##VIDEO ID:Lta0xvhm4ko## 6:00 and so I will call the Monday October 14th 2024 regularly schedu school board meeting to order and we'll note that all members are present with the exception of Nathan Anderson and we will start um with pled FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God with liy and justice for [Music] all the mission of fley public schools is to bring together students parents staff and Community to provide a quality education with an emphasis on developing the full potential of the individual thank you and I'd like to um introduce um Steve fromon and Gavin and they are here in this um evening they are um the school district's legal councel here this evening as a resource and I believe you've introduced yourself to the board thank you um at this time we're going to have open forums forum for citizens to address the school board and U just want to stated that Holy Public Schools welcomes input from citizens as Community involvement Fosters better decision making and improved learning experiences for all students while comments and questions are welcome during the open Forum law prohibits the board from discussing concerns about individual employees or students in a public meeting we will stop the proceedings immediately if employee or student privacy issues are raised and direct the speaker to forward comments regarding individual employees or students to be because we are a modeling civil discourse for our community speakers must present their testimony in a respectful manner vulgarity character facts malice or specific complaints identifying staff or students by name or implication will not be pered the board will not deliberate discuss or engaging conversation with speakers during open Forum however the board may ask Administration to review the concerns presented we have the sign in uh sheet here Mo and a second for the agend motion to approve second motion by Patrick seconded by Wayne for approval of agenda all those in favor say I I opposed motion passes unanimously um we have the consent agenda before us and I would need a motion and a second for the consent agenda which includes the boards and we approve meeting minutes along with the consent motion to approve second motion by Patrick second by Wayne all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion passes we have a resolution for accepting gifts those gifts include um from Knife River we have $750 value safety glasses for our high school students the Optimus Club is donating $3,300 for fourth grade pness Retreat Patricia Watson in memory of her aunt Donna Henry is providing $250 for books at elementary school library HS has donated $1,225 57 for more rewards and that is to benefit the Intermediate School students holy American Legion has two cases of St BS to the ntion Department Rob Notch is donating Sofer ice cream to the Child Nutrition department so ition second resolution acting motion to accept gifts second motion by second by Sharon all those in favor signified by saying I I opposed motion passes we have the resolution for the sale of St John's um portable and this is going to be a roll call vote because that's how the resolution um is written and um along with the sale of the portable um St John's Church and Foley had the buyback option found in the original sales agreement that was dated October 27th 1886 and the bill of sale is for $1 we are selling the property as is and I will further explain the S I don't think I have anything to add okay and legal council has looked over the entire resolution and what else is in here a quick claim deed there there are some documents that do need to be signed following the meeting but we do need a resolution so I need a motion a second on the sale to St John of St John to St John's motion um for sale of the portable to St John's for $1 second motion by Sharon seconded by Patrick this is a roll call vote Sharon yes Stephanie yes Ken yes Wayne yes Patrick yes and I and we'll note that on the resolution is said absent so we'll note anything uh we have the the dental insurance which is a discussion action item starting on January 1st 2025 um it's been advised by Aaron Casper and Adam Cook of National Insurance Services to go self-insured with a dental program Dr you a further explanation on that I do our committee met um last week and this is also a recommendation from our insurance committee and the change would be effective on January 20 January 1st of 2025 for the employee um impact will be very minimal um what we were given as a quote was from Health Partners currently was a 3.5% r cap and we believe that um we'll have about a 3% increase on our dental insurance if we are fully self-insured so it be less for employees and we feel that um that extra little bump about 3% will be enough for us to sustain our own insurance same kind ofage everything is the same so like I said very minimal change is that will just be self and if the day comes that not being self insured is not the best option we can move back look right it's kind of where we could get our our feet wet too to see if we would want to expand that idea we have two board members that thir on the committee and welcome if you add anything no um Erin did say that there are many school districts that have gone self- insured with dental and it's a financial financially stable outcome for those districts as well so it's to the benefit of the district to be self-insured for the I need a motion and a second if there's no further discussion on our dental insurance policy going to self-insure has 125 I'll make a motion second motion made by way second by Patrick all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion passes and we have the MCA data review and it's a building go review this is a discussion I will be starting the presentation and then our building principales will also have in information regarding their building goals and we just um had a meeting with our district advisory committee as well so I'd like to talk a little bit at the board table about world's best Workforce and we talked about this last year and world's bestest Workforce is to ensure that school districts and charter schools in Minnesota andh hands to achiev through teaching and learning supports and one of our legislative updates too is that this plan will have a different name starting next year and some components of the plan change as well so um this year we are going to report on the following goals all children are ready for school all racial and economic achievement gaps between students are closed all students are ready for career and college and all students graduate from high school um in the following years we're going to in our plan that see [Applause] so while Kelly is doing that and I'm going to try to multitask for a minute you'll notice that summary that you'll see a goal of all students in third grade achieving grade level literacy and that goal we won't report on that in future years because of the lead act each student now is leing that Proficiency in each grade level and so what that goal will be replaced by is lifelong learning and so again we're not sure exactly what that necessarily means we have some ideas um and then again to make that measurable um we're talking and we're discussing so we should be able to come back to the board once wey our plan in a couple months so our first goal is all students ready for school and our goal uh last year was 63% of our students in kindergarten will achieve in a low risk or Advanced proficient levels as measured by the fast composite score in the spring of 2024 and our result was 71 71.6% of our kindergarteners achieve low risk or Advanced proficiency levels as measured by the fast really reading composite score in the spring of 2024 we did need that goal and if you look at our second goal as I mentioned all students in third grade achieving grade level literacy we will not see that um in the future but um to report back on the result um our original goal was 67% of students um in grade three will achieve proficiency on the MCA reading test by the spring of 2024 um our students um it was 56.8% of our students achieve Proficiency in grade three so we did not meet that particular goal um one of our next school was closing the achievement gap between our student groups and we looked at our students that are free reduced and our non free reduced population and our um we looked at our Gap be wanting to decrease the Gap from 14.6% to 12% we actually saw an increase in our Gap um with those Learners so our Gap is now 14.6% to 15.31% our next goal is Austin's career and college ready by graduation and um this is focused on on the high school students will improve their composite ACT scores to show a rise of5 from the current score of 19.3 to the composite score of 19.8 and our students um the composite score that we achieved was 20.9 so it's a growth of 1.6 and then the final goal is all students um graduate and our graduation rate will be over 9 % as measured by local attendance data measuring the number of seniors on October 1 of 2023 and those receiving a diploma in May of 2024 and our graduation rate was um [Music] 93.3% so we did um meet we did meet that goal I'm going to ask Mr clber we're looking at just a quick review of the building gr goals from the elementary and then we'll talk about what the goals are for the 2425 school year so um up on the screen for you school board members is just a review of last year's at student achievement goals at FES um FES has uh student achievement goals in the area of reading and math we have a we have two goals for each area one is measured by our assessment which all students K3 participate in and a goal for the MCA test which only third graders at at at es participates in so our goals last year for of the fast assessment in Reading were that 70% or higher our students with demonstrated proficiency our achievement at the end of the year was 63% of students demonstrated proficiency our NCA reading goal was for 70% of or higher of our students who proficiency and our our year end result is 57% then our fast a math scores first was six uh the goal was 75% um with 69% achieving proficiency and then the MCA math the goal was 80% and our end ofe result was 76.9% so um that's that's the uh those are the results forward that's great so the next slide of the presentation is what our building goals are for this year we continue with the same structure for goals having a fast reading and an MCA reading and a fast math and an MCA math goal we took last year's results approximately and and and our goal is approximately 5% um higher uh number of students proficient this year so our goals will raise from last year approximately 5% thank you Mr Mr all right our FIS building goals from 23 24 our first goal much like Elementary um it's a reading a math Focus so to increase student achievement each grade will Implement star Assessments in math and read twice a trimester and use the data to attain a 3% increase or above 80% efficiency math um 24 school year and um Everybody in the in Intermediate School takes MCAS you know so uh all students grades 48 So reading in eighth grade we saw a 4% increase seventh grade we saw 12% decrease sixth grade we saw a 10% increase fifth grade 4% increase for reading and fourth grade fifth grade had a 4% increase and fourth fifth grade had a 4% increase and fourth grade had a 5% increase and for our math eighth grade had a 3% decrease seventh grade had an 8% decrease sixth grade had a 14% increase fifth grade had a 6% decrease and fourth grade at 2% increase so those be a review of our goals for 2324 for that reading you on to the next slide not that point our goals for this upcoming school year um much same structure as last year's goals increase in achievement each grade will Implement start assessments and twice Tri trimester and utilize the that to obtain 3% increase for about 80% proficiency MCAS during the 24 25 school year and then we're also looking at our second goal is how we increase rigor in the classroom so looking at T knowledge U looking at different strategies to to push more students that may be um that already know the Conta and want to extend their their learning and our third goal is to continue work with our P team uh to improve um student climate and staff climate from the building 4.5 school year using students student um Behavior data with our staff each month Target Pro potential problem areas to ret those appications a better way thank you Mr Mr so last year we basically had goals in two areas uh one as you heard about was our act goal our goal was a 05 increase our composite score from a 19.3 to a 19.8 um we did that we scored a 20.9 which is good but we did have a few less students take it which is not good so data can do a number of different things for you our second goal was to continue continue increase in the student passing rate so rather than calculate the passing rate I calculated the failure rate because you didn't fail you pass so we had a failure rate of 4.9% the year before and we reduced that um by 8% down to a 4.4% so um our reasoning for using that is if we're truly doing standards based grading and students are meeting the standards in their class and hopefully they're performing on the MCA tests um part of the issue with the MCA test I think they'll maybe talked about later is students opting out of that test and so it's tough to get true data if students are taking so if we look at the data from their classes and their standards then hopefully we can can make that connection for next year our goals are quite a bit the same increase by again half a percent on our act composite score trying to get to a 21.4 which is a be a pretty good composite score for an entire class of students um continuing to reduce that failure rate by having teachers support students and work for those students that are struggling um we're also add in an attendance hole um we need to improve our overall attendance rate um as we know attendance rates across the state and across the country um have not bounced back from Co students are absent at record numbers so we want to get students back in the building on a more consistent basis and then also reduce the number of discipline events if teachers aren't having to discipline students hopefully the kids are in the classroom and the teachers are able to spend their time teaching them and we'll get better results so those are go for the high school thank you for sharing um your building goals and your results is always good information to have and moving on for our MCA review and just a reminder to the board that we do administer MCAS in reading math and then science and we administer the tests each year and our MCAS they are based on Minnesota acad standards and for our standards it's specific to a grade level so what students should be able to know and be able to do in each of our grades and all students in Minnesota Public Schools including Charters take MCAS and they're administered and Mr be have talked about all of his students in his building so three through 8th grade so one grade of Elementary but primarily the bulk is in intermediate school and then also um we have grade leveles in the high school so students in 10 on take reading and then in grade 11 they are inmin the math test and science is in grade 10 and students also in fifth through e Fifth and eth grade take the science andca and it is on all online assessment um one thing that I do want to say just to remind the board when we look at some of our data is that we do have a number of opt outs um in in our district and it's really important that we encourage and I know we're going to do some work um this year as a district to encourage our students to take the MCA is because it's really important data that we have here in the district and it helps us with alignment of our curriculum and instruction aligning with the State academic standards and really it's for curriculum Improvement and how we can support our students so we're able to see the areas um that our students are very strong and areas that may need to focus some growth so again it is important um to take the assessments because it's a great way for us to evaluate our curriculum and our instruction um looking at the next slide with our RCA data review um you'll notice and this is from the Minnesota report card so anyone is interested and and Diving a little bit more deep into this you're you're welcome to do that but if you notice I'm missing 20 20 and 2020 was our Co year so we did not um give an MCA assessment so coming back from Co you can see that our test scores were lower which is not a surprise and the one thing that Co has shown is that kids do need to be they need to be learning from their teachers and then one of our goals of course is to return to our preco numbers and stff we look um each year we've had an increase but you can see that the increase is slight I'm going to talk a little bit more about that as we go through the different slides in the presentation um the next slide is looking at our MCA um data for Math and if you notice um from the um from the table the black is from 2022 to 2023 school year and the Highlight is the 23 24 school year and if you look um we've got the Statewide mean and then we have what our mean is and just as a reminder when we're looking at the score so if you see anything above a 50 so 350 anything above that 50 means that students are are proficient if you have anything from a 40 to 49 range that's partially meet standards and anything um 39 or below that they do not meet standards and what's interesting is when you look at the data you can see that we're align but you'll see from year to year that we don't see large increases at a time and traditionally our students in Foley have done and have perform better on the math assessment versus the reading so looking at our reading data again um follow the same um course with the 2022 2023 school year in Black 23 24 school year is in in yellow so you can see where our mean is and then how our students did compared to the state mean State average what I think is interesting and in one board member had asked is some comparison data so how do we compare to our surrounding labors and so um just ranking of 2024 if anyone wants addition I do have a table on providing information back I think three years but for this conversation I thought it was most important that you see where we are currently now and you can see we're we're right kind of in in the middle and you know as I mentioned before when you look I'm going go back here and to show you for example read you you can see it and what is staggering is concerning when you look at the scores Statewide me you see 845 746 so you can see why there is a call um for the state to focus on and reading because it is is an issue when our students in Minnesota are not reading at a proficient level so going back to the comparison data again I'm just take a couple minutes you have it in your board packet um as well but again we're we're right in the middle and I did this by hand so I'm holding we presented this atct commit and no one said that I had anything correct with the rinking so I think this is pretty accurate to where to where we are um next steps and so what do we do with this sta you heard the principles talked in in link and I know that they have had more um indepth conversations with their staff members and looking at um what is the data and really how to understand it and I've given you a real um broad view of it but there's a lot more that we look at so we look at how we do work individual strands for example um so that's way that's how we break down the data and really we we do need to focus on achieving Gap because we don't want to see that Gap um widening so we want to close the gap but it is really important the principles are instructional leaders and they do need to be able to work with our staff and collaborate and to review data review best practices um our teachers are working together as well so that they know what our students need because ultimately we do want to see our students successful and learning in the classrooms and as they go through this year I know that they work on the principles do with their sta on plan of action for for improvement so that is on MCA review is there questions table that I can answer or the princip question I have two questions um Trish um you talked about out opt outs can you give us a percentage or a number that opt out I can't give you the percentage but I think we had around 75 students that outed out so um the 11th grade math test for instance we only had 90 students that took the 11th grade math test out of a class of roughly 150 um both of the 10th grade tests we had about 115 students that took it been out of classes of right around 150 so um when you're looking at 35 opt outs um in the 10th grade and more like 60 op outs in the 11th grade it's it's difficult to determine whether or not then you have reliable dat and you know we're not unique in that I mean high schools are seeing opt outs all over um I think once students find out that hey I can opt out of this test and they start messaging all their friends across the state it becomes kind of a popular thing to do we're hoping with some information sent to parents and social media blp of our own that we can reduce the number of Ops so we can get true reliable data to use to look at um how our curriculum is aligning with the standards that the state has and just to further elaborate Shar we when we first started um very minimal op outs and it just seems like every year there's more and more and more and dist fox said not the only District but I think just the surrounding areas probably have the highest number of and right here this this one the MCA data review where you start with 2021 saying that 2020 wasn't available I think it would be really helpful if we could see 2019 and then just say no mca's 2020 and and see what we're trying we're trying to go back to what we did in 2019 I I would assume though the people who aren't taking the tests are opting out are probably not the people who give us scores anyway um actually that's not true and I based that on um when I looked at the kids who were taking our top math class over half that group op it up so again it's it's anotal but I'm assuming if they're in our upper math class they would score well but of course the other dangerous thing is if they just wrote down answers because they didn't care get this really low score that would really when I say we need to get kids to take the test they need to take yes I mean that's you know that's a really interesting point because when I rank the test scores and typically when you're in like the 13 16 the 56 by 13 statistically you know that someone is probably going through and just guessing um but we we I didn't see that a lot in in our data but you know I think that kids that do gr any of a handful that probably will but I do think that the teachers do a really good J job talking about why ncas are really important to take and we make it the environment so that there isn't a reason why they should for to take the ncas they have as much time as they need um typically don't plan anything that's super fun after so recess or lunch or anything like that so there's a lot of strategy and there's lot of purposefulness when we're scheduling the assessments and now the read app do you think we'll take different action of where we focus our like interventionist for example because I think they're expecting now that in Cas we're not the people saying well it's just third grade you know that's when they start woring it's not like that anymore so would we be putting um emphasis on on K because there seems to be a lot of data that if they aren't On Track by paid it's likely that they're never going to be on track already well I think that needs to come before kindergarten in 3K and so I think looking at early literacy is very important and when we talked to our district advisory committee and as soon as we gather just more information especially with the we act I do feel that it's important that we're educating parents about things that they can do at home and the one example that I gave just coming be prepared for school is just print awareness and our students don't have books like they used to and I was very concerned when I heard our data about print awareness so what I mean by print awareness is that students know what book GS they know who the author of the book is they know the letters they know how to read a book from to write how to turn the pages so I think those are things that we really do need to focus on they're missing some of those Po and that's very difficult and especially when they're missing um and how you teach so I think um what I'm understanding and what I'm hearing which I think is great from the training in um we're finishing or closing in a module free is how we teach and and I remember when I learned how to the alphabet I learned at a b c d That's not how you teach the alphabet and so it's just very interesting how we sing the alphabet how we teach the sounds so I think there is there is truly a science um to how to teach reading and I'm interested to see when teachers are able they have um I think a lot of them have the knowledge and they refining the knowledge base and once they take what they're learning and implementing that into the classroom I think we're going to see some very positive results it's interesting to me to comment like kids not knowing what a b book is I think you know all of us here we that this sounds baffling but um you know I think about like um my stepson before I got to know him right from birth uh my wife had signed up for the Dolly Parton program where you got like a book a month from this prr the Dolly Parton began and it's like awareness of things like that and um you know we have a great Public Library System here in town um and it's also connected obviously other places and yeah I think that is an awareness because what I find interesting talk about reading left or right is uh I have a daughter who's carrying a manga right now and that because Japanese reads right to left and so she got really into it for a while and she said it's so weird when I have to read at school that it goes from left to right she's so accustomed to that so that that kind of um and but dness that's kind of required then start processing other information well I think this I think it was week the week before that something um Christy R about um how to prepare it was really good information that I certainly hope the parents took to heart because I think that's important that we do not just say oh we're doing it we're doing it we're telling helping them do it and that was in our parent news she'll provide an update every month as well anything more to add on the MCA review or building okay um our next item on theend is the review of the school board quote of ethic it's discussion only um as board members we're Bound by the code of ethics it's policy 209 and following Dr Perry's resignation statement and um the recent potential violation of code of ethics I've consulted with staff members at the Minnesota School Board Association for advice on how to proceed and move the district forward I reached out to Dr Terry moral and Tiffany gtin Terry moral suggested a deep dive into policy 209 um unless there's change will continue to be a problem in our district also members of the msba have come to our district in the past to help facilitate the role of the board and how to work together cohesively some background information um to begin the superintendent received word from a reliable source that board members had met with or had had telephone conversation with an employee who had an issue with another employee of the district one thing led to another until the statement was made by at least one board member to the effect of getting rid of people as was previously stated as board members we cannot control who contacts us there will be community members and staff that contact us at various times however how the board members handle the situation is we have the board Norms we have code of ethics policy for for our review the first thing that should have happened was for the employee to be directed to his or her direct report supervisor that is part of their job is to handle situations between employees if that was not satisfactory The Next Step would be um to advise the building principle if applicable and not Factory then the situation would have been moved on to the superintendent the school board have naturally would have been the last point of contact and not solved by only two or three board members the review of the code of ethics um where conduct um has potentially violated is the requirement to remember my responsibilities to set policy not to implement policy and um wording is taken directly from the policy itself the requirement to recognize that my responsibility exercised through the actions of the school board as a whole is to see that the schools are properly run not to run them myself the requirement to work through the superintendent not over or around the superintendent the requirement to recognize that Authority rests with the school board in legal session not with the individual members of the board except as authorized by law the requirement to give the superintendent authority to commer it with his or her responsibilities the requirement to refer all complaints to the proper administrative officer or insist that they be presented in writing to the old school board for proper referral according to the CH of command the requirement to recognize that school district business may be legally transacted only in an open meeting of the school board we also have on board norms um that is a working document for our school board and there are potential violations of the board Norms which include the expectation that we'll work through a chain of communications ensuring that concerns are addressed consistently and only escalated when necessary the expectation that we will utilize the have youall escalation process and if not being addressed during the have call escalation process we'll send the board chair who will and stand to the board and superintendent the expectation that during this process the board should speak as one so the message is consistent and that is my review of the code of ethics policy and the board Norms as directed by the Minnesota School Board Association are there any questions regarding the code of ethics or any clarification any discussion on it is discussion okay I have a couple things number one on the first page says the 10 school board meetings I was looking up just on the phone now um that the average school board person gets uh year between $67 and $3,700 per year so we get 4,000 per year which is I know other school board members tell me that higher than everybody else I have no problem with that money I have not been able to attend all school board meetings and there are others that have not been able to attend also I wonder if we shouldn't be on a fum basis which all the boards I'm on are all Forum but you get paid whether you go to meeting or not in K we were when we first started started but that what you're discussing um Mr Anderson is not part of the code of ethics there's another policy for okay and it's required it is suggested to attend meetings but we're not discussing the not discussed okay through a different policy okay but this is one of the uh it says I will attend all school board meetings and I'm just questioning that number two number four it says vote my conscience and uh support for decision of the school board I think in all the time I've been here I think had maybe five I prob my hand five STP votes otherwise all our votes have been unanimous basically and uh this whole thing works both ways because if you don't like the way the vote came out and you're on the other side um you know you got to accepted that's what it says and both times that we have gone against what the administration asked us to do we've been punished we had to have a guy come in the guy from cers came in and lesson to us of how to behave the board members and now we're giving this to say okay now we got to remind you what you have to do all this works pleas does anyone else have anything to add on the quots just maybe a comment does attend school board me like to attend all school work meetings like we it's that's not you know as board members that is our goal to attend but we understand that you but that's why we pry that's all I'm saying I would like to comment on c three on that make those Fair remarks etc etc um I I do think lines have been skirted if not crossed recently when you know I think it gets skirted when we say a board member said in the conversation well to be fair it's allegedly said unless someone said yeah I said that U you know I I I I said something like my first couple months on the board I shouldn't have said and I came out and said yeah I said that said oh Bo like no it was me you know I I I C to it uh because yeah you know what that was a stupid thing did and I did it um but I think also in our last meeting there were names said with actions and I think that I I do think that they're treating each other with respect even if you don't like or agree with somebody especially here at the board table is very important I don't need to agree with Ken on an issue and and but I still say Well Mr Anderson or Ken you know I I think this and I think anything less than that gets very close to the kind of behaviors that would not be appropriate for our students in a PBIS system that we would probably have a hot spot uh as Mr Gan talked about a ring so I I think especially we are going to be emotionally charged sometimes and it's hard especially in that moment you know not to to get into that we're all going to be human I'm not asking this to be perfect but I'm asking this people say you know what yeah I shouldn't have done that and if it's a comment in private say hey I heard you said this about whatever in private please don't you know or try to set the recr private don't be like well I heard a board member say at the table um you know if you haven't gone to them to talk to them about it you know does the whole group does the public need to hear dirty laundry I don't know um those are my thoughts on that particular number we should not act I think I think we can do at least that much better well I think just the acknowledgement that there has been you know some disagreements and some things that have happened and the fact that we can own it and move forward wanting to be better I think there's a huge piece of I mean that's just advancement it' be different if we just all was continued on the same path but the fact that we're all impacted by what has happened in the past but you know whatever it is I think that says something about us and I think it's okay to say I'm sorry and I screwed up and you know what I let the moment get to me whatever it is or you know what I still feel that way but I probably could have said it or expressed it better I'm sorry that those things happen I think that's okay I think that's one you know we talked about modeling behaviors um for our students and think about how much better our students would do if you know afterwards they said yeah you know what I'm mad at you I probably shouldn't have P you but I'm still mad at you well it's fine to have the you know the emotion what is just how we express it and things like that so and having self-reflection I think is huge and being having like self awareness and all the things like that's part of growing that's part of getting better any F further discussion on the our review of the quote of Ethics hearing none we'll move on to the policies requiring review um these are discussion and action this is actually third and final reading and call for public comment on the following policies policy 103 complaints um student employees parents and other persons we have policy 203 .2 which is the order of the regular school board meeting um I'm just going to give a brief explanation on this policy um our committee did meet on September the 24th the committee would like to um table this particular policy until the organizational meeting it was suggested by a board member um we did discuss it at length and the reasons for the change of public comment were discussed and reasons for which they were changed by a pass board chair at the recommendation of msba um namely the discussion went to that it is a board meeting held in the public not specifically for the public was the explanation to that board um chair at the time and so um as I mentioned it was suggested that the policy be discussed um possibly with the organizational meeting to be held in January of 2025 um so we asked to table that commit U that policy and put it on a Tickler for the January meeting um Stephanie and you were in the policy committee is there any change to what I said okay and we'll move on to policy 203.50 school board meeting agenda policy 524 which is internet technology and cell phone acceptable use and safety policy policy 531 the Pledge of Allegiance policy 533 Wellness polic policy 704 development and maintenance of an inventory of fixed assets and a fixed asset accounting system policy 709 student Transportation safety policy policy 206 which is public participation in school board meetings it complaints about persons at school board meetings and data privacy considerations so as I said it's discussion action um with tabling policy 2032 so I did notice um I think it was maybe in the board update about that small change about the Pledge of Allegiance just specifying being more specific in the language about days if anyone's been following our meetings there's been some discussion about the specificity of the language it was like does it read every day every instruction day you know every day would imply that like every day someone's in the building they're doing this you know like like not even students like The the staff and things like that so um it was it's more specific language in here now and I think that's what we all were hoping for so I want to say thank you to the policy committee for that work so question before basketball game we play the national anthem does that count it's the school day it was already done during the school day well it covers everything for the yes well that's okay no problem with that I don't think it's limited yeah that's what I meant I have no problem with that I'm just questioning these particulars oh does it say so your question is like when we say we'll be recited at once does that mean like limited to oh that's I but we don't do it for a basketball game or wrestling match we play play these starts by so I think we're okay with the policy it St all right so I would need a motion and a second final third and final leing on those policies motion to approve second motion by Patrick seconded by Wayne all those in favor signify bying I I opposed motion passes moving on to policies requiring review this is the first reading and call for public comment on the following policies policy 202 School Board officers policy 207 public hearings policy 213 Schoolboard committees policy 423 employee student relationships policy 519 interviews of students by outside agencies so first reading and call for public comment public comment on those policies at this time okay none we're going to move on to our budget and enrollment report miss Ma so if you can see um October has always kind of been our magic month and we use our October 1st enrollment for the remainder of the school year for um funding projections and things like that that so it's very good to see that it stayed very consistent with September in what we were predicting at the bottom there where it says District actual it's not calculated automatically but it's act it ends up being 1,859 and then if you look down a little bit lower we budgeted at 1,858 ADM so I mean this will continue to be updated throughout the year but this is the first number that they take when they're looking at our Aid and things like that for our L and then with the budget report um you can see that year to- dat Revenue so far is 6,511 5592 compared to $3.2 million last year and $4.5 million the year prior um a lot of that just has to do with timing in regards to our audit last year and when we receive our our when we book our receivables and things like that so that's why those numbers are kind of wildly different it's just a matter of timing and how we're recording our Revenue um expend this year we're at 471000 compared to last year 4, 373,000 and the prior year was $3.6 million and then if you scroll down to fiscal year 25 revenues by Source those are our other funds like food service Community Services debt Redemption building funds to makeal funds we're sitting at compared to 58300 last year 66871 prior year um and expenditures for this year 576,000 so far compared to 431,000 last year and 529,000 and that's what's causing That Swing for the most part is that report okay thank you does anybody have questions for Miss NOA Dr Perry do you have anything um other reports to give this un I do have a few is just to add um with the re act update our staff we are progressing very well on the training as a reminder we do have our next professional development day scheduled for Wednesday so October 16th and this is our synchronous training session and before we start the synchronous session that our staff do need to have module three complete and to give you an idea about where we are with completion with the we act we are 100% complete for modules one and two and this data may be off because this is from Thursday of last week but for module 3 we're at 24% in Cort one and then 18% in cold 2 so we are using the time very wisely so it's it's going very very well and thank you to chrisy for her continued tireless work with the re act and I see that Cheryl is in the audience and I'd like to thank Cheryl for her number of years of service to holey public schools and um the kitchen is a shining star I believe of fley public schools and it's because of Cheryl's leadership and her dedication um to food service and because of her dedication when you're in the kitchen you see how dedicated the staff are to making sure that the cafeteria is a really good place um to go it's one of my favorite places um I don't think you'll ever find lunch or apple Cris that is done like holy public schools and chery's worked with far to school um her her State affiliations um and and as I talked about she was not only a leader here but she is seen as a leader around the state so we will miss Cheryl greatly and again thank her for her number of years of service to um the school district including our staff our students and in the community as well um congratulations to Linda Corgan Amanda wowski and Sh Rose they've been named our 2024 leadership and educational Excellence award recipients and they're chosen because of the examples that they set with positive leadership and attitude toward the educational field and they have a thorough understanding of and knowledge of their subject matter leadership in curriculum development and and I have to say um and if you know any of these three they are great teachers and watching Linda Linda's a title teacher on Elementary School um what she knows and how she works with students and how she works with staff is absolutely amazing Amanda I'm really proud of her work I had her as a student at St CL stage as well and it was fun for me because um she um did a presentation on PBIS and a c the leadership role that she's taken on with PBIS and just other events and in different um um committees and Inter media and finally Michelle bro and to see Michelle bro on stage last night at our Minnesota induction ceremony and she does a lot for students and I know she's in involved in thinking pretty much every committee I can think of Michelle is is there so TR is within the district and and they will represent us at the banquet I I think very very wild and they will be recognized on October 13th and conferences they're right around the calendar so encouraging parents to make sure that they schedule conferences to come in and meet with their children's or child's teacher and I know we have a lot of things online but there's nothing as good as a face to- face conversation with a teacher as well so please make sure to our parents that um we we do schedule conferences again right around the corner next week for school and then the beginning of the month for our intermediate and Elementary School students thank you we will move on to our administrative team Stuart um the last couple weeks to started the school year obiously we've just been busy kind of jumping our new institution platform AB which is where we're doing in our facilities as well as our invoicing to preschool and FDC so we looking through that with been busy there while adding programs and kind of living the daytoday um business but then also to last schol we really highlighted our youth programs at like home events our home events programs so we kind highlighted our dance team our younger dancers our V team as well as our football so that's been fun to see and also congratulations to Cher p on Hope ancing retirement we had the in office with her for quite 8 years so I've learned a lot from her and her enement and she is one um hard worker and dedicated worker and present worker thank you Mr CL I'll just highlight a few things from the high school um homecoming a few weeks ago we had great turnover of the football game great weather um school spirit was high that week of course um last night as Dr Barry said we had our Minnesota Honor Society induction 31 Juniors Juniors and seniors were inducted one of our larger groups in quite a while um M Miss palowski did a wonderful job Ken gave a wonderful speech um conferences Dr Barry said are actually going on right now in the high school so if you missed him we got another hour want be over there um I'm going to just highlight a couple things Mr Eng was not able to be here he is in charge of running the section tennis tournament he texted me about 20 minutes ago and said the final match just finished he's been there since before 8:00 this morning um but that does highlight the tournament time is here um swimming had their um True Team meet last Saturday tennis had team stuff last week individuals this week um by a week from this Saturday half the football team in the St Minnesota will be done for the year so a lot of things happen very quickly also the fall musical is coming up if you get a chance to see The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is put on by our students um Friday Saturday and Sunday I think it's 25th 26th 27th or whatever that weekend is so I just wanted to highlight those and your acceptions thank you Mr um our students have the start test September 1st at 15 so now our staff are uh looking through that data and and figuring out plans for our students how to best ser those uh young people uh we're getting really into a group of school year kids are getting the routines understanding where to go how to do things we still have a packed building you know which caus it's a good problem to have but uh the kids are really kind of getting in the Grove knowing where how to do things and into the processes uh middle school wise we're ring up fall activities you know it's it's amazing how quickly the Middle School Seasons go but it's fun to be able to see that our students have the opportuni to compete in a wide variety of uh activi so that's uh it's it's a great opportunity for those kids to you know really share their gifts and and and have an opportunity to compete against other teams too and we had a great homecoming week it's always fun in near School of homecoming lots of energy P Fest lots of yelling screaming but it was uh it was fun to see the kids have a good time with the petfest and they had a good time with footb too so it's nice being able to have connect campus and build as connected to the high school pces and congratulations Al the retirements thank Mr CL um just few things real quick um first to uh um give a shout out to all the staff from all three buildings that are participating participa training um it is a lot it is good stuff it is but it is it is intense um we are on PA to be 13 complete after Wednesday so that would be a nice Milestone to have done um and second um just a welcome to Miss Renee James she will be an early learning core tutor um starting at the elementary school in Mrs nordman's room here in the next couple weeks so she will join um Rachel Z who will be returning we will have both of our four preschool classrooms covered with an ear learning cour here to provide additional support so we appreciate her and thank her for coming and look forward to working with her thank you we have our U meeting event and notices listed here October 17th through the 18th school at 78 the um next regularly scheduled school board meeting at 6: p.m is going to be held on November the 13th and we have um committee reports here I believe DCS the ja has met so that was this evening is that correct that is correct are there any board members our GS I can unless you want to go ahead um it was our first meeting of the school year and um some new faces were there which is always great we love Dax uh it's not just board members or teachers staff there's also community members that can come and join us so if you're interested in uh joining the district advisory committee um Dr Perry I think you'd love to hear from people who volunteer for that uh but I will say like today uh new faces it was it was a good meeting we heard about a lot of the MCA and gold data that you saw tonight as well as we had the update from m ROM on uh the Reda as well and how that's going and there were some really good questions some good discussion um yeah join us um I also believe that Wellness smithon um I think by accident you were left off the list but you are on the list now so um our Wellness committee met and under the leadership of Cheryl and P and RI and we reviewed our goals um talked about just future initiatives it was a very good meeting and we have really good attendance to for the first one of of the Year health and safety also there is that correct same they did um unfortunately I had a conflict in my schedule um so typically we do review our workman's comp claims so I know that was reviewed and I I don't okay and then um policy committee also met but we work through that in detail already and we have another policy committee com in a week or so um we have an opportunity for board members com Wayne do you have anything this evening I just like to thank sh for her service and hopefully she can enjoy her retirement gold Years thank you Patrick um obviously I want to congratulate Cheryl I I don't think I've known her my entire life but darn close to it um I was friends with her kids growing up I spent a lot of time at her house they spent a lot of time at my house um many rides shared and everything so uh congratulations uh and I I hope uh I hope you don't get Bard or anything uh in your retirement uh as was mentioned the fall musical is next uh Friday Saturday and Sunday please come see it the neat thing about the the fall musicals is while the spring play is just in the high school the fall musical it's seventh eighth graders also get in on it this is really a starting point for a lot of our students in theater whether they're in The Ensemble or in tech crew or whatever this is really where they start the learning and my understanding is that this year there's the most seventh graders of any grade in the in the musical so and it's it's directed by Janelle Hesh who's our our uh senior band director and Amanda K who works here in the intermediate and then Dan Carlson works on the sets and the musicals have only gotten bigger and bigger and bigger and better and better and better so please come see that um just kind of a shout out I think to those three they've really built a wonderful program and seeing you know like the kids coming up into it are really excited well part of that because after this is done there's a middle school one act that's going to be happening from these same people right so the these are how programs get built we are we are experiencing really a Renaissance in our arts in fly publico right now consistently for like the last 3 4 years we've had record numbers of new band students in the intermediate with very low attrition uh lots lots of kids staying in band while they're in Intermediate School um I I have the privilege of playing with Miss darling in the St CLA Municipal vanand and she comes in she's all excited because she's got so many kids and she's like oh my gosh we can do this we can do this and so that's only going to make things just keep growing and and you know um when they get to high school they're going to keep it's going to keep the band Big there right well what's that going to do a lot more people are going to Mark so what's that going to do well then a lot more people are going to see oh the fully Bann at those parades and you know kind of becomes another source of Community Pride but then also those same kids a lot of them will be in the pit Orchestra for the musical and they'll be in this activity they know this person and they meet kids at band contests from other schools and they it it just expands the community and everything and the same thing with the theater where sure we have our local Productions but then there's the one act competition these same kids will go and be part of that where they go and perform a onea play at different schools all throughout the the area and you know there competition like most sectionals and state and all that so these are all pieces of our community and so I know a lot of people kind of laugh or think oh yeah okay and you know he's drinking the Kool-Aid but I I mean it when I say that our school Community is is the the gemstone and the the crown jewel of our community is the source of Community Pride our school here and these are the pieces of it you know we it's tournament time our students are competing all over right they're they're meeting all sorts of other people they're they're going on these places it it's it's fantastic so please uh thank you all for your support of your individual students and your your uh we'll say Grand students you know you know you're not your direct students but maybe uh your nie students nephew students whatever they are to you because that's what makes our school Community awesome can have anything yeah um Wednesday we have a resource training Solutions and then right after that we actually have two meetings one will be our regular meeting because we're so trying to decide what we're going to do about a new place to hold our business and then afterwards we're going to be dealing with the redact as just sending the information on and dealing with the employees and involves negotiation so that's going on on Wednesday um and also on the 30th we have our Leo banquet and so we honor four of our outstanding teachers and our superintendent our residing superintendent will be chis Perry this year and I get to announce her I always get to announce the superintendent and you write your own resume by the way we told you that right I I'll just I usually ve off a little bit um so that's that's good uh again Cheryl pick want to congratulate you you really brought our our our service our food service up to the top and we really appreciate that thank you very much um National Honor Society I was there last night in fact I should be at the National Honor Society T night night one of my grandsons is getting inducted in the eler National Society but I'm here it's my duty uh but they did a wonderful job I really got to come in Michelle gross and Andre puski uh they put on an excellent program the only I maybe do is get them a thing to light the candles a little bit better Jo right I think it's more training than light they now have these things where you have the little spark in here and you can do that and it looks really slick so I told her I'd get one for her uh but uh we had Joel's daughter was there Clara and I was sitting next to um em linsky's daughter and it's just a fun group to be around and they asked me to speak I was very pleased to do that and then afterwards we had a reception that was paid for by the school board they were very appr good of that and I saw so many former students that was really exciting to be able to do and had a chance to talk to a lot and it was great um they did ask me to speak next year I said well I won't be on the board we don't care speak so I just I going to do it to see what happens so anyway that was very nice everything was done very well uh I want to thank you also the board for having our meeting that we had on Tuesday I was on a 16-day trip I told you I couldn't get back until the uh 8th and I couldn't be here till 7 p.m. and the meeting was scheduled for the 8th and 7 p.m. uh I was a little disconcerted though I was assuming we're going to have a Clos meeting and found out it was an hop meeting and that was kind of bothersome and then we had a little problem as Patrick and and I few others knows that we wanted the meeting open to a conversation and input and uh as I understand now that since we contacted lawyers and everything there was no need for that meeting that could have been handled without anything being done and uh I officiate that would have solved a lot of problems there uh I don't think we need to that me so that's all I to say about that more communication so I came I had no idea what was going on I don't Patrick I don't think you do this you know the topic yeah communication was not there about what was to happen if I known I would all Stephanie um I just want to say congratulations to you Sher I wish you the very very best in sh um I want to thank Hans for the great article celebrating our custodial Department School Keepers and custodians thank you you are doing more with less and I've been to many schools our shines thank you to Cheryl pick for her positive work in our Nutrition department your leadership made us the best in the state and envy of many last night I attended the National Honor Society induction I thought it was a very um good presentation it was extremely efficient I thought um thanks to Ken for speaking on behalf of the board um as this project is a very um close to his heart and principal boss gave a very um genuine speech and um grab the sweater and celebrate fall um I would also like to congratulate chery on herment and to thank her for her years of service to our students and to our community I will not be in attendance at the November 134th meeting of an appointment in Rochester that cannot res schedule um but I would like to address um something that Anderson said that we didn't need the meeting um it had to be board action for Renewal or nonrenewal so uh we absolutely didn't need the meeting um Steve do you want to add anything to the necessity of the meeting well the superintendent's contract did provide for the board to make a decision within a certain time frame as to whether or not it's to offer superintendent another contract and so the meeting was called to satisfy require contact so the meeting itself was m and you and you couldn't close the meeting quite frankly because you can't close a me just thank you um I just have a bit of information I'd like to um share with Dr per and the board at this time so just pass one to you naan Anderson get gets notified um this document states that I will be ending my participation as a member of this board effective January 2nd 2025 and is um the resignation letter for my membership for fly Public School school board and I would take a motion to Second motion byen second Stephanie Shar I'm sorry motion by pen second by Sharon all those in favor signify from saying I I oppos