to meet it may yeah but maybe not as stringently as the national for tax credit purposes there's a whole difference between appearances in in types of see sometimes the one sometimes tax credit are less stringent than CP iot windows I don't think SE I've seen some windows for for tax credits that we questioned like how of that but yeah I don't know do we have a question sure do I have a question Brad Brad Brad Brad did you want to say something yeah I I just wanted to say that I I have a very deep background in historic preservation and I understand why bathrooms and interior work is not eligible but I think a fire suppression system by its very nature protects the exterior of the building and I keep thinking that if we had a fire suppression system in Notre Dame Church when that fire started Notre Dame Church could still be here so I think it's worth exploring whether this is eligible or not cuz I think there's a good case to be made that preserving the exterior of every Landmark is critical to its long-term preservation yeah I I have a question is there any way to table this until we get um an answer back from Stewart uh no we can't table it why not why not why not yes we can take it next month we're going to table and get the lose a month of uh on their application well they can still do the leg work in the meantime and they can still go before the historical commission and they can still get numbers like breakdown of numbers because they can work on getting it either for the windows or the suppression system and then come back before if you wanted to table it as long as we have the opportunity to get a bite at the windows that'd be okay but I just don't want to table it just for the fire suppression then lose it then lose a I can't hear you Canen I'm sorry if you wanted to sorry Reverend if you wanted to table it and just allow us to also price out the windows as part the application process that'd be fine I just hate to table it and lose out if it's ineligible and not have the opportunity to come back for the for the windows for another year okay so we're going to make a motion to table it but invite them back at the next meeting and then we'll let them know which part is eligible might I suggest um um just moving it forward as eligible pending uh confirmation with our consultant versus the legality of its eligibility um and normally I would say that you would need to do a whole new application for a whole new project since Windows wasn't necessarily addressed but you did kind of mention it in the application so I I would move forward the application uh with Windows is an eligibility and fire suppression pending uh you can even say a subsequent vote by this committee after uh opinion by Stuart okay do I have a second second just for who is Stuart so steuart s stor sag s Statewide is he employed as a consultant or is he an attorney or is he what is he because put a lot of weight Coalition okay yeah great and he's a paid we pay a due like I think most municipalities in the state pay a du to the Coalition which is a nonprofit entity and they advise and follow and advocate for Community preservation act throughout the Commonwealth do you have a check with local Corporation councils since you are a City Board from time to time we do yeah I'm just saying because you know you're a City Board it may be yeah you know Wise to also check in with local Corporation Council sometimes do cons interest we yeah do that okay so we have a motion on the table do we have a second second okay roll call vote Joy Bentley yes Alexander Sila yes Kristen Ken Oliver yes John brt yes James Hornsby yes Michael feris yes all right guys thank you very much next we have Maritime Museum removal of Steel plywood aluminum Pano fa uh erected entrance to the Maritime Museum structure had now deteriorated to a condition in which an August 24 Wind and rainstorm caused set third story Windows to fall to the ground uh structured to be unsafe it's removal of necessary removal facet and return to the Maritime Museum to its former structure uh it's under historic for 7,57 good afternoon uh good evening my name is Chris nardy I'm Chief Operating Officer at Battle Ship Cove and just as you stated um I don't know when it was done I've been around for a long time I don't recall when that um facade was put up but uh the Windstorm back in August took down a set of Windows on the uh north side of the building uh upon further examination um myself and some other folks uh we looked at the structure and we just do not feel comfortable with it the way it stands we closed the museum um we took steps to secure the remaining panels that are on the anaan street side and now um um unfortunately the cocking that uh sealed off the panels to the steel structure was found to be contain asbest so we've got those panels to remove no matter what and along with that um we figured um contemplating taking down the steel structure return the Maritime Museum to its original configuration uh now I see this was uh caused by wind and rain uh damage why isn't this an insurance claim in inad of once the asbest was tested once it tested positive for asbest they no longer cover it now they will cover I did receive a quote before the asbest was discovered that will cover a certain percentage of that I was also told that do we have a huge deductible based on the value of the property which wipes out the which wipes out the uh estimate that we got for the asbest removal anyway or the I'm sorry the demolition cost without asbest all right uh one because this I mean we've uh had a few grants come through where we have the the elevator which I don't think is still approved or operating okay the elevator was operating um I'm sorry the elevator is a long as you know has been up and down not so to speak in terms of um we had um electrical upgrade done to the museum and subsequent to that they had to do um when they installed the new new power they had to rewire the feed to the elevator so there's a delay there when that was done we had the state inspector come in he came in during a delug of rain and the water was coming right through the roof we didn't know about that leak and he closed the elevator off immediately we've since had the roof repaired and um we're on schedule following this um getting through this hurdle of uh getting that plard removed and getting the op the elevator back in oper ation and then the electrical room is that electrical upgrade is completely done okay cuz we haven't been called to do the final sign out on that either so I believe Mr manini was on that and he he saw the entire the completion of that himself okay that's the only questions I had uh any questions from the board I I do I have a question so at at this time is the museum closed yes for safety reasons and it will remain closed until the panels are removed correct so whether we take down we have to do something um so at the very least we're going to take the panels down because I my I feel and I have a technical background to some extent that uh the panels were not installed properly um and uh there I don't feel comfortable that some more of them may come down is that both Towers is when you're looking at the building on both again the all construction is simil is the same across the whole thing and what I saw the part I saw that that hit the ground I'm concerned that that could happen to the rest of it at any at any time so yes both both sides so my I guess my my thoughts are that by the time if this gets approved for the eligibility round and then it gets through the next round it's the time frame it's a long time frame and would the museum remain close that whole time until this money it would have to be yes I have a question regarding to uh upon the demolition uh has funding been secured for the construction or um what needs to be done to get it up and operating again that the very least the panels have to come we we're satisfied with the Integrity of the steel beam structure mhm the panels that are incorporated into that structure need to come down okay cuz that's what that's what the window the panel at the very top of each Tower supports some very heavy windows and on the way down it took out that that set of Windows took out a panel on the way down you know damaged the tree um and I'm I just don't feel confident that it wouldn't happen again um to the the panel the set of Windows on the on the South Side so so this funding of the 70,000 $57 for demolition is strictly just to take the panels down no that includes so I have two quotes I have a quote for the removal the panels which includes the asbestos abatement and then a second quote for the removal of the steel structure okay again none of that was was part of the original structure of the Maritime Museum yeah I know under uh past rulings uh we don't pay to uh like your historic building you put aluminum siding up new owner comes in wants to take it back to what building we don't Finance The Taking of the old building off you have to do that to get to the original state and then we come in so right my point on that is there any other questions the board have a motion well I don't understand why it's eligible I went by there and you know was very it's obviously closed and I couldn't I missed the fact that the museum was closed I thought I could just go in as I once did several times of of but it seems like is it all exterior that you're talking about it's all exterior yeah it's all exterior ASB bestus removal okay the cocking that seals each panel is sealed to the steel infrastructure with cocking that has aestus in it so it just can't be demolished in in a typical uh fashion in other words you can't take the structure down without the procedures that are necessary to re just like when we had at the battleship at Battleship Cove a quan Hut was destroyed by the state Pier next door there was clocking discovered in the in the window ceiling we had to have we had to go through a long very expensive procedure to get the Quan removed from the property it has to be taken that material had to be taken to the the middle of the country to a landfill or whatever they do with it okay so that was my concern as well um as far as like demolition of structures that were not original to the building I did don't think we're eligible for if you look at historic we uh one thing is we can't create which just would be creating you'd have to take it off then we come in but okay for the up front I would say no but can we have a motion or further discussion je um I would just so I would ask you why wouldn't you um have consider this as an emergency application if it was resulting in the closure during like summer hours for your Museum I'm sorry why didn't you put this in as an emergency application this summer like right after it happened I to be honest with you I've got so much going on at at Battleship Co I I'm not familiar with all the options available here in the city for funding so I wouldn't even I didn't even know about that to be honest with you yeah so um if you look at our resources on our website it kind of details the process and the one way uh as it stands now to kind of step outside of the schedule is for emergencies which this could constitute as an emergency by some standards um but as the other committee members were saying about the eligibility part of the demolition of not original part I think that holds true so I would just suggest um moving forward if you do um come up with a plan that does address the restoration of the front after the new pieces are moved um you could consider a historic preservation category CPA Grant I think for that um and if it is an emergency type of situation like to get your museum open just I would just suggest you look into that um if it would constitute as an emergency bye standards and then we would judge that well I understand so but even in our case even an this would not qualify for an emergency because it's a demolition still wouldn't qualify correct um well your business has been closed during Peak summer hours during like and it's a tourism run business so I mean right now not under historic preservation though no I'm saying if a future application comes that address is the restoration the front part of it you don't need to wait another year you can submit it as an emergency application potentially I mean it's up to the committee at the time if they agree that it's an emergency you know but I mean it's your chance to take sort of thing right that's what I'm saying okay thank you all right so can I have a motion you mean to deny either deny or so I make a motion that the project is not eligible under the category of historic preservation second okay roll call Joan Bentley I agree so yes so yes Alexander Silva yes Kristen kintar Oliver yes John brt yes James hsby yes Michael farus no okay motion doesn't pass but like I say once you get it cleaned up you need come back we'd be glad to help uh with that part but yeah that's a good that may be a possibility because I don't know what it's going to look like once that material is removed it may be some damage you know some stuff that needs to be brought back to the way it was so thank you thank you thank you um okay uh next we have uh I wanted to kind of change our uh we have emergency funding now I wanted to change it to are we skipping um par restroom and walkways I didn't see anyone else in the audience so I'm like uh all righty um I guess they're not coming so we'll Let's see we have Kennedy Park restrooms uh under uh stor preservation uh phase one uh full demolition of interior surface uh reconstructed uh new men's uh room uh and add public access to technology safeguards they're looking for 600,000 uh I wish somebody was here because it is a I have I have a lot of questions I have several questions on here too um it is a beautiful building and um it's just destroyed inside uh I know no one's not here it does fall under hisor reservation not the inside not the inside hisor yeah the inside's no see no no yeah you could do the inside uh well I think in past past years we've tabled ones that don't have applicants here to present their application when there's board members especially that have questions so I would recommend tbling both okay good uh okay can I have a motion do I have a second second okay roll call I'll make a motion to table uh the next two eligibility applications Kennedy Park restrooms Kennedy Park walkways until a representative from the cities on hand to answer questions um it doesn't necessarily have to be a month time if we want to do an earlier meeting um okay do I have a second no second roll call Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Kristen K to Oliver yes John brt yes James HBY yes Michael fish yes Sandy can you send uh Al a letter to request that uh somebody be here and they can answer questions okay thanks uh okay next uh was the out of cycle funding uh we have emergency funding now what I want to do with the out of cycle funding is ADD keep the emergency by natural causes uh you know and then add uh open space and uh housing affordable housing so open space comes up before us because that's something you can't really regulate and if a housing comes up but the housing now would be affordable housing 100% And the house we have to buy so I would looking to add those two categories under um out of cycle funding uh how does the board feel on that um yeah I think that that's a really good idea because you can't determine when land is going to come up for sale and you also I mean housing is such a a at a premium right now and we need it so when that comes up again having to wait another year for something like that yeah is is ridiculous so I think that's definitely something that should be considered the housing everything come with a deed restriction but the housing would have to be housing and 100% affordable housing not 25 I would say right right not historic preservation housing for example if there were no affordable in it well even if they come for historic uh preservation in a housing under special uh out of cycle funding I would say 100% because they're asking for I think what do you what do you guys think personally I would say that um if you're saying it's 100% on that component of it I don't know a developer that would touch that particular project and it basically limit you you want to stick with the 25% does that uh what is it in writing renovation is that what you're saying yeah no for community housing no because because it's very conceivable that mik Dion could come in with a project that's full 100% affordable housing do we want to just stick with the housing at 25% that's not going to that's not going to not for not for that's not going to address any crisis associated with housing or affordable housing what you're going to do is alienate so I would whatever it is currently right now with the 25% keep it at the 25% and then it can be you'll get challenged and and no one will T the project I'm just telling you that's a thrown out every angle uh want to look at can I uh so rather than just kind of doing this ad hoc at the meeting might I suggest that we uh take some time to think about all the parameters and restrictions we would want to include um and maybe also open it up or give the public a chance to comment on this perhaps like a month or something you know uh and then also I think uh fellow Committee Member Rick manini he would definitely want to be involved in the conversation before any votes are taken on this I agree and in thought I think the emergency application process in of itself is rather vague and left up wholly to interpretation as to what constitutes an emergency so I don't feel that there's any problem further defining that um I just want to make sure we cover all our bases or at least leave maybe a miscellaneous category in case something that's unforeseen does come up uh because like under the parameters you said like an arson case would not count you know so like there's things like that where I think we should probably think of allow the public to comment come up with a plan and maybe get something in writing that we could all talk about rather than kind of going at lib okay yeah I do think like our emergency funding is you know kind of not weak but it really doesn't focus on it's very vague like most of most of the uh project that came before us for uh was regular maintenance followed things like that I think need to be included in yeah like perhaps specifying like you know what we would constitute general maintenance oversight versus you know not general maintenance oversite like for instance my personal opinion on new roofs is you know there's a fine line between when it should have been maintained versus a new property owner with a building that has a collapsed roof I mean there's a difference between General maintaining it and saving the building you know so that's that's some clarification that should be kind of written into whatever we do a tree going into a roof is a Act of nature a roof not being maintained is I don't think an emergency so okay we uh um so I'll make a motion to table this conversation put it on another agenda when we're have an indepth convers we'll put it on next uh month's agenda could you and Alex maybe draw up some uh well and everyone send I suggest everyone send suggestions we'll send uh verbiage to Alex and uh Christine here Chris and uh they'll type it up and we'll discuss it again next month and sure if we have to add we'll just keep it on the agenda till we come up with uh because we're in no hurry I just figured it'd be nice to have additional if we needed to come before us this way the public knows and everybody knows um updates some projects does anybody have anything I don't okay I I don't either all righty uh new business okay I do want for the the the public part that uh tonight's was uh eligibility for um uh funding doesn't mean they're necessarily going to get funding uh I always hear comments about people uh we take very serious the responsibility of passing out CP C funds because this taxpayers money uh I would encourage people to let us know about projects that they like projects that they that are up here uh good bad points uh we have an email CPC at forer uh org uh please send your comments in there uh positive uh why it's a good project uh anything we just like to hear about it um firsthand instead of uh on your local radio station so uh we can't do anything if you don't let us know and we do want to spend uh our CPC money responsible so if you do want to do that feel free to send us an email or come down to a meeting join us and talk talk with us we like that even more okay uh so can I have a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn I'll second roll call Joan Bentley yes Alex Silva yes Christen Kent Al yes John brt yes Jes hsby yes Michael FAS yes all righty good night everyone thank you