[Music] one okay welcome everyone to the found school committee meeting of May 14th um could we all please stand for the pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right welcome everyone your school thank you for coming um so the school committee will be in person for school committee members and the public a remote option will remain available for community members unable to attend in person join from a PC Mac iPad iPhone or Android please click the URL on the agenda on the website if you would like to join that way there is a student advisory there she is okay hello Molly Keef take it away welcome first do you want to tell us like this what you want to tell us why you're like like this you I'm on the steamship back home after a meet what kind of meet I had a sailing meet how'd it go we [Music] [Applause] won and you're un I is it true the rumor is true you're undefeated yes it is okay please tell us the High School update tell us all the things okay the fous cheerleaders are collecting medical supplies for Ukraine I need enough to fill one U-Haul which will be driven to New York on Memorial Day weekend um the sh the senior art show is currently up at Highfield Hall this is open and free to the public spring sports are slowly coming to an end as of today sailing is 8-0 and first in the league the spring Awards night is June June 13th at 7 p.m. and just before that the 2024 fall Sports meeting with coaches will take meet the coaches night will take place the yearbook deadline is May 31st and they are each $100 um seniors who are planning on a playing a sport in high school in college please go to the auditorium on May 21st right after school um and they're still looking for after prom volunteers very good we have please we have some questions from the audience um okay M did you enjoy your trip to Boston oh yes I did what did you do there we visited the um asz exhibit Museum um at Boston um I believe last Monday I think or Thursday it was Thursday yeah I went as a sh on that and there were the teachers The English Department did such an amazing job to get the entire Freshman Class where there haven't been a lot of field trips lately so it's just it was so great that the entire Freshman Class could go and they were so well behaved um including Molly Marie she was very good any other questions or comments all right seeing none thank you enjoy your boat ride thank you m bye she's all right that kid let's keep her all right moving on to public comment members of the public are welcome to speak about items that are not on the agenda comment should be limited to 2 minutes in length due to open meeting law the committee cannot act on public comment for items on the agenda the chair May accept comments from the public following the committee's decision on an item additional comments comments and feedback can also be submitted by email to school committee. k12.us do we have anyone for public comment k please hello I'm just more comfortable doing music I love it and speaking so hope you don't mind I wrote you a song everybody that's nice but first I know the clock is ticking um the American Medical Association says that lack of sleep hinders the development of the brain's frontal lobe and leads to risky behaviors but our teens can't fall asleep when we want them to their sleep is delayed by the hormone melatonin and here's my song for you [Music] they say it takes 4 hours 4 hours the teenage Brave has a 4 Hour that means it's like I'm waking him up at 2 a.m. and 2 a.m. is no time to start day what's a mom to do I'm asking you what are we to do I'm asking you I'm asking you because I I cannot make this sun the day becomes washed with light and they they're wonderful their there the world and the world is there theas apaa the CDC they all agree if they don't get the sleep they need anxiety depression low immunity risk taking so I I have to makes sleep a priority it's harmonal it's [Music] logical instead of suicide intervention strategies I want to put sleep first can we Delay school and put sleep first you please take your name to the record please yes my name is Ki F thank you thank you thank you very much all right anyone else for public comment great please good evening yes please okay good evening my name is Glend Cohen and I'm running for one of the open seats on the found school committee in the May 21st election first I want to thank the current school committee members for doing this important work of supporting our family students I have seen through my more than 20 years as a classroom educator and as a parent just how critical a school committee is to the success of students you volunteer your time to share your insights and experience experience you represent different Community viewpoints you oversee the budget and policies of the district and most importantly you show that you believe in public education so I thank you all for the important work that you are doing if I'm elected I will be a collaborative and productive member of the school committee District leadership team I would support programs and policies that encourage the growth and achievement of all students both through academics and extracurricular activities and i would support the voices of teachers who are the experts on shaping the future of our kids it would be my honor to be sitting with you at the next school committee meeting in two weeks so I humbly ask for the community's vote on the 21st thank you thank you anyone else for public comments all right seeing none next up we have presentation of tea ticket school highlights [Applause] [Music] oh get them out of [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there she does all the [Music] [Music] okay so welcome to the uh tea ticket School we'd like to share our Clippers ship challenge as our tea ticket highlight I'm Sandy capson Bellis the principal here at the tea ticket school and Miss Riolo is our library Tech Teacher and then we can intr uce our students you want to say your name in what grade you're in I'm Jackson from jica I'm in third grade C Jacob I'm e I'm in third grade I'm maxan Humphrey and I'm in third grade I'm J Dayton and I'm in second grade I'm I'm Lucas Robinson with the K never forget the K or else bad things will happen all right so we're excited to um to present to you one of our after school activities so at the te ticket school we have some before and after school activities that are um at a very um menial cost for eight weeks families could pay $15 for students to participate in a before or after school activity we have scholarship and families as well and the variety of activities span from sports like soccer and volleyball and running club to Lego Club uh fun with food learning Portuguese we have a a large variety and Miss Riolo decided to do an activity that aligned with the steam fair and so at this year's steam Fair there was going to the opportunity for students to participate in a Clippers ship challenge so not all students might have the opportunity to make a boat at home and at school they had the opportunity to do this so these are a few of our participants who participated in the fair oops sorry okay so miss Rolo is going to talk a little bit about the design process so when I heard about the steam fair and I saw that there was going to be a boat building challenge I was particularly excited because I saw it immediately as an opportunity for my students to learn about the design process and the design process is basically a very um short problem solving model where students can learn how to persevere when challenges don't exactly work the way they thought they might the first time and they also get to work how learn how to work together as a team how to collaborate how to communicate together and how to overcome obstacles as a team um and most importantly how to um give and take a little bit during this design process as I working as team so our students are going to share a little with you about the process so Catherine is going to talk about the the material so there were requirements to participate in the Clippers ship challenge what kind of things did you guys have to consider Catherine uh well first we had a list of items we had to use we have AUM foil cardboard glue or tape broad plastic straws decorations not affecting quy and most of us really picked the cardboard probably the dot the paper straws duct tape tin foil of cardboard okay and so in thinking about the actual design process um Lucas and Jackson are going to talk about how they designed their Clippers ships thinking about the materials they chose the size the shape maybe the weight other factors so Lucas what you want to show everybody your ship and what you're thinking about so my vote is called the ssw and for some reason I covered up the title with some tape so let me just peel that back so you can all see and then I and then I was going for for more of a design meant to keep it a flow and not meant for like for Speed like just keep keeping keeping it up kind of and there's and one material I second guessed myself on was wood because it soaks up water easily but hey whatever floats your boat the bottom there what you made all right right now what did your team consider Jack so we considered just as we just considered a design we don't know so we TR we were trying to not do as compact Bo if we get it to compact it won't once mhm all right and I think you added some things to your boat as well you want to tell us about what you added to your boat so we added a flag M People you people on there some of them have lost face all of these votes have survived the competition people yes not all the people okay all right so then Jas and Eve are also going to show us their votes that they worked on and made together and what they were thinking about so some of the projects were group projects and then some students worked on their projects individually so Jace what did you want to share again so we wanted to do like a design thing to make it a little cool so um we made a plank thankfully we didn't put that anchor [Laughter] on and we went a little too far with the tape but it's fine we put a FL and I don't know what happened to the coloring got wet I think everything got wet oh we used got [Music] smudged we put a flat ground so it could at least float all right and yeah all right thank you Jay how about you e would you like to share about your development there we just um we put like we tried to make a kitchen it just like fell apart though okay and then just [Music] people cardboard tape and um the the we also made walls like colored walls walls so part of the competition was not only for buoyancy but also decorations and in the names of the ship so the students were considering all of those elements so then it came to the actual Penny challenge at the steam fair so if anybody had gone to the steam fair you would have seen the the small kind of like a um a kitty pool yes and um lots of pennies and so max do you want to tell us about what it was like when you got to the competition well when I got to a competition I I saw that everybody was making simple draft boats and seeing how many each o could c um when the competition started we um went by grades first was Kindergarten and then first grade second grade third grade and so on when it was my turn I put my boat gently on the water I made pockets in my boat for so that it could hold more pennies but for this to work I had to to put one penny in each pocket before I moved on to more pennies in each pocket um I think my I Bo holded at least 365 pennies was the most third grade Ridley actually was gonna show his Clippers ship as well he did win in the uh prek a second grade competition so he did get an Amazon gift card and how many how many pennies did you did your boat hold I'm pretty sure 347 347 so it was pretty impressive do you want to talk about how you designed your boat I tried to design it for speed for Speed and buoyancy excellent and what did you have as a decoration a flag all all right so that is the conclusion of our Clippers ship presentation does anyone have any questions oh what was the most fun part of this whole experience for you making the boats oh you're going to say Bradley um putting the pennies in putting the pennies in what about you e working together working together the boat testing the boat all right there was a lot of competition and I actually noticed that the parents were closing in on the kitty pool too when the kids were there really trying to count out the pennies did they get to keep the [Music] pennies the pennies that was just us money the point of one more question after building these boats would you ever try building a bigger boat no yes possibly maybe maybe maybe maybe also can I have those three pennies all right okay thank you very much thank you thank [Applause] you awesome never let anybody forget [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right I don't know how anybody's going to talk that good luck to you now uh moving on to the presentation of the CTE [Music] program yes I please tell me your first again no Noel and what anelle and you are with the right and you will be making a recording thank you so much thank you thank you sorry to call you out like that so back to moving on to the CTE program hello hi um so I'm uh Dave Hearn I'm a a volunteer and I am a member of the CTE Advisory board for the culinary program so I'm coming to talk about that aspect and I'm Sam Goldstone um I'm not sure for missing a few people but it's okay uh and I'm a student at F high school and a junior and I've taken six uh CTE classes and plan on taking more next year would you like to to start and then know yeah I've taken um three computer science course so AP Computer Science programming and CAD I'm in two this year um and I plan on taking another one next year whether that be programming two or another computer science course um I think those that that course is very important and that sort of area of study is important not just for kids who are willing to go into college for for computer science or programming but also in daily life you guys are all computers um know how to use them um and class like that also provide um a place for teamwork uh that I think we don't get in the rest of the school um so I'm also part of uh Mr Brooks's um shop I've been in that since freshman year I'm completed the pathway actually missing the awards tonight tonight for this um we thank you for being here yeah you're very lucky to have my presentence [Laughter] um uh so all the way from woodworking one woodworking 2 now I'm in construction and again it's it's life skills that you can't necessarily get anywhere else um you know I've had uh grandfa I've been lucky to have grandfathers um and fathers who've been willing to um build you know sheds with me I had my old house had a porch built solely by my grandfathers but I've never had experience doing stuff like that um and a class like this is very help ful um it it also provides a time of my day where I'm outside of a classroom outside of um you know paperwork or a lot of time on computer we spend a lot of time on the computer day during the day and I get to work with my hands um and I think a lot of kids really enjoy stuff like that and benefit from that um so I have a few bullets about um collaboratives work from one or two disciplines with each other but I I wanted to share a few sto stories about my own personal experience because I've been working with Mrs Hackett in the culinary arts um program since about 2017 so I I'm a volunteer both at the fet service center and at the fet senior center so it it seemed like in addition to you know the obvious restaurants and uh various kitchens and such around the town there was an opportunity to partner with some of the work that takes place at the service center and at the senior center so uh and we've had some I I think some really cool examples of that so um for a number of years now at the Falmouth service center um The Culinary Arts uh students are making meals uh and freezing them and we provide them to our home what we call our home delivery uh clients or the folk basically shuttin folks that can't get to a pantry to get food so they have the opportunity not only to get fruits and vegetables and and non- perishables delivered but they get readymade meals prepared uh not just any meals but meals prepared by the culinary arts program uh but another neat aspect of it that Mrs Hackett has done is she's weaved that into uh an international cuisine program so uh for example there'll be a Latin American theme and a and um a Mediterranean theme theme and some other uh Cuisines that you could think about and the students do the research on the recipes the class votes on and there's two classes that do this actually but the classes vote on the recipes that they think are the best ones um Mrs hacket and I collaborate and make a decision on what the recipe is going to be and then they make um sometimes as many as 100 meals and we pick them up and we distribute them and this has been going really since the you know since we recovered from the pandemic we sort of pivoted from this Fresh Market program into this program so it's been a really good example but the students really connect and they understand what it means to uh be serving you know a part of our community so it's um I'm very grateful for it and and uh more importantly our clients are too um a couple other quick stories if I have time um at the senior center um we've we've had a couple of programs because we started doing some um cooking classes at the senior center in their kitchen and again um I happen to be on the board of the COA so um I was able to look for opportunities and this Hackett and I selected a couple of uh her uh students that have been through the entire curriculum of culinary arts and these students came in and sort of acted as sort of like a sue Chef for these cooking classes and it was and I happen to be there too so it was marvelous because you know and this is part of the goal of the senior center is to get multigenerational things happening and get contact uh amongst the different you know age groups and members of the community so um Ali Eslick was the one who did a lot of um she's a student of Mrs hackets and she did a lot of this U partnership helping out with these classes so she connected with the students uh excuse me connected with the senior center members that were taking this class so in my mind it was a real success um and we're now continuing as we continue more classes uh in the fall we're looking for more students to partner up on that and the second example is this past summer uh we had another student um ARB Costa who came and volunteered as a regular member of the uh the lunch volunteer team at the chappie cafe in the Senior Center uh and it was one of the busiest days and you know people are off all volunteers are off so we desperately needed her help and she was not just sort of a a token member of this team but she was in there prepping food and cooking food and serving food and stuff so it was really good so Mrs hack and I are working on selecting at least one more volunteer to come this summer so those are some examples of you know the kind of things that we can do in in Partnership and I think you know there's more opportunities for that too um and I wanted to cite a few examples too from other um collaborative work so for example the culinary arts and the food Justice uh teams um the the food Justice students were growing uh a good amount of vegetables and so they worked with um The Culinary students and they cooked up um a fall Harvest Meal which apparently was quite success uccessful um I think Dr Harris may know more about that one but it sounded like it was it was a really good successful collaboration they did the same thing with a lot of the lettuce That Grew and they worked with culinary students for that um and it's not just culinary I mean I'm less familiar with that but I know the marketing and restaurant management students worked um they did a lot of market research to try to figure out what um what kinds of snacks and what kind of Beverages and things like that the staff and students were looking for uh in the cafe the Clipper Cafe at the high school so um it was a real uh market research project and culminated in I think happy staff members and happy teachers and things like that so and there's a number of um collaborative things like that you are so Ian aware that you know we have uh in a growing opportunity for kids Mr describes it really well talking to some ining ninth graders that we believe we are a school of and rather than a school of or and there's multiple things that students can do and and engage in you can choose a career path such as our construction pathway our food science pathway our child development pathway you could also have a pathway and then engage in our business and marketing classes right so you can child development but also be taking business and marketing classes to be able to design and develop your own and a really burgeoning partnership that is happening is the is the the food and our that area with uh Dr Harden's uh food Justice and climate piece and the expansion of that program and looking to expand that Garden area out there and uh including incorporating a science component next year as we as we build Partnerships across our academic departments as well I think the real asset we have in CTE is visionary leaders of these areas and thinking not only in where you know Mr Campbell can take his program which is one that really takes into a real academic area we're increasing our AP offerings his area will be the first one that offers an AP class for sophomores and eventually possibly freshman right so it has that component to it as well but then also how they look at how they cross and work together uh a real big leadership project that Mr Mack has done uh and Mrs Murray with Miss hacket as well as students called a grub group and Andrea in the food in and Lori in our actual food service department and really thinking about taking the Clipper Cafe which right now every morning at uh 7:30 if you'd like a cup of coffee or a muffin or a breakfast sandwich stop by and they'll serve you uh and our teachers as one teacher said I woke up late I couldn't make my stop thank goodness the Clipper Cafe is open um looking at how they expand that eventually to offer offerings for students that don't compete with the food service P but also thinking about with the expansion of the of the race food Injustice program and Miss hackins program and then the ex as they students have thought about creating more of a student if you go come in our library it's more of a student union field to it expanding and looking at how do we create an environmental high school that's more flexible for students and has food and opportunities around what their needs and their wants are and that's student driven but it's closely connected to the offerings that we have uh and what's happening in the CTE program I think exting to see the range of students at the awards ceremony tonight a lot of students weren't able to be there because they're in Lacrosse and they have a job and they're in several other pieces that are part of the CTE program and so CTE teachers are up there not frustrated but proud that their students are in other things and in work that they have already been been a part of and have done and um we're just really thankful many of them have these Partnerships and advisories into the community that expand out uh but I think we're really excited about the way that is growing and looking for the leadership for those uh uh teachers uh to take their ideas and and expand the M I didn't even get into Mr Weber's class and and the things that he do uh but we're very excited about where it is and we're headed and and really good student outcomes in Community Partnerships great any questions hold on we've got a question well um Sam I understand uh some students are building I know and I don't get any information at home so I have to ask them here yeah I got you um uh that uh I think some of of Mr book's students are building uh the compost bin container and wondering if there's any update on that yeah I I missed um a part sort of of the the two Pathways I me which is a service to the school and the community around us um I think Mr Brooks uh that most a lot of you know that uh uh some of the students myself included are building uh the shelter for the um combos bin I think that is almost finished um I haven't worked on that for about a week and a half but uh that I think that's sort of a big part of what all this means is we have an ability to help you guys and help the rest of the school and it it brings everybody together um I know Mr I was in uh and Mr Weber came asking part Mr Campbell um and and believe it or not you you go out in the school and there's you you know classroom classroom and there's little pieces of plastic 3D printed um doing everything little brackets for computers or you know pieces on on whiteboards um that I've seen they're all printed Mouse right at the school and completely custom and I think you know that that ability to be self-sufficient and just you know make a part that we need or we were using uh clamps from the shop actually Mr Campbell's room uh to fix computers to the tables or gluing them so it's you know just this ability to have tools or resources you know all over the school um is very cool well I just want to say thank you to the committee for supporting this because from the perspective of somebody in the community who is very passionate about these bills and things like that I appreciate the support it's it's and it's making a difference I think that's great thank you descriptions available online for us to read about them in the program of studies yeah okay thank you thank you so much thank you thank you don't forget your water oh yes oh thanks home all right know is bring your kids or School comme you bringing your daughter Kelly you need me to call her up I get her to tell us moving on again I don't know how we're going to TP that uh moving on to the first read of the ride share go conf fun things right back into it nothing okay not as exciting as CTE or boo Andy boats no not at all so this actually came about um even when I was principal at the high school I saw a rise in um students using ride shares and I know Elementary principles have even seen that and then Lori a few months ago was at a conference where a lawyer brought up that it's a growing concern school districts and school districts really need to consider having a policy so the bottom line is many parents are um choosing to send their students to school or have in a ride share vehicle like an Uber or a lift or having a ride share vehicle pick up their students now generally ride Shares are not if you're under 18 you're not supposed to be alone in a ride share vehicle although now in my doing research on this I have found there are companies in other parts of the State not State other parts of the country that are specifically geared towards younger children and they have different regulations involved but we don't have that yet in Massachusetts so basically we can't prohibit a parent from having a children having a child arrive at School in an Uber or a lift but we can not decide not to release a child alone to an Uber or a lift driver the bottom line is our policy and our Protocols are we only release children at dismissal time or any time during the day if they're getting dismissed to authorized adults that that you know the parents give it's either a parent or a guardian or any other emergency authorized adult and a lift driver or Uber driver is not that adult so there are real liability issues involved so we drafted this policy to um mention that that we will not release to someone who's not an authorized adult unless there is another adult in the vehicle that is an authorized adult and what we also wanted to take into consideration though at the bottom of is that if parents and Guardians are having transportation problems we want them to reach out to the building principal so that we can assist them in any way possible I know even when I was at the high school if I ever had a problem with a student with Transportation i u would call Greg Kennedy and just say is there a car or a van or something available and nine times out of 10 there was so we'd rather encourage that Safe Transportation than um have students getting into taxis or Ubers or lifts with a a strange driver that um you know it just is a risk yes it's a risk I keep seeing ads for them everywhere I think it's gr um great thank you Mary any questions okay staying on um act on the tri refrigerator at the high school as Surplus yes we have a uh large um refrigerator at the high school that uh is no longer working and would cost us more to fix it than to replace it so we're asking you to uh vote tonight to uh Surplus this refrigerator so that we can move it out of the high school so moved thank you Margaret were you seconding I'll second that thank you m I just have one question if I could yes um the disposal of the refrigerator is being done by noide company yeah it's the uh one that services our current that we buy our current current equipment from they can and take the one off okay all right that's it thank you sir you great all in favor any opposed any extensions great that's great moving on act on FF teacher project grants for the remaining of 2023 2024 school years of 89,1 76 who's taking that away motion to accept all right cool uh second any discussion so is this in in keeping with the new policy so we just have to carry it through and then same with the next one as well I cover my two questions in one go yes ma'am all right all in favor sorry can you tell what the new the policy is just yes we can just refresh our mind all grants have to be approved by the school committee and so with FF grants all grants for educational purposes now typically a grant for educational purposes all gifts for educational purposes as well but we have gifts that are not necessarily for an educational purpose um you know you donate a coat to a school that's not an educational purpose per se but grants particularly we know the FF grants they are across the board for educational purposes so this was a way to get them approved in a blanket manner so that every single time there's an FF grant that doesn't have to be approved and wait for the school committee meeting um um so that's how it was presented yeah I mean I knew that from the policy work I just wanted we don't usually see those so this is why we're seeing them now because it's a new policy that we have and that came from the state P um I mean in this case it's FF I very much trust FF and have no concerns about accepting uh project grants from fpf but in general I think if we're going to be responsible for approving receiving grants it would be nice to at least have a a title some description of what the grants are that we're accepting so so we did um agree with FBF that we would not get into the um to the business of approving the grant because that's their it's always been their purview um but just accepting the dollar amount in which um is pretty much the same that we have been uh in practice in the past of accepting grants or um you know donations um we've over you know there are times that we really don't know much about them at all there's been a lot of science grants that have come in and we've just accepted that amount um science teacher um for instance may have um Chris Brothers brings in a lot of gr and so we've never really questioned the the purpose of them I can certainly share after I will tell you um we are going to uh this is new this year um I I can't necessarily share they are voting tonight as well um so they are actually voting on each project and it would be uh out in front of them to to share them publicly tonight so I can share I can send you the list um tomorrow after they uh have been voted with them as well so you're you're you're voting the the dollar amount is what you're voting okay it does make sense for FF I mean we we have a working relationship with them we know that lengthy process that they go through to to select those grants and we know that they align with what we're trying to do but if it were something else that was a little unusual it would be nice to know sure right great all in favor any post any exension okay moving on act on FF Min grants is there a motion Mo thank you Mike is there a second second thank you Chris any discussion seeing none all in favor I any oppos any exension okay act on in kind gift donation from the valley group equivalent to 9,287 I'd like to make that motion if that's okay okay thank you Mike any discussion yes um so the the Lawrence um Greenhouse um that's by the veral pool um the they actually uh came even help put it up they also donated that the 9,000 uh plus uh was for certain um materials for the greenhouse thank you very that was very generous and I think um thank you to the extremely generous student volunteer that helped build it very much appreciated um I'll any sorry all in favor I I I any opposed any exension see none act on Teamster contract 24 to 27 for the custodians so second okay any discussion seeing none all in favor any opposed any exension great that fast act on the SEIU contract 2024 2027 for food service so second on a roll you're going faster all in favor any opposed any exstension great act on SEI contract SEIU contract 2024 2027 secretaries second you know just a cop I get it now makes it easier all in favor I any opposed any Obion great awesome act on the superintendent recommendation for Legal Services by Mary Gans so moves second thank you can you so um as you know um Mary is resigning her position as of the end of this uh year I think she wants to spend more time um doing uh some things that one might do when they're not working full-time and then some um however her services are um so beneficial to the district that I did ask her to submit a um uh a letter of uh a proposal uh for legal services for the district so she can continue in the capacity um that she currently is uh for less hours so so that's it have any questions any questions Margaret I just want to say we're so fortunate that you consider continuing to work here in parttime basis we're so grateful for you thank you I actually feel grateful that you're willing to continue I'm usually beneficial thank you all right all in favor oh any post any what all right you throwing me off I apologize it's okay all right um all right that passed even though we don't want that I mean you know selfishly but I told me to get it I'm just kidding all right act on superintendent recommendation for appointment of the director of student services Lori excuse me sorry is there a motion so move second all right I am making the recommendation uh for the appointment of Sandy capson Bellis to the director of student services I think that um her abilities um knowledge her expertise uh in the area um is stands I think that we all um uh know what a great job Sandy uh has done as principal um her background and special education uh and she will um be an excellent choice for the director of student services great sorry go I just want to say thank you to J I just wanted to say thank you to Jo you will be very missed we're very excited for you and hopefully you'll stick around we'll see youtime it's been a pleasure everyone thank you all in favor any opposed any extension it passes congratulations thank you very much for the vote of confidence um be hard to leave the tea ticket school but I really look forward to supporting the district in this Ro app I just want to say you know we we need to thank you for the wonderful job that you've done here at tte it has been amazing it is just a wonderful place and the students love it and the families love it and so we're grateful of that and we look forward to continued good work for you thank you I promise we don't doubt all right um act on the summative evaluation of the superintendent so moved second all right Kelly can we take it away uh it just occurred to me that I'm logged in the wrong way so I'm not going to be able to share M can can you promote me so I can share my screen um I think the should be well to if it was earlier I think I'm still a pan uh I'm not a panelist oh you're not a panelist sorry no won't let me log in because I it thinks I'm somebody else the wrong email address thank you so much [Music] in the meantime the weather to great did everybody get a chance to go outside absolutely oh good there we go there she is awesome okay thanks okay so just a quick review for those at home anti ipating this very exciting presentation um so we start with the self assessment in the beginning of the year and then um a development of goals for the superintendent to work on throughout the year then implementing the plan which is actually doing the job and then halfway through the year a formative assessment which brings us to where we are today which is the summit of evaluation it's the conclusion of the process where the cour starts all over again um and results in a document that um is Lor's uh evaluation for the year so we do that by having each member prepare an end of cycle Summit of evaluation on their own that is their own assessment of the progress on the goals that we set at the start of the Year performance on the standards that were identified at the start of the year and then an overall rating um of performance for the year and then a design for the school committee which was me this year compiles all of those individual um evaluations into one document that reflects the preponderance of the individual ratings so it's not a a reveret of every individual one it is a summary of the overall um sentiment of all of the individual evaluations so this is the results of that um so you can see their their High the um overall preponderance of evidence in each category is circled in red can't see it there we go um so for instructional leadership um Lori received a proficient management and operations exemplary family and Community engagement proficient and I can't see the last one Prof professional culture thank you I have something hiding it on my screen uh was proficient go to the next one there we go um these are the three goals that are more specific to fet the student learning goal was maintaining a focus on academic Excellence while improving the Clipper experience for all students and um the preponderance of evidence was that Lori met that goal the professional practice goal was related U to the capacity of members of the administrative team to effectively communicate and that goal was also met and then the district Improvement goal see again um complete a comprehensive review of the business offices practices and procedures to improve Effectiveness and increased transparency and that goal was exceeded when you combine all of those um evaluations um the overall ranking was proficient so congratulations Lori on your thank you proficiency it's actually it sounds terrible when you say proficiency but it's actually a a rather good um evaluation score um and then I didn't know if you want to open it up if anyone wanted to make it sure Terry first I want to thank the committee because preponderance is a tough word um it's kind of archaic if you ask me but anyway thank you all the work that the committee did um every year it's you know putting it all together and counting it all up there was um a there was something that happened at the end of this year that um wasn't on the document um and so I added in a comment about it and I stated that it wasn't part of the document but it was a comment I thought needed to be made and that was that we the FMA District um got a green ribbon award from the the government I think only 41 schools in the whole country is that number right right I think only 41 schools in the whole country got such an award so it made found the district exemplary and laor had started that work like with the electric van that we got um learning teaching the kids and us how to compost which is not easy um and all that so we became an exemplary District so I just thought that should be noted for the record on the um evaluation I in that vein I do want to mention that um when uh at our last sort of uh mini school committee meeting that we had specifically about the summited evaluation um as a committee in the summer we have a retreat and we go over our goals and things that we want to work on and one of the things is um specifically this document and I do have on our notes for the summer among other things um to add a section for any comments non mention not mentioned in the evaluation for exactly situations like Terry mentioned so um you know like Kelly just said we uh do the evaluation based on the superintendent schools we didn't know that we were going to get this but it's definitely worth mentioning in her evaluation because it's a highlight it's something to be celebrated um so that you know I'd like to say that every time we have an anything I like to look at it as a learning lesson so we are taking this back in the summer and um adding a section for any comments not mentioned in the evaluation so I just want to highlight that Mike I have a question that might be Kelly or you Melissa but the this is the collection of everyone's evaluation that's kind of averaged to what this is do we release the individual evaluation for the public to see um I don't I don't I mean we don't we don't really release any of the stuff for the public I mean it's not part of our packet so I mean but it's public information I think that's the best answer I can come up with is it's public information it's public information but we don't like put them on there not going to like put them on the website or anything it's it's not it's not in our packet yeah it's not the summative summative evaluation packet right it's on our school committee packet okay I'm just using that as like cuz that's the thing that's on the website that you can just download so it's not it's not part of that but they're not a secret so they're public information if people wanted to look for like if somebody asked for a foyer to look at everyone's evaluations they could I think that we have to I don't know I don't know the answer I I asked that last year because I was doing the leadership yes every single person's evaluation is a public document anybody can just ask to look at it so we we don't do have anything to do with it once we submit them they're public documents they're kept by District thank you Terry I didn't know yeah I think that if I could Melissa to Terry's point about the comments that might not fit in categories you know having those evaluations public as opposed to just the summi summi whatever the order is uh would be beneficial to the people in town in my opinion so Margaret well since you mentioned it I I'm I'm going to make a recommendation about the summer Retreat um we'll have two new two new people as school committee members um when I was a school Committee Member a new one and I talked to others who've U felt the same way it would be very important at that school committee was fre and Terry you tried to do this a year ago and um the training of the school of the um evaluation and what happened was and it was not malicious but people began to talk about how to improve it so we never got the training I think it would be essential to have someone from masc come and talk to us about the training at that Retreat and do that in the beginning of the school year so when we go through the school year um all the new folks and both of us who've been around for a long time who know exactly what's happening and know exactly how to look at it in terms of of the evaluation I think I think that'll be essential for the retreat this summer to be clear Margaret do you mean masc training on how to uh navigate through the evaluation they do a training about supervision of of the superintendent if you've gone to the I've been to charting the course so this is just you want a training for our committee a refresher um not a refresher for people who've never been through it but a training for for all of us I went through CH in the course and I think that what happen or what happens often is that people have different opinions about this and that and I think if someone from masc comes we can ask the questions about concerns that people have about how to do it correctly and how to do it within their guids I love that idea but I wonder if we could um perhaps do it closer to evaluation no do it in the beginning of the year because people need to know in the beginning of the year how to do the evaluation because hearing information through the year you know they can put it within the framework of the evaluation people need to be trained the beginning of the year not just the the day before the or the week or month before they're going to do the evaluation okay I think we should have a workshop just for that not part of the retreat I agree well because there's so many other things that take time on we had a workshop last year but we didn't have any outside help so will you tried to have a workshop but it it it got upended it was not malicious but people were no this year we had a workshop okay not the year before this was yeah okay Workshop noted thank you thank you he there um I think the the discussion about process is really important and I think maybe the conversation also goes there because the result of the evaluation at this point isn't really controversial which is a really good thing and I want to go back to Kelly's point that proficient doesn't sound glowing um but the the goals that were set um were goals that involved um a fair bit of of growth and learning this year and um I've been really impressed with just the translation from from high level goals to very granular action items and proficient means that every single one of those action items throughout the entire year was accomplished right not like it's a 75% not a um so the the bar for proficient let alone exceeds is is high and so I just want to um thank you Lori for um for for just doing a really good job in not only meeting all of those expectations but also documenting that that really really well um and yeah congratulations on the the evaluation thank you great did know what she said I was going to say all that same stuff so I'm GNA save save us the time EXC you know I I have difficulty with the format of the evaluation so that's why I also want to say that I think that the school system here in fail with is really noteworthy and we can really thank the leadership of of Dr for that um beyond the evaluation our school system is really very impressive we can always continue to get better we really need to thank Dr D for that thank you excellent any other comments all right that's great uh moving on to the superintendent update I don't think we oh we did all right that we're just everything's great okay we have to vote all in favor of the super the summative evaluation of the superintendent I any opposed any abstain thank you thank you Dr dur thank you congratulations thank you moving on to the superintendent update all right great so um another very exciting opportunity came our way um uh fing family had contacted me uh when they learned that we were um moving the direction of a Master Chef and wanting um opportunities how could we could collaborate and then there was an opportunity from Mass Farm to school it is um it's an initiative at the state level um you have to apply um so we applied together um and we were actually accepted and so what does this mean it means that um we are committed as a partnership um through the year uh we um Mass uh Farm to school um works with us we get assigned a coach um to help us uh develop a strategic plan and how we can um uh just further our well for set our goals and objectives but further our initiative of using uh fresh uh produce um in in our schools so that's one of um our main goals that we had established um there is a uh two-day retreat in September at the wri Lock Farm in Winchester Massachusetts um I Googled it and it looks fantastic I'm very excited about this opportunity um from farming pouth um Ellie Costa and Andy Buckingham and um myself and Melissa uh as a team member also we have uh uh Andrea Burns uh Carmela my uh mayeski Ben Harden um and our new Master Chef will be a part of that team um that we will be working together um all year on how does that farm to school um you know actually work and and become a realization I am so excited to be H able to have you know a coach in this area that's actually going to help us set goals um and and figure out how we can make this happen so um we just got word um a week ago so I'm very excited about um this opportunity um if I can in the acceptance letter they stated um they received many strong applications from schools and districts across the state and we're impressed with our teams makeup goals objectives and Readiness to engage in a year of farm to school action planning so that's great thank you excent okay excellent we're gonna have fun aren't we all right um I would like to announce um two new department heads um uh the department head for World Language we had a retirement um this year and Molly drain um uh went through a rigorous um uh applicant process and uh was recommended uh and uh we offered the position and she has accepted so um Molly D she's been worked for us for four years at the high school um uh as a Spanish teacher and so we're very excited to have her uh lead we did this year change the um world language from a 712 to a k uh 12 and um so it'll be a year of action planning um so that we can really start that language uh at the um ele El level as we have been wanting so I am looking forward that's really going to come to fruition um our second department head um uh is for CTE and Janet Rosa um has uh accepted the position as the department head we're very excited she's done a lot of this work over the years um and uh very heavily over the last two years uh around this this work and so to have her step into um the position it is nice to have two Clippers um be able to um move from Unit A to um to Unit B in the district so very happy with both of those can I just say thank you to um P her years and years of service and time with ph I wish her a pleasant retirement and um I'm sure Molly will do well but she has big shoes to fill and um thank you Mr pH for all of your time it's great um school choice update uh we have accepted 30 students to date this is um quite a large year of uh school choice students and it is record high for the kindergarten we've accepted 21 students um into kindergarten across um the district um we have one first grader one third grader um uh two 7th grade 29th grade two 10th grade and one 11th grade um and I'd like to share some quotes U from the parents on their applications um I found these um just heartwarming um the first one was uh me and my husband work in fouth our child goes to preschool in fouth so our community is here explanation point explanation point explanation point uh the second one um her sister referring to the student an application or sister and brother went to the fam schools and we had the best experience um a third one my child attends daycare in fasth and takes dance classes in fth the town and Community have become our home and family I would be forever grateful for my child to have the opportunity to continue her education in this community um the fourth one our child is on the varsity soccer team at his current school he has shown interest in joining the track team which his current school doesn't offer he has uh found limitations to social opportunities at his current School due to the size he seeks a college education currently focusing on entrepreneurship and the next one um I'm sharing just you know five out of the 30 but um they the was a lot of great ones but family with public schools has a tradition for excellence we believe our child would be uh benefit greatly as she begins College Pro there some nice um comments I wanted to share with everyone here because I get the opportunity to read them all and I wanted to some of them um I'm going to uh ask Paul and then um I got several more um items after that but Paul do you want to share the information on your monthly budget report than I have a feeling those quotes are going to appear in some marketing material or at least they should perhaps our exactly was trying to I didn't want to say that is it the queen Terry is it the queen of fers or we might see one [Music] um you know the good news is that uh we're right on target um for the year so that's uh that's most important message um just going down to the bottom line um we year today total expenses encumbered around 41 milon 427 um this is out of the budget of 56 milon 328 um this budget went up slightly just because of the article transfer you mentioned uh you asked a question about last time up about 150,000 um so we have remaining in our budget $1,901 um most of the vast majority of that 14 Milli 7 is salaries uh our projections of salaries put us right at that number so we're in good shape um we have a little bit more available uh and non salaries items uh if you look look up above uh non salaries under the district yde that's kind of the blue gray free up from the bottom um our salary line is about 87,000 um in the red uh we roughly be probably projection at the end of the year about $300,000 of expense go into uh uh into the stabilization draw that we uh we had approved this year at town meeting um so overall the message is is very positive for the district uh uh and for quite quite frankly for all the support that town gave us in in April at to meeting um so U we're in good shape thank you thanks any questions i' just like to comment thank you to the administration and you um not every Community is getting this information that has evidence spite of so many communities that are so over in their budget not only this year but going into next year and we're in great shape and thank you to everyone all right um so uh Henry was unable to be here tonight but um he's been giving U regular updates through the year um about the equity audit and so um we have uh now the uh findings and we're ready to share uh so um Jenny Portillo um the senior excuse me um education Equity specialist from Mac um will be joining us at the May 208th school committee meeting to discuss the findings um additionally we're excited um to announce that we are going to hold a school Community Forum um scheduled on June 10th uh at the famou high school library at 6:00 um so we'll do a high level summer for the school committee and then we're going to get uh an hour and a half a 90 minute session uh on June 10th we'll get deeper into the um the actual data and um then uh lead into discussion uh about next steps like what does this lead to um and so um so I encourage um either tune in on the the May 28th or um join us on June 10th or do both um and uh so that we can learn more so about the equity you on June 10th at 6 o'clock 6 pm at the found High School library got okay that's great um there's a donation that I um I would like to thank U Michael and uh Kathleen Miller for donating $250 to composting um I'm just so pleased that uh a Community member um is recognizing what we're doing and that it means as much to community members as it does to us so um so I just wanted to publicly thank them for the for the money uh to go toward composting and Molly did a great job updating the composting and Sam followed up um but uh I was going to share that uh we are very close of getting our um the shed at the uh admin building so that our community can start composting uh at that location uh so I am and I'm just very proud of our high school students that that they actually built the the first shed for the composting for um the community so thank you to our students and everyone that's helped me that um happen um the Multicultural Fair this year is May 18th um from 2: to 4: uh that's a Saturday at the menen Hall Elementary School U the event is free so I just want to invite everyone it's really a very incredible um opportunity um it's just Community oriented um we have lots of um volunteers lots of people come it's great for kids um so just want to put a plug for that graduation uh June 1st at 10 :30 uh on the th High School MTI purpose field um please let Sharon know um by May 23rd if the school committee members uh plan to attend um and can I just give a shout out to Melissa on this um she has graciously deferred um handing out the diplomas to Kelly this year and I think that's so and I think I think it's wonderful though and at the start of un hope a really great tradition sure I'm really excited I have to say when I was first on a pillion years ago and I had a lovely uh Mentor two three kind of mentors here at the table here tonight it was always assumed that if you had a graduate if you were a parent of a graduate that the offer was made um in my time the offer has been made once and the family or the students declined so um I it was only natural for me to offer that like I I couldn't not offer it it it's so special I you know when I graduated one of my um classmates dad was the chair and it was it was a big deal you know to have your your parent hand you your diploma or have you know a your friend's dad hand you your diploma it's a big deal so um I get it thank you again no need to thank you I'm happy for very thoughtful of you sometimes all right and then my last I just want to thank the custodians uh at all of our schools this year for hosting um it's been great being in the schools again and getting the highlights from our students that's what we're all about and so thank you for the custodians for making it happen at all of our schools this year this is our last one and we return back to the EV building yes it's been great going on all the schools yes sir all right thank you very thank you very much routine business is there a motion to approve the minutes of April 23rd 2024 thank you thank you Margaret uh any discussions tiny copy please together we can uh it it says retired and should be retire I think did I get that right and in the budget update it talks about uh the last sentence it says addition it should be additional okay any other edits or comments see none all in favor any opposed any exstension great moving on to Committee Member reports Terry my monthly reports from my two subcommittees um the first one is the collaborative um I don't know if people know the collaborative has a lot a lot of Special Projects they meet with Sonia or Lori or Paul sometimes um what are the needs of districts and they they do a lot of things that you don't realize unless you're on you go to their meetings anyway one thing that they've been doing which was great for Cape capee Educators was they have the SE endorsement but now um the desie is has an app and it's become virtual classes so that's one service that they're not going to be doing anymore okay um the other thing I wanted to talk about was VIPs um we didn't have they didn't have a meeting last week or last month so I didn't announce the student of the month was Nick greedy in April and for May it's Harley Smith um the Junior Achievement um pilot program began last week at school it had been originally for third and fourth graders um and they did a pilot um for fifth graders and then it will now be expanded for fifth and sixth graders in the fall um and the other thing that was started last week a new initiative is called build your future it's um lecture series during Clipper time um and that just as I said began last week so I don't know how that's going but I'm sure it's good um and the other thing I want to talk about was the Memorial Garden the Memorial Garden ceremony will be typically as it is the Friday before Memorial day it's going to change next year um because I don't know maybe the holiday had some um things that didn't overlap to anyway it doesn't matter that'll come about next year but it's the Friday before Memorial Day it's the um students who have passed away while F of high school was called f High School um and it's a great service and it's just such a moving service Market do we know what the time the time you know I it's I don't know it's 3 or 3:30 okay I'll let you know I'll let you know the time okay thank you Terry any other committee reports I just want to mention um speaking of VIPs uh I was in the VIPs office today and uh Tracy and R ask me to remind everybody that the VIPs volunteer appreciation evening will be on the island Queen this year on Thursday June 6th from 5:30 to 7:30 it will be catered by eaty heart out catering and music by puppy Elvis um you can get more information on their website um and they'll recognize their outstanding volunteer of the year uh and you can nominate a volunteer when you also go to the website so just want to put that shout out her their request when I was in the office today um I also want to say I just want to U make mention that uh this is header goldstone's last meeting with us and I want to thank you for your service for the last year and wish you nothing but the best um for your opportunities moving forward and uh it's been a pleasure working with you thank you for thank you to all of you it's really been an honor to to work with with all of you and I have learned a ton and it is definitely Bittersweet so I'm going to stop so I don't start crying any request for information I just say even though um Bill isn't here I think we should recognize yes that was UN unintended yes he um Bill dor served for three years on the committee I don't maybe was it just three or it was it was three years and we should definitely yes thank you so um we should give him a round of applause too for [Applause] his the best of his opportunities forward as well and uh I'm sorry he's not here this evening okay any requests for information W seeing on so excellent it to he oh all right we'll give it to he last one all in favor any oppos any Obion thank you all thank you