##VIDEO ID:OUqz3vEXiDk## this meeting is public order can everybody please rise FL flag of the United States of America to the rep stand my statement this meeting is called pursuance to the provisions of the open public meetings law meeting of September 9 2024 was included in a listed meetings asion to count Democrat and Courier news on January 3 2024 posted on the Bulet Board of girl Hall on that date and has remained continuously posted as required in addition copy of this noice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the B CL um couple of of pieces of business before we really get into this meeting um number one I'm going to apologize if you hear anything on my cell phone I normally put it on airplane mode but I have um my mayor report in there so until I'm done with that it's not turned off um I'm going apologize in advance in case any noises emit from it uh number two our steem clerk um is a medical emergency so I need a motion to deputize ranal for the night as Deputy Clerk have a motion all in favor okay Tony are you an eye on that or Liz yep I I four of you okay uh can I have a roll call Mr MC uh councilwoman iglehart here councilwoman sorrow here council president long here councilman Parker here counc Le here Council vice president Rosetti here and mayor Carol here thank you um this does not count to your pension Mr I thought about that we count as Hazard pay so um the first order of business um well first order of business is to offer angel a happy anniversary tonight because it's her wedding anniversary um so happy anniversary um just um thank you I would you mind Robin if I just let her go and explain the change order to everybody that's appearing later as a resolution on the agenda just because it is herting anniversary I feel terrible you we're gonna have shift here and um talk about this change order so as all of you are aware uh the pit and pump system at the new police building um was agreed to be designed for an outside Pitt Pitt pump and uh n our contractor uh went and designed and well actually PSNS designed it and then gave it to to put together a proposal as a change order that came back in a couple days ago and you and Angela who wants to go first we have a couple new members who have never done change orders before Angela did the heavy lifting it might be the mechanics of the actual why the change order is needed and I can explain the law if anyone has question okay that sounds fair go ahead Ang you start with okay um so you know we started the construction and as we progressed and uh there was a backup in the progress of the the uh construction and it was noted that the sanitary line was basically flat it didn't have a pitch to it and that was probably the cause of the backups previously but until things were excavated and seen uh that was impossible to really foresee so we updated drawings we created this bulletin number one which provided a um sump pump excuse me not a sump pump a sanitary pump uh with a backup outside um in the back of the rear of the building uh with um it's going to be about six feet down below um there's going to be um a um it'll be connected to Main Street for now and once the approval for the um believe it's Broad Street did I get that right I apologize um connection is approved then that will then be moved out of the building and then back out that way so the whole purpose was to kind of um start that process and not have to also disrupt uh the police uh uh processing area in trying to redo that work uh in the future okay that on this um Angela is the temporary I'll call it temporary connection to Main Street constructed any differently than than the permanent connection being that it is a shortterm um fix it it wouldn't necessarily be constructed any differently but it's going through the building as opposed to going underground to the uh to Broad Street so in order to make that connection you had to go back into the building um otherwise you're you would have to go all the way around and dig up around the building to to make that connection so you're trenching through the build like you're you're ripping up the concrete slab and going through the building having to out then it then it's going to get pumped up and then out to Main Street okay thank you you're welcome anybody else have any other questions or Angela Chris you want add anything about the law with this so we have a project like this we obviously open public bid everyone remembers how we went through this uh with n um all for all but the most minor yield changes if there is a change um in the scope of the project Le out of the contract you have to do it by resolution um up to 20% it could be done by resolution um ENT a memo from the The Entity requesting the authority it's GTH Angela us essentially project manager um and then if we go any hirer now we have to come back and do some other things but it's legally um contemplated um you have a resolution I prepared that gives you all the recitations that you need um hopefully we won't have any other s at 18 you know me May a couple other SP a lot of time talking about this over since Thursday when parent so uh you got 2% wiggle room here we'll you see what we can do with it think that a lot of good work has been done over there so we'll see any questions for Chris you good Liz you're good you're muted no you're still muted is he muted on his side he is muted muted on your side joh nope I I'm good okay a lot of work to say that okay thank you you good good thumbs up okay um all right so this is item number uh number 13 under the regular agenda number nine resolution 2024 128 I'd like to just move that up forward I have a motion to um amend the agenda long second all in favor can to approve resolution I'm sorry wrong number so it's resolution number 2024 130 please fix that um number 10 resolution authorizing change order number one increasing the contract price for Police Department face to a project move is there a second second okay council president mooved counc s seconded can I have a roll call please Council angelart yes counc yes councilman L yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president Rosetti yes everybody okay thank you Angela happy anniversary thank you appreciate it you're pushing it up thank you have a good night you too all right um next on our agenda number five presentation on FC Community Partnerships marketing plan Robin and Ali and Ali hello how are you I'm the president of the FCP have to be recorded Nichelle Nichelle pace is who gonna present yes awesome is this working it is working yes indeed so I need your names sure record in case your affiliation versus your address Robin leus the executive director of the Flemington Community Partnership also known as the Flemington improvement district and U we're on stangle road at the moment Ali Morton president of the FCP else you have Nichelle past hi Nichelle hi Nichelle hi Nichelle here Nelle pace of brand chanting media I also have Kevin who's a part of our presentation if uh he could be let in as well Kevin berer he was on 25 okay he was on this is him yeah uh on the phone I can't I can't let him in uh on a phone call he has to he has to go on he was on mobile before okay I'll tex him if not I can I can wing it I don't want to hold up the the council meeting so it's unfortunately with the webinar uh platform uh the phone call can't um come in to present okay yeah he's gonna he's gonna log into his computer in one second I think he can hear us but I can get us started in the meantime thank you Michelle absolutely and and do I have the ability to share my screen I made you a co-host so as long as you accepted that you should be able to okay awesome all right hi Kevin hello all right this is our can hear me new marketing and branding firm and we've been working together we they've also been working with the um Economic Development and Tourism office of hunon County and we were part of uh seeing them win this awesome bid to be the agency of the Economic Development and Tourism office um so we've worked together over time and we're really just starting to jump into full gear right now so take it away Michelle absolutely appreciate that well wonderful to be with you all um tonight at uh city council so thanks for um adding us to the agenda so we can before you keep going since you're working for the burough Flemington bur Council not city council sorry the burrow excuse me the burrow the burrow of flomington um so wonderful to be here with you all um we'd like to kind of just give an intro of who we are and some of the work that we've been doing um my name is Nichelle Pace I am the founder and president of brand enchanting media we are a New Jersey um full service uh Boutique Ad Agency here in the great state of New Jersey we are your neighbors down south um located in Camden County and I have with me today our SVP of client success Kevin Byer um hello everyone hello and um with that just to kind of give you a little background uh about uh brand enchanting media um we pride ourselves in uh bringing cultural relevance to Brands through inclusive storytelling um we are a culturally responsible creative agency um built on inclusion and we're on a mission to help Our Brands such as uh the great burrow of Flemington and hunon County um on their mission to shape their brands and to to speak to mass audiences and to bring awareness to all the wonderful offerings um of the municipality um just a quick overview we're eight years old we have worked with many clients on the consumer uh retail uh as well as nonprofit and government side um we've worked with New Jersey Economic Development Authority hun County tourism and economic development as Robin so eloquently mentioned and uh some several other large name brands whether it be Proctor and Gamble O'Neal venters and distillers this is just a little snapshot of our team and our or chart um and some of the folks uh that we have on staff here and then getting into the nitty-gritty of what our approach is um our our approach is similar to what the work obviously that we're doing with uh Hunter and County so we spent lots of time in Flemington um on some of the campaign work that we're doing overall for the county and um have had wonderful conversations to start to collaborate with Robin and the FCP team on how we can uh use some some of our expertise to help uh the burrow of Flemington um just a quick uh we pride ourselves on integr in integrated strategy um as well as our creative output I'm not going to you know Kill You by PowerPoint but this is just kind of an overview of uh who we are and how we think in terms of working with Brands as well as uh some of our experience of how we put it into practice um when we're looking at creating uh consumer touch points uh for consumers of Our Brands so overall our strategic approach is to evaluate uh research um do a creative exploratory planning and as well as collaborate so we really pride ourselves in making sure we take a deep dive into uh the brand experience um previous initiatives that the burrow of Flemington and FCP have accomplished and how can we build upon some of the great work that's already been done um we try not to reinvent the wheel but we do try to bring a fresh pair of eyes and strategy that we would do for uh whether you're a large client or a small business um we treat all um with the same elevated level of strategic um priority and that's very key to us to have success for the brands and the partners that we work with we do have previous experience and if I can date myself before it was known as visit Philly I was at the Helm of the digital um the digital kind of Boom of uh what you know now as uh visit Philly was Greater Philadelphia tourism and marketing commission I also have done work with the town in uh Asheville North Carolina so we have experience working with tourism marketing um specifically within the region as well and to go into what our objectives and our goals are for for Flemington is really to create a thriving business climate for Flemington through storytelling of the three Core Business districts and leaning into their unique perspectives and to obviously at the end of the day gain more visitors and more visibility for the burrow of Flemington um we're looking to work with Robin alien team to create a distinct branding identity for the three business areas um and utilizing creative campaigns possibly Signature Events for all three of the identified districts um we're also looking to have somewhat of a ground softening for local hotel and restaurant openings coming in 2025 and any other Economic Development that's coming down the pike um we want to make sure that the businesses are prepared they're included and we're all collaborating effectively whether that be through extended education uh to local businesses via marketing and Business Development workshops and partnership with FCP and hun and County Chamber including uh integrated marketing efforts with local business development efforts um one thing we pride ourselves on that we've done um since our our second year as an agent is we've always um participated in small business development through marketing workshops um I participate and and serve on um the board of the South Jersey Chamber as well as a local Business Association here so as part of our our um offerings we make sure that um we do participate as much as possible to lend our expertise to um uh the marketing the brand in uh business operations to our small businesses um on a regular basis and that's something we do ongoing um we've participated with Verizon and many other Chambers throughout the state of New Jersey to bring this type of content and education to our small businesses did I somebody have a question no okay and the final piece of that is to work work with the stakeholders in Flemington to develop a three and fiveyear uh long-term plans whether that's assessing long-term goals and opportunities preparing for the 250th anniversary of the Constitution these are just examples um we know FIFA is also coming to New Jersey but how can we leverage this um from a uh a brand and tourism standpoint to actually leverage some of the buzz that's going to be built around some of these initiatives and how we can benefit from that um with some uh strategic recommendations and campaigns um in Flemington going a little bit deeper into our our our detail on how we work in in in terms of our strategy um we first attack kind of the the key messaging points and make sure that's in sync um with what the burrow is looking for and what the FCP team is looking for um develop clear and consistent messages that highlight uh the three business districts we mentioned making sure uh some of the details are button up taglines longer form copy key talking points for the Press um as well as emphasize the overall experience and start to bring that to life for visitors um of what it's like to spend a day in Flemington and then from that we work on our creative campaign um and content creation whether that's engaging in a video campaign or engaging in a billboard campaign um for uh explore 100 and we have uh for the first time they've launched things such as Billboards um we did a video campaign that ran on some streaming services so we had 32 commercial spots and we also um worked in event um as well as radio station spots into one of our vent campaigns that we did for the County um and these are starting starting to yield results in terms of traffic visitors visibility and most importantly awareness um as I like to say and as my mentor likes to say you can't sell a secret so these are some of the strategies and tactics that we take to bring the awareness so you're getting more traffic you're getting more eyeballs and ultimately leading that to more visits uh more shopping U more bookings if you will and not all goes across um everything whether it's influencers uh unique photography engaging um with different online content creators as well as how can we really leverage any kind of print and collateral materials for visitors as well as uh print and media buys that we may use whether that's out of home um whether that is um you know in retail the experience and making sure there's different touch points that we have throughout the burrow um and then um actually making sure that we have a good uh repository of content um that we can push out on a regular the next part of that is the digital and web web and social pres presence so what we do is we like to work with some of the earlier strategy I mentioned and then put that into practice in the digital and social spaces so making sure uh we're looking at the SEO of the website optimizing for for website and search engines uh keyword optimization photography optimization um making sure messaging is on point uh on the main Hub of the website and developing um and helping manage any social media campaigns and content inter to interact with the audience um we recommend platforms cuz you it's it's not necessary just to be on every platform you have to be on the platforms that are right for your audience and and with that in mind we take a deep dive to make sure um based on the goals that Flemington has that we're hitting on those goals and we're actually on the right platforms to help achieve those goals and that that includes things such as content development um as well as interactive content recommendations with which can include content surveys um and the like the great thing about when you have have a web presence is it's it's it's a great place to test and we like to do a lot of testing because that way you can do lowcost testing of different campaigns different ideas different brand messaging um before you roll it out uh full course um also from a public relations standpoint we do help with um getting press release and coverage and the strategy behind that um developing schedule for key push periods or may be different events um different happenings within Flemington and throughout the burrow that you um may want to promote or may want to get some more press eyeballs on so we do help uh strategically plan and help engage in those areas um and then also help identify um not just traditional media but also the non-traditional media whether they're content creators and influencers to generate coverage and help build and maintain relationships and obviously we bring relationships to the table as much as possible possible um for our client Partners can I ask you a question yes ma'am um this contract is it is it based on so many hours a month or is it just Global projects um if there are other events that need promoting I mean is it how does that work well our contract is just based on kind of a flat rate of hours per month and it's whatever you need us to do within those hours so we don't want to pigeon hole anyone and you we want to make sure you have the flexibility for us to be able to Pivot and work on things that are priority for the burrow how many hours a month um are you being contracted for it's about 30 I believe right all 30 hours do they carry forward or they lost no we car we carry them forward and if they go over then it's a flat hourly rate for the additional hours correct okay thank you you're welcome okay and the proposed strategy detail just kind of going into the final piece of this the events and experiences um you know we will work with Robin and team to make sure um that again uh we're highlighting the unique features of Flemington um through through the events and experiences and encourage our local businesses to host promotion and special events that tie into some of the campaign and marketing efforts and then finally comes the metrics and evaluation work together with the team to establish what those kpis would be what are we looking to accomplish are we looking for web views are we looking for Eventbrite bookings we go through all that exercise to figure out what exactly does success look like to everyone as a whole and then monit monitor that and see how we can optimize that as well and then continuing that optimization whether it's through creative updates data updates um you name it it runs the course but it's always customized based on what your your top and priority goals are finally this is just a snapshot um of some of our work samples here um this is some of the things and apologies for the resolution cuz we're online we couldn't bring out the full uh resolution of the PDF um but this is some examples of what we've done in the county um these are some Billboards that ran in uh different areas throughout Central North Jersey and across the river in PA and some examples of the video tour that we actually shot in Flemington with celebrity chef Aaron M Argo Jr where he went through a couple of Flemington businesses including Matt Matt's Red Rooster Bread and culture and did some great Dynamic interviews um as well as content that we created um within those businesses and then we turn that into long form content on YouTube and short form content across all the social channels and we repurposed that content and made content batches for each of the businesses that participate to use on our own channel so not only did we produce videos for hun and County we gave each business their own set of video assets and photo assets that they can then use in their marketing and the rest of this is just kind of work that we've done for other associations the Camden Business Association New Jersey Economic Development Authority uh we had a rum client where we did the whole installation for the Phillies Park um and that got a lot of notoriety and then one of our oldest pharmacies in the region um we celebrated their 90th anniversary and new retail experience and I'm going to stop sharing and uh if anybody has any questions yeah a quick question earlier in the presentation you had posos there was some focus on diversity um I was just curious how how you guys intending to unroll anything related to that as as SL is pretty diverse absolutely absolutely so when we when we mention diversity it's really through a lens it's not it's not um it's not a matter of how we're going to execute uh something that's particularly specific to diversity diversity is the foundation of by which we do our work um we make sure we not just have diverse perspectives not just from a cultural but from an age from a socioeconomic standpoint diversity is bigger than just ethnicity in our shop here we look across all uh you know uh neurod Divergent communities so we make sure uh we are part of the conscious advertising Network to make sure we are responsible marketers and um being built on the foundation of diversity make sure and ensures that we we come through not just a cultural lens of diversity but a a lens of diverse and thought as well as all the other areas of diversity so this is not just a cultural diversity exercise but that's to show that we are our thinking and our strategic chops are based on diverse perspectives and um making sure that uh we are culturally relevant to all of the touch points and all of the people and all of the consumers that we may uh um come in touch with Nicole that that is so I love how you said that because that's really what diversity is about yes sir not it's not a culture it's not a thing it's all it's everything it's the way you talk to it it's it's a whole and not parts right and you explain that so eloquently so you've got 35 points for me on that um um because I think that that's really important especially in advertising especially in this town because we're going through this this Min of how do we sort this out right um and based upon what I'm hearing from you is that there the strategy you know first step is to develop I'm big on strategy huge on strategy because I think that's the most important thing is if you have no strategy you can't execute what um what in is also encouraging is that I know Asheville North Carolina and I remember when Asheville North Carolina was nothing nothing and it reminded me a little bit of what Flemington was is evolving into um so if if you have that project that I have to say kudos to you guys because that I don't know if you guys have ever been there anybody's ever been ASV back in the day and you gone now it's completely different um it's evolved and so I'm hoping that through this that you will help to evolve the process and help evolve the way of thinking and the way things are viewed because I think those are three really good things that reviewed the way we think and the way people think of us um and just changing that entire Dynamic and paradig so I'm hoping that what what I'm hearing and sounds like that's what you do is that's what where we're going yes sir appreciate that thanks Tony and if I may just add in I mean that was one of the main reasons that we were attracted to uh Nichelle and the agency in the first place but we have been focusing also on accessibility for from the FCB standpoint so part of that earlier this year was going around and visiting all of the businesses and starting to understand their needs their customers and it's you know a onean a shop but we're still one woman sorry e who am I sorry one woman shop you know plus the board but we are trying to understand and think through even just the small ways of like doing advertisements in in Spanish in addition to doing them in English and we start doing that and we've seen success and Outreach to the community so it's going to be flowing through from A diversity standpoint like across the board so more people can find out about the stuff that we're doing um and I just wanted to add because uh as a marketer this work is very close to my heart and um the focus for us going forward is this sort of 360 view of marketing Communications which I think because of budget constraints in the past and we still don't have a huge budget um but we have have sort of focus on like one piece and without figuring out which levers to pull at which time of year which levers to pull based on which event we supporting we weren't we were doing not enough of the right things at the right times to be successful from a marketing standpoint and that is why we were looking for a partner like Brandon chanon because um they understand that we may have a sign project that's taking precedence right now right but in a month from now those objectives stay the same of of ground softening for what's to come for Clemington and how do we get those messages out and so that's you know things change we know what we have every month like from an hour standpoint but how we spend them are going to be very different based on what the priorities are and we need an agency that can support that constant pivoting we need so so one of my questions Nichelle you had mentioned the kpis could you guys give me like jointly like an example of a kpi and what is the length to meet that that indicator and how you measure it because it's um is it the number of people is it you know how do you guys get to that one of those kpis uh for sure so the first part of that I'll just I'll kind of use hund as an example so one of the things we ironed out early on or identified excuse me early on was that 100 over indexed on traffic and visibility from the New York and North Jersey market and right across the bridge is Pa and the suburbs of Philly which didn't have as much traffic when they actually had an easier commute to get into Hunan they're literally across the bridge um so with that one of the uh things we set out to do was to increase visibility in that market um and then within the first 3 to four months we had incre increas from this time last year traffic from that area just to the channels by themselves um by well over 600% so that's an example of a kpi first you have to identify what your goal is our goal was to increase visibility from the Philadelphia Suburban Market um because those we knew those visitors were low hanging fruit um and and we they even got a few phone calls that said hey uh you know I didn't know anything about it why they saw the billboard they saw the Billboards that were in Bucks County over in Philadelphia and said I didn't know you guys were right here um you know eag team so it's not surprising Tren right sou Tren Eagles North Tren Giants yeah well and well in the county everything the South half of the county turned out to be Eagles and the north half turned out to be giant so we actually use that unique positioning that Hunter and is kind of at the Mason Dixon line 95 there are many eag s around here though I did not I was they don't so yeah those are some examples of kpis and when you have a unique situation like hund where you have both half the county gets New York television the other half gets Philadelphia television you have to think of some unique Solutions on how to you know how to reach those demographics and how to reach the low hanging fruit and right across the river from you you still have a lot of people that still are unaware of the great offerings of hun and and and Burrows like Flemington thank you I a question that's okay um allly actually kind of answered my question I just and this might be a question for um Ali and and Robin and and and not um Brandon chanting but either one of you guys can take it I like what Ali said and my question was going to be how is that 30 hours what are your priorities and how are those 30 hours going to be broken down but I think Ally really already answered that in that you've got priority but some but active things also you know come up and you may you may use brand enchanting for ticking off developing a branding program but um this month you're also having them focus on this particular task that has nothing to do with the long-term branding so did I did I understand that correctly you've got some shortterm goals some long-term goals that's yeah can give me an idea of uh what some of those goals are in addition to the brand sure yeah so what what I can say is imagine a time where um corn tomato beer is coming up right a lot of our hours are going to be spent on getting set up for that right now as we've just kicked off some of this work we have signs as like a we'll call a short-term priority longterm is the ongoing rebuilding of the brand or rebranding the work that we've had you know we have this love Flemington for a long time there's a lot of really exciting things happening in the next you know that have been happening and continuing to happen into particularly early next year from a foot traffic standpoint and there is no better time than to come out screaming and be like hey this is Flemington welcome we've always been here you know there's going to be a lot of work that we're going to put into that storytelling aspect that's going to then be able to be pulled through some of the other pieces that we're doing so yeah I'm as a as a companion to that um at The Retreat that we had at the beginning of the year we did we did a sort of vision exercise for to talk about the three different business areas because what what's needed at the Circle shopping plazas and um is different from what's needed on Main Street which is different from what's actually really working on stangle um so to be able to you know not overextend so that we aren't hitting the right notes but to be able to come up with events that really do important messaging and experience create and experience is what we're looking to do so but there's definitely a thread through all of and that's important the Flemington is the hero story but defining the three pieces right defining the three pieces is um of Flemington that makes it up is what is going to be sort of our unique differentiator and so it's part of it be building start ex if I could what I really want to be cautious of I want everybody to be cautious of this you know we're starting from Ground Zero actually I mean the reality is is is Ground Zero you can't get into 30 hours how are you going to spend this 30 hours you're GNA spend them that's not how you do this and I'm coming from a marketing standpoint that's not how you do this that's not not how marketing works what it is is that here are the projects here's it goes back to the strategy and the action steps to get to that Strat to get to that to accomplish that to get to that goal right and so the bottom line is what I'm hearing is nitpicking here nitpicking there well they may have to go to this it's an overall strategy it's an overall how do we build this foundation and that's what they really need to concentrate on is how do they build the foundation to get us from point one 0 Z to 0.1 at least right and there may be some nuances to that in a whole bit it's not a matter of Robin's gonna do this and Allie's gonna do this and Brandy's gonna do this it's a matter of here are the goals here's what needs to be accomplished this is when it needs to be accomplished that's really what it's all about I just because I keep hearing well how are you going to divide the time and what does that mean it it the kpis are are a leading indicator for sure right that is the leading thing that says that's how we're going to get it done that's how and then how are we going to measure that is basically what is the outcome of those things that's basically what a marketing thing does I just for anybody who's not been in Market I'm just telling you this is how it works she's spot on or what she saying I get it um but don't get into how many hours you're going to do this and how many hours is that going to take and how many hours is that going to take it doesn't work that and what you're going to end up doing is spinning spinning wheels and we're going to go backwards instead of movie po I'm just putting that out I I have a second question if you don't mind the very quickly there prior to love Flemington there was another branding company that was hired I believe a previous bid did you provide that report to this company when you hire or is there anything to we will R yes we'll review everything but we really we're we're at a very unique moment to move to the Future and while we appreciate all the work that's been done in the past and we will look at it it's really I think this is a time for fresh eyes I I agree with you but I just want to make you know you mentioned you don't want to spend money that you didn't have so if there's anything in the that previous that previous work that they can use I rather them use that than have to so we um uh looked at explore Flemington right that's what explore Flemington I was like Hey 400 now so there's definitely no way do in love Clemington and we've gone through a lot of the documentation and actually we worked um collaboratively on coming up with what the objectives are uh because to me the objectives are a North star we if if anything that we are doing does not lad up to those things then we are it is not worth our time um and so we have looked at that and have gone through some of the um information that that folks had um pulled together so yes the answer is yes and ahead of uh sort of getting so I do remember that consultant and they did have some um uh interesting interesting things um I really liked the work they did in canab Arizona and actually saw a lot of parallels to our community there so I just encouraged them to take a look and it might Inspire them I also did like what Tony said about how others see us versus how we see ourselves and I wanted to thank you for that com and I just want to state that we can't understate that right now we're very clear there are three business areas there is the stuff around the circles you know all the businesses and services there there is a very uh busy stangle Arts and Cultural District that people are really starting to identify as a destination and as as a Cultural District and there's then the very historic and wonderful Main Street so these those those concepts of the three visiter areas weren't quite as clear or as functional as they are at the moment with whatever the future whatever exists now and whatever the future will bring and that's really where I think we if if we don't have people understanding that there's three business areas what are they called how do they relate and why how how what an abundance of riches it is to have three different really distinct business areas that's what makes Flemington unique but it's the stor that we tell about each of them and the people that are attracted to them that that make us uh will make us memorable and compared to all the other places that have had success like you know lamberville are we all good um 35 minutes and 20 minute presentation so it was great thank thank you thank you very much Michelle really appreciate your time and thank you Alie for coming out really right thank you again so much um thank you and thanks Al for coming out all right um good um next mayor's report have a lot a lot to talk about um first of all just want a brief announcement the 911 ceremony that sheriff Brown hosts every year here is this Wednesday Justice comp to 8:30 all are welcome uh and I would assume especially from the host community of bur uh so that's one thing I just wanted to um put out there it's open to the public Sheriff always do a really nice nice job um I'm sorry mayor is it actually the C Center of I believe it is at I'm pretty sure that's the invitation said yeah um do um secondly I I don't know who else on the council received for respondence from um an a secondary electrical seller I did okay I have gotten some really really angry constituent now regarding us selling out them um I received one of these saying you didn't opt out so therefore you're in I immediately contacted them and RI into the company and you know brought it to brought Val's attention tonight uh if he knew anything about it you want to just like tell everybody up here what you told me sure so a little bit of research that um I dove in today came from the mayor of uh Union Township um where they they had residents also get this information so uh they had reached out to this company found out that sometime in 2017 17 of 26 municipalities engaged in this Cooperative um and uh it sounds like these are renewals that are are going out um so we probably need to look into it a little bit more on on the Burrows end did you say that you did I did receive one it was just oh you received it but nobody up here ever I never I I think I recall in 2017 there was some rwh haa and people push back on and I was one of the people that pushed back on it but I never opted in for they whoever opted into this whole program right so what they found in Union Township is they did not opt into the program there were one of the municipalities that did not and their residents received it by mistake I think we did up I remember remember something about it I think now this may be different though because if you recall maybe what last month or two months ago we dealt with this hunterman energy Co operative which was which is something completely different than this is what we believe oh that's the one that I got that was one you got in the mail that we dealt with that was like what mid July we dealt with that right and but that was completely voluntary that's like if you wanted to enroll in no I got this you didn't you didn't opt out you're now this is something different so or appears different so so how is Union Township handl this well they Union Township just put out to their res resents that well only 12 residents in Union Township received these letters by mistake is is what was but isn't this the one which is the one where there was supposed to be a public a public that was theun energy Cooperative that was that one that then got delayed or postponed or didn't happen correct and then the letters just went to do with the one that this appears to be something completely different so this sounds like a scam almost but you know apparently the Union Township mayor and the Bethlehem mayor ran this down with uh with JC pnl and the company today and 17 of the 26 municipalities on County so they have a list like if I call our government leaz on she would know whether Flemington bro actually opted in am May no yeah but we I mean this thing is in perpetuity like it doesn't have a renewal period where the Bro Council has to reup I don't know that I mean if you want you me I can get an email chain going between you myself Amy and we can add Chris to it and um let's do that and start running it down tomorrow morning I'm telling you I'm getting some hot mail yes as as are we so the name you just I actually brought it I so it's it says JC pnl at the top of the letter but then it's identified as IDT energy 550 Broad Street Newark so but the the notice is coming from jcpnl so that's why I think we need to start with Amy let's do that tomorrow and and go from there all right I'll find room you just started I'll figure it out yeah i' I'll get it going and then unleash you on her what I'll get it going and then I'll unleash you on her I don't know whether it's associated with the thing that we did approve a few years ago I know we did do something a few years ago yeah but so that those that 100 energy Cooperative is a separate thing that you choose them as a third party energy provider that's not this this is this reads completely different and it's it's very um like if you do not take any action you're automatically opted in but then you also can take time afterwards topped out and there's the confusion and that's why our neighbors are emailing and calling us and knocking on our they're angry because they're placed into a program that they never right and everybody's confused already because you have some people that their energy bills have gone up two $300 a month already and now you're now you're selling me off to a third party energy Supply or like what's going on here so you know that's I think that's a big part of the so I'll expect to hear from you tomorrow on yes I'll get it going in the morning I appreciate that very much okay um another announcement is that uh officially next Monday on the 16th main street closures are going to start occurring for uh the unloading of um steel with the Union hotel project there will be one way only on Main Street traffic will not main stre is not going to be close to the public and the um the time period of disruption will be 7 am in the morning to 2: p.m in the afternoon so by the time the kids are getting out of school they is supposed to be clean clean and open and it will also be open for business on Saturdays and Sundays so um so won't it's going to last a couple of weeks and there's going to be a low and high and then what going to happen again so right now they've been done loading the very high 40 foot long I don't know what they are girs uh steel beams steel be beams thank you and then the second round will'll be doing the girds that go across uh so notices have gone out I believe Robin's been working at the businesses letting them know I'm in Street um notice go about by email by text messaging from the buau um that is what's happening uh I just want to also let you all know that Anna Alma are our part-time receptionist um put in a very nice resignation letter last week or the week before last um and let me see want to give a parking committee update I don't think that I let the council and public know that one of the things that the parking committee did do was address uh three of four traffic lights in the burough uh the one that was not addressed is the one in church Maine uh the one at North Maine and foran Boulevard our traffic engineer has retimed that to allow more time cross brand across Main Street from fan Park Avenue but until school is fully up and running um he'll be going out and looking again he's not sure if he's got the coming right um so that one was done on church and Broad that traffic light at hering cap there was a counter that was counting cars in order to change lights in more needed way that counter was broken and that has been fixed um the third like that was addressed or is being addressed is the one on 31 at um at to allow a longer left turn lane that is that's dealing with the dot is out of our control therefore it is still it is still being worked on did he send 11 I we'll find out when we see him next whether he called or send a letter so uh those lights at least two out of three right now are in process of of working better uh for the motoring public um and the safety of um people trying to cross those areas um we have new problems however um which the parking committee will be discussing which includes a residential culdesac at the north end of town that has a lot of um uh cars parking on their that are not on their street and creating um problems that include turning problems because it is a cold sack it's not a th Street um so not noxious Parkers who have blocked mailboxes and driveways um the police are totally aware they have been ticketing pretty much of a daily basis going out and um keeping track of where these uh cars are this there's also been an influx of similar bad parking of people who don't live at the Muse apartment complex happening there as well and um they've been giving warning Noti that they're going to start Towing uh because these are not their their renters um so we'll be talking about that at the park un has a brand new a brand new issue it' be so easy to just say okay we're going to make this residential only but then what will happen is those same people will start parking on Allen Street or capore or North place I it's just going to push it somewhere else and even though those are stre streets and it's a little easier just if we're going to do something major we really to be doing it at one time um so um I wanted to also let you know that the pit nobody asked where the funding is coming from I'm going to volunteer this the money to the pit and pumping system um because that is not part of the original monies it's out of scope um Bill H our CFO had some America Recovery Act money left it wasn't it's not a lot but it's enough to cover this project so he is able to certify through that American Recovery Act money that we have hund whatever that is thousand dos to do that project um uh next I wanted to tell you that there was a conference call last week with our amazing Council Megan Bennett as well as um uh my Campion I think Bill H is on the call myself and our engineer Robert mauchi for the North Main for the Main Street project up at the Circle um regarding the lead lines so you know we got money back in 209 to do the street that wasn't spent you held that project and so we got the money to do the sewer lines at the same time so that this project wouldn't have to be repeated and the road wouldn't have to be dug up then the last DPW meeting I had Epiphany that we should be doing the lead and galvinized pipelines at the same time because we don't want to dig up Brandy road so Megan organized a emergency ibank call with me I Bank in Trenton and um people and um so they are doing uh I'm hoping we're going to get um they're estimating it's going to be under $200,000 to do the 35 houses if all of the need connection changes um they have a formula on what they calculate uh Rob maruchi who's the engineer on this project was supposed to get over to the ibank today a change update on our ibank application and I just have to check with him tomorrow and make sure he did that and then it's going to go through the water department with the D drinking water department and they are telling us that we are going to get 100% forgiveness on this loan so um so the ibank um shared with me that we can get up to $2 million in clean water upgrade money from them as a loan with forgiveness um I don't know what our lead lines are going to cost but this would be part of that 2 million and then next year I would like us to apply for the rest and because we are a town in need um which is really the only good news about being a town in need because it means we're in economic distress is that we can get 100% forgiveness so um I was talking to our Municipal engineer vote about this um over the weekend and he shared with me that he is pretty sure they have the same program for sewer and the same program for peos all in different pots of money so uh Megan I reached out to Megan Megan concurred she thinks that's true as well so Megan and Terry and I and Mike and Bill will all get into a conference call next week and we're going to figure this out so that we can get our sewer lines freaking done with 100% forgiveness the P whatever we get in from the um the lawsuit class lawsuit um and Terry was sharing with me he thinks we're gonna get about a half a million from that um for you taking a phone call but or an email nobody else may have taken uh and um we should be able to get all of this done because that PE was like three and a half M and Terry is convinced he can find us not only between the state and the settlement but federal government he thinks he can find us 100% forgiveness on all of it and if anybody can it is Remington Vern so that's all really good like I said it's the good news of being an economically distressed town which is the bad news is that qualify um so I want to share that with you until I get a locker um I also you know it occurred to me that um Kim Tilly called me regarding Halloween candy and Halloween program and it occurred to me that we never formally thank Mar Kan and I should have invited him tonight um who's a former elected official who continues to do fireworks every year for us and he raised pretty much $25,000 we need well 20 we cap in five um that Jess Han a former Council woman continues to work on the community garden and in that not the profit and the kellly a former elected official is now on sir and CER and Kim are going to take the lead on um the Halloween Cy and I think it's wonderful that we have three former elected officials that just give their time continuing aate to this town uh even though they're no longer elected so I just wanted to give them a shout out um more good news we received a reward an award an award on Friday of $40,000 from the county freeholders uh missioners um this was their grant program where they were they set aside a million dollars to share with as many municipalities as they could as the 26 municipalities it looks like maybe 25 got Awards one didn't apply I haven't figured out who yet um they were willing to give up to 50 but because there was so much interest the maximum word they gave was 40 um and we got the maximum and that is uh Mike campen and Bill Hance wrote that grant for the haac system act police Department which is due to fail according to Angela about two months ago um so uh that was not part of this bid it was not part of the scope of work um and as far as we know it had never been checked out until Angela's team came in and looked at it this spring um so we'll have $40,000 towards that which is a great thing and um literally as soon as we get them the paperwork they're send as a chest um um so and then the last thing it's very L report and I apologize I'm usually not this long is last year I brought up to the council the idea of changing Main Street zoning um to the the traditionally retail buildings to make them all retail zoned and I know we had a 100% concurrence in 2023 to do that and and I would have sworn on my parents' Graves that we passed an ordinance so doing it and Robin thought we did it as well and I think Adrian told me she thought we did it as well and I've had two people on the planning board tell me they thought we did it as well and so did Beth mcmanis and we never did so um I saw this on the agenda I thought we did it as well you thought we did it as well I thought yeah isn't that crazy yeah we worked so hard on it and then we actually I guess never moved it forward it never happened yeah something something interrupted our I'm not sure if that mindset has changed up here certainly hasn't with me I mean Robin and I were on the phone together for quite a while at the end of last week counting retail business real retail and not not even restaurants but real retail I think we had five you know in traditionally retail buildings traditionally retail would be stores and Banks um not the Painted Ladies where like Chris Mel's office is but you know everything else basically from Sage all the way down to uh the post office on one side of Main Street and maybe eight Main Street a little yellow office building on the other side of Main Street right Robin we had eight eight that's it our five I'm sorry five not cting restaurants and we don't even have that many restaurants so I would like to ask the C to let me get this tomorrow night over to the planning board for them to sit down and draft us an ordinance and get this done um what what I'm reading your face okay yeah and have them draft us the ordinance or find the ordinance that we thought we drafted and and get this get this going um because it's really time in the essence we've got this hotel opening we're gonna have apartments on Main Street it's all about creating foot traffic and for the businesses and there aren't any businesses there's you know there's and Dave's two stores there's peacock there's Sage there's um store that's it's a dance thing it's a dance thing um there a little gift sh Downs me I can't there's a little gift shop down towards you and um The Gift Horse the The Gift Horse right thank you there's the uh yeah the um antique store antiques there's more than you think like I think but all that there's no continuity except a little tiny triangle between peacock and the Norton's two stores there's really nothing so you know it's a tremendous amount of offices and it's a tremendous amount of services and very very little traditional retail and it's going to take you know I mean I remember having this conversation with the former acting clerk my comrey who said we did this in Clinton and it took 24 years for our little mainstream to get be 100% retail and that was in 2023 so it's G this is this isn't something that happens overnight so the sooner we can implement it especially with all these empty businesses the sooner it's going to happen so this is not the the or that's on the agenda tonight right Z no the Z the on agenda is for the historical district being we had move forward no I mean no is a much more complicated issue because you want you want to capture traditionally retail buildings and not wait no the the ordinance on the agenda tonight is not that's not for the the ordinance on the agenda tonight should be a number this is to remove things from the PO District we had done all that work in this why I thought we while me too yeah we had done all that working committee B where are you go at I have an introduction of of an ordinance amending section 261 is a code TI Zod that that's the historic map that's the expansion of the historic map that the play would just sent us I thought was the one where weing I think we're yeah I think we're getting the confused or perhaps we we posted the wrong one which one are we resolution is [Music] get rid of the I think the wrong maybe the wrong exhibit was was was posted that's because I agree with Trent that said we thought we did this last this is the one this is this is a totally different one than the retail one this is okay so when this was going back right so when this was going back between Chris corini best beth MCM or planner Carla Conor or and me trying to find the retail only ordinance Beth discovered this one was never finalized so we never actually did that so this one right this one was approved by the planning board written by the planning board sent To Us by the planning board and we never introduced it and we never acted on changing I'm pretty sure that's this one and is this from June it says at the bottom June 20 2023 2023 oh last year and approv did in planning board last year and we're introducing this tonight because it was never never done so what I would suggest as we move this one forward we have questions we'll have Beth here at the next meeting to answer the questions because but this was um yeah this came in from them as part of as part of the subcommittee they did yeah we worked hard on but the retail only never did that weeta on the first floor only yes we never moov that at all correct right so the current Zone allows for whatever correct for whatever right and and I we did talk I don't want to go into a lot of detail we did talk a lot in subcommittee about how we are not Clinton and that we're not two blocks and we're not that dense and the Painted ladies are spread out we've got half a half a mile of retail so we do need to think about that first floor thing a little differently than you would if you were Lambertville or Clinton because I don't like I don't necessarily like we need to be like them or I'm just saying we do need to admit piing as an apartment drer and for me it wasn't that long ago we're gonna have all these apartments in on Main Street people are going to want to walk downstairs C the coffee go to a place uh they're going to want to stay around the town and when people shop they want to shop continuously yeah they don't want to go to one store and then have to walk through the past seven buiness you know services to get to another they're gonna stop and that's why our tals down on Saturday after exactly exactly all right I'm gonna bring this over to the planing for tomorrow night and asked them to put it back into the sub committee take a look at this um and then you know we'll have Beth here hopefully at the next meeting to answer any questions about this one because we have some new members that weren't here last year it's I I don't know how this fell off except um based on the date Carla started on in July uh Mike comy left this at the end May and I think this fell off of RAR stream because we didn't have a clerk okay okay so that's all I can all I can say is that at least talking about this one thing solved another issue that was quite upset about I can share with you that right exactly and that is the end of my very lengthy report so I'm going to start at the top of the list is in angle uh yeah I'm glad to see lizz's back I was just going to mention that she was actually off there I was hearing the whole thing I just wasn't a panelist I had an internet issue sorry about that worri uh okay um the samel sling house uh this Saturday from 1: to 3 p.m. has their apples and spice in colonial America event so please come by and um join us for that um on September 12 at 7 pm uh J JP case has there um next the the uh K12 District the Flemington rington school district has their Board of edating at jpk middle school and on September 23rd uh at 7 pm in the IMC building the um 100 Central High the district has their B um and then finally um I got to stop by the police explorers versus um police uh kick bogging yesterday and I just wanted to thank everybody for supporting them and I think you can still donate to the police explorers even if didn't make it there um but I've gone to it two years now and it's a lot of fun to watch and I won't identify which um police officer um missed the have missed their tag at thank you for for supporting them it's fun watch that it yes thank you very much Council uh the only thing that I wanted to bring uh to the council tonight is first of all you will see the ordinance expanding the historic district that and to be very clear because I have had feedback that's been very positive from the community regarding my comments at the last planning board meeting um and Promises I made when speaking with people last year is that we would not expand while I'm on this Council our historic district to the whole bur what we're going to be voting on tonight is for what was missed in 1980 and that's it that's all that's all we're doing um and if there are any members of the community that still have any concerns please reach out to me and I would like to thank you for your support on that uh and that's it thank you evening counc say half my stuff has already been taken but um yeah schools have a reopen for the year and as always please be mindful of the uh many students who walk to and from school at rius and Central H Central has a new superintendent uh Jessica K kangi ha um at the last HPC meeting we approved three applications and um unfortunately I didn't make it to the Joint planning board and HPC meeting but like Adrian said it seemed like it went very well um and the planning board approved changes to the historic map with one very minor edit and I I guess that'll be coming over to us soon um and lastly as another reminder the rabies clinic uh will be held November 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 10: a.m. at the firehouse or you know here at bur Hall um more information can be found on the our website and that's it thank you councilman council president long yeah I have a a ton of stuff but I'm Gonna Keep it tight I have a lot of reports um so OEM as we through September uh OEM proudly joins the Nationwide observance of emergency preparedness month it's a vital opportunity for our residents to take proactive steps to ensure their homes and families and neighborhoods are ready to face a potential emergency and uh as uh has been reported in the past you know it's important that you make a plan family emergency plan you want to build an emergency kit essential supplies food water medications um a first State kit is Paramount stay informed sign up for the alerts and local authorities uh will and follow trusted sources for up-to-date information our local emergency response teams including fingon C and our First Responders are committed to safeguarding the community let's work together to ensure that they are all prepared and resilient in the face of any challenges this past weekend uh Flemington office of emergency management and the community emergency response team played a critical role in assisting with in helpline salsa night uh through careful planning and onsite support teams ensure the safety and smooth operation certain members uh helped throughout the evening particularly by facilitating safe pedestrian Crossing at at Key intersections their presence was invaluable in managing foot traffic and ensuring that attendees can enjoy the event without concern um in total the dedicated OEM andert volunteers logged in a press of 32 volunteer hours in support of the weekend's event uh you know we just want to be appreciative of that that team and their work um fire department uh I won't get into too many of the details but there were 31 incidents in August and um I'll skip the numbers but we had just a quick uh we had four gas leaks we had an electrical short there was an accident motor vehicle accident with no injuries um just to name a few and tomorrow night's fire department monthly meeting I'll be there resue Squad I have a ton of numbers um but just to give you all a sense of um how very busy that that Squad is which you'll recall we uh we share that service in Township uh they responded to 277 emergency calls in the month of August alone uh bringing the year-to DAT total calls to 2,282 which is according to the director 5.1% higher than the same period in 2023 52 calls uh in Flemington bur again this is August 196 in raran because we Spread spread the help uh Delaware Township East dwell city of Lami West dwell Franklin Township and Alexandria T all had uh at least one or two Service uh Services provided East had 13 had 11 um see again there's there's a lot of numbers uh our Squad August also saw a participation in the low's Public Safety day they provided an ambulance for EMS standby at the Hun County 4 H fair in East Amwell the Rescue Services Unit completed two drills during August water rescue and confined space rescue four members also completed 32-hour rope rescue operations high angle class Rescue Squad members participated in a walkthrough of the new Courthouse Square development in plon Bur along with please Department along with the fire department Fire Marshall uh three Rescue Squad members were deployed by FEMA with New Jersey Urban search and rescue Task Force One to North Carolina responsive hurricane Debbie we have some reach uh and that is my report what was that total number for the ring Squad 2011 for uh August yeah 277 277 and we were 52 52 so we're fif right F of their calls okay thank you um all right councilman Parker welcome home report thank you um yeah welcome home right um welcome home and welcome Co right um so I don't have a lot to talk about because I've been away for last 10 days but I do want to focus a little bit on the police department because I think there's there's some good stuff that's going on there and I just want to report on couple things one of which I'm going to leave for Jerry to talk about I'm going to hold that until our next meeting and have Jerry come in and talk because I think he's done a tremendous job at getting this up and running um what I will talk about are the rests that have been made and that's been like five D DWI arrests um six contempt of court warrants one receiving stoling good property uh one fugitive from Justice warrant one eluding from uh motiv vehicle stop and one simple assault um so there's been 15 arrests in a month you know that's just again let's just hope that number doesn't go up and it's and it's okay we we want it to go down we're hoping it doesn't go up um but there are there also been a lot of Investigation 10 harassment complaints two thefts five DWI investigations one eluding contempt one missing person two attempt to commit credit card fraud and one simple s again those are I mean you know it it just it just raises concern about we're having so many investigations especially with the harassment complaints that that brings some concern there um one of the things I've always talked about as Community Police and I will continue to talk about always talk about this think it's really important and that said the chief has done a remarkable job bringing that to coition um so much so that I don't want to spal this thumber thunder I think that's something I want him to come in and talk about because I think he deserves some accolades for for getting this off ground but he um and his team have scheduled a lot of community outreach um events from September through November so I'll let him come in the next the next time to talk about it the other thing that I do want to address is one of the concerns was on the number of fears that go through the burrow and um Matt um again the chief has focused on that and he put Brian MCN on it to lead this U this study they did a complete study which is just a remarkable U thing that they did and so I'm gonna just give Brian like a couple minutes to go over where we need to concentrate on um and as far as what we're going to do about it the chief and I talked early later this afternoon and he's got a plan and again I'll let him present that to you guys so Brian do you want to just kind of explain a little bit about what you did on the traffic study sure can councilman no problem um so we uh we went back and looked and said what where are the major um speeding complaints that we're hearing from you folks from other people in the community um and we identifi Bell Street Park and Avenue Broad Street and mind Street okay so um through our um speed monitoring signs that we've purchased over the last 11 years um were able to put those out do um Extended speed summary reports volume by speed analysis um this it's stuff we've had for years it just depends on who wants to use it and who's interested in the data right so um so I'm I'm a certified operator for that I went out and um we we conducted these speed surveys so what we found benel Street um so we did a 22-day speed survey on vanel Street the average vehicle speed on the roadway was 18.2 n miles hour with 6163 vehicles traveling 25 M hour 25 M per hour y so 18.2 n miles per hour um 200 vehicles per day traveling there the data basically indicates that with the average speed on anel street it's in with acceptable limits which suggest good speed compliance among the drivers uh Park Avenue on the other hand we did the 10day study there um average speed is 2647 miles per hour 24,000 uh Vehicles traveling in that 10day span comes out to about 2,777 vehicles per day that's only traveling um uh Northbound out of town right um so that's not catching the other way we're going to flip the machine around and do the speed study the other direction um so maximum speed recorded during Peak travel times now remember you have a large sample size 25,000 Vehicles right so your speed compliance is there but we do have Peak travel times 48 miles per hour during 800 pm to 4 pm um so that's where we're seeing those higher speeds on Park Avenue 8m I'm sorry 8:00 a.m. to 400 P p.m. my. 8: a.m. to 4:00 p.m. so the higher average speed on Park Avenue indicates need for increased speed enforcement during those peak hours right so that's where we're going to um increase traffic enforcement and radar enforcement during those times so what's nice daddy said you could park in her driveway yeah we can do that too um Broad Street um I know there there's been a lot of talk about Broad Street we've done two separate studies there um so but what we found um and councilman Parker and I discussed it today um we believe that the stop signs at uh William have been very effective in the speed slowing the average speed for Park Avenue um during the Broad Street I'm sorry for Broad Street during that 11 um day period 16.56% that's how that's how 24594 he said the average Broad Street is 16 between 16.56% drive a little bit slower does that bring it down like right so it's based on the amount of vehicles right so but what I will show you so like this is this is a Broad Street report right so over glaring the yellow is within threshold meaning under 10 miles per hour over the green is 25 miles hour under right now when we look at uh let's see well we'll get the get the but um but so Avenue right your threshold vehicles are in the yellow so that's how many more are going over so that's 20 that's 25 to 35 is yellow even though we have two full stops on Park Avenue correct is it the stretch from this is the stretch from katner to Walter Fran yeah where there's no stops I wanted to bring that up because if you look at the nail you have the they are they're showing effect so Avenue is is like I'm not speaking from any experience at all from Driving Park Avenue Park Avenue in M Street I think which mine is going to show similar or worse is they they only have parking on one side of the street so it's got more of an open right we're Broad Street we've got a million people who Park on both sides of the street and butel you milon people Park on both way of the street it makes it claustrophobic it's harder to speed tell us mind Street this is my my vein so however however let me just say this prior to those stop signs getting in and prior to um the 25 M per hour whatever there was a lot of speeding going down Broad Street there were a lot of speeding going down so now with the with with the from the light to the first stop sign there's not a there's there's not time to press the press the U the pedal to the metal right so um that's that's sign of Williams and R that all of that really worked to make that you know I talked to there we talked about this this afternoon that all of that's really helped with just you don't see the type of speed that you see um that you that I saw last year this time yeah agreed six months ago agreed okay tell us about m so M Street obviously you're going what you're expecting is going to happen so um M Street's identified as the highest concern for um speeds within the pro uh so in the 30-day sample size we did uh 8,000 Vehicles traveling that roadway simp this is simply going out of town okay so 80,000 going to the divorce CLE okay in the 30 period so good news is the average speed is 26 miles hour okay the issue is your tolerance range this is a mind stream report okay a lot of yellow and a whole lot of red or at the top right so that red is meaning it's out of out of Tolerance which means it's it's 10 plus miles per hour over the speed limit um so I'll just tell you now and You' EV you know I know councilman Parker's seen this report that if you any of you wanted to there are some some high speeds on here what what's the worst speeds well um the record I believe is a radar glitch and I'll explain that the record is 78 miles hour counting out of jurisdiction Police Department well that's right so I believe so based on the based on the volume by speed report the 78 miles per hour is most like what we call radar batching if you have a large one large vehicle and a smaller vehicle traveling very closely together it combines their speeds um so that's and there's only one instance of that so but but that being said there are a bunch of 50 plus mile per hour speeds um within there so what I did is um this creates an enforcement priorities report for the officers it tells me the days of the week the times and the days of the week when we have the most violators so that they can Target those enforcement periods so specifically Friday nights between 5: and 6: p.m. the average number of violators traveling over 35 miles per hour is 16 okay um then Tuesday afternoons between four and five 14 violators traveling over 37 miles per hour um dropping people left of CCD right so we can um we can take this now and kind of take this report and and give the officer specific times that are of value right of their value to sit out there to do the enforcements so um that's what's really great about this technology that we invested in um years ago well I know I know that the police are working harder because I've had six phone calls from personal friends of mine who've all gotten ticket to n them in Clemington four from count one for Delaware and the other municipality but go well they said the police were very professional and very kind and they all got tickets and I'm like good my to my friend good so um but if anybody wants more detail on wants to review them with me I'd be happy to sit down with you and and unpack them at the end of the day Jerry has the the police the chief has a a plan on how he's going to mitigate this for both Park and uh M Street so um you know I'll he do you know again that's he doesn't want to give too much out public right because they're they they've got some things going on so just know that he's got a plan to got a quick question so so when you recorded all that data that was when the signs were up showing the speeds that the cars were going right correct is there any way to collect that data without the sign flashing in their face because I suspect the speeding problem is actually probably worse than what's showing on the paper because everyone sees their speed and slows down before they get up there correct so um you know at this point we're going to take um those two targeted areas right now um do do enforcement there and then what we'll do is we will move those signs the other direction and we'll actually shut the um the speed uh view down off it and just let it sit there and and collect that and see what happens then what I like to do Liz is we'll do 10 days off 10 days on and then we can do a we can do a compare everything great ask you when so when it starts recording the car right like I see that sign I'm going 55 miles hour down M Street I realize oh gosh there's a sign right slow down to 25 right at what point is the data collected top speed top speed top speed yeah also um I'd be very interested in seeing whatever data you have we can do that thank you anything else counil Parker no that's it thank you thank you very much so Scot we hope you feels better thanks hope you don't get it um yeah really thanks wow that was a lot all I have is um we have a shade tree meeting this Wednesday so the 11th 7 PM uh in Bur Hall and on Zoom that's it great thank you very much all right we're at public comments session number one anybody from the public in fact the public up there yeah that is it's only person up is Mark Herbert okay anybody from the public um on screen if they have a comment for the council raise their hand on screen we're here in the room just come up to the microphones oh she made a noise too 35 minutes wasn't enough no really quickly um the Central Jersey Jazz Fest is this Saturday the weather will be spectacular um it's on Sangle Road and we uh welcome the public to come and are tickets required for that no the ad is very misleading about having a ticket we encourage people to get free tickets and then we will enter you to win a free t-shirt and that way if we have to go to a cancellation or we can communicate with you so um so that's that however we also have tables available for 15 I think it's $15 for you know a couple chairs and a table because not everybody wants to drag a chair or a table you know a chair or a blanket with them so we make it possible for you to get a table at the event and we put uh the general public and VIP next to each other so we call them VIP tables but everybody's if you get there early enough you can be up front VIP or not VIP free um but but anyway we have great talent I mean we really have spectacular talent and for us not to be um on everybody's talking list for what to do this weekend is is uh something our marketing agency will help us with in the future um I also want you to know that we did publish a bunch of the circus returns to Flemington and we have posters and um these will be uh in store windows and the postcards will be available um at the historic Courthouse beyond that the first three lectures were really successful the first one had 55 people second one had 65 plus the third one had over 100 including people from New York state that came in and had and had uh had ate the Shaker Cafe and fantastic yeah so great yeah and that's you know and mention the state police are already up to almost 50 people go to the State Police meet and greet the walking tour is full and um uh everybody saying do this again next year the next three lectures are the biggies I mean there these were great lectures um but the next three are the ones that will really pack people in I'm we're expecting two other people at the last lecture every exciting stuff and uh we did request of Court Street park for our kids Halloween Extravaganza thinking that we want to start making the park feel more like a part of Main Street um so we're looking forward to that that will be on a Sunday this year and that be fun to decorate too yes and we want everyone to we want the Society of neighbors we want all the neighbors we want the council we want everybody to help us decorate and we're hoping that someday we can have a really great like lit pumpkin uh event in that Park where it's you know we set up we go to local farms and bring in pumpkins and make it something that people can walk through and you know just stroll through and enjoy so we have the witch walk um and the moon Market that Friday of Halloween weekend and then we'll decorate the park for the whole weekend and then have our week Halloween it's on Thursday th Thursday was the Friday beforeand the weekend before so Friday night is the witch walk on stangle Sun Sunday the 27th yeah the park will be decorated the whole weekend so people can come to Main Street and then stroll through the park and then Sunday is the kids um dance party costume contest 27 we're thinking one to five okay yes and last I just I wanted to say that uh I think that with the May found a wonderful incentive which we'll get into we can talk about in more detail but when we were saying uh it's very hard if you have you know a full dentist oh I should like I should really brief the councel on that on report but wasn't well anyway well we don't have to talk about it now but my I you know for people who are transitioning from Office office office including spaces that are really built out for some other thing other than detail uh I asked if there were some incentives and the Mayor found a good one and we can talk about that I know actually I think I think they should know tonight so okay um I don't know if all of the council members were aware that the bureau uh for I don't even know how long well over a decade maybe 20 years we've had an abatement program that is under State Statute it allows for this where um if council president long does um replaces uh you know actually improves has to be Improvement adds an addition to his back house and um his taxes can be Frozen as if that never happened for five years so it has to be a capital Improvement so I redid my kitchen in 2018 I had our tax sucessor come over he looked at my old kitchen we talked about this is really happened we talked about what are was going to do it did not exceed 50,000 he put a res resolution into the council that he wrote approving my um Improvement and um when all that work was done um I had a fiveyear tax ree on just the Improvement as if I had never redone my kitchen and that came off the tax rules last year and I got hit this year with the Improvement I can now put in for another one because I used it up it's over it's done so you can do this you can you can do your patio as long as it's like a it's got to be Improvement it's not a replacement like maybe going from a regular roof to a slate roof might might make it because I talked to um I talked to our tax assessor about that but this is putting in a swimming pool putting up a fence if it's an improvement uh redoing a you know fully redoing putting in a brand new you know gutting a bathroom and putting in a new bathroom gutting your kitchen and doing a new kitchen any of those things or improvements this has been on our books for years and a lot of residents don't know it so I called him after talking to Robin about the retail on the first floor we also started talking about the pay ladies and trying to get these rentables back to one or two apartments from three or four or in some cases seven um and I called our sister about this and he said to me you've had retail a retail abatement program on the books since you put on the original vement program now this is total news to me he told me it has not not one retail business has filed for this since 2018 so it dropped off the radar with the last Administration and Robin's predecessor because up until then he told me we were having two to three businesses a year apply who were creating a kitchen who were doing extensive inside work so I immediately called Susan Peterson uh tber to let her know about this Robin imately called Aunt miles to let them know about it she's spreading the word to all the other businesses and here's the kicker about the retail businesses they don't have a $50,000 limit they have no limit none zero they can do a half a million dollars worth of improvements and their taxes will be Frozen and dead um for five years but in the meantime let's say let's say somebody needs to put in three stories of sprinkler and they only have the money for one they put it in they get the tax abatement on that first phase next year they can put in for more so they don't have the same requirement the residential has that has a five year rolling they have a five year Rolling but it's endless their dollar amount is endless so they can do $100,000 worth of improvements this year and come back next year to2 200,000 we know that A Millie is going to have a lot of capital in right and so this hopefully will help them because their taxes will be Frozen as if they didn't do anything for five years and like I said they can do you know they can do what they need to do I mean Susan Pearson may do you know one floor now and open up other dining in the future you know not not sure I mean her hold up is that she didn't know she needed a sprinkler system it wasn't designed she need architectural permits waterline the whole nine yards so that's her hold up but um you know but this is uh this is like all news to me I didn't even know because I don't do retail right I don't have a store in town I knew about the residential reement program because I'm a resident here but like I said Ed um told me it dropped off everybody's radar screen and we need to and Robin is gonna push it like crazy because this is a huge you know like the masassa building incentive it's a huge incentive for like masassa building to do their improvements hopefully Dro off the radar because of Co people was before Co prob about that time transition and so beyond this and Shaker and and U prch is empty he's he's you know who knows what'll go in there but whatever it is I mean he put up lots of walls when he built prin so those walls were never there before right so and ripping out like I said ripping out of you know a 10 chair dentist office is almost prohibitive for some of the older buildings that we have that are fully meshed out for one thing and to turn that into retail requires a lot of changes so on the FCP end you're going to do some serious advertising yes right but on our end I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a thing for the newsletter on it something the newsletter for both residents and for businesses because one one of the questions I asked Ed was okay so we know about tell we know about the retail we know about the residential $50,000 with the Capital Improvements what about these apartments these pained lated apartment buildings if somebody wants to go back to a single family home can we get a larger abatement for them say $100,000 for each apartment you lose an apartment you get $100,000 patment he's calling the state there's a a guy at the state who is it's his it's his Department his specialty so he's exploring this for us to see if can ensy that as well it should be noted that in the master plan there's also an encouragement to um uh um transfer some of the as you call them painted ladies um that have been broken up into either business or into back into residential not even single family but just um like if it it's an office building now um converting it to a single family home um is or presidential in general is in the master plan as a encouragement so we could have in years ago but there's no so anyway I'm waiting to hear from that thank you for reminding me about that Robin um okay so no comments from the public so than Rob um approval minutes we have regular session July 2024 motion long there a second Sor a second uh all in favor right CHR I can do all in favor on next yes all in favor any oppos uh executive session July 15 2024 can have a motion second all favor one fromc woman angle heart Here regular session August 12 2024 can I have a motion move there a second second all favor executive session August 12 2024 second second all favor I any exensions or exensions okay thank you moving on the consent agenda we have resolution 2024 122 resolution authorizing the release of the performance fond to LMR Disposal Services LLC to signment of the solid waste collection and disposal service contract to cassella Major account services uh number two resolution 20241 123 resolution approving Catherine abar ecomic social member of the Clemington World fire department number three resolution 20241 124 resolution approving Olivia Mitchell to become a junior member of the sington B fire department resolution 2024-25 resolution proving Gerald M to become a social member of the FL B fire department resolution 20241 126 resolution approving participation with the state of New Jersey Federal grant program administered by the division of Criminal Justice Department of Law and Public Safety resolution 6 resolution 20241 127 resolution accepting the resignation of Anna Palama does anybody want any of these off consent for SE seeing n you have a motion to approve the consent I move roll call please councilman art yes Council masaro yes councilman leit yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes counc vice president Rosetti yes thank you uh item 11 introduction of ordinance ordinance 20249 and ordinance amending section 2611 of the code entitled zoning map which we thought we did a year plus ago can I have a motion to introduce long move there second second uh roll call please counciler yes Council yes yesc president long yes councilman Parker yes counc vice president resting yes thank you uh public hearing to be held on uh September 24th and I'm going to ask our planer to either zoom in or show up yes bless uh item 8 ordinance 20242 Bond ordinance amending inart Bond ordinance number 2023 34 adopted on December 11 2022 providing for the main sewer replacement project in appropriating $1.4 million therefore and authorizing issuance of 1.4 million Bond and not finance a portion of the cost thereof in order to expand the scope of improvements to include the locating removal and replacement of galvanized pipes authorized in by the bur of Flemington in the county of hunon again this um this gets us that extra money through the ibank to do the ganized pipes on Main Street uh of which we're expecting 100% forgiveness can I have a motion to introduce move is there a second second okay um B call please uh that was that was Council woman angle just we got clear for coun angle seconded it okay um councilman art yes Council SAR yes councilman levit yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes vice president Rosetti yes to be held on 924 as well the public hearings tonight under the regular agenda um this resolution 2024 128 um we do not have a resolution from the library commission um all we have is a phone call or an email to our our CFO from the director of the library asking to promote this person I did email the chair of the library commission last week on behalf liaz on to the library um councilwoman fararo to sit down and talk these Personnel issues out about you know what's happening over there got her back from her um they are commission we should have a resolution from the commission shouldn't be Chris I mean for resignation no for for appointing a person fulltime you know based on just the director I mean I don't know what the commission's authorized we don't have a resolution from the commission I don't think any to do by resolution you don't think what we I don't think that it needs that a person need to be hired by resolution but I would need more information I don't this a lot I did not authorize this to come on the agenda this surprised me when I saw it on the agenda you know from our time together middle SE I don't think a lot of the stuff needs to be done resolution who can do it doesn't hurt I mean but there a strict matter I'm just saying shouldn't the library commission send us a resolution asking us to hire her email by the director who's an employee of the commission that's my problem here is that we don't have the authorization of the commission we have the director selling our CFO hire her I I don't know reason I hesitate mayor is because I just don't know I've never seen their incorporating documents their rules are and this is all excellent I no problem with that but I don't know if they've authorized this or not yeah I think that certainly due diligence mayor would require some sort of well I try say yeah I try now keep trying Library anyway I would love to pass practice here may or they've done in the past but that's the thing we haven't had a lot of pleas on interaction between the council so they never transmit any sort of the prior councilman who last year for a couple um yeah I mean I don't think it's really strictly e a legal issue may I think it's more just past practice not gonna help the air job what's the best way to go about this then because I you know I come from a corporate are we approving something against their freestanding budget which is wonderful so she's emplo I think she's a replacement because she's a full-time employee retiring this is a part-time employee that that the director wants to bring into the full-time position again our library commission board is excellent they're excellent I have no problem with any of them it's just a matter of procedure and protocol and whether or not yeah I CH I chaired the county library commission for several years and the director h i just one they just H bylaw said we had say but that's why do we have a second meeting this month yeah we do this has to be done effective October 1st so it sounds like we have time for the next meeting okay right and this is and this is the replacement for Mrs Moore who's retired that's that's correct that's what I want to see their V if they have them you should right okay so we're going to table this um and this isn't disparaging to employee or anybody else they're all wonderful it's just a matter of of what the procedure should be in place and whether or not this is I just don't know and it's like for me it's like typically unless the governing duck and requires this is trly M municipality to or the statute I would not require resolution like this okay well we'll table it it Go the letter and said we have until October 1st we have time this is till September 24th and hopefully are you getting are you getting are you so they you have than all right next is resolution 20241 129 rejecting all bits for the roadway Improvement project for Mo stre pursuing to njsa 48 call 11-3-1 13.2 e unfortunately um the Main Street project went out to bid and we got a terrific low bid from Le who also was the winner if you all remember on Bloomfield Avenue and then revac put in necessary required paperwork to the state of New Jersey at on Bloomfield and we had to rebid it again well he did the same thing on Main Street they didn't file the necessary state required paperwork that they had five days borally toile so the state of New Jersey requires us to reject all the bids and we're going to have to go out for bid again and and Bluefield Avenue I believe Rea lowered their bid by I don't know I want to say 6 to 8,000 so maybe they'll lower their bid again I mean Paving I pa a lot of roads in bridg other towns I working um I mean it was a very advantageous bit for the burough it's a real shame to have to um rejected I know I review the documents that sent to me um by Rob maruchi and the state was not in but you unfortunately oh no not I wish they it's the exact same document that they missed you and I had a long discussion about this uh you know timing that you pave in a year is just so critical right I mean but for personic it's a real shame I didn't know about are gonna close in a few weeks I don't think so they stayed open last year it was a mild winter when one Cobra hits It's we'll see I told you on my last project for another town I'm sweating and we we're B you guys AR so it's a extreme street bids are opening October 1st and M Street bids are opening up sometime in October two so were they the only bids and were and was second highest those are those are our projects this no there were several bids and so they weren't close Top Line was next um but this was very odd the state didn't give us the discretion to move to the second bit not that I would have suggested that it was weird it was odd this came to me all wrapped up to Rob was it was weird know because I think of the nature of the of the documentation that was missing um I think the state has Authority right I went back over this I but was like $150,000,000 but uh yeah that's I asked no I I saw in pieces it was just crazy that they've done that twice was now like twice and I I pay the rebacks a lot in my other towns and I've never had that problem it's F snake bit because I've never had a problem with rebacks terms of that kind of compliance in any other chall can I have a motion to approve this resolution second second roll call please councilwoman art yes councilwoman forar yes councilman lit yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes I'm sorry we have a problem with our mom go ahead yes that's okay uh Council vice president Rosetti yes yes okay thank you that's a yes yes it was thank you so much all right um under the work session we had the continue discussion on temporary signs um uh you have sent the the draft version of the sign ordance they sent it out to our zoning officer and our property maintenance officer both of them had one comment only uh and that comment was your fine is too cheap it should be more money to discourage um discouragement this is the violation matter yes yeah I made the council's read I made a notation in about the violation yeah they have it at 50 they wanted at 100 um of course they did that proves the point that I told you in my email basically so that shows you what the enforcement officers are always looking for here which is T money te for it makes no difference to me but and they're looking for people to stop because they don't want to go around chasing people with signs I essentially predicted that comments right so they asked they asked the council to consider doubling the fine and um Chris also noted that we had given commercial signs 14 days and we already have in our ordinance seven and he wanted to get a get aurr I kept it at seven for now because I figured you guys seem like want to tun have a little bit of a narrower filter but I don't care it's up to you guys I went back and listened to the video six times with the make sure I captur everything right I also learned from watching that video that I need to speak much slower because I had problems understanding myself why you no this tonight I speaking much slower and much closer to the microphone I can understand each of you fine I couldn't pleas that Lon to George Stephanopoulos Good Morning America I can't understand yeah I think I was able to distill in the documents that you were presented everything you guys want thank you let's take this one at a time um do you want to keep the ordinance the way it is currently at 7even days for these commercial signs instead of 14 or do you want to go to 14 I'm just going to poll everybody councilwoman and I think 14 14 council president same 14 okay uh councilwoman resetti I think 14 okay Council par yep 14 that's good 14 and how do you feel about putting more teeth the if you're going to make it more lenient one way are you willing to make it more strict the other for enforcement purposes because you're giving them more time to begin with and make the F go to $100 Council woman angelart no no you're not willing to go to 100 counc yes Council council president so I just want to clarify so exceed the 14 days100 any violation yes I took that because it isn't I know my email to you guys it is in other parts of your ordinance and when you do it people stop don't follow it so you know the $50 like the salt one I foret P that from was one of the other prisions maybe one um so got it's up to you I mean I always know what the feedback I get from the enforcement agents afterward they to me how do I do this didn't give me any teeth you didn't give me any so 100 did 100 get him closer I don't know I don't you know I'm fine I'm fine with that 100 11 so wait is this 50 day or 1001 a day 50 is fine for any violation not just the day for any violation still 50 50 c Parker yep which one $100 councilwoman Rosetti I have a question is this after they would have been warned take your sign down or are we just like racking up the days without even telling people I I think I I think our property maintenance officer warns everybody everybody I believe so too but I just would want to make sure that that is happening and people don't even realize they're racking up that is a policy that comes from us saying to you know it's like like saying to the cops you know we we would really like it if you give our bur residents a warning rather than KCK It Slam everybody else you know you say it like that so to the property maintenance officer it would be the same you know we'd really like you to warn somebody yeah yeah I mean I still I think $50 is enough I mean that's that's a heavy hit already I think personally but sometimes I want it at all that's why I'm actually a three to three am I actually gon suggest a tiger I'm going with 100 because our professionals our Prof well our professionals you know I don't like they don't want to be chasing signs they just don't so seven days guys we come in seven days would more one way then we got to tighten it up the other that's how I feel too all right so so okay so those two issues were the issues that were brought up by either our attorney or by our property maintenance official or zoning officer does anybody else have anything else in the coordinance that they're not comfortable with they want tweak they want changed they want added um otherwise I'll ask our attorney to put it into formal introduction and may may council members as a question about the warning can we put that in there that there they get would we put that in there I think that is discretionary something you guys do but there is remember I want just want to go back and double check this the the first is just P so the first violation for IND midle support cost so would be the second violation so the first violation is remember that n is from your ordinance as it exists now I just took that as like almost placeold so how does that work cost is $35 yeah I've got a sign up I'm refusing to take it down so Dave Giuliani writes me a summons and I have to pay cour comes back and and I still have it up though I've left it up the whole time now I'm stupid right I stupid I don't know how I don't know the mindset of some be speculating um okay I don't know so just be why would take it down change this any way you want right this was not discussed in your discussion in either of the meetings I added it in there just because a it's in your like I in your ordinance already and people typically you have to write a ticket well I mean neither Dave nor Pat said anything about this is a second step I can remove that part of it to I just wanted to make sure because councilwoman Rosetti did bring up the issue of a warning well that's certainly a warning and you know so the first first violation already look that way yes that's way of looking at the first violation is a $35 Court fee yeah that's just purely just language in your ordinance that I so was consist right so and then after they pay the $35 Court fee and they have a s and they still hav't Tak it down and they get hit with $100 a day uh subsequent offense could be done by day it would be just again discretionary oh is discretionary subsequent events right mean you would have to give guidance more administrative what you expected from the enforcing officer right they could go every day or by sign not by sign it's not by sign by offense so I've taken my sign down I paid my $35 and the next day I put it back up I get hit well no it the same then would you also start a new clock would depend what what is the event why would you do that if it was an event that was over already right I mean something some of is just common sense right I think that would would be self enforcing okay um Council are you better are you feel better about this the warning is a $35 Court yeah and I guess also when we're issuing these permits for events and signs there's notification there right on like what what will happen if they don't follow oh yes they're in there now okay okay think a reasonable person would be moved $100 I don't think I don't think going be getting any tickets on this I don't think there's going got $35 C fee which is less than the $50 so um s 14 days $100 are the two that from my perspective that I'm making right I have not got any other feedback I'm happy to take other feedback okay so I would ask everybody here if you read it there is still time to yeah if you just yes you have time to read it again and get Chris feedback and happy if you do that um if otherwise Chris is GNA take the word the The Watermark off of this and he's going to send it intruction you do have the land use aspect of the ordinance too oh remember that I just you know I sent you a separate email on that part of the ordinance does touch on your land use um right it's gonna have to be a planning board for yeah I I separated it separately so you wouldn't have Del no I'm sorry counc M Parker did you have something yeah so Robin just hang B she was asking about um for new businesses that are opening and you say coming soon what is that because I can't remember what did we say about that in terms of how long they can ban yeah use that word ban no that's just that's just a sign right that's just a sign so like for instance Aunt Millie is coming coming soon at M it's letting people know that it's coming is that g be like 30 days out is that gonna be I think it does to be more than two weeks right now they are allowed to put up Buy pay pay a I think it's 50 bucks and put up a banner saying that or a sign saying that for 14 days then they could pay again and keep it up another 14 days and they could pay again it's just an ongoing it's an ongoing there's nothing in our I just trying to remember and I don't think we changed that did I didn't think we I I remember for if they want to put up some kind of like that uh I think it's 14 EV they don't have an event if they said coming on September 19th they could put it up because it's a 14-day Banner or sign prior to an event but they don't have an event so they so that is not addressed all they can do is pay every 14 days for for the right to have that sign up for 14 days so and I don't know why anybody want to sign up like that for that long self policing some be self no I mean I'm just saying from a marketing position you know because because we're trying to incent businesses some of them are going to have a real long haul to make their like T you know to convert existing whatever the structure is into something new it's it's not a bad sign but coming soon to me means it's really coming soon I think and I think about Garden State Garden State salad like how long are we waiting for coming soon so but if you're if they have a plan and they're following a plan I think it's exciting to see that things are coming soon especially in the place ofed I think that there's some validity to that hold on I think that there's some validity to that I think the bottom line is this I think there's two two trains of thought here for a new business that is opening you do want people to know that you're coming and you want to give them more than two weeks to say that right I six months is a long time so we don't want that nonsense but if it's if it's if it's a month out if it's or or if it's a you know 90 days out that's one thing if it's a month out that's another thing so I do think it needs to be a ramp up because that's Basic Marketing that is advertising you do want to let people know your business is coming would you rather say something like coming by Christmas 2024 versus coming soon which to me sounds like it's like well I mean yeah you you you can make you the wording you can make I think the part the bottom line is that it's it's to talk about there is something coming and to Robin's point I think that's a very valid point that you want to see people you people want to see that things are getting ready to happen so I do think that's a valid point mayor I I think that your interpretation probably is not the way this is written I think think that so my interpretation is the zoning offices oh no to the 14 like the rolling that's from coming from our zoning officer who called me about this specific site okay so whatever I think that the way we' the way that this is written which is purely based on the discussion that this governing body had um that I think that for a under the factual circumstance that that Rob has raised to tellon me um that a business that is opening on a site would be have this permit would allow them a 14-day window not a repeatable 14-day window just 14 14 days prior to the scheduled date of the event that's the opening of the business that's how Ian we can change it I think you have I don't instance for you want more businesses Inn and I don't think that's business friendly business no it's not I agree with you I I think 14 days is just you you can't do that for a business that is opening you just can't I mean it doesn't encourage a business to want to open here um if I'm opening up a a designer shop and I'm saying it's coming soon um then that is getting that's letting people know something's getting ready to happen and I'm gonna it it it's a call to action and that's what you want if we're gonna amend this ordinance and change it I don't problem with that um what's a reasonable amount of time for them to have a sign out about when they're coming and I personally would prefer them to give a time frame coming this spring coming this Christmas that's that's perfectly fine that's perfectly what's your time frame we re time frame about when they think they're coming either a month or so we're carving out exception for the specific use for this specific yes for this specific use for new businesses coming into town accepting new businesses that are coming to town may be given x amount of time time time Robin what's the time I think you have to assume there's some construction going on definitely a month yeah go ahead one months I probably I think two months is yeah I would say eight weeks you're doing construction apply for an abatement you know and this is really like an incentive to get new businesses to put up a signs commit toing and um you have to have permits Maybe uh you know construction permit construction perit okay so a lease could go up 60 days for 60 days they have to have construction permits because that means they already have a lease because they can't get construction permits they building or theying it construction permits in place if they're not doing construction and but they're the sign has to give an give a time frame of when they're going open not an exact date but a time frame I think that's very fair and what else Rob if there not construction if they're not doing construction and they're coming soon um I'm not sure what happen yeah don't don't try to muddle this it's gonna be let's just leave it 60 days whether they're doing construction or not I mean because then it just goes buiness period they' got well maybe we we should say they need to have construction permits or a lease in hand I would just say 60 days before opening and that will self police itself so okay I think that's what kind of this marketing presentation about you know and and getting the buzz and stuff honestly I think I would defer to our FCP liaison and our FCP director and the members of the FCP to kind of help us determine that because I think they're the ones that have an idea hey how long did it take for you to get your act together to get your business together honestly I think 90 days is more appropriate but that's just I've never open to business so I don't know but we just went through this whole thing where we're trying to create a buzz I think well if Robin is saying days and she's the executive I'm gonna go with Robin's what I mean she thinks that's fair so 60 days let's just go for it okay let's do days 60 days self-pacing no construction permits no lease nothing the date intended open if you see abuse say a time frame when when right very specific use hopefully many more coming but I don't think okay we are we charging extra for this any more than a regular sign because it's going to be up to so much longer I'm asking the it's I think it's an incentive to take project take on a project in this town and have feel like it's business friendly you know so they the same Fe than the other side now was $25 for non for this will be right you know when you tell everybody in P you know like online or they said I'm I've committed myself to drinking eight you know eight glasses of water a day and you're announcing that it's kind of that it kind of inspires you to keep moving forward all right so it's $50 two months need a time frame and that's it no other requirement yeah incoming one little H okay what happens if like Millie you know Millies who put up their sign and then heard from enforcment like 10 minutes later that the sign wasn't pered and that they could only keep it for days you know that's that's how this is real a real world example they're building is not going to be complete until December so what happens can they renew it or differ between construction sites and you honest they own that site right yeah they own that site that's their their property they own the building they're building and I walk by it every day big for our small town and by the way for all small towns that have a contaminated Brownfield gas station on their main streets this is one of those like when I mean God shines brightly on projects like this because it's really hard to get a contaminated gas station off your Main Street and make it viable again so so Robin let me ask you this this question if they put up a sign on October 1 they get 60 days it says you know coming December Aunt mil's bub right then on December 1st they put up a new sign saying you know Grand opening you know December 22nd it's a totally different sign yeah can they do that rather than putting up a sign now or they can put a sign now for 60 days and then by the time we get through actually by the time we get through all this it's going to be almost October 1st right so but you know they could put up a sign for 60 days and then say you know with a grand opening date and that's a totally different sign it's another 50 bucks y that's fine but by the time we finish this ordinance and honestly right now they can keep that sign up there for those 14 rolling days until this is done in this particular instance they drove to like Rochester New York to buy a historically accurate sign that would have fit on the main street they're really excited to put their real sign up you know but for right now while it is an ongoing construction repurposing trans information and by the way everybody's talking about it on Facebook actually having some real information and an attract image of what's to come is very it's good that's a good sign right that's a good sign so I have I have a question when it comes to just general construction last year we had the historic Courthouse under construction for the entire year and there's all it's a publicly funded uh project and the well not it's a publicly well the construction was funded with with State funds and there was a big sign on front and and it says you know funded by this and hosted by this and all the where does that fit in here like in this or is every every single I I just think that we're we're if we're if the town is is being revitalized and and being fixed up and there's big projects going on I'm confused as to how this ordinance so the sign the signs on the historic Courthouse were required to be put up by the state just like f preservation signs they are they are State jurisdiction you have very limited No Authority if these are like the your your Highway dollar is paid by yeah exactly we can't stop one of those bad example like walking by any building in New York you know it's not like a destion like a picture of what's going to be there you know on the chain link fence that you're currently so those signs would have run into dimensional problems here in you talk you talk to be manness about that I mean they would I think you got it the it's in here somewhere give me a sec but you would have you can change that too by the way um up to you guys um I don't know I think this is going beyond what our zoning officer and our offic us to do yeah doesn't happen here this is stuff that doesn't happen here so wait a minut sorry it's happening on Main Street right now there's a Hu there's lots of signs up related to a big construction project there so our those signs in violation now I don't know I just going way over many signs other than I I think the preferred signage the preferred signage would be one that says what this what the project is going to be and has an image of what it will look like when it's done that's already been approved maybe that's the thing because Millie's design has already been approved by the planning board it is a rendering just like if it's a planning board then it's fine right no but I don't think we approved the sign go on the front temporary sign instruction that wasn't approve this came from our property maintenance officer and our zoning officer to fix the fact that that un way was having an event and they were going to be charged $50 for every lawn sign that was gone out because some Administration and I don't know which one passed passed a sign ordin saying all lawn signs for events are $50 a piece so that was really the target of all this I mean all this other stuff my D said if it ain't broke don't fix it that's broke trying to fix it but all this other stuff we're not isn't broke Relief by the planning board and it doesn't fall neatly into one of these categories they're they can do what they want they granted Relief by the planning board condition approval temporary temporary fac it's in every construction front end there there isn't there a sign there should be a sign over at the police station too I mean there is no sign police station I bet I bet she hasion in the construction have a sign oh no no no but I guarantee you she has she has Provisions in the front end for for one if they wanted to put one up PSNS yeah no yeah in their front end there is I don't think so I've been working with PSNS a long time I've never every single front and by right has a temporary facility section I'm sure there's those two I'm sure of it I didn't say that the contractor's taking advantage of it but I guarantee you their front endang the then the sign would be covered already by by for the construction s which is C1 and C2 for it's already and that we are not changing your your original instructions to me were already with in sync with what those part you look I gave you the whole part in this order you can see how it works in like as a organism but the only part you guys ended up changing was three which is the well so that so why did the zoning officer give the give the diner on on the corner a a hard time because it's in violation of wance he's putting it up now indefinitely and our current ordinance is 14 days for 50 bucks but I thought you just I thought you just said that I don't know the din what does the din sign specifically saying soon coming soon so coming soon is different than what n is doing n's is more like pained right yeah so they're different they be they be they operate under different of the or I know that but if the diner is been delayed in construction is that it still under conr yeah it's under construction it's been delayed and recently the site the site's been under construction for a long time so I'm just the site just got its permits it's construction permits last week well no they had their demo permits last year they did last year and they did their their site stuff all I'm saying is there has been some form of construction on that site for a long time where where do we draw the line here I I want to I I I really appreciate Dave you know bringing this this problem to our attention and we need to fix that $50 sign thing I'm just thinking got a little bit of overreach here when it comes to um uh Development and Construction you know it's already expensive enough the FCP executive director suggested 60 days and agrees that there should be some term with regarding when they're coming period no other Provisions for 50 bucks so you know the Aon JCP refers the executive director I'm referring to the executive director you know anybody else not refering referring to the ex director because that's what Chris is going to put in this or we're for businesses that are coming to Flemington whether they're new businesses and doing construction or new businesses not doing construction it's all the same make it easy 50 bucks 60 days tell us some approximate date you're coming then you have a new sign for 50 bucks that says here's our grand open for another 60 days but once you start having events then it becomes 14 days must come down I to pause and Rewind sure so go back to the leg work that you did sure as far as other towns other towns get this hand diry in um I think that you're right in the sweet spot for what I think is enforceable based on what I've observed okay I think that any further layered just what I've observed both in the in the in the qualitative analysis I gave you just in the course of doing this for a while I think that any further layer of complication subjective but any further layer of complication would put a lot of U subjective power Z okay did you tell me the dream en is a much more a little closer what you guys try to do call what okay also I think that you might can also confing with our discussion which we're not talking about tonight about food trucks discuss TR that's coming guys tonight yeah right persective we're a little burrow that's very busy we have lots of signs on the street lots of crap on meain street and garbage cans and and benches and Trees and Landscaping and buildings with signs and it's just busy busy busy well I do think that it's like how much more busy do we I do think probably closest from in this area I think that you're I think I am all right so is there a consensus on the 60 days $50 coming soon with some sort of time frame not a specific date and they can get a totally different sign later for another 50 bucks counil Rosetti you good with that Council Parker yep Council l two thumbs up council president yes Council fararo yes councilwoman angelart sure okay I think that is there any other changes anybody else well again very Min that's okay I'll start with the easy to supply to the borrow itself we host events right it does not apply to in true government fashion examp right uh minor typographical error and um it's missing word not yeah I just saw that right so yeah it's obviously the sections have to be distinguished so yes last last question the how many signs PR I don't remember the exact discussion you said you watch it six times it's different from permit to permit for the um not requiring permit is 10 and I believe it is you scroll up to the requiring permit is um 15 with the exception of Street mind street festivals for 40 I didn't see the other part the other two numbers which is the numbers I remember and okay yeah that makes sense that consistent what everyone's I think it is so Chris if you could clean this up as soon as possible and send it back out to everybody so they could take another look at it sure and if we need to have another discussion I'd rather do this right than do it fast so we need if everybody's comfortable with this cleanup we'll introduce it if not we'll have another discussion on September 2 and I held off the banners because we were waiting for I believe Council Parker said my campaign was suppos to be doing some research on yeah I'll talk I'll talk I'll I'll ping him on that because he gonna get know if it's gonna be the fire department's ability to hang something like this well I think Jeremy do you know where that stands with the fire department you have to know what the system is before they can make that okay um okay so thank you for that conversation that was good like I said I'd rather get it right and hear everybody's problems uh we're public comment session number two anybody we have somebody else online an iPad okay I Robin you passing on this one [Music] I won't yell if you don't payment of bills authorizing payment of bills in the amount of $655 36441 I have a motion move is there a second angelart seconded can I have a roll call please councilman angelart yesara yes councilman lit yesc president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president Rosetti yes okay we have an executive session um regarding my placeholder negotiations Cardinal CA and courthous square there is very big update on that and Personnel matters um there's a few topics to bring up um in general so can I have a motion to go into executive session I move is there a second all in favor let take 10 minutes anybody you're online you need to remove yourself from thee prior back in Open session there's no business action to take um I have a motion to [Music]