##VIDEO ID:UMCRH_pVXe8## America stands Nation indivis I ask that you remain standing for a moment as you take a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in New Orleans as well as for former President Jimmy clar thank you New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meeting public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of the ACT Fort Le board of education has CED notice for this meeting to be published on November 28th 2004 and was posted posted on the district website www.foe.com established in the board designated online media Outlet newspapers the record The Star Ledger filed with the clerk of the BAU Fort Lee and mailed to all persons if any who have requested said notice please be advised that the meeting is being taped and may be broadcasted on local TV and the district website at a future date the public meeting act act allows for remote remote participation at Board of Education meetings and defines meetings as any Gathering where corals or by meetings of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all of the members of the public body held with the intent on the part of the of the members of the present of the body present to discuss and or act in a unit upon the specific public business of that body okay next we're going to read the election results okay um we had election on the 5th of November of 2024 um and you'll see in the agenda there was three board members that were elected Kristen rickler hly Morell and Douglas Lopez um can they please approach the podium for their oath was provid it to you it should be um at your desk now I have extra I st your [Music] name do solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and to the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and to the contition of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I willar true faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established by the United States and the state and under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I say your name I you Solly swear you swear that I possess the qualifications that Poss the qualifications prescribed by the law for the office of board member of the Board of Education and that I am dis am disqualified and I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant and I amif to rs9 4-1 nor disqualifies due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 1821 in N1 and I will faithfully and I will Faithfully impart impartially impartially and just and justly perform all the duties of the office and justly perform all the duties of according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability help me God help me you please sign back before thank you put the Roll Call with the roll call this this fire can back here miss Curry here Mr Knight here M Kang here Mr Lopez here M Morel yeah Mr Rino M RoR here at this point I'll be taking nominations for the office of President I nominate Christen RoR for president second that I have a motion on the before President of RoR Morel and the second by Mr Lopez I have any more nominations for president okay I'm going to proceed now with a roll call from president for Kristen RoR m m k no M Curry yes Mr Knight no M kot yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes M RoR yes all right I have majority of the votes for presid for Miss Christen RoR congratulations I'm going to pass G over and I give you the microphone that's AC that's working thank [Music] you all right [Music] okay okay the floor is now open for nominations for the office of the vice presidency I will nominate Holly Morell I second that are there any other nominations for vice president a roll call please miss buers p no Miss Curry yes Mr Knight no M Kang yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes M rard yes Mr Rino no and Miss kette no congratulations okay um may I have a motion to open the floor to the public motion okay it was motion by Rino second Morel all in favor I any opposed or extensions we will hear first from members of the public physically located here tonight then we will take questions and comments from those remotely for remote participants please select the raiseed hand button Mr rerro will recognize each Community member in the order of raise hands please remember to unmute your microphone everyone please state your name and address for the record and begin your comments please limit your comments to three minutes anyone here in public that wishes to make a comment this evening please do so hi good evening Keith gosin 2185 Le Mo Avenue Andrew 326 pres um so we here to represent represent CAC and those you that don't know by now is the president I'm the vice president so just want to uh first of all we had last meeting was the summer they really really good meeting speak we had um over 25 uh parents um what was really exciting for us is most of the parents that showed up were actually new parents so it's really exciting um Dr pavit gave it very very detailed um information session regarding the black scheduling so thank you very much and also um M hin who's the director Services went over our survey with the parents so it was really really um some really good information that was par I want to talk about our next meeting which is coming up it's in January it's going through to alternate every month goes in person and then the F it is on zo uh is going to be on January 15th on Zoom at 7 pm uh we have a we got to have a guest speaker and it's going to be an overview of SSI and Medicaid for individuals with intellectual and development disabilities so again it's on Zoom also the um the FL is Clos to Board of Education website so thank you to whoever did it okay so please anyone please join again the information is on the ply website look forward you know to parents have any questions they can also visit the CPAC email address can speak about that the GU speaker I'm not name you know I also this is Keith again I wanted to talk about one thing that is new it's not really to do with cpeg but in the recreation schedule for the fall um with all the activities for the kids there are special needs um uh classes I guess we'll call them available for the first time um after test piloting a few so please uh any family in the district please take advantage of that um those classes and uh we're also looking for ideas regarding active school ideas if you know someone in other District's doing something the special needs Community please email cpag flboe.com so we can learn ideas from other districts that might be doing something after school that can handle um children like mine and other special needs kids in the district thank you hi on behalf of the mayor and Council I'm here to congratulate M rer Miss Morell and Mr Lopez on your election congratulations President RoR vice president Morell as the Board of Ed liazon the council um here for you guys and as the mayor and Council we take the Board of Education very very at high levels so whatever you need please reach out to me and we're always here for you so anything you need please do not hesitate to ask that's it congratulations thank [Laughter] you uh my name is Brad Rondo 2298 Way Avenue parent of uh one current portly public school student and another future uh forley public school student uh here primarily to uh first of all to congratulate um the newly reelected and swor in members of the board uh and also to congratulate uh the board at large uh on the beginning uh of another year of work and um to express the hope that this year brings uh collegiality um constructive conversation uh and decision making for the good of our students our schools and our community uh that is really rooted in a studied and deep understanding of the questions at hand uh as a parent as a community member that is my hope uh For What the the work this board will do uh over the coming year um and I guess one way to think about that is that I hope in the coming year this board will work together and confront issues and make decisions in the same way that I think we all hope our children will in their classrooms and in their schools listening to each other cooperating with each other and making sure that that the ideas that are put forth are backed up by information uh so that is my hope again congratulations to all members of the board on beginning uh a new year of work and um sure I'll see you all again soon thank you anyone else present wish to speak before we go to zoom okay Mr verer a Sarah Kesha you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes yes um good evening do you hear and see me uh good evening hello yeah we can hear you uh now we can see you okay thank you very much yes um my name isia I live at 484 Main Street Apartment 5 for Le New Jersey 07024 I uh had a complaint um on December 23rd 2024 around 10:31 a.m. I receive a phone call from the Middle School where uh my daughter is attending a and she was absent she's under her father's full custody and um they wanted an explanation why uh I called back and uh it connected me to the Intermediate School the secretary dropped the phone call she didn't even want to deal even though I just explained the situation she just dropped the phone call then I had to I of course I connected with the middle school cuz that's what I was looking for I left a message for Miss Rodriguez I believe her name is janera Rodriguez she never get back to me this is not the first time that the secretaries uh play these games uh this is unprofessional and it's a lawsuit actually um it's pissing us off I'm not the first parent that has being pissed off by the secretaries um I just want the superintendent to address that to tell them to get to our voicemails to answer to us to not drop the phone calls if the phone call drops by itself they should call us back because um this is what they're getting this is why they're getting paid for and it's us that are keeping them in the office if we get pissed off and we sue them in courts um they should you know they should understand that they shouldn't go this far um I just want the board and everyone else who can jump in and address these issues um that's very nasty of the secretaries they should call us back and give us explanations and answer our voicemails um thank you very much for your attention and please um if anyone can answer please the superintendent or anyone else please do so thank you thank you for your comment we'll get some information for you and send it out to you tomorrow there are no more raised hands thank you they have a motion to close the floor to the public motion Rabino second Morel all in favor oos exensions okay moving on to resolutions we will be approving the reorganization Motions by consent agenda approving all items together without individual motions but we'll read aloud the School Code of Ethics our board secretary will begin reading agenda item e the adoption of the School Code of Ethics and then each board member will read aloud into the hearing of the public each tenant of the school board Cod of Ethics starting with the board member to my far left this agenda item is found on page four yes nice and big F for us all right Michael are we reading them in unison I think each person is reading one starting with t the copy if you didn't have it no I I have it in front of me but I thought we always did it together but okay do do we prefer to do it together yes do it all together and then real quick after this I know the board knows this already we do have a a public meeting we have Personnel items on an agenda that we have to take care of after the reord meeting so once we adjourn the reor meeting we go right back into public session for personnel items that we have to approve okay so never mind Mike we're gonna read them all together okay I'll start off you hear me I'll start off by reading the the the motion each School Board member is responsible to read and become familiar with the code of ethics for the for the for the school board members the code of ethics became a part of school ethics Act of July 26 2001 there is the following the code of ethics policy number 0142 for for board members is set for as a guide to conflict of interests situations and unethical activities for board members 18a colon 12-24 code of ethics for board members and now you can go ahead okay so we'll start ready a school board member member shall abide by the following code of ethics for school board members I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the state Fort Lee Board of Education and board orders pertaining to schools desired changes be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures decis make decisions in terms of the welfare children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing I will confine my board action to policym planning and Appraisal I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them I will carry out carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well run I will recognize the authority rests with the Fort Lee Board of Education and will make no person promises private action that may compromise I will surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain gain of friends I confidential all matters pertaining to the school which disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and with myow my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school I will vote the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I will support support and protect School Personnel proper performance of their duties I will refer all complaints to the T chief administrative off officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution thank you you also have something to sign for that so please make sure you do that and give that to our business administrator um may I have a motion to approve items a through y motion second motion Miss buers Kang second Mr Rino roll call please yes M Curry yes Mr Knight yes m c yes Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rino yes M uh yes except no to resolution M I had S I had wanted to ask a couple of questions about the necessity um but I didn't hear the point where board members could ask questions so no to M thank you and Miss R yes pass thank you okay um many of you just received and Miss coth I'll have somebody email it to you your choices for committees and Liaisons please make sure you fill those out and Holly and I will convene to assign the um the Committees and Lea on in the next week or so definitely before our next meeting and you can give those to Michael before you leave tonight don't forget we have a the second agenda that we need to continue in a moment so may I have a motion to adjourn the reorganization meeting motion motion Morel second Rino all in favor I any okay so now moving on