##VIDEO ID:FmnB_nL23-0## welcome to the October 2nd meeting of the for SE commission uh pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present are not deemed acknowledged and permissible so Mr F will you do the roll call please yes president Alo here member soua here and member how we act yeah thank okay um thank you for um putting together the agenda and um I can see it's pretty involved as usual all right so first item on the agenda is a citizen input are we having any citizen input today nobody said okay well that's a good thing item number two minutes of the previous meeting um I think we were all sent the um the agenda electronically so if you had the opportunity then to take a look at it um I would appreciate any comments you may have to make with respect to changes or comments first say if not um I'll intend a motion to approve the minutes of of June 12th 2024 and let me clarify um was it Andrew yep Andrew wasn't here at the time so if we approve this it'll be just approved by Mr suer and myself right correct all right so should um he has no say in it yeah correct you know he wasn't at he wasn't on the board at the time so okay so um I'll untain a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting June second June 12th I'm sorry second the motion all in favor I I I motion passes thank you okay that takes us item number three waste water Improvement solid processing upgrade contract number two change Jordan number six Daniel okono Son we're looking at 330 $2,942 this being the sixth change um which we started with approximately what about 42 million on this project 4 45 45 when you include ch2 ML and all that uh Doc's contract alone was that they were 45 all right okay um PA Senor C yeah uh so the change order that's in front of you tonight uh change order number six uh for Daniel con sons has a number of uh items uh that was provided within your packet uh most of these items have been uh were uh discovered during the uh during the construction work that was ongoing uh and uh they were administratively move forward um through the process as uh as the construction to uh not cause delays the costs that have been submitted have been reviewed by uh myself my staff as well as the uh construction manager uh CDM Smith who's on site uh with the resident engineer and all the cost seem appropriate for the work that was done um some of the things that uh are included want I'll just run through uh sludge cake uh load loading grain uh lines relocation uh electrical duck Bank an add additional link that wasn't shown on the plans um it wasn't show here it wasn't shown on the plans though how much was that for so that was for $33,000 that was an additional um 100 100 ft of uh of excavation rebar concrete and everything for an electrical dck is that is that included in the 332 942 okay yep bye um dewatering building additional Asus removal so this was areas that were uh unseen that uh asbest removal would be needed within those areas uh dewater and building corroded vent pipe replacement once we got into an area the uh the sewer vent pipe was corroded away we needed to replace that existing gas cation manhole vent lines relocation um so that was for um the gas separator that's outside the dewatering building uh elevator sump pump pit from the time that the uh the project was designed to the time that we went out uh to bid an under construction the plumbing um requirements I won't say the code because the code didn't change but what the plumbing inspectors were requiring changed uh that's that additional cost was for um gasoline trap manhole venting that again that was due to a request of the local jurisdiction on how the uh gas trap was was plumbed uh compared to what was in the specifications and plans uh new scumble line to uh new scum line to scum Pump Station um existing so that was a scum line uh and exist once we excavated there was an existing duck bank that wasn't uh wasn't expected so we had to go around it Demolition and removal of existing buried tank so there was a subsurface tank that was found um once we started to excavate near the garage extension uh that needed to be removed uh that was uh unknown under the surface uh acid traps in vinent neutralization tanks uh this was within the lab uh the local jurisdiction required us to put a plumbing trap before for the neutralization tanks underneath all the sinks within the laboratory area um we us and the designers did not feel that that uh uh was required by code but the local jurisdiction required us to do that um so the local uh plumbing inspector uh plant waterline um repair at the Sledge Pump Station building so that was uh when they were digging down they hit a uh line that was unmarked in unknown um dewatering building stairs modification that was a small modification made to one of the stairways within the dewatering building um can I stop you there yep if you 19 19 City requested shp3 weekly cleaning Y what the hell what's thatu so that was when we first got into the shb so the new building that we constructed for the solids hand in um we were uh in the midst of the transition from violia to infomar uh so I wanted to make we were transitioning into the new building as well so new control rooms new locker rooms everything like that uh I wanted to make sure that that building was uh staying clean and being taken care of so I requested that the contractor provide us a price for uh I believe it was 3 months of weekly uh twice a week cleaning of the uh of that building how many weeks uh roughly they have in here nine weeks um of cleaning okay it was uh um as as the board knows prevailing wage rules all this stuff and it kills cost sometimes when I saw a city requested I thought maybe somebody from U somebody from inspection or something went down there and you know saw something that that Mak sense and yeah no that was that was something that I requested from the contractor to make sure that that building stayed up to date now we have a cleaning company through the onm contractor that comes in on a bi-weekly basis okay um so we're looking at engineer all right um for the Benefit of Mr hak um if you don't know already you know we have a contract of this nature and we have an engineering company that that's also we're paying to in a sense set the specifications um and follow through on a construction and when there anything that looks different from what was in the B uh they go ahead and in fact say yeah that's okay to that's okay to charge the C4 and so forth so it isn't something where where we do something blind here and so forth so um so so that the uh engineering company that's down there is is a company that we've had on board with the commission for a long time have done many projects for us and they're calls cam dress and I'm sure the name there a few other names that go with it right Paul CDM CDM they change so um just so that you you understand what we're doing here hopefully appreciate that okay um all right let's let's take us through what this means in terms of this so this is number six change order all right this somewhere somewhere out information that states that we've already gone through million almost 1,100,000 almost of change previous change orders yes all right so adding this on will take it to about a million4 and u we're still below the 10 10% Threshold at this point in time right okay these particular items took us how far into the completion of the contract would you say in other words I'm I'm anticipating and you correct me if I'm wrong that this contract supposed to be done the end of November so currently the contract is pass the completion date right there is a pending uh time extension that was submitted by the contractor that's under review uh and we're in discussions with them by anticipated completion date right now by the contractor on their schedule is December 2nd the end okay the end of November yep okay what I'm trying to get around in my head is $332,000 worth of change orders does that take us like till till now or is this get is this what's went up till June or something yeah this doesn't so this doesn't bring us up to now so this these works this work was pre-existing we still do have another a number of PCOS potential change orders that are that are outstanding so they're still either under review or they haven't been approved yet okay um so we're probably looking yeah if I had to throw maybe beginning of June or so you know just for that um you know now we're into the administration building uh I know I already know of a couple of uh issues that we've had through there uh and then we also have the um we're in the gravity thicken as well so those are the two locations where we have a lot of work ongoing right now okay so um are they are they shooting to complete them by the end of this month end of U November that's what that's what the schedule bring them out to I expect that they're going to be right in that ballpark you know um the way CU right now we're what body a over uh yeah so uh July 31st was was contract completion date this of this year yeah so um we're we're a couple of months past past now again they do have in uh a claim against us um you know the time extension um again are they saying we're harassing them no no you know they did they they did a baseline schedule analysis uh they've gone through and fully reviewed um the change orders and how the change orders affected their Baseline schedule um some of the things in here like the acid vents um that was out of our control that was out of their control uh that that potentially added that was that was brought up by uh the local jurisdiction once the uh once the lab was almost done we actually had to go back in open up some of the walls to install vents cuz you can't have a trap against an acid vent which is another trap but you have to put a vent in between in between acid neutralization tank after an event in between the two so um so they analyzed all that and uh came back to us uh I expect that uh um having further discussions they just got back to me they revised one uh I'm Rising it now with the engineers going to send something back to them on that okay um I got no problem with this at this point in time I think in the final analysis when the whole thing said and done everything else I think as if you pointed out there were some issues that we were probably challenging and so forth that's going to have to be addressed but um we've gone this far w we got to get we got to get this done this is this has been this is a big thing that we're doing down there yeah and people are expecting some immedate some some good Chang that's going to affect what we're trying to do down there and everything else and when you put a a dollar on this whole thing it's going to end up costing about $70 million so um so I'm kind of anxious to see it done because I want to run down Bas Street and you know enter in through the gate of of heaven and um see some great things happen yeah without a doubt without a doubt okay um anybody have any questions we respect to what we're trying to do here or respect to some of these items um I'm sure there it's tough to wrap your head around all of these type of things because um just the terminology and some of them is will make your head spin a little bit but um if not I'll untain a motion to um approve change order number six in the amount of $332,900 40 for um what is say phase two contract contract contract two yep that's the waste word of treatment anybody want to make that motion I make that motion second second all in favor I I I I motion passes thank you um next item Professional Services contract what's that Co number four contract number four change order number four oh change order I'm sorry I should know that stantech 319,000 now this when I understand we looking at it this this has to do with the um mostly to do with what goes on on oakr Val yeah right so number three and number four are tied together they're both for the same project one is for St Tech and we discussing now the engineering firm the next one is the for bisco Contracting cor the construction company um okay again stantech is the engineering company that's basically apparating as our eyes on the project that that's going on down there yep construction management and Resident inspection okay you want to add anything to this yeah so just uh I can give a brief overview why these two change orders are in front of you so this is originally a water uh contract um the contract uh uh was funded by arpa originally uh for replacement of uh 7 we started out with 15,000 linear feet of water M uh and those affected roadways reconstruction sidewalks and pavement um there was a change done to the project which uh we were under the original contracted from Oak grve Avenue um from uh Bedford Street to Locust Street uh there was a change order on the contract that did uh Locust Street uh up to New Boston Road so that all Oak grve would be done uh so when they went back in they did the second portion of uh Oak grve Avenue from Locust up to New Boston Road they replaced the water M uh they came back in and they were doing the pavement work uh when they were in there with the pavement machine grinding up um there was three large voids found underneath the asphalt in the middle of Oak grve Avenue uh 4 of soil line no no material no stone or anything underneath it so a little bit odd like okay so right on top of the sewer line so we get our camera out there we camera this cameraed the sewer line uh the S line from Oak Grover I think go forward on a couple of the slides um this is just an example of a couple of the spots where we found issues but this is a CCTV camera inside the 18-inch pipe on Oak grve Avenue um but that's supposed to be around clay pipe um you can see where it's oh yeah partially Dr there the top here is cracked dropped um this one is very very ank shaped with crack straight across the top this was just continuous on that whole entire section of O Ro Avenue um manhole after manhole after manhole this was the condition that we found the sewer in uh for us to go and pave over this street known that there was multiple voids there meaning most likely the sewer may have search charged water came out sucked material back in and that's what creates this unstable nature uh those spots would just grow and eventually we would end up with the street collapsing in so we were supposed to pave the street um to final pavement on the street I stopped it at that point uh we looked at it and evaluated uh and got the price to be able to replace that sewer it's an 18in sewer it's a very deep sewer we're talking 12 to 20 ft deep really yeah through this whole entire Corridor how How old if I may how old that line do you think uh so it it was installed really starting uh 1905 was some of the first plans that that I could find and then all the way up to 196 it was increased I think whoever installed that that sewer line was paid by the manhole cuz there are so many manholes in that line I just don't know why but it's every hundred ft there's a manhole I I haven't seen it that that close but anyways um which on the construction end is tough because you do from a manhole to a manhole then you could pull all your boxes take everything out of the ground all your Shoring jump over the manhole and then do another section above it um so we determined that it would be best to replace this section um so our plan is to be able to move forward to replace uh this section so from Locust uh up to New Boston Road um there is another parallel sewer so bypass wise there's another parallel sewer that's a lot higher and um right in right in that road same Corridor y so it's it's off to the side uh it's on the west side of the street it's an 18 in that takes the Force main from the president Pump Station so we're going to be able to bypass from that lower main up to that upper main so we won't have to have bypass running all the way down the street and stuff like that so that's a good um cost savings ability in this project um but it's not an option to be able to use that other SE fulltime because it's the elevation difference is is is extremely different so all right so we're talking about arpa money here so we did not get arpa funding for this all the other work was paid for from arpa uh this is going to come from our open loan authorization uh that was approved in November 2017 and right now we're looking at if you take the two of them together uh what bisco's done um we're looking at about 2 and a half million so far yes okay yeah so this is work that has hasn't been started yet they're planning on being able to get in there and and start it sometime in the near future say that again so this work this sewer replacement work has not started yet okay they're hoping to get in there near future and be able to do this work okay um did this go out to bit no so as I said this was a change order to their existing contract the water contract that they have all right but I'm talking about bisco no no it's a change order to their contract as well okay all right um yeah definitely something we got to yeah it's a it's an unforeseen condition um of this project it's a 30 39m project um so it is eligible the change on um with review of their cost um on both you know Engineering Services is Engineering Services um so that cost is directly in line with what we pay for those Services when do you think this is going to startop uh I expect probably within the next month and it'll probably be about a two to three month of period then they'll let it sit for the rest of the winter in the spring uh and then pave out the balance of Oak Grove early next summer do you think there's going to be some Kickback as to here we are we just resurfaced the we just did a a a minor resurfacing of the uh yeah then we're going to go and rip it up right you know there is going to be some people that are going to claim that um when we so originally when we had the pavement in there um it was for uh a 3 and 1/2 in base course uh and a 2in top cost um when they actually paved I had them put just an inch and a half base cost um with the anticipation I said if we don't do the sewer you know if the sewer that was before we cam it and everything if we don't end up doing the sewer you know we can just do an intermediate cost but we did a lesser base cost to try to sa that's my think so we're going to be able to patch this then we'll do a leveling course intermediate course on top of that and then just a top Cod how long do you think this will take it'll probably be about two to three months okay anybody have any questions regard to this no kind don't um do you you we can we can do both of these contracts at this point in time right yeah I've discussed both of them take them you know vote on take them separately you need them take them separately together okay um okay you are you you satisfied with stantech yeah stantech has been doing a a water inspections uh on water main replacement they've been they're the ones that's going around them as changing from from the sidewalk into the people's houses uh no so that's wward in current is doing the lead service replacement Stant has done the water mains uh it used to be FST face poit and Thorn and they've been with the city since 2000 or so doing those projects okay all right anybody have any questions about this no all right um I'll a motion to approve contract number two change order I'm sorry change order number four uh Professional Services agreement water man and roadway improvements with Stant Tech consulting services in the amount of $319,000 make that motion I make that motion second all in favor I I I motion passes uh it takes us to the construction part of it um contract number one change order number four bisco Contracting corporation which in the amount of 2,1 157,000 will complete this phase and this is all on oako Avenue anybody want to make that MO I'll make that motion second motion all in favor I I I motion passes thank you okay it takes them to item number six final change order number three for bisco contract incorporation um before I just had a thought on the uh item back item number five with respect to bisco contrac incorporation this is change to number four um the other three were roughly can you relate my M about $2 million again those were all approved by the water board it was originally a water okay that's why I wanted to be sure so um okay I get it yeah under initial contract was a 10 was uh I believe it was a $10 million contract initially okay okay with all right that was bid um all right okay item number six Wilson Road final change order number three to bisco contrac in corporation the amount of $ 58,5 181 31 when I understand this is a cleanup this is probably a cleanup change order to get us to the end of the contract I hope yeah this is this is the final change order on this contract this change y actually um isn't 100% related well it's part of this it's part of this project but it wasn't part of the construction of the building so um if you remember about two years ago we had a uh sewer collapse in the industrial park yeah part of that t was the part of that tied in right well did it I don't know if it tied into the pumping station did it yeah so we had one that came from Sykes Road that was one of the change orders that that so collapsed this one was over next to the landfill that was the main Interceptor that comes down by the landfill uh which we paid under this project uh about 6 months ago we had another collapse uh just Downstream from where we replaced man hole to manhole uh before um as Pisco was in that area we had them go back in do a spot repair uh of that sewer so that we could uh so that this sewer could has that been paid for that's what this change yeah so that was 50 uh $58,000 for them to go and do a spot repair of that uh currently I'm working with um I'm working with uh srf uh and uh the permitting agencies um as that this is the third or fourth time we've been in that area with sewer collapses uh and it is part of the mother's Brook sewer that we've been designing uh I'm working with those agencies to go in and do a uh emergency contract to the replacement of that uh sewer line in that area for about a 3,000 ft section so in future meetings I'm sure you'll see that in front of you um they did a nice I tell you I went by there several times that's a nice job they did um it's very similar to what they did behind the um um the Newport creery yeah you know it's buttoned up nice and tight looks good compared to what God Almighty was there before Oh my God I can't believe that thing lasted the centuries that it did but yeah um yeah that's good um glad to see that so yeah the these new pump stations we've done the one at president have right behind Newport crey we've done the South End which is uh down uh in the Spectrum Lighting in that area and this one you know staff have been very happy with the uh ease of Maintenance and being able to work on the stations and stuff like that uh are we go what's the next one is the one down on Ferry Street next uh Ferry Street was slated uh is is related to be done but uh that's a very uh tight lot down in that area um and uh there was a property owner around that uh yeah he's putting up a new business uh he's putting up a new building right across the street from that I have heard that and um I'm sure he's probably going to say you guys got to create a lot of dust to my customers and all that stuff yeah I can tell you sewer department has not approved any uh changes in the buildings down there but I I've seen I don't some point in time it's going to be done yeah no that pump station is is one that's going to need to be done uh there is multiple development uh uh discussions down in that area you have the old Quaker which was across the street which is now a vacant lot uh you have the lot where P 52 is that has a uh conceptual design of uh of large buildings and stuff like that uh so I think a lot of that station's future depends on what happens in that general area as well what do we got 16 pumping stations in the city 17 that we own and maintain there's uh three other privately owned and maintained stations that I'm aware of the one on Wilson Road just up the roadway that's contract the hathway commment that's that's still private right that's still private so again the SE commission did an agreement uh with the uh with the association to take over that pump station every year or so I get an email how come you guys haven't taken over this station yet uh they have not filled the agreement that they fulfilled the agreement that they made with the Sewer Commission uh one of the requirements was uh because that station is on easements on two Property Owners Lots with no real right of access um we asked that it be uh subdivided they needed to subdivide it and put it into the into its own lot that we would be a able to have fee to uh they have not done that uh so we haven't been able to take that station I think the original agreement I know you know if we were to take over it there was something like $34,000 of Renovations that they that we said they needed to do before we even take it and I think that just put a big squash on everything when they went to their and I guess they went to the owners of the plumpus station and yeah you know like I said I know every year or so I get I get hit up up and we haven't taken this over and I think it's when they go out to the Association members and ask them for the year dues somebody asked me and I and I repeat what I've I send them the emails that I've sent before this point this point and this point of the agreement have not been met yet once those are met let us know we can I've always said cuz that was from 2018 that agre it was a long time I remember remember it so that was that was six years ago John who you know John John did a a great survey on it right you know I and I've always said that in their response it's been such a long time we would want to go out resurvey make sure everything's in the condition it was back then or or better so okay very good so that's going to put that one to bed um anybody got any questions on this um this one here is right on Wilson Road if you ever go up make a right at the light go up Wilson Road it's just over just past the over pass right yeah just over the bridge right on the left you look at it and it's really I mean it's really impressive in a sense but if you really knew it was there you go you look at it and say oh my God yeah what were we doing back in 1850 all right okay anybody have any questions if not I'll maintain a motion to approve the final change order number three to fiscal contrac incorporation the amount of $ 58581 31 I make that motion second all in favor I I I I thank you gentlemen that takes us to the last item on the agenda of the business I just got a couple of um I made a couple of notes Paul just for my own edification um Woodward and Curran did they start the um the contract for cleaning out line down by the railroad tracks uh so we're planning on being in there uh so they have their their contractor on board to be able to do that cleaning with wning uh we've been working with M uh MBTA uh kolis who has now taken over operation of those tracks who kolis oh yeah kolis is the large train is the company that operates the commuter rail for uh MBTA so they've been in the discussions with us cuz they're now involved in operating the tracks um so we've need needed to work with them coordinate with them but it looks like we'll be in there next week with the contractor to do that to stop that cleaning um just to make the commission aware the cost um we came in with an estimated cost the cost was higher to get in there and clean those lines so we be come back to the commission with with increase on that yeah um okay the other thing um do you think we're going to see anytime in the near future here um the monthly operating report for the Wastewater tratment Plant uh if you have not gotten them I will get them to you so I haven't seen them okay have they started them yes so they did start them the first month was a little bit behind uh last month uh I to see oh you did it okay yeah last month we did last month we did get them uh again the month just closed out it's due to us by the 15th okay all right I'll stop in the office whatever On's down there yeah they did make some changes to it uh there was some additional information that I wanted back in there after I went through last month so they're going to add it in next month so if there's anything else that the commission wants to see just uh just let us know but uh yeah Courtney will make sure she gets those out and just coordinate with Courtney what's the best way to get it to you whether we mail it to you or yeah or you come just I'll pop it up because I think the postage on it kind of heavy you know so you got the mails you know we're working forget the mail you get three months later yeah yeah if we if we get in there yeah yeah working with the contractor too we may be able to uh distribute it in the future electronically so and the other thing I got is um did they ever find a project manager for the site yet yes so we do have a project manager infomar has it uh John Mii uh uh is the project manager what's his name John mji John m y m uh he you met him yeah I yeah yeah told almost every day uh he came he he ran TT in Wastewater for for a number of years uh then he was working for um another engineering firm running some uh smaller facilities up on the cape um that the uh that the engineer in firm was overseeing and he just came to infomar for facilities so yeah he's been he's been doing good um the uh APM is has been good um they right now I don't know if they're fully staffed or they they might be down one staff member right now which is the first time our plan's been fully staffed in a long time okay yeah so are you good um plus anybody else have any anything you want to bring up right here if not Iain a motion to adour I second you make that motion I'll make that motion second second all in favor I I I thank you gentlemen thank you