##VIDEO ID:6726GdQNwQ4## I'd like to call to order the Tuesday October 15th special meeting of the for school committee Deb could you please call the role Mr here Mr Bailey here Mr D here Mr Cory here M ly M Pera here may salute to the flag to the flag United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation liy and justice for all pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any mediums attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are teams acknowledged and permissible we have no citizens input tonight so we'll go straight to the committee of the whole discussion we meet with representatives of the F pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement to discuss the following matters first item up is health and safety facilities I'm assuming someone from the fra will get up and address their concerns with us please good evening my name is Jun L I've been working in the district for 11 years speaking to the microphone so we can hear you sure absolutely uh you probably know me by now my name is Junior lates I've been working in the district for 11 years I am a u teacher at the leral elementary and we would like to express our gratitude for the efforts of Mr Pico Dr Curley and their team in addressing some of our concerns during the summer and the 2024 School school year in regards to health and safety however despite the progress made there are still unresolved issues in several other schools Beyond lerno and green that require the school committee's uh immediate uh attention in the effort to address these issues these concerns the F Health and Safety Committee scheduled a meeting for the 4th of October unfortunately the no representatives of the district uh showed up they canceled the last meeting the last minute we do have another Mr chairman Mr R goad can you please either somebody address that or not just so that we're not sorry to interrupt she just said that they offered a meeting no one showed up from our side so I think it needs to so um there was there was an online um discussion around setting up a meeting for October 4th I responded that I could make it Mr pachico responded that he could make it and then that's where the email chain ended and then on October 4th right you know I think it was supposed to start at 4 pm on Friday October 4th I did get a call to ask if I was coming I admittedly was like I'm not really sure if what you're talking about and um and then said it's fine I'll just come over um and then as it turned out uh Mr picho had kind of understood it the same way that we both said we could make it but that there wasn't followup in the email chain saying okay then it's on and um he wasn't prepared to attend either so at that point we said we would reschedule and it is rescheduled for Friday October 25th at 4 p.m. thank you thank you it's actually scheduled for the 28th of October just kidding I thought it was Friday sorry Monday October 28th yes ma'am it is on the calendar this time so yes we I think we sent uh invitation time yep um but moving forward regardless of the fourth moving forward our aim is to establish a clear and efficient protocol for responding to reported issues in a timely manner we also seek to collaborate in create a set of shared expectations to ensure that recommendations are consistently followed throughout the district that's really our goal is to make sure that our district is safe and healthy for all students and staff not just L and green we have received several reports from other schools we have uh forwarded to both Dr curly and Mr Pico and unfortunately we have not received any uh update regarding those other schools and we want to make sure that moving forward there is a protocol in place so that when something is reported we receive updates and it's follow through in a timely manner Mr chairman Mr a response to that please excuse me can we please get a response to that person asked a question made a statement that said they asked about several things in other schools to the administration Mr Pico and received no answer is that true or is that not true you said that they were sent to me as well I believe so yes so I will I will check I I can't recall any anything that's outstanding that is or isn't being addressed but I understand your concern and if it's something that I can respond to I will I will do it in a you know immediately once I check my email thank you thank you thank you for your time thank you Mr ke is there any further discussion from the health and safety team on I know a few meetings ago you wanted to talk to can you not hear me I I hear you all right so a few meetings ago you wanted to call our health and safety team down to the podium in the middle of a school committee meeting um so we were hoping this is the perfect opportunity to have dialogue with our teams on this issue or any other issues um it's not this isn't citizens input and we don't expect um the superintendent to be questioned with everything we bring up this is a dialogue between the association and the committee um so is there any questions you'd like to ask the the health and safety team I I will just speak oh I'm sorry um uh I'll let I'll let Mr Das go first go uh Das yes um um cuz I I don't recall ever receiving any um at least being forward any complaint um from from the health and safety team um to myself I don't know if um anyone else in the committee has received any report based off of everything we know from any other school um if you want to maybe forward if we're not if it's something you think you should forward to us directly maybe you should um forward some of these reports directly so we could see them how that that's a good point because this health and safety work has been going on for a few years now and what we're supposed to do is at the end of the year we're supposed to do a presentation on all the joint Labor Management committees and what we've wondered if doing a report at that time what the impact is maybe we should be meeting more frequently maybe this meeting tonight is a contract language that is pretty dated maybe it needs to be combined with our joint Labor Management efforts and and really have you know productive conversations between the committee um are we ready to move on to the next topic um m m per I think this is what my colleague already said but I wanted to make sure it was clear whatever was forwarded to the superintendent or Ken regarding the other schools because you didn't give but could we get that please thank you thank you uh anything further Mr Agia just uh I think you mentioned the reports annually from the health and safety committee I don't know that we receive those but if we could get copies of the prior ones uh not health and safety that'll be a new committee this uh contract but our joint Labor Management committees we did those in 2017 and 18 um kind of fizzled off during covid uh but we're hoping to get those going again so we don't have annual reports I was thinking I was missing annual reports from all the joint Labor Management committees that's not true no I don't think you're missing reports um they happened uh there was a presentation done in a school committee meeting usually around May um but they they were delivered in those years yeah related to this uh I think it's an opportunity to just I guess talk further because it appears that one time we hear things that things are not going well and the school committee just so you know where we're at is we have the administration and we have the school committee we do not work at the day-to-day operations of the schools as you know so we can only go based on the information that we have whether it be from you from your members or from the administration so a lot of times we're sitting up here sort of in the dark and sometimes we hear things sometimes we hear things that are that two things can't be the same so your members can't tell us one thing the administration tells us another that's like saying something is white and something is black we are faced sometimes with that problem and we have to try to figure out what is true what is not true whether it's the testing numbers whether it's whether we found mold here whether we took out walls in a school or we just took out a sink in a school did we actually test uh change all of the um stained um pipes above the ceiling in all the schools did we have uh meters put in every school like these issues are complex and they're all over the place but we don't get necessarily a solid answer and I'm just admitting that to you right now sometimes I'm in a quandry between I don't I know whether I want to believe your side our side or is the truth even somewhere in the middle and we've been going over this for way too long in my opinion to not have a solid answer to the problem and I don't know whether you guys have an answer to the problem but I'm ready to listen to what you think or your Consultants think or whoever because we don't necessarily get a chance to talk about what it is your consultant was able to talk from the audience in one of the facilities meetings sort of over the um top of everybody but there's obious a problem here with mold in the schools whether it's good bad or indifferent there's there's issues here so we're all over the place I don't get all of the answers and I don't even get them from our side sometimes because they present us some stuff but not all stuff so things that you might think we all know because you've talked to Mr Pico and Dr curly whoever we don't necessarily know those things like I didn't know about a meeting on the 4th that you just that somebody just mentioned and and as this member here if we had a meeting scheduled the fourth because it was important because we wanted to get this done what we were just told was the meeting is going to be now on the 28th of October in my mind these issues are way too important to just kick it down another month because from this one member's perspective since March of last year when we've been talking about these issues months and months and months and months go by and I still don't feel confident with the answers that we're getting and that could be from your consultant from our consultant so as far as I'm concerned in dialogue when I asked if you guys wanted to had a whole bunch of members here mad as hell that wanted to come down and talk we should have allowed you to come down and talk cuz at that time they had plenty to say so I don't know what they had to say because me and the rest of the members here didn't get a chance to hear from them because the majority members on this board allowed it to just say well no we're not going to listen to them today so now I don't see them all here today but I'm sure that they still have concerns you mentioned other schools I'm sure there's problems in other schools but if like I said at one of the meetings if you don't send us pictures and things we don't know to go back to them to say what to do so Now's the Time I'm ready to I'm ready to listen but I can just tell you from my perspective I'm not happy with how this whole thing's gone down since March and I don't think your members are happy so when we hear well we thank you for everything that everybody's doing we either happy or we're not happy in my opinion because we hear sometimes from people oh we want to thank everybody for their cooperation and everything they're doing and at the next time we're getting messages saying it's ridiculous this isn't done that's not done this is not clean blah blah blah over and over it can't be that it has to be one way or the other either the issues are not being addressed by us by our Consultants or by our Administration or they are so I'm a little confused with how happy you guys are relative to what's been happening because I don't necessarily hear that from all the complaints that I get about Lono and the green so there's a difference of opinion there I yield thank you I appreciate your willingness we appreciate your willingness to address this and discuss it today I I think it is a very complex issue and it is possible to have appreciation for the work that's been done but also not be satisfied with our current state right now and that's why we'll continue to meet I don't think this is the type of thing that we're going to fix like a flip a switch and then we don't have to worry about it anymore this is something that we need to address now intensely and then continue to work on it going forward uh Jun did you want to add to so I I want to make it very clear that Dr Curley and Mr Poo have been nothing but helpful I know that there's been some issues in communication and that's okay but the purpose of this meeting is to continue to collaborate and to make sure that there is one solid protocol throughout the district are we 100% content with how things are going absolutely not we're not going to sit here and sugar Cod it but we do have to acknowledge the fact that they have been doing a lot of work and they continue to do it our expectation is to have a protocol so that things can be done in a timely manner so that it doesn't take two years for a sink to be installed it doesn't take a year to get ceiling tiles to be changed that is the issue that we're having things such as ceiling tiles at Green they haven't been done we we did a walk through on October 4th the agreement was that the horse hair uh tiles were supposed to be changed they weren't there was a miscommunication according to the um custodian the lead custodian there we spoke to her she's supposed to be handling it an order of uh ceiling tiles were ordered we're waiting to hear back that was the purpose of that meeting so that we can continue to address these issues so that we don't have to come here every single meeting and address it over and over and over again because I do believe that they're trying their best to fix the problem but moving forward there has to be a way to continue to fix these things but also maintain the buildings so that we don't fall back on what we're doing now that's the issue that we're having so Mr agar yeah we're not 100% happy but we have to acknowledge the things that are being done because I do think that they're do they're trying their best I I can I can appreciate that but for instance you mentioned an October 4th walkthr with the administration I guess is that when you said you did A Walk our team did our team did the walk through but with somebody from our Administration must have been there uh the custodian the Lee custodian at Green was there yes so I can speak for myself as one member and I would probably safely safe for all the other members we know nothing about that walkth through so what happened there what was promised there I don't recall getting anything related to that so if on the fourth it was said we were going to get rid of those tiles which is a simple thing not it's it's a lot of work when I walked through that building over a month earlier from that with Dr Curley and Mr almea when we were talking about those uh tiles they were supposed to be fixed then but they custodians don't do that it has nothing to do with the custodian but now you're saying that the custodian said that she was going to be the one in charge of it so there's different information so maintenance needs to put up the sealing tiles not the custodian correct so how she is the person who is I guess on no I guess you just said that she was the one that was in charge of it who told you that she was in charge of it she was not in charge of it she's in charge of the ones that are are just to plug it in but then there's the ones that needs to be cut into the size that is a different department that does it and and she can't do it she has to wait for the so all the other ones are in no and this was actually agreed uh back over the summer that this was going to be done and the walkthrough was to was done before our scheduled meeting so that we can have that conversation during the meeting that was cancelled yeah so some of I think some of the communication is missing because as I said before we don't know all the things that happen so if there's walkthroughs that go through if there's hell there was testing done and we didn't even know about it for a week so I don't know all of the testing that you all have done um we got an email from somebody at LNO that actually resigned her position because of the uh safety of the building that's concerning to me I hope it's concerning to everybody else uh but we find information out third hand and through emails three four weeks after the fact I just want be totally transparent about what we know what we don't know so maybe that's something that on our side we have to do a better job of saying this is what's happening but to me it's not that complicated you either fix the ceiling tiles or you don't there's no gray area there one side is either they fix them or they leave the ones in that they actually brought from the wixon school that has been sold and gone in a new place there's got to be 30 40 50 years old who in the hell in the right mind puts in ceiling tiles 50 years old in into a building and then when we realize it that all these problems are happening we still don't have it fixed how does anybody think that that's okay now I get if we find it last minute we can only order it and it's timing and all that but come on now we're talking about seiling tiles that are I walked through with Dr curly me and start it never mind that they don't they aesthetically don't look right but as you're looking up it's like hodge podge of all these things to me that's a very simple one this is when it's going to get done this is when it's not going to get done but around here we get a problem with deadlines and holding people accountable to say this is when it's going to get done so when it was said to you it wasn't said to us who said to me actually a month earlier we were going to order so I'm I got a whole month on you on that one why are they still not done that's an answer that we should be getting from our people to say why it's not and I get it timing whatever but don't promise something if you can't deliver it and I feel like we've been promising all kinds of things as hard as people are working as hundreds of thousands of dollars that's been spent we've been promised all kinds of things along the way and we just don't we just don't get answers on our end so I'm just as frustrated as you I appreciate you trying to be nice and and collaborative on it but at the end of the day I really feel like you you all are not that happy with how things are gone no we're not happy we're not happy but we also understand that it takes time um in regards to the testing you do bring up a valid point we had the Board of Health come into both LNO and green we have not heard not a peep about it we don't know what the outcome of that walkthrough was so we don't either just yeah we haven't gotten the report yet and that's fair can you please I don't know what you mean you had the Board of Health come in uh Dr curly Department of Public Health yes I did inform the committee on it they've been to lerno in green correct we have not heard anything but according to Dr Carly she hasn't so how did they get in I just that's what I'm trying to figure out how did they get involv questions I asked in in our reports when I asked how did they yeah how did they originally come into the district I contacted them so um a week or two prior to their coming there was a webinar um that the department of Ed sponsored and there were representatives from the Department of Public Health as well as I think uh like a public um consultant and it was around um air quality mold testing things like that uh we did have people from the district who attended I could not attend I had I was double booked and so after learning of what was shared during that meeting I contacted one of the people um well the director from the Department of Public Health that participated in the webinar um talked to him about what was going on in the district and across our schools and offered him a little bit of information about our journey and he said he could help and that he would start by um you know we could start with laterno in green and that he would come down and do air quality testing um they don't do mold testing they don't recommend mold testing they do a series of other tests and so he said that he would come down and so we went um on one Friday I walked with him actually his colleague and I walked every classroom at lerno and then um and he spent time looking at the roof and you know the envelope of the building and um and he went into some rooms as well and the following Friday we did the same thing over at Green so I I do recall that when you told us that the answer preliminary answer that the guy said was we had hbac problems yeah he thought that um and and we've and we've settled on he had some questions around um he assumed there was he assumed some things around um kind of some prior um around the flooding that had happened over at Green so he looked he had looked up the history um and based on some things I shared and then he looked up some things and came in with a series of questions um gave him a history where it to offer him a history on the remediation that had been done like post flood he basically said every step we took and I know that U Mr Pico was providing him with kind of the work reports and photos and things like that he said we had done everything that we were supposed to do um and that he didn't think that was the you know that if we had mold in the building he didn't think that was the source um hypothesized at that point that it was probably something to do with HVAC he gave a call back over the um you know he was doing some thinking over the weekend called me back on the Monday talked to me about the um asked me about some of the venting in the building um and thought that there was the potential that it the building wasn't vented properly that there were soft vents but not gable vents and how that would pose a problem so when he came to do um green the following week he actually started over at LNO so we could get a better look um at the physical plant then met us over at Green and um and did the same kind of survey and he feels as if I don't know a lot about this he said there's something wrong with the envelope of the building there are some things structural problems that exist have existed since the buildings were built basically and um some engineering mishaps and um poor workmanship that are contributing to a problem so I I hear you on some of that so it sounds like you brought somebody in to try to help which I agree with and I think that's a good idea when can people expect so when we bring them in what Communications would happen with the health and safety Committee of the F to say here's what happened here sort of what you just said now I think those things are nice to say okay this is what happened we were waiting the report with something it sounds like they're just waiting almost like we were going to get a yeah I mean I think so I had shared um with Mr michon before they came it was a pretty quick turnaround I think I talked to the gentleman on Monday or Tuesday and he was able to come that first Friday I did share that with Mr michon on the Thursday and um did not want to make a big public declaration that was on that was at their request they said they've been in situations before where they show up and there are groups of people there are camera Crews it's like a big to-do because the Department of Public Health is coming in and everybody is all worked up over it and they wanted to be able to come in and do testing and not disrupt schools and things like that so I complied with their wishes I offered um you know up to Mr michon and then contacted the principal so that they would know that we were coming in I know that in the case of um Dr dun she was able to give her teachers um a heads up hey people are coming in she you know sent them an email that morning kind of thing um they'll only be in your classroom for about two minutes and so and I will say that I've been apprehensive since kind of getting that verbal report I know I'm sharing this publicly now but to say anything publicly because it's not formalized report yet from the Department of Public Health and I don't want to misspeak and then have them do more homework get more information and then what shows up on paper is different from what I've delivered verbally so um but it's out there now that's kind of the status of where it seemed like things were um when we last spoke when they were at Green on that Friday and I'm awaiting kind of a a paper you know a publication that I can share yeah I'm not sure that we ever got that information but if you could forward back just how the school committee was notified and maybe I'm I just I did it in a Friday um email maybe I'm an ER but if you just send it I appreciate it thank you are you okay chairman Mr Cory I just want to make a public comment and and praise both of you for uh coming to the mic and and and having a a very good discourse with us we're always open my ears are always open I mean our our benefit is to have proper health and safety measur meur es in place at all of our buildings for all of our students and staff and uh thank you very much for being able to state that and say that yes some progress is being made although there's more yet to accomplish that's the kind of language that I really adhere to rather than everybody throwing arrows and bullets around and stuff like that because we're coming off of a very difficult summer hearing all of the allegations and and then then all of our methods for remediation it's incredibly important to know that you know you're our teachers union we want to be able to support you guys believe me we do uh all respect intended and so I I just wanted to get that comment out and let you know that we're all ears for you and thank you very much for the temperament of your comments today I yield Mr chair M Mr Das thank you I I do want to follow back up on a few points that were made um one just going back to the beginning just about like the miscommunication um I'm just going to repeat it I think we should just get rid of like the intermediary if there's anything of concern that you believe the committee should know please feel free to let us know so we can so we can address it um I do know um the um we just brought up the incident the issue um regarding um room 08 aternum and um the issue I'm having is so we we receive a report from Philip Terrell which was recommended by the MTA and gives this amazing report on the room that remediation has been done has been done then we receive a another um report a few days later showing the room isn't in good standing and um I I just want I just want to ask um do you feel that the um the report that Philip Terell did was sufficient do you think there what do you think the um disconnect is I think that we should use all reports to come up with uh an understanding of what's happening because an air quality test is done and it's just a glimpse of what's Happening a snapshot of that time the hery test that you're probably referring to is a Surface test and it kind of it it collects the dust and the the mold particles so we have to really think about all the tests that's been done and come up with a plan on how we can get that room back in order because right now that room is vacant um we have MLL teachers who are now displaced because they don't have a location to do their job um it was recommended by the MTA to get the the floor tiles replaced because there was found to be mold under the tiles we would really appreciate it if Mr Figo can get that started as soon as possible so that that room can be now open to be utilized and back to a classroom so that the M teachers that we have at LNO will now have a place to do their job when when was when was the mold found underneath the tiles it was some yeah it was over the summer in July okay um thank you so I have a few um follow-ups for um the administration based off what was said so um I believe you mentioned that um the ceiling tiles have haven't been replaced yet at Green at laterno or green uh at Green at lerno we do have some uh the library has had a leak I don't know if that was found uh what the root of the problem is I know that there were some work there um trying to figure it out um in my room um my room is part of the the the library which is now a classroom I've had uh Carpenters as the plumber in my room for the last couple of weeks so I know the work is being done I don't know if they found the root of the problem yet so there are tiles still missing um but our main concern right now is Green School that the majority of those uh horse hair tiles are still up there which is the tiles that Mr agar is mentioning to have been transferred over from an old building to that new to that the Green Building so right and I'm just I I don't even understand me I'm not a building expert but I just don't understand why we're using 50 year old tiles to um put on a building but um superintendent um do do you have a timeline and when we're going to get those towels replaced at Green I do not have a timeline I I I don't know I literally don't know I I would have expected them by now is all I can say and I don't know what the delay is is it we is it like a hold up on like labor the company that we hired the I don't know I don't know if Mr Pico could offer some yeah details I don't know what the hold up is that's what that's what I was looking for thank you so we were waiting for the tiles I I would think that the uh custodian the senior custodian um knew that they would delivered last week and that she was going to do the best she could to replace those tiles um it's absolutely correct um J that the tiles are two different operations so the full tiles are done by custodians and the cut tiles are done by Ms so those two pieces don't necessarily always work together um when we have time the custodians sometimes night shift or sometimes day shift um they would replace the tiles as they come in I know that the tiles just came in the problem is is that it's it's a tile that most schools use four of our schools use the same so there are a lot of other districts that use the exact same tile getting the tiles is not as easy as it was because everybody's doing what we're doing and um so the tiles did come in we were expecting them earlier they weren't here and they are now at they're also we had tiles delivered to Spencer because we needed a few more cases of tiles there but green needed the most and to address the other tiles um that was a long time ago those who brought over and um from the wixon and those tiles are um the term that other people have used is they're indestructible because they are they don't crumble they're very heavy tile they don't crumble and they were bought for two reasons one was sound and the other one was the fact that they with stod a lot of okay so the damage so these tiles weren't just moved these tiles have been in in green for quite some time this is not something we took out during a rainy day and put a new so the the tiles that we currently are putting in are the original tiles that would would match the rest of the school back in 2003 and 2004 you you I think you addressed my concern so the tiles um it just took a while for the product to come in now they're here so absolutely so it should be done soon yes um thank you um question for the superintendent um back on the ISS regarding um having the um the state was the state agency that came in to do the test um and I and I agree with your decision I believe it was the right decision to do um what was so you had some concern like what was your um thought process and determining like is this like the best to do for the district like they counteract any complaint or I I mean I certainly think that having a government agency come in in the form of um the Department of Public Health is going to help us right I think that over time we've had um you know we had some of the testing done by one company we get testing done by another company we have a consultant come in I know that on you know I'll say on both sides there have been questions over time about why it would um you know why the test results differed um how is it that Mr Terell could as you said like we got rave reviews nobody was happier than I was to have somebody say to see the number that he offered to us in his report and the words that he used um you know in the report and when we spoke to him like those were the best numbers we could have hoped for not for that room but really for any room in the district right in terms of the the number that that was assigned to um levels in that room but I know that it was questioned right because if a different type of test a couple of weeks later shows something entirely different which literally tells the opposite story in terms of of um work that was done in terms of remediation and the safety of the room it it was called into question I know it was right people asked me how could this possibly happen um it was suggested that you know Mr Terell maybe kind of like works for us now well he works for the district I mean we hired him and his expertise for a reason and you know we were pleased to find out that he is the guy that gets called into multiple buildings in Boston including hospitals I mean we're not he's not just Consulting so that felt really good but in the moment that his results and his reports start to be questioned it doesn't feel good anymore right and um so now I feel like dep partnering with the Department of Public Health people who are experts in this area um that if you know if we starting at our schools that have been identified as um or were initially identified as highest need and we start there and we can get some work done there um I think it's a very good place to start and I hope that we would be able to continue with other buildings in the district I'm I'm thinking of this um in terms of being a compliment to the work that we're doing to have HVAC in particular reviewed across the district right so that's the next step you know that um on which we're embarking with um you know with the approval of the committee at the last meeting is to go out and seek somebody who could do something specific to HVAC and I feel like if we have the depart if if I me inter the department being audited or just a review of the hbac systems it's our what's it called an RFQ if that's in Pro going to be in process in the next week or so um and so we're going out to find a company and engineering firm that can come in to do an audit of our HVAC systems across the district it won't be a department audit it would just be focused on the H systems do you mean departmental as in ter like in terms of personel processes it's an engineering form specific to each Act okay um maybe someone else can answer the question but I thought there was um I think it was before my time thei prior superintendent was ordering um an audit of the maintenance department H yeah this is a this is HVAC okay and SE separate topic um so last two questions um for you both again thank you um for bringing this to our attention I know you started at the beginning um you said there's a many ISS issues that haven't been addressed that we don't even know about across the district that that concerns the health and safety um is there any that you believe the public should be um informed about right now since health and safety that hasn't been addressed yet that's concerning to you that you want to bring to our attention now I don't know if it's being addressed or not all I know is that it was reported and we have not received updates so if if it's being addressed or not we have not been informed and that is part the reason why we wanted that meeting on the FL so that we can have clarification of what is happening at Thoren Spencer bordon Sylvia and Connelly as well okay and and last question for you um and and I'm not talking about the dist District administration mainly your your school administration do you feel um you're being supported throughout this process Mr Simpson he's been um I think it's been a learning curve for all of us we're learning as we go um he's very open to feedback he's um he's a team player for sure and I know that at the beginning of this process it was it was hard to hear that his school was excuse the expression but kind of falling apart um but we all learned through this process and I think that he's trying his best to make sure that any maintenance concerns are being addressed at a timely manner within the school um and I think that if the district were to ever come up with a plan I think he would be the guy to really speak to because he's doing a great job at lerno in terms of um providing the support that we need um internally in in the school a you thank you Mr a the U Madam superintendent so what we just heard was that the horsehair Tiles at the Green School the directive has been for the custodians to change those the solid tiles my understanding I think it's been stated here is that with all of the tiles custodians can do the ones that are kind of plug in Play Take out the old put in the new anything that requires a special fitting a cut around lights or partial tile requires maintenance to do the cuts and I assume I think Mr Cho said they were in last week or two weeks ago so if we can get a report last what was delivered when they were delivered and how many the custodians have changed up the horse a tile okay I appreciate it the um one of the other concerns from our walkthr with Mr almeer and yourself was about the insulation on the pipes so as people look up and they see that the pipes are all black the white is black black a better way to say um we were told at that time that all of those were going to be changed so the black I wouldn't say mold whatever is on those pipes you look up and you see a bunch of black on the pipes was going to be changed with new material and I don't that's happen yeah I know that some has I'm not sure that it can happen in a moment because there's a lot of pip so I just want to be clear in our walkth through it was said to us you w't there Mr Mao but it was said to us that all of those black blackened insulation pipes all over the place were going to be changed which is a a Monumental task but that's what we were told so that's what we're believing now you probably absolutely they will all be changed eventually I I'm going to tell you that it's well over a million dollars um probably for those two schools alone to do that kind of work so across the district 10 15 million to change all the insulation I don't believe that all of the insulation has to be changed the damaged insulation needs to be worked on um so those numbers are and lack of a better term I'm spitballing here okay I have not done a complete inventory of what I of all of the schools but I can tell you what needs to be changed at l and uh what needs to be changed at um at Green and also a little bit at Sylvia not much at Silvia because it's a different operation but those are going to be changed as we go because if the tile is if the insulation is an insulation that we cannot clean then it has to be removed and that process is is not just the one person I I'd get I think it was just he went there on the walk too so and I say what I have to say and you know when we did go on one a walk through you that I was there with you um and I'm not going to look up and say that that doesn't need changing first of all I don't know if it's a cleanable surface or not and if it is not and if it's not a cleanable service it has to be changed yeah it's certainly an issue that we have to address but also get on the same page where everybody's getting the same message that they'll be changed in time the emergency ones will be done sort of sooner I just think it'll help us to the other one about the mold under the tiles that they just mentioned is that not because it's under the tiles is that something that's not an emergency uh ex it's not that it's not an emergency it's just that we an occupied room is more difficult to work in obviously and to lift that tile up once we lift the tile up if the tile is hot and I will say that if the tile is hot um then that needs to be abated by someone who has the ability to Abate that so then that that room now would have to be sealed so that we could do that work once that tile is removed the room is cleared we put the new tile down put a you know a coat of wax on it before the kids walk on it and U so that we have to be done either on a vacation or a vacation or yes something it will take more than a weekend it's not like there's mold there and you're just letting it go I'm not suggesting that but I want to make it clear that you're not just saying Let It Go just got to be done at the right it need to be changed I don't think that anybody has not heard me say that that the floor needs to be changed what room were uh you talking about with Mr Das about kids were out and then some MLL teachers got removed like what is that room Mar I when the when room 008 was being used there was another classroom I think 026 that was utilized by elll teachers when we move the class out of 008 into 026 we had some teachers displaced and that was recent yeah so this I I'd like to get a report at some point on what the heck's going on with 08 that room because we've been back and forth back and forth and that's really something that I'm personally not comfortable with how that whole room was handled from the get-go of we knew it was The Hot Spot Epic Center whatever you want to call it and then the Mr Terrell found stuff inside the thing that was never looked at so I'd like a full report on o08 specifically what happened when is it going to be back open and what do we need to do that if that room is empty right now you could technically take everything out and put it in brand new and that won't take you months to do but something like 08 is an issue so if we can get a report on that particular room and I believe that's the room that a teacher actually left her employment now which poses a whole another set of concerns for how this happened the kids were in there I saw an email Rel to the parents and kids the parents are saying they want the kids out of the room because it's unsafe or it's either it's safe or it's unsafe so full report on o08 if you send that to the committee it would be appreciated the issue of um the dph when they came in I think that's as I think that's a good thing to bring them in I'm curious of what the specific request was going to be for and what would we get as an outcome because bringing them in is one thing but I don't think you brought them in just for show to say the dph came but I we have very clear with our contracts of what is the expectation and an outcome when we hired Mr Terrell the school committee gave a certain thing that we wanted when we saw the lack of a contract but an agreement to just pay him as he goes That's not a contract so same thing with EP if I said what did what did you call them in for and what is the takeout I don't know what that is I'm not sure if you know what that is other than verbally but it should be something in writing that says here's what they're going to do and here's what they're not going to do okay because I think the public the union might think oh they mean they did their own testing they're going to come up and give us a a lot of information on things that probably they didn't even look at when I saw the report that you wrote that the the preliminary report that the HVAC system wasn't working properly or something like that that's why I said duh like of course we know that the HVAC system is not working we wouldn't be in this mess if they were so how did that happen was it what we talked about is it that we never fixed it along the years or like and what are they going to do I just guess what what's the outcome of the dph would be another request uh that like to me with that at you thank you and um I I just want to say one more thing is that because we represent the members of the F it is very important to make it very known that we also have two other Educators who are now ill because of this issue in two other schools one at Green and one at Doran uh we're still waiting to hear back from them in regards to medical concerns but the sooner the better I'm sorry not Doran Spencer bordon the sooner the better that uh a walkthrough is conducted at Spencer bordon because that is definitely a school that we are highly concerned about especially in the music area and the the gym okay thank you guys appreciate it you're welcome um next item was health and safety student conduct uh Mr Michelle yes thank you so the health and safety team has been focused on the health and safety of our our facilities uh but we also want to highlight another as of health and safety uh which is uh the health and safety of our students and the student behaviors um OSHA has identified student Behavior as a potential workplace Hazard and safety risk I don't want to paint a picture that uh our schools are dangerous but it can't be ignored that there are moments that the behavior is unsafe and um both staff and students experience perceived threats in our schools um which interferes with their ability to excel academic the Department of Labor studies has created a worksheet to guide efforts to prevent injury caused by student Behavior which can be which I shared with you I I think you've received it um I hope this is a useful guide for our joint Labor Management committee as we not only work to prevent injury but also create an environment that our students will thrive in we're happy to engage in conversations on this topic tonight but our purpose for bringing this up is to hopefully launch some collaboration on this uh in the the coming months uh we know this is an issue that is not new um our students behave sometimes not the ways we want them to um but we got to continue to work to try to make our schools as safe as possible thank you Mr Das um U Mr michan so um this worksheet this like something you want to see implemented within the district uh not necessar I maybe it's implemented but it definitely is a I look through it and it looks like a good guide um a rubric of the kind to um measure our Effectiveness and preventing injuries okay um I yeah I just like to ask that the superintendent take a look at this and maybe report back to the committee within a few weeks to see um we can Implement some sort of plan with working maybe work with the Union on this to implement something um because no I do agree with your sentiments and it is a very important issue Al you thank you I Y thank you I said that Mr Corey just want to make another comment Keith I think this is great to have a worksheet like this coming from OSHA um I'm going to recall a few incidences in my own career as a a school teacher uh breaking up a fight one day after school and hurting my shoulder as a result uh breaking up a fight in the school car one day and getting punched in the face and getting bloodied from it actually had to go home and change change my clothes from all of the blood and The Ripped shirts so these things do happen in public schools it's not not a perfect scenario um but I just want to let you know that um with practices we want to stay as close to these types of practices as possible and I want you to know that you have open communication with us at all times in regard to these practices coming back and forth because we want to protect our staff we want to protect our teachers at all times that being said I take this very seriously thank you a anything further Miss PR I was just GNA um say what my colleague said which is you know the superintendent should take take a look at this I think obviously we should be doing all these things regardless but one of particular question I have maybe you have the answer to when an employee um does start mid year are we making sure that employee um is mediately getting any training related to whatever safety concerns they may have if they're an employee who restrains are they are they immediately restraint trained are they um you know have they given Crisis Intervention techniques is that happening quickly upon hiring or how quickly upon hiring is that happening yeah but I think this one is even more important because it provides safety to essentially our students too um as as well as our staff it's like double-sided so do you know how long usually it takes for if you hire me in October how long is it going to take for you to restraint train me if you've hired me in a job where is a possibility I'm going to restrain you don't have to have the answer right now so I don't it it's not um I wouldn't we don't have something in place where it says oh within two weeks okay people are included within the next training we've run frequent trainings and then we we wouldn't put that person in a situation where they're you know alone with a child to that is prone to you know often needs restraints or has any kind of they're just not put in those situations they're always there with another adult and things I mean I I I believe that's your intention I truly do but considering we have staffing issues I can't really so what I would say is that something that's really important I don't think we need to be waiting till the next training period for certain trainings yes I don't know what they are but if you gave me a list I'm sure I could I could Point some out that I'd be okay waiting but this one is really really important for the safety of our students and our staff this is something that if something goes wrong bad things can happen to the school department to the staff member who doesn't is not intentionally doing anything wrong but hasn't been properly trained for the situation of being someone who spent 13 years um as a nurse in in education um in alternative schools I know that this happens and and we need to be prepared for it so if we could make sure that happens too as you're going through this to make sure that we're having the safest work environment for the employees here I think finding some plan so that the training is happening quicker you know would probably be I think in the best interest of everybody I that I yell just want to just want to follow up that that comment again yes I um again Keith the one thing that I noticed is from 25 years ago uh these practices were not strictly adhered to but I'm I'm seeing a lot of growth in the evolution of time and now that department of labor standards are in place we will follow them very closely I think it promotes safety on both sides of the building both student staff and um I like the way that we're growing to be much more diligent in this area than we ever had been in the past because I'm Rec calling my own incidences and I don't recall in the followup of those incidences that some of these practices were put into place so I see it now and I see it as as a positive growth mechanism you know for our schools to function into the future thank you for this a Mr Das thank you um my colleague to my right just um brought up a point actually wanted to make um regarding um restraint policies um specifically the time out room um I do have a few questions for the superintendent so um the timeout rooms across this just this District um are they primarily at Stone or is there a few within every um within every um school is it V do you have like an estimate we have made some changes and I would ask that Mrs Oben Chan speak to it please we have caling can you hear me we have calming spaces in several School schools across the district primarily in the schools that house our um specialized programming um so it's not just at Stone in fact Stone does not have any right now okay um and and just because I did ask the question I just a few days ago and no rush on the response but um are those um those areas um one are they Sim any of them similar to ones that we um toward at South Coast collaborative and two is there any and you already know my my concerns in the email but um is there any surveillance like looking at those areas I can answer part of your question so um are Comming spaces are similar in size to the ones that you saw at South Coast educational collaborative however none of ours have padding on the walls or doors um some of our uh coming don't even have doors um we try to have staff with students as much as possible again like we mentioned before it's all about safety sa safety for staff and safety for our students but we always have eyes on our students when they're utilizing a caling space and sometimes they are requested to utilize right I I guess my my concern is um is it just is it just ever a dispute of the facts um and utilizing these Comming spaces um I is I don't know I I understand you might not know but superintendent or if anyone do we know if we have surveillance on um those spaces we don't have any cameras insides of those spaces there would be cameras in the hallways of schools just like they are but where they are in each building in relation to the spaces I honestly don't know that off the top of my head um but we do have the logs that we had just spoke about before um and if there is ever a restraint use there is a specific form that staff must complete and it must be given to the building principal and part of our um protocol is that the building principal review those restraints um reports to make sure that everything is done in compliance with regulations um and then we upload that to the Desi by the end of the year right right and I'm not question the protocol and and I think you did a great job of explaining the process to me I'm not questioning that at all just still the concern that I have is um we utilize these timeout spaces um if there's ever a dispute of the facts if um one person says one thing or another we should be able to again know the truth and have surveillance um within those areas especially when we're doing something um that requires like a lot of physical like restraining and a lot of um Hands-On um again I like the request maybe the superintendent can just get like a um report to us on if on what timeout spaces we have within the district and which ones have surveillance basing in there because I think it's very important that we get I'm repeating myself but it's important that we get surveillance within those areas and I think it's also important for the committee to know that last year when we had our most recent visit from um special education piece of desie they did look at all of our spaces too to make sure that they were in compliant with what their recommendations were right no I'm not I'm not questioning the um the spaces I'm not questioning the protocol I just think we should go one step and Beyond again from again the fiscal again we get sued and there's a dispute of the fact so we have like so we know exactly what what happened now this is not again nothing with your department your department is doing great it's just more of a um just looking out for the fiscal interest of the district sure I thank you Mr just two quick things so obviously this got brought up for a reason so I'd like to request the superintendent to provide us data on staff injuries in the Flor Public Schools over the last five years and relative to this worksheet um and some of the things in it I think this is a function of human resources so Human Resources I believe is on some of these I mean they're doing it but I'd also like a report analyzing the human resources we have a new human resource director who shouldn't be blamed for things that aren't in place at the present time but I'd like a one pager analyzing what pieces of this suggestion are not in place and then task the new human resource person with when is it you know timeline to get it done so I think some of these things as you go through the common sense that of course we would do uh some of them are a little more in depth so I would just like to get a report uh related to each of these items and to see if they're in place if they're not in place when are they going to be so I yes we can do that I just do want to read something that's provided in the um in the regulation language itself says this worksheet is not a regulation and it's not a mandatory list a no answer on this worksheet does not mean that a safety violation has occurred multiple yes answers across several categories on this worksheet indicate that the employer is using several strategies as a system to prevent employee injury from student Behavior so I just want to be clear that when we do offer a report it is extremely unlikely that this will these will all be yeses and I don't want it to be misconstrue that if we have several NOS that we are somehow not taking the right steps um to prevent employee injury I I totally I totally get it thank you for the clarification for instance number nine says there is a policy for employees regarding how to handle student to- student fights employees are trained on these procedures to me that's something that needs to be in in place okay now if it's in you say Yep this is our policy this is what it says if it's not that's problematic because anybody looking at something would say we should have a policy so that's what I was just referring to okay sort of a a point by point this is just something Mr mishan brought to us we can get this probably on the internet ourselves uh at the end of the day though the issues that are presented are not necessarily something that we should either not do or you might say we don't do it that way we do it this way right I think the committee should get something on it because it is important to make sure and why I ask for the update on the injuries because we don't necessarily always get that information so I want to see how pervasive this problem is and if we have 10,000 students and whatever a th staff and you tell us that there's three uh injuries per year that's one thing you tell me there's 300 you got to do a different St sure thank you are you okay um thank Keith the one you and I talked about briefly supplies yes so um some comments have been made in committee meetings uh about supplies and and you've all supported that uh teachers shouldn't be buying supplies for the classrooms and it's there I think there's a policy that says teachers shouldn't be doing donors choose or anything like that I've heard that a number of times um I I don't think all of my members hear those meetings um so unfortunately I do hear from some members that say they didn't receive the necessary supplies for their classroom um so the reason I this up tonight is to just uh we might have some discussion on it but really just to make it known to everybody and um if everybody can do what they can to let the teachers know that they can request the supplies and if for some reason they're not able to get the the supplies that they're requesting there may be agreements in the future so that we can resolve what does constitute a basic Supply uh what's not necessary that the teacher just feels is necessary U but we'll have to sort those things out in the future but I want want everyone to know um that you all have said that if you need something ask for it and and they should receive it um and we'll sort the rest out later so Keith if I was a teacher in a school and I needed something who would I go to would I go to the principal to ask for a supply so building by building there should be a procedure for that um I don't know what building by building is a different procedure for how I get supplies it could be okay that could be the first problem I mean it seems like a pretty simple procedure that shouldn't have to change between schools to schools I don't know call me crazy I'm being told it should be the clerk in each School the clerk in each school so I would go to the clerk in each school I would ask and the clerk would furnish me those supplies if I went and said clerk looked at me and said Shelly sorry and you need another stack of paper but I'm out what do I do then who do I go to just the call somebody I'm just trying to figure out the process or why people feel they can't navigate it so well not that they can't navigate it but so I can explain to people so usually school there's a um you know for instance that tablet I can speak to there was a a supply list that's kept in the main office with the clerk teachers would fill out that list to request what they need that order would be fulfilled and left for that teacher you know within a couple of days typically and the teacher would come down and grab that it's the clerk usually the clerk at the site level is the one that should also be monitoring if we need to order additional materials and so then they would request you know additional paper whatever it that we're running and they order from whatever vendor that you buy your paper from just particular school or does it go to the it goes through the district it would be through the district yes okay so then if I ran out of paper then I as the clerk would then order more through the district that could be a process so other than okay so really we haven't told anybody they couldn't have supplies it's just people are feeling for some reason they're not able to ask for [Music] them I'm confused I guess where the disconnect is I I not a teach involver but if I was and I started off at the beginning of the year is there like a welcome package so to speak like you get this much pens or whatever paper if I say I don't need this I need that how does that work how do I get my initial supplies of what I need for my classroom I would say that's probably what happens for most people um at the beginning of the year there's a lot going on especially for our new hires and they don't all receive the message or they don't feel comfortable they don't know the clerk for whatever million reasons some people don't get the message so they don't request the supplies they need or there have been incidents where the um the item they need is not on the supply list so they're being told sorry it's not a basic Supply and then give an example Keith I don't mean to drop give me an example of an item that wouldn't be on my supply list an example um it gets tricky for me because a lot of people tell me things and they they're complaining to me but they don't want me to give up who they are you're not giv a name good one uh oh don't okay I get it on the supply yeah depend but if there was a a class project or a science class and they were going to grow something and they needed seeds okay um that's not going to be on the supply list obviously so they request it and they might not receive it and then okay got you you that that's a problem okay because it has to do with the curriculum at the supply they need fors or whatever is there like a form like the beginning of the year I'm a new teacher I'm stting off at school I walk in the principal goes hey sh this is a the form we use to order supplies anything or I just want you to take a look at the classroom I know it's early in the year but you could write down everything you need and fill this out and hand it to the clock and we're gonna have all this stuff to you by the end of the week is there something like that there may be okay aot I think that's a good idea because people who are intimidated especially maybe a new educator who's fresh out of college who may not know the process who may be you know as silly as it may seem to S just go it may gu what you have right Cly so I of cheap you're just G to buy more of it especially if you're talking about I mean I know I'm talking about C if I'm an art teer this stuff actually does matter it's part of of um you know okay so I think what we need to do is we need to look at Keith I think you teachers because I don't know what you need right so I think teachers need to say hey you know what biggest problem I don't mind I'll use the tape for the thing or maybe that is a big problem or I want these markers because you know when they give me these um I start writing and halfway through the day I have no markers to write on my whiteboard anymore now I'm running around now I'm taking I mean I'm sure teachers have been there i' I've been there so this is the kind of stuff so F you need to figure that out first so that we can revamp that list to make things that may be higher quality that Mak sense because sometimes it is better to spend a little more if that particular thing is going to do the job better or last longer not always sometimes it is better to be frugal this shirt was $4 at a thrift store like it's okay it still looks great but sometimes you need to spend the money so look at have a better list of that and I think we need to figure this out because this is silliness that we're worry about supplies like you should they should just get it whatever they need we're not talking about cars and and airplanes we're talking about clons and pencils and stuff so that's an easy fix I think I'm talking about where's my microphone here it is uh Keith uh so Madam superintendent I would like you and assistant superintendent proposal to fire out a memo to all bu principles and to their clerks in the office that this policy of getting supplies for our teachers is upheld and energized building clerks get torn in a thousand different directions in the course of their work day I want this memo to be very clear to them that when there's a request the teacher supplies it should be fulfilled immediately or as soon as possible it should be an energized request coming from the principals to each one of their Office Clerks to help our teachers get through their classroom day I would L down I'd like to report back to us uh you can even do it in your in your weekly comments Madam superintendent just to let us know that that's been carried out i y Mr Das thank you I I'll even go a step further because I agree with um basically everything my to my right Mr Cory just said and um since we're talking about procedures of different schools I think we should allow the administration to review this and come back as a subcommittee so I'll make a motion that we refer all um Supply procedures um within all the different schools to policy subcommittee second supp issues subte discussion yes yes yes yes yes next to speak was Mr yes so just a couple things so what I think we have to be careful of is not just hearing an issue and then like feel like oh this is a feel good let's just vot because it feels good let's look at the reality of what we actually dealing with here this is a budget issue as well and everyone can say all they want that we want to give the supplies to everybody the everything we cannot give everything we want to give to everybody all the time because we do not have unlimited funds so I think we got to be careful when we say anything anybody wants just come to the clerk we're going to get it that is not true that is not happening in FL River now hasn't happened for years and if it did happen we're going to spend a hell of a lot more money money in the budget for supplies so let's just call it like it is it's an issue that should be addressed I do believe that we should have certain things and I've been a proponent of this I don't want to continually see teachers having to do GoFundMe for things that we should participate in and we should purchase for them and I told the prior superintendent that we did a memo to all staff and all administrators we were told I told this superintend is the same thing and we still continuously get continually get people putting out stuff things that they shouldn't have to purchase in my opinion so I do think it's a it's a budget issue I would like at the policy subcommittee that we find out how many principles in buildings ask for additional supplies that got denied over the last two three years because I think we need to start looking at it as an analysis because if they're not asking for something the superintendent the business manager and US cannot help to say oh we need to you know put a lot of money into this because we need to pay for supplies now if we paid for supplies we don't we can't pay for everything else but we stop have to stock getting out of let's just do what feels good rather than thinking and analyzing and actually making a decision case in point we have headphones shouldn't every kid in this district with the Chromebook have a headphone we could say yes we could say no right it sounds like it's feel good right but Mr cabal bought 10,000 pairs of headphones so everybody has one so no one in any school should be saying we don't have headphones because we gave Mr we all gave 10,000 out not him personally but he put it in the budget and we purchased 10,000 pairs of headphones that's the kind of stuff that I think we need to look at the analysis so that no one can say we need to purchase headphones that's just an example of I think we it definitely is a budget issue and I I just want to stop do Feelgood votes and do actually stuff that actually makes sense with a well thought out analyzed message thank you a Mr Lan I don't say much but be the devil's advocate here and kind of speak a little bit about what Mr Agia was saying and and we all have to be very cognizant on the budget um I absolutely agree that the teachers should have the needs anything they need but we have to balance these needs and wants and going back to the district and going uh having superintendent and her team uh come up with something to bring to the policy committee I think would be the best way to go here but we please I don't ever want to put out there that it's anybody anybody request you're going to get it because it it has to be a needs and warrs uh that same teacher and I'll just throw a school at uh Spencer bordon may put in 17 requests for something they want but two of those items are probably something they need and should be expedited right away right so that's something that we're going to have to determine and and put in policy so we're not letting anybody anything they want we fully fully everybody I'm sure up here wants to support every teacher in this district and have them have everything they need um but we have to be careful because obviously we're sitting here for a reason right we're we we have a budget that we have to follow so um before I end that um everything on here you know health and safety and supplies and and everything we're talking about tonight it it's all so important and we could probably add five other topics right but um we're going to get through this right we got to support each other we we got to listen to each other and and move this District forward thank you for being here we are trying to get out of here around 7:30 and I definitely want to give Keith all the time he needs you were going to give us an update on yes on question two yes I think this one will be quick um so question two on this year's ballot will be to remove the mcast graduation requirement the committee endorsed the ballot question back in April or May um as we approach election day I hope that you'll join uh F and and promoting this this uh yes on two campaign we've got a couple events coming up on October 26th it's a Saturday and November 2nd a Saturday we'll be at the F office from 10: to 12 we'll be doing phone banking um canvasing in the community in on doors uh to promote yes on too so I hope uh somewh all of you will join us and uh you'll encourage other committee me community members to join us as well it's open to everybody Keith what was the date again I'm sorry October 26 sorry so thank you Kei thank you for that um I want to reiterate going back to the days when uh we were fighting for the student Opportunity Act and how important it was because course the major question with mcast was the in the in inequity that it rendered across the Commonwealth uh Gateway cities like ours continually suffering and um we've been dealing with really difficult test scores for many years um I was a school teacher previous to the uh No Child Left Behind Act and I remember being a lot more free in my classroom as I was teaching our curriculum uh to to really get into stuff that I wasn't held to some you know um test standard in my classroom so I felt a lot more liberated as a school teacher and therefore far more joyful I had great experience in the classroom and uh it very much concerns me that the uncast graduation requirement is just so unfair so I hope that campusing goes good I wanted to remind you of our full support for our teachers in for River on this question I it's an incredibly important question as far as classroom pedagogy is concerned you're going to see I think we're going to be able to even develop more committed teachers as a result of getting rid of this requirement and we'll still hold Assessments in place because we do need assessments so that we know how we're moving forward and progressing we do need that I recognize that but I think it's incredibly important that you know we wipe away this graduation requirement uh just so that it gives our teachers a new breath of fresh air in their classrooms so from this school Committee Member I want to reiterate to you my undivided support on this question thank you I yield m per um um so if you want to shoot me the location on the October 26th yeah I know I saw that I don't know where it's located we're at 178 4th Street what is it 178 4th Street right next to the bus station 26 178 178 4th Street next to the bus station we'll we'll share a flyer up Shar I work little in the morning I'll be there on the 26th will phone bank 10 to 12 you said 10 to 12 I will 10 to 12 I might be late but I'll be there 10:30 I 12 all right Mr just want to once again Ask the superintendent I know we got some data uh later on today I haven't looked at it totally about um students that might not have made the um 20 the current year I believe that's what we got the students that share with you 2024 yes so what I would like is the last several years when this actually with full years so that we can get a true analysis of what who this is affecting in our schools over the past several years due to co everybody got a diploma basically so that this rule didn't even apply but for a couple of years before that I'd like to get doesn't have to be as extensive as what you gave us today but I think we just need to to look at it to try to determine whether this is a good thing or not so I already gave my vote that I'm going to be voting no on this I think is good rationale for it I think I read on the news today or somewhere that the commissioner of Education that you know recommended a a no vote on this but I could be wrong I'm not sure if whatever it is is people getting out there but all I'm asking is that we get some data to know does this affect 20 kids out of 600 does it affect one kid out of or 100 just to try to see you can get that we'd appreciate it thank you okay um that kind of wraps it up but I think we're going to work further with you guys is there um a reason to go into executive session would you to tell to 12 professional teaching employees the former School System including coaches title one nurses teachers occupational physical therapists and specialists in the teaching profession represented by the for of educator Association as the chair has determined an open session may have a detrimental impact on the Bing position of the committee also the executive session is specifically for the consultation period that the fra has requested that we have in accordance with the contract uh we will not reconvene we will uh adjourn from executive session can I get a motion so moved second going into exective session please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes e e e