##VIDEO ID:TYaluYkECmA## call the policy committee meeting to order Mrs AAL is there a quorum present yes there is all right thank you uh please stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the to flag of the United States of America to The Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right is there a motion to approve the agenda so move thank you Nick is there a second second thank you uh any discussion discussion discussion all right hearing none all those in favor sign if by saying I I opposed all right motion passes we have uh some policies that are up for review I remind this committee that review means that the entire policy is looked at okay um we do also have these policies looked at by uh usually the cabinet member who oversees kind of that general area so the first policy that is is up for review is policy 706 acceptance of gifts is there a motion to approve sending policy 706 to the school board so moved thank you is there a second second all right thank you Nate uh discussion I will just say 706 was looked at by Director of Finance Barbie racler and she did not have any recommended changes to it any further discussion any further discussion okay hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed all right motion passes uh is there a motion to approve sending policy 715 post issuance debt compliance policy to the school board I'll move thank you is there a second second all right discussion once again this was looked at by Barbie racler our Director of Finance and operations and she recommended no changes to policy 715 so it says in here it's Nota policy correct 715 is not an msba policy this is a fairwell public schools policy that was enacted should say on here it doesn't at the end it says yeah July 16th 2012 where where do you see that at way at the end of it six oh sorry on page three at the end of Page Three for me it's page six but oh you're looking online I'm looking online it's page six on the paper sorry oh okay that is not on my printout so I apologize for that so it was uh adopted on in July of 2012 MH so is there ay um I don't believe there would be one otherwise I'm guessing we would have adopted one by now um there is legal references on oh no sorry wrong one yeah oh okay in 2012 okay any further discussion any further discussion all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right motion passes last policy today up for review riew is policy 904 uh distribution of materials on School District property by non-school persons is there a motion to uh is there a motion to approve sending policy 904 to the school board so move thank you is there a second second okay thank you discussion any discussion any further discussion okay hearing none all those in favor of sending policy 904 uh to the school board signify by saying I I I opposed all right motion passes the next section four is is revision of policies and we have 1 two 3 four five six revisions to look at this time uh first revision is policy 710 which is extracurricular transportation is there a motion to approve sending policy 710 to the school board so move thank you is there a second second all right so policy 710 just going to pull it up here the only things that changed was there were some wording that was crossed out in the legal reference and the cross reference other than that I do not see any changes whatsoever in the policy itself and it was adopted in November of 2013 any discussion any discussion all right hearing none um all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right motion passes is there a motion to approve sing policy 712 video surveillance other than on buses to the school board so move thank you is there a second second thank you Wendy discussion discussion all right this policy the once again the only changes that I see there is just some language changes that spell out Minnesota state statutes rather than abbreviate it and United States code rather than abbreviated other than that there are no changes to the policy itself um was adopted June of 2011 any further discussion all right hearing none uh all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed all right motion passes is there a motion to approve sending policy 801 equal access to school facilities to the school board so move thank you is there a second second all right thank you um discussion once again no changes to the policy wording the only changes were made in some of the uh it appears just some of the numbers around a possible court case um but that was it uh some things were taken out and and msba service manual uh cross reference was removed this was adopted in October of 2011 as well any further discussion all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right motion passes um is there a motion to approve sending policy 805 waste reduction and recycling to the school board so moved all right thank you um any discussion no second second oh I'm sorry is there a second getting ahead of myself second all right thank you all right so uh discussion looking at this there is zero changes to any um language in the policy the only thing is that some of the uh legal references have been removed and there are no cross references was ad adopted May of 2016 any further discussion all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right um is there a motion to approve sing policy 807 health and safety policy to the school board so move thank you is there a second second give that one to you're going to concede that one to Nick okay thank you I don't do that often but today I um all right so policy 807 health and safety discussion the only once again no I shouldn't say that there is actually one change in the wording on page [Music] C it says uh action will be taken the will be was added uh but other than that the only changes are to some legal references this was adopted May of 2016 any further discussion all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed all right motion passes all right is there a motion to approve sending policy 902 use of school facilities and equipment to the school board so moved thank you is there a second second all right uh discussion this one there are I don't want to say substantial changes but there are some changes so um this is once again one of our own policies it has to do with this is not an msba policy it has to do with um community members or outside of the community PE uh groups that wish to uh use our facility space um I do have a question yes so the use of the policy is 42-1 and-2 do we need to um have the administrative procedures as part of the policy because we had different procedures not be included in yeah policies so when I sat down I sat down uh today's Tuesday so yesterday with Cassie rippel to go through this with her um some of the changes in in here are nice to have in policy such as on page 9023 which is the first page of the procedures side of it yep um where it talks about seven to Days 7 to 10 business days notice that's nice to have in policy so that um someone doesn't call on a Friday and say can I rent the space on Monday okay I it was just procedures I was looking at versus policy yeah so and it conforms to a lot of the other pieces that have been brought up um either around Title 9 requirements moving forward um you'd find that on 902 d47 where it talks about all Flyers must be approved in advance by the community ed Department yeah um that has to do with whether they are our flyers or whether they are an outside group's Flyers either way we have to have certain language on them moving forward okay um just a editing in number seven that you were just talking about on none 2-4 Community spelled [Music] wrong yep you are correct thank you any other discussion around policy 902 all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right there are no new policies for this round and our next meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 4th 2025 I say that because um on January 6th of 2025 will be the organizational meeting in which uh new board members will be sworn in um and then new committees will be drafted by the chair and uh the committee dates and Schoolboard dates will all be decided at that meeting as well so the tentative date is February 4th uh more information will come out after January 6th all right so with that is there a motion to adjourn so move all right so is there a second second you're waiting for him weren't you any discussion all right