##VIDEO ID:muSGaj9_sYI## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon I would like to call the Flint Board of educational and your organization meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. board member as I call your name please reply president for the record Linda boo Jo Ellis mcne present teray King present Dylan Luna present Lauren McIntyre present Claudia Perkins present Mel reler present before we begin the portion of our meeting which allow the public to address the board we will be swearing in a newly elected board members Miss Linda boots we have a very distinguished guest among on us who will perform the swearing in of our newly elected board member with us this evening is the honorable Judge taba Marsh from the 67 District Court welcome judge Marsh I will not turn the floor over to George Marsh to swear in our new board member please raise your right hand and repeat that me I do solemnly swear or affirm I do solemnly swear and affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I would support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state and the constitution of this state and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of office I will Faithfully discharge the duties of this office of member of the Board of Education as a member of the Board of Education of Flint Michigan Flint Michigan of Flint Michigan according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability congratulations thank you love congratulations thank you judge Marsh for assisting us this evening I would also like to welcome and congratulate our new board member Mrs Linda BS [Applause] hold on hold on hold on miss boo you got a m gra are you came yeah you got yeah you could have sit right there and speak from there sit you know you have to sit now you have to yeah and then you can speak thank you we're going to have her sign her document yes and we're going to have her come back out and address the public is that okay all right thank you thank you than this is where we need some music what kind of cake did you Bab we had a back see where I left off at I would like to thank my my family my friends all the community all the voters who the 16,700 plus voters who voted for me and I will of office to serve uh based upon the constitution of this state um and work along with the board members here uh collectively to get to move this uh School District forward and uh I look forward to working with each and every member working with the community Our Community Partners and everyone involved in re uh rebuilding and and saving our Flint school system thank [Applause] you thank you trusty uh Linda Boo the board will not hear comments from the public we have ask that you state the reason for addressing the board and that you limit your remarks for about 3 minutes on the matter within the authority of the board and not addressed individual by name the presiding office of the board should have the right to limit the number of person who may address the board on the same subject please state your name and address first before beginning to speak is there anyone here from the public who wishes to address the board please come forward and yes you come right here stand right here good evening good evening uh my name is javante Booth um I'm the owner of the chef special Food Service management company I wanted to come this year to the top of the year to uh just introduce myself let you guys know that we're out here uh let you guys know I'll be looking forward to any future rfps that you might have um and I I have I'll leave it by the front door up there yes ma' but uh you know hopefully we'll be blessed enough to work with you guys one day thank you thank you is there anyone else from the public who would like the next portion of our meeting will be called for the election of or um officer Dr mcne truste Perkins Dr mcneel and truste reliford Dr mcneel okay members of the board we have reached a a majority vote for the president the majority indicates that we will have Dr Joyce Ellis mcneel serve as president for 2025 congratulations thank you thank you board at this time I would like to turn the floor over to our newly elected president Dr Joyce Ellis mcneel thank youcome board M I appreciate the nomination I promise to uh we'll keep moving forward and let's proceed with the next agenda item once I receive the nomination I will conduct a road call vote and you state the name of the candidate of your choice are there any questions action item 21.3 nomination election of a vice president are there any nomination trustee uh Perkins I nominate uh truste McIntyre are there any more nomination I want to nominate uh trusty boots I nominate trustee McIntyre um she's already Nom are you rejecting are you accepting his nomination are you rejecting his nomination oh rejecting his nomination okay thank you now thank you though the any more nomination for vice president we will do a roll call vote Linda boo CL McIntyre yes trust ter uh teray King yes Dylan Luna yes Laura M uh McIntyre yes Claudia Perkins yes Melanie rord yes and myself yes seven yes the majority indicate that we will have Laura McIntyre as your vice president nomination election of secretary are there any nomination Madam chair yes I want to nominate secretary Perkins Perkins do you accept or decline accept are there any other nomination we would now for secretary trustee Perkins Linda booze yes Tay King yes Dylan Lunen yes Laura McIntyre yes Claudia Perkins yes melan reford yes and myself yes seven yes now we proceed to action 21.5 the nomination the election of treasure are there any nominations trustee Perkins I nominate Dylan Luna are there any more nominations for Treasure saying none we will move down to the rad call vote Linda booze yes is it filla Luna yes for Dylan Luna t r King Luna Dylan Dylan Luna Luna Laura McIntyre trust Luna Claudia Perkins trusty Luna melan rord Luna Jo Ellis magd myself trusty Luna seven yes the major indicate that we have stated Dylan Luna is our treasure nomination election of assistant secretary is there any nomination yes Madam president I nominate Linda booze I Madam president I nominate uh Linda booze are there any other nomination seeing none Linda Boo for our assistant secretary and treasure Linda B do you accept this nomination yes I accept tray King Boo trusty Luna trusty boo Laura McIntyre trusty boo Claudia Perkins trusty booze Melanie reford trusty boo jois M Neil Linda boo seven yes Linda Boo has that position [Applause] 21.7 an appointment of our Flint Board of Education leads on an alternate to the geny association board uh member GCA sbm executive committee nomin dis position is held by your president with an alternative person seek a nomination advised that in the past the President and Vice person has served you can also ask board members to volunteer to sering disposition after the alter identified seek a motion and a second to approve it Madam chair yes I nominate T King who who did you uh T King yes I nominate uh you Dr Joyce Elis MC usually president say at the we doing the alternate do we have to nominate it don't we have to we nominate your policy don't but we could go ahead h no if not the president just is the alternate who sits in when I'm not there so we don't have to is there any discussion thanks see no further discussion to Ray King is the Flint School alternate for to the JY County Association School Board member we be done by roll call vote Linda boo yes T King yes Dylan luden yes Lauren McIntyre yes clauden Perkins yes meland reford yes and myself yes seven yes this in the Flyn board of education has completed his organization and electing of officers do we need any announcement is there any board comments need to congratulate yeah so at this point we just Cong congratulate our boards uh for the new position each board member has a few minutes to speak on that position or speak to the public I'm going to allow you to say what you need to say is any comments from the board I I'll say some brief comments um first off uh congratulates to trusty Boo for uh you know being sworn in and also for your new position and also congrats to the other officers who were elected for this oneyear term um is that better sorry so looking back um it's been two two years down and one year coming up and I'm really um excited about this board when we first came in together was kind of rough but I I see that first year as a year of learning um the second year as a year of uh stability and planning and that's why I'm so excited for 2025 because I think 2025 if we continue on the trajectory and also improve it'll be the year of excitement innovation and getting even more things done for our students um our teachers staff and families as well as our community because I do want to emphasize that last piece we are Flint Community Schools and that Community includes the students all the staff the teachers the neighbors you know people organizations like Juan Flint M college and really I think we have probably the biggest opportunity to make the biggest impact in the city you think about it families want to have a good school district when they raise their children when they move to a new community they want to know that the neighborhood is safe and what better safer neighborhood to have a school that's you know functional high quality and that it's a place where families want to go uh and where they want to stay so I'm looking forward to things like the central wooder campus I'm looking forward to working with our teachers um our PA of pros and our admins uh to makeing sure that they are you know adequately taken care of I'm looking forward of the Partnerships that we're going to establish and maintain and just things that we don't see right now um I just saw uh this morning in the state budget that they expect around a billion dollars extra dollars in revenue and to me uh that's also an opportunity for us to you know engage with the legislators and the governor's office to say hey we're getting things done here could you please support us even more whether it be with how we compensate teachers um how we've invested and leveraged so much money into our school buildings are just things that we want to take you know a chance on when it comes to educating students so very excited for this next year and again congratulations to everybody tonight thank you thank you any more comments Claudia D I just want to say that I I think this board is ready to move forward we have a great team chosen tonight uh there are a lot of things that we have been discussing especially in our Retreat and we've got a lot of things a lot of work to do and I think we're all up to the task and it was very fruitful we want to not only build the school district but the community and the way we do that we get all of our children back in public schools so I'm going to be one and this team is probably going to be one to push forward in that direction so God bless us all thank you trusty mcy yeah I just wanted to be real short and say congratulations Linda I am very excited to be working with you once again and uh I am I'm I'm just very excited and and I'm very hopeful and excited uh for this new composition of the board um I really believe it's the first time in history um knowing what I've researched about the Flint Community Schools that this is finally a board that has the community and the students at heart and not other outside interests and we will continue to work diligently to respond to community needs and do what it takes to keep Flint schools open and public and inclusive and diverse for all thank you thank comments um superintendent Jones so I just like to say outside of my superintendent role what a what a pleasure it is to have uh Miss booze Miss Linda booze who is a community woman who is a member of New Jerusalem Full Gospel Baptist Church Church her pastor is in the audience Pastor Alfred raave your hand sir all right I just I think it's important for you to know your pastor is here um but her family is here family and friends stand if so she can see you and everybody can acknowledge wow what a showing what a showing it speaks to who you are and we just like to say on behalf of this community on behalf of pastors that we're glad to have you back in Flynn schools now as the superintendent I'm so thankful to be working alongside you thank you and we wish you well and we can't wait to see the great things that's going to come of your presence thank you thank you thanks for M this is going to be short we do have a couple of announcement uh the board members that you know last year we they issue out us computers so we'd like to do a checkin with them uh you can bring them in let them look at them service them but we do need to do that audit to make sure that those our computers is where they're supposed to be and and so I'm turning m in and getting it clean up but we do need to check and make sure those computers is where they at Dr Joyce if you have any other technology needs that you found out you needed Rose a change if if there's any other tech technology needs let us know that as well thank you the Flyn Board of Education would be on January 15 the board as a whole will be holding a meeting for the board members in this meeting we will um I want to let the board know that our committee has kind of expanded it a little from The Retreat so we we do our regular committee chair meet uh chair commit meeting and then we're going to have a planning committee and that's something we had discussed uh on the retreat that we're going to start with our planning committee on those goals that was that we worked on in the retreat and that is for the public as we talk about repurposing School looking at ways to increase enrollment it's going to be quite a bit Mr Jones has um is working with us to find us a space and a place in administration building where we can have all our vision and stuff on the board where we can be able to communicate invite people in so on the 15th uh we'll send out invites for times and that um the vice president as a whole would host the uh that meeting uh the Flyn board of education has rescheduled the January the 15 which usually our second meeting uh we have changed that date to January the 22nd at 6:30 here at this building so does that mean your planning meeting is at the admin building is that what you're saying yeah it's going to to be at the admin building and until we get everything organized um where we going um in our planning committee because I know the public is anxious to know what we're talking about uh as we looking at the uh Central what we planning on doing how we are planning on getting those things done and we're going to have a planning committee uh to help work on those things and have those plans gone up forward and Mr Jones is still working on the what the D12 and the Consolidated application uh which is due on the 15th um that information uh it's the 12d application yeah and hopefully on that sometime we will have the concept paper which is the most important part of our plan we need the concept paper Mr Jones where I'll provide that that part of it saying that there is no more announcement that this conclude our annual organization meeting at 656 this meeting is ajour if there is anyone that would like to take pictures with Miss booze you could you can come up uh this way here and she'll be standing right out here miss Boos and you can use this space