##VIDEO ID:pVp48IvUqNo## oh theed I Al to the flag of the United States of America and [Music] to indis the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discuss are acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the portly board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published on September 10th 2024 and September 8th 2024 and posted on the district website at www.f.com published in the board's designated online media Outlet newspapers record in the star Leisure filed declar forly and mailed to all persons if any who have requested said notice please be advised this meeting is being recorded and may be broadcasted on local TV and online at a future date the open public meeting act allows for remote participation at board meetings and defines meeting as any Gathering whether Corporal or by means of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all of the members of a public body held with the intent on the part of the members of the body present to discuss or act as a unit upon the specific public business of that body roll call please miss SP came here miss call back here but I just want to ask a question um as to notice I think you said 910 today is 9 16 is is that sufficient notice to conduct business I mean you can tell by my voice that I was confused by that notice usually it says something about January 2024 when I read it this this is a regular I'm not sure why the date Chang I'm asking L if she knows anything about it or there were actually two dates that she just announced y 910 which I don't think is sufficient notice 94 I have to look at the calendar but there was no other notice that she just recited I mean the the dates were published after our meeting in January yes when we had our calendar I've always read the January date as someone took the script and made an intentional change which is like makes it kind of heightened that we clarify um and we did vote on some meeting changes as a result of I think I don't know if it was October for the canel our October meeting we did make some changes I just don't recall if this was one of them at City well if the notice information that was just said is wrong just like let's before we proceed make sure we have our January publish date Chris if it was published in January it would still be sufficient correct does any have any clue why say 910 or 94 I'm trying to text the uh the people who put together the um agenda right now is that een e or Tracy and if anyone has been following the news notice is like pretty serious because in our neighboring District of tenac they they a judge recently said they didn't give proper notice they went back to try to fix it and now there's a lawsuit over it so and and we might know some people who are in Te um were we do not were were wow I'm we're in public session we're in public session so but no this is this is an issue you have to say that people that people are paying attention to yeah that was an Ethics complaint filed the ethics complaint came back I think saying yeah there was an issue and then there's lawsuits I don't know it's just something that I think that we should be very sensitive to and make sure that all of our eyes are crossed eyes are DED and tees are crossed speaker anyone to know how long it takes to get a response from one all right can we wait until we we we haven't even taken roll call yet we're waiting on an answer on the notice I'm just curious a response from what and I think we'll talk about that in we're in public roll right well I don't know Paul is questioning the reading of the notice so I don't know that she wants us to continue until we have an answer we call who's here like calendar was September 3rd which is funny and if it was said I think there were two other dates of notice that we provided and whatever the dates that were just recited were November 10th September September 10th and September 4 yes September September 10th and September 8th I wrote down 94 when you said it but I said no September 8th 2024 it's September 8 now just for I don't know what reference I guess um last meeting being the notice was dated April 15 2024 and and your policy only requires 48 Hours correct so okay and law for a normal for a normal public meeting 48 Virg Poli I think that that's a special meeting and the injective has the board secretary written advance notice of at least 48 hours give your time date location and the extent known the agenda of any regular special will resched okay I didn't get any 48 hour notice from the central office about what this meeting 48 hour it's a very specific 48 hour notice no this say at least 48 Hours you everyone in the public sounds like they've received six and eight 11 days notes whatever the two plus the the September 3rd rescheduling of the meeting calendar that was on the website what is the September 3rd rescheduling you voted to change the calendar for canceling the October meeting the second October meeting my recollection is that the resolution on September 3rd made no reference to September 16th it was on the original meeting date from January reference to 93 as affecting tonight's meeting notice I don't see the connection no I I was just saying that the revised calendar is dated that's on the webs that's that's what I was saying that's what n which includes tonight's date it's published as revised on September 3rd 2024 and it's been posted on the website since the last meeting okay so we get we gave notice on 93 910 and 98 is what we're we're telling the public tonight correct and we adopted this original date of September 16th on January 3rd as stated can you read when you read the public notice for the second public meeting can you include those other dates I mean should I just includ the January 3rd date as it says on the original calendar because if this isn't a changed date I mean May I would not be talking about 910 and 98 because I don't know what those notices are so I would do it like you normally do yeah well that you heard my voice that's why I sounded thoroughly confused when I was reading the notice all right can we have roll call please so we continue Miss Curry here Mr night I believe he's joining via Zoom but maybe he's on private session already miss here yeah Mr Lopez M Mor Mr Rino here M re here sorry go back to that page now okay uh the board will convene to Executive session may I have a roll call please uh may I have a motion to executive session we will reconvene at approximately 7:30 p.m. to public session second motion coang second coack all in favor any oppose or exensions okay to the stands one nation indivisible withy and justice for the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meeting of public bodies in which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the fortly board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published on September 8th 2024 and September 10th 2024 posted on the district website at www.fb publishing the board's designated online media Outlet newspaper the record and the Star Ledger filed with the clerk of the bu of Fort Lee and mails to all persons if any who have requested said notice please be advised this meeting is being recorded and may be broadcasted on local TV and online at a future date the open public meeting act allows for remote participation at board meetings and defines meeting as any Gathering whether a cial or by means of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all of the members of a public body held with the intent on the part of the members of the body present to discuss or act as a unit upon the specific public business of that body roll call please miss fir here miss here M Curry here Mr Knight I'm present no I'm present Miss C here Mr Lopez absent yes Miss moral absent Mr Rino here M reor here the board convened the executive session at 6:30 pm to discuss legal personnel and other confidential matters Dr kravit will you please Begin by sharing your superintendent report good evening everyone and thank you to everyone joining us in person as also on Zoom you'll notice that some of the cameras are a little different this time we have a new camera system that tracks the voices so if you hear it or you see a jump from person to person it's because it is voice activated U thank you again for everyone to join us I would like to remind everybody that starting in October we will have our student Representatives back on the board of education so they will participate with us uh since our last meeting we have opened the schools and beginning of the school year we've had some concerns expressed in mostly in a few areas and I'd like to address them uh one area was in our high school Staffing specifically with Biology and as I've said many times before that we all know in social media that talked about regularly that there's a shortage of teachers uh in the state of New Jersey and nationally um anytime there's a leag replacement we advertise that position we try to fill it as best we can even when it comes to a substitute as we do regularly we look for Alternatives ways to to find our candidates so what we have started this year is to start to look for candidates who are substitutes in our district who may have a bachelor's degree who would be interested in obtaining the teacher certification in that case we help them with fa itate the process by saying hey you have a bachelor's degree and say biology why don't you consider teaching biology and we will sit with them help fill out the paperwork share with them and then once that happens once paperwork is sent into the system we can expedite that process with help with their certification so substitutes can stay in classrooms they can teach and then we are able to then have um individuals in the classroom there's a shortage what we constantly advertising for people and making sure that we and find people specifically special education they help issue emergency certifications so if someone does have a certificate let's say the graphic design or communication or English we offer them the opportunity to say would you be willing to actually they have to make an arrangement with the state which we would facilitate it says I will be pursuing my special education degree as well they have several years to complete that degree and we can actually put them in a classroom right away again with with permission from the state making sure that they are certified in one one area and then we can help them get that certification and special education as long as they continue that educational process they can be certified so it is within the law and it's another way to Resource I know some of us in the central laa office have come through town of substitutes saying if you'd be interested and we found a few and that's how we filled some of our lead Replacements and I remind everyone that lead replacement specifically in math and science is very hard to keep what their goal is always to look for a per position so has a shortage of science social study exuse me science and math as well as World language teachers if we are advertising for a lead replacement and there's a district very close by looking for a 10e track meaning after 3 or four years they will get 10 year immediately give their notice and say I'm going to go work for that other District knowing that it's a permanent position so that's one of the other difficulties not only for Le but a lot of districts face U with that being said the other area we face is busting and I remind everyone that there are ways in which roots are developed so usually there's two ways the first way is that districts go out to bid for a route they determine Stouts they determine how many students once they win the bid which means it's the lowest cost we assume that it's working and this stops all fair to everyone we've recently received requests from family saying could you please adjust the stop what we do is contact the person who won that and ask them to make the adjustments if they can they will but again remembering that when they make the route they're making the stop to equidistant for everyone so it's fair there might be some changes for people as again last year there may have been might have been only let's say two parents or two students who live at The Horizon house and now there might be six so that route might change and then other stocks would change along the way making sure that everyone's equ distance the other option is the district has been managing their own routes and we use it with our own drivers and our own buses based on the number of students and locations it becomes our responsibility to ensure everything is running smoothly with the information regarding subscription bus busing we were able to secure an additional bus by renting from Li we have a a bus of our own coming we had ordered one but it takes back long and we should have it within the next several months we created our own routes we hope to get this all sorted out and and I remind everyone that we hope to have some CL for future bus routes earlier in the process than we did this year and apologize for the delayed you know the end of the summer but hope to get better at that another area of concern that we are attempting to address is the playground at school number one this playground has been deemed unsafe and obsolute in fact in some of the areas of the bridge there's three Ines between each set those three Ines present a tripping Hazard according to the insurance company have been asked to to cord off the um playground and come up with New Alternatives so we have gotten a quote to repair it and take away the bridge and do additional items or we've gotten quotes we have one quote and another one pending that we should have any day that would allow us to replace the entire un um again that would be several months but there will be a fence around that area because it is deemed unsafe by both the insurance company and the company that and check to our playround additionally if we've heard about the lights at the field they were contracted to be fixed there's a purchase order out there for $2,000 we will be checking into it and we've had numerous requ questions questions regarding the score scoreboard as well we will contact with the same company to make sure that that is fixed um lastly there were some questions regarding security and some individuals near our schools on Friday these individuals were on public property I remind everyone that the sidewalk in front of the school is public property according to the police department who happen to be there and one of the reason reason why they were there is I'm proud to say that we work with the fort police department very well they regularly Patrol our district every patrol officer is required to patrol a school every day and I thank chief M Hy and the entire for police department for working with us make sure our schools are safe they go above and beyond to make sure that every student is safe and that is a great Police Department to work with so with that being said I wish everyone a Happy school year great school year we continue to work thank you thank you Dr kit are there committee reports no okay do we have any questions or comments from board members on tonight's agenda or any other topic so could I just follow up um on the biology honors teacher what is the timing looking like and do we I know some other districts are now because of the desperate situation using some video type uh services so the substitute in that classroom is a has a biology degree an undergraduate degree and a master's degree and an undergraduate degree in teaching and a master's degree in education as well that individual um is substitute it has applied for the certification as one of those people I described we we helped facilitate our helping facilitate as far as teaching the first couple days there was a delay we have used the same lesson plans from last year that individual has access to the lesson plans that we used last year and it's more than capable in content area to teach those classes with the background that that uh background that we have with the transcript so are they teaching yes they are teaching and we had a one of our supervisors was in with a teacher today working with that individual making sure they had access to all of the lesson plans they have them for the week for the month essentially correct okay on the playground yes like what what type of dollars are we talking about and What's the timing you know what when you decide either repair or replace what like so the repair cost roughly between 10 to $25,000 to eliminate the the um walkway anduse something else for that and to secure it this is right so one one qu we got was $125,000 but we have another company that we believe is coming in at half of that so we hope to have that final information either today tomorrow and if there's only a 30 or $40,000 that we replace the entire unit the timeline roughly 3 to five months that's what we were told as I understand um concerns relating to busing the biology teacher and the playground are related to Communications many parents especially with busing have indicated they are um they were not they were not responded with the inquiries were not responded to and um and I want to understand as a district is it Puttin for us to set some guidelin for sta how long they should respond back to an inquiry especially a time sensitive one like busing um with regard to the biology teacher parents have expressed that when they rais s with the guidance counselor they were told that um that they were not aware of of the fact that there was an a biology teacher or that she was on leave um with regards to playground we've been copied multiple times as well by by the parents so in terms of communication what can we do to showing these response gaps so as each one is in a different department you know I'm I'm a big fan of chain of Commander we've spoken to those individuals who should have communicated in most of the cases um what needs to get done there is uh I know for the transportation there was an email that was set up originally called Transportation no one had access to it we did not we were not aware of that been able to get access to it and now she has access to it and she will be assisting with the transportation director but even direct email to the transportation directors on respond so I can't speak publicly about how we but I can only say this that when an individual doesn't do any of their responsibilities right is their direct report to make sure that they are doing it correctly if they don't um they're spoken to there's a process that we go through to evaluate everyone everyone in this District whether it's a custodian whether it's a secretary whether it's anyone is evaluated accordingly to what the responsibilities are so we we do take note of every conversation that should take place or shouldn't take place and we respond accordingly so just to reiterate what you said parents should escalate accordingly not getting time response so parents please escalate you are not getting correct I would make I would even clarify that statement though so if you're getting the response you don't like you might have to give us a few minute a few time few period of time to come up with a a response so you know today we had a parent response regarding um another stop and we indicated to that parent takes us time to request another side there was a parent request recently and they expected a response they this response the original request was given on a Friday and on Monday morning they were asking why there was no response so sometimes we just can't get the answers from bus companies on over the weekend so there has to be some time limit but we do we do our best to get to everyone that is requesting everything I'll take it offline later but there's one question one inquiry I sent about a week ago and I still you don't have a response we got to the can I ask one other question coup months ago the policy committee met and we agreed that we were going to revise policy 0155 board committees we were going to add a special education committee and we were going to address the issue that Kristen raised that while we have Liaisons and we've had historically it really wasn't in the policy and I remember I drafted up those two points and C ated them and I thought everyone weighed in and I I don't know what ever happened to that policy all right I have something hold on hold on one second casy answering so my apologies I'll search my my emails and we can set up a policy committee as soon as possible to review it yeah I don't think we need it I think we circulate someone weighed in with like a maybe it was a was Amy but like with a she adjusted to language and I think everyone was fine and it just occurred to me if you haven't seen it on the agenda so just want to move it ahead okay I'll thanks thank you Diane Mr go ahead just a couple real quick things uh first of all just want to welcome everyone back to school um it's an exciting time for everyone um also want to congratulate our Varsity boy soccer team uh for their win against Cliffside Park just about an hour or so ago um also want to uh mention that the Fort Lee athletic booster club is hosting a fundraiser every Monday this month at Sedona Tap House it's actually going on right now so if you get hungry head on over there just make sure to mention that you're there for the athletic booster clubs to make sure that the money goes uh towards that cause and then last but not least um I've been getting a lot of really good feedback about the the 18 to 21 program and I just wanted to uh just thank everyone that was involved in putting that together and making it such a success people seem really uh really thrilled with it so that's that's all go and I would like to shout out to all the um community members who have helped us get our internships we have some of the B Hall we have some with the parking authority we have some uh with Mona's beauty salon Acme we have a lot of great places and it's nice to keep our students in the district they are a block and a half away we're not walking all the time but just a great program that allows for students to participate and we do have some students from Pal Park who are participating which is a revenue source for our district as well so really a good program and I shout out to Rachel Hy who has helped and Davis the beginning with this whole idea so thank you Kos thank you um Dr I a quick question you mentioned that there would be alternate things for the kids who can't use that playground what what are they doing we're uh and we're waiting to see what we can Poss keep and Salvage and see what we can do something for them but uh we have to be very covers in know certain areas of it that are deemed unsa by like I said by the company that does the annual and the insurance come they're getting outdoor time that right yeah they are getting out resource absolutely recess not resource okay um any other comments or questions from board members question um how many teachers if any are we looking for at the moment do we have special education shortages or we have as of today only um for 10year track I believe we will be posting for a new one today because our numbers of special education increased in this particular school so we have now look for another special education teacher and I believe we are show one or two leave Replacements so the students that what are those students whose teacher does every student have a teacher right now or they have well they have substitutes if they don't if the leave placements um they have people in the classroom teaching we pay for coverage or we pay for six Peri in until we can get that get the teachers in there we we are looking for one or two special education teachers and that's why what we've done is as I mentioned before looking for someone who has certification who may have applied for social stud position which we didn't need but we can offer them if they're willing to make the commitment to us and the state we can help facilitate that special education endorsement they have to go to school for the two years but they can go right into the classroom if they specifically have a standard certificate in social studies so calling some people and say hey know you apply for a social service position you don't have one if you're willing to take a special education position we can put you in a classroom because you have the certification sign up and we will help facilitate that so they have to go to school for two years to get a special ed even if they already have their regular certificate if they are certified in a Content area so their content area social as an example they can get the special education endorsement they make the commitment it could be shorter they're willing to go you know more credits but they have to show progress on new progress but they get to teach they get to teach right away even though yeah correct so the two okay immediately than correct I have more question what about the njsla testing results I think some some of them have been coming back I've heard Whispers of of what maybe have been said at school or something like that and um I'm wondering when the parents will be notified we we we will be doing the presentation in October no no no we get no parents always get a letter we get a letter of where the students land days I didn't move I get we can look into it we get an answer for you yeah thank you so much you're welcome okay um before we go into public comment the last meeting we had talked about and circulated ideas for goals did anyone come with anything tonight that they wanted to start adding to a list to continue discussion on um last meeting we said we wanted to do it sooner at the beginning of the meeting rather than myg ate my homework I do want to add on teacher shortage to um a focus already item for the okay I'd like to see a little bit more focus on academic and maybe a little bit less on social for the coming year what do you mean social think well I think our test scores are a little low so I'd like to really focus on ways of getting our math and science scores up um okay you have something the ones that I had shed with before I have that email I have that email yeah those are what are important to okay so I can yeah and if you Paul I know you want you do you have anything specific from that list that you wanted to focus on that was kind of like a menu I could I could email you closer look the reason we sent that list was because mat suggested a menu item for people to look at rather than just they fit in yeah so for the next all oh was like 18 anyone on side um I would just want to add to um along the same line of academic achievement on curriculum leadership and Innovation okay I'd also like to U bring up I think special needs I think um and I think it's that we're going to have a committee for that but I think you know an emphasis on desegregating school number two a little bit and taking a look at that and um just trying to provide a little bit uh more evenly uh spread services to the kids in our communities okay so I'll take these ideas narrow down and email and then when you everyone else has some things they want to focus on we circulate it for the next meeting okay all right may I have a motion to open the floor to the public motions motion Rino second Cur um all in favor any oppos or exensions okay we will hear first from members of the public physically located in the cafetorium then we will take questions and comments from those participating remotely participants are limited to 3 minutes in which to make their statement for remote public participants please select the race hand button Mr rero will recognize each Community member in order of the hands raised by lowering your hand please unmute your microphone state your name and address for the record and begin your comments please everyone limit your comments to three minutes and everyone please state your name and address for the record go ahead please thank you uh Keith gosin 2185 Le Mo Avenue um I have some questions tonight so I'm very excited because I never asked questions um but I want start out I am the President of the cpad special education parents Advisory Group in town wanted to announce that our first meeting of the Year besides the meet bre we previously had is going to be October 16th and I know you were first told the 17th Dr but we meant to tell you 16th that was my error at 7.m and we want to have that in person so we will need that um child care with the high the students that need the community service however um I have an issue I wanted to raise regarding that because I saw something on that autism's Facebook page about another District I believe was Northern Valley where they're utilizing caring for special needs kids in place of suspending them or giving them detention so it appears like this saying here's your new punishment you can help with special needs kids so we're just hoping that's not happening I'll answer all of them okay so that's one thing um we're hoping that's not happening um the other thing for me my phone went to sleep um ah we were talking about it earlier and I've had challenges at my house but we're fortunate where my wife and I are able to team up and deal with 90 minute delays and usually they work down by the second or third or fourth week um but some parents have asked me um is there a way like New Jersey Transit you can see when your bus is about to arrive do we have tracking systems on our buses that could be shared with them or an apple airag or something um so that parents know I know with my daughter um last year she used to be very challenging the olden one spot she would get very agitated so best if the bus was there we walked around put her on and done with it not walk around for 90 minutes so some parents are concerned where they want to time it perfectly their kids are not able to sit still so that's why I'm bringing that up and that's all the questions I have thank you thank you questions um so first September excuse me October 16th instead of 17th got it um the students who commit other who complete community service they're not in MO of detention or anything of that AG we have a program that students have to get verified that they're attending and everyone checks it so it is not uh in L detention as far as the tracking system you might have heard out there that we use something thing called transfinder transfinder is a new program that District this district has engaged with this year which which helped us identify actual distances before people were using Google Maps determining this the distance between one the locations transfinder is a district a program used in many districts in buron County not only does it help determine the distance but it does offer a component that helps you track the bus and it also helps for which we talked about uh field trips as well so that it allows for us to manage our field trips with our own buses to hopefully Identify some cost savings so yes there is an option in transfinder that we will be turning on as soon as we get the king side of our system we have a new business administrator starting as well that will allow parents to be able to see where the bus is at all times as it's coming closer to your house wonderful thank you got and 326 Bri I'm the vice president CPAC um I was able to make it here last month but wanted today thank you to Dr pis and the entire P Administration the was phenomenal was that just great and we are still getting you know text messages and people still posting stuff on Facebook really really everybody say how great was question and say was questions that answered that night so is excellent we're hoping to have that as the event the commment got it okay I heard that it's be event record the microphone broke out but okay so thank you very much um you know we're very excited about you know our our meetings um you know we wanted you know met you know PR planing with Dr P and also the new director of the child study team and the only thing Dr par is yes yes yes yes yeses no you know so it was really really good we know we have so far we had great communication with Administration and also with the new director and we like to continue that open commutation and schedule foret reg so that's about it also fly I don't know who did it the me but the fly was gorgeous so who knows to ever did it U please say thank you to them and for that same person do the f for pack we'll make sure the flyer is done okay and also that it's posted on the homepage yep thank you that's it you got it thank you another couple yeses for you Mr P K 809 Harvard Place for New Jersey um just you said you hav't answer for me last time for about busing for the uh softball and I guess was somebody else said for the soccer there anything is there any doubt any other questions that's the only question I so um that person's not here Lind but I'm going to answer some of the things we've been doing some research so just to clarify for everyone out there we try to figure it out so we we ran through our first payroll we're seeing where we are financially because that's one of the most important things to support this but I just want toy a lot of um things so for for practices so the the boys track practices does not have a bus so the only two sports that we currently have for all of our and I mean high school and middle school is the bowling team and the golf team for practices and the only team traveling uh that they get busted home games excuse me home games the football team gets a bust the bowling team gets a bus and and golf team again for home matches those are the only two so when we talk about we're going to do it we've had conversations with the athletic director the question is how do we afford every one of them I believe miss me the former ba mention there's a cost value to each one but you can't do one without the other so the total number of sports using buses is minimal currently so to increase that so one of the things when I spoke about busing what we've done is we're tearing bus routes ourselves which allows us to do more and more with our own drivers so I'm not going to say no I'm going to say we're still looking at everything but but we also recognize that we want to be Equitable with all of our teams we wouldn't leave the bus home we don't need the bus here at 3:00 when we leave here that's the problem there's no bus you most people pick up their kids at that at the Feld whereever it is but get from here to there understood and we're looking to address it the problem is again I understand I'm just saying I feel bad for kids that don't play a sport because they can't get there and i' I've heard of this in soccer in a lot of schools so it's just a shame that if Aid wants to play If the parents work for on in New York day or whatever they can't get there they can't play understood understood yeah we're on looking at it but it's not an easy answer yes or no because when we start to look at everyone in equity which we our goal is how do you say no to the girls tennis team but to the girls team correct or the boys right or have to be fair to them that's the problem and I understand the bus be by 3:30 field is only 10 minutes away so it's like you know I don't know what the other buses are doing C so we run routes for we're looking for it I'll be back I'll be here thank you is there anyone else in the audience who wish to speak before we go to zoom okay Mr V early early you've been promoted to panelists please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes hi I'm pearly um 332 Lincoln Avenue um so I am one of the parents whose um son had the bio um honors teacher and um obviously you know we escalated it to Dr kevitz and thank you Dr kevitz and um president um RoR for rectifying it and getting us some answers however there are still some um unknowns that I'm I'm not sure if you know Dr kevitz you can help us address so when I spoke with Mrs Glenn last week um she told me that because this teacher or is a sub that she's only able to to be at school four days a week so knowing that she's still getting her certifications what does it mean in terms of her employment status um you know is it still going to be four days and then what happens to the day that she's not able to be there and um is she certified to teach lab as well so last Tuesday you know when they had nothing to do my son had two periods um basically he all the kids at that class because they had lab and um JY and that they were supposed to be well two two pairs of Bio together so it was from 104 to 236 they had nothing to do and tomorrow is going to be that day so I just want to make sure you know that's not happen happening um and then another thing that happened was also they were given um a package to fill out with um I guess a curriculum to to figure out some answers on their own however the package that they were given was um mcgrawhill from mcgrawhill and then um the answers that they were supposed to look up was based on Pearson curriculum so obviously the kids weren't able to do that work so there seems a little bit of disorganization over there that um I'm hoping that can be addressed um and then the last thing is I'm asking for transparency from the school the communication has been really bad from the high school you know um on back to school night um we were given the dates we didn't even know what time we were supposed to be there we got the email on that day at 3:0 3:05 p.m. telling us that back to school starts at 6:30 and I think a lot of parents were a little surprised by that um yeah just better communication you like principal has been sending out just one email with no context just a link to your book I think we need to do better you know Mr Diaz from middle school and Mr Ruiz from school one is really good at communication so I think for a high school principal we can do better thank you for your comments so as far as the teacher in the classroom the teacher can work 60 consecutive 40 consecutive days you can ask for an extension uh what sometimes we do in many districts do is they they let them skip one day which resets the clock but in this case we have told the uh individual that they will be working consecutively and we believe we can help expedite that certification we can't guarantee anything but I know I have been in contact with the county office and we are looking to do that as quickly as we can with the credentials there are a few more tests that have to be taken as far as being certified to teach lab yes individual is certified to teach all biological sciences with the excuse me has the has the degree to teach biology it's not certified as a yet has the biology degree both an undergraduate degree and a master's degree as I said before an undergraduate degree in education and a master's degree in education as well so they will be teaching that as far as M pearon I don't know the story of that but I will we'll get back we'll get back to you on that I know today the supervisor of science was in that classroom coaching that that substitute to make sure that they were knew what do last week I cannot answer the reason why no one gave any lesson plans or anyone gave any information but you know and I apologize for that but moving forward I will tell you all the support we met with that individual central office met with that individual and we are giving them all the supports they need to do everything they need to do um and as far as communication we you know we will contact the we'll speak about that from our administrative Group which we have a meeting tomorrow thank you you're welcome Mike excuse me Mike oo you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes hi everyone uh Mike Alo 230 Warren Avenue Fort Le um did I hear right the the there's School number one not have a playground is that your only question well I'm just is it is is does School number one have not have a playground right now is that so do you have other questions or usually if well if it does then I don't have a second question so it has a playground currently so the second this other playground that's not going to be used it's got to it's um it's on unhabitable or whatever non-usable is that your second question we're trying to if it's nonusable okay so it basic here's my question if the if the if the a portion of a of a playground is not being deemed usable did it just happen overnight or has it been happening for a long long time but the district took a long time to address it because I looked at I look at I coached baseball at the middle school and lights were out all season basically from like March through the end of um allst stars was probably the beginning of July and it you know you had we had we didn't have lights on our field for months so I'm just trying to figure out is it is it um who's responsible for addressing this stuff if we don't have a playground the playground means it it wasn't inhabitable for a long period of time and no one addressed it would I be correct so is is that the end of your questioning yeah be I'll leave it at that so if um so first question was there there are other playgrounds of play areas at school number one the second part of that question or one of the other questions was how long have we known this so there was some concerns that were expressed and annually every playground in our district has to get certified when that became we became aware of it that's when we shut it down I think it was either the end of last year I don't know if you know and if it was when exactly but as soon as we found out that it was not uh being able to use that's when the process started by getting someone to come out and get certified yes it is annually and just two weeks ago they came to assess to get no when was the first no spring I think spring spring so if it was the spring um as far as so that goes back to a communication piece if we know about it we're aware of it so I know when we talk about the uh field and there was a scoreboard incident we were first notified at central office on August 22nd was the first email that we received I'm not talking about the scoreboard the scoreboards new I'm just talking about the lights the lights were there down by March got it so I'm giving you an example so if we get email we respond accordingly and as far as we knew everything was working just like I said there was some questions about how long we knew about the scoreboard I'm using that as an example the first email we received was August 22nd we a purchase order was generated on the 6th and we're moving forward with that um So within eight days nine days so I'm not talking about the scoreboard because the scoreboard about the light so until you just said that the last thing we had heard that we had Brent to a lift that I had heard we had Brent to the lift in the spring and over the summer and it was being addressed if it that's not the case then again we will look into it and make sure that it's it's being addressed that's what we try to do fix it as soon as we can um whether it's a leaking toilet or a light bulb we we try to fix it as soon as we can once we hear about it if we don't know about it if someone does not report it that's a problem for us and then we work on that communication of the chain so the playground I think was was in the spring um we we looked at Alternatives and from what I was told that's when they did their Ann annual inspection and by the time we got all of the information and then the insurance company got involved because such a high cost item uh that's when we start to learn more and more details so basically that that section of the playgrounds going to be shut down for like a year right that makes a lot of sense and do we have do we order do we order any extra light do we order any extra light bulbs just in case for the field it's not about the light bulbs it's it's getting a cherry picker to get up there and fix the light bulbs and and as far as a year I can't say it's going to be a year that's a statement I cannot make accurately until I have all my information so I know you made a statement just to be clear to everyone we don't know how long it's going to be taken so I've just received the text even the same way that these things happen so from uh as regarding back to school night there were three School Messengers sent and four separate uh separate school media posts with the btsn network regarding that information as well so people can look at that thank you ask about the playground and timing I thought once you made a decision whether to repair or replace I thought the estimate was three to five months right three to five months I didn't say a year he said I thought you were now saying no that's why I'm clarifying saying I did not say that okay I did not say that mahale you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes uh hi Miel kesco 254 Tom Hunter Road Fort Le uh can you guys hear me yes okay cool so I received I have a kid in school number too whose special needs and uh for back to school we received this email their families of I'm not going to say the teachers names I wanted to update you of on something involving the class and back to school night as we do not have maternity leave Replacements at the present there is no teacher to meet back to school night Mrs B that's the teacher name that we were given is a daily sub and we are lucky to have a consistent daily sub for the class but as a daily sub she does not communicate with parents nor does she participate in back to school night you are welcome to join us stop in any class as your student has and the principal over there so my question I have a kid with an i AP I send them to a new school starting September I got no idea who his teachers are and what the kid does in class and I get an email telling me that the teacher doesn't participate in any of the school activities nor does it talk with the parents so the question is are are you going to abide to the IEP that my kid has in plan when we have a teacher and apparently this is acceptable that doesn't communicate with parents that's one thing have any additional questions yeah I have another one so I started going through the curriculum that my kid was supposed to do last week uh for the right thing I'm going over the units and grade one unit one Mentor text favorite September read alouds Sparkle Boy Julian is a mermaid among other things so the question is why do they need these books to go over and go through text Journal not analysis and the second one why weren't the parents notified third one how do we uh opt them out from this kind of thing granted that this is a writing class not the sex at Greek not quite sure I understand the question regarding curriculum and the writing but before you get that I'm thank you for your comments we're going to look into because according to the latest uh spreadsheet that I have if it's the K1 special education teacher in school 2 should be there uh I have a name listed on the chart and it gets updated daily by both the principal and rhr department but we'll look into that and as far as communicating they should be communicating uh everyone should be invited to back to school night and participate at least to know about the program and what takes place in the classroom so I will we can get back to you m and it was actually nice to meet you the other day when we saw you at central office she was nice to meet you okay thank you well we'll wait for some response from somebody Sarah kah Kesha you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes uh we can't hear you Sarah but you're not muted no we we can't hear you Sarah I'm sorry maybe try muting yourself then unmute yourself no I think you have some audio problems Sarah I'm going to try one quick thing I'm going to put put you back in the um attendees and then promote you again and we'll see if that resolves it do you hear and see me now yes we can okay um as far as for the meeting I wanted to say thank you for putting the aid address for the record please I'm sorry yes my name is T and the address is 484 Main Street borty New Jersey um I want to thank everyone for putting the Aid at the calendar for the school year um with real Muslims thank you for that something that I wanted to Echo um is that um I wanted to Mr night to work on a project to give gift bags so if he can find sponsors during this time for the E it's going to be in March next year but finding sponsors it's has been a tough um issue so if you can just work on that I'll be also glad to be side by side with the others so we can um get the project done we can give give effects to every child in the school for the age the other issue is the that we want for children at age 12 and up to be given every 3 months the CPR training courses um so they should know how to perform CPR um one of the parents I wanted to Echo one of the issues with the parent the other parent said there was in the subject on the box a boy that's a mermaid please remove those because we don't want our kids to be confused if anything our kids are there to learn basic stuff and not to be confused between genders um also as parents we want to be asked before the school district decides to sell any property if you can just like do a poll and ask us um hey we want to sell it what do you think um please also uh we we um reject that anyone should be um volunteering um everything should be like paid I mean yes they can volunteer but it should be paid no unpaid job anywhere and last but not least um we had someone coughing two sessions ago um please try not to keep the microphone near you because it so badly on the on our ears here while we hear you um I thank you very much for your attention and I yield my time thank you thank you for your comments the 11th grade curriculum for health has a CPR not M so it is the there are no more raised hands thank you may have a motion to close the FL to motion secondo all in favor any opposed or extensions okay moving on to resolutions may have a motion to approve items 1B through 3 motion second Rino roll call please miss miss miss Curry yes Mr KN up Miss yes Mr Lopez sorry M morent Mr Rino mord yes we have a motion to approve items one C through 12 crur motion Rino second buyers K call please miss fire yes Miss H yes Miss Curry yes Mr Knight yes Miss Cain yes Mr Lopez absent M Mor absent Mr Rino yes M yes we have a motion to approve items 1 F through 8 moot second motion Curry second by K roll call please miss father yes Miss P yes Miss Curry yes Mr Knight yes Miss yes Mr is absent M absent Mr yes M yes I have a motion to approve items 1 p through 15 P motion second motion buyers Kang second Kang roll call please miss by yes Miss yes Miss Curry yes Mr KN yes Miss C yes Mr Rino yes mror yes may have a motion to approve item one p motion second motion second buyers Kang roll call please miss fire yes Miss C yes Miss Curry yes Mr yes M yes Mr R yes M yes is there any old business I just want to bring up something um I mentioned this before in a meeting when we had the but we never really did as much with it it's um if we could find a way that each grade level could go on a field trip of some sort um I think that would be very enjoyable and a great learning experience for students I know that it can be um sometimes a headache but there's just a tra things that are learned from that um also I wanted to I was wondering um some of the comments for getting about the field who was using the field at that time that the the girls have to go to a b Fleet do you know I do not have in the field because they're just right here this but I don't know what this field yes I do not know the answer this field they practice here the games that are at no they used to practice here used to one of the games had Bo they that's one of the games mov one time so the games are at correct yes but one of the practices got moved at one time because the boys have to play their game but typically the practices are here correct the practices are here in the games are at unless something happens yeah softball field here yeah so it's either at the high school or right okay I was just figure that out I hope something with the field trips that's something we had spoken about just just to respond to you um Miss p k we did speak with the administration about field trips and we connected it to um the teacher evaluation rubric and uh that one of the domains is to work with local organizations either to bring them in or to take students out so we to talk about it in that context yes thank you any new business just I wanted to thank L for stepping up um I know that we will have a new business administrator soon but um just want to thank you for stepping up in the meantime and Miss rusa congratulations um we have a teacher shortage issue which is not an easy topic so I don't know if this is a congratulation or condolence but um we are very happy that we that you are stepping into your new Ro and hopefully um we'll have these um teacher shortage to be a priority Sol um I wanted just to remind the new um in is it in principal coming it to please um remind um the staff and the teachers to talk about the advancement program for to the sixth grade parents so that parents can be prepared and and be on the equal footing in terms of knowledge about their CH the children's um options and opportunities to advance that information will be shared out back to school night it'll also be posted on the middle school and Intermediate School website thank you um on the front page maybe I know I had to go through layers of um of tabs to find it and I can't even remember how many layers um and then lastly um Dr private can you talk about building and grounds issues how does the escalation work um did they go to the building supervisor the building principal first and then escalated to the buildings and ground or do they do parents escalate with buildings and ground first and then to how does that chain Comm in so we have an automated system that we're working with um that's called School dud fridly used to be called school that if a if someone was to file a concern with the principal or teacher they would have the right to go into the system it gets alerted to the business administrator the assistant business administrator and the supervisor of buildings and grounds that there need to be something done with those facilities um it then gets assigned to a custodian to look at or a maintenance person and then they have to respond if they've completed or not completed it it back tracks the amount of time if it's left open when it's completed and by whom so as far as the chaining it is either a teacher or a principal who then submits that and then uh three or four central office administrators are aware of that situation but it automatically generates a work order in both English and Spanish to custodians to say this is what you need to work on in other word if they're unable to get updates from the principal they would go to the central office well if the teacher said that the the door is not closing properly they can go into school dud or brightly which is the same program they can say my door is not working at Room 205 that would get sent to the buildings and grounds it would get to the business administrator the assistant business administrator then gets re reprogramed out to the custodian in or the maintenance worker and custodian in that building in both English and Spanish and that's what happens in the case of a playground this so the so then the principal would put it into brightley which we just Incorporated this summer um brightley allows the principal to put that in it gets sent to the ba because buildings and grounds assistant VA they would make a decision so it's right now that that repair is open meaning it's not come to it has not come to a closure but they would contact the business administrator for updates they would contact the but they can see the activity for it right so everyone gets to see where it is and where it's stalled at the parents don't see it no the parents don't see it that's what I mean if parents want update who would they go to it would most likely be the building administrator who would have the the knowledge by contacting the building and grounds thank you I have some new business um yeah so the um you know the parent that communicated a little bit of frustration uh with the fact that they had a substitute and their special needs uh class I completely understand that I actually faced a similar situation uh with my child and um and I totally understand where they're coming from and that's why I'm really glad that they had a chance to speak tonight and I'm glad that uh Dr Kravitz was able to assure them that there wouldn't be any problems um one thing I just like to throw out there is I'd really love to see that teacher utilize classroom dojo I know that that's something that when we had a a substitute a long-term substitute in my child special needs class um the the substitute utiliz in classroom dojo enabled a lot of the parents to feel a lot uh better about the situation and it it turned out we were actually really happy The Substitute was incredible and uh you know classroom dojo just uh just proved that to us so I'd like to if possible if we can encourage that to happen in this particular case and overall in cases like this we definitely look into that and see where we're at thank you okay may I have a motion to ad I have one other sorry sorry just on your way out say delated birthday to Niguel [Music] okay may I have a motion to adour motion Rino second Kang all in favor any oppos okay good night