thank you good evening everyone um and thank you for joining us for uh tonight's meeting of the Fall River historical commission it is Tuesday March 19th 2024 the time is now 6:00 p.m. uh pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible uh make it a roll call please Ashley dunia here Connie Soul here Elizabeth d block Rick manini here Joyce Rodrick present and Jason Bard nqi present um we are missing Jonathan Lima he is not here today and uh we have no open seats um okay so the first item on the agenda item number one is to review and approve the minutes from January 24th 2024 uh Elizabeth had sent those arounds okay I'll make a motion to approve the January 24th meetings minutes I'll second that motion all right I have a motion by Rick and a second by Connie uh for the minutes of January 24th 2024 uh roll call vote Ashley I uh Connie yes Elizabeth Yes Rick yes Joyce yes and Jason buard Andi yes right thank you um item number two is to review and approve the minutes from February 20th 2024 um Elizabeth was not at our last meeting but John took over and recorded the minutes he send those around as well any questions on them no okay motion to approve Ashley thank you second and Elizabeth okay all right motion by Ashley and a second by Elizabeth uh to approve the minutes from February 20 uh roll call Ashley yes Connie yes Elizabeth Yes Rick yes Joyce yes and Jason Bard nqi yes thank you everyone um do we have any citizens input for uh the items all right um item number three I did receive a notice of intent to demolish um the address 21 August stre um I did inform Carrie aash that the property is not listed on the registry the register of significant structures um so that that's that um I also uh for item number four under correspondences I did receive an inquiry uh regarding design restrictions or any limitations on uh the properties located at 410 423 and 887 Highland Avenue um incidentally these are owned by the Catholic dases but I did tell Carrie that um uh 410 and 423 actually all three of them sorry all three of them are listed in the highlands National register District so the only limitation would be a six six-month demolition delay if that were if that was an option um but I also did indicate that 42 uh 410 and 423 are within the target area uh for the 40c expansion um those letters have not yet gone out but we'll talk about that later on um so that was basically it for those three properties for it 4 um any questions so far no okay um item five under new business uh we have a nomination for property uh for the inclusion on the Fall River register of significant structures um this is 1680 Pleasant Street the Night Owl Diner and we have Tony D is here to present good evening we're all set we have yeah yes thank you and if you can please um U state your name and address and yes name is Anton Das I reside at 492 June Street and I am here on behalf of the property owner of the Night Owl Mr Joseph nazer hope I pronounce his name correctly um so um he requested that I help him to get the property listed on the the fall r a register um for a couple of reasons one uh he's looking to renovate the night owl um and I had indicated to him that it's historical and then I go to the register and find out that it's not on the list so um the first step is we're looking to get on that list to eventually go for the national register okay um part of the research onto the night owl is that it was built three years after uh the almax diner uh by the same exact company um I've contacted the expert on uh these types of um diners and um he says that it's quite unique it has a basement um I created a 3D video of what the potential uh renovation would be but again his main goal one would be to sell the entire property the entire property is the diner itself the entire parking lot behind that which includes um there's a Herz uh business and a doughnut shop okay that's all part of the property those two businesses currently have leases but we've heard has a 5-year lease and the donut shop two or three years he would like to sell the whole thing if if he could use at a later age um if he can't find a buyer then his next uh option would be to lease out the uh the night owl and he would renovate it to whatever use it would be he just needs to have that person come in um as part of the renovation um there was one bathroom in the basement that's really just for the staff but we would need to put an addition to the building so part of doing the three-dimensional rendering would be what that would look like so we took inspiration of the original Night Owl which was just on the flat bed of a truck and it looked like a a wagon to tell you the truth so that's why it has that curved roof and is put to the side of it so that'll happen if they have a a Le C okay I think that's all I have and I I think on the paperwork that I presented to you we feel that um it it should be historical and that it definitely Falls within category a and category C uh of the national register and if we do get listed on it I would hope to get a letter from you so that we can include it with our letter to the state of course to get that excellent thank you um any questions for Mr Das um I was very um I was very surprised that it was not already listed listed on the city's register let alone the national register for that matter um so this it and there's a the whole area in the Flint Village um has a great deal of potential I was just I I I've been mentioning it over and over again that that commercial Corridor is not nothing surveyed uh at least on the national register um so there's opportunity there to have the whole area included as part of a national register District which would allow Property Owners to have access to to historic tax credits and even CPC funding for that matter depending um so um this is this is a um you know the first step and I mean such a significant it's small but it's very significant it has a great um amount of appeal I don't want to say appeal but uh presence on that in that area and and today I was just thinking that Eastern Avenue itself that particular section was uh on the listing be because uh Olstead right so that's designed by Olstead and there um I just lost my train I thought on the other one oh the reason it wasn't on the list is that when we started the Fall River register we took all of the properties that were either inventory or on the National Registry so this property was never inventoried so it's not there so I'm sure there's tons of other properties in the city i' I've I've i' seen that before where um the whole neighborhood around uh we had a review a property on Handover street that was um being marked for Demolition and the whole residential neighborhood um around it was surveyed uh in 1981 but nothing was actually included um and mass historical uh the mass historical commission does not have they don't have those uh inventory forms but the Historical Society does which it's a little interesting how that happened but um so there must have been some sort of opposition I would imagine probably from if it was 81 from the hospital expansion that prevented a lot of those neighborhoods from being listed or at least considered for National register um so that could have been something around the in the 80s but um no I and I agree with um you with criteria A and C um for that for the national register um would you um would you be the one who would be helping with the national register process itself yeah I told I'd be doing all this pro bono okay to get it on this list and to get it on the National register as so um I did have one other question um there um and with the the transition with the city website uh we the city has a new website um uh some of our forms that we had prior never made it onto the new uh uh City's website we're working on updating some of the forms but um uh there was a we have a nomination forms like a Form B you're very familiar with what we had before um so I would um would you want to fill that out or just we have a record of that or or is this this should be sufficient I can send that to you after the meeting okay that's not a problem all right and I think that that's all I have I had one random question are they renovating before they sell it is that the intention so uh the so they prefer to sell it first and then have the new buyer decide what to do with if they can't find a seller they're they're looking for or a lei and if it's a sushi place they'll renovate it to accommodate that whatever it is so yeah I don't believe they're going to do anything until they have either a leasi or someone buys it and then that person decides what to do with it but in our conversations he felt that it was important to make sure we preserve the structure and that's why First Step here next step the state this is great excent yeah so I'll make a motion good to approve the nomination oh sorry I just wanted what went into the thinking of the design um it's very modernistic and I when I first looked at it I didn't think of it as the rough and tumble kind of Diner that draws people to din so what kind of comparison did you make so uh the interior of and the exterior were going to keep it in the original state you know if there's things that are damaged we're just going to basically put it as is the only thing really that's going to change on the inside is the kitchen area so whatever equipment that they would need um but all of the stainless steel with the I think the fan art whatever it is that's all going to go back um so the stove itself might be in a different location with the kitchen fum hoods they're now much bigger so we will have to make adjustments for that but you won't notice anything from the street and the addition on the side which is in the parking lot it's really no more than 8 ft by 8 ft which is one uh bathroom for everyone under 20 25 occupants so so right now in the perimeter in the dining area there's a 15in counter that goes all the way around and there's 19 stools um I think over time there was a center counter that that's been removed so depending on who leases it then either they'll put that historical piece back or they'll decide that they want booths or whatever it is but it's not a expensive space I can't imagine more than 20 people ever being in there but on the exterior the only thing that will be different the main entrance uh we will upgrade the concrete steps um damaged so on one side that'll go back on the other side we'll take the steps out and put a handicap ramp that will turn to the back and there'll be a dedicated handicap spot right there right now now Herz has been using all of the diner parking spaces because it's been closed for a number of years and the businesses um across the street but whoever goes in there then they're definitely going to Mark out hey these are Diner spaces and these are spaces for the donut job and in hers but yeah so the goal is for you from the exterior not to see much change um I'm sure there's going to need to be a restoration of the owl itself and put the lights uh at the entrance there's the diner Arrow that's missing we'll try to get that back and yeah yeah you're not going to notice much difference and all the work would be and uh would be um in conjunction with the secretary to the interior standards and yeah I I wouldn't be involved like yeah we'll definitely follow all that perfect excellent could I just make a comment too um so if the owner is concerned about preserving the building the national register designation or the city register designation it just provides demolition delay of six months but has he thought about also maybe a preservation easement something written into the deed that would like preserve certain characteristics of the building we discussed um all about being on the list so being on the list will just give a six-month demolition delay then I explained to them there are CPA funds potentially out there which if he was approved for any of that then they would be a 30-year demolition delay uh we've talked about um if there's a new buyer because we want to preserve this building you know he would be interested in what's going to happen to the building yes um yes you could relocate it and put it someplace else that's not a problem but we would have to recreate the basement cour that folks don't see right now um it would be my preference if they had to develop it that if anything you would move it and connect it to the current doughnut shop that's there and make it a much larger seating area but yeah we've looked at all of the potential demolition delays and he understood that okay great you were going to say something about CBC no I is the basement like a full size basement like you can stand up in it it's not like just a it's it I think it's a little whiter than the actual V so in a half pictures um so there's all of these steel beams coming across so they took the diner and they dropped it on the the the steel beams and it's 12 foot from the the diner down to the basement and there's like a ship ladder going down there's a bathroom down there and then there's um the stairs in the front for them to bring in supplies and stuff um yeah it's pretty good size I would say all of the electrical and plumbing would have to be redone uh repainted but yeah it's a perfect place to store and have a little office down there and yeah if if you I I try to put the video online if you go there you you'll see the whole basement so some people actually said that they've been in there so I think it's very interesting I never knew there was the basement and just to add on with the CPC restriction depending on how it's written could also be any modifications to the exterior so not only demolition extension but also modifications once that occurs then the the CPC funding would have to be returned and you'd have have to break that contract with the mass historic or National Park Service if they got uh historic funding from them it really it really preserves the property once you get the preservation restriction put in place and I'd say for this building the the biggest concern would be the mechanical systems you know we wouldn't want to do what the U Historical Society has done and put these ugly mechanical units in front of their building so we definitely won't be doing that sorry I had to throw that out there there's probably a reason just just an as side Tony uh when I was in in the mid 40s I went there when the truck was there I remember that I don't remember the the new building because my parents moved away before that but my father was very friendly with wette when he owned that was all wup of oil in and uh that I remember the old Diner the the truck I actually have a picture here of the two structures side by side here I left it there oh it's all right just okay it's it's it's quite interesting so yeah okay so I'm going to make a motion uh to approve the nomination of the Night Owl to uh the follow of a register of significant structures I'll second the motion all right thank you I have a motion by Connie second by Elizabeth uh for the inclusion of the night all Diner on the Fall River register of significant structures roll call uh Ashley yes Connie yes Elizabeth Yes Rick yes Joyce yes and Jason bshar nakaki yesk you very very much this is very exciting very exciting project yeah and I'll send that letter to you um as soon as I have that done excellent thank you all right wonderful um right um the next item that we have under new business U we have um a presentation by uh Greg melar regarding database management evening uh if you can just State your names and um your for what business you're or um company you're representing yes my name is Greg molar my address is 555 Main Street Somerset Mass thank you my name is Michael Goodman my address is 9 rainbow Pawn Drive walpo Massachusetts thank you and we are here today representing sqe sqe thank you um and would you mind uh you gave us the handouts uh would you mind do you all have yes we do thank you um yes so I'll give a brief breakdown essentially we would love to present to the historic commission about using sq's Quantum secure database to store records moving forward um just sitting there listening hearing about like forms being misplaced or not being able to be found this technology helps to completely make that a non-issue anymore um but then also helps to secure them so that nobody else other than authorized parties have access to it um and then also preserving it for future Generations or even just future um individuals that may have to do work on some of these properties so they're able to see what the last person did and all of the itemization and it's all immutable meaning once it gets entered in no body can go in and change it up and uh make things different or delete things um once it's there it's there uh where I've been speaking with Rick about this um slowly over the past few months um this is he he informed us that you guys would have your first batch of form B's I believe they're called um coming in and um I shared with him that that would be a great test case and use case for us to show you how it would work completely free of charge um so that we can start moving some of the records onto the blockchain you guys would be able to see how that works um and then you know build out and hopefully get more comprehensive from there I have a question Greg U you said you stated there were no changes that would occur to the program so there's no administrator to handle the program itself there's absolutely no way of making an addition or a change to the program or to that item so there you you guys as the commission would be the ad admins okay so you guys would have access and only you guys would have access so you could constantly be uploading your new forms when I say you can't change it meaning somebody can't once you upload it somebody can't go in and try to change certain aspects of it like one once you guys put it in and it's verified that this is correct it goes in that's it it's it's cemented there so it it cannot be changed it can't be no sort of fraud or at a future date could the administrator get in and make a change the administrator could get in and retrieve the file but actually changing the data no and that that's part of the security of the blockchain so that people aren't able to go in and change you know uh past historic things um or information that you guys deem is necessary okay okay okay um I did uh just uh out of curiosity I had um I contacted uh the IT department uh for the city of Paul River um just because with the new website um and as I mentioned some of the forms that we had didn't transfer just because they were um you know from they still had like uh the old header from two Mays ago and so we just had to just have to update those things but um I did ask in terms of having some sort of a database on their website and I guess it just depends on how detailed it is um because most other departments or commissions they don't have anything like that so far on any of their on the City Pages um and I did indicate um that we have you know there's the project with uh with steep Rook which we'll talk about later but um because we'll have those updated form BS but then we have that other project coming up too with the 40c expansion which there's a there's a lot uh there will be a lot of form be on that um so I guess it just they they said they can probably do it but it just depends on how like how complex it is I guess um but did you did you buy any chance were able to check what the form a is for the bio Reserve did you I did not know okay we know um but um yeah if we were to try it out with a smaller project like steep Brook because I think that's only 20ish 22 22 properties um you know that is a good sure good intruction into it Bas um but um any anything that down the line if it there's a cost uh we don't have we don't have a budget or any operating funds and for our commission but so that would have to be a little bit more of a bigger that would be a bigger convers conversation that we would have to have with what other very uh VAR City M um that's a good point is there a cost no there's no cost for for the initial form BS of Step Brook right is there an ongoing cost for future expansion um from my understanding with this case this would be the free of charge okay situation okay okay um also I don't know if I understood completely but it sounded like you were talking to them about uh like servers uh not servers just um just what the capabilities of of the city's website was got it okay um so L to the datab oh so oh um and actually now that I think about it um so they did tell me that they cannot and I'm not sure if it's just a policy that they have they cannot link to an outside website um on their um on the city's website um there they I think they have made some exceptions like we have a link to macis to the database with Maas but just because we are under the umbrella also with the city but also with the mass historical commission um so they have the state has their own database that includes Fall River properties um but I think aside from that they said that they can't link to external websites or um they just said websites so I don't know if it just that was a blanket term or if they're just sounds like it might need a little more uh investigation also if this was proprietary just for us then would it be considered outside right yeah yeah so that it's something we have to inquire I guess with um with it and along with that as I said just to remen it the commission would be the only um powers to have access okay to it m um so like even us being the blockchain and like we don't have access into those servers or that database sure um I mean if it was something that we just use within the commission um you know how like every department has like different software that they use and so forth if we did have something on our own and then I can see that being a benefit to us um but if it's something that is accessible to the public that might be a different that's a different situation um where we can't link it to the city's web page yeah cuz would the intent be for property owners to be able to look up their own that that would that was going to be my this is where it gets like fun and interesting um cuz we could sit here until midnight talking about this but that's why like starting with that first group is good because you'll be able to see the benefits and see like how it works uh but like we were kind of whispering over there just in that last conversation there was like four use cases that this solves um tax credit like everything in of all of it so it's something that could be built out a lot more in depth to cover a lot more um just areas of what you guys um overview like what what you guys have um control over um but this this would be a great first kind of step to highlight what it could look like down the line okay um so I will make it a point of asking it about an external database and see how that works um and what they say about that um and I can send this over to them so they have an idea and it could also be um we could also set it up because I can foresee that this may be um something that they want also but we could also set it up to where if they if the city itself needed access to that database as well we could do it so that it's the city and you guys okay um because one thing go ahead would would the general public now have access visually that would be up to you guys okay that that would be and that's some of the benef so if if you guys wanted to make it completely open source where anybody can just go on and research like this historical information that's fine if you guys wanted to put it behind like a pay wall where people have to pay a few dollar you could we could set it up that way as well that would be left to how you want to utilize the data okay is this essentially just like a Data Bank like like a like I don't know for instance let's say you know we just get 100 form B's they're going to get scanned in and uploaded and they're going to go there instead of in this box exactly okay ex so it doesn't have any functionality as far as filling out forms or no we could build all of that in down the line so like this could get to the point I guess I'm just like I don't know what I don't know what yeah yeah selling me I don't know what this so so think of like we're all um we're all um well I don't want to say we're all but a lot of us are familiar with like the cloud AWS so most of our information is held by AWS right now that's a centralized database M this is decentralized so nobody outside of the people people that get given access have access but the underlying basically bucket of data works the same so you guys would put your data into this yeah database that only you have access to and can control and the one of the big differences at any not that AWS is going to go out of business but if for some reason something happened or they got hacked that is is your information is you know based on their well taken um but at at the most basic level it's a database um but it's Quantum secure and limited access to only the people that are authorized okay so who do you consider like a a Target competitor for you guys there's there's a few uh mentioned here I I'm not sure we didn't want to get too far down into the tech but other blockchains okay uh ethereum uh even Bitcoin uh these blockchains are essentially databases so any of them could in theory be um a competitor however the difference here is that sqe is fundamentally being built for these kinds of issues at the government length of government level institutional level not so much on like um the financial side of things more locking down records uh think like Hospital health records property records um things of that nature gotta are photos also able to get imprinted on here yes okay absolutely good good and and if we had U allowed let's say we had this type of a program functioning and there's a lot of 40c properties that should be getting built up on the system uh say building department might want to be able to reference that they would have quick reference as long if as long as we gave them EXA yep who whoever would have permissions we could set it up so that those people or departments have permissions into that database so you could allow one department or the whole other other City Y or one person yeah okay and however however best would um work for what you guys are trying to achieve it can be set up that way essentially fully white label like fully customizable however or whatever would need to be done well it's uh sounds like a large large umbrella I was going to say is there a mapping function F so all the different properties that we have records for can we have the addresses and then be able to view a map and see where all them are yes why is there no cost uh so I'll tell you why a because it's a great um for River would be the first in the state one of uh one hand in the whole country and maybe two hands in the whole world that would start putting their records on blockchain so for us that is that's why that that's essentially why so would be an advertising tool in essence for your organization right and for you guys yeah it it it it's it's a pioneering step in sense of record keeping mhm mhm how long has sqe been been doing sqe things so Hamid the founder has been a software engineer for the last like 35 years he holds 16 patents 25 25 one of which is this technology so that back to the question on competitors we hold the patent to this technology so another competitor cannot make the same type of Technology um and then he's been building this for the last 2 and a half three years okay is this organizations operation local uh East Rhode Island okay y good all right any other questions so I um I have a few tasks that I have to do one is to contact it and just make sure this is um and then um uh yeah um then regarding the uh the Steep broke project that should be we should be getting those forms in the next month or two I I have not spoken to aaine we'll talk about that in a minute good um so okay perfect um any other questions for no I don't think so okay excent thank you um so once I hear back from um get my questions answered and then we'll proceed and I'll be in contact with you regarding um what the next steps are and excellent perfect great are you all set have you given us an enough information if there's no more questions we excellent thank you very much than you thank you thank you so much all right um all right so under old business um item seven annual report update I am almost finished a little longer than I thought um I'm almost finished um so I will hopefully we be able to review that for our April meeting um item eight the follow of e permit issue update so actually this goes um I have an email I did send an email out to the mayor's office to get a meeting at least to discuss the issue with the e- permit um have not been able to get onto his calendar for that but I will send and another email for for it because as of now I believe the building department is still using a manual address list um so I hopefully hopefully we'll have an update another a better one um by April um item nine uh Bank Street Armory update so um my let's see uh the ordinance the city council's committee on ordinances uh will be presenting an updated resolution um um at an upcoming meeting they haven't scheduled the date yet um but that will be uh it lists basically transfers the responsibility of the Armory from the park board to the historical commission alongside the Fall River preservation Society um and we would have the opportunity once it's transferred to under our responsibility to create a subcommittee that focuses solely on the Armory itself um so we I believe the dates that they had asked are soonish I think they're in they're in April um so that should be we'll have another update in April for that um but uh this will be a curve uh learning curve for I think all of us because uh we don't have this is we don't have we've never had responsibility for property um but um this is the step that are needed especially uh for obtaining any grants for studies uh feasibility studies and so forth um so any questions on that um that does the next meeting we hopefully I should oh no I should have I should have a more um detailed update at our next meeting but they should be I know they're they're just trying to schedule the the ordinance committees when there when that resolution will be brought up um I believe it's through who's sponsoring it was it Linda Linda per and Michelle I believe too Michelle Dion yes um in fact Michelle Deon made the original proposal on the ordinance and then Linda made the amend or the uh change including the Fall River preservation societ yes um that does kind of tie in that does tie into item number 10 which is the certified local government application update uh so I received good good uh news so the application was signed was sent over to Boston um I Reed an email from Jen D who was our contact with local business uh I'm sorry local government program with mass historical commission um they gave initial approval so that they did send over the certification agreement which has to so that currently is in the hands of Corporation Council to review um and once that has been reviewed uh it just needs the mayor signature and then that will get sent back to Boston for mhc's Signature and then and basically formerly approving it from there it then goes to um the National Park Service for final approval which takes uh Jen said roughly two to 3 weeks for final approval so it's a very it seems like a fair fairly quick process um but that that once once we have that uh certification that will open us up for additional Grant funds that are not available to every Community um and out of how many hundreds of or hundreds but over 100 communities in Massachusetts only 32 32 communities are certified local governments awesome so it's it's great it's that was a quick turn around quick turn and if I might just chime in here uh K to Jason this has been ongoing attempting to get this particular document I've been on historic commission for since its exception back in uh 07 so it goes back a few years and we've made attempts in the past to get this legal uh document established within the city and have had no success and Jason's been jumping on board and with the input from the board uh We've made it so that's Jason just had to to the Finish Line we're almost there we're almost there thank you um so um hopefully we'll have another update soon on that one um item 11 regarding steep Brook um the form bees um so I did um I did contact Elaine Styles the professor at she's in the uh I think she's in charge of the preservation studies program at Roger Williams University um so they were on Spring break last week um and she had to tweak some things that the students had done so um I did say that we have a meeting in April although I will say the April meeting is already uh I'm already stacking um uh items on there because it's uh we'll be reviewing extension letters or continued letters of support for historic historic tax credits those are filed I think the deadlines April 30th so um I did suggest if if necessary we could also do because it'll be presentation from the students um we could arrange a special meeting if necessary um I think that might be the better situation since they'll be covering how many properties 20 uh 222 with with uh sidebars of other properties that affiliated with the 22 historic units that they originally looking at so I think it would make more sense to have a special meeting for that presentation wise um are there days that especially coming up into April that should we try to aim for just a Tuesday stick with a Tuesday or I can what I'll do um what if you throw out like a poll or something like a Google poll see what works for I don't know if I can do that without violating open meeting laws open meeting laws oh um I yeah so if we I'll get some dates from lane and then we will go from there and I'll see what okay days work okay um cuz they should be wrapping up soon too with um like the end of the school year finals and so forth will be coming up um so that's that um and update on item 12 which is the highlands local historic district expansion um we're still chopping away at the mailing address list I worked on it today a little bit so I think there's actually three streets left of addresses that we just need to type up and it's like I think Highland avue is the longest one so it's Highland Avenue Lincoln Avenue and Walnut Street are the three streets left that we just did Chien and I totally forgot it's all good I can probably jump in I'll I'll resend the link so um it's very easy it's just a matter of just flipping through the PDF it really is pretty easy just like pulling it from a PDF and typing it somewhere else yeah so if you have two screens it EAS I do I mean I have Adobe on this computer actually so I might be able convert PDF to text um I don't know if it the so the forms that on PDF it's the property tax cards um that Rick was able to get from the assessor's office so they written no it's just a little there's a lot of information on there and there's honestly it's really easy okay there are actually many form bees oh yeah in a they're yeah they're like a little miniature condensed um are they is the list ongoing like if I were to jump in it's it's a shared list so I'm not going to like overwrite okay it's yeah it's on I think it's it's through one drive um so yeah it's just um but so we can just each take turns working on it um I honestly that was like the I think that was the easiest way of just accumulating the add or yeah getting the addresses um one minor little um I did notice there was one little error I had an address listed twice so instead of 150 there's 149 properties on the in the Target Area Minor minor but um so once we have those done um I will send the addresses the letters with the surveys to Carrie I did tell her because it's a lot I said I I am just to get this going I'm happy to help her lick stamps stuff envelopes just to get it going um so but she is aware I said heads up we have 150 um surveys is coming at you um so that is that is it so far um with with the um District expansion um and then let's see um anything else before we aurn um I did tell so um regarding the April meeting we will have a list of applicants coming before us for continued letters of support um the meeting I did tell them it's uh whatever whatever that third Tuesday is I think it's April 16th um so we'll have a a list of of applicants coming back before us uh some of them I think will'll be actually on Zoom so um but I did reach out to a few just because I didn't want any last minute surprises like we've had in the past um so I'm just waiting to hear back from a couple people so we can get them on the the calendar um so that said um it is 6:48 um can I get a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion that we adjourn the meeting I'll second that all right Rick and Ashley thank you motion by Rick and a second by Ashley to adjourn at 6:48 p.m. again we will be meeting uh April 16th 2024 um may I get a roll call Ashley yes Connie yes Elizabeth Yes Rick yes Joyce yes and Jason bashard and rocki yes thank you everyone