great good evening everyone uh thank you for attending uh tonight's meeting a hybrid meeting of the Fall River historical commission uh we are um uh the meeting format tonight is both in person also uh via Zoom um it is Tuesday April 16th 2024 it is 6 o'clock p.m. um puru into the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the Mee through any medium uh attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible um may I get a roll call Ashley dunia present Jonathan Lima present rck manini present Connie Soul present Joyce Rodricks present and Jason bushard araki present um uh Elizabeth dblock is absent tonight um we do not have any open seats um and uh for those that are uh attending in person also via Zoom we have Fall River government TV which will be available on their uh website on YouTube as well as their um the television's website um okay uh first item on the agenda we have the minutes uh to review and approve the minutes from March 19th 2024 I'll make a motion to accept the March 19th 2024 minutes you I'll second that motion okay have a motion by Rick second by Connie uh to approve the minutes for March 19th 2024 roll call vote Ashley yes John Yes Rick yes Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason Bard and rocki yes thank you uh item number two to review and approve the minutes from April 4th 2024 I'll make a motion all right Ashley and Rick um okay uh roll call votes Ashley yes John yes Rick yes Connie yes uh Joyce yes and Jason bushard rocki yes thank you that's was for the minutes of April 4th uh do we have any citizens input for tonight okay um I did not receive any notices of intent to demolish um item number three uh we did receive an inquiry regarding uh design restrictions and historical status of 176 Underwood Street um I did um tell Carrie a that the property is not listed on the city's register of significant structures it is not in the 40c highlands local historic district so there are no design restrictions or uh demolition delay um I did say that the property is certainly eligible for that uh if the new homeowners would like to explore that process um I did uh submit over the design guidelines and information regarding the register so um I'll see if we do hear from that but [Music] um under new business item four uh we have three uh continued letters of support uh three requests for continued letters of support for historic tax credit applications this is coming from Ryan LLC um 4 a is the Sanford spinning Mills at 206 Globe Mills Avenue 4B is Union Belt 66 Troy Street and 4 C have a representative from Ryan LLC presenting hello um if you wouldn't mind introducing yourself uh with your name and uh who you're representing yes my name is Mary estasi and I'm representing Ryan LLC thank you um so regard I guess down the line so we um we're looking to see are there any um any project updates for any of the I guess we could start with Sanford spinning Mill yes so uh sanord spinning there is no construction currently happening um right now as I understand it they are just in the process of uh cleaning gutting removing everything uh in order to create a vanilla box to have a clean space um right now we're still waiting on the MHC response from the January 15th deadline cycle so uh they anticipate uh closing on the construction loan and starting the project by July 1st if they get an approval from the state is there a general backlog from uh MH see regarding the J applications um over the past couple of years we've been seeing MHC issue these responses later and later okay it is not very common that we don't receive responses until usually around the date of the next deadline if not a couple of days after so it is it is not unusual and they usually uh issue all of the responses at once so all projects are currently waiting for responses not just this one okay um I believe one week looked at the property back in I think it was August he was uh the owner was clearing out one of the mill structures so that that whole process is still ongoing um there's yeah there's quite a bit so okay um but no changes to the design or anything of that nature nope okay nope uh and then in regards to uh notredam uh he is currently under construction uh it is our understanding that he is following the approved scope of work and is doing everything above board in accordance with his approvals um uh he is planning on reapplying in the next round and other than that it seems to be pretty status quo is there any construction being undertaken at that property at this time uh it doesn't there seems to be just lying Dom uh my understanding is that there is construction happening um my so my colleague Emily deani is the one who is actually the project manager for that she's out on uh maternity leave at the moment so uh we while we have checked in with the owners they've just reported that they're doing construction um but I can I can confirm that that's what the scope is but as of conversations that uh my colleague had with the owner this morning they indicated they're currently doing some work there okay um when we toward the property in I think August also the there was a longstanding issue getting utility set up and that was delaying the pro um the the general clearing out of the property and so forth has I'm assuming that has been since rectified I believe so okay at at the last uh presentation three months ago the electrical situation had not been resolved so are you saying it has been resolved I believe it has I would have to confirm for you okay okay um any questions so far on either the Sanford space Mills or Notre Dame rectory um and then regarding Union Belt at 66 Troy Street yep so that building is under construction they have completed uh their interior demolition they've restored most of the historic industrial character so uh brick walls um wood ceiling decking beams uh columns um they're in the process of fine-tuning some of their designs so for instance they have the hoistway doors on the East and the West elevations which they are going to be replicating in kind as they are not in uh adequate condition to be retained um but y also planning to reapply seems to be moving ahead without any uh issue or changes that's good great um any questions for Mary on any of the three items okay no all right um should we do a vote of the just the general package of these three properties or should we go down the do all three you could take do all three sure um all right do I have a motion to I'll make a motion for uh continued letters of support for all three for all three properties yeah the San FR spitting Union Belt and Notre Dame recory and I'll second that motion all right motion by Ashley a second by Rick to approve a um contined letter so support for the package of three properties um Rook Hall Ashley yes John Yes Rick Rick Mancini yes Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason bushard andari yes thank you very much Mary I will send uh the uh updated letter to you uh by the end of the week wonderful thank you so much thank you for your time thank you so much you have a good night you as well um all right thank you uh so next we have uh item number five a b and c we have um again continued uh request for continued letters of support uh for historic tax credit applications uh for the following properties 5A is Wyoming Mills at 110 Chase Street 5B is Flint Mills at 135 Alden Street and 5c is the dery block at 80 to 84 North Main Street uh and I believe we have a representative from Heritage Consulting Group here good evening good evening hi yes you're correct this is Scott Doyle from Heritage Consulting Group thank you um and if you wouldn't mind um just a down the line um any updates so with 5A we have the Wyoming Mills at uh 110 Chase Street um have there been any updates to the project thus far there have not been we are still working with the applicant to complete the part two review at the federal level so construction Rehabilitation work has not begun and we're waiting to uh the parks service place to hold on for some revisions to the drawings and we're working on those right now okay um when we met with the uh owner back in uh was it July um we did review or we had approved a waiver for demolition delay ordinance on um the modern additions to the structure have has started on any of that um I am not 100% sure on that I will be seeing the developer tomorrow um and I have taken over the projects for uh Michael LEF flash who was the prior project manager for the EAS for Heritage and he has he's no longer working with Heritage so I'm meeting with the client tomorrow to get up to speed on the project and see where we are what is the uh was there any substantial damage with the fire that occurred there and has that affected the project at all um I cannot confirm that so I will I can report back to you on that I was not aware of that all right um and uh regarding the um so regarding the demolition delay um so the for the parts of the building that are not historic that we have reviewed um so we again we had approved the waiver um waving the six-month delay um that demo permit is essentially uh valid for um for I believe a year um so that will be coming up if Dem if demolition has not started by um a year to that point in July um it'll start that cycle all over again we would have to review the demo permit uh because the delay would start all over again um just so making that aware um thank you yes I I was not aware of that okay deadline so I will as I said I'm going to be speaking with the client tomorrow okay and I will confirm what the status is of the Demolition and if they're going to commence that prior to the expiration of the current permit okay um any other questions on when you respond to with with that to Jason would you also uh if there was any damage done because that's going to change the the uh face of the project if if the fire caused significant damage so get that to us please will definitely do that yes and I agree that that if there was significant damage there would be a change in scope and we'd want to uh advise you with that so I will I will do that as soon as possible thank you any other questions on that topic okay um regarding uh Flint Mills at 135 Alden Street um has there been any progress on that project no that's in a similar State uh it's under the same applicant under the same ownership the part one was delayed for approval at The Parks at at the Massachusetts historical commission and they forwarded that to the park service last week so the part one certification should be completed uh within a two to three week period and there's also a hold on the part two review down there for updated drwing so we're working with the client on that as well has any um any construction or demolition clearing out uh of the prop property commenced um I cannot confirm that and I can report back to you on that after I meet with the client okay thank you um any questions on the Flint Mills no okay um and then 5c the dery block at 80 to 84 North Main Street um again any updates on that project um the part two was submitted to the National Park Service in mid January and it is still under there was a request more information that was submitted and received uh last week and that is still being reviewed and is not under construction at this point okay there's been a delay on that building with the partial collapse of the roof uh has that been rectified or being Lo looked at or engineered or what's happening with that um I will have to check with the project manager on that project um I believe that is that may be what the more information that was submitted to the park service was concerning but I will double check on the roof stabilization and confirm if it has been um made weather tight and and stabilized okay so it seems like there's a I'm getting the general consensus that there there are backups with both MHC and the National Park Service that's delaying these three projects I mean we also had that with um as Mary indicated with all right um any other questions for Mr Doyle no okay I I would I would if a motion was made if I made a motion it would be conditional on getting some sort of responses back because Flint Mills are not not an issue but uh the wyome response get information on on these two situations and I believe your filing deadline it's uh April 30th correct okay okay and will this need to go back to a vote or if I provide the response within that time frame you can issue the letter as long you respond and we could we could vote on this tonight and approve on getting those responses understood I appreciate thank you very much yep we can do that should we is there should we put because it's due on the their their filing deadline is April by end of day and April 30th um should is there a reasonable time period between now and then which is two weeks away to have that information in by how soon can you get that information to us I would plan on getting it um early next week Monday or Tuesday I would hope to be able to provide Jason with an update on that on the status of both the dery roof situation and the and the fire situation at wyom would that be adequate time for you to get the letter up oh absolutely sure yeah yeah okay so that was a a vote to approve the letters to support the package for these three properties uh with the condition um that the information is supplied for 5A and 5 C correct okay and we making a motion on that I'll make the motion okay I'll second the motion Rick and Connie all right so U motion by Rick second by Connie to approve the continued letters of support with those conditions um for 5 a b and c uh roll call Ashley yes John Yes Rick Rick manini yes Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason B icki yes all right Michael I'm sorry uh Scott thank you very much for um for this um and once we hear back from you I will um as long as those items were met uh we will get those letters out great thank you very much I appreciate it and I can just email that information directly to you Jason that's the best way to submit and we understand you're you're taking over these projects it it's a little difficult you us so we understand okay well thank you very much thank you very much thank you all right have a good evening you too thank you um all right next we have um a request uh from first Bristol corporation uh regarding a continued letter of support for historic tax credit application uh for St Katherine's Convent uh Dominican Academy at 37 Park Street this is item 6A um and we have a representative from first Bristol Evening first Bristol Corporation thank you and great um thank you very much for joining tonight um and kind of saw how we were working through this so we um we've submitted our application you know part one part two that store against State there's been some you know back and forth they wer clarification and stuff so it's still with them and just every nothing's changed substantially maor and we're still moving forward just things are taking longer right y um we getting that from that with National Park Service and this is the time of the year that they start there's a backlog on things so um but it's still uh I believe the plan was for um office uh Flex space and office space uh through St an's hospital and then other yes okay y so as of right now the plan is still moving forward okay so has work started at all inside nothing okay just maintaining the building so you're still trying to finalize tax credits ET yeah yeah just everything in the scope I sure dictating majority of how the building lays out different things they want to see different roof lines the last time and angles okay okay are the drawings primarily completed yeah they're about I would say 80% oh yeah that's good that's good subal completion um you know the inside of the building is actually in really good shape so that's where it's become the challenge of leaving and preserving a lot of the stuff so and I believe you're working with Epsilon okay y so they've been very involved in it that's good um that would be a welcom change inition to the neighborhood um any questions from Mr K at all um this is easy um so um to I'll make a motion to to approve continued letter I'll second motion all right motion by Ashley and second by Rick to approve letter A continued letter of support for 37 Park Street uh roll call Ashley yes John Yes Rick yes Connie yes chy yes and Jason kardi yes I'll have that over to you um and just also so you're aware to uh the next filing deadline which I think is in July um will be the same y thank you thank you so much thank you all right thank you everyone um all right so next uh under new business item number seven uh we have a request uh an application for a certificate of appropriateness for 687 High Street this is the Leander bordon williiam Thomas house which is located in Highland's local historic district um good evening hello hello uh my introducing yourself your name and your address 687 High Street thank you and the work that you're performing on the property I'm repacing clapboard in the backyard that has U broken um I guess rotted and we're replacing the roof on the garage there was a little M type there it's not wood Jingles it's the roof on the garage shingles on the garage okay and what is the material I'm sorry on the garage uh it's Reg regular um shingles on the roof asphalt yeah and it's just basically just replacing in kind with material correct okay yeah clapboard uh the backyard has a lot of a rotted clapboard on it and probably you know the at least one coat of paint over it that's this that's yeah that's the worst part is there there might be one or two that might have to be replaced in the front but I only if we keep you know keep them busy sure you might do one or two in the front and I do apologize I don't have the photos printed out there was an issue printing those out so we I have them here if somebody wants to see them um I have my my iPad here okay I brought them that but um and uh in terms of when is the um the work schedule to begin so we have to wait for the building permit so my contractor was going to start uh in early April but because of the delay he's already taken another job so I have to wait now till the other job is done and then he can come up and start the job okay um questions I guess they are they going to be architectural shingles yes so be replacing did you pick the color it's going to be red just like it is now because you don't you can pick whatever color you like thank you we're not locking you into a color I'm just gonna keep what's there yeah I'm just GNA keep what's there right now but they will be architectural sh correct we can't or deny an application based on roof color and paint color um so uh the paint color is going to stay the same I'm just going to be patching up the backyard so I'm not going to change the color on that I'm not doing the whole house just the backyard okay any other questions and the photos were very helpful thank you okay no problem what that I'll make a motion that we send a letter of appr certificate appropri okay motion by Rick I'll second Connie all right motion by Rick and a second by Connie to approve the certificate appropriateness for 687 High Street roll call Ashley yes John Yes Rick Rick manini yes uh Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason B yes I have that uh that certificate to email it to you and I will also include um Carrie aash uh who is the licensing Clerk and she'll pass it over to the building department all right thank you just a question Gail reminded me so I'll sit down again on this paperwork it says the Leander board in William Thomas House our house is listed as a Dr Nathan uh board uh dery house I don't know where those names came from so I had done the research search on a house a couple of years ago and those names never appear anywhere in the the documents that I have printed and I think that's the second time I've referenced that too um I was using the the uh register of significant structures that we have on our website um which has the historical name to it yes um I will take ER it might be an error so in a documents that I pulled out cu I had to go to the Taunton Bristol County registry of deeds and the documents I pulled out we are the ninth owner of the property unless this leanda bordon was a renter but she or he was never an owner okay I'll take a look also at the form the so the Form B the inventory forms for the local historic district those were updated in 2014 13 14 or so so I'll take a look to see what they what they I can show you all the documents that I pulled out of the Taunton registry too if there's any if yeah if there's any corrections that we need to make uh then we we're happy to make those Corrections all right okay you can email us and I'll I can scan and email those back to you too okay oh that all right okay thank you thank you thank you um next we have uh item number eight certificate of appropriateness for 710 High Street uh the joh Edwin Cornell house also in the highlands 40c good evening um my name is Pedro Vargas property owner uh 710 High Street you and uh your address your residential address is 710 yes and you um can explain the work that you're looking to do I'm looking to replace all windows all windows are deteriorated uh Beyond repair um most of them are um their missing parts broke Bren or um and it's um basically just trying to replace with double hung windows and vinyl okay uh the material that the replacement material will be vinyl I believe so I have the specs here um I yeah I have the BR Yes actually it should be P um maor you are aware that uh the the recommendations from the Department of interior secretary Etc and national park services that you attempt to repair the existing Windows they've been there for almost a 100 years right vinyl last 20 25 years and that shot so um and in in most cases uh and you'll find this the documentation that gave you saw the states all of that so did you look at repairing the windows youve got youve got age Lumber in there that forever versus I I haven't looked I did go through the guidelines um just to see if that would be uh something to look at um you know I I don't know of any companies out there that would you know uh repair those windows I don't know if it's even something that well we we we can't recommend contractors or any anything like that uh for for work um I know the um the preservation Society for River will likely have contractors or at least the ability to recommend um builders that they may have worked with for repairing Windows um it is a repairing a window versus replacing it um the windows themselves um you know if one small section needs to be replaced it can be replaced with a vinyl window if one small element goes you have to replace basically the whole frame and the whole um and so it's more sustainable to have the wood wood windows uh repaired um and you know even the the I guess the energy efficiency between a vinyl window versus a wood frame window that has been um you know properly maintained the glasses being been reglazed Etc um there's very little difference in terms of um you know the energy that's uh drafts and so forth um and um with the vinyl um you know that the N the secretary the interior standards uh uh recommends replace replacement is deemed necessary to replace in kind um and vinyl you it's a change from the wood window it's a complete change of material we have uh we have looked at windows that are composite um that um you know it's a combination whether it's a wood frame that might be aluminum clad or um you know that that might be made of um again composite material that's paintable um versus vinyl which U I know you can change the color of the vinyl and so for but um um you know the material is substantially different U than um it's more compatible with a historic wood window if you want with the composite okay windows make up probably 20 25% of the footage of of a building so you know it's it's the the iconic presentation of a building looking at windows and uh the the problem with some of these viny Windows is that they're just inserts so what you end up doing is you've got a I'm just using numbers here but you've got a window that's 3T or 36 in when you put the vinyl in there you end up with a window that's 32 sure the whole appearance of the building is changed completely and that's why the department of material stand designates to to replace and repair uh I I would like I would like to physically and we could do that with just three of our members it would not be a meeting or a quum and look at your existing windows and and and again that's recommended also by okay Secretary of the Interiors exactly thank you uh to take a look at that and and then it'll help make us or allow us to make a decision as to whether we can go with replacement windows or repair the existing okay uh you know the the it's a little bit of um epoxy and those the long way in repairing these windows uh you know so and you know that we'd really like to take a look at the windows themselves and as I'm just going to play a little bit on what Jason said the wood windows repaired and we stripped properly and the storm window on that is more effective been efficient than the replacement vinyl windows so if you're looking to save money and energy you know and stay warmer uh repairing those windows with the aluminum or or some sort of a structurally uh applicable stor window uh would uh would be fine so I I would like to make a motion at somewhere along the line in the next few days yes we take a look at the windows m please again it would be two or three at most of the of the historic commission so that it doesn't constitute a meeting and we could look at the window see what we have we've done this in the past this is not something unique we want to maintain the the appearance of the home we want it to be the value to increase for you right you know and keep the uniqueness of that home so okay understand now if we can set something up in next few um and U and just also jumping on to with um if a replacement for any of the windows is deemed necessary so the existing windows are two over one um I you you had sent the link to the brochure um and I don't know if this was what was being uh proposed the four over four that was on the brochure but um I I'm assuming that the um any replacement that you had in mind was going to be the two over one yes that has to be maintained as well and uh just because that that house is very well was well documented when one when it was moved in 8182 and then again documented in 2014 when the um the historic district the local historic district was uh established um so and if you look at the style of the presentation of this 7400 series replacement window you see the on the side you see how wide they are right so what you're going to do is you're going to actually reduce the amount of natural light that you get into the home number one significantly uh because you you just taking and then that window fits into already the inner perimeter of the existing window right so would be nice if we could take a look absolutely a sounds good and we're not contracted historical understand thank you that was regarding the windows and then you're doing I believe the roof the the roof yes explain go into detail about that so right now I'm looking just to put the the shingles the uh over the the the roof over the porch um right now it it the issue is structurally with the joys they're all rotted out um I would like to get the you know um opinion of the building department and a contractor just to over um I did include that in the material but could not get that this is what we're looking at correct yes um so you have that view this is um so this plastic is on top this isre okay all right um and the so the joice and then but then is the porch the corner is it sagging it's sagging as well so we have to consult with the contractor and the building department to see if we can put some kind of um you know column to support that sagging over that okay porch um so I would like to do that in steps if at all possible do the roof um uh correct the structure the the joists that are alled and um and later on um then concentrate on the bottom porch um and I uh Eugene bores with the building department had um had uh also um uh made me aware that I guess um the material La of a better explanation the material that was being used was too thin I think the sheing I think it was um so that um I know he was concerned about that because of the um the weight and we right okay but that's not all building department looking at the historic value of the property construction that's going to deal with the building department correct okay um all right um are the columns going to the same The Columns will remain the same yes and I'm assuming that the front entrance rail is going to be replaced is that going to be a like in kind with with the existing railing uh yes I haven't uh that's will be done in later um I was hoping just to concentrate on the roof and so you you'll come back with other presentations good thank you yes thank you all right so I have a quick question um the fascia board that you're going to replace is it going to be wood I would like to keep the wood um there's also some clapboards that are missing right now so if I could get the commission to approve uh replacing the clapboards that are um over the uh the little the Dormer the Gable okay yes is is it no that's shingles I think it's shingles it's the wood shingles the wood shingles wood shingles individual shingles not yes individual small shingles little entrance pediment St um so that that's also was changed a bit you want to call it a facial you want to call it a wood molding whatever it is that those shingles ran right up to the roof line the original right then you just had a little trim on there gotcha somewhere along the line they started ripping off the shingles and they put a piece of part of the facial just a a a board I guess a panel on there and that's not the original status it has to get reshingled to be complete match the exis and remove the fascia that's currently yes any other questions for Mr baras yeah I got a question u a comment really I read your email about the door that doesn't go anywhere correct I've seen a few doors like that and I I'm going to just suggest that it might be for the delivery of ice you think well on the that's a back porch so on the so on the French Street side so Mr Vargas was also looking for um advice regarding the um the back door on the French Street side um there is a door on the first floor with a very tall very high drop CU there the staircase that was there is over there um and how it can be basically rebuilt correct um and I I looked on the mass historical commission's database to see if there's any photos and I couldn't find anything the historical society would likely have uh a do an earlier photo of the house when um the neighborhood was surveyed in the early 80s um unfortunately they're in the mids hopefully very ending very soon of a very large renovation so their archives are not accessible at at the moment but um that doesn't mean that you know you can't proceed with with that I would recommend though having um prepared uh architectural drawings showing how um that back stoop in the staircase can be rebuilt sure um I would recommend that it mimics especially for the ballast Rod um that it mimics the existing ballast rod on the front porch which is fairly simple it's a square uh Square balls um but that should that book should be retained um additionally um because you are in the 40c district um you fall under um the historic building code um so the height doesn't have to it doesn't have to be um what the our our building department will recommend it which will be much I think it's 36 bring actually actually the rule of thumb for that is get on the sidewalk look at the handrail and you be able to see the sill of the window so that's how you adjust correct that's how you so it might only be 30 in could be 24 it all depends on how it lines up so stand on the sidewalk and that'll give you a visual of how high you need to be with that that'll put you in good Steed with the historic preservation of the building okay great just getting back to the rear porch to the best of my knowledge and I I go back I remember when those H move that that your home was moved on May 31st of wow 1981 and the problem was the land was fairly level so the existing porch did not have the height that it has now the home was put on it on on your property with slopes so now you got a higher porch that you've got to understand okay we will gladly work as much as we can I talked to an individual who uh I'm not going to name names but he's he's if you go on Facebook he's always on Facebook with photos he's part of the historic photo Club in Fall River and he's doing some research to see if he can find that home he had one of the face of that building okay and he was going to go through his archives and see if he could find that building when it was back on the childood property if you see exactly what it looked like that would help at this particular house there's a few um there's a few siblings that match up to it um the house next door on High Street to the right um is a similar profile there's one on Prospect and Highland Avenue that still stands that has a similar profile these were all likely done by the same architect um when they were over on Highland Terrace um so you can also look at that if if there's no photos that are able to be found um you can kind of go with what the those existing houses have um the the whole move from those houses from Charleston in the early 80s was very well documented um but I think actually you're in that cluster that house the little mansard uh Second Empire behind you and then the brown shingled house to the right those were all three were all moved at the same time okay yeah I'll take a look at those pretty fascinating yeah um so all right um so regarding his so we have the two items on his application one was the windows and then the uh and so um so I we can break it down if you want to do one one or the other we should separate them we should separate them yes so we can move forward with one yep okay all right so how do we want to do this regarding the windows if my my ADD uh Jason um I'm trying to move into the property as soon as possible so I know the windows are uh on the priority list if whatever there's can do so if there's a way that we can well one we would like to take a look at the windows um and then um my my sticking point is with the the replacement material uh with the vinyl um that's what I'm I agree I I would suggest like a a clad aluminum clad or something where it's got the wood essentially on the outside um but functions similar to a vinyl window um with good composite yeah a composite yeah we've looked at um one of the windows that we've seen quite a quite a bit of in the 40c um I'm thinking of um forget the address the house that cire um that was all all new windows and I believe they went with I want to say they went with Anderson renewal and there's another one that her milor um I can't remember the name of the but anyways there's a number of different window lines whether um they just have to have um they have to be composite if you're going to do a replacement um whether it's wood whether it's composite with alum um aluminum clad um yes okay that helps take a look and see what you got and then we can we can work a little more closely would we be T the vote for the window uh I would say yes yes we don't have anything before okay okay all right so how do we want to go with that and then we'll make the motion to table the windows until review okay and we can get that scheduled within the next few days so that you can move forward because thank you delayed anymore no and then after the review if we come to a resolution maybe we could allow purchase of the window so the vote would then become a positive vote okay thank you so um we have a so this is a vote to table the windows the application to replace the windows pending forther review by the historical commission okay make motion please I will make a motion for that and I I'll second all right um so I have a motion by Ashley a second by Rick this is to table um the application to replace the windows pending further review by the historical commission uh call what does that look like um so we go look at the windows we agree on something how does that move forward for him um we would so we would need um so review by us and also um alternative an alternative material that um that is selected um will he have to come before us again I would like to make the motion that if the if the three board members okay come to some sort of an agreement with Mr Vargas then the vote would become positive vote we cannot vote though oner what we will have to do is probably have an emergency meeting so that he can move forwards a zoom meeting we can do a zoom meeting a zoom meeting for for a vote okay we can easily schedule those until I think next year so yeah okay all right so thank you that is and I think oh sorry call no so yeah so okay so we're tabling vote on tabling the Windows um pending review by the historical commission with a replacement material and we will address this uh special yeah so the recommendation will be made when we meet with them Y and then you have your your windows ready to come before us at that meeting even if it's a zo meeting and then can once that's approved we will I will submit the um certificate appropriateness with uh Licensing in the building department so they have that and you can proceed with getting your perit terrific thank you all right so may I get a motion motion oh asley second by Rick oh second was Rick sorry okay motion by Ashley second by Rick Roll call Ashley yes John Yes Rick Rick man yes Joyce I'm sorry Connie yes Joyce and yes so that's for the tabling of the windows uh the next one is the uh rebuilding the front cover porch I I'm comfortable with that I would make a motion to um provide a certificate of appropriateness for the roof um the pory building please structural and and the shingles in the shingles and you will work with the building department to make sure the the proper material is selected okay yes I'll second that motion also it's the same shingles I think you yes okay perfect yes thank you all right thank you um all right so I have a motion by Ashley second by Rick to approve the application for the rebuilding of the por roof uh roll call Ashley yes John Yes Rick Mancini yes Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason Bard and Rocky yes so I will give you I'll send over the certificate of appropriateness for the proof yes and then we'll convene we'll find a I'm pretty flexible with schedule that's all whatever works for the even um daylight maybe betterlight better okay coord thank you you appreciate thank you very much good night night thank you um right item number nine uh we have a certificate of appropriateness request for replacing wood shingles uh the northeast corner of 63 Rock Street this is the George Ballard house also in the highlands 4C good evening good evening hello you want mind uh stating your name and of course I'm held him on from the Fall River Deacon his home thank you very much um and you sent over photos which are in the application I don't have that um now the northeast corner this is if you're looking at the house from Rock Street it's the back left corner correct okay which it is some of yeah some of yeah the house has a very complex roof line um so and the uh it's basically at the the base of the the wall where it meets with the roof line I believe it was yes it's like the second floor it's kind of odd how the house beautiful home but yeah definitely um oops um oh that's 259 sorry I don't have that one let me see it's in here the packet that I gave you um and the pattern will be keeping the same exactly the same yes um and any questions on that application that's kind of a standard it's pretty standard yeah um and uh is the the material that's there now is um that's on the the vertical component because there the the roof has it's the the gamarel so there's the pitch there's two different pitches but the Dormer is the the vertical component okay yes all right question questions for Miss's on that item no um you have the photos I do okay perfect um I did review I was trying to pull them up on this and I cannot find oh you know what yeah we had an issue getting the the photos printed um it's okay and so I am okay so it is just don't turn it so it's in the back of corner and then and then actually that's a better deal so there we go want to see it oh okay okay okay are you ultimately doing the rest of the house or just this one area for now just this one area for now I think you did the roof recently yes pretty pretty standard okay and when do you think the work they're looking at miday if uh I spoke to them this morning if everything goes okay today they are hoping they can get us in line sounds good okay um any questions from on that on item number nine no that's an easy one it's never easy with these old houses we're well aware of that um get so to approve it making a motion no I'll make a motion that we approve the shingling structure 63 Rock second thank you all right motion by Rick second by Ashley to approve the certificate appr appropriateness for 603 rock roll call Ashley yes John Yes Rick manini yes Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason bardi yes thank you on that um so I will have that one prepared as well before the end of the week um and then uh item number 10 um is another certificate of appropriateness for replacing with shingles on the south ofad Dormers at 259 Prospect Street um and this Mone is you're going to be presenting on that one as well yes I had it here looking at my ideas um all right so and that's so that's just the base of the the bay window on the top on the third floor I think it was right yes okay um so here's the the area that's being fixed are those areas leaking are you moist no not yet that's why we're yes it's in an odd spot of the house too that you don't really go around the back and look we don't utilize that part of the yard so and it's the South facade so getting the the the brunt of the Sun and it's yeah that that'll wear itself out a whole lot faster y on you it's flipping pre Prime red cedar sounds good M yeah that's excellent um any questions for his m's on that item no okay and same thing mid May as you're looking at the yes it's going to be the same company same contractor okay and that was my question if you had water damage could have open that up and then found out that there was more structural yeah so far so good we're good good um all right I got a motion then there's no further questions to approve the certificate I'll make a motion to approve thank you and I'll second that motion thank you motion by Connie second by Rick to approve the application for 259 Prospect uh roll call Ashley yes John Yes Rick Rick manini yes Connie yes Joy yes and Jason bardi yes thank you so much thank you very easy have a great night I'll send both of those those out before the end of the week all right perfect thank you have a pleas you too thank you so much um right thank you everyone so um under old business um annual report I am almost done I will have that ready for the next meeting which I you know I don't know what the filing deadline I had asked and I didn't receive a response as to when that is so as long as we have one I believe that is fine next year we will I will be much more uh on it to get the uh anual report done um it's a little complex I was looking at past annual reports which were very detailed and then also the ones that were more recently filed which are not nearly as details so I'm just trying to find a medium and sum everything up for the year so I'll have that for the next meeting um item number 12 uh Bank Street Armory update uh you here actually um and Joyce so we met with the committee of on um ordinances um and uh everyone was in the audience I was uh meeting with the committee on ordinances we had um they working to fine-tune the the the the wording of the ordinance to transfer it from the park board to the historical commission um with some you know basically just working with Corporation counsel to have with assistance the Pres preservation Society so um I think what was it four weeks for the turnaround of days 30 days yep for the drafting of that so we'll be meeting with them again um to determine what the next step's on that May 21st May 21st okay so what's the next step uh we're waiting for Corporation Council to draft um the um transfer uh to draft the transfer and also just uh has to pass by pass through them again so we'll we'll meet with them again at the end of May uh with an update on the the Amendments be interesting there's a need to research and see what the legalities are have we ever done that before have we ever been involved as a commission no with no property in the city no okay no I believe we are able to we are first time we are able to hold uh deed restrictions on properties we don't have that we don't we don't have that right now it's in the ordinance but um this will be a it'll be a first um so they're just they're working through the ordinance on that um uh so item number 13 um update on certified local government application I did receive an email from a woman her name is Grace who works for the National Park Service they have received the application they are reviewing it they said within 15 business days to have it reviewed um it was signed off on the state level by brona Simon who is the state historic preservation officer uh so all systems are good so far we are just awaiting the final word um so it it's very it's 95% sure it'll be fine it'll be passed and accepted so that's big that's very big um yep so um update on 14a this is I'm sorry uh item 14 the Steep Brook Form B uh I received an email from Elaine Styles the professor today uh confirming that they have students who are able to uh present on Tuesday April 30th at 6 PM um I have already booked this room uh I did that well in advance just to make sure that we had it um so they will I'm just working out the details but I will send out um invitations who should be invited I would get the uh CPA CPC committee okay uh definitely the historic definitely preservation Society should be present and I will call and get a hold of the water department we'll get Mike laas here and probably Paul and many members of the forestry service that we can get that bio Reserve is is a big thing we should also I would recommend that uh if we want to get because the bio Reserve is so active and becoming such a vital part of the city um maybe some of our I don't know City members maybe the city council Etc they want to attend I'm going to extend an invite to city council the mayor's office um conservation conservation everyone in the planning department too um so that includes Chris pirano um the assistant city planner and um Dan agar who is the director of engineering and planning so they will all get an right conservation all right so conservation should be brought into that and so this is so this is regarding the form BS for Steep Brook um which well steep Brook and bio the bi Reserve okay and the bioer just the Roger William University is not doing the bi Reserve they're doing the Roger Williams but you mean the the the houses the the properties properties yes and the formas what the bio Reserve they did the they did the form for the bio Reserve no they not but it's parted this whole package so okay all right um and plan okay um all right so I will have that I'll send that out and I'd like to do it tomorrow or uh tomorrow or uh Thursday just so because I don't want toit soon to get the invites out so it's just I'll just send a general email um okay um I think El said she has three students that will be coming um so that's good um let's see update on uh item number 15 uh Highland's local historic district expansion so mailing list is complete um the survey letter a sample of the letter um that Ashley had worked on thank you um that was sent over to the mayor's office Incorporation Council just because uh I've been trying to I in the past I was trying to get a meeting with the mayor I've emailed a few times and I haven't been able to get one on um just an update of projects that we're working on um so I sent the sample letter over to the mayor's office and Corporation Council so they can review it just so there's no no no surprises um uh Alan Rumsey uh corpor Corporation Council had asked that we hold off on sending out the surveys yet because he they just need to make sure that um there's no issue in sending it out with to homeowners who are not in the 40c um so and then Dan agar um and I I did not realize that he was the director of planning I just thought it was engineering so I did not include him on the email um so Chris Pano thankfully had forward it over um so that is being um he just wanted the list of the addresses so the full list of the addresses everything that we have basically was sent over to him to to for review so that's where we stand where we stand on it um I know Allan is out this week um so we should have I hope fairly soon uh uh the go ahe had to send out the survey letter um I have given the heads up to Carrie so I will um I will make sure I will help her at least with getting those out so it's just they just need just make sure that the the survey is yeah there's no problems with it I did tell them I did mentioned that it was copied from uh with the advice by MHC that we just used their template we just had to make the necessary revisions to it um so he's aware aware of that that's we stand you have a question kind just confused as to why we need their approval like why can't why wouldn't we be able to send it out to non 40c people I'm not sure I and I I think part of it too is that um you know this I don't think they've had this at least with current Administration this hasn't been done with other committees I'm not 100% sure um but I know I know the mayor wanted to be brought up the speed as to what we're working on and how big of an area um I did also mention that we did go with the advice with the from MHC with a larger area because ultimately that has to get carved down quite a bit um once we get those surveys back okay I think it's with a little CAU City wants to proceed just with caution so there's no legal ramifications of any of any kind I think that's the um it sounded like based on the email that we should have that response fairly soon so um um all right next um item 16 we have preservation month uh next month in May um we have a Facebook page um and I have to find the login for it um but uh if there's a any ideas that we have to promote what we're doing what we've done in the past at least in the past year I suppose with um you know this presentation would be I suited uh if we could make it more public put it on Facebook put it on the government uh page uh maybe if we can get government TV to sort of advertise a little bit about that I can ask uh we might draw some yeah well that might be too would knows wouldn't that be nice yeah um okay what if we do it out there ideas um Atrium I can ask um I know the AV hookup will be a little bit more tedious out there um and yeah I can check but we might I we might have enough have enough yeah there no real way to tell no no um so that's that's um so that's on the Facebook um can I also maybe ask somebody to if if there's somebody who's Savvy on social media or at least a little bit more active on Facebook um because I'm not really active on Facebook to um also have access to the page to do like postings whether it's like the agendas or anything like that yeah okay all right you can find the L are you a Facebook person I am okay I'll get you some um any other any other ideas that we can put that's really our primary Outlet right now is social media at least we don't have an Instagram page or anything like that but Facebook um uh in the past we've also reached out to it's been a long time since Co we uh we used to reach out to the schools to do little presentations I think right uh with um um you know history of the neighborhoods or things it it was through the neighborhood associations okay so you know the North End Association would hold a meeting and we will be there and make a presentation okay would it be worth doing something like that reaching out to the is there still a Highlands neighborhood association there's a the highlands yes and there's also the lower Highlands which is not met in U six months I guess all but they'll be meeting again they they'll pick up um we couldn't make a um the there there still a number of active neighborhood associations trying to Target the area that we're trying to expand I think so um yeah uh just so they are aware of that and also too if we if we are able to um with as a CLG um you know one thing that it should be considered too is expanding at least looking at expanding the National Registry districts like the highlands is kind of oddly shaped it doesn't really it goes up Highland Avenue but doesn't really into the neighborhoods east and west of Highland Avenue and it only goes up to uh Stanley so it is worth exploring too like Maplewood I don't know if anything's really I don't think anything's really documented in Maplewood Flint Village um same thing uh that's not that's not a National Registry District so just maybe maybe like reaching out to the neighborhood groups there's nine neighborhood groups sorry there's n neighborhood okay thank you um okay um any other ideas is the preservation Society does anyone know if the preservation society's doing anything for preservation no idea any ideas on the preservation number 16 um we're planning on doing a lecture Jimmy you want to come up do you want to come up real quick sorry put you on spot I was getting so comfortable I felt like the meeting was over almost almost Jim soul from the preservation Society uh yeah the preservation Society for preservation month is planning on doing a lecture series or a lecture sorry on mide Parks uh we still have to nail a few things to make sure it's going to happen um okay why would that beheld you where would you hold that lecture that's what we're waiting to get nailed down so I don't wanted to say okay okay would DCR be available to you that's a fine Auditorium on the water no we have we have an IDE we we have a a whole plan but is hinging on um an approval okay PR okay um all right and you know that's something we can also um once you have the the details once you have the details nailed down too we we can I'm sure I think we can probably um spread that with our uh on our Facebook page I think I don't think there's any conflict with that no um so okay we'll be posting it yep perfect okay thank you Jen um any other questions on or ideas for preservation month I mean it's coming up but just things to I would like to get more I would love to have more um active presence on social media at least so just I thought um how about inviting This Old House to Fall River that actually it we won't make it for May of 2024 but somewhere down the road I don't know this house the show so they're actually located there's a plumber that's I believe it's a plumber from that show in the city oh yeah he just opened up okay oh interesting mhm no idea oh that's good to know yep okay um I think was it uh no I'm thinking of a different TV series there's one where they uh went into neighborhoods and actively worked on um houses that needed the home no no was it like I want to say it was like a bob verer or something but they that um it was well into the 2000s they were doing um they would go into City neighborhoods and um with their train is This Old House Oh I thought it was um home I I know I seen something like that I know what you're talking about but I can't think of the name yeah again it's something like rescue they come out and refurbish your house it's one of them ones that you got to call them for them to come out right so okay we can look at that any other ideas Joyce that's well I've got some other ideas okay um there's always information spots that BC does uh they could interview people in the city that are restoring their homes or they could even interview contractors who are involved in preservation okay I mean I learned right from all these presentations who those contractors are and uh if they're having to learn from us and follow the guidelines uh it's good for them to to let the rest of the city know who they are and what they can do so I've got those two ideas uh there's also Fred TV at driffy High School uh they have been very active in this city doing documentaries uh primarily on companies that are manufacturers and they did um uh the um company in the industrial park that does the linen matuk matsuk matuk matuk so Fred TV does very good work and they won awards with this on Manufacturing in Fall River so we could just divert them a little bit okay and ask them to do a student project on preservation keep two weeks before May to keep on the back rner maybe those are all my ideas of ideas you thank you anyone else on three ideas tonight we'll also the brainstorm yeah okay cool um so we are um so with that said if there's nothing else um we are meeting again on Tuesday April 30th it'll be a special meeting um to see the presentation by the students at Roger Williams so um any other questions at all 7:13 no questions uh may I get a motion to adjourn the meeting then at 7 uh 7:14 p.m um motion Rick all right uh to adjourn we will be meeting again April 30th um roll call Ashley yes John Yes Rick Rick Mancini yes Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason Bard Rocky yes right excellent thank you very much everyone