##VIDEO ID:mufz3CvgRMQ## good evening welcome to the full River um City full River board meeting uh pursuant to the open meeting laws uh any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the medium the meeting through any media attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible the city Charter section 9-18 mandates that all multiple member bodies develop and adopt rules or policy for public comment we have adopted such policy which in short provides for citizen input on planning board uh matters at the end on planning board specific matters at the end of the meeting there's a signup sheet that is located at the back of the room if anyone's interested in signing up for the public comments good evening today is October 9th 2024 about 5:30 p.m. uh present uh my name is Gloria Pico I'll be acting as chair uh this evening since the chair is um not not present tonight um also present is um Beth Andre Mario Lucho and Mike faras as well as those are the members of the planning board John Farah is absent this evening uh Nina Krueger is also present Dan agar planning um an engineer uh City Planning and engineer and Gary Lee is here from farms um from Fall River uh television okay so first item on the agenda form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval file number 24-1 1593 owner applicant Scotty Veris property location 15 Anderson Street assess map d06 lot 16 So the anr plan that you have before you is located again um on three streets Endicott Anderson and dupus fronted along the property the applicant had the zoning board of appeals and we granted relief allowing them to subdivide this piece cutting out the existing home leaving it on on one parcel with 12,000 ft and cutting off parcel two the variance decision recording is added to the plan in the top right hand corner under General notes and the plan has been prepared in accordance with that Grant of relief and the frage and area requirements um that were required with such so with that I would offer that plan is eligible for endorsement under anr members of the board any comment I reviewed it and it looks like it um complies so I'm okay with Endor anyone present in favor of this um this anr plan anyone present opposed to this plan you have a motion from the board a motion to approve a second yes second that's second um roll call Mario yes Beth yes Mike yes and I also vote Yes second item on the agenda form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval file number 24-1 15594 owner applicant Maria Kirkman property location 608 Perman Street S as map U1 BL 230 so this is a property that's located at excuse me 608 uh Herman Street it's a through lot which also had Frontage along cor Street they appear before the zoning board of appeals were granted relief with regards to the rear yard setback of the dwelling at 608 down to 20 ft where 25 ft was required the remaining requirements for Frontage and area of 100 ft of Frontage and 12,000 Square ft of area are met with both of the lots that being said the recording information for the granted relief is in the general note section of the plan and the subis has been prepared in accordance with that decision with that I would recommend endorsement thank you any comments from the board yeah I just have one question Dan um this one the second lot lot nine um we've got the 12,000 Square ft but the uh the setbacks um it would be a really a thin building are they proposing to put a building there or yes they they are building a building on that and I believe they've already started site plan interview it is tucked over in that leftand corner a rather small house 608 is a very large house um so when you look at the setbacks here it's a 25 foot front 25 foot rear and that leaves approximately you know a 25 foot window to the very far west y um again if they needed any type of relief they would need to go back to the Zoning Board of the appeals but as it stands now they've met the requirements for subdivision okay so the subdivision is there and then if they do need to have um the setback requirements they'll go in front of the Zoning for that one so okay all right thank you anyone else I makeing motion to approve oh hold on um anyone here present tonight in favor of this anr plan yes you want to come up I'm sorry it's my property you want to state your name and address for the record please okay and your address Marie what is it your address 608 Street okay U so just that's all you have to say that you're here and supported it thank you um and anyone present opposed to this anr plan no hey Mario do you want to complete I'm sorry I cut you off do you want to uh file your motion sorry what idea you want to Mo to approve thank you Mario sorry about that any second second okay be seconds um roll call Mario yes Beth yes Mike yes I also vote yes thank you Miss Kirkman okay item number three uh form a application for endorsement of plan believe not to require approval file number 24- 1594 owner applicant true Brother Inc property location 889 and 895 grenell Street the sister's map F4 Lots one and two so this location on grenell Street this is the dead end portion of grenell street directly west of the Walmart plaza that comes off of BR Avenue and off of Jefferson Street this is actually a plan where they're just removing an internal lot Line This was previously two separate Fels they were M family homes uh built on each those two homes were demolished as part of the approval for moving forward with the new building construction um however can't build a building over a lot line so this is formally removing that interior lot line merging the Lots as well that is all with that I would offer that the plan is afforded an endorsment thank you um any comments from the board no this is pretty straight okay anyone um pres toight in favor of hand you want to I'm sorry let your name and you're here in favor of this okay and do you live do you reside here or do you reside elsewhere where do you he's building the new building do I need his address for the record or no okay anyone here oppos to this anr plan okay do have a motion motion motions have a second I second M seconds Maria roll call yes Beth yes Mike yes and I also vote Yes okay item number four on the agenda proposed zoning map Amendment we're going to discuss in making recommendations to the follow of city council regarding the expansion of the housing development Zone HD1 overlay District as follows um do I have to read the entire little section to the record I don't think you do but right okay we have in front of us a letter written by um honorable mayor Paul E hugan to Joseph CRA the president of the city council regarding this proposed Second Amendment to the Housing Development Zone on titled the Fall River waterfront downtown market rate incentive zoning plan wherein you also request that the planning board members review um the proposed amendment two to the zoning plan any comments so what this generally is is we have an existing um Housing Development overlay District we have many of them through the city uh very large and at various times we've come before or the city has come before the planning board with the process of expanding them to include specific locations where we have Mill projects or other larger Housing Development projects that could be afforded different state funding um if they met certain requirements so one of the first things they need to do is follow in HD zone so you'll see on the map that was attached I think you all have it in your package the the outlined area in dark blue I can show you on this laer one as well so this is the southernland of the HD1 area which Falls along um East Main Street South Main Street and this would be cook Pond down in this location here so the amendment before you now this is all H1 would be what you see shaded in this darker blue color it's about 70 Acres that we would be tacking on um to meet continuously with the existing HD1 District that's there that would be I know we had done one last year um along Mills Avenue to extend that one so this is very similar so this recommendation would go back to the to the city council um and then they would take the ultimate vote on changing the zoning up board members any comments yeah just one question I believe mg's restaurant is uh in that if I'm not mistaken believe they do fall I think we extended it that far yes all along all the way down to the state line which will the state ad so anything between South Main Street and cook Pond would now be afforded that right um okay I know there's a there's a large Mill complex here that's under development as well now and a couple of other locations we do have a letter uh from the Bristol County Economic Development Consultants that you can either read in or if Ken if you would just like to summarize your letter that's up to you we we can just read it as is if you want we do have a letter but Ken are you here in favor step forward thank you uh for the record uh my name is uh Ken fola I'm the Executive Vice President of Bristol County EDC I'd like to um thank the uh the planning board for the opportunity to comment on this uh proposed uh addition to the H dip Zone I believe before you you have a letter that it was uh submitted earlier today so I will not read it in its entirety but essentially just to summarize U the the rationale uh behind the expansion of the HD Zone uh is to create more housing in city um as you can see on the map that Mr agar just displayed to the board um this HD Zone would primarily be extended to Encompass the perimeter of um cook Pond and some other areas adjacent to that area mainly along along State Road um the purpose would be to try to reposition some of the existing Mills within that area for housing purposes um in the hdp program essentially the way it works is that if a developer is in a pro would like to repurpose a mill they typically would go after three forms of funding to help offset some of the costs associated with the rehab of those Mills um the three sources primarily would consist of uh federal and state tax credits along with an HP uh tax credit uh to help offset some of the the development costs themselves um once you combine those three tax credits collectively it makes it much more cost efficient for the rehab proper by law in order to um take advantage of the H dip tax credit you have to be within an H dip zone so that's what the approval the approval that's being sought tonight um it has to be approved by both the planning board and the city council uh and then ultimately it has to be approved by the state once you receive all three of those approvals the area is properly zoned as an overlay which doesn't uh negatively impact some of the existing uses within that area but in the event that some of those uses would like to be utilized for residential purposes the overlay District the HP overlay at least gets your foot in the door for consideration and it may still need variance in other sorts of approval by the city but at least housing may be as of right dependent on other approvals um but equally as important to that is then if you develop the property for residential use 80% of the development has to be marcker rate and 20% could be non-met rate units so that's typically up to the developer themselves um right now as we all know for is suffering from a housing um Supply um in the sense that there's not enough housing for for residents um and now what this does is it creates additional housing uh within the city of f for for residents and others that may be looking to move into the city um and just if you adhere to the basic economic principle of supply and demand the more Supply you create it's going to result in lower rentals throughout the city itself right now you have less than 2% vacancy in the city uh for residential rental use so we need to create more units in order to drive some of those rents down and this is a tool in which to facilitate the expansion of residential um marcker rate and potentially non- marate housing within the southern section of the city itself uh as Mr agar has indicated uh there are other hdp zones in the city and as my lettera points out the hdp program has been responsible for the development of more than 300 units um throughout the city and private investment of over $70 million so both in terms of creating additional housing opportunities for residents as well as well as creating job opportunities for contractors and Tradesmen and everything else that $70 million investment has gone a long way to facilitate job creation in these projects themselves so having said all that obviously I'm here in favor of it and I'm hoping that the board will uh agree to move this forward in a format of approval so it can be further discussed and approved um by the city council thank you Mr any comments from the board questions any comments questions it is advantageous to have these we work with a lot of different cities and you leased in the queue and you have this and you're that much ahead of the city that doesn't have it yeah it's it's only it's a program that's only available to Gateway cities um and actually you know we city of FL River LED um a legislative initiative to reauthorize hdp funding uh for the program itself in the past the funding used to consist of just $10 million a year dispersed amongst Gateway cities uh Statewide now the program has been up to $30 million a year so there's more money associated with the program which means there's more opportunities for the creation of housing in these Gateway cities and it's important to understand that the this is an overlay District the underlying zoning districts as Ken alluded to do not change so the existing uses or proposed uses in accordance with the existing bylaw do not get changed at all this is just this creates an opportunity area uh for developers that want to fall underneath this category you any other comments from the board any members uh present this evening in favor of this um zoning overlay District anyone present opposed no uh do have a motion from the board motion to approve okay do have a second I'll second okay Mike seconds roll call Mario yes uh Beth yes Mike yes can I also vote yes thank you thank you very much agenda item agenda item number five receipt of Correspondence um from the Department of Environmental Protection Waterway regulation program okay um so this is just a matter that we would normally just place on file it gets sent to all of the different agencies this had to deal with the existing transmission lines that Traverse um the taon river going through that process of dealing with the chapter 991 license with mass D okay do I have a motion to place the um correspondent on thanks Beth have a second a second Mike second Mario yes uh Beth yes Mike yes can I also vote yes thank you item number six on the agenda discussion of the existing A2 apartment and M multif family zoning districts and the potential need for zoning ordinance revisions so finish highlighting these for you and I'm going to pass them out so two months ago well actually probably 15 to 20 years in the making the zoning board of appeals has been dealing with an A2 zoning District which is an apartment zoning district for units six units or more um generally for for this type of development and what um what we see is the requirements for that District being 100 ft of Frontage to 10,000 sare ft minimum for one unit and then 2,000 square ft for each additional unit the zoning board of appeals is bombarded with applications and petitions that have to deal with this zoning District because when we look around the city and we look at the sizes of the parcels available especially in this A2 zoning District which is mostly in the inner City portion of the city there aren't hardly any Parcels that meet this zoning requirement and when we look at the other types of zoning districts um that allow multif family housing like an M District or a BL District or a g General District they all have a different method of calculating a minimum lot size so when we had discussed this with the zoning board of appeals they had voted on making a recommendation to the mayor asking him to request the city council to begin the process of revising the A2 zoning District to be similar as the others with a 5,000 square foot minimum and 1500 square fet per additional unit and the same you know Frontage and setbacks as as those District as well um one to eliminate the need for contiguous or continuous zoning board of appeals applications and it would also allow for again the increase in um housing in areas of the city that they are most needed you know most of these A2 districts are in areas where we have a number of 3 tenement six tenement 8 tenement 10 tenement buildings all on Parcels that don't even come close to meeting this zoning requirement um you don't see often that the zoning board of appeals denies it because there is such a such an easy argument with regards to lot shape and factor and all of the Abundant properties in harmonious with the neighborhood so what we're asking tonight is that the the planning board make a similar recommendation and sending a letter to the mayor's office to look at that process and start that with the city council now this will this does come back to you at the point of public hearing normally we would have just gone to the mayor the mayor would have went to the city council and then stop started that process I thought it was a little bit more appropriate to have the zoning board of appeals and the planning board who were the agencies that deal with this the most give the mayor a recommendation ahead of time so that it's not his necessarily his idea or his thinking it's been vetted and looked at by the zoning board of appeals who deals with this the most and then the planning board as well so that's all we're asking tonight is that you vote um One Way or Another with the recommendation of that area change and Frontage and setback requirements to be in accordance with the other types of multif family zoning districts that we have throughout the city thanks Mr I happen to agree I felt like this way for years that this this criteria was just impossible and like you said none of the none of the multifamilies conform now you're still advocating to keep A2 and M but just to modify the requirement yes so so the way that it's written in the um in the agenda it was it's it's basically to to make the A2 mimic the M with the exception of the cap on units so the M ex maxes out at six units so we would have all of the same area requirements Frontage and setback requirements of the M but we would not be capped at the six units because there you may have the opportunity to buy additional parcels and to be able to to combine more in these areas where we want higher density um apartment units great thank you so much one question I have is there's a substantial which I I agree with the need of this and it is a city and an urban environment and most of the um uh properties don't meet these requirements anyway but the big um jump is from a building height from eight from 45 ft to 70 ft I'm assuming uh if you're talking about these six units uh you're are you looking to change the 70 to 45 as well or how was that it it would be upward discussion do you remember what the how the zoning board dealt with the height I believe that they said to keep the height 7 okay yeah the only thing that I would say is it might bring um uh contentious to neighbors who who have 45 unit 45 foot height homes or dwellings and then all of a sudden have one that's almost you know 35 ft higher so um I don't know that would be the only thing that I would bring up in in that that that um would be contentious if if I was a neighbor and all of a sudden you had a unit near me that would three higher so if we if we look at it at this way yeah there are other zoning districts where the building height is that High um specifically the wtod zoning District which is actually higher um so but either way um one thing we wanted to do and again to address that issue is the lot coverage would remain at 30% so it's not like we can have a building that's going to max out to all of the sidey Guard setbacks because it would never meet the lot coverage requirements um that may get handled in in the height I would not be in in opposition again to changing the height but in order to get same siiz footprint where you could get six units in order to get the additional units you would need to be higher than the 45 that does not mean that we could not M go further with you know if it's at 45 ft we have certain sidey yard setbacks and if we go to the 70 maybe it needs to meet a higher setback and that can be part of the discussion when when we actually make this change but as laia alluded to for many years when we appeared before the zoning board of appeals it was always uh chairman David attorney of David Assad's argument always well not argument but when he was sitting as chairman he would say the zoning board of appeals isn't the place to deal with bad zoning changing the zoning is the way to deal with bad zoning um so we had always had this on the plate to kind of look at and what was funny was at the last zoning board of appeals meeting so the chairman ofad has been going for two years now two years I think since he retired so he hadn't been back before the zoning board of appeals since he left the first three petitions that he had the other night all in the A2 zoning District that that he was requesting relief so he he was able to hop on his same soap box that he was on before um and move forward with that so with that being said you know if you want to make a recommendation of some sort with regards to Building height we can add that in whatever letter we offer as well you don't have to give us this letter tonight if you want to think about it if you want to craft language with what your recommendation would be it's still going to be it's still going to come back to you for your true recommendations when it's a public hearing this this would just allow the M start the process dealing with u with the lot area itself yeah I I have no objection to the setbacks or the minimum Frontage at all it's just I I deal with this quite a bit in other cities Terry town New York or um in New Jersey and that usually ends up being the the the point where we have to go and do photo simulations of height of building because all of a sudden you're blocking uh views of the Waterfront or whatever it might be and um the u i I agree with what you're saying with all of the setbacks or anything else I just think that has to be a way to handle the height of the building um I'm not opposed to making or again if you want to make the recommendation to 45 ft to mimic the multif family residents identically yeah I I would I would do that and then what I would suggest is that if they wanted to go higher then they asked for a zoning to that and then if and because in some cases you don't have any objections to these they're happy to see and and they're creating view corridors and all of that I um whatever it might be but then the reality of it is um then you can give them the grace to go and build it higher yeah because if they came in if they came in and they wanted to build a 70 tall 70 foot tall building but they were going to meet greater building setbacks then that would be an argument for for the grant at least that would we don't see many 70 foot buildings being proposed no you know don't yeah Mike Mike would know more than that than than anybody about the construction standards of um the types of methods to build wood frame buildings and yeah um so if you would like to make that your recommendation to to mimic those I would still leave the lot coverage at 30% um but if you wanted to reduce that 70 foot height or all the frontage and setbacks to match what the m is yep I I think I think that would be fine yeah I'm I think I would word it I would approve it uh with that stipulation uh that it matches the M except for the height of the building uh that the 70 would be um propos at 45 with a variance it need be so if I'm understanding you just you know sure um you're okay with the city reevaluating the A2 and the M District however you recommend I think I agree with you that we recommend that the A2 uh District have the maximum height reduced from 70 to 45 ft that's correct okay I think that's a good idea any other me comments from the members of the board okay um anyone here um in support of this um this uh this agenda item anyone here oppose to this agenda item have a motion from the board and I'll explain it I I'll uh I motion to approve with the U variance of the 75t maximum building to be the same as the 45 foot for the A2 district for the A2 district do I have a second on that motion I'll second that thank you Beth call but you've got to make a motion to adopt the area requirements and building setbacks of the M okay I apologize deal with the big picture I I will I will restate it I know exactly what you want me to do now um I uh I recommend that the A2 District follow what the M District is for minimum Frontage uh yard a front yard setback side yard setback rear yard setback with the caveat that the 70 foot height of the current A2 be change to 45 foot height of a building and the same for the maximum lot coverage of I believe it's 25% we're going to leave it at 30 we're going to leave that at 30 leave it at 30% okay thank you very much Mike um we had a second correct y a roll call Mario do you approve the motion that uh Mike just put forward Mario there a motion on do you do you support uh Mike motion I do beth yes Mike yes and I also vote Yes okay agenda item number seven review discuss and approve the 2025 planning board meeting schedule board members have any comments this is extremely helpful to have this this will go on my calendar thank you I approve this okay uh anyone in um present in support of this uh agenda item regarding the schedule for next year 2025 anyone present opposed have a motion do we have to approve this moot or no Dan can we just put on record no you can you can you you're actually voting on the schedule so yes okay I need a motion to I a motion to approve the schedule thanks Mike do have a second no second thanks Mario roll call Mario yes Beth yes Mike yes I also vote Yes okay uh agenda item number eight appr of the minutes from the August 14th 2024 meeting and the August 22nd 2024 meeting so August 14th can be approved tonight but we do not have all three people that were here for the 22nd that's right so that one will have to be tabled because um we don't have Mario and Mike were absent okay do I have a motion to app to approve the minutes from August 14 2024 motion to approved thanks be have a second I second thanks Mike roll call Mario yes Beth yes Mike yes I also vote Yes so de have a motion to table the minutes for August 2020 August 22nd meeting that has to be Beth thanks Beth I uh also um I yeah I second it yes there okay uh number nine uh citizen input three minutes per citizen sir are you here for some do you want to well I had I had a good question wait you want to state your name and address for the record sure thank you my name is my name is Brian Kurt I live at 118 East Main Street thank you when I looked at the map um I live across the street from a HD1 overlay District but didn't realize I did so my question is could you explain to me what an HD1 overlay district is yes so there so we have regular zoning that's in in place everywhere through the city and hdp and HD overlay district is overlays the existing zoning that still the underlying zoning district for all the uses the state created a program where if you fall in in HD zoning overlay District you're eligible for certain types of funding for the development of market rate housing so when we look at for instance oh the mill project that was constructed on Globe Mills Avenue recently in the old Ashworth Mill building I don't know if you've seen that but it's it's usually in one of the the mill buildings where that developer has the ability to go to the state and seek certain funding mechanisms and tax breaks for the develop help them to develop market rate housing in a specific location they're not eligible to apply to that state program unless they fall in one of these zoning districts so that that's the purpose of it so when there are loc when there are certain properties in buildings that could meet the need for these type of market rate Housing Development they need to fall in one of these HD overlay districts okay East Main Street is zoned business um and it's both sides of the street not just the side that's on there um so that's that's the existing one you're speaking of right yes yes the existing yes so where where do you live are you along East Main or yeah I'm on East M I'm on East M and Mystic okay so you're up here right but but you're on the Mystic side I'm on Mystic side okay I got so I'm across the street from this is this is the existing overlay District correct right but what I'm what I'm getting at is the uh the area across the street from me yep is still his own business correct okay so when it comes time for developer to want to do something yep which takes precedent because this thing is saying you want to build residential it's predominantly residential across the street from me correct and uh and some of the old businesses have been turned into Apartments correct but this is this is an overlay so if someone wanted to put say combined use say they wanted to take the first floor and make it business on all the houses they could probably do that they would need to go to the they would need to come before the zoning board of appeals the HD overlay District only deals with market rate housing that's all it does that's all it does so if there was so these are the types of projects that if there was a a school for instance an abandoned School School across the street from you m and it's it's been sitting vacant for a long time and we have a developer that wants to come in and put apartments in that school like sacred hot was I think the most recent one I think that was done um they could apply to the state to get assistance with funding to renovate that building into into market rate housing all right so if you have a business that exists yep in that on that side of the of East Main Street correct and if someone said I want to turn that into an apartment if they owned it if they owned it right Y and they wanted to turn it into an apartment because they can't write that out as the business because the parking is atrocious on his made y so this would make it easier for them to do that if they're on the side where the HD1 is well on that side of his M and when you look at what the requirements are for the HD program they're fairly intrusive and limiting so we only get certain types of projects I in my past practice I would never recommend someone in a situation like that because you have to buy into all the limiting factors that they have by that state law and you have to abide by them all it's not always the easiest thing um so could they apply for that I'm I'm assuming they could apply for some type of uh in the program like that but it would be much easier for them to probably either just do it by WR or by appearing before the zoning board of appeals and changing the the business use into some type of uh apartment use but the fact that it's in an AGD overlay District doesn't make that any easier with regards to zoning does it make it easier for someone to say cross the street from me there's there's about five houses that used to be owned by one one owner Y and now they're all been split up okay if someone said I want to go in there and level all those houses and put in more dense Apartments on like One Singular parcel like combine them all back again or yeah but since they were all one partial at one point I was hearing what you said earlier since they were all on one parcel at one time I think they were all owned by one person let's put it that way it would probably be easy for someone to do that go in there and level all five of them and then put say they're all three families y put in say six families you know on on on a multiple ones would this make it easy because I'm doing from Stand of lives there it would probably for a a project of a certain size that you wanted to take along all of the baggage that comes with the state's requirements for HD development yes it would make it easier to do okay but it's only if someone wants to do that otherwise for them to do anything with the existing housing that's there yep he telling me it's not worth it no no it better off to go through the existing you're better off just dealing with with what you've got there and dealing with zoning uh because they they tell you what you can charge for rents they so that's there's a lot that goes along with that okay you have to meet all of their criteria all right that's why it's usually generally a school building a mill building you know a a $10 million renovation project of a mill uh where they need certain type of tax credits and help through that program right no I understand why they do that and you have to apply to the program it's not it's not by right so if they don't feel that your project meets their criteria or creates the significant number of market rate housing no because they only have a limited amount of funds so they want to utilize those funds for big hit projects that that create a substantial amount of housing okay all right I think I've got a questions I wanted answered okay I just didn't understand I didn't know that was there to be honest with you until I saw map yeah so so there are there are a number of different types of overlay districts um so you have if you look at the zoning map it can be confusing you got a bunch of different colors of different zoned areas whether they're single family two Family Apartments then there are overlay districts of different kinds like the King Philip Mill for instance that's in a very specific King Philip Mill overlay District that allowed for the development of that Mill and to to take it down and to build what they built um these HD zoning districts are I think there's three of them um they're scattered throughout the city there are also Arts overlay district there are um Watershed protection districts overlay districts so there there's a whole number of because you don't always want to change the underlying use but sometimes you do want to put other restrictions or requirements on that property to allow people to do certain things right okay I I think I got all my questions answer thank you I'm sorry can you just repeat your name and your address one more time sure Brian b r i a an Curt C RT and the address is 118 East Main Street okay thank you y thank you very much sir okay anyone else present for citizen input I want to although I'm not a citizen anymore so in case you guys name an address for I can give my old address from Far um in case you guys don't know nah is leaving us oh no but it's you know for for for additional growth um different roles she's been a pleasure to have you know um for two years she's been incredible would would take any task would learn would study you know you've seen it here right the growth in two years of what she's been able to accomplish and what she's learned so she's going to be sadly missed um very much so um I can't talk about it too much because I'll end up crying about it but um I always tell her I have two daughters right 24 and 25 and she's been like a third to me since I've been here I came in same time she came in so we've been through this together so I will miss her and I'm sure you all will as well but I did want to wish her well and at least let you guys know that as well thank you very much thanks n you all your best wishes that's it now you can vote to adour all right um have a motion to adjourn Mario motion to adjourn anybody yes I motion toj I have another meeting to go oh she need whatever she go that she need that thank you okay Mike made a motion to journ to a second I'll second okay okay all in favor good luck