welcome to the community preservation committee meeting being held at uh one government center in the hearing room uh 6 o' uh you can catch uh the meeting through uh cable TV channel 18 um f frgtv Facebook live and live streaming uh it's Monday May 20th 6 o'clock uh pursu to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present are deemed acknowledged and permissible we'll start with roll call to my left Michael FAS Joan Bentley Alexander Silva here John Brandt Rick mansy here and we're missing Christine ol and we're missing James Hornsby and we're missing somebody on planning board and and city council we also have Greg from Victor and uh Victor's off but uh we have Greg from F frgtv and Sandy Dennis Administrative Assistant uh joining us too uh we have no uh citizen input tonight can I have a motion for approval of the minutes from March 18th I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from March 18th 2024 and the minutes from April 29th 2024 and I'll second that motion uh roll call we don't need roll still need to vote yeah uh to vote H still need to vote oh put say roll call oh I meant say roll call all in favor all in favor all in favor in favor motion wonder why you were looking at me like that okay uh um did everybody uh go through the ethic training I think I've seen everyone has taken that and everyone set okay uh sign location um we only have a few have we found our signs yet I have contacted let me know they how many we have um I did do a drive around the city and there are only two signs off anywhere um and they are at the Historical Society and lafette dery house those are the only two signs that I saw up anywhere so I know the last time we placed a order for medium sizes so I know we have small medium and large um as soon as I hear from him I will let you know where they are and how many we have so that you can assign where you want them up again I don't know how many Smalls we have any many med because we should have about 15 or so signs yeah we should we have quite a few because we had our first order but then we placed another so I would say at least 12 to 15 signs we have can can I ask a question are the signs do the signs go up while the building is being renovated and then do they come down afterwards or do the signs stay saying uh it was renovated sometimes we leave them up a little longer okay if it's a good location you know we like to let people know that it uh we helped out and you know um I think in the past they've been given to projects after completion and they were up I think a year or so generally after each project has been completed okay did we have one down at B sentonio Park no no okay all right well we'll have to get with Al and find out where I'll follow I'd make the recommendation if those signs are in good shape stay up as long as they possibly can it actually brings a lot of positive yeah involvement with the community seeing where these funds are going and how they're bring you know administered so if that's all possible until they start to fall apart orgate over time then just them because one at the Historical Society needs to be out yeah yeah I think that one yeah I mean it's up to you um when you address this you want them again yeah to wait until find out yeah maybe I'll pop in tomorrow and see when I get sworn in I'll pop in and see if he can find and uh even if he has a guy that he can designate and put him up for us we know where they're going to go then every we do a lot of Park projects for uh Boston Salem and ab and they they actually go up at the ribbon gunning ceremony it's it's a really nice groundbreaking and so people can see where that their funds are going to and yeah how they how it's imp the community yeah they're good-looking sign so they are you know yeah if if we are deciding on which ones to where to place I think we should just try to geographically spread it out as much as possible you have any ideas uh well I historically there's been little done in the South End so I I would just say any of the projects in the South End of the city so would be like an automatic yes how many total signs do you have I think that's the question we're going to answer we have to have at least 15 because we had ordered I think the first time around like 18 and we got another like uh because we had three different sizes yeah and uh so they've got to be so I mean like the Children's Museum might be a good spot um where would anywhere where there's a high traffic count is a good spot because that's where we'll get the most Advantage fire Museum uh Father Kelly Park any of your Park projects or yeah father's Kelly especially if they're new I mean if we only have a a a limited amount then I think i' you know I would think we you want them on the projects that are current like active that you're actively working on as opposed to maybe some that work completed um but I it all depends on how many we have yeah because father Kelly's park that's in the South End wonder if we get one on St an's maplehood St an's um the St John Baptist Church perhaps pki Park pki Park yeah oh St John the Baptist Children's Museum would be good they took the Armory one down I believe this year anything I would especially focus on the public sector portions of those like the parks where people in the community going to use those the private sector ones when they have them they're great but I think uh you'll get your most pay for your buck especially with the community and hopefully with the administration as well so yeah okay we'll kind of Hit the a little bit of South End a little bit of North Main Street yeah all righty sounds good um then we're going to do just a little CPC uh um just for a little update then people that are uh in the audience that might be wanting to take out an application uh we understand a little bit more how we work uh we do have Stewart doing June 18th at 12 o'clock a uh who Stuart yeah he's for the audience who's Stuart oh Stuart Sagamore is head of uh CPA uh organization uh he's doing a uh like a boot camp for us to if you want to attend at 12 o' I think we're going to uh videotape it and maybe put it on site so but yeah but uh just a quick over glance of the community preservation Act was uh enabled in 2000 um it was adopted it's been adopted by 196 cities and towns uh in Massachusetts not Massachusetts yeah and no Community has ever revoked the program um we uh fund four um areas historic preservation open space outdoor recreation and community housing um we get our Revenue from uh property tax uh Fall River we collect 1.5 and then State contribution uh adds to it uh last year was 23% uh how that works is the first 100,000 off the residential property um is taken off then um they figure the tax out on that lowincome families moderate income families are um get a different rate too um let's see uh we don't really need to go over that um the uh CPA is administrated by the Department of Revenue annually dispers uh CPA Community each November um revenues also come from fees uh at the registry of deeds which over the last couple years has been down because real estate sales have been off so that's why you see from 21 the year before we had 38% we collected uh so it say a November 23 match was 21% [Applause] um the uh Community preservation the committee oursel here we uh uh accept and review project proposals we get input from the uh public and board committees uh recommend CPA projects to the city council and then they vote on it for approval of the projects um just went over that U then each year uh we have to put 10% into each category of a housing open space historic um and flexible and 5% into Administration um the last couple years we've been putting into housing so we do have a housing um Surplus um eligible for CPA funding um open space historic Recreation housing is yes for acquiring uh create um all except for historic uh preservation we can't uh create historic preservation the others are all Yes uh preserve they're all Yes um support um only house uh you can support the rest or no uh restore uh open space we cannot uh put any money into um historic Recreation yes uh no on housing unless acquired or created with CPA money ask one quick question on the support sure uh could you get we have no on the open space historical and uh Recreation but yes on housing What would a support mechanism support would be like uh say the parks we put a splash pad in we can't fund maintenance on so it's all maintenance stuff okay perfect thank you it's not all maintenance stuff though like support for housing that what also qualifies as like rental assistance with kind of support for community housing so you have you should research kind of like the definitions of the subjects I guess yeah um then um uh open space uh CPA funds may be spent on Acquisitions creation and preservation to open space Rehabilitation or restoration of any open space has been required to create using CPA money it is important to note that the permanent deed restriction is required for all real property interest required under CPA uh the open space categories include but is not limited to land to protect existing future Wells uh occup recharge areas Watershed land agricultural land grass land Fields Forest lands fresh and saltwater marshes and other Wetlands ocean River streams Lake Pond Frontage beaches dunes and other Coastal lands lands to protect uh Scenic Vista and lands for wildlife for nature preserves uh allowable use for CPA for outdoor recreation is a community gardens um trails and bike pass Parks playgrounds athletic fields important restrictions we can't do stadiums no indoor recreation no sidewalks Street Scapes uh except if they are within a dedicated Parkland uh no artificial turf uh allowable use under community housing um um the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development income guidelines are used to determine who is El to live and affordable housing units developed by communities with CPA funds housing developments with CPA funds may be offered to those persons and families whose annual income is less than 100% of the areawide uh median income and determined by Hud um allowable use to CPA historic preservation uh uh you must be listed on the state uh register or historic places determined by the local histor commission to signify the history um uh CPA funds may be spent on the following use for projects acquisition preservation uh Rehabilitation and restoration um Secretary of Standards is mainly what we uh historic uh properties uh use under CPR work historic resources must comply with the standards of reabilitation as outlined in the United States Secretary of interior standards uh then there is common sense principles non-technical language were developed to help protect the nation's uh cultural resources by promoting consistent preservation practices CPA grants for reputation work on historic resources should clearly stipulate use of these standards as a requirement for receiving a grant this is true whether re whether the work is being done Mutual municipally owned assets such as a town building or Grant given to the non-municipal uh organization generally CP rules to remember no suban General Municipal Revenue no maintenance or operating expenses no reimbursements for Town staff or pass expenses land purchase must be filed permanent restriction with the state and held by a third party you can pay for CPA projects with bonds issued against future CPA revenue and um that's about a it in a nutshell a quick version um I don't know if anyone has any questions or want to fill something else in Alex if I when I went over that pretty quick so think cover the main points well did any of the newer members have any questions or anything like that okay I just asked that question before because I think it was important yeah for the public to know what's supported and not support you know and as as we go on with projects like uh sometimes it is common sense because like when I was talking with Stuart who was head of our CPA uh hisor preservation you're preserving history but if you have a door frame and it's rotted obviously you got to put would it and there's different uh outlining when we first started uh now ADA compliance is more upfront um in our our early days 2012 is when we started CPA in Fall River and um you know it wasn't really touch and go on that stuff we kind of stayed away from it um so now it's in the Forefront when we do a project ADA compliance takes over and uh sometimes reshapes the building so uh hence the um uh forer Arts Association we had to put the ramp in and then a handicap bathroom so all right uh deed restrictions update Rick uh I'll let you uh they're moving right along U at this point the all the data is sitting with the attorney he's reviewing that he's going to standardize all of the deed restriction to one formalized standard deed restriction and uh that we should have within within a couple of weeks uh and then we can go on with the issuance of of uh accounts for this year all right and how's that going to go about are we thinking how are we thinking yeah how are we going to go about the next step The Next Step being issuing the like attaching the deed restrictions oh then when the preservation documents are completed and satisfactory to the the board and and to the attorney then I guess they'll be given to Sandy who will then incorporate the deed restriction as part of the funding authorization so when this when the funding authorization gets signed off on so will the the uh deed restriction yeah the contract do we have him working on this year's projects yes primarily this year's okay cuz we wanted to have them sign the agreement and the deed restriction all correct that's the priority but the deed restriction form will then be used as we start backing up on the past funding and if I could just add um what I did also do for Rick is for instance San had the same applicant so I said do St an's church as well as quy road because this way we have the same applicant and they can sign both deed restrictions um same thing with the Children's Museum so anything that had the same applicant I asked Rick to have them do those deed restrictions so that they can sign it at the same time as they signed this year's contract I have a question though does the deed restriction have to go to the council for I don't think so oh okay all I didn't know that okay so what I'll do in the past we've just had the okay the attorney draw them up and then sign all right so what I'll do is I'll wait for the deed restriction and as soon as I get the deed restriction the Agreements are already done I've already got them all typed up they're ready to go I'll attach that with it and and then they can sign both soon as they do that I'll do requisitions and then they'll get purchase is assigned then they can start their projects okay and so all the Appropriations we did for the filing fees are all kind of Li up lined up and ready to go everything everything's ready to go the Agreements are already typed um soon as those are done I'll attach that to that they'll go to the corporation councel then the mayor then the project then to John so and everyone's pretty fast about signing them but unless I'm was on vacation um they're pretty they're pretty fast getting the signatures on those AGS okay thank you Rick I figure this way if we sign it on one shot okay and we can kind of get the old ones at the same time they have the same appli so we don't have to keep going back to the old ones either okay right uh unspent funds did you want me to explain what I did yeah go ahead so this is what I did to try to make it as clear as I could for everybody um on your first it's the full packet so on your first sheet are all the projects that this committee has awarded extensions for and what I did is I went back to every meeting agenda in every meeting minutes and found out what project was awarded an extension and that's in here too for all of you so I copied the agenda and the minute that the extension was approved um then I get this report it's the last one and what I'll do is I will start giving this to all of you every month as I get it um this is how you know where a project is as far as if it's completed if it still has funds which means it's not completed uh if it is completed if there are funds left over that need to come back to us so what I did was all the projects that had extensions you'll see I highlighted them green anything else that didn't get an extension all that money needs to come back to this Committee in the appropriate category so those are yellow so what I did was I did all the public projects so I did this report for you all the public projects that the funds are coming back and how much is coming back to this committee then at the bottom are the ones that have extensions so that money is not coming back until the Project's done and only if they still have leftover funds in them what I will do next is I will send a letter to all these projects to let them know your project has extra funds your time has expired at money's going back to the CPC on the extensions I've got another section on the letter these projects have been you've been awarded an extension can you please just update the committee on your progress because a lot of these won't expire till 2025 2026 because you you gave two-year extensions on them then what I did is I did private projects for you I kind of broke everything out I usually break everything out private and public for everybody and I did the same thing with that and they'll all get a letter from me this week as well indicating your project has expired the money's going back to the CPC and on the extensions you've been awarded an extension can you just update the CPC committee on the pro on you know your progress of the project and then what we'll do is we will meet with the finance team um and give them these reports and have them put all this money back into our accounts because as you can see there's quite a bit of money um that can go back into the account you should have any kind of an emergency this year or this project that comes up at least you'll have money in there um because you didn't have a lot of money left over this year so this will be this will be a good year to be able to have this extra money finally put back into um into the appropriate categories to to reiterate the U private projects with unspent funds that total uh from my understanding is in red for 300 ,600 what's remaining and what's incumbered so yes okay and so I yeah I put every I didn't do the red I must have just not hit the red button on the on the public project but it's way over to the um to the end category so you can see on the public how much you have coming back and how much on on the Privacy if you add those two that's the total amount of money that's going back into your accounts and I I separated them as to what's historic preservation what's community housing and what's open space and Recreation so would be the total of the 311 plus the 78 is that what you're saying yeah 311 and 320 okay and then I I I I told you how much is in open space m so so just to be clear for the public who doesn't have the spreadsheets in front of us um what the numbers we're talking at is an accumulation of unspent funds for CPC projects over the course of some number of years that have uh kind of lingered either with extensions or without extensions in completion or not in completion uh and essentially we're taking stock of all the unspent money and reclaiming the unspent funds as was dictated in the grant Awards um so that money can be used again for for the next Grant round uh because as most of us I think saw this year we were kind of tight with the amount of money we had and we still had projects that we wanted to fund uh but there wasn't enough funds so the numbers that we're talking about for everyone listening uh public projects with unspent funds and no extensions that totals to about $320,000 private projects with unspent funds and no extensions that totals to about $311,000 uh so it's over $700,000 and then there's an additional almost million in in funds unspent with projects that are still in the works with extent so uh there's a lot going on uh I really appreciate the work that s's done on this because this is this has not been an easy thing to accumulate all these numbers from a lot of different sources through a lot of different you know turnovers and the finance department and other departments in the city it's was really tough so I I really thank you for this because this is super important for all of the work we're doing um I just I just have a question so uh I see some of these are fy16 some you know they they are quite aged at this point where is that money actually held it's in a purchase order for that project so they don't actually have the funds that they need to return it's in the form of a purchase order that they need to exactly release exactly and unless someone does a bill s got all the private projects unless I do a bill schedule that money's not coming out yeah right so I okay so each of these projects had you know a CPC member attached to them like we all do currently and they at some point stopped coming to their representative with invoices because the project was completed or not completed or whatever the reason um and the expiration date of the funds is essentially either lapsed or if they you know at the bottom the one that came they don't have an extension something like so by right we should take that money back and put it back into the accounts for giving them the CT notification you know if they want they can a story or something I mean there's always an emergency application that like could you know if there was an emergency that you know whatever um but yeah that's essentially it where's that money physically located if it's if it was allocated for a project they didn't get extension it's probably in it's in our it's in our account it's in our appropriated account you just didn't appropriate e marked at this point for them and for and it just hasn't happened they all have purchase orders yep yeah and what will happen is they'll close that purchase order and put that money back but we have to meet with the finance that's a good chunk of change that's a big chunk of change does make us interest though so I was just going to say like we're not totally losing account at 4% correct and you're just sitting there I think last year we uh was 55 and don't forget you have a whole another list of projects that are expiring June of 2024 that if you go to this report and you go to FY 23 which report is that last this one here the last page all those projects are just going to expire this year so technically they all have to come to you for an extension so yeah can we make sure we just get letters to them ahead of time to give them the opportunity and that and that will be in the letter that your project will be expiring June of 2024 um if you could please update the committee and ask for an extension on those so that I'm including that in the letter too for all of that do you know what what typically or what do you find um the reasoning are the projects completed and they just didn't use those funds the projects actually I'll give you my opinion um yes a lot of these projects the early ones they're done they just didn't that's an easy relase they just didn't yeah I mean moving forward it's like a fresh start now because everyone's assigned to a project so now you and you'll get this report every month I mean I swear by this report because then I like I know what's done especially on my privates you know and I can stay on top of it but as committee members you can go and say G you know you still have a lot of money in your account how's the project how's the project going long um so this will be a great tool for you and we shouldn't have to run into this situation there was a lot of turnover then we had Co there was so many different things going on that caused all this money to be staying in the accounts um so and and the turnover and Co really had a huge effect on on this I think the last time we got went to the uh accounting was uh what three four years ago we put 800,000 back into CPA funds and uh we had a we just finished our meeting but since we got 800,000 back we decided to open it back up and use that you know and this here is a great good sum of money too so it's a lot you know it's essentially a Year's appropriation worth you know when you kind of total up all of it it's amazing because I've sit on other committees similar to this from other towns and that money is usually the projects are as soon as it's done I know like with ever in their park system it's allocated and pretty much well if you look at the trend on this report the private projects are always done they get done fast yeah it's you know the public kind of lingers a little bit more I just have a question on I see an old like the fire Museum and fy18 listed under private yeah well that's and then it changed right that's what I thought happened the administration changed it Chang it to public and that's the earlier grant that we're taking back because the second grant that we awarded was the bonded one that I think encompassed that scope okay so that one is a small amount left but still oh that's the other one then yeah this was this one right here 1321 fire Museum from fy18 with an amount remaining cuz they were their own't nonprofit but then it yep and the city came to the committee and wanted to make it a public project fall so now it falls under the under the city now okay so that's why I'm seeing it in both categories the um most of the city projects fall usually under um DCM MH so most of them and then you'll know like all your Park projects they they fall under the water department projects fall into the water department um all of your Park projects usually it's all Department um and and you'll know I didn't put that on here but you'll know when you get your agreements because you'll all get copies of the agreements of the project okay thank you that's what I thought I knew it switched at some point from private to public so now how can we uh like the academica we didn't use the money we canceled and he came to this committee and said that he was withdrawing so but that never the fire Museum that's been I know so right there is uh 236,000 172,000 I mean it's a lot of money back exactly get so now the next step The Next Step will be for me to get the letters out I'll make sure those letters is something we need to do more or is it just the system just I well I think the the committee now will have their assigned projects and will be able to just stay on top of them I think but stay on top of how do we get and when well the protocol is that when they get an invoice they really need to come to the Committee Member First yeah I mean the committee member needs to fill out that paper that sign off yeah we have all that that you all do it with the private projects like clockwork but you got to get the city projects now when an invoice comes in yeah and so like say they have to let you know so you can sign up on it yeah and we can use this as a tool as like we put uh project updates on the agenda for every meeting now this can be what we're using to site every meeting's updates with right but how do we get accounting to close it and put it back into our funds quicker but we're going to meet with them and say GE yeah we'll take a vote essentially yeah CU like academica should be I mean good point you know I mean we should actually probably take a vote now I would say to to um have all the unspent other than exceptions put back into the appropriate account and get a second and then we can meet with finance and say this was voted on by the committee and you know needs to be done yeah I'll make the motion to for uh Sandy to issued the letters to all the projects withstanding balances to notify them of their project status and expiration and request an update before the funds are returned back to the community preservation committee's coffers okay would you want to add a date I'd have a date time frame by the next meeting by next meeting be great and I will go gladly second that motion okay roll call vote no all in favor I mean say yeah all all in favor I I I I'm going to send email you to look at the letters before they go out so that you're all comfortable with how I've structured it and written it okay thank you so but it will say like you your deadline has passed you're you're you're done got my template and it it very specific like your it has expired this money goes back to CPC you've been awarded an extension which expires June of 2025 you have another project that's going to expire June of 2024 if you could update the committee and if you need an extension you need to yeah get put on the agenda for are there any limits to how many extensions somebody can get no I mean sometimes they run into problems like masonary very tough getting somebody I mean uh you can change the length too I think yeah yeah we've normally just gone with the two that way we keep a little more yeah you know uh excuse me Sandy I make a recommendation that you put I didn't know if there was something like you get two extensions and vot on like it's really they have a good reason you know like you know whatever I mean that's some G like two extensions already you know like uh the uh what's his name Charlie's Place uh yeah that was the whole the Mano fire station we've given him CU he just had a hard time getting people to do the masonary work it was a matter of the scale of the work needed versus the expertise he wasn't getting bids essentially but we was trying you know so that that's an instance where you know the applicant is trying and historically I think as long as it's been some good faith effort on the applicant's part they we've been fairly generous I haven't we haven't given too many extensions in recent you know one of the things that we've done in the past that actually works pretty well is that when you actually come to apply for um these types of funds and your proposal is that you actually have lined up individuals to actually participate typically we require if you're going to do a historical preservation type of project that you've had three contractors that we've gone out that you know can do this type of work and that it's in scheduled to do this work and so that actually bumps up that project first and foremost because you know that you you set a timeline it's not much different than um like a construction loan that when you do a large scale construction loan that you've got these you know things in place the parameters put in place they'll get the additional funding if need be and then there's actually s up with a time frame again you see a lot of that in the private sector more more than in the public sector the account ility to it and but it might be something that's it might be advantageous if I was going to go and present and try to go for some money associated with this what I would do said not only do I have the project but we have the funding we have the resources of the construction people and their time frame commitment so what we do is we call those shovel ready projects and you'll see that money getting spent quicker and more efficiently all right Sandy I'd like to make a recommendation that you put the month next month would have somewhere on here dated June so we wouldn't start mixing these up if you're going to issue those yeah just like the current or something so I'll put like May 202 correct and then the next month would be June so that we'd be able to stay with the current units um all right any project updates I the only thing I have is uh the fire museum is starting back on track uh CIVC just got paid after a year and a half don't ask me why took so long but uh then uh St John's Church uh is starting to do uh the um painting and uh masonary work yeah we paid invoices on that yeah y so that's my only two updates if we could just encourage our Africans to send in photo of the work like you know as it progresses and finishes we could use that for future materials I'm sure St John's will come in and show us a film yeah we might need to limit some people on how long they can do their presentations for they're very thorough very very thorough now under project do we want to like assign the uh the new projects tonight or do that the next meeting or how do you want to do I think it would make sense to do when we have the deed restrictions ready to present to them no just sign people that are going to do handle the project if you want to yeah do we have the list I don't have that list ex the agenda that's an old agenda that's why yeah but it's not all the projects oh it's not all the projects I get I can get I'll get that for okay we'll just do that next next month then it would be it would be these right right would it well not all of them were awarded so I'll get you an update project check list oh yeah no a lot of them yeah okay all righty okay so I'll add that to the May agenda any new business okay we did have uh I did want to thank uh Rick Mancini and uh I guess Alex for a nice presentation they put down at the uh um South Park in the uh Pavilion area there uh guy came in and gave the history of uh Homestead Parks um was a nice turnout nice Beech I learned quite a bit about uh Homestead and how his kids took over and did actually uh they did the North Park where they they finished it yeah so it was quite interesting anything else coming up on uh no that was just for preservation National preservation month is that was done with Eva Fall River the preservation Society City Fall River and it was architectural history John search Church um yeah great it'll be recorded on bar Community media so people can see it at their Leisure good and the other is maybe I'll bring up the uh the fact that Roger Williams University made a presentation at the historic uh commission meeting it was a about a half an hour presentation uh we were lucky enough to get citations hand handed out to the professor and the students from the mayor he personally was here in attendance sat through the whole program uh was rather impressed uh made some really great uh comments to the students who are going to call home one was from Alabama and she was going to call that night to get her mom on YouTube to watch the presentation they were and so proud of getting a citation uh we got one from uh the uh Representatives House of Representatives also for the uh uh professor and the city council and the the total program is about an hour long we were given a half an hour brief uh presentation which was really good really great uh but she's putting together the full document and we'll be getting that shortly so we're going to get all the paperwork disc and a complete presentation is that that for the Form B that was for the Form B project so that's yeah so that's a community preservation act project uh it's known as form bees it's it's basically historical research on properties that haven't been inventoried that'll basically get them acknowledged known and ready for kind of future opportunities and and we're still attempting to get the formas which is for land on the bio Reserve that's been lingering we just can't seem to get that department that handles that to send out the RFP it's been lingering for 11 months so that's our next push yeah yeah that's the welcome center right that's going to be the uh bio reserve the the bio Reserve has approximately at at this point about 90 uh historic and Architectural uh pieces that have been designated and located so we've got to get those recorded otherwise they're going to get vandalized especially with all of the traffic out there now it's becoming quite a quite a place and would I guess listening to Michael laasia they're drawing people from Connecticut as far away as Conneticut Connecticut to walk that park or that bio Reserve so it's really becoming well known very well used so we want to get the historic facilities documented yeah it's a lot of things they do a lot of things out there in the bio Reserve yes they do so folks should take advantage of it okay so um I guess can I have a motion to uh adjourn motion to adjourn second roll call I I I man say yes