all right so I'd like to open the meeting um Wednesday it's not that's uh Wednesday May 8th 2024 regular meeting of the Park Board of Commissioners um pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible start with a roll Victor Faus Amber Burns BJ McDonald BJ McDonald Helen Rego do we have any citizens input doesn't look like it to be signed up nobody signed up um do I have a motion to accept the minutes from the April 3rd regular Park board meeting I make a motion to accept the minutes from APR motion was motion was made by commissioner farias seconded by commissioner Rigo all in favor I new business I make a motion to take uh letter Q out of or item Q out of order go I'll second that motion motion was made by commissioner Burns to take item Q out of order seconded by commissioner faras all in favor I I I uh Mr Aliva you have an update for us on the North Park project um I think there's renderings here I do uh we have the um the 11 by 17 drawings here um and this drawing is if you take Qui PE at it just gives you some of the contour lines gives you the location where the overlooks going to be adjacent to the um ball field um it looks U the drop offs you have three drop off there and then what I did is I blew this up in a 82 by 11 so that you can literally see um that the benches are are where they currently at is still going to be there um in between the uh second and the third bench there's a little gray shaded area that is bad asphalt that's all going to be repaired so it'll be uh a smooth to walk on uh this Overlook uh we it's going to be out of blocks so it's going to be uh embedded into the the terrain at that point and then raised to even up with that asphalt and then there'll be some handrailing and we I just walk through with some of the contractors and great great uh great way to design this for the cost um if you look there's an extra page here um that shows you uh a ballark uh cost from the architect and engineer uh the if if you look at the drop off areas there's three there if for some reason we need funds that were not part of the year mark we can probably just go with two of those drop offs so the third one will be an alternate but the masonry walls uh you have a cost of about 70k additional pavement associated with that 6K all in all we're talking about close to 135k and then you have the uh the designer's cost but if you just take a quick look at that right in front of this blown up area you've got some uh vegetation there will that will shade that area for someone that wanted to to see that um it's like two uh one's in the center and one's towards the right um but really as we looked at as I really dug deep in this and I walked with the the contractors and architect this right here for the cost that we had as an H Mark is probably the best thing that we could do because this is fully adaa comping so someone could be there with an 8 chair someone just could bring another chair and see the the actual game and it's a great View and you get a a pretty detailed uh view of the whole park I guess my only question on it um was it just want to make sure before the board takes any action on it we just have something from representative fiola's office that they saw these renderings and they're okay with it so I don't want to speak for the whole board but she was the one who kind of got this money from the state uh so I just want to be sure she's in the loop her team is in the loop I'm not here to hold any project up so um as as long as she's good with it I'm good with it so so chairman the this this project has been on the shelf for a few years now right um we're coming to the close closing of the um the air mark So what I'll do is if the board can can just approve that and contingent with her get I get an email from her I've showed her some render the the first couple phases and the last phase we just touched on that briefly but she liked all three phases but we talked about getting a a project that we could fund U fully so if that if that is contingent I can get an email really quick that's all I have on it I don't know absolutely and I have been in communication with her on this so on Monday uh I'm going to be Pro processing the documents if the board doesn't want to push that through then I won't I won't uh send those documents but Monday they're they're looking for these documents we're going to get a price by then CU we have multiple um sub contractors that have been to put into this project I have the U um Miss medals which is going to be for the railings I have the concrete and asphalt um and then I then actual the design work that was completed else so I I guess the motion that I I think I'd like to see would be just we approve it contingent on you know approval from representative fiola's office I'll make that motion ask second so the motion was made by commissioner burn to approve this um Overlook project as it as it is here contingent on just getting an approval or a sign off from representative fola that she's okay with this project moving forward and then go forward so that motion was made by commissioner Burn seconded by commissioner rioo all in favor I um Mr Al I know you need to leave but is there any other items that you wanted to us to take out of order before that was kind of the big one okay that was really the bot everything thank you um so we'll go back to new business uh item a a request from Neil rain South Coast wind to clean up at Kennedy Park and Broadway on May 15th from 10:00 a.m. to noon I make a motion to approve call second second motion was made to approve by commissioner burn second in by commissioner farias all in favor hi Item B request from Bob Goin from s an's Shrine preservation Society regarding the use of Kennedy Park on South Main Street on Sunday June 2nd for a walk for the shrine making a motion to accept motion to approve was made by commissioner rioo second seconded by commissioner Burns all in favor I uh new business item C request from the mayor's office regarding the dates of summer in the Park events that will be in various parks on Wednesday from Wednesdays from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. motion to accept that motion to approve was made by commissioner faras seconded by commissioner Rigo all in favor I item D request from the greater Fall River Recreation regarding summer lunch in the park program held at the various Parks as they've done uh for the past however long second motion to approve was made by commissioner rioo second by commissioner Burns all in favor motion carries um request item e is a request from the mayor's office to postpone a fishing event that was previously approved in April at Bicentennial Park uh in dval Street until September 12th believe that was the with the police department cops and Bobs yeah I make a motion to approve second now motion to approve by commissioner Burns second by Commission faras all in favor I item f a request from the Esparto Santos school for a field day at travasos Park uh on Alden Street on May 22nd and 23rd with a rain date of May 29th and 30th from 8:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. motion to approve made by commissioner rioo second by commissioner Burns all in favor hi item G is a request from Victor Pereira for for the Green Elementary School for permission to use pusy Park waren Street on June 6th with a rain date of June 7th for their field day from 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. I make a motion to approve second motion to approve by commissioner Burns second by commissioner rioo all in favor I request from Michelle Hamilton for the Memorial Day Parade from Kennedy Park motion to accept motion to accept or approve by commissioner rioo I was second second second by commissioner Burns U let it be known that um commissioner farus abstained from that vote she's involved with the parade um motion still carries M yeah but it was submitted I heard prior to this there's also a list those events yeah um we have an updated request to item I from the fall of a girls softball league for the use of Ruggles Park on Seabury Street for the upcoming 2024 season I guess before uh we do that I just Nancy and I talked about it Nan's guys have been down there doing some work trying to clean up the park um drove by the fields that they've been using they're using them it's great so I think those guys should be commended for what they've done at those other three parks and getting them up and running and having them be used so um I would fully support you know letting them into rugles park but I talked to Nancy about it too and I think there's probably some stuff that needs to be done over there in order to get that field playable so Nancy's been working with them um where do we stand is that well they have put a substantial amount of money into both Fields um right now I think they're concentrating on the Dumont Fields but they are going to need the rugles Park field so um I have been working with them they're are some issues that we need to take care of but they you know they have put a sub we've worked as a team they've put a substantial amount of money like thousands of dollars in ball field materials not to mention some of you know their own people working at those fields alongside of our ours day you know now are they going to are they same partnership at Ruggles like they'll help us get it up to yes snuff yes yes I think they're really looking to open up their season at Dumont and then you know take their efforts to to Ruggles to to expand because they feel like if there's rain dates or their uh makeup games or whatever sometimes those other fields are pretty wet um so they're going to need that extra field to work with them we'll see like anyone else they they provided they'll provide us with a schedule and we'll do like we do with everyone else um they've submitted rosters they have over 120 girls I believe I drive by there every day and it's it looks real good yeah so N I think you said one of the fields the last one I think you said washes out a little more than the other they've done a lot of work there so maybe that some of that um grading will improve that flooding but um we are having a situation where we've gotten some calls you know about the parking from the neighbors but that's just going to go with the territory I mean that's always been an issue there's really not much we can do if that's going to be a you know a viable League that's something that you know we're just going to have to work with them and see you know if they're not if it's just a matter of someone being in the neighborhood there's nothing we can do about that you know right the cars are all parked legally and everything anybody's driveways there's really not much we can do about that so um I have been in contact with the league we're looking to maybe set up a couple of um handicap spots there specifically that would either be temporary for when they have tournaments or permanently and I've spoken with the traffic department about that so um we are going to meet out there next week hopefully before their season opens so we can at least address that and see what we can do about it but you know we're trying they're trying to be good neighbors and you know um hopefully everybody can coexist well I think they deserve a ton of credit for what they've done over there and now using I mean there's a lot of other leagues that have fallen apart so it's good to see one pop back up I just had one question so in the request their hours are 7 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday um is that going to be I know we had said we don't want to give out blanket permits like that just because then no one else can use the field um we can like I said that's why I'm asking for a schedule of their games they are going to have practices there as well um we normally don't give it from 700 a.m. it normally starts not before 8:00 a.m. MH and it's not going to be able to go till 900 p.m. simply because there's no lighting there so it's going to be like a dusk kind of thing um I would think does c wck use it for the lunch in the park too do they they're not there anymore no that's not that Park was only used for that that lead so I'm going to assume that the weekends are going to be a lot busier than the weekday and I'm going to guess that that Monday through Friday other than tournaments um might be able to start at 3 um the summer in the park uses um Ruggles not Dumont I was talking about D oh I'm sorry I was talking oh yeah I was thinking rugles too no um I don't think they're going to be somewhere in the Park lunches are only till 2:30 okay so like I said do I think they're going to use from 7 to 9 no but this is one of those that the board um if the board wants to give me the you know so there's two different ones there's lunch in the park and summer in the park lunch in the park is during the day summer is at night yes that's the mayor's thing here yeah so that's what but they both use or those so that's the only thing with yeah well if it's a summer in the Park event May they probably would be able to work around that particular date and not schedule games we can work with them like we do with any of the other locations if there's an event there they may want to do some type of a little exhibition thing to get some typ of kind of attention so I'm sure they'll be more than willing to to either work around it or work with it um okay but if the board wants to give me the you know the you know the task of working with them and making sure that you know if it's going to be p.m. it's 3 p.m. um uh I can definitely do that I think that the weekends probably shouldn't stop before 8 just so the Naes don't have um y any issue with that but um I think like anything else this is going to be a trial and era what works what doesn't and I think that the group is more than willing to work with us to accommodate both themselves the girls and the neighborhood so okay um I make a motion to approve and just have Nancy work with them to make sure there's no conflicting schedules second for the summer motion was made by commissioner Burns for the league to work with Nancy get copies of the schedules and just uh kind of make it work um seconded by commissioner rioo all in favor I motion carries uh item J is a correspondence from the Creative Arts Network regarding their website I think this is just kind of um an FYI for the board it doesn't really seem like there's a request attached so probably need to just place it on file second motion made to place on file uh by commissioner rioo seconded by commissioner Burns all in favor item K is a request for a tree removal at 261 Ridge Street I mean I don't have any questions Al I I approve if no one else has any other questions I make a motion to approve motion to approv by commissioner Burns second by commissioner faras sorry hel okay all in favor hey me a race to the second uh item L is a request from the Holy Ghost Feast committee for the use of Kennedy Park it's August 15th through the 27th which includes the setup in the breakdown of the feast I make a motion to approve motion to approve by commissioner burn second by commissioner farus all in favor I motion carries item m is a request from Mass in motion the outdoor storybook Trail on the quick aan rail trail I love this um I think it'll be great obviously we have to worry about band ISM and who's responsible if something does happen to it but I think this is awesome Nancy and I had the same conversation U the other day if they want to do it it's great I think it's agreed but just if and when that does happen um I don't know if there's somebody we can call or if we can keep their info on file to just try to lady is in the audience but it's like she um would prefer not to speak if she doesn't no no right so it's basically um and I've had the conversation this is through mass and motion so there it is an office in Government Center so we would be able to communicate oh okay with them I'm assuming this would come through a grant um so if the grant opportunity does come to fruition as long as the board has no issue with it it's it's as I had explained to um the young lady when she called it's just something that we can't control once it's out there it would be something that we would have to you know keep they would have to keep monitoring making sure that if something was destroyed either that page was replaced or whatever but it would be an ongoing thing I think it's a great idea too um I think it's field trips for kids you know things like that would definitely be something that would utilize this so um I don't have an issue with it as long as you know everybody's aware of the circumstances okay um I make a motion to approve second motion to approve by commissioner Burns second by commissioner farias all in favor I motion carries item n is there request from James cson for permission to use the Kennedy Park pickle ball courts to have a tournament on July 6 and 7th from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. I make a motion to approve motion to approve by commissioner oh I sorry I just had something um I just real can you just state your name and just for the record so we have it on file yeah James CR 18 High Avenue um that's fine all right um so it came to my attention the fair ball Association is having a tournament at the same time that weekend um that's where a lot of the group is going to go play you want to have the next weekend is it can I change it to July 13th 14th is that okay as long as nobody else has it which I would imagine nobody else has put in for it we can just make an amendment to item n that instead of the 6th and 7th it'll be the 13th and 14th yep can I do the rain date for the weekend after too is that okay sure so we're going to amend it to read uh the motion to approve was made by commissioner Burns for July July 6 and 7th we'll just amend it to say that it'll be the 13th and 14th with a rain date for the following weekend which would be 21 and 22 I believe okay so 20 2 20 and 20 and 21 and then all fees and liability insurance all that would apply anything that a standard permit would require so Nancy will get you the info to get you know the liability insurance and whatever you need for the weekend um I have one more question for the board I think was it something and I'm not even sure if it's in here did you say something about food trucks or my yes yes so okay so the food trucks is what all where are we going to put them yes because with a tournament we're probably going to have a lot of parking correct and we don't want food trucks taking up parking because we don't want a complete chaos on Bas Street mhm so I think we're going to have to figure out something with that of where they can go whether they're going to be able to go on the side street on the other side where middle is on a dead end they'll still be able to cross the street get whatever food they need but it won't be anything where the food trucks are taking up the parking where the players would be because we know that that completely takes up the the grass area everything so if you put two food trucks there now you're losing six or seven right not to mention the people in that same lot area so I would think if we're going to allow the food trucks they need to go across the street if that's something the board is and you know gym is open to but I think we for safety sake even um they got to kind of be a little bit removed yeah how do we mandate them to park in a certain space though the food trucks yeah you're the boss I'm not going there the day of making sure they're doing what they got to do I think that that's probably up to you know you know you organize the event listen I think it's in the best interest of your players and the people attending too to make sure you know figure out a a spot that the food trucks can go because if it because the food trucks doesn't that doesn't impact anything as far as um like the health department or anything here right well I think they have to be registered and approved through the health department but not anything have to do they need to do that ahead of time yeah it's like a part of the like overall like um event packet like you have to put all of that on there and then the the the department upstairs would have to approve whoever your food trucks are yeah yes but I mean as far as that goes he wants to make this event work because if it doesn't work then this is the one and only pickle ball tournament so he he of all people I'm sure want to make it work and as as I said to separate the two it doesn't alleviate the fact that I mean it doesn't you know incent on the fact that he can't have a food truck it's just a matter they got to be finding a spot for it I was going to say I feel like that pull off where like the bus goes but I don't know if that's too far cuz but because that that they won't even see it over there P up because that one way there's houses that are there so people actually park or that dead end below to F they AR there their houses right there no it's a mill so yeah why did I think there and that Mill I don't even think is it might be something that's there during the we Treatment Center something yeah there is a that's how many but they can put the food trucks with the windows facing into the park so that the people are gathered in the park with the back of the food truck in the street so proba do like two or three food trucks I'm not like talking about so I think you'd have plenty of you know and talking about I can down there all the other side yeah the street from acoss the stre that like side street yeah yeah if you want I can meet you there and show you exactly where it is so that this way we don't have any question we can do that we can figure out where they're going to go they can stay you know closer to the corner but not at the corner so that they're visible to the people that are participating I think I think if they go where the bus pull out is it's going to be way Aven I don't think they're going to see that I think we're if they want to go in the bus if he feels that they want to go in the bus thing it's the school bus so it's not going to be used in the weekend right so if the board has no issue and he feels that they're better in that bus I don't have an issue either place probably depends on how many trucks you have too and whatever so yeah as long as the board approves it I'll go you know either spot I make a motion to approve for the date change the rain date and for Nancy to escort him to figure out where to park the food trucks and I'll second all right motion made by commissioner Burns seconded by commissioner farious all in favor I anybody else no I I I Helen you're good motion carries good luck thank you guys very much you um no item O is a request from Jack Hackett regarding the funding for from the caliy park lighting pro project on Globe Street what's the upate so the Kelly Park lighting project is scheduled to uh have the bids open tomorrow so we will know where we stand if we have enough money with the money that the CPC has provided um for us I know Mr Hackett has been um in contact with a few people about scoreboards and um additional netting work to be done but that can only be done after the lighting project is done so depending on what these project costs come in at um there was some boring work done there is some ledge there so there may be additional um costs in that respect um there was an addendum put out to the bid so hopefully these people figure that into their bid um but as far as that goes um I have been in contact with Mr hacket keeping him aware of what's going on there is going to be some you know things that are going to have to be emptied from the shed that he utilizes once this project kicks into gear but like I said tomorrow we will get those bids um they will come back before the board I can I can actually send the bids um bid tabulations once I get them to the board and if there if it's something that I know immediately is too high I'll let you know okay to two things two questions um so I know he's asking if they could is a part of this bid to get a new scoreboard I think he I think he has okay I not 100% sure okay cuz he's saying he doesn't want it any Outfield he wants him to put it behind the back St but the scoreboard has not been in the Outfield the scoreboard has been on the first base side for years I don't know where this scoreboard in in the Outfield he's talking about okay to be honest with you there's none no um now whether he's telling me he wants to put it there I don't think it's a good idea yeah it doesn't seem like he wants it to he's got big bold letters it'll get destroyed he's saying he doesn't want it in the center in center field he wants it behind the back stop so it's not there now so I don't really and it's only could be done if there's extra money and he has to go back to the CPC yeah May and Victor you're on the CPC I I don't think he has he cannot just say we have extra money this is what we want to do I think you have to go back to the CPC and say this project came in under bid and you know we had previous discussions about this being done or this being done um I personally don't think it's going to come in on the bid right but the stranger things have happened you know I don't know but does he know and he understands there's going to be downtime with his League associated with when this project starts too CU that's the other thing that he's you know I I would understand but the ne the next question may be is there another spot that these guys can go so back to the Ruggles conversation or those other like I foresee that coming in a future meeting that once you know these bids have come back and they're ready to start doing this work and these guys can't play at Father Kelly Park do we have another Park that we could maybe relocate them for the there's Park but again there's no lights there at night and Tupac is a stone dust field I think Ruggles is too short for the men to be honest with you it I think the field is not long um deep enough for the men for the men so I mean that's the only field right well they used to be cany po but that's but that was a girls field as well was it the only yeah like I said the only other one is probably kopo that was a men's softball field now can it be used for temporary purposes yes are you going to be able to play games at night no it's going to be an inconvenience to get to get brand new lights right you know a a premier location so the kids at Maplewood didn't play for two months and Maplewood made do they either played away games or whatever and I understand that this is you know maybe there are other fields that Mr Hackett can have access to that his play has come from tietan some Swansea they come from everywhere so if maybe he's got to reach out to some of these surrounding communities for a couple of weeks or whatever I mean it's not anything that we haven't asked other organizations to do I don't think there's really any action for us to tape on this either right I think there is I think it's a matter of you know we'll wait and see what the bids come in we'll see what we can do financially and if there is money available we have no problem with him going back to the CPC and ask for that to be utilized at that location okay all right um oh I have a second question okay has the name of that field been changed yes he changed it years ago okay okay that was it um I make a a motion to um accept and place on file second motion was made by commissioner Burns to accept and place on file seconded by commissioner farious all in favor I I motion carries uh the next request is from the MSBL which is a men's baseball league regarding the use of a City baseball field uh Nancy and I had a conversation about this as much as I think the city would love to try to accommodate this request I just don't think there's a city park that can handle um all of the stuff that comes along with this league we also had a conversation with Mr ala who was part of of the New Bedford basea in New Bedford and them utilizing the New Bedford High facility because there's a gate there you can charge a gate you can keep everyone in place it's you know parking the whole nine to have crowds of people watching a game I don't think there's a city park that you could charge a gate to get in and out of um that would be conducive with this schedule so my thoughts were um we should send this request to the school committee and see if there's a school facility and that was part of the conversation Nancy and I had with Mr Olivera as well he's done it in New Bedford they did it on a school property uh on a school field in New Bedford maybe there's a school facility in Fall River um that could accommodate and this is next spring these are dates for 2025 one we can't charge in par absolutely not it's an ordinance we cannot charge in admission and number two for the amount of games and the amount of this needs to be a Turf yeah field this needs to be something where we don't have the staff to limited maintenance um it's a small business basically I mean so I think that commissioner McDonald is absolutely correct the only one that can accommodate something like this would be to schools um I make a motion to um forward to the school committee but also let her know that like obviously we can't accommodate but hopefully the school committee be able to find something motion made by commissioner Burns to refer this item to the school committee the school committee or the school department buildings and grounds I think the building the buildings are grounds first and let them go schol that's what I okay suggest so Mr Pico yes I could just send it buildings and grounds I don't know if he's only in charge of that so I would send it to that okay comment yeah I can find out all right so I make a motion to forward to um buildings and grounds and then they can take it from there whoever leases their fields or RS out their fields second so the motion was made by commissioner Barn to forward along to um and seconded by commissioner farias all in favor I sorry motion carries eyes today nobody can nobody's eye uh the last item is a request from Chris Vining regarding the use of Lafayette Park baseball field on Eastern a what's going on I have not received any schedule yet he asked about the the dates there was one date that I had a conflict with there's a an event there um I did did send him that information I have not received any specific request okay but I did want to just let the board know that that was out there um once I receive a specific request with dates and times um is this a men's league no no it's like a Twilight like a 13 um to 17 maybe okay um I make a motion to approve pending you getting everything that you need well I would just I wouldn't approve it I would just say place it on file until we receive the actual dates okay all right I make a motion to place on file until you get table it one you can either table or place table then it comes back on the next meeting if you have more info I'm sure you're going to hear from them I would think I mean so all right I make a motion to table thisable second pending additional information motion was made by commissioner Burns to table item R until the next meeting seconded by commissioner faras all in favor I hi I motion carries um any commissioner inquiries I guess I have one um Nancy has some sketches or diagrams I don't know what you want to call it of the trees that are going up in the Parks she's already identified a couple that um could potentially be an issue as far as where they were going there was a couple at Lafayette Park that were in front of the where the cement bleachers are so I think you had asked them to move them behind the those cement steps yes um and there's a few more I think so what so what um Chris Martin from the tree department has provided a planting plan for each Park which he gave me tonight so I will scan these send them to each board member um if you identify a tree that you think may be in a location I'm going to look at them as well I mean there are a lot of them around this pickle ball court and I know that these are not causing a problem at this point those are already in um I don't know are they in yet I don't think so the bottom no I don't think we've got but there is that one tree on that pickle ball cour that has reeda so do we really want to put another 20 trees around there so that yeah you know I know we we might not be around to worry weaves there he probably will may not be sitting here anymore at that point though but anyway I just don't want I think maybe take a look see what the board thinks and if it's something that we got to move than Mr Martin what's the time frame on like I don't want to slow anything up or derail your plans already so it's right we try well the trees that we have right right now have to be completed by the end of June I believe oh so we have to okay um well there's a lot of trees on that thing too sh I'm not even positive if we have all the trees for that like when you say you like you have physically have them you don't haven't gotten them yet I Haven no we physically have another this is just a roundabout figure about another 80 that have to be planted where are they Bullock bu Street okay so here's here's a question I know that we have like a there's a roadway that comes down Kennedy that used to be used for the 4th of July celebration it's now no longer a roadway but it's probably underneath there but we're having a big drainage issue where the new volleyball club is going in would trees higher up on that help to absorb some of that water from draining down cuz that may be the place to plant them rather than below where the pickle ball carts are and that's already at the end of the the rainbow if we catch the water halfway down we have that vation sure it would absorb so maybe that's something that we should consider it's a little bit higher on the hill again here's the problem with that that's where the kids slep so a lot of these things are codependent on say you don't want somebody going into a tree no codependent on something else yeah you know they're still going to sled regardless if there's a tree there or not exactly so I think higher up on the maybe behind the Pavilion in that open area behind the Pavilion with off to the side more toward middle higher up would catch some of the water coming down I don't know I you guys can look at this I will send it out to you tomorrow are you starting like at one particular park right now that at okay but we have already planted some at Kennedy the top around the around the skating Pond was done right in a few we planted planted last year here and there yeah I think some at the parking lot might be done and that that walkway going down to the to the left side of the Pavilion yes over it yes we did plant a few there and there's a few more to go in that area I believe yeah it's quite the map so I will send it out I'm going to take this as an exhibit to put into the meeting okay and then I will send that out to you guys so we can at least take a look at it CU it was I know like originally the planting plan came in with the 1500 trees or whatever it was all at once for a I think right the last time like way before yeah but it included Street tree plantings it was just like a whole um this is what we're going to do but now this is becoming the drop and it's quite the drop so we'll have to like I said you guys can look at that we can sort it out sooner rather than later so Chris has it right so Dave Dave Resource Group they went in typ what they thought I guess where they should go right where they could go the only problem is Davies doesn't know if there's a proposed project in a certain area so if they see this nice big area that looks like it's good for planting but it's proposed Splash Pad down the road that's what we had the conversation then what are we going to do take all those new trees out again so we're just trying to avoid that if we can so um I will look over these as well see if any of them jump out at you Nancy mentioned a couple cuz there were some that were like they were in front of where you would sit to watch the game and then there were a few uh along the third Baseline there's no fence first base yeah and the third they were both both and third base doesn't have defense only goes to like the third base third and first base but these trees were extended like down the line so the question was I are those in a good spot if you there's no fence there let's make sure they're far enough off the field yeah cuz if you hit it during the game it's you're just you're just running and if you're just running as a you know a kid 13 15 you're running and if you don't look up in time you got where the fence is the ones that are planted to the right side they're about 15 ft F and more or less that's I think that was like how they were going off of that imagin I guess is as if the fence was extended right so they were using that as the imaginary line for the r um yeah the those were just the few examples that Nancy and I had talked about were those and then the ones around the um pickle ball right yeah so if anyone else sees anything we'll just put we'll just send it out you guys can take a quick look at it if it's something that jumps out at you um let me know let Chris know whatever we can go from there um I did get a call today from Rodney um regarding a CDA project which is Columbus Park play equipment being replaced so those plans and specs are going to be available tomorrow um so I said that I would like a set of those so again the board can see those as well um I would assume that this is they're going to want this awarded at the June meeting so um I told Rodney he would have time to put together that tabulation sheet once the bids were received I don't think it's anything out of the ordinary I think the play equipment is going right back in the same play location that it was removed from um and I think it's similar to the play equipment that was installed by CDA at the Maris playground or Kathy Assad playground if that's something that you guys want to just see what it's um comparable to but we asked that I make you aware of that because it was something that kind of got away from them we put out that procedure policy thing and it kind of snuck up on them so they he said can you mention it and you will bring it to the board so I guess my last question now that you're saying that the last question I had is just this is the May meeting the splash pad with the broken pipe what is the timeline on when that is going to be well the broken pipe is in the irrigation system so I'm not even I'm not going to even touch that okay leaving that another whatever I'm leaving that I have reached out to the company that does the swash pad which comes down he he did not respond to me yet okay but I want him to come sooner rather than later I'm under the impression from the water department that we can turn on the splash pad without turning on the irrigation which is where that water system broke um so if I can do that I'm staying completely away from that and the irrigation system is just not going to work at that josus par field for now but I don't want it to affect the pad operation and I the only reason why I ask is the sooner they can obviously test it and make sure that it didn't affect the splash pad the only thing was the back flow was left and I was told that that's not a big deal but that's something that they can determine um they'll come down um I did reach out to them again and say you know can you give me a date i' rather have it soon it later I haven't heard back okay so I will keep you um I can keep you informed PJ of that as well um and as you know there's an issue with the fence um getting some fence repairs done at um D Dumont for the girls to open because when they did a lot of that field work they removed a piece of that fence was that fence damaged did that he said there was a lot of like growth through the fence and when they went to pull the fence back it could not pull correctly I personally think that there needs to be a set of Double Gates for the Fe because in order order to access the Third Field you have to go through the second field to get to the Third Field through those Double Gates so since we have this opening I think the best thing to do would be to put Double Gates there in case we ever do have to have you know equipment on that field at this point if we're going to put the fencing back put it back I do have one price and wait I reached out to two other vendors if they don't get back to me I think through procurement I can just say they did not respond and go with the person that's going to be able to do that they under that but I think that's how it works and they're under their gun like they want to start the league and they want to have the fence in place with I think it's like May 16th or 17th they want to make sure that's in place so there's some challenges with getting three quotes going through that process because today's already whatever this eth right and the quotes have to come because we've utilized this person you know to a certain dollar amount so after that you have to do quotes but I mean we reach out to a lot of people and they don't respond so if they don't respond I'm pretty sure that that counts as Contracting vendors because especially being under the time constraint we'll see okay um the mayor's office is aware of it the Mr ala is aware of it everybody is aware of what we're trying to accomplish in very little time okay anything else very good yeah make a motion to oh make a motion to uh adjourn motion to adjourn made by commissioner Burns seconded by commissioner varias all in favor I motion car