good evening good evening um welcome to the U planning board meeting of the city of Fall River today is Wednesday June 12th 2024 um pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any media attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible this City Charter section 9-18 mandates that all M multiple member bodies develop and adopt rules or policy for public comment have adopted such a policy which in short provides for citizen input on planning board meeting uh regarding specific matters um at the end of the meeting there is a signup sheet that is located at the back of the room if any of you want to sign up to um have some public input at the end of the meeting good evening my name is Gloria Pico with me president tonight is uh board member Beth Andre and Mario luolo absent is the chair John Ferrera as well as Mike farias also present is um uh Nina Krueger the uh admin and absent is Danny agar the city planner and engineer and also present uh from um f frtv is Gary okay so now we turn to the agenda items uh first agenda item is uh Street acceptance of Draper Street there's been a request made um by the city council which was made on May 14th 2024 uh recommending that we accept uh Draper Street extending from Globe Mills Avenue to Atlantic bouvard okay so we have that in front of us okay Nina do you have any comments yes so Draper Street is an existing private way is uh built roughly around 1927 it's measuring 450 ft in length and with a right of way of around 50 feet um however the pavement WID is uh give or take 26 feet so in the petition it requests to extend um Draper Street from Globe Mills AV to Atlantic Boulevard however um Globe Mills or sorry um Draper Street does not connect through to Atlantic Boulevard so um the planning department uh we have a memo here from Daniel agar the director of engineering and planning he recommends that um Draper street from the southerly Terminus of globe Mills AB Northerly to terminus and southernly to terminus should be considered um however he recommends that the planning board request an analysis of the existing utility infrastructure by the Department of Community utilities and have a report submitted to us uh the roadway was reconstructed as part of a condominium rede uh development in around 2004 so um the department of engineering and planning recommends that no action be taken until the request um the requested analysis report from the Department of Community utilities is uh provided so we request that we table it to the July 10th meeting however we do have some citizens input on the matter okay there is a letter at the end of your packet here okay so let's see who's here and then we can read the letter into the record um are you here for the draer street sirry here for the Draper Street do you want to come up state your name and address you can come up here thank you yes this isn't gonna come out too you have a microphone good evening what's your name what's your address please sir Gary ala and uh I manage the property what's your address sir mallister Towing um what what's the address one Shore Street sh Street okay so what's your comment on the drap street acceptance I have no I I'm not clear on what what um how it's going to intersect do you have a picture yes yes I do perfect okay okay so so you're neither in um support or objecting so it's from here to from sorry from here to here just this little Little Portion these are the new homes right um I'm not sure the date of the homes proberbly comes down here okay it's just this portion opening up that section right away um so it would first just be accepted as a uh public Street however we are um recommending that we hold off any uh deliberation on the matter until after we receive a detailed analysis of the um utility infrastructure that's located within Draper street from the Department of commun Community utilities this is the school correct I I believe so it does look it's some sort of large was connected already it's not a public way so it's a private way the city doesn't have any obligation to plow it or maintain it the petitioning that we accept it at the public way and then we'll be responsible for it uh so from here to here from dead end to dead end yes not I'm notos we may be tbling yes they may may want to come to the next meeting if we table it and you have more questions or concerns right this clear all right any nothing else sir no okay thank you very much to be clear on good of course and if you have any any questions or um you want to see if uh any progress you can give the planning department of call as well thank you okay so now I'm going to read the letter we have here that was submitted by Larry and Jennifer Dylan of 339 Draper Street in Fall River says they're planning board members we write as residents of 339 D Draper Street Fall River and hereby request the following action Street acceptance Draper Street request acceptance of Draper Street extending from Globe Mills Avenue to Atlantic Boulevard this matter was referred to the planning board by the city by the F City Council on May 14th 2024 it is my understanding that while Draper Street is considered a private way the F of Public Works and transportation department has been responsive and diligent as of today by ensuring the consistent pickup and removal of Municipal Solid Waste trash yard waste and recyclables on a weekly basis as well as performing snow removal service K to a public right of way I applaud and appreciate the department of I applaud and appreciate the department for these Services as a taxpayer these services are essential to support public health and safety as well as control any potential rodent problem on the street and within the neighborhood as such we request the city of Fall River planning board to formally codify this street as a public right of way I hereby submit this petition which is supported by 10 F residents thank you for putting this agenda item for discussion and consideration at tonight's planning board meeting sincerely Jennifer Dylan and Larry Dylan okay so that will be put into the record um so as per the uh Dan agar's recommendation that we put this matter we table it until we get a report from the Department of Community utilities regarding the existing utility infrastructure do I have any motions on motion to request um to Street acceptance for great Street okay so we have a motion by Beth second by Mario to table this uh matter as well as recommend as well as request the report from the Department of Community utilities regarding the utility infrastructure all right that's the July 10th meeting yes okay so that's agenda item number one um did you did you vote as well oh yes I vote in favor I'm sorry three to zero thank you Nina okay agenda item number two receed a correspondence um review and sign chapter 91 waterways license application submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection by National Grid to authorize the addition of electrical transmission lines over the Taunton River and shift of electrical transmission lines over filled and flowed tidde lands in Somerset and Fall River okay good evening good evening please say your name my name is Aaron wski uh National Grid 170 Data Drive in Wale thank you very much Carmen dcy with power engineers uh two Hampshire Street sboro thank you very much so we have the Reco correspondence so um yeah so how would how would you like to augment that just as a quick summary of the project um New England power doing business as National Grid um has filed a chapter 91 license to separate two 115 KV transmission lines that currently uh cross the Taunton River from Somerset over to Fall River uh we're filing a new license to separate those two lines and the aerial Crossing of uh one of the lines is going to be placed they we're installing two additional structures and those lines will be separated um on those lines and so that's where the chapter 91 license comes in uh as a formality of the chapter 91 license process uh we are required to get um uh just some notification to the planning board so we're here tonight uh to answer any questions that you may have um and hopefully um get signatures on that form okay any questions from the board well I I really um don't for comp and get involved in that so if I ask question it has me meanless so that's the correspondence correct so it need to correspond yeah yep so I did email this this all y okay did Dan AAR weigh in on this by chance um yes so so um this didn't need to be go before conservation they did do an RDA everything's all set with conservation so it's all set to be signed off okay uh Beth any questions comments no do we make a motion that uh the planning board sign off on that on the uh chapter one chapter 91 I had to say I'm um I'm sorry uh he so they went before um Conservation Commission for an RDA um this waterways license does not need to go before conservation so they are all set with conservation he said that it's it's all set to sign off on it's really just a notification okay approve all right I'll second down all right I vote in favor as well thank you very much have a great evening thank you have a great day I brought extra copies if you guys need awesome yes so signature print sign acting chair um VI okay do you need any um do you happen to have another copy of just the signature sheet yes I have four okay just okay so this will be our copy that we keep and then I'll just have you do this one and then they can have that back so then this will just be for our records there that way you can have this now awesome great thank so much thank you and good luck thank you appreciate it no problem good luck agenda item number three form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval file number 24-1 1581 on applicant 168 Steven Street LLC property location 168 Steven street cessor map e-27 Lots two and six you want to just go a little rundown on Stevens thank you so this this is BAS this is just a basic land transfer they're taking land from lot six and putting it to lot two they're actually reversing a form a back from 2021 so how you see it now is how it was before that foret um the deal that they had um fell through so they were planning on selling um lot six with the additional land however that fell through and now um they wanted it to revert back to how it originally was which is how that submit on this plan correct yep no zoning relief is needed so it is afforded endorsement it meets all the requirements correct yes it does there's obviously no one here in favor or against this petition so I'll skip that um Beth Mario any comments questions on motion okay Beth makes a motion to accept the anr as submitted Mario any questions no do you want a second or do you want a a second all right and I vote in favor so that passes thank you agenda item number four application for endorsement plan believed not to require approval file number 24-1 1582 casmiro irrevocable trust applicant Paula fory property location 212 Barlo Street and 1950 Pleasant Street essor map j-10 lot 6162 Nina if you don't mind filling in for Dan so this petition actually went before the zoning board of appeals back in April of 2024 so they wanted to um take land from uh 212 barow to add to 1950 Pleasant Street so the water line was encroaching um the water line from 1950 Pleasant was encroaching on the land of 212 barow currently it's mother and daughter that own those two properties so it wasn't a huge deal however now one of them wants to sell so they wanted to make sure that waterline was intact fully in that property line for 1950 Pleasant Street so they went before zba they um received approval and it is now afforded endorsement yeah I see that the approval was recorded um oone here in favor or against board any questions concerns been all approv jary uh it went yep it went it went before zba it's um completely afforded endorsement they recorded the approval already it's referenced here yep and um in Dan's memo he uh the department of engineering and planning recommends endorsement so and then yes you already asked the audience there's nobody here there's nobody here anyone want to make a motion she all set Beth any questions no questions I'm thank you okay Mari makes a motion I'll second Beth seconds I also vote in favor okay agenda item number five approve of the minutes for April 9th 2024 April 10th 2024 and May 8th 2024 so did you all get all three packets show the three different minutes okay um we can take them all together or we can do one at a time whatever I review them they look fine I don't know what you guys want to do no questions Mario did you look good question question make a motion to approve okay Mario makes motion to approve second that's seconds all three Mo uh I vote in favor so all the minutes of all three meetings are hereby approved next citizens input we have no citizens here uh seven adjournment do you have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn thanks Beth second and in favor okay meetings adjourn thank you very much