[Music] all right should be good go thank you thank you Ryan I'd like to welcome everyone to the school committee meeting for Tuesday May 28 2024 if we could off stand to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you everyone kind of a busy house here tonight thank you um this school committee meeting will be in person school committee members and the public a remote option will remain available for community members unable to attend in person join from a PC Mac iPad iPhone or Android device please click the site that's on the uh website which is fth dk12 na- us. zoom. usj 8736 3447 43 to join I thanks appreciate it if there's anyone here making a uh recording could you please let me know thank you Ryan thank you Noel and um Mike could you please read the mission and vision uh FPS Mission the Fel Public Schools creates world class student learning experiences our Clippers are empowered to pursue their goals with curiosity integrity and resiliency FPS Vision Clippers are creative inquisitive and engage learn who participate in their Community as socially responsible citizens Clippers effectively communicate and solve problems that impact the world around them so I'm going to go a little bit out of order because our student advisory is having difficulty Laing on so um that being said I'd love to welcome the new members welcome Katrina H [Applause] everybody and wel GL all right um is she on Ryan I don't see her currently I'm sending the invite directly okay um well then we'll just move on to public comment we'll continue to go out of order uh members of the public are welcome to speak about items that are not on the agenda comment should be limited to 2 minutes in length due to open meeting la the committee cannot act on public comment for items on the agenda the chair May accept comments from the public following the committee's discussion of an item additional comments and feedback can also be submitted by email to school committee fist. k12.us is there anyone here for public comment see none seeing none all right how are we doing with our students we've got dots thank you all is everyone hot I can't find it okay all right um well how about we go on to the presentation of the equity audit by Ma so I'd like to introduce uh Jenny pillow from um Matt um she has been with us from the very beginning um many of you will recognize her she first joined us by Zoom uh many many months ago and um she has been alongside this journey with us this year uh so welcome um Jen good evening everyone good to be here the last time that I saw you Henry was reminding me was U almost two years ago now when I was recording from a Starbucks in Maryland and then I was told I needed to leave so I finished the call in parking lot but I'm very happy to be here with you all this evening um and really excited to tell you about the wonderful work that your district has been engaging in with us um so with that we're going to go ahead and into it J I like to say that we didn't tell you to leave the store told you Starbucks that told me I need to leave because they were closing and did not want to continue spending time with me um so you said I'm with the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium MAAC we are an education Equity nonprofit based in the Bethesda area of Maryland but we work across the country and particularly up and down the East Coast um really our Mi mission is to really promote excellence and Equity to achieve social justice we have lots of areas of work and uh the work that we've been engaging with FAS specifically is funded through a grant from the uh the Department of Education uh it's our Equity Assistance Center Grant this is a project of M called the center for Education equity um which allows us to engage in work with State education agencies local education agencies um and individual schools uh funded by the Department of Education to support um anything and everything related to operationalizing equity um and so we're very excited that through our grant we've been able to partner with you all our goals for this evening this is going to be a very brief overview um and I've been thinking about this as part one of a very intentional roll out that we're doing with the community a lot of this is very familiar to our principles that we've been engaging with this work we've also gotten to give some uh initial information to school-based equity teams and we're really excited that this has been a true partnership um and so for this evening our goal really is to give you a very quick overview of what the needs assessment process engaged in uh a very brief summary of the findings from the needs assessment and to also give you an overview of where we go from here because this is truly a beginning it's not an end where there's lots of great work ahead of us um and so you also have received a handout that has a a thorough summary so what you're going to look at this evening is just a snapshot of things and you will also have access to the full report in a moment so again if what we're presenting today is just a brief summary and then you'll have the opportunity to dig deeper later on we can pause like not receed it yet they were I thought we were receiving it at the end we don't have to have it right now it's okay huh they don't have to have it because you're gonna yeah whatever works for you all I can pass it out but um usually we do it at the end so that we focus here but it's okay this is the sum of we'll be focused we promise and uh what you'll see in the handout is also um a QR code and a link to the full report that will also be in the slides so you'll have multiple opportunities to get the full information um because again I'm only giving a brief overview this evening um before we jump into talking about the the findings uh from all the work that we've done together we have a couple of norms at na that we like to remind folks when it comes comes to looking at anything related to data the first is to see the humanity behind each data point we're not just talking about numbers and percentages here we're talking about staff students leaders uh family members community members and so we really want to remember that when we're talking about any sort of data they really represent the true and lived experiences of real people we also want to focus on systems not individuals and what that means is we want to focus on what we as a district and I include myself in there because I'm a partner with you all in this can do to create a system that supports all student staff and families instead of isolating problems within an individual it's not this teacher this student did XYZ or couldn't do XYZ it's what can we as a system do to create a supportive learning environment for all we also um want to acknowledge the bright spots and you'll see that in the way we' laid this out it acknowledges bright spots first often times it's more important to look at those to think about where are the places that we can grow from what we're already doing more so than where are we not doing things um and let me tell you there's a lot that's happening in to build off of lots of bright spots and it's really great to see we also uh another Norm we have is to focus on Improvement that means progress gradual growth over punitive accountability measures we want to make sure that we're celebrating the wins that we have along the way and acknowledging all of the effort that goes into that and then finally and this is hard because in education we're all very much wanting to go to the next step and solving a problem is to think about where are we making long-term commitments for again that process of growth over short-term implications we don't want Band-Aid Solutions or solutions that address symptoms of a problem we want to dig deep into root causes so that we're really solving problems so they don't reappear again later on so with that um this is a our continuous Improvement for Equity model that we have at Ma and really this is a continuous Improvement model you can use for anything not just for Equity but it involves first it's uh understanding the system your District your school to understand what's really going on looking at data deeply talking to people creating a collaborative team which in this case has been comprised a lot of different stakeholder groups here in your district and where we're now moving with Falmouth is in this place where we're determining an aim and designing a theory of of improvement or an action plan that's really grounded in strong data and in strong uh testimonial of experiences from folks then you all will move into testing things out implementing action plan monitoring and hopefully convening a network of other other districts other folks that you can share the great work that you're doing and have even more support from other folks across the across the cape and also in general across your state in the country that you can leverage for partnership and also to teach them some things because there's a lot of really great stuff happening here when we talk about Equity it's grounded in very concrete things a lot of times folks think of well but we still need to do teaching and learning Equity is Central to teaching and learning it's not an add-on it's not separate from the true mission of schools which is teaching and learning um and so we like to establish a criteria for an equitable school because it tells us what Equity looks like sounds like feels like so having an equity centered Mission making sure that you have an Visual and physical environment that's inclusive for different groups of folks with different needs making sure that there's collaboration with various identity groups and in this case identity groups means different races religions National Origins languages uh gender and sexuality Etc um partnership with families and school communities uh ongoing and embedded systematic professional learning opportunities we can't expect folks in classrooms to know what to do if we haven't trained and trained them and worked with them to develop the the skills that they need to be effective uh practitioners of equity in their classrooms and finally an equitable school has to be one that promotes students social emotional uh and mental health wellbeing both for students and families it's not just we haven't done our jobs that all that kids learn are their standards we need to make sure that they're well-rounded people and that we've cared them in that way as well so this is what we've grounded the work involment with and building schools that meet these criteria um a very brief overview I know Henry has filled you in along the way um but we did three collections with bouth over the last almost two years now we uh there were consensus teams at every school that conducted an equity audit and that is a tool developed by maec all of this was done in collaboration with principles the school-based equity teams with central office staff um where folks had an opportunity to determine what questions would be used what domains so that it's all grounded in your expertise in your District we also conducted climate surveys at the level of students staff and families um students we had a pretty high completion rate across all uh fet schools for staff we had about 70% completion rate for families we had about 10% which is pretty uh onar with what we see with families across other similar siiz districts across the country um and so because of that uh because the percentage of staff and families was smaller than 100% we've decided not to make the aggregated data available because we want to avoid identifying individual families or staff members um we're working on how to make student data more of disaggregated available because the completion rate is so high would make it challenging to identify any one student um so we did want to make sure that you're aware of that the findings that I'm going to be presented in are for districtwide not individual schools um so just know that that we're going to be talking about districtwide Trends in just a moment um we also did a review of existing District disciplinary data that was shared with us um and so what we've used were the state department of education's benchmarks for disciplinary data to determine if any one group of students is being over disciplined over another and I'll talk about that in a moment so this is one of the places where you have access to the full report which is presented sort of like a website it's called a story map we thought that this allowed folks uh to have more interaction with the data and with the findings instead of handing you like 100 page report uh we want to make sure that what came out of all of this work is usable understandable for anyone um and so you have the QR code we're also going to make this available uh to The Wider Community uh at the community Forum as well so they'll have access to it along with pouts like the one you received and so across the top you'll see are the different categories um and then as you scroll down you'll also be able to see dat data points like what came out of the consensus teams the uh the surveys and it's broken up into bright spots and areas for improvement now for bright spots the equity audit tool is rated on a scale of four um there are four levels latent pergent established and advanced anything that was established or Advanced is above average and so that became a bright spot any on the climate surveys it goes all the way from zero which is no uh the least positive or no response all the way to a six which is the most positive and so any responses or that or any items that had an average of 5 to 5.5 we rated as a bright spot because they're well above average in terms of more positive feelings and then anything that was uh below an average of four primarily were lower less positive responses so that became an area for improvement same thing with the equity audit tool if Ma majority of schools uh or uh respondents were late and emergent that would give you lower average that would be an area for improvement so there were lots of things that didn't make it onto this report because they were swimming somewhere in the middle and we wanted to give you places to prioritize again right spots to build off of and areas for improvement to address um because this work is hard it's involved and so we want to make sure that we're intentional about staging the work around those big areas of continuing Improvement as well as places where we can build on great things that are already happening uh what I'm about to share with you right now are sample bright spots the handout that you have has aign of all the bright spots in all the areas for improvement what I'm sure me right now is just a quick sample so you get a sense of what uh we found through these different data collections as you're looking through uh whether it's the sheet that you have in front of you or what I'm showing you on the slide deck there are some questions that I want to offer you for reflection we won't have time to discuss them here but they're things that are good for you to think about as we move forward um the first is anything that you're seeing here or that I'm presenting whether it's a bright spot or area for improvement surprising to you is there anything that resonates with your particular experience are there any questions that the bright spots are areas for improvement raise for you and these are just good things to think about as you dig in so the first domain that came up and what we did is called triangulation where we looked at what are common themes that came across those three data collections from there we compiled those and looked for the bright spots and the areas for improvement for each based on the three data collections so the first domain that came across as a common theme was academic environment and what that means is the extent to which the district provides a positive and accessible learning experience for students and families one of the big bright spots and again this is just a sample there were lots more um is that families reported on the climate survey um as being highly satisfied with the academic experience provided by the district there were several items on the climate survey that families answered that correspond to that idea that they really are very satisfied with their experience an area for improvement that came out of this that was was came out of the equity audit tool and the consensus teams is that schools reported that they need to be more proactive at Gathering feedback from students and families rep parents on educational programs um and preparing students to succeed in a diverse environment um and so that was based on Lower readings for that item by the consensus teams at each School the second domain that came across as a common theme across the different data collections was inclusive representation which means uh to what extent does the district promote diverse presentation that's free from negative stereotypes uh and from the equatic tool what was reported as again uh as established or advance for all schools was that the school events and materials featured in libraries and Medias really Center the diverse uh the diverse experiences and identities of the Fon Community which is really exciting an area for improvement that came out of this domain was that the schools could uh be need to be more intentional and integrating culturally responsive teaching practices uh into their instructional practice and that uh and that coincided with what district Personnel shared with us is actually already happening within the curriculum and instruction Department here at the district which is really great it's nice when you see the work that's happening aligning with what's coming out of the data because it means that we're on the right track another big domain that came out of the data collections was around family engagement and really what this uh applies to is to what extent the district promotes partnership between schools and families to promote student learning so not just engagement low level involvement but really how are we partnering with amilies in the community to promote learning a bright spot that came out of that was that families feel really comfortable discussing their child's progress in school staff and behavior as well so academics and behavior which is really great an area for improvement was and we saw something similar to this earlier was that schools lack formal opportunities to engage families in the broader Community to inform school policies now we do understand that some policies are not something that we can you know have Up For Debate because they're coming from the state or from other bodies but where there are opportunities schools reported wanting to have more opportunities to engage the community around policy development and implementation uh domain four work environment and Leadership is really about employee satisfaction and the um and support uh and to what degree they Foster employees supporting effective decisionmaking this was one of the strongest domains for the district which was really great um this involved climate surveys of non-instructional Staff School leaders and teachers teachers really reported feeling like they're highly trusted by both parents and Guardians and School administration to teach how they prefer non-instructional staff also had really high satisfaction rates with working conditions at their school it's really great to see when staff feels supported by their District so a huge kudos to you all for that as well and our school administrators who are a big part of that um an area for improvement with teachers feeling like professional learning opportunities could be more useful and I know that there's ongoing work related to that and Gathering input which again is great you're aware of this and and the findings on ourn correspond to the work that you're already doing um and our last domain is safety and discipline um this was also a fairly strong domain for the district and really it's about to what degree does uh found Public Schools really maintain an environment where students can learn in peace and disciplinary policies are fairly applied um it's really exciting when we can engage students and here from them and in the climate surveys fourth through sixth grade students um and 7th through 12th grade students both really reported strongly that they do not feel that they're treated unfairly because of who they are they feel that their identities do not negatively impact their experience which is is really exciting they feel supported um also we found that there was no extreme disproportionality in the district which means that no student group is being overly uh disciplined suspended expelled U more than any other student group uh which is really great to see there were some places where there is room for improvement but based on the state fed pars you all are far below the state average when it comes to proportionality which is really great um an area for improvement coming out of this domain is that the referral process is being used differently it's implemented in consistently from one school to another based on different interpretations folks have for how to categorize Behavioral infractions or intentions for what referrals track and so what that leads to is some differences from campus to campus and so a lot of the work we'll be doing there with school leaders is to do some visioning around how to use the referral process when do we use it and how do how can it support the work that's happening in classrooms so I just threw a lot at you again these are just small Snippets of what's in the summary sheet you have and on what will be available um in this in the full report story map that's a available to you now all of this information like I said is only the beginning where as you can see here there will be a community letter going out along with the summary that will go out um uh at the end of this month and then I really want to make a plug for especially anyone who's watching online to please join the community Forum on June 10th from 600 7:30 at the uh at the high school campus that presentation will go more in depth and allow folks to really dig deeper into what came out of these findings and also begin to gather some input around potentially where we might want to focus as we move into District action plan throughout the summer um we'll begin initial School level action planning as well as District action planning and throughout this process it's been really critical to engage the voices of Family students our school leaders our central office staff and so in the fall we want staff to have an opportunity to provide input on NB initial action plans to have something to respond to before it's finalized we'll provide you all with an update at that point as well and then communicate with the community around next steps and implementation um we're really really excited about the work that's already come out of this initial partnership with f public schools and we're even more excited about what comes next on this journey um and there's a lot of momentum behind this work thanks to the school principles that have really taken um all of this and done so much amazing thinking and reflecting already so big thank you and cros to you all for that um but uh right now we're in a really great place to continue Building from here um and so with that if you have any questions my contact information is here but thank you so much for your time and for allowing me to be here with you all this [Applause] evening does anyone questions comments for good so I have um one question about the for so I'm wondering um now I'm using the same what the form of the Forum will be well will people be able to come and will they just be listening to deeper pieces of information around each of these um components or are they going to have an opportunity to weigh in is it going to be a dialogue just so that people know what to expect good well we actually are doing some more planning on that actually tomorrow but the intent is to provide a deeper overview but more than anything to hear reactions from folks and to also get some initial input on where we might want to prioritize of when we go into action planning so that when principal District staff um and myself are working together over the summer we have some Community input already in the back of our minds or four for number of Minds I should say um uh and of course there will be more opportunities for folks so ideally it's not just going to be me talking at you for 90 minutes it should be an environment where there will be uh workshopping and dialogue I was hoping so because I you know this is going to make it out and I'm sure people are going to be interested in the results and they're going to go to the site and they're going to read everything and so I just want to make sure that they understand that there's a reason to come to the next piece because their input is going to be heard and valued it's not just of information yeah no it's not intended to be like this where I just gave you a lot in very short span of time it really is and that's why we are doing it for a longer period of time so that folks have time to dig in and to dialogue around it and to let us know you know questions reactions um there will also be a video that we're producing to help folks navigate the site and to understand how to read the different Graphics um and data visual that are there um because we know that again that can be a little bit overwhelming as well because there's lots of graphs and other things so we'll be providing a brief overview so that anyone who's coming to the site can navigate it and understand the findings and so that it's accessible we really want this to be something that students can engage in families can engage in you all can engage in ter could you just maybe short Define the domain how that popped up I'm not a little fuzzy where the the different domains the different domains came sure so we did um those three different data Collections and when we looked at what we got out of it the survey had a bunch of questions the consensus process the consensus teams and Equity audit tool had a bunch of questions and then we looked at the disciplinary data and we started looking at what are the things that they have in common well all of them touched on academic environment in some way all of them touched on family engagement in some way and so that's what we thought um and so once we determined what are the common threads across these then we thought all right what are the bright spots within each of these what are the areas for improvement with each of these so it was really informed by just what came out of all of these things so that we're not just giving you here's what the climate survey said here's this tool here's this tool instead it's here's a big theme that came across all three here's another theme that came across all three thank you sure I see Margaret this question to you how would fact is the meeting going to be um presented an adverage so people do come and know are you presenting uh is a school presenting what is the method because I think that that's really essential in terms of getting a really large group of people to attend you like so yeah so we've already started uh we have uh sent out the letter uh two weeks ago uh it's been on social media uh there's another uh letter out to all um staff and families again this Friday that will advertise the week we'll continue with the social media uh and then a reminder uh right before um so that's um it'll be in person I will be happily returning she she yeah she will run the meeting and um facilitate the discussion and perhaps our friends with the Enterprise hope no pressure I was just wondering if any communication is going I mean I know letters are very good but I know reading L stuff sometimes doesn't happen so I was wondering if any information was going up from you to the community all of that comes from the community itself because you are the ones that have access to your list and everything so we're sort of we're taking your we're following your lead on this one okay thank you y no problem just quickly to that point I was looking at Facebook today and you had posted if not you someone had posted on the school Facebook about her coming tonight and that popped right up and I noticed that much more than I would notice the letter so thank you for that be this Con it'll be um several times um you know weekly um between now and the session so thank you for noticing that because that was part of our um our um public uh information um protocol that uh Henry put together so give Henry a shout out um based on our guidance uh from Chris hor earlier in the year so if I could make one suggestion from Melissa Henry if you made an event an event on Facebook you'd get more people to share it and interested opposers to post so Meg event has that's like calendar invitation Ryan is oural Media person and's he um I had a question also I know you had said that 10% of families responding to the survey is part for the course but is there going to be another opportunity to gather more data is there going to be a future survey now that people might get more excited about it so at the moment we're but we're working with what we had um and a couple of things to note so the surveys went out right around the holiday season so that's something that might have impacted response rates um another thing to note also is we did make the survey available in other languages and the district did great work and also reaching out to families that might not have had L um computer access or technology access to do it in terms of where we go from here because we're about to go into action planning and implementation the next time that there's an opportunity to survey or to do focus groups would be once we've implemented some things to get input from folks on you know how is the experience now for you um and so I like you know I don't have a definitive answer on when that will happen but ideally because you're going to be monitoring your progress there will be other opportunities together input as well okay I had a question um what part of my question was answered from Margaret's question so thank you Margaret um and then in the number five domain are there the two student groups that were identified is that your category or did we lose eighth grade in F because it went um it's 4 through 6 and then 7 through 12 oh I think I misre that okay yeah I I thought it was and we only Sur so that was all the students it's just that they got two different versions of it that had adjustments for reading level and age appropriateness so we grouped uh we don't typically administer the survey lower than fourth grade because of making sure that they have the ability to navigate the site on their own although I'm pretty sure kindergarten has more Tech experience at this point um but that was the breakdown and so 4 through six got one version of the survey and then our 7th through 12th grade got the age appropriate and litery appropriate level uh for them for them perfect thank you so much no problem thanks any other questions comments Chris um I'm not sure if it's possible but are they going to be translators at this forum or that is they are yes we will make sure and then we'll also need to talk about translation for some of the deliverables and other things that are posted on the site as well um so for the surveys we made sure that those are translated and the languages um that it was translated to were based on F's knowledge of its main language groups and translation is owned by the district as well to make sure that it is aligned with any other translations that you send out um and so the same thing would happen here as well thank you that's a great question one more will participants who are zooming in or joining online be able to join the discussion or it's kind of prohibited and Ober please I I don't believe we have um we'll have an online Zoom because we're the discussion is going to be we probably break up groups and stuff so you can't really discuss it that way um so there won't be that but we might be thinking about recording and I'll I'll have to talk about whether that might be an option but we're not sure right now we're still on the planning we're still on plan I was just going to follow up cuz I'm wondering with Mike's idea for the um the event maybe then we could collect information about the languages that we would need for interpreter I don't know if that's an option in the event planning piece just throw it out there I don't know if we want okay great thank you thank you all yes thank you traveled all the way from from New York York you drove in earlier today excellent yeah [Music] so we now have we now have the student advisory um thank you for waiting and going out of order student advisory please unmute yourself hello thank you hello welcome hi I'm Molly I'll be doing the student advisory tonight um first off as after prom and the prom itself was a success last week um sophomores just took M math mcast and freshman will be taking science mcast next week um spring Sports have officially wrapped up um and graduation is this weekend on June 1st and in about two weeks finals are are coming up um and I believe that's it thank you does anyone have any questions or comments for our student does she not want to mention the final record from the sailing team she absolutely um we had a 12 to one and we won our league so [Applause] very good found high school and found Academy joint sing thank you thank you for joining us any other questions thank you see you later okay moving on to the presentation of progress of the 2324 district and school goals and I'm going to turn that over to superintendent and the amazing principles of the district thank you we about three steps forward so we're closer to the now we're join all right thank you as U Melissa said um this is the amazing administrative team um found Public Schools so some of the information uh you will uh have heard before but we are going to go over everything um oh okay yes we're be sorry about that so um we have the two new members that we are very happy to share some information um that may be new to you and so um and it doesn't hurt to U repeat because we do like to talk about our Clipper and Clipper experience so um we're going to get started um this is an update um for this school year we will be back in the fall with our new goals uh we are uh because the equity um audit just came through we're going to spend a partial of uh time at the retreat uh working on goals and making sure we're incorporating um the information that we got so uh we'll be back in September with um our new goals for next year but um this year um as Mike read the mission and vision Force so just uh real quickly um it's it's about uh providing an excellent educ ation and empowering our students um and the vision being uh being a good citizen locally and globally and I certainly cut that down but Mike did read it earlier okay so um our found Public School core values as the um administrative team and school committee uh worked several years ago um the first being Empower students to find joy in their learning um how do we how do we actually provide opportunities um to uh to give that experience of Joy right so we give opportunities um to make sure that each student can be able to achieve their personal best um we personalize the education we uh make our the learning relevant for students uh we try to inspire our students to discover uh and to be actively engaged and to challenge our students uh in their learning as examples so among some of the examples that's talk about our partnership the Woods Hole and the greater found Community we think about the living classrooms the ways in which we've turn beaches and marshes and a great number of areas around town into our classroom so right now is a really great time to Showcase examples grade seven was just conducting the day in the village uh some of them really got into their fish dissection some Champion their peers kind of work a few different ways food Justice and the work that they're doing and cultivating and right now they've got plans available for uh donation um and just continuing to think about all the ways that students really get a chance to be inquisitive and test out their our second core value um is to uh Embrace each other's differences and cultivate Community um we are fostering mutual respect um and respecting multiple uh perspectives um partnering with our students family staff and the community to deepen our student learning um fostering kindness um welcoming students of all abilities and eliminating um the achievement uh gaps um in our schools the course of the year we had a few different opportunities to share uh our data D you looking at you know cast performance recently we looked at accelerated uh of course enrollments but also uh some of the other opportunities you know talking about tonight in the equity audit the presentation coming up uh the belonging series and even about the family grading advisory so just different ways that we're engaging right and our third core a life of growth and wellness so making sure that we create safe learning uh environment challenging Learners to go deeper um into their uh their learning developing social emotional and physical health um and uh fostering the work um the students work independently and collaboratively both uh and recognizing success and and failure are both parts of learning and in this particular one uh we can of the green ribbon recognition um this is one of the pillars really where we're attending to our students ability to develop not only their individual Wellness but to participate within the community so it can range from things that they choose to do academically to the student clubs and organizations they belong to to just what we model in in our interactions and our work right and Dr tell will talk more about our um uh theory of action so when we think about the theory of action anything in the if is what we together as a school Community put in right and then the then should be the outcomes for our students so if we keep it if we keep our work focused on and I like how Jenny uh was saying right teaching and learning at the core of our mission if we keep ourselves focused on our students and what they will learn and what uh we want them to be able to gain from collaboration not just the learning and the experience but the skills right that they learn then on the other side of that they'll be more involved um and conscious citizens who not only understand what's happening in their sphere but how that then impacts others around them and be able to hopefully right predict the results of their action before they do that all right so Dr tyon I will be back toward the end um just so as a reminder of who everyone is we will be introducing the next person um through and what uh school that they are from so just for everyone no we as a reminder who we are thank you right I'm turn it over I'm worried [Music] about yeah you I'm Rose Rosemary Hall school and I'm here to talk about um the C experience um and as you said we have our focus and our cuse and we have worked to create our culture our CP of culture starting at ag3 and all the way to 22 and we focus on the clippering a culture experience ensuring personalized learning and commitment to Excellence for every student and we work on this together as a community our schools strive to be safe welcoming learning environments grounded in a strong relationships among all students and adults offering a wide range of customized supports to help students overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential these commitments are embodied in every student every day the following slide we worked hard vertically with this to sharing all of our principles and my following slide is about from two students having a circle in the office and how they're teaching [Applause] [Music] sorry Rose that's why I wasn't focused on the of all the I you because I was worried about my audix the student on the right is new to the district the student on the left is explaining to him about our school culture oh left that the cers that's the talking piece the clippership [Music] great so this is one get into this but these are steps that we all work on vertically we have every classroom in the district has our clip our letters and we we reference them so we're always constantly saying to the students is that what a Clipper is what are the Clipper expectations they show up on our buses we have the Clipper expectations for the buses we have them in our hallway plans our cafeteria plans they'll reference it to each other and say is that being a Clipper so um it's part of our school culture and that's what we're working on and here is an example students teaching students so you turn it's supposed to be yeah it's it's connected sear the [Music] [Music] zoom don't mind the messy office rules rules rules but school we have our bus rules we have our hallway rules we have our class rules we have our hallway plan and we have a plan that s saying bad words and two we GRE friends as like good we don't say bad stuff to them and they don't say bad stuff to you and so another H like Ro culture that we have here is if a friend get hurt you can help them get up or say are you okay and then you guys both and then you guys can go back play yeah we have a lot of school cultures into it if the teacher says that you cannot do that you cannot do it and we have rules at the gym the computer class the art class the music class and then the computer class so when you when we reference that Clipper culture and the Clipper experience it allows us then there's no switching of the ropes right from building to building the kids learn the code early on and then they're L when they go and they hear that Clipper expectation to the next building or the next learning space they know what's the expectation and there's no CHS right there's not learning something new how we've gotten here is Sandy I think is going to read Sandy pass from she ticket school we'll go on about the benchmarks and how we get there and what we've done over here okay so two steps forward two steps forward the M okay all right so thank you Rose so um we've been talking about the Clipper experience and this year we have successfully met all of our benchmarks so in the fall we had implemented the IR math program for our students in grades K through 8 so you last year we had been vetting the program we had done the field testing and this is a very rigorous program very high expectations for students um there are slides that are embedded that have the cultural connections it's just part of the instructional program there's a differentiation and um you could pause that for oh keep that on I'll explain that after um and differentiation for students and then uh personalized learning so um so that's kind of the the math program this year the teachers have been part of uh professional development through the with the I ready um Publishers and we've had support from the math coaches um I think just to talk a little bit about the math program itself I've really seen an improvement in students um ability to their mathematical discourse so they're they're engaged the part of the program is having um slides that really focus on mult multiple answers to problems multiple ways to look at things and so students who may have been a little reserved before thinking I'm not sure if I have the right answer I'm not going to raise my hand or offer um a response are now encouraged and it's really fostered that growth mindset where they're taking um taking those chances and and and um engaging with each other and it's really help helping improve their math skills so this here um this highlight from our school so these these little uh tickets that students are holding those are their Clipper tickets so you can see the letters on there so when the students earn their their tickets they um the teachers highlight something they've done in the classroom that's been creative or as a learner or partner and then the students come to the office and I have my little uh frame there and then the students get to have their picture taken and then I have put put it in a um a photo album in the front lobby uh front office so that the students um can look at that and then of course they take home their uh their Clipper tickets um as well so this um this has been really fun for the for the students um as well I think the old idea of having like a photo album so when they all walk to lunch they see the photo album there and they you know flip to the pages that they were in before so um all right so I think now I'm going to turn it over to um principal of the eastel school KY Kelly and Mary Dan who was on the maroon m ited in the sun um so just to overview the progress to date from prek through 12 uh we have strived very hard in the district to welcome and engage every member of our school Community with a focus on what it means to be a Clipper and our vision of a Clipper graduate and we strive very hard to prepare students for a life after the F of public schools which this Saturday as Molly Keef mentioned is the graduation so if people are interested please go or rspp Dr Harris though um but it really is the the whole Clipper experience has now been embedded um prek through 22 and um I will turn it over to Kelsey to give some examples of that yes I'm the principal at East bouth um we have preschool and then up to grade four and what I love about this this is my first year here here is all of these things that we're highlighting all align with the Clipper so if you look there's examples about being creative um and it's up standing grade so the 10th Annual quills and quotes Learners the steam fair but then over here you also have meet your teacher night where elementary students LED for the first time their parents through that that also hits several things including Learners and then inquisitive we have the partnership that had been addressed earlier with Woods Hole and learning in living classrooms but if you look on the other side there are other things like the I ready also hits that inquisitive so the idea being that all of the pieces that we do um align with to get to this true Clipper experience I do love um the win um at grades one and two we've had great success with that which is what I need now and then um they also have the my path which is another great individualized learning plan through I ready and then Bulldog time and Clipper time so one version of something that really stands uh vertically so I think that's really um an excellent addition here but again the idea that everything we do is really aligned We As Leaders embrace the Clipper culture and I think you can see it in the accomplish question we make and we are introducing the wonderful Tom bushy principal of the Laurence School y my name is Tom Bush principal of Lawrence School and uh before going to folks area 2 just to reiterate go off script for a tick uh I couldn't agree more about the path to graduation because I have a senior who is graduating my old son on Saturday and can't say enough positive things about the overall experience in the town down public school so all the way from East down through talk Harris is PA so uh but that's not what I'm here to talk about number two which is uh focus on diversity Equity inclusion and belonging um so uh all St the rationale here all students throte their school experience uh to develop in happy healthy successful graduates uh who appreciate and respect one another's differences and perspectives we're committed to eliminating disparities and inequity in Opportunities and achievement levels based on uh based on different cultures everyone in the school Community should feel safe welcome and celebrated we truly believe that and work that into everything that we do over the course of all of our daily works here work here uh some key Concepts here are simply this work is embeded like I was just saying embedded in all that we do allows us to Spotlight our work and call out our intentionality we recognize it's a journey like Jenny was saying thanks to Jenny for her presentation M group uh this uh through the equity audit we'll continue to engage engage and continue to grow and uh to go into some greater detail and discuss the implementation benchmarks is the uh the lead Osprey Tim Adams principal of Tim Adams principal of morpa grades five and six um so these are the implementation benchmarks for our second goal starting with creating an environment that teaches and reinforces belonging for all students so we traditionally offer Community meetings for our younger students in the in the school based buildings but then we also introduced this year belonging series that Henry spearheaded that was an opportunity for The Wider Community to come together we provide opportunities for social emotional learning sustain efforts so that all students feel psychologically and physically safe um so we continue graci trauma training for our counselors for our special head staff and programs in each building we Engage The District health and safety committees having kind of wide robust discussions in those areas um create an environment that advaned Equitable conditions for all students and this is where the equity audit really came in um and will be coming when we start to design the action plan from it and looking at our own practices from that are in each building of our school-based Equity teams which were part of the audit process that are ongoing and looking at structures we have in place in the buildings and areas for improvement and just really rich discussion that happens there which also will filter into our professional opportunities so also just to offer some highlights on the next l so one example of this that came out at Mor Pond from our school-based Equity team was the formation of no place for hate um an organization that is student driven um you have two faculty aison the far Don Lima into the far black B ran and this was inspired by students wanting to be part of this work to be part of coming up with ways to be more Equitable and how we make the school more inclusive um this particular photo this is a special meeting they had and they've have the aison from Lawrence and the high school come down to meet with them to hear about the work that the students in the upper grade levels are doing that they'll get to be part of as they work their way through the grade levels up through senior year um so really really exciting that this kind of happened organically and I think it shows you know students willingness and ability to be part of it's really important work they like to take a lot of photos highlighting our stone wall the back of hor P that's a a younger bushy in the photo as well yeah with the fancy photos [Laughter] [Music] so yeah just some fantastic work going on driven by our kids so next I'd like to introduce uh our director of equity inclusion bong H St jul and Rebecca beer principal at North Elementary hello we go um so we just want to share some progress update um information with you um starting with the student experience highlighting a couple of areas here one of the areas I'd like to highlight is the work with restorative Serv circles and that is a method that we're engaging with our students if they encounter things such as words that hurt um it's a process that we can engage in dialogue and help problem solve and work through those pieces together um so that's some of the student experience that they um experienced from prek all the way through um graduation in 22 um another thing that I wanted to highlight is um we've been adding some extra um pieces to our CA IA menus so as we know um food is a way to share culture and Heritage um so we just recently added a few menu options um such as the Brazilian style um hot dog the koho penty and uh as well as chicken stir fry and the student experience and response to that has been really positive so we're really looking forward to continuing our efforts to diversify our food options for our students so those are a couple of pieces that our students have directly experienced as part of our progress upate and Henry will take it from there so I I just like to say that this is a districtwide opportunity I'm so proud of the the kids from um Morris Pond that doing some fantastic thing I am very proud but it's everywhere it's in the it's in the elementary schools and also it's also in uh lawren schools I'm very proud of that lawren schools as well as high school they went over to uh different opportunities to become leaders in this work uh so the GSA uh we have a regional Council GSA Regional Council they meet five times uh a year and both the high school and Lawrence students were there to represent to be leaders there also two times uh we sent out other students that were doing the human rights Academy and so again we're dealing there are not only seeing it but they are also being leaders and so we're hoping for more leadership going on there I personally was involved with the high school all ninth graders went over to the outt um exhibit in Boston fantastic it was such amazing think what a powerful image that kids can now process and deal with what the horrors of hate and that was an incredible uh event that we did and uh I I'm also loving that uh there are student levers especially I'm looking at the high school right now that led anti-Semitism um uh talks with students um there so not only experiencing it but they are leading and doing the work over there so I'm very proud of the things so that those are the student experience and now we're dealing with the staff experience Next Level please um so just as part of our um staff's experience and part of our um progress update um did want to start by sharing that each of our schools do have our school-based Equity teams and that um team is coming together to really look at the experience of every child obviously wanting to make sure that everyone in the building staff students visitors feel like it's a place that they belong and so that group of the um of the equity teams they come together they discuss the school experience the student experiences they're also a group that um come together and work on um how to recognize celebrate monthly um recognitions um for different areas um and experiences within the school um just for example um something that's coming up is we in recognition of juneth uh the district and all the schools we're preparing um an educational experience um it may look different in every school but the common theme is to educate our students about the juneth holiday and again it's another opportunity to use food as a way of recognition so um connected to juneth is the recognition of red food it will be serving red cake um in uh the schools U as part of that connection to the Celebration uh red food is the connection to the resilience and sacrifice that African-Americans have pushed through for their freedom so making again that connection uh with our students and um building our staff along and and uh educating those students um in addition those Equity team members have also become part of our hiring teams um because we are also wanting to be intentional and and thoughtful about um recruiting and and making sure that all members when they are um becoming part of the found Public Schools um feel connected and feel that sense of belonging as well so that is uh the staff experience update of um our progress I get some more oh you got more that's right so so mine was uh the audit the audit really you know when Jam's here he really gave us uh an opportunity to examine our schools how are we doing where where where's the bright spots where are the areas Improvement so we're really going to lean into the work that Mac is doing also so and it's it's dealing with um curriculum design it's dealing with professional development it's dealing with uh business office what their opportunities and and the business office has been really great uh supporting a lot of the effects that's going on here uh mention a lot about the U belonging series but it was really a powerful time where staff and and um families can come together to say how can we make every child psychologically safe to learn our main goals to learn but how how can they engage in learning and that was a powerful time to talk and I hope that we're going to do more of that the situation so we have guest speakers and and I like to say on the side point my title is that but as you can see everyone's doing that and I do I they do see Dr door as the chief I might be the director but she's a chief uh DBI D I can't get the title but but but it's from the top all the way down um and so I'm very proud of this school doing and so now I'm I'm going to uh introduce Mr Paul Dart which is our business director business operation so I um our third Focus here is is the emphasis on two-way Communications and part issues and um essentially you know family uh FMA Public Schools enjoys the support of a great time I mean it's widespread support of the school district for everything that it does and it really we have a commitment to increase that communication throughout all levels of the organization especially with students and families and with Partnerships in the uh in The Wider community and for the very real end that it enhances all the students education if we can utilize all the resources within the community so the next slide you'll see a a sense of summary of our efforts and I I'll try to read out the uh typ the type is a little small here but on the top uh circle is the time dedicated to outreach uh this enormous amount of energy spent by the leadership by the principles by the staff by the students and families by the school committee members uh not just here on the school committee night but also attending all of the various functions that go on through uh the school year and uh and Gathering all of that feedback that two-way Communications uh you know what important focus of uh tonight's discussion on the on the equity audit also to the right of that is the the use of third party professionals that we bring in to enhance our ability to develop that communication and to develop Avenues of input uh uh for the efforts that we're undertaking thirdly is the professional development uh that we emphasize with staff and the robust program both is the uh the uh instructional uh materials that we've developed you heard about the IRA program and math you've heard of the values development uh on the Clipper experience that uh Rose was talking about before Etc and another form of uh of communication is the engagement that we have with the community itself in the town and the town leaders and the budget formation and forming that around the goals of the school system uh as well as the capital plans and and developing the resources that we need to invest in the buildings and the infrastructure of the campuses Etc and and finally as well you know F has Rich resources in our community so you know we've mentioned Woodall o graphic Institute National Seashore uh Fountain of farming uh in farm to schools uh efforts and we're undertaking so all of these and you know taking us of K as a whole is a huge investment uh in this effort to gather communication gather feedback from the various constituents and then create a better learning experience for our children and with that Dr Harris give more specific examples I'm going to do a quick aside about the trip for our students to refresh one is to emphasize that that was possible because of a very generous donation from the community that provided The Bu and it's a one of the many things that makes sound so especially the amount of opportunities that come to our students that people don't get the opportunity to also our English teachers worked really hard to make that an experience that was embedded into their life and curriculum and how it connected including not taking and connecting and then getting a very diverse group of shos to be able to be there from committee members to staff aids to teachers and parents and so the story I'll tell you is this after they had gone and visited and they came back and about 3 days later I took a call from a uh woman who wanted me to know she was not from the community that she and her husband were retired and they had gone to the aitz museum uh for the day for the first time and you could imagine she said you can imagine my dismayed when we got there and bus after bus after bus pulled up with high school freshman and we thought what have we done and she said but I want you to know from the time we were around them in line to them being in the museum to them taking notes she said you should be extremely proud of the students from pal and most importantly you should know that happens because of teachers not because of you sir really appreciated both those comments I completely agree uh but it was just one of the one of the many things we were able to do because of teachers and and the community support uh I have the the piece on implementing the benchmarks around the two-way communication and I I'm me you see the bullets there I I'll offer this one of my mentors our rainwater would remind me often that the schools belong to the community and the community is represented by the school committee and everything that we do is centered around what the community wants and I really appreciated this summer Dr D bringing us together on our retreat with Chris ran and giving us a message that we had growth to do and in not not only uh what we communicate but how we go about that process and then giving us an opportunity with Chris to look at that and I think one of the things we did and Dr D is going to covered on the next slide is is kind of regrounding us in that in those essential values that we have right we are Community committed to Excellence and that means every student every day and there's a that times of tension between excellence and equity and how you do both of those at the same time we reentered on that and then worked on not only just some basic elements that we're going to work on getting better at which included um consistency in our Friday Communications and those pieces that come out and what you get and how you get it and certainly the community announcements in those pieces as well as working with us on how we are clear and tight and how we do our celebrations everything from how you take a photo of students so you can post that in a way that's clear and and concise for people but as well as hitting those high points I think the one element I'll share that I think for for us was an example of our learning as a collective leadership team was talking about the process of plan do study act and and there's a top down and a bottom up and we have to listen to the community and listen to the teachers as we refine them and that really came out for us in working with our staff and uh on the implementation of the equity audit survey for staff and one of our recognitions from M was the idea that was was recognition for a high turnout rate related related to staff and how that went that wasn't by accident it was was through this process Mr s Julian worked us to have the equity teams and so part of the reason it ended up being in in December was because we started the process from Dr derer and Mr St juliia in October with our Equity teams to get their feedback on how does this work they gave that feedback loop that said we would need this so we know that it's valuable and we need an opportunity to know what and why so when we're going to lay this out we can be voiced to it that process went up through our administ Council team was processed and how the messaging went out came back to the equity team so that when it was rolled out with all of our staff our staff meetings are not all on the same Tuesday uh the mor Hond and the high school will have staff meeting on one Tuesday the following week is Staffing with Elementary so when we're trying to line everything up with staff it's a it's a logistical work to get that message consistent and hit that timing by us being able to do that our Equity Kings actually were part of the presid ation to say this is why it's important and was a result in our our high rate and I think what we learned from that is not just that outcome but how then we use that as a benchmark of how we can do things right related to that two-way communication process and that is what we hope to use kind of going forward in that process so with that I'll turn it back to Dr thank you so um we started this year um with this new graphic that um Chris Moren helped us through um to re to Center us as uh Dr Paris talked about uh on the Clipper experience and the um the Excellence uh part of the um education that we provide um for students but can't provide that Excellence if we don't have the every student every day and that social emotional base the equity piece and that we make sure that everyone is included when we think about the education for students um and that comes into um also the other two um Val Concepts here are the diversity Equity inclusion belonging and then the two-way communication and Partnerships and through his work with us we um we we centered ourselves again on this work um and and some of the things that um this year for the two um two-way communication um was certainly the coffee hours um the sessions with the staff um opportunities uh with the uh students uh student advisory and other student groups um again with that two-e listening and that doesn't mean that everything we hear that we can actually implement but we do listen and we see how that fits and we um you know and so it's given it's given Great Value um and we we certainly try to do what we can uh as we get the feedback um professional learning uh and support um and that was all the work that Chris horn did with us you saw many of the opportunities uh or you saw you recognize that we're doing more social media around um our events uh we are you know creating Flyers um that is giving out more information to a broader group that may not be able to be here to listen to this presentation and so we are um in many ways um doing that we have updated our website and every time we're creating content um we're making sure that uh and Ry with Ryan's help we are creating new web pages that that contain that and easy ways to get there um so um uh I'm going to let uh Sonia kind of uh finish up on this slide um before we move on so I think even and S and Dr Harris are talking about censoring uh one of the examples also coming off of the equity audit is when Henry and I open a conversation about this year's October next Year's Day belonging we uh met with members of the equity team so BB building based Equity teams but we invited it was an open call to members of the equity teams to come and be part of the that initial planning and we've got another session coming up working off of their feedback um and then certainly you know the various communication strategies and being able to ground those so the the family grading advisory pulling from the professional learning the belonging series uh and the title one needs assessment and then just continuing to layer in and and build from there uh and using the tools and resources that uh we've been able to pull from that professional learning for me canb being my favorite work on the audio side in my my next round uh for the video but uh just really being able to pull that to match the visual sometimes with what we say and what we write and to thing together to try de with as J said so um we've given a lot of information um I but uh one thing that you saw is uh the consistency across our team and what we've done across the district um and um just we're in a continuous learning uh really all focused on on students um the Clipper um experience has really grounded all of us um and we really ask ourselves does where does this fit right if we and we're trying not to add new but really go deeper on what we're doing um I'm going to share with you um the uh flyer that um Dr toer helped uh put together for us because she really does love canva but but the the works of this flyer um is the work of everybody here and getting input um from others and what we created was our points of clipper and we have so many we could have page after page after page and what we try to focus on are um things that are unique um to fam and things that may not be unique but we know that are very strong uh and that we have been concentrating on um uh most recently so we know that we're going to end up doing a a vision of this uh I'm sorry a version of this it is a vision but the version of this um probably every year as we will see some you know shifts some things that may come on um say some things that are probably grounded uh and change but um just wanted to share um our next step which we know doesn't just it doesn't stop with here but our next step is creating the web uh website um that will be linked to this and then explanation so as this gets into the community and someone might look and say oh what's the Hope Squad um you know what are we doing with Outdoor Learning uh what's the Clipper Cafe right and so you do that and so that we can deeper and explain what these things are and what's happening in F Public Schools so this was a lot um I will be sending you the um the presentation deck um so that you can reference back um but thank you very much and thank you for the amazing team here um that was great thank you do and before you all go does anyone have any questions or comments for their lead ERS ship [Music] team um the BB Equity teams who are building based so it's each school so it's compris teachers there's a team at each School Y and then they all feed up and there's a district team to okay cool um and you know not not necessar vision test but if you can find I believe in this picture uh Fel is running Vats 9 and 10 her last last week's rata um so we just happen to catch them as they turn into the wind and all the boats going the same direction so I it was just so I believe they're n and 10 [Music] after where is this presentation available to look at I'll be sending it to you yeah I considering what we've heard about um bright spots and listening to all of this I think it's really important certainly I feel I'm sure many people here proud of the uh leadership leadership team principles and as Dr Harris said the teachers who are responsible but it's not just the teachers um gu staff the people who are custodians all all of them being around the school they all are welcoming they're all inviting and they're all supportive and we want to thank you I want to thank you and I'm sure the other members want to thank you for that and let that let those folks know because I'm sure they're not listening to this good I just want to um put a the Clipper expectations I would like to see that everywhere I think having um expectations for um students not just I'm sure they're in every classroom and they're scattered throughout the school but are they at the fields are they in the like are they out sort of in their flipper environment that's not necessarily just in their um classroom per se and I say that because I think that they are um Great Expectations throughout life like if you see like the little uh friend said to the new friend um if you see somebody that fell down are you okay like don't just step over someone but I know that that seems normal and something that you would say to another human being but I feel like these are kind of crazy times and maybe just a little friendly to reminder to be kind isn't you know isn't awful so that's just my thought on that okay thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm surprised [Music] I I used to this okay moving on to the first read of the school committee of the 2425 school year so in your packet um is the school committee dates for our calendar for um the next year 20 the year 2425 this starts July 9th which is our um first meeting in the uh fiscal New Year and these dates uh go through June of 2025 um you'll notice in the Tuesday November to be announced and Tuesday April to be announced those are Tom meetings dates they are always held at Lawrence School uh before the general Tomy um Kelly um 18th November for November thank you you have a much better memory than I I had to look it up I just you weren't I read the minutes oh God bless you okay thank you November 18th meeting date yes in November so again this is just the first read um we will vote on this the next time any questions comments do we oh sure Sharon said that the last meeting in June is June 25th it's not on here it's last year's schedule what is that just want to make sure that's correct that is correct okay all right moving on to the first read of the school committee subcommittees and assignments I do just want to point out um one thing you'll see those of us that have been hanging around here a few years um that there is a a uh student advisory in the subcommittee section that's actually State mandated and um whoever is on that will meet with at found high school every other month during Clipper time to meet with the standing student advisory made up of five or six students um in years past we've um not had as much engagement with um students at the high school however Mr pheny the amazing Mr pH has really worked hard to um um support that and um really kind of help grow that program um so that's what that is sort of new in the subcommittee section I you'll also notice that the sections are kind of divided off subcommittees other assignments and administrative committees um while you all are thinking about where you want to be placed uh when we vote on this the next time um in this first section the official subcommittees I know sometimes we use that as a umbrella term but not everything is a subcommittee um just the true subcommittees need to be posted um before there to meet just so that we're CER on that the other assignments do not so um again this is just a first read on the uh committee subcommittees other assignments any questions or comments yes Terry so this is not request for them it's just approving this document this is just the first read we're just cruising it over so if you want to make edits and bring them back next time no I don't I'm just going to rephrase that we don't put in what we want on this one we just approved this particular document right uh you're not choosing a subcommittee today you are not choosing a subcommittee today and when we come back we will hopefully uh we'll have filed like you you sort of been thinking about what you want to do for your subcommittees and your other assignments for the next school year okay Margaret yeah one of the things I think is important particularly is I know people have different work schedules and so uh this is a nice development of what the Committees are but I think it would be important to say when these committees meet in terms of time so that people don't volunteer for something that they can't possibly show up for because they're busy at a job sure so that might be helpful to sort of particularly for people who new here to let them know when the Committees meet so that I mean that may be flexible but like I know our Dei is on Zoom but I know the um technology committee is not you're going to be there okay and so um if there that would be helpful for the people to sign up we can have a call and share can send it out to everyone that'd be super helpful thank you it is in the committee descriptions so in the binder with the descriptions of all the committee assignments and all the other assignments each one says when they need and they are kind of flexible like if you you know on policy we've kind of adjusted the time normally it's on um Mondays not every Monday s Monday doesn't either but um sorry policy um but that time has been adjusted based on uh subcommittee member personal calendars or other um expectations with the district kind of thing so some things are flexible and some things are not mik um I might be missing something but is calendar not an assignment anymore it's really not that's fine I just want to clarify we're kind of that's great thanks for pointing that out we're kind of bound by um when school meets yeah uh federal holidays acknowledgements and we kind of follow a formula on that that makes sense so I just wanted to clarify I'm with it sure um ter could do we need to um make a stipulation or maybe it isn't a culation that each um subcommittee only have three members because if you want to go and check in like if I'd like to go to a budget meeting I can't there's four members on that committee because there was a quorum so ah yes last year great budget had four people I think so I I could never go to a bud meeting okay can we stipulate that three members just we don't have to have three members either I mean some committees have one one member or two members it doesn't have to be three but we're I think what you're saying is no more than three no okay great um great for that okay how um I'm sure this is your binder but how frequently do the other assignments and administrative committees me it's all in the binder okay Y and if you haven't received your binder yet you will I have not you will not to worry yeah I think particular for the assignments that we the other assignments those usually during the afternoon where different times and I think that would be important to just I think in the morning this is yeah I remember once we don't have to get into sure any other questions on the subcommittees and assignments you'll get your updated by in July oh great look forward to excellent okay moving on to the acting on the ride share policy which I'm going to turn over to mer and the draft is in your packet yep so the draft uh ride share policy is we discussed last time there just been a rise and a concern about students um for minors getting into ride shares by themselves with an unauthorized result we can't prohibit parents from sending students to school in a ride chair but we can abide by our practice of not releasing a student to a stranger who's not an authorized third party so that basically is just codified in this I neglected to mention this should appear um there's there's Riders and Walkers and there's bus transportation the letters I'm just talking about the letter of the policy it's in the E section um I written it down I didn't bring it with me but it does it will have a particular letter all right in a logical place in the Poli sure is there a motion to act on the ride chair make second yeah thank you any discussion see none all in favor I any opposed any exstension great that passed thank you all moving on to the superintendent update Dr D thank you um so um I just I want to kind of give an update on our um teacher uh you know our budget and the the Staffing um that we've had and so um you know and teacher class sizes uh so as you know we are uh we are still at within um our um recommended uh class sizes in many cases under um you know for um all grades up through six 7 to 12 we we don't tra because they change classes but um you know so what happens um you know during the budget season I mean we definitely have a staffing um uh side of the budget and it means x amount of staff members right and so we have um you know between uh resignations and uh retirements uh we have opportunities to relook at where the needs are and so um yes we make sure that our class houses are low we're within the the um budget but um sometimes uh you know 20 in in one school or one grade level you know a class may work well and in others because of the certain needs of students we might need 17 in class right we just it just helps um as we address the needs of students uh and so um such a situation just occurred uh as we are looking at our Kinder kindergarten numbers uh coming in um they are um they are still lower than um than the other years we're still hoping for kids we hope they come in but as we're looking at um you know each School uh for instance um at the te ticket school um it looks like we will only have two sections of kindergarten students still being at 15 kids per section so not because um we are we have more students and they're going to have a higher number of class size but because it's the number of students that are registering at this time and even if a few more students register you know will still be well within that within that limit what that allowed us to do is to move that teaching unit um to their fourth grade class where they were only going to have two sections but the needs are greater in that that class so now we were're able to address those needs um we can't do that automatically right and this is just something that that happens um ongoing as we look at um when when there's shifts how where do we yes it's by numbers but also where are our needs so we're able to save upin our um our budget but we can shift from time to time um on that so um you know again I just have to say through the budget process um that we have done over the last couple years you know everyone's experiencing um the physical cliff we had to be very uh conscious about the decisions that we're making um we are in better shape than most districts um for sure we have not had to make teacher cuts so we have been able to absorb what we need to through resignations and um uh uh uh retirements and so um and as we're doing that again trying to make the shifts you know last year I had to put two additional staff members at East to address the the shifts um uh this year at moris Pond um they didn't actually go down we they actually kept their their um same level Staffing because of the needs where in the beginning I think during the budget season I was sharing that um that we would have to go down in every school but there need needs are high and we were able to shift enough that we were able to do that so I just want it's an ongoing process but we um always with the principles um help we are always looking at the needs of the uh students and being able to do that I do want to remind um everyone that we are running a stacking budget at 84% of our budget um it is always um good practice um to run um 8082 um and 84 what we're trying to do is put as much staff out into our buildings as um possible um we are still okay on the non- Staffing side but we it it will be tight and we will have to watch on that side um but I have complete confidence um with uh Paul Dart um managing our budget um that we will get everything we have but I just want you to know that Staffing is our priority um in this district and keeping our class sizes low but also um addressing the needs of the students as we go along um a little uh interesting uh to uh information here about sports um Molly already shared the one that I had down which was great um it was good to see their sailing team um is actually the champ champions of our the cap and Islands league so congratulations to our sailing team it was a lot of fun to watch them um and so that was good u a new record in track um syus Gartner broke the record by 7 seconds in the two mile uh at the state divisionals um the the previous record has been held since 1987 I know so that I didn't look into I didn't know that but anyway was very just wanted to share that um and he's just a sophomore so good things to come um the girl girls and boys tennis the girls and boys lacrosse and the girls softball all qualified for the state tournament this year uh so we're um waiting and excited to see what's going to happen with that um backrack little tan Lynn uh scored her thth point this uh winner uh she became the 11th player uh at all time if I'm high school to be able to do that so that was quite a record um the girls hockey team holds the school record for 21 I mean sorry 23 wins in a season so that is the school record uh and then um our girls uh hockey coaches Perera Ro and delin were all voted uh Globe all Scholastics so congratulations to our students and and uh and our coaches um just uh some updates um music performances we're I know we're winding down school we still have some music performances on May 29th um this week um 630 at Morris Pond um June 3rd at 6:00 at Molen Hall the fourth grade band um June 5th at 6:30 laurren Spring Concert uh June 10th at um both uh 6:00 both at T ticket and East B um is their band um performance and Andor band of course and June 12th at 6:30 uh the moris pawn strings and course remember the strings is new this is just our second year it's it's very exciting we have strings um and our community continues to donate um they're very excited that we're starting strings um at that young age so that's very exciting uh we have one art show left uh on June 12th uh it's the third trimester at Lawrence at 5:00 um so just just as we wind down school there's all these you know really fun events and I just wanted to put that out in case anybody can attend anything that's great um I'm going to uh turn it over to Henry right now to give an update on um the juneth plans uh because that is coming up right around the corner as well uh and then uh he was able to take a trip with our uh students um Mar about the Heritage would you tell us a little bit about both of those both of those excellent so uh juneth is a new holiday you know we're in a third year on it and at the time a lot of people going what's going on because it was down in the South and they made it into a Federal holiday to commemorate the ending of slavery I think it's important Day to all remember and when we first started off I remember the first year it was not you know it wasn't the curriculum it was we just trying to uh get get things going along and so we were very performative in that first year two years we took some steps in the third year I love to say that we are implementing more embedded kind of action that's going on here if you would uh we talking with Mr pie looking at a lot of the uh a lot of the curriculum it is all embedded in each curriculum from I think from morison all the way up to uh the high school in elementary they're doing a lot of uh different things everyone has a a flag flag to show up to to show kids you know as learn tool to show the kids what it is all about uh you heard about the uh the uh the meal that they're doing so even the Food Service get involved in there June 10th if you want a nice red cake you can get that you know what it's all about anyway so that's uh that's going on here and I just love that it's becoming part of our of our culture and that's been you know different learning experience we've had the uh P the poster um poster contest which uh has been fantastic we're actually looking some literature some poetry that might be involved in that kind of stuff and uh students in Lawrence schools are learning to the song Lift Every voices which is the Anthem and so if you I would like to invite everyone here on the 15th of June it's not juneth which is the 19th but the 15th we're having a uh collaboration with the schools and and community members to celebrate uh juneth uh at the art alive Festival it's it's always been in front of the uh the the live Public Library will have students uh performing and being recognized and uh their art artwork will be presented so please join that and continuing for me J te is not only recognizing past it's reflecting on where we are right now with our you know our race relationship and then a call Action I want the kids to say what are you going to do and I love that the kids have been doing that like what's a call Action what do we need to do to make this uh a beloved place for all the community that's juneth uh Mar Vineyard was phenomenal there's so many great things going on SCH I'm just amazed by all the things going on um Christina Woods is been doing this for a couple years she's got um she got a free Transportation with the island Queen I don't know how she get her access it's awesome they they brought 70 kids to on the ferry to go on the Marth Vineyard African-American Trail I went along and I was sitting down by myself not that I'm a bad chaperon but I was sitting by myself and a woman came up to me and she go she sat down next to me she goes are you alone I go no I got 70 and she go she goes around all the kids like oh okay all right and we had a conversation and what was um what was sad is that she didn't know there she's head towards Mar V she didn't know that there's an African-American Trail it's Rich it's it's a great Rich history in Mar Vineyard and I was sad that I say you know it's there and our kids are get involved but let me tell you our kids did such a great job and it was a hot day and they went through it they had like a it was um they did a a scar hunt and the teachers really prepared for these kids before they even went they had learning Le lesson plan they they they knew some of the stuff they had to look for and then and then the what uh Christina Woods really was really cool to say is that the kids got a slight separation degree of separation from like historical figs Martin Luther King summered at the over Overton um house and and the kids were able to say oh that's where he was and that was powerful that you you can talk about this but you say it's happened here and there were people saying yeah I knew there you know their kids and stuff like that it was such a powerful thing another thing I'm sorry say another thing that was incredible is uh the Heritage Trail has a Community member that does that Heritage Trail the school system they partner up so whenever they doing Stu they partner up I get down there and I I didn't think about anything and the the board of her Trail was was there and they saw they saw me and they introduced me to the the superintendent of Martin V and they we started talking we start we're understand why they're doing this I totally love that their partnership and I said we we like to do something we would like to partner up with you so I'm going to be heading back there in uh June 21st by the way even though they're ahead of us on the Heritage Trail we're ahead of them on the equity triail is they're doing the same Equity that we're doing so they're like oh let's talk about that so we're we're really partner up and that's been a a fantastic and I I like to thank the the the teachers at Lawrence and making a fantastic thing if you haven't been there let's go on 21st I come with you to the har so that's my two I know I have another but that's my two thank you um uh so the next I did email the school committee about our partnership just as a reminder to everyone about our partnership with um uh our sister School in Kate bird I know youve uh Henry's given us lots of updates um through the year but um just to continue and to talk about this next step um with Bridgewater State um university and the cape uh Cod Kate biran Museum and Cultural Center um partnership um I'm going to turn over to Henry and sonan I don't know who's going to start um son um about that next step and the opportunity um for some of our staff members to um to go on this trip just making sure you really enjo so we're excited uh to be able to um continue planning as arador at with Bridgewater and with the cap c k Museum and Cultural Center and Professor Zita Vieira who had come over uh to see us about this time last year a little earlier than this and so we've had a team she visited all of our schools uh there's opportunities for our teachers and our students the time to connect with her students there and in our elementary schools they've continueed those connections um largely in first and second grade um they're helping students at the ell CV so the English language learner School of cber uh practice their English they're exchanging cultural stories they're talking about histories of their country different Landmark events um and so when we're looking at the opportunity to visit the sister school one of the connections is looking at the elementary Educators whose classes have been connecting and talking all year uh combination of physical pen pal uh events where they're sending off letters and pictures um and then zooming it's typ and stuff know we keep saying that for some reason we talk about the sister um so the St communication that building experiences so there's an opportunity to make a curricular connection at the elementary level but then also looking at growing and extending it and one of the things that we'd like to be able to do if um everything goes foring plan is release Drifters so similar to the mini Boo and Drifter experience that we've been doing here where we've been releasing them to C Cod Bay and we tend to be able to recapture them cuz they get caught in the loop um they're tracking the the title uh Direction and the migration patterns of of the SE before they get cold stun and kind of fallowing the floating we'd be able to do that releasing them um from Cabo bird and then uh in many cases because the climate they actually make it all the way across the Atlantic so being able to see uh likely in South America um but seeing where they are and being able to out with them with GPS so that the students at the elcb sister School the students here in fou can track the data together and have that as a conversation Point um so to be to use it in the Elementary classrooms but then also bring that data into the work that we're doing at mors in the high school through our current Drifter and Min project so I I like I love that you're talking about this because whatever we do we have to have um education Excellence as as the core and so um whenever we're talking to teachers or they're talking to West keeper or whatever we are looking at educational opportunities for both sides we want a mutual uh connection between the two side and I love that we're doing Partners we learn things by partnership and so having that being a partner I would never go to another country unless I know there we have some rich Partners over there and that's the same thing not rich but but like um they are engaging Partners from K bir and then they and then we have on here so that partnership is a very fantastic uh situation and that's always been the case um and I I think I've said to you in the past that um I've been doing this in other communities and to see how kids grow and see not only as as high school and second grade but College people tell me coming back and said oh my good that experience is been the experience that changes but life changing so our goal is that uh we will have teachers going out down paper which is awesome awesome because it's one thing to say te oh let me talk about K bird another thing to say oh when I was at kird and let me show a picture of you know the excitement of the building and I think that's powerful so now we would like to have that teachers going um then next year but our future goal is for high school kids maybe eight above and I'll tell you this my son went with me when I took kids down there and that's been a moment of his life is just saying remember when we and then and and seeing those uh changes so I think it's going to be like changing and I I hope that's your goal not only to have those Rich interaction between teachers between students but then going back and forth there that'll be fantastic and and I think one of the other requests we want to be able to theill in traveling with teachers is they've specifically asked us to help them build professional development oh yeah the university is still young uh officially uh sanctioned in 2007 the country is still young it'll celebrate it 50 uh year of Independence as a country next year so as they're building up their educational infrastructure uh they've asked us to be part of the journey in building out some professional development for their teachers bringing practices and experiences to them and then um also they want to be able to connect us because we're going in partnership with Bridgewater State uh with the univ UN I don't know if I I put in a spin but being able to partner and have an to explore the president of the University this here in the fall we had an opportunity to spend a Saturday morning uh with him and um the members of the museum and Cultural Center uh so being able to go there and visit and then also bring them um Professional Resources by ways a gift because they brought some books um that we were able to use in access to help us understand cir we'd like to bring them um some materials to help understand uh that or education um Lori kind of mumbled something about school committee members did I F you know draw straws Margaret and I were already arguing about it Mar says well I'm Portuguese [Music] Portuguese but she speaks Portuguese it's beff competition that's why I laughed I've heard from many that like to this trip so yes um we'll work out details if you really are interested let me know and we're going to try to work out some details on and I think longterm relationship I there's going to be multiple especially I'm getting old though but we are really hoping and it is a goal that if we can next year work that it could be our students next spring um the go from high school so you know so there's going to be multiple opportunities we just can't take form Chris um have just of curiosity after hearing kind of Drifter program you were talking about have you looked into partnering with any of the Woods Hole research so institutions on that where they might be able to use the data or maybe scientist might want to get involved and help I'll just say pre you're going to answer it more but I know that before this uh project uh the museum the cap cap U cap bir museum has partners with woodold and they have a whole uh exhibit and showing that and we we want to make sure that that continues so uh that that's been a Hallmark of their relationship but but we can answer The Drifter through our partnership um that's actually how we originally got connected with a couple of our partners out of and they helped uh there were some mini boo in part or mostly in heart there were donated test that we were then able to bring the kids to the process of updating and outting and they also connected us to educational passages out of main who's helped us with all like the GPS outfitting and the weather sensor so we have a place to rout the data and we have a place for the maintenance of the fleet if you would um but we want to in this particular case really start with some smaller scale Drifters cuz we're not sure that we can recover them um but I mean we're super excited about the data we want to look long term at something that might be sustainable if new episod they have to purchase some Drifters and send them so um yeah we're we're looking through that and uh I could connect you with the contacts if you wanted a little bit more in detail pointing CU carel has got it like right us so next we might be inviting someone from we keep you know expanding the opportuni so maybe I mean that's a good idea maybe we should talk to um and maybe help us while we're there and figure how we go there you go check check anyway so it's a great opportunity so thank you um just uh real quick this is um our capital budget season um PA is uh working diligently to pull that together there may be a little shifts which happens every year um on the capital budget uh June 25th um we'll present the first read and in July we'll have you um vote on that um so we're right on schedule um with that but um just want you to know um that we are working on that um so exciting news this just came into at 2011 today um I actually put in for for a um a proposed session at the mask Mass uh session in the fall and uh we were accepted so our title is green today blue tomorrow one District's effort to reimagine learning is there solution to sustainability that's a big knle but anyway we trying to get it all in we were accepted I'm very excited um and usually a school Committee Member presents with us and so again another opportunity that you let me know if you're interested so we so the Massachusetts Association of school committees and the Massachusetts Association of school superintendence hold a joint conference in the fall it's in hyanis lucky for us we're right here um it's a uh 3ay two and a half day uh conference and so um we have uh we that's so lucky we don't get to stay overnight but um we have presented before and um and just so you know to the new um members uh we uh uh received a national award um it was a green ribon award for our efforts in sustainability and so um this was fitting we actually put this in I um submitted this before we actually won the Green so it's all kind of nice that this is coming together and that um our local state recognized as well so um so we'll U we'll be a number of us will'll be putting it together um you know starting over the summer and getting ready so if anyone is is interested um we would love to have a school committee presented to conference and we should um certainly have more than one but it would be nice if we could at least get one person to present us so that's great so that was very exciting that came in today and then um just you know I cannot believe where this year has gone so fast I cannot believe graduation is on Saturday um and then um the last day a school which is a half day is on June 18th um this year so a little earlier this year than we had in the last couple and then I just want to end uh with showing the banner I know earlier in the um the year U I talked about putting in a uh thas Road Race Grant um these banners uh are to go downtown so on the actual polls um we will have um the home of the Clippers so there's one for every uh lamp post and then um the final Road Race as generous as they are also said do you want new banners around the high school and I was like oh yes please and so so they were like let's just do it and so they also are you know funded all of the banners around so we're getting new banners around high school but this will be downtown U I've worked with um uh Peter mccardy and he is um said two or three times during the year he'll be able to put them up he has there's some other banners he's got trade out but he's thinking that we'll be able to get him up so I'm very excited um Andrew PL um a um high school student um actually designed um the bner for us and so um I it's always special every in here thank you um for put up there's Andrew and it was his design and I'm very excited um to always whatever we do we we get our students involved and so anyway it's here and they and by this just arrived today as well so today was a great day all the way around so thank you I am going to end now thank you for that's great any additional questions not can I just make one comment about the mor Pond strings yes that last year was a first year yes and I might be wrong about this but I believe Peter hard Graves and his wife donated and they they announced it at the concert but I don't know if we ever announce that publicly so I just wanted to thank Peter and his wife who I know is watching thank graduation um one of the expect for this year same as in other years same as in other years you um can ask Sharon for your invitation and um parking pass I and then there'll be the regular seing all right any other questions comments seeing none I will turn the uh reorganization over to the superintendent okay so um yes once a year um after the elections we reorganize and uh it is my role um to um ask for nominations of the chair um and take um the vote and then once we do that I will turn over um back over the meeting to uh the new chair or exting chair or whatever so um we're going to start with the nominations so nominations for chair I will nominate Melissa Keef okay Melissa Keef thank you that's second it thank you sir okay other nominations I would like to throw my own name in um as chair I've been Vice chair for a few years now um I would love to be chair in a year that is hopefully very calm um because I've served his chair before but it was during Co which was definitely not calm and um and the year that we were trying to hire a new superintendent so um I'll throw my two nominations any other nominations no you don't need a second so um any other that's so seeing no other nominations I'm going to close nominations um this will be a roll call vote you need to open it up for discussion first I believe you not to on I don't think on it's not yet it's but you might want people to they can as we go around the people who nominated should they speak would you like to speak I already said okay I would like to continue my work and this year this past year was my first Year's year and I would like to um learn put into practice what I learned and do better on the parts that you can always learn from okay so we're going to do a roll call vote um and so mosta I'm just going to go around the room the way we're sitting I'm going to start with [Music] you easy you have to say so all right so um Melissa um Terry all right I'm G to obain that's okay is that okay I have to okay it's hard cuz I don't know maybe for the new members what what are reasons to obstain well you really obstain when you haven't participated in a conversation about a topic but this is a brand new topic never been discussed before um Kell then okay Melissa Melissa Kelly Kelly congratulations I especially through some of the episodes this past year uh okay um so I'll open nominations for vice chair there nominations for vice nominate Terry all right Terry any other nominations for vice chair I would like to rec you any other nominations okay anyone want to make a comment okay um I have never been shair in all the years I've been on it and you hear me year after year tell people you should all try something new so um that that's one thing but the other thing is that one of the responsibilities of the vice chair is on the retreat and goals and things like that and a few years ago I took a workshop at the um Mass conference in hyas and it was about setting your mission statement and your goals and you work together and you write it up and you print it out and you put it in the biner you put it on a shelf and then you never look at it and that's kind of what we did didn't do which is a mistake so I um would like to have the opportunity to work on that and um bring up every few months to people to make sure that we're staying on our track so we don't do what they said at that conference not to do but anyway that's just my input and I'd like you thank you well because Els were to this year it may me do a lot of thinking about um skill sets and um thinking about the different people in the committee the different skill sets and then made me think about my own skill sets and so um I think I'm fairly aware or trying to develop the thought of what a my skill says but the other reason I would like to WR a chair particular Kelly do you mean Vice chair huh do you mean Vice chair a vice chair this uh I just think she has an incredible amount of knowledge about the school committee about her experience on the school committee uh and she has been so very helpful to me during my time on the committee uh that I just feel it would be a really experience to me and I would be a better member in the school committee and that's why I'm interested in thank you thank you um so we'll we'll call V again and we'll keep with the left I guess starting with you Sherry um mark okay Terry U Margaret Margaret maret Terry oh boy it's a time until me I hate hateing time um uh Terry I respect how long you've been doing this and never been here um Terry congratulations thank you and last is the position of secretary any nominations for secretary I'd like to renominate Margaret thank any other nominations your secretary can I nominate Melissa please thank you do you accept sure would you like to any other nominations would you guys like to say anything uh I was secretary for a number of years after uh Terry went into the chair position and uh I enjoyed it I think I did a good job uh there was a time I was responding for the school committee on the emails uh that was also a challenging year um so I would happily take secretary I did it this last year and as you have said when you do something for the year it's a Le experience I would be glad to continue up to the right thank you call out Melissa Margaret Melissa Melissa Melissa Margaret I V for myself and has it four congratulations thanks very much uh next up is routine business uh the minutes approving the minutes from the meeting on May 14th motion thanks Mike is our second any um edits or correction great all in favor of approving the minutes from the 14th of May say I any opposed any obsessions thank so much next page uh committee reports committee report of course Terry yeah always what you got um the Memorial Garden service was wonderful um it always is and I just want to say thank you to um Mr Richie who um did a great job with the Repertory singers and the kids reading of they picked out their own readings that was very moving it was a great ceremony um so I just wanted to say thanks to the students for pulling it off like they do thank you or as they do is that the right any other reports um I have two um negotiations will meet um next week wait no next week this week this week yes we gosh May is killing me uh this week and the only other thing I want to mention is a huge thank you to the town for approving the ballot other questions we can actually get a roof on North Alma um so just a thank you for that um and that's it any requests for information motion to adjourn thank you second all in favor thank you [Music]