##VIDEO ID:M2FuNyDMtH4## welcome to the fall conservation committee meeting uh being held at the public hearing room uh Monday November 4th 2024 uh 5:30 we're in the first floor hearing room um pursuant to the open meeting as any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and deemed acknowledged and permiss uh we'll start with roll call to my left Chris Bole L fer John brand Jim kusich Tim McCoy and then we also have uh Dan agar uh conservation agent Patty uh agar uh recording Clerk and then we have Craig Salvador from F TV uh first on the list um notice of intent uh se- 24- 831 owner applicant is Jeff Sylvia project location is 2450 Indiantown Road s's map is- 34-12 filed by ecosystem Solution on behalf of the applicant the applicant is opposing a restoration plan to remove unauthorized cart path created in or around 2017 from an order of conditions from 1997 DP file number is sc- 24289 this was tabled from September tonight so as an update we've got nothing new to offer um after the last time we discussed this at some point in time the commission should make the determination whether or not they should just act on the information received and if we're not going to get the additional information that we requested vote on what we do have whether that be positive or negative where this is a project where the city is trying to acquire this piece of land um we've been lenient with allowing the applicant to let this drag out a little bit uh I did speak with Michael bosier again he asked that the meeting be that the information be tabled to December but there should be at some point in time a drop dead date of this that we keep carrying this over can we send them a letter for the December meeting that I can do that I can send them a meeting that you know that we are going to act at the December meeting with or without the additional information and force their hand that way um I don't have a problem with that but if you want to make a motion of that and and vote on that I can send so nhp has done all their work there right so y okay yeah and they're involved right so it's it's a number of the other items that we've asked for them from them and their consultant that we have not been provided okay so can I have a motion to have uh Mr agar send a letter uh confirming that we want all information so moved seconded roll I I I I hi okay next uh review and discussion on update on B Rock Road so I was out at the site today um the site has been entirely filled in accordance with the approved plan uh Hydro seated uh I sent some pictures to John and to Chris earlier I think I sent them to Patty too but I don't know if they made them into the package yet or not but um they're they're right on the doorstep of being cleaned up so it'll be great to see some vegetation we've got some decent weather so we actually might get something to establish now and get us through the winter months but if substantially different than than what it was in the past so yeah it look good now you said they're hyers seeding the uh the bank yeah they just even if you look in the picture there's the bank um whether it was done a little while ago um was brown everything else was in fresh Hydro seed green so I don't know if they've sprayed that embankment recently or were in need of it so they didn't call and say we're ready for an inspection I just keep going out you know every week or two or at Le before the meetings to check in on so I can report that they have they have done a great amount of work significant progress okay uh do we have the motion to put that back on the agenda yeah just table it again uh can I have a motion to table that till December's meeting so moved second roll call I I I I I all righty uh next a review discussion of adopting the fee structure from the uh the state still hasn't final izers and I don't see us rejuvenating a new list when they're coming up with new one so if we're going have a motion to table till December so moved second hi Hi I hi okay uh review and discussion of 1262 bright and have so as I stated previously we were we were given a draft Water and Sewer connection plan connecting up uh Bron Avenue up into the father Deval Boulevard Martin Street area still waiting on the community utilities to review that from what I can tell from the street at least or from the highway when you can look into the site they are utilizing the site the way that we had allowed them to within that limited area um I don't think they've gone beyond that now that some of the leaves are starting to fall off we may be able to get a better look uh so before the next meeting we'll have a an update of what we've observed on site and again if anybody wants to go out there just give me a call ahead of time and I'll schedule something that we can go out there together yeah I think we should okay okay needs to be monitored any questions or can I have a motion to table till December so move second R call I I I I I okay next is uh notice of intent se- 24842 uh applicant owner is TBO and tiberio tber Bor project location 294 fil stone lane Assessor's map is -4- 0061 this is filed by James W behalf of the applicant the applicant is opposing to approve Wetland lines construct fence sheds landscape in the buffer zone this fing was tabled from September 9th so you may recall that this filing was in response to an enforcement action regards to some alteration um Mr Walsh has gone out and through soils analysis has deline what he feels is the appropriate Wetlands line and how it should have been approved in the beginning which I do not disagree with with the information that he's provided us um I think the only outstanding item um is uh some type of a planting plan that shows what is to be planted in between the limit of clearance and then the now proposed 25 ft no activity Zone and fencing so those lines are all drawn on the plan I had asked that some level of planting be proposed in that Disturbed area whether it be a line of red maple trees something to help provide some shade ultimately to the Wetland behind it so other than that I'm okay with everything that's been submitted in response to that the area has been completely revegetated on its own understandable but just just point it's not bad ground runoff no no no no I that's why I just said it's some type of tree species that's going to provide some type of canopy to this area I I was suggesting to the client inset uh something along the lines of some red Maples in there would uh provide what was necessary and it's some keeping with what's further down slope so if the applicant wants to commit to uh 2-in caliber red Maples spaced 15 ft apart just behind the proposed fencing I'd be okay with that if you wanted to make that a condition if not we can wait to see it on the plan that's up to you or up to the other in the 25t zone in that so there's a strip in behind where the proposed new 25t no activity zone is to the limit of what was cleared there is a strip there that's kind of like a no man's land so this would along with the fence demarcate where the limit of work is and to be able to provide some shade to the the well and vegetation below it okay you're saying red Maples how far apart 15t it's probably only going to be a matter of four of them I'm guessing four or five but just planted you know few feet behind the proposed fencing which is at 25 ft no t Okay uh so can I have a motion from the board uh we want to do the uh red maple planning 15 ft apart is the 20 foot buffer zone 25 foot 25 um so moved this is this is a motion to approve it with that condition that uh a second roll call I I I I so just so you and your client know once this work gets done then the enforcement order will be lifted as well so this is an order of conditions for new work that can be done once that's done come back in we can issue the certificate of compliance and release the enforcement order okay very good thank you yes thanks next is request for termination accessibility -1 194 owner applicant is zero staford Road LLC property location 526 gash Lane as map y- 09-34 followed by James Walsh behalf the applicant the applicant proposing determine waight land boundary to apply any future notice of intent this was table from September so we have requested at that time some additional information regarding the delineation um both the North and subtly terminous of the lines didn't extend beyond the property line so Mr Walsh has taken the time to go out there and put in a few extra Flags those are shown on the plan which I'm fine with he's also provided some additional uh soils information uh to support the wetlands line which we've received today and I'm in acceptance of that so I would recommend positive determination for the line uh of bvw only as shown on the plan CU that's the only resource area that was shown I don't think there were any other but you're only looking at that house was 1250 was that was that house was 12250 sareet for that one Comm there's no house here okay this is the VAC down on the yep any question hand make a motion to uh to approve second roll call I I I I [Music] thank you sir thanks next is a notice of a 10 sc-24 d840 applicant maros Fritz uh project location 565 Detroit street this's map is e-27 0042 filed by Farland Corp on behalf of the applicant the applicant is proposing to install an inground pool concrete pad and P with Associated gradi from September 9 uh just so just briefly we had provided the applicant with in some initial comments at the previous meeting I was able to uh provide them also with some additional past permitting past plans that they were able to incorporate onto their plans so as of today we haven't seen anything in a revised submission so I guess we can take a a new presentation and take it from there okay yeah so um firstly in regards to uh the plans and the order that you had sent us from 2006 we were unaware of that the time of our last meeting so um I looked into initial um some Google imagery and it looks like the Earth moving took place sometime between 2009 and 2010 is when that um BBW line had changed and uh in conversation with our Wetland scientist you can see this uh this green line here was the line that he delineated was to the current limit of Phill the Orange Line you see here on the plan was from the 2006 um plan and our scientist said that he can conclude that the Wetland line should be much closer to what this orange line is but due to that fill that took place roughly around 2010 it pushed it back roughly 40 to 60 ft in certain areas um and uh there's there's been four ownership changes since 2009 on this property our clients own this property since October 2022 um he since put in vinyl fencing to that line of where the stockade fencing was at the rear of the property here from the original plan um and then and he basically had just said to present these findings to the commission and show that um 2006 BBW line on the plan and take any suggestions from you guys on what may need to take place or if we can a suggestion or a vote is he's so he's he's saying no I'm saying from from what you guys would suggest or um if we need any any changes made to the plan uh revision that you guys would want from the original um proposal that we had put forward for the pool oh I again I don't vote but I don't speak for the commission but I wouldn't see why that's not your job to come back in with a proposal to deal with the situation at hand yeah yeah so I and not just throw your hands up and walk away and let the commission figure it out that's not appropriate yeah so I was just um you had told me to present these findings to the commission and kind of see what after you said yeah what what should we do and my response was the same as I'm giving you now is that it's not our job to design this for you um so you can present it the commission the commission can vote on what's being proposed which shows a proposed pool well into what was the previously approved Wetlands line or you can allow the applicant to make some type of modification and come back with some other types of proposal do do we have a proposed plan for the um because any we had talked about uh reconfiguring no proposed pools so do we have any updated plans which would show us to reconfigured prop no no no reconfiguration that's um I was open taking suggestions for which sort of reconfigurations and modifications we could uh provide with the pool and then I could provide a a revise site okay well I I would agree with what Dan said is that we you need to present something to us for our consideration right rather than us telling you how it should be done so if they want to put together a revised plan for the Pool and Patio um and then come before the commission again um I think that would be a more appropriate to take if if you don't mind yeah have your name yeah Nate DOA n a t e d s i l VA what I what I can offer is I think I think if you back up to this is the wetlands line mhm what what could I get permitted with that being the wetlands line whether that be filling Wetland to put in a pool whether that be restoring some other wetlands in other areas but as a starting point let's look at that original Wetlands line and look at how can we get as much out of this under the regulations as they stand to allow them to have something in that backyard okay cuz you can look at it two different ways one could be remove everything from the previously approved BBW line M um so I don't think you want the the commission to act on the plan proposed because I don't think that'll be favorable and then that would be followed up within an enforcement action telling you to remove all of the fil so it's up to you to come back with what you think is reasonable or that allows the commission to look at this and say okay this is a 50/50 kind of a wash can we under the guys of the we protection act allow this activity to take place we work with with clients all the time and with property owners to get them through situations like this yes but it's not for us to propose that okay so this is basically an altered Wetland then yes yeah okay but again that doesn't mean that you couldn't like we've in the past couldn't allow yeah cor alteration correct but we've got to follow those steps and it's not for us to say because there's a significant difference between those two Wetland yeah drastically and I understand the consultant was was unaware of this right and it puts the pool solidly in a wetland correct so we want to work with them we want to work with them we want to do it in a meaningful way um that it works out for everyone but right now it's sitting directly in the Wetland so so provide more of a provide a solid plan based on the new wetland I mean there are a number of variables here that you can in your toolbox to try and get them displ you I I think I think any anybody in the audience knows that this commission goes beyond um what it should to resolve situations like this what are are there uh neighboring properties correct yeah West neighboring properties and then there's the uh commercial it's a fabric uh commercial building towards the s okay okay any other questions can I have a motion to table till we get revised plans so moved second roll call I I I I I thank you thank you thank okay next one on the list is uh request for determination accessibility - 195 owner applicant city of Fall River Property location Wilson Road sessor map is w- 111-100 fed by gcg Associates Inc on behalf the applicant the applicant is proposing Reclamation of regarding side slopes Paving of existing Wilson Road starting at Rach Road and heading east towards the beginning of the causeway across witha pond stopping prior to the start of the actual Causeway the work is also includes Rehabilitation of existing swells shoulders as well as Loom seating or disturbed areas within the uh Road layout necessary work as specified in the contract documents this was Ted from September 9th I'll give you my first comments This was um filed um behalf of Paul furland from the water department if you're familiar with the area this is what we all know is the entrance to the reservation right in the rig and Back Road Wilson Road was in deplorable condition for that section down to the causeway there's a trail off to the Northerly side of it um that people do access quite a bit and it was in great need of uh reconstruction so that's that's where this project go here so you can let the consultant provide any additional information again my name is Mike Carter from gcg Associates um been hired by the city of Fall River and basically as as Dan said it was to reconstruct um a road that's in poor shape stabilize the edge of the roads um there's Wetlands that are on both sides of the roads as you go down toward the reservoir um be putting in we would be putting in uh stoneline selles to protect the edge of the road and um eliminate the erosion that was going on down to the bottom of the hill um we've asked for a requested determination because the wetlands protection act has a provision where you're doing reconstruction of an existing Road we're not changing the footprint or extending it or adding anything um so we've asked for um the determination under it's it's actually CMR 10.02 2b1 and 2B it's in a letter that I provided it basically allows the um the commission commission if it chooses to to consider it a question so what you would be acting on is um a negative determination for the work which basically says the work does not require a notice of intent and then a positive determination for the well and delineation okay that's all I have to offer what have any questions no it's long overdue the project so and the amount of sedimentation that's coming down Wilson Road to the causeway uh is significant so I think it's long overdue that it get repaired okay so can I have a motion for a negative determination on the work and a positive determination on the D dation so two separate I'm sorry separate motions you can make it okay so make a motion for negative determination for work proposed and a positive determination for delineation second roll call I I hi it's the best that's looked by the way I was there yesterday it's the best that's looked since I've been alive we won't go that all right next uh notice of intent is sc-24 d845 owner applicant Scotty VES uh project location Anderson Street cessors map D- 06-16 filed by Sha answorth of insight engineering on behalf of the applicant the applicant is proposing a new house structure and Landscaping within the buffer zone to bordering Wetlands SC you have a legal ad on the green cards yeah so this is for the construction of a single family home that falls within the bvw very small bvw down in the corner of Del Street um this parcel was was subdivided maybe a month or two ago the construction of the single family home did require some St Mor management um Chambers for the roof areas and as part of this previously you may remember um we issued the certificate of compliance for the house at the top of um of Anderson Street and the restoration of that little BBW and covered area down the bottom so um the only comment that I would have is that site plan view is still outstanding and that there was issues to be resolved by a revised plan for that but I would offer that if you would like to uh issue an order conditional upon receiving site plan review I think would be be adequate I mean the bvw technically is down in the corner that surrounds a drain across the street and you know a portion of the site Falls within the flood flood houset area but this is an area that has had some flooding concerns in the past so we've made sure that any proport development minimizes or any type of negative activity to take place okay but where this is the first hearing um you may want to open up to the public to questions there any questions anybody the audience any questions for the vote so can I have a motion to table to uh the site plan review has been uh looked over well we can AC we can approve it and then just based on receipt of all right so yeah I'll amend I'll make the motion to uh uh approve Grant order conditions with u conditional P site conditional P site plan review thank you second second I I I I I we're getting this scate time thank you yeah next is a request for termination accessibility -16 owner applicant is Richard myosa Jr uh property location 78 Phil stone lane applicant is proposing removal of trees that are a danger to the house potential to pose a danger to people these trees are located within the area of wetlands um so just quickly this is on behalf of the owner Mr myosa who approached us and we're very thankful we now have neighborhoods that understand the wellness protection act and the limitations on their properties so they come to the commission they come to the office asking questions do I need a permit for this um so we were very thankful that he did come for this this is to remove I believe there was three or four trees just to off to the side of this is in uh Highland Farms Phase 2 okay um so along the edge of the BBW there were a few trees that were dead leaning uh and he approached us if he could remove them um so we did ask him to file at least a request for determination which he did I would recommend the issuance of a negative determination so that we can allow these trees to be removed before winter weather comes in now that all the leaves have come down we might have save you a few dollars on that I might save him few minutes than you very we appreciate you coming in do you have a copy of the original legal ad oh oh jeez from the newspaper I know we I know we put in the the second one sent me a receipt though yeah that's fine yeah the receipt EXC [Applause] okay I guess we can take the vote so can I have a motion to have a negative determination sove second i i r yeah perfect thank you you're all set to go you can have them cut tomorrow and we appr again be careful the again C yourself on we appreciate you coming in prior to sty work and we wish everyone would do that yeah thank you thank you thanks you're welcome let's see next is notice of intent se- 24844 applicant owner is Omar thear thear uh project location is one Middle Street assistors map is h-21 d001 followed by Carlos skolski civil environmental consultant on behalf of the applicant the applicant is proposing a site development of existing uh Mill complex including parking and storm management so all I would offer at this point is you know allow the applicant to to give a proposal this is through site plan review which we've given our initial set of comments out um so it will be my recommendation that after the presentation that the matter be tabled until some of those items have been addressed um as I had sent in an email originally the plan set was very well done calculations very well done uh so we're just waiting for those revised uh set of drawing so okay with that have that good afternoon thank thank you uh Mr chairman members of the board Carlos sculti was civil and environmental Consultants I'm joined by Michael tortor uh the project engineer on this project uh in in the audience uh should any questions come up on the architecture uh we have Ben and Ed W from W Architects uh as well uh so as Mr agar mentioned uh we are in front of the uh planning department for the site plan review as well so certainly uh we have no issue with uh presenting then uh deferring for the next hearing uh to allow for time to respond to the comment comments that were received uh and work our way through the the questions and the comments that have come up through that process uh so I'll walk you through a little bit about the uh existing resource areas proposed project and open up to any questions should you have any uh so the site is uh one Middle Street uh it's located just off the page to the Northeast is the uh the park in this area uh this historically has been a uh Mill Redevelopment uh there was a substantial fire that occurred a number of years ago on the property we're working with the current owner uh UA properties to uh reuse the property to redevelop for mixed use development uh maintaining as much of the existing historic Mill buildings as we can uh that are designated as a on historic register so working very closely with a historic consultant to ensure that the Redevelopment is done in a way that's uh respectful and works within the constraints of the historic Redevelopment uh so maintaining the existing Mill buildings uh primarily as they are today uh interior renovations to reconstruct uh the development for 190 dwelling units uh with 222 parking spaces so maintaining the existing uh pavement there is with some reduction uh as well as the interior Renovations and then some ancillary commercial space uh for the tenants as well as a commercial building located uh along Bay Street as well there uh that would be a commercial building for the community as well as the mixed use element in the various buildings uh so what we have on the plan is a proposed uh layout uh I'll walk through a little bit about the existing conditions Wetland resource areas uh if we could bring up the existing condition plan Mike so as previously mentioned this is an existing historic Mill Redevelopment uh there's a significant amount of existing pavement and impervious areas on the site uh and the Wetland resource areas that we have uh are an intermittent stream which enters the site at the southeast Corner uh which travels along a depression into an existing man-made Pond uh based on the research that we've been able to perform to date it looks like that pond was created as a a water reservoir to help serve the original Bill buildings when they were constructed uh and has since remained uh since the original development uh that Pond has an overflow uh there's a series of pipes that uh regulate the water surface level in that pond that discharge uh to the Northwest behind the mill buildings uh there was an area that was delineated there by azenis Environmental Services uh as bordering vegetated Wetland uh so he came out in February of 20 2023 uh delineated the Wetland resources in that lower area uh which in the notice of intent there's photos of that area it's it's vegetated there's a lot of construction ruction debris there's just unkempt uh the site as a whole is is pretty degraded in that area in the back is is no exception uh and then from that bordering vegetated Wetland uh storm water runoff uh flows to the Northeast through a large 8ft diameter Culvert that crosses underneath the former railroad uh and then ultimately discharges to to mount ho Bay and the Taunton River uh to the Northeast separated by that 8ft Culver uh so we have those Wetland resource areas in 100ft buffer zone that you can see on this plan in the blue line if you want to outline that quickly follows that intermittent stream uh and the bordering vegetated wetlands in the rear of the property uh we also identified the 25t uh buffer zone associated with that area as well uh in the proposed condition there will be an overall reduction of of about 4,000 square ft of impervious area in that 25t buffer zone uh as well as an overall reduction in the 100t buffer zone as well so we'll get into that in a minute uh there are no Vernal pools there's no map habitat so the resource areas we have are the in stream as well as the bordering vegetated Wetlands so with the proposed project if we bring up the color plan again so a big part of what we're doing is trying to remove the burnt out and the degraded portions of the building that do not have a historic element working very closely with the Consultants on that one there's certain things we can and cannot do do uh with the building as it relates to portions that we need to maintain portions that we're allowed to demolish and Grading changes to allow uh certain portions of the existing buildings to remain or be exposed further uh so working within the constraints of some of the buildings that were added on over the the years we can take down others we can't uh so working within those constraints as well as the overall uh access and circulation through the site uh the access today is coming off of Brook Street into the main portion of the site there uh which is a small stub Street coming off the commercial there's two Residential Properties that currently have access there as well as our commercial facility there's a gate controlled access right now uh and then there's also access to the east of building 4 which is in the northeast corner of the site uh under existing conditions just to the east of that one uh there's a shared use easement uh that provides access to our site as well as the adjacent properties uh there's a church and some other uses back there um that we'll be hoping to clean up with this development as well so through the proposed project we're looking to connect those two parking areas with a new access that's proposed between building one and building four that'll allow for site circulation out to uh Middle Street to the North and the connection for Brook Street so for the residents that parking uh will be able to satisfy the the needs for the residents there as well as the commercial that we have uh looking to introduce additional Landscaping where right now it's an existing just large degraded paved areas we'll be introducing additional Landscaping there uh there is a landscape plan and it talks about the species and the number of trees and the sizes to supplement what we have here uh and then a big part of what we're doing is between the other buildings to the west of building one we're actually going to take down portions of those buildings that were added on over the years that are burned down that are no longer functional in opening up those spaces to provide access to both sides of the buildings uh introducing new landscape new open spaces for the residents to use uh there's a dog Park proposed in the northeast or northwest corner of the site uh for the residents to use as well so introducing a significant amount of additional landscape areas and uh perious surfaces with the project from a grading and drainage standpoint as we're maintaining most of the buildings in their current configuration there'll be minor grading changes to make sure we're complying with Ada regulations as it relates to access into and from the buildings as well as emergency egress uh working closely with the architect uh maintaining the grades around the perimeter of the site where we can and basically tying into the existing building entries where it's allowed by historic access by changing grade uh we are proposing to regrade some of the parking lot to be able to to make it tie in better to some of the surrounding areas and we performed a number of test bits I believe there are five performed in support of the storm water design as well as some geotechnical uh and environmental monitoring that's been occurring over the years by scitec environmental uh so we have a good deal of information as it relates to the subsurface soils as well as the underlying groundwater conditions the storm water bmps uh include proposed subsurface storage chambers that'll provide water quality treatment as well as recharge from the storm water that's collected with deep sum catch Basin throughout the as well as the uh roof strain collected from the buildings will be piped underground to those same storm water detention systems uh so we're proposing a combination of ctech 280 HDs and the the 902s which are a little bit larger chamber systems uh those are provided with the two feet of separation from the groundwater table based on historic information that we have uh and the underlying soil is also pretty good it's a lomy sand material so certainly supports the infiltration that would be uh required for the recharge for this site uh we are providing uh water quality treatment as well as recharge for the 1-in water quality volume for this project uh so that's from the impervious areas uh from the entire site as a whole even though it is a Redevelopment under the Massachusetts storm water management standards and reduces impervious area relative to existing conditions uh working with the city of uh the planning requirements and and what we know that city likes to see in terms of additional recharge uh going above and beyond with the storm water management standards required providing uh additional treatment and recharge there uh the storm water management system uh you can see the two uh retention systems if you want to highlight those Mike there's one in the central portion of the site and then one in the southwest portion uh systems designed to collect convey all the runoff through those systems ultimately discharging to the bvw in the current location uh We've installed new uh Outlet protection some rip wrap at the outlet to make sure there's no erosion at that outlet and with those small impacts that would be associated with the new rip wrap uh at that outlet to the bvw uh we would provide mitigation for that small impact there with the Wetland disturbance by cleaning up that whole degraded area in the back picking up any sort of construction debris that's back there or anything that's over the years uh accumulated there so that would be part of the mitigation that we're proposing for that work would you be conveying any of the stone water runoff into that existing man-made Pond we we are allowing what's currently coming down the emittance stream to continue that way we will'll actually be bming up along that edge to contain whatever's in that intermittent stream as it is uh we have no new discharges going Upstream of that pond so we should actually see a little bit of a reduction there uh I don't know if anybody's been out to the site but I know it well yeah it's kind of a mess that that intermittent stream sometimes overflows in certain conditions so we want to contain it and make sure that it's uh being handled properly I know well yeah it's yeah I'm sure you've been out there it's uh yeah something yeah so uh a lot of new improvements with this monor regrading we're actually elevating the edge of the parking there a little bit and having a small retaining wall along that edge so that we could keep whatever's in that stream continuing to go into that pond uh as we uh believe it intended it was intended to be at the very beginning uh from a utility St standpoint the main thing that we're looking at from the utilities for this proposed project is there's an existing Pump Station uh that served the former Mill buildings and the prior uses there uh that was actually located in the city of Fall River parcel uh so we're looking to uh discontinue that use and with the new sewer from the building as much of the buildings as we can convey with gravity uh we'll be taking uh the majority of the residential uses from the upper levels of the building and conveying those by gravity out to the city's uh sewer system in uh midle and Bay at the corner uh and we will be pumping a portion of the sites that are located uh at a lower elevation that aren't able to flow by gravity so there'll be a new pump station uh included new Force Mains designed uh to eliminate any uncertainty with the historic uh uses that were there and any sort of complications that had historically been there so all new utilities uh new water service loop that comes throughout the site that'll serve the proposed buildings that will have the appropriate uh Fire Protection Services as well as for the domestic use uh and then also new electric systems uh new Transformers to serve the proposed buildings located throughout the site uh as well as uh new telecommunications underground uh and the Natural Gas Service as appropriate to serve the the commercial portion of the residential tenants there's no intent to utilize the existing seal so out fall pipe that runs down Middle Street I presume the one that runs right to left on the plan the right down Middle Street so it runs from east to west we are not intending to use it I believe our Force main connection uh connects at the intersection of bay and Middle Street that would connect it at that location uh and then the gravity sewer in in a similar location as well and obviously we'll work very closely with the uh the city through the the planning review uh as well as uh and then Landscaping uh Landscaping uh we bring that plan up uh but I think the overview showed a pretty good idea of where the various uh prvious and impervious areas were going to be so working with the registered landscape architect the details on the the species that are consistent with uh the area drawing on the historic nature of the mill uh working very closely with the historic Consultants there as well there's certain standards that we need to maintain in terms of uh the amount of reveal the building that's exposed as well as the Landscaping that complements that historic use uh similarly working with the lighting consultant uh will be developing a photometrics plan that also uses historic uh lighting fixtures and complements a historic use on the site so a lot of coordination with the various Consultants on this project to make sure it meets the criteria there uh and then working with the Conservation Commission uh throughout this process and and the City Planning and utilities departments through the review uh so very high level uh it's our initial presentation we welcome any questions that the commission may have questions glad to see the property is going to be y yeah restored much needed housing and and like I said I know it well and it's a mess out there so it'll be significant Improvement to what's there agre is the Environmental investigation ongoing or was that uh there is environmental consultant scitech environmental is engaged on the property uh the details of what they're doing on on unfortunately I don't know the nuances of exactly what they're looking at for but with any historic building there's going to be things there's going to be remediation that they have to take a look at at what's happening inside the building primarily uh I'm not aware of any exterior site contamination that exists there that would impact necessarily what we're doing but we'll work with them throughout the process and make sure everything's ended appropriately tanks basement okay good I'm surprised my only concern with that and I don't it's not within perview of this commission but if um depending on concentrations in soil and groundwater if it would warrant if it falls into a gw2 criteria then you have to do some um subsurface uh Vapor uh testing yeah and we'll take a look at that there is a consultant on board that would be uh providing recommendations as it relates to the use and whatever sort of remediation would need to be done there that might be more of a site plan review matter but uh just something that came to mind okay okay any questions in the audience no okay can I have a motion to table to uh site plan review over so moved second roll call I I I what do you guys think revise submission uh it's a good question uh the man doing the work is sitting next to me so if you want to put him on the spot not put him on the spot or anything what time is it yeah so yeah we're working on those comments obviously we'll send them back to the planning department if you'd like us to also concurrently any revisions that get incorporate we wait till we get clean bill of health from SE plan review and then whatever that final set of plans is submit here and we can reference that conditions when they decide this is somewhat of a completely probably unrelated question but do you know the depth of that um water storage man-made water storage facility that's a great question uh I've never seen the bottom uh we don't have any historic information on how people have what's that not many people have no I anyway we could presume that the Wetland on the downstream side I think is about 10 ft lower than the water surface elevation on the Upstream side you guys have one of those underr R we do we could who knows how much sediment built up over the years you don't you're probably going to find a lot down there you don't want to yeah I got a snorkel GE yeah I wouldn't do that we appreciate it thank you thank you done thank you all been almost 14 years to the date that the fire took out the boiler room so October 26th 14 years ago the main building is 120 years old in good shape so kind of exciting exciting project for sure thank you to take place all right next is a request for extension of order conditions on sc-24 d740 Bell Rock Road and I have a motion to extend little presentation they got to get paid so they got to say don't call us out like that I'm Carmen Dancy from Power Engineers um and this is Aaron warski for National Grid um so we're here from New England power company doing business as national grid for the b rock substation rebuil project uh the rebuild project was an expansion and of an existing substation um the original order of conditions was granted in December of 2019 and extended uh last year around this time and all activities on the or for the b rock substation expansion were completed in August of 20 um 23 uh so we extend expand extended the order of conditions last year to continue monitor ing of a wetland replication area on the site um and that monitoring concluded this last year uh per the order of conditions um with that we also um the asilt drawings for the substation itself were submitted to the planning department the fall the city's planning department in July and the planning department came back with several uh requests and some recommendations for the as Bel drawings uh so we are here today because the as Bel drawings are still under review and still being revised per the city's recommendations uh so we are requesting the order be extended so we have time to finalize those asil drawings and close out the project once those are submitted just in case something needed to be fixed or would be working under a valid order so okay you guys want a year three years or I hope not two months I would think I would think one year would be more than not not that you need it but if you miss by a day you don't want to have to right I know have any questions none so going to have a uh motion to Grant a one-year extension on the order conditions for second I I I I than nice to see you I drove through there today actually checking on the bell rock down the other side looks good did you yeah you saw the W one I I didn't go in go by it's a lot of work yeah it's nice and shiny thanks have a good night next is a notification followed by Mass DOT submitted October 15 2024 regarding 401 Water Quality uh certification bragger Bridge fender repair rote uh 195 so this is just a matter of place on file motion to place on file motion seconded i i i i i and then next we have uh Nikita too bad she left I might be pronounce the last name Valencia she resigned uh she's moving on to get her doctor degree so uh we thank her for her time and Service uh next approval of 20125 conservation meeting scheduled so you all have the the draft which is yeah first Monday of every month no pending holidays dealing with that kind of stuff so nothing nothing new as far as that goes so can I have a motion to approve so second I I I I I okay can I have a motion to approval minutes from September 9th motion to approve minutes September 9th 2024 second oh I not here my apolog I'll make the motion okay Jim made the motion seconded favor I I I I st okay no public input no public input can I have a motion to before youour um I want to thank Tim for coming on and helping he's out y do you want us to call you Nikita you can absolutely Nikita McCoy nice R to it you know I'll do it so that yeah not getting my doctor but we definitely appreciate Tim's continued to serve whenever needed for the city it's greatly appreciated yes thank you very much thank you guys so I have a motion to adjourn some mov second all in favor all right