stands na indivisible justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the courtly Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published on June 28th 2023 and posted on the district's website at published in the board's designated online Media newspapers the record and the Star Ledger filed with the clerk of the burough of Fort Lee and mailed to all persons if any who have requested set notice please be advised that this meeting is being being taped and may be broadcasted on local TV or online at a future date the open public meeting act allows for remote participation at board meetings and defines the word meeting as any Gathering whether Corporal or by means of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all of the members of a public body held with the intent on the part of the members of the body present to discuss or act as a unit upon the specific public business of that body may we please have roll call Mr KN here M Mor here R here Mr here here M back here the board will be convening to Executive session to discuss legal personnel and other confidential matters the board expects to reconvene into public session at approximately 7: :30 p.m. tonight I I I will say at this point we have two residency hearings and two HIV appeal so there is a possibility that it will be later than 7:30 p.m. and we apologize for that I have a motion to go into executive session motion second motion RoR second Rino all in favor I any opposed any extensions we are now in executive FL of the United States of America indice the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the courtly board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published on June 28th 2023 and posted on the district's website at published in the board's designated online newspapers the record and the Star Ledger filed with the clerk of the burrow of Fort Lee and mail to all persons if any who have requested said notice please be advised if this meeting is being taken and may be broadcasted on local TV and online at a future date the open public meeting act allows for remote participation at board meetings and defines the word meeting as any Gathering whether Corporal or by means of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all of the members of a public body held with the intent on the part of the members of the body present to discuss or act as a unit upon the specific public business of that body may we please have roll call M CH here Mrs Curry here Dr isent Mr Knight here M Morel here Mrs R here mrin here M St here Miss K here the board convened executive session tonight at 6:30 p.m. to discuss legal personnel and other confidential matters as I stated when we opened in public earlier we anticipated that the hearings that we had to hear tonight would keep us beyond the 7:30 start time we apologize for that but it was anticipated um we have three walk-in resolutions tonight the first is 4B and it reads as follows therefore be it resolved that the fortly Board of Education hereby reverses the findings of hid investigation 25 2998 _ capital L capital F Capital ccore 1016223 custom ID number is-5 for the following student student ID number three 0 6593 and walk-in resolution 5B reads as follows therefore be it resolved that the fort Le Board of Education hereby reverses the findings of Hib investigation number 253 524 LF c102 2023 custom ID is-5 for the following student student ID 39403 and the final walk-in resolution relates to a residency hearing that the board heard tonight and the resolution is resol resolution 6B and reads therefore be it resolved that the fortly Board of Education hereby disenroll the following nonresident student from the fortly public schools and that is student ID number 379 463 2658 uh Fort Le High School grade 10 um Dr KRA will you share your superintendent report thank you Miss Kat uh this this meeting we're announcing we have nine hit incidents three are unfounded six are founded um and good evening everyone and thank you for all attending this evening I would like to start off by mentioning that in the most recent US News and World Report rankings for schools have ranked well comparison with the total number of schools in the state of New Jersey in elementary schools there are 1,332 elementary schools School number four is 179 School number three is 133 School number two is 180 and school number one is number 51 in the State uh Middle School 51 51 1332 you know that's a lot of last year's data and also you're looking at the top almost the top 10% of schools in the state of New Jersey uh additionally L have cold Middle School is number 74 out of 695 the job that all our principles are doing with that and this is great news however we always say we strive to be better and better so waiting for the next year's ranking thank you all to the teachers to the staff and especially administrators who are in charge of their buildings The Best Is Yet To Come From all of them so thank you very much uh we still do not have approval for the town Hunter Road we're waiting for that any day and we do have a Spanish teacher as I mentioned the last meeting who's still coming we're coached and we do have a physics and the IB Physics and the chemistry we found some we replac me for that position and I will continue to tell everyone out there that there is a shortage of teachers I was at a a meeting with bur County Round Table this week at superintendent from across the county and there's absolutely a shortage of specifically language and math and science teacher they are hard to find especially leave Replacements when there are so many when such a shortage exists most people are looking for a 10e track position um and now some high school moves our students please introduce yourself hi I'm Alexa Lopez I'm a senior at forley high school hello I'm Abigail farad and I'm aor for the high school hello I am Abigail Fon I'm a senior at portley high school hello I'm Alexa Lopez and I a senior at portly High School the honors chamber Ensemble has F five students Janice Lee Emily bang Ashley Gil Lucy Lee and gin Lee performed for the Fort Lee Regional champ Chambers of Commerce annual Gala on November 16th at the Double Tree Hotel just some final information about a great marching ADV season the Bridgman took home first place honors in competitions at North War High School Northern Highlands High School and at the Bergen County Invitational at Bergenfield high school here are the postseason awards for Island fall Sports Tennis League champions First Team all County Isabella Cardinal second Team all County Chloe song first team all League Kayla Wong meline Park Sophia Lee Isabelle Cardinal Sophie ryers Sharon Wayne Chloe song and honorable mention for Julian Chen girls soccer first team Alik Alexa Castro Haley say second team H Angelina Valente and Ruka Suzuki boy soccer second Team all County kaido Shinoda First Team all League K Shinoda and Gordon changen second Team all League Sam Choy Kenta wab Grant King L and Kaplan and an honorable mention for Ben Kang and Bergen County unsung hero Tommy Georgio and Bergen County scholar athlete kaido Shinoda girls volleyball fourth consecutive League Championship lost in second round of counties and States third Team all League Bella Foster she broke single season record for kills First Team all League Emma Schulman Bella plout and Sarah W second team oi Catherine G honorable mention all League paig Eno Naomi T boys and girls cross country girls team sportsmanship First Team all League Tabitha Reed Arena grea and John Walsh second Team all League Georgie Dody and football first team all leag Joel Rodriguez Gabe Jimenez jadden Lugo June vast Lenny cologne Aram bami and demitry vonder Lindon and second team Kendy Peralta fed Perino Bria Jaylen baloy Ian Park Stacey Costa J honorable mention all League thank you and finally um I want as we move into the Thanksgiving day break I remind everyone that every year around this time there several School District takes off and it's important to always during that time to reflect in this case reflect on what we're thankful for and I just remind everyone to have a safe and healthy and happy Thanksgiving break thank you do we have any committee reports um when we get to resolutions tonight I will be making a resolution to change our reorganization meeting uh which is currently scheduled on our calendar to take place on Thursday January 4th 2024 that coincides with the reorganization meeting for our municipality so I'll be making a motion to change our reorganization meeting to Wednesday January 3rd 2024 do board members uh have questions or comments on tonight's agenda or any other topic I I would like to I don't think your mic is on hi everyone um I I wanted to say how great I thought those girls were and commend all the recipients of all the awards that they have I would like to see next time maybe you know a list of all the honor roll um in the high school of who made the Honor rooll maybe we could circulate that around as well I feel like we need to you know start honoring our kids um in addition to sports and Athletics and extracurricular which is amazing um I'd like to start um really seeing more about academics and and who's improving and who's doing really well Happy Thanksgiving everyone don't need too much turkey anyone else may have a motion to open the floor to the public motion Morel second Rino all in favor any opposed any extensions we will hear first from any members of the public that are physically located here in the cafetoria tonight then we'll take questions and comments from those participating remotely for remote public participants please select the raised hand button our district technology coordinator Mr rerio will recognize each Community member in the order of the raised Hands by lowering the hand please unmute your microphone then state your name and address for the record and begin your comments please limit your comments to 3 minutes do we have any members of the public here in the cafetorium tonight who wish to make a public comment yes go ahead sir please identify yourself and and we're ready to hear you yes hi um my name is Dimitri gregori I'm the father of the 11th grade high school student and basically I'd like to hear from the board uh the situation on the IB Physics teacher and when exactly uh this person will start and also about the uh basically through the plan for the for this year for them because I understand that the students missed pretty much already like months and a half so are they going to get credit for this what would be the protocol and uh in addition I'd like to bring to the board's attention extreme lack of um uh communication that personally I received from the school and you know we we were basically in the dark what's happening um all the time this uh whenever I brought up this issue uh I just received some general acknowledgement that yeah we're working on it but there was no plan because I was asking if we should transfer out of this class again if the students going to get the credit or not so I'd like the board to address the situation please thank you thank you uh so we do have a physics teacher we do have a chemistry teacher because it's both uh we have we we also have an available time during one day a week that there will be a teacher available to help to to all those students who did not receive all of the instruction they will be um that they missed so we will be making up all of that credit all of the work and they will receive full credit for the for the year and there will be times throughout the day and throughout the week that they can meet with someone to assist them with that all help we paying extra compensation for teachers that that's certainly good news and when that person's actually started uh they actually started Tuesday was the chemistry part of the physics we have another one on I think Monday Monday the the second one will be well today I didn't have no the IP one will be starting if not tomorrow or Wednesday There's a teacher that we're bringing over from another building so they have to be adjustments to that person's schedule and that that that person is certified to teach an ID they can only yes all of the people who are certified to teach physics they have to have that certificate to be able to teach that subject matter right okay no I appreciate it so I guess the issue is kind of resolved but I would like to bring attention that lack of communication like right you know I I wouldn't have to be here today I would have known that ahead of time and we will make sure uh get that to building level Administration that that would be good yeah thank you thank you we have any raised hands I see one yes batan Hassan you have been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes hi thank you for taking my um question I just wanted to know two things what uh when will we learn who won in the elections if if it wasn't already stated I don't know ask all your questions and then we'll respond okay thank you and the second question is um of the board of the present board members how many are teachers or were teachers and that's it thank you so on the election that gets certified on November 22nd um which I guess is next week it'll be oh Wednesday this Wednesday so so it'll be official on Wednesday I think the the the latest numbers um can I can I talk about the latest numbers just wait certifi off yeah so so the the the official the the numbers will be made official on 11:22 and you could go to the Bergen County Clerk's website it has the one of the first links is voting and results and you can click and scroll and fine Fort L we have one teer and and we currently have one active teacher in a middle school position in Leonia I'm just looking around to see and I think we all consider ourselves somewhat of a teacher if we have children but in any event um one teacher in the past we've had more currently we have one bang family you have been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have 3 minutes good evening hey I'm trying to get this figured out I don't know what the heck's going on we can hear you and we can see you oh I can hi hi everyone Happy Thanksgiving um thank you all I'm thankful for our school district I'm thankful for everything that we have around um I just wanted to bring up something that's um very important to me um two years ago around this time I came um heavy-hearted to the board and I I begged and I pleaded for the board some of the members are still sitting on the board some of them aren't um about a a travel policy that didn't allow people to travel and um that was the last opportunity that I had to spend a Thanksgiving with my mother so I just want everybody to keep that close in their hearts that you never know when we make decisions um as a community how it affects people and how long that it lasts um it's it's a sad thing and it was something that didn't need to happen it was at the end of Co I know we're done with that but there may be another time that things like this come up and I want everyone to be very mindful about how it affects people I'm not the only person that has been affected by this so thank you have a wonderful evening Thanksgiving thank you T thank you seeing no other raised hands can I have a motion to close go to the public motion second motion statue second Rino all in favor I any opposed any extensions okay we'll start with I'd like to make a motion to change the district's reorganization meeting from uh its current scheduled date of Thursday January 4th 2024 to Wednesday January 3rd 2024 motion second um motion I guess Stu second Rabino um could we have roll call on that motion Miss CH I abstain Mrs car yes Mr Knight yes M Morell yes Mrs RoR yes Mr Rino yes Miss Stu yes just call back yes okay may I have um we'll move on to our other resolutions may I have a motion to approve items excuse me 1B through 6B is this still walk uh yes and mo motion Morel second Curry roll call please miss CH yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes M Morel yes Mrs RoR yes Mr Rino yes Miss Stu I'm abstaining on four and five but yes to the remainder to the rest and this call back yes we have a motion to approve item 1 s motion second uh motion morale second Rabino roll call please M CH yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes El yes Mrs RoR yes Mr Rino yes Miss s yes M yes we have a motion to approve items one C through four C motion second motion RoR second Morel roll call please M Cho yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes M Morell yes Mrs RoR yes Mr Rino yes Miss Stu yes Miss colbat yes yes may have a motion to approve items 1 F through 5f motion motion Morel second Curry roll call please miss sha yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes M Morel yes Mrs RoR yes Mr Rino yes Miss Stu yes and Miss call back yes may I have a motion to approve items 1 p through 14 P motion second motion moral second RoR roll call please M sh yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes M Morel yes Mrs RoR yes Mr Rino yes Miss stasser y yes Miss call back yes we have a motion to approve item 1 P motion second motion RoR second morale roll call please show yes M Curry yes Mr Knight yes M Morel yes Mrs RoR yes Mr Rino yes Miss St yes Miss kback yes uh moving on is there any old business I'm actually sorry uh president kth if I could just reiterate just couple things if it's possible to have um the agenda with the link on the website um I I think we've mentioned that in the past um if we can make that happen whenever there's an announcement for the meetings wait you mean the the underlying documentation for each resolution no no no no for the um on the fortly website where it says like the special meeting or the meeting is happening for the Board of Education and it has the link to the zoom it actually doesn't have the agenda with it so if there's a way to actually put the agenda okay so so the zoom link you would like to have the agenda attached or like just a link the agenda in the same paragraph I think would be really convenient for people instead of being a separate thing says he's got it he'll speak to Jason sure and I mean I think we've spoken about in the past I just want to make sure that you know just wanted to bring it up again and then also just regarding the summer math program I know we're not anywhere near the summer math thing but I have one more meeting I think after this one so I just just wanted to make sure if we can get on there for us to be able to um to pay for it because I think it's the only program that's academic that parents still pay for so if we can get that on next agenda or whatever has to happen would be great we will look at getting to the the summer programs as soon as we can as we have a lot going on but we will definitely look at for sure thank you um anyone else have old business anyone have new business go ahead I just wanted to say a few things real quick um first of all um last weekend the youth Council Fort Lee held a fun day for the special needs kids in our school district and I just wanted to just congratulate them on what I feel was probably one of the most meaningful and best events that I've ever attended Fort Le it was completely ran by the kids uh we were honored um we had petting zoo we had some politicians there Dr Kravitz showed up casually dressed with his beautiful wife it was beautiful time Paula was there um it was an incredible time and I just want to congratulate the kids because it was one of the most special things I've been to so I just wanted to we're going to have the leadership from the youth Council come in and formally recognize them but we appreciate you on radar one other thing um I was at the Hispanic heritage event that you were also at and I wanted to give those kids Kudos too because they turned that event into like a really beautiful event a lot a lot of people from the community came it was like we learned about art we got to listen to music it was it was a lot of fun so I just wanted to get the kids kudos for that oh I'm sorry Holly was there too I got a really good picture with Holly there it was food and dance and instruments and a little Art Gallery with Spanish masterpieces so yes thank you anyone else have new business I'll take a motion to adjourn motion motion Rino second statute all in favor any opposed any extensions thank you all I have to take a look