##VIDEO ID:79geCmiLxAE## all right this meeting is called to order at 6 o'clock p.m. good evening this is a regular meeting of the Ferndale Schools Board of Education being held on Monday January 6 2025 all meetings in the Ferndale schools are head and held in public in compliance with the open meetings act printed documents discussed in tonight's meeting are available to the public upon requests with the exception of any information protected by student or employee privacy rights board meeting information is posted on our website at www. Ferndale schools.org if you do not have internet access and need information please contact the board offices at 248-5868 652 by Thursday of the week prior to the meeting and District staff will do their best to work with you item 1.1 roll call oh sorry roll call um swearing in at so I move to update the agenda to add oath of office as item 1.1 and then shift roll call and approval of board or down second second by Jonathan other than these changes does anyone have any additional changes to the agenda then without objection and with unanimous consent the agenda is amove amended as approved all the new members please join me other period beginning January 1st 2025 and expiring December 31st 2028 by the board of education at the special meeting held on Monday January 6 2025 I hereby declare my eligibility accept set decision General School law [Laughter] state rision of 193 and the constitution of the state of Michigan and I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of M of the Board of Education public item two public comment this is the time for public participation in the meeting the Board of Education intends for the public to have many opportunities to address the board and administration of their school district these include email phone calls face-to-face meetings Community Gatherings public hearings and other public meetings we welcome individual and group input into the important issues that confront our schools as noted at the top of the agenda this is a meeting of the school board open to the public want to provide fair and impartial guidelines for participation as required by the open meetings act and to encourage transparency and equal treatment for everyone in attendance we also recognize that an effective meeting facilitates better decisions and promotes openness by allowing more people to stay for the full length of the meeting to meet these goals please note the following we ask that you identify yourself and list contact information on a comment sheet to help administrators follow up with you on your comment if you don't wish to do so in writing please identify yourself at the podium and if you need a response please provide contact information with an administrator after the meeting I will call on the people who have completed comment sheats first each person will have one opportunity to address the board for up to three minutes comments or questions should be directed to the board president the secretary or vice president will raise her hand when your time is within a few seconds of expiring this period of public comments for both non-agenda items and issues that are on the agenda public comments will end at the close of this part of the agenda in the event that the number of people wishing to comment requires longer than 30 minutes public comment will be temporarily postponed after 30 minutes and time will be added to the end of the meeting for those who do not get a chance to speak complaints about staff should be made outside of board meetings and should follow the applicable board policy please contact the superintendent's office if you have any questions regarding the item the board cannot respond to complaints about employees in public this is meant to promote fairness to the staff person and the complaintant the fale public schools Community acts with great civility toward one another please help us to maintain that tradition during public com we have any comment she there anyone here for public comment public comment is called item three action items Board of Education organization organizational 2025 item 3.1 election of officers sections 0151 of the Board of Education bylaws calls for the election of board officers at the annual organization meeting of the board the officers to be elected include the president vice president Treasurer and secretary the bylaws also call for the superintendent to serve as the presiding officer taking nominations and calling for the vote on the election of the president upon election the president will take over the chair and proceed with the election of the vice president secretary and Treasurer are there any nominations for president I nominate Sandra Duke any other nominations I will entertain a motion to close nominations for president move move by Jonathan second second in by Aaron nominations for president is now closed I will entertain a motion to elect board member Sandra dookie as president of the Ferndale Public Schools Board of Education and effective January 6 2025 through the next organization meeting in January 2026 moved by Jackie one second second by Jonathan any discussion on the motion roll call Miss Shephard from Ry here yes or no sorry okay yes du yes yes tyer yes yes yes thank you with seven yes votes the motion passes and requ and approval to elect Sandra dookie as president of the Ferndale Public Schools Board of Education and effective January 6 2025 through the next organization meeting in January 2026 is approved I got it out thank you it will rarely be used yes all right are there any nominations for vice president I nominate Lisa Kaiser I second other nominations all right I'll entertain a motion uh to close nominations for vice president I'll second for Vice President are now closed I'll entertain a motion to elect board member Lisa Kaiser as vice president of the fale Public Schools Board of Education effective January 6 2025 to next organizational meeting January 2026 move second Jonathan second Mark any discussion on the motion shepher CR yes Del yes yes Kaiser yes moner yes Turner yes president dookie yes thank you thank you with seven yes votes the motion passes and request be approval to elect a board member Lisa Kaiser as vice president of the fale Public Schools Board of Education effective January 6 2025 through the next organization meeting January 2026 for the approv congratulations congratulations congs I sit there now right now yes right yeah it happens it happens it's real it's been real yes [Music] [Laughter] all right uh while they settle in are there any nominations for secretary [Music] I nominate Jonathan Turner other nominations I'll entertain a motion to close nomination for secretary some some by Jackie second by David nominations for secretary is now closed I will entertain a motion to elect board member Jonathan Turner as Secretary of the Ferndale Public Schools Board of Education and effective January 6 20125 through the next organizational meeting in January 2026 so mov move by Mark seconded by Lisa any discussion on the motion roll on Miss shepher B La yes har yes tyer yes wner yes Turner yes from Ry yeah president D yes thank you thank you with seven yes votes the motion passes and request C approval to elect board member Donathan Turner as Secretary of the hero Public Schools Board of Education and effective January 6 2025 to the next organizational meeting in January 2026 is approved are there any nominations for treasurer she can't nominate herself oh I nominate Jackie for treasurer any other nominations I'll entertain a motion to close nominations for treasurer move by Aaron second second by Lisa nomination for treasurers now closed I'll entertain a motion to elect board member Jackie Hart as the treasurer of fale Public Schools Board of Education effective January 6 2025 through the next organizational meeting in January 2026 Mo move by Aon second second by day any discussion on the motion R call Miss Shephard yes Kaiser yes moner yes Turner yes CR yes B bur yes president yes thank you with seven yes votes the motion passes and requests d a board member Jackie Hart as treasur F Public Schools Board of Education and effect of January 6 2025 to the next organization meeting in January 2026 is approved congratulations so item two on the agenda established board meeting dates section 0154 A of the Board of Education biolog as noted requires the board designate a day place in time for regular meetings that will be held at least once every month generally the board has met on the third Monday of each month the draft meeting schedule is attached for regular and Committee of the whole meeting for the 24 25 school year using the third Monday of the month as a basis for the calendar with the exception of Monday January 27th and Monday February 24 the calendar also suggests the meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and held in the Ferndale Administration ation building Media Center so uh we have to roll call on this right yes so I'll entertain a motion to approve to designate the board meeting dates time and locations as outline have a clarification y it's as in attachment one correct yes the text says o00 our okay so the calendar the our regular meeting should be at 7 and our committee of the holes are at 6 section 3.2 no the times are right on here we just when we approve not change okay so I'll entertain a motion to approve the designated board meeting dates times and locations as outlined I'll make a motion to approve designate board meeting dates times locations downline attach I'll second any discussion any other discussion on the motion roll sheer yes yes yes yes yes yes president du yes thank you thank you with seven yes votes the approval to designate board meeting dates times and location as outlined and attachment one is approved item 3.3 designate individuals to assume specific responsibilities of the treasurer and recording click of the board section 01 54b of the Board of Education bylaws calls for the board to designate at the organization meeting individ to assume specified responsibilities of the treasurer and recording Clerk of the board bylaw 0171 outlines responsibilities of the officers of the board presently the district's director of finances authorized to perform the day-to-day functions of the treasurer while the superintendent's executive assistant is designated to act as clerk at meetings of the board and record the minutes of the board meetings the resolutions below contemplate continuation of these appointments request a um authorization to design to designate the Director of Finance of the school district to perform the day-to-day functions of Treasure of the board as outlined in 01 71.4 and request B authorization go separate I'll entertain a motion to approve request a authorization to designate the Director of Finance of the school district to perform the day-to-day functions of The Treasure of the board as outlined in 01 1 71.4 so move by Jackie second by Lisa any discussion on the motion so what this literally means is that um we hire a Director of Finance um to do the day-to-day functions of managing uh the money and Report out to us so um monthly or Le however we de appropriate Ro sheer moner yes Turner yes CR yes T yes har yes tyer yes president yes thank you thank you seven yes votes request a authorization to designate the Director of Finance of the school district to perform the day-to-day function of the treasurer of the board as outlined in 0171 for is approved uh request b i a motion for request B authorization authorization to designate the superintendent executive assistant to serve as clerk at meetings of the board and record the minutes of the board meetings as identified in bylaw 0171 38 so mov by Aaron second second by Dave fa David David fine I answerable uh any discussion on the motion roll call sheerer yes yes yes yes Kaiser yes M yes president yes thank you thank you request B authorization to designate the superintendent's executive assistant to serve as clerk at meetings of the board and Report minutes of the board meetings as identified and bylaw 01 71.3 a is approved 3.4 approval to authorize bond for the treasurer of the board section 0154 c of the board bylaws requires the board to annually approve a bond for the treasurer of the Board of Education following resolution contemplates continuation of such bond for the new Treasurer I'll entertain a motion to approve to authorize bond for the treasurer of the board by Lisa second second by discussion on the motion yes yes yeser yes yes Turner yes pres yes thank you thank you with seven yes votes the request item 3.4 approval to authorize for The Treasure of the board is approve 3.5 please don't get voted on I get to appoint you all appointment of board members to board committees other assignments under the new organization meeting format board committees are reconstituted in January of each year with board members appointed to the Committees in various State and County associations annually at the January organization meeting below our specific request for appointments to these associations and board committees bylaw 015 015 for calls for the board president to make the appointments so one point of clarification board committees um we have board committees but they're not active because we meet as a committee of the whole so there's not like an achievement committee and a sustainability committee because we do all of our meetings as a Le but there are these other lovely things that are uh associations that we're a part of that making you the chair and Alternate just means that you're the top to who get those emails so like the legislative emails from masb or the legislative emails from NS or ocba come directly specifically to the two people um identified sometimes we will all get them but if so if you are deemed chair or alternate that responsibility of making sure we don't miss something from that Association that's on that makes sense if it's something big that's impacting a lot of board members then we all get it typically all right so with that that so for uh legislative leaon for masb which is the Michigan Association of school boards I have David as the lead on that and Mark as the alternate um for the legislative liaison for nsba so masb is Michigan Association of school board nsba is National School Board Association I have Jonathan is lead and Mark as alternate for legislative for so o I think it's ocba Oakland County School Board Association I have Lisa as lead and David as alternate the Head Start committee is a little different um because they they they are required to hold a meeting annually and they need board member representation so if you're lead on this and you can't make it um make sure you communicate with your alternate or me to make make sure that someone can attend that meeting so Head Start committee I have Aaron as lead and then Lisa as alternate uh and then student rep advisor committee have Jackie is Le with Jonathan and David um on that as well and then with J so Jackie taking lead and Jonathan and David on that Comm anyone hate their assignment even KN [Music] entails and you have everything you need for the we covered all the things you need all right that brings us to item four our next committee the whole meeting is in a few minutes 6:30 our next regular board meeting is Monday Monday January 27th at 7:00 p.m. and we areed at 6:26