because I saw you I don't see any attendees joining us I think we're okay okay so we're ready to go we are thank you so I'll call the meeting at F public schools for Tuesday April 9th to order um please stand uh for the pledge to of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you uh in accordance with Massachusetts open meeting law I remind everyone that the meeting is being recorded and telecast on Channel 8 if any member of the public would like to make an audio or video recording of the meeting please notify me by raising your hand in person or remote state your name and purpose and please okay thanks Gilda anyone else great thank you uh you want to read the mission and vision I I would love to P public schools Mission fou Public Schools creates worldclass student learning experiences our Clippers are empowered to pursue their goals with curiosity integrity and resiliency the vision Clippers are creative inquisitive and engaged learners who participate in their Community as socially responsible citizens Clippers effectively communicate and solve problems that impact the world around them thank you very much uh next is public comment members of the public are welcome to speak about items not on the agenda comments are limited to 2 minutes in length and the committee cannot act on public comment for items on the agenda the chair can accept uh comments from the public following the committee's discussion and comments can always be sent to our email address at school committee at .k is there any public comment yeah I going to say I can't see thank you all right moving right along um we're going to take things just a little out of order because we have guests tonight and we don't want them to to sit through our whole meeting and so I'm going to turn over you all right so we're very excited uh to announce that one of our very own department heads uh was um awarded um a um a title I'm going to turn it over to Sonia but I just want to say we're very excited um to be able to announce um an award that was given to one of our uh department heads I'm going to turn it over Sonia I'll let you do the the details and give you the honors and thank you um so Mr Michael feny seated here with us is the recipient of this year's Charles MOS award for excellence in supervising social studies from the massachusett council for the social studies um Mike uh received some very nice comments uh from the panel uh one that stood out was just that they were talking about how um from the supporting document in the nomination and the information that other colleagues shared uh they can see that his reach is far and wide across um the district and helping all Educators and they've offered Mike an invitation to also have a year on their board of directors and they also want him to facilitate some professional development with them so congratulations Mike so well thank you um I I can't even tell you how honored and humbled I am um I never really thought something like this would happen to me um on a short as side something kind of funny I'd like to share with everyone um when Dr dor and Sonia basically explained how I we talked about you know applying for this award and and once I received it um Sonia actually contacted my mom which was really cool um my mom and her and it's great because she doesn't subscribe to Fel TV uh so I'll share this story what was was great was um she thought Sonia said I got a reward not an award uh you know I've been Fielding some phone calls from family members so uh but but in all serious note I'm I'm really excited about this opportunity I'm really hoping uh that with this membership to the mass Council of social studies that I'm able to sequester some professional development for my staff um I'm they kind of know some of the things I do with evaluation and I think that's kind of what helped me so I'm hoping to kind of help uh people across the state and I'm really this is a perfect time because I need help too um um and I'm really hoping to uh get some help from some folks so I can help continue to help my teachers and maybe even help other Educators so Mike is a true leader um in P public schools and not only leading um the the social studies department but he's also been mentoring other department heads as they've been coming in he has changed the way and the direction of the teacher evaluation um just it's so much more collaborative than and goal oriented um collaborative between the the um the members as well as you know their own personal goals but it really has led that direction um with the department so we're thank you and thank you so much for everything you do but no I I am this award is you know I kind of look at my life is like you know it the phrase it takes a village uh I'm the luckiest villager um I've had so many people that have been so supportive in my work and I'm just so super you know just honored um to have this opportunity and like I said I'm hoping that uh this will provide me the opportunity to continue to help Educators not just his teachers so we'll see how it goes and Mike uh Friday you took a very exciting trip can since here would you have um it would have been on our update but I would rather hear from you because you were there so uh so this past Friday was Student Government day at the State House in Boston um I was able to go with Natasha Bradshaw who's a junior ATL high school she's a great great student and uh it's really kind of like a real world experience um where the student kind of makes their way up to Boston and we uh meet and we are able to go into the state house they have a two simulation activities one is a debate activity and then one they kind of look at passing a law um what's really cool was because I've been able to go there so many different times with different students I know where to stand and get the good picture um so we were able to it it was it was really cool to see the student down on the house floor sitting on the desk of a representative um and she got some great pictures of like that perspective can you just I know we can't pop it up and everything can you just show that picture because it's just a really awesome picture of one of our students at this in the share it's I yeah I turned off my phone sorry I get it um maybe it would make a love story for for some of our commun yeah absolutely and could we maybe get her in for just a short description you know is that doable can yeah can you do you mind pass we love to hear from students yeah no no AB absolutely my God just a five minute yeah yeah I can talk to her um and basically you know the the state's been working hard and D has been working hard to promote this program and to continue to build it um Co really kind of as with a lot of things kind of impacted it um so they're trying to bring it back so for me it felt great to be back in Boston going to the state house um for this experience and it's just it's really nice to be able to do that um so yeah so this is Natasha and she's just she's a great kid uh I also taught her how to drive she's a good driver I teach a lot of thank you so much and I love the timing that you know you just had this wonderful opportunity for that you made happen for a student and that you guys were able to to make this other opportunity available and any of the meetings if whatever time she's make we'll make um time her at the meeting when she can come that' be great to hear perspective absolutely not everyone gets to sit in a in a chair true true story no thank you so much I appreciate it well congratulations congratulations all right so I have several updates um I want to like to do one more now and then we can do the rest later that thats so last night town meeting uh we uh were very fortunate I um thank all of the town meeting U members uh all five of our uh warrants was um uh was approved um we have of course our budget was approved the two stabilization uh request um the FY uh 24 this school year at 525 and next year's at 300 uh um so that will help us tremendously um with the um the increases in special education and then we had the um the beam at uh East bouth approved and the uh Lawrence elevator and the um the additional cost that was going to be for the fire alarm in the univan at moris Pond um so that was under uh one and then uh the north fouth roof uh was also approved last night so all of ours um was approved there was only one small question um all of them actually went on the blanket except the the North fouth Grove and there was just one one small question about um the solar and whether that was you know that that continues to come up even through the precinct meeting we all went solar I you know uh it just was not going to be feasible for the the roof that North bment so I think you know everyone wants it so much that we want to make that happen but um you know but we're still going to have other opportunities we're going to have some canopy opportunities soon I hope but um anyway so just please now the north pth will go on the ballot in May and uh and then we'll we'll know for sure we'll be moving forward I would like to to um say we we were ambitious we thought that we were going to move on the North Pou roof this summer um we learned that the money actually does not become available till July 1 it's not in May after the vote uh and it's too late for us to actually begin a roof project and hope that we would get done it is something we really need to start the day after kids you know are are gone to you know to give us the maximum amount of the summer so the project will be um delayed one year from what we had told you before um so hopefully it'll still pass and we'll get the roof on um summer of uh 25 great thank you to meeting great we're always so grateful such a supportive Town um it's still you so we're GNA keep going with the presentation on your goals all right so um I'm going to share my screen oh I'm sorry one second we're not as in as Rush as we might have been I know it is nice to not be racing the clock to be done before 10 meeting starts yeah okay there it is all right that's Beau okay so um I gave um the midyear update um and I had nearly completed everything in January um but uh this will be an update to uh so here's goal one um and again maintain a focus of on academic uh Excellence while improving the Clipper experience for all students um these were the standards uh and uh every I'm I'm just going to go through every you have access to this so every one of the the goals are either completed or exceeded um the set um expectations sorry it was going so fast I have no idea what happened did you go forward and back what happened I did maybe I went a little too fast then I back to do it again so there's still I'm not going to go through each one because you have this in this we went through it in January all I'm saying is now um it um but what I do want to talk about a little bit is about what is that academic um Excellence experience that we have for all Clippers and so just a few examples um that I wanted to talk about uh one you know we reported on the mass scores um for several years and you know there were some areas we some areas where we were really strong but there were also some areas of concern um that we knew that we had some um growth and we looked at um our current math program and we uh made the decision that we really did need to look for a um a new math program so using des's process and their top choices we um reviewed internally about 18 months to review the math program uh and then imple so this year we're implementing and for the first time we actually have an alignment in our math program from kindergarten through grade 8 and so I think when you you know before when we'd see some really strength strengths in certain grades and not in grades and it did change from year to year but um we we didn't really have that alignment and I think we're going to see some real growth over the next few years because of this embedded in that um new culum is that we're also aligning uh our screeners for our students and then those screeners helping your screeners screeners assessments screeners I'm sorry screeners my Nas Nas um T now um screeners um that are the teachers are assessing and then being able to um directly kind of Point what those tier one and tier two um interventions are right into the classroom right so it's helping to determine all that so I think it's it's definitely um a a more robust math program than than we had in the past so we're pretty excited about that and we were also looking at um the science of reading and so as we again looked at our program in the elementary school um the journeys we had to look at what what else do we need to add to that um program to make sure that um that we were really meeting all aspects um of the reading uh development and so uh the implementation of Foundations over the last few years so now we're um uh K through three now in foundations and then at the fourth grade level um adding uh novel studies um was a nice addition so we really are meeting the um the science of reading because we have many aspects that we've added to make sure that we're we're meeting but in addition um we uh implemented when so what I need now and that's where the students within a grade level um teachers are together they kind of determine and then they the kids actually get to move from teachers and really concentrate on the areas that that where they're having challenges to help so uh implementing that in grade one last year and in grade two this year um has really been a a nice component in addition you know we've had Clipper time for um quite a few years but adding that um bulldog time that that mirrors what the Clipper time and really helping students in areas where they're having um challenges or needing to understand a certain concept or whatever they have that extra time to meet with teachers in a small group um to make sure that we're addressing that one of the nice things that we've added um is uh looking at what companion Texs are available to students where they um adding adding choices for students so that you know they may select things where they actually see themselves in their their learning um so that's been a nice addition at the high school there's been some significant changes um for the uh experience that students have uh one is um we've integrated um Algebra 1 and geometry so for the students at Lawrence that did not pass Algebra 1 um before then they took Algebra 1 at 9th grade but everyone else was taking geometry so by creating a class where by the end um they would have both the algebra and geometry and meet that um because they didn't quite me that at Lawrence um then sets the whole stage for the rest of the high school experience that they're not they're getting the same opportunities as all students so that's been um a nice addition um increasing the number of honors courses and um AP courses and we've talked uh before about um removing the the criteria um to actually be able to enter those courses so that more students have opportunities but it's also empowering them in their learning that if they're in these courses um you know with teacher supports uh and differentiation that they can be successful increasing CTE Pathways um like the food Justice initiative we're in our second year we continue to grow with that um we um are looking at what that four fouryear pathway as our students now will start entering their junior year and having uh some additional opportunities and growing that program and then we've been adding uh adding CT programs as well um two for next year that I think I announced um the last meeting the medical assisting and the uh Aviation medical technology so we're excited to get started with those um increasing the number of code talk classrooms at the high school so uh students with IEPs are getting more of that uh same classroom experience um rather than being in a separate uh classroom for some of the core subjects they're able to um uh so now we have several we have you know the map the ELA um there's a history um so forth but we also added a co-taught trigonometry class this year and it's really going well it's it's something really exciting to see um so kids are being successful and then of course um just our entire Woods Hole scientific opportunities that all of our students a hands-on experience um really adds into what the that Clipper experience is all about uh in addition our connections to the wo tribe and the uh Kate Verdian Community um provide um educational enhancements um just to our ccum in our program within all of that we built structures um over the years that we really utilize in order to continue to to look at what the um the student experience is and how we can enhance that so through our grade level leaders our department heads um lpac CPAC um tech for learning the learning access advisory um the administrative Council school councils PTO uh Coffee hours conversations with superintendent student advisories at all times we are talking about what that student experience is and we're continuing to learn from um the input on how we can tweak and adjust um that so um so that's a little about the The Experience students have when they come to found the high school found the public school sorry okay we're going to go two can we do any questions okay any questions about goal one okay but it gave you us a chance it did thank you all right so in goal two is building capacity among all members of the administrative team to effectively communicate the Mission Vision Values priorities and activities of the B Public Schools um the stand a little slower um I have um met and exceeded all of the benchmarks and criteria do you have all this but what is effective communication now uh and what has changed um since we um the administrative team took this on this year so it um we learned from the very beginning on how to communicate the Clipper experience and that was part of the presentation that we did for the school committee but we've continued that presentation the principles have done that uh at the schools with their PTO and just in various venues we continue to come back to the Clipper experience um so uh the second thing that we we learned is how do we really tell the stories right how do we tell stories that are able to everyone to help to see what we really uh are doing so we did that um the topics were the seal this year and the um Community Partnerships so um we did that through that and then just the communicating the difficult topics um one of the uh things oh and then we also learned how to do the Flyers so it was different communication styles to be able to get so through the budget uh was one way that we really learned how to um do the Flyers and then that the community um District information sheet um however at this time I am going to share everyone is getting pretty good at this stuff I'm going to pass this out um oh the are beautiful they are and I'm going to give Dr Tellier all the credit here because she actually designed this her creative eye is incredible so it's it's amazing how we um you know we we learned a lot Sonia has always created some kind of documents but just the amount of information in such a pleasing way um so really give uh credit that this is a a new flyer that we have and really being able to advertise that green ribbon recognition that we've been talking to you about here's some more details we did have this uh ready for this uh town meeting uh last night so it did get shared um last night so um but just as an example of how we're communicating what we're doing uh in the district so thank you Dr Teller for that one and uh just thanks for all the people in the district you see it it's just been a lot of efforts for us to get to the point of being able to be recognized for that so um so the Flyers was another way um but there was also some challenging topics like the equity audit um and the the grading practices um that was really interesting as um Chris horn was working with us individually on both of those um on the steps to take and to see through a actual trained communication specialist right like what that um what that looks like and how to communicate um the topics and both of which have gone very well um today so um you know there are that's not to say that people don't have questions that you know that may not agree with everything but it's the way in which we attempt to try to um to communicate um so we know that that everything every decision and I think this is one thing we learned that every decision that we make that not everybody's going to like that decision but how do we communicate so they might understand why we're making that decision right um so I might not agree but I understand your rationale or you know such so I think that's kind of an important um key piece to understand that we're not not everyone's going to agree with everything that that we could place um but uh and then uh let's see uh and then the communication plans this is huge because as busy as we get um he really laid out what a communication plan should look like so from the very beginning when you start any new initiative or project you know you build in you know when you're doing Communications out from beginning to end you know do you use social media to help with that um are you sending out letters um do you build a website you it's all the questions but it's all built who's responsible and I have to tell you it was it was really great during the whole uh belonging series because you start out great and I think if we didn't have this planned and we did the first session it was great we've got uh we've got some social media posts comments from people we posted those and then before you know it the second one was coming up on us right and it would be easy not to do you have to do some Communications leading up to it what do you do after right and there's this little pause but you have to do the same thing it's it's Le you know communicating leading up you have it then you do something after and so I think um just having that plan and knowing that that's people that are in Communications you know literally you know lay these things out that it's not magic we have to work at it and so it's been an interesting year um and uh so really appreciate um the opportunity um to be able to work with Chris horn this on this year all right I can stop and see if you have any questions any questions on goal two all right bring on goal three okay so goal three is complete a comprehensive review of the business office practices and procedures to improve Effectiveness and increase transparency um so again uh here are the standards and then uh again we've uh met or exceeded all the key action and benchmarks you'll have all this but let's talk about the business office Effectiveness so um I will tell you it it it's very unique that when we were assessing um the the practices that we actually had someone that was able to really do almost if not all aspects everyone's understand everyone's role do the role learn about it and then be able to look at the business office as a whole so very pleased that we had um Paul Dart in that role that it was just a unique opportunity that you know someone literally wanted to know every aspect of the business office so that that number one just started out but the two areas that we found when we were doing the assessment that we felt would make the the greatest change in efficiency and effectiveness of the office was uh accounts payable and the uh um maintenance and Capital Improvements areas so um so that's you know what we focused on uh for this year and the changes and the AP um you know there was just some efficiencies uh there was a large number those of you that come and sign the bills you know like how great that is um but some of the efficiencies just in the beginning that um that Paul just noticed that we needed to change is that like the Amazon and I'm sure individually we all do we can get on and you know got a $5 order we get it it'll be here you know the next day it's great but when you have to process in the business office every $5 order it's coming out across the schools becomes a lot and then just trying to get the schools to consolidate you can still order but let's get you know $100 worth of items before we have it shipped and it's all on one so just so that's just an example of like an efficiency that you were looking for right um but then um the the being able to um close down the month of February so that you could get caught up on all the um the um bills and then close all the open POS and that's huge right that um it's just if you don't have that time you just don't get to do it which means there's money sitting you know might be $5 here $20 here you know because things just didn't cost as much as what when you open the PO and it's just it's money that's sitting there and so being able to close that move that out actually builds um uh money back into whether it's the maintenance or where where that's needed um so it does add up and it it's been extremely helpful in in the process so and it goes well and as Paul always says if there's an emergency um that we need to purchase something or buy something during I mean yes you can still but it's not like the hundreds that keep flowing through the office at all times cuz cuz that's a lot um so that was good and then uh implementing a a systematic process of um determining um uh the capital projects you know so I will tell you before I don't know that we really have a system right we would notice something here we would know you know this would break or whatever and so they became but going through the system really having the um the um head custodians and the principles going through the buildings and really determining what the priorities are you know they live in the buildings day in and day out having that then looking at that bringing the priorities and then Paul being able to talk with them and then setting the priorities for the district um you know which you will probably see a change next year after going through this process this year in that 10-year plan there there will be some adjustments now that we've actually gone through the process which is okay right it's a it's a ongoing document it should be continuous um so we'll be able to do that the other side of it was the maintenance side and the uh head custodians were not did not have ownership of their own building budgets and that was something that uh a process that the Paul had changed so he sat down they know their budgets now they know what um what they're like the principles also know that and so now they have more ownership of and then just changing some things um you know doing more in-house of fixing of items um getting maintenance contracts looking at how we're ordering supplies across the district so building in those efficiencies has actually helped in the whole overall maintenance budget as well and then just training the principles in this whole process from um August on and keeping up with um having their involvement and input and oversight at the building level I think it's been a huge step as well um so lots of changes um much more transparency um throughout the district and in the different um uh positions um and I think uh it's just really I think we're just off to a great start so um I think that was a a great suggestion from the um subcommittee that you know we're doing this anyway we knew we were going to be looking at this assessment of the business office and making this a focus I've um you know I it's I've learned a lot through the whole process and feel really comfortable about where we are um and all things finance and operations St good any questions on R three Terry it's not a question it's a comment the budget books are so much less cumbersome too so thank you yes oh yeah that's a lovely addition yeah for sure any other questions great okay great so that information is the stuff that you will use along with the document in line to uh complete Lor's evaluation all right great moving on um next is acting on the student opportunity student Opportunity Act plan um which we heard a little bit about at our last meeting and it's in your yes and we have it summary um do we need to know just anything no we I mean it's all there unless you have questions but um so is this was the document that we have to submit um after we approve it to desie and uh ter no I'm just going to make a motion go for I'd like to to approve the student Opportunity Act is there a second second thanks Heather and we don't have anybody right no so we're in person um all in favor of approving the uh student Opportunity Act plan say I I any opposed any exensions here we go wonderful you and um that plan is just another example of what we're doing to make sure that all Clippers have a a good experience um and just trying to address the needs of everyone as you read through it I think it's truly addressing so much so it's very deep thank you thank you um all right and you're not going to get a break because next up is your the rest of your update I know appreciate it so um so U we just have a a little update here we had three students um at from pal high school that attended the state level U Massachusetts science and engineering Fair um and so grade 11 students were Ella uh renal Robert Simpkins and um g g um so uh anyway we have um some lovely pictures here that I really want to pass around and show uh as I'm reading if that's okay I guess we could go but um so um I'm going to read this after earning a third place award at the uh massach Massachusetts science and engineering uh Fair Ella was invited to present our project uh the potential of Cap Cod seaweeds as biofuel um after um honorable mention at the Regionals Robert sunkins presented his project Dusty plasma how to how do charg dust particles affect the efficiency of plasma creation all right so this is very good and uh grie uh presented her project the effects of ocean adifices um so that's uh they they were able to present pictures I think pictures are great that's why they say you know pictures congratulations so that's um one of the updates congrat just happened and um they took the uh electric van with them to go and that was quite an experience so uh had to find a charging station and it's all good I love that they had to find detg station I bet they all thought it was wonderful yeah it was good so it was quite fitting that our science and engineering team took the uh the van and they went to um jillette so that might have been a amazing conratulations it's all good okay so um Paul do you want to I'm going to take a break for a second do you want to share anything about the year to date uh year to dat budget through uh the end of March some of you have I I got gave us one down just one down here just thank who else needs I think we're good all right if you um want to focus just on the bottom line uh under the totals here um know justew the budget for this year is 56 m175 788 um so far we've expended this is the second from the last column uh 37 m592 uh we expended it directly or have an encumbered our encumbrances of actually now settled down to where we have about a million remaining for the year um you know the biging conferences were utilities bus lines uh maintenance uh contracts Etc that uh started off at the beginning of the year and some of the other District tuitions so we have um 8,583 left in the budget which is about um just over a third uh remaining for the budget um and that's before the town allocations from last night um so you can add in um for example if you look up into District y you'll see that the non salary line there is negative here today um and uh and that's largely out of District tuition so we have a 525 draw from the stabilization fund that will be Comm in uh to bring that number up um we won't need the full amount right away uh but there'll be still remainder uh tuitions remaining for the fourth quarter um and also some maintenance expensive Dr door was mentioning earlier that are being re reimbursed uh for the UN project for the firearm project and so on so um so all told our expend uh our available funds will go from 18583 to about 18863 uh once those funds are available um and now those funds come available immediately um so and one one other note uh did talk to the town today so on the draw of the stabilization what happens is they actually set up essentially capital account um and we do if we were not to use the money fully this year we have another we have in total three years to be able to use that those fund so uh um it gives us a little bit of flexibility but you know there is you know just want to always say it there is volatility in other District tuitions it is student dependent so you can have a student coming off the roles you can have student coming on the roles they could be significant differences uh in the numbers uh at any given moment in time so um it's good to have that uh statation fund available um so and that's about it we're uh just you know confirm we're in good shape U with uh especially with what happened last night so that's what we'd like to hear about the any questions for Paul one quick question uh the negative on non salaries at East fouth y so the negative is actually in the maintenance account uh and it's because of work that we did there in the modular units uh at the beginning of the summer uh was particular uh was the biggest cost we did you know I did bring up the SE line issue uh we did were able to fix that uh we didn't have to wait for the summer to do that so that uh pipe has been replaced it did not have to go in and drill through the floors which is a big concern so they had to give credit to Jamie Baker Plumbing for the work that his men did on repairing that Sol line and getting it down there very reasonable um uh amount uh to be charged that was a big big uh big concern so that was in there there's a couple other items that are also in there that but it's maintenance thank you any other questions for Paul um so I have one so we don't usually have additional money come in from the town during the year so what happens with like is that going to also affect the budgeted number or does it stay out of that and then we're going to end up looking like we spent more than our budget like what's going to happen there at the bottom line well the um so the uh and this is a little bit technical so uh part of the money that uh was spent for the AAR alarm and for the univent part project was not spent on the budget was spent in one of the off budget accounts a school tuition account that that will be essentially reimbursed for those funds um so you're left with about 30,000 um uh that would go into the capital account which is in the districtwide account um I don't have a a good answer it but it won't materially change our by digit numbers if was okay a revised budget number and then that 5,000 is in a capital account so that's not going to affect that bottom money yeah that's not that's a it's that is viewed as a capital article so it's off our budget thank you all right thank you Paul do you have anything yes I things okay um but I'm going to turn it over to Dr K right now to um talk about a little bit of a change uh in the health um curriculum at morpa yes so uh just recently uh late June the Department of Education released their new health standards which the original one was from 1999 and they hadn't been updated for some time um in releasing them we are now getting support both through desie and uh mayford which is the Massachusetts Association of physical education Health Recreation and dance I think I got it the right order that time um which is their Professional Organization in the state who really helps to guide and Steward uh decisions around um what curriculum who's providing PD and making sure that we're aligning with the new standards given uh a lot of the work especially from the governor's Council around making sure uh that the health standards in particular were lined up correctly uh one of the big changes comes in how we talk about um personal hygiene growth and development and sexual education or sexual health and uh so of the new resources um we are looking at spefic specifically a curriculum that's just about that that set of standards for Morse Bond um it is called um puberty colon The Wonder Years uh and it was very strongly endorsed in our work through mayford it is something that they've talked about both at their uh Statewide conference and then also at all of their different um symposiums or sessions that they've held specific to health so um our new department head Bret Corley he's attended some of the sessions as well as some of our teachers and so they've done a multiple layers of evaluation and really this is the one that keeps coming up as the standout um so we've gone through the vetting process and uh one of the other big changes in the standard is that that unit is taught inclusively meaning that students aren't separated uh when that unit is taught best practic is that they're together um so the other part is the PD that we've been able to provide to our teachers to make sure that they are prepared for that change and bringing the students together as well as uh understanding and um being able to work with those resources so they know how to use them and they are hopeful to be able to uh update the communication because that's the the one unit that we're required to send updated Communications on regularly to families and also to notify them of when we want to be teaching the unit and more P that now that we've got the vetting process done and the professional development process done we're hoping to be able to teach um that unit in mid May any questions for some parents given the opportunity to opt out or is this going to be a problem with us getting the communication out in time um we are going to make sure that the communication's out with a minimum of two weeks for families to have that information and one of the things that we appreciate about this particular one is their full scope and sequence is also available on their website and they also have parent education information which is incredibly helpful but it is the one place where um families are allowed to actually opt out of the of learn and that's going to be clear in the family communication any other questions oh sorry yeah no um when you said there are parent education materials um I'm wondering if we've ever done any like parent education sessions um around our our health um education offerings I don't have one sticking out off the top of my head that does that doesn't mean we have I don't mind looking but I also don't think that the team would mind hosting know long I'm just thinking like different right but I remember when oh my gosh I don't even remember 10ish years ago when we went to a new math curriculum and there were a whole bunch of Mathies in the Mullen Hall um right so the parents could go and learn the new math right and how to help your kid with math and I'm just thinking with something like this that is so sensitive and with the op out that that might be a a nice thing to try as a new practice for parents of that age to understand what their kids are going to be learning and how they might be able to facilitate conversations at home and make it feel a little bit more comfortable thank you I'll take that back to right I think it's something to be very open to got okay so do you remember a few meetings ago the whole safe and supportive schools came up in the meeting and we had and then I I didn't at the time to share but then I um let you know that we have um done a lot around the safe and support of schools and kind of gave you a list of things even shared that we had applied for a grant but we weren't awarded the grant because we were already so far along um the process so that's good and then there was a school committee member that uh that shared to me that would be a great flyer so uh thank you Sonia um she had she put all of our safe and supportive schools documents sorry uh information into another flyer so I'm here to share um we're going have to change her job I know I [Music] she but um and then the back side takes each one of the uh components and then um color coated to the front to each one of desies and then shares what we're doing as a part of so thank you for she's just been really creative it's just cool not to see them on the screen right yeah I know is get to hold so are both these um materials oh wait is this it right here so no that's the I'm just wondering if these are available um if they are available on the screen they are so Ryan uh follows up so this is our whole communication plan and Ryan has a part on every communication plan and we get done so um this uh this one has its own um link it says safe and support of schools now has other information and then the uh full um documents there and um I can't remember I can't see ran um is the is the I know uh is theb the green ribbon up on do we have that one on the website yet I don't think it is yet but it will be the sa so all of them the safe and support of yep he just put that one up I don't think the r one is and then I don't think we have the other one done but we will great yeah so every everything we've been doing we've been adding to the website um so all the information is there and then something fun for our students um I not the the stickers fun not the thing but anyway here's um uh the sticker so we combined our sticker with the say something with the family with Public Schools um and U the QR code that kids can scan immediately and get in um but just some water bottle stickers blacktop stickers whever they might want to put the sticker but it is a sticker and so we um really just wanting everyone to know that we are say something district and something more um hopefully available for students if they need to make a report so great any questions on and support of schools than these are awesome um I'm volunteering if you want to give me some of these flyers to take them to places like the senior center Etc where members are Community um aren't necessarily getting it yeah on the computer um that would be fantastic and just have them put it on the bulle board yeah so someone had given uh last night the suggestion that um we give the Flyers to uh um real estate um offices as well um do that too can you do that well we were just going to get a big box of each one a whole whole library in her trunk exactly assistant fire yeah that's a great idea so that is a good idea because in recent weeks I've had dinner with people in my age group and this is what I'm being asked about you know the safety in the schools etc etc they're not reading about it so this may help y That's great great idea the library is good place too y awesome I love that idea so great so thank you all right and I I'm gonna stop now okay I'm sure there's lots of things to share but I'm going to stop wonderful thanks for all the great it's all great news it's wonderful um we'll move on to routine business and approving the minutes from March 26 is there a motion so moved thanks Heather a second sure thanks Terry any comments or uh discussion on the minutes great all in favor of approving the minutes from March 26th say I I any uh opposed any exensions that's unanimous all right any requests for information that I can pass to Melissa anybody need anything all right is there a motion to adjourn U can I just say that I would like to acknowledge our reporter who received the award yeah congratulations Gilda congratulations good cat thank you want to make the motion toour while you're at it great so second second thanksa all favored thanks so much everybody thank you can take these