##VIDEO ID:0gpaF4nNzg4## right there please as you a i flag of the United States of America the for it stands Nation we take thee May ccom here Mr Campion here here Mr Hill and Mr dasna are excuse Mr C here miss whiton oh did I not have that on sorry I'm here Mr Sino here miss swingle here Mr E is excused Mr sh miss gazinski here Mr Galina here Mr clarico here Mr Troutman excused and um we're waiting for Miss mcmanis yes when she arrives let's make a note to um make a note of that um okay item one on the agenda is public comments that's for um items not currently on our agenda if anybody in attendance or online has anything that they would like to raise in this um section please raise your hand use the raise hand function online or raise your hand in person I don't see any no the only person the only other attendee is that can p computer has something to say I guess um okay see you now we'll move on to item two which is M comments so both my comments I need back okay so should we um we can wait here or maybe we should just let the public know who's watching if there's any public watching that we're waiting for B to send us the notes saying she was going to be five minutes right so contemplate moment a moment for personal reflection contemplation there you want to take the HPC comments now you want the agenda that would be okay you can keep going if you want we can always go back thank you let's should we do the um HPC Onie right let's do that let's contemplate the HPC comments please Dennis okay um so uh Richard Hatch um I'm sorry Richard gfin provided to Beth and eileene the updated Historic District map uh corrects the designation of the garage behind 8 New York Avenue so it was changed to non-contributing as we expected that was the only change so that's been sent over and then um we have our HPC meeting next week one agenda item is 171 Main Street the new tber um it's for painting colors a front door and trim um moving the walking cooler to the back corner of the property and then adding a matching window to the rear addition of the building so that's coming before the HPC next week that's all I have okay um so Dennis you said the map got sent over so I'm presuming that M's now gone to can get on the next agend sent that to the clerk yesterday after I received the maap along with the resolution from the planning boarded on the 23rd back 24th thank you Dennis um need comments Miss Council comment well I rather I want on let's go to the approval of the minutes unless we have a professional report from yeah I do want to discuss something in executive session um but other than that I don't have anything right now okay well we'll look forward to that um John do you have anything checking I didn't want to leave you and Bob's online you have anything Bob yeah no nothing on a way report perfect thank you um so yeah let's move on to item six approval of the minutes from the August 27 regular and special joint meeting with the HBC those were distributed there was some comments also by HBC which were absorbed into absorb did we get marked up with the changes or we Chang we distributed the changes um there was another one um by the mayor and instead of uh Calgary church it was Calvary Church so think there were five references to that that so those changed it well and Dennis had one um comment that I had a um had copied and pasted a an absens vote from Mr Campion in the HBC vote so that was remote As welln does anybody else have any comments or additions or anything to make to those minutes they saw okay well then let's then can I have a motion to approve the minutes sure so move C that's for both of them count as one count as one okay um minutes of the because our meeting kind of encompassed the entire HBC meeting so I guess the HPC can approve that exactly we're we'll we'll adopt the to the extent that they relate to the planning board and then the HBC will do their own at their next meeting thank youif so um can we take a ro for that then Mr cook yes mayor Carol yes councilwoman fararo yes Mr konain Miss giin yes Mr cook I'm sorry say Yes again Mr Campion vote when he voted no on theor presid Whitman yes Mr Sino yes Miss swingle yes and Mr show yes all right thank you really well keep looking at the door we can we can announce that the uh public hearing and item 7 um was carried from the August 27th meeting but it will be carried again to the September 24th meeting after Council reviews on their end yeah that what she said we Ann announce that the public hearing carried August 27th is um going to be also carried on September exactly September 24th main which will be after Council has met so that we can see if there's anything that needs to be absorbed from that discussion um and we will do that at that time and trying to talk slly as possible bills bills yeah can we can we do we can do this without changing the agenda right we can just skip forward to 12 and come back we we can I mean we Tech if you want to make a motion to change the order so that we're dealing with it uh to the extent until Beth gets here we could certainly make that motion um slowly very slowly extremely slowly make that motion all right so can I get a motion to change the agenda to bring 12 just did I'm watching the door from here too not see your car drive by to amend the agenda all in favor s and this is to move the bills up no to just just to amend the agenda as needed yeah exactly exactly all right so what's next needed is for us to um pay the bills we audit the bills a bill which were distributed this afternoon um any comments those or can I get a motion to order show move second all right let's take a vote he's here let's vote on the build yes Mr s yes mayor Carol yes councilwoman fararo yes Mr Campion yes G yes Mr Whitman yes swingle yes Mr Show yes you don't know how much you're needed we did everything we could so we couldn't do and we could do that so we it doesn't rather mean that s all right last now so we were able to adjust but we we've eliminated numbers one four six seven and 12 so now we're GNA go back so now we're GNA go back to some two M comments please thank you now that here um so um back last night the um the council introduced the ordinance regarding fixing up the zoning I think that was what was missing oh the the missing ordinance regarding the PO District correct correct the council would like you to come on the 23rd of if possible or zoom in or something to just explain or maybe you could send a memo explaining because it was so long that this hadn't been done and my question is does that have to come back to the planning board because it should have come back tonight car was out yesterday sick so I couldn't ask her last night yeah so it's a it's a land use ordinance yeah so it's got to come back here now on the 24th it does so you don't have to come on the 24th come on vacation so that that's great but I can I can probably commit to the I guess the October date yeah whatever that is yeah okay so it's the second second Monday and October okay and I'll have Carla transmit that's what I was afraid of I said something last night somebody and and they said I don't think so did I ask was it I can't and he said I don't think so and I'm like yeah I don't think so so uh I was right and Carla was Carla is out on vacation rest of the week so it won't come here Ian until next week okay all right but I will make a big a big note that that ordinance has to come here okay so that's thing one stick stick with my own RMC certification gut and mayor just so I know that will be coming to the board on the 24th correct okay all right so I'll I'll do a uh draft resolution in the event that the board wanted to incorporate its recommendations and adopt the resolution that night that that ordinance was dated like May of 2023 and I think what happened was our former acting clerk left in the middle of the month notice and Carla didn't start for six weeks after that so I think cracks if you didn't have clerk so okay okay so that's one and the other one that came up last night was um something near and dear to my heart that I've been talking about since I first got elected which is the retail only zoning on first floors of Main Street and what is traditionally retail building buildings and getting that in place the council last year unanimously endorsed the idea they reaffirmed that last night that they all want to see retail only in traditionally meaning you know I'll give the example the hawk house which is the house just south of the parking lot just south of Massa red vanilla that was a house a house a house and when the owners Mary and John Hawk left it was sold and it became an office building it was never retail always been office bir versus other things like Banks which have been traditionally retail forever um or the houses down where orvos is uh oros I'm sorry um was um Mexico before that it was oros before that it was like back when I was before I was born it was a Mrs and dead shock so that Victorian home has been retail for I'm not going to date myself but we'll just say more than 50 years and all the stores in that area right to uh cut glass have all those houses have been traditionally retail and not offices um at all but real stores within for sale um so uh I'm asking chair that you reinstate um the subcommittee of of the master plan ordinance committee to draft this on behalf of the council uh as quickly as possible the council really would like to see it adopted by the end of year or earlier so yeah well we did we didn't we didn't reconvene an ordinance Committee in the beginning of the year but we did mention it um and at that time we mentioned that it would be yourself mayor it would be myself um Dennis show who had um been on the previous committee last year right Dennis do remember and Brian yes to you so we definitely want those four people but with the um speed that we want to move you need to move would it be judicious for us to have because the other person that was on last year was as the council member so would it be appropriate for to be on also then we have five then so that we can still have a quorum of three if somebody can't turn if people can't turn up I don't want to does that have a quum of planning yeah so you could you could appoint five to the subcommittee but no more than uh four can meet at any one time we have an alternate that's what I'm saying you can appoint five to the committee itself so you have that one extra person but no more than four can meet together at any one time because otherwise then you'd have a quorum of nine Quorum of your nine good catch um so as the committee was set up those already four Mr would you would you mind be the alternate for that I would be fine okay that sounds like Beth maybe you can organize a meeting as quickly as possible to get this going and I would also suggest since Clinton town the town of Clinton has this ordinance similar ordinance in place maybe you can get that and send it out to all of us as like maybe the place to start yeah I'd be happy to and just so I'm clear the direction is just to Simply address office on the first floor this is not about Tak ret ret well real eliminating the yeah services eliminating services and eliminating offices okay thank you um okay so the direction is to eliminate services and offices from permitted uses on the first floor and that's really after those tenants leave right I mean everybody's Grand yeah it it doesn't affect anybody that currently exists right but and I don't know top of my head but I I think the DB districts in the master plan also had other recommendations but this is really just focused on offices and we can talk about that at our first yes we talk about that but when Robin lus from the FCP and I counted we counted from Sage all the way to the old T bearings and we counted eight true retail not kindy restaurants that's it on all of the MRI that's all we got and that's you know that's not where the burough wants to be I mean economy scale having people be able to shop shop shop spend money um and and not you know have to walk through past five you know Financial repair shops and barber shops um councilman Trent mentioned last night that he believed that we were up to 23 salon and barber shops in our one mile time I mean this is crazy 23 as of yesterday it's just it's crazy so um anyway okay well I'll get the uh I'll get the the meeting together very soon I'll send email try to get them going yeah and members of the subcommittee if you have any absolute blackout that you can't do blackout dates you know let Beth know so she doesn't set something up and the crazy thing about this is everybody thought we had put this in place already including Robin including our attorney our Zing like not Zing offic searching searching place because we've been talking about it to the point where we thought it was in place but it wasn't in place so get it done okay and that would you know I know that um there's an attorney on M Street who's also on the County Board of Commissioners who was upset when we were talking about this it wouldn't affect him that house has been a traditional office it never was a retail it went right from house that was Dr furman's house and it went right from Dr Ferman right to office well Dr Ferman had his office in there I mean we're talking before I was born he went to high school with my dad so scary but I know this is just terrifying but you would need that if you you would need that type of background because a traditional you know your point on saying if it was traditional retail there are some homes that were retail like like like we being mexic and there are some homes that were not so you're I don't know how you do that if it's form based code you know saying it's this building it applies to this building it does not I almost think you have to if you're going to take that because even if you use things like um I'm just trying to think of uh Lee Roth's office right that was retail always retail always retail always retail so that building but now it's been so remodled into office it's yeah so you're really going have to go through I think I mean I think it makes sense that we would you know look at this a little bit more broadly and say what are the uses that we want in the DB District or maybe and or the db2 district depending on the scope of the the task what are the uses that we want not withstanding I mean with a with a recognition of what exists and then adjust the permitted uses to State exactly what we want and for those uses that are non-conforming they're going to be uh legally non-conforming they'll be able to continue for as long as as long as they like but if you're coming in for a new use you know you're you're uh for example uh have an existing maybe it's an existing home or an existing retail and you want to establish an office or a service at that point you'll have to come back before the board for a you expence and that way we have sort of a uniform approach to everybody and we don't have to get into the Weeds about trying to uh identify certain you know uh trying to identify specific for each house it really ought to be a uniform approach and then to the extent that folks have a special circumstance that's why we have the zoning board so I just want to add Todd's Point councilwoman anglehart pointed out last night that the master plan also has a recommendation to encourage the Painted ladies that are offices or retail go back to things single family homes I don't know how we do that unless that's part of this that it's not going to be an office like we um like the hawk house then it could be a single family home again I do want to share with all of you um that I was exploring incentives with our tax assessor on how to assist our businesses in and not only our businesses but you know the the Victorian homes that they leave Apartments uh in doing this you know and I know that the council didn't know this when I told them six months ago there's an there's a residential abatement program on the books on by ordinance in this town that is based on state law that any Resident doing Capital Improvements like putting in a pool or redoing your kitchen or uh redoing a bathroom um can uh get 80 up to $50,000 worth of work for given and Frozen on your taxes for five years so I put a new kitchen my house is assessed of 350,000 I put a new kitchen that's worth 50,000 my house stays assessed at 350 for five years other than the regular Market increases and at the end of five years it drops off and I get hit with the new value if I only do $20,000 worth of work I can do another 30 you gotta gotta get through that five years on whatever you do and and then you can do another 50 so you can just it's revolving that I knew when I was talking to our tax assessor he told me that we also have an ordinance on the books that nobody has used since 2018 it seems to have dropped off the radar screen where our businesses can borrow or can can get Frozen and do an unlimited number dollars amount of improvements so they can come in they can do $200,000 worth this year and they're their taxes get Frozen as if those improvements didn't happen for five years but next year if they want to do another 200 they can do another 200 and that'll get Frozen for the next five years so I immediately when he told me that and we went through it rigorously uh I immediately called uh tberry so let them know I called Robin and had Robin call Aunt Millies and let them know and Robin is now spreading the word to all of the businesses so that these guys that have been sitting on not doing an HVAC system or whatever know that any Capital Improvement like that that really does an improvement to their building so that can't be a replacement but that their taxes will be frozen for five years as if it was you know I'm not sure with they Millions that's a lot right huge incentive for them to do that building um he is contacting his State um the state expert on this who runs the division down in Trenton to find out if there's something more we can do for the Painted Ladies like can we get forgive up to a 100,000 per apartment you have a four four apartments in the house you're going to remove two of them we maybe we can get them 200,000 in a bance something like that so he's checking it out consider business possibly possibly so Ed Ed understood mission is to incentivize our residents to make the kinds of improvements that we would like to see in this count and it's a huge this is a huge thing for mainstream because we have a lot of distressed buildings that the landlords don't have the money you know to fix up and I really need Robin to call the landlord owner of turntable let him know too because so what is the um maybe in next time on this is that you mentioned those two businesses that currently doing projects what what was the time limit from when you did the project that we could still apply down it's current I kind of like he he said somebody did something within the last year can they still apply if you've been taxed on the improvements it's too late so but you can as long as you just call him he'll come over and see what's there and talk to you about what you're doing and um that cover yeah I think probably I wish I mean I really wish I had known this but like I said it kind of got lost um when the last Administration came in I don't know if she knew but her she brought in a new FCP person was called something else who didn't know there was no transfer from in in that business whatever Robin didn't know because there was no transfer there so like I said it's kind of been lost and he said to me nobody's applied and I said since Co he goes no since before Co ch right before Co we also having the opportunity Zone designation I think people were focusing more on the opportunity Zone many of the opportunity Zone programs I'm not going to say they were similar or dissimilar they were like it they were similar types of things there that if you bought a property you I'm not even going to cite what it was because it was a lot um and I think all of those have dropped off yes most of them yeah yes I so yeah so I'm I'm really happy that this has been resurrected and Robin is in full knowledge and she's you know reading the origin and um and we'll get more information from Ed about the painted I and those programs exist and we should be pushing you know make sure you tell your clients this clients we should all be using it yeah what it's there for did you know about it did not I was gonna look at the code unless you have a s I don't I don't I should have asked what it was but I didn't I was too my mouth was too I still still picking it up off the floor because I thought I came up with something new in novel as an incentive for our business owners and he said you got it already like so okay I'm done thank you great news forers and businesses so we can get that moving that be great um com I have no comments because that was just conversation okay all right so we are back on track on we we also carried item seven the public hearing the so we carried that when you oh professional report do you have anything sorry okay do you have a professional report to give um I don't have anything uh official but I want to give a heads up to folks that you know we had talked earlier in the year very briefly uh essentially saying hey the state passed a new affordable housing law or an updated affordable housing law we're going to talk about this time is coming to to start talking about this okay so we don't need to start now but I want to put it on folks radar I want to put it on mayor's Radar Radar um and I my recommendation is that we do a subcommittee to to talk about how this what it means for the burrow what potential next steps are going to be what's that deadline on we don't get our num until 2025 right got we get CCA is scheduled to release numbers on October 20th of this year that's mpal obligations for every town they are not binding but the hope the prayer is that they are good they are reliable and that municipalities are comfortable citing them because by January 31st 2025 municipalities governing body has to pass a binding resolution that says our affordable housing obligation is but what what's the date January 31st 2025 and so in a perfect world DCA will issue these numbers they'll be acceptable to municipalities as well as all the other parties um if they're not though there's then a monthlong period after January 31st for objections to the obligations municipality site those objections could come from citizens developers and affordable housing advocates in any direction numbers too high it's too low what however whatever the perspective may be um regardless of how that objection process goes the municipality is obligated to submit an adopted housing element by June 30th of that year and so the housing element has to be adopted by the the UHC me the planning board it's not stated in the bill but I think it also needs to be endorsed by the governing body I think that's a very obvious conclusion um because it's a it's a municipal action ultimately to participate in the process we don't have to adopt any ordinances they can be done as drafts so that's a small measure of of uh uh flexibility in the schedule for us but ultimately in terms of deadlines it's January 31st we need to declare our number via adoptive resolution so that has implications on the timing given that we need governing body Quorum and adoption you could do it in December if you want to we should talk about the the pros and cons of doing that um and then Jun 30th of 2025 we need an adopted housing plan um can you please work on a budget Number Four B for housing yeah I'll send over a proposal we don't we don't want to pass a budget in April or May and say Here's the money Beth start working on it yeah right no that's not g go well all right and we'll look at set an up subit at the next we okay right um question able to would discuss an email moving number nine searching number n 10 um well the only thing is I'm thinking being as um car wants executive session is it worth you staying I know yous what that name is the you both yeah um they're actually an appeal first yeah so you could participate if theal I'll refer to miss kazinski but it's an appeal first and if it's the appeal's denied then experience they shouldn't take too long and it's just to complete this tonight no yeah well it's up to you you to recuse yourself yeah anything eight n should take too long we'll move um we'll move straight on we go to item eight is all right report yes you um so item eight is completeness National p and Spar application 20246 49 1.01 sign varant good evening Stephen grinberg grenberg law office on behalf of the applicant National pools this is a sign variance application and we need c varant for leave we filed our application Mr clerico had requested some additional information and we provided that information and I think his recommendation is that the application be deemed complete and we would ask if you do so so we can have a public hearing okay um Bob can you confirm that I think yeah that's uh that's correct there was uh as I issued a uh memorandum data some additional information that came in and that dealt with the items that were previously identified as being uh incomplete what I noted uh originally I recom recommended waiver of two items but how much I don't know that the board ever met on this at all so we did not Bob so we'll have to wave those tonight y so your action tonight would be to accept the other items as addressing those deficiencies and wave what was listed as item L2 and L L10 I'll take that motion okay um can I get a second that or is anybody having a discussion second I'll second it's it's Bob it's the L2 and L10 comment to wave correct yeah I'll second the application complete yes yes mayor Carol yes Mr cook yes councilwoman fararo yes Mr Campion yes Miss giin yes Miss whitesman yes Mr sinina yes Mr Miss swingle yes Mr yes thank you all right thank you so item nine public hearing let's yeah let's set a public hearing date if we can yeah you don't we don't have time to Noti for that I'm was assuming you would give me October 8 okay sounds like a good assumptions my and I'm hoping that it's probably going to be the same thing for the next one but the next one is um 110 Main Street LLC for complete would you like me to go on for that um let's let's get past the vote and then we'll we'll probably you need to vote on yeah we do kind of need discussion no the next one is talking about one 10 we hav oh no oh no I meant to do you want me to talk about it oh yeah in a second us to put it on the agenda no not yet just get I'm not put the for that quite yeah all right so let's move on to item nine completeness which is for 110 mainstream LLC application 20247 block 23 lot one now this comes to us as an appeal of a zoning offic decision so Cara do we have we have to do something first before we can do completeness to say whether we believe is that right no this is the application in and of itself is pursuant to section 70a of the land use law so it would be reviewed for completeness the same way any other application would pursuant to whatever we had in place at the time Bob has done his best to do a completeness letter and um I I think we're in good shape um but no this would be scheduled for a hearing and then the applicant would put on its proofs as to why the board should or why he feels the board should overturn the zoning officer's determination okay thanks for the clarification just asked that the question that order to let me know but what the council introduced last night would that clean up the interpretation issue um yeah I think it would it won't apply because the ordinance will be adopted afterwards right but we won't have this issue going forward again yeah I think so because part of the part of the challenge in many of the B zoning ordinance is the level of detail expressed by codes and I I am hoping that when we can be a subcommittee those sic Cod will be eliminate the zones that we're discussing at least in regard to the uses that we're doing into that committee there um so we continue with this C standard completeness issue so correct so you have a report for us on this one yeah very similar to the last one um we did a review back in August 11th I don't think the board has ever met on this one at all uh but we did a review back at August 11 there was some deficiencies it was one item we were recommending a waiver on uh subsequently the applican submitted additional documentation that would address those deficiencies and we would just recommend a waiver on L2 which was really the submission of a sealed survey okay so um so we don't have the sealed survey is that what we're saying right now we don't have that right now we have to do a waiver on that one no I'm suggesting you wave that right okay so um does anybody feel comfortable yeah I can I'll I'll move that second with the waiver for the L2 yes for L2 okay um Mr cook yes Carol yes Council visaro yes Mr Campion yes Miss giin yes Miss whitesman yes Mr Sino yes Miss swingle yes Mr show yes since I'm gonna be here on October 8th I kind of hoping we could do this one too okay October it's our meeting oh yeah right the 24th is when the 23rd the council adop that you okay doing that then okay thank you um right let's move on to um item 10 which is a public hearing for Plaza 1 LLC application 20245 BL 43 Lo world this needs a little if I can have yes this is a request for interpretation and if the interpretation should uh be decided adversely to the applicant request for use application for use variance um I do have a copy of the applic of service um I reviewed it and service is proper the board has jurisdiction to proceed thank you so this we should pre more well free designate exhibits exhibit a would be the uh the application and all supporting documentation exhibit B would be the Affidavit of service with all attachments oh should I just note for the record that because Cara is conflicted on this one Cara is from she yes she before you start thank you Stephen grber grber office on behalf of the applican 2001 LLC um my client has a prospective tenant Osprey Lane LLC and they uh are going to have their hopefully their management office in the first floor area of plle one and the management office is um we andent is a permitted use in their Zone um and the type of products or the type of activities that they're going to be doing on that site this can is consistent with the management office we're requesting that interpret ation in order for them to be able to lease this space there's no proposal for any changes to the outside of the building there's no proposal to any real changes to the inside of the building there's no movement of walls or anything it's going to be used as an office um managing the businesses um and uh taking in some of the the product on a minor basis for photographing and um steaming of the clothes before they go to the perspective sites um I have uh the prospective tenant for OS Lane LLC here to provide testimony and support of the application and tell you exactly what's going to go on on site and I if we could have them join in that would be great testimoni you given this matter be the truth truth truth help you guide I do you please state your name and spell your last name for the record certainly Glenn ver v r a n i a yes sir I'm just checking our camera situation have people on The View but we don't seem to have might not have done that how do I do that um be able to put the video on it's the did you also did you have any exhibits I do you pan yeah I think that's what meting Anda on the computer I'm just thinking for the ref we people show Right video on there we are beautiful maybe not beautiful but all right so um Mr brand why don't you uh tell the board what your position is for a lane LLC yeah uh my wife and I own a a clothing boutique um that is in uh currently operating retail in Somerville New right on Main Street um we are looking to expand um into other territories areas um we also um have just signed a lease uh in Somerville also for a HomeGoods store that will be called The osre Nest um so a little advertisement there that's coming uh later this year um and so um what we're looking for is a place to currently my our management offices are in our home and so we're looking for a place to have our management um you know Finance accounting um all of the work that's done with the general ledger loading product into the the backend system for you know website getting the products photographed and then prepped to move out to the stores from that central location right there at Plaza one you're not going to be um shipping any product from this location for sales orders or anything like that no this everything for sales orders that come in from web orders and local customer orders uh or Regional customer orders all of those get done from the store level so those are customers of the store itself and so everything is controlled there how many employees do you anticipate having on site uh I I would love to see a lot um but I think we're we're looking now at somewhere between two and five when we're all said and done but right now it's two okay and those two were you and your wife uh no it's it would be me and one of our one of our uh you know clerks that would help with you know tying the product into the uh the operating system of of the you know inventory and then also performing some of the other Management Services relative to product load and and uh assination I have a four page packet that we'd like to submit to the board with the three photographs of the site and then the floor plan and if we can mark the packet as exhibit A1 Exhibit C that would be great and those are photographs three photographs on a floor plan and I can put them on I think I have to share the screen though don't I yes almost time for that um this is the plaza one building correct the front entrance of the plaza one that's first photograph yes and yours only be located in the office space right right through the office uh main door and to the left yes on floor one better that showing that photograph showing and that's the front entrance that walk into to get to the office correct and the third um that is the interior Lobby and the door to the office where you're going to be located correct corre that's on the first floor of the office portion of plco yes that's correct and last will be the floor just all that's what we just yeah it's wanting to do it as an adob it says create a PDF convert images and files to PDF it's on this okay but it's not there may like it's not on the computer you know um I think I I think I the origal open right see can just do open so just get off the open know what we're gonna hold up the uh I was gonna say that sorry technology h sometimes when you come over remember somebody else had a problem where they didn't we didn't all right I think will that work for the record at least hold it up for minute that okay yeah I think I I it when it went out earlier but yeah keep it there 30 seconds minimum right people can always P or take a picture or take a picture all right now I want to see your face okay thank you we made it work can you go over the uh the floor plan tell the board exactly what's going on in the there yeah I think first and foremost this is the existing layout of the the office there there are no changes to walls or movement of anything I think up some PR carpet and something um so we set it up uh just to essentially create a meeting room where we could have a conference room a couple of offices for desks and computers and uh a place for um an administrative individual who would sit out in the front there by the front desk and by the lobby and uh and then just some open area for some photography if we need to you know perform that twice a year we do a lot of photography for for the website for fall and winter line for spring and summer um and we also run a big fashion show every year so we do some preparation for garments for the fashion show as well and then um uh so that's what the bigger area in the in the most far right section of the drawing is for and then and then uh you know tagging and and if we do some steaming there some some products need that others don't it's just in preparation for sending it out to the retail stores for for for putting on the floor to sell to to customers um so that's essentially you know we got a bathroom and a records room in the back so we can store tax documents and all the fun things that you have to do when you're in finance and uh and accounting so so the the HR District permits a variety of commercial uses and it actually permits apparel and accessories store but we're not actually being a store although we are at that type of business to continue of things occurring it allows for offices for finance insurance and Real Estate Services but most importantly it allows for different types of office including management um and that would be uh under number 34 um and we consider that our this would be uh this use is consistent with that um interpretation of the ordinance that this type of uses the management of this type of business and uh the management office and I think um this plan has agreed with that that the proposed management office in page two of her report said the proposed management office can be considered under permitted use 34 for Management Service which are directly referenced the off her office does not find the minor processing of clothing such as eing is not in conflict with the permitted management office or a parel store so we believe that that's the correct interpretation of the zoning ordinance that would allow uh this type of use to be permitted and it's consistent with the office use that plasa one already has in it we're not the retail component which is the other part of the building we in the office part were you um is this this dinged by our zoning officer because of the steaming and the ironing or because it's ril we we don't know um the he did apply for a zoning permit and it said denied not a permit abuse but he didn't say what yeah so um you we really don't know why but um in order to move this matter forward in order to be able to get this tenant and their business going we needed to file for this interpretation before I ask um a question come um do we need to leave by that was just referenced we need to mark that as an exhibit report because it becomes part of the whole disc the report of planner M maners what's the it is it's a thank you and that's exhibit D so um question for you so I have um I'm trying to get to the bottom maybe why this was dened so um is can I ask the question on you You' you've said about the product coming in and now how much product say you've mentioned totes in here so maybe you can like how many tot and how often would that process be happening is it is it going to be happening weekly or is it seasonally it tends to be seasonal uh the predominance of the product that's inbound flowing tends to be very seasonal um the uh and it's usually a spring the spring summer line that comes in and then the fall and winter line that get you know um procured uh through our buying routines in in various parts of the country um and and most of the product um will come here particularly if it's set for um going on to the website um so we have the retail we actually have three channels of sales we have uh the website we have a mobile Boutique which is how we started back in 2021 um where we went to uh festivals and popup events and stuff like that and she created product that would work in those types of locations and then we also have U you know the the retail stores and so the product is designated for certain locations at certain times and so it's all set up through our management strategy of when this product hits the door here's this the lifecycle of that product through our channels and then um so that's all done here or we like this be done here um some product will be shipped directly to the stores where we know it doesn't need any you know Special Care it can be tagged at the store so it's just it just depends on or if it's something that's not ready for the store yet it's got to wait three weeks or four weeks then we have it go there so we could work on it there and then move it out to the store and it moves in these um almost like a tote you would get at Target one of these one of these plastic tokens but then could you guesstimate I know it must it must change weekly or whatever see how much movement is happening how much product is moving on a weekly basis is is are there going to be I guess May are there going to be trucks coming daily with products I mean everything comes in standard ups there's no special trucks or anything like that um everything leaves either in um either in our um uh our mobile Boutique or in my pickup truck we have a we have a pickup truck for the business that we used to move racks and products and stuff like that to different will you be intending to park those vehicles in the parking lot the only so the truck will will be there very infrequently it's only when there's movement that has to occur um and I don't expect that to be every week um and it would it would only be kind of an in andout it wouldn't be there for you know a long period of time for sure um secondly um there is the mobile Boutique we've asked as part of the lease that we have a spot in the back behind the building the corner where we could you know make the mobile Boutique stay there and then we can do some of the movement right to the mobile Boutique from there so right so I would expect this so just so I'm a finance guy so I'm sorry but you know we the the business does about a half a million dollars a year and approximately about $250,000 worth of product is coming in in two big sort of Poes one in the beginning of the year and one kind of you know right before the fall so that's that's roughly you know if I could say the size how many totes does that represent you know maybe 30 50 maybe something like that I'm just trying to grasp an understanding of why this why this was seen as not just a management office or what going on might yes and anything that doesn't out of that that doesn't get shipped to the stores um that product would go uh that product comes here everything else would go directly to the store so I would say about a third of the product goes directly to the stores yeah um so does anybody else have any questions and one other thing that I wanted the board to know too the other location that we're that we're renting um in Somerville does have a storage so that will be our predominant you know storage area for anything for the boutique and for the homegood store so we do have space there to do that in our in the back of the reto center I think I get a better picture of what's happening I'm G to start with to the which really a question for Beth when when I look at our permitted uses in the HR District that catch all of 34 um engineering surveying architectural accounting you can all read it the um it's just as the case of it's like sic codes G aai where it was not thought of that a retail space also has a management office or if if you were to say I'm I'm just asking so I can understand it better on similar Services 87 so if I have a management office for Burger King it's not a food store but it's the management office for food that would be the same that would not be allowed under our code unless it fell into similar Services 87 so I do think that's generally correct so um I I think that the challenge here is the burrow has these very specific sic codes which are hard to interpret and the definitions of the terms are not the code they're elsewhere um in ether you know where sic codes uh are are HED um and so if you look at SIC code 87 which is what's referenced uh for that item in my report it's it talks about engineering accounting research management and related Services includes establishments engaged primarily engaged in um engineering architectural surveying services but also accounting auditing bookkeeping uh research devel Vel mment testing and management and public relations services so I think it's you know I think SIC code 87 is a general management and what some of us might think of as sort of a general or a professional office um and so that's why I had indicated I think if the board's inclined you could you could find that the uh sort of the management office for the multiple stores that they have throughout the count well throughout the few counties here qualifies as a management office under the ter management but also under accounting bookkeeping services uh in one thank you here any of our members we have quite a few members online um today so Dennis you're shaking your head I don't have any questions thank you thanks um Hannah you have anything um not questions so I used to manage uh a retail store uh for it was my family store so I'm pretty familiar with kind of the concept that you're going through and I think it's Unique that you have this it's not quite a warehouse but you're you're utilizing it in the sense that you're creating your online presence a lot of time and everything else I'm just curious about like the the workflow of it like how long does it take for you to go through all of your product with steaming like how long you going to have the product in your store or in the and I guess this this management office um and then is it really is it just just that one entrance that front entrance that you'll just be bringing racks in and out of essentially or yeah I I don't anticipate we'll be taking wraps in and out but yes be the to more totes um okay that's maintain you know clean product and all that right kind of roll it through doorways because you pick up you know a lot of okay yes right right but the workflow is pretty straightforward I mean aside from um you know accounting and finance and um somebody who's taking product codes and loading those U you know loading the purchase orders and all that yeah yeah into our backend um you know Shopify system is what it is that what we used to yeah um and then it's just a question of like you know once one or two days uh twice a year year we do so bring a photographer in a professional photographer we run through all the products we have models there that yeah I was kind of curious if you had models or not or if you're using something staff too which which is convenient but um so we do the we do that and and probably about only about 30% of the product um is is filmed by us right 70% we get from the manufacturer yeah manufacturers yeah you know sleazy looking or something that's off yeah yeah yeah basically the product will come in it will get you know loaded up in system it'll get it'll get photographed and then it's yeah okay you know there's some some products come in really wrinkled and we just we do a quick steam it literally is a steamer you know probably right yes yeah yeah same concept there and uh nothing fancy just a standard steamer that has a water in a container and right right so it's pretty straightforward so it's in okay awesome okay yeah I just wanted kind of that clarification from what were kind of your idea of what how it went so and then the rest is just you know literally you know accounting you know tax work um you know all the all the stuff that goes with you know sort of the back end of the business right and you'll be so when you're when you're done steaming you'll be utilizing like your the mobile truck or your truck to bring it back to your stores or is that something okay okay UPS will be coming to you at the warehouse here or is it well there not a warehouse sorry not Warehouse sorry management sorry sorrys will do do they do all the shipments and you know usually in the in the spring summer um you know season and then the fall you'll see like you know several days of you know 15 10 to 15 boxes you know yes small boxes you can actually they're not huge no right yeah and then and then we just unpack them and move okay great thank you we have five days to check for damages you probably remember that yeah yeah yeah that fastic we were good friends with our UPS driver so he was pretty cool with us so that all your questions um Mike can you have any questions for this I'm good thank you okay and Melissa I'm good my question are actually answered um okay so I guess my question then is for Johan is our as regards the board having a discussion are we discussing whether our first question would be we consider that this is an incorrect interpretation by the not appe the is looking uh taking a new view of this not it's not a his Zing decision the board is looking at the ordinance and saying are the provisions of the Ordinance do they permit this type of of use I thought it sorry I thought it was an appeal this one Tech an appeal of dis zoning offic denial he did do a denial um you can can SK his had two different ways right I'm just you can file an appeal of the zoning officer denial or you can present this information to the board to interpret your zoning ordinance as to whether um the board find that this use Falls within the permitted use of a management office it has the effect of appealing the zoning officer but it's a separate interpretation so then does that mean sorry thought so then does that mean John that if we if we say yes our interpretation is that that the zoning should not have been does that then mean we we are acting a zoning officer and give the Z that acceptance of it or are we acting in a different way well no if the board should decide this is a permitted use uh you know the resolution the fining would be then presented to the zoning officer who you know would then be in a position to uh give out his own so then he would issue the thing based on now we would be sending a recommendations not really recommendations your interpretation of the ordinance which you're empow do one of the municipal men in your St so Beth my question is I mean this is this is an office building it has always been an office building I don't even think they have a window that space right it's not appropriate for like retail use but if we say yeah this is this interpretation by our zoning officer was Inc corrected it's an approved use does that mean everything in that strip mall and then become a management office but this is not just doing a case by case presentation it's not sending you know it's not a blanket coverage um it's basically for this particular use as described board does it fit to dis ordinance but then it it's not a case by case basis then no you're wrong I'm sorry but I think if wouldn't if let's say we had a um aant come in and he owned uh stores in a couple towns that sold like kitchen items you know pots and spatulas and whatnot and they need an office to uh to handle the management of the stores do some photography do the websites things like that in a different tenant space wouldn't the zoning officer be obligated to issue them a zoning permit for that use based upon if you look at a certain type of uh generic use a certain type of situation usually an opportunity to rely on past findings of the board so if you know a board consistently interprets ordance in a certain way that that can certainly be used as a that's my concern is all the other spaces in that strip mall Mo most of them are retail spaces got you know um you know you got you got all kinds of stores in there and then the next year all down you got all kinds of stores in there and it's very different than the Plaza One office building which is an office building and I'm concerned that you know I mean I I don't have a problem with this business being on the first floor in this office building because it is in office use clear as day but then I got a problem with the other stores in that strip now going from retail use or whatever they are um to something else I mean there's a salon in there there's a political headquarters in there there used to be the dot had an office in there um trying to remember if there was a restaurant in there at one point there was a restaurant in there at some point so you know like that's that's my concern is by doing this what are we doing to what we wanted I think that this is I think that I would recommend this be looked at more narrowly and if there's a concern about the proliferation of offices along the 202 or or 31 Corridor then that should really be a change to the HR District because regardless of of this spe this specific interpretation the HR District permits a variety of of non retail restaurant uses and so I think the concern is really about the types of permitted uses in that District like Perhaps Perhaps the entirety of of this number 87 the the um you know engineering counting blah blah blah offices maybe that whole thing should be repealed if that's if the burough wants to try to encourage I don't know I mean personally I guess I'd rather have them in this strip mall and have them on Main Street on the first floor of Main Street correct you know because you you can't walk there you can drive over there and then walk down the strip so you know I guess I guess maybe it is a better use to have that over there than it is you know encourage peopley clarify from this photo because I know I'm a little confused now people up but from the exhibit see the first photo your block that you're planning to use is not one of the ones that has an open store Front on the front here is that correct so it's one of the units within the building it's within the office section this is the tower here and it's within this part this is there are there are offices up here but these are the other retail so your concern is that if we say this is included then I think I'm less I think I'm actually less concerned than I thought I was would rather see them all follow so just one sorry T I will you one followup point from that is then it could be our um and John our recommendation to the zonics would be that this is an accepted use because it's not in one of the but it wouldn't be in one of the store one of the one of the just that's why I asked the question so right I have I think I'm okay like like I said I would rather see all the offices on Main Street on first floors that are currently in retail like the financial guy and you know shop or whatever go out there then take up true retail space on Main Street where we want Walkers and you know you treating this SL yeah I think I I'm missing because all of those spaces that are retail now could tomorrow become an office for finance Insurance real estate Engineers it's already in our ordinance that we allow non retail in the HR Zone it's a whole another story right that's what you say whole another kind this is not what we were talking about on Main Street this is the HR District that where I believe the zoning officer cannot make a real interpretation he's pretty black and white as most zoning officers are and when somebody comes in and says I have a retail management office we don't have a code for retail management office if he said by the way I am a a public oh I got it public relations check so I look at it as has nothing to do with the other stores in that Center because the other stores or stor friends in that Center could tomorrow become non retail based on the way our ordinances are written so it's not really setting precedence it's more like saying his office use wasn't specifically written down in 1996 or whenever we did these codes because retail offices I mean coming from a retail background we have hundreds of offices around the world like this we are a retail well not we company I work for was a retailer but we had offices we had offices in every state every everywhere so it's really more of an interpretation that says you know what retail office which is not listed anywhere here wa I don't know I can't you can't come in with a retail office the word retail doesn't even come up anywhere that's the interpretation and this interpretation is so narrow because it's it's really a very specific use I'm sure I believe that there are these uses all over the place but I've never I've never talked to somebody that needed an office space just for that I the likelihood of this specific use proliferating I think is pretty low especially given the other offices that are already permitted in the district so if there's a concern about office in the HR District I would say let's just stash that in our mind for future ordinance discussions but I don't think it's relevant to this particular interpretation and so to touch point if this if an applicant came in and said I have a management office for my company I want to use pH pH it would have just that I'm just trying to work out why what what trigger to deny like because we've said that it's it's not clear because the zoning officer didn't say anything specific other than a simply not permitted in the district look so was it noted because he views this as a retail management office and those terms are specifically not listed inist is it because he didn't think is it because he drilled down and all the SIC codes and that was his interpretation it's just not there's really no right because I I'm just I I don't want to feel like I'm undermining he makes these decisions day by day and do a great job with it so I'm just trying to work out so I can understand where to change it you know the M land s sort of rolls out the red carpet for this type of a process knowing that zoning officers are doing their best make interpretations and you know applicants need a place to go and seek uh it's not appeal but seek it but but seek seek guidance seek assistance from a board and so this is exactly what the way the process is supposed to work Zing officer is supposed to take a narrow view of exactly what's permitted and then it's the zoning board function of your planning board that is supposed to um identify deviations that are permitted in the form of D variant to overturn like directly overturn what the zoning officer had done if you think that they made an erroneous decision or to offer an interpretation that may or may not be different than what they had done the fact that like for me I feel like this is a more appropriate place for this business to be than on Main Street it's okay to say yeah this interpretation is okay and then if he did something similar on Main Street right we say say oh yeah an office is whatever then it's okay to say no we don't want that there but if the the one thing and I don't I can look it up but if this um SIC code 87 is listed on for the DB district and tomorrow another use that is exactly like this comes in this after this interpretation the zoning officer is going to be obligated to say yes because the interpretation of the board is that this particular use includes retail management offices okay it's got to be it's got to be uniform and it's sort of a problem that I think we're getting ready to eliminate the possibility of given earlier discussion but but once the interpretation is done in one District if that same language applies to interpret but the interpretation allows us to funnel businesses whatever they are where we think they're appropriate the zoning law is that I'm Sorry by the way Pat has been sending it so much interpret yeah I mean your your zoning code is very specific with the SIC code and his perspective is is not incorrect but he sees his role as you know interpreting exactly what is permitted against the exact definition compared to exactly what is proposed but like I said I mean if he if this was a Main Street application and he said uh no it's not allowed on Main Street because it's a it's you know whatever and we were like okay well we really want real retail and they're not having like a store an osy store we could say yeah we're GNA agree with Pat because we don't want this management thing on the first floor yeah I guess because a different District it's a different but if the same use is permitted if if you pick up that SIC code 87 from the HR district and if the same question with the same use is asked in the DB District the decision needs to be the same because it's not based the interpretation is not based on context of in this case the interpretation not based on context of the area it is exactly what is permitted by this use period it's really apples to oranges looking at main stream to this District because this District right now well right now both districts allow this use on the first floor so it's really changing Main Street for Main Street and HR for HR so I wouldn't I wouldn't get too far ahead this is saying that a retail off I look at it this way we're here to be we're being asked is a retail management office the same as a management office right that's all we're being as it's a little bit to me and again I know it sounds like apples to oranges but it's easier for me to interpret it as there was a time we did not allow group hubs because that word did not exist in our language and it was asked of us do you think broup hubs like a distiller or like yeah it's a brub we had to add those words and then we had to say the rub by the way is a dis so I look at it this is not saying what we want on Main Street or what we want in the HR Zone this is saying wherever we allow engineering surveying architecture all research development management P PR and similar services this is a similar service that Pat can't say on his own it's a retail you don't have that in there and so and for future um applications that may come in our interpretations then it sounds like we the committee that just been set up to look at this needs to feed this kind of idea into that it's a really aopo moment to have brought this up to help us with that um and that can be looked at for the other zones in consideration of any decision with me so having said that I would we don't have if we do a requ an interpretation that we believe that is this is allowable in this Z we want to allow this Happ ation case to go through we don't have to go to a D1 variance meeting we can that's it stops and we can do that okay so um we've had a little bit of discussion already does anybody feel um you want to hear my S Le there any open up in public sorry I thought we were yeah wind up but please take the FL I still leg argents I think Mr Cooks Andis is entirely what the board's focus should be and and it and it is whether um this proposed retail management office fals within that category and I think the interpretation is yes it does and we would ask if you make that interpretation and confirm it and have the resolution so that my client can get these really exciting product and exciting business into the burrow and hopefully maybe they'll open up a retail store in the burrow too we're always looking but it's a good step um okay thank you is that that's it um so I guess are we looking yeah see if any any is any members of the public that only com oh thank you good about the public there is oh Denny had his hand raised too one of our members of our board um yeah I I just uh I just request that if the zoning officer is going to deny something going forward can they at least put why I mean the applicant doesn't even know why it was denied and I think it's just helpful why and it's not you know it's just that they answer why I think that would help us when when it comes to us what the rationale was he did he did answer he said that use that was his interpretation there all rule of thumb um which is actually cited in um Cox it says his only officer use his discretion and if there's any doubt he should deny the permit that is to deny so he took that he took that but he did put that denial right per Deni not a permitt abuse yeah so there's re why that was his reason yeah it it I you could disagree with him you could disagree with him but that was his it it would be nice if there had been some further analysis of it other than not a permitted use to allow the applicant to engage in some type of dialogue on the issue other than deny not permitted use um but you know that's why we're here right and he has his job to do he does it as the like said um so I'm not going to question his process um we're going to start yeah um okay so so our I'm looking forre members of the public any comment second okay all in favor of closing the public that I don't see any okay thank you so then John if the board is inclined um to uh approve this application we basically the board has interpreted that the proposed use has interpreted this ordinance that the proposed use as described by the applicant Zone and then does that then form the zoning that then that memorialization as to how the board viewed the ordinance and it could be through Z off okay would anybody like to um move what John said or add motion no a vote and a yes vote this would allow the say that this is a permitted use an Al that's correct it would say that a retail office is similar office to a management office thank you Mr Coke yes Mr simino yes mayor Carol yes councilwoman fararo yes Mr Campion yes Miss gin yes Whitman yes Miss swingle yes Mr show yes thank you all very much welcome to the remember excent app yeah all right so um item 11 chair items um yeah um all right so the next meeting is September the 24th we currently have completeness of it's 11 isn't it 110 Street no that's Main Street that is um that will be coming to us for completeness and the um Liberty vill oh we have car and Mr Galina has um and then we also have which should be ack way the completeness and then we have Liberty Village public hearing well no that's completeness oh that's completeness yeah that would be complet as well public heing I mean that is pending I have a couple of um emails out to them I had uh no checks for the application or esro fees for Liberty Village what are you require um it would be per the ordinance so they usually have a calculation that would be provided and that would um be reviewed by by Bob um but I did say that it would be considered administratively incomplete until we find get checks the sooner they they get them in there I don't know how the board feels even you know having them review something when we don't have any esro you know I just like looked at all your ma today and you just chased so much money I chase it all and I don't think that's right I don't think we should be hearing anybody unless they put money up front and enough to cover there's enough while our fee schedule I would like to have the Board review as well because it's outdated I mean $700 for a and $500 for a a variance $750 for a use variance goes very quickly I mean completeness blows out away and then I'm always for the law I can only ask for so a certain amount to replenish right um but if the invoices come in but the invoices don't come a month and so I'm always in that Limon is there a way that from I know little bit work but um the previous applications that gone through different types can you is there a way to pull together what actually got spent on each that much we can show I can give you the esro statements from you know the various different um types of applications and shows exactly what the I mean each one is so unique an individual right you can get a mean of them you know to see how far away they are from the current list that could help that discussion we can that thank you thank you um so there's Lance next next that was be my question should I given the situation with Liberty Village should I even be reviewing that oh not until we get esro I think that's the thing I'm reminded until they give us money the money that they need to give us well that's to expend time that we might not get let's not list them then for the September meeting then yeah and um Eileen is going to ask you anyway the uh the other one for the 111 uh Main Street did they file a checklist with that not that I know no the only thing that came in is what was to you how about if I send um George Malone a text tomorrow telling him that unless we get the escrow funds immediately it's not going to be on the agenda for September 24th that he's got like until what date when do you need to actually have that well Bob is going to be the one that's there there's a lot there's a lot there's a lot there to look at and you know even if you told me tonight go ahead and review it I'll have you something for the your next meeting in September but if we're going to wait to the end of this week and go into next week it's gon to be a little tough okay so and you have you have what do you have C 45 days or something I think to deem it complete so it's not I don't know you have to do it at your September meeting well and without checks we can call it administratively incom 100% a 100% I mean you don't even have to review it to know that everything has not been satisfied because the fees have not been paid then I'll send in the text saying although you submitted all of your documents you still have yro check and therefore we're not authorizing our professionals to do any reviews because we're not right I'll let I'll let him know it might let a fire under him because he really is anxious to get his C so yeah and then let's just keep track of that 45 days so if we just have to send out something Eileen you know email wise or whatever just saying you've been like you said deemed administratively incomplete just because we don't have fees then at least we know we've done that I I did send out something today I I thought didn't I will forward that to you uh you know what I'm sure it's there it's been one of those days so um if I don't don't have it I'll let you know but I'm sure you sent it I sent a lot of es today so dou Che we we usually like to give our professionals at least 10 days right that was usually isn't that weeks three weeks to put on the on the schedule even asking Bob to do it in two weeks is a lot right so are we talking the October 8th meeting GE brings in the money yeah I mean we want to if we want to be serious about this m then we have to although we don't we don't site three weeks as a I thought we did site 10 days no 10 days is for the ml for um any supplemental documents to be submitted if the board deems that that's appropriate for the application um 10 days really doesn't give anybody so so the fair thing for me to write to Geor be the Friday before this Tuesday and our engineer needs three weeks to review your documents so well for yeah besides put that on the top of the checklist because I I remember us even talking about putting 45 because that's what the ml allows no but just I mean just to give Georgia heads up that weeks so we're looking at the October 8th meeting if he gets a check in in the next couple of days if he doesn't then it's pushing it out to October forever yeah I said this at 440 and I did copy um Bob uh Beth Jay and carara so yeah the important thing is oh for what I I sent um is that it I did not see any checks that it would be administr that um it went to the um Elizabeth Garen uh Donald Pepe who is the attorney so generally I the attorne today I sent it I sent one out actually um on September 3rd when I received it and I asked if hard copies would be sent directly to the board engineer and the traffic engineer for the checklist and the attorney and planner do not require hard copies and I asked were the application and escrow checks also delivered and I got no response so I sent out another um reminder today when I came in I I see again that there's no checks I had asked Carla um if there had been checks I I double checked again today I it's not all right so I I'll I'll tell George that Bob's three weeks and we have two public hearings for that day I mean it's completeness so it's completeness three weeks to review and so if he doesn't if he doesn't get us a check for escrow this week it pushes it out by another six weeks because it's in a mystery and I don't want to I I think the important point is to say that Bob won't do any work because oh yeah we're not We're Not Gonna authorize him to do any work until it comes and then also if you can express to him that we don't want him to say oh I'll send it Friday and then it doesn't arrive um until Monday morning and then then it's three weeks back so if he misses this week then the next hearing date will be two weeks from the 8th I mean you know it's just weeks yeah and that's then we get into I think October's okay but I think November there's election day and there's Veterans Day and then work's coming back well again we're not going to have any ums unless they put up $25,000 that's grow you know since it's such bad payers all right I'll send I'll send them a text and let them know that this is what's happening this is a big project it's a lot to look at and I don't really don't want to put the burough finances in jeffardy for the sake of somebody not we're not we're not expending money that we don't have no but I can I can I can push him the way he was pushing Beth and me for a year and a half right it's amazing he pushed this and push this and push this and boy oh boy it's taking a long time to get him over here yeah funny how that happens I know yeah so does that help I you have that from the board then that's the support perfect thank you very much all um and of course well for the next meeting though then the 24th we will still have that historic element of the master plan which hopefully coincides with um so that should work perfectly and the resolution for Plaza One these resolutions from this yes exactly um I do have another one and I'm just throwing this out there for the board to consider and probably for Beth to consider um short-term rentals we don't have anything that prohibits or restricts or regulates short-term rentals in our term right now um and I just I want to throw it out there for the board to think about and we can H it over next meeting I think to see what all your thoughts are but I'm thinking that we need to propose that we maybe have something on the books so for this when you say short term I until of Theos your yeah because we do have several of those right like you can go I thought at one point and asked the prior CL about this and he indicated that we did have something let's I'll take that so we have that discussion see if there's something there but I do think like I want to know if he's coming out the town well I'm not I'm not I'm not averse to any short I'm not Avers to short tals I use them I just want to thr out there but we we are we are here aest to consider the needs of the town right within the El and what we can what the town needs and my concern with short-term rentals is it's it's good for tourism to bring a place for people to stay but it can also overtake the town and also I think maybe there's a case for regulation in s regulation to say let us decide how many we feel our town can support and also collection and I also want to be clear that that that if anybody is doing a short-term rental that they write in the ordinance requirements for our town into their rental agreement like the noise times and like this and also that people who are neighbors of a short ter rental are aware of that and any privacy concerns for them are addressed and I just feel that maybe it could be addressed through some sort of Regulation thing I'm not you know you know what I'm saying so I'd just like if everyone can have think about that think about how they feel about that for our town and how we would incorporate that obviously it's going to need Council discussion also um I'm just thr it out there as an idea you know I don't see any shortterm rental anywhere in our codes right now just we don't we don't prohibit it and I'm not looking to prohibit people renting out their properties right we you know that's it's so that's why I'm it could be a regulation for it's got maybe our minimum rental is a month you know so to stop the day by day to to not stop it but regulate it think about how what can be absorbed in our town I know there are some towns that get have been overwhelmed by Airbnb situations and that's not what our town is about we want we want our residents and our citizens here to live in an amazing community and you know you have a certain percentage of air imagine that Community spirit is diluted somewhat right um that's where I'm coming from with that so if everyone just have a think about that take a look at our hotel PS that we pass as you as well that's something right councel right because it's and the registration of those businesses yeah I think it might be a registration right and that a fee along with that could cover the fire marshal coming out to the building to make sure it's suitable for those kind of things our coding people coming out to make sure that that the building is suitable to put people in we don't want to put in unsafe situations for instance and and things like is the priy for neighbors and and and and that the uh the the renter outer puts and noise ordinances and the like um to make sure that we can control it somewhat and it seems reasonable um without affecting their business and okay great all right um so do anybody else have anything they want to raise and chair items considering we're to really well but I don't want to sty people and we do have to go to Executive session so um seeing that move on um we already did item 12 so car we are ready for you executive session you wish to go to right yes I would like to go into a very brief executive session just to give an update on um pending litigation regarding the uh living living wall sign um we will not take any official action during executive session and it is up to the board as to whether or not you want to return back to the public after execu session if not we can make a motion now to close the public session for good and enter into executive session I think so I'll make that motion that we go into executive session and not come back out and no action will be taken is that what you need care that's what I need I'll second you can all in favor anybody not in favor what do we have to do with the report well now we have to stop the recording right we going into executive session stop pause it or we can actually stop it all together stop it because now we've adjourned right yes yes we we've indicated we're not going back to uh public session when we're going to close the exec and closing the meeting entirely so we can close off the recording uh take minutes uh brief minutes of the executive session um and make sure we close off any ability of anyone to uh log into the zoom okay