##VIDEO ID:8xA90Hxb-pY## 22nd 2024 will now come to order to my right is board member Michael Pereira um and myself my I'm uh the chairman attorney Gregory brilliant um start off by reading the open meeting law uh pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting and may transmit the meeting through any media attendees are therefore advise that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those presid and are deemed acknowledged and permissible the city Charter section 9-18 mandates that all multiple member bodies develop and adopt rules or policies for public comment we have adopted such a policy which in short provides for Citizens input on licensing board specific matters at the beginning of the meeting there is a signup sheet that is located in the back of the room agenda item a public input have anything okay uh paragraph two of the agenda are one day permits one time extension of hours uh first matter on is Liberal Club Holy Ghost Feast of Trinidad 20 star Street Kevin Palmer looking for dates August 30th August 31st and September 1st Mr Palmer could you please state your name for the record Kevin Palmer Mr Palmer this is just the annual Feast correct yes I'm also representing the Liberal Club for the uh extension of hours on the uh from 8 to 12 J number2 okay is that also on the agenda is it for dates not D there's a there's a letter in there ask he's it states U not that one there should be a letter of Kevin you wrote a letter right Kevin yeah it's in there and it's for the same days no just for the uh the 30th I the 31st suay Sunday night no actually I don't even know what day it is it says Sunday night so it'll be the night September 1st September normal closing of the bar is 800m we'd like to extend it to midnight that one day September 1 September September 1st which is Sunday night this Sunday night we didn't realize last year the feast went till 11: Bo closed at 8 all right um what are the hours of operation for the one day liquor perit outside on Friday would be from 6: to 11: Saturday 12 to 11 and Sunday 2: to 11 but your your just so you know your request asked until midnight for the extension of hours yeah because that way there's an hour leeway yeah the all of them basically going to be is it going to be from 6:00 to 12 then 12 to 12 cuz you kept saying 11: I know you're going to shut it down but the feast is closing at 11: but the bar will stay open to the normal hours inside what about outside outside is 11 o' things shut off at 11 o'clock every night okay okay so this really is extension from inside Liberal Club for Sunday night till 12 okay yes and you're obviously aware because you've done this numerous times about the police details and so forth and so on okay any questions from the board no uh anybody in favor of this petition anybody opposed could I have a motion motion made to Grant the one-day permit for um Liberal Club on 8:30 8:31 and um 91 of 24 and to extend the hours on 9124 from 800 pm to midnight correct I'll second that motion any other questions on the motion or comments hearing none all those in favor I granted good luck Mr P good luck um B Troy City brewering 16 anaan Street Michael Ferrera one day liquor permit for August 29 2024 M of the9 Street hi Mr Ferrera do Clement weather is this is this the one you're doing because I know we have one at at the end that says yes this is a new one that came up for the food truck festivals we've done three this year they added one more okay so you obviously know all the all the um rules and requirements and what's the hours are from 5:00 p.m to 8:00 P p.m. yes y okay obviously you do a number of this we' never had any problems so um any questions Michael no all right no questions anybody uh in favor of this petition anybody opposed hearing none I'll entertain a motion yes I'll make a motion to Grant the one day permit for Troy City Brewery uh 16 Anan Street for the date of 829 24 cor right I'll second that motion any further questions or comments hearing none all those in favor all right all those opposed thank you c k he 52 Fair Street Christopher M Christopher Martin can 52 Street just looking for a one- day pouring permit for an event on from the narrows at the City Pier uh 3 to 10 on the Saturday the 24th three okay because the application has four to 10 so that's adjusted to 3 to 10 3 to 10 correct yes it's not the first one day look permit you guys have gotten right I didn't think so um so obviously you're you're familiar with all the rules and regulations that have to be adhered to okay um Michael yes I'll make a motion to Grant the one-day permit for can heat 52 Ferry Street on the date of August 24th 2024 I'll second that motion any comments hearing none all those in favor all those opposed granted thank you all s Mr mon D Primo Hospitality Solutions LLC 36 Water Street Shannon reposo for a one- day liqu permit on August 29th 2024 James Primo Primo Hospitality Solutions I am not Shannon we know you know uh Mr P so you're looking for a one day liquor permit um and I know this is not the first one you've uh applied for what's the hours of operation I don't I'm sorry 5 to n 5 to eight I believe okay you have five to nine in the application I say 5 to n my mistake I I know used to do a five to dusk so I know it's right along with uh with Troy City on that so so do you want nine I I I we kind of shut down with the tell they kind of do it till dusk I don't know well we'll give you 5:00 p.m. to to 8:00 p.m. in conjunction with what um us we shut down the operator tells us to um nothing further anybody opposed anybody for this petition hearing none I'll entertain a motion Mr pero yes uh make a motion to Grant the one day permit to Primo Hospitality Solutions LLC 36 Water Street on um 8 2924 thank you I'll second that um any other further questions or comments hear me none all those in favor I all those opposed thany good luck thanks this uh now we're going to Common victus license ninestar International 275 Martine Street and I if I don't say this right please forgive me Linda theen H kachin coach okay sorry that's okay could you please state your name for the record yes Linda T Coen uh shav cson okay um application for a common victus license over at 36 water I'm sorry I apologize 275 Martin Street yes yes this a new business theab on on the ground floor yes cing capacity 20 do you presently have a a a a business or just just starting it up now just starting it up now yeah okay good it looks like um there's no objection from the police correct no ch um what your hours of operation going to be so from Tuesday to Friday going to be 10 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday we're going to close Saturday Sunday going to be 700 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. I don't think there's any problem over there right businesses are all there um what kind of just what kind of food they're going to have because it's good to get that out in the open for them well I'm making um American food Spanish food and Cambodian food and TI you are making it yes I'm and it's a family business yes okay all right um Mike you have any questions no I don't I don't I don't have any of um anybody uh in favor of this petition anybody opposed uh hearing none Mike could I entertain a motion yes I'd like to make a motion to Grant the common Victor's license for ninar international at 275 Martin Street I will second that uh any other further questions or comments hearing none all those in favor I all is opposed do you have your health certificate yes we do okay you can come in and pick the license up I'm not in for the next two days if you want to get it on Monday it won't be any problem for you okay all right good luck to you guys good luck too thank you um K kebab and Curry hopefully I said that right too 1050 Bedford Street Rashid azim old oh yeah can you please state your name for the record gentlemen Chri La Rashid aim okay um aren't they already open I thought it was I drove by the other day I thought you guys open you open yet last8 months months I almost went by the other day to eat I said I thought it was open no it just sign outside they did the outside it is I I thought they were open we really okay uh what what are your hours of operation what do you intend them to be 11 to 11 11:00 a.m. to 11 night Monday close yes Tuesday through Sunday yes is this your first restaurant no no we have a restaurant in Bridgewater I thought I read that that's why I was asking so you have you have experience in the business yes sir okay all right I think that we have the police approval yep okay um we have the hours of operation they're experienced Michael any questions no all right I have none anybody in favor anybody opposed hearing none I'll entertain a motion yes I'd like to make a motion to Grant the common Vic's license for K kebab and Curry at 1050 beid street I'll second that motion any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor all those opposed I I as well granted good luck gentlemen than thank you very much thank you very much okay Yan Co Automotive um a class two license on 101 Broadway Brandon Johnson yes sir how you guys doing board you're doing good could you please state your name for the record Brandon Johnson Angelo Johnson okay 101 Broadway is right at the bottom m want is was there a call out there already oh yeah there's been a few over the years is it is it the one across from shs on on the Broadway side I thought it was is EXC across the street from the park and lot shops yep next next to the old little Plaza yep yep exactly okay there's been a lot of call outs there um what are your hours of operation sir uh we're planning on doing 9 to 5 Monday through Friday and we're planning on being closed for the weekend weekend hour how many cars is this um I know it's a big lot it's a big lot we're thinking maybe 30 40 comfortably do you have any idea what it used to be Carrie I I don't know I think it's probably what we have there the number of will be in this section I'm sorry it'll be in here somewhere I believe it states how many cars are on the lot I didn't see it but don't get me wrong is there a plan like a map I think we put a floor plan in there mhm see there's nothing about any type of I don't see anything using two buildings have it cuz it's in the I I will look I will look fence Meed sight plan so I'm going to look for that there it is W it's a big piece of property I all the way down it's a big lot these are the two buildings I guess right there's a there's a trailer out there y there's no there's no other building is there what there uh there kind of buildings they're built but I think they're originally was trailers one building was one building was it's a regular small little building I think the longer building was once a trailer but they kind of made it a building on there okay that's what you're going to have your office yeah it's closed in the bottom and everything yep yep everything looks really good in there so nice the plan shows it appears 55 cars i' love to know what we used to be there how many 55 surprised it doesn't print down on this I Googled some old pictures I seen about 35 40 cars on there is this already no you won it's not lined for these spots no no no course it's not did you see it I can't see it on that no I can't find it but I'm surprised because it does ask whether they have to apply you see does right can we he's asking for 40 can we act on 40 sure have the digital vers what thought we had these guys are with you y they're the owners that were renting from it's just not on it's not on what we have down loaded as the application that's why I asked the question you put 35 he's adding 54 yeah that's what that shows right 55 actually I don't know do you think you'll ever have more than 40 cars on the lot uh probably eventually but hope so I hope I hope we but I don't think in a while we're not going to have over 50 cars not for a while I mean just to keep everything looking clean and comfortable on there I don't think I'll ever put 55 cars in there they asking for 40 he just said for 40 it's not on his application that's why I asked the question so this this this shows 55 okay but how many are you gentlemen asking for to us to Grant the um the U class license we're going to ask for 55 too all right so everybody's on the same page I think that's what the last guy had it as so do you want to go for the higher number and if there's any if it if it doesn't state that on the license when I get to look I mean what the prior license yeah I'm just like you's got to you got a space behind a building and so forth and so on I'm just trying not to you know what I'm saying like this is all squeezed in here I don't want it to be so bad I'm not trying to cut his cars but no we're not going to be putting stuff behind the building and stuff like that uh oh okay you got like I'm saying you got like cars behind cars I mean if you want to grant us 50 for the all the trailers and stuff I mean think a little more yeah I I think um not to exceed 50 cars in total on the lot's because you don't have the reason why I'm saying that is it's too cluttered I don't think well you don't even have employees cars anywhere shown yeah right right right okay we'll keep it to 50 then we'll keep it 50 how many people do you think will be working at any given time just me him and my pop so probably May four the most yeah four the most we take up the other 55 if it gets unruly we'll fig we'll soon find out I'm sure for the police department so yes sir I don't think is they okay with the police department y cuz there's no letter in here oh yes there is I apologize wholeheartedly um okay um anybody out there in favor for owners are here you want us give your name for the record okay what's your personal name oh suzan okay and you're the you're the current owner of the land okay and you fellow are going to be leasing or renting it from here yes sir okay anybody else in favor anybody oppose hearing none I'll entertain a motion okay so I'd like to make a motion um to Grant this class 2 license to yona's Automotive um on 101 Broadway with the stipulation that there will be will not exceed 50 vehicles for sale thank you I'll second that motion any other questions or comment hearing none all those in favor all those opposed thank you board thank you guys good luck man thank you guys God bless and now we are on to Old business new business have a good sign on approve I need a motion to approve the minutes from May 24th hearing motion second by may all is in favor um and I also need a motion to approve the I signed it right the uh minutes from the June 18th uh meeting motion second all those in favor all those opposed motion granted approve date change for one day liquor permit Troy City Brewery make a motion that we approve that um date to change the one day permit for Troy City Brewery on 9:14 202 subject to whatever terms and conditions we already put on record correct I'll second that any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor all is opposed granted and Bethany's Event Center pocket license status they well they've asked for they recently hired an attorney attorney Frank attorney Frank has sent in a letter asking for it to be tabled so what's the issue with them that they're not using losing it I it came to my attention cuz somebody called me from the from the owners and told me that he had a license that hasn't been used for years yeah really and and and to be honest with you and I brought it to Ker's attention and I know the mayor's office has gotten involved in the legal department that's against the law you can't do that so you have to file certain criteria under the law in order to hold it or discuss it or put it into use so that's where at that process so Carrie um on the behest of the Law Department had her send out a letter to them to appear before us to now follow the law they got to do something with the license so we sent that letter they acknowledged it and now they've hired attorney Frank to come in and you they're going to have to do something with the license cuz it's been years I haven't opened in years oh yeah okay I mean I think it all comes down to at one point in time I think license is because they were scarce people hung on to them and didn't you know they were valuable but that's not the case now right no what we got 16 available we got a handful for sure yeah yeah so that's not even the case right now exactly so I I'd like to have them open Jake again we can have that late night Jake's SMU night can we have that I'm not even I'm sure thep you were I wh it many times so anyhow I I'll I'll entertain a motion to the table until uh next month's meeting motion second all those in favor all those opposed motion gred okay motion toj sir motion motion second the motion all thank you all good e e e e e e e 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