##VIDEO ID:V_yCRsHyWOk## L Bo will come to order meeting of Wednesday September 18th 2024 um on Zoom is Michael Pereira um who will be a voting member tonight our third member Melanie Cadera will not be joining us and my name is Greg brilliant I'm the chairman of the board um before we get started let me let me notify everybody that pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting and may transmit the meeting to any media attendees attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible the city Charter section 9-18 mandates that all multiple member bodies develop and adopt rules or policy for public comment we have adopted such a policy which in short provides for Citizens input and light board specific matters at the beginning of the meeting there is a signup sheet that is located in the back of the room um is there any citizen input is there any names on that I don't think so nope thank you okay all right we're going to start with agenda item two entertainment uh freestyle Madness 24 Ponto delg Boulevard Paul Lopes for an entertainment permit for September 21st 2024 Mr Lopes could you please state your name and address for the record Paul Lopes 174 Colonial Drive Somerset Mass Mr Lopes can you tell us a little bit bit about what your request is for um I'm putting on a show at the uh Gates of the city uh on Saturday uh multiple artists uh performing um the show starts at 4:00 ends at about 10:30 11:00 so 400 p.m. to 11: p.m. yes great if I could just interject we we've all been upstairs police Fire EMS up in the mayor's conference room there's been multiple meetings on this so everybody who needs to be there for the safety purposes are all in line all in line me police and fire Whoever has to be there Y and this is just live music this is not a liquor situation just is entertainment he's having the liquor catered so he's also just entertainment okay he doesn't have to have a uh they don't have to have a license they well the cater is going to take care of it they have their own license separately but they don't have to have it transferred over there for the day no it's a caterer's license they get to serve respons yeah and they can take it wherever they want the caterer can yeah okay um so again just to reiterate that the police and fire are all on board with this um 400 p.m. to 11: p.m. uh Mike any questions yeah could uh M Mr Lopes can you just explain briefly you know have to go into um heavy details but about your security and how you'll be uh the uh the V vender that you're Contracting will will be uh policing if you will the uh um the security as far as other wristbands are there a designated area for liquor people just walk around anywhere they want with a with an alcohol beverage in the hand can you give I'm sure everything's fine I'm sure everyone's done their due diligence but I I I I I think the committee would like to know so I spoke to the friend Hospitality this morning Chris uh what they're going to be doing is when somebody comes up to to order a drink they're going to get C and uh once they get carded they do get a wristband so when they come back they don't have to get carded again as far as security I have two security I got one security just for for entrance to the venue I've got two metal detectors uh one at each entrance uh and a security team to uh with ws and uh and then I've got my own security force of of about 20 people that's going to be dispersed out in the stage area you know some for the performance some for for being out and making sure that that there's no issues I've been doing these shows for 12 years I've I've done tennity shows at Venus the Milo two at whites of Westport never had an issue it's it's an older crowd that comes to these shows just looking to have a good time okay thank you is the area is it how is it fenced off yeah it's being uh the temporary fencing is being uh delivered on Friday so it's all going to be fenced off okay Mike any other questions and obviously you you're hiring police officers as well on a detail oh yes yep I've had several meetings uh you know with with Captain Fado and and everything is in place okay thank you you're welcome you all set Mike yes I am anybody uh anybody in the audience uh in favor of this petition anybody opposed hearing none Mike I'll entertain a motion Mike can you hear me frze can you hear me yeah we can now again hear hearing nothing Mike could I'll entertain a motion on this yes I make a motion to Grant the one day permit for uh one day entertainment permit for uh 24 P together Lopes board 92124 okay I'll second that motion um all those in favor I I all those opposed motion granted good luck Mr loes thank you very much you I can give you yours tomorrow as well okay okay perfect so much you have a good one we're going to go to agenda item number three which is the one day permits first first item on the agenda is Holy Name school 850 Pier Street Megan dos Santos requesting a one day liquor permit it appears for September 5th 2024 you please October 5th 2024 I apologize um could you please state your name for the record please mego Santos hi Mr Santos can you just tell us a little bit about this is this your annual Feast for lack of a better word yeah our fundraiser our largeest fund raiser for the year okay so the time of the event on your application is 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. that's correct okay and you you this obviously is not the first time it's your annual event correct it is and you've been you know about what needs to be had relative to the police details and so forth and so on we've contacted them already okay Mike you have any questions no I don't okay uh anybody out there in favor of the petition anybody opposed uh okay hearing none U Michael entertain a motion please yes uh make a motion to Grant the one day um Comm for Holy Name school 850 Pierce Street for Megan D Santos on 10524 I'll second the motion any discussion on the motion hearing none all those in favor I I any opposed none you also have thank you very much okay uh second one on the agenda is BCC 777 Ellsbury Street Rosemary Gil hello hello could you please state your name and address for the record Rosemary Gil 684 Purchase Street New Bedford okay um Miss G can you tell us a little bit about um what this is about says here it's an evening with Maria L Lon yep it's an event uh the zitan Performing Arts Center in partnership with Bristol Community College is presenting uh a show in the uh College theater um on Friday November 1st and we will have a uh bar the zeran's bar and bar staff will be selling alcohol uh from probably 7 to 10: or 11: okay so you've asked for 6 6 I assume to setup or what have 6:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. yep okay and it says in here that you will have Bristol Bristol Community College Police as well as private security yes okay that's okay right no cuz I remember this one right we always let them have their own security right yeah okay um Mike any questions no I don't okay um anybody in favor of position anybody opposed hearing none Mike I'll entertain a motion yes I like to Grant the one day I'll make a motion to Grant the one day uh permit for BCC 777 Street Guild um most my guild on 11124 I'll second the motion any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor I I motion granted great good luck with everything you'll let me know anytime you can come pick it up next matter on the agenda is Taste of paradise 1335 1345 Pleasant Street Max Le Point for a one-day liquor permit on October 18 2024 okay all right could you please state your name for the record yeah my name is Max the address is 135 T45 Li Street and it and it says here that you want the one day liquor permit for an event on October 18th 2024 for your grand opening it's October 26 because I keep saying September no today you told me it was the 18th you're going to do it on no because weal you remember that last spending it's been long time ago because they did initially you had 831 and then I asked you the date and you told me it was October 8 18th no I said October 26th and I have another meeting October 28th maybe it's little confus okay then you can just change it if you want well we'll do that remember but we I just so you know and I this is for everybody not just you Mr Theo okay when applications come in with a certain date and it advertise with a certain date I'd like to keep to that but um cuz Nei the 28th is nowhere or the 26th is nowhere it's the 31st or the 18th we have but I'll allow you to verbally today to change that till October 20 26 26 so so again this is for a grand opening yes it's like a brunch because I just I just open a new restaurant so I'm trying to do a brunch just to invite people to see their restaurant and some stuff and I would love to serve them some alcohol all you're aware of the police details you're all set with that you've talked to them yes I have my own private security company and I also have one SEC one police officer oh you have to have a police officer as well yes and your own private security but you have to meet the requirements of the city okay and you're aware of that yes okay Mike any questions no I don't 8 to 8 to 1 a.m. I'm sorry I I saw it but I probably didn't ask the question okay um anybody in favor anybody opposed uh hearing none Mike can I entertain a motion yes uh I'll make a motion to to um accept the one day permit for Taste of paradise 1335 1345 Pleasant Street for Mr um Le Point on 10 it 24 is it 26 26 1026 yeah 1026 24 yes okay um I'll second that any questions on the motion hearing none um all those in favor I I all those opposed motion granted good luck Mr thank you thank you so much you're welcome p 31 Franklin Street Alexandria masado two two separate one day liment that's how we notify for October 10th 2024 on October 11 2024 could you please state your name for the the record hi I'm Alexandria Mado okay hi Alexandria hi and this is Patty and Patty rioo 25 Ward Street Fall River okay um could you please tell us a little bit about what this is what what's going to be happening sure of course our pleasure um so the fabric Arts Festival this is our fifth edition u in the city and um on Thursday October 10th we'll be doing um a dinner and live performance at the palal it's uh called eat the landscape and it's um Two Chefs will come in there'll be like um um like a kind of a sculptural display of food and people will eat there will be a bartender um that has been hired by and Alex is the coordinator and he has his own own catering license um I don't if you want to say anything more about yeah he well his catering license is through Rhode Island which is why I'm here getting the license so he has insurance but he he's not legally allowed to serve without the license that you would Grant he's a red Island cater exactly okay so it's a concert and a dinner MH the only thing not on your application at leis I don't see it so probably maybe here somewhere what's the hours on both evenings uh sure so um on the 10th it's going to start at 7 and probably end at like 10: 10:30 and then um on Friday it will be 8:00 p.m. till about 11: okay so is that what you're asking for because like on Friday 7:00 p.m. to 10: yes or 10:30 or 11: let's do 10:30 okay just how about we do 11 great let's do yeah when will be 7:00 p.m. to 11: just so you know you have set up 7 to 11 and then 8 8 to 11 on Saturday to 11 on Saturday can we actually do on Friday till midnight just to be safe please oh can we I mean it's Thursday and Friday not Saturday yeah Thursday and Friday and then yeah the Friday is um just live performances and we will have um food with they food trucks in and and you obviously aware of the police detail and what you need correct yeah I already scheduled it with the police department um Mike any questions yeah just saw one little point I usually abstain from stuff with the police athletically cuz I'm on the board of directors there but it's that's when um Deputy Cullen comes in and pulls a permit for the organization these guys are pulling the permit for themselves and and they're utilizing the facility so um Carrie I don't think there's a conflict there do you no no I don't I don't and even even if you abstained it's you you're we're starting the quum my vote would be enough I believe but you I think you I think you can vote to be on the recet yeah I just want yeah I think you can vote all right uh anybody in favor anybody opposed hearing none Mike I'll entertain a motion yes I'd like to uh make a motion to Grant these two uh one day liquor permits for Miss Alexandria Mado on 10124 and 10124 I'll second that motion uh any questions on a motion hearing none all those in favor I all those oppose granted you're all good luck with everything apprciate okay now we're going to go to item four on the agenda which is class 2 wholesale only um CT Auto Sales 21 F deales Boulevard Al SS did you please state your name for the record sir and address name is Al sorus 23 Broad Street re with mass okay now all right so this is a situation where it's a wholesale license only no cause on the premises right okay can you give me a little bit of background Mr have you done this before about seven years 7 in Far River in Far River where where you located now sir now yeah it's going to be 21 no no where are you located you've been doing it for seven years at this location yeah on North Main Street on North Main Street yeah they the turn into Apartments so I had to leave okay so Mr saw had a prior license there's no no issues with the police obviously right no okay oh I actually have a okay from Chelsea on there as well I did another one right here okay appr for Chelsea okay Mike any questions no sir okay I have none um Mike I'll entertain a motion yes uh make a motion to Grant this one day class 2 wholesale only it's not one day is it it's not a one day though Mike it's it's it's class two class two whale only yeah it's no it's no I'm sorry that's okay that's okay class two wholesale um only to CT Auto Sales 21 father the Valley Boulevard to Mr SS I will second that motion any questions on the motion heing none all those in favor I I all those opposed motion carries all set Mr s good good luck with everything now we're going to go into new business old business uh item a uh Bethany discuss Bethany 1193 Pleasant Street Bethany Shaker the pocket license status um continued from August 21st meeting could you please state your name for the record thank you Mr chairman members of the board Madame clerk detective monus for the record my name is Authur Frank I'm a lawyer with an address of 209 Bedford Street FL Massachusetts with with me are Bethany Shaker she is the principal of uh Jake's uh new time Saloon uh which does business as Bethany's Event Center and also with me is Ryan Shaker he is the landlord of the premises it's owned by Shaker realy uh Mr chairman you may recall by after your perusal of the file that I was before this board on 2019 and at that time this board took a vote uh to hold uh Bethany's license in escrow pending some issues that were pending with the full River Police Department uh suffice it to say I don't think they were ever all cleared up but uh she is now looking to get out of this business and uh Mr shaker has been able to procure some potential tenants that want to move in there uh I believe they're in the bakery business if I'm not mistaken and uh one of the conditions of them moving in uh to take 7200 squ ft of space is that they're able to uh trans successfully transfer the current license into their names uh I told Mr Shaker he should speak to them about having capable individuals prepare the paperwork get it into this board sooner rather than later uh I do have a copy of I agree the letter of intent you'll see that it is signed by the individual and we ask this Bo Indulgence please allow them uh to file this application and present their case before the board to see if we can't get this transferred and to get an empty store front uh opened again in Flint okay um speaking for myself and I'll let Mike speak um I have no issues with this I have no issues I just wanted to say that that from my perspective is in terms I have no issues relative to giving time but but because I do think this is a pocket like issue here in the state of massachusett which they're illegal but that's I'm not going to penalize you for that into any action today I would strongly recommend that you get whoever you have as a prospective tenant to file immediately to address all these issues and I for one am willing to go to the end of this year in terms of time frames but I I again if it's not resolved or it's not brought before us in some type of resolution I will be I will be looking to just not renew it it because and no disrespect to either one of you or Mr or Mr Frank very very competent attorney there's I think 16 available licenses anybody can get a license so there's no reason to keep holding them out there and not being used because someone can walk in to carry and file an application tomorrow for an existing license it just makes no sense any longer at one point in time they were extremely valuable Commodities and I hope you do whatever you need to do with that as well from a business standpoint but from a from a license standpoint I I would like to see something acted on prior to the end of the year otherwise it would be my intent to not renew it unable and nothing nothing against you personally just there's just there's licenses let's put it back in and and and if you even wanted to go get another one there 16 to come in and apply for so um that's how I'm looking at it and I and I do agree with Mr uh Frank I'm not going to tell people they have to hire an attorney but I think there's going to be some issues that are going to result from from past things so they may want to have competent attorney a competent attorney here to to to discuss and and and be able to address all those issues Mike that's all I have you have anything yeah just um thank you I agree with attorney brilant as well um um we definitely have to do something with this eventually and he is being generous with this timeline um attorney Frank uh nice seeing you again haven't seen you in a while same B I'm glad to see you guys are going to be doing something with that building obviously you know that we have a long history up there and uh um will Tony Frank will uh will Bethany still own the building is that what that's what we're saying the building's owned by sh realy um and that's that's an entity that that um Ryan Shaker U is the principal in uh so he's the one that's that'll that'll create and negotiate the lease uh if these gentlemen are successful and getting the license transferred great well I wish you luck with that I hope you're very successful always been successful up there so I'm going to support it and I agree with what Greg just said as well so we're not taking any action today no I don't think so there's no action to be taken to be very honest with you they've given us their report it's acceptable to us I've made my feelings known you've reiterated those so y sounds good A little leg work on our end with getting the uh prospective tenants rocking and rolling with the pap but we'll we'll get it done all right there are deadine to make in the meeting so just keep in touch with me okay yes absolutely okay thank you Mr chair you're very welcome thank you okay uh B vote on 2 2025 renewal dates Mike I guess we're going to we're pushing it up right is that what we're doing what are you talking about renewal dates well I I just I figured it out when they have to file and whatnot we're sending in the class one two and three in lodging houses and fortune tellers I spoke with the attorney upstairs a month earlier that's what I'm saying so I can get them out of the way hopefully and not scramble quite as much Mike these are new notification dates um for class 1 two three lodging homes and fortune tellers the new uh date that we will notify them will be October 1st they'll have to file everything by October 31st to pick up the licenses on December 10th relative to all alcohol common victus be and wine common victus all alcohol veterans clubs all alcohol club licenses aloh alcohol package stores beer and wine package stores farmer Brewer permanent 19h distilled liquor distilled Spirits wine and malts on premises consumption common Vic's license notifications will go out November 1st they have to bring everything back in by November 29th by noon and they can pick up their license on December 10th 2024 so that's the that's the renewal dates and we need a vote to uh put these dates in place motion and I'll second it there's no one here so no questions all those in favor I I all those opposed um approve and sign July 7th meeting we can't we can okay so so I think a motion to adjourn Mike I think we're good all right thank you motion thanks Mike all right thank you guys I'll see you soon okay right