##VIDEO ID:NvmDkmV1lOY## up great thank you um I'll call the meeting of the F school committee to order for a special meeting on Monday October 28th 2024 uh please join me in the pledge way down on I pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America to the rep stands one nation indivisible withy and justice for all thank you in accordance with the Massachusetts open meeting law I remind everyone that the meeting is being recorded if any member of the public would like to make an audio or video recording of the meeting please notify me first uh by raising your hand either in person or remote state your name and the purpose of the recording anyone recording today great thank you um before we get started I just want to uh address a couple of things first thank you all for last minute scheduling an extra meeting I know um everyone's schedules are full but I appreciate everyone being here tonight the second item is some confusion about public comment um open meeting law actually doesn't require us to take public comment ever but we do um almost every meeting we uh we take public comment to hear from the community we don't however usually take public comment at special meetings or short meetings and this is both so um I know there was questions about that um especially since we called it out on the agenda I just wanted to make sure since we've had so much public comment lately that people would not come with the expectation that we would have time for that tonight um the last thing um oh two more things sorry is that um we did get um some emails about limiting public comment uh according to the masc policy which suggests a limit of 15 minutes um for school committee members if you feel strongly about limiting or not limiting public comment moving forward if you want to email me and we'll incre that in the agendas uh last is about email first thank you Terry so many emails you've been responding to we really appreciate it um and for the public if you are um emailing individual members of the committee so if send an email just to me not the rest of the committee um you will likely either not get a direct reply or you'll get a reply from Terry because each year the school committee has one member that replies to the public and so all of those messages are coming from her just so you're not waiting and wondering why we're not writing you back I just want to make sure you know why it's just our standing policy I get a big stipend in my pay for doing it yes double double double z double the zero yeah okay thanks for listening to all those updates and now I'm going to turn it over to the presentation from superintendent on recommendations for the timeline for navigating the future proposed plan one and two right thank you we've been listening uh to the community and we acknowledge um these proposed plans have been unsettling for some of our staff uh and parents after much reflection I would like to extend the timeline for consideration of proposed plans one and two this extended time will provide ample uh time for the consultant to conduct a thorough study time for administration the building needs task force and the school committee to review the study and consider alternative plans I stand by The Early Learning Center and that the service we can provide to our young families and most importantly to our students however we should allow time for all considerations therefore I'm also recommending that nothing will begin or be implemented during the uh 2025 20 uh 26 school year regarding proposed PL one and two okay short and sweet um so we'll open it up to um a conversation and discussion before acting on anything and um you know we're so grateful to have building needs here with us because this is so you're so integral to this process we set the process in place and so you should have the opport to weigh in as um as we could consider whether or not to approve this request from the superintendent um are there comments or questions related oh okay okay Terry I wrote um comments and since we asked the public to keep it to two minutes I tried to keep mine to two minutes a timer so we're supposed to comment how we feel about the proposer right okay so I'd like to see us request advice from the consulting firm we hire on three topics number one The best scenario for dealing with declining enrollment number two the most efficient way to update and or relinquish our agent buildings and three the least disruptive method among our current grade configurations to increase prek enrollment I feel we should not approach the consulting company with any predetermined Notions about reconfiguring our school let them suggest to us along that ve we should not hold more public Forums on the proposals one and two there's a lot of time and energy to go into these discussions of these proposals and a consultant May recommend another way to reconfigure I think you should wait to hear the recommendations from the experts some people are for these proposals and some are against them an independent firm with expertise which we don't really have ourselves should guide our path forward okay so I looked at the contract that we have from a very recordable um consultation firm and I noticed there's a few things that they don't um advise upon one of them is can I just ask I don't before you finish and you won't hold the time against you I just want to make sure that we're focusing on what's on the agenda what's on the agenda which is whether or not we're going to approve extending the timeline which may I'm not sure where you're going but I just want to make sure that we're not that we don't take a turn and be talking about the consultant entirely because that's not really it's related into my um my ideas about the time okay um in the contract I noticed that um they don't deal with transportation technology of security so I think we um need to keep this in line as keep this in mind as we move move along the data CL CS um that we're doing um we I think we might also review the work done by other districts such as Watertown Cambridge Boston and Springfield which offer free prek programs um the governor of our state realizes that Massachusetts is behind other states in the nation in regards to a prek enrollment so I would imagine there are State funds that help would help districts in their efforts to increase their pre- enrollment um and I think think these funds might be available to help us pay our consulting firms so okay um are there comments I really want us to stick to the topic and not break open leaning L discussing things that are clearly not within the purview of our AG Ona item so um point of clarification Dr dor could you read again what you are proposing to postpone um until when can you could you read it again I can read it but I could also discuss it so um post plans one and two I don't have an in date basically we need to have a study back um we have to have time to study it um all groups like the administration I want the the building um needs uh task force and the school committee to be able to study um the um consultant study right whatever the report that comes back to us and then if there are um alternative proposals um or options within that report that we take time to to consider those and because of that um I feel like nothing should uh be implemented for U proposed plans one and two for next year for the next school year um but what comes back will you know kind of lead us I think into what could be down the future of of what we're implementing or not implementing right right and so I just want to leave it wide open and not not be prescriptive at this point thank you yeah um it's hard to separate these a little bit because um proposed plans one and two are very connected to 3 four and five and my concern with pausing for a year for a prescribed amount of time is that we're still going into this process with a pre preconceived idea of what the proposals should be and we're taking them and putting them on hold while this process is undertaken and that seems disingenuous to me because that that leads us to the conclusion that we're probably going to come back to them at some point but if the data that's collected and the needs assessment and the feasibility study don't support plans one and two then they they shouldn't be on the agenda for a future time until we know whether or not they're the correct things for the community so I'm not I'm not clear that P I I know I know the community has said pause but I'm not there pausing is the solution so I just want to clarify because I think I heard you say that there would that the delay would allow for time so that whatever comes back yes so if what came what I heard was what if it if it comes back that we should not be doing any of those we should instead be doing X Y or Z there would be time for that my my real concern though is if we are applying for this grant for Lawrence on the basis of this whole package of proposals I'm imagining I don't know what goes into the application for the grant but I'm imagining that reconfiguring grades and merging schools and finding space for fifth graders and closing a school all play into our application now I've heard varying things Margaret is nodding shaking her head but they're all connected and my concern in brief is that we are going to put ourselves in a situation down the road where we then have to accept proposed plans one or two in some form in order to be in compliance with a grant if we get it you know I don't want to be in that situation I don't either Paul can you speak to that yeah proposals wanted to do not affect the lawence application period uh the Lawrence is the the msba is looking at the renovation of a single building what will impact that is whether you determine that building to have three grades or two grades but not uh not you know they're not considering what's happening at the elementary school because there's no elementary school that's being applied for renovation so it's the the application that we submit between January April is purely on the Lawrence School it being built in 1953 felman's not having had a project in front of the msba before for a long time and and then it moves forward on that basis then thereafter in the period of time we're we're supplying our Academic Program our enrollment data our maintenance program that's where we're narrowing down what the uh final grade structure would be whether it be 567 with 678 uh or two grades so this the recommendation go for three and back it down if need to but again what happens at the elementary school levels whatever the decision is is is not going to impact the lawence application um it will only serve to delay the renovation so and just for clarification the Lawrence um the submission the uh to the msba before those grade configurations would have to be um determined uh we uh are talking at least two years down the road yes if not more the final final grade configuration um would be you know in that second phase after we're accepted in the program what you want to do is sort of project to three grades um you don't want to go for projecting for two grades and then try to move up the application for three that's a harder move we can move from 3 to two uh but um but in that final in that you know post acceptance into the program which is really based on the again the age of the building and whether that the town has been before the msba recently which in our case we haven't right then now we're accepting into the program now that whole final configuration is is um the ter I just want to clarify because I just want to make sure I got it right so so we if we were to apply for uh the Lawrence renovation to msbo after the fir after the first of the year that would only be to get in the door and that application doesn't include the configuration it's not until the next part it it will include it but it's not the fin okay all right I didn't understand you have a chance to work that out in the final configuration of the building you have time I mean it's a long process okay but the recommendation is you go in with for example three grades apply on that basis and then if your plan changed from three to two then you can in the second year while you're in that uh second phase of the study B you lower your numbers to thanks Mike I have three things I'll be quick the first thing is that we can't talk about three four and five it's not the agenda see yeah number two is oh I said the last meeting um I think that we should and I'll make this motion later we should stop this with no timetable until as Terry said we we get some Consulting but without going too deep I would vote to just stop it and my third thing is more of a personal thing where I'm assuming most of these folks from tea ticket and I got a phone call the other day from a friend from North Falmouth this is causing a lot of um Community strike and whether this happens or doesn't happen some of that some of those issues will carry on and the tea ticket the East fet the north fet the Mullen Hall at some point in time we all come to moris Pond for now but later on we'll go to Lawrence but we all come together so I don't want this to cause issues with the community in the town so I again will motion to stop this with no timetable until consulting or whatever gets done do you like to I don't want to get in trouble by speaking no that's we invited you guys School building uh committee has not met prior to this meeting so this information is new to us as well as it is to the community though the superintendent has communicated to us that this would be on the agenda in terms of the school buildings and we've focused on one and two and our two or three meetings we also focused on five you know three four and five so if you put one and two on hold that's fine uh most of the discussion of the committee has been we're not sure what we wanted on one and two or whether it was going to be the configuration that the superintendent recommended or another configuration U so firstly I as cheer I firmly support that delay U but it also hopes that the building committee can finalize recommendations on 3 four and five uh at some point based what Paul said on the grade configuration our initial meetings there has been no I think concern about the renovation of Lawrence School I mean that that's an old building that that needs to happen the timeline I think is a good idea um we as the building committee at the direction of the school committee and the superintendent uh will delay any further discussion on one and two it's outside our jurisdiction because we've been charged with not doing it at this point the use of a consultant is in my opinion the best thing we Poss possibly could do think it generated out of this committee that we wanted someone to look at it but to clarify some of the emails that I've read uh we hope that we know that the consultant will deal with the Four elementary schools you North Mullen pet and East family and we're not also asking the consultant to validate the school committee and superintendent's recommendation concerning items one and two uh this is an objective study this nesda group has been around for a long time even though when I was commissioner and that's a long time ago so and they've done a good job they have experience in enrollment projections um they will not get into curriculum issues in other words is prek better than K5 I mean that's the school committee's decision superintendent's been very clear about uh the emphasis on prek so we support it the other committee members don't agree with my comments too bad only kidding I said that before they're all around on the table they're all free independent spirits and we love that this is a wide open area and I think got to bring the community together on this issue Mike I think you're right it doesn't have to split the community apart we the superintendent listen the school committee listen now let us get on with our work let's get the Lauren School application in let's look at three four and five let's put a hold on one and two and let's guarantee the parents that come next September no changes on K to four and I think that's can't ask for any more than than that and I give the school committee credit for having this meeting tonight thanks and thanks for coming um so just just following up on what you said so you were able to clarify or to um communicate with the consultant company that they should look at to take an objective look at the topic not can you please confirm okay um in terms of um should you decide as the building needs um task force that you want even more time would that is that something you feel comfortable either now or later saying to us okay well we've delayed for this year but we want another year or I'm sure you want to meet every other month for the next three years yeah we don't want to meet every month for the next five years but we've been committed for the meetings we have but I'm not speaking for my my co-members but we're going to do what's best for the system I mean that's a that's why we volunteered to do this so U if it has to be one more meeting or we take a Hiatus for couple months till we get the consultant report we'll do that and again that's the school committee's U responsibility to direct us on how they want it to happen not what the final input would be right but the timeline we'll go along with the school committee and superintendent AG I guess what I was getting is I want to make sure it's clear um that should building needs say to us we want more time that you have that option to say that and then we we're free spirits great any other I welcome any other of the building needs please so Mike I just wanted to clarify what you are asking just is a little bit different than what Dr dur is putting forward where Dr dur is recommending a pause until we get more data you're recommending taking one and two off the table until we get that data back to try to come up with our own plans KY I'm okay yes yeah please answer that okay I want to make sure um what I am saying is that it makes more sense in my mind to do the work and once we've done the research uh and once we have the data then come back and say now we're ready for cycle two the next step in the process as opposed to this is our deadline we have to get it done and whether we extended a year or two years um I don't think that's the way to do it I think the way to do it is to get the information and say this is where we feel is the best option to move forward and at that point in time open up the communication for a timeline as opposed to we're doing it at this date or this date if that makes sense no it does and I agree um I I agree that we should extend the the timeline for whatever's going to happen but I'm going to talk about it in a little larger context the most important thing I feel as a member of school committee is that we provide the best education for every child that means children who Excel to the run the gamut to those who have special needs and the only reason that buildings come into this is that buildings support that process supports a culture it supports a safe environment an environment where students can every student can learn based on that I have certainly listened and I respect and I'm glad to hear from a whole lot of participants in this community and sort of like Mark I um Michael I I think that um the notion of this community is very important unfortunately we've only heard from a part of this community and that's a major concern of mine if there are people in this community who are in favor of some support then they need to make their voices heard my primary concern is the students and their best educ ation for every one of them and we've heard people and their concerns and I respect every one of their concerns I've heard but if there are people in this community who feel that some proposals are good and valid then I think we need to hear from them and the next thing I'm going to say I know is not going to be re flly but the other constituencies that are involved in this are the town of Fel and I heard that the town of felth doesn't want to do anything until the school committee makes a decision I do believe that this process needs to be done in communication with the town of Felman if they don't want a building they should tell us they think it's great to have all these schools open they should tell us if they don't like this idea they should tell us unless we hear from the town we are we're the only people making a decision and we make a decision within the town of fouth and I think it's so important that every member of the town of fouth it's their voices heard and we hear those voices thank you Nancy can you address a little bit about why the town I mean I I I totally understand that you don't want to influence our process um can you share the issue is this yeah you are the board elected to make educational decisions and part of the making those educational decisions includes how you use your buildings until or unless you signal to the town that you are going to do get rid of a building or or give it back to the town Town management really doesn't have a say it's under the school committee's perview when and if it comes to that point correct me if I'm wrong Dr antonucci but when it comes to the point where you say we're going to be giving a building back town manager gets involved and starts to think about what am I going to do with the building how could we repurpose the building what can we do with the Land There are several options that he could think about but until that time he does not have a say over what the school committee does with its buildings can I respond to that and I respect this answer I I have great respect for you I hope you know that however however and however on however negates everything before the however so what do you need to say butt means everything before I'm not however the same thing but but one of the proposals is that we are considering giving a building back to the town right and so I think it behooves the town to let us know their thoughts about it that's all I don't expect you to tell me what you want to do with it I don't think he has a lot of thoughts about it until the school committee tells him we have come up with proposals that put Moes Pawn School offline then it's his problem but that is a proposal point of point of prop three it's not there yeah it's but you you haven't made that decision it may be an idea but we see how some of the ideas have been what what has happened to the ideas so he doesn't know I'm sure he's thinking about what he might do with it but until the school committee gives it back to him it's on us to make it's on you to make that decision you know I I do worry at the idea of okay well it would be great if we could put affordable housing there but and then we relinquish a building thinking that's what it's going to be and then it's not because that's not what the town wants and then we'll have made a decision based on inaccurate information so anyway Chris um so I'm kind of in the same boat as Mike katr and Margaret and um I'm not convinced that we need to give up a school I mean I have not seen that yet so would the town be all right if we choose that what's best for our schools and our community is we hold on to every single building that we have um and in terms of the school committee kind of driving what the building needs committee is I'm a little uncomfortable with this process because I have not quite seen that uh I don't even know what the scope of the proposals are um I know Terry kind of mentioned that I don't know what companies we've been even looked at for proposals um I would think the school committee being the body that is accountable to the public which we serve should be the the group that is kind of making taking the lead with some of these decisions and I feel like that is not the case um I'll kind of leave it right now can I make a quick point I want to you've already spoken once and I want to make sure we get around to everybody first so any other members of our building needs weigh in so I um I'm I'm sort of thinking that I love taking extending the timeline because I feel heard um from our meeting last week where I said um how are we going to absorb all of this information at an extraordinarily busy time in people's lives and it seems like getting the consult working parallel with the consulting firm and trying to absorb it in the moment and then absorbing the final product presumably from the consultant firm in December and then making a recommendation and uh being making a decision uh on the school committee in January seemed like a very crunched timeline for a very big decision so I feel heard and thank you you um to extend the timeline um and I I didn't think I was going to feel this way but again um I think that we need to take as much time as we need and if it means that extending the timeline a year and then revisiting it and not necessarily making a decision in a year because perhaps we don't have input from the community input from the consultant enough time to digest that including but not limited to maybe um we I don't know maybe we don't give up a building or maybe I I can't predict the future all I want to say is that I think it's really important to take a lot of time and make sure that we're getting all the information because there's nothing worse than making a decision or being being forced into a corner and have to make a decision on the fly when you just don't have everything in front of you and um taking this Ro of school committee is extraordinarily important to me personally speaking of something personal and I would never want the um I I trust the people of fth who kindly put me here and I I I trust I I have a lot of pride in the trust that they have in me and um I want to make sure that I when I vote that it is absolutely like emphatically because I have all the information in front of me and I think that that's it I think like for me it's that's what I hear from everyone I feel like we're all kind of saying the same thing in a lot of ways that we all want to make sure that we make a good decision because we take it so seriously and if it takes a year or it never happens or it takes two years and we vote no or whatever it happens to be like I I maybe I'm missing it but I feel like we're saying the same thing that we want to have enough time to make a good decision and that's what that's what this would be and then in a year if we want to say okay let's take it off the table entire I do worry about um eliminating the up the proposal one and two and then at the same time paying a consultant to investigate this topic doesn't really work in my brain um because then as a district we're investing funds in something that we're technically not even considering so um that would be my reason for not eliminating the proposals and instead just indefinitely extending the timeline until we have what we need sorry um I just would like to support what Chris said um one of my questions is what exactly are we asking the Consultants to do and as Chris said we're the ones that need to ultimately vote on this and I feel I I don't know how this process with building needs can be improved but I too feel very removed um from this process and so um I would like for us to consider how we can more closely collaborate um and and be a part of of exactly what we're asking the consultant to do I'm not clear what we're asking the consultant to do we asking them as you said Kelly to examine e in ticket or are we asking them to put everything on the table including redistricting I I've I've asked about that a number of times I think we need to be very specific that so I think I did at our last meeting mention that any requests for what the building what that consultant should look at should come to me but I didn't get anything from anyone um Bob can you speak to I you've had a conversation I think with the or at least been involved in conversations you speak to you know what you conveyed to them for what they should well here's the issue the issue of a consultant came up at a building needs committee not didn't generate from the school committee and that's not a criticism uh we had a meeting and one of the members brought up the fact well maybe we need to bring in a consultant to have an objective opinion about the buildings not to get into the educ ucational programs we then forwarded that to the superintendent fully realizing that the school committee and superintendent are the final decision makers weeren advising re boot okay uh based on that we did contact nees and lri did that at the urging of the school committee to come up with a proposal to look at K to four or k to five the Four elementary schools uh and they normally look at enrollment and projections and configuration and grade structure Etc so that's where we're coming from we're not trying to be the school committee um we were asked to come on board uh to do a job and I think we've done it well so far but at the same time as I listen to the discussion tonight we may need to take a Hiatus I think we all agree that the lawen school needs to happen and I think if we pick the vote right now I hope Mike we would all vote that the law would go on so that work is done okay um I see not much more for the school building committee to do until we get that objective Consultants report which you may not agree with and which we may not agree with we're not elected people we're just an advisor group and we don't want to be caught in the crossfire uh between the superintendent the school committee the building committee up to this point I think everyone's doing the right thing the a whole host of different opinions this is great to hear the comments of the school committee you're in a tough spot so again I'm not speaking for the whole building committee but at this point we have nothing left to do until we hear from the consultant uh because we really have agreed I think it's a group that the lawen school needs to happen I think we all agree to that whether mosan becomes voted Surplus by the school committee is another issue that really isn't at this point in time our decision and not that we don't want to do any more work but I think at this point if I were making a recommendation and I'm not making a suggestion U that the consultant Beed if you should all look at the contract uh that the consultant has decide whether or not we should move forward move forward with it and then when that work is completed uh we then can get get back to work you asked me what I said to the consultant if the scool committee votes to extend this there's no pressure for the consultant to complete his whole work by December that came up at our meeting that if we're going to bring a consultant have the work done by December that's rushing it there no need to rush based on the vote that I think you're going to take tonight I guess on one and two if that happens then the consultant has ample time to do a more comprehensive study and again and L was in a conversation with me also this is open uh we're not directing the Consultants so you're not going to direct the consultant just to focus on T ticket in each found that would be unfair you need to look at the implications of a entire Elementary District K 4-5 so let's I I have some concerns about the disconnect that I I hear at least two members say between the building needs task force and the school committee I don't understand what that disconnect is we have we have school committee members who attend our meetings we have staff from from the district who attend our meetings there's nothing going on that and Sandy takes notes so I don't understand where that's coming from I guess well and I think it's it's a strange it is a strange relationship to have an Advisory Group you know but it needs to be somewhat separated from our process otherwise none of this good work and conversation would have happened if we had all done this internally then all this engagement from me different members across the community wouldn't have happened so it is you know the most um that we ever engage with an advisory grp which is a little unusual for us okay everybody's got their hand up but I promised Mike a long time ago he could speak second and he never did do you still remember what you wanted to say yeah but I'll I'll pass go mine's on the topic that Nancy brought up I think it's a simple matter of a procedure we never filled out what we would like to see there was no formal um document from the school community that said look at this look at this look at this it just got lost in the shuffle um so that's really maybe not a disconnect but a missing part that would be the liais zone between I mean I I don't think it's done they hav't started are you talking about the consultant or are you talking about something else if you let me finish my sentences maybe I'm talking too fast um but please quit interrupt me um we that um Glenda I heard say and other people say that it wasn't clear what we were looking for I simply think we didn't fill out a document to give to them I mean they will do anything that we ask they will absolutely I don't think we ever ask them what Avenues to go down so it's just a missing document I don't think there's any disconnects or anything that's just my opinion good um personally for me I can't get a babysitter to come to those meetings and they're not recorded as far as I know so I'm relying on notes and then we don't get the emails that you guys get I'm not complaining necessarily because I get a lot of emails I spent all day reading them but I know a few people sent emails to the needs the building needs group and I don't I didn't see them and what we get back is data points and that's not the same and so that's part of the disconnect for me I can't physically be at the meeting there's no record of the meeting other than what these notes written down and then what we get back is just sort of denuded data points um Nancy your other point about the town wanting us to tell the town whether we want to give up a building this whole proposal was premised on the idea that the town was going to take a building from us if we didn't offer them one that's how it was proposed that's how was presented to me I'm new to town I believe what I am told the town is going to take a building if we don't choose one that's what they told us and also the timeline was given to us we didn't set the timeline we didn't vote on the timeline we didn't I didn't know there was going to be a December Vote or anything until two days before this was released to the public so that's some of the missing pieces um I don't know if you want me to give more of what I've talked about before but that's an answer about the building needs Mel thank you so um couple things um I'm sorry that people feel disconnected with uh building needs uh and to your point Kelly I I respectfully disagree that we've not had uh a um relationship between a task force in the past um at some point when you're on a committee and you have subc committies or task force you're um and you have you know these you're on I'm going to use this you're on school committee and you have a task force to look at perhaps school start times um and while you are interested in school start times you put yourself on school start times or you tell the chair that you're interested in being on school start times and um although perhaps you you are interested in school start times because it does affect every single student in the district you um you trust your fellow School Committee Member and you don't micromanage the task force kind of thing so um at some point and uh this is just in life you have to trust uh the person sitting next to you whether it be um you're on a large committee and there's a task force or a subcommittee you have to trust the people that they're going to present you with the notes from that meeting um Sue presented um the notes from the meeting and you know although my children are 14 and 16 that's not so long ago that I sat in your seat and I struggled to find sitters when they were little and I was new to this committee so please don't think that I don't hear you um and I Glenda I don't mean to call you all but I and maybe this is tied in teries that we don't have a formal document last Tuesday night I took down every single question and I take a little offense to this I took down every single question that every single one of us that sits at the school Committee Member sits as a school committee member I took it to building needs and I presented it to building needs so I am your liaison I am a liaison with Sue to building needs and I I've done that if you don't like that or if that isn't enough I'm sorry I'm happy to to do more if we want to have a formal document I'm okay with that too if you know we could work on that together as well but as as far as um like there I prided myself on not having a veil to you know I don't H I'm open I put my I put myself out there chronically oftentimes that comes back to bite me at times um so I I'm taking this a little bit personal on a couple different levels but I I'm I'm trying to do everything that we are being asked of especially um with the being on a task force and sitting at this table trying to check all the boxes trying to make sure everyone's heard trying to relay questions concerns to um the building needs task force so so I think um I think could I respond sure um first of all really none of us should be taking any of this personally I certainly don't take any of the the comments personally so this is all I this town personally I'm I I respect that and I um my comments were not directed at performance my comments were directed at process okay and I agree with Terry that we should be leading the task and thus far as I said in terms of the consultant I am not clear what exactly up until this conversation we were asking the consultant to do much of the information has been clarified and I appreciate that um but as we have all acknowledged and as as you have acknowledged we are the people that are voting on this and we need to be as well informed of in the process as possible part of that is also attending the building needs meetings ourselves um part of that is also relying on the representation that you do expertly on the not fishing for well I'm um acknowledging your hard work so thank you um but it's the process it is not the performance and I think we can probably um at least Rectify some of that moving forward once we get um whatever comes back from the consultant I'm sure they're going to send us some contract that really outlines what their objectives are and we can share that right can we share that once it comes okay share that with the school committee and then we can all review it and make sure that it addresses the things that we would like it to see and ask for those to be um included um if there's things that are missing so I think that's an easy fix I think would that um contract come to building needs and then because it was built as Dr anonui um mentioned with building needs that passed the consultant sure I mean I'm sure you will I'm sure it will come to building needs as well um I think that you've sort of had your op you guys have sorry Mike yeah it will but as I listen to the discussion and don't take this as a criticism um I think the work of the build the building committee should be suspended to decide what you really want us to do um we were doing what the superintendent sco Comm asked us to do and we did it well and we have two Representatives on the committee but at this point we have given you up we we have a recommendation on the lawen school that's there that's fine your that's your final decision there's really nothing more for us to do until you decide and you school committee what the next step is and with taking one and two off the table that's what we had focused many of a lot of our meetings and why we'll we'll suspend the committee for a while that's all I mean I'm not going to sit we don't want to sit for two hours in a meeting and really no get into an issue that you don't want us to get into or and we're not ready to get into so I my suggestions would be is get the contract from the superintendent legally see again with the nesc they deal with the superintendent directly not with the building needs committee chair um get that share that contract decide what you want to do I mean basically what we ask them do is look at K five and the four Elementary buildings and enrollment and projections and possible as Alternatives in terms of curriculum that's as simple as I can be in terms of the contract and they do this all the time so decide that we're not walking away I think we're all committed but no sense of us meeting until we have further Direction on what you want us to do there no need for conflict when not we're in this Al together back to your comment about my read about it's all about the students we serve that's the bottom line that in the end that's why we're giving up our time to do it so that's where we are anybody disagree with me and I will make a comment that I put on the table the consultant I put it on the table in front of the buildings uh needs task force because it had come up in several emails and that people wanted another agency to take a look at what we were doing and what what the school committee was looking at so I put it on the table and it was voted to move forward in that and I think we're all going to benefit from I have two more things first of all Dr anucci disbanding the committee is not the agenda so stuck for now but my second thing but WR was you just just no my second thing so in addition you just said that they're looking at K through four K through five and all the elementary schools and with that comment extending uh one and two don't make sense because one and two are tied directly to T ticket e fman and we're hamstringing ourselves by keeping those extended while the consulting which we don't know what they're doing yet uh is going on so my motion again would be to eliminate proposals one and to from navigating the future at this time Margaret did you have something yeah my hand was up because I I I want to repeat um it goes on this is a community and I really think it's when we I don't just want the Consultants report I want Dr D's report and her analysis and their full report she did before the proposal I want to consult report I want to hear from the community all members of the community I've certainly heard from a lot of members of the community and I think we've heard some really fine ideas and thoughts but I think that you know there are silences in the community again I go back to here your town I think that if we are in a community we need to have decent discussions resolve this in peace and listen to a variety of ideas and come up with what's best for our students and I go back to building needs is a Mis Noma this is about student education it is not about buildings okay Chris final thoughts because I feel like we you know we we're now kicking around a lot of other stuff and we really need to we need to address the the actual item on whether not we're going to extend the timeline just kind of talking about blend's um coming about process you know we we voted to approve the appointments to the building needs Committee in June of last year before we even knew what the building needs task force was going to be so we approved two members of the building needs task force not approve anyone else and so when people say that it's the school committee and the superintendent in charge for the building needs I don't know if I exactly believe that um because we didn't play a hand in every member that was selected for the building needs committed and so so my comment is very much on topic oh sure okay back to the topic I am uncomfortable postponing for a year I don't know why we would postpone for a year why the timeline why not postpone indefinitely yeah I never said postpone per year I said there would be nothing starting next year I said the timeline will go until we have a time okay to do it so that is an indefinite postponement just making it clear nothing but start next year even if we did get through this whole process we wouldn't have time to implement anything next year okay all right so comment is we at the moment are doing A needs assessment on K24 for all or elementary schools proposals one and two are entirely predicated on the assumption that we need a prek establishment and the feasibility study and needs assessments that are proposed do not take that into account we did say pre assment well right now the K to four there's not a prek but if you're the consults will look at pre pre k to four L was clear about that and that would include like all of the existing providers of feasability study looking at the entire they look at it I don't know YMCA that's coming up I'm just thinking of all the you're not sure about that so I they would have to decide that we can't we don't want to put parameters on it because then they but are we putting are we in charge of what the um study is yes yes we're GNA that's what I was just saying like once we get the contract that outlines what it will be from the company then it will come to the school committee and we can review it and have K the can down the road um only works if we gather data that's going to actually support the entire decision when we get to that decision okay I use Dr Anthony's word Hiatus um I think we should also take a Hiatus from the community forums that talk about proposals one and two that's still how they're listed because and we should take a Hiatus from it because it takes a lot of time and energy for a lot of people to go to those meetings they prepare the questions and all the energy I think we should take a Hiatus from those too okay they're out of sight and out of mind and then they can come back I'm not saying they they're gone I just I like your word Hiatus it's a good word it's a good word so you take a hius and we'll take a hi I'm leaving right now I think if if the school committee is not happy with the members of the task force then you need to look at that and if we're not what you want I just talking more about the process if not the people what I'm saying is if you're not happy with the process then you can redesign the process and choose who you want we're giving up by time because we are so invested in fman both as previous superintendant both as as people who have been committed to filment for a very long time if you're not happy with the process you can choose someone else okay so let's come back to the item that's actually listed is there a motion to approve the superintendent's recommendation for extending the timeline for navigating the future most plans one and J so move thanks s is there a second a second uh any last discussion can I make an amendment to replace extending and just insert totally deleting no I think that's far from what we said we were going to I I appreciate the on decision but that's friendly Li it's not close enough to the topic that we posted may I may I make a point of clarification of point of order this meeting would go on for about an hour now and I've made the same motion twice oh I inter I interpreted that astion tce so I would like to read I'm I'm going to vote that down soon no offense to you but my motion has been and will be because of the consultant and hamstringing us with proposition one and two and proposal one and two we should totally delete them and start from scratch with a full data driven decision on all the schools pre to4 and that is my motion and I do not think that that is in keeping with open meeting because that is not what this says okay then I will no on this and I will ask to have that motion on the next SCH okay any last discussion uh all in favor of of approving the recommendation from the superintendent Ai and you're gonna have to do your hands because I'm not gonna be a count by voice did you say hand or what oh I I need to see your hand because I know it's going to be split and I can't count everyone just supp to support the extension I'm I'm I'm sorry I'm completely confused on what we're voting on because to Mike's Point if this only this only pertains to proposals one and two which are least found is that true yes yes okay okay thank you you sure yes okay okay so to be clear to reiterate we are voting on approving the superintendent's recommendation to extend the timeline for proposed plan one and two um by show hands please so that I can keep can I clarify no I just want to clarify we're still on the discussion part it doesn't mean my understanding is it doesn't mean that we accept The Proposal no it means that what we're going to look at is looking at the elementary schools and getting more information from a variety of ways to make a decision it doesn't mean we're going back to the proposal as it is correct that's what we're voting on is we're just saying okay we're dropping this right now we're going to get hopefully lots of information from a variety of constituents including Dr door's report including the Consultants report hopefully including more reports from the community and then we're going to vote on where we're going to move forward and I think Margaret though the key of that is that there's no implementation next year so everyone can grieve that nothing is going to change next year because we have I just wanted to but it still stands as a proposal these are the proposals we're not starting from aan I as we're getting new information we should leave ourselves open to have new proposals we are so I mean I'm waiting for the next week's Mo okay okay any last thoughts before we vote all in favor of extending the timeline for proposals one and two by a show of hands please two three four five motion carries any um anyone abstaining thank you all right and to clarify this is just what Margaret just said this doesn't mean that we're in favor or against one and two this is just to can to give us more more time time no more information more time to get more information and then do I have a chance here before we adjourn to request for the next meeting an agenda item to delete propos one and two no not on the agenda but any members can always email me with their agenda requests and if there are more than one then it will be considered single request never make it on is there a motion to agend I'll make a motion thank you a second oh someone second thank you all in favor I