##VIDEO ID:6E9Wwzqh_ZQ## okay um a meeting of the foral license board uh will come to order uh Thursday October 24th to my right Melanie cadero Mr Pera is not present tonight so we'll have a two- member board um proud of getting started let me please read the open meeting law pursu to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or V video recording of this public meeting and or may transmit the meeting to any media attendees are therefore advised that such a recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledge and permissible the city Charter section 9-8 mandates that all multiple member bodies develop and adopt rules or policy for a public comment we have adopted such a policy which in short provides for Citizens input and Licensing Board specific mans at the beginning of the meeting there is a signup sheet that is located at the back of the room um Madam CL anybody sign up no okay um getting by uh section one so we'll go to section two one day permits uh a Esparto Santo Church uh 311 Alden Street Andrew reposo 9 excuse me 11924 to 825 42625 please state your name and address for the record please of course I'm here as a citizen Andrew proposal 1166 New Boston Road representing the SP C Church 311 Alden Street good evening okay are those are those dates correct yes sir in so can you just tell us a little bit about what each of them are I have the application but on the application I only see the the dates of 2825 and 42625 yeah so all three are Parish dinners all around the same thing I believe they're 6: to about 600 to 10 roughly 6:00 to 10:30 um all in the same context in the church Hall um food and then we're applying for the uh for the liquor piece I'm sorry the third date is there you have a time of event 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. want keep it at that that's fine just beon wi yes sir okay these are just annual events right all obviously Mr proposed the rules and regulations regarding um police details so forth and so on yes sir okay any questions from the board no questions um anybody in favor of this petition anybody opposed um hearing none I'll entertain a motion uh Miss cadiro I'll make a motion to approve the one-day permits for spirito Santo church for the following dates of November 9th 2024 February 8th 2025 and April 26th 2025 I'll second that motion any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor I all those opposed thank you mros thank you folks have a good day next matter is St Michael's Church 189 essic Street Shaina the Bold uh dates re being requested 11924 12824 2125 32225 hi can you please take your name for the record I'm Shaina lual from 571 president NV for St Michael's Church and School 189 essk Street okay could you just give a brief explanation of what the these dates are what's going to be happening sure 119 is our s martinho Holy Ghost dinner 128 is our Mary Wick scholarship luncheon um 21 is our annual wine tasting for the school and 322 is our um second Holy Ghost dinner okay these are all yearly events right you have them every year you're aware of all the rules and regulations associated with these yes sir um okay um can we just get the times I do apologize 116 119 is um 6 to 11 uh 128 is 1 to 4 21 is 7 to 11 and 322 is 6 to 11 yeah they're all on here I apologize I should have let to say it on the record um I'm sorry my fault okay um okay uh anybody in favor of the petition anybody against these petitions uh hearing none I'll entertain a motion Miss uh cadiro I'll make a motion to approve the one-day permits for St Michael's Church for the following date of November 9th 2024 December 8th 2024 February 1st 2025 and March 22nd 2025 I'll second that motion any discussion on the motion hearing none all those in favor I all those oppose good luck thank you so much than have a good night see the boys and girls club 80 excuse 803 Bedford Street Bill Kylie um for the annual Galler on 111624 please take your name and uh address for the record please Bill Kylie 196 Rockland Street Dartmouth Mass 02747 okay Mr Kylie this is this is for your annual um Galla correct yes it is the one thing that we don't have on the question is what is the time you're looking for for this one day from now 6: to 11: p.m. and again Sky you do this every year so you are aware of the rules and regulations regarding police and so forth and so on correct yes yes sir okay uh anybody in favor of this petition anybody opposed to it hearing none I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve the one-day permit for the boys and girls club for November 16th 2024 I will second that motion any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor I all those opposed motion carries thank you very much take c um next is section three new alcohol common Victa a taste of paradise 1335 d345 Pleasant Street Maxa point would you please state your name and address for the record sir Maxa Point that's in 35 blant Street for okay um could you please State for the record what you're looking to do here because I have some questions yes uh I just open a restaurant here three months ago because I res for for 5 years so I think we guys need more businesses here so I try to open a restaurant so I save them for three months already so some of customer asking me for me to asking the license to to several call so I would be appreciated if you guys give me the chance to have them all right Mr the point I I I can tell you that I'm going to be very upfront with you I'm not doing this right now because I've got we've gotten some some correspondence yes from the police excuse me the fire department which concerns me okay I mean we got a we got an email suggesting that for instance and I'll and I'll I'll read it as part of the record give me a moment I got to put my hands on the actual email okay it says on 105 20 2024 we responded to a still alarm at 1335 Pleasant Street Fire case number 24-55 5552 I just wanted to express a few concerns the first one being time we pulled up at 403 a.m. in the morning to a large crowd of patrons standing in front of the address there was so many that they impeded apparatus placement which brings me to my second concern with staying open that late with no police or fire detail in the club are they over capacity the first floor and the basement were both set up for patrons not sure if the basement is allowed but it had a bunch of tables and was being used as part of the club while there I brought in fans from L 4 to ventilate the smoke from a smoke machine that had been set up that set off the alarms the officer from engine 9 mentioned he didn't see an exit in the rear when when he was walking around I'm not saying there's not one as he told me back at the station so I Didn't Have Eyes on that area with past tragedies and nightclubs I felt it needed to send this email so the property can be inspected I also quite frankly have issues with the fact that and and and and maybe this is some of the city which I'm going to get to the bottom of back in July when we granted you your regular common victus license you said first of all that your hours of operation with 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. God knows why people were there at 4:00 in the morning and second of all it says you only have a total of 30 seats you have way in excess of 30 seats okay now I looked at your common victus license and you got a sea in capacity of 60 so they don't Jive so I'm going to be very honest with you Mr Le Point before I take action on this and I'm not sure about this basement because you have a plan attached to it and I don't the basement shows electrical I I I don't know how you got anybody in the basement we don't we don't use the bman when they when the alarm get there my wife and I was there at 4:00 yes because we open the restaurant at 6:00 in the morning so we have to have people to do the food so when the alarm was there there is nobody inside well how do you open the restaurant at 6:00 in the morning when it opens at 12:00 noon we have to prepare the food okay cuz we do 6 hours before yeah we do we do we we don't do like food we have to do food every day so it's fresh food so then we need time to do it all right well I I can tell you before before I I grant a liquid license this has got to be addressed with the police department with the building inspector as to what is going to be used and not used because I'm not going to be disrespectful to you cuz I don't know what was happening I wasn't there okay but if you're open at 4:00 in the morning and there's a large group of people without liquor what's it going to be when the liquor comes I don't know he don't he don't see any people inside the restaurant this what was so many people doing outside that they couldn't even set up the fire truck this was only me and my wife inside outside says right here I don't I don't have nothing to do with outside I'm sorry because there was party there I don't know he's not inside it's not inside my restaurant nobody was inside my restaurant so your contention is at 4:00 in the morning had nothing to do with you no all there's so many people that they can't set up the fire apparatus but it had nothing to do with your inside my restaurant my say inside sir I don't know where they came from yeah I don't know either but if you but if you're common victual say you're only open till 11:00 p.m. and 5 hours later they still have so many people out in front of your establishment that they can't set up that they can't set up a fire truck my restaurant open at 11: we do we serve breakfast I didn't say that sir your common victual is says you close at 11:00 p.m. yes so five hours later 5 hours at 4:00 a.m. there's so many people in front of your you're saying it's not you but there's so many people in front of your your restaurant that they can't set up their fire apparatus something's not right I don't know go okay well I'm going to get to the bottom of it I I I mean I'm not I'm not in a position to vote for this this tonight if if my colleague he wants to make a motion I'll second it but I'm going to vote no okay at this stage until I get to the bottom of what's going on over there because because this is the key this is only my opinion Pleasant Street we have to renovate Pleasant Street we have to bring that back up to a viable situation in the city of Far River exactly in the past it's gotten out of control it's it's it was out of control in many areas not yours you used to be white spot where was just a little breakfast and lunching place where I used to go when I was a kid or younger I shouldn't say a kid but I'm not about to let this get out of control over at Pleasant Street not under my watch so I'm I'm going to be very upfront I need to do some research on this speak to the fire department speak to the building inspector about that basement because I don't think the fire department Send this because they have anything against you personally I think they're concerned I think those are viable concerns why they saying is because the basement I I prepar the basement for me to save my stuff because I have a restaurant upstair so the basement have to be clean when I bought that restaurant over there the basement was a mess so I renew it I put Flor on it I put everything so the the building inspector was there he asking me what I'm going to do in the basement I tell them I'm going to use the basement when I have theal license to save my stuff so I have chair over there I have table over there I have box over there yes I have stuff over there I'm sir I'm just going to to tell you what what Lieutenant Scott Kaminsky put in here the first floor and the basement were set up for patrons at 4:00 in the morning he see the basement inste I don't understand because we don't I don't understand either that's why I'm not voting for it till I get to the bottom of it cuz it says it was bolt set up for Patron patrons not sure if the basement is allowed but it had a bunch of tables and yeah and was used and was being used as part of the club I know understand why the gentleman wouldn't have a a reason to lie I don't tell he lie because we have table and chair inside okay in the basement so I don't know M Mr cadiro it's I mean I I've said my part if if we have to move forward tonight I'm not I'm not approving it I I'll allow I I would appreciate if we could table it to do some more work on this to make sure that we're doing the right thing for that neighborhood right now nothing against Mr Le Point he says one thing I'd like to get some more information from both the fire department and from the building inspector I agree I think until we have more information uh I appreciate you bringing a business to Fall River um but until we' figured this out I think we will table this okay okay I have a motion can I entertain a motion to table yes I'll make a motion to table the new all alcohol common Victor's license for a taste of paradise I will second that there's no discussion on motion to table so therefore uh could I please have a vote I I okay two I is going to be tabled we'll be here in the next meeting and and you'll be notified okay thank you sir thank you okay uh next matter we have is B Blue Woman Hospitality in dbaa the counting house 435 Pleasant Street and I get in association for the request for new all Alcoholic Common victus they also have a request to play live and recorded music okay you please state your name for the record good evening Mr chairman my name is Jeffrey madas an attorney here in the city with the law firm of Burke Espanola and Van colon located at 120 purchas Street in for Mass I represent the um blue one Hospitality in doing business as the couny house with me is the president of the uh blue1 Hospitality good evening uh members Mr chairman Brian Cory Jr with uh offices at 405 Pleasant Street Fall River Massachusetts okay could you just tell us a little bit about I read it in the newspaper quite some time ago but yeah unfortunately we made a substantial investment in what uh has been called on the Federal Register the most substantial uh Federal style Granite building in New England um so it's been a very long process and a very expensive process for us um they got snagged at the last minute uh not last minute 6 months ago with the need for a very special handicap ramp so we've been wait waiting for the fabrication for that to be done um the concept is uh really meant to fit with what we see is the building profile of Pleasant Street um I represent Prime care for over 25 years and they have over 800 employees um in that area we're excited that nor Eastern University is going to be having a nursing school and you know this whole area is growing so fitting in with that uh with with this area this very special area we've designed a upscale uh restaurant and craft cocktail lounge uh which will really uh work with uh Mr Parker and my my Distillery um which we have out of Westport Massachusetts um so we're going to be featuring our own alcohols and um what we like to say um sharable plates that are influenced by the different uh ethnic Cuisines of Fall River they're not going to be it's not going to be Italian it's not going to be it's influenced by the different ethnic uh ethnic areas of Fall River so we have um a our food and beverage manager is from uh bini and Providence um Ocean Ocean Cliff in Newport we've gotten our Chef um and our uh general manager has over 30 experience 30 years experience in restaurant management so we're very comfortable with the group that we've put together um conceptually inside uh we've been improved for up to 88 seats um we had a full chapter 34 review historical review done of the building um so it will be at all times under capacity at of 99 um but we do have seating available for 88 we have one private room with liquor lock with a Liquor Locker program for members which will entitle them to have um special access to that room at all uh times for their private events um preferential seing things along those lines um and we've created a beautiful 12200 ft outside area uh for the warmer months that we hope to utilize um that's been H has a Max Capacity as you can see on the plan of for standing and sitting of 128 for seats only at 78 uh so it is it the the building's been completely saved um we're very very proud of the job that we've done with it and we hope that Fall River accepts it in with Wide Open Arms I just got a couple of EXA not not so what's the seating capacity the seating capacity on the inside is um we're maxed out by code at 99 we're planning for 85 seats the difference to be standing oh yeah this this with the different calculations that have done um seating versus standing um we have room for 27 people at the bar 16 people at high tops 22 over to the left hand side if you look at the the drawing and an additional 16 in the back room um additionally we have a common table which uh could seat um at maximum 12 so these are the maximum numbers that we could have um I think that'll fluctuate from event to event you know on Sunday brunches we're going to have more seating um during the week I doubt we'll have as many many seats themselves out um but we are under the the the 100 capacity that requires a retrofit for sprinklers okay um and and now mam CLI what I he's mentioned things about outside dining and thinks is that all part of this or does he come in it's all part of this application because he's doing it all at once we're we're approving it all at once if you choose to do so okay on uh I believe it's on sheet three of the architectural plans it shows a Max a maximized seating chart for the um uh for the outside area okay but that's again those we were asked by the building inspector Mr hathway to give him a a maximized version of uh of what we could do um and that was done by Douglas and Nino Associates um which specializes in architectural Renovations of historical buildings now I see here the manager is Tina Tina Soha she's not here is she she is not here this evening she's somewhere stuck on uh Route 195 or 95 trying to get here what's what's her um background in uh she's the liquor industry she has a degree from uh a two-year degree an associat degree from Johnson and Wales and over 25 years in culinary arts um right now she's an owner of a very successful cabinet company but prior to that she was um one of the directors of of the culinary program at Rhode Island hospital we our manager manager the general manager of the facility um for day-to-day operations is a leyah Moretti Who currently manages a very successful restaurant in Providence Tina will be taking on all the responsibility the she understands that okay yeah that is correct yeah she she understands and and and and how much time if you can speak I mean I know both of you from the bar association obviously so I'll take you representation now how much time is she planning on us being at the establishment on a week toe basis at least at least 40 hours a week yeah uh we have we have the whole building um so it we are we are approved for our other for other offices within that building um so it's not just housing blue one Hospitality the second the second floor are other offices so they'll somebody be on will be on site our planed roll out is um to start with our dinner program um our prep times will start approximately 2:00 in the afternoon and um you know we'll have very limited Services service hours for the first two months um after that we plan to add in a lunch and um we have agreements with within that compound for to provide some catering services and operation are going to be what maximized at 1:00 a.m. on Thursday Friday Saturday um the rest of the week um we're looking at flexible hours but generally we'll we'll be the latest we' be there would be midnight we're closed on every Tuesday what time do you open on Thursday Friday and Saturday on Thursday Friday Saturday would be open for it to the public at 3:30 and what was the other hours I'm sorry Monday um I don't are you open on Monday Tuesday Wednesday they got Monday not Tuesday oh on on we're only closed on Tuesdays um we're going to be open for brunch every Sunday at 10: closing at 10 p.m. on Sunday and then we're going to be open our actual hours of operation we're at we're going to be open to the public at 11: every day and closing appro 12 at 12: or 1:00 a.m. you just told me 3:30 said 3:30 that's just so he don't so he doesn't have to come back to alter the license once they get up and running he expects the hours of operation to be to include lunchtime to include lunch time so what so what are you asking for I'm asking for license what you're asking for now that would allow allow Al alcoholic beverages to commence um as early as possible on Sunday which I believe is 10:00 a.m. and then on every other day we'd be looking for it to commence at 11:00 a.m. and what time are you closing midnight on every day except you want one Thursday Friday and Saturday we we would be looking for 1:00 a.m. so midnight on Monday and Wednesdays and then Thursday Friday and Saturday at 1:00 a.m. and Sunday at 10 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. correct Monday and Wednesday 11:00 a.m. to what midnight Midnight midnight and then Thursday Friday Saturday 11 1 11:00 a.m. to 1 a.m. Kev you have that I I wrote it down but I do have I just again I'm not trying to be a pan in the rear end here you get the application says your seating capacity is 65 with your o occupancy number less Le than 99 correct so we're actually going to have seats for that many seats in the building so that's the that's always the dichotomy right the occupancy of the building is actually larger than the number of seats that we have so utilizing both a standing in and a seating capacity that's our that's you know that we're saying we're going to have this many seats but we are always going to be under 99 people in the building but you just said before it was 85 so which one is it so with with the seating that they set up for different events all toll you have about 85 with the standing it still goes below 99 I'm okay with that so it's not the seating capacity is not 65 it's it's it's 85 it's 85 that's what I'm trying to get it CU application say otherwise it's 85 that might have been my mistake Mr chairman no that's that's okay I'm just trying to make sure we have it right but according to the engineering there is enough um emergency exits to accommodate the the people that are in the Bild I got you m cadero questions when are you going to be opening 12 weeks ago um we um we we've actually had um our last quote and F Well last qu quote came in and we have a absolute hard fabrication date um for 10 days from now I got the alcoholic beverage commission so it's not going to be done well could be I soon 10 it should be shipping from Louisiana 10 days from now what should be my handicap okay I'm going to be sending this off tomorrow if I can get to it tomorrow I'm going to try it yeah I already had discussions Madam with um uh and I'm going to be looking for a temporary occupancy permit based on the existence of the existing handicap ramp that that I don't get involved with but I'm going to you can't do anything to get I know you want your alcohol and as quickly as I can to no you're very welcome but I just wanted to let know I can't get it in 10 days nope we I have become if nothing more of a realist over the past six months it's not we have we have police approval um and the live music obviously going to be played within the confines of those hours correct live or or recording correct Madam CL or anything else that you know you need for the record relative to we have the hours Jeffrey did you get the return all the green cards came back and I do have the receipt you can get the gra which file thanks very much there was only two three three okay sideways and I'm going to take the personally going to take the representation I don't know of of council and I know Mr Cory's a member of the ball relative to the manager and her qualifications and the time she's going to be spent there um so I she better I am uh I'm content so we're going to make three different motions cuz we're going to do the manager today or yeah we're going to okay what was her full name Tina M SOA s o s c i a okay so the first motion I'll detain is relative to all alcohol all alcoholic beverage license I'll make a motion to approve the new all alcohol common vict license for blue one Hospitality Inc um I'll second that motion any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor I I all those opposed next motion I'll entertain is to name uh Tina Soha manager of this particular entity I'll make a motion uh to approve the uh name of the manager for blue one hospitality Inc to Tina Soha uh I'll second that motion any questions on the motion uh hearing none all is in favor hi hi and the last one will be all to a motion to allow live indoor recorded music at the uh state of establishment I'll make a motion to approve the entertainment license for live and recorded music at blue one hospitality I'll second that motion anybody um in favor anybody oppos any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor I all those opposed thank you for the board's time appreciate thank you and I hope you come to the soft opening definitely um excuse me are all the one day licenses completed that's what I was here yes they are which one was it for associates F Services I have the paper and they told me to come here to verify can I see I don't I don't know oh this was the processing and I guess there was another date but the event is after that date so they told us to come today did you submit all the paperwork you did yes yes they did when did you do it or whoever they is it was probably on this date yeah back no wonder why I wouldn't see that it's all the way back in August I wouldn't know I wouldn't look back that far in the things when is your event November 14th all right on a side note guys I have to have a special meeting that's going to take two minutes for this gentleman who had a problem with the new system it wouldn't let him go full circle it's a it's a long story it has to do with it so it'll literally be 10 minutes if once I get a date with you guys I can put you on that too ma'am so and what date is that I am going to work it out with the two of them and it'll be probably next week sometime Owen if you can't make it Michael can I I will be next week can you just put your information there sure sorry about that well when I heard the other stuff I'm like I think the one day license hasn't done I should speak up how come it was so long ago I'm trying to think yeah I would well that's when she paid but she she said she went online cuz I asked her to make sure that everything was completed and she said says here that your process has been completed we have a different system we have a new permitting system now and I just wouldn't go that far back in the in the uh year 14 it's 5 to n all right you can see goad oh I just need your phone number oh I'm sorry that's okay I'll just perfect I will be in tou with you tomorrow right I'm to try to set up something with my board okay worries all uh next we have section four change of manner man manager apologize Santa Cristo Club 387 Hope Street Michael Souza could you please state your name and address for the record Circle yes sir Michael Souza 103 SX Street for River Massachusetts 02720 come down from the St Michaels area over to the Santa Cristal area huh I lived on Howard Street for all my life so I just built a brand new house so but still my club it's okay I was born on mberry street so um we were neighbors then um thises it they want to change the managerial to you yes okay uh Mr Susan what's your familiarity with the liquor business well I had a business not here in Portugal when in my 20s so okay and I work construction what what how many hours are you going to be spending at the club probably an hour or a day that's it on weekends obviously more I'm not going to lie and say I'm going to be there 5 hours I working sh how how um what's the hours of operation right now 8 until midnight and on weekends I think it's Sunday I think it's from 10: to 12: I listen I have nothing against you doing it Mr sou I know about Portuguese clubs and it's all basically volunteer and so forth and so on but normally this board would require um a manager to be there at much greater time than one hour a day like I said I'm not going to lie on weekdays no I appreciate the fact you're being CH on the weekends yeah I'll probably be four or five hours we have Cooks we have uh cuz it's a nonprofit organization we organize money to help people like building that need Portugese people that need so that's what the that's what they always do I know I know I know your Club all right okay so um it's just that that's I'm not going to I'm not going to lie I mean is that something that's not I mean I know that the I thought their hours were more a little bit more limited it's every day 8 to midnight in the morning that's what the hours are there they don't stay up until midnight it's just there cuz it's there because it's the old license in in reality 7:00 they close all right so normally you need somebody on the premises who's been more than an hour a week I know that yeah it's nothing against Mr at all you have anybody in the anybody in the club that that that is around more that could put their name as manager no I can put I can go more time I just don't want to say that I'm going to be there all I can I can be there three hours a day if I wanted to if I have to I will just Mr Susan this is the problem you responsible for everything oh I know I am already so if something you may be but if something should ever happen it's on you and if you're not there it's still on you when it comes to this board if somebody comes in if there's a problem there which I'm sure there hasn't been many and the police go there and you're not there there's a problem that's why that's why I'm the one that's doing it because I'm the I'm a foreman at work I can leave work whenever I have to and it's only 19 members and it's a memb only Club it's a memb only Club it's only 19 members well I can also have guests yeah it's not like I want to deny it because I'm sure Mr sus is a very uh conscientious person and the club probably has not many problems as you said it's not a good practice for this board to allow somebody so how many hours do you want me to be there I can I can be as many as you want sir you tell me and I can guarantee you I'll I'll do it cuz they really need it okay well I'm going to how about this how about we require you to be there in some capacity 25 hours a week I can do more than that like I said on a weekend I play cards there on a weekend I don't want you to hold yourself CU I'm saying for a total of 25 hours a week because I'm giving you that based on the fact that you have a expanded liquor license hours but I know that the Portuguese clubs don't stay open to even closer to the 12:00 J I'm very very aware of that so if we can if we can dict take that that you're going to spend at least 25 hours per week as the manager and beond premises and we can put that on the record and I think that I'll be okay with that I think I can like like I said Saturday and Sunday 8 hours8 hours and then whatever you don't have to tell us what just 25 hours okay it's fine y all right but I don't want to lie that's why I'm saying the truth yeah make a motion condition that I would entertain a motion that we allow um uh Mr soua to become the manager of the Santa crysto Club at 387 Hope Street conditioned upon him spending a minimum of 20 hours per week on premises appreciate it you guys 20 or 25 I say 25 25 I'm going to give you a copy of the rules and regulations I happen to have some in here so that'll be okay that'll be good for you t m make that motion I'll make a motion to approve the change of manager for Santo Cristo Club to Michael Souza uh conditional upon you spending 25 hours there a week um I'll second that a motion anybody in favor anybody oppose any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor I I all is opposed good luck God bless you guys stay safe thank you ma'am you're welcome okay now under Section Five old business new business discuss Royal Family Restaurant pocket license 131 135 Division Street Eduardo farietta yes how you doing good Mr thank you um can you please state your name and address for the record uh Eduardo feras um it's 135 Division Street and for River okay and my my address is in D I don't know if okay it's in record Mr Fara I think that you probably will call to this meeting yes because you have a liquor license at that establishment 131 135 Division Street probably used to be called The Beef House at one time I don't know about afterward uh maybe I don't know when I bought it I bought it as a family Royal I bought it from Mr roer and but but how long have you been closed uh well it has been not really closed but the last two years yes after the pandemic there was no business I couldn't get there um uh I'm Miss southware engineer and I work in in in other things so um I I couldn't uh manage that place okay but I been we we been paid everything you know no no no that's that's not that's not that's but this the this is the thing um I found somebody because I like the property and I want to keep the property I mean it's it's the the place FL is the restaurant and the and they have a bu okay perfect so I found these people that were really interested in the business I was going through the whole process and I encountered the situation with the builder a building department and also the fire Mars and he says you had to take the water meter separated from the apartments so it say only one unit in the in the restaurant you see cuz it was the GU was for the whole complex so we need to separate the water meter for the rest restaurant and I had to put the pullovers the electrical pullovers in in order to rent it they had somebody else in there I don't know about the water and sewer you probably have to meet the fire C but the water and sewer I don't not sure why you can pay the bill but I don't want to speak for them well it's because the consume of water vares from the business to the people doesn't matter if the same person pays the whole bill but I'm not going to get into what the well this is what they said to me and I researched the money and everything I we spent already $113,000 and the pullers and we had the master conso in there and I PID the the the the situation with the uh so I want to keep the license because I got people interested to rent it and I can sell the license to them and I can being keep being uh there's 18 there's probably over 15 licenses available for free it's my luck I guess I don't know no I I just want you know this is the this is the point sir this is the point you can't hold your license without using it it's against the law okay and so we are calling people to tell them they have to do something with their license I understand you're paying your your your fees no one's contesting that you're not but like we just had somebody in here last month and we gave them till the end of the year or we're not going to renew their license there's no reason to so we got to have either going to have to come in and listen this is your first time in so I have no issues with saying that we'll re renew your license but I can tell you that I'm not sure what date to me the latest March after March that's it you got to use your license it's not particular to you sir it's people that have pocket license licenses they got to be they got to be used because there's an abundance of licenses available in the old days I used to own the club you know the club next door the one next door yeah how you st that oh the the Portuguese yeah yeah but you can't hold licenses anymore at one point in time they were very valued where you could sell your license there's an abundance of them now there's 15 of them people can walk in the door and get a license so people got to use them can't just hold on to them there's no reason Reon to okay so I mean I'm I'm honest with you I'm in a process he was the person that the people that were involved in this yeah we're not taking your license today but I'm going to tell you that I I don't know Madam Clerk and I'll I'll I'll also ask Miss cadero I know we gave the other people to the end of the year but they had held as what how many years they had they closed quite a while all right he's two years I I personally would would authorize unfortunate part is going to have toay a whole year I'm going to put it on the agenda for our March meeting you're going to have to have some activity by then you got to come back here but unfortunately you're going to have to pay for the whole year anyhow now but on March if there's not an application before us to utilize that I'm only speaking for myself I don't want pocket licenses in Fall River it's it's it's not worth it it's not there's no value to them anymore I know why people were holding them because in the year's past you could sell them and you can make money God BL that's illegal too per se but but it is what it is that's what the people were selling their businesses so I'm going to make a motion so let me ask you this how I I just I just want to look into this Avenue uh what did said that I rented to some other the people that are interested in the place and they can request their the license for you can transfer I that's that's my thing yeah you can ask that's what I'm going to do yeah you can do it yeah but he's telling you it's got to be done by the March 25 meeting full full to utilize your license I got until March you got to have a you got to have an application in for a new owner or yourself to reopen okay so this going to be in November right we get all that yes information my insurance build ability and all that stuff I always do that and from that only have march to to um maybe I'm finding somebody but but you've been close for two years I it's not only you you that's mon close and no close cuz I I I I rent the place sir if you want to open up you can open up you can pay in January you open up I'm not telling you to go sell it I'm not telling you to find anybody you open up okay if you don't open up or we don't have an application in front of us I'm only speaking for me there's three members I'm speaking for me that's it no one's holding licenses for years mhm waiting to find an owner for years or am I going to open back up for years no that's that's no more I understand that because I PID tough dollar for that license but that was in 2003 I think it was 2003 2005 2005 I think it was and back then I mean there was no licenses in here I trust me I but things evolved and change and the economy is but if you want to open up and you meet all the requirements you can open up you don't have to sell I right now you I the restaurant and everything is is clean everything is there just to start key operation well you can but but you know I cannot put all the time in there but I've been doing this like I cater people go over there and they bring the food and I bring I sell my liquor but it's not all the time I do it for you know uh chins and better be careful because it may not be legal if you don't have the fire apparatus you get yourself an awful lot of trouble everything everything that I have right now is perfectly legal with the fire department and with everything you have they ask me because I I I I bought a place like that it's okay if somebody is going to other than me is going to use it then they make the the the um the inquire to put all those pullers and everything which I did I don't know how that works sir I don't I don't that's what they you can't have somebody other than you it's either legal or it's not sorry to say it's not it's all legal for you but not it's illegal for someone else if the the places meets all the requirements then it's going to meet all requirements for the next person yes well then you don't have to do anything you can just either open up or find a new buyer uh yeah maybe I explain say wrongly but so does unfortunately un with the I'm sorry sir what I'm trying to tell you is this yes you've held out your license either you're open or you're not yes I got I don't know what you are because you're saying you're closed for 2 years and now you're saying you're opening for baptisms or what have you I don't know what you're doing out there that's got to be straightened out they can't just open a weekend here or a weekend there that's not what the license is for you have ours operation you're supposed to be open okay I understand that it's not just for you sir we brought somebody in here last month too and if there's any other ones we're going to bring them in because there's no longer a need to have a pocket license first it's illegal second of all there's no reason anymore people can walk into the government center and fill out an application we have over 15 it might be 18 but we have over 15 available to the general public so you're going to have to take some type of steps to either open it up yourself get a new buyer but something has to be acted upon okay okay I got you all right all right so I will entertain a motion to continue this matter until M our give them till the April meeting okay till the April meeting I'll make a motion to uh table this matter to our April 2025 meeting I will second that anybody in favor anybody oppose any questions he none all those in favor I so it'll be the April meeting okay sir okay thank you you're very welcome thank you very much all right okay next matter is acknowledge and place on file King Philip Yacht Club letter manager of record letter this is just it states I David lvo president of the King Philip yacht club would like to request that I be temporarily allowed to have the license transferred to myself due to the retirement of Joe agar presently the bar manager as of 1231 20124 our election of officers for the club happens in November and ends in December at that time we will have a new bar manager in place and I will present that to the board for approval at your January meeting at this time if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 508 and he gives us I don't think we can right we can what we can't name anybody temporary um I did he say himself did Dave say he was going to be the one temporary yeah yeah he yeah you can you can you have to they have to choose somebody in the in in the absence of the individual who doesn't want to do it anymore and it's not official till it becomes official with us but letting us know that somebody is responsible for the daily operation of the place is okay cuz things happen unfortunately okay I just didn't think we could act on on it it can happen but we can't officially name anybody temporarily without I and maybe I'm wrong we can't officially name anybody as manage without the proper application well they they're going to hold it in the interim yeah you can because somebody has to take the responsibility and with that being on record that's what you're going to act on that letter when we get a full application it'll be the next person but in the meantime I think we can acknowledge and place it on file I don't think we can vote on a new manager no it's even a temporary one okay I don't maybe I'm wrong I don't know I we we we've done it in the past but whatever we do you've read the letter out loud yeah we going to acknowledge and place it on file I think it it covers Us and Them that we realize that Mr agar is no longer cuz he didn't he didn't pass away he just said I don't want to do it anymore right right so we'll acknowledge in place it on file that's what I okay next appr proven sign July 17 2024 minutes I'll make a motion to approve the July 17th 2024 minutes I'll second it any questions on it all those in favor all oppose I I and then approve and sign August 21st 2024 minutes I'll make a motion to approve the August 21st 2024 minutes and I will second that all those in favor all those opposed I um motion to adjourn sign you don't this is the one your name's done on it I I don't have to sign that one your name's done on nope I don't is there two is there two there here cuz I have a couple of paper clips through them I don't know if there I'm sorry it could be I don't know it says Mel sign what are they for the old ones yeah okay y those arek quickly motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn I don't know what you want to do with that Pleasant Street thing because I'd like to have some on are we all set did you officially adj we y