okay welcome to the May 22nd 2024 meeting of the Fall River Redevelopment Authority person to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recording transmission being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible John Ericson Lis gonz presid Ron Ren an Kean also attending SAR page executive director John cofin Council Karen Morton project manager uh due to uh scheduling uh constraints tonight U we're going to move the executive session ahead of the Open Session therefore at this time the chair makes a finding that an open session would have a detrimental effect on negotiating position of the public body purpose of the executive session is to approve the executive session minutes from April 24th 24 discuss strategy with respect to potential real estate transaction for property located the National Grid Warf parcel property at assessor map 22 lot 9 on Deval street at the corner of Turner Street and transaction at 45 Anan street I'll entertain a motion to enter into executive session we will return to open session for further business motion to go to Executive session John Erikson yes Lis Gonzo yes Ron Ron yes and Keane yes thank you back to General Session second second John yesc yes Ron yes and yes thanks um so we're good now she going to talk them about to it so want to intro on it yeah I'll be real quick um so Karen went and got bids for um a firm to really work with us on the logo the logo is just totally un decipherable undecipherable we don't know where it came from and uh it's becoming an issue because we're doing all these events with the city with Viva and they have these nice logos and then you just have Fall River Redevelopment Authority and um so we want a firm to help us really think about our identity our brand do a logo come up with um materi you know all the collateral materials um they would print they would design and print stationary business cards envelop thank you notes and then they would also work on a template for our PowerPoints because we're having to do more and more PowerPoints for Grants and different things and it would be really great to have it really well branded and designed and so you know it's not um so it's 19,886 is their bid and we would like to go ahead with that and we would also like couple of you to agree to be on a little group that helps us think about what is our identity what should our logo be like and then we'd bring probably three options for a final vote at a session in the near future so did we have one bid no we three we had three bids and was that the lowest or just the one we liked it was clearly the highest clearly the highest okay no so um um there was another one that could have been um um in the same ballpark he just included some website stuff that needed to be pulled back and he never got back to me with that number but um I mean the other thing is is we're doing a lot like on our urban renewal plans and on all these things that we're doing we have no logo to put and it just you know we tend to use a city logo and it not that we don't want to identify with the city but I think we need to be able to say hey we're the one who has the information on this like you know as we go forward with the master plan and whatever happens on Route 7 like this is this is who has kicked this off this is who you know I just think it' be really nice to have something clear concise like we can put on the signs down at City Pier and stuff why did we like this one just give me a good reason why oh did you see the The Proposal was in there the proposal was excellent so I printed out the first one I just noticed you had a second one go out I printed out cuz you said they bounce back I got oh you did cuz it bounc it bounced back to me I I I them all sent out again I still have the original print I didn't print bring the second one I did print them out there on my print machine right now so they there're a very very experienced firm that does work with lots of major companies so we're you know we're going to an extremely highend firm and um they um they just are very experienced really professional and we think well the other thing is they really get us you know other people were kind of acting like we needed to Market ourselves and these guys get that we're a Redevelopment Authority we don't need to Market ourselves but we need to look really professional and we need to identify ourselves so that we're separate from the city and so we were just impressed that they really understand what we're looking for which the other firms really didn't or no they they they kept thinking that you know we had you know like we were going to be like like Nike we competing against a sneaker Market or like you know and you know we're not competing against anybody we just need to um identify ourselves and have people easily identify who we are too was it local or is it a national firm or was he's um they're actually out of War on Rhode Island but they um I got their um information from the chamber mean I look that the proposal like the hours they are saying to take for each task looked pretty much on target based on what we have to do in house for ourselves for marketing so I think I just don't know what the growing rate out there is but but the the time allotted to each task seemed reasonable to me and what they were trying to do and and it does look like you will pretty much have every type of medium you need moving forward covered other than like a website but I I think everything else is you know business cards and the templates and the letter and it seemed like you'll get a pretty complete package out of it s City paid a lot more than 19,000 for what when when when the city did their rebranding oh really was with the the previous mayor I don't remember but I thought it was either 60 or 990,000 about 100 about 100 yeah it might have been 95,000 yeah cuz I remember and it came out awful everybody hat I don't think we even used it I thought we spent it and didn't use it it wasn't that long ago 3 4 years ago yeah thank have a good one nobody here knows this company so where's the work that they've done yeah it's so if you go to that like um this isn't them yeah those are them yeah they've worked on those they did a head they did um yes they did a lot of those and they've worked with they did Mercedes-Benz logo um they um I think that they've had their team work on it but some of the uh things that they've done that are similar to ours they worked with um New Hampshire the Live Free or Die um campaign they did that for the State of New Hampshire for um they did um in the uh Rhode Island they did the Foster it's under DCF whatever they like Children and Families did a big um push with um uh Foster families and um a big marketing and um they were able to kind of revitalize that whole department and um I think that I think they would do Us justice I know that a head company it's golf I actually interviewed with them and I look kind of like their logo and how it worked but um uh but um he definitely understands what we need and and and where we want to go with what marketing material they give us um as opposed to the other uh two firms we spoke with do we call any references that they had they have some references they have some references I have not had a chance to call them yet but I can call them yeah I think we should and I also think we should see actual logos that they've designed they're just telling us who they worked with that's no they did the ahead one I know that they did the ahead yeah yeah ahead is just an arrow though it's just the word aead word right but that's the that's the logo but they did a whole branding campaign that backed that up and everything right right right um they're not doing that for us though logos no they couldn't have they worked on they've upgraded they've updated that I think is what they've done in some of the the ones that are standard like that right but what I think is that we need to see exactly which logos that they designed they designed a logo for us correct they yes yes so I think like and this is and this is um why I think this is important we need to see the ACT ual logo that they've designed I know they worked with them they work with this one all right that's great but what is the actual logo that you designed you know what I'm saying because like like what Ron was saying we got the stuff from the city and it's like who did this like you know to the point where we don't want that we want to see actual imagery that you've done cuz all the other stuff I can definitely call and get you know I mean k cuz all this stuff is simple like oh we can I can I can do this on I can do some of this on chat gbt with canva in it you know what I mean yeah like I really can so it's like let's make sure that we are going we are actually seeing what they're doing before we decide that's no I will definitely call the only thing that they're going to do too is point I was getting that so I want to make sure that we're going to get a good job I would definitely call references cuz what you said you're getting for $199,000 I know we're not a big company we're not a you know we're not a Mercedes or anything like that but it it I know what the city paid and the city pretty much didn't get much more than what we were asking for in that thing right there and they paid five times the amount so I want just want to make sure that yeah and I know the thing like so they're going to get so the end product and all of them going to give us the same end product is a style guide where you have sized logos for depending on what media you're going to put them on like right now we have nothing and then like we get a logo from the city like just making the big banner stand that's down at City pair like everything had to end up getting resized and we um spend some um extra um time getting um it all set and um so we would get like that whole Style guy with all the different size things and the different um uh you know variations I don't know all the VAR I've done so I've done this twice I've done this twice for my company's exactly what this is so we want to make sure that we know what we're getting um examples like show us some Style style guides that you've done for previous companies yep you know what I mean cuz that stuff is pretty simple it's just uh you know your logo like this your colors like this your fonts like these this is for that and it's just is is very simple so we just want to make sure we actually see what they've done show us your actual work I understand you worked with Kellogg I understand you worked with um mercedesbenz or but send us some logos send us some style guides of uh companies that you've done like your work your portfolio I can I'll definitely have them do that that's not a problem I'm actually doing it right now my guy text me right now with my logo so nice and big signs in M when I went from Remax too right choice real estate and they gave me like six different choices of all the colors I wanted I told them basically what I wanted and they they gave me some choices and they did mail is they did everything they did let ahead they did so they they did the whole thing I think I paid five grand but it was something simple it was nothing I gave them this is all I want they gave me a few choices and they were doing all the print for me and everything else so they did a sign and everything else I don't I will definitely get the um uh I'll call the references and get the references and how how they work with them and were they did they they did they give what they promised and just stuff like that yep that's not a problem so we need to bring it back to the next meeting yep yeah would at least see references before I before I say 19,000 I'm going to make a motion was that there was a timeline in there but it seemed like it was like in the past what didn't it have something in April no it had that may 1 thing but that's not a problem I already talked to him about that so I know that we're looking at um this company yeah per se what about um receiving style guides from the other company just because the other two the other two references why not the other the other two you know cuz although they might not have presented as well they might also have done better better logos it's not going to hurt right I can ask yeah you know we good with the we got some from one what are we calling this um branding yeah like business collateral yeah um was it on the agenda yes okay good I know we have to make sure it's on agenda before we can talk about it oh yeah since we're back in open I think we jumped out of board yeah we jumped out of water yeah we have um back we have to um we have to approve the Open Session minutes from April 24th so I just I need a motion to approve those motion is to accept the minutes second second John Ericson yes Lis Gonzales yes Ron R yes thank you um the warrant um approval of the warrant total 15 approved a warrant for 8,643 80 second second John ER yes liso yes Ron Ren yes thank you next item is um we already did yes yeah okay I I asked to put it out IED that's um 600 Devall Street nor uh Northfield point so we talked with you about dat's proposal um at our last meeting and uh we met with them we had a really good meeting we asked them a lot of questions and we ended up all being satisfied that they really weree of the game in terms of Permitting because they understand the permits that we have and um my fear that Eric had done a very formal uh landscape design for the pier was he really um qualified and uh a good fit for this very informal naturalized environment and it turns out that it wasn't in his resumés which they were embarrassed about but um he really has been working on similar environments so that really made me feel better they also really understand that we're trying to repair the um rock face of the um Shor line not like create something new and that we want it to be as minimal as it can be so um I'll let Karen do you want to add anything to that or Johnny um no just that I was comfortable with that they seem to have a pretty good handle on it and we know the the players already so comfortable with we asked them a lot about timelines they were way better in their timelines than the other proposals we got and um so we ended up feeling really comfortable with them and Ken felt that way too good that's good do we I miss doc update no that's going to be up next okay okay yeah okay we just we just skipped it okay yeah we're going back but we didn't skip it it's just hasn't come up yet so you guys have the proposal from beta for this um so we want a motion to approve the chair to sign the agreement yes I was just looking for the amount amount on7 on the letter but anyway it's over here so um so yeah okay so I need a motion to approve uh the chair to sign an agreement with beta per this proposal April 18th 2024 lump sum 2679 267,000 these a grant for 360 we got a grant for 360 cover it okay okay motion to approve the beta contract for 260,000 is that we said 26 20 2 7,900 second second Jackson yes lisos yesan yes thank you should we say that we get any grant for that or leave that out we already got the well no I mean we got the grant already we have the grant already the grants for more right the grant 360 yeah okay um so we either would return some of that or ask to use it for something else yes I'm just saying that if we're on TV and we're being recorded that maybe we should tell them that we're not just spending money crazy we actually got that back yeah we mentioned at the last meeting also okay yeah perfect um Norton Pier oh doc update so doc update um so sprinkle is running um well this is the city here in general in the dock um sprinkle is running um D Silva's been out there he's going to be out there next week making him look real pretty for the rock the do event um in grand opening on June 1st the weather right now looks fairly promising for the day let's keep our fingers cross about 40% chance of rain come on on June 1st on June 1st how do you know the weather for June 1st I go to the weather channel you go The Weather Channel and it goes 14 days and it goes right to June 1st I'll give you basically what the 14-day forcast will be I don't think it's that accurate it's a changes 30% accurate just let's all just positive thinking yes 30% rain day yeah but then we'll have to decide you know when we call that and how much trust the weather forecast that could be a nightmare my wife's going to Vegas on the 29th I I said I can't go cuz I could to be here for the first and then so I'm going the 3rd to the eth of Vegas and I can see that if a rain dat comes that's why I was looking I say I won't be here on the eth I'm telling you that right now we better the weather better well fingers crossed fingers crossed um so um the um City P proper should be um looking really good like I say in time for the event and then we've had meetings and we've got everybody coordinated we're going to start Friday we'll be um bringing out the stage and getting all the stuff out there ready for the the June 1st um festivities um the dock themselves obviously the not obviously but the gang way has been lowered we did get the fire extinguishers installed um I was off on my measurements by just enough to cause a commotion because um we were M we were the plan to mount the fire s for the cabinets on the timber Piers which they are and they look lovely when they're great but the moon high tide came up just enough underneath the cabinets to hit the um the very bottom of the cover and so the covers popped off so I got to get new covers and we're going to raise them another foot and hopefully the only way that it'll be impacted now is um if there's a very severe storm the moon tides are what um I miscalculated on come on I knowa people wereing I know so it you should have Ed your um weather app I did I did believe me and I was oh there was sanding we had the tape measure we had the water lines and we just missed it so we're going to move it up um a foot now because you have to be careful then the extreme low tie that someone can still reach it so um that's part of the Dilemma but we should be okay I mean ultimately if it looks like we're going to run into problems I mean we can um go to the dock people and see about getting a strut to put on the um track of the dock but that's going to be a fairly expensive um potentially I don't know it's was going to get a price anyway but um versus just the plastic covers so he um he's got the plastic covers and they should be back on on Tuesday the fire extinguish are fine the cabinets are fine um and so once he red does that then I'll put the no swimming signs right above it and we should be good um um the harm boat is the main boat is being serviced and it should be out was it office of a Barbosa thought at the end of this week so he should be ready to um uh be out there um next week um and uh the lock itself the what the lock on the dock gate the dock lock the dock lock has been a bit of a bane um so ultimately I found out last week that the lock that they actually supplied us with and the software did not match so what I ended up doing is after having discussions with the contractor um and um the engineer beta um we um I've replaced the lock and um with the lock through the local um MD lock that we work with and Mike's been super helpful it has the same function um it's inst installed the software was finally loaded on my computer today I've got everything loaded up I put the scheduling program in and now I just need to take the laptop to the lock and program it and then we will be good to go has worked so hard on imagine and you didn't say that beta and the yes the construction company are paying for this yeah paying for are paying us back for this lock so um I will be sending Bill gladly tell me we bill you out at 190 an hour yeah exactly how about 545 545 an hour yeah so it's been quite a um interesting um thing but it's G to so that should be um that I'm hoping everything will go smoothly when I get out to the the unit on Friday morning um and uh and we'll be good to go so it's basically going to open at um uh Dawn and close at dusk but I basically just set times in there because it's such a random Target so I think I have it at uh 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and then on the 4th of July I'll change it to um lock at 11: p.m. because we had a meeting and the police uh make sure everyone's off the pier by um by like 10:30 so I figured I'd do 11: p.m. and um and then can I add to that I just have to say the day that the Harbor Master called Karen and said all of the cabinet doors are off and sitting on the pier the dock um you know we were like someone came and broke them all you know what happened and listening to her talk with the Harbor Master because he couldn't figure it out either but he called back and said you know what it was the highest tide you can get and that must be what happened and I and they I looked I the dock cameras um pretty much backed that up too so though cuz it's just in or two I was so close um but um so that is so once that lock is done and we do the grand opening we should hopefully have a lovely boating season out at the um so it's not officially open yet well it it technically is I mean you can yeah because you can bypass a lock if you're smart um and um uh has anybody used it yet I don't think so I Haven I'm saying they're saying the grand opening June 1st with that sign out there maybe you think you can't use it at June 1st there a grand opening I've seen boats come around like when I I check the cameras kind of like regularly just to make sure nothing's you know like especially on a Monday see if there's anything I need to clean up on a after a weekend and I've seen boats come up into a channel but they don't seem to do I think they're just checking it out maybe I don't know I I don't I don't know may not know if it's able to use it I mean well the gate is locked has been locked because but you can't tell that when you're coming up by by boat you can still tie up or whatever and um uh but nobody I I have yet to see a boat tied up there's no cost to up to anybody right so should we put signs out there saying that it's it's a public docking facility on on a boat Sid so he can see when they come up there cuz if I'm driving my boat from Bristol I don't know this area and I go over there I don't know if I can use that right so if should it be signs on a dock side where the water is saying this is a public space Maybe 3-hour limit 4H hour limit or something did we have a sign for something about that well there's no sign on the water side there's no sign on the water side and also put that uh it's only open from this time to this time so they don't stay later and then we have to that's on the I'm just trying to Fig you could try you could I'm trying to figure out where you'd put those signs you could probably try to crawl out onto that spit of land that's out there but um so here's my thing is I don't think we should put a time limit because then who's monitoring that right I mean I think it's technically transient so you can just like the Cove has you just pull up stay leave go whatever um I think that you um I'm pretty sure word of mouth will get there pretty quick as the weather gets nicer I mean we haven't had great weather to dat to get out there so um I mean yesterday and today probably been the best days been a while right I mean since probably May 1 for the voting so um it'll be interesting to see if anything happens this weekend um with uh people pulling up um but I mean we could um potentially do like a press release or something like that you're doing that yeah we could do like a press release is that part of the water taxi when that comes to so the water taxi kickoff is tomorrow at the Tipsy Seagull we have a schedule now for when the water taxi will go from place to place and when it will so on the hour it will start at the Tipsy Seagull it's going to be Thursday through Sunday noon to 7 and Memorial Day through Labor Day so it starts this weekend it's on the hour at the Tipsy SEO then uh uh 15 minutes past the hour at Bicentennial Park 30 minutes past at City Pier Pier 5245 minutes passed and tip cc go again on the hour it's 12: to what time Thursday through Sunday 12 12 to 7 12 to 7 it's just running right there just back and forth in that Circle yeah it's a six passenger boat six mhm it's not going to take a ton of people the only reason I was thinking about hours being on air so if somebody pulls up there a goes to the cove and stays there at 9:30 at night goes back and locked they don't they're boolt stuck there well there's a sign on the on the dock key a sign on the do key yeah there is definitely yeah that'll solve that problem okay uh we have Charlie water and we have Charlie taxi now we have a trolley in the city now yeah you good with that I'm good yes uh Sarah you want to talk about the Pleasant Street Flint her um so we have gotten our submitt of our um draft urban renewal plan to housing and livable communities they've given us comments verbally in a little meeting with Emily and me and then um we've gotten written comments so Emily our consultant is working to uh incorporate the changes that the housing agency asked for example they want us to say some history about how Pleasant Street was the second downtown and um there were a lot of small things um we today we got the submitt for NEPA um and so we need to review that and um today uh representative Schmid helped uh we planned this for a while he helped us convene a meeting with the um under secretary director for meepa and a lawyer from the um uh executive office of Economic Development and a number of other staff and um the under Secretary of Economic Development was one as well so we had a whole team of other Economic Development people there explaining concerns but we' already sent them a letter and it had taken them four months and they hadn't gotten back to us and we asked them for this meeting because we didn't want to get a formal letter back that we then have to respond to we wanted to have a conversation so we got quite a bit of encouraging news out of it and um uh you know took some organizing I was really involved in that and um math uh Inc was really involved and um we had people from Riv Worcester Fitchburg um uh Brockton all on the call who were representing the issues we're all having with mea and how incredibly long it takes to get something through the process and so we'll see um what happens from that they said we could create a working group with them and they would really look at these issues and try to come up with a much more concise process that linked the the do we give to the housing agency with the documents we give to meepa and really streamline it but we also put out there that we want them to remove the requirement that urban renewal plans go through meepa and that really we don't understand why we're they're trying to review speculative documents because they don't review other hypothetical that are created by communities so uh fortunately the lawyer who who was on the call kind of understood that and said he recognized that this comes from the 1970s when Eran renew was ripping up communities and that that's not what it does now and so uh we felt like we were hurt and now we have to see where it goes from there did you say that you already had the meeting with the under secretary or he had it today today okay yeah good so um so I think representative shid just kept asking me what's happening with your plan on Pleasant Street and I said we're just hung up in the meepa process and he said well then let's deal with it we'll help you you know have meetings and um so we'll see where that goes um and next is that we're putting in an application through the state's OneStop program for $150,000 Grant like the planning Grant we got to do the master plan to do planning uh on Pleasant Street and um I've been talking with people about what you know what we can put in this request and we would be be more competitive if we um had at least a 10% match so I'm hoping the board would agree to a match not to exceed 15,000 okay okay so I need a motion you want that a vote yeah yeah I think we should have a vote it's Mone motion approve should I proove John to sign it or motion he's got and then you got to say it and uh yeah so nobody has to sign anything I'll just put it in the setting the M yes so the motion is to set aside amount not to exceed 15,000 as a match for our One-Stop Grant application only if you get the grant yeah right only if we get so moved second John yes lisc yes Ron R yes thank you Deval Street Corridor is that the same as 79 are we calling that the same thing yeah yeah because 79 is gone so now we're calling at the Deval Street good point I know but it's still been call all right so um we had a meeting today we're uh reviewing ideas about the size of the buildings where buildings go one proposal they have is that we're going to need parking garages because we want to have commercial on the first floor of many of the build buildings some buildings will have parking under them and so concern was expressed about how parking garages would look and Johnny has sent some great pictures of parking garages they've put facades on and so uh that was really helpful and um we've got a stakeholders group being formed we are working on a meeting with our delegation so that we can really inform them uh what we're doing and so our Consultants would come and show um the delegation how um you know what where we're going with this what we're doing so that they're really informed up front before we start having other meetings so I have um calls into Senator rodri's office and where um uh Carol fiola's office is going to help us with coordinating it so we're moving along with that what's the time zone on the finishing that well we're supposed to be done by the end of August but we've really been massaging the plans a lot and making really difficult decisions and so uh we I think it's going to extend a bit okay but nobody's really agreed to that yet trying to find those pictures I think it's like 2026 right for the overall oh for the I think it's like 20 26 the plan yeah yeah no no I'm saying just the master plan what we're going to have down here what is that what two phes yes so the master plan should be done in the fall um like what of 2024 which one in a few months the construction project isn't done the construction project is 2026 well hopefully by the time that's done we can have this plan somebody to do the job by 2026 after it's done we can't we can't do that probably because um supposedly we're not going to whoever is getting the land won't actually get it until Mass do finishes the construction now maybe we can negotiate that but but um there's a there's a big timing issue there about how far we can go before it's done we'll have a dra oh yeah we're going to have the plan this fall so way ahead of time the plan that we're going to have is the plan that we want to pitch that we want to pitch right for the land for the land well it's a plan devel a developer could develop there that's and but that's what that's our suggest right that's not the final like they make the same they make the final decision if they're going to what we're going to do mean it could end up being multiple developers it might the planner or sever plann not be just one developer it might be I think what you're asking is there's really a difference between the plan we're creating that we decided should be created that and the fact that the state needs to dispose of this property the fact that we can show the state that the city you know has all really been involved in this and agreed that this is what a developer should more or less develop then developers will you know have to bid on it and whatever developer is selected they would certainly have some parameters about what they do and don't want to develop so they wouldn't have to go by this um completely but they would be bidding on it saying you know where're this is our idea we're taking your ideas and we might change this or that and so we would have um really a clear plan from developers before we chose the developers that would develop it right but so we're going to it's almost like two steps yeah right the first step is what we propose right and that's going to be at what deadline that's not that's a fall that's the fault one no no no we're going to have a plan this fall yeah and then it's going to sit there until we can figure out when the land will be disposed who's going to get it and who's going to get it st's going to keep it we're going to get it or somebody else get it right I thought that there was I thought we was doing like um we were proposing a plan for the state to accept what we thought would be a good plan not really um I don't think the state the state's going to dispose of the land I don't know that they're not going to approve our plan really the city gets to do that um but I think if they go to dispose of land and say listen this is what we're going to do with it we're going to be up ahead of everybody else we have that's what I'm saying that we gonna ARS is going to be finished to submit to to the state by that's Thea yeah Thea okay because the the the project may not be decided in 2026 who's right right right I was just saying is that fall is that fall date our submission to what we suggest is the fall well we're going to be using it to negotiate with the state yeah yeah yeah but so so when do you think it'll be done for us to see like John just said ahead of time well it's supposed to be done by by the end of August but I think it will go into October right you'll be able to get an idea of things as was doing the community engagement thing stuff like they'll be showing you know um potential you know like we we're going to try to get the community to have input the stakeholders will have input the community will have input on what they want to see and then we'll have you know mockups of what the thought process has been to date and so it's pretty extensive being we need um well we put together a group of people who um you know live along the corridor own property along there um it's a small group to help us think about it before we take it to public meetings so to some extent they it it's the same as the group we've had for Pleasant Street where you know the group that you participated in you know um would help us think about where should we have a public meeting how do we get people there and then thinks with us about you know what's wrong with this plan or what's good about it so so there's a smaller group and then we'll take it out to a number of public settings and get just public input okay but what I was starting to say is it's it's pretty extensive what they go in the details they go into we we meet with them every two weeks and today we probably spend spent an hour talking about the dimension from the curb to the to the the dimensions of the roadways and the sidewalks and the setbacks of the trees and it's it's really detailed yeah how the turns are how coming in and coming out are yeah and where the utilities are and where we rather they were or things like that height you know what height the buildings are where where are people going to park um and they're this firm is amazing firm is this St St Stant okay so a little bit different than what Emily oh totally right it's what she does but on a much grander scale I wouldn't even say it's the same thing okay you know she does Urban plants this is more Master yeah this is Master planning so what they do is they say okay you want to raise the you want to have more units and you want to raise the height of the building and they do it right online with us and they show us well what um are people going to get on this side of the building what Sun at these different times of day is going to be on this side of the building and they just show they' modeled the entire Hillside of Fall River and all the streets so that we can look at well how you know how is this aligning with the street going up the hill I mean it's really amazing what they've done and what they keep doing so you want to parking garage okay we'll get rid of this building stick a parking garage there here's the good things about that here's the downside and so we've just looked at all these potentials so that we'll have something to take to the community where we've thought through everything we can think of and so it's um whereas Emily does kind of conceptual urban renewal plans right gotcha thank you look and see if I had a picture um okay the next one is um HUD contract with CDA for parking and the cathartic protection of the uh Pier so basically the city got around 1.5 million in a grant that was an earmark that um our Congressional Delegation um and the advocated for and so now it's become a contract between HUD and the city and we're um becoming a subcontractor sub recipient a subrecipient of the Grant and we're going to be the subrecipient for the grant not only for cathodic protection for Norton City Pier but also for this parking that Ken and the mayor have been working on for a very long time there are questions about exactly where this parking is going um so Ken and Bristol Economic Development Consultants are getting um the portion of the grant as a subrecipient from the city for the administrative uh work to be done on this and we would get a subrecipient grant from uh Community Development for the work that will be done designing the cathartic protection and dealing with a parking lot and we have till 2030 to spend the money and um what we want to do is have John work with on this subrecipient contract to make sure that it's all good for us you know that it all works for us and um then Ken will be working with his team on the administrative part and will be moving ahead and Karen's been working on an RFP for cathodic protection for the design of it so first we have to design what we'll do on our bulkhead and then um we'll put that out to bid um when we're clear about this contract and we're going to bring it back for your approval at the next meeting what's the parking aspect of it well you know originally The Proposal was to remove the salt sheds and put parking right so this is a waterfront Grant and so it was for uh parking along the waterfront and so it's not a specific location at this point well it was proposed as this specific location but we're not sure that that location is panning out which will mean we might have to amend the contract with the city might need to amend the contract with HUD if we have to do parking somewhere else but um we as the Redevelopment Authority didn't have much involvement in the parking m that's where the salt sheds going to go to where Sam's Club is and that got canceled right is that what we're talking about and now they don't know where to put the salt shed so we can't have that pocket unless we find another place for it so that's all still being worked on what is I maybe I'm stupid but what is cathodic protection projects I don't have the Fest idea that's for the the sheeting on the pier yeah the the the steel sheeting that goes down into the water when they did it they never did cathoic protection to Corrosion Protection okay so 1.5 million is for that part of that money part of that money is for that yeah yeah it's corrosion 50,000 is allocated for that all right but we're we've been talking about the fact that if it exceeds that because it could we could then ask the city to amend the contract with HUD to cover more cost of the cathartic protection because we're kind of getting to the threshold of where we have to get it done yeah there there was so many years where that window which were pushing the envelope so we want to get it done so what happens is you can do it different ways but often it's divers go down and put anodes across the um the metal the bot okay and what are we waiting on we waiting on prices or we waiting on we waiting on yeah we need the contract finalized and we have notice to proceed and we can um but we can probably get price on what it's going to cost we can probably get prices on now no well no we have to go out to RFQ R RF and um so we have to go out to bid for the engineering firm that will design it okay and then we'll need to go out to bid for the contractor and we'll need for um the contractor will be uh set bid um engineer we can uh do in the process we've used for master planners and things where we have criteria and they don't necessarily have to be the lowest bidder they would have to meet all of our criteria okay um anybody have anything else well we didn't approve the minutes of the last executive session I think we jumped over no we did we did it we did it an executive session yeah we did an executive session great so if we're good then we just could get a motion to you did the open ones you did open session too yes we approve those that's right so then I just need a motion to adjourn in second motion to adjourn second John Ericson yes L Gonzo yes Ron R yes thanks everybody have a good night everybody thank you