##VIDEO ID:WO_MX8iVGL0## [Music] [Music] all right we calline ughter on behalf of the Planning Commission i' like to welcome our residents and viewers to this regular meeting of December 10th 2024 on tonight's agenda we have two public hearings uh before we open those we'll have one housekeeping item that would be the minutes from our no November 12th meeting are there any additions or corrections to those minutes if not is there a motion I'll make a motion a motion for approval is there a second I'll second motion and second all in favor say I I minutes are approved with that then we'll open up both public hearings at this time we'll take them in order as shown on the agenda the first one is achen null combined preliminary and final plat Jared you're going to take this yes thank you chair uh Planning Commission members uh so as you guys are aware a public hearing was scheduled a notice back for the November 12th Planning Commission meeting um regarding the ainol combined preliminary and final plat um at 19927 Ain Road uh the applicant Carrie hanil requested the public hearing be continued at that meeting to today's meeting um due to modifications being done to the plans um but the applicant is now requesting an additional extension to the January Planning Commission meeting um as the modified plans are almost ready to go but some details still need to be finalized uh so the action request is uh to continue the public hearing to the January 14th Planning Commission meeting is there a motion to continue the public hearing motion to continue is there a second I'll second motion a second caller roll please uh windsh yes tesy yes Rody yes L yes snowback yes all right thank you Jared uh now a second public hearing this is an ordinance amendment to title 10 chapters 2 five and six of the Farmington City code as it relates to the Cannabis business and Tony if I could just read something real quick um although it's not every uh everyone approves cannabis it's now legal in our state and it's the city's responsibility to control and monitor the manufacturer sale and use of this product and this ordinance sets up the process to do that so just in case anybody's wondering why we are talking about cannabis absolutely thank you Mr chair commission members uh before you this evening is an ordinance uh with uh several amendments uh to title 10 chapters 25 and six of the city code uh as it relates to K cannbis business uh as the commission is aware there's been a numerous amount of meetings and work sessions over the last several months dealing with uh this specific topic um related to the newer legislation that the state has uh passed um and this is in response to that that legislation um so the first section is section two of the of title 10 this is our definitions uh this ordinance uh creates four additional uh definitions uh for the code the first one is cannabis cultivation which is a use involving the licensed growing and harvesting of cannabis cannabis or hemp manufacturing an establishment or use of land which involves the compounding processing packaging wholesaling testing treatment Transportation or delivery of cannabis or hemp products uh the next one is cannabis retail is a licensed establishment where cannabis flowers immature cannabis plants and seedlings and related products uh as Allowed by law are sold to individual consumers who are at least uh 21 years of age and the last definition that is added is the lower potency hemp edible retail this is a licensed establishment where lower potency hemp edible products are sold to individuals or individual consumers who are at least 21 years old of age so that's the first component of the ordinance that's before you this evening uh the second uh deals with the various districts so it is a chapter five of title 10 uh this is where we actually place the uses within the various zoning uh districts this is one of the topics where we had quite a bit of Conversation Over the last several months uh regarding these specific uses um as the commission is aware we were looking at how having them as all conditional uses um and what we're looking at with the table here is that within the A1 Zone you would have a conditional use for both cannabis cultivation outdoor and cannabis cultivation indoor within our B1 um we would be having cannabis retail and lower potency hemp edible retail both as conditional uses our B2 which is our downtown um actually B1 B2 2 NB3 uh and the Spruce Street mixed use and muci which is our mixed use commercial industrial those all fall the same pattern where the Cannabis retail low lower potency hemp edible retail those are all conditional uses within those uh specific zoning districts and then cannabis cultiv cultivation indoor and cannabis or hemp manufacturing uh we have listed as conditional uses within our industrial zoning District so those are the uh changes that we are proposing with the districts and again we are looking to have those all be conditional uses to where they would have to come back before this this commission for approval uh chapter 6 uh basically what this is it's uh it creates uh section 31 Within Chapter 6 of title 10 uh it creates certain standards for these uses um these standards include the need to provide evidence of a state license for any proposed cannabis business um includes the limit standard as outlined in State Statute of no more than one cannabis retail business per 12,500 residents and it establishes hours of operation for cannabis retail which in this instance would be hours of operation uh would be between 8:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and between 10:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Sundays and then um also hours of operation for the lower potency hemp edible retail and what we are showing for that would be uh the that use would be prohibited between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 10: 2: a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday and between 2:00 a.m. and 10: a.m. on Sunday action as requested uh this evening as those are the main components of this ordinance is to recommend that the city council approve ordinance number 2024 Tac 13 in ordinance a main title 10 chapters 25 and six of the Farmington City code as it relates to cannabis business all right thank you Tony uh this is a public hearing we'll open up the to public uh seeing we have no visitors and no residents here um just note that then the record we'll start with commissioner tesy uh I think this looks great um I feel really comfortable with the amount of time that we spent in workshops reviewing it I've learned a lot um and I look forward to kind of how this industry and business develops in our community so commissioner win the only question I have I know there's State Licensing that needs to be done is there anything on a local city level as far as licensing or the licensing is done directly through the state everything is correct okay and then to make sure compliance is there is that something the city's going to look at like enforcing the compliance to make sure they're complying with it or is it more less the state just looking on terms of like same like with alcohol or liquor like right the city checks to make sure they're not serving minors I do believe that enforcement in large part would fall to the city if I'm not mistaken okay right Rita I think so you were going to go through a registration process right yeah I believe so I mean one termin technology that they're using with this is that you get a license through the state but the city can register so that they know where they are and then they can be following up with those businesses okay okay perfect thank you that's it looks good commiss leato um everything looks really good I think everybody did a great job with all of the information and discussion the only thing I just want to make sure I clarify is when deciding on the hours of operation we try to get that as close to the current um alcohol roles and so I just want to make sure that everyone was aware that's the reason we did it as yeah that thank you MNC thanks for your work I have no questions I'll go off L's question Tony for cannabis you Ed when the operation is shall be and for hemp you said when it can't be why why the opposite why not consistent with the oper hours of operation for cannabis are these the hours operation for hemp are these is there a thought proc behind that that uh I think that's just the I don't know um I don't know that I have a great answer for you on that um I think it's just the way I think in large part the way uh the alcohol um is that how that reads too is is read okay um we tried to keep it as similar as possible to that all right so I and I go back to the original statement is is it you know we need it this is now legal in Minnesota and and you know again the council and the commission met several times and uh we need some kind of guidance you know and the ability to to Monitor and control it as Phil talked about so I would support this and send a recommendation to our city council with it i' look for a motion to close the public hearing motion close you have a motion is there a second a second motion a second call the rooll please tesy yes yes yes snowback yes wi yes of the commission thens a recommendation to our city council on ordinance 0224 D13 amending title 10 chapters 25 and six of the Farmington City code as it relates to cannabis business is there a motion I'll make a motion to approve you have a motion for a fa of recommendation is there a second I'll second motion and second any more discussion if not call the roll please R yes L yes snowback yes wind shidle yes tesy yes thank you Tony you were going to go through the calendar or mention it I was going to mention it um yeah I provided all the commission members a copy of the 2025 meeting schedule um all the dates except for the November date are the second Tuesday of each month um November is different because that second Tuesday would be uh Veterans Day uh so that gets moved to November 12th so Wednesday so and I'll certainly remind the Commission in advance um of that meeting of that change so that's all I had appreciate anything else from staff anything else from the commission if not I'll remind our residents and viewers our next regular meeting is in 2025 it's January 14th and with that I look for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn there's a motion do we have a second I'll second motion second to adjourn all in favor say I I we're officially adjourned thank you everybody n [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music]