uh I'd like to call the meeting of the school committee of March 26 2024 to open if we could all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pleas to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with li and justice for this is great all right thing the um if anyone is here making a recording please let me know by um raising your hand and tell me who you are and I I got Gilda okay great um is there oh y we're being telecast on channel eight we are being telecast on channel eight thank you Mr Weber um is there anyone here for student advisory no no okay that's fine um so public comment moving right along members of the public are welcome to speak about items that are not on the agenda comment should be limited to two minutes in length due to open meeting law the committee cannot act on public comment for items on the agenda the chair May accept comments from the public following the committee's discussion of an item additional comments and feedback can also be submitted by email to school committee at Falmouth k12.us is anyone here for public comment no okay and no one there okay great so I would like to um turn it over to to Tim for the presentation of Mor Pond highlights thank you welcome everyone thanks for having us and thanks for joining us here at mors Pond um got some great highlights I have a group from fifth grade and a group from sixth grade um that are excited to share kind of some small moments that you don't get an opportunity to see unless you're in the building um I have a group of fifth graders who had a Grassroots kindness campaign um totally directed on their own um they approach me with a proposal very formal um very organized with an idea they had this the kind of thing you get to experience as a principal it's just the good stuff when they come up with great ideas want to share it and want to you know enhance their school and then I have a group of sixth graders with some curriculum to show you some projects they've worked on in the content areas in science and social studies um so these have been up in classrooms and on display and they're very proud of their work and they're very excited to have an audience to share with so I'm going to turn it over to the kids to start with grade five and their teachers are here too to introduce them and moral support all right um hi I'm Molly Duff still these are our fifth grade friends um we have Kenzie Rory Carolyn and miumi and they're going to give you a project about their kindness project um and throughout the beginning of school they have come together they had this idea that they thought that Morse Pond needed a way to show and represent kindness they thought it was really important that people recognize small acts of kindness and people are noticed for the little small things that we do each day so I'm going to put up the presentation and then they will begin oh thank youal difficulties tell us who you are who's who I'm keny I'm Rory I'm hi welcome thanks for coming thanks for [Applause] coming carollyn do you want to tell them about the t-shirts you guys present to so uh keny made these um t-shirts um yeah St still School House of them too of us they're in our favorite colors um good evening everyone tonight my crew and I will be talking about kindness and how our club works and so without [Music] [Applause] and I'm of I'm r m i Am the vice president I'm and I'm the secretary I'm and I'm TR hi we are regular kids fighting for kindness here at for join our fight here now today so be kind um be kind to others I know everyone says Be Kind to others but you really should we can't we can't do something we can't make you do something you don't want to do no matter how hard you try if you choose to if you choose to be kind um you can make it different people can't change the world by themselves no matter how hard they try this world is the way it is and it's like this for a reason I like the I wouldn't change it but I would put a little more kindness in it make a difference you can make a difference even a small person can do kind things you can do little things like give a smile or hold the door for someone that's what kindness is all about it's not about being a hero it's not doing it for the praise it's doing it for the people who leave kindness at that moment how wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world and Frank if a teacher student notices someone doing an act of kindness there will be special cards that you can give to the upstander on the front of the card there will be space for you to to write a small nice not on the back of the card you can draw a picture pict or quote after you find after you find that person and give it to them you can do this anywhere like at recess in the hallway during lunch or in the classroom at appropriate times um so these are some examples of what the cards are going to look like this is what the front will look like and then on the back you can write like a quote like you're out of this world and like you can draw a picture and go with it um like this one out of this one and this one says shoot for the even though you're already there I to the sunset with like the sunset so no matter what happens in life be good to people being good to people is a wonderful Legacy to leave behind no act of kindness is no act of kindness is too small the gift of the gift of kindness May start as a small Ripple that over time can turn into Title Wave affecting the lives of many Kevin help um and it doesn't cost me anything to be and I know kindness house wasted scatter SE [Music] kindness and then thanks for listening being thank you for your hope you enjoy [Applause] I was really excited to get this proposal from our group here because this year at mores Pond we relaunched or launched I guess I should say um having the peace Builders message recited every day with our morning announcements they've been used to doing that in elementary school K through 4 so they came up as fifth graders Just Right In the Groove with that um part of the peace Builders program is that they have praise notes as a component of that program where you can recognize an act of kindness to a staff member to another student staff to staff student to student doesn't matter um and so I was thinking of getting those notes ready as like the next phase of our lunch and then I have a group at my door with an even better idea of how to enhance it so kind of taking the idea of like if you've seen kindness rocks around we have a little garden out in front of moris spond you can add an illustration something to make someone's datee um Happy and recognize what they did and so we put that together with the notes and then no Guff week came up as well so it's all just tied right together so it was a wonderful opportunity to have student voice as part of the school so thanks again for coming BR we have a group of sixth graders with some curriculum content to share with you in science and social St I got Mrs Harris and Mrs Ryan students I'm Janet Ryan I teach social studies here at mores Pond Katrina Harris I teach math and science so we have four students here with us two of them will be sharing a social studies project that they did and two of them will be presenting the science fair project that they put together for the recent science fair all right so this is Dell and ashin and they're going to talk to you about a project that we did earlier in the year um it's called van fantastic fouth and essentially in social studies we were learning about the five themes of geography and with that the culminating project was to come up with a brochure called fabulous bman where um each uh side of the brochure incorporates the the themes of geography and these two girls did a remarkable job and I just wanted them to share that with you well um we're here to talk to you about the Fantastic bouth um social studies assignment which was based on five themes of geography which are um location movement um region place and human environment yeah and we were assigned to make a brochure based on these um themes and we like we you could you had an option to um make a brochure online which she did that and or you could make it on paper which was like handwritten and um he did like you had to like write all of your things with a title and like paragraphs or like we some of us did bullet points that's what I did um sure for um when I did um location for human environment interaction we had to list um 10 things that we you should bring if you visit bouth and I did um sunglasses sunblock a bathing suit sandals sun hat grain coat for rainy days um tank tops SL short sleeve shirts shorts sweatshirts and sneakers well this assignment was like based on like highlighting fouth and the good things that you could do if you visited and I um for my movement I said if you are coming to fouth you can get there by taking a plane car bus and a train if you're coming to fouth from a state then I recommend taking a plane and then I also stated rent and Uber and I said in fouth you also have the option to rent but r i mean that you contemporar rarily own a car to drive places and um um um we also said like for place I did like we said like a lot of our favorite places in thalouth and things we like to do and places we like like to go I said I like to go to the beach in the summer at the beach you can make sand castle swim relax enjoy amazing views and you can also go to a lot of restaurants my favorites are shipwreck on FAS Heights um an AO on Main Street and crab apples which is like a breakfast place and it's also near good playground Goodwill um I wrote that old Silver Beach is a really fun place to visit um and so is um Main Street it has so many nice shops and bakeries yeah if we promise not to mess them up when you pass them around yeah I would love to see ITA yes you guys did a great job and I really think that the Chamber of Commerce would be interesting because perhaps they some kind of collaborative effort where they can they'd like to see [Applause] them and Emma and Grace will be sharing their science you had me a [Laughter] gummy um so we did a gummy bear experiment which was basically we put it um one gummy bear in a cup of water with regular water um sugar water and salt water and we waited 24 hours to see like what would happen like if it would change so we thought that the water one would like the regular water one would stay the same um and the sugar one would grow and the salt warm wood um dissolve a little bit [Laughter] um many talents after closing the experiment we found out our hypothesis was partly correct and partly incorrect we were correct about the part that the salt water gummy bear wouldn't grow and a sugar water one would we weren't incorrect when or we were incorrect when we said that the water gummy bear would stay the same after doing some research we found that the water gummy bear grew the most because of the water molecules movement that formed a a solution called osmosis um and the fact that the two things had different concentration levels made the water gummy be pretty [Applause] cool closer look at gummy bears when they presented at the steam Fair they actually did have sample gummy bears as part of their Pres of the theme Fair which is genius move um but just want to say how proud We Are of our students here at morison and having been an elementary school principal in the district and I've known some of some of these students since they were five um to see how much they grow and learn their skills their presentation skills student leadership skills are on display here now with what seems like just a few short years having gone by um it's amazing the growth they make here in F so I'm very very proud of our our Ospreys and all the hard work they do here in school every day I'm glad you could get a little peek into their world so thank you Mr Adams yes do you have any of those kindness notes yet um I can show you like a what a copy looks like and if you visit some classrooms I could was thinking of bringing some examples but they're written for specific people y so if they wanted to share them they could but they you notice teachers who receed them have them up on their bulletin boards in their off in their classroom space so definely school counil no I just I thought maybe we could write I think there's a few students who deserve some you'd like to fill some out yeah I can get you that all right yeah empty ones not filled out ones oh yeah see the example sure can I give a shout out to Molly too she's a proud graduate of found High [Applause] School might have inspired some more future teachers Miss still hopefully yeah we love it I it's so special to grow up and go to school at fet and have amazing teachers and being able to pass it on to the Future Leaders of our community so so amazing especially I just say I have two former students as school committee members right now [Music] yes [Laughter] [Applause] thank the parents for coming thank travel agency I know so cute that's exciting Ryan could you promote never you promote KY sorry what Kitty HRI you pleasee moving on to the presentation and update from the weog tribe we have uh Miss Kitty HRI Miss Kitty Hendrick Miller I knew I was there was a hyphen and I was going to forget it so yeah I know my came back to anyway hello oh hi hi I'm sorry if I missed um my spot earlier in my that's okay yeah so just um just a quick update um Kitty Hendricks Miller and I'm Indian education coordinator for the education department at the mashby tribal offices and I manage a grant and we have Partnerships with fou Public Schools um and uh we've just been enjoying our partnership so thank you everyone Joe I have some updates we just have an up just a few updates very quickly um an upcoming meeting um actually the public hearing for the Indian education grant is April 2nd and that will be we um zoom and in person and that's going to be from 6:00 to 7:00 so that's our public comment session where parents staff Educators um Administration can come learn more about our grant um how we can make it better to serve our students our native students and also the non-native community and um sharing in professional development opportunities with different um School School staff staff and administration um and let me see what else we have here we also have an upcoming meeting with our partnership which I believe is um April 23rd at 2 o'clock our quarterly Partners partnership meeting um and I believe that's about it for updates from our from the education department that's exciting uh Kitty could you share the link of the zoom the U public Grant session sure I will do that I'll send that to Sharon um I could do it tomorrow the next day and um we also I sent this ahead as well and I'm I'm forgetting about our um first light te teacher Workshop which is um I think I believe I sent the Flyers out to this all the admins and that is going the registration will open up on April 2nd it's a 3-day Workshop the 26 27th and 28th of June and that will be at um walk white Bay Estuary research and reserve and there will be pdps offered for that training workshop and I can resend that if anybody would like more information like I said the registration opens April 2nd great and the link for the workshop is on there the link for the registration is on the save the date flyer oh thank you I should also ask for the link to the U partnership meeting as well was that Zoom also or was that just in person um they have been in person in the past I don't have that information um that's all right okay just and that was 23rd right just so that we can get that word out did send it to all our teachers excellent May scholte okay great uh Terry has a question I it's not a question it's a comment Kitty um I was in the fifth grade school in mashby last week and I was so impressed to see the signs around the school that were written in the wamp noic language um I'm a language teacher and I have respect for that language took me ever just to piece it out and I think you've given language courses before so if we can get a link for that I I'll pay or anything if I could go to one of those language courses but I just think it was really very cool to see the signs that were in English and the language right um yeah unfortunately now our language courses are just for tribal members because we're trying to bring it back in a way where we must be the first speakers um so we do have um opportunities where we can set up language classes for each of the districts you know they could be uh Zoom sessions or in-person sessions right now we have Community language going on um mostly Zoom but um maybe we can work on some signage that we could post around the schools in Falmouth for for some things yeah thanks for sharing that great any other questions comments okay well we thank you so much for your time Kitty you're welcome information to us and I look forward to seeing the um the emails come in for the you know the April 2nd public Grant session and the 423 partnership meeting so thank you you're welcome good night everyone have a nice evening he can all right moving on to the presentation of Fine Arts I see I see Mr Edwards in the background hi everyone Hi who welcome thank you I was thinking while I was watching that fifth grade presentation about kindness that I have to follow that act oh boy thank you appreciate it uh thanks for inviting me uh I have just a a short um presentation to highlight some of the the fine arts program k12 and uh it just so happens that we're celebrating in the month of March uh music in our schools youth art month and uh theater in our schools so uh I'm going to focus on excellence and Equity as it pertains to our work dayto day and I'll try to cover as much ground as I can uh but I I first want to say how proud I am of the Fine Arts staff uh and the people that work with our staff like the the parent organizations uh that help us out and I want to thank our administrative team and you all for all of your continued support we can't do it without you thank you very much um so rather than you know going down a column of excellence and then Equity I'm just going to I'm going to throw a lot at you because there's a lot going on and again I'm K12 so uh there was a lot of lot lot of ground to cover as I said so I'll start by saying uh T ticket first grade had their uh informance recently and um uh they performed to a packed house and a standing ovation I was just thrilled to death to see that they they were so good um third graders at T ticket learned how to use of the sewing machine recently while studying about the Quilters from the G's band in Alabama they made a collabor quilt as well as a small individual collaged fabric piece with sewing accents and I hope you get to see that in and around that building and for the art show two students represented North fouth Elementary School at the All State trouble choir uh and three students from Mullen Hall sung in the Allstate course on Saturday March 23rd it's amazing uh North fouth Elementary and East fouth Elementary's uh cine family is the art teacher there andag graph is the art teacher at East Falmouth uh have been working on a team smart this year adding more choice in their class art time uh excuse me art class this includes creating different centers based on different art media including drawing collage and Clay so far uh for kids to use this uh these particular techniques during their studio time to do this they organize and label supplies in student accessible drawers and bins they teach other students how to use materials how to set up the workspace on how to clean up their supplies I bet some of you would like to see that at home with your kids uh but also how to design no I would but also how to design their projects the students come to our class with their ideas or plan to collaborate with their peers on a self-designed project this Open studio time is in addition to the curriculum based projects that we do every day in school by the way if I'm speaking too quick just let me know you're a big a little nervous to be honest with you uh districtwide where exhibited a variety of student artwork and art teacher works at the fouth Arts Center in the month of February I hope you get to see that and uh we have a bunch of uh photos that have gone out from various teachers and the student lines it was amazing um 11 Lawrence junior high students and three fouth high school students were accepted into the junior Southeast Music Festival our students performed in the band choir and Orchestra under the direction of a variety of people that come in from either college or other high schools or uh other districts it was a great experience for all six Lawrence artart students will have their art work exhibited at the through young eyes exhibit uh which is a capewide art show at the Cape Cod Museum of Art that's coming up uh at all Coral night last Wednesday the uh concert choir sang a piece in of Music in Portuguese and I'm going to try to say this right forgive me uh sea raal F minha uh and it's the first time in a long time that we've ever taken um a a piece completely in another language and presented that to the family community which I was really proud of uh let's see uh six fou high school art students won 10 Scholastic art awards from the Massachusetts Association of Educators and in the Arts uh and National Art Honor Society displayed science connected artwork for the 20th year at the recent science fair pretty cool uh all bands night and all Coral KN presented our programs to over a thousand community members in three languages in in a digital format using uh QR codes similar to many modern performance Halls uh so as to recognize our part in being environmentally friendly and culturally responsive to our current communities uh Cabaret night featured our phma P School Coral program and partnered with FMA theater Guild this last Saturday uh this partnership May uh helped to offer more performance opportunities to our students within the community and could also help us to recruit serious Talent from the theater community so we're really excited uh bear with me getting there 12 found high school students were accepted into the senior Southeast Music Festival all band night featured over 200 instrumentalists all Coral Knight featured over 100 vocalists grades 5 through 12 uh we started a music mentors program uh with the uh the guidance and complete management of Sarah Wheeler down at the Lawrence School this program started at Falmouth High School and now that we've uh transitioned her to the Lawrence School she is continuing that work uh this program meets every Wednesday afternoon at the Lawrence School from 2:45 to before any music student who needs extra help of learning music extra enrichment with learning advanced music or just wants a friend to practice with or jam with is invited to attend students who have also picked up a brand new instrument for the first time have participated and are invited to participate in this program uh anywhere from two to five fouth high school music students come every week and anywhere from 2 to 12 Lawrence students come weekly uh students can take the Lawrence late bus or they're picked up and by a parent or guardian and some of them even walk on March 17th fou High School pep band performed at the TD Garden for our girls hockey state championships I have not heard enough good about that that was really great I give Mr Schneider our new band director a lot of credit that was awesome I was a little disappointed that they were playing music over our kids at the you know but we're going to work on that they turn it down a little but yeah yeah U but Mr Schneider with his positive attitude didn't even let it phas him they just they had a blast um but we're going to work on that and I hope we have many more championships to come on April 27th we'll host the evening of jazz featuring The UMass Dartmouth jazz band at the kuna messet I hope you'll get to go and I'm going to wrap things up with just saying that our fouth high school theater company is looking forward to presenting Greece on May 3rd 4th and 5th there are approximately 50 hardworking students involved in this production uh I really hope that you're prepared to be blown away they're amazing how do I do I there it's a lot to cover right K12 there's a lot going ones anybody have any questions thank again sorry it is on tape yes and War school did a wonderful job on with Annie over the weekend Oh yes they did yes they did uh I was so so happy with um the the the program and the the amount of kids that Victoria gets involved in that program yeah building sets working with costumes managing the whole show it's really incredible uh that's another exciting thing I think about our theater program as a whole is that kids are being encourage to not only participate on what you see on stage but what you see behind stage you know the lights the sounds the camera building the sets working very closely with the uh the production crew from found of theater Guild it's been quite partnership the opportunities for students where they can just kind of come and jam or practice and play with each other when where did you say that was so that's at the Lawrence School yeah thank you it's at the Lawrence School and happens every Wednesday afternoon from 2:45 to four thank you you're welcome so I just want to say that I've been oh sorry go ahead no I was just wanted to say based on all band night in particular but a lot of these having had children who were instrumentalists in moris pond and Lawrence when the pandemic hit and seeing the dramatic impact on on the Arts that the pandemic had and then getting to all bands night this year um it didn't come back overnight right it's taken a lot of hard work um but it's really coming back and we're really seeing it and it's really wonderful yeah I think thank you for pointing that out um I think it's uh really important to knowe how uh how challenging it was after the pandemic but when you saw that performance that night it was just an culmination of enthusiasm and motivation to take that challenge on and really build our program out again you know um I want to hand it to uh in particular Mr boring who's here at the moris pond School uh the team said you know what we'd really like to do something different um having experience trying to put grade 5 through 12 America the Beautiful together without rehearsal I I can tell you that itself is a challenge but it was really great that the team wanted to try something new and Tom wrote and ranged uh the version of 1812 that we heard at the end of the night uh for the team they all uh came together uh in common planning and really worked together to make sure that that was a positive experience for kids and the audience and I I couldn't be happier that was great I was just going to say I have participated myself in all band's night my children have uh been participating in all band's night and this year was hands down the best all B I've ever seen I know I shared this with you before but our son on the way home asked to put on the 1812 Overture over Apple music on the way home and he asks us for almost every time we're in the car and that's pretty good for 14 so if they're going to continue to do it I might come back to looking for a cannon really need that Canon at the end our family family true story not not to focus entirely on on music I will say also having gone to the the art show at the fth Art Center I I just am constantly floored by um the ambition um that our Arts staff bring and the um I don't know the confidence and the expectations um for our students right they they treat them like artists um and it's awesome to see and there's some incredible talent and and I think that thank you and I I think that comes from the fact that they themselves are professional artists so every single uh staff member showcased their work but selected five pieces from their students to be showcased with that I just thought that was bad a that was really great Terry um I was thinking back to the summer when Henry went with um our student we started off the year with a student in Washington DC um that was just remarkable from there's so many examples of the art and music that fly in our district we I not to focus too much on the pandemic but you know not only are we still standing but now we're thriving and and I think again that's a big credit to the people that are in it every day all these art music staff and theater staff but also again thank you for your support we couldn't do it without you we really couldn't and here we are music and art and theater is very much alive in this town and uh thank you excellent thank you so much for coming thank you for sharing thank a lot right moving on to discussion of the student Opportunity Act plan like to turn over to Dr D thank you so um we have a plan due to uh desie um for the um uh as a student Opportunity Act every 3 years um that uh is uh up again this year so I'm going to turn it over to Dr Tellier to uh to tell you um or share with you um what we're focused on this time and then we will um next meeting on April 8th we'll bring it back uh for you to vote because that's a requirement through desie on this uh student Opportunity Act plan so Dr T thank you um So the plan has uh five sections that we're asked to to work through and desie gives us really clear boundaries in which we can operate um so when when they initially introduced the student Opportunity Act we focused on early literacy and so as we have this opportunity to renew we want to continue to focus in part on literacy um Bridging the Gap between early literacy and getting into uh our Elementary grades um we want to be able to uh update our screener that we use which is required uh there's a component that's looking at whether or not students are at risk for having or um having dyslexia but also identifying students who are um needing support to accelerate towards grade level learning and some of their foundational literacy skills and I know we've shared some information about the work we're doing in literacy throughout the year um and with that we want to be able to also um evaluate and consider uh a new curriculum or core uh resource materials for um grades 1 2 and three the number of requirements that are being layered in there for early literacy and definitely to support students um who may be uh either who may have dyslexia or may have uh skills that they need to really work to accelerate to get up to um the novel studies that they're doing in fourth grade um being able to to Shore that up um and then also uh along that way also strengthen our use of the multi-tiered system of support which allows us not only to look at students academic needs around literacy skills or even the complement to their math skills with our new math program but also um allows us to attend to any social emotional or behavioral needs that students may need um support in um working through whatever that challenges so that they can be ready to learn and to move forward in that um one of the uh criteria above and beyond picking the subject in the area we want to focus on is also looking at our data uh as we've shared our enhan and accountability data with you and then um more recently even looking ahead to advanc course enrollment in the way that the the numbers are being impacted um we identified uh our high-risk students or our high need students as the group um on whom we want to put the spotlight in in our work and really be able to progress monitor how they um learn and and change throughout this process um included in high needs our students with disabilities and our multilingual students and also um through the screener process any student that would be identified as a higher risk um in um in our work I think in particular this year uh we had a number of different spotlights on us that tiered Focus monitoring process uh yielded information in particular we just completed a round uh focus on multilingual students and multilingual programming um we also uh went through the title one progress monitoring um system this year so uh we're expecting feedback from the Department of Education over the next few weeks um really focusing on that process but also you know listening to the students in in the superintendent advisories The Coffee hours um thinking about information that we've brought in um through our elac family nights but also thinking about um some of the early uh ideas or indicators that coming from the equity audit process I know we haven't quite got to the comprehensive results but all the different ways that we've been soliciting and gathering information and evaluating um our programs also pointing back at the supports for our earliest Learners um so specifically when we talk about the type parameters um there are five Focus areas that we are connecting with in the student opportunity the first is that idea of student well-being and making sure that our students have the supports they need to be ready uh to engage in their learning uh following that is the comprehensive tiered system of supports would U ask us to look at our data practices how we monitor student growth how we respond to that um and the evidence that we use and then uh the comprehensive approach to early literacy which sort of has framed our work and then collaborative teaching models how we um have our students come together and make decisions and and work through different student groupings to support in making some shifts and then finally attention to programming for our multilingual Learners so they give us uh a menu of opportunities to pick from and we wanted to um take in several of them that are all compliments to each other to cre really comprehensive uh program for our students that also responds to the data and feedback that we've been receiving that was a lot does anyone have any questions or comments I just want to make sure that I have my head wrapped around this so This these are the the items that will be in the plan for how we're going to spend student opportunity money is that right no okay so if you remember on our first year um we planned F did not receive any money right still expected to to deliver on the plan um we are um scheduled I think uh and I don't want to get this wrong is it 86 or is it 6,000 I think yeah we slated to get but if you remember this money goes through the town and it's already been determined what we're getting I don't know that we're going to see additional funds at this point so it's not that's why I'm I just want to make sure I understand so it's not that that there's a set amount of money and we're deciding how we're going to spend that to best meet these five things it's just that we're expected to do these things and we may or may not see money okay yeah okay yeah yeah so it's not like a typical it's not like a grant that you write for I mean that's why I mean it's just a plan they want to see a plan it's not a grant we're writing and then you justify you know the money that you're you're spending or required to have the plan as Parton you can add that but that's and I don't want to be negative but it just seems like the state is like here do all these extra steps to already do what you're already doing and we're not going to give you anything for it it's pretty much what it sounds like it is and isn't I think because I mean the the components that we picked are the right things to do right it's the best practice and we should be doing this um they want you know so they want to hear that you know we're we're sluy there's a there's actually a longer menu right to pick from they're not saying that you have to do every you know all 15 things but we're picking and this is a comprehensive when we looking at that early literacy and it grows on the plan that you already approved for the first three years right where we really concentrate on the real early literacy at preschool kindergarten and first grade right so now we're we're kind of expanding on that doing A needs assessment of what's going to you know help uh support our students during those you know okay growing growing through that so we would be doing this anyway I'm I'm going to be real honest because it's the right thing to do okay y That's yes s um when you said there is 12 or 15 is there a minimum amount that we have to choose no no okay so we're just picking the ones that are inal causing us to be reflected and think of what we should doing next yes they're they're linked also to the processes that we're finishing up with the Department of Education where they're giving us guidance you know to sort of directionally like you should focus your energy here or consider this so at least it's all coordinated okay so way to find that silver L well I mean if we're going through the process and developing the plan at least we're able to use it to tie different pieces together um rather than feel like it's completely additional okay thank you that's really helpful I just want to make sure I there um just want to clarify one thing I I thought I heard you say something about assessing the need for or or um looking at new curriculum yeah materials so in looking um so we have to meet the the definition or the standard for high quality instructional materials with the Mass Department of Ed so in evaluating we have um you know a group of materials that they've pre-assessed and then we can go with them there and evaluate them for the fit um to what we might want in the district and part of our evaluation is you know looking at the relationship between a screener and the materials and then U what do we already have um so like we have our phonic program for foundations we would ideally if we're going to be making a shift want a curriculum that would align with the use of Foundations because we found that that's really helping to accelerate learning um and some of the screeners now have the ability to do the screener and then create a personalized learning path for a student that goes into that curriculum and some of them it's just the screener and then the curriculum separate so we're trying to go through what desie sort of pre-approved in their process to figure out what's a a best match with our news so you're not talking about looking at a new literacy curriculum but new materials or or onramps yeah for grades 1 through three it could be a new curriculum or could be making some adjustments um to bring in some resources that connect right the screener and the phonics I think that's the part we're trying to figure out is fitting in a good choice right the most um impactful option for student outcomes or is it too much of a trying to fit things together may not go together Mike is it um if I could through you chair um is there reporting that has to get done to to get the money and then the second followup to that is how much money I think Dr Dy said 6,000 is that I I don't know those two those by two questions yes is there reporting and do you need the reporting to get the money and how much money could there possibly be there is reporting because one of the things that we have to do is we have to agree to follow desie sets benchmarks or targets every year for the amount of growth we're supposed to demonstrate in the LA and math so the reporting part is is integrated in there the issue is that we don't have a set allocation so we're required to create the plan whether or not there's a dedicated allocation and so that would that's that's part of that give and take um that we have to create the plan even in the absence of knowing that there's an actual amount okay so in doing this we wanted to make sure we we were looking at things that we already have to do and finding a way to coordinate them rather than like we were doing something else and then finding out there'd be no and then what would the what would the maximum amount of funding be we we don't know formula from the state so every every year it looks a little bit differently it's it's the it's part of chapter $70 that actually flow come from the state flow through the town to us so when we gave the budget presentation and we talked about the Chapter 70 um you know we we break it out and share what that is you know but it is a part of our our budget um that you vote on every year ballpark so I I I don't know it's somewhere between 60 and 880,000 for this year but we won't necessarily see an additional because it flows through the town and our budget's already set I don't know that we're going to see an additional whatever it is 60,000 80,000 whatever that that amount is I don't know that we're going to have an additional on top of our budget okay and then one more question I'll be done if I could um if if it's 6 80,000 and I know that Heather just talked about and mentioned possible changing of curriculum would that also like would that money hypothetically cover a change of possible curriculum from grades one two three only if we saw that increase which we're not guaranteed to see the so would never if we needed to purchase a new curriculum that would never cost that that would never cover the cost of a curriculum which is the the school choice dollars yeah we use the two major um areas for spending uh is new curriculum um continued curriculum materials to support the curriculum like so when we um with the I ready math that we have from you know K through eight that came out of school choice money so if we didn't have that that um and that was around between 5 and 600,000 okay okay for that curriculum um if if we didn't have that that would be a another um uh pressure on our budget if we had to have it in a in a um somewhere in our budget line of our local dollars so and then the other piece is the the technology so the ongoing technology for staff and students comes out of school choice dollars as well um so we're lucky to have those dollars and and lucky to be able to not um not have to use a budget to select materials but really to look at what the best materials are possible for our students and we have and we have the money to support that so if we were to purchase a curriculum um you know I I have no idea what that might be but if we were a complete new curriculum it would be a lot more than that but we're committed to that I think that's the point about the plan we're committed to the plan because it's what's best for kids okay that's fine Margaret did you have a question okay are you sure okay anybody else okay we will uh be voting on this on April 8th so um any further questions you can direct to Dr Tellier or Dr dur okay moving on to the second read and act of policies DD and kcd uh and they are on the next few pages of your packet uh policy DD is funding proposals and applications and policy kcd is public gifts to the schools I'll turn it over to Mary um yes we discussed these last time they're pretty straightforward they deal with uh gifts and grants to the school that require school committee approval if they are for educational purposes and prior to the gift or Grant being expended or used and we did not receive any additional um request for changes since the last correct did not okay is there a motion okay thank you Mike is there a second thank you Terry any further discussion from the committee all right all those in favor any opposed any obstain great excellent thank you all next we'll be moving on to discussing and acting on the naming of the founded High School tennis courts Dr D do you want to just kidding so after um our last meeting uh we had the last I counted was 68 emails um I would say all in FA except one had a really interesting uh point of all in favor of naming the new found High School tenis courts in favor of uh Mr Jack Rearden uh one wasn't necessarily not in favor of but really had a different spin on things um which was to perhaps have like a an honorary bench or a rock or um pla a plaque of some sort um which I thought was interesting so um at our last meeting we asked for um the overwhelming uh request was to get more information from the public we um did our due diligence again we had 60 plus emails uh from the public as well as I'm sure um unlike myself I'm sure other people had community members approached them um and I haven't heard otherwise that there were any um oppositional emails against it um and we also were asked to bring it back to uh the policy subcommittee we did meet the policy subcommittee did meet yesterday and although it was not a un unanimous decision but no changes were made in the policy um for naming the facilities which was policy FF for those everybody keeping in uh check with what policy we're speaking of um so the policy subcommittee did their due diligence we followed the policy um putting this forward um this has been on our radar since last fall so uh is there a motion wow I'll second Sue's motion all right Mrs Augusta and Mr Halen uh is there any discussion thank you Terry um I think it's important to bring out that people somebody mentioned the process going forward and we're um confident the budget or the budget the policy subcommittee is confident that it does have a good solid policy for going forward or another time that this would come up so it wasn't just this one instance but it seems like a good policy in general going forward any other discussion please yeah i' just like to make a comment that you know in order to be successful it requires a lot of things but two things that it requires is is understanding where you came from and where you want to go and the other thing is understanding who paved the way for you to get to where you are right now and I after everything that I've read and the feedback that we've gotten um I I think it's very clear that uh this individual Mr Reen um I I didn't know him I I had I didn't go to high school here but I had a tennis coach that you know I I loved and and if if I had a chance to vote to name the tennis courts after him back at my high school i' I'd be jumping all over it because I know that he paved the way for me to love the sport to learn more about the sport and a whole lot of other lessons outside of the sport and I I just wanted to throw that out there that um if if we want people in our town to be successful we also have to recognize the folks who paav the way for them to be there thank you Bill any further discussion um I just I I was one of the main objectors to the to the um conversation early on and you know I still feel strongly that I don't want to name I don't want to vote to name um facilities in honor people but there is no question that Mr Ren was like an extraordinary man and I have loved every email that we've gotten with all these wonderful stories about the impact that he had on so many people um and since I know abstaining is last so I'm not going to get to say it then so I wanted to just say you know I can't vote against him that I just could never do that but I also like personally can't vote for it um so just wanted to get my get my two cents in before you call the moot sure I've also enjoyed uh reading the emails taking a walk down memory lane at times and uh I had Mr Reen as a teacher and I was here when he was an athletic director he did a lot for a lot Not Just Tennis but he did a lot for a lot so um if there's no further discussion Heather yeah I'll just say I think it was one email uh that was not in favor of naming the tennis courts period um and that one email um was representing a full a larger group right and that's our our current tennis players who um had a discussion and really felt like they wanted the opportunity to honor more than one individual and not just honor one person understanding that um we stand on the shoulders of a lot of people um and that that list will grow over time um and I thought that was a really thoughtful response um and yeah I think I think it was absolutely a thoughtful response and um my response to that uh I think that another Committee Member and I spoke of This was um we're not going to have another Mr Reen but there's definitely room at the table to um have perhaps a plaque or a bench or a you know a a rock or something to acknowledge other greats to come but we're never going to have another Mr aen so um I do appreciate that email I know that uh that email uh represented other people um and I hear that um so that's great Margaret yeah I was very impressed with the multiple emails that I read about this person I too did not know Mr BR um and it was wonderful to see so many people supporting him U the one thing I say about the other email is sometimes names of buildings change over time but a bench or something else doesn't and in time we don't know what's going to happen so I do think that if you really want to honor someone over over time beyond our time Beyond many people's time you want to think of something that will never change and so I was very impressed with the SLE and I was very impressed with all the emails about this person there's no way was that I ever have anything against him um I only wanted to make sure that the community this is what the community wanted but I think it would be thoughtful to think about when we name naming things changed but benches and memorials last forever great all right let's vote all in favor uh any opposed any abstaining just okay great excellent moving on to acting on the Master Chef job description I'm going to turn that over to Dr dur thank you um I just wanted to reiterate um a couple things U from the last meeting um just to be clear um the funds for this position are um out of the food service department um I can we cannot use the funds for any other position unless it's directly related to the food service so um this is uh an account that um you know pays for our food service workers um our um our director and the um and then hopefully um the chef and also equipment for that um for any of our kitchens and any kind of related uh items like um the cafeteria tables um per se so and then uh in in if we need to fix um certain things right so um and that's kind of the plan for that money that money is outside of our budget and it can't be used for teachers or teaching assistants nurses counselors you know so it's it's a completely different fund and not part of our budget um that you vote on so I just wanted to to make clear where the money was coming from and how it can be used um and then I don't know that I mentioned um before but this would be a non-union U position and the um our food service workers Are all uh in the union they're in their their Union so this would be a non-union position um and so I I any other questions I'm happy to answer um or yeah talk about yes there are um things that are broken currently I know last time um we thought everything was fixed but um if there are things that are broken um or the things that are broken will will they be um mended in a timely manner or um that is that that's always the Hope yeah so um I don't um the the few things that I been brought to my attention I don't see why that it would be any issue um in short order to okay be able to I can give you an update on that I talk to and we could encourage also um reaching out through the proper channels if there were anything else broken um in food service to reach out and make sure that those things get mended I um can assure you that um as soon as um Paul Dart hears about anything think he'll be in every kitchen within a week have that figured out that's great yes B um do we have to put a motion on the table before we can talk about it we should thank you Terry um is there a motion thank you Kelly is there a second second great okay discussion Bill thank you all right so um I I was looking through the job description we still don't have we still we don't know if this is going to be a full-time or part-time position I think because this is so I think it's a really good question but I think it because it's so new I want to see who applies and figure out whether this is a full-time job for someone um I mean we don't I don't have no idea how many people we're going to apply hopefully there's going to be people apply right um I just I guess I want to leave it flexible would my first choice be to have a full-time person absolutely um if we can't have a full-time person um I don't want to lose the opportunity and what it means for um you know for our students right and and um because someone might not be able to meet that so but right now tonight then we're being asked to approve a position that could be a $40,000 position it could be $140,000 position we we don't know do so last time when you asked I I gave the range between 65 and 90 is is um what my understanding is would be the um the range 990,000 being a full-time 65,000 if it was a part-time a position and that's that's comparable to other districts that have um hired you know a 30 to 40 hour um um 10 month or some mon a fulltime so that's I'm going in that that range um could it be 92 may be you know then the $90,000 position if that was full-time that would we would also have to add in benefits to that correct anything over um uh 50% is benefits but we don't pay that no we don't pay benefit we don't that's right um town do the town does so it would cost the town additional money if it was a full yes fully fly I just I guess where where I'm struggling and and and I know I had some questions just about the position in the past and making sure that you know we didn't have all this extra money sitting around because you know if you ask a student about the food in the cafeteria they're going to tell you it's you know horrible not enough whatever so I just I I asked the questions last time just to make sure that we didn't have a surplus of money because we were not spending as much as we could have on the food on the quality of the food and and and I understand and uh having someone who's a certified Chef that understands how to make the most out of every dollar you have while also making the highest quality food I I I get that promise I just I guess where I'm struggling is that um again we we're being asked to approve a position and and it's just kind of up in the air as to well it kind of depends um where I would feel much more comfortable if let's say we put this as a as a full-time position but we didn't have enough applicants as full-timers but we had some folks came in and said man if this was a part-time thing I could do it I I would feel better about approving it one way or the other than to just leave it almost kind of like a blank check that's just kind of the way I feel is is that with it being wide open and we we don't really know I have a hard time saying yes to something with that much uncertainty so can can I I'm sorry Kelly go ahead yeah so I mean I don't know if this will help at all but because that's usually the kind of stuff that really bothers me and I was trying to figure out why it doesn't bother me for this and I think it's because it's it's a chef job and like the restaurant industry is so completely different than so many other Industries and so I think that that's what's making this easier in my mind to be more flexible because the restaurant industry is Cur crazy here in the summer but very light in the winter depending on where you work you might be closed um and and so that's I think I think it's allowing greater flexibility in my brain for what this might look like because it's a restaurant sort of tangential kind of job um but I don't know that might not be the reason that it ended up like this but thought I throw it out there it's exactly ter um I've been thinking a lot about this position because it's new and um I wrote down some things um I have a bunch of points and I wrote them down so that I would say them and I'm already not starting to say them so I think that we should put the put the breaks on this position right now because um and I know Lori said that we had to spend the money down but I also last asked the last meeting and um we just have to be saying that we are trying looking at ways to do it and our agenda should be proof of that because it's on our agenda being discussed so I think maybe if we could just slow down a little bit and I'm also going to mention that at the last meeting Kelly said that we hadn't had a presentation in a long time about our food service in general um so it would be good if we had a presentation in general and we could see because the food chef isn't just a chef it's part of our overall um food service and how would that fit into what we do um for example if um the we have free lunch but if the chef um makes things do we have to pay does do the students have to pay for that um and can everybody afford to pay for it and where's the money going to come from to cover the things that the chef will produce in collaboration with our free lunch program um another thing is we heard that some service um our food service employees were on board with the idea but I think we should be sensitive that right now it's negotiations for them and maybe they're timid to give a lot of input about it so that's just something in maybe slowing down the process um there used to be a baker who did things from scratch it was a position in the food service and it was eliminated so um they did things like I said from scratch um so maybe we could bring it back and expand it on that and then it wouldn't really be a new position it would be part of the old um positions that were there um I also think that we should um float the idea with the stakeholders who are the students and the parents and if you guys remember not too long on social media there were hundreds and I'm not exaggerating there were hundreds of comments about the um quantity and the quality of it um and sometimes uh the food service is short staffed um and I looked on our um Human Resources page and it said that we need some subs right now in they in that department and they only pay $15 an hour which is minimum wage so maybe if we just upped it to$ 17 or $20 it would help it out and maybe we could use some of that extra money to do that um you already discussed about making sure the equipment in the kitchens is up to date and um also you said that this has to be related to the food um service program well we already use stuff from the greenhouse we get um lettuce from them we got radishes that were talked about so could we get a price on building a second Greenhouse that maybe had heat in the winter so we could get even more produce so could we get that before we made decision about the role I'm not I think the chef thing is is great I don't sound like I do I think it's a great idea but I think we really need to figure out how it fits into what we have and maybe if we started with a presentation on what our F food services so I would just say maybe put the brakes on voting on this tonight go ahead yeah so I have some of the answers to the to the questions and so thank you for um asking that so one uh we still have to follow the federal guidelines um on um the the food food amounts right and so um and and free lunch is free lunch so as long as we're following the guidelines right there's there's no cost to students it is a free lunch it's free breakfast it's a free meal program so there's no additional cost no matter what the chef is um is preparing um we uh are increasing where do we get the ingredients for that don't we have to pay for the ingredients of course we have to pay for the ingredients whether we buy from a vendor that's a prepack um product or if we're buying local um fruits and vegetables you know we're we're we're purchasing that and remember we have the extra dollars that come in to actually be able to have an opportunity to um buy local and to buy fresh and to be able to to prepare um scratch so so that portion um you know we concerned we're also um we're we've increased the number of staff we know that it's going to take more time to to prepare from scratch to learn new menus so we're increasing the the actual food service staff in every single building um and yes I agree with you that the um the substitutes um that that the pay is low and we are addressing that uh as well as and I cannot speak to at this moment because we are in the middle of negotiations um you know and we're for you know hopefully offering a package um that will be appreciated um and you know well thought out on that that piece of it um and and kind of if I can answer one of Bill's um questions so um right now if you um like so I'm just going to use chicken nugget okay so if you following the the um the guidelines if if you get four nuggets right if if if it we can't double that even though we would have the funds to double that and make it eight nuggets we can't do it cuz it Doesn't but if you if you use fresh fruits and vegetables there's lots of room to grow and offer more on the plate if you follow how much you know fats how much you know proteins how much you know and fruits and vegetables are wide open right and so if you're cooking more with fresh items like that and healthy items there's more room to have more on the plate so it's um it's not that we don't want to get more it's that there's a guideline about what you can put on the plate especially when you're doing prepackage so we are recognizing that for chicken nuggies for a 210 lacrosse player is not enough we we do recognize them and what can we do immediately like tomorrow to fix it because we we don't want our kids hungry and we're you know we have free reduced lunch and there's there's there's a lot um there's a lot to be desired it's I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth and I I don't want to sound selfish on it but um there are things there that could be fixed and this is a completely of tangent side note not related to this m Chef um position but I feel like there are things that are broken but I think I think they are related because how how are we going to know what other things to put on the plate with the chicken nuggets if we don't have a professional who can guide that well our food service can look at 210 and be like okay that's not that's like a bite that's not even I if if they're buying prepackaged stuff from Cisco they there's nothing they can do to supplement that we need a chef to figure that out what about and what about fresh chicken instead of the French I know don't care what it is I just want to make sure chicken without a chef but they have to know how to c of course they also want to be careful what we're putting on our current staff and the expectations of that Margaret well if we're concerned about the quality of food that students are going to get it would seem as if having a chef that develops menus and Gees those menus to the population we're dealing with uh is very important and it certainly supersedes prepackaged food that the staff has to do now although there may be some fresh fruits and vegetables because that's what we have and so if we're talking about caring about students and what they're eating I I'm having a hard time not understanding how we would not support this person so I don't I just want to advocate for Food Service here for a minute that um and I am not not advocating for the Master Chef position but I I can't sit back and not acknowledge our amazing Food Service absolutely that are making things from scratch today and that are you know crushing it and you know doing more with less and using you know leftovers from X Y and Z to make this and that tomorrow that's going to fill the bellies and stay in the guidelines and I I just I want to make sure that they are recognized for the amazingness that they are doing and I would hope that this master cheef would enhance Absolut there like to uh to repeat what I said before to you know have more at the table so having the master chef at the table enhancing what our amazing food service is doing and um hopefully our kids not walking away hungry Mike and then Margaret um I had a couple of questions or more a point than a question I I do agree with Bill's point about the there's no um there's no salary or or or um we don't know if it's full-time or parttime or even the months because you have discussed whether it be seasonal or year round um and that is somewhat concerning when you said the blank check but I had a question I don't know if it's for you Dr door I think Heather asked last meeting um dur oh actually might be for Dr Woodward um the the students during the summertime are not currently getting free launches that's correct so I'm not against the Master Chef but when I was talking to people in the community um the size was a big thing I understand that's regulated but I would much rather see students in need in the summertime getting some food than than this particular thing to begin with and I think that Terry the pause I would like a pause on this just so we can see what our needs are because I think that is a a larger need for students in the summertime who might be hungry than this currently without knowing the information so that's it um well first of all it wasn't me that asked that question but it's an awesome it was it's an awesome question and a great thing to follow up on um uh and I guess my my my one question is is this an either or situation can with the amount of excess that we have can we fund this position and continue exploring other ways to enhance Food Services with this Surplus absolutely bill yeah so just just a clarifying question in regards to the the salary um if we approve this position and only a few handful of of qualified people uh you know appli and they all wanted fulltime and they're all you know asking for salaries in the range of $120,000 I'm not saying you would offer that but is that something that would have to come back to us or is that something that as Administration will be able to make a judgment call on so technically what you're you're voting on is the job is ion and because the food service budget is not a part of the school committee budget to vote on right then it's that that leeway is actually management so we would have no re it doesn't come from our budget Margaret sorry I no I just wanted to clarify you know because I I'm glad you said what you did about the Pres staff that works here and in no way when I support this position no I just want to be quite clear I I've certainly been in in on tours I've met the staff I've been at U I've had lunch at one of the schools and the staff work incredibly with what they have and I think this will help the staff to do better and that's why I support I I think it's an enhancement as well yes it's a good word Alex I I think this gives us an opportunity to do something unique um and again the even when we were charging for lunch the lunch program is supposed to be self- sustaining there's money there now it gives us an opportunity to address so many concerns of what I heard in the past um The Wellness committee was constantly saying in regards to we need to come up with other ideas to give Fresh Foods to our students this gives us an opportunity to work from there and it is a managerial decision and we have the money we can try it but person even the person selected would probably be one-year contract anyways and if it doesn't work out I'm sure the administration would bring it back to us in regards to this isn't working but it gives us a chance to try um B yeah I I would just like to point out this is the last time I'll say anything it's okay um is that it took us 5 months a few newspaper articles a vote going back and asking the community for more input and another vote to name tennis courts where the funding was already there and they are already open and we've had two weeks I believe to look at this I just think we need more information and more input answer question to answer them so you mentioned the um f Justice program at the uh high school and the second um Greenhouse um so they've already brought forth the plan uh as part of their 4-year U pathway of we're in a situation now that we need the second hoop house between the Grant and the funds from the Food Service we're able to move forward with that because the fresh vegetables will go into our schools so I I wanted to add that as well so we've already um worked out the plan with the instructor at the high school um and just the whole program within the high school but we also hope that those fruit fruits and vegetables are going to go into the other schools um and we have a number of students that have really been um a part of growing that program and actually growing the fruits and vegetables right so anyway so I just want to say we've already we've already have worked out how we're going to be able to um put that second Greenhouse in very Okay so can we go back to something I mentioned yeah that we used to have a baker that was a that was a physician who did everything from scratch who looked at the um federal guidelines or state gu guidelines and could substitute applesauce for sugar and things like that and made fresh things so but that position was eliminated so could we like try it with that that and just could we try it with that because rather than give it a year if it doesn't work um and the other thing too I just think um if we could give a survey I mean we have a communication person on board with us who I'm sure would help cuz we haven't really used um Mr horen Services the school committee has it this year very much so if we could say could you help us get out of brochure how can we um let parents and students put something into this too just a little bit more time like I said I agree with Sue it's a unique idea but it's got to fit into what we have too I think and I just think if we just looked at a little bit more that would that would make me more comfortable so I'm going to get you my I just I feel like I'm hearing two things I feel like um having the Master Chef come in front of the school committee has really kind of opened the discussion about what our current Food Service does so I I would like to put this into two buckets if we could I would like to um potentially continue the conversation about the master cheef but I also would like to hear from Food Service um definitely as a um Food Service update but really have more of a robust conversation because you know we're hearing things from Terry about a previous Baker I know that um I could I have definitely more to say I could say more about the food service program things that I know are not working um I know that um other people have things that they could say you know about the servings and the you know can we spend some of that money on more food anyway if we could separate them and just focus currently on the Master Chef while recognizing that food service needs more attention and is going to get more attention and um I forget sorry forgive me who said that we could have this um this simultaneous conversation that we can continue to um have the conversation about the Master Chef and still you know you just mentioned that we're going to get the second uh green house we can continue the conversation about the vaker we can continue the conversation about for night gets for two time0 La Cross player like all the things but we still in my opinion time is of the essence with Summer approaching we should continue the conversation about the master shop is that reasonable yeah and you know I think the idea of having a baker is wonderful but a baker is you know dessert and you know Shing summmer is coming I think this is an opportunity It's a Wonderful opportunity and there's a there is a um motion on the floor so we need to vote on it thank thank you um I just want to what Terry said about the baker got me thinking about something different um I don't know and I don't know the information and I'm not against this I'm just asking for a pause we get more information I don't know the percentage of students who have allergies whatever that might be to what if that could be because that's not a responsibility in this Master Chef someone to make we have safe allergen certified or ability to obtain within 90 days well I'm I'm more so about um different meals for those students who have different allergies oh different options yes cuz right now I feel like that's it's the opposite as a baker if someone is has Celiac or gluten-free sure every day it's the same thing so my my issue and is not the job itself s is just the information of what there because you know that's my only thing just asking for a pause and that's all so would you would putting an amendment into the qualifications I think that's the certification is I feel I feel like the same I feel the same that having the allergen and I would think that um management would have that conversation with candidates um hopefully we have candidates people want I mean I know that there's been chatter out there that people want to apply but um I would think that that conversation would be had by management like what would you do if you know we had you know we have X number of gluten-free students what's your option we have X number of um Catholic suring mon that can't have meet on Friday I I'm only saying that because but things like that but I would think that that would be the the the Serve Safe allergen certified just means that a chef understands how to deal with the blue cutting board and the you know how to separate allergens it doesn't say that they're making meals for those with different allergies or different um sure I I just think that I think that's a conversation with management at the uh interview okay great we have a motion on the table in a second all those in favor any oppose no two three any abstaining okay it passes the conversation continues this is not going away I should have asked before does the new Greenhouse have a heater the sun sun no in the winter if we're going to expand in there in the win that's the whole purpose of the green house and and the students are learning how to grow and then you move the hoop house and then you start another you know process at a different time of year and you know so like going class beg for them to open the windows was at a meeting with people with the fet farm and and there the whole area in this town is doing fresh food and I think this really helps us and they connected to our food program and very excited about it and I think it's very important that we continue on with that and I agree the conversation should yeah there's there there are pieces that are broken so uh we should work on that all right moving on to acting on school choice seats for 2425 uh I don't think it needs any real introduction feel like we' did I skip one no I didn't I was making a motion oh thanks Mike I'll take your motion is there a second okay thank you uh any discussion Phill yeah I've got a couple of questions about you know one of the things that was mentioned um I believe at our last meeting was we were talking about like how students are chosen for uh the school choice seats and there was um I I know there was some comments about siblings and so forth that get priority placement um the um placement of children for staff members is that part of school choice as well do they get priority so if there we have an employee that does not live in fouth and they're School choicing their students to come here they do but can I just also add yes that is true um we have never had to go to Lottery okay so all all students that um that have applied have gotten in since I've been here so we've never had to go to a lottery um and I we've never gone to a lottery I think your yes if I'm overstepping but do you mean like um pre like uh I work at North pal Elementary I want my child to go to North fouth Elementary but you can only go there if there's room is is that kind of no I'm I'm talking about if a teacher lives outside of the district and is is working here and they want their child to come in right for school choice if there were a lottery they would be in the lottery okay but they wouldn't get Preference they would be part of the lottery okay I just want to make sure cuz I did notice as I was reading through the school choice that was one of the things that we're not allowed to do and we're not allowed to take from for uh staff students of staff's kids I just wanted to make sure we weren't doing that cuz I thought I heard differently the last time um it may just be because we've never had to go to a lottery that everyone gets accepted um yeah and my other concern with with school choice is the the way the laws are written and Mary clarified that for us last time is that we are not allowed by law to look at a student's disciplinary record before making a decisions whether or not that student is going to come into the district um like a few other things with desie i i and and and the laws pertaining to I completely disagree with that and I think it's extremely unfair to the district to the parents to the students that we don't have a say and aren't even allowed to know about the the disciplinary record of a student that may have been expelled from District District to district and then can come here and I'm not coming up with any particular scenario I'm just trying to protect our kids for potential future scenarios um and so I I I I really struggle with that specifically in the in the older grades and I know that there is is some Provisions in there where if they're charged with a felony then after the fact we can you know kind of make a determination as to whether or not it's safe for them to be in the district but then already we're already holding the bag at that point we're already responsible for them even if we make a decision that it's unsafe for them to be in the district and and in as much as I want to say yes to say we should allow as many school choices school choice students into the district as we can I also think that districts in general need to say and make a point and take a stand and say no if you want school choice in Massachusetts then you have have to give the districts a little bit a leeway to to know who's coming in um and and I struggle with that so my suggestion would be to approve spots for the younger grades but as far as Lawrence in the High School uh the ages specifically where you start to get into delinquency and so forth if we're not allowed to know what their discipline records are and we're not allowed to know that they've been expelled for schools or anything else like like that then I say no spies and send a message to desie and and and do whatever we got to do legally to appeal to them to change the law and someone's got to take that stand um and that's that's my suggestion there just going to advocate for some of the students that might be utilizing school choice at those older ages first of all what I've heard from Mary and Lori is that we have absolutely no evidence that school choice students um manifest discipline issues at any higher rate than falmouth's um Falmouth born Falmouth students um so there's that and even in cases where there might be discipline issues and that might even be the driver for school choice I would say that every child deserves a second chance and sometimes all it takes to turn a situation around is to get a child out of the situation they're in and into a new one and they deserve that that opportunity to make a go of it and and and for us to give them that opportunity is um is frankly our mission as a as a public school district and and and and I would say I I I agree for the most part with with what you shared um and I'm not the the comments I'm making aren't based on any students in our district and and I know that the majority of students who want to come into fouth I want to come into fouth because it it it their family has made a decision that maybe that's the best possible way for them to get an education and I agree that that is the absolute majority of our students that come in um from school choice I also agree that kids make mistakes and that they deserve Second Chances absolutely absolutely wholeheartedly I have also as an SRO in a school and and have worked in schools seen where students come from out of District who have been in a lot of trouble and bring a lot of trouble into the school and make it a problem and make it an unsafe environment for students and and I just feel like as a district yes we want to welcome them in yes we want to give people the best education yes we want to give students Second Chances but we should have the right to have all the information in order to make that decision that's my problem Terry um I think sometimes if you just want some data without philosophical thing if we look back at our history 10 years I don't think we'll find any any problems with school choice kids so there's some data I maybe wrong but I I think we I think I can't remember issues and I think even beyond that um I want to just be cognizant that we are talking about children not seats not numbers and we are getting dangerously close to perpetuating this idea that kids from Falmouth are better than kids from elsewhere and that is not how I want our kids from other places to feel and even if that is not our intention that is the message and that's not accurate um I'm very uncomfortable with even having this lengthy of a conversation it seems absurd to me to put these types of restrictions on it I understand if we if someone wants to make a statement to the powers that be then then there are Avenues to make that this is not that Avenue maret I was at a a family meeting with a grandmother and a mother who had a grandson son here and he was Junior High and this was his third school he was a special needs student he had never found a home ever found a place where he was welcomed he had friends and he could succeed and so they were so grateful not that he was a problem but the schools were a problem and he found a home here and so I just want to St out that if we say no to Junior High and high school the found school it's not going to change do it you know it's like blowing in the wind if we have a teacher or staff person who has a son or daughter in junior higher high school and we did this we'd be not allowing them here and the other thing is there may have been one problem but we do not have problems I've heard in the community people concerned about safety and I think it is unfair of us to continue a um idea that our schools are not safe our schools are very safe if you go around the state and look at other schools you have reason to be concerned and we should be so grateful how our children are in an environment by and large that they're really well taken care of well saved and get a good education and I think children in their school system are so fortunate uh other people who I know in Academia say they can't believe what we have here I I I would just like to clarify I'm I'm not saying that other students in other districts aren't as good as Fen students or that any students are better than any other students I'm just saying Statewide that districts should be able to have the all the information they need to make the best decision they can to protect their students and to to to invite the best students in and and I would just caution you that yes I believe we have great schools and I believe we have safe schools but don't ever let your guard down that's that's all I'm saying I just feel like Statewide schools should have the right to be able to exchange information so that they can make the best decisions to protect their students that sounds like a great conversation for our folks in Boston all right anyone else excellent okay we have a motion and a second on the table all those in fa for the school choice seats for 20 425 any opposed any obain okay mov on to acting on the 2526 school calendar is there a motion on the table I will motion for 24 25 on the wrong line I'm sorry going way too fast you that's okay I'm like what no they're too close for me too close I'm older than you and I'm this time is there a second oh second thank you Terry some discussion I just have a question I can't remember if you already said it but we always give the draft calendar to the UN just making sure thank you Kelly for asking anyone else Heather um yeah I've since my question at the last meeting um talked with a number of people and um been giving a lot of thought and I would would like to ask that um our calendar subcommittee which exists has been relatively inactive we have a deib advisory that's very active and would like to suggest that moving forward maybe those two groups could talk to each other about ways that we can look at um making adjustments in our calendar to me make sure that we are being as um inclusive and um as culturally responsible as we can possibly be there's been guidance from desie as recently as January of this year encouraging um districts to do this and so I think it would just be a a great way um in moving forward to really look at um our our calendar year and how we um support all of our students in fouth great conversation super all those in favor of the calendar any opposed any exstension great update from the superintend no that's a line update update on superintendent Summit evaluation process thank you Kelly look at that it even worked okay um all right so here is the quick overview from the um I think this one is from the desie guidance of where we are in the cycle we start at self assessment with the superintendent set goals implement the plan then the formative assessment which happened maybe a month and a half ago a month or so ago and now we're in the summative so in terms of background the summative is is each School Committee Member preparing an end of cycle um evaluation of the superintendent we each do our own that assesses the superintendent's progress on the goals the ones that we set at the start of the Year performance on each of the standards that were identified at the start of the year and then an overall rating and to do that um we each make our own based on the evidence in the Google Drive which is ongoing that's that document that um Lori periodically shares with us that has 8 million hyperlinks so you can go to the goal keal before you go on um the the the standards can you go back back one slide okay so it says um standards that were chosen at the beginning of identified at the beginning of the year um yes so if you I'll skip all the way through to show you what I mean so that means that in each category we cannot use those other standards correct so the evaluation subcommittee met at the start of the year and um are following the guidance more closely in terms of which standards we're using so this is the actual I jumped ahead so I'll go back in a second but I just want to answer your question so um you can see the yellow is highlighted up at the Top This is a standard and then under the standard there's one item that we're going to be evaluating the superintendent on it's data informed decision making and these were all um aligned at the start at the very start of the school year when Lori picked her goals and identified which standards we would be focusing on so this was all part of the the evaluation subcommittees work um in conjunction with Dr it it's a lot different than it's always been we have never done Focus indicators and I think it's great because it's a lot less uh there you know work and everything um it just it when I looked at that page I said there's only one thing there and um it just was kind of a shock to me yeah which is why when you look at this this is the docu the Google Drive document when you look at these you don't see every single standard indic every single indicator listed so this is the this is the support document that we've been using all year um you don't see every single one you only see the focus indicators because that's what U we're working from this year and we we agreed to that change don't you doesn't the whole committee have to agree to that change I don't remember maybe we did um it just like I said it shocked me to see nothing but one one yeah it definitely looks very different than in years past where and the other thing that's a little bit more shocking too is like I deleted all the stuff that we don't need from the document to just make it more simple when we look at it I also want to um back up to last year that we had as I'm sure you remember we had typos in there we had things that weren't um relevant we when we we're looking at it um purposefully last year I remember you and I Terry making a comment that we have to fix this yeah because it was page eight of seven it was I know and then go back to page one and um so this all came out to try to be a lot more purposeful and uh aligning to what we're actually doing and not commenting on things that don't really to us right so that it's sort of that that idea of going deeper not wider so instead of having this like superficial um analysis of all these 8 million categories on a very shallow level instead it's very deep in the things that we have selected um okay let me go all the way back because I skipped a whole mess of stuff okay so um to make to do your evaluation you use the Google Drive document that I just SK through with all the colors um Lori will give a report at our April 8th meeting that will have additional information that you can use to support your evaluation and then if you find that there are pieces that you're missing the goal is you start early enough so that you can follow up with Lori and ask for that information before um actually trying to complete your document then all of us take we take all of those pieces and then they're combined into one document and that is the superintendent evaluation so I just wanted to walk through what it actually looks like this is the first page the most important piece is to do this page last I don't know why they even put it at the front it's so Anno it's so stupid um so but I I'm gonna um you'll have this in your packet I'll also email it to you and the other piece to not worry about is this up here um because Sharon is so kind and she prints them all out and we sign them in person when we get here so don't worry about trying to get your signature into a Word document because that'll just make you crazy okay under all of the goals you'll see see how it's highlighted yellow up at the top these are the goals the first piece that we're evaluating on and then I went and put in each of the goals that Lori picked at the start of the year with the Su with the evaluation subcommittee they're already typed in there so the first one is maintain a focus on academic Excellence while improving the Clipper experience for all students and in the document that I sent you if you click on that it will take you directly to that document where all of the data lives so all the evidence is living in that Google drive file you can click on it and go right into there and see all of the different pieces that have happened all year related to I'm trying to make it easy it's a hard thing you know I I clicked on it and looked at it and it's fabulous it's like the sticky notes Mary that she used on it is fabulous you just go boom there it is we come a long way we we have come a long way you're right it's been a long road to get that's cuz you're good on it and other dumb things all the check boxes are actually now big enough to you check on they used to be like this big I know never aligned um yeah so in all of these boxes in the document that you have if you double click in it it'll say check my box uncheck my box so you can just use that to make it work um same thing for here you just highlight it'll take you to the place okay this is the document that it'll take you to it'll go right to goal one right to goal two you can see all of the evidence are we all right so far should I pause no keep going next standards so very similar the there I deleted all the extra so if you go into the Desi document yeah CU there's there's nothing her all um if you go into the Dy document you're going to see like a whole page of indicators and we're not doing six of them in each category we're only doing the ones that we picked at the start of the year that Lor's been focused on all year if you click on the little purple highlighted thing in there it will take you right to the rubric that explains this is proficient that one too glad feels about this you know she's watching I know I have to send it to her um it'll take you right to that rubric so that you don't have to guess at what you're what you're filling in and then you just go through the same process this is standard one you'll do this oh here's the rubric this is what it looks like so it'll take you right to this document that says exemplary means that the administrator team leads administrative teams in identifying using multiple sources of evidence blah blah blah you can't read that it's way too small I don't even know why I put it on there um and then it'll go through the next one the next standard which is management and operations you can see there's two in this one same thing for family and Community engagement there's three in this one and then professional culture there's two so you're just going to click through um and fill in all the other pieces um you'll notice that at the bottom there's a comments section and I'm going to address that in a second but I'm just pointing it out and then once you've done all those steps steps you go back to the beginning and this is the summary page so you go and look at all of the goals and how you evaluate it and then you fill in professional practice the goal for student learning you fill in whichever boxes are appropriate and then you do the same thing to summarize the standards ones that you've already done um so this is really the summary page it's just first which is stupid if I had been smart I would have moved it to the end say that think of it that's okay this is still B so in the timeline um April 8th is the date that Lor will share um her review of her U progress on her goals April 28th is the deadline to submit the evaluation by email to me then after that you'll have a chance to meet with Lori and talk about um your evaluation and if there was something in it that you forgot or or you she gave you an additional piece of information or you have some conversation that changes your evaluation we built in this window that you can then make an amendment so May 3rd is the last day to send any revisions so if you have you sit down with Lori and you change your mind on something you can make an edit and then send me the new one by May 3rd um I already mentioned that I'm the design this year so I'm going to be compiling it Chris is is taking them after I have them to double check all of my work and it the summi of is based on the preponderance of individual ratings so what the evaluation subcommittee tried to do then was tease out what that actually means um oh I I should mentioned then somebody goes to the superintendent and then we v on it in public but um did you find out what preponderance meant so we are charged with figuring out what it means for ourselves so um what we decided is these pieces right here comments the second bullet in the third um comments on individual evaluations must be relevant to the goals action steps and benchmarks as listed in this document and if you click on that it'll take you to the document as described in the guidance from Desi any rating of in unsatisfactory can only be given when performance has not significantly improved following the rate of needs Improvement or is consistently below the standard and ratings that do not follow that guidance will be weighted less oh and I forgot this one ratings in any category other than proficient must be accompanied or justified by a comment that explains it so proficient is sort of the standard um you know not not needing Improvement and not Exemplar if you're going to put anything other than proficient a comment has to accompany it so if Lori was extraordinarily skilled at whatever management and operations and you want to give her an exemplary you have to put a comment that explains why and the same is true if you do um an unsatisfactory or needs Improvement you have to then also put a comment that explains it and anytime those comments are in there or anytime those ratings are given and not justified they'll be weighted less than the ones that have followed the process because we think that if people are following the the structure set out by desie that should matter and if you're not following the structure set out by desie then we have to Discount that in some fashion ter well we I looked at that um and I think there's a mistake in the every the in the beginning of it says ratings in any category if you look at the document it says overall you only are required to give a um an explanation if it's the overall category so I'm I'm I feel uncomfortable about that weighted thing because the document doesn't really say that you have to unless it's the overall category I mean I I looked at it and it says and overalls in capital letter so I mean anybody should want to make a comment but if they don't I mean it's a lot of work to doing this and if if they don't make in the individual ones I think you should just leave them alone so what so as a as the evaluation subcommittee we really felt like we had to set some structure for how we were going to create that summ of document in the past it's been let's just follow the guidance from desie but we never really had rules written out like do this if this happens do this when this happens follow this structure and what it ended up doing is creates a lot of issues during the summit of compilation and what we were trying to do when we met in our subcommittee last was set out the guidelines in advance when there's no personalities no numbers no ratings no evaluations tied to it and just make a set of rules that we can follow um so that then you really shouldn't say that's dessie's rule you should just say that's our rule okay that's fair that that would make it fine cuz it doesn't say that and the other thing if I want to say something that's not in these like I mean I think one thing I've noticed lately is Lori is in everything she's that music she's that Sports and I mean she's you know there where can I say that well I think that's family and Community engagement so I don't think you'd have any trouble mentioning that that's not how I see that but anyway okay but you can say things that aren't on there cuz I don't think that belongs there I just think it belongs in being part of the overall District uh thing can I say something like that on there not if it's not tied to a goal an action step or a bench mark okay well I just said um if I could ask a clarifying question what is the weighted system is there a formula for the weight we didn't create um we talked about like having it count half but then we were like well that's not really fair because you know that seems like it's discounting it too much so we just decided it would have to be weighted we couldn't come up with an agreement for any mathematical degree but just that so if you had let I think the example I don't know if it was you somebody said that um if you have one person that rates proficient and one person that rates exemplary but the exemplary person didn't put a comment when you average those together you would come up with proficient instead of leaning toward the one that is exemplary you would have to lean toward the other one because it would be waited just a smin more does that make sense no it doesn't at all so we're encouraging because you if you say anything other than proficient you have to give a comment I understand that in the past we've had committee members give an exemplary and not give a comment why I understand all that my question is just on the weight so if you're not following the rules you don't get the same weight essentially is what it comes down to so we're encouraging people to please stick to the rules of desie by anything other than proficient please have a comment to back it up just Define the weight better the weight's not defined it very well well because we we can't it can't be exact math because you're not allowed to average you know it has to be preponderance you're not allowed to sounds arbit it it it's better than it was but it still has some just just to play devil's advocate here one person looks at all of these and then Waits them based on however the formula is for them that particular day there's like nobody knows the formula of how the things are being weighted which I have an issue with um I don't have an issue with the weighted system itself I have an issue with the definition of how it's being weighted like we have no idea um and then just just to point this just well no but the waiting only comes into play if you haven't provided a comment right right if you don't follow the rules your thing doesn't get your your input is your input is rated it's valued less it's valued less but if one person does one sentence and one person does three paragraphs is that weighted the same I see a head shakeing well essentially yes because if it's following the it's following the rules yeah you're following the rules if you're getting everything you need to get into your one sentence maybe you're just not as wordy as three paragraphs so we're not getting into waiting the quality of the comments just getting waited whether not follow rules that's just follow the rules that's all Margaret as long as the comments are related to right yes yes I mean if the comments are not related at all they can't and the whole notion of waiting was about otherwise you come to numers okay so you know you want to find a way to do propers and that's the way to do it is to somehow you know find a way to wait so that you can not do just put a sentence and that's the that I mean that is if we have better direction from from desie already evidenced which we not the fact that they say specifically that you can't create the summative by taking the average of all the scores they say that point blank so that therefore means we can't say okay well if you didn't include a comment yours counts half as much as mine and now I average them because I can't do that I can't do that it has to be based on the preponderance of evidence and that's the only guidance we get obious even though this lays out much more specific rules to follow so there's not as much guess worth there Still Remains some guess right which is a very unsatisfying answer especially for me because I would rather just just assign numbers to everything and it's not about the opinion of the person doing the collection it's literally just based on in years past we've had people clicking unsatisfactory or um yeah sorry it's been a long day uh um anything other than proficient people have clicked on with either no one sentence or three paragraph as to why or one sentence or three paragraph talking about Chris's red shoes so it has to be an alignment you have to just follow the rules but just just quickly to your point sure um I believe uh Terry mentioned uh Lori going to all the bands and concerts and stuff now the person who's compiling it if they see that sentence and decide that does not fit into the standards like Margaret just said would that then be a comment l [Music] writing you see so I know I can tell you where to put it no no no no no no no that's I'm Melissa if I do the if I could it's a fair question it's a fair question I me it's a great question that's why I'm here and I feel like you know as somebody who has compiled the data in the past I know that like I've cast a wiet on you know what when you you know you think about it and you're like well yeah I I suppose you know the uh nonverbal communication of Chris's red shoes yeah we can totally put that in there I I I say that jokingly but I I feel like there's a lot of Grace and forgiveness when compiling I think so too and I also think that with a simplified you know like we're everybody who at the table who has done this once before like the idea of thinking about having to write comments is very overwhelming because it was in the context of the previous format of the evaluation and we have so narrowed our Focus this year into very specific items that it should be so much easier to not only evaluate those things but also to make the necessary comments because you're not trying to evaluate on 35 different pieces you're only targeting the things that we have selected in the working on all year and then just for clarification if I could Melissa the comments are for each individual line or let me go back and because and I'm confused because I think teret said that the Jessie form says uh recommended for any overall rating required for any overall rating but this thing is saying that it's for every single which I'm fine with I just want to make sure I'm yeah so um look yours is probably really small but if you look up here so like for this for professional culture if you were to rate exemplary on this you would need to put a comment in this little box down here or if you picked needs Improvement for communication you would need to put a little comment down but that's counterintuitive to what the paper says yeah you should have taken that off too so that's what's confusing me wait show tell me again you it says in the bottom comments or analysis recommended for any overall rating so any overall rating but required for overall ratings of e and I or U yeah I shorten that to safe time but that does not mean the top ones I'm fine with I just don't understand so we just need a word change from overall to any okay so for every single one for any rating okay okay all right so I I sent this out to you but I can definitely fix it um and I can also update the the PowerPoint that we're looking at so that when you go back and look at it I'm I'm assuming that the evaluation subcommittee cuz this was the intent yeah yeah you're okay with this yeah okay um that was the intent so I will just make this reflect I don't want to be no I just wanted address seriously I was not being rude I was just trying to address Terry's question on 2A environment develops and executes effective plans and procedures routines and operational systems to address a full range of safety health emotional and social needs I would to put that of the the Arts but that's your interpretation see I'm allowed to have some interpretations of my own I mean well no you just said would I'm allow to have let's not get into no I know and this isn't really when you should be doing it but okay I mean that um I will make those fixes and I'll send it out to everybody but I just want to highlight a couple really important pieces one I already mentioned the check boxes you can just click in the word document you click right in there it will check them for you if you were going to print this out and hand write it I need it before the deadline because I have to then key in everything so please don't send me a print a handwritten evaluation in the 11th hour and then make me stay up late CU I get pring no you are not send the back to you this is a negative comment but it has a good ending I love a good backhanded complimentary the um Google Docs Grints out and acts differently by different words processors it absolutely does remember Melissa so yes it skew things does things there's no no but that's really helpful information because I made this in remember we had to call you yes cuz I did mine in word and someone all right so I will also in the update that no it's fine um I'd rather fix it now than fix it later yeah so I will also send a PDF that you can print and I will also send it in a Google um what's it called docg the P like it was different when it was things were printed yes like a whole page of mine was missing the to yes y all right I will fix all those things so you're going to fix the any to all overall all overall to overall overall to any and then PDF Google doc and word and and I'm going to fix the PowerPoint to actually reflect the directions um and then the last piece is that everything is public information so just keep that in mind as you as you go um will we have another um will this come before us again just talking about the summative evaluation no okay um but yeah I mean just reach out if if you need out for sure anyone I beat you up but I have to say I can tell you guys did a lot of work we really I can tell it we really did you I mean you really did a lot of work so thank you and it this is not as you saw the very first slide you know it is a circular process and we will we've tried a lot of things in the past and dumped some of them and kept some of them and we will just keep at it and really good you really did do a good job working on it thank you all right thank you thank you please Susan since a lot around the table this evening have had their negative comments I'd like to have my negative comment all right um in future preparation for agenda items I'd really appreciate if we take into consideration that for probably the past hour now we've been working on something that is school community business man matters that does not require the administrators to be sitting here a couple of extra hours so if we were able to separate that on the agenda these people could go get some rest for the day tomorrow working for our kids so um just a consideration in the future please I I like that as well I think that was the intent when we put it at the end of the agenda I guess we're not understanding each other so okay uh Dr J superintendent update yes thank you um some uh really good news um Governor Healey uh has an advisory counil uh for Youth and um I would like to announce that elanar Rosenthal 11th grade student at fth high school was selected it was an application process um there were only four students selected on ol of Kate and one of our high school students she is extremely excited she's already got to meet Governor Healey and over the next two years she will get to spend time uh with her so um very excited can we have her come sometime and tell us about it great idea yeah Abol How about if she's available so I I just want to give a shout out to her because I think it's a a huge accomplishment and you know for a student to be on um among 60 um students across the state great um so I want to give a shout out to um uh don Drew so as we're talking about going green and I love how you know it becomes just it just permeates throughout everything we do um the carpet that's going to go into the band room at uh Lawrence School is recycled um plastic from plastic bottles and so I'm going to pass this around because it feels and looks like carpet um but you know one more way found with Public Schools is going green that's cool y uh today uh as an update um Chris horn um did a training with the administrative staff um today today um our conversations were on how to communicate about difficult topics um great uh he gave us a lot of information put us in groups we did activities so how do you um you know actually write letters um out so I think it was very helpful um and I you know hope we don't ever have to write one but um we have I think some skills now that um when when those topics come up that we might do a little bit better at communicating um the topics anticipating and I think that's part of it is anticipating um what those topics might be and then being able to communicate so that was um the uh last training for the year from um from so we covered quite a bit with him um over the year and my last um update that I'd like to give uh is pretty exciting news um you have heard me over the last um couple years talk about um increasing uh CTE programs and um we have uh an opportunity uh you've heard me talk about um nursing as being one of them and we um have met with the Community Health Center and we've talked about opportunities to partner uh we will be able um to begin in uh the fall of next year to be able to off offer opportunities for our Juniors that can do a 2-year um uh coursework uh and internship at the community health center and um be able to walk away with their certification in um the medical assisting um so we're really excited uh this is a little bit different than we had originally when we talked over the years about this that we you know four fouryear pathway um which then requires that you know we have teachers and we have to develop a you know an exam room in the classroom um so we like the idea that we're shifting a little bit about having definitely having four-year Pathways but also opportunities that students can uh walk away with some certifications um in their junior in senior year and and walk so in this way it really doesn't matter if it's a you know two students or 20 students that that sign up for this because we're not having to uh take resources teaching resources um and other dollar to actually build the program so we're really excited um that that we're going to be able to move forward with us so that's um that's exciting I am going to also give a shout out to the Community Health Center they have been they're um extremely help helpful and to try to explain how this might go um but their internships are also paid internships for our students so it's I know that's how that's what we when so Dr Harris um Dr Teller and I um you know when we met with um uh Karen Gardner which is the um uh CEO of um the community health center uh and their inter director um when you know it was just incredibly really laying out what this can look like and help us to understand with a you know comprehensive School how we can offer opportunities for our students um and so we're excited about that and along with that um we are uh looking at the uh fores the C uh Community College Aviation uh mechanical technology program and uh so our counselors um visited the cape had a um a tour and information uh about it our counselors are very exciting excited about it uh we will be the first they want to do a pilot program in fouth again this would be an opportunity where our Juniors and seniors can sign up and in two years walk away with the certification um they will uh do online cours workk and then they would um be at the airport actually working on um the planes in Plymouth um one day a month and in two years they can have a certification again doesn't matter if we have two students or we have 20 students we don't have to build the program in our school this is really I I think unique and creative ative ways to be able when we say opportunities for all students we're bringing more opportunities for our students and trying to meet the you know the you know I guess I can say needs but really the interest and the choices and the and the um desires so when the counselors started talking to students there's already been 20 students that have raised their hand and say I'm very interested in that program so in the aviation or the nursing Aviation we haven't gotten this hard on the nursing yet um but we um which I think you know just it's great we will be the only school on the um Cape um to move to have the aviation program so what better place to have a pilot program an [Laughter] airport senior citizen so yeah so so more more to come we're in the early stages of both of them and building you know out and and building that partnership um I'm hoping that you know we will be able to see through both of them but I wanted to let you know early on these are early discussions but it you know it looks like we're going to be able to offer um these opportunities so very excited and I'm going to end on that note that exciting note excellent M Dr D good job um I had um I know that I work with Ryan's here somewhere he's back there doing a good job I uh with television production stuff there are certification programs that I am confident that any one of Ryan's students could take the test and and get certified um but I just wanted to say that both the pilot and the nursing thing are fantastic so thank you for that that's great all right moving on to routine business to approve the minutes of March 12 2024 is there a motion motion thank you Mike is there a second I'll take it thank you Kelly uh any discussion on the minutes of March 12th minor I don't know if I misspoke or but uh it was the pet band not the jazz band that went to the tournament oh yeah we got in there as jazz band I may have said the wrong thing I don't know said I think it whoever they are they're a but it was just AO it's not the Jazz I probably did like I said all right so I don't know if I'm correcting one edit anything else okay cool all in favor I any oppos any exstension Perfection thank you all Committee Member reports hea go again um first of all I just want to say like we've had a lot of like disagreements and and different opinions tonight and still cracking jokes so I'm I don't know feeling good about the the group um but I want to and on a a high note um uh because it was the FBF Gala it was the FBF liaison I reached out to um uh Ellen huitt to see if we had any metrics of success uh she and so I'll read here the revenue amounts are still being calculated uh since the final expenses are still being determined but we do know that the fundraising goal for ticket sales and the wine and scratch ticket Raffles surpassed our goal also the fundraising goal for the silent auction was met and the event was sold out with 225 attendees um among those were 43 fam Public Schools teachers and that is the highest amount of teacher attendees in several years that was a major goal for the gala for this year so they're really pleased with that um it was a wonderful evening we had um both of our state representatives um in attendance I saw uh Chris there um and Ellen let me know that she appreciated having um school committee representation is there there as well so it was a fabulous evening um and and sounds like it was very successful for FF which means a success for our our teachers coming up I would like to just say on the Keef's defense we were at hockey yeah otherwise we have been to every Gala I am sorry to have missed it it I'm so happy to hear that it was a success as usual and I'm very happy to hear that students excuse me that teachers um highest number of teachers in attendance so just defending the K and I just wanted to add um Margaret so I had the pleasure of sitting with Margaret and Chris at our table so um that's great it was a lovely event good ide and it was very nice that Mike was honored and his wife for her years of teaching in the school system it was really really very special that's great all right any other Committee Member reports Kell you already did policy so I won't mention that um we had our first negotiations U meeting last week and um the only other thing was the elpac Met um last week and we have our end of the year celebration tentatively I think solidly scheduled tentatively scheduled pretty solid pretty solid pretty solid for Wednesday May 29th and um it's it's I I'm really looking forward to it because it highlights all of the elves who are graduating um as seniors or have moved out of the program and recognizing their Monumental accomplishment of um of being educated in two languages um I left my paperwork at home from the um collaborative but there's one thing that I'm very interested in which is AI and how it's going to impact our classrooms and they're they're they have a program this summer which I will come back with the exact date and all that that GMA teachers can attend I don't know if Sonia knows it y we share all that yeah okay I thank you okay for pointing out you up thank you any other Committee Member reports along the lines of having some fun I would also like to say I appreciate David or being all nighty we got a big poppy appear it is really in my peripheral uh any requests for future information I do have the Food Service update on there and the um I also was going to add food Equity um the person that's in charge of food Equity maybe we could just get an update from them as far as the greenhouse and all um food Justice all but thank you food justice justice um thank you any other future agenda item all right great is there a motion to adjourn yes thank you heather is there a second thank you Terry all in favor good night everyone good night