##VIDEO ID:p2yybXtkLwA## Miss Kenny is there a quorum present yes there is all right please stand for the pledge I pledge alance to the plag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay is there a motion to approve the agenda I'll move thank you is there a second second all right uh any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed all right motion passes we have no review of policies this cycle we do have revision of policies so let me get going here is there a motion to approve sending policy 54 acceleration policy and procedures to the school board Mr benty if I may just add a note on this policy uh Katie rold is here um her and myself and then one of our school syes worked last year on updating this policy um basically um a lot of the language in there was very dated okay and so the primary work we did was to update all of the language to reflect what we actually do today I don't know if Katie has anything to add but so I'll Let's uh so that I'll take that as a motion I would make a motion to approve and that's the background is there a second second all right now discussion so do you want to come up and discuss uh some of the pieces that was changed it sounds like language was updated I do see that there is a lot of red on this so um yeah so most of this was um like Mr Jan said language updates with um more current and also just consistency across this is both the acceleration so grade or subject acceleration policy as well as the early entrance to kindergarten policy you'll see um further down um so trying to bring some consistency to the process um between both and um and just updating the process with our current assessments that are used also making it flexible for assessments to change based on what's most appropriate at a given time so some of it became a little bit more generalized but for the purpose of um allowing it to be the right assessment for a given situation right any discussion or questions for Mrs rold uh yes I have one or two uh would you define it was on page oh the pages aren't numbered unfortunately um it's under step three it's uh it says demonstrate off lever off level standardized testing what is off would you define off level please um so that would be that it is comparing to the Norms off of the grade level that the student is currently in so the assessment itself would be consistent amongst all grade levels like fastbridge all grade levels take that same standardized assessment so there's a consistency yes okay yeah but as far as how we would look at the Norms if we're looking for accelerating to another grade level we'd be looking at norms one grade level ahead of where they where they took the test so they took the test as a fourth grader we're comparing those Norms to fifth grade if that's where they're requesting acceleration too and and can I ask uh why in uh uh on the first page application that they took the gifted and talented teacher of is do we have a gifted and talented teacher correct we we don't have a designated gifted and talented teacher at this point now um at the elementary level um it generally happens through our um internal differentiation so during wind time for example um students will go to an accelerated group type of thing and that's how we're getting some some of those Services before this would be pursued so this would be a higher level of that gifted and talented service okay and then also on the same at the bottom of the first page it says scores on grade level nationally recognized standard test you took out 95th percentile or above for math to demonstrate high achievement in math how come how come it seemed like you're lowering the standard it no it was a little bit of a random um inclusion there because it was only specific to math um unclear why it was only math and the 95th percentile um wasn't consistent with let me find where we talk more about the so it was more for consistency you're taking that out yes and and we get more into the percentiles down in step three assessment and review um where we're looking at the 75th percentile like 95th percen was a a little bit restrictive as to who we likely would consider as a good candidate for grade acceleration or subject acceleration so this allowed us to be a little bit more um inclusive of a lot of different information and not just looking at one cut score as you made it or you didn't um so for example in the cases that I've been in so far um the school psychologist and I would be in that screening section um that initial screening so if for example the um percentile performance was really not in the realm of something that would be considered for acceleration let's say it was 35th percentile we would not continue the rest of the process but just saying that they had to be in the 95th percentile or were not going on that wasn't real that didn't that didn't fit with really what we would consider as um a possibility we can go into different percentiles and I just to comment I did like the fact that you added parents will be limited invited to a meeting to discuss the results I think that's important for Parental I did like that part um I would like to make an amendment to on the first page here under step one application I think we should leave in a permission for evaluation will be obtained from parents or a guardian I would like to add that Amendment so it does still have that it's just rewarded in the sentence before um that they will submit the letter describing the request and the signed consent for evaluation form so we put that evaluation um permission into the sentence before that well it's from what I'm reading it's students SL parents it could be one or the other could we add students and or that's why I would like to keep that in there but it says signed consent pardon it says signed consent I guess I was assuming signed consent well can a student do a signed consent the student can submit the letter describing the request so what was that I'm sorry it said sign consent but is the Stu is who's signing the consent the parent has to yes the parent would have to the student would not unless they're 18 unless 18 which at that point we're not doing acceleration so uh but it would be the sign consent would only be coming from a parent unless a student is 18 right right okay really the only thing that the students would be submitting would be that letter and in that in that initial application um it it gives a um if the student is fifth grad or older just a they can be the one to put in the letter of request and saying why they think that they but it still has to be signed by the parent student is under 18 that's what I want to make yes okay yes thank you the application as well as the consent for evaluation any further questions or discussion all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right motion passes is there a motion to approve sending policy 308 administrator and director of evaluation to the school board so moved thank you is there a second second right I'll give that one to miss fashion um all right discussion so this one pertains mostly to the position that I sit in um as superintendent overseeing the directors which is mostly cabinet members and head principls of buildings so this policy the updated pieces in here was changing from shs to May um and then also removing this form um so this form has not been used in quite a few years I was not even I didn't even realize that this form existed um my time is principal I never used this form it was never uh sent to me so um moving this to better align with the practices that we do now uh the practices that we do now just to kind of be transparent is that I meet with uh the people that I directly oversee mostly cabinet members and principes we set goals together they have some choice and goals I have some choice and goals and then we meet about once every six weeks five to six weeks I think um to go over those there's a midyear review that is a written review that that goes in their file and then there is an endof year review uh the end of year review has also been a written review but we're going to be switching that uh this year to more of a uh rubric style um in which there it will be Lo located in Vector which is our online housing piece um and then there will also be a written piece with that as well so uh principes and cabinet members get uh a midar review and an year review every year that go in their files so uh any questions or discussion so there's a rubric that's under form we won't be using that no so basically anything that's that's after the LA the first two pages we won't be using that the principal evaluation instrument we won't be using any other questions or discussion all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right motion passes is there a motion to approve sending policy 416 drugs alcohol and Cannabis Testing to the school board some all right uh is there a second second all right thank you discussion so this you've seen those of you that have been here you've seen this come up a few different times kind of as the language mainly gets flushed out around cannabis um so you see the red pieces were added uh simply around uh Cannabis Testing right and there was a question last time I believe and I'm trying to get to the page here um it was on page [Music] 46-14 that has to do with a testing Laboratory um so we contract out our transportation so therefore we don't do testing of any drivers and actually the drivers are not FAO Public School Employees they're employees of farbo transportation and we contract for those services so we needed to put in the language that you see in blue here that is uh the testing laboratory for controlled substances and we put used by farbo Transportation as of August 28th of 2024 and then we put it in there so that at least that that is in there and I believe then if you go to 46-19 there are some oral fluid tests for cannabis same thing on for 46-20 and on 46-21 it goes into more explanation around the oral fluid testing and I believe that is it yes so any further discussion or questions if there are are additions to legislative outomes as this has been brought back and forth yeah will just continue to bring back to the policy committee yeah I think my my guess is that we're going to see this one tested multiple times not even necessarily in the public school setting but just in uh work settings in general um so I think you're to see you know some court cases in the next few years come out around especially the testing part of this so and as those come out those legal references and cross references will get updated by msba any further discussion sorry one more question how many do we review this on an annual basis or is it years so policies are reviewed once every three years or as they come up from msba if they have substantial changes or uh changes that need to be implemented uh sooner rather than later for us am I correct in saying that any other questions you hit your allotment for the day sorry all right hearing none all those in fig all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right motion passes is there a motion to approve sending policy 503 student attendance to the school board some move thank you is there a second second thank you all right um discussion this one I believe was uh was this one did we bring this one here last time as well and there was this one we yeah so this is the one that if you remember correctly our 503 and mba's 503 were fairly different from each other um so what had happened was when msba updated their 503 it was going to be a total overhaul for us so what we did was we took our current 503 student attendance policy we added in the pieces that need to be in there based off of legislation or msba updates and added them into where they fit within our 503 policy does that make sense to everybody so it's more tailored to what ours originally was we did leave the notes in there just so you know so that you can understand what are um what are uh what are the choices either by the school board whether they can add or leave so any questions or further discussion uh yes Mr chair um this is on 503 page three up on top it says a parent guardian or other person having control of a child May a play apply to a school district to have the child excused from attendance for the whole or any part of the time school is in session during any school year who would be the other person so sometimes we have uh foster parents or parent or people that have temporary custody or perhaps just educational rights over a student but are not considered Guardians by law I I guess I see this as a kind of an open door for someone just to come in and that's the way I see it no no it's not at all that it's still someone that has to by by either court documents or by uh permission from the parents or Guardians be able to have that permission it's not just someone like you said court documents court documents or permission from the parent or Guardian to to be able to have those educational decision somebody at random no absolutely not somebody that's probably in the classroom or something oh I want to take this child out no absolutely not it has to be court documents or the parent or the guardian yeah it's it's either Court issued um can we say that in there uh possibly well or it's under the so it might be if it's an aunt or an uncle they might say it might be a parent that says I give so and so the right to call this child out of school um so parent or Guardian gives parent or Guardian parent or Guardian would have to give written permission for this to happen yes yes okay possibly aren documented in infinite camp and yes are documented in Infinite Campus um in our student information system so that is it is documented y okay yes thank you so anytime just for clarification anytime someone calls to excuse a student they're asked obviously who the student is the reason for the absence they're asked who they are and then that is cross referen in Infinite Campus to make sure it matches with what we have one file in there okay so Mr Jen can like call up and say I want to come pick up so and so's child for the day the answer would unless it was yep unless it was approved by them you can by the parent or Guardian so thank you yep any further questions or discussion all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion passes I believe now we are on to uh NOP we're still on revisions yeah that's quite it I think there's so uh is there a motion to approve sending policy 515 uh protection and privacy of pupil records to the school board so moved all right thank you Nate uh is there a second second thank you Wendy all right discussion okay I just have a question 515 on page 14 at the bottom 23 it said when requested educational agencies or institutions may share personal student contact information and director information for students served in special education with postsecondary transition do you see that you're reading it Mr do I need to hold number 23 I guess I what exactly does that mean can you just clarify a bit for me please yep I can if it's a special ed yes it could be um the the student is transitioning from the high school into the 18 to 21 year old program looking at vocational uh employment opportunities so it could that's what I thought it meant but I just wanted to make sure so okay yeah all right any further questions or discussion okay hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed right motion passes is there a motion to approve sending policy 532 use of peace officers and crisis teams to remove students with IEPs from school grounds to the school board move thank you is there a second second all right uh discussion this uh policy is largely unchanged um although there's a lot of red in it it's largely largely unchanged simply moving the terminology from police liaison officer to school resource officer to match with some more recent legislation so may I just this is probably because it's not within revision but uh what does a law what does the local law enforcement officers or the law enforcement agencies I think they they are going along with this one right so this is so well yeah it's really not of your vision so I mean are are you asking like do they support this yeah so basically what happens is that the there and my time as principal I was involved in only a handful of these in all the years that I wasn't a PR principal or assistant principal there comes a times sometimes when when there's a student that is so disregulated that law enforcement needs to step in instead of school officials and that's what this is about so there there always has to be that line that is maintained between what the school is doing and what the law is doing so we always make sure that when we're doing our investigations we're doing them separately when law enforcement decides to step into a student situation School Personnel step aside yes and likewise when school Personnel or if School Personnel are Act involved in the situation and ask for help then you then you need to defer to the law enforcement when they get involved so that's kind of what this is more about thank you any further discussion or questions all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion passes and we are now on I believe yes all right uh is there a motion to approve setting policy 616 School District system accountability to the school board still mov all right thank you Wendy Tara I'll give you a second there all right discussion um I'm just going to mention here that uh just some of this uh some of this policy I think and we've discussed this at I think at the school board means we need to before I put my stamp of approval on something I need to know what the um you know what some of the terms means so because of that I'm not going to be pushing it forward and it's this is really I think falls on the school board not on policy committee so so I will say that the only changes that are in this um is the state legislature has decided to change the world's best Workforce title to comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness so as long as we're working on revisions only oh yeah why why that change was made I don't know what that entails I do not know um it just said I get push back sometimes it's well this is revision so I'll go along with that okay um any further questions or discussion all right hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed all right motion passes that is it for the revisions we will now look at a new policy so is there a motion to approve sending new policy 66.5 Library materials to the school board we still get to talk about it right yeah oh yeah yeah yeah no absolutely so yes all right yeah it has to be motioned and seconded for us to discuss it so there I have a motion is there a second second all right thank you Nate um discussion so I will start because I know this has kind of been a touchy one um so this policy is the same one that I believe came to this committee back in the spring did we bring this to this committee back in the spring and it went to the school board and it was not voted in um however it was brought up again this summer to look at again um so it was brought up in a meeting to look at so the board chair um had me look at it and said bring it through policy committee opened it up for people for Schoolboard members to comment or put what they would like in it or community members I only received two emails both of them from community members uh both of them around the exact same uh concern that was around this um and that has actually been excuse me that has been um put into place in here so if you look through here we have not this is the model policy from msba we have not made any changes to the model policy minus one the only one is on page I got to find it here page five so 66.5 D5 um if you go down to the bottom where it says f it says two student Representatives we added age 18 or older uh to be part of that committee and then we still have the piece there it says as appropriate to the specific request I guess my question would be I wasn't here for the spring one I think I had conferences um but my question would be how is this different from what's been happening prior years when it comes to what comes into our media centers we know so this is this one is not around are you are you talking around purchasing or are you talking around purchasing so this doesn't have anything to do with Pur this is just to get things this is yeah so if you look at the form which starts it's the last two pages yep I have that too yep so the form is request to remove or reconsider anything that is already on the shelf and have we had anything like this prior we have not even though our policy has said we need to we have not had anything in place to remove um noncurriculum items from our uh schools thank you and that's the that's the piece to understand that if you look at policy 606 is around curriculum 66.5 is noncurriculum that that is in the library thank you um I do have one question and it's it is going back to F on page 66.5 five just my question is we put the age age 18 or older wouldn't it to get more of a representation wouldn't being a senior or that grade level I think the the concern was that many of these books that um are brought that may be brought up for reconsideration are due to sexual themes okay um so we want to make sure that you know the word pornography has been used so we want to make sure that if if something is deemed as that um that we are making sure that the people that we would have to look at it would be of age if it was deemed to be that okay so we're it's we're just kind of trying to be a little bit cautious there thank you then that explains it I didn't go there that's not where I went so it says under on page 66.5 D3 under five uh Library mat shall meet high standards of quality in one or more of these categories um item G readability obviously a book targeted at elementary or middle school students being read by an 18yearold or above how do we is there a process in which we would eventually and I'm not saying you know it gets past one process where we deem it semi appropriate but how is an 18-year-old going to decide if the readability is readability readability or maybe that's part in front of the horse I think that's where it says if you go back to the the previous piece which was 66.5 D5 where it says as appropriate to the specific request Mr chair yeah yeah I have a couple points here um the reason we I think that we brought up this policy was because a Community member came forth and read three books from our library that were very I don't think I think the common person would just say yes this is porn and the fact that we had it in have it in our library I think is rather embarrassing and it's kind of falls on the school board I think what we need to do is really when we're looking at these books um we have to set the parameters uh for sexually explicit material of the porn I think we need to and one of the first things talks about Library material shall meet high standards of quality uh I've got a couple points there one of them I'm kind of diverting now is in one or more in one or more really I mean that's not a high standard to me it's like made high standards of quality in one or more so if only one of these like and I think that was the couple of the uh letters that we got readability in fact I think somebody came up with the public form and said readability that's the only CR you know this only standard that we're going to have um I do see these a through G I think we have to pair down the list a bit but I think the first thing that we should do is uh I know there is uh it's uh rated books.com and they do rate books library books and I think we should put that standard in there and then maybe we can have some of these other things like artistic equality I don't know you know so much of this is subjective like authenticity you know what is that I don't know if we even need that one but critical thinking educational significance factual content um I I think the first thing we should have is really that um that Radian system and I think ly Miss bad brought brought that up at uh the school board meeting rated books I think it's rated books.com and uh I think that's I think we should put that standard in there first and then we can look at some of these others I think we should rate the book because they write the book whether you know for sexually explicit material and I think we should go with that standard who runs that site because it's all based on person perception so my well all of this is based on perception right but that's what I mean like if we're choosing that site like I know I talked to our media person and he said they use common sense media like there's a lot of different sites out there to check out books um so I would just be wondering which site is the right one you know I don't know if there's a lot I don't know that we can necessarily books like that I mean I don't know if there's a lot of WR do we because at one time I think we said we didn't even have a uh a site that rated books but now we do and I think we should really look into that and I mean obviously we'll do whatever the the school board what the will of the board is um I I think I if the board is going to go that direction and I will say this at a board meeting as well is that we will need to understand how we rate a book or do we rate a book if it's not part of their rated section already so um I I've been on that site and I've looked through and they do a nice they do a very nice job on that site That's rated is that rated one to five yeah they they do a really nice job of rating them and then giving you you know the their view of of the book The issue is not even close to every book is on there um so I I can't we use some of this other uh criteria then yeah I really think we should use that that as a rated system and I'm I'm going to be pretty firm on that well I do think also I'm sorry um we need to look at the the intended audience and if we want if we want our students to read we have to give them interest in what they want so if someone is interested in farming we want to have a robust Agricultural Center that they can choose from which wouldn't be my cup of tea so how could I say that's not I it's not my readability I don't read schematics really well but but it might be someone else's so that readability factor I think is important so I do believe with this policy it it has the potential to bounce back and forth between the board and this committee perhaps a couple different times um I have two more points okay so I made my point about that and I'm thinking you know that I I think that I really think we should have a rating system to look at but also we can look at these two and that's where it's going to have to bounce back and forth again secondly um on page 6065 D5 this is when they're picking out the commit uh the the committee to review the books I I looked at some of this stuff uh this was in Miller vers this was a court case Miller versus California 1973 and they did to say say that Community communities should decide what is obscene and right now when I'm looking at this it's kind of a l it's kind of lopsided with more Administration than than Community uh what I would like to see is like three community members two parents a principal which would be Administration to a teacher a media one media and and a student with the 18 with you know caveat that they're 18 or over that's what I'd like to see and uh I don't know maybe we can discuss this a little bit because it the really because of this court case Miller versus California um and it was they talked about this communities decide what is obscene and I think we need right now the way it is there's so many Administration it's really not um I think we need more community members in there including parents well I see two administrators I see two teachers a library media specialist two members of the community and two student Representatives if appropriate so if you look at that there's 1 two 3 four five five um Administration Administration and and uh the rest the four of it's that's what I'm saying it's a little bit lopsided I think it should be more community members are you calling the teachers Administration no I'm just saying well from the district is what I should have said I'm sorry thank you for your for clarifying oh okay from the district I I think it should be I think it should be more community members than like to see equal well I'm not sure if I'd like to see it equal I think I think it should be part of the community and I think it should be five to four aren't we part of the community community well I I've been born and raised in this community I would feel that I would be part of the community I think it needs to be somebody from the community that's not a associated with the district maybe I should put it that way and I I really think that but we do have groups out in the community that are very strongly one way or strongly another way so I don't know how it would be easily able to make that fair against the whole Community either I mean that's a big piece to look at and the other thing I'm going to just mention 66.5 D6 uh it said you have to examine the spefic specific Library material as a whole I guess why would we have to do that my question and then I've got we do we have to do it as a whole I know um I believe with the movie industry if there is a two minutes sex scene in there uh and the movie is probably rated are then um you know to alert the parents so uh because they talk about the um the fact that the movie industry does that I think I don't think we'd have to read the whole book the books that Mary Hack Hackett brought up and she read that that was pure porn and I don't think anything like that should be in the um in the library was it so Linda could you repeat the name of that book um he it there was three of them that she brought up what was it um I can I can email those to you off hand I can't think of there no that's I thought you just mentioned it now that's why I couldn't there was three three books that she brought up and and there's more than that and I I do remember the one um meeting where one was brought up and it was said that it was at Roosevelt and I've been at Roosevelt for a long time no it wasn't that one that she B I was to say cuz we looked into one of them and one was taken off the shelf before it was even put on the shelf for this is um this was three and I I'm sorry can't remember the names of the three books i' I've I've got the um information down there and Mary Hackett is the one that brought this up and she actually uh read this uh and uh maybe I should send that out to the people I don't want to say it but it was really graphic talking about oral anal uh teenagers doing this with each other and it it was was really pretty hot and sexy and very uh it did they didn't mince words so and I think this would be considered porn so I'm sorry I really I really I really was shocked by that and the fact that it got in our schools in the first place it was an embarrassment for me as a school board member and uh I don't think we should have those type of books in our library so I I definitely hear what you're saying and I agree with many of the points I mean they were very graphic it would be my preference to not take it out of context and read the whole book so you think that part in the book like if there's uh she had quite a bit uh well the f- word how many times or whatever yeah so I think I mean again you're expressing your opinion that's my opinion I mean I think you know you've said it on many of these policies how you I mean obviously as a Schoolboard member I review the whole policy you know specifically when it relates to just revisions but I also read the whole policy because I en enjoy reading I would prefer to make a decision on a book or or a a policy based on the whole policy and not just one one piece of context if you will that would be my preference that's your preference I guess the thing I would say I I think the whole part of really muddies the um the water so to speak because the issue is how to set parameters for sexually explicit material if you've got a paragraph that's really bad in there uh you know really and most of these books that she read I think uh the context context was really graphic throughout but um so that's my I can we can disag we can totally disagree and I I appreciate and hear your opinion I guess that again is my opinion and preference would be to read the context material graphic I mean we're we're establishing the parameters of the selection committee they're all above the age of 18 um I would prefer to read the whole book and and make a decision on readability and all of the other standards that this committee and then ultimately the school board decides to base their parameters around any further discussion I'm just wondering like in here it doesn't talk about like what would want me to reconsider a book I mean yes if it's you know the sexual part of it I get that but are we like are there other reasons like you know we've got states that are Banning books like crazy because they're talking about different things like are we opening this to any reason we want to ban a book or is there some is there something I missed well so if you my understanding is if you follow and I want to make sure I look at this right is that the the form is submitted at that yeah okay and then I believe it does need to come it needs to be chosen for reconsideration okay all right it's not just an automatic reconsideration um because other districts have had this uh come in where they've used the form and they received you know 200 forms submitted and they're like that's great but we can do six per year because it takes anywhere from six to eight weeks to do one of these um and they are expensive um but so you know it they they look more at what are the ones that that truly need to be reconsidered and then those are the ones that they focus on first thank you um and the selection committee that whoever we would establish they would get the stack of complaints if you will and so these so the way that this would work is the way that it's drawn up here is that my design would be the director of teaching and learning right um so that way that person runs that committee and then if there's uh once that decision is made if there's an appeal then the appeal either comes to me or it comes to the school board um and that would also be something that we would have to that we would have to decide what I was going to say earlier was you know I I I truly value this committee but with a hot policy like this I do believe that a lot of the fine details that Dr Moore is is asking about definitely are going to have to be flushed out we're going to have to figure those pieces out um I I don't believe that will happen at this committee level I believe it will happen at the board level okay so I guess what I'm asking this committee for is more we send this policy to the board saying with the caveat that we understand that you're going to want to make changes to this um and allow them to work on it or if they choose to send it back to us to work on specific parts of it does that sound fair to everyone at the end of the day I mean I want the community to be happy with the process that we outlined and and if this is the will of the board if you will um to have this policy that's our law so I want to make sure that it's well thought out and um works for me and and Dr Moore and um members of our community so I think yeah definitely there needs to be some legal room but you guys are Educators not me so and I guess that's my biggest concern like as a teacher as a parent as a community member like I totally agree with some books needing to be I don't want it in my kids hands I get that I just don't want it to turn into we're Banning this for this and we're Banning this for this and all of a sudden books are banned everywhere you know what I mean um um that freedom to read what you want and that kind of thing I just want to make sure that that's not taken away Mr chair I just want to mention I think the reason this this even came up was because of those those couple books well it was three books that she brought up and and uh it what she read the passages are really bad and so um I think that's that's what we're really you know that that does not belong in a public School library absolutely any further discussion so Mr chair if uh you because I don't like it the way it is so uh we're just sending it to the board to so with the like you said the caveat that they have to we have to make the changes at the board yeah so uh Miss Kenny I think what we would do is we would send it to the board if if this group votes to send it to the board we will send it to the board with kind of the notes or caveat that we understand that they're going to want to make changes and look at this um and I think it's going to I think it's going to be it'll either bounce back and forth between the board in this committee or it will spend multiple meetings at the board level flushing everything out so um I if we approved it tonight then the first reading for it would be September 23rd at the board level and that's where amendments and discussion could come in but understand that moving at that level then amendments will have to come to make the changes that people want to make it it unless unless the chair puts it on there as a discussion item um but if it comes from this group it would probably be as a first reading so if if we're looking if if board members are looking to make changes then they need to bring amendments for that there if that makes sense mean at the reading at the at the first reading yes at the first reading yeah I know the board the board does not like to wait until the second reading to get amendments so so just offer a suggestion I mean is it a possibility to have a joint meeting of the board and the policy committee at some point to just hammer it out for we could that would have to be a public meeting yeah yeah a special session so I mean if the board the board or the clerk can call a special session um I cannot so if that's brought up uh by the by the board and the chair excuse me the chair or the clerk can call a special session I cannot so um if one of them can could call a special session around uh doing that and then they can dictate who who they want to be there so I mean I would defer to everybody else on the policy if that's something that would work or be of interest so just for clarification uh so it' be all the board members and all the policy committee then for a meeting if if that's what the chair because I just didn't know if it was because you said it would be would would be a reg like a special meeting uh because I know if we have four that's a open meeting law we have to you know this would all the all the yeah even even then it would still be a meeting that either the chair or the clerk would have to call yeah so correct believe it or not my power is [Music] limited is there any further discussion or questions okay hearing none all those in favor of sending 66.5 Library materials to the school board signified by saying I I opposed no okay uh so ma motion passes that would be one two three four five six 7 to one okay all right next meeting is October 1st 2024 uh 345 here in the Falcon room it will also be streamed on YouTube uh there are no more items to discuss is there a motion to adjourn the meeting some all right I'll give that to Tara and I'll give you the second Natalie uh any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed we're adjourned