##VIDEO ID:dBvlfP4sREM## okay thank you everyone thanks for joining us we're reconvening after our executive session um I remind oh have okay I remind everyone um that the meeting is being recorded if anyone else is making an audio or a video recording of the meeting can you please let me know now either by raising your hand in person or online said no Katie said no okay great and we're going to um turn the meeting over right away um where is she there you are to Mullen hall for our wonderful for hosting us and for their um Mullen Hall highlight thank you very much welcome to M Hall I'm Rosemary and the principal of M Hall and Joe m is the assistant principal and she is here with her team of um I will let her do her introductions one of the um ways that we start out at M Hall um we thought we would like to share with you tonight that our students walk in in the morning to this um because of our Clipper connections and our um special friends here tonight we have created this beautiful way to um greet each of our students in the morning and we thought that you would like to start your meeting this way tonight so Mrs M this happens every morning the students this we don't get that that's a special feature good morning andas em yes please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance flag United States still have to stand and now for the peace Builder's pledge and Comm today is Friday September 20 today is going to be mostly cloudy with some rain today's lunch is pizza L georia Pizza have a fabulous Friday M Hall the credit to Mrs Reserve that has come out of her group with the CP of connections that Lawrence in our um grow in that um population of El students that we have here at Mullen Hall so Mrs take it away thank you um and what we've done to incorporate the morning announcements is with our digital learning classes and our library classes we're pulling um the students are working during those classes um they'll be they're pulled um during the class and we have an English-speaking student and a Portuguese speaking student and they create what they want to say and they come up with their script and it's been very very positive the feedback has been amazing um there's a waiting line so it's it will last all year it's been really exciting last year we started um there's two other Educators that helped will actually Four Miss stample and then we have um Miss selot from Lawrence School we have Mr scoffield and Mrs verandis from Mullen Hall school and we got together last year and we talked about the need to strengthen our diverse learning communities across the ages not just within our schools so we created a group called Clipper connections and and we meet once a week and we meet at Mullen Hall and we also meet at Lawrence School so what we wanted to do tonight is just give you a quick little um synopsis of what happens we have a video to share and then we have two lovely students that have joined us one from Molen Hall and one from Lawrence School so we're going to share the video that they created yep [Music] for giving your time thank you Lawrence teacher also it was really fun playing with your students for coming to A M and Hall I really appreciate that you played soccer with us and the treasure H was really fun what was your favorite part of clipper connections when I go to um D CH with my friends um what did you enjoy about Clipper connections I enjoyed so I enjoyed the making cookies and little pizzas and little cookies and I enjoyed the fun time the great CH the good Chimes we had that's it thank I um did the frame martio what was your favorite part of clicker Clipper connections uh we got to make cookies we got to make pizza and we got to play Uno okay good and we did the um we find this world and a lot of things thank you um Laurence friends kids because they're tent thank you Lauren what is your favorite part about Clipper connections um they're nice um I love that when we went there uh the children were nice and everyone respected each other what's your favorite part about Clipper connections working little kids at m going back to the school what is your favorite part about Clipper connections um playing with the little kids same people I know um helping them out what's your favorite part about Clipper connections seeing my old teachers um go to the school because I never went to M Hall and see my brother awesome what's your favorite part about Clipper connection my favorite part was seeing my old teachers [Music] [Applause] [Music] so um we can tell you all about it as Educators but I know you really want to hear the students point of view so I can't wait to um have share Marcio is from Mullen Hall and Marcio do you want to share about something about different connections about something that you created do you mind do you want to stand up [Music] or a project that we created last year is they developed a book and we worked on it throughout the year and Marc is going to talk a little bit about the book this is the book that we created together with partnership in and I drew this like playing games we kids thatw with us playing games and I really enjoyed it because we got to like do lots of fun stuff throughout the year of um third grade and weid lots of fun stuff and they helped us a lot with learning too and we got to play a lot with them when they came we got to go outside and play we got to lot of fun stuff and they were really nice to us like when he asked like to play like a game with soccer or tag us like some of them were really fast like right in time so like when I was in the slide I just jumped off the slide couldn't C me one day I saw them I climbed up the fire Po and then like like you not C me anymore then they climbed up the stairs way up to the fire Po and then I went down the fire and then he had to chase me again and I went to thees and he couldn't catch me like like he like gave up on catching me and he tried to catch some but he didn't do it then he catch me and then I T him back and then he to T someone back I T back when we do travel to Lawrence School the one thing I want you to um tell what did you really enjoy about going to laen school because it's different from our school make little pizz cookies playo we got to cook with our Lauren school friends they help thank you Mar so much joined us from I don't know if you have anything you want to add about um connections or yeah I'll definitely say something um I think I've enjoyed coming over here to the school I love the students they're really they're all really sweet um I'm I'm originally not from here so I started going to La my first school in the community in the c community so coming here I felt apart because I feel like like a lot of the students from Lawrence they came from here so like I got I came here and I got to know the school I got to know the teachers I got to know the students so I feel like it I just felt a part of the clipp community and um I love coming here they're all very sweet they're amazing students and I'm really happy that I have the chance to come over here like of course thank you the SLE um but yeah no I'm really glad that I became a part of the community in a small way but you want to talk about well I think you've already heard from the most reliable sources thanks martio thanks Laura um so my name's Alex Scofield and along with lindsy Brandis uh we are an English language development teachers here at Mall school tonight with sample and B Feld on the Florence school and want to tell you a little bit more about uh CER connections um this started last year yeah sure and um the purpose of the group was really to strengthen the communities um the diverse communities of our two buildings um all um and really to support the emotional and social wri of the student um in launching C connections we had hope that Elementary age students would come to identify with their future schools in the found Public School System um and to see reflections of themselves in the Lawrence students and the Lawrence students in turn serving as mentors for the younger students here at Mullen Hall and really the intent as well um is to have all of our students to see them themselves as belonging to their community and just having the older students um come and connect with our younger students and and being SE such positive role model it's just so heartwarming and enlightening to see really of it and I think uh we've heard Marcio and Laura speak much more eloquently than I ever could so thank Youk you thank you for letting us share our connection it's so great to always come into the schools and see what is actually thank you so much thank you thanks for hosting us as well welcome thank you br thank you thank you okay so as you saw our our order is a little bit different today because we wanted to make sure we started our day with the pledge with the kids um so we'll move now into the mission and vision statement the BAL of public schools creates worldclass student learning experiences our Clippers are empowered to pursue their goals with curiosity integrity and resiliency our vision Clippers are creative inquisitive and engag Learners who participate in their Community as socially responsible citizens Clippers effectively communicate and solve problems that impact the world around them thank you so much um so we'll move on to public comment me members of the public are welcome to speak about items that are not on the agenda comments should be limited to 2 minutes in length and due to the open meeting law the committee cannot act on public comment for items on the agenda the chair May accept comments from the public following the committee's discussion additional comments and feedback can always be submitted by email to school committee at thou. k12.us and unless there's an objection from the committee I was going to for public comment on navigating the future at the start rather than making people sit through our whole meeting any objections me Melissa usually that's the time I'm the kids appreciate that yeah I'm sure no one wants to uh to sit through could be a very long meeting um so is there anyone here or online for public home um if you just want to come up one at a time you just have to move to the table um and tell us your name hello everyone hi thank you for getting back my name is Dean rothwood I work as a TA at the Tet Elementary School for special education and I'm also a resident family I'm here to ask that we pause the merger of the T ticket and E found with elementary schools until we have hired an outside agency to conduct a needs assessment school districts as you know have a responsibility to conduct a fair and equ Equitable redistribution of students when the changing building needs or demographics of a community warrant some common reasons for redistricting include Equity student population changes viability of buildings enrollment issues and more all of these have been presented as problems our community is facing right now however there are only three Immediate Solutions currently being offered and all three include the merger of e foundin t ticket the inexplicable urgency has not yet been clearly explained after attending multiple forums I have not heard any rationale for such a speedy decision nor have I seen any data to suggest this combination makes sense in fact it's quite the opposite these two elementaries in particular have the highest percentage of students requiring special services and house those families in the lowest socioeconomic strata when found 3 districted in 2004 the socioeconomic makeup of the schools was a major factor in redrawing boundaries who wants to rush a targeted and discriminatory re redistricting without any supporting assessments that this actually solves more problems than it will create I certainly don't please ask for evidence that this decision makes sense for our entire Community our children will suffer needlessly if we don't perform our duty diligence for such an enormously impactful decision thank you thank you I'm not very good with the timer so I'm sorry looking down come on up whoever is um would someone like to go oh sorry I didn't see you thank you my name Isa mle I'm a teach parent good evening members of the in for you today representing a large community of parents Educators and residents who are feeling increasingly ignored by the proposals that are being brought forth by the school administration these proposals which directly impact hundreds of families are targeting those with the highest needs and varying those vi economic statuses in our town alarmingly these plans were put together with little to no stakeholder involvement at conception leaving the very people affected most without a voice in decisions that will shape their lives just a few weeks ago teachers and families were made aware of these significant changes and yet we are told that a decision would be made in just a few short weeks a few weeks to decide the future of our schools of our children and of our community when discussing matters with such profound implications a few weeks is not only inadequate but insulting our community particularly young families is already grappling with the challenges of remaining in this town year round the financial ramifications will undoubtedly follow if these proposals move forward unchecked families may choose to send their children to schools in other districts or Worse be driven to leave our community entirely the loss of these families will not only affect the social fabric of our town but also its economic Foundation I urge you to exercise your discretion when considering these proposals please understand that they do not represent the views or desires of your constituents our community is deeply concerned about the rush poorly planned and discriminatory nature of these proposals we ask that you call for a pause of any discussion of closing any elementary schools until a thorough and inclusive review can be conducted it is imperative that we the community have a seat at the table to shape the future of our schools and by extension our town thank you thank you so good evening members of the committee my name is Sarah Mali and I'm here to express my deep concerns about proposed relocation of T ticket Elementary this plan not only disproportionately impacts children disabilities and vulnerable families but it also seems to protect the more affluent parts of town from facing any inconvenience as a parent I cannot stand by while a poorly planned decision uproots my child's education and the education of many others I am not afraid to make noise about this loudly and persistently until this committee has to listen I have the ability the will and the resources to advocate for my child and the family other families affected and I will do just that I'm here and I'm supposed to be under the protection of state and federal law I have a lifelong restraining order for myself and my six-year-old who is a d ticket student unfortunately the person stalking me that's in prison has family that goes to east F has children in it um that's a safety issue for just me that I need to handle um this is this can't stand this is a rush relocation completely disregards the needs of students with disabilities who already face enough barriers you're adding to their struggles with any clear plan in place to provide the necessary accommodations and support this is not just bad planning is deeply irresponsible let me be clear I will continue to speak out I will rally with other parents I will engage the media and bring the this to the attention of anyone who needs to hear it until we see a fair and wellth thought out solution the children in this community deserve better and I intend to hold that the committee as well as a superintendent accountable that approved this thank you thank you hi good to see you different side of the table my name is Bill Dorner I live in East Falmouth where the area is districted for T ticket concepts of a plan this phrase has become a punchline and a meme for someone who has no idea for details and reference to what they're talking about they just expect you to go along with their ideas sadly in my three years of being on the school committee all I ever remember hearing from this superintendent were concepts of a plan every time a new position of program was brought up the full details were never available instead we were asked to vote on new administrative positions programs and changes without all the information in my first school committee meeting the superintendent proposed starting a virtual school we were told that if we didn't act now we would miss the window of opportunity in that meeting phrases were used by the superintendent such as things being put together very quickly and nearly thought through and when pushed for more information we were told we have no data time and time again this pattern continued when asking for the approval of a district Chef we had no idea if that Chef would be part-time or full-time yet we were expected to approve it anyway and many of you on this committee did just that in fact most of you have blindly followed the superintendent down any path she has wanted to lead you along during presentations you routinely watch and listen while only the statistics that are shared that put this Administration in a positive light meanwhile anything remotely negative is Bloss over or ignored altogether and yet the majority of you never call or out now you are looking at possibly eliminating one of our beloved elementary schools because of another one of Dr Do's Grand ideas that has not been completely thought through has been put together very quickly and where there just hasn't been enough data and discussion every one of you has a responsibility to be loyal to the children and parents in this community first and foremost not to this Administration your job is to supervise the superintendent to provide support when needed and to remove them when they have lost the public trust in this community do your J I'm Laur Smith voice I'm a parent of students in M Hall at Morris schools I urge you to please read the letter that they sent yesterday in Po and my two minutes I'd like to highlight that in recent years F public schools have been in violation of mass special education laws because I AP and OT Services were performed in hallways or in trailers M concerns due to a lack in space at our schools unless these proposals clearly state where I AP and OT services will be performed in each building affected they're likely not considering the spaces needed for these Services because the proposals are based on maximum building occupancies for general education this means that these proposals that their pass scho committee is knowingly going into violation of mass DFD special education laws after after condensing student populations and taking T ticket and mor Pond offline will be nearly impossible to re accredit these buildings and school facilities once we've realized that this was a mistake and becoming in compliance with maxc laws afterwards will be very diff so I want you to do full feasibility enrollment and de demographic studies and a building assessment study before any further planning or meetings take place hopefully we've learned from the millions of taxpayer dollars that we've wasted by not doing these assessments prior projects like installing wind turbin tickle borts but in this case there would be detrimental consequences to um the already poor academic performance of our um of our schools especially for our most vulnerable students with the highest needs again please read my letter in full for the details and thank you very much for your time thanks thank my name is I'm a student I do not agree with this navigating the future I learn better in a smaller class size my teacher has enough I to focus on my siblings will not benefit from this and they will not be impacted the most stop and think about us take our opinion is it's our future and not yours good evening guys my name is Paul Kirk and I'm the father of three boys currently enrolled at T ticket Elementary I'm here to voice my concern over Dr door's proposal to emergency ticket element in order to create an early gr Center a t while I understand the need to expand our current pre Services these proposals have raised more questions than answers there are too many specifics to talk about here but among the most concerning issues is the rush timeline and lack of public awareness this was announced weeks ago and there are still many people in the Bal community that do not know about these proposals or fully understand what's being proposed despite request many of the community forums to disc have not been allow the community as a whole access to hear the the concern voiced by the staff and parents this issue deserves more conversation and Outreach in addition there's no been no pre feasibility study done to fully grasp the challenges of Rise as we try to make a major change in our current School structure I ask that we as a town take a pause to allow time to have a pre feasibility study done and to fully engage the community and the school staff that will be most effective by this change but also the family community as a whole we need to give the buildings need committee more time and more information to make an educated recommendation to the school committee the timeline proposed is simply too tight to have full understanding of the issues that will arrive in the proposals again while I understand the need to for changes in our school system the community deserves more time and more information to base these decisions on so I ask for a pause to this merger until we can find an equitable solution for for all students in a fair process that fully engages with the community thank you thank you my name is KK and I'm the mom to boys they in first second and third grade at ticket I also work in the tip program um with children who are on three weeks ago a bom was dropped on us that three timeline proposals all have problems that will only affect the children children from T ticket in East the first proposal will squish my children into one building and they won't have the same education as they do on the other side of town the second proposal will split up my family and many others by putting our children at two different elementary schools causing chaos with our busing morning routines and different school events the last proposal is even worse you leave my youngest child alone at T ticket for remaining years in elementary school only to be surrounded by three-year-olds four-year-olds and 5-year-olds as a staff member I'm the most evolved that Dr D doesn't have a plan for tip program and has left it out on every presentation and it's our most vulnerable population if you weren't aware East fouth and T ticket have the highest needs in town and we have the low lowest social economic status and we have a huge elll population while Dr dor has set up multiple forums to discuss these proposals she is failed to bring an interpreter to every meeting she has failed to put these so many families have child we're asking what's the rush why can't we pause and make sure that the children currently enrolled in these elementary schools are taken care of before we create a whole new program that so many children would be offered thank you good evening I native who chose to move back to this town to ra my family I have four boys and th I went to school in this very building and all four of my children have attended East fouth and T ticket all four of my children have received special education services I stand before you representing families School staff residents and most importantly children who are being ignored by the current School proposal these proposals were created without the input of the community instead we're being told we can voice our opinion on already formed plans and the public disapproval is increasingly being quieted and ignored there have been no option given to us to pause or reject these proposals all while we're told a decision has to be made by staff this month and by the building needs Committee in in November by the rush we need more data on how this will impact our community I am to support a pause to these proposals while an independent pre feasibility study is completed these proposals are meant to to address a town issue of declining enrollment but Target the part of our community with the highest special needs and low socioeconomic status instead of an equitable Town response to a town problem this is discriminatory as a parent to children with special needs what does this say about how our town values these children my children is this a safe plan for the town's most vulnerable a pre feasibility study can address so many questions cost to convert Clos buildings traffic sits infrastructure concerns and more so why would the school committee not be open to doing this will choosing and ex will closing and accredited school that we may need in the future result in families leaving the district to avoid overcrowded schools or choose choosing to school choice their children will special need students like my own have to go out of District because the town can no longer provide them adequate Services I have a child in the tiip program and this is a a big concern for me all this will cost the town money if these things occur I urge you to pause these proposals in order to get the data needed to make an informed plan for the entire community of f i support progress and the preschool but let's do this thoughtfully instead of Hast hastily this is our children and our community my name is Julie IM Weldon and I'm a parent a student at eastbound La School I also business owner of a family program located in East prior to opening my family child care I was a director of a center based preschool on Martha's Vineyard for many years total of over 22 years in teaching and administration in early childhood education I would address the fouth plan in fouth we all have a very robust Early Childhood Care Community licensed through EDC there are roughly 12 Early Child Care Centers three of which in are in East fman a new center called SE Stars Early Learning Center will be opening this November there are also roughly 17 early family childcare programs 15 are located in East valma in all of the programs I spoke to no one is in favor of this proposal most of the Early Childhood programs currently are full with infant and toddlers and have plenty of openings for three four and 5-year-olds when you say you have a wait list for current program I just want to clarify for the public that most all parents call every program they can find and put their child on one or more lists I have a weight list of parents who haven't even given birth yet having a weight list doesn't really mean people are literally without care if you call those people and ask if their child is enrolled somewhere I would bet 90% are currently in care somewhere the opening of an elementary school sites preschool is going to be a huge challenge to make successful working parents need more hours than what is offered they will need before and after school care which is not provided they also would need Transportation which is not with this program will this program be opened year round or all these families be scrambling in the summer because they aren't enrolled in a program that is yearround how about school vacation teacher development days with this will this program still be open and providing for care for families who work understand the current integrated prek enrollment for model students is not being met and May in be in but what is it due due to cost and lack of transportation is it due to a more mobile population or because families have other over 30 Children Care Child Care choices in fth or switched to homeschooling which Skyrocket if you can please finish your thought cuz you're over for 2 minutes oh sure or and if it's written down you can also give it to us and then we can all read it of course um who's going to suffer these changes and does it justify creating a new center dislodging entire student populations to provide something that is already available to community honestly there has not been given enough time to consider all the ramifications intelligently and adequately which begs the question who is this really good for is this good for the kids or for the bottom line of the my name Isn I'm a parent with three kids in the family school system I just wanted to comment on the way that the last nav the mauture one respond I don't agree with having us write questions on index cards it's an open form and we felt silent and restricted the more we feel this way the more we feel you're hiding something the fluctuation needs to go both ways if meeting time to go 3 hours meetings have to go 3 hours it is just this is a tight deadline and we need as much questions answered so we all can navigate through this together thank [Music] you so I don't have a spee prepared or anything um I just want you to know this is my son hi name my name is Pamela Pam I'm a very new member of this community my lovely 5-year-old son um so I am not of a low socio economic status I am very privileged to be even sitting here today I am privileged to sit here there are many that are not now I entered F I went to two Early Child Care CS my problem was when hmer hit I had no child care I had to go all the way to Maran not only because I couldn't find child care because my son has selected me to them meaning that these people these staff members are his family when I'm not there they're his family so when attrition comes his family goes to so I just want to note that when you say there's a low birth rate there absolutely is it's too expensive I don't want another myself but the problem is is that the rise of special needs resources the excuse me the need for special needs Services have gone up the resources have not if we relocate my child with many others like him many others like him who could not secure neuros site testing therapy because we do not have providers down on this cave we don't have them even in the South Coast I work for a large Healthcare System like I said I am privileged I can't even receive that how are we going to help the people who don't have any resources I have I've seen so many in this community myself personally so we have children who grew up during Co who more than likely need an IEP but they're not going to get it until they get to school and if the school staff and under resource and slammed together held on by a prayer we're failing our children and I implore you to please not fail my son thank you is there anyone else in the room for public comment yeah come on up all right so good evening uh most of you know me by now my name is Kevin Ryan I have two kids in the gtk school uh one child who will be in the school system shortly and one child on the way I'd like to talk about the elementary school so I spent the day looking at US Census records for our town according to the assessor records these schools were built in the late 60s and early 70s that's when our census data shows a town population that was much smaller back then our population was about 16,000 people as of 2020 our population is now more than double that 32,500 people these schools were built when our population was half the size it is now I would argue these schools are already overcrowded I would argue that this plan will stretch our schools even further I would argue that the data that is being used to show our population decline to justify this proposal is not an accurate representation of the population these schools were built to serve I would argue that the data is purposely being pulled when our population began the peak to show a more dramatic Decline and mislead the people in this town into buying into this terrible plan thank you hi my name is Cara dutler um I'm 28 years old I've been a part of the community here for about eight years um recently um 3 years ago I left my son's father and ever since then I haven't been able to get a place to live here I live in the community I'm a part of the community um I see kids in my store um I see families we Prov provide and it's like I'm one of those parents that don't get the support in the need because I work you know I support myself I support my son and um he's one of the kids that are is in special needs and um I grew up being in special needs in a transition that's happening like this still need mentally and um I just want to point that out and I'm grateful for the people that have helped me and has helped my son um yesterday there was an open house and there was a binder and seeing my son being able to write when he was born and we didn't even know if he could speak at that time um and that's du to the Staffing to the parents to the community and um I can't be any more grateful but with this transition and the things that I've gone through at his age I don't want that repeat so I don't even live on Cap Cod I've been commuting back and forth for the past 3 years for 40 minutes the traffing construction the car accidents more um Bridge construction is going to be happening too I have to think about that for my son and my son's education and I'm not trying to say that it's a threat I'm just saying that it's a single mom who's trying to co- with his father and is making all the money to provide us to make this Unite that's a healthy adult decision and is D support in that and that's all hi my name is Dory gray my son is um entering kindergarten next September um currently Z for tea ticket we are one of those 12 families on the weight list for PRK that keeps getting brought up over and over and I just wanted to say that as nice as it would be to have that I don't want to rush that prek in the expense of his future and his future in the public rather continue where we are um like the other person said there is available preschool out there even though you have to pay for it I would rather do that and know that the future in the found School Sy is secure we moved here from New York City 3 years ago in large part so that he wouldn't have a lot of the problems that I had growing up in a very um packed school system so um again I would love a pause just so we can make sure that this decision now isn't rushed and that our the future of our children in the school as the next you know 20 plus years C hi I'm Jen McCarthy I have three kids in the F school system and um I just want to I want to thank you all for taking the time and letting us all speak thank you I really I really appreciate that I just want to talk about how T ticket had preschool so my twins they're now in fifth grade they went to tea ticket when they did two years in preschool and tea ticket and then kindergarten through four so my daughters were there for seven years and I can't tell you how great it was for them to be able to go to preschool there and then you feel so familiar with whole building to go through Elementary and then Amelia she's in second grade at T ticket she did two years at preschool at T ticket as well having the preschool in the elementary school made it was made so much sense for my fi you know I didn't have to take her to a different school I didn't have to go pick up different kids they were right there in the same school and uh and I think the idea of a universal preschool that might be a fabulous idea it really might be but let's do the research first to find out I think that having a preschool in each Elementary School would be beneficial for families I know that you say that it's not beneficial for the teachers or the program or I'm not even sure what but it's very beneficial for the children and the families and that's who you're supposed to be you know here for so I just wanted to say that and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen to this to the T ticket Community it means a lot thank you thanks Jen [Music] hi my name is Sarah um I live in found 21 years I have three children one at Lawrence one at Mor Pond and one in third grade at T ticket and I've been a volunteer at T ticket for 10 years um I'm asking the school board is a customary for a project of this magnitude cling one school while keeping another half vacant is it is it normal not to have an independent pre pre ility study in order to obtain the data needed for such drastic changes I know there's one for the Lawrence school project but I'm wondering why there's not one for this huge change as well um a feasibility study would address many concerns for example how would the traffic pattern and flow be affected inas when adding an entire School population to an existing one um number two te ticket e schools have the highest low income percentages and highest children with special needs how will this school compare to the other schools in town that Equitable while making these changes create a public school system that will look attractive to young families looking to buy in FAS um the changes are coming during an election year which um affordable housing is major thing on C Cod and then Mar hey has a few things she's going to put through if she gets elected um how do we take all that into consideration when we're trying to plan for the future of our children with past Community projects like Lauren School ball courts wa for buns shouldn't we pause and look at a feasibility study beforehand and I will repeat myself you should pause until all the data is collected a comprehensive study has been facilitated and all concerns from the taxpayers have been heard and addressed instead of Silence thank you for your time I'm actually G to get up and just read my husband's uh I don't think he sent it to you but it was an email he wrote and I'm just going to go up and read it so you may remember me from the tea ticket for my son actually got Alice and Lucy sorry so it's say dear school committee members my name is Sean Lucy and he would like to be here right now but the other kid has some and I writing on behalf of my wife Allison as well I am a town meeting member for precin nine and father of two boys in the found school system I'm writing today to express my concerns over the proposed merging of and closing of schools in found I'm particularly concerned over the manner in which these decisions seemingly have been made without any Community input while I appreciate the recent Community meetings that have been held on the matter they are presented without any real chance for public input into the process but more as a means to notify the public that this is happening my youngest son is a first grader at T ticket and will be greatly affected by these changes it would be good to get some answers on What really is happening and why I'm aware that enrollment is down but when but then why is there a need for a full dedicated a full School dedicated to a PRI to school age children what will happen when families move into the affordable housing that is under construction and enrollment goes back up it is very concerning to hear that East found with the te ticket will be merged without enough room for specials like art and music to have their own spaces I believe we should be enriching our children's ED sorry I'm not a good public speaker I believe we should be enriching our children's education not stifling it in a way that makes it difficult for them to focus on the task at hand I would hope that a bare minimum the school committee should consider distric thing the entire town so that the pain is felt evenly across the district and specialist can still have their spaces shine personally my family and I are considering moving our children out of the family school system to one that will cater to the students needs and not to save money I am fortunate that I had the ability to make that choice but there are many families that won't be able to make that choice for a variety of reasons the town needs to consider the financial implications of students who will elect to will elect to select school choice and move through other districts I hope that this issue is a is as high on your priority list as it is for those families that will be affected T ticket like all of the schools in our district is a family which makes this Rush process seem all the more hurtful thank you welcome anyone else in the room um we have one person on line right can you promote Tanya Oliver thank you hi Tanya if you unmute we'll be able to hear you hope I actually was not I'm just watching the school committee meeting I have nothing to say okay that's fine thank you I just was raised I'm just no worries you're off the hook um any last public comments I oh yeah come on up good evening um my name is Kelly deina I'm a mom of two students that attend um T ticket and another attends more um I'm a resident of th I born and raised in B Clipper went attended East th attended North more I'm Lawrence High School I'm also a TA in the chip I love my job my children and then there's my other children um I just asked that you think about the students in the tip program structure stability most of them are non-verbal and can't speak up for themselves so I'm doing this for them please think about this pause let's make it right hello I'm Sarah Colona I have a son in mors pond and two in T tiet and I don't have enough information um that I could select all these options that have been thrown at us um but my just standing back looking at the whole plan is my question is let's jump ahead and say that the building committee uh we we have all these suggestions that say yes it does warrant only three elementary schools uh that's where our enrollment is and so I'm I'm willing to sit and listen Maybe agree with that however why is it that only T ticket and East fouth students and families are being affected by it why are we not redistricting the entire town and just uh the lower income the higher needs Etc um just something to consider it just seems very um you know that it's directed there and maybe you're expecting that we wouldn't speak up but we are and um I just think that is it's just not equal so something thank you okay last call we can have one more person then we'll be at an hour anyone else all right thank you so much for for taking time to come and um you know we really do appreciate you for letting us all absolutely I asked she said no didn't she didn't I ask do you want to leave come andish she come back to the next meeting have a good night turn yeah okay um so we'll move on to um the update on the budget and specifically about transportation funding thanks more colors colors the colors are wonderful does make it a lot easier makes it a lot easier oh wait get one okay I want to make sure it didn't skip her wait here's this one too we have extra yeah we do all right you know let's give them to the public so they can see uh all right Paul which one are we starting on on the the long one many colors okay colors I'm just going to go this we're so early in the year there's not a lot to to tell here so I'm going to on the orange section on the bottom right there just to review our budget is 58 million 222 421 um so far we expended uh about 6 million4 uh through the end of September the bulk of that is salaries um we run about $2 million every two weeks in salaries um and you'll notice to the right of the incumbents column is 4.8 million incumbrances um about half of that 2.1 million is for the buing contract that you see me um there's another million and half dollars in incumbrances with uh our all of our utility contracts Etc and then uh normal supplies put on the technology that's incum as well so uh you know total incumbrances and the expenditures VI to date uh again since July 1st is 11 million 226 to9 so this is again relatively early in the process it's not much to uh to say about it at this stage one month into the school year fair enough all right so we one of the you know things we want to do is dive into some particular topics the first one up here is our transportation this is the last EV contract uh we've been seen as a third party Transportation but they give you the entire picture not only what our BR and day Transportation looks like but are also our inhouse transportation that's used for special education so um in the Box area the highlighted area you'll see that budget uh for our lucini contract is 2258 million that's about 2.1 million is the actual uh monthly not monthly yearly cost of the the buses and then it's about 158,000 in bus late bus runs that take place from L PA Lawrence and high school end Day activities so that's that's the main contract that's uh we we uh bu about 2,271 students uh every single day the next is our in-house transportation and this is special education uh this is both uh prek uh students on RS uh in in town special education from k k through 12 uh and then there's out of District student students that we send uh to other schools for Specialized Care and and so on all total there is about 189 students um you'll see the total there is 1.94 uh million um the 1778 million is actually on the budget and then we have the lease uh for the bands and uh mini buses that we relase um is on the school tuition Evol so uh so the total budget for transportation is 4.2 53 mil um you know inh housee we have uh roughly 26 Vehicles we either own or lease uh um we lease 16 of those four vans All Buses we own nine Vans one bus uh as I mentioned we're transporting about 189 uh students on a typical day and for ltin uh for regular day transportation we have 21 buses that we run uh and uh and that's down one bus since last year one of the biggest challenges I do want to just point out uh is hiring bus drivers uh it's a real dma the reason why we're down one bus this year with lucini uh is because inability to H driver um so that's it's a challenge across the C it's a challenge across Massachusetts it's high it's a big issue um and just wanted to um all right and uh we expect that probably byid mid till late January we'll have a recommendation on a new contract the U the next years do you have any sense on whether or not it's going to be a lot more than our previous contract would guess uh and we have a lot of input and construction on that contract so hopeful that it would be less than 5% okay any questions for Paul yeah I got a question for you about this bus contract as parents have been asking me now for the last couple years about some kind of a GPS GPS tracking on the buses and and not to the parents directly but to the school so then the schools would have an idea of where certain buses are in case of an emergency that kind of thing is that something that you will actually be in in the contract so yeah by the time we uh next year we should have GPS locator and the ability to parents to be able to to go on M and see where that bus is oh how nice so you don't have to like stand in the snow on the curb for like an hour or whatever and you'll actually be able to see it's coming around the corner I ask one more question Paul the uh 216 367 that's the 189 students who get transported out of District No that 216 387 is the leaste contract I'm sorry for the labeling on this no it's I just it's the loose on the uh 16 vehicle is which line item is the out of District transportation the uh or is it all kind of mixed in there uh it is in the sped Transportation contracts special education Transportation Contract Services on 15,000 so it's about 900 per student roughly per year yeah there are other things in there too I oh that's fine okay just going thank you sir all right when you asked uh talked about difficulty hiring bus drives is that for the buses we run or is also for for both than CH okay thank you um and I'm wondering so if that special education Transportation line that 150 that Mike was just asking about where do kids that go out of District that are not um special ed where do they fall like for if we have a homeless student that getting bused to barn or something like that do they or does the no it would be somebody getting bused here yes we how does that work so we would we would pick him up or her up uh and and bring them here so that's within the cost of that blue area okay it's it's within that total cost so we send the B down and pick them up if they were all right I just want I was curious if it was in the in this total is that just for special education or is that for school choice no no no school choice uh for students that are attending from a different District they're responsible for transportation themselves where we have a student that may become homeless family circumstances and they reside now in a different dist District it's our responsibility to pick them M and bring them to ter um you did I get the number right 2,271 kids get transported every day yeah how do you know that number you count them when they get on the bus no I'm just curious how do you know that that's the number of kids that have signed signed up for transportation so uh so every room has a number of children assigned to it every bus ride with number specific student so that doesn't you know if someone absent from school that number change yeah the reason I asked is I don't like seeing the buses at the high school that are empty I mean I just it just I don't know I'm sure you're wise enough that you try to consolidate what you can but sometimes those it's sad one of the areas that we try to work with on The Late buses where we have consolidating and for example Lawrence now shares the late buses high school so you may not be picking up as many students at the high school but you picking up a lot more students at law so um you may may look like they're not coming out scho the just declare for after school after yes not the not the actual day and I I know what you mean no they're in the daytime yeah their license and they're excited no no I understand that I know and but I know there's laws you have to follow to offer it to them and I I get all that and we certainly don't want kids you know and they have to have a space yeah yeah they yeah just just one note before Mar you know a lot of the you know the runs are population of students on these buses is quite high so uh especially in the morning runs not so much in the high school the afternoon but during the initial runs it's quite we're running it full buses good yeah that's great no and I'm only saying it's the high school kids who have their licenses I don't I mean I see the little kids bus when I'm having my coffee in the morning it's one of my Joys you see them know they're all ready to go to school and yeah Mar this is I Come From New York homeless children were transported via the town and and the school systems weren't responsible for their transportation if they were out of District where they responsible for piing them up we do get reimbursed but from the state you do get reimbursed no I just want to check on that because I I thought maybe there was money there that we were tapping into what's a law it's m the fund okay thank you great any last questions for Paul uh well you probably have the next item as well so any moving on to the capital item you all have seen you before this is the the C list that you had approved um that went to the finance committee um and to know just the only exception on the approval list uh was the St you see it highlighted in yellow $26,000 so the storm during um we're going to put that back on the was just an eror uh the good news is that um the finance committee again must be approved I think there was one exension of the entire uh list um and so uh this list will be going on to Tom meeting in November uh again with be one exception of the stor that one's T I'm sorry I missed it that one is taken out yeah was out it did not make the final we can put it on Dat okay but the good news is you know quite important recommendations great any questions about our capital I used to have one effect thank you the the the negated 26,000 I'll ignore that but the gym Skylight and down high school and down to Mullen Hall the chimney repairs that's 28,000 and 44,000 respectively those are just for designs not for any fixing of the of the Skylight or the chimney in the case of the chimney uh for all and Hall this building here yeah it's a Comm of Len F Bears uh to the chimney I didn't bring it with me but there's a picture there a cof pan that uh wraps around the base of the chimney uh and there has to be replaced of swallows of flashing up above the chimney in this building it's the original design rest on uh iron beans and LLY columns okay um and so we're we need to have design Engineers to commend that you know it's safe if when assess it but you know long term it's not yeah I think that my question is more so if it's 44,000 just to design an engineer there'd be an additional and then the same thing with the 28,000 for the gem Skylight there would be an additional Capital request ask once they tell you how much they need to pay Skylight will be all right any other questions about our capitals great we'll hang on to these because um when the pr meeting start this will be a handy thing to have with you when people ask questions about the warrant um we'll move on to the report on uh enrollment and class size are you going to be able to share so awesome okay so okay so this is the annual report um that I do after um October 1 uh of each year um because that is our um point in time of the official record of the enrollment so not moving C on the screen there it goes now okay now it's working maybe it just need to get completely loaded it might the whole thing need May loed okay so here we go so here's the current enrollment the um H I'm sorry it's uh in the top it says 23 24 this is the 2425 school year my apologies for that error um and I will correct that for the record um so balance High School is at 717 Lawrence at 474 Morris pond at 472 East fouth at 190 plus 115 at prek uh Molen Hall at 364 North bouth at 304 T ticket at 238 and we have 44 students um out of District this is per uh the the look per grade um as you can see um we always have a um you know the bubble year the bubble year had you know was a few years ago um and it's moved up it's um at third grade now um the other bubble grade is at seventh oh although it's starting to not look like so much of a bubble um it's pretty pretty much evened out um on that uh section so uh in this you can see um from fifth grade through 8th grade you know you're at um you know a certain level if you look at fourth grade other than the third grade bubble year uh second first and kindergarten um is kind of you know the enrollment has has dropped down to another level and we see that um me are pretty much every year um so here's the enrollment uh 5year comparison enrollment you can see that the enrollment uh continues um to drop um every year 22 went up just slightly um but it has been a steady U decline since 22 um we see that in enrollment from year to year you might have a little bit of an edge up um but it is um a a decrease in enrollment so if you see enrollment this is a 12year look back um for our morson laun and high school um so you know if you look at the high school there was 857 uh students in 2014 there's now 77 excuse me um so forth and so on and you can see Lawrence had 544 they're at 474 and Morris Conan at 592 um a decline um down to 472 um in order to compare um across these grades we did just a Kade of four numbers U because that there were prek in different um years both the T ticket and East thth so we removed um the prek and you can see um the the enrollment uh in the 12year look back um for each uh School T ticket PID for um in 2014 had 321 students now they're 238 um I just wanted to make sure I understood 2014 to 2025 looks like 11 years but in fisal years it's it's 12 years um I mean 2014 to 2025 yeah and fiscal years it is it's the FY yeah yeah at the top we are donate the FY Years thank you thank you for the question no um so North uh uh in 2014 was uh 370 it's now 304 um 2014 for Mullen Hall it was 486 they at 364 and then 2014 um and East there were 359 and they're at 190 um school choice um we give a fiveyear um Trend here um but I'm also going to pass out um this document um that you've received but I just want to um you know this is this is the fiveyear trend of um students that are school choice into our district but um you can see a much longer uh glance of the students that are in and students that um that that actually leave the sending sending students to other districts as you can see uh we we receive uh far more students that come in fouth than students that that actually um exit fouth so the average class size um first I'm giving the average um for the grades and then um the range high and low and then um per the Faba um contract recommended um age uh I'm sorry class size range so in kindergarten um you know we have a 16.9 the range uh lowest at 14 the highest at 19 um the contract actually says uh 16 to 18 we have um uh the the 19 there are three classes at Mullen um that are uh 19 in kindergarten and one at 18 um otherwise all classes are uh 14 15 16 and 17 at the other schools uh we have first grade average of 16.1 a range of 14 to 18 and the recommended is 18 to 20 we do try to stay on the the Lower Side of the range um you can see um we have one class that hit 18 uh the other classes are um from 14 um to 17 in grade two um 17.6 is the average we range from 16 to 19 um the recommended is 19 to 22 we have one class at North at 19 uh in second grade um all the rest are at uh 16 to 18 in grade three uh the average is 17.7 the range at uh the lowest at 15 the highest at 19 the range 19 to 22 we have one class at North in third grade at 19 and four classes at Mullen at 19 um otherwise across the district um they are uh 15 um to 18 and in grade four we have 17.5 is the average uh the lowest range is 14 highest uh 21 the recommended is 21 to 24 um menen is the only school they have four classes at 21 um the other classes um across the district are 14 uh to 17 and then u m and Hall um is um the 21.6 average um at fifth grade and 21.4 at 6th grade you can see the range um which is you know we have uh a Class A couple classes at fifth grade that are above the 21 to 24 um Range but most most of the classes are right in in the range okay so looking at student populations this is a multi the last column was the FAA contract right yeah okay no you said it was recommended well it's recommended in the contract to stay in within those ranges and that is a that contract is an agreement between the um Faba and the school committee okay but even the language in the contract says Sor the language in the contract says recommended because that's why there's like one outlier right that's well I notic outli that's okay so the multilingual Learners um here's a five uh fiveyear look you can see in 2021 uh we had 4% of our population uh and uh uh this year is 7.5 it has steadily grown yeah if I could yeah it's better to do it now I think can we break down this Slide by building because the slide itself is good but doesn't give enough data into where those multilingual Learners are good question thanks I mean I'm sure she can't do it on fly but we'll take a break next time can I assume they're all P speaking or there m m no we actually have um several languages I could provide you the the data the number languages we have in our district Portuguese is by far the largest popul um students with disabilities uh 5 years ago we were at 19.1 uh we are at 24.1 this is um in District enrollment uh if you include the out of District were uh over 25% Mike I'm guessing you want this thing I figured no worries um economically disadvantaged um we um this H this has changed with uh fy21 we were 33.6 we grew in fy22 FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 um is reporting in at 41.3 pretty similar to fy2 oh yeah not for this one if you wanted go no I think I think it's good to I I agree I think it should be for all of them but I have a a question on that so the calculation because I know sometimes the state decides did they change it this year is that why not that I know so we're actually H that's interesting well hasn't the employment rate going up too we yeah yeah I'm just I just find it interesting because I know a lot of times when there's a shift in the opposite direction they changed all right so here's a look at our race ethnicity um we are at 4.98% % uh africanamerican 1.68% Asian 10.79% Hispanic 1.03 at Native Americans 74.2% white um and our multi-race non-h Hispanic uh is at 7.32% did we get Al ask oh yeah yeah assuming it's all of yeah I I totally agree I wanted to okay all right that is the um were there any last questions or did we hit them we going um getting I should have asked it when the slide was up but the uh addendum that you passed out about school choice Trends um that does not I'm assuming so clarify for me please that does not include um students who op to go to vocational or private schools right it's only this a school choice SCH choice choice um would it be possible to get um figures that reflect students uh who do the number of students who do opt for vocational or private schools because I think that that would be an interesting um figure to consider when we're looking at our enrollment Trends so we that the official uh record on that is in January and so I can put that down as a January update thank you right any last question yes just one um how how were the uh like the building cap calculated is that just like by rooms and then by how many CER it's certified the town actually um does it so that um student or that's just like entire population no it is for students so um it's not necessarily just square footage um so when you saw that like menen is lower than some of the other I don't know if you saw that which side um the one that's got the capacities of each building for Elementary so the top each one it says the capacity for the uh for each school it's what the uh town is certified for the schools um just just was using this as a an example even though Mullen Hall is a very large school the way the rooms and the layouts there's quite a bit of space uh like in each pod I don't if you if you walk through you can notice so the capacity for children MH is what what it goes on so the even even though the school may be a little larger it's um well I would guess that also mullen's capacity was probably the most recently calculated and it might be more accurate based on how we educate like whereas East as numbers seems very high when they do that they don't take an education oh they don't care how we teach they're just so much for that sorry um interesting that's what I was thinking the 600 um capacity there was actually 600 students in um East amth in 1994 justs when do we thing when did we start using those trailers in East bman um so uh the two trailers were added in um 2003 uh at East and there were uh believe four okay don't don't totally quote me on this but it was close it was like 464 something like that and in t ticket the two trailers was added the year before in 2002 and I'm not going to guess that number and I don't think I have that I don't no that's okay I just idea r no I don't need to know the exact you know it's some of the data that you know that we pulled when we were looking at everything right on that and so um yes we've been looking a lot of data to keep it all all the numbers exactly so but I can I can get that for you no no no no no no say so much in her fingertips very impressive yeah thank you um any other questions on the enrollment update okay great um thank you for that that was awesome um next up is discussing and acting on the amended school committee um meeting schedule so I had mentioned at the last meeting that um Town Hall discourages meeting on Election Day but we have a meeting scheduled for election day um and I didn't really feel like I should make the call on whether or not we cancel or move it I felt like we all should weigh in on that so um we can cancel the meeting and reschedule it for the next day oh it's yeah I'm sorry it says this um on the agenda it says November 6th but it's a typo it's a typo if you look at your yeah sheet it's November the proposing we should move it to November 6th no we can either move it to November 6 or or we can keep the date that we have and just have you know a short shorsh meeting um that was date you said you could oh birday okay or was it no it was the next Tuesday I think it was the next Tuesday ipoke it would be moving it to the 12th I would make that motion um to so I just I just thought that the committee should make the call on whether or not we keep it or not I didn't feel like that should be my job so you making a motion for which Mike the 12 moving it to the 12th I'll second and Chris and discussion on that so we have two in a row yeah one week and we have the 12th and then next the next Monday but actually a shorsh meeting oh going into oh I think yeah I mean I think discussion yeah please we're talking about a short meeting on November 5th and the town meeting short meeting on November 18th that is eliminating longer meetings to have discussions about topics that oh in terms of time good point yeah a longer meeting is probably a better idea for the 12th but you did say that possibly we could have meeting on November six oh no I had we have a buildings needs committee that night so two school committee members and myself would not be able to yeah and there's no option to move it before that closer to October 22nd I don't I don't know if that'll be better we have a meeting on October 2 we have one on the October 22th 2 the 22nd I'm sorry I don't thear I think so Lori and I had gone through the calendar and looked for another day that we could meet if we were going to bump it and the date we came up with was the 12th because it's no building needs meeting no um there might actually there's no Community Forum there might end up being a pring meeting but we can all work around that um so it was either the 5th or the 12th those are our choices well could be the 29th of October that's what I was wondering well I can't meet that day but I'm not sure I can make um I won't be here for the town meeting and I I'm not sure when I'm leaving but I may not be here for the week before either yeah and I can't yeah that's we settled on the 12th because it was the only date that we could actually both be there I mean selfishly sorry I'm fine um so we have a motion in a second is there any last thoughts on discussion for moving the meeting to the 12 also gives people um uh did we lose Melissa yes so we can just vote in the room so all in favor of canceling the November 5th meeting and instead holding one on the 12 say I any opposed any extensions yeah I'm going to because I don't know if I'll be here 12 okay fair enough so that passes with one exstension and we will get this updated on the um website as well so that people know when they're Mee thank you guys um next is acting on the overnight field trip to mdl um want just before before we um though I just want to give a little um information um so from December 9th through the 11th 16 uh students from pth high school will take part in an amazing 3-day science experience we have often had um the students come and present after um this nvl um experience um they actually stay uh at MBL in uh Woods Hole the students begin their experience on the morning on Monday December 9th at 8:00 a.m. um and they check into um the swoop and uh receive their room keys um there will be two uh students per room uh and then their experience concludes at 5:00 pm. on December 11th I would like to show if I can just a very brief video um Brian he's like what we sleeping he but he knows he has it um just because this is very exciting and this is something I wanted to share um and I'll explain a little bit more on the flip side thank you yeah either there when you guys want to say something about the so these are students from the who benefited from the program uh last year right and now this additional funding will unlock the program to even more students across Cape Cod uh especially the upper Cape uh and BN and sandwich and in nashby but right here uh in fman as well and so if you guys want to you're happy to uh talk a little bit about the program absolutely um I'm Ethan parmentier I'm a junior student at pal High School school and last year I had the privilege of taking the high school Discovery program uh right here at NBL and this very grown fact and it taught us a lot of crucial things um it gave us a lot of uh direct experience with lab discipline um laboratory practices in general but also a lot of experience in the specifically the field of microbiology was the focus of this year and so it's actually unlocked um for me and a lot of other students kind of an elevated level of passion um for Science and it's really important that we keep this going for future generations and for more students um so that more people can be a part of our story of learning more about the world that we inhabit and he just did that off the top of his head impressive what you like to say hi I'm Kaye Shaw I'm a senior at home with high school um I like Ethan did this last year um you did a really good at talking um other than being in the lab and being focused on all the work that we did um having the experience to be able to go around here and just looking Outdoors as well and going into all the different research facilities and understanding more what they do here at MBL and um I think that this is a very good experience I'm now talking this is what I used for my college I thought this experience um changed me a lot and I hope that I can take that into the future congrats that's so can't say it better than what the students really wanted to share that so they change the um the focus each year and this year um it is um its organisms are subject to a wide range of environmental stresses such as temperature changes food limitation High population density and exposure to chemicals how organ organisms change adapt and evolve to meet these challenges so this is an aquatic um uh experience this year and so um but along with that why they were all together at MBL is that um they were granted $200,000 um by representative Dylan Fernandez and state senator um Susan Moran um had WR to make sure that this program um is supported uh and so it's it's a great program I think this is our fourth year now now that we that our students have participated and so I just want to share a little bit more about the the program it's exciting and this just as a testament too of our partnership with um MBL amazing any questions for discussion make a motion to approve this yes you do right yeah is there a second you do it you what what do you want to say just one question on um I think it's the second page yeah the page three right rather uh field trip attendance sheet my only issue with this entire thing is time leave in FHS December 9th Time returning December 12th yeah yeah I don't know what the question it says 9th 10th 11 then the next line down says returning on the 12th so what are they doing those must be the night right well the night of the 9th 10 those are the overnight which because it's that's why you're voting on it so they coming back on the 12th not the 11th yes but those are the overnights right 9 10 and 11 and because it's in state right you you have to approve overnight trips I think my question is that does it go 9 101 or does it go 9 10 11 12 they will they end on the 12th at 5 o' on the 12th okay yes but they stayed three nights they stayed the 9th 10th and 11th they should probably change the date of the trip to 9 to 12 and probably that's all it is yes got it any other questions about this uh all in favor of approving did you have a question no oh sorry I saw your hand uh all in favor of approving the field trip to mdl I any um any any sorry any nose any extensions great thank you so much next up acting on the masd delegate um I don't know if everybody at thought to look at their calendar um ahead of this but MC's uh joint conference with Mas is coming up and we always send a delegate to represent us and if you've been getting the emails you'll see that there's a lot of prep work for the um the things that the delegate will then vote on and they're coming up in the next week so we figured we should get it on our agenda and identify who was going to represent us at the conference is there anyone that knows they're going to be there I'm I'm going to you're definitely going to be there and you're going to be there as well are one of you willing to act as our representative our delegate you did it last year didn't you I did it last year Glenda I thought you said you were going to do it this year I I'm actually working at the conference I'll be there but I have to sta a table educating so I can be the alternate though Glenda would you like the opportunity to do I'm happy to do it but I would defer to Margaret's experience on the committee so well if you'd like to do it believe me you're well that a little scared but I will I will be happy to wonderful thank you for volunteering uh any anyone else um interested and then um I'm happy to act as an alternate in case you can't make it when is the confence again November the 18th or something early it's early in November first week because I know I'm going to be here GL it's three days go to individual um but actually there are meetings every evening there day you can go to different you don't have to go to all of them um the 6 7th and 8th and I think there's actually stuff on Saturday as well there is stuff on Saturday but it's nothing and if you're there on Thursday you can see Lori present on green ribbon related things yes I'll be there too green to go Blue it's our top all right any fres day you can get free handbags I mean they give all all kinds they give all kinds of anybody needs a handbag I have about 50 all right any last comments on that one all right so um all in favor of approving Glenda as our representative to masd and me as the alternate say I I any opposed any extensions great thank you okay next acting on she so happy that's fine um acting on policies and we will take them one at a time these are the policies that we reviewed um at our last meeting for first read and now we will act on them is there any changes or anything that we need to note actually I think there is there's a blue line in one of them um that was actually Kelly's suggestion at the last I always have always it's not it's not in the first one back side of thank you so that one is okay AC so we'll take that which one it's not in the first one okay there's no changes in um the AC ACA or ACR so we'll take those we have to take them one at a time right you do yeah well okay so here can I ask you a question and I I wrote down pages but these aren't pages so uh and one of the um and one of them it says uh the director you services do we have a Director of Human Services or is that the Director of Human Services for the town no it's it's our director of Human Services reporting on something I I can't remember um why did know can you help us here oh wait a minute I can because I did say um it's sex based was it number in your um oh I can look on the it was numbered in the packet online it's at the bottom of ACA I believe Margaret on the ACA page on the left hand side it says sex space and in the bottom it says Title 9 coordinator compliance officer is that look no yeah but that one is correct director of student services yeah no that's all correct don't but it should be tight should be numbered yeah I'm pulling it up um what page did you have in I think it um what did your note say um I have page 22 but it might be before that because then I decided there were pages ined but I think it's before that but it's under um sex based harassment which a sexual harassment you sex based discrimination in ACA so ACA is non-discrimination on the basis of sex um then we have I think it' be it's I'm sorry it's what s I think it's one she's referring to is somewhere within acab call you can search in the document I think so y acab so suspects discrimination and harassment I think it's somewhere in there it says the just the regular it's not high not but it was somewhere but that was a person and you thought it said Human Service Director of Human Services okay I didn't see that I searched for the term and it doesn't pop up page 20 uh 22 okay so for page 22 in the packet the top of it says starts with East Falmouth and it has Sonia and then director of student services Sandy Director of Human Resources is that what you mean yes okay so um this is It's HDR page three of ACR that begins East F ACR P three okay the page that begins East fou okay so the in the paragraph the first paragraph inquiries concerning it says complaints may also be directed to the Director of Human Resources which we no longer have that's what I talking thank you for catching that we got there no thank you we will um that's okay should we just strike that an option or do my job you just take out director up because the complaint would actually go to human resources for the come to me and I would okay so that one you director up director up okay what what when do it begin because there's another word I wanted to take on delete means um what page where are you have the page I you have to tell me what page you you know it's so hard and the new Mar tell me what page you're referencing and I'll tell you what where here in this paragraph in that same paragraph okay that um yeah I found the policy so it's it's a few pages over which one okay one would be on the third page that for acab right that's what I'm for back okay okay okay so I think that probably in the interest of time what we should go ahead I'm sorry no we we can we can come back to them at our next meeting if if it's something that we need to address but okay what's page 22 page 22 is the one that begins East fman at the very top of the page it's the one we were just on under AC it's page three of the ac- AC page right you go to AC it's the other page AC before all the yellow highlights yeah look like this okay and then it's right at the top of that page there the are you looking for another instance that no no no this is fine okay so are we good then with AC M okay so is there a motion to approve um a policy AC non-discrimination I'll move that and second second thank you any discussion on that one all in favor of approving AC say I I any opposed any extensions am Iain on that one sure no okay so then we have ACA thank you so much non-discrimination on the basis of sex was there any edits to that one Margaret did you have anything on that one or is it just the ACR I have a I have a question okay okay if I'm reading this correctly does this say that a person who who does not want to participate um to participate in the process is cannot be discriminated against is that what I'm reading right yeah I'm sure that's true because you wouldn't want to penalize someone if they're not willing to okay that's what I'm asking okay thank you for sure um uh any discussion on ACA all in favor of approving ACA non-discrimination on the basis of sex a any opposed any extensions exension please okay and then ACR has the edit that Margaret just brought um striking director of the I'm sorry the director the sentence just reads got it um is there a motion to approve that with the edit I'll do that thank you Terry second second thanks Katrina and any other comments or um questions on ACR okay uh all in favor of approving ACR say I I any opposed any extensions one Obion please and that passes as well and then acab is this did you Margaret did you find no just one with your um back side of of the first yeah there is one edit on there but it's as it as it as it is in your packet is there a motion to approve it as is in the packet Terry second a second thanks lenda um so Margaret did is this one okay then y okay awesome any last comments on that one all in favor of acab say I I any oppos any exensions any exensions no no I voted I for this one okay just checking I had an issue with the non definition of the other one oh okay got you yeah um that one's unanimous thank you so much much okay moving along more policies first read on a whole slew of policies uh preschool meal School nutrition civil rights District security data what is data and um who's taking policy question on our first release only representative of the right now no you're not you should do it you're so experienced and why no but Lor Lor's good at summon Su up better than me yeah can I so well just no I mean I'm not I'm not saying that all I just wanted I wanted to point out that um EFC uh efd um and uh the EF uh we have to change for legal reasons right there's U that and then the others are mask um recommended so EAA ehb are just um recommended by mask so I just wanted to kind of separate that that we have by law we have to change the the first three so now we can take questions and ter will be good at answer so the only question I had was that the free the universal free um School meals implies that this is going to last do we do we have do we know it's going to last and if it doesn't are we just going to have to go back and change it again um we don't know we certainly we I think the intention of the administration is always to to continue but it's but our policy isn't correct the way it is okay so even if we have to change it every year our policy should reflect of what's Happening that was my only so we'll just have to adapt if they change it back one of the beauties of being brought into the masc is they have tools that pop those things up so we can keep track of them so so the weed L we miss things I mean no it's part of the package deal yeah trust me it's worth it oh I believe it yeah I did one year stint on policy anything that you guys need I'm I'm sold um okay so that's just our do you want do we need to is there anything you want to say about this the lunch ones um not really they reflect our current practice and then the last ones on um civil rights District security and data yeah I mean this this reflects what we're already doing um it's just nice to have the since mask uh recommended just I think giveing children food so that they can learn in school is just absolutely essential and I cannot you know support it enough agreed agree okay so if you have any last thoughts on the those policies they'll come back to us at our next meeting um to act done but you can send them to policy sure I joked around one meeting about making um Katrina in charge of collecting edits and things but if Margaret finds those along the way you can email them to me I mean because it's easier for us to take care of that in the policy than to have the whole group looking through pages so I'll put I mean it's I'm good at the letters now aren't I answering things so um if anybody has an edit like that just pop it over and we'll bring it up to the subcommittee yeah I just wasn't sure because there may have been someone else name directors of Human Services fine to ask no but that's that's the thing that we we should be doing to not save time did you my close it and open it back up again that's what I always my notes are on it okay well you sort your computer we'll jump ahead um and do routine business and then come back to the superintendent update and she feses the computer um so we have routine um just all we have is approving the minutes from September 24th so motion to approve the minute you have a question no I oh you made the motion sorry I couldn't hear noise um in a second any edits to the um you I think I had something I'm trying to find it I'm not so sure it's the charger it's been doing this lately yes I had one edit um so in the motion for moving into executive session um we usually say so it says with respect to negotiations with Union Personnel we usually have like a parentheses or something that just says FEA or whatever the union is I just want to make sure we identify it so we're not going back trying to figure out who it was we were talking about where is um right in the mo at the very top the very first heard Kelly Welch open the public meeting move into executive session oh I see I just want to make sure we name the union so after Union Personnel it would say FEA because that was the union we usually say it in the in the motion any other adits uh all in favor of approving the minutes from September 24 say I I I any opposed any exensions that's unanimous as well great thank you so much okay no computer for you yeah but I got it okay I can use my phone it's just I'm worried about my all right uh superintendent update all right so navigating the future together um what I won't be able to do it look but uh if you go to the website um we did put out our first set of um frequently asked questions um so there's a think remember how many okay well that's good you look it up on the website I don't know if you were had a chance to read them or if you had any questions um each week we're going to try to put up um some new questions um frequently Asked is the key um okay so uh it's a new tab at the bottom I sent it out last week in the letter um I don't know if you want me to go over any um all of them if you read if you have any questions um how you want to do it I just wanted to let you know that we started answering uh some of the questions um I I will say that uh you know on the you know the space size um I definitely want to say class size will not go up on the space at East we did uh mention in here um about uh the dedicated spaces the concern was Art and music uh thank you I'm sorry and um you know I mean we definitely want art and music in if it's uh thank you Ryan uh you know I mean if the the one year and uh I I'm going to talk to um uh the building needs committee tomorrow night because the one year has pretty much you know I think we've gotten a lot of feedback on the one year um if we could take that off unless it's the one year with the alternate of moving the kindergarten over because no one's interested in in having our music you know out of the rooms um but we did put in the option here I just wanted because we had not talked about it here that we could do modular uh for the first year if that really was the most popular um space so we were we answered it that way we're definitely not pushing to go that way um but that was something new and I just want to make sure that that we told so I think that's the different everything else I think we talked about um we uh brought in about the the we would definitely add a preschool play ground um to the T ticket school if if this goes through um and I don't think there's anything else that we haven't talked about here but if anyone has any questions let's put the numbers in there um oh no this is a really important one that we haven't talked about the um each proposal is independent um and and that's been a lot of questions at the Forum so um you know it one and you know two may not be you know considered but three four and five could be right so I'm just saying or could be just five right the renovation of Lawrence or could be they're just independent decisions and I just they're not it's not all or one and I just you know really wanted to clarify that that's the other pie can I ask one question about navigate in the future is there a reason why we're not doing a feasibility study I mean you have select board members saying it the Enterprise editorial said it these parents social media the the dozens of emails we're getting I don't feel comfortable voting for any proposal unless we get that done because you don't know there was a woman here today talking about the wind turbines great idea cost us millions of dollars I'm on the rec committee the pick a ball we didn't do a sound study that was shut down for a year so I don't I a question or request but I agree with the parents with with the select board member with the paper that we should be slowing down and getting more data I mean that's one of our goals as a school committee is to make data data driven decisions and this does not feel like that to me and I think that's my only question is why aren't we doing that so um so the feasibility study uh from msba the the um Massachusetts school yes so that so that is a required feasibility study um in that uh we even search for districts that when they're um looking at schools or looking at enrollment um there could be A needs assessment done and I just don't want us to confuse a feasibility study with A needs assessment have we done that so we we did that internally and if that is something that um the school committee wants we can certainly have an external um needs assessment completed okay I I for one would like that so we have the data to actually make these decisions and I will say one more thing which is on a personal note that little kid who was here today when he said you know this is our future I think that's who we kind of have to be making these plans based on absolutely the data and that's all that's so a me assessment study whatever has to get done to actually um and then I don't want to get too into the weeds here but the Morse Pond has no purpose right now if this plan goes through so there is a way to to do the preschool at the Morse Pond and then leave the other districts other schools together I just think that there's there's too many balls in the air to make an actual decision on this and this is early in the process but that is my feeling okay on the subject of children um all the children are not I mean we look at the classrooms and everything and these are the widgets we're moving here we're moving here and we're in involved in all these things but those are little people and those little people here and um I just want all of us I'm not saying anybody in I we all should be aware of that they here things and um I bumped into a little kid at one of the forums and she said I said what are you doing here so I'm playing in the gym but they're making us move to East malmouth and I thought wow this little kid had this Aura of um angst you know and I thought until we finally come around I just think we ought to just realize how much it affects their everyday life and we don't want to add angst and ruin this year for them so I just I know that's just something when you said kids it was the kids thing that struck me really hard so do you have something yeah um I have two things number one I think that the the notion and I understand that it was a long standing committee but the notion that this is a a buildings committee makes it sound like we're concerned about buildings and not kids and I think that's a misnomer it is a total misnomer and I think that's a real problem the other thing is uh since you mentioned the feasibility study I did follow up to find out if in fact there was money from the town because that's what was said um if there was money for a feasibility study there is not money for a feasibility study that was that was incorrect uh and I guess so then I want to ask if we're going to do and I I'm fine with the needs assessment I just want to know where that money's coming from because I don't want it taken away from teachers and I don't want what it taken away from students and so where are we going to get money for A needs assessment who's who who does those kinds of things and how much is it going to cost us because we have to be physically just my back maror can I just want to make sure if anybody else has got something before we come back to you um okay I have um three things I agree about the needs assessment I would like to find out how we would fund it but it seems like the community vocally would like us to make sure we've done our due diligence and having an outside um entity come in and do that might take care of some of the anxiety and also for myself I would feel better if we just had you know a really comprehensive look at it um the other thing is I would love to have an update at every meeting from the building needs assessment committee um and access to the minutes in our notes or something like that um I think it would be really valuable to have weekly not weekly but bi-weekly updates from them that the public can see if it's a person in person with I think that would be great if it can't be then a written update would be great maybe that will assure people that that's a transparent process that's happening in real time and not something we're waiting also I don't want to wait until December no I agree I to find out about it um I just forget all right we go to m and come back to you oh um so I didn't know that we would be having a a discussion about this I thought we would just listen to the superintendent updates but um but since we are um my question throughout this process has been I know the topic of redistricting has come up repeatedly and as a new member of the committee I was not involved in the past subcommittee that examined that and I've heard that that is not a viable solution and it very I I take that as as a fact but I do feel that it would be helpful to me and helpful to the community to hear to dust off that report to um be reminded of why it is not a viable um alternative because um I think that that is kind of a missing piece in the in the case that that's trying to be made so I would just um as we're putting our wish list of things that will help us to decide I would I personally feel that I need that information that's great thank you that was my other thing oh yes I was I was asking if we could have um a repeat of that open Forum just so that people I know it was not well attended and I wasn't part of the school committee last year I didn't go I didn't know about it like Glenda I don't know the information about the redistricting and maybe if you were able or we were able to host that event again it would be well attended this time and it might just educate all of us that was yeah that was one oh also tip students that came up so many times I've heard that so many times that should be part of the needs assessment if that is the highest yeah I think probably theing question would fall into into that as well into needs assessment I would guess yeah yeah TI students it came up again and again and that the um autistic students and their needs and are we going to address that or so can I just respond to that I mean the TP tip students have been the Forefront from the very beginning and we have been talking about different options it actually is you know what's best for the tip we we plan on meeting with the tip families uh we've met with the tip um staff and um so that's a part of this process and only because um there are a few options on the table um that's come out of both our discussions at the administration but then also uh talking with the staff that we haven't come forward with a a plan it's not that the tip kidss aren't at the Forefront as all of our students um in any special program or you know any students with disabilities that that we consider consider that so I just you know just want to make it clear um but that takes a process we would never leave that out of the the process I so just so you know but we're still in that process of of coming with a a recommendation of what we want and we've put several things out um as to the benefit of um having the East and te ticket uh tip students at East you know with the move but having two programs in the district and so the North and the malen hall um tip program uh actually being housed here at Mullen Hall and um and that when you look at the numbers it's it's pretty much SLI split down of homeschool here and then there's more students here um it's it's their home school um than North and it it is but we've also been considering but do you do you keep all the current students together and then just the new the new kids coming out of uh prek and rolling them into the kindergarten at the two sites right and then starting the two two programs that way but we're having a lot of those discussions but I don't want to leave out the families on what that might be because there could be as in our discussions that families um may still want to opt in if this is their home District right they could have siblings in this building and if we were to start a program they may want to come earlier than than aging out in in the other program do you mean this mull Hall this building did I say more I said no no I just okay I'm just yeah that's okay so there I mean there's a lot there's a lot of discussion and we just haven't come forth with a plan because we're working on that that piece but from the very beginning when we we were talking we've always considered the tip tip students in this um oh Chris um I am going to come back to you like I promis Terry Terry spoke already so yeah so thoughts kind of going on I haven't had chest to write everything down but um I think from hearing all the families a lot of what they would love to know is kind of those details and in terms of having a a definitive plan in terms of what is going to happen um I think a lot of it is you know because there aren't a lot of details of kind of that planning that it leaves things up to speculation in terms of what's going to happen and you know maybe because of people's own personal biases or or whatnot you know they may not have the best kind of image of the administration or or that they have or that the administration may have their best interest in mind um and you know kind of going back to you know a lot of famili kind of talking about kind of slowing things down um it sounds like from my understanding from some of the different forums that a lot of the push is kind of for the universal free prek program um which which is a a wonderful idea and I think I didn't know know enough in the beginning to really ask questions about it but um you know I'm I just I would hate to go forward with a with this plan without kind of not that it would be possible to iron out every nut and bolt but to have almost kind of like a business plan like a real definitive plan that families can feel like okay they're considering all the options like all the high needs students um you know all the the building space requirements and you know I'm I'm not sure right now based on the data I've seen if you know if we were to go through with this program would we have enough um pre kids that would even be enrolled in this program um to warant it being in its own building I guess I'm unsure of if there's enough need and if we've reached out to the people that would that would need that um and would be committed to to um taking advantage of that program so you know I'm I'm not sure you know I would be willing to kind of make a decision um without that kind of detail um in in January um that's kind of one of my thoughts right now oh it's a sure my question was exactly what Chris was saying some details for me our bottom line is to have the preschool and I cannot Envision what it looks like because I don't know how many classrooms I don't know how many kids across town would change potentially change um so for me to be striving for that goal it's just there's not enough data there either so I would ask to know how many classrooms do we think how many kids are we going to pull from other places in town um is do we want to pull them from other places in town just a more concrete vision of that preschool which is what Chris was saying too I just I just can't picture it yet what it really looks like and I think um all those things seem to be tied to an idea around having someone else outside um review the numbers that we have put together or that we're assuming and have someone else tell us whether or not we're hitting the Mark or not and they might be able to do some of those projections as well does that include an impact study of like for example the other preschool providers would A needs assessment also give us some idea I think it can be whatever we parameters we set they're in our community yeah I would love that to be included there the state is pushing for preschools I mean it's a big push right now so they must have some funds to help help you get one going so maybe our grant department could look and see is there money that you can stipulations on set grants and all that stuff would come out in study I mean to answer Margaret's question who's going to pay for it that could pay for it I would think what were you gonna say Mike I told you I wouldn't forget sorry did you forget no now Terry just stole my thunder I wanted to thank Margaret for looking into that oh okay but then I also had a point of looking back at the these capital Improvement plans and stuff and U I mean we have money to investigate the chimney and whatnot which is great the the Skylight we should be investing and be able to find that money to do this study somewhere and whether the town doesn't have it or not currently there's got to be a way to find said money that's on you y okay last one and then we're going to let her actually finish what she's telling us yeah yeah I I think that would be really important to know um when we talk about A needs assessment What specifically we're talking about and who specifically is doing it one of the most painful things for me at being at some of these meetings is that there's just tremendous distrust not just in the administration but in all of us and that's very painful I don't spend my time here because I you know don't like kids I'm here because I have a commitment to education and the education of our next Generation I might not be around but a lot of you you will be and that's what I care about I care about this country I care about this town and I care about kids and so because there is such distrust I think that it's really important to to know who's going to do the needs assessment and what it's going to be comprised of because just doing it they'll say oh but you got that person or you got this because they're going to you know Pander to you and we don't need that we've got enough bad press right now and it's very painful iost I had a thought it'll come back um okay back the back to okay your update so um so I also wanted to share so the building needs committee um receives the uh the feedback response data um by category so I just wanted to pass this out so that you also see it so this is the uh the first one that was given to the building needs committee and I intend to um after I share it with building needs committee then to bring it to the school committee each time so um this is the preliminary This was um feedback as of September 25th um and tomorrow night um the building needs committee will receive the DAT uh as of you know tomorrow at noon right before the building needs uh committee so this is um but this is the the preliminary look at um for each of the plans you can see the feedback um and then the on the right column is the number of times that that feedback was was given so um you can see um where we are and these are just the ones that are done online or also some of the things that were so this is all the feedback forms from the forms when they fill them out the paper ones and they turn them in and the ones that were online um and um there are two um two emails included in here uh so um I should have said that on the the front but that total data is has a 38 responses are all the emails that we Reed part of this no they're not not yet on the next one they will there were I have I have been compiling them and rather than drill dribble them over so I'm about to I'm about to make a big but I've also been copying them and they will be they are the first set have been reflected in here the next set will be reflected in here as well um for tomorrow night okay so and then the next one we'll get another packet correct um one um so also I uh the there's on the timelines you we gave um the community two kind of timelines to to um to think about so one was the the rollout timeline and at this point I'm going to suggest that we wait on the rollout timeline until decision's been made about that decision can you explain what you're saying right now so we had um the one year the one year with just a t ticket the T ticket and the row out for T ticket and that that was one that we were asking the community about and so I'm going to ask just to pause on that one until we see where we're going um with that um proposal uh the other timeline was the great configuration you know whether five goes to elementary 8 to the high school and it's 67 or is it the true Middle School 678 you know whatever that configur configuration is um I'm going to suggest that um I talk with the building needs committee tomorrow night on about how we can um how we best want to get the the communication back on that that one is a little bit more timely because if we put in for the msba application we have to know what the the gr configuration is um in order to put in application like we can't say we're going to decide this later oh we can't so um so we yeah so we we do need that and we only have a shot of getting this in on January otherwise we're waiting an entire year I don't know in the process because there was a feasibility study during that process if there's any chance of if something would change if we can do that but I know in the initial application and I do want to reflect what the the community and the school committee obviously feels about that so I wanted to move forward with that um sometime in the early November um is to to get make sure we have the feedback and and look at that but pause on the other one when you say pause what do you mean uh on asking the the T ticket and East bouth um Community to give uh feedback on which plan they want um until we make a decision whether we're move moving forward in that direction or not so you're not pausing that whole move I'm not pausing the move I'm just one move one of the feedback on that because if they're wanting if the feedback is going to show right that they um you know that they want a pause on the whole thing then it seems Inon um ingenuous to be asking them how do you want to do it one year two year three year right four year you know if we're considering the paws the bigger Paws I'm just saying I I really don't want to ask um how people are feeling until after we know whether they're moving right and I and I think that makes sense yeah okay makes sense so but the other one is more timely so tomorrow night at the school building news meeting perhaps it would be best to start with the Lawrence School issue and move backwards just a suggestion we can we can certainly well that it's your committee so yes if that's what you yeah exactly so we can we can definitely do that okay just to jump on Sue's point and a point of clarification the mbca M msba pretty close so that Grant or those monies funding for the renovation of the Lawrence can be done completely separately all right that's all I have yeah all those proposals are independent of one another all right thank you very much yes and it and and whatever the the decision that comes out about a renovation lawence I mean there's many approval processes but that getting the application into the state gets the ball rolling it doesn't mean I mean there's a lot of approvals after that but if we don't get in line we're never going to know if they're going to accept our project that's the put the door and then we have accept it then we got to figure it out and then there's lots I mean you know when Paul went over you know there's there's lots of steps right um you know I mean the school committee has to approve town has to approve you know and then we do a feasibility study and then that takes a while and then you come back and then comes back to you to the town to the you know and then and then it ends up on a a ballot vote for the entire Community right so yeah but but if we're going to have any consideration from msba there's there's one shot each year and that's in January and so I'm just saying that that's that's why I want to move forward with that process and that's not to say that that's a done deal it's just to try to get to try get in the CU especially when we're eight years out Paul said8 years try and and then and in in other projects we've done you know I don't know if it's still a criteria but um they want the schools to be viable for 25 years after renovation oh yes that makes sense yeah I just I'm still feeling a little confused maybe I'm just tired so when you say so I understand you want to move forward with Lawrence because that has a timeline that makes sense but are you decoupling The Forum and feedback process for the first two proposals from no no I mean we'll we'll still do we were committed to the forms that's how we're getting our feedback right I mean that's no just when you said pause I think I just was still just on asking the community T ticket and and East Community the roll out plan can I try yes okay you try I know because we're all very very tired so the T tiet Community is the group that will decide how quickly things get rolled out and it doesn't seem to make sense to ask them to tell us how quickly when the building needs committee hasn't even decided if okay so hold on that ask them later and ask about the great configuration first because that's a thing that has a timeline because all proposals are independent of one another that's okay okay sometimes you can just hear what other people are saying yeah I know thank you for helping out there cuz I was just repeating myself it's and late I know uh I got more updates though I know it's late but these are really important things are you moving on from navigate yes okay I I just have one thing that I want to make sure that makes it into the public record is that there will be a zoom um Forum on the 16th on Wednesday the 16th and and it's a zoom only it's a zoom only yeah yes so the just want to make sure that that made into the announcements but I excuse me we really committed to A needs assessment and uh certainly if we're talking about causes or whatever it would seem like what that's going to be and how this going to be done is important before any decisions are made I think that that I mean the building needs committee is going to have to make the list of the things that they really need and then we'll have to come back we can't vote on a need assment tonight no I'm not saying the that committee whatever we call it you know it is a terrible name cuz doesn't reflect it it's actually the people refle buildings that's not we care about we'll rename it next year I'd like to rename it now personally uh but I think it's really important um because I would also assume that we would need information from families about if there is a needs assessment what are the questions that they would want in that needs assessment no I mean if we're going to do it like I said there's such as such dist trust I think it's really important that families be invited to say what are the questions they have because when you say we do another internal needs assessment maybe more of that information should be made public so that so that you know this isn't a fly by night I don't think it was I don't think it was and I and I think that I mean I anticipate that A needs assessment is going to tell us what we what we already think you know it might not or there might be pieces that that are a little bit different but I don't think anyone's going to look at our enrollment and have a dramatically different opinion about our need to PL for the future I just don't want to say that because of the terrible distrust that is laid on us and I feel very badly about that okay Clipper Clash yes Clipper Clash so uh I don't know if anyone made it over to the high school last Saturday but it was amazing and certainly jump in if you have anything to say but it was not what I thought at all I wasn't wasn't sure what to expect but um it was a really big deal like um and so what I thought from the from our student experience we hosted um it was an expo we hosted um the um the from I don't the the event I guess to say and our students got to be staff so they were there and they got to see how it was and so in January they will have an opportunity to participate in an actual and I said expit was an uh ex exhibition it was an exhibition sorry and then um so to be able to have an experience to see what the competition looks like to see what the expectations are going to be I think that that just you know it just increases um the Excellence that our kids so I just want to um just stop going out um so a couple things I just want say so um the benefit to the students were great uh one of the things that we did not know is that the um when you host event that each school that participated brings a gift and it's a gift toward U building a robot and so there was over $1,000 worth of little pieces um that will go into making um their robot so they know that it's an aquatic um topic for January and they got they from January to march to build it um but they don't know the details so the details will come out in January and then like you know so and then they got this I I just found that amazing the other thing I just really want to give a shout out is to FF and it seems like everything that we exciting things that new things that we're doing FF has partnered with us and this was no different um they actually awarded $88,000 to be able to put that on because they saw the value they were also there on Saturday and it was it was amazing so I just want just needed to give another shout out to F FF because they're they're amazing and um I I just appreciate their participation in this event as well as so many others um I have uh here um I just wanted to share you know uh Glenda you had made a comment about the the field trips that we have uh at one time about the field trips we have and I just you know I just want you to have this list of the field trips that are connected to our uh partnership so the the relationships that we were building with Woods Hole and the greater um pouth Community um and this is a lot of um this is Carmela um um and so so just the number of things that um get built around and it's not just the field trip for the sake of a field trip which is what we used to do back in the day but this is a lot of work that is built into the curriculum for students but that students actually have valuable experiences not only in the classroom but outside the classroom and we live in an amazing town and there's just you know um with the cap and islands and all that they're able to do and again um you know we we get lots of brants FF is certainly a part of it um you know the taking the boats we get in kind donations to to get the kids to the islands um there's just it's just such a community um project of making sure kids have these experiences and so I just wanted you to see the the the number of um trips and the number of experiences um with our Our Community Partners that that we have here so thank you that is can I can I just pleas comment so I will repeat myself I think what I said about the field trips was uh in executive session so I want to just go on record to say sorry about that public oh no no no we were talking about something else and it's totally because I'm going to repeat myself um that uh that this community this these field trips are amazing because not every Community has um even allows field trips or even has the funding for field trips primarily because transportation is so expensive and um the fact that there is funding and there are these many opportunities is um something that I hope that the community doesn't or parents don't take for granted because I can guarantee that if you go to another school district these these opportunities are not going to be there so um great great work um I just want to follow up on that too because um I know that that you and the team have spent a lot of time also um making sure that if it's a good enough field trip for one school it's a good enough field trip for them all and so we don't have um we don't have all of that like oneoff where you know everybody where kids get to Mor's pond and a third of them are talking about some wonderful thing that experience that they had and no one else got to do that and I know that a lot of effort goes into making sure that we do have that Equity across the district so the kids have shared exper excuse me experience and um and I'm really appreciative of that Mike just um one comment um and I think Margaret mentioned this from the school plays are amazing the musical Lawrence the high school and more of a suggestion but when I go to High field to see stuff I mean there's rents coming up whatnot we do that New York City Field Trip for a select number yeah High feeli you could it's right there get some more kids down there more students just a suggestion because everything else here looks amazing it is a suggestion that's right here and they're so good yes all right thank you m that's fure okay so the next thing I want to um share is that uh Pou High School um earned bronze level U for the AP um School honor rooll um so I'm going to exp a little bit I'm going to take time to do this so there's three last year didn't we didn't we get recognized last year too we have this is just amazing um but in within this um so we got a silver in college uh culture College culture um is um the percent of students in the graduating class who took an AP exam at any point in high school regardless of the score so um this is um so this is just building the culture of AP courses right so we got a silver in that level and then we got gold in college credit so the college credit is percent of students in the graduating class who scored three plus on any AP exam uh in high school um and um just to avoid the pressure on kids um they don't count um they only count one AP exam but that is so they get a three plus so we got a gold in that area and then our say how many kids we have no okay just curious It's probably the took one yes the took one I don't have just sorry about that okay and then the bronze uh so it defaults to whatever the lowest one is and this is something we have been working on we got the bronze in the college optimization and this is where um you know offering AP courses uh at the 9th and 10th grade level which we are changing that and we do have opportunities now so I I would expect that that's going to increase as well um and so we know we knew that we know you know that that's that's been a that's been an issue but I really am very proud of our school that you know the a College culture the number of AP courses number of students have the opportunity and then the um and then three plus and we've given that report before about how you know we uh outperform the state and and the nation in um AP courses so but anyway so we earned that I just have to give a shout out and then my last one is um you have all of the the high School newsletter at your uh desk and I just uh table desk so there is the uh fouth High School College and Career Fair there it's on um October 16th um you're all welcome to stop in and see it I want to point if you flip back um a few pages it talks you just have to see the number of people that we partner our counselors of the high school are so awesome and the experiences if you look at um all the the colleges that actually come to this Fair it's just it's it's amazing i' literally if you can if you can I know if you can go and attend it and see this and then the next page it shows um all the military and then all the careers um that are also there it is a huge event um and it's it's just amazing to watch so it's um uh it says there it's uh 10:45 to 12:15 on the 16th um anyway I just want to invite you over because it's it's overwhelming the number of opportunities the kids get to to to see on the the college this Grandma College chores this past weekend with my grandaughter did you hit this many no so she's GNA think I'm really cool when I get her and that's my last update for today thank you thank you we have a lot of good things happening in the district very impressive nice to to highlight the good stuff all right we already did routine business so we're jumping right to committee reports anybody have a report uh any requests for information motion to adour what do you need if we get reports when we get reports from the building needs assessment committee is this where they would come in or would it be other I don't think they we that the building needs knows that they're going to be asked that would it come during reports of or would it come with some other thing why don't we figure out how long they are and then we'll figure out where to put them okay yeah cuz I don't know what they're going to be cuz we haven't I don't know okay good did you have a preference no I mean the end of the meeting is not a great time to have definitely not I agre fair enough no that's um who got those Margaret thank you all in favor thank you thanks guys