all meeting to order uh first off pursuing to open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible roll call S do Stephanie MacArthur recording secretary Natalie Melo Helen Rigo chy then we have a motion to accept the minutes from last month's meeting May 15 2024 motion to accept second you opposed seeing none pass okay is there anyone here from citizen input that is not on the docket right now someone that didn't make this agenda that wants to address the board or we all already on the agenda okay on we have a curb cut 71 Marin Street the engineer department has found no issues have a motion on this motion second any opposed n and Street passes 363 heison street again engineer Department reviewed found no issues for this curve cut motion to accept second any opposed none F okay tabled request from last month that's the Creative Arts Network uh regarding Pawn Street and anaan Street anyone here from okay just give us a minute we're going to just review it again and uh we'll talk to you momentarily uh we have yeah um is everyone that's here regarding this issue a proponent of it or do I have any opposition opposition opposition opposition okay um would you guys have anything that you want to address AB board with or is it just what's on here I sit here absolutely come on down you guys can just start off with basically tell us what it is you're looking for and why okay my name's Patricia Todd I own the property and my family has for about 65 years at 104 Anan Street it is a Mis belief that it is an abandoned Mill I have 80 businesses um what I've passed out to you is the mill has roughly 18 tractor trailers a day which means they have to come in to anaan I don't know if you guys know it but anaan parking lot is in the back so it's not on anaan so my concern is with the change of making anaan one way my tractor trailers are having difficulty getting out basically basically because folks have decided they're going to park on both sides of anaan so I interviewed several tractor trailers including not my own I saw other people I stopped them and asked them questions and they're now using Mill Street because they can't get up analan Street it there's people parked on both sides on the other hand it's worse at night than during the day but my tractor trailers are 24/7 so again I have 80 businesses 18 tractor trailers roughly a week that means the tractor trailers have to come in come out and then my customers have to fill up tractor trailers to put their product in to ship it out to make money so I'm just concerned that anaan street has randomly become a a two-way parking street now that we made it one way and the trucks can't get through question for you when it was a two-way wasn't there still parking on both sides no the east side was no parking I call that the Southside right Eastbound in in front of Kiki's Mill Patrick's Mill Troy City Primo there was parking there but since this changed to a oneway now they're parking on both sides and they do the same thing on pwn Street pwn Street has no parking on one side but when there's events going on at night they Park on both sides if not in the middle of Pawn Street and the middle of Mill Street kudos to Patrick who's sitting behind me when he uses my parking lot he puts supervision there he makes sure that he gives me a certificate of liability he pays for it and he makes sure no one parks in front of the loading docks this past couple of weekends we had the gates events going on they don't talk to me and cars parked in front of the loading dock so my people couldn't do their business that's not an1 street parking but it's if they can't find parking they're going to find it I guess that's my point so you're looking to have the other side of the street no parking period and then please we can address the uh the corner part separately your concern is to take the west side no as no parking uh westbound no parking or you want the eastbound no parking I believe the north side I do north and south which would be the westbound westbound I would like the east side towards Government Center no parking I know there's issues with my colleagues about crosswalks but we've always parked on along the mills mhm not along the Marine Museum or sami's property or Sam Sam Shapiro's parking lot but now we're parking both and it's oozing up the whole Anan Street which it never was so tractor trailers cannot pull out of pond and go up and if there's cars they can't make that corner onto anaan Street and the diagrams are right there you can see the measurements I mean they're pretty nasty well the first one's blurred but the second one you can clearly see it's a small to midsize car with two parking on both sides of that street you can see the distance between car driving in the two in the cars parked if you can imagine the tractor trailer truck trying they can't do the you just can't do it um it's a safety issue and because of the parking people are parking 20t to the corner so when you come out of pond street cars are getting nicked now they are getting hit when they come from pond Auntie on are they get I've witnessed to okay I've witnessed to and actually I could be wrong but um another person who's interested in not changing it told me it's okay to do a three-point turn in the middle of a road so they will get to a spot at anaan right at the end of pond and do three-point turns there which clogs up everybody I looked it up you cannot do that as I know in the middle of a street so it's just mad chaos and it's it's not as bad during the day because it's not events during the day but at night they literally Park in the middle of Pawn Street both sides where the curbs are but in the middle of Pawn Street I videotaped it is there anything else you want to bring to the attention of the board before I ask the more a safety issue than a parking issue it's definitely safety safety for the cars park well no the cars had a park there I mean they're get they're going to get hit I mean if not as Pat said I need to divert to Pat because she works there and sees it I don't see and witness it I just have the diagrams that I've been given um here as moral support and as a managing entity of the Waterfront Cultural District you know safety is important parking is certainly important because of the events and the activities that go on there um but right now I mean we do have a parking issue down there but this is clearly a safety issue for the tractor trailers and the last thing we need is for them to go down M Street that's even a narrow bumpier cobblestone street if um signage was able to be placed regarding the corners and where the tractor trailers would be pulling out of your um loading dock area onto there giving them you know no parking within this amount of space without removing all the public parking from that street would that be feasible and solve your issue and still not negate a massive section of public parking that is now I mean thankfully becoming more of a popular area it's way awesome it's it's really doing well and I'm really P proud of what everyone's doing what I'm requesting is maybe six cars of parking not allowing to park there however I have heard from someone who disagrees with me that he would rather have the parking on the South Side heading to Government Center East East yeah nope he wants the north side because it's closer to the Mills so that people don't have to walk across the street that's not going to solve the tractor trailer problem so Pat let me just ask if if let's say they complied with that 20 feet from pond and that 20 feet coming on from water that would give them enough of a turn to go on there because there won't be anything there with the office is saying yeah would be trying to get your problem solved without yeah if they were such a valuable commodity which is you know the whole purpose of this this board is that something that would work for you do you think or you fixated or stuck on wanting that whole side of the street cleared if I were Queen I would want the south side of anaan where the parking is and people would have to walk across the street to the Nar arrows to Troy City to Kiki's art places to the yoga places but they'd have to walk across the street so that's a safety issue but if a tractor trailer is coming out of Pawn Street they can see clear and turn up to get on to 195 because you can't see the problem with the the north side is you cannot see because the cars are there but if they're parked on the South Side you can definitely the trucks can actually see I get it I get it that's why I was just trying to say are they going to have more of a uh vantage point if the corners are cleared which I believe they would that would be they're up high you think well I was in my truck yesterday and almost hit somebody um I don't think 20 ft is enough they're tractor trailers so I I think we would need and there's a fire hydrant there too so they shouldn't be parking there anyway already so it already should be 20 ft but the tractor trailers need to see the cars coming up anaan and we're not seeing them so Mass law is 20 ft I mean the board can vote to go with a further distance as well so they can make that decision to vote on that if they want to extend the footage um is there I don't want to cut you guys short is there anything else you wanted to add to your pitch I just don't want to get lost in the shuffle but I really don't want parking on either side of of upper anaan which is right in front of my Mill cuz that's when the cars coming from the river have to navigate to say they're going to 195 or navigate to dval street so people are parking there too and that's what is the issue with that P that portion there explain to me your concern there um if there are cars parked there and you only have one lane mhm then you have to navigate that one lane if cars decide to park up there which they've started to do since this change if you're going down the middle and that's all you got but you have to go right to get to the lights on to 195 or you have to go left to get to Deval Street you're getting confused with each other because you don't have enough room right now you have enough room for each side to go the people know you stay on the right hand side to go to the 195 Providence New Bedford people know stay on the left side to go to Duval Somerset Route 24 well it's it's a one lane so they shouldn't be getting confused it doesn't widen up until the top part that's the part I'm talking about set into the right or left right so I'm I'm requesting that we don't allow the Ooze of cars parking up there as well which has started happening they shouldn't be yeah yeah yeah there are no parking so where this splits cars are parking oh yeah it's usually at night oh okay it's not during the day but they never used to park up there anyway so maybe no parking signs up there so no parking and and then I don't know how you feel about just the south side with 20 ft from the corner I'm personally okay with the side along the mills Kiki Patrick and Primo's Mills as long as when you pull out of pond you can see beyond the cars to see a car coming up and 20 ft isn't enough so there's more deliveries at night is that what you're saying it's 247 mean we have Trader Joe's we have food people we and I I sent you a list of all the customers MH so 40 ft you think from the corner on the south side and this way it allows it allows them to have some parking like what we need parking and that would allow some parking for them on the south side and then obviously no parking on the North I mean the I mean the north side they would park but not on the South Side so it would allow them to have some parking on the north side of the stre so requesting no parking on the south side and so much footage on the North side and then at least one handicap just in case just to cover the handicap there is one already there and you've got a crosswalk I believe at cental at water and Anan so you do have a crosswalk yeah and we can't put any on anaan because there's no curb Cuts so there has to be a curb cut has to be Ada complied so so if if for some reason someone wanted a crosswalk on one would we come and request a curb cut correct with the engineering department and then it would come through us okay so I guess just for the commission it would be okay to have 40t from the curb on the south on the North side where Pond pulls up right yeah and so they would still have some parking there on the North side but still requesting nothing on the north on yeah on the south which there never was anyway but and then no parking which there never was anyway way up on the top but to have signs that clearly state that this way it would allow the businesses to still have some parking in front of their establishment okay so another quick question I get when I asked you originally if parking has changed since the the the oneway change and you said oh yeah absolutely because now it's tighter for the track to Trails what made it feasible before was there was there was no parking on the South Side so why is it now we need the extra 40 ft we tractor Trail is making that turn before um no cuz it was it was a two-way so they would have to make that turn going way over there not over there right but then there was no issue with cars parking close to the the the street there you're saying yeah but no one no there was no 40t buffer now you're saying oh we need a 40ft buffer and no no no 40 foot puffer where pwn street is not where water that you're saying just to get on to yeah not where Anan and water are because they make that it's pond so they have the line of vision for the parking keep keep that water and an one okay cuz that's fine they make that cor of fine it's Pond and in one apparently they they've got that line of and there is a No Parking here to Corner sign on an at Water currently on the North side yeah m l 20 ft so if we want to go any further that would be the board to decide how many feets anything else I don't I just want to put another person's opinion in here um before the road changed I got several phone calls from a tenant in the m next to me um they're the baseball people forgot his name I think it's Bob they make baseballs but he said that when he watches tractor trailers trying to navigate into my property it is danger danger so he's asked me to put more signs up to do something which I've done but I just want to put dissenting views in because we're trying to be fair okay thank you thank you very much thank you these oppositions now opposition my name is Nelson rioo I leas space at 28 and one street U Paul and I are the ones that came forward a few months ago to make the change into a one way um because we saw a lot of safety issues yep um since the change we've actually seen the street is actually safer for cars when there's cost part on both sides people slow down when there's no one part on the right side going north people speed up so that's true but past two months and I checked with Keith and Mike at Dr Brewery they've seen where it's safe when k out Park I like your compromise when you say keep parking on both sides and as we get closer to Palm Street have a sign that says no parking 20 40 ft for the truck to make lap turn the great thing about signs is people ignore them one thing I like to see is more enforcement go there at night when people are blocking the corners take them or P them because that's how they're going to learn not to park there again could we take it not tow well I don't know if they can tow or not yeah take um but yeah I like you to compromise keep parking on both sides of Nan from water uh Street all the way to Pond leave like 40 ft um no parking on the right side of the trail can make the left turn um and then the trail when they come out they'll be able to come up up from pond on the n one make the left and go up to the uh the wall or um Broadway now she is correct people are parking on that side of the street where there's supposed to be no parking with two lanes I've seen that um on some weekends M against signs there would be great to have um but for the businesses there we've see more people coming down to that area we see more people coming into our businesses sure because now there's more parking um but just to say no parking at all on on Anan on one of Anan I think um that's something you don't feel it's right to do right now it would eliminate the handicap parking that's also there uh which we kind of need because we have a business that accommodates the handicap plus I also do have a letter from L the baseball back guy who also opposes it okay and this just this and Paul is the property manager at 28 Street and we had noticed it was a safer Place uh lessen you know NES uh and the speed the speed is really slowed down now I can see within all right we have two fire hydrants at the corner of pond and an it's right next to my Mill now across the street I think the parking is on a wrong direction at at Ana sorry on Pawn Street because across the street where there was parking before it got switched over to my side of the note which I have piping so people didn't get out right into the street next uh this uh right across the street there's a sidewalk where people can get out safely into the sidewalk it used to be like that all the time and on on Street on Palm Street correct and I think now the tractor trailers are having a harder time making that turn because we got cars that are right there at the corner and it makes it to be a wider turn that they cannot make that's where the issue is and I do have a video on that and uh there was never issues for years before I mean all of a sudden it was an issue um and we do need parking there's not much for parking sure anything else J okay no maybe a sign like no parking like within 10t or 15t from the hydrant I really think that may be a good idea but also for safety reasons on Pawn Street the fire fire trucks have to be there the fire hydrant are on my side of the street and I think the parking should be across the street yeah um as far as far as posting signage for for fire hydrants uh I understand what you're saying but that is already its own law you know what I mean now it would be oh sign just you know you got to Stu up the curb is six inches off the ground I hear you there too yeah I don't want to make the the sidewalks gy either you know what I mean um a couple of the things you guys both mentioned I mean fire hydrant issues and then parking up at the top of the street where it already is is no parking um those these are just enforcement issues which we can all the PD can address and hopefully curb it with some enforcement issues um so that there's some alleviating some standing issues so did you uh I'm Patrick Norton I run the narrow center of the Arts been down there for 23 years and I think this is a problem of success is what we're talking about here right yeah right it's a good problem to have right now good problem to have we're trying to do trying to do some things and a lot of the issues have come in with the the once Primo moved into the neighborhood right Primo the restaurant next door to us we had no when the Narrows we got we're looking aart like 400 cars they have a great relationship with Pat Todd weent her lot the battleship lot but Primo comes in the neighborhood now we got to squeeze 60 more cars and that's why people are resorting to parking on both sides of the street because there is a when I say there's no parking on a Friday and Saturday or a Thursday Friday and Saturday I mean there's no parking so I'm up for a spirit of compromise I do not think we can just wipe out 15 16 spots because that's a big deal for Primo they don't have a single spot he's not here today I'm not speaking for him but I mean you know we're all trying to work together in the neighborhood to make this thing work sure and I appreciate and Pat to but I mean I don't think this is something in the room right now there's not been a lot of consensus building if I may be so bold to say with this proposal meaning nobody was asked whether we thought this was a good idea other than Pat H which I appreciate but if we're trying to make the whole neighborhood work myself our building these gentlemen Primo I mean you get the Marine Museum him I'm looking to compromise on some level but I'm here to say wee do not take away I mean we're all over the city I mean we think the city should be they're trying out they're trying to C to do something but those help is a year away from what I've been told but you know so between now and then I you take away that I think Mr Primo in particular again selfishly we have parking at the arrows we have enough parking for what we need to do but others in the neighborhood aren't and again and we're being and also our people show up early stay late so I know we're parking hogs in the neighborhood The Narrows people we're we're the busiest we had 28,000 people down that last year we're we're rocking so we're taking a lot of parking and I don't want to see other businesses infed by us and our success so to speak so that's kind of it for me you uh raised your hand again did you have something else say I'm just too so we after what the tractor trailers have done since the the road changed to one way they now use M Street out of my Mill remember I have 18 tractor trailers a week they now go down Mill Street turn left in front of Primos and the Narrows and then try to make the turn onto Anan try to make the turn that's when they have to make 3 point turns to navigate between the cars so there are other ways to get it done but nobody knows who's in charge of Mill Street Mill Street's not accepted it's not an accepted Street within the city so it's considered years have been plowing it ourselves we we shouldn't have to do that we should because it's not accepted correct so the owners of the property own up to the middle of the road with it not being accepted we also have our I like Patrick's comment it's the problem with success that is so true that is that is so true so so true so obviously safety is going to be Paramount personal safety and then right underneath is is property right um when it comes to the board our biggest thing what we deal with is parking I mean it's one of the hottest Commodities in the city no matter where you're you're coming from um know Well Steph has something that you want y so I'm just going to read off this letter that I received from lulo um to whom it may concern it has been brought to my attention that there is a movement to eliminate parking on anaan street from water heading east to Broadway I do not know who is driving this change but it common sense in every respect as a business owner in the affected area my customers will have to walk a distance that will be us unusually long in order to access my front door that's not fair nor is it considerate to put a burden on my customers and myself coming from someone who isn't affected by the change that they are proposing the current situation of anaan street now being a one-way with parking on both sides of the street has made it easier for my customers visiting all the businesses in the areas and has slow traffic speed down because their street isn't opened up to where people can drive at high rates of speed as was the case when there was parking only on one side of the street if anything this area needs more parking not less as with any industrial type area businesses needs deliveries and I understand that there is also consideration that needs to be given to blocking off the entire Street to any traffic at all how are you people supposed to operate a business and have customers visit when they have no access I think this proposal proposal doesn't have Merit and should be discarded as unreasonable and without thought lulo thank you g to ask you that question how many trailers come after 4: or after 3 to those Mills do you have an idea um it is a 24/7 Mill right so I'm going to say six a night and Patrick works with me he makes sure we don't block the loading docks he makes sure they can get in but if it's another party if it's the gates they don't work with me so it could be a resolution to say after hours is fine but people are already parking where they shouldn't so why would we open the gates even more all right so I'm going to leave this open for the court to ask any questions if they have any and then have a quick discussion if um there's any uh motions regarding this issue um like I said obviously personal safety is Paramount followed by property safety um it is my opinion I don't vote on this matter but it is just my opinion after hearing both um both sides of this uh I would like to see some sort of a compromise I again agree with everyone here that this is a good problem to have meaning that everyone's business is thriving um but I mean the track to trailer Delivery is is clearly uh something that needs to be addressed if the corners were pushed back outside of the standard 20 foot I think that's going to give those tractor trailers plenty of opportunity to get onto the road safely as far as it being tight and uh people running across the street that's a problem we're going to have on anything that's considered a roadway um I would love to be able to prevent any and all pedestrian accidents however uh we still got to be somewhat reasonable and as far as that area that you're talking way they're going to pull out of again I think if we can clear that it's only going to be one side 40t from there um I don't see why that would be unreasonable for a track to trailer I mean I'm not sitting in a tractor trailer so I mean I could be wrong but I think them pulling out with that right I'm sorry that left corner free they can make that left hand turn that being said the area at the top and the fire hydrant issues those are all standing things I don't know if adding any more signage is going to help that I think like you've already said that's just going to be an Enforcement issue um that would take away some parking on the street but still maintain a good majority uh from where we have been in the years past that is just an idea I have but traffic board please you have any questions for anybody here this request this request is also coming with a stop sign on pond at anaan as well CU currently there is no stop sign on Pond yeah that's really just for the let's say we have parking on one side which side would you be suggested coming up one on so you're requesting no parking on the south side yeah no parking on the south side with the handicap signs are right now that's the north side where the handicap signs are Park on side parking on the other side move the handicap signs over onto the southide you know for the narrow that piece is really hurtful moving it to the other side never mind if we wiped out one side because couple think they're going to be opening their doors and walking onto the traffic and so we got anybody coming around that street secondly we work with a lot of tour buses and it's really hard if we really we have to block that side off so we can get the gear in it's going to be very difficult if I'm putting tour buses on the other side of the street having a l artist to walk out the door would be to me that I completely agree with you and I think as the board makes these suggestions and all comments please keep in mind um safety is the main concern not so much ease or accessibility for the businesses I would love to be able to cover both aspects all right but uh we just can't the decisions have to be made um safety-minded question before you vote on this item and you supposed to send letters to all the people affected for and in the agenda they mentioned that you got receive some calls that would so this meeting is usually the first meeting to discuss about options but then usually you table onto next meeting where you s us all correct nothing gets solidified now y than you and I think we sitting at the table our recommendation was 40 ft from the corner side as you said at least one handicap sign and parking on the side that was our recomendation and then alleviate par on the south side correct from the asri mentioned people open do especially at night when they're leaving a venue they you know they've had some fun and you don't you know you don't want people opening their cars and getting into the air after you know so night of entertainment 40 feet Pond okay from pond okay yeah at least essentially that's what you're saying justing I agree with what you were saying and then see what happens from there on this way nobody's really getting affected that's how the talking before anyway what you say that I agree with um sergeant and then see what happens like he was saying the signage at the beginning you eliminate like like H guy said it's a success don't it that's why when I heard this I'm like that's crazy because it's so busy down there but if we can accommodate one another help one another out and see and give a little like s say give it room for the trucks to go by and see what happens if it becomes an issue then it becomes an issue we'll go from there but right now that's what I would do that's what the sergeant is referring to also to to um just piggy back on that this actually could be resolved this evening if the board wanted to go that route and say Hey listen this is what we'll do we we'll push the corners back 20 to 40 feet um we we'll make sure that it gets passed on to the PD through their ear on about enforcement over there um and see how that works that is something that could be voted on tonight and established and if you know over the next however many month through the end of the summer like hey that alleviated some but there is still some major issues doing due to this new um parking pattern uh we can come back and tonight we we do want to move forward with trying to alleviate parking there as we're not alleviating parking spaces we could vote on this tonight but you also it's like it's the summer now so of course it's very active and then when you come with the fall and the winter it's not going to be as active as it is now so it's like we're kind of putting a damper on the businesses and you know we need businesses here in the city and we can't just shut the door on all of them you know that's my no offense to nobody but that's how I feel we need to grow our city needs to grow we need to support everyone including yourself you know Mr Den me well 40 ft if we uh push back 40 feet from that from pwn Street in Anan mhm I think with the tractor trailers and I believe it in with my experience um the track the shorter the turn the more tracking the trailer is going to do I believe if we keep parking from Water Street to pond on both sides I think we'll be fine with the pill back on the north side of 40 ft each side of pwn Street and the um south side of anaan just east of pond uh just east of pond so when they come out of pond they take a left the opposing side will be open and they can track out but um I think what you said and just peel it back 40 feet on each corner and uh we go through with it and monitor it and I'd actually like to take a truck through there myself you know we we trans transition through there all the time with big trucks but I'd like to take a trailer through there and I go down there it is busy and it's nice you know so are there any other comments questions or concerns that anyone would like to address the board with yeah uh so M Street okay I know that's not accepted on as a a city street I'm not mistaken but is it a right of way I mean we can have it as a right of way for Access because even if they go down pound Street to take a right into her property it is difficult but if they go straight down hill it's just as it's just going straight straight into her property which 95% of the time that's where the trailers are going anyway they're not really on unless they're looking for the address and they don't know where it is where L do did suggest I think that corner thing that says 104 to go into her Mill which will will allow the tra trailers to know where they are there's not many tractor trailers anymore that are on Anan street they're really they're using Mill Street it's a lot easier you just drive straight into her property and it will allow parking on Palm Street on both sides where I think we should have parking on both sides of Pawn Street because 10 cars that would get there I had a yoga place that left because of parking being an issue and it's too bad because you know that's like 75 80 people a night it was a good good tenant for three years and it's just a suggestion you know they can use I mean Mill Street's there I mean it's it's for everybody's benefit I have a loading dot too they use Mill Street for for the Narrows they use stre for Patricia's mil they use mil Street I don't know anyone from the board have anything else or is there a motion to put forth here a motion of what you had said I need you want to push the corners Back 40 feet um accept the stop sign proposal and see where that takes us through the summer so 40t on Anan both North and South side at Pond correct and we're going to have to assure that at least uh 15 feet on Pawn Street from Manan is peel back too yeah so Mass laws 20 ft so that we can put up that doesn't even need to be voted on room to transition out of there but I think that's fine we'll monitor it from there there a proposal by Natalie is there a second on this a second any opposed see none yeah that's what the what the so um put that hopefully this works for you I understand it's not everything you asked for in your proposal there are some things that I think um are what you asked for the stop sign is not going to be an issue um we are going to push those Corners back so that should address the safety hazard of the tractor trailers um and we do keep some parking this can this is going to take effect immediately the letters will be put out to the businesses if this doesn't work I mean we would just go through the same process again and you guys come back with new data saying why yay or nay and we can make new adjustments okay we're going to go back 40 ft than wa all right thank you uh next table request was 935 Rodman Street uh fullway stop sign at wi and Pierce robon not yeah that one robon I'm sorry okay was it was it robon is there anyone here for 9:35 Roberson all right that's been tabled already motion to deny motion to uh drop stop uh is there second second hey second second of course any opposed none I took the window out all right Mr L request DOA variety okay 32 DOA Street time zone parking request 15minute parking Monday through Sunday every day 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. motion to approve motion to approve is there seconded any opposed seeing none all set sir you get your sign thank you yep uh next Cambridge Street one way from Oxford to lap yeah see this one this one here I got a problem with it's that that block there in that piece we're going to divert all that traffic through that Loop for that small piece can't we just make that uh no parking on one side for that period of time uh that school because you have to come down Cambridge and you got to divert and we there's going to be some large trucks through the neighborhood yeah so you you do like Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4 P p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and then it can go back to normal actually that would address the issue yeah and it would keep everybody because otherwise you're going to Route everybody all day every day and then uh they can go back to uh to parking on that side at night when people get out of work so what side of Cambridge are you requesting no parking on pick you could either pick the uh North or South there's one side when you're coming down when you're traveling East on Cambridge the right side has a lot of open Cuts cuts the left side has a couple of good stretches yeah then couple good stretches you can get some parking in so you could choose from that probably the no par your pick you have yeah it's the southide that's the the salt the salt side is the one that has a lot of crib Cuts in it a lot of entrances uh is there a second for Charlie's motion for Mak so what are the hours what do we 7 to 4 I think would be the most reasonable yeah it's School Time Monday through Friday Monday through Friday y there a second so on Cambridge from Oxford to LA yes okay any opposed see none all right handicap requests tabled from last mon 16 Russell 16 Russell Street this was tabled already deny second seconded any opposed none uh 592 Walnut Street yep okay um we tabled this one so I had a chance to go by and look at the driveway I have since done so it is not a driveway I went by I took a picture of my Explorer yeah parked in front of it and uh not only could you not get in and out of it you can't even get it in it's it's a it's a audio Yeah so I like that yeah I would I would refer uh refrain from referring to that spot as as a driveway not a drive so that being said that was obviously the only hang up as as we discussed um off street parking being a disqualifier for for handicap so motion to approve seconded by second seconded by Charlie any opposed look at that seeing none 12 weeks you'll have your a lot of these giving people that own their property I new handicap spaces we got doing we're 526 montop 526 montop she's give us a moment to review your packet Jus she can stay there she can stay there yeah you guys don't she doesn't she don't drive one here don't drive there another one this is a no cuz she don't D I know yeah um this is uh Mr and Mrs Potter y okay y so um before we get into any kind of Vote or discussion on this I just need to um explain a couple of things okay when it comes to the issuing of handicap parking spaces on a public way okay no good she don't drive there there are um a couple of prerequisites that have to be met okay one of them are the person applying for the spot has to be licensed and they have to drive a vehicle they cannot have access to off street parking okay um the reason for these these issues are this uh it's one of the things we just went over there so if you're going to say hey I need handicap parking in front of the house but I have a driveway I the board cannot give you a space on a public road because handicap parking is is a commodity when you have access to park your car off property so that's an automatic disqualifier the second one is is if the person who is applying um for it doesn't drive because the way this the state looks at it is this if I'll just use you guys for the example okay she doesn't drive you're her primary caretake which I completely understand they're saying well if she needs to go somewhere she's not going to be driving herself so she doesn't need that immediate door to to curve to get to her car when you can come out take the car bring it around to the front of the house in which case she can load up or unload that's the way they look at it that's why they're saying that the person who's getting the spot needs to be um able to drive does that make sense or I understand everything you just said yep but the thing I'm a little upset about yep is basically to me I wasted my time my money whatever doing all of this because on the application it does not State anywhere on the application that the person applying has to be license driver um looking at the application right here this is what you filled out sir yep okay um guidelines number two the very first bullet must be a liced driver with the vehicle for your own use right so I'm her caretaker wouldn't that fall under that nope this is the person applying for the handicap spot you can't apply for a handicapped spot because you're not handicapped right I understand so she's the one applying which is why you put her name under applicant so that's why it would say guideline bullet one must be a license driver the vehicle of your own use I that's I that interpretation I just don't understand that it it needs to be rewarded rephrased something the person living there has to be the licensed driver applying for this I don't that caretaker can't be the one applying for this I mean the whole parking in that whole area is a joke I lived in that area from 2000 to 2008 MH um it was never this bad this whole area has become a complete joke you have a lot of people that just don't give a that don't follow and you're you're a cop you know I'm going to try trailer driver I understand you know I understand this everybody's situation I understand yeah but come on a little give and take a little courtesy the house right around the corner dwell your mtop there's like 12 vehicles and then they got like six commercial vehicles Vans and stuff that they Pok overnight in front of my house and whatever they're not supposed to what does the city of Fall River do about it not a damn thing well I mean you know I I completely understand your frustration very frustrating especially when my mother's lived in the same apartment for for 25 plus years I mean cuz my heart goes out to you and every other person that unfortunately I got to deny I completely get it not basically I just have to because my mother doesn't own the property or because my mother doesn't drive and hasn't driven in our life I just have to deal with the ignorance of the neighborhood well if there trucks that you say that are not supposed to be in front of your house that it's illegal I suggest you call the police to have them removed have them ticket you know what I'm saying maybe that somewhat help I mean I don't want to be a Nuance in the neighborhood I mean I understand everybody's got a PO and whatever but like come on this Pock Street why AR you parking on dwell Street I get it you know what I mean I don't get it I mean you know you want to park in front of my mother's house that I you know my mother's been in out of the hospital six eight times in the last year you know ambulance got to come in and me out I mean come on all right we don't make the I apologize for wasting your time no no I'm sorry it's not time and my mother's time this is just all right uh motion on on this one obvious all right seconded by Natalie no uh monop making people happy one thing at a time 54 brow how can I ruin your day let's see oh you can't ruin my day cuz I have my own car I have license I don't have off Street pocket ah you wore blue there's no blue on traffic meeting days would B for me I will Rie served me coffee and donuts for probably 30 years coffee and donuts I don't care if you have donut yes and Natalie too of course for 30 years of course I see nothing motion to approve I make a motion to approve seconded by Charlie any opposed seeing none see it was take care of yourself yes I have a question commercial bins okay about a year ago we weren't having problems with pockets bu but about a year ago this guy moved into a house that he bought on John Street you know the corner of spring John and Brow Street a little further down he bought a house he owns his own business saw commercial Vans like six or seven once 5:00 comes nobody can find a pocket spot and he's got a long driveway doesn't Park his cars in the driveway this V he pocks it out in the street what can I do about that so the ordinance I have I've called the police station numerous times so if they're not two t more they won't T them yeah it has to be two ton more from 5 p.m. they're allowed to par no I said no this is a residential area not a commercial area what size van are we talking like talking about the regular business Vans a a passenger van that just has the the commercial name on the side yeah not a box truck it has to box truck it's just regular vans that you know like do deliveries it has to be two ton or more that gets choed up to just ignorance unfortunately that is not illegal that's what I was told yeah correct it's to be such a pain half they have half of it right there's always a second half right there's there's always another side to the coin a commercial vehicle but it has to be an oversiz it has to be two ton of more yeah yeah it's not over size that's the reg there com but it just gets to be opinion yes a year ago we didn't have this problem I've lived there for like 19 years uh 1665 Bay Street hello thank you thank you day see no issues with this is there a motion on the table make a motion to approve second seconded by Helen any oppose yes see none you are all set dear give it like 12 weeks and it'll be up okay thank you you are welcome really quickly do you want that on the Bay Street side or Woodman Street on Bay okay thank you last request 282 Barnaby 282 Barnaby not here none okay motion to table motion to table seconded by Charlie oppose none uh real quick I'll burn through the resented handicap spots we have Birch Street Bright Street chesworth Street Plymouth and and Flint Street motion motion F none the end of the meeting and with that we are no yeah we did Might good work everybody good think we