##VIDEO ID:ZbhQSQo4n6Y## yes please all right we're good all right welcome back we're back from executive session for our scho committee meeting on Tuesday September 10th uh let's start with the pledge IED Al to FL of the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy [Music] andice I know I'm afraid okay all right let's um let's start with our mission and vision sorry start with the mission and vision could you please town with Public Schools creates world class student learning experiences our Clippers are empowered to pursue their goals with curiosity integrity and resiliency Clippers are creative inquisitive and engaged Learners who participate in their Community as socially responsible citizens Clippers effectively communicate and solve problems that impact the world around them thank you um so we'll start tonight with public comment up there we go members of the public are welcome to speak about items not on the agenda comments should be limited to 2 minutes in length and the school committee cannot take action on public comment that the chair can accept comments following the committee's discussion of an item additional comments and feedback can always be made uh by email at school committee thou. 12.ma.us is there anyone here for public comment anyone [Music] onine all right seeing none um let's have a of the do you have to ask her if she oh I'm sorry I forgot the recording are you thank you thanks my I don't have my my notes I appreciate that it's this is Lor's folder I don't have my folder so I'm winging it everyone can help me between nine of us I'm sure we'll get it right um so a reading of the W up W Landing please sure the landing Mal from 2021 found of public schools acknowledges that we are gathering on the unseated ancestral land of the Nation we recognize and respect the W people including those of saket wet t chap as original stewards of what is now known as the town of bth and and honor their enduring relationship with this land this land acknowledgement is an intentional act to counter the Eraser of indigenous people and to demonstrate respect act for their Sovereign rights we are committed to educating ourselves and our students about the longstanding history of the people in alignment with the core values of found of public schools we pledge to build an ongoing partnership with the Nation thank you thank you we appreciate it um so our um first regular item is an update on the final 203 2024 budget fall and u i um hand out for everybody uh marget I can email you a copy of this uh after the meeting uh but this is a real brief budget update I just really wanted to be able to tell folks where we ended up for the year it's not as detail broken down by school this from normally accustom to because there's a lot of end of the year mulations that go on um so when we for example have exent funds we may move that into uh findind door or doing floors Etc and that will overspend our maintenance account so this S at the end of the year kind of distorts um the school l so because because of uh the uh those mechan so let's just start at the beginning um and then break down and here you see just you know the Top Line salaries and non salaries expenses so the original budget called for 46 million for uh in salaries and 9 million 751 in non salaries the total budget that you all approved uh for fiscal year 24 was 56 m175 now the next column you see is the net budget transfer we just talk about that for a moment we've made a real effort to move uh all of our employe salaries off the grants and onto the budget we just think that's a better way of operating uh and so beginning in this year we moved uh in the 240 Grant which is our special education uh Federal entitlement Grant we had uh going into 24 we had about 800 40,000 Plus in salaries primarily Tas and 1 to one A in that gring so we moved those individuals onto the budget and likewise we took out of District tuition costs and move those into the grid okay so it's just a swap so the the net impact was that the salary line obviously by moving the salaries costs went to the budget went up by 850,000 and the non-salary expenses by moving the tuitions onto the 240 gr went down by 850,000 the total budget number was unchanged but that was just sort of the beginning exercise so that you know there's about six individuals in total that are still covered by Grant Mak grants and then mainly in the title one G for reading in math Etc so the vast you know by vast majority of all employees on the budget again good they have so I'm sorry um remember I a friend teacher not a m person if the money isn't from our town or our in our bu Administration how can it can get incorporated into the budget I don't understand the it's not incorporating the budget it's just that we recategorized about $850,000 so if you take a the 240 Grant which was just nor of $900,000 all right then there were salary expenses that were expensed to that Grant in the past m going into 24 we move those salaries onto the budget which increased our salary expense line the budget but simultaneously to keep the budget neutral we moved out of D out of District tuitions into the grant so there's no net change in the budget it's just the type of expense that we were putting into the gr it's to keep our our salaries you know all as much as we can in the major budget so night neutral to the budget was just a reclassification I'm still perplexed how we can call it an expense if it's a grant okay the expense is either so if you look at you look at the number there the total budget was 56 million1 75 after that transfer the Swap and again it's just Rec categorizing it between salaries and nons salaries the total Grant the total budget rather is 56 m175 we literally just mov salaries onto budget and moved the a the district expense for the same amount off budget into the Grant I think I I think I get your question so it's not that the sou it's not that the grants are expenses it's the expenses that we're incurring because of that are supposed to get paid for by a grant are no longer getting paid for by a grant we're getting paid for by that's the part that's missing okay I I was just rolling it around trying to figure out cu you were both talking about two different things you have to give a part of your pay now I want double I still sorry no listen thank you the uh the Second Step was uh again starting with the same budget for 56 m175 you see that they the budget was increased at April town meeting by 153,000 and that so that budget increase in uh 153,000 was to cover expenses for additional expense for the Lawrence elevator the mor SP univent overlo all right so now a budget for fiscal year 24 now increased to 56 mil 328 p43 okay um and then the third component now is to to tell how we it up so again 5692 328 843 uh at the end of the year we had [Music] over um we had U room leftover and salaries that we didn't use 108,000 uh we had expenses that on the non that we could use that money for and we did use the money for so as I mentioned for particularly in the areas of Maintenance and so uh we we move money from the salary line to the not salary uh and again keeping in the total budget within that 569 328 if you look at the second from last column now you'll see where our final expenses came in at the end of the year so salaries was 47,1 166 now salaries was the 9,121 um and the total budget 56 million 287 spent that left us with about $441,000 left over um now we continue we will continue to spend that down we're just about to move $39,000 of expenses uh that came in um uh that were allocated to the stabilization fund and move those in to use up that money so all in all with that $56 million budget we'll use all but $1,500 that budget we got it my point of all this is to say we got really really really really close to to where we should uh and getting this ENT for this year um and just for your knowledge uh that would leave us uh you know the stabilization fund uh was total between the two years was 825,000 at the start of this year uh it will begin this year with the balance of roughly 640,000 um and uh so that gives us a good cring for for 25 and also going into 26 which seems like a lot of money but in special ed it doesn't go it doesn't no you can have the district tuition that range from 55 60,000 to you know total cost Clos to 200,000 so it's going be very expensive number again 640,000 uh we think we'll end up by using about 200,000 this year so with the current Su uh any questions for a tight budget very thank you and you know we often say we really appreciate these these updates they're really helpful makes us really going on so thank you for that um an update by student services cheer Focus monitoring reports okay so um for those of you who don't know the uh the purpose of the tiered Focus monitoring is to track compliance with special education and civil rights and school districts are reviewed every three years the process um to monitor student outcomes so after last year's review we received a letter in June which indicated two areas of concern um that's a very low number there's more than 50 areas that can be indicated as being out of compliance so um over the summer uh we studied the root causes of the two issues that came up and then um developed a corrective action plan which is submitted to desie and then we you know we work on that through the year so the first area that was identified was the provision of the IEP to the parents so when we looked into it the um the schools that were that they found the compliance issues um the special special education building administrators who are typically responsible for issuing the paperwork um were out on medical leave so the mandatory timelines were not met so from a corrective action standpoint um it put some procedures into place so that everybody is on the same page with the timelines and some internal monitoring tools that more than just the seas are responsible for and then we're looking at training the relevant staff and then we'll do our own um audit of files to make sure that we're that we are in compliance and then the second area actually had to do with preschool so um the concern was that our instructional groupings didn't meet the requirements for the student to staff ratios and class sizes um this was not an area of surprise um we've struggled with the half day programs or the 2 and a half hour programs to get the number of um typical years when we have our special education students so that things are not um considered sub separate when you have too many um students on IEPs and not enough typical peers so we had identified this issue early in the school year last year and was thinking forward about what what could we do in the future to um try to help alleviate this so we did have a full day um preschool program last year which was very successful so that certainly indicated that there was more more interest in that so this year um we have decreased the number of the half day programs so instead of five there's three we have some longer days for um peers which are more like four hours and then the students with um IEP needs save for an EXT extra two hours so that turns into a full day for them and then we've added two full day um preschool classrooms this year um which actually currently has a waiting list of 12 um students so there's obvious VI ly a big need um families are are more interested in that so in addition um as a district one of the measures we took was hiring a special education building administrator specifically for the preschool program we added a teaching team and we've been collaborating with the um B of Coalition for children on ways that we can improve awareness and attract more um participation in the preschool program and then we have also worked um at trying to just increase our advertising sending out flyers posting them at daycares we've had some meetings with local um dayc carees and um just trying to make sure that we're um finding as many of the of the students as we possibly can so those are the those were the two areas and if anybody has any specific question I have a quick question so I if I understand you're right the problem is that the short days we can't get enough peers because parents nor days correct we've had the AM PM sessions which which does well for us because we have a large number of students on IEP so then we can kind of see twice as many you know we can offer that um twice as often if you have an AM and PM session however the PM sessions um families um are not interested in um having their children attend the PM session very few families are so we can't find enough um peers who want to attend that so we might end up with three students ons and not right is time I don't know when I have preschoolers I always like them to go in the morning because it was na time in the afternoon y Mak sense so I think for working families too it doesn't you know it's hard to U deal with that schedule yeah krina if you have a 12 child waiting list in your advertising still is there room for more children in the PM session there there there are a couple little slots in some of the other places but not in the the PO I any other questions great thank you than you so much it's nice only two things to work on it's a SC yeah um next up is acting on the field trip to New York City for October 30th we have the field trip information um laori did you want to say anything about it or yes um I think this year it's uh it's nice we have uh Lauren Kenny uh Jane Baker and Heather Goodwin uh all uh wanting to uh share the trip to New York City uh so the students of AP Literature AP art and AP biology uh are um planning the trip they'll be visiting the American Museum of Natural History they will attend a uh Broadway show and uh and then just be able to uh spend time at uh you know the the New York City Public Library as well as being able to to walk around uh and getting some of the sites so uh the this is a cross-curricular experience uh it'll result in Steam fair projects um to be presented for Community engagement in March the uh e phasis uh poetry presentations and the unique opportunity to connect uh to Shakespearean literally literary studies through the Broadway musical so we are recommending uh approval for this New York trip great is there [Laughter] motion any discussion question all right oh sorry Margaret did you have a question what broad Julet oh jul you want to start us off with the voll um yeah yes and my battery's dying so I'm gonna have to plug it in but yes I thank you yeah thank you yes yes well yes that's unanimous thank you so much um next up is acting on the 2024 2025 superintendent evaluation timeline um it is pink in your packet p no not the page the right I guess it's technically red it looks pink to me I R um so I just want to take a second and sort of walk through it to make sure that we're on the same page I realized the dates probably don't mean a lot to to the school committee but the evaluation subcommittee met with Lori and laid out the the structure for when everything needs to get done by in order so we can make sure we make that final meeting um and have everything complete by the end of the school year so it's following pretty much the same structure as last year um and you can see we're already on step three because we've already been meeting over the summer but we didn't have a timeline in place so later in the meeting Lor's going to share um her goals with us that the subcommittee worked on with her then at our next school committee meeting um you can see under the description it says that we will vote on her goals then we'll have um a little mini training in our meeting on the evaluation process and a review of the summited documents so that as we go through the school year everybody knows what it is that we're supposed to be evaluating on from the spring so none of it will be a surprise then strange as it seems um the midcycle cycle starts in October when we'll talk about what the midcycle process is during a regular meeting then in January Lori will share her self assessment of where she thinks she is through um through halfway through the year and then that is followed by a period where school committee members actually meet with um the superintendent and provide feedback so if you feel like she's behind on a particular item um in one of her goals that's sit down and say can you fill me in on where we're at with this or do you have any additional information or if you think she's ahead definitely share that too so Sharon sends out um an email during that time asking everybody to sign up for um a short meeting with Lori during that late January period Then in February the evaluation subcommittee will meet again to talk about um any feedback that school committee members offered on the mid cycle discuss whether or not anything needs to be um adapted or changed in any way and then review The summited Plan before you go on that new that sounds new to me which one the one you just talk about because it's always something that just the evaluation sub committee does just checks in with the superintendent after so if you're just on the school committee that's it seems it's this so you're getting both the things that the school committee members are doing and you're also seeing what the evaluation subcommittee U has to yeah so that tells you it's you or them um then in April the superintendent will review uh progress on the goals and we'll do another um presentation on the evaluation process for the end of the year to make sure we're ready for the summative evaluation um and then the evaluations that we will actually complete are noted as the deadline the big bold April 23rd is when the deadline for submitting evaluations will be and then again it's followed with that same period of of time where you meet with the superintendent to talk about your evaluation and especially in cases where maybe you you think um that she accomplished less than anticipated it gives her a chance to then say Oh but did you realize that I also did this so it becomes more of a a dialogue instead of just filling out a form and then the very last day after any changes will be May the 2nd and that sets all of that sets us in uh sets us up to be ready to vote on the sui of evaluation um in May before the election which has been our general we the people who are working with Lori all year are the ones who do the evaluation and it's not CH it's not messed up by people coming on and off the committee because of an election um all of those individual documents are compiled and then oh this has tyled this should say um under May 3rd it should say Kelly SL Margaret mayther because I will compile the evaluation and then Margaret will take it separately and check it and make sure that I didn't mess anything up last year Chris did that um and this year and then Lori gets the evaluation um this piece May 6 is why see a later item in our school committee agenda for tonight for adding the school committee meeting because because as Terry pointed out to us I think it was last year we can't get the summit of evaluation by email um it would be a violation of open meeting so we need to come in and get the evaluation in person so we need to add school committee meeting there won't be any other items on the agenda that it'll just be that you're just handing it to us yeah because we can't email itation or anything no I don't think we really talk about last year we did have to do the same thing last year did just that one little technicality it's just technicality we need to just follow meeting and but then the next meeting will talk about and that's when everyone gets a chance to highlight a piece of their evaluation or something um that they want to share um and then we vote on it all right sorry to be so lengthy about it but I just wanted to make sure that we're all like on the same page with the process it's very similar last year uh let's get a motion to approve it and then we can talk about so Mo thanks Mike second well that's that any discussion about the timeline and also evaluation people did I miss anything my Zoomer glad that Mar on evaluation anything you want to add Lori anything you want to add about the process no I said so much everybody's like enough already okay uh all right so it's a roll call about to approve the timeline Mar you want to start us off thank you approved yes yes keep yes yes never yes that's unanimous thank you so much all right moving right on Turn the Page um next up is acting on that revised school committee meeting dat so it's adding that May 6th date into our regular schedule um here at 6:30 is there a motion I'll that than Terry second second thanks krina and again is there any discussion on one piece uh the April 2025 meeting April 7th because on the evaluation timeline say April 7th at 6m I just wanted to on that we actually do we know that for sure well I don't know that would as soon we actually know it for sure what isw they don't set the they don't after last night of the November meeting we just approved the April 7 2025 in the evaluation and it might be that day yes so let's keep it as a is and once we know when the meeting is if it's not the second we'll just but yeah okay so it's just then U just the maic and we'll have to amend this one as well M yes yeah when we know the date all right any last thoughts on the addition of that meeting date uh and it's a roll call again Market yes thank you Glend yes yes yes also yes that's as well fabulous next up acting on the FF mini grants um and Laur you just want to speak to this you probably do it better than I my way through that I know you well all right thank you in the spring we uh we had to update our policies kcd and DD which refers to the school committee approval for gifts and grants uh if you uh might remember prior to we only approved uh GRS that were uh $500 more and so now the policies state that they are for educational purposes only we now aligned with the law so it's all grants no matter what the the amount but it is for educational purposes uh since FF grants are for educational purposes and the school committee approval is required uh the policy subcommittee discuss streamlining the approval process by giving a blanket vote for the FF minig grants if you know those are very turned around very quickly so teachers will write for them they're anywhere from $25 to $350 and then they get turned around almost immediately uh to be able to come back and be to have you uh approve every single one would be able would hold up teachers being able to actually access the funds and to implement what they want to uh what they want to do so I'm asking uh if we can take a blanket vote for all FF minig grants for the uh 2425 school year and uh that's and we did much the same on May 14th of last year even though it was it was after after the fact when we put the policies in place now we're doing it uh in advance uh so that as they come through they'll actually be legitimate so so no someone beat I'll was I wasn't looking was it Margaret orenda I put it as mik I don't know who second maret was yeah just making I looking up I didn't want to mess it up any discuss on we have to approve this blanket vote every year we just do it once a year for all the little grants um and then other grants will just come to us set up as a standing thing state law so we that's we used to just never approve them at all um but the state is like any grant that has educational purpose we have to approve and so since especially for FBF because they're so vetted you know they have a whole system in place for vet those do those projects and making sure that they're worthy of of their money so all we need to do is just accept um so they can turn around fast enough that teachers can to use them just for myself what is the amount that makes it of any gr it's under three 3 350 $25 to $350 yeah so um yeah anything above that would be through the regular Grant process and then we'll get notification of those too and then we also but they take longer to process so it doesn't have that that urgency that the many grants need where a teacher comes up with a great idea and they need to do it next week and they need the money they want to wait for us meeting this law had been around but Mary told us a lot of districts were grappling with how to I mean the time spent on a $10 or $25 gr but it's the LW so yeah now we have to do it y uh all right any last discussion and a roll call Margaret thank you GLA yes yes yes also yes as well we're on a roll we only have like four more things to act on no worries guys uh acting on the reappointment of the school physician uh Laura you taking it Sandy you taking it who's taking it uh I was just going to mention I think everyone knows Dr Parkinson he has uh been our school physician for quite some time he consults with the admin the nurses and the counselors uh and uh extremely helpful it is a law that we have to have a physician uh on staff uh to consult and so uh I am uh recomending that uh the school committee approve for to offer a three-year appointment uh another three-year appointment to Dr Parkinson and I will um mention at the start I think the last time we did this we had some discussion because none of us who have kids who see Dr Parkinson were sure we could vote on it and we did get um I think it was Mar time said yes you can it feels like you might have a weird conflict because it's okay is there a motion to approve Dr Parkinson for a threeyear contracta and Margaret you can have a second list be to it any discussion about appointment position all right it's a roll call vote Margaret yes Glenda yes yes yes yes thankly thank you so much Perkinson next is acting on the revised policy animals and schools imh and you have the the one with the strikeout we had our first read on this at our last meeting um policy people or Lori um anything to add uh there were no additional uh request between our last meeting now so it is as uh presented at our last meeting thank you is there a motion to approve revised policy and wson schools I am eight yeah and a second sure Melissa thank you any last discussion on this policy all right a roll call maret yes Glenda yes yes yes yes wel also yes unanimously thank you policy people and last on um on the policiy that's acting on policy District website and social media k d c v uh and I didn't hear I didn't maret okay got it to marget is not a St message I'll thank you okay uh Margaret can you vote Yes great yes yes well well all right and I think our internet is less wonky so hopefully um that would keep all the policies together to do so um the first read is in our packet with the organization of the school committee meeting policy DDA no I want to comment com make a motion somebody not making a motion it's just a first just comment basically um the change was to be clear that it would be okay to have the voting at the end of the meeting because um a new [Music] change but the previous policy was okay no like yeah it's just clarifying and this is how we've been doing it the last few years we've been reorganizing at the I think that did the policy say had to do at the beginning the policy used to sayy wasy so there was room for interpretation yeah yes agreed so um so this will come back this is just our first read um but will come back for a vote is there any um questions or comments about it so far or concerns if not you can send them to uh Katrina fair enough okay great thanks everyone we'll have that at the next meeting um so Lor now it's you presentation on your draft goals all right as part of our evaluation policy all right we got we can see it all right great uh so uh three goals again and my goals timeline uh is from July 1 to uh April 7th the goal one is to ensure uh this is my student learning goal it's to ensure the equity audit results are addressed by strengthening the bright spots and cre a plan to address the areas for improvement selected by the school community and as you know we did a process in the spring uh the uh areas were uh selected and those will be the areas that the district will be working on uh this year you'll hear more about that uh at our September 24th meeting as our district goes and uh because that is our our student learning goal I felt that it was important that uh as the leader I am overseeing to make sure that we are implementing that process the uh Focus indicators are standard one the data informed decision-making standard two uh management operations the environment standard three family community engagement the communication uh standard four professional culture uh cultural proficiency go two is my professional practice goal and that's to build the capacity among all employees of the district to Implement environmental stewardship and sustainability education and practices related to their role in the district and this is uh as a professional practice goal this continues to be uh a learning curve for all of us uh but it uh after being awarded uh the uh national uh green ribbon District uh it is important that we you know that that's get getting that award is not good enough we need to continue to look to uh ways that we continue our sustainability uh and continue to grow the focus indicators are the standard one instructional leadership curriculum standard two management operations environment standard four professional culture Communications and standard for professional culture continuous learning the district Improvement goal my goal three is to implement a communication strategy focused on community engagement and two-way exchange of ideas the focus indicators are standard one instructional leadership data informed decision-making standard two management and operations environment standard three family community engagement engagement and standard for professional culture Communications all right thank you so um three learning goal or three three goals for the year one on equity um and the equity audit one on environmental stewardship for the district and one um on on communication building on communication from last year and um the evaluation subcommittee already had um our opportunity to weigh in on those um and then the next piece when we vote on the superintendent gools will have some of the benchmarks for what you'll be looking for throughout the year to measure whether or not she accomplishes any last thoughts on that that good okay yes um there was I think a typo on your side if it matters ran numerals had one two four four and the goal two I think right before you went to the go that is correct okay yeah you don't have to have just overall you have to have at least one uh standard out of um you have to have at least one thing out of each standard but I actually made them relatable to the actual goal and so that meant in that one there were two oh I see what you're saying yes so it's actually those are pieces that are taken from the evaluation that we fill out at the end of the year so they're referencing something else which is why they're all out but when we do the presentation at the next uh school committee meeting about evaluating superintendent you'll see those and it'll hopefully it will make a little bit more sense but yeah it looks like they're yeah um sticking with you Lori we've got the superintendent update and the start of school all right thank you uh so much so we had a great opening to the school year it was uh we started out with a great convocation with our uh staff and then we had our opening day last Tuesday uh things have gone very smoothly uh I want to give a shout out to the uh uh the fouth fire department and this is a testament to our partnership uh we usually have fire drills in our third day in uh but because of the tragic event in Georgia uh we had a discussion and uh decided we would put it off this year the second piece we collaborated on was giving notice so normally uh fire drills are not uh announced but because of uh maybe or lowering any kind of anxiety that students may have we uh decided uh to on this first drill that we would make the announcement to staff students and families uh so they knew that this was a typical drill it is state law that we have to have a drill at the beginning of the school year and so uh it that was a must and we we should practice um our drills uh that's what keeps us safe so uh but that collaboration so I really just want to give a shout out to um uh to to the to our collaboration the fire department and being very considerate about our students so uh on that line I want to an update on our uh second SRO uh over the summer they uh the police department and a couple of my principles conducted the interviews and Steve senior will be our second SRO of the school year starting the beginning of October so we're excited uh to welcome Steve uh on to our uh our staff so we're excited about that um just want to H tell you that in your packet there is uh it says school committee members use the social media how to avoid uh potential violations Massachusetts open meeting law this is a part of your packet uh I'm giving it to you now that you can read on our next meeting September 24th Mary Gans will be present uh she will be presenting some new policies for uh first read to the committee but she will be here in case you have any questions about this as well yes so don't ask us because we don't know I was we could put it on there but we can't answer any questions related to it so um but you at least have a lot of time to take a look at it and um and then have questions from Mar she's here and then just one last thing before I leave I I uh I hope you find this as uh enlightening and positive as I did uh at the high school Alan Kazarian uh he with all the new peer mentor seniors he asked them uh when he met with them already the school year uh why uh why interest why are students interested uh and why should they attend fouth high school and so their reasons were the fouth high school is definitely trending upwards there are a lot of fun events and real feel of community lots of opportunities to meet new students and feel a sense of belonging nice siiz school with lots of good people a welcoming School Community very caring supportive and helpful staff members and coaches good teachers who seek to make connections with their students good education with lots of Hands-On experiences variety of course choices an elective program great CTE Pathways and internships large number of clubs and sports for all students nice size school where it is easy to meet new people and I have to say all the work that we have done in the past years uh around the sense of belonging the sense of community the connections the relationships between adults and students increasing the number of our programs uh that we offer uh no one was prompted to say this but our seniors are recognizing the changes and they're saying this is why students should attend fouth high school so this was just warmed my heart and I just wanted to share it with you for asking the question thank you for sharing that great here to me that's all the more poignant because it's sling off the co bad feelings about lack you know being isolated and everything so it's even doubly nice I think l so I um reading Dr Harris's letter to the parents of the high school students this week it struck me that it was was very informative and if we could come up with a way where information like that could be sent periodically to the eighth grade parents as they're contemplating this year the CH their choices for their student um their high school for their High School career I think it would be helpful uh for parents to be able to see and hear a little bit more of what's going on in the high school great idea thank you Susan for that uh and I will definitely talk to Dr Harris about sending his Communications uh last year we did a real press on uh visiting the uh Lawrence School a couple times Administration students uh and to talk about the high school uh they also added the new event last year where uh eighth graders came to the high school and in the gymnasium there were teachers all the programs were presented and the eighth graders got to go through and learn uh about that in addition to our eighth grade uh visit to uh the high school so we're definitely increasing opportunities I'd like everyone to know that uh and we certainly would like to hear any other ideas uh we are open I will say that uh I I think that that uh full court press helped because uh we had uh more students this year than the previous year that that uh chose to come to uh famou high school thank you great any last questions for Lori um I have one can you just um mention the the tennis courts and the and the official I know there's a really nice AR in the paper but not everybody needs the paper uh yes so we had a I thought a nice turnout at the dedication uh Friday afternoon at 4:00 uh it was nice to see uh the family of Jack rear uh present and uh there were some very nice things said by many people uh I thought it was very nice and if you haven't gone to see our tennis courts yet uh please go by and see them I they are absolutely beautiful they are so professional I don't know many high schools uh or any actually that has courts uh like we now do have at the high school so I thank the town for that uh Bob antonucci uh saw the whole project through as the project manager for us uh which was exciting and it was mentioned at the dedication that uh Bob was actually Jack's principal and so I knew each other well so uh that was uh it was it was very nice and Melissa you were there too and I don't know if you want to add I I thought though well first the weather was perfect it was perfect for tennis and it was perfect for a dedication so I thought it was just a a nice Heavenly nod perhaps um it I don't know I I um I was grateful to be there I was grateful to be part of the process um I think the family enjoyed themselves I did see a few family members over the weekend just happen St out and about and they were very very appreciative to the town to the district District to you Lori uh to the committee and uh as a whole and um they they were very happy and Mrs Ren was very happy thank you thanks Mar um I I thought of want to go back to the notion of the uh eighth grade um when I attended the last performance of um last show I saw the warmth the connection the dedication have for each other was so evident almost you could Vis physically anyway you could feel it and if the eighth graders could come to that kind of a presentation and see that connection I can't imagine that why they wouldn't want to come here it was just so wonderful I don't know if they can be invited the that last day free just to show up but it was it was so special and it would really um you have to you have to know what's happening there in the connection students have to each other was perfect so um I wouldn't think about that thank you the the eth grade kids coming and stuff um do we I don't know if we have we don't have an Instagram for the district yes we do we do thank you ran because 8th grade kids live on Snapchat Instagram Tik Tok that's a much better Avenue get getting them whether you spoof popular and the high school students the film students could actually spoof popular reels and shorts much more viable way of getting the word out there that's my two sense thank you okay moving on from Lor's update we've got routine business approval of the minutes from July 11th 2024 um were there any edits to them before we make a motion all right is our motion to approve the minutes from July 9th there there was there was a problem in it and I don't have it I have my my book in my car because I that's where I was going to go but there was an issue in those minutes and I you remember I don't remember what it was it was a minor thing but it was a problem okay well then since you yeah we'll just told on this and we'll approve we can approve two minutes at the next Mee I'd rather approve them and have them be right than approve them and have to correct them I'm sorry no that's fine thank you for whatever catch it was um and so we'll just um hold this and table it for next meeting and we's only in two weeks so it's not that great of a delay uh Committee Member reports okay um I sent out a email today with a Survey Monkey for the did you all figure out that the first one went open that's why you got the second one yes thank you it wasn't me it was that's what it came to me and I should have tried to open it myself before I spent it up anyway you all got that and on that same topic you may remember me saying in the summer that I wish you could get the kids who attended the um aslp um thing this summer um if we could get them to come in so we get them not to to Long down the road when theygot yeah when they may have forgotten it was incredible that I went and I don't know if I told you I got to drive the boat down the canal and I crashed in the canal but that no this is virtually but they because I'm a wise guy and I deserve it because you know I'm a wise guy they decided when I got up there the instructor said Terry you to do a 360° turn in the but I mean I'm joking about it but when you're doing it you really think you're on the canal you cuz the the scenery and everything looks so realistic that's just one of the many many things they do there um um and they they have a I talked to somebody who works there and said they they love doing with these kids because you know stem is their stick Mass Mar time so they love that they can maybe get some of these Youngs to um come in when make their college children but um the kids just love it love it so if we could just somehow get a quick present you know comments from them or something thank for for the reminder any other Committee Member reports we already talked yeah um so I was asked to be the liaz on kind of the carousel light project so we had our first meeting I think today yesterday um and so it was Troy Clarks and Lori um Rose the principal Mullen Hall myself and just to talk about you know kind of what they were doing this this winter where they were planning on kind of taking apart the the canopy and the horses but they were going to leave the base they didn't feel comfortable moving the base around for fear of damaging it and then just kind of shrink wrapping it and trying to kind of make it look look pretty um so that's kind of year one of the next we of the new the new version of the I question how are they going to um like protected like are they anything no not not not I mean like a physical barrier keep kids from climbing on to keep climbing on you know it's just the initial stage so we haven't concern and I'm sure the I mean I'm sure she cares about the parel but she getting hurt over there I didn't know this could be any commit I didn't know you could be asked to be on the committee not one of our subcommittees and then you would yeah this is just sort of a liaison position that's very I don't you probably will only meet a couple times yeah it's it's not long enough lasting I think to Warrant being actually on the on the list I don't imagine it'll do more than a couple meetings uh any last reports contract negotiations are ongoing and we already did the evaluation St so those are my two that's it tion to ajour Melissa a second Margaret so moved yes oh go ahead and vote Yes Yes Cen keep yes nothing yes nothing yes thank you so much everybody