we're good okay um I would like to welcome everyone back to the um school committee meeting of Tuesday April 23rd 2024 if you could please all rise for meeting as i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all for coming um if every if anyone is making a recording I see you go thank you um and Ryan thank you excellent so while we're opening the um public meeting again looks like we have a new student advisory young lady would you like to introduce yourself hi I'm Molly Molly and welcome thanks Mom would you like to give us an update on the comings and going sure hi I'm Molly ke from freshman found high school and here are some current updates on April 24th National Science Honor Society induction ceremony will take place art also recently had their induction ceremony on April 23rd guidance is having an important AP meeting for all students who are taking a exams in May AP classes are also getting ready for those exams on April 25th qus and quotes poetry celebration will be at found at high at Highfield Hall and on April 27th the evening of jazz event will be taking place um the upcoming FHS theer production on Greece is May 3rd 4th and 5th and tickets are on sale now and they are $13 junior senior promt tickets will start going on sale April 29th with the cost being $60 per ticket I also believe that they're still looking for volunteers for the after prom spring Sports season is now underway on April 11th sailing beat sandwich 4-0 in continuing great start to their season with their upcoming record Being three wins and one loss on April 10th softball had a dominating 80 Victory on mono to go three and one on their season April 10th girls tennis defeated Dy 5 for their first win of the Season also in April 10th Boys Tennis won at Dy 3 to2 to even their record at of 22 April 11th Unified D opened their season with a great meet at Dy and on April 9th boys lacrosse remained undefeated with the 136 win over on man thank you very much you an amazing update very thorough thank you does anyone have any questions for the student no we're the worst well we thank you very much for joining us and we hope see you again [Music] than we'll be more professional next time thanks we're GNA keep her all right moving on to um the presentation of together we can hello oh yeah sorry is there anyone for public comments sorry I totally skipped that right over no see on is there anyone on the CU my computer all right moving on together we can well first of all thank you for having us um I'm Sandy KY I'm the treasurer of f together we can this is Kathleen jerson she's the president and we're here to talk a little bit about the after prom the celebrations after prom um the first thing I like to tell people is when we first started in 1995 my son was 17 years old in high in junior in high school Kathleen's daughter was 17 and our children are now 45 I have four grandchildren as she is two so it kind of puts things in perspective for how long we've been here so Kathleen is not only the president together we can it's spend an honor to work with her um she's was instrumental in bringing the concept of together we came here and found it over 30 years ago she Incorporated it into the 501c that it is today and she was instrumental in the very first celebrations after prom in 1995 so take it away C actually I think it was [Music] [Laughter] 1994 we had the group meeting tonight um so minus the two years of Co um we've had this and sometimes I think that the community believes that there's a machine that makes this happen probably because it's the same board that gathers the money and um writes the grants and puts it on um but it's not a machine it's we need parents and they sh it's been a struggle to get parents to volunteer I think um an ounce of fear that it would not happen brought parents together and it is happening this year um I'm not doing this next year um so we're hoping that someone certainly f with together we can will be helpful uh we always are it is ours um when we started this the school didn't want a part of it at all um it was just one more thing which I completely understand um but the school has always been instrumental in helping us with it God bless Dave not well Dave Watson's on our board but his dad Bob Watson was always there with us and helping us um so the first is there anyone who doesn't know what it is or needs an explanation the public might not so just say What It Is Well it started um I'm from Washington DC and my younger sister had an after prom celebration and she told me all about it and I my youngest at the time had just been killed she was seven so it was a a healing for me to do something in this community because many students on Prom have been injured or killed and so for me it was a healing practice and what we decided was to have this celebration after the prom so it starts around 11: 11:30 and goes till 5:00 a.m. what we do is um the first year we did this was over $10,000 and um that was great except for we all know the prices have gone way up um all the food is donated from our community all the Raffles prices which are extraordinary are donated from the community of fth when I started this um people wanted to to be drug and alcohol free in my humble opinion it's become a gift from your town our town to the kids and that's the way I like to explain it it because it truly is to tell the kids that it's the gift your community supports this they love you they want you to come back and live here and many have they've come back and they have decided that fouth is the type of community in which they would like to live so the prices have gone up um and once I calculated that if every group of parents or parent donated at the time it was $10 but now we need 10 10 $20 from each parent and it would almost pay for the event we've only had 17 parents donate um town meeting members have donated have been the number has been larger than our parents um and as far as parents we have a lot of grandparents volunteering um and we need more parents I do understand that parents are busy and parents are working um sidebar remember a TV show with Oprah and she had three parents on stage and she asked them how much they paid to have their lawn mode and they all said you know $350 $100 then she asked them how much they spent to get their haircut well today it's about $100 um that's I don't cut mine but um and then she asked them how much you pay your babysitter and it really hit home because they paid the babysitters about $5 not an hour about $5 and so she said so let me get this you care more about your lawn and your hair than your kids and and I think about that when this comes up when celebrations comes up these are our children these are our community children and we want them safe so we do need parents to help us with this our community is unbelievably generous we don't even have to send them letters we do send the parents letters um Carol our uh media person she and I write small grants with our community um W's always been generous and um there's one woman when Woods Hole couldn't um Miss Mackie she would always send US dollars because Woods Hole couldn't give us that here plus her heart um so I think in closing we would like we do need teachers the teachers from the high school have been fabulous because they know the kids coming in and this is not just fou high school students we invite this students from fou who go to Upper cave in Sturges and invite them R into a woman at the French bakery she says my girls go to stures so please tell them I personally invite them to come um she does have friends in Falmouth so I'm hoping that she does um all I ask is that parents give me a call and say my son or daughter is from sturis or from upper cap and his or her name is um wind exter and would you please you know just put the name they have to register yeah just so we know um and then uh we call uh each of the students lines up at the door when they're ready to go home and we call their parents and say do you know that Susu is leaving with um bter and mom or dad says absolutely I know I had no idea so they have to stay until mom or dad says that they could go and we do have a police officer who's there he snapped a few sixpacks of beer from older siblings that pick up younger sibling and drive home but we ended up with the be well I'm not us but somebody ended up um are there any questions yes um as a parent who who got your letter um when I made my donation I had no idea what the budget was and maybe understanding what the the size of the budget is and even a figure like if every family paid or donate x amount it would help and and what that budget is for um just to to kind of help Mo good suggestion um I've hesitated to say how much and the primary reason for that is that people say for one night really you're spending that much um but amazing things happen kids are at this with classmates that they haven't even run into before at the high school and they become longtime friends it's also kids who don't go to the pr can't afford to go to the pr and they come and have a grand time and it's a huge party for them um that's why we do that I me like I said just even the because I know a lot of our PTO do this as well right if every if every one of our families donated $10 or $100 whatever that would help us me reach our goal um and I know there are plenty in the community who also look at that and say that's great I'm going to do two or three times that to make sure that the families who can't afford are covered so just giving people that Benchmark I think it's a grand idea um one woman wrote she goes I can't do anything but I can donate and I'm at the philosophy I couldn't donate so I was volunteer and that's precious that's your gift um when we did first start this I met with I think five women and one of them said you're serious about this each of you write a check for $100 so I went home and I said J I went a check for $100 and we don't have it and that was a time when you had three days to P in $100 so that's how it all started the $500 so when I met with Lori um I I did say to her you know fundraising for us um we usually can raise 10,000 no problem because we we do write grants and we have Road Race that helps us and people that do donate but it's getting beyond that the big toys in the gym alone the challenge events those are the costly ones they they're like $1,500 a piece you know and then you want the character out we believe in It's Entertainment and food you feed them and you entertain them all night long and they're happy and they with friends so as we move forward and we're looking to pass the Paton um there has to be another generation that picks this up I volunteered in schools for 22 years Kathleen was a teacher so we knew a lot of people and I could gather my friends but you know we're getting up there [Music] now and we don't know as many in the schools so we really need the help of teachers and THS of today's children so if I can just say from the superintendent um perspective um I was amazed um about the aftering um when I got here I I just absolutely could not believe um it was just another unique thing about pth that and we offered our students but as a superintendent knowing that our students are somewhere and safe after prom I think that's um for for high school principal and for the superintendent is a night that we don't sleep and um just knowing that there's a place for them to be safe I certainly hope someone picks up the Baton um and I just encourage anyone if you haven't seen it it's absolutely amazing um you know what the kids what you create is just magical um so I just encourage anyone to volunteer or donate or you know just keep this going uh for the kids it's for the kids we did have some student of mine she said she kept ring it so that happens so um she said I can't be there so um Kathleen's back at it if I can just say one thing I came from the years I graduated found High School 1991 and I come from the years where we didn't have um together with him and we didn't have an after prom party and I will spare you all with the things that were done after the prom as now a parent of an upcoming prom goer I can tell tell you how um secure and safe I feel knowing that not only is this an offer and an opportunity but that kids want to go they look forward to this they're excited about this they're excited about seeing their friends about seeing other kids from other um you know that didn't go to the prom they're excited about the games they're excited about the Raffles you know and they're in awe when they walk in they really are and and I know this from my niece and nephew who you know have been to the prom in years past and how the culture thanks to you fine ladies have turned on how the culture was when I was going to the prom here in F so I thank you um thank you for starting this thank you for continuing this thank you for putting the bug in the community's year that um you need some help and that you're stepping down and um Heather great suggestion on putting the unit of measure of you know if this if we're looking for you know $20 a person I can tell you um you know you you'll have the community members like Heather that will say well I'm going to write if the if the dollar sign is 20 I'm going to write a a check for X because I'm going to try to help another family that wants to help that can't help so and that's another great thing about our community so so thank you thank you so much Terry I always think that a picture is worth a th words if you have any pictures of the things like the human velcrow all parents got 750 did they did Kelly um yeah and I think I mean the pictures are amazing but until you have like unless you have volunteered and you have seen it it is just it is completely mindblowing to step into the building that you know as G can and see what has happened to it it's unrecognizable I think that's what the kids are in awe with is I they go there to play soccer and then they walk in and they walk in and there's like totally Decor set from friends I mean it's crazy and I don't know if if it would be possible to welcome parents of our students to come and stick their head in oh we do we open the doors I never knew that until I open all day Saturday and when Helen Kennedy was the rec director she would have a program going on and she would tell them all to walk the kids through and the parents would come in from the younger generation so that they could see what yeah if they still wanted it to go they could help out and keep it there you know cuz I think you know parents of the 10th grader who get to see how magnificent it is when they get the letter the next year it really means something cuz they saw it with their own eyes and it's not something that I knew you could visit until you can all come on Saturday it's all decorated usually they decorate all day Friday to FR Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. so it's almost the final touches of Saturday morning Thursday El yeah start who uh helps with the decorating any volunteers we can get really fun you really should do it it's really really fun we do have um that was what we wouldn't let them leave until they you pick a room so we have people who volunteer to do each of the rooms they collect their volunteers to help them decorate and um and it's all on them we don't and we had a parents step up to help with the chaperon thisa and you know whenever we go and talk to the students I love it when I hear them say I don't want you there Mom I don't want you there and we tell the kids they have to be there you don't take a stranger off the street to come and shent it has to be the parents so I said if you want this event you need to let your parents come and help so that's my advice to that it did take 10 years to change the norm I'll be honest about that that was tough and I have to say after Co it was like starting all over again because the kids two grades hadn't seen it two grades hadn't participated and [Music] we we went through very similar what we went we went into the cafeteria the first year and talked to the kid I'm not going to that we went to the senior president I'm not um so it was difficult me about that how youve like I applaud you for changing the culture because I remember when it came out and even you know as a college kid I was like seriously you guys are going with that and then as the years went on it was like just the tide turned and it it was trying to get parents not to have a party on that night right don't that one because the kids wanted to be with their friends they wanted to go to the party they want to come to the so that took years who was the principal in high school that made it mandatory that parents came to that Jo yeah yeah he he wanted to hold a a night and invited the parents and I think only two showed up he made it mandatory from that year [Music] on don't which was the chance to be able to tell parents please don't have a party so that's great that helped us well and and your postco I mean small sample size but your your postco efforts I think are working cuz I've got a student who's pretty good at the I'm not going to do that including homecoming and everything else and wasn't sure he was going to go to prom but he's been talking about after prom for a while so so Jun he is now going PR as well but so all fouth Juniors and seniors are invited um and even if they go to other schools as long as they let Kathleen know that they're coming we have a phone number so it makes it nice because my son went to the prom junior year but he had so much fun at the after prom he came to the after prom in the senior year but you know just for the fun of it so K did like it but this that was a long time ago well thank you for having we hope to pass that Paton on we'll be here to help all right um next up we have a presentation of special education parent advisory Council by Dr Woodward thank you thank you um I know Terry cter who was our CPAC chair was hoping to be here but um something came up so I'm going to be my best to present on on both of our behalfs so um this year dur the the work that um CAC has done we've had been able to offer some workshops um we started in October with a presentation of understanding the IEP basic rights and that was from the Federation of children uh Federation for children with special needs then we also were able to offer another understanding of basic rights and that was co-hosted so in December um we were able to offer that again and that's really a um one of the kind of it's one it's a requirement but it's two we try and make sure that we partner with many different cats and invite members from other communities to make sure that if people aren't U available like our the families aren't available when we're offering it that we have multiple iterations for um for families to be able to participate um we were had a wonderful uh presentation in January of the showing of the film resilience and it was the biology of stress and the science of Hope and it really spoke about um the presenters did um a phenomenal job about speaking about um resiliency and the um all the the ace indicators and the impact that has not on all children but also uh our students with special needs um and then in February the neuros pychology and education service for children and Adolescence which is out of Massachusetts Vermont and New Hampshire but in in here Massachusetts they out of Newton kingham and Plainville presented an anxiety workshop and it was anxiety in relation to learning and developmental disabilities and how to access um how to provide access to supports through the I and that was again another wonderful um presentation um and Terry also had an opportunity to prevent to at the Federation for children with special needs at their conference and she presented on both relationship that F public has F public schools has withan Hospital the work that we're doing there um as well as the ongoing work with Dr uh seana muii what we're doing with special education inclusion and just um you know uh kind of uh trauma responsive classrooms and racial trauma um and they happy to report that other districts want to mirror work that we've begun here in Falmouth and uh it was the highest attended number of participants at that session and they requested her too um so that was that was wonderful that Terry was able to be able to present at that at that conference um and then I know Terry's Dr Dr tell Terry participated in the parent advisory work that you are doing with the new grading system and believes that it's uh really going to support the um how we look at um [Music] performance-based um grading in special education with accommodations and modifications so she's encouraged to about that and we'll continue to work with Dr tell as they moveed forward and in monitoring that um and then also uh ter and not ter has the CPAC chair and I have met periodically throughout the year um to discuss programming planning en visioning um she's going to continue her role as the CPAC chair next year to work with the administration to continue the work to at the she does to um provide uh input for the advisory C advisory Council to VI as the school committee member um school committee members um and one of the other kind of piece that we're working to continue is to work to increase our family engagement which would include also our newcomers and making sure that we are um supporting all of our families both with their cultural and and language needs so thank you questions provide any additional information if I can any questions comments anyone on Zoom all right thank you so much very helpful thank you for the update you're welcome thank you okay moving on to an update on budget is up [Music] see what Happ the Food Service good right um so you mentioned we were going to go into a little bit more detail uh on the Food Service um this month and so I wanted to just give you a quick update so this is sort of the monthly breakdown of uh revenue and expenses uh for the food service group um and I'll just broadly go over the categories here so the sales are essentially um anything from you know soon getting a second lunch uh snack sales for uh seltzer water for potato chips ice cream Etc um adult sales of uh and when a staff member buys a a lunch um and also if you look at for example September and in January you kind of see a spike and sales numbers that's Pro uh parents loading up their school bucks accounts for students so um here it's a little abnomaly and the numbers uh for those uh two months um and then in addition to that is the reimbursement uh that we receive from the state which is around 5 cents a meal uh you know just to give you an idea we we serve about 25,000 meals in a given month for lunch um worly around 6,000 uh for brece but uh and then there's the federal component which is just over $4 reimbursing about 438 and then the the third category is to State essentially making up the difference between what's subsidized by a full subsidy with the federal government and um in those lunches that do not qualify under those under the federal subsidy uh so for students who get the full subsid the federal government would give around $438 the students who don't qualify the state coming in essentially topping off that amount so that everybody gets a um a free lunch so it's it's it's a distinct difference between that how many did you say how many lunches there's about 25,000 25 to 30,000 a month thank you across all the schools for the breakfast and breakfast around 6000 so um so that's where you know the total revenue you you see it's average is about 144,000 a month um then from that obviously is the payroll of the food service group uh the food costs themselves you know but if you look at the food cost it you know averages around 41 42,000 you you know you may pick up a big drop in January and that's because of the USDA deliveries were made in December and some of the uh free supplies are used up in January so the cost dropped down in in January um and then you have the uh essentially the net income um uh from the uh the Food Service overall and that typically has been knitting down to about 29,000 on average a month so if you look at April May and June i' s of straight line that $299,000 in that income and then I one of you know the that we've been talking about um you know salary increases staff additions for the new master and uh an additional help for the schools so with all of that uh we projected in at that roughly 29,000 a month in total cost um and you know carried that out so your projected net income and if you look at the far right uh if we had all those expenses built into this year's uh would be around uh just a slight break even in down $7,000 roughly um um and then from that uh we also spend uh you know so far through March about 139,000 in uh Capital expenditures and that is the dishwashers we've had it diversely every every school um the uh know the one school that doesn't have a new dishwasher lawence and this was we built we've been adding refrigerators and freezers uh to all the schools um and then uh probably the summer this uh every every school have work has working ovens but we're going to be replacing a couple ovens on the uh yeah one at w Pond and uh one at the high school as well as uh up our unit uh at the at Lawrence so um so that our food service balance in our account right now is a million do uh and uh you know if you think about you know as we complete all the requipment of this of these uh schools um and including buying new tables at the high school uh we're just finishing off a new purchase of uh tables for North Falmouth you know the the max amount of additional uh expenditures and I'm using a number that's on the high end would be around 200,000 uh that includes Renovations of uh you know plan Renovations of te ticket for the floor tiling and the ceiling tiling a new line at uh food line at North Falmouth um some tables for high school and so on so you're looking at a maximum of you know round numbers of about 200,000 that would be uh additional Capital expenditures um so I think you know given what we've been adding an additional resources to help the staff that's doing a fantastic job um if you can imagine you know schools are serving anywhere from 2 to 400 lunches with two to four people at these schools that really do a terrific job um and uh and with the you know the new addition of a Master Chef to help with all of the menu creation uh you know front the table on menus uh that uh you know we're in pretty good Financial shape for this um going forward so this again is not meant to be a money maker it's meant to break even with all these costes we talked about we're going to be at that break even Point all right could you just just tell the formula again about the state contribution and the federal contribution so a free reduced kid gets $4 38 or what it right and the other ones get what from the state and what from federal so if it essentially uh it's broken down into several pieces but using uh uh rounded numbers to make it easy so all in total the federal for full free lunch under the old program the B 438 and then there's a reduced component of that for those who qualify for reduced lunch price and then there's another uh amount for children that are not qualifying for either one of those programs so the federal program what happens is you know you you take out what the federal government will give you for your free or reduced launches and then the state comes back and essentially tops up for to make everybody into the the nonfree and reduced lunch kids the state to right yeah exactly okay thank you um so they the state really isn't paying for every kid to have pre it's only paying for every kid who's not right they're making up the difference between so you you literally if you start off with 25,000 free lunches you know roughly let's say 11,000 of those are subsidized the the by the federal government to be a free lunch the state comes in and tops you off between the two that are okay all right so to that um another question along those lines and then a couple of questions about the the numbers here so these are all reimbursements for lunches or for meals actually served not money sent To Us by the government based on total enrollment or no the formul actually Works based on the volume of your meals that you're serving and the students who uh who fit the needs of the qualification of free launcher to do so so it's you report into this state every month on the volume and then you get a reimbursement in the following month so if our lunches were even more desirable we would actually have a higher Reven that's right and that's Yeah the more they eat the more kids eat the better the whole system work that's right that's right um when you said this um the total projected increases in new employees expenses does that include the uh Master Chef position that does it does so it includes the expected negotiations for staff existing staff that increment the uh the new Master Chef position and additional staff that we are projecting uh for each School uh for this coming year so then I guess my big picture question is if we add all of that in and we are still essentially at a break even Point H how are we actually whittling away at that that balance that's there in the the Food Service account well you'll have about 200,000 I mentioned about in capital expenses Max um that will bring it down but then you know as we develop the new menu program you're going to have higher food costs especially as we go to a uh uh you know a higher quality menu um so uh there going to be several components that will um but I think to be comfortable here you would want to keep it where we are as we start this off um because we're making significant additions the staff and so on we haven't yet seen the increase in food cost going into the next year so if you look at this next you know a year from now you know we could we could see where we are and see how successful the program and see what it does to the volume of lunches and so on we can continue to reset now this is also dependent you know that the state continues its subsidies so we don't want to draw it down too quickly we want to you know be aware that that could in time go away um I just want to say thank you because I just learned a lot about something that I can't believe I didn't know anything about so thank you for this all right I really appreciate it I'm excited to see this after we've had the Master Chef and all of the moving pieces that we've been talking about in place let's do this again yeah this is so helpful thank you any other see none all right thank you so much Paul as usual thank you um moving on to the superintendent update Dr I have several things on my list and we have a young student here that actually just was able to share I am happy and I don't have so uh thank you Molly um but I do want to uh give an update on the uh we had our fourth and final um grading advisory meeting last night and Sonia if you want to give an update on that would be great sure thank you um and Terry joined us and Joan gave a little preview too well we're all together um it was a really great session because we really got a chance to dig in and workshop three different Communications so we have a a single sheet info info sheet that uh we workshopped made by the queen of Flyers sweet thank you uh I told Terry it's like my third do a little art so uh we were able to Workshop that um then uh we dug in a little bit on the web content so so we're getting ready to release our first web page uh with some of the information and then um we took a a little bit of time uh we finally whittel our FAQs down so we workshopped about five pages of them um to really hone in on the top two to three pages you know really go in and then we clarify uh areas where we want to clarify language and areas where we feel like hey we don't really need this much detail right now so it was a really great conversation um and when we wrapped up uh we asked for a note taker at each of the table groups to take notes but we also welcomed everyone's notes um so we're in the process of reading through all of the notes which is really great um but a couple things that stood out from some of the table conversations last night and uh starting to go through the feedback is um really there was a question about whether or not at this stage uh we want to go forward with the info sessions which we had initially planned um because we're really not looking at a a full scale implementation in the fall and we're really looking at strengthening some of our work through our professional development teachers so um we talked about getting all of our Communications together getting the site live putting Communications out to families and then um one of the things we talked about was just having like an extended like one afternoon where anybody that wants to come in and talk about that ask questions could um rather than replicating a session over the floor um so that was sort of where we ended but we had a we had a really um impactful and uh thoughtful 9 Minutes last night in J so and East posted as we round it out the tour of all the elementary schools too so thank you thank you questions see n all right all right and then uh one exciting thing I will um to continue the composting because that seems to be our fun topic of the year um uh W uh CI C AI sorry so WC AI um Woods Hole interviewed Carmel and I around the composting and and that was a lot of fun and I believe that aired last week sometime um but uh anyway so if anyone caught the early morning um interview it was uh fun to keep getting the word out about what we're doing in found Public Schools it's exciting so that's great yeah excellent that's your I'm going to each time I'm going to give Molly mom she's all right well that's great um any questions for superintendent no all right great moving on to routine business I can't we're like cruising right along here that's why I'm just baffled um is there a motion to approve the minutes of April 9th 2024 they are in your pocket thank you Kelly is there a second second thank you heather any discussion I believe Mr fe's name is misspelled in the second paragraph Mr fny instead [Music] Mr don't tell okay we make that edit there's two oh yeah okay any other edits no okay uh roll call to approve the minutes of April 9th 2024 we'll start with Mike Halen yes lumping yes oh I'm sorry Cherry M yes yes yes yes we say keep yes and that approves unanimously thank you all for that next up we have committee reports does anyone oh Terry I always do you know yes you do okay um so one thing that's happening I'm the report about the collaborative one thing that's happening there that is the most favorite thing for me is there tightening up for the summer um program at Mass Maritime I don't know if you know about this program it's where kids go overnight for 2 weeks and live on the campus um and build boats and learn to play the violin and do all kinds of and they just love it um I don't know right now how many fouth kids fouth historically is high in um in the list of participants in there's extra ones now has over the years been able to fill those but so because they've sent out 200 acceptance letters now um the price had to go up of course but they're looking for a grant from desie to help that so um I will report on that again cuz it's just so thrilling um anyway okay so that was my report from C okay tell have two things just a reminder that your ation um that the superintendent is due next week April 28th mark your calendar um and just um pointing out in case you didn't notice or were concerned so if you're using the Google document that I shared everybody has their own personal link so it is not a shared document among the committee because that would be very violating open the meeting law um so every link is individual to you so yours is just for you and no one else can see it it's not a shared document and then once you're done let me know and then I will be able to access it so it automatically saves in that file then no worries about sharing um but please the 28 did you on way to do it yeah so I Google me and Google Docs do not get along I totally understand because I feel the same way but I I know some people really prefer that so I sent it as a Google document as a Word document and as a PDF so take your pick whatever works for you about pen oh and if you're doing it by pen then I need it this weekend I need it I need all day Sunday to type it all up yeah okay the only reason I wouldn't type it up is because that way you can share before year whoever you have to share yeah so give me a couple extra days if you need me to me a graph machine and of course if you run into any trouble or hiccups just let me know um for a over the weekend would be great um and the second thing is that when um Katie was here at our last meeting she invited us to the Indian education uh public meeting and I had actually time to go um and it was really informative I don't know if anyone is interested in taking a look at the slides but should share them after um and it goes through you know their obligations and how um the formulas work for identifying kids to participate in the program and then some of the highlights of the programming was really interesting and I'm so appreciative that that she sended that invitation to us CU I learned a lot you know just send them out to all of us okay I will I think that's a great idea I do that thank you any other Committee Member reports I will report on policy we met yesterday it was ring uh we have a few things coming down the pike on our next meeting and um um yeah we we did work we talked about a couple things policy all any other Committee Member of course oh wonderful thank you Mike welcome hello uh sorry I was driving home but not really report but I did speak with Heather and Bill about the calendar item that Heather had discussed a few weeks ago and um we have not met but we have communicated via email and hopefully uh the three of us can meet at some point in time in the near future to discuss the holiday schedule Etc that's it okay any requests for future information Terry I want to make a re request okay um to don't forget this is the 50th anniversary of found High School um maybe the paper would like to run a story okay um I mean there there's going to be some graduates hanging around well there's actually I'm not going to say the person's name in public because they're very private but I'm line tol wow there then and she's still there now as yeah I mean for example you can find her the high school I English yeah yeah yeah she's been all 50 years it's amazing I mean and there's um like Bruce crha was a coach and now his kid is playing football so there's that over the years Grand what did I say well he versus grandchild is now playing football for a couple Generations oh no his grandson pleas I'm saying his grandson I thought you said child sorry did I say child I Grand no grandchild anyway I'll put my money where my mouth is and help with research too by the way no as long as [Laughter] I any other reest for information I'm going to make to is there second thank you heather roll call yes lumping yes let's keep yes we're done thank you [Music] that