##VIDEO ID:V9fxvYaqqlc## e e e e e e e e e for attending or viewing online our August 19th fbow Public Schools business meeting Nasco is this okay the the mic check okay thank you uh thank you board members and superintendent benty for being here uh with that I will entertain um a motion I'm sorry I call to order um Miss Steves do we have a Quorum present yes Mr chair we do thank you uh if you would all now please stand for the pledge if anybody has a hat please take it off if you're able I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay thank you for that I am sitting in for board chair Mr Bellingham as he is out of town this evening and Miss Steves you will be uh doing the timer for our our public comment is that correct correct wonderful thank you uh this moves us to item number two the approval of the agenda before we do that uh Miss Moore has asked me to look at the policies that we have here tonight we have an extensive list 35 policies uh that we are looking to approve uh in one big chunk if you will that would fall under item 8 B and then 1 through 35 Miss Moore has asked that um several of them be pulled out for an amendment that you would like to make and that several of them be pulled out uh as she has a qu uh uh some clarifying questions to be asked uh those total 13 of them what I'm getting at is if any of you have any amendments as well or if you'd like me to go through the list of items that she has questions and or amendments for I can do that or if you're okay with with us just doing that when we get there um when we do get there all of the ones that we do not have questions or amendments for we would like to take those all in one big motion and get those out of the way and then we'll go through chronologically the ones she has questions and or amendments for Mr chair is 522 on the list it is okay yep wonderful I'm sorry can I get a paper copy of the agenda I have it pulled up here but sometimes it's a little easier do you have one in her folder do you have one in your fold no no all right we're getting a paper copy thank you Miss Kenny Miss Steve do you want to review it quick before we I just want to check out the ones 522 you want me to go through the list of the questions in the Amendments quickly sure okay uh so Miss Moore has a question um for clarification on policy 104 she has an amendment that she's going to propose on 418 she has a question on policy 425 question on policy 506 question on 514 and an amendment she's going to propose on 516 a question on 522 an amendment on policy 524 an amendment on policy five uh excuse me 601 a question on policy 603 and a question on policy 604 an amendment on policy 608 and an amendment on policy 707 and it is my understanding that we have someone that needs to be somewhere by 6:45 tomorrow morning so we should get through these rather quickly Mr chair um and this is paper copies for people to perfect so with that we're just looking to approve the agenda with those um tweaks any other comments or questions regarding the agenda all right hearing none uh we have second we we don't yet no I want to clarify that before we got there so um I'll now entertain a motion to approve the agenda as we just discussed no moved second that was Mr robishaw and M yes okay thank you uh all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed motion passes 60 thank you for that okay that brings us to item three recognition Awards presentations we don't have any this evening so that brings us to item four items of information 4 a student board Representative no report yet this evening okay brings us to item 4B school board members the floor is yours would anybody like to go first anything you want to report Mr Ro no go ahead this point okay okay um thank you Mr chair and I I do appreciate the fact that when uh a grant runs out instead of being uh convoluted into the budget as our finance director said once that the for instance the driver's training Grant itself was brought before us and I do appreciate that um I know Mr benty you have indicated at a previous meeting that grants started programs and when the grant Runs Out then we as a board uh have to decide whether or not to keep the Grant and what the cost will be and so I do appreciate the fact that when a grant runs out it's actually brought up before the board uh what I would like to see now and and uh I'm sure probably it would be beneficial to the rest of the board is within the last 5 years um what grants have been approved what were the purposes of the grants how much was each Grant when does each Grant run out and the requirements or stipulations of each Grant and I I think uh I'd like to ask the administration uh for this information I think it would be beneficial to all of us to to know what is going on in our school and what programs are being started up so that's all I have to say thank you thank you Miss Moore Mr Mr Roof thank you Mr chair I just had a had a chance this morning to visit Jefferson Elementary School with superintendent benty um just to see the staff and unfortunately I didn't eat any of the breakfast but I thought I should have um but it was interesting to see all of the supplies lined up in the um gymnasium for student um supplies and u i I know that there's been a tremendous push in this community to get splies to our students um for those students who couldn't afford it I think for all students it was just nice I mean there boxes and boxes and you know a list of where those supplies should go uh what classrooms um and the hallways didn't look ready for students but we're assured that they will be ready for students so it was nice to see the the staff coming back uh with smiles on their face so wonderful thank you other comments board members time is yours all right uh hearing none before Mr benty I turn over to you uh tomorrow morning 8 a. is all staff day starts all staff day at the high school all board members are yep welcome to attend I believe um would you have a I'm not sure you want to stay for the whole presentation or not but you certainly can but it's in the the Performing Art Center yeah right at the high school and maybe you'll talk more about it yeah okay wonderful thank you that's it I guess the floor is yours okay um Mr superintendent all right so as Mr Wolf said uh tomorrow is our welcome back for our teachers um they they were in the district today in their classrooms uh but it starts at 8:00 tomorrow morning as our kickoff um there will be various speakers throughout that um and then we're it's really go go go until next Monday when the students arrive so um we're ready as Mr uh uh excuse me as Mr robishaw uh said that yep we have a lot of supplies that have been brought into our buildings we're trying something new this year using our bulk purchases ing power to be able to purchase supplies uh donated through some grants and some donations to be able to ease the financial burden on our families uh for that so uh the we've been able to drop uh we're asking each family for $35 um and in the past the supply list would have been anywhere from $85 to $100 per student so um we're we're able to kind of use our ability to like I said to purchase to drop that down for our students and then we take on the burden of supplying them with their school suppli rather than the families needing to do that um so once again like I said we're excited to get the students back in the buildings uh tomorrow is our teacher kickoff and um we're we're ready to go all of our Construction Products sh Pro projects should be wrapping up here before the students roll in so wonderful thank you uh board members any questions for Mr benty yes I have one question I went by the high school well that a athletic entrance be done no the athletic entrance will not be done we ran into a uh there was a uh storm sewer that was entirely clogged by tree roots so uh those trees have been removed but now they have to dig a very large trench to be able to uh remove that fix that pipe and those are I think they said four to four and a half feet down so they got to go at least that wide um to get them as well so that that entrance is going to be closed for a while until we get it all squared away but once it's completed it'll be a tremendous Improvement it'll be a tremendous Improvement once it's completed yes so thank you all right thank you for uh those comments this brings us to item number five public comment and I believe we have one tonight uh Miss Mary Hackett come on forward please it looks like your topic is Library materials policy you're good do you want to talk about the disclaimer did I miss it Chad's on of practice I'm on of practice sorry it's been several months since I do I have to read this whole disclaimer no no right no don't we don't read it anymore no we don't read anymore okay perfect so I think we're I we're good no no I'm I'm good we'll turn it over to you Miss hack all right thank you thank you um hello my name is Mary hacket I am here to talk about school library books and the proposed Minnesota School Board Association policy 66.5 on Library materials as you know I've presented to the board several times in the past year and met with superintendent ventti and some members of the school board at various intervals to discuss objectionable content in the school library I appreciate the willingness of the board to consider a policy now every time that I presented on this topic I have stated very clearly that I'm not in favor of book Banning or book burning I simply want to see age appropriate content in our school libraries content that that helps our students learn and grow in ways that Foster healthy relationships and good character or at least is entertaining without being pornographic or obscene this leads to some thoughts I have on the policy as currently written by the msba under responsibility for selection of Library materials on page two of the policy it states that the school board May decline to purchase May lend or shell or remove access to library materials legitim legitimately based on pedological concerns including but not limited to the appropriateness of potentially sensitive topics for the library's intended audience Etc I think this is good to include as it offers the chance for the school board to legitimately consider whether restriction to age 18 and up or removal of certain books already in the system such as Earl me and Earl and the dying girl which has 341 total profanities obscenities and more sexual references in a 304 page book it's also good that the policy specifies that parent and guardian requests for restriction for specific materials for their student should be honored by the school um selection of Library materials on page three states that Library materials shall meet high standards of quality in one or more of these categories artistic quality and literary style am I out it's three minutes it was two no we got three minutes sorry okay sorry thank I'm a first timer with this okay no worries I was like I thought that I timed myself okay anyway artistic quality is one authenticity critical thinking educational significance factual content High interest for intended audience and readability um these criteria to me seem minimalistic and subjective kind of vague and open-ended an argument could be made for any book and print to be added to a library if only one of these criteria such as readability is the sole one that must be met for purchasing Library material before adopting this selection criteria the board would do well to consider increasing the number of categories required to purchase a book and I think that limiting pornographic material for example and some level of obscenity and excessive drug references uh would be applicable here it's also a bit odd that the library materials Review Committee policy on page five essentially prohibits any Community member who has requested review of a book from serving on the Review Committee furthermore I think it should be spelled out that student Representatives on the committee should be 18 years old if the books in question have explicit content I look forward to seeing how the board will adapt this policy to make it more useful in promoting a high standard for Library content in the fairbow school district I further encourage members of the board not to be fearful about taking measures to protect young people from Grooming by normalization of drug abuse risky sexual behaviors rape incest and sex trafficking through book content aimed at pre-s and teenagers thank you thank you Miss hacket thank you okay that concludes our public comment so we will now move to item number six our consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so move second we have a motion by Miss budo a second by Miss Steves all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed motion passes 60 thank thank you brings us to item seven district advisory committee there is no report tonight and now on to number eight policy committee so 8A is the policy committee minutes Miss Steves or Miss Moore is there anything you'd like to highlight here or talk about before we get into all of the actual policies Mr chair yes uh with the policy committee um we were asked to look through the revisions uh except for two policies because then I think it was the cell phone policy and the uh school resource uh policy those are new policies so at the policy committee we were simply asked to look through the revisions and so I just want to make that note but when down farther when we're looking at the policies I read the whole policy and uh so that's many of my revisions are not from the uh the policy committee revisions so it's from the other parts of the policy I just want does that make sense I'm I'm with you I can't speak for all the other board members but but we we just looked at the revisions and not the whole policy but then as a board member I looked at the whole policy all these what is it 42 of them so that's where many other revisions come in except for one and I think I noted that one in the at the policy committee I said I had a problem with that policy so I think Miss Steves I don't know if yeah there was a um healthy chunk of policies that we reviewed but we did get through um all of them with the addition of um the new cell phone policy um and the SRO um policy um again um great meeting um minutes reflect the outcome of that meeting okay thank you board members any questions for Miss Moore Miss Steves regarding policy committee minutes all right hearing none we will move to item 8 B consider approval of revisions the following policies reviewed by the policy committee at August 6 so just for all you people tuning in late um we this could seem a little choppy to the people watching online if you will we are going to take all the policies I'll read each one that we are not going to have a question or an amendment for and we'll take all those and um make a motion and move forward with a vote on those and then we'll come back and we'll start at the top of the page and we'll work our way down through the questions and through the Amendments all right so I will entertain a motion for the approval of policy 102 equal Educational Opportunity policy 204 school board meeting minutes policy 207 public hearings policy 413 harass ment and violence policy 419 tobacco free environment possession and use of tobacco tobacco relay devices and electronic delivery devices vaping awareness and prevention instruction policy 507 corporal punishment policy 509 enrollment of non-resident students policy 512 School sponsored student Publications and activities policy policy 513 student promotion retention and program design policy 521 student disability non discrimination policy 535 service animals in school policy 602 organization of school calendar and school day policy 607 organization of grade levels policy 609 religion and religious and cultural OB observances policy 614 school district testing plan and procedure policy 615 testing accommodations modifications and exemptions for IEPs Section 504 policy 619 staff development for standards policy 620 credit for learning policy 624 online instruction policy 709 student Transportation safety policy policy 802 disposition of obsolete equipment and material and policy 806 crisis management policy with that said I will entertain a motion for all of those that I just read and hopefully you heard them all so I don't have to read them again could you read them again please uh so I'll entertain a motion to approve those don't move second that was Miss buo okay thank you so we have a motion by Mr robishaw a second by Miss Buel any further discussion regarding I believe there are roughly 23 policies there that I just read any questions yes Mr wson yes um is it necessary to have so many policies in one meeting can these be divide it up in the future type of thing is it legally because I I know throughout the year we update policies you know what four or five at a time or something this is getting to the point of being ridiculous Mr Olson wonderful question will defer to Mr benty I believe when we talked about this a month or so ago a lot of these are um revisioned and mandated by the state or the federal government and we're supposed to have them in place before school starts is that correct there is a combination here of the there are revisions that come from msba to meet State Statute um some of them do need to be in place before the school year begins some do not so we took all of the revisions that msba sent to us and decided to go through them at once um so that there's a difference between revision review and new um revision of a policy we only look at the red lines that come which are we only look at the changes that come from msba usually based on legislature or statute um sometimes on court cases if those are decided all right if it is a review we have a cycle that's about every three years policies come up for review um that in that situation the policy committee will look at the entire policy um and then anything that is new we will then look at the entire policy as well before it moves on to the board so can can could some of these have been held off they could have been um but it was also easier to get a lot of these revisions out of the way so that we could also get into some of the reviews um and also focus on 66.5 which is Library materials which I know that the board is going to have quite a few questions about moving forward as well so Mr Olsson does that help with your question sure okay thank you other questions or comments any other discussion Mr benty correct me if I'm wrong some of these um I don't know if mandatory is the right word but some of these we have to have on our books to be in compliance with state law and or federal law is that correct that is corre yes some of these are mandatory policies yes and and and is there any way of us knowing which ones are mandatory she so in the minutes it it says which is mandatory and which is not in the in the policy committee minutes yes okay thank you I I don't know if we want to maybe possibly refer to that when we get to the questions and amendments and and and we discuss those maybe maybe not so okay any other discussion Mr chair I'm having difficulty getting into the internet and so I may have some challenges reading the policies just letting you know okay I this may be helpful because yeah it's pretty self explan miss buo any other questions on these initial ones no you're good with that okay so we do have motion by Mr Roa a second by miss buol hearing no further discussion all those in favor please signify by saying I I oppos motion passes 60 thank you okay just bear with me here while I do my little bit of housekeeping so I can try to stay on top of this okay we're now going to move back up to the top of the page policy 104 um and what will we'll do is we'll look for a motion in a second and then we'll open it up for um question comment Miss Moore so policy 104 School District mission statement I'll entertain a motion to approve move Miss Steves with a motion I'll second okay Miss Moore I'll turn it over to you for your questions yes um and again this with the policy committee we looked at simply the revisions and the only revision was uh in the legal references but I did read the whole policy and I I guess the problem I'm having is just with the um the term Equitable um I think at some point and this is going to be kind of a theme of mine at some point we need to uh get I don't know if it's a policy in place to Define some of these terms in clear operational definitions and I I know I think it was at one of the committee meetings we did that it was um I think Equity or Equitable was uh defined I think that was I think Miss Miss bed you were at that meeting weren't you I think it was defined I can't remember but I think we should do it at a district district level so we know you know have maybe one policy this is the definition of terms so if a parent or someone you know in the community uh want it what does this mean and I think it has to be clear and and uh defined and so that's my problem with that and this kind that's kind of a theme with quite a few of the uh question questionable ones so okay thank you any other discussion around policy 104 all right hearing none we have a motion by Miss Steves a second by myself all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed nay and Mr chair uh the reason I'm saying because I want to make sure I understand what the term is before I vote on something so fair enough that's my problem Mr I want to confirm you voted in favor four or against against uh so that was four to two is that correct all right motion passes 4 two thank you okay this brings us now to policy 418 this is one where Miss Moore is going to um Mo or uh make a motion for an amendment um as of now we're going to entertain a motion to approve it as it's written so this is policy 418 drug free workplace drug-free school I'll entertain a motion to approve as presented so moved we have a motion by Mr Robot do we have a second second we have a second by Miss Steves further discussion yes Mr chair thank you um on your little packets here um and I actually grouped them according to topic uh parental knowledge and consent uh it was under six but there's two sixes and it should be 7. a.2 and it's under enforcement page 48-4 uh I would like to add two amendments and they're in red I would like to uh say with parental guard Ian knowledge and conent consent students May referred may be referred to drug or alcohol Assistance or Rehabilitation programs provided by school-based Mental Health Service Providers and then uh as a SE a separate sentence would be students may be referred to law enforcement officials when appropriate and it's on that packet so because I think it's very important that we um you know for uh Al knowledge and um consent I think it's it's a very important issue especially for the parents okay thank you Miss Moore so Miss Moore has made an amendment to policy 418 she just read it do we have a second to her Amendment second okay so now we I apologize here if I'm going to uh do this poorly as Mr Bellingham who usually help me with all the Roberts rules is not here tonight um but we're going to do our best and we'll try to be consistent so we have a motion for an amendment by Miss Moore we have a second by Mr Olson further discussion on the amendment Mr chair do we have any Clarity if there's somewhere else listed that um parental consent would be required for referring students to alcohol rehab programs or mental health services or the other drug or alcohol rehab I already say that anyway do we have any that listed anywhere does Mr benty know that or so or are we not required to inform parents about about this so the practice piece would be that anytime that there you have a student that is going to be in violation of our drug or alcohol or cannabis policies that have on file the student the the the parents are going to be contacted so that is just the natural practice of things um because there's going to be school consequences that are put in place and we are required to make contact home with parents and Guardians uh around that so um it's it's we would not refer to an outside agency without discussing that with the parents or Guardians as well so how does this relate to the age of medical consent so those have changed I know in in the last legislative piece um I I think that it would still it we would look at it as different issues the parents would be brought in on the the consequences and concern side of it so they would have knowledge of that um I think we need to figure out more from our attorneys on the age of consent based off of the new legislative pieces because it's not just 18 anymore it it hasn't been 18 for quite some time and it I think I believe it differs depending on what it is we're talking about the medical situ yes Mr so Mr chair and um Mr benty this section of this policy relates to enforcing uh when someone violates something with in our school this is about enforcement I I just want to get clarity looks like it's enforcement and and our policy are maybe it's not written is to inform parents and engage parents in these decisions so the enforcement piece would be in a in a sense that an act has been committed and has been committed either on school grounds or has come onto school grounds so that is a little bit different than a student that would come in and say say to their counselor to a teacher to an administrator I have a drug problem or I have an alcohol problem I am looking for help can you that's a whole different piece around it than the enforcement piece and this is entitled simply for enforcement correct okay uh Mr benty this one I'm I'm looking at the policy committee minutes 418 does appear to be a mandatory policy yes if this if uh if we would not pass this policy what happens do we just revert back to what we currently have in place but then we're in violation of State Statute or or that is correct so any policies that are not voted in favor of this evening simply revert back to their pre-revision form so you would go you would go to the to the file basically you would look at this policy take out whatever is read in here and that would be the policy that we we would revert back to however if we do that on any of these policies um this one included we're then not in accordance with State Statute would that would that be safe to say because we didn't update it so that's when you have to look at the legal references so if the legal references have changed and you see red in the legal references then that means that they have changed to be in line with a new statute or court case potentially if there there's nothing there then it's simply a change from msba okay based on what their attorneys say thank you well I'm I'm glad we have a policy committee that puts in the time and effort to review this stuff because um well Mr chair but this was not part of the revision this was uh as I said we do we only looked at what was in red and I don't think 418 uh okay as I said I read the whole okay but this one does look like it passed unanimously in the committee 60 it appears from the minutes Mr chairman um this is current policy is what I think I'm hearing the non red area no the the the policy that you have in front of you if you ignore the red that is what is current policy for farewell Public Schools okay got it in according to the minutes it's it's denoted that msba adds protection for persons in Minnesota patient registry program that's what's denoted in the minute so okay other questions or comments regarding the amendment yeah Mr chair I I guess my my stand here is I I know throughout the nation and especially in Minnesota to the parental rights it seems in Parental responsibilities uh are under attack I believe so and I think just adding this amendment would uh add would be an added safeguard for Parental knowledge and consent so I guess I'm taking a stand here here so thank you okay so a vote in favor of the amendment yes I just have a a comment um I don't think parental rights are being under attack I think that's a misstatement uh I think that there's a factor that students do have rights also and I think we got to be very sensitive to the rights of our students thank you Mr Ro Mr chairman um I understand that m more is being careful and cautious but just to clarify and verify our practice here is that we include the parents in this situation we inform them for the enforcement piece yes that is correct about is the enforcement that is correct yes thank you just for clarity thank you okay any other questions on this amendment could I ask for a roll call sure that okay thank you so we're on the Amendment piece right now M of policy 418 a vote a yes vote is in favor of the amendment a no vote is not in favor of the amendment and then we would default back to the regular policy 418 any questions on that can you repeat that okay yes a vote in a yes vote right now at this time would be in favor of the amendment that Miss Moore proposed a vote no no a no vote excuse me would be not in favor of the amendment that Miss Moore proposed make sense okay uh if we want to do a roll call let's we're just going to work around the room here so um for the amendment for the amendment yes Miss Moore yes Mr robosa no Miss buo yes Miss Steves I'm I didn't get Miss mois was I'm Sorry Miss MO is in favor of Amendment Mr robishaw is not in favor of the amendment Miss Buro is in favor of the amendment I'm gonna abstain from voting I'll make my comments later okay Mr Olson we'll go to you and then we'll come back to me yes yes uh and I'm a no so that's one two three that's three to two and an exstension goes with the yes so that means 4 to two um that that amendment is now in there it it is in there you said or not I'm sorry um I'm sorry uh what was it you said the amendment is in it will reflect 4 to two so the amendment is now included in policy 418 and now we'll go back and vote on policy 418 with the amendment correct Mr benty is that your understanding that is correct yes okay let me just make notes here and then a roll call please I'm not sure if I can make my comments now so we've talked about it a couple of times about a a procedure in which amendments can be presented I to be quite honest with you I'm not following along with the with the Amendments and the policies um and I need some sort of um procedure in which we can review these and I can do my own due diligence um I don't feel comfortable either way um Mr benty hasn't reviewed these with our attorney um I guess that's just my comment Mr chair um I guess I didn't realize that uh I I did send these in on Friday Friday afternoon so I was hoping people would get it out but um our shair is gone right I I I I saw the emails said he just found out yeah at 5:40 this morning so um I did not see them and hence I did not share them um Mr benty Have you shared them with you with me yes so okay so um we're now back to policy 418 with the amendment that Miss Moore uh proposed and so Mr chair yes M I just want to make a clarification uh it was on 6. A.1 page 48-4 it said respect Community Values and encourage students to communicate with parents I guess uh what communicate my question is what Community Values are we looking at I I think we need to Define that as well um I'd like to know what the Community Values are and I think at some point have we Mr uh Mr benty have we ever had uh a survey out in the community or I don't know that's my question I I just had some clarification or question on that I would assume Community Values in relation to this policy would be we don't want students to be using drugs especially in our classrooms right correct okay okay so we are at policy 418 drug-free workplace drug free school with the Amendments that Miss Moore stated do we have a motion I believe now we need a motion and no we're good but you can vote we can vote on the main motion as amended okay so the amendment has gone through no it's just the one Amendment right yeah yep and I just had that clarification thank you so now we have the vote with the amendment as amended as amended as amended Miss Kenny can I ask you a question if somebody wanted to make a motion to table it is it too late or can that be done where we're at right now does anybody know that and I apologize I do not um I I don't you can take a motion to table it but there has to be a specific date of when it has to be brought back but we'd still have to like you have a motion yep we have to vote on the motion so you'd have to act on this motion first and and if we want to table come after it okay so we're we're acting on the motion of um we do have a motion in a second as the amendment is stated all uh any further discussion you said your your comments any further discussion Mr benty question for you we're changing the wording in a policy that is mandatory do you have any legal concerns with this changing of the policy might this open us up to any potential ramifications um anytime we change policy it opens us up for potential ramifications the one piece here is that if we had an administrator that did not follow this for some reason or another um then it would open us up because we would we are now moving from practice to policy um practice we can change here and there it's it's at the discretion of the administrator on how we deal with individual pieces depending on individual students policy we can't so so that given you know some odd circumstance or something if the administrator were decide no I'm not going to bring the parents in on this one then they would be in violation of policy okay uh Miss Mora while I respect your thoughts and whatnot I I will be voting no against this simply because of we haven't had a chance to have this approved by our legal council and I just simply don't want to open our ourselves up to any type of legal recourse that we don't need to that's just my thoughts Mr robishaw Mr chair thank you I want to go to um Miss Steve's comment also about age of majority if I'm 18 years old and my and I don't want my parents involved or notified do I have that right under this under this amendment no you do well you have that right we're violating that student's rights you we could potentially be in violation of that students rights based on the new legislation that was passed um this this past Spring by the state legislature but again for clarity sake is if a student has drugs or alcohol within our school buildings or out in their car for example they're under the age of 18 we would be notifying the the parent or Guardian if that happened yes because it would be the enforcement piece of the it would be the consequent piece of the enforcement which is the policy which is the polic the section of the policy that you were looking at correct any other questions or comments on policy 48 and the amendment that we have a motion in a second for chair I'm sorry to labor this issue but if I read the paper that Miss Morris handed out I don't see this as a punitive I see it this is what you're adding with parental Guardian knowledge and consent students may be referred to drug or alcohol Assistance or Rehabilitation programs I don't see that as as a I see that more as I as a staff member see this student in need of some assistance I don't see this as an OP punitive kind of statement I don't know where we're coming up with punitive types of things other questions or comments Mr chair I guess I I just would would say that because if you read through it it says students may be referred to drug alcohol Assistance or Rehabilitation programs and and it's a provided by school-based Mental Health Services I think if a student is um referred to a mental health because of the drug or alcohol I think a parent needs to be um informed and consent so I gotta go back to that again so okay thank you any other questions or comments discussion ready for the question what's that I'm ready for the ready call the question okay um all those in favor please signif signifi by St of the amendment right well the amendment's already part of it now yeah so okay gotcha yep and you want to roll you ask for a roll call on this for all of so this is going to be um policy 418 drug free workplace drug free school with the amendment that passed 4 to two and we'll do a roll call we'll start once again just work our way around the room Miss Moore yes uh Mr Robot no miss buo I miss Steves no no uh Mr Olson yes uh myself no so that's a tie three to three it now fails to move on because it was a tie correct thank you for keeping us on our toes we can now go back to the original policy 418 or we can look to table it is that correct no well we're gonna I I'm going to make a motion to table 418 I got to put a specific date when's our next business meeting can somebody we've already voted on it but we can bring it back I mean we don't I don't think you need to vote to table it because you've already dealt with yeah we voted on it so it's just simply tabled no yeah it's just it's just no fail fa we refer back to our policy okay yep will will the policy committee reexamine this and bring this back forward again so I think what we will do now uh M Miss Kenny and I will is reach out to msba and potentially our attorneys to say if we stick with our old policy are we in any violations and then if we are then we will bring it back to either the board or or policy committee and and if we need to revote we'd look to revote in September October whenever you can reconsider it thank you okay sorry for any confusion out there everyone this is a learning exercise for myself at at a minimum so okay this brings us now to policy 425 staff development I will entertain a motion to approve so much thank you Mr Olson do we have a second second thank you Miss Steves with that I'll open it up for discussion Miss Moore this is one that you had requested some further clarification on yes and I actually yeah it's on P I should have numbered my pages but it's on the fourth page 425 we are in right staff development and mentoring I guess I just would like to make some comments here and clarifications under 3B do4 Doc Page 425 to two P uh- two it says in provide uh an inclusive curriculum for racially ethically ethnically linguistically and culturally diverse um they talk about that I'd like I I guess for clarification again I think we need a policy what does inclusive curriculum entail what is culturally diversive and I did look up actually culture and culture really is a set of uh and I teach this of attitudes belief belie and values and uh but it's also if you look at cultures there's actually One Source says there over 3,800 cultures and one source says there's between 5,000 and 6,000 cultures uh so I guess we really need to start defining these terms and that's my problem also under 6D was 1 two 3 4 Etc Pages 425- 5 426 D6 um uh isn't that discrimination this goes back to the bipac thing again we've discussed that I guess I'm just feeling that it is discrimination against One race okay thank you uh it m Moore are you looking for a answer from Mr benty in terms of what does curriculum and what I am saying is that I think we actually need some really definitive operational definitions for some of these terms and that's I guess where I'm coming from right now I don't think we have them like I said what is in what is culturally diverse uh we've got some sources say between 5,000 and 6,000 cultures I think in research you have to be very careful with operational definitions you have to have a clear defined and I don't think we do in some of these policies and that's my recurring theme and I'll just keep stating it so okay I I think we need a a policy and also uh I feel it's discrimination too okay thank you Mr benty you're catching all that what she's talking about and asking for at some point here and well and and I'm thinking back the board was going to have a retreat to go through and do a farbo Schoolboard definition of terms that it was going to name at a later date that Retreat never happened um so that that would be information that I know cabinet and myself would be very interested to look at is what definitions is the school board looking to entertain for some of these because they do not most of them do not come with definitions from the state so okay thank you that that's probably on my fault for not scheduling a retreat but um I'm no longer a board chair so I'll pass it on to Mr Bellingham or whoever succeeds anymore what's that it's not your fault anymore well it is my fault probably but that's all right um okay any other discussion all right hearing none we do have a motion and we do have a second for policy 425 staff development and for all of these I'd like a roll call please roll call okay we'll honor that um we're going to start over there again M Moore um no uh Mr R yes I miss buo I yep bear with us here miss Steves I Mr OLS I I am a yes so that passes four to two if if we're getting out of order please just stop us slow you're going slowing slowing up for me okay okay thank you okay the next one on here uh so that passes 4 to two the next one on here is policy 56 student discipline I will entertain a motion to approve so mov thank you Mr Olson do we have a second second that was Miss Buel yes thank you further discussion Miss Moore yes uh I was trying to look at this one here 506 is oh yeah okay I got it hang on a second I'll go back to my old um I the problem I've having with this policy is 506 uh because of the social and emotional learning uh I'm not going to regurgitate what I've said before I can just say I've passed this out a number of times about what uh seal is it's a delivery system of social emotional learning I've also uh looked up uh with CPL action it says social emotional and I'm just going to read a couple things is umbrella for social engineering Concepts that have infiltrated our school systems with various names critical race diversity Equity Dei comprehensive sex education it's also a data collection system uh it also goes by the name as knowledge-based learning literature-based datadriven program multi-tiered system and it does have another concern I have that there's continual surveys on you know uh what the students feel what whatever it is and I'm I'm asking the question is this data mining um so another thing according and it's based on according to Castle uh I think the SE is based on Castle it's a leading National developer promoter and funer ofal and um they talk about mindfulness education it has many names um uh so I have a problem with social emotional learning with this one okay thank you Miss thank you other questions or comments further discussion perhaps social emotional learning can be added to the dep definition conversation oh that that is a good idea yeah for the district uh definitions you're saying yeah okay but right now um I don't see it as that and um I'm having a problem with that okay thank you any other discussion um Mr chair this this policy seems to focus on the school resource officer changes as well as some unscheduled student removal from from class this is what it focuses on um those are changes that are adopted and it simply encourages the school to adopt a policy on Parental notification for unscheduled student removal from class so these are the additions that we are dealing with right now okay thank you any further discussion okay hearing none roll call again is your request so Miss Moore we'll start with you no Mr roesha yes miss budo I miss Steves I Mr Olson no uh myself uh yes so it passes four to two Okay moving down to policy 514 bullying bullying prohibition uh I will entertain a motion to approve all moved thank you Miss Steve do we have a second second thanks Miss Brill we'll open it up for discussion okay Miss Mo got me out of the let me see excuse me a little bit because I had them in my order but now we got to put him in in a different order so I believe I can find it here this is one you had a question on when we spoke earlier yes and if I could find it here I think this is another one with the social emotional Le to find it here I had them according to topic so bear with me here it appears yes this is the one with theal in it to so it's the same discussion same comments as before same disc okay any other discussion on this policy 514 all right hearing none Miss more we'll start with you on a roll call okay no Mr robish yes Miss Miss Steves I Mr Olsen no and I will vote in favor yes so four to two motion passes four to two Okay now this brings us to policy 51 six student medication and teleah health I'll entertain a motion to approve so moved thank you Mr robishaw do we have a second second thank you Mr Olson further discussion M Mo yes okay um and this was uh on if you look under 516 I think this is on again I apologize I should have I think it's on page two 516 under 3. A.1 page 56-1 uh it did say and I did overlook this I inadvertently missed this at the policy committee and I'm sorry about that but it says the administration of medication or drugs at school requires a completed signed request from the student's parent and it stopped there I think we need to add Guardian too that's one of the Amendments is that the only amendment no there's it's actually um three more Miss Moore based on the the handout that you gave us for 516 I believe you have four amendments oh one two three yeah there's three correct I'm I'm seeing four yeah yeah can we handle them all at once or not I don't 56-1 56-2 56 yes and yeah I I'll welcome you I'll I'll allow you to read each one of them and we'll take each one yeah well that's the only way you're going to sway a vote I think is so they know about it okay uh under 3. a.3 Doc Page 56-2 I would like to delete used in connection with services for which a minor may give effective consent I guess my rational for that is how can a minor give effective consent without parent Guardian knowledge and consent is this a good idea it it says a minor can give consent so my problem is that I don't think a minor is mature enough to give consent uh for either mental health uh mental health um for services or any kind of services so I would like to to just eliminate that one uh can we move on to the next one yes go ahead under 3. a.3 page 56-2 it's is provided or administered by a public health agency to prevent or control a disease or a disease outbreak um I'm thinking if there's for instance something like co uh where the health uh the uh Public Health can come in and start giving vaccinations I think they need to give it with parental consent and knowledge because one of the things what what if that student is uh you know with a vaccine if that student is allergic to something the parent would know that the student may not know that so I'd like to add in all cases under 3. a.3 Doh parental Guardian knowledge and consent must be given can and under Ford I'm sorry under can I just ask for a point of clarification are you talking a student under the age of medical consent or a student under the age of 18 I think under the age of 18 because some students you know some are more mature than others and uh I know the brain doesn't really fully develop till mid 20s so I think we need parental Guardian knowledge and consent uh under ford. d. page it's yeah page 56-7 and this is one that we did talk about at the um at the policy committee and I was voted down so I'm bringing it up again this is a school may require student requesting access to space under this section to submit to the school assigned and data consent from the student parent of guardian or from the student if the age is 16 or older I'd like to in say that it's 18 um I think a six as I said a 16-year-old I don't think is mature enough to give consent uh for any kind of mental health services and I think this should be something between uh the personal uh family doctor and the parent and Guardians so to me this is a violation of parental rights and responsibilities and I think slowly they are being eroded in this state and probably Across the Nation so that's it so um in relation to your first point of adding um point of order we need a second so we've got that she's making a motion before we can discuss discuss thank you Miss Kenny um so we have a motion by Miss Moore for four different amendments in policy 516 is there a second second thank you Mr Olsen okay Miss Steves um the first point of adding Guardian um very much appreciative support that portion of the amendment um so again I hear what you're saying and I um I go back and forth um I worked in the medical industry for just about a decade and I dealt with the age of medical consent um as it was changed from 17 to 16 to some instances in to 13 years old um the only things that that children minors age 16 to 18 can make decisions for their own afford are pregnancy and pregnancy prevention sexually transmitted diseases and infections substance use and abuse mental health and sexual assault so as it's defined in your amendments to the the policies um and and when I asked for the the point of order if you were talking about the age of 16 to 18 or um just everyone under 18 um I guess I'm not supportive of the other points outside of the first um 56-1 of adding Guardian um you know as a as a parent of of young kids I get it I'm I'm making my my child's appointments and most of the time I'm paying for them as well um but we have to think of the students who potentially have been sexually assaulted and are discussing that in their Mental Health visits who are pregnant because of a sexual assault if they've been you know assaulted by a family member um that creates a whole host of other other issues of of privacy um again I go back and forth um but at the end of the day for me um teaching my kids to make informed and wise decisions is the route that I decide to take as a parent um and that includes you know seeking out medical information and and looking and weighing um the pros and cons um again I'll be I'll be voting no in the entirety of this um unless we can um get the first point um again of adding Guardian to parents and guardian okay Mr chairman Miss bro um I'm okay with the first Amendment but the Second Amendment appears to be statutory language uh 121 a.22 the administration of drugs and Medicine uh that has the same language um a lot of the same same language um under exclusions uh and it says used in connection with services for which a minor may give effective consent um I don't it it really parallels the same language we have here so I don't know about amending it as far as I mean it it is new language and I think we have to adhere to the statutes that's all I'm saying Mr chair uh I just want to mention um this is a personal experience uh my daughter who's in another District she took her my granddaughter in for uh I think she was 15 and they would not let her see the records and she was very upset about that and she as a parent was very upset luckily uh my granddaughter says sure my mom can see the the records uh I would like another Point too in this was in California and I I do have the um I don't think I have it with me today but uh there was a child that committed suicide a girl and uh the reason and the parent the child committed suicide and uh because she was H I can't remember the problem she was having or anything but the school knew about it and the school did not let the parents know and now the parents are suing the school district so uh I think there is a problem with uh parents not being informed and this LED actually to a suicide and this this district is and I can get that it was in California um I have it here if you I don't know if I have it here right here but I can get it so that's why I'm very concerned about all of this what is coming down in nationally and at the state level especially so I guess that's why I feel I need to make a stand okay thank you so we're still on discussion of M Moore's Amendment do we have any further discussion Mr chair yes Mr Olson I'll support this uh me and my wife were the Guardians for my grandson um we had to do that because his mother was murdered in Texas so it was our responsibility to raise his child and he's a senior this year um you are cutting the parents out if you vote no for this then I feel sorry for you I really feel sorry for you and this will become a point in this election that you don't support parents to get their permission parents have to be informed of what's going on in the school I've always got the information you go and you ask for it and they give it to me you give it to any parent and this is really important for their learning um involve the parents in the [Music] schools sometimes I wonder if they want parents in schools but um I'll be voting for this and this will definitely become an issue okay thank you Mr Olson uh Mr benty as i r viw this in the policy minutes this is a mandatory policy it does appear that there was actually a motion by the policy committee to add I'm reading this quote unquote with parental I'm sorry with parental or Guardian consent and I believe that was added to section 3. a. 3.h so I believe that's already stated in this policy uh from what I'm reading in the minutes I don't know if anybody uh Miss Steves do you believe that to be accurate that's what you're all seeing Mr chairman is in our language within the blue and above that it says the provisions of 3a3 are optional the school board may choose to include or exclude any of the provisions specified these exclusions appeared in previous versions of this model policy okay so we have apparently not concerned with violating any state statute here okay thank you so I I um Mr Olson I I I believe it's already in there um from what I'm seeing here in front of us so with that any other discussion this is a vote on Miss Moore's Amendment where she has four in the amendment she has four different language changes here a vote in favor a yes vote is in favor of the all four changes a no vote is not in favor of the changes other questions is that clear or is that confusing this is the amendment the amendment Mr chairman is the amendment include all four they separate yes it includes all four okay all right Miss Moore yes I am for the Amendments thank you Mr Rosa n miss buo I miss Steves no uh Mr Olson yes uh I am a no uh the amendment fails 4 to two uh no I'm sorry three to three I'm sorry thank you thank you thank you for the correction fails 3- three and so now we're back to the original policy 516 excuse me student medication and tele health so we'll do a roll call again if that's what you prefer Miss Moore clarification yes Mr olon um is the word guardianship in it or not the word uh I mean I'm reading right from the policy minutes that's in our attachment and I'm going to read it again that it was passed Mr Olen um to add that language it passed unanimously six to zero at the policy committee it was moved by Miss Moore seconded by uh miss little to add quote unquote with parental or Guardian consent to section 3. a.3 that's right from what's so that's right now what we're voting on that has been added that is included okay yes so yes Mr chair um I think at the policy committee uh I did look at the when I went on the agenda I looked to see and it was it wasn't changed on the agenda so maybe that's where the confusion was for the but but yeah so that that is the parent and guardian but the other three amendments are not okay okay so that is in Miss Moore um back to the original 516 student medication and tella Health uh no no Mr robishaw yes yes hi Miss Bujo thank you Miss Steves I Mr Olson I so now that passes five you didn't what state your vote oh I'm sorry I yes I'm I yes I'm sorry thank you 5 to one 5 to one that passes 51 thank you okay now we're down to policy 522 Title 9 sex non-discrimination policy grievance procedure and process I will entertain a motion to approve this actually I'm going to move to table this until our SE this is August 12 September meeting when we have a full board to be able to hear the conversation around this so that's my motion to table policy 522 second uh I made a motion second by Miss Moore any further discussion once again this would this would come back at our uh September full business meeting do we need a date you do need a date if you're going to table yes can somebody help me with a date on that please business meeting yeah business meeting Mr chair is discussion Allowed no on a table I don't believe discuss okay I'm sorry no discussion is allowed what what's the date 23rd so I'm moving to table it until September 23rd when we have a full board here and I believe Miss Moore are you still good with a second on that um I think uh I can't discuss it because I one of the things I'm just concerned about is the US Supreme Court and what it has to do with Minnesota statute so I think that needs to be cleared up yeah so you're good with keeping the table and tell the full board can hear it uh on September what was the date on 23d September 23rd thank you yeah I think so you're good okay so we have a motion in a second to table until September 23rd all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed no that passes 5 to one okay thank you so then now we move to policy 524 internet technology and cell phone acceptable use and safety policy I'll entertain a motion to approve so moved second thank you Mr Roan and Miss buo um further discussion M Moore yes yes Mr chair uh under uh 5. c. page uh but it says this disclosure may serve as a defense oh wait a minute uh wait a minute yeah in certain rare instances a user Also may access otherwise unacceptable materials and I'd like to add with parental guardian or consent if necessary to complete an assignment my rational for that would uh be that the parents May disapprove of some of this material and therefore the parent or Guardian consent must be obtained because some of these things maybe the parent isn't well you know so again it goes back to reinforcing parental knowledge and consent okay so that is Miss Moore's Amendment yes to policy 524 do we have a second to her Amendment Mr Olson further discussion on the amendment Mr chair seems like a common theme Here of parent/guardian seems like everybody sort of agrees with that to some degree in these policies it's I want to go through and where is their parent then maybe should be Guardian added to it would that go back to the policy Committee of what of all the all the hundreds of policies is that it seems like we're sort of halfway agreeing that maybe we should extend that to guardianship so you're recommending any any spot where there's parent essentially slash Guardian in in this policy and any policies is what you're okay Mr benty I'm sure has a note taken there and I'm sure he'll do it by discuss later yeah but this is adding more than just there's nothing here with that but right okay right right right right I'm saying you have to that's his right recommendation so um okay further discussion regarding policy 524 regarding the amendment I'm sorry M Moore's amendment to 524 state that Amendment again okay in certain rare instances a user Also may access otherwise unacceptable materials and I'd like to say with parental Guardian consent if necessary to complete an assignment I guess my rationale is that uh if these are unacceptable materials shouldn't the you know to complete an assignment whatever I think the parents should be aware of that and uh you know some parents May disapprove of some of of or all of the material of the unacceptable material therefore I think parental gu Guardian consent must be obtained again it goes back to parental Guardian consent and knowledge and which I stated before I think we are uh with all due respect to Dr robosa uh I think uh parental uh Guardian parents are under attack I do believe that in our nation and especially in within our state so that's where I'm taking a stand thank you Miss Moore any further dis Miss Steves one second I miss Steves you have your hand up I'm still was this on your list of amendments it yes it should be on page um it's 5 24 uh it's not if you I'm talking about your Amendment yeah it's on page page three Steve's 524 well you're reviewing it Mr Olson you had a comment um it's on TV that there's a class action suit about parents orgu Guardians suing like Facebook and all those other organ gations for damaging their kids I just wondering what kind of liability do we have if we let our students look at that material do you want me to answer that okay absolutely So currently the fedal public schools has a filter on the public access Internet so therefore social media sites and any anything that is deemed by our filter to be pornographic or anything like that is blocked um so it cannot be accessed through our internet that the school now I will say that does not stop someone from being in our buildings with their own data plan so that so can can items like that be accessed during the school day from a data plan yes but not through our inter internet but this would be you would include cell phones no because student cell phones are most likely going to be on their data plans so if I if I take out my cell phone right now that cell phone's on school property and they're looking at I cannot I cannot filter Verizon's Wi-Fi I can filter my Wi-Fi we'll be discussing that later on but if they if the cell phone's on school property it's being used and there's some inappropriate content or things what they are going to be suing for do we have any liability because you've let a cell phone onto school property I would say in that case the answer is no because and and once again I I need to state I'm not an attorney okay but I would say the answer is no because cell phones are everywhere and there would be more of a liability for us to say we are not allowing cell phones on our property so it's going to come up later on basically you're saying that we have to let cell phones on our property is that what you're saying or not is is that I'm sorry is is this in relation to this actual amendment I have no problem having you discuss it later yes I I think it is it's in relation to this amendment okay okay any any other questions then you'd like answered or you'd like to clarify so are you asking if we will allow if we will continue to allow cell phones on our property well it's more about the content if they have a cell phone but if they don't have a cell phone on the property they're not looking that inappropriate material or damaging material of what is suggested in the lawsuit that's what I'm saying we're I know we're going to talk about cell phone policy I'm not talking about well it sort of crosses over a little bit yeah I'm talking about the content so the content is blocked by our filters but they bring okay so and and I'll say it again I cannot I cannot filter any content that comes in through any other provider except for our own the filter would be no cell phones on our property so let me try to miss stes get some clarity for myself and maybe others so if Mr Wolf and this is just an analogy Mr Wolf had something inappropriate on his cell phone showing other students that's what you're talking about no the stuff that they're looking personally themselves Okay so if my cell phone was connected to fairbell public school's Wi-Fi and I had something inappropriate or was doing something inappropriate while connected to the Wi-Fi this is what the policy is in relation to that is correct okay so if you search for something while on our Wi-Fi that our filter deemed as inappropriate it would block it so if I go like if you go if you my WiFi is already on if you go to our Public Access and you try to go to Facebook it will not load all right if you then take the Wi-Fi off and go to your your data plan and go to Facebook it will load same thing will happen in any school building okay so just a suggestion because I'm I'm confused conflicted and I need to do a little bit of of due diligence and I really appreciate um you know maybe some of the feedback from the attorney um I don't know if this is the appropriate time to to table to our next meeting or right now we have an amendment so we're Amendment yep we have an amendment that Miss Moore has made and Mr Olson is second Mr chair I just want to make it clear too it said in certain rare instances and this is in order to complete an assignment a user may otherwise uh access unacceptable materials I guess unacceptable materials to me are unacceptable and if if in in order to complete an assignment this is needed for some reason I think the parents need to be in informed okay thank you other discuss they may not want this Mr chairman I have maybe a question uh so we have a policy that does not allow any miners to use our school internet for any kind of material that's obscene or pornographic so would this deal with adults is this about adults then this this paragraph because I don't know how it applies to students because this is our materials these are our school users it's it's we're using using our internet so where to kind or I can give a like a quick scenario on on why this or how this could be used um I don't ever see it being used because students will simply wait until they get home or they will go on their personal device on their data plan and and find it immediately um so what will what how it would be is usually like in a health class class if they were you know you were researching an STD and they were to go on to Google and say I need to see pictures of said STD there's a chance that that would that would trigger as sexual in nature um on our filter and it would block all that information so that student what this what this is saying is that student could go to the teacher and say I'm trying to access information on this STD the filter is blocking it then it would go from that teacher usually to the principal to the tech department to look at it and say what site are you trying to access um and then they would give them access to that one site they would not open up the filter to them they would say what site are you trying to access and it would be open to that one site for them for a specific period of time to student go to the parents where it should be they should teach them about that so Mr chairman um just to complete that question so this would um this amendment if it is applied would then in that situation they would have to call their parent and say can I can your can your son or daughter access this site we would most likely have to come up with some type of form that would be signed by the parent or Guardian to say I give the school authority to bypass its own web filter for this specific site for this specific amount of time for this assignment you know get very specific with it I if the board votes if if the board votes to do this then I want to make sure that I'm going to run this through our attorneys to make sure that we have all the proper um pieces in place like I said it has never come up to my knowledge as all my time as a syst principal and principal at the high school it has not that was 9 years worth of time there it never came up um but I'm not saying that it won't in the future um but I I highly doubt it will simply because the incredibly high percentage of our students that have internet access at home right and so Mr chairman just to I have the internet policy here for for our school district and it it says that our computers will with access to the Internet available for use by children under the age of 17 must be equipped to restrict all access by children to material that is reasonably believed to be obscene or child pornographic or material harmful to minors under federal or state law so it's not to me not a problem I mean I I don't see the problem I'm I do like the idea to restrict children from this material without their parents approval but I don't see that happening here okay I'm I'm good either way thank you any other discussion on the amendment okay we are going to vote for the amendment a yes vote is in favor of policy 524 with Miss Moore's Amendment a no vote is a vote not in favor of the amendment okay uh we'll do a roll call M Moore we'll start with you yes Mr rishaw nay Miss budo no Miss Steves I'm sorry I Miss Moore Miss Moore was a yes Mr robishaw a no miss buo a no and now we're to you no Mr Olson yes and I am a no so the amendment fails 4- two and now we're back excuse me to the original policy 524 internet technology cell phone acceptable use and safety policy we have a motion by Mr robishaw I second by Miss Buel any further discussion all right hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed no no sorry if we didn't do a roll call but I believe it's Miss Moore is a no Mr Roa was a yes Miss buo a yes Miss Steves I think you said yes Mr Olsen a no and I'm a yes so that passes forwarded to okay that brings us to policy 601 School District curriculum and instructional goals uh I'll entertain a motion to approve I'll make it I'll second Miss buer I'll give you the first I'll make the second further discussion Miss Moore you have an amendment yes and I have questions too um I I'm just going to do the questions first uh again this is under four uh uh Roman 4. A5 Roman 4 4. a. 6B and Roman rur 4. a. 6 C page 61-3 again we need to clarify at a district level not at a Comm committee level the terms Equitable cultural ethnically diverse uh and then I would go to my Amendment under um three ran 3 do uh I do is Page 601 D2 it says instructional racism means structures policies and practices within and within and across institutions that produce outcomes that disadvantage those who are black indigenous people of color and I'd like to Mad the amendment and whites because we cannot be anti and you know we have to be anti-racist I don't think we should look at people because of they're colored we should look at them as human beings and I think this discriminates against whites and I have to say and whites that's my Amendment okay um that's it I'm sorry here just bear with me I'm making note okay Miss Moore has made an amendment that she just read is there a second second okay further discussion on the amendment this is policy 6 60101 yes and this looks like uh msba removes world's best Workforce am I reading that right WB WF world's cor okay thank you and it looks like it's a mandatory policy so okay um I would assume that what's in here is stated by Statute back by case law or whatever is referenced yeah so the legal references and the cross references are at the end as well uh statutes as well as court cases okay thank you yes Mr Roa Mr chair I wonder if I could ask Miss more question can you identify areas where whites are disadvantaged um why you would want to include that in this amendment I don't want to include it I just think oh yes it is it's in red I do want to include n whites because I think well I'll tell you yes I can in my own experience uh my husband in in a job that he was doing um in his work um it was because of the affirmative action um uh yes he was uh there was discrimination there we're talking students well yes but I am just saying that we shouldn't be if we want to be and I I don't believe in racism and we if we don't believe in racism we should do it for all Races and if you don't do it for all Races you're really racist so that's my but the issue is that what they've listed here black indigenous and people of color have historically been in involved and disadvantaged they're trying to correct that whites have not been disadvantaged well Mr uh Dr robershaw uh I think it was in North Africa uh if we talk about slavery um actually and I can find the Articles uh blacks were actually enslaving whites so what I am saying is we should if we want to be really anti-racist we have to we can't pick and shoot choose what race we should be anti-racist with we got to have it clean and clear and I I don't think that a person's color should matter and um so I um I disagree with you on that and I think I'm going to call the question okay oh oh she called the question oh sorry well you want to withdraw that I'll withdraw it okay um answer is Jerry's is that um we did discriminate I don't know how long ago it was but with the um the grant for uh a drug policy that I brought that up is that to get basically drug help or counseling and they mentioned those special groups and which I voted against like what white people white students have alcohol problems and drug problems and money was only going to go to Hispanics um you know those protected groups so that's an example and we've also had with the uh the trans question transgender question that and that came up um so yes there are examples of course I've been on the the board for a few years and stuff like this comes up so those ones that come to mind if I sleep on I probably come more okay thank you so M stes the the red is what is legally required by state and federal government that no the red is what has been revised by msba some of it based on new Statue some of it based on court cases some of it based on legal precedent some of it just to better match language that is in society today as well so the red is just the revisions okay further discussion and roll call please yep uh Miss Mo I appreciate your comments Mr robishaw I appreciate your comments I won't be supporting it simply for the fact that I would really really like to lean on our policy committee to have this all sorted out um when it gets here and just one second M Moore please um and I really really hesitate to break msba you know guidelines if you will of what is recommended I I I get it I'm not on the policy committee but the last thing I want to do is open our district up to any type of um legal situation because we change something um a word here or a word there with regards to an msba policy that's backed by Statute or or court case um and or by federal so I that's I'll I'll be voting no on on this and potentially others so miss Mo you were going to say something uh yes I just want to double check here uh actually you know with the policy committee we all of these except for to the new ones we were only supposed to look at the revisions this was not part of the revisions that's why I'm bringing it up to the school board so to be clear on that okay thank you any other discussion okay right now we have an amendment on the floor to policy 601 uh motion by Miss Moore for the amendment a second by Mr Olsen a vote a yes vote will be in favor of adding the amendment a no vote will not be in favor of the amendment Mr chair is there two components to this amendment then I don't believe so no it just adds whites because and whites is is the two words okay and whites it should be for all Races okay any other questions what I read on this paper that Miss Mo gave us it's an whites is what we're add what she's recommending the two words an whites just okay right thank you yes okay that's it so once again a yes vote is in favor of adding the two words which is Miss Moore's Amendment and whites a no vote is against adding that and and returning back to the original uh policy as proposed so Miss Moore we'll go around and we'll do a roll call yes to the amendment thank you Mr Ro I miss buo I yep I'm sorry yep Miss Steves no uh Mr Olson hi uh and I'm a no so that uh three to three the the amendment fails 33 so now we are back to the original policy 601 School District curriculum and instruction goals any further discussion okay hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I'm sorry we'll go around do a roll call again Miss Miss Moore no okay M hi Miss buo Miss Steves I Mr Olson no and I'm a yes so that passes four to two Mr chair yes Mr Olson just the general that with the Roberts rule orders of which I read that book instead of voice we can use either stand up or raise hand to that's alternative just to let you know you're just looking for a little exercise in this meeting pretty much yes oh thank you I appreciate it you read the Roberts uh Roberts rule book I read the Robert's uh rule book for dummies so you're you're well ahead of me on that did you learn anything um I got to page three uh we will now move to policy 603 curriculum development I'll entertain a motion to approve move thank you Miss buo who have a second second uh Miss Steve's a second okay we'll move to further discussion M yes again um just to reiterate uh it was I think I just to save time I'm just going to say that in this policy they talk about culturally sustaining cultural cultural awareness again I would like some of these terms to clearly be defined in operational terms that's my problem thank you m Mort any further discussions on policy 603 um oh just another General is that um you know you being the chair right now yeah that you could call a special meeting for definitions yeah I mean you could set it up you've got the authority thank you okay anytime okay further discussion I have a full schedule Mr Olson I will defer to uh Mr Bellingham if he wants to do that and work with everybody to figure out a schedule but w't you playing golf today I was not playing golf today no sir uh any other discussion on policy 603 I do appreciate the confidence so Mr Wonderful okay hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed no no 4 to two um Miss Moore and Mr Olen okay we'll move to policy 604 instructional curriculum I'll entertain a motion to approve moved thank you Mr robershaw second that was Miss buo thank you uh further discussion anyone uh yes more same stuff call question same same thing okay same thing 603 okay any other discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed no no uh I believe that's Miss Moore and Mr Olen opposed cor correct okay thank you no motion motion passes 4 to two this moves us down to policy 608 instructional Services special education I'll entertain a motion to approve did we okay 608 I'm sorry 68 I'm giving the motion to uh Miss bro and the second to Mr rashaw uh okay further discussion Miss Moore this is one you said you wanted to uh prop before that when it says special education I just see a danger sign being with special head that's okay I I I would defer to U Mr benty on that that um Mr benty do you see any issues there instructional services- special education that's what's stated in front of us so I want to make sure that we're reading this correctly yep all right so were in the responsibilities section of this policy all right and this falls under section c of responsibilities and it says when such Services require or result from inter agency cooperation the school district shall participate in such inter agency activities in compliance with applicable federal and state law the amendment it says and with parental Guardian knowledge consent Mr derer I believe we have to have consent with any agency that we work with outside of our ourselves for any student not just special education students so this is am I correct in saying that all right so we would already have to have by law we would already have to have parental consent to work with anyone else for any student besides our own agency okay which is us so is this correct on here policy 608 instructional services- special education that's what stated in front of us for approval is that is correct yes okay yeah that's okay because with the IEPs that I want to protect that special education IEPs okay it just it's as I know because one of my sons was a special ed student or had a IEP you don't you don't want to screw with you really don't they just other discussion Miss Moore you have something yeah M Mr Sher I just would like to conclude this in here because it is an added safeguard for parents if it's state law well then we should have it in our policy that's what somebody told me once so um it's just an added Safeguard and I I really believe we need to keep that in there because of the parental uh so M Moore I apologize I you you we're we're talking about what 60 608 you you presented us with a package Amendment yes 608 608 is the bottom of page three top of page four in Mo's P correct correct okay and would you like to read what your amendment is that you're proposing okay when such Services require a result from inter agency cooperation the school district shall participate in such inter agency activities in compliance with applicable feder Federal uh and state law and uh with federal/state law and with parental Guardian knowledge and consent this is just another added safeguard for parents okay and I Jerry but I want to say something that with my son with IEP I mean parental consent I'm sorry Noor uh yep thank you so she just finished her okay amendment that she is proposing do we have a second thank you m Kenny Mr Olsen a second okay Mr olon okay before Jerry Speaks because that's a specialty is that with the IEP there was so much parental per uh permission it was just it's covered I mean I don't know what else to say so I know that the section you're talking about I believe you're taking out of out of context the inter agency cooperation they're talking about is is the birth to is the Early Childhood McKinley collaboration with headart headart is a federal agency independent of the Department of Education what this is saying is we are still required to look for students with disabilities at Head Start even though it's not part of our public school system because it is a federal agency that's the inter agency collaboration it doesn't it's not talking about individual parents it's talking about Sage communicating with the director of head start saying this is the process for identifying a student with a disability and that's the process we follow all of those contracts and agreements with Head Start are passed through individually with the school board each year annually so we recommit to that but this policy is saying that we will we will follow the applicable child find laws within the agency it's not a particular student particular students we have to get parent consent before we do any type of assessment that's in statute both federal and state so I I don't necessarily think that the school board is required to vote on The Head Start contract I don't believe we want to ask each individual parent who has a child in Head Start to vote on that contract that that's what you would be requiring I believe if you had that yes Mr Jer uh thank you for that uh clarification because I think I'm misunderstood inter agency I was thinking maybe mental health supports or something like this is but this is what you're talking so I uh I retract my Amendment if I may I don't know if I can do that right now uh I think it's been second we we have a motion in a second we'll go around and we'll do a vote and if it fails the amendment on the amendment this is a vote on the amendment okay so a yes vote is in favor of Miss Moore's Amendment a no vote is not in favor of it you have a question Miss buo is the author allowed to withdraw the amendment I believe once a motion in a second has been made we're going to stick to it and we'll just roll call it and and if it fails it fails okay I didn't get to that chapter in the book that's all right okay uh Miss Miss Moore no okay thank you m m bu Miss Steves no no Mr Olson and I'm a no so that Amendment fails 6 to0 now we are back to policy 608 instructional services- special education and Mr Dana I want to thank you for clarifying uh you know just speaking to that so much appreciated okay any further discussion on this policy hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed okay that one passes 60 y thank you we're getting close ladies and gentlemen we getting close uh this is the last one in the big bucket here policy 707 transportation of public students I will entertain a motion to approve so moved thank you Mr Olsson do we have a second I will second with that I'll open it up for further discussion thank you Mr chair under uh Roman numeral 3. C it's page 707 -2 it says uh in a homeless student means a student including a migratory student who lacks a fixed regular and adequate nighttime resident and includes students who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing economic hardship or a similar reason are living in motels hotels and it said trailer parks and so I I I would like to delete trailer parks because a lot of people live in trailer parks and we're just opening up the door to unless I'm misunderstanding what trailer parks means it means living in a trailer right well they've changed name to manufactured home that's the legal Dem well yeah that's but I mean if if they're if a student is living in there it's manufactur they're not homeless that's I guess my point and maybe I misunderstanding something but so Miss Moore you are asking a question or you are no well I I am saying delete the trailer yeah because it's the manufacturing manf we have a motion by Miss more to uh her amendment is to delete the two words trailer parks is there a second sure Mr Olson with a second right sure means yes yeah okay the correct term I don't know if an amendment to correct term is manufactured at home by code she wants it deleted out of there that's what you just approved of trailer pars manufactured homes is not in there it should correct well well okay I I just want to make sure because they're saying if somebody lives in a manufactured home they are homeless correct that's a definition that's only type of construction I do not see manufactured home no but I mean in this but if somebody lives in a trailer in a trailer park they are not homeless and that's what it's saying the definition if you listen to this homeless student means I'm going to skip through students who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing economic hardship or a s similar reason are living in motels hotels or trailer parks to me if somebody's living in a trailer park they're not homeless that's our no thank you am I my brain getting mushy here yeah so I want some clarity one second here you're raising your hand to give some input we're going to call on someone to help us my when first stud so that's the main piece that's the second that they don't have a fix ofie inv that's home right that's just giving examples of what it could be aent could be a manufactured home or trailer home that's different trailer home okay so other discussion we have an amendment that has been made by Miss Moore has been seconded by Mr Olson once again I I Miss Moore um I hear what you're saying I'm going to vote no against it simply because uh I'm not going to overrule what the state and msba has put together in their whole process so so I just want to make clear this isn't going to be just because you live in a homeless because a student lives in a trailer park that they're going to be considered homeless because that could be really a big problem for the school correct from from from just read that is Cas okay okay Mr chairman yes M this deals with Transportation if you look in number 8A homeless students shall be provided with transportation services comparable to other students in in the district so perhaps we do have some trailer parks that are not you know right in our vicinity um I I think it we have to focus that this deals with Transportation it's not about identifying homeless people and categorizing them it's about making sure all students whether they have a home permanent home or Temporary Home are able to get to school and I think with that in mind um I don't really want to remove that definition um through the amendment yeah I'm concerned about that I don't think it's caused a problem so far so okay I just wanted to I get stick sticky on points sometimes so as you know you said it I didn't anyone else discussion okay uh a vote Yes is in favor of the amendment which would be deleting the two words trailer parks a vote no is not in favor of the amendment is that clear okay Miss Moore we'll do a roll call we'll work our way around the room uh no okay no no no no and I'm a no so the amendment fails 6 to0 so now we're back to the original policy 707 transportation of public school students we have have a motion in a second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed that motion passes 60 that concludes item 8 B can we take a five uh yes Mr Olson we are going to take a five minute break we will reconvene when that clock on the back of the wall says 735 5 minute break 5 minute recess Mr Mr benty then we'll lead with the uh first reading of the new policy 507.00 e e e e e e e e e e e okay thank you welcome back uh thank you everybody for bearing with us during that five minute or so recess before we get to item 8 C the first reading of policy 507.00 I think you had your hand up or something I missed you before we uh thank you U Mr chair I just want to make a comment uh in all due respect to M Olsen's uh due diligence in going through these policies and coming up with suggested uh Miss Mo Miss Moore I'm sorry um sorry no that's okay anyway I apologize um for that but anyway the due diligence that uh Miss Moore goes through and looking at these policies and bringing amendments um I think we have to be sensitive to the Integrity of our committees and we have a committee structure in this District um finance committee policy committee this kind of we spent two hours on these policies tonight uh and I think that we have other factors that we should be looking at and I would like to recommend that these amendments are thoroughly vetted in the policy committee before they come to the board with a recommendation from the board to either approve the policy as amended or to approve the policy uh as proposed by whomever msba or state or wherever it happens to be um but again in due respect to Miss Moore and what her due diligence I think we have to honor the Integrity of why we have a committee structure if we want to do this everything that we go through in the finance committee then would come through the board and that's not what we want to do we want to expedite expedite some of that discussion in our committees and so I'd like to recommend that from here at in those amendments are thoroughly vetted uh whatever committee it is in this case the policy committee so we're not spending two hours on going through these policies that should have been dealt with in the policy committee thank you Mr chair yes uh most of these amendments were with the policy committee we were only looking at the revisions and so many of these amendments I think with exception of probably one policy it was looking at the revisions and when I so the revisions uh they passed and I felt they were okay but when I read the whole policy that's when I had a problem so I just want to clarify that Mr chair again in all due respect that should come come up at the committee you have issues dealing with amendments to policies that should come up to the committee so thank you once again I apologize for missing you before the recess uh this brings us now to 8 C first reading of polic of new policy 507.00 [Music] are there any questions or Mr benty is there anything you'd like to State on this policy that we should specifically know um no just the this came out of uh the issue that we had last school year where there were some changes in the previous legislative piece that um caused many schools not us uh even though we were listed um that as removing their uh school resource officers we did not um but so this policy was created uh to help circumvent some of those and clear up uh some of the uh pieces around uh definitions contractual duties training um and then there are some legal references and cross references as well so thank you Mr chair okay thank you any questions for Mr benty regarding that Mr chair I do have a little concern that um excuse me that we don't have coverage in the schools or the two schools um during the school year full coverage uh I've been told that if there's one of them is part of like a sniper or whatever for a crisis then he has to leave and go to mano or whatever and we don't have coverage nobody there is that true or not so the contract that we have with the uh uh City and the farbo police department is that we have one officer assigned to our middle school and one officer assigned to our high school if that officer needs to leave either for training or for an emergency that officer is not filled by another officer because uh the one in the other building will either cover or they'll have officers in in town uh do do Drive arounds to be in the vicinity um so yeah they do not assign another officer if that one is out okay can we change that in this policy that when the students are there from this time to this time that we have a officer in our schools so that would not be a policy that would be a contract issue okay then how do we do we have to look at that contract so the contract will be coming I believe in September we're waiting to get it from the city okay then make a note of that then did we not talk about that at our most recent Finance meeting right we did yeah but we have to wait to get the we we approved the dollar amount we have to wait to get the official contract from the city itself thank you appreciate it okay other questions regarding the first reading of policy 5075 okay we will move on to item 8 d uh approve adoption of new policy 5245 cell phone and personal electronic device policy I will entertain a motion to approve so move second a motion by Miss bu a second by Miss Steves uh Mr benty I will turn it over to you for some information yes so in our last legislative session uh the legislator passed uh statute 121 a. 73 um requiring all school districts to have a cell phone policy in place by March of 2025 the state does not dictate what that policy says it just says that you need to have one in place um so what we did um we had heard a lot from the school board we had heard a lot from parents a lot from teachers and from students themselves um at our elementary school and our Middle School we were already following the away for the day model so you can go to away forthe day.com um it is a website uh talking about cell phone use in school uh they have a PO they have uh different policies on there from districts that have followed their ideas um thank you nosco nosco has it up on the screen up there um is it not away forthe day.com there you go um so it's a resource that is available uh our elementaries have been doing this our Middle School took this up two years ago so really this was a policy for two purposes one to get in front of uh what our uh legislature was saying we need to do and two to help support what our families students staff were asking for um so what this does is this formally announces that fwell public schools will follow the away for the day format and that it will extend all through uh prek through 12th grade including staff right because there's a staff component to this as well um so you'll see in here that it it it discusses everything from uh visitors to emergencies uh you know will we be need to be come back I uh and look at this for some wh ifs I do believe so I have run this through our attorneys they did make a couple small adjustments to it in some language pieces um but this is what uh we feel comfortable moving forward to the school board thank you Mr benty questions Mr rishaw yes uh generally I I really support this policy uh because the wave for the day does create a cell phone free zone in our school district and that's great um the only area I have a problem with is the devices may be used before and a after school and during lunch at the high school uh how can we call it a way for the day if they're allowed to use it during their lunch hours or lunchtime um and I'd like to propose a novel idea that cell phones not be allowed during this high school's lunch period and let's have the kids engage in conversations and talk to one another um and find out what what's going on and you know the old adage about if I talk to somebody I know a little bit more about that individual another thing is you know let's create ambassadors during the lunchroom where they see a student sitting by him or herself and this Ambassador can go over and they're not on the phone talking they actually going to go over and physically visit with that individual about what's going on with them and what is there something I can do something can help so I think generally the policy is good but I'm concerned about if we're going to have a way for the day it has to be a way for the day and let's have a cell phone zone free zone across the district from the time the kids get to school till the time they leave it the end of the day that includes during lunch at the high school Mr Roba I I I can't support the policy is that an amendment you're making or no or just a common statement well I would um okay I will introduce a motion or amendment to strike the latter part of the general statement of policy number two and during lunch at fabell high school strike that off and say that they're not allowed any time during the school day and Mr robishaw just for clarification purposes is um is that students or staff as well I I believe Mr benty earlier in your comments you said that staff are expected to abide by this as well that is correct if you look at section two where it talks about scope it applies to all students staff visitors and volunteers within farbo public schools and again and I would follow up on that adults should model what we expect from our students um so let me just clarify um section three general statement of policy 3 a.2 that's corre believe your your your amendment is removing and dur uh 3. a.2 correct I'm sorry just removing lunch that's correct so during lunches may be used before and after school period okay at farble high school only well they're not allowed in the lunchrooms in in the other buildings right superintendent well you want to keep in and I'm I'm I'm guessing the elementaries along with the Middle School do not have device use period all right so this would if if you want to continue this would need to say device use may be used before and after school at Fabo High School only that's your uh I'll accept that yes Amendment okay do we have a since the amendment's made I'll look for a second before we have discussion Mr Olson okay um so we have a motion and in a second to strike the word or the words during lunch so uh Mr benty just a practical question for you um a lot of students at the high school have open lunch or it used to be called open lunch they can leave they can go out to a restaurant they can go home and eat they come back all that stuff right we also have a fair amount of kids that do PSO between maybe the high school and and South Central or a fair amount of kids that do uh in person and then they can also end up doing foa MH right and and and the schedule isn't all in high school and then all foa it's kind of a a blended hybrid if you will correct how if we strike this out how does this work in terms of a kid goes outside to go to lunch um and they get out their cell phone and they're out in the parking lot now they're on their cell phone are we then going to need staff out there policing every cell phone in the parking lot what does that look like I'm just looking at it from a practical standpoint Point what do you see envisioning here if we strike out during during lunch um so I think that it it it would be a violation because it does talk about on premises okay all right so that so that if if you were to strike that out that would be a violation of if a student decided to walk out and leave and they're on the phone in the in the parking lot that would be a violation of this so open lunches who who can go outside can anybody go outside at lunchtime and stay on the property or what what is what are the Juniors and seniors are allowed to leave campus for lunch leave Camp leave physically leave campus um freshmen and sophomores have to stay on campus for lunch so so they can eat in the lunchroom and then sometimes they are allowed to go right outside in the courtyard area um so where that athletic entrances correct there might meeting spot weather permitting yeah yeah yeah m robot I mean I I I hear what you're saying and I agree it would be wonderful to have kids having lunch with each other talking I'm afraid that the whole during lunch I think it I think it really makes it difficult I think all of the staff are all of a sudden going to turn into cell phone police officers or you're going to have the vast majority of all students end up outside and you're going to have literally hundreds of students outside at lunch getting out their cell phones and I don't know how we're going to then par that police that Patrol at whatever you want I'm just being really honest with you that's my concern with the amendment open for discussion I hear everything that Dr R was saying and I agree with a lot of the majority of points I guess for me um comfortable with the way for the complete entirety of the day for elementary and uh middle school but in my mind we're teaching these kids how to behave responsibly and interact with each other and and handle a phone and not be like this um so I think as long as you know they're they're acting respectful they're of course not using their phones um for inappropriate things um I again would very much encourage students to put their their phones and their bags and their backpacks and and talk to students I think that's you know one that they're going to really miss once they get into the real world um but I don't I I agree with Mr Wolf as um I don't know how to feas enforce it um and not to mention you know our our staff use their lunch break to make personal phone calls um which agree with it don't agree with it yeah well just a comment if I can Mr chair if we want to teach students responsibility we're saying hey you don't have your cell phone during lunch hours or lunchtime that's teaching them responsibility um that in fact we want you to engage with other students on a regular basis you know build those peer relationships that we need to to do it and and then I think we need to redefine it it's not a way for the day the cell phones are not a way for the day they're way only when you know uh and before school and sometimes during the day and then at the end of the day they get the phone back um I know I I hear the complications that you're talking about um anything that is going to benefit students does has some challenges there's no doubt about it uh but I think if we don't face those challenges of what it means for our students and their mental health then I think we have some real other issues that we need to deal with about the I mean can we add a contingency of you know we're we're having a way for the day for all three levels um and and if it's not working or you know if we if we don't have Dr rasa's Amendment if it isn't working and can we add is there flexibility to adding these hours of Provisions if you will policy is inherently inflexible so um so I think you would have to be quite creative in how you would create the policy to be flexible around it so that yeah so I'm not sure how I'm going to say this so policy is essentially our law yep and if our law of having cell phones away from the day is unobtainable and I'm talking about honestly I I agree with Mr Wolf is I don't see how we can all of our staff out outside policing during an hour I honestly I know that that kids and adults um and many people are addicted to their cell phones um I just don't know how we' be able to manag Le effectively follow the the law which would be the policy again I'm I'm open I I very much in support of of this policy as a as a whole I think it's um very much needed not just because it's coming from the state legislature I think it's um very much needed for all of our students it's it's it's unfortunate we don't have any student Representatives here tonight to kind of tell us what their thoughts would be from a student level but it is what it she did she did she did chair at one of our meetings a few months ago and did she say she was very supportive of it very supportive remember okay Mr Ro I just have one other um the other thing under class policy classroom policy unless specifically authorized by a teacher in other words there's not consistency across the district when it comes to teachers um looking at cell phone in their classroom so I may go to Mr bent's classroom and he do absolutely no class no no cell phones at all but if I go down the hall to the next teacher in Mr Olson's room and he's saiding yes you can use cell phones there's there's inconsistency from that standpoint so Mr chair yes Miss more yes uh uh Dr robishaw many times we don't agree but I agree with you 100 100 110% if possible and I I do do agree with you and I know there's practicalities that we have to look at however I I'm one that really likes to stand on principle so I think that's what you said I really agree with you and so I want to stand on that principle so thank you Mr benty um any thoughts from you just from a uh you know if this amendment passes enfor um in enforcement what does that mean you were a high school principal you were an assistant principal um um what what does that potentially just logically mean yeah so there's a difference in being a teacher in a classroom of 25 to 30 students and being able to look out and understand what's going on in that room um and what each student is doing versus a uh lunchroom of 400 or more um so I I think that it's enforcement is going to be difficult um but it's it it's up to the board to decide what stance they want to take on this um you know we have tried pieces in the past before and had to come back to the board and say I'm sorry this is not what we're able to do can we can we talk about this again and we've had pieces where we've been able to actually pull pull it off so um as a former High School principal I think it would be difficult to enforce this in the lunchroom um but this is once again for the the board decides policy so no I uh I fully hear what people are saying I'm I'm going to even go a step further that I believe this will drive more people to do destructive behaviors in their vehicles during the school day I firmly believe that um they can essentially hide in their vehicle if they have a vehicle there for an upper class room um but that's just my thoughts and I am wrong more than I'm right just ask my wife wife so um anyway other discussion on this amendment okay hearing none uh we'll do a roll call in uh a yes vote is in favor of the amendment which Miss Kenny are we clear on it it's striking out during lunch yes okay uh a yes vote is in favor of the amendment striking during lunch a no vote is in favor of uh I'm not in favor of it and leaving it as is fair enough okay Miss Moore yes uh Mr Rosa yes Miss Bujo Miss Steves Mr Olsson yes and I may no so that Amendment uh ties 3 three and and thus it fails so now we're back to the original policy as presented where everything is there in front of us further discussion on on the new policy as present as originally presented um too bad that failed I don't understand but I've been here long enough um I'm disappointed that they were allowing any cell phones on the property you know you say well of course it failed but you know lunchtime and and Jerry is 100% correct on that but before and after school well they have it in their pocket or their backpack and who knows if they're going to use it in the bathroom or in the hallway as you know whatever so to me this is a useless policy I don't think we're doing anything so I'm disappointed I read in other other comments discussion also that on the consequence is you have three of them can we cut them down to two why give all these chances so this is this is standard with the away for the day uh piece and it's also very similar to what most districts that are going to some type of cell phone ban are putting together okay I I personally don't care what they do but these what here is just let them know the students that don't use the cell phone to me you should grab it you get one chance and you're gone not the student but you know unless they keep on doing it then there's something else but I I'd say try to cut it down other thoughts or comments for discussion Mr I guess I'll make that Amendment okay um that we cut the down hang on here okay sorry let me no no you're good your Amendment Mr wson is going to be what the first offense stays but then when you say the second and then put the words on for the third behind it so basically you get only two two chances so Mr so eliminate number three let me make sure you want number three gone where it states May face additional disciplinary action you want that gone or you want number two gone and number three bumped up to number two yeah right that that would be right so the third would be the second out there Wipe Out the second offense but then move number three up and change the word third to second okay is that yeah don't say I never helped you Mr benty is that clear of what his proposal is is that clear everybody his Amendment so that's a first Mr Olsen amendment is there a second for his Amendment second further discussion on this amendment Mr benty I have a question for you and maybe it's in here and maybe that's what a cell phone's under B1 it says cell phones and peeds personal electronic devices okay so does that include the earbuds airbuds whatever we call these things that stick in our ear yes so those are no longer allowed at all in a classroom that is correct okay what about an Apple Watch per se what what do we do there how is that so that one is is considered it yes it's a it's a personal electronic device um if the cell phone is turned off then it shouldn't be receiving anything however I have one and I will tell you if my cell phone is off sure and this will continue to to send me messages through Wi-Fi yeah cuz you're on the data plan right no through Wi-Fi all right yes uh so that's going to have to be one of those areas that like I said we figure out but technically if you see a student that keeps doing this that is a personal electronic device so you could take this just like you take this that is correct if they're abusing it yes can I change the where where does that lie um the liabil if a phone is taken does the phone go to the office or does the phone stay in the classroom that it was taken for the day so under this policy the first offense is this the device is Conti is return to the student at the end of the day so any device that is taken will go to the office until the end of the day okay so I I'm I'm set teacher third hour teacher Mr Olson is in my class he has a Apple watch he's playing with it third hour gets over I've said Mr and I need you to watch your you're on it I take that watch to the office when so I I believe what they're doing is they're they're calling in the main office and an administrator will come up confiscate the item take it down and put it because the we have to be careful here as soon as we take possession of any item we are responsible for it so if we take a phone if we take a watch and we lose it we break it anything like that we are liable so that administrator will get their step in every single day that administrator get potentially will get their steps in yes so for clarification sake earbuds headphones potentially watches all that okay thank you so the amendment is there uh by Mr Olsen under uh something C hang on three consequences of policy violations Mr Olsen's amendment is to essentially eliminate number two and move number three up to number two so there will be a first offense and a second offense and subsequent offenses correct exactly okay and Miss Moore has seconded that Amendment further discussion on this amendment okay hearing none all those in favor um we'll do a roll call Miss Moore yes Mr Rosa no Miss yes Miss Steves sorry you're getting caught up so Miss Moore was a yes Mr robshaw was a no Miss budo was a yes and now we're to you I'm inless say no you're a no okay Mr olssen yes yes and I am a no so that motion ties 33 in essence it fails we are back to the original new policy 5245 that is in front of us further discussion on this policy Mr benty you cannot say we're not vetting this well for you tonight um disc now now's probably not the time to tell you that AI wrote most of this so um any further discussion Mr chairman not a good time yes yes I think anytime we initiate a new policy like this it's drastically different from what students have been allowed to do in the past it's going to take some while a while to implement it's going to be a challenge for those trying to enforce it going to devote more time to enforcing the policy initially than you know we want to but um I'm I'm happy that we're having a policy that we have one and you know we can always modify it if we're finding that maybe it's it's not strict enough I think this is a good place to start and I would like feedback from uh our our teachers and Etc and I I did want to present just a little data that there was research done a eight-year period on cell phone removal and what they found this was in Norway the number of psychological consultations were reduced by 60% in female students the incidence of bullying for both boys and girls lowered girls made gains in their GPA and girls a lot of girls are mentioned were more likely to attend an academic high school track um there were no negative impact from introducing the policy and uh it significantly dis decreased the health care simp sys for you know mental health issues so I think this is important data that maybe we can hope um we'll see improvements in our academics from this policy we know it's an experiment at first but um I hope our our Administration is able to keep it enforced it's going to be challenging thank you thank you for the policy Mr chair yes M Moore um yes I I do agree that this policy is flawed right now but I think I agree with uh this badro that we we have to start someplace and I think this is going to be a big change for the students and uh just by what the what you read with the data um I think we need to start someplace and we can modify if we have to but we have to get something in a place I think that is that is my okay thank you m Mo m just a comment thank you Norwegians yes I know who knew other discussion or comments okay we do have a motion and we do have a second I'm not aware of any other amendments at this time so with that said all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed no uh let's do a roll call so I can make sure Miss Moore uh yes I think we need to start so Mr Rob yes even though I introduced an amendment I will vote on this policy thank you uh Miss buo I hi Steves Mr Olson no and I'm a yes uh so the motion passes 51 so Mr benty you now have a 5075 I'm sorry a 5245 cell phone and personal electronic device policy can you just before we move on real quick talk to us about how is this being communicated out to students and parents yes so this was put in this the handbook um and then a communication was sent out to parents from the principal uh it will be communicated to students uh they've they if they haven't seen it already in the um messages that have gone out it will be read every hour for the first at least uh few days of school over the PA by the principal so he will explain every hour over the PA this is a cell phone free you know your cell phone should be put away that type of thing to help support the teachers that that are enforcing it and there is a High School open house next week I believe next Wednesday uh no this Wednesday oh this Wednesday I'm sorry yeah school starts next week I'm sorry this Wednesday today's Monday will it be discussed and highlighted there is there any signage or um I don't know if they have signage around it um but I know it it I'm I'm I guarantee it'll be the topic of discussion okay thank you much appreciated okay this brings us to item nine other committees 98 Finance Umi item 9 A1 is finance committee minut uh minutes Miss buer I'll I talked enough tonight I'll turn it over to you anything you'd like to share sure um our first of all the policy committee minutes for June is posted in here and I think we've adopted some of those policies this committee meeting was on August 12th so um we had an update on the new Director of Finance and operations second M bu one second Mr benty are we giving an update on our August minutes here no we're always one month behind so this is for the June 17th because there was no meeting in July John usually gives oh John usually does give okay you're good give it on the current I don't have to but I just didn't want any confusion because nothing is attached they're coming before the board some of these decisions so as I mentioned um the Director of Finance and operations is Barbie racler and um we also are anticipating an audit the third week of September wrote that down um we had we discussed some contracts agreements and bids one is for school resource officer and that particular is a it's a split uh half the district pays for half and the police department pays for half and we will have two officers at our Middle School one at Middle School school and one at our high school um and then we had Mr benty presented these things maybe I'm taking away your info um we also approved or I should say approved isn't the word we're recommending um an increased an additional kindergarten teacher at Roosevelt just due to the enrollment count and this will make most all of our classrooms about 18 to 20 students and um that was two kind of important things the other was um approval of the Ice Arena contract and that contract we will I should say recommended will be approved at our board meeting probably the next one and then there was a there is a trip the band the choir and the orchestra but we did not vote on that because I think it wasn't quite um ready I don't I don't remember why but that was tabled so those are the and then we had the student count and we are still receiving enrollees maybe Mr benty can comment on that so our numbers are not totally certain yet that was pretty much it Mr chair did you have anything else no you did a wonderful job okay Mr bent anything you'd like to follow up on on Miss bu's comments um no I think she did uh quite well so we are in the process of uh we're still sticking with the three uh 3,95 number as our districtwide enrollment projection um we are tracking towards uh our kindergarten classes there do typically come in slow uh they've have started to ramp up here in August um but we're we we're always kind of deciding whether we are going to hit our uh kindergarten number or not um what I've been told from our uh police department is that we have a lot of immigrant families that are joining our community on a weekly basis um so we don't always know know about those so it'll the first few weeks of school will be very interesting with enrollment um I'm I'm guessing I will not have uh solid numbers for for you until probably the August 5th count um yeah August 5th you oh excuse me October 5th count thank you yes okay thank you any other questions regarding finance committee topics items U yes you were talking about student counts but yeah go ahead yeah what's the status of the academy any anybody contacted them recently are they going up losing what whatever are you speaking about Surat Academy yeah so Surat Academy has not reached out to us with their numbers at this point they have added another grade level so my guess is their numbers are going up um Through the Grapevine I heard that they are close to um 100 I cannot verify that at with any with any other information um but I also know that we've had a few students that I've been told that have re-enrolled back with us from there so it's it's kind of of all over the place right now to be honest with you they ended the year with I believe 53 students so and that's public information yes that would be public information that would be available on the mde report card for them Mr benty correct me if I'm wrong um I I don't know it well enough but I believe when they open the academy last year their plan was to add a grade level this year so it's I I don't believe that's something new no I mean I mean new this year but I don't believe that's a new plan correct that is correct their their plan is to add a grade level all the way through 12th grade okay one per year okay yes thank you y any other questions comments okay that brings us to item 10 other matters gifts and donations resolution 25-2 I will read these briefly um number one the fairow booster club donated $50 to the athletic department for track pits that was actually a pass through donation uh number two the Petra Foundation donated $30,000 to Community Education for little Falcons and number three the Knights of Columbus donated $128 to special education to help with the DCd program Falcon Cafe um I will entertain a motion to approve these gifts and donations so M thank you Mr Olsen do we have a second second thank you Miss Steves further comment or discussion I will just lead off here uh thank you to all these organizations a special thank you to the Petra Foundation I believe this is the third year that they have donated $30,000 Mr puit is that correct um it's the third year they've done it and from talking to them I believe they absolutely see value in all these youngsters getting um a wide variety of things that they can dip their toes in if you will and and experience different things so once again a thank you to all of them but by my count this is about $90,000 from the Petra foundation for this program specifically over three years so Mr chair that's incredible and the Petra family has given much to our community in many different aspects do we send a card or a thank you is are we just doing that right now I I I believe we have to formally accept this donation and then I believe like all other donations the district um sends something out to all organizations okay I'm so glad we do that thank you other comments questions uh Miss Steves this is a roll call so I'll turn it over to you Linda bu hi Linda hi Richard olon hi Jer Roba hiy St I hi thank you Miss Steves I just realized all these other roll calls I kind of LED and you didn't should we should we go back no my apologies my apologies for start again scrambling all night Miss Miss Kenny said she has to be there somewhere by 6:45 a.m. no worries I got an hour till my bedtime um anyway sorry about that this brings us to item 10B consider adoption of resolution 25- 03 authorizing execution of agreement for the grant from the Minnesota Department of Public safety's office of traffic safety I will entertain a motion to approve so moved thank you Mr rashaw second thank you Miss Bill uh Mr puit thank you welcome we are early in the evening I hope you are feeling energetic been fun um give us an education here if you will please so um last year we the district applied for a grant to the Minnesota Department of Public safety's office of traffic safety to start a um adult driers education program um it approved as the memo kind of um with these materials outlined proved to be incredibly um popular and exciting um there were nearly 350 um adults who took the program last year um in in order to be able to help get their driver's license it was a huge um undertaking and effort by Joe pinka um Yesa Vasquez and Cassie rapel and their teams um to make this happen and um really just incredible interest um in the community in this program um based on this success it's kind of become a state model and so we appr we um approach the state again for their um next round of funding um and have been awarded a the maximum Grant award again of 15 thou $15,000 again for this coming year um in order for us to accept this award um the state the office of traffic safety requires that the board um approve the acceptance of the grant award so that is why we're here today M thank you Mr pu yes Miss buo so Zach thanks for your efforts on this it's kind of like a wow right so is there a breakdown at all to do a breakdown of the participants by Cult it's a multicultural um Grant that's supposed to help us um have better safety on our roads right It's let's see the object is to reduce crashes injuries and deaths involving Multicultural drivers this is from the Department of Public Safety that I just got a little info on it and uh so is do you have any idea like how yeah so I can tell you a little bit about um so originally The Hope was to offer three sections based on the demand um they ended up offering 18 sections this past year um each is about 10 hours long um six of them were held in Somali um eight were in English and Spanish jointly and four were specifically in Spanish so that kind of shows um sort of it was a broad cross-section of the community that participated um those of a variety of backgrounds but um it's was open to kind of adults who don't have a driver's license so so Mr chairman so Zach can you relate how this program has benefited our district I mean yeah maybe benef and coalesces with our grow some of our goals yeah for sure academically um I think one of the really concrete ways is you know our adult basic education program it's been this has been a great um entry point for some of our um adults in the community to get to know the um FEC um and the great programming that happens there and then potentially get connected with other um programming options as well um I also think it's important and just recognize that sort of these are the families of our students and being able to drive is a really important part of you know your child's success whether it's helping them get to school to practice to other activities if um we all know that being able to drive and drive safely um um is a really um important um option so um this program is one of the ways that helps folks sort of get on the road and get on the road safe safely and um be safe for all the rest of us on the road too that's great has it um Mr chairman and Zach has it um influenced your adult education program because those numbers have gone up has that been a factor or yeah um it's been the particip the as we'll probably come back to the board at some point um participation in adult basic education this past year was almost double the previous year there were over 900 students who took part in adult basic education programming this year it's now become one of the largest sort of in the state and I think um it's these kind of innovative programs that I think are one of the reasons that we're seeing that um again it was really folks and again huge credit to Joe to Cassie and yessica um they were responded to a need um they could have said you know we're only going to serve 25 people this year which was what the original goal was but they continued to say how can you know there's a lot of folks on the waiting list who want to be take part in this program so how do we make this happen and so huge huge huge hat off hats off to them um for their willingness to do this Z does this take space away from students coming in for their GED no I mean this is a separate programming from that so it's offered you know it's and a separate program but is there physical space are you are you displacing any GED or those kind of classes no they're pretty creative over there in maximizing space and um they're using instructors like Joe pinka is wasn't a previously involved with our a programming and so that that was you know a new instructor and so um I but priority would be GED students first right I mean that's certainly the G our GED program is one of the the the Hallmarks of the ab program over there and I don't think because if you can't read you can't take the test or you can't read science exactly like stop right exactly yeah which again most of them don't anyway so other comments questions for Mr puit again hats off to you and your crew it's great to see the girls and um it's tremendous welcoming all members of our community to get engaged with farewell Public Schools very much appreciated anyone else um thank you I'm sorry anyone else oh yeah um I was just wondering there was a because initially I know we were on the committee uh was for 25 and I you know I I like the safety aspect why why do you think there was quite a jump from 25 to 346 why do you think that was you know I think part of it was 25 was we were grasping you know we didn't we had no idea so 25 seemed like a number that from where we were sitting seemed like what the interest would be we didn't want to overpromise um and really I think with many of these kind of initial programs you kind of find out based on people vote with their feet certainly adult Learners especially um and so I think and um I think people recognized that it was helping people get their drivers's permit and so that Snowball Effect um folks told others and in their families or in their Network um and I think that led to sort of a high level of Interest anything else anyone Mr pu I'm sorry go ahead you have no I I guess I did get some push back from people uh on this uh one of the questions was I think you touched on it m Bor how is this related to our academic achievement you know for for K through 12 because this is for adults right but we do off as a community ad we do off for adult basic education programming that's part of our core Mission as a offering Community Education and again I would say I'm the folks in those programs are our parents and if we talk about family engagement it's about supporting families to be able to help their kids and if they need to drive their kids to school or because their kids miss the bus like we want them to have a driver's license to be able to do that and so that one feels pretty direct to me but yeah and I I I do like the idea cuz when I came up in our committee I did like the idea of the safety aspect another person like I said I I I did get some push back from the community uh they felt that you know one comment was a community that has enough on its plate instead they should concentrate on I'm voting parents learning how to support their children in education by reading to them redosing scream time Etc so I guess you know please Dr M please encourage those folks to reach out to me I would love to hear their ideas for the department and additional ways that we can help to support folks in the community uh Mr puit thank you thank you to the crew that that uh did this and very successful and hard to argue if we have better safer drivers that our community is not better off so thank you much appreciated so we do have uh a motion and we do have a second for resolution 25-3 so miss Steves we'll turn it over to you uh Linda buo hi Linda MO no Richard Olsson I'm going to abstain Jerry robas I Cassie Steves I Chad wolf I abstention yeah it would be 51 Mr Olson's abstention goes with the majority okay that passes uh 5 to one thank you uh bring BRS us to item 10 C consider approval of an additional kindergarten teacher at Roosevelt I will entertain a motion to approve no moved that was you miss Steve motion by Miss stev do we have a second second second by Miss bud and miss budo this is what you briefly talked about during the finance recap so thank you uh Mr benty I'll turn it over to you just for a bit of Education here thank you Mr chair so this is pretty standard operating procedure procedure for our district here I believe I don't know if we've gone a single summer where we haven't added a a kindergarten teacher back into the mix um so we're asking for one again uh for this fall to keep our numbers uh at between 18 to 20 at Roosevelt Elementary so right now our numbers are right around that that area for Jefferson and Lincoln uh but have bumped up in the Roosevelt and are now pushing up into the mid-20s uh to Upper 20s so we're looking for a kindergarten teacher to level out um all of our class all of our kindergarten sections to about that 18 to 20 Level as of numbers that we have now so Mr benty what do we do with this being on the docket for tonight if it gets approved um I know school starts next week I don't know that kindergarten starts Monday but just walk us through the the kind of the runway so yeah so in a situation like this with prior to board approval we are allowed to post we are allowed to interview we are allowed to call references um we we can uh informally do a job offer dependent on approval of the board as all job offers are so um so we have moved forward with a lot of those and actually it's not posted as a kindergarten teacher it's posted as a second grade teacher uh but the position is an additional kindergarten uh through some movement internal movement so so if people go out and look for a kindergarten posting you you won't find it you'll find a second grade posting so okay other questions comments okay hearing none we're going to keep moving on uh all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed motion passes 60 thank you good luck with the higher brings us to 10 D consider approval of the fiscal year 20 425 Ice Arena contract I will entertain a motion to approve so mov Mr olon with the first Miss Steves with the second I think it's all in front of us but uh if you have any questions feel free to ask it's open for discussion Mr Olson yeah I'm the rep on the ice arena board there's some Scuttle but that Northfield might be building the Ice Arena for $27 million and I don't know how this influences this so just yeah Mr benty I don't know if you're aware of anything or have anything to add I I I I do know that their ice rink is in um tough shape it sounds and I don't know if they've actually sold it to somebody or not but their ice arena conversation has been going on for the last couple years so my understanding is that Northfield is working with the city and perhaps one other organization oh maybe I believe maybe their uh hockey booster group or hockey families to uh build an ice arena I thought it was more expensive than 27 million I thought it was higher than that but I don't know I haven't seen that number so do do you feel if they build something that has any impact here on on our fairbow Ice Arena the way it sits today I don't believe so because we have consistently been ranked as the third best ice arena in the state um so depending on how many sheets of ice they put in uh it it could affect but this is simply the amount that we are being charged by the associate by uh the Ice Arena for our usage of ice time okay thank you other discussion in addition there's again some scuttlebutt out there that that um we might be part of a $7 million either expansion or repair or new I Sera for7 million a new Ice Arena well I don't think you're going to get much for million or maybe it was a repair or update to whatever but um it's out there so I this is where I was very confused because I received that information as well I have heard nothing about adding a second sheet of ice to our Arena I know you sit on that committee have you heard anything about a second sheet of ice just recently like you said to Northfield which again how will that affect ours you know for rental or whatever yeah or people are going to go up there and rent up there or I don't know and then for the money down here how is that going to be split right now it's three ways we own a third that is correct yes but but I have not I have not been approached by anyone about building building a second because the $7 million supposedly was for a second sheet of ice in farbo I have not heard anything about that so and I'm sure it would go through the committee before it would go anywhere else so okay anything else any other Scuttle books Mr Olson I can make up a lot of stuff you want me to okay just thought I'd ask um okay uh hearing no other discussion all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed motion passes 60 thank you that brings us to 10e consider approval of recommendation excuse me of recommended terms and conditions of proposed agreement with local number 70 Operating Engineers contract I will entertain a motion to approve so move thank you Miss buo second thank you Mr robish uh it is there in front of us miss yolum you want to come up in case we have any questions um so I will be abstaining from discussion and voting on this okay thank you uh Miss Steves any questions for Miss Yokum that uh you want answered that is you know you want a clarification on that's otherwise it's there in front of us thank you for your efforts and thank you to the the uh operating group to getting this far questions comments discuss What's the total package quickly total package is at the bottom of the memo it is $1,117 and percentage wi is first year second year it's on the document the we is or the total package total package you know benefits all that oh there it is oh year one is 3.5 oh then you're okay 3.5 other questions comments you open it good Mr Olson yeah it's okay thank you um giving everybody an opportunity all those in this is not a roll call so all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed moot excuse me motion passes 5 to zero with one exstension so that makes it 60 no it's not not abstention just I abstained myself she abstained so that go an exstension goes with the majority for a formal count that's that's what msba videos tell us correct okay okay thank you that's okay thank you thank you we appreciate it that's right uh that brings us to 10f reorganization update Mr benty yeah so um the final committee meeting will be next Tuesday um and then the board will have the presentation of possibility reorg reorg reor possibilities on September 23rd um with the idea that the board will vote in oober on that so that is the plan moving forward questions comments thank you uh Mr benty uh with uh uh the options there's going to be a few options not just all or nothing right that okay well there's going to be a few options but I I I don't know what you mean when you say all or not well I think the last time it was either reorganization or no reorganization so we're going to have a couple different options with reorganization I there were more options last time the board Whitted it down to one or not so yes more options will be brought this time thank you um Mr chairman so superintendent benty are you what's the process with the committee do they um approve these options then or are they giving weighing in on consensus or will they do that to the board so the committee has has put together a lot of information um it I it was an advisory committee for me um so they went through they put a lot of information together on what they thought was the most important or what they thought would be good um pieces to have in a reorganization I am I will then put those together into possible uh packages and then present them to them to say all right how do you wish to rank these you know what is your number one what is your number two what is your number three and so on so that way they can move it forward great thank you uh Mr benty I want to thank you and I want to thank I know in our audience we have two members of the this um reorganization facil facilities committee thank you to both of you anybody watching thank you I know it's been a fair amount of time fair amount is subjective because I don't know how many hours but I think you've had five or six five meetings four five six meetings five meetings and you've got a six coming up so just a big thank you to the people volunteering their time and effort asking wonderful questions going on tours all of that stuff so um really really greatly appreciate it so thank you any other comments or questions regarding the reorg update okay that moves us to item 11 dates to remember information only September 3rd 2024 3:45 p.m. is the policy committee September 9th 2024 5:30 p.m. is a work session September 16th 2024 7:30 a.m. is our next Finance meeting committee meeting September 23rd 2024 5:30 is our next regular board meeting before we move to close session real quick Miss Kenny is there we had a whole lot of moving parts tonight with with amendments and motions do you have any questions on what was vote counts or anything like that you're good you're a rockar awesome wonderful thank you so with that um item number 12 we will move to a closed session as permitted by Minnesota state statute 13d do3 for negotiation strategies with par professionals nurses and an administrative assistance uh I will entertain a motion to do so so mov second we have a motion by Mr Olen a second by Miss Bud all those in favor please signify by saying I I I thank you we will take a five minute break and at 8:50 we'll start our closed session