##VIDEO ID:iiOdzoiS9F4## e e e I yes um today is Tuesday November 19th 2024 the time is 3:45 p.m I will now call the policy committee meeting to order Miss Kenny is there a quorum present yes there is all right uh please stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the plag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible liy and justice for all all right is there a motion to approve the agenda someone thank you Tara is there a second second thank you Wendy any discussion discussion discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right motion passes uh the there are no review of policies this time there are no revisions of policies this time this meeting is solely to look at a new policy that has been sent back to the policy committee from the school board it's policy 66.5 Library materials um so one of the things that I think we can what we should probably look at doing here is um I think in your packets are Miss Kenny are their packets do they have I didn't oh okay so what I did was I went through and took the information that was sent to me I've had no new information sent to me since the board sent this back to uh policy committee uh so this happened at a board meeting uh I don't remember the exact date um but they sent it back to say um we want it to go back to policy committee we want them to look at and fine-tune a few more things um and then they said uh they wanted people to send information to me board members to send information to me um and the I only received I did not receive actually anything after that it was all up to that meeting so um I don't know how we want to do this but before I ask if there's a motion to approve it we can look to potentially make amendments to it or to at least look at what is out there the policy that is the policy that we have here already has the red lines in it from our first time all right so this is not the msba policy this has the changes that we've made in it and what I mean by that is if you look the notes have all been crossed out which means that those will be removed okay and if you look on page 66.5 D5 uh section d2f we have added uh age 18 or older okay um and that is the only modifications that we've made at to this to this point to this document okay um so is everyone okay just kind of discussing what I have received and then making amendments based off of I guess a couple different pieces all right all right um so I have there were three emails that were sent to me um one email two emails deal with Section five and seven right um and then one email deals with Section 72d which is a lot of questions just around um procedures procedures and the Staffing of that committee some of that um more clarification type things so I'm going to hold on that one for right this second and I just want to focus on Section Five so if we take the policy and we go to section five 5 which is on page 66.5 D3 one person said section five uh selection of Library materials A5 leave as written materials selected shall meet high standards the more categories required the more restrictive the selection the selection process becomes and is more subjective right another person said uh same section section five Library materials shall meet high standards of quality in one or more of these categories they said remove one and insert two their reasoning this section is the meat of the policy before us when readability is all that is needed to meet the one standard of high quality required for selection of Library material the policy sets an extremely low standard standard this amendment would provide a more reasonable standard uh we heard from two members of our community with knowledge of existing Library materials who both requested this change I ask the policy committee to join me in increasing this from one to a minimum of two areas to establish high standards of quality in two or more categories so looking at section five a um and that would be five five yes so we're looking at yes 5 A5 one person has said leave it that reached out to me one person said change one to two uh can I put Mr uh have clarification they said leave the high standards I I like that part so was it leave as leave as is high standards right they said the whole thing I've got it they said uh I just I got it right here yeah they're not the only thing they're saying to change is so right now it says Library materials shall meet high standards of quality in one or more of these categories they are saying they would like for it to say library material shall meet high standards of quality in two or more of these categories and they're presented alphabetically so I guess I'll open up discussion on whether it should be whether this committee feels it should be one category or more or two categories or more chair since nobody's talking here uh to me a high standard means it's got to be more than one because if it could be one and I was talking to a constituent and they said you know it could be just readability well is that really a high standard and I think actually somebody presented before the school board I think it was uh on one of the public forums three minute one uh so I'm thinking it should I'm thinking it should be three or more but I don't think it should be one or more okay I am looking at from lens of early childhood and early Elementary and for us readability probably is of most important um factors that we look at when we're trying to get young children interested and motivated to read we want it to be something that they're going to be successful with and I understand this policy is for everyone all the way up through our 12th grade graduates and people going PSO but I don't want us to just focus on the high end when we have so many mles that are at the cusp of reading okay so to me readability are you I'm put you on the spot a little bit so readability is important yes um are there other ones on here that are important that you would say I I guess what I'm asking is is it do you think one or do you think one or more or two or more I truly believe that as people have looked at this they've wanted to be very clear that they didn't want to tie us into something but rather allow the breath because we are such such a all-encompassing system so um for some it might be picture books all the way through graduation for and for them that is readability and high interest obviously I I don't want to bring it so narrow that some of our our Learners are going to be left off the side okay that's that's my concern if I can piggy back off what Wendy said from an elementary lens I think that two would be able to hit on both of those readability and high interest would I think fit the ticket for our early childhood and Elementary kiddos and even to your point some of our other Learners that that's what they need and I too would be concerned if we went beyond two that it might not be able to Bear the school of all of our Learners okay coming from the Upper Elementary I would agree with you the high interest in the readability are huge because we're dealing with a lot of readers that don't want to be readers right now and you have to find something that hits those two things otherwise they're not going to read um you know you're trying to grab their attention you're trying to make them interested in it and if they're not it is very hard so if you do scrutinize it too much I think we're going to leave some of those kiddos out from a secondary lens I agree as well the the two piece make sense to me um point of clarification on on my end here is when we look at section five um there are six numbers are we grading it by the criteria of all six numbers along with five a b CDE e FG so are we saying that it hits has to hit 1 two 3 4 and then we're debating if it's one or two areas in five and six am I understanding that correctly no it would be two or more areas in section five okay so we're not looking at the sections one that wouldn't be included in that assessment 1 two 3 four and six no no it would all those would only fall my understanding is those would only fall within Section 5 A5 okay thank you um I I agree with uh the arguments that you have made and Nick you've made and you Tera I I think uh looking at it from an uh you know like the elementary the little ones uh I think I would agree too so I would I would go along with that all right so if we're going if I can just I'm just going to do some consensus stuff here rather than go through all the Amendments and everything uh we can absolutely do amendments if we you know if if we don't have consensus but what I'm hearing is consensus is that this committee would be fine changing the one to two any further discussion around that okay all right so just for the record we the committee will be proposing that section 5 A5 will now read Library materials shall meet high standards of quality in two or more of these categories presented alphabetically okay all right moving on to the next part is section s so section seven is on page 66.5 dash5 it's actually at the bottom of page four and then goes on to page five all right uh the section that we're looking at is D2 so that that's actually the middle of page five thank you nosco um all right so one person sent to me section seven reconsider of reconsideration of specific Library materials D2 leave as written a Review Committee should consist of professionals who are in the field of Education these professionals are trained and know what library and media materials are needed and best for students it is important to have members of the school district community and they will have representation on that on the committee D4 a state the Review Committee May consult individuals organizations and other resources with Professional Knowledge on school library material thus involving the school district Community more as well another person wrote section 7 D2 uh this is section e they said remove with no direct connection with the request for reconsideration right reasoning the composition of the library materials Review Committee is heavy in five District staff as written the community parental membership is minimal and restrictions in place shut out those requesting reconsideration preventing them sharing their knowledge and concerns to the committee this gives an appearance of disrespect to the concerns of the community and parents so if we look at section d two four wait uh D2 yeah yeah D2 uh I'm I'm looking at the changes here sorry D2 e remove with no direct connection with the request for reconsideration excuse me so any discussion around that basically what it would be is if I were looking at this if uh you know uh person a is the one that lodges the complaint I don't know if we would consider them to be on the committee all right but a relative of theirs or someone that is a friend of theirs or something like that I think this would we would allow if we change that if that makes sense then we can't say with no um to take that away because then we're opening it up to the person that made the complaint you'd have to put in something in place so that refle what you want okay nope I I hear what you're saying now yes I do that makes sense I feel like if the committee's job is to look at this you know literature subjectively you kind of want the opinion as you're going through it with the group not to be persuaded one way or another like you want to look at it as a whole rather than having opinions on either side right away does that make sense make be SED one we yeah sorry to interrupt to second that agreed I think we want it to be as non-biased as possible um so yeah we want to avoid that if possible yeah anyone else any further discussion so we're we're looking at removing that then um well so what I I I've heard three people speak so far about keeping it in or if it was removed to put a I don't want to speak for you but if it was re what I heard Wendy say was if it's removed to put a copat in there that the person who makes the uh request should not be allowed to be on the committee but I agree with everyone here that it needs to be unbiased and that's from every standpoint every stakeholder on that committee needs to come with an open mind I don't know I'm just going to put myself out there if it was somebody that I was a friend of and they asked me and gave me their reasons for wanting to be in the committee I would already have a preconceived notion in the back of my head that my friend wants me to really look at this and sway people one way or another so that's that is a concern and not that I'm easily swayed mind you could I propose that we we looked at the first part and we agreed to two standards two or more high standards if we can agree to send this through without changes this is going to come up for revision again but if we find it doesn't work then we can make an amendment to look at changing um section by section 7 D2 e would that would that be am amable to other people I think that's an excellent point is that we're deciding now how the P how the policy starts with us because it's a new policy but the they come up they can come up for review at any time but will come up at least once every three years yes so this is a new thing a new committee a new you know process that we're doing um I think to be more subjective just to start out with start with a fresh slate and have everybody have their own you know open mind when they come into it we see that we really want that person there to explain more then we can inv change it we can always invite somebody okay I just think it kind of balances out um both individual contacted you with this policy balances okay compromis further discussion oh I'm so sorry never mind any further discussion on this e on this yes just this one okay so I'm I'm not hearing 100% consensus is here so I would like to do a vote on this so does somebody want to make does somebody want to make a motion on which on what I'm hearing from Mostly is to keep it the way it is is anybody interested in making a motion to change it anyone willing to make a motion to change it anyone willing to make a motion to change it okay hearing none we will then foro that part of it and we will keep section d2e and it will say two members of the school district Community with no direct connection with the request for reconsideration when the board asks either I or Dr Moore will say we felt that this was um was a good concession right now off of the pieces that we've got with the understanding that this is a new policy and that if we feel that this is kind of tying our hands that we can come back at any time and revise it yes is that what I'm hearing okay excellent Mr sherff yes um I think when we were I think it was at the school board meeting or maybe I was just I think it was at the school board meeting because I think I I I heard U Miss mro say that she thought the two that she thought it was an unbalance committee uh right now I think there's nine the way it stands there would be if you count the students there's nine people that would be directly connected to the school no yeah and uh only two would be probably with the community so I just want to throw this out there you know what about parents what about some parents on there what about members um uh of the you know of the community uh not directly re uh connected to the school you know this would be most of them would be taxpayers and voters and a lot of them have a stake in this so I'd kind of like to see parents some parents on here and I'd like to see some community members that aren't directly uh connected to the schools just for a balance and we can have it like five to four or something like that but I'm just throwing it out there and I think that would be a good thing so um that's my my take on it here okay so I will uh I'm looking at this one member of the School District administration so that would be District level administrator one principal two teachers uh the media specialist we currently have one in our district so that person may or may not be interested in doing that um so if they are not then we would reach out into the community so that could potentially be another Community person um I guess I'm thinking it should be more you know more uh because it's really I think as she said it's unbalanced okay me it is and I look at it from I think there should be parents on it and I think there should be um some members of the community too and so that's that's my stand okay we have consensus or not I can if it doesn't go through I can bring it up again more obedience so what is it that you're well I think we should have you know because it's the way it looks here it's nine members and really if you count the student Representatives it's all all of uh seven of them are directly connected to the school and I think we should have some well you could say parents would be to in a way but I think there should be parents on I think we should have a stipulation where there's parents on it and also some members of the community not directly involved or connected to the school because they are the taxpayers and they do pay you know pay pay our salaries and they you know probably with the library materials and everything so they do have a stake in it too so I think we're just leaving out a couple of very a couple of groups of um stakeholders that we should be putting in there that's my opinion so that's what I would stand for so so are you asking to add something in um I'm saying do we need that many administrators or whatever yes I think we should put some parents in and I think we should put some uh have a maybe one or two community members too well we have we have members of the community on there uh yes but we don't know if there we should add maybe are not directly connected to the school because I think I think we need to balance this a little bit and I think that's what probably miss bedro was trying to say and uh so I agree with her on that maybe you don't agree with me but that's kind of where I stand well when I read e the one we just discussed I read it as two members of the school district Community what I read with that is that it's two members of the community that live within the district boundaries yes yes so I don't see them as like they're members of our community they're not on the payroll of Fabo Public Schools well if you count though it's one member district admin principal two teachers uh Library uh and then two student Representatives that's seven out of the nine and I just think it's unbalanced and it should have some parents on it and should have have some Community that's my stand uh maybe not everybody sees it that way so could the two members of the school district community be the parents nothing says that they can't uh if they could be uh but still then we only it's it's a nine we have seven out of the nine they're directly connected to the school and I just think that's a bit of an imbalance even if you add two more so that's my point and I think that was her Point too I think the students are part of the community as well though I me yes they go to school there but they're not teaching there they're not necessarily choosing you know books that other people are going to read They're choosing their own books but they're not choosing what other people are going to read so they're not really in charge of picking materials for other people other than themselves so I guess I would consider them part of the community I I would say I I have a couple thoughts on this and I haven't spoken much tonight um I I would be in favor of adding another section underneath here uh adding like a section g and specifying two parents uh just calling it out as two parents my concerned is uh the the day and age that we live in right now it is incredibly difficult to find people to come in and do things even for pay which will be the next thing we discuss um so I I would be in favor of of putting that on there it with a with a couple understandings one I fully understand that it will increase the cost of it um which we'll discuss next um but two it it might be difficult and I know it sounds like it's only two it might be difficult to find two um but I don't think that should stop I don't I don't think that should stop us from putting on there two parents but that's that's me so I would be in favor of putting a letter G that says to parents of students in our district what's that can we say may well now you're lessening the stance that you just fought for I know I know I know but I just I just think that it's it's like I said it's an unbalanced committee and I think we need to have more of the parents and so that I I've said it and I I'm I guess I'm not going I'm not going to argue about I think it's clear the way I stand and I appreciate my question is because I do know how hard it is to get parents to a committee any committee um advisory or or what because sometimes parents have two jobs that they're working or they have people they need to take care of um so if we have the two parents that come to the committee and they identify themselves as parents could they also identify as community members two hats if we're having a hard time trying to fill the it could be we could say two community members or two parents or community members would that so so we're now looking to change e to say two parents or two community members do that doesn't change the number or we could put in there and or and or that would allow us to go because that apparent if they wanted to be on the committee they could so if we said and or yeah yes then that would say we could have two or we could have four yes if we have that level of commitment yes can you just for clarification shall means all of these people would have to be there like so all of these schedules have to add up to have this me yeah shall shall means must okay may is the optional one all right so I'm hearing going back to section 7 D2 e y we're looking to change that to say two parents and or two members of the school district Community with no Direct connection with the request for reconsideration mhm consensus yep okay are you writing this down because I lost track what we're all right complicated okay that's good but hey we're we're figuring it out and then we didn't add G and we didn't add G all right good oh I have have another question sorry on seven okay it's been a while since I read this but I did read it um 7B um it said a school district employee student or a parent guardian of a school district May request reconsideration of specific Library materials uh again we're leaving our community members and the taxpayers so I'm having a problem with that I didn't put that in the writing because I thought I'd bring it up should have probably before but because I think we can't leave out the community or the this is you know important um I guess probably my bosses are the community the taxpayers so maybe I think it's important that we include community members which are who are taxpayers and voters so how would they know what is in the library how would the community members who don't have students know what's in the in our libraries it's online or you can access yeah you can access you can access our library materials through our website I go to the media center to get what I need there there's no more C card catalog what no so yeah no all of our all of our for each school it's accessed through our website now okay okay so what I'm hearing is a school district employee student parent or Guardian parent guardian or community community member that would be I would think cover the taxpayers okay they don't have to but discussion on adding Community member to the first part of 7B on page 66.5 D4 give me one second I need to look at our forms so if we decide to do that we would also need to change our form sorry second sentence of our form to say Community member also and I think we would match the language that is in E we would refer to it as school district Community member which means people that reside within our school district yes so that we don't have people who live in another school district that are coming too yeah all right so if I hear you correctly we would say a school district employee student parent or guardian or a school district Community member yes may request reconsideration of specific Library material on the basis of appropriateness and then we would make that same change to the second sentence of the form discussion I will say I feel that's a reasonable understanding that there and I want to be I I feel like now is a good time to say this because I've done a lot of talking with other districts that have this policy and go through these practices you go through about one challenge per six maybe eight weeks it's that and that's pretty quick actually sometimes so it is not a it's not a two week turnaround process so you're looking at usually if you're full upwards of maybe six challenges per year okay um and a lot of District take the summer off because not only is it hard to find people it is impossible to find people in the summer that want to come in and do that um so so sometimes they say yeah we do four challenges a year basically kind of like one a quarter or uh sometimes five so six would be like the max so I just want to be clear that when we open it up to community members that you know that that may add more demand when there's not going to be more uh time for the community the the this group to do look through them so okay potentially yeah I'm not like I'm not against it I'm kind of on the fence I'm just trying to think of both sides you know part of me says well if you know educated people are picking out this you know these things whatever they are whatever text they are then you know if we want to challenge them we can but do we want somebody that obviously is sitting at home just going through our libraries figuring out oo that shouldn't be that shouldn't be there is it really in our best interest to take those considerations if there are other ones being made by people who see it being used or know their child is reading it and have that reconsideration I mean I I don't know I'm I'm Devil's Advocate just trying to look at both sides um I don't know it's kind of one of those things where yes they know they're part of the community and they're taxpayers and all that but do they need a big hand in the schools and what we're doing if we have all these other safeguards and people that can reconsider materials I don't know just putting it out there yeah this is kind of Uncharted water because this this type of while this policy exists for school libraries it does not exist for public libraries even though School libraries are public libraries right so so you're not going to be going down to buckham West and and doing this you you know and most community members aren't going to be coming into Roosevelt Elementary to check out a book They're going to go to the Community Library so I don't know yeah I don't know well I was thinking parents too but as was it Wendy you said you know a parent could be part of the community members they would be included right parent so we said community members this could be a parent too so that would include it wouldn't exclude the parents so think no they're in when parents are already in there yeah they're in there specifically oh was oh yeah is parent or I could read it with help yeah and then do we have due process or recourse for the person bringing forth the petition if the committee looks at what they have and say nope this is non-reviewable no this is one of those that we my understanding is the way it's set up is that there will be this many reviews per year and if if we say okay there's going to be six reviews per year and 25 requests come in then we figure out how we decide which ones okay um and I think I don't want to say that we would draw them out of a hat because then I think we would be missing the ones that the critical ones the the critical ones that potentially not that they're not all critical to someone but that some might be more critical than others so I think it would be it would be at the my design which you'll is later in here to decide which ones are we bringing forward and which ones go on the waiting list okay okay um that's my understanding of how that works more I think about it I don't know we're including parents and Guardians members are going to go to the Community Library I don't know I'm leaning more toward leaving them out of it but that's me is this one that we can make a note and say to the board this was discussed but at this point we're not in consensus on adding it but it if the board feels strongly they can or it can be something that we can look at in further revisions are we comfortable with that n okay all right I have uh just these are really some was there anything else from anyone okay um so what I have now are just some kind of questions that go through here that I thought I would answer based on my knowledge and if anyone feels like they want to discuss some of these I'll ask for discussion after each one how does that sound okay all right so so this came from a member said here are my thoughts and questions regarding policy 66.5 they all relate to section 72d and the makeup of the Review Committee okay so we're going back to page five all right in the makeup of the committee it states the committee shall include please note the word shall means will should shall be changed to May um I think no because then we anytime anytime I talk to attorneys on the phone and we start talking about changing shall and may they they get really really really scared all right so so I would say no we and we've kind of already discussed that here so um are all of these people paid to be on this committee or is it volunteer every committee that I have every every District that I've talked to that does this type of deal already pays their committee members all right pays their students to be on the committee pays their parents to be on the committee pays their community members to be on the committee pays their teachers to be on the committee um it's it's paid so in my opinion once again referring back to uh the fact that it's hard to find people um if we said volunteer it's going to be at least five times as hard to find the people so I'm saying paid um does discussion around that the one thing I'll open up to that one is would we and again you get back to the term of shon May um would it be okay if we were that is like may be paid could we open it up to volunteers first and if we have problems finding people then we we we make it paid uh or then we finding ourselves in kind of a uh tight situation where some people are getting paid and some people aren't is it better to have it one way or the other I'm just kind of throwing that out as devil Devil's Advocate well we can't have some people getting paid and some people not um it's some balanced yeah so we can't do that my concern with opening it up to changing that um is that how long do we leave it open to volunteers before we say okay we're going to start over and now offer to pay people and how far does that put us behind on reviewing some of these requests abolutely so I I'm I'm willing to entertain that uh but and these are expensive don't get me wrong these these these can be you know mo uh most districts I was talking to each review was costing them between 8 to 12,000 until they kind of got it systemized and once they did that they got it down to about $6,000 per review so well we can always you know we can leave it as a shell but uh at some point if we get lots of people banging at the doors we could change it I don't think that's to happen I love your optimism we can always change it yeah yeah okay so let's leave it at this and we can change it then at some point any further discussion okay um if they are paid uh okay so if they are paid is it an hourly pay or a project rate per book do existing contracts cover this for District employees so there's a couple questions there first one is I would suggest that we do a it it'll be based on an hourly rate of pay which is based off of the teacher's contract okay um because there's already kind of curriculum review curriculum writing pay that's in there so I think we would look at that contracted rate so that we're not in violation of anything with uh fairbell Education Association um but I think what we would do is we would look at the size of the book and what it would take the average reader to read that and then say okay this is the stien or hourly amount or hourly hours that you are given to read this book so if if we say all right this book is 500 pages and we run it through the the formula and it says it should take the average person 12 hours to read this book and it's probably a lot longer than that but let's just say 12 hours then we'll take the hourly rate multiply it by 12 add in any overhead and then say this is the amount you will get to read this book if it takes you 10 hours congratulations if it takes you 20 hours like it would take me because I'm a slow reader then I'm still get paid the same amount that's my understanding of how we this would work okay so they're getting paid to read it what about the meetings in all of that is that all included in that so then it would be added in how many meetings you're having and then how long they are so it would be if we're having two or three one-hour meetings those would be added in as well yes okay so that people would be paid for their time not only attending the meetings but also reading okay any discussion around that okay okay I just a just a question is there and you can talk to other districts a sample rubric that might guide some of the re the reading when people are in the process of reviewing a book so that is up once we decide to do this then the next piece is I I designate a design that will start working on all of those pieces thank you yes okay this doesn't get into the nitty-gritty around that this is just setting up that we will have a process in place yes once we'd say yes we will and this is what the process will look like then I will uh have a design that starts working on it okay yes perfect okay sure uh actually I was looking at rated books and they do have like no hate no no profanity no references to sexual whatever and they have these categories your person you can refer that to that that might help um number two on here said they said it states one library media Specialist or District media Specialist or public librarian if the school district does not have a library media specialist um I believe we only have one District media specialist in our entire District what happens if this person doesn't want to do this what happens if they don't like the pay or can't commit to the additional hours it appears that then we look to a public librarian to fill this role what happens if we can't find this person do we expect this person to volunteer will they be paid we've talked about that um so I think it's since our our language on there said shall it's on us to find someone either a public librarian in or around farbo um that is willing to do this this work um so it's if it's not our own we can't mandate that who sits on this committee all right by by name we can mandate titles that sit on it but not by name so you even see it says principal on there it doesn't say principal Nick Jen will sit on the committee it just says a principal all right um so I think because it says shall it will be that we have to find one and maybe it's a public Librarian from oana or something like that that says I'll do that for some extra money on the side you know would we then pay travel would we then pay travel yeah um it that's a good question question because that will that will have to come down to if these are in-person meetings or if these are virtual okay okay so I think too that's another piece that we can revisit if need to if that person turns out to be the person we can't find we might have to revisit that section and go from there because they are hard to find yeah okay any any more discussion around that okay uh section three it says is the principal and two teachers from our district um I would say yes they're from our district yep um it states the one member of our Administration would be but it isn't clear about the principal and two teachers my assumption would be that these people are from our own School District but we might want to call it out so so discussion around that do we want to change it so that it's just more clear to say one member of Faro Public School District administration one FPS principal two FPS teachers we want to add that for students too then hang on we're not I love where you're going but it's next it's next on my list all right so I'm hearing head shake yes that it should say one correct FPS School District administrator uh one FPS principal one two excuse me FPS teachers one FPS library media Specialist or just leave it as one library media specialist leave it as one have that or District media Specialist or Public Library I mean we have that kind of explained there I think we're okay there all right so one member of the I'm going to put FPS so all right going back to or after include can you put it in that sentence there all members this FPS committee shall include because then if you're saying Fable public school committee doesn't it infer that these members are well I think that this person's asking that it say even if it said that it they might not infer that it's a fairbell public schools principal or teacher or something like that okay we can be specific are we getting stuck on it because it's you know kind of stated for the other ones but if you think of our other policies we don't state fairwell public schools you know Human Resources fa I mean that's kind of implied because it's our policy so are we adding more than we need to just because the other ones are more explained I don't know I think this was left because remember it came from msba so I think it was left General so that any District could jump jump on it and use it so I think by adding that in there we're not changing right anything we're just clarifying nope these are farbo people that will be deciding what books are on the Shelf right all right we are not going to have a oana or Northfield or Medford principal that sits on our absolutely right all right so I'm going to say all right so section 7 D D2 two will say one member of the Fabo Public School District administration one FPS principal two FPS teachers we're going to stop right there okay I know we're going you want to jump to F but we're not I just try to help I know I know I know any discussion on that are we good with that we can be fun okay you're willing to give me that one Wendy absolutely thank you all right um um hang on so section four two members of the school district Community with no direct connection with a re request for reconsideration can these be staff members um I think if they live in the committee or in the community they potentially could be um I don't think it excludes them um how do we determine that they have no direct connection I think that's a that's a decision for the committee the committee and whoever is overseeing the committee um who is responsible for lining these people up that would be my design for the committee so most likely so everybody knows that's going to be the director of teaching and learning that's who it does it in uh most districts the superintendent designates the director of teaching and learning to set up and run these committee meetings okay any discussion on anything we talked about there all right last one and we're coming up on one hour here so we're doing pretty good all right two student Representatives a age 18 or older as appropriate to the specific request are these students currently enrolled at farbo high school or could they be in college many of our own seniors don't turn 18 until Midway through their senior year does one day matter from them being 17 to turning 18 if they are a senior at fairbow high school I'm going to take the second part of that first second part does one day matter yes it does okay because the the reason I say that is because the word pornography comes up yep and if something is deemed to be on our shelves and is deemed by the committee that it's pornography we cannot have students under the age of 17 that we have given that to okay so that part yes um so should they do they have to be Fable high school students or I guess what they're saying here is could they be fow High School alum or does that make make them then a Community member I would say they would be a Community member okay yeah they could so I'm hearing you say they nope they got to be in enrolled in one of our schools correct even if they're in PSO they got to be high school and still in high school yes okay did you say they can be in PSO yeah yes they can be included that's you yeah they can how about this they can't have graduated correct correct they should they have been allowed to graduate yes or no hey we have some super seniors that's why I'm saying that's why that's why I don't want to put an age on it I want to say that they that they're still enrolled with us maybe that's a better way to put it yes and we do have some children right now that are in PR school that are 5 years old mhm so yeah there's always going to be an oldest there's always going to be a youngest and we'll always have somebody 18 I used to tell the ninth graders when I was high school principal that nth grade was the best three years of my life I do think when we do that we have to think the student members of this committee are going to change often yes because you're looking at somebody that's 18 in September they will be gone by May yes so mhm yeah yeah you'll have new members every year yeah and we might have new members every challenge right yeah especially with sports and ab different activities exactly so I'm hearing yes still enrolled yes do I need to come back yes still enrolled yes yes they should be enrolled and I think they should be enrolled as well so that answers that question and then answered the last question and then they thanked us on here okay so any further discussion before we go into our next phase here which should be fairly short any further discussion any further discussion all right is there a motion to approve sending policy 66.5 Library material to the school board as written by us here this afternoon so move all right thank you Nick is there a second second thank you Nate any discussion around this policy as we have written it here this evening I just think there's going to be more discussion at the school board I hope there is I hope there is more discussion probably going to come back to us so but right now now I think it's good to send off right now any further discussion but it will get discussed any further discussion all right hearing none all those in favor of signif all those in favor of sending policy 66.5 as written here this afternoon Library materials uh to the school board uh please signify by saying I I opposed all right motion pass passes what's that one two 3 4 6 to zero all right um that is the only thing that's on our agenda next meeting is December 3rd 2024 at 3:45 here in uh our boardroom there are no more items to discuss is there a motion to adjourn the meeting we'll move thank you ter is there a second second all right um all those in favor signify by saying I