##VIDEO ID:fg5ERdvnxe8## all right okay we are ready to start this meeting good afternoon and uh anybody that made the effort to get here gets a plus for their uh efforts today so appreciate everybody being here I'll call this meeting to order this is the Bays recreational campus Advisory board meeting commonly known as borab and we're at the mount house it is August 2 so let's blame the rain when we can do it okay so let's have the pledge to our to our flag flag in here I don't see it no flag no flag no flag sorry it's all right yeah there look there you go you bet there you [Applause] go you got it right there Al toag liy and justice for all thank you thank you all right man of many hats members present let's just go around the room I'm Betty Simpson Becky gri Jesse field Joyce Ed scon over Barbara Hill Karen Woodson and Jeff hogy and Danielle deona okay very good so we definitely have more than a quorum so oh it's been a while since we I know right that's good and even in the rain it didn't stop us today okay so at this motion by Barbara going over a second okay thank you any discussion thank you okay uh we had that motion for approval of the minute if not let's move on to our staff leaon report Jeff and Danielle source for the swimming source for the swimming pool can you explain that um yes I can go into a little bit of detail um when we've met with John and a few other people just off the cuff uh almost a year ago to this very day um talking about how we were going to approach the um we went through State uh funding at that point and we got kind of U modern facilities modern everything um not taking away the use of the lap pool not taking away those things but instead of having a concrete we wrote up all those things almost a year ago like I said uh we're still in the the final stages of waiting to see if we do have approval or not U we should know within the next month um at which time we're ready to go out for um but as far as the pool structure itself it would be all state-of-the-art equipment all state-of-the-art reigning of the pool whatever is the latest in greatest today that's what was put into our scill is there going to be any discussion in federal project uh that you're getting the money from you have very strict guidelines on how you have and again make it a family destination where Mom can come with the kids kids can play in the pool area mom can also meet with this project is going to have a lot of fluff but the fluff that is going to attract a lot of people and make it a true Money Maker for the town so it still includes a slide and a kid still going to have that right you know as far as like the kitty pool area that may get re-envisioned only because it's such a shallow area we're not really diving into the footprint as far as where the big pool is the big if um but if if we do get the funding we're looking at 20 late 2025 uh we're ribbon cutting and and having a company to come in here and do to the scope that we have um and any funds that are left over have to go back to the cdpg sell you know naming rights or anyway anyway and that's where you could do all those things sure the Y okay come up with little belfin plaques to put on the outside wall whatever it ends up looking of some sort you know but uh yeah that that's entirely up to you at that point but we just wanted to to make sure that you understood and and again it it apologies need to be made to you uh especially John who's been asking asking we we we we have a lot in the works when you start dealing with the federal government and start dealing with those discussions there there's discussions you cannot set it outside the room um you you're not that you sign a secret uh agreement or anything like that but it's it's made known that it stays in the room it says in the room and and until that gets to that that point where that the vehicle is kind of driving itself towards the Finish Line that's when we'll be able to really say something and and I'll I I'll go on on a limit I'll guarantee that we'll have an announcement of some kind in the next uh maybe three three weeks yeah and I you got to say thank you to Frankie too because he he's put a lot of effort in and the pool has always kind of been a priority in putting these in um in the scopes for these these funding sources so we just kind of were throwing them against the wall and seeing what sticks and uh he's done a lot years and try to debate what it's going to look like we have to give him a scope cuz they need a scope and there's deadlines to all these and we don't want to lose any of that funding so um well the scope has to pretty much match you're not starting from scr before we can't deviate and do like a you know Lazy River well it sounds like there's a lot of deviation though I mean like with the hearts of hardcap We The Hardscape you can move around it's it's just the the existing foot footprint with and what happened is Ian changed all that if this was just a discussion about how we wanted to modernize the pool and Ian hadn't impacted us and we either had the bank loan or some other funding source you could do anything in the world you wanted to it um but because Ian did what he did uh he changed not only the culture of the island but how we do business as a town as well so when FEMA even though they're honestly only giving us not even Pennies on the dollar for the damage that was done they don't do pools they don't do roads uh they don't do some of that stuff when we look at it and say okay these are the things that we really need they're saying tough you know that's not what they normally cover and the T was underinsured too we were underinsured from the last Administration made matters worse and and I can't even stress how badly it was underinsured so at the end of the day you're you're getting basically a year salary of somebody to from female to go ahead and there you go go knock yourselves out and you still have to apply that towards the any federal funds that we would get because you can't put Federal against Federal so FEMA and and HUD don't don't talk nice together they're two huge major projects but because both are federal dollars we have to subtract the Lesser which thank God is FEMA and subtract that from the overall cost which is was the HUD funding now the funding that the town had in reserve for the pool prior to in about doing the new equipment and so forth that's still held in reserve for our pool correct that uh I believe was with the the loan for that they took out for the thing and that loan expired May 31st of this last year that loan okay so that was the reserve we that was the reserve that you were talking about coming through before exactly that was going to build you your your activity center and those type of things right right and and and that just didn't c yeah they wouldn't they extended it 6 months and that was it and there's no way to even get close to what we needed um from that because you know like you said FEMA just didn't give us a whole lot you know they would come and look and they would count each tile that was cracked well you know we all know if you get to replace one tile it's going to crack up the rest so or you'd look at this the slide structure and little little bit would be bent and that's the portion that they'd give us money for but we know it's all going to have to be replaced so that's how they they cost share it out so that's why we got such a little dollar I think at the first one it was like 200,000 only yeah uh for the actual pool that wouldn't have even covered the slide so yeah and and and unfortunately that's that's kind of what they do um so we we knew that the like I said earlier the park loan was a dead end we we knew that we weren't going to get anything from insurance and FEMA because that was a dead end so we've been vigorously trying to find any willing partner um as far as kind of get together having a bake sale you know charge a million dollars for a cookie um just so we could we were doing some very creative we dollar raising in terms of even HUD funds which is pretty obscure for use of pools but I just think it's very creative of you to come up with that funding thank you ma'am this last little bucket that of Hut funding here at the county was for infrastructure and uh so usually infrastructure means like your wastewater treatment plants your uh your emergency buildings fire stations police stations uh we had two projects that were put into this uh application process and uh both of them scor rather high again I do not know I I can't I'm not at Liberty to discuss the outcome but um they they scored really high and it was an urgent need was our lable and that made me feel good to know that all the work that Jeff has put in and Andy and and myself and and Jason Freeman um that it's kind of all it it was recognized for what it was uh we put in a couple of parks items we put in our North Water Tower as as an item and amongst that we scored a lot higher than people that had a fire station to replace um things like that and when you think of it it it it was an urgent need because without a place for the community to come and recreate you don't have a community so we're we're we're still splintered we're trying to get everybody back together we've seen a heck of a lot of progress on this island in the last year I know I've talked to just about everybody on their personal homes you know and things that we could get them going and started on um we've got that underway it's it's working so now is the time to really concentrate and make sure that we we really cap it off and do things that we can't do otherwise it would take the town years to try to get other funding in place to do this taking advantage of taking advantage of of Ian and and the way that we wrote the project it it touched the heart strings just like it touches our heart strings right yeah and we get we got some comments you know online whatever about the pool and we we put it out like oh this town needs a lot more than than the pool you know we need more infrastructure need whatever but sometimes these grants are written for that and that's what Frankie did was try to go out and find as many things as he could throw against the wall to make it stick and this one just happened to be a pool project I I think people don't understand that the funding is very specific a lot of times like some are saw on Facebook somebody comment on the fitness court and you know why are we spending money on a fitness Court when we need to bring sand in because we're supposed to be a beach it's completely different and I mean it's probably people who don't even live here and even if they do live here I don't understand where it goes you what Frankie and the team also brought in the for that sand so but thatand yes but that fitness equipment was actually done way before in people have no idea spending money how do you politely convey that to the public you you don't you don't want to say I told you so or pay but out you you have to integrate it into a way that they understand um that a lot of that stuff especially at bok's uh recreational park there that whole complex was already in the mix it was already planned on being developed um we're dealing with another grant for another part of that Park um which is is been kind of a a thorn in our our behind uh but we're getting there we we know that the finish slide is in sight so it's just stick stick tutiven um on behalf of the team and I've been a lot of places um this is an awesome team you have here and an awesome dive running this place for you oh and leadership as well so why do you think this is going to come out in 3 weeks I mean you have an indication the the the the submitt board the qualifying board made its recommendations to the BCC uh the bccc has the final stamp of approval and that's just a a rubber stamp if these projects yeah if these if these projects were submitted um to them we will find out when they vote on it I think it's September 3rd is their their meeting and so are you saying that you were going to try and keep this under the radar until you got that actual de I think I think what we're saying is we just can't say for sure we got we got it we don't want to we don't want to you know when they call up Jason Freeman and say hey Jason by the way your project got selected and here's the dollar amount that they're going to give you they don't have to obligate the whole bucket or or the whole ask um and and and that's part of the thing too they take into consideration any other funding you have so in this case with the pool uh we knew that they threw about2 200,000 at us from FEMA um and yeah that would get you like a a towel stand and part of a fence on today's standard it's still money don't get me wrong I'm very grateful for that but it they don't value it like we value it um and the rest then would come from this bucket if we are so chosen what does BCC stand for the uh border County Commissioners yes Le County so they're making the decision they make theun so what hun has done in the past in disasters they've given the cdbg funding to a state to administer and only one at the time do they ever do it to a county um this is for whatever reason with Ian they just dumped it all in Lee County's lap and uh they have been very good stewards so far of those funds and they still have to follow it's not the county making the decisions it's an independent board um it just goes through the formality as being the the money holder they do the the final approval gotcha gotcha okay so we're the finalist we just waiting to be the winner yeah you know like you're waiting for that Romanian judge to hold up the 10 card instead of the 9.5 you know cuz you really need the 10 so we're hopeful but we also know that things have been backed out in the past you know last minute so we just want to make sure we're prepared for that got but just answer like the press releases are ready to go right ready unfortunately both ways nowadays shirts but I mean the question that John has been asking for a long time is like what are we going to do what are we going to do and it's just I wish you could have had those conversations uh unfortunately you can't um because if something would go Ary or something would not go to plan or if somebody would say something and the media would get a hold of it ahead of time that would have derailed the entire process that that's not how the federal government likes to hand out money um not that they're doing it secretively because everybody has to submit applications correctly but when they tell you that the decision will be made on such and such a date you can't put that horse before that cart until they tell you to hook it up so interesting so you can't just say that we submitted but we don't have any guarantee that will be funded even saying something like that is not appropriate not appropriate for this this is this is Major this is not like going for a grant through the Florida recreational league and I'm not diminishing that at all this is this is the end stop you don't get funding here we are doing that million dollar cookie big sale was there ever obviously because you're trying to rebuild back back what we had was there ever an outside conversation about Olympic siiz pool I know that was something that jump we we had a couple of things we entertained a lot of things when we were thinking at one time I I it's no secret that the town was trying to swap with the fire district for the property our temporary trailers were on versus the Oldtown Hall property and we went as far as to having uh appraisals done on bu property so we knew exactly where we stood um and in the end it just didn't work out for either party on the on the parcel where the old Tops food store was where our temp temporary trailers were that would have been an excellent spot for an Olympic siiz venue um there's still areas close by that we could still get that done um but I think if we're looking for that type of venue a new adding a new venue of that caliber the funding is going to have to come way from outside Source that's something that the town right uh at least in in my short term that I have here is not going to be able and I also think that the infrastructure of the town you know we we didn't the the boat races happen this year cuz they didn't think there was going to be enough hotels so it's things like that that we need to build our infrastructure of the Town a little bit better to get big events like that to happen I know we have had some big events but things like that aren't coming yet because of you know we only have a few big big venues for them to we're still only at um probably 42% occupancy with for hotel hotel rooms and what that includes hotels and what rentals you know like short-term rentals are open at this point too so we're less than half of the capacity count marille wasn't open before that is counting they do count that is yeah like that's a lot of rooms you know what I mean so on the the TDC the visitors bureau they do have an aster there that this includes Margarita bill yeah so we're T toally less than that t yeah I mean if you don't count Margaritaville we're probably more at about 34 4% 35% so there's still a lot to be done because you look at all the places that you know what um London Bay that area I mean was huge yeah that's gone and out and down at the South End wind hotel that's nothing is plant slated for that the sand Western is getting ready to and that'll be a big boost um Lon Kai you're Stills but the products that do come and and are suggested and talked about at Town Council or even at LPA you're still looking at probably two years before shovel hits the ground on some of these major ones and then you're looking at probably another 3 to four years before completion so seven years I I can't even guarantee we going to be tomorrow let alone s years when a when a big Resort is going to be here but regardless of if it's a big Resort like Miss Woodson alluded to London Bay or or one of the other ones we still have to do every step consistent at every project we do if we don't we're no different than the administrations that left you underinsured and underpredict and try to find out is is as economically feasible in year five as it is in year 1 and if the answer is yes then we proceed we proceed full out you have to have that connection between the time the project starts till the time the project ends if it doesn't it's not going to make sense for the town and and and that's kind of the way we've always operated um I I would love to say 25 years from now I've never been one of those people I don't have the luxury of being that U I was kind of brought here as build back kind of person so you build back better than it was but you just don't build it back because you're building it back you build it back so the foundation stays and others can build off of that and that's kind of what we're trying to do with this community pool and a long area short right so if the decision is made okay then and you obviously need to get an RFP and all that so are you thinking the beginning of 2025 or I mean what's your so the funds would be released normally uh we've already gotten a a CD BGR bucket for planning earlier in the year and uh when we were told that we were a winner of that um or they selected our our our ask um we didn't see funding and we still haven't really seen the funding show up in our bank so we're still going through the formality of of getting all the documentation through the federal government and us on how we intend to use that that can take to 3 to four months there's a lot of a lot of red tape involved in this and and one of our partners title Bas who helps us with the FEA end of it also helps us with the cdbg end of it um and so I'm in constant daily contact with Ashley up in uh Mississippi and his wife Felicity um they helped write our rebuttal to the county cdbg plan um and they're part of the the overall success of where we're at because of that um they gave me the guidance on how to use a federal document against a federal document that makes any sense find find find the the weaknesses and and and and and do that and we've been successful um and and I there's no reason to doubt that we won't be successful going forward I I just want to make sure that we hedge our bets to a point so we don't get over our skis I think we're very vulnerable two years out from a hurricane we're still way ahead of any other community that's ever kind of even been close to something like this and I don't think the community grasps that um you can go up to Mexico Beach and they're not even a quarter of the way built back different infrastructure different economic base but it's still a major hurricane impacted area with tons of federal money thrown at it just not spent the right way you know it's easy to have a big pile of money and everybody grab at the end of the day that's all you're going to get so we have to spend it wisely Joe our anzic our finance director is very incal in those decisions Andy from his experience at Surfside is very incal in those decisions um if it was up to me Jeff knows I I'll just go spend spend spend I'm I'm I'm the The Shopper in my family um so they they kind of kind of rain me back but I I want to make sure that we're getting if you're giving me a dollar I want 99 and a half cents of that dollar SP on that project but again back to the shovel in the ground right we're talking 2026 okay all right 2026 if we get rolling and I'm I'm talking early 2026 this this could really take off fast and that's just pretty much gutting everything building it back to the footprint but building it back to today's and tomorrow's standards is this money that could expire if we get it cuz that's obviously the caveat we you you have a certain time to get your your horse out of the gate so to speak but it doesn't really expire so the cdbg funds like the state of Mississippi is using after Katrina um Katrina was what 20 Five Years on okay so they're still getting funding off of cdbg those buckets just keep on getting refilled and refilled because the need is there so as long as the need is and the need will be here to grow this island the right way uh for a project like this we knew going in that it's faltering on break even what we're getting to what we can get yeah but we know that there's going to be another grab there's going to be another grab and another grab so if you get a successful program and project off the ground then they they don't even ask questions what do you need what do you need and until that project comes to fruition and it's nice that we're being phisically responsible with the money we have like town hall for instance we saved a lot of money and we we got Appropriations from the state to to buy that building $20 million we saved yeah like about $20 million we saved and we're going to be in in a few months as opposed to building it so it's just thinking about that like oh yeah we could have probably just put it out there and try to get a loan to build a new building but that wouldn't have been at our best interest not when we have so many other things cor to do and unfortunately we do we're going to have another things for a long time yet exactly um have has everybody had their opportunity to talk about the pool cuz I wanted to change a subject anybody I think the pool oh John question that big waving hand on the wall um I didn't want to be L that much larger than life ever in life but um but you are I think I I you see how far away I'll go to go be in a Bard cab meeting I'm very near the s River and the Eiffel Tower um so much I have a couple of questions and and one of them is a can of worms question that I'm going to try to keep to myself um when and I'm optimistic by Nature so when funding happens for the pool as an Advisory Board are we going to be included to at least give voice or give expertise experience background on other than the tank it's itself that needs to just be updated on what could happen at that facility because there is so much uh and and this is I mean it's a very personal question for me because I'm I'm coming with 40 Years of Aquatic Center and upto-date modern what needs to be in locker rooms for the new safe sport standards should we have practice there even if it's for a five member team from our school um there there's standards that have to be met and hopefully I mean that those are easy to communicate but in the in the the design of an aquatic center not calling it a pool anymore I'm begging that you use borab to advise because we have a lot of experience uh mine is on the professional side I'm not just I'm not just barking for myself um because we we I I look around the pool and I know we have swimmers sitting there I I said pool didn't I even a table is a pool to me um and and the the more staff profiles I see putting out there um on Facebook and those sorts of things I've seeing all kinds of Staff swimmers um you'll notice my comments are always a little swimming icon when they say that they swim um but you know that's my question and and that is my frustration and maybe maybe it's more I need borab defined for me personally and maybe we do that offline I don't know as far as are are we advising anybody in the staff or are we advising City Town Council or who exactly do we get to advise and the pool is a great example yeah and on this John I it just happens and like mentioned before it just happens that we have to write a scope before we even submit it now there's little things that we can we can change but for the most part we don't have the luxury of taking years and years to Dy to design it like we did the community center you know we have to get these plans in really fast um we did consult with experts as well I mean I know you have a lot of experience but it's not like I just wrote this up and Drew it with crayon um you know we did have experts look at this uh on that side both on the Title Basin side they have experts and a couple companies that we had come in um that we had to do fairly quickly so yes we can put our input in um I'm not sure about how it reads as far as the scope goes uh and how it looks but there are things that we can put in there that are above the scope that we may have to pay for on our own as well um so maybe you can speak more yeah and to your point John it I I definitely know your your credentials and and the talks that we had and I'm very inspired by your passion that you brought to Andy and I on several occasions uh when we've talked to you um as Jeff alluded when we write the scope it's not just here's a pool we want it resurfaced and we want to put a coconut palm over here and a dackery stand over there it it was bringing it up to state-of-the-art facility so whether it's an aquatic center a community pool whatever the terminology that had to be brought into the conversation and we reached out to a couple of people that do large scale development pools not development as far as like hotels and condos those type of things but people that do pools for communities people that do pools for professional reasons um universities those type of things and we got their input uh not just using the lap pool part as an example but I will you know it was talked that oh my God you know we we've got our Bevy of swimmers each morning that do those laps don't ever touch that well when you hear that you don't want to touch it but we still have to modernize it we still have to bring it up to standards um you walk that pool right now that's not the pool that was there on September 22nd or 27th rather of 2022 um that that pool has aged probably a 100 years from sitting vacant and and being weathered and and whatnot so it's going to need a a a lot of TLC to kind of even bring it back to where it needs to be um as far as input goes um we're always open to input I I would suggest that once we get to the RFP stage and people bring their ideas that's when maybe we could meld all of our ideas and take bits and pieces of a project if we choose one here's what they're suggesting and that's when we can maybe uh bring that open to an open Forum we have to get to that process first and and we're not going to be like other administrations that showed you a plan two weeks before they voted on it and he'll guess what you don't have any input in it we heard those stories we are not those people um as far as an Advisory Board yes you are an Advisory Board to the councel not to staff um so you can take those suggestions to council and and and hope that that filters down through staff um we're not trying to circumvent any of the steps we're just trying to let you know that we have an opportunity to build this thing back a lot better than it was and yes we can add in a lot of these things that you're suggesting they're already in there I'll guarantee that um and and we just we just need to get to that step once we select who we're going to talk to that's when we can all sit down and and and just hammer away and say yes but on line two I want this change to this and and that and we can get a finished product in in a unified uh project moving forward based on all of our expertise thank you I it's going to be outstanding I mean I know that everybody's under the pressure to make it outstanding because when the funds come in with that specific use it's an opportunity for us to show that we will use them for exactly what they're for ex and that opens the door for future because you know I I'm never going to stop knocking on the door for a 50 M Pool so let's get this one done beautifully perfectly and then the stage T the stage for yeah cuz and I've I've had this tangent many times but now that I know what the LA 28 Olympic um Aquatics picture is going to look like they're going to be building about 8 50 m pools that are all those uh Mera movable so they can come in for the event and then they can go out and be building communities around America um 2028 is a is a realistic time not to start thinking about that but maybe even acquire one should there be a long stretch of land for even four lanes you know it doesn't have to be I wouldn't want to bring swim Meats to Fort Myers Beach that would be more of a more of a problem than anything but that that training thing I'm never going to let it die God bless your um you know I guess I'm revealing this very publicly but uh we have just figured out with our architect that a 25 yard pool fits within the setbacks of the home that we're about to build so um we're going to have one at our at our land and uh boy my admission price is going to be much higher than the town so so I'm going to race the town to the to the 25 yard pool and uh it's going to be great and and and I hope my advisory question didn't didn't um fall on stepping any toes I probably should have asked that the day I got on this board uh just so that I knew better you know who exactly are we advising and when so that was just an honest question I had that was unrelated so thank you very much I think that that's the issue that we've all been kind of asking ourselves is what what are what are we really doing here you know when we advise is what where where does it land you know um and I see I even printed off you know the purpose and the scope of our Bard cab off of online and it's clear we're advising the Town Council so the Town Council is Karen right now because she's our representative and you guys are here I don't know just to maybe listen to us a little bit right but ideas I tell you what I I come from a Science Background so there's no such thing as a bad idea an idea has to be run and and followed through regardless suggestions are the same way so in County go or in I can't even talk in in government that I've been involved in uh John's coming to us with his his background everybody has a different background a different story it doesn't always have to be from the professional side but it all kind of uh becomes one big amalgamation at the end and and that's what you want you want that finished product to have everybody's hand stamp and fingerprints on it because that meant it was a community project you know it's easy to sit there and say this is what we're going to do that's not what we're about that's not what this council's about they made that clear from the first day I came on board um I know that Jeff has tried to do everything was in his power and now he's got to that point where he can make a lot of these decisions but yet he always chooses to involve everyone and and that that shows a lot on what you've learned you know it's not so the bad things you learn from other places you've been or other Administrations it's the things that you've learned from the community that you're in you know and if nothing else to to John's question we will always always listen you you let us know what you're feeling reach out to me anytime um that I work for you at the end of the day um and and so that that's we want to make it sure that it's a communal process at the same time though and Barb especially correct me if I am wrong here but we are an Advisory board we're not like Opa you know like we can Karen was part of our Advisory Board before so imag she has heart in B Oaks but we talk we make suggestions they can be like that's dumb and you know in come in and talk the two of you run the whole thing never says yeah that's dumb so and and as borab you have the opportunity any meeting to go up and say what we've been talking about any suggestion Town council meeting yeah Town council meeting as a as a resident we have well you could but as as bab you can make suggestions and recommendations to go talk in front of the the Town Council and give our recommendations at every I know murf does it most meetings you know so if there's someone that wants to come share some ideas that they want to get on the on council's mind then we can certainly your point Karen's at the meetings she sits with us and and Andy and I on a weekly basis we go over a whole Litany of things uh one of which is always her involvement here and and so any kind of suggestions that you have brought to her those type of things we honestly do try to run it as best as we can to the end or find a result um some type of of mediation some type of uh come togetherness on whatever the topic may be um this is this has been the elephant in the room for the last year um but from that very first walk that Andy and I made we we we knew exactly how we needed to get to the Finish Line just when we got to the finish line and and that was the question that we we had um I would have liked to had this all settled out and done um in my time frame I had this done 6 months ago as far as being finalized but like I said we we reached a few roadblocks and um our federal Partners don't like to go at my speed they like to go at their speed uh which at the end of the day as long as they're paying for a new destination and I'll guarantee all of One everyone here when this is done you're going to have buses lined up to use your pool oh I'm sure and and and that's that's the whole thing in a nutshell it's going to be something that's going to we always talk about the clock the pier Time Square this campus is going to be a something that you can really really be proud of um I have a question because I think a lot of us have also articulated that John and joy as well but what I have noticed um and it's it's a question that we all have had individually and collectively and it's been brought up in past meetings is sort of a lack of communication between um you know what council thinks what staff thinks and what borab thinks when we have our meetings and have these questions that are difficult to find answers for so um and a lot of people here have gone through hurricane in and have lost the records but I have the original ordinance and the original ordinance very much dictates exactly what our role is as a board Camp member so I'd like to read that if I may uh the Town Council desires to have an advisory committee comprised of town citizens and others to assist the Town Council with regard to matters involving the bot's recreational campus so what that means is that if there's an issue such as the pool or such as a community center or um Staffing um that's brought up as an agenda item and if it's an agenda item item that is requires a board vote because we are an Advisory Board then the board votes on it and that board vote goes to Council in the form of an Advisory board report to council to Jeff's point so the chair usually or designate would go before Council to say we as an Advisory Board voted to recommend to council that you consider this so that's not been happening and I think that's what caused a lot of the confusion and we understand because I there's many bigger fish to fry for both Council and for staff so I think we all recognize that but going further the thing that really concerned me is that we really have three mission statements right now Joy just read one from the website which is not what the ordinance reads the ordinance has a different web um a mission statement we as a borab group along with councel and along with um staff worked for two years to get this strategic plan which also has a Bion statement which is not like the other two so again that sort of points to what is our role um as as a Bay Oaks Recreational campus is it this or is it this or is it this so there's got to be clarification there what um what Joy read as far as the website thing I believe was uh written by staff is that correct it was a resolution or an ordinance it this one was an ordinance that in 2009 I same one yeah and it doesn't seemed like it's not the same word anyway so that's the issue and that's the Strategic plan that was adopted by Council yes absolutely adopted by councel it's an official Town look at what it says so I think would happen too if I so because I was on bab yes during that you remember this it was a CommunityWide effort so I think what happened though is this was accepted in 2019 but the ordinance it wasn't a follow through and the ordinance wasn't changed on the written in 2009 yeah and this was 2020 was when it was last updated so it was in 2019 that it was but wouldn't wouldn't that have to go as an ordinance update in order to get that Chang this was done 2009 yeah so which 10 years before plan might have been adopted but not an ordinance to change the actual so there has to be an amendment so things like that is kind of what The Advisory Board and even if we had even if we had taken it to John Heron it just didn't get done well I mean to to clarify what our mission is and to you know um adjust the agenda appropriately so that if there is a topic that we do need to discuss and that there is an action that is the board action in the form of vote and that that vote does get taken to council and acted upon that would be a perfect world I think for all of us collectively which is why we because we're speaking on behalf of other members of the community so it's a wonderful tripartite agreement between the town and the staff and the community and that I believe is our role and we'd like to play a more active role in it yeah and I when I talked to Nicole because I this question we took it off of the ordinance that was the most current ordinance that we had we put it on the website or that's what she did on on all these so we just need to change that and we can change what's on here well so what we need to do though is to bring it to council as an agenda item to change the ordinance to update and and really before we do that we should actually look at this and say is this what we still want this was supposed to have been updated every 6 months you know because it was an action plan it was not a strategic plan the idea is like you know okay staff is responsible for this um Advisory Board needs to address this and so it it had a timeline it had a responsibility and then hit back I'm sorry and then hit and then and absolutely so again that was 2020 now it's called get back on track well we struggled as a group too just coming together and you know being able to meet because there's several times that we've met and didn't have a quum and now we're back together and like we just kind of been like this I feel like we're on a good swing now exactly you're absolutely right then I understand the town also has a strategic plan right so we want to D we're entering yeah we're entering into that discussion currently okay so yes we we need do is a town update we've been with Council I believe at an M&P and then it's gone into a regular Council uh meeting itself um as far as some of the discussion and moving forward but that that's something that Andy can address um at the next council meeting or whatever he's been the one that's been handling the ongoing strategic plan for I think it's pushed now till October so we can get through budgets and everything then the Strategic plan will come up again in October that's a good time to tie that in time timing and to get everything consistent in terms of what our mission is what our purpose is what our vision is so that would be so when Andy has the Strategic plan on the agenda I think it's I don't know if it's going to be October 3rd or October the 2D one that would be a good time for a representative borab to come in and talk about you know at at the advisory update time of what needs to be done and you request the ordinance to be updated and all that kind of and dub tailed right into it and S need to do the same thing cuz cab also has a strategic plan same that also needs to be updated but yes if we can dub tail all that if we can have some consistency in terms of the documents of the message that goes to the public I think that it would it's it's either October 7th or October 21st I can get Andy to nail down when he's going to be talking about that but it would be one of those two meetings in October that the strategic planning piece for the town would be addressed that we'd have to D tail in with that okay was that just in the in the conversation start phase or is that an actual draft that's going to be presented to council by ending I believe we're still in the planning stage yeah okay it's not a draft at all okay we haven't sat down and gone through it because there has to be public meetings for a strategic plan for the town and everything so this is kind of like the beginning here's the plan here's the ne here's the planning process and here's the next steps mhm kind of thing so it's not in any form draft at all at this point yeah that a good time to um can we ask Andy which one he plans on having on what date on the agenda so then we know and then we'll have advisory under that segment that is advisory Council updates um that's word m always comes up or I did just get this from Amy and so uh again um this was as far as I'm concerned never abended right you know so I'm not sure if this is this might be the original one but maybe there was an amended ordinance but couldn't find anything else I've bet it's never been amend probably not cuz we took over Bay Oaks I believe in 2006 is when they we took over Bay Oaks from the county from the county from the county yeah and this was old or yeah it was never amended probably was never amended since was never amended so there's work to be done yeah great um okay that so what date is on there Barbara uh this was 2009 2009 okay uh second day of November 2009 Larry Kiker was mayor at the time I think all of us when we became Advisory board members had copies of the ordinance so that that would basically guide what our goals were to your point John about not knowing you know what an Advisory Board member would be responsible for this really did clarify that but you know we all lost our documents in the Hing so we sure did it was nice that Amy um uh was able to send us today because I I wanted this clarification addressed thank you thank you for that well I can't thank you enough for the information that you've given us today I wish I could give more um and when that time arises we will we appreciate it we are we are working diligently to try to get it I know you are and uh we listen to you all the time so appreciate that and anytime you can I don't like to talk our meeting bar is that what you were going to change the subject to you were going to change the subject after the pool was that it that was it yes it was the inconsistency with mission statements and clarification of gos yeah I even that Jason look and if he can't find it no doesn't exist exactly if Jason can't find it can't find the amendment an amendment yeah then it doesn't exist every piece of paper that's ever been he'd ask him and he'd be like yeah I think that was November 2nd 2006 let's look it up 2 o' in the afternoon it was cloudy out and I was wearing a PL shirt frean amazing well you have an amazing staff period you really do it's I think collectively these two here so falls on them yeah and right now you know as far as the the role it's just so changing right now before we had time I think you know I was only involved in a short period but you know before the but everything's just moving so fast um that you know we try to get input but well you move fast and then it takes forever for decision so the deadlines come up like p p p that you have to submit and then they take their good old time yeah there's no deadline for them there's no deadline for them at all we have all the deadlines but no deadlines for them so don't take any disregard for this but as long as I get a check at the end for the I know I think we' said that in a few show me the money show me the money hopefully someone's going to show us the money a lot in my smart assery gets me in a lot more trouble with the federal government that doesn't have a sense of humor but uh yes but thank you for letting me speak today thank you for thank you for all of your input makes a big difference so I have one more thing that you could maybe address because I know we've talked about it before is the the administrative building that we had planned and designed and then CER Community Center and had it pulled out from under us and um and now we've got so we've got the closing on the new building so we have a town hall that'll be moving in that space I believe is going to be it's a huge building so there will be Community rooms they will be meeting rooms there will the new town hall in the New Town Hall in addition to chamber bu yes chamber so the chamber the actual chamber will be like on the first floor right yes ma'am and then we have floors two and three for staff and then there's extra meeting rooms extra offices which I don't know how it's going to work yet Andy's working on this but you know it'll be either open to 501c3's free or it will be rented to groups or it will be some of it will be used for events at some places so a lot of that depends on how the whole reorg of Bay Oaks comes about with the pool and all that as to number one is a community center needed there number two if so how big three we'd be responsible for all of our own own funds because there is no more funds for that so these are just things to be thinking about and talking about like what is what's our next step once we get into the new town hall which we're hoping is going to be January January is um and then those trailers the interim trailers will be gone on B Oaks might have to keep one for maintenance staff or whatever it may be not on the site not on that not on that site okay that'll be a different site so then the big baseball field starts getting completion correct I'll give an update on that okay and then but then we need to really be thinking holistically about BS and what happens right and and I think we have made tremendous progress in terms of what the entire campus would have the opportunity to provide in terms of community programs so separate and apart from the building that ball field was going to be multi-use we were going to have you know food festivals we were going to have um you know art festivals we're going to have a an Amphitheater that could provide performances and um music festivals so that kind of interaction and being able to utilize that ball field uh better than just a ball field was uh uppermost in our lives at that time time but we had potential funds I'm sorry we had potential funds but I'll get you I don't know if you want me to bring it up now but I have some comments on so I when I was looking for the mission statement I found this document maybe some people have been here for a few years you remember it said plans something I wish I would have printed it off no I can't even find it on here plans for 2024 and this was like 6 years ago I think the document was from they up on there they had update for 4-year-old Ballfield do you remember talking what is it called what it was like plans for like to complete in 2024 was like 10 part of the Strategic it probably was but yeah it says update 40-year-old ball fields on there remember that and because of Ian we're going to be doing that um events social Gatherings we do have Bayside Park that we have concerts in right now and we're working in the ball field to also do that um another thing we might want to talk about in the the plan is trails and bike paths we're working on that bike path to kind of cut through town but also walking trails at Bay Oaks you know those kind of things and that was top priority on on them update the programs we now are having you know the programs that we want down there basketball leagues volleyball leagues pick ball Courts for getting pick ball so and then uh getting some activity on the cell side which I think you know to your point uh Karen would be meeting in those rooms at at Town Hall A Gathering space for people on the South Side I would we love to have extra land down there and do something heck yeah yeah so I think we're on the we're still kind of on the right path from what people were talking about 10 years ago well and to your point and I have to congratulate both Danielle and Jeff fantastic job getting the programs together regardless of what the actual physical facility was they have not only brought it back up to speed in terms of having it usable but huge um effort and successfully so the programs that you brought in and all the pickle ball courts and the the new tennis court so who knows thank you to to your point we're not done right we have plenty of projects uh plenty of other things that we're currently working on South End of the island Mid Island and and to the north side as well um you're never done we are limited based on our size yes we're we're limited on our size being s miles long we're not limited on our appetite so as you select a project or you conceive a project that's where you start looking for funding and we've already gotten maybe two three years ahead of ourselves with projects knowing that we can get this money at that time so we don't sit back any dollar that's being waved in the air damn it I'm going to grab it well and I understand with regard to the funding you were having to be proactive without but now that the Advisory Board is part of the conversation we share your enthusiasm we also want to be a part of that conversation about what if and that's I think the function of how the community gets um their say I agree yeah and and things like the walking trails and stuff we kind of did that I guess without borab because um who was the the visioning session at Diamond Head yeah uh there was we've had some Community visioning sessions that we had part of the parks right with a category and trails was number one well we originally had a a walking trail around the perimeter but it was taken out because of the uh MERS remember when that was the d d what is the DPR I'm trying to remember the name of the Development Group it was just oh and we we wanted that trail but it didn't and this we might have an opportunity I mean we we of course we just kind of spitball in meetings too it would it be nice to have a trail and then kind of a elevated one going over the ballpark in in the back you know where you could you could walk be a ride your bike but just those kind of ideas that I think once we start to slow down and we have some time to discuss that would exactly what we want bab to do it just things have been just moving so fast but I think also to your point like like when this plan was originally developed right we didn't have the facility um in between you know nervous Nellies and and u b b Park the Bayside Park so that sort of took off part of so you now you have to look at it strategically what's the need where has it been fulfilled right and then what is left at Bay Oaks that we need to focus on right and we still want the ball field and I'll give second to be a big venue you know B Bayside Can Only Hold so many right you know the ball field we could get bigger bands festivals you know that kind of stuff with food trucks around and I think what's going to happen is we're still I'll go over the ball field right now since the only thing um is that we are waiting again on the state to give us an extension on a grant that we had um for $1 million and we were gonna use um arpa funds for the match for so we'd have two million to spend there which would get us through the ball field uh and possibly four four to six pickle ball courts um that is still on the table as far as the Redevelopment plan um we had to talk to drmp again uh to get kind of a design because when you start to change around you know not having a building there not having parking there then your drainage all that you know kind of trickles down so there's more to it than just saying oh we don't want the building let's just go so we've had we've been having conversations and just got the STA back we got talk about that uh to put it out for bid for the ball field and pick aall courts to start uh and then I think then that kind of uses up our money that we have and then either we got to have Frankie go to Washington and get us some more money and and find a strategic uh way to do B so we can definitely fun or you know use our our meetings here to to get that recommendation out uh and put it on paper so that when he does go ask we have something with El good so that's the update with the ball field uh we wanted to have the RFP already out um but with not doing the building it just took a little bit more time with the design we we didn't take away excuse me any of the design the ball Field's still there um you know the dugouts are still there the footprint still there it's going to look the same we still we have the we have the plans that we had to begin with so that's not changing um some of the we might put another retention pond in um because we have so much open space but um we can we can build the ball field and pickle ball courts and still have our trailers there you know in the meantime so they can start working on it um so that that's another positive so hopefully we get that extension um we've been waiting for about 3 months for the state to come back some of it is their response time has not been great um we kind of Frankie has gone up the chain on uh on the federal parks and parks and W board uh Parks or Recreation board so we've gotten some responses and they have all the necessary paperwork they just hopefully are going to tell us we can get an extension to to build it and we really hope think that's going to be the case but again we can't put the cart before the horse right unless the horse is good at pushing and and you guys are all aware too of that agreement that we have with the school because there was a um a a border line remember when this was back to when we were mhm building or looking at that building and then the school was there and they were granting us space or we had to grant them space or whatever it was we went through a couple years of legal battles with regard to who owned what and where and that still stands I think no the fence line is the property line now the fence line is the okay so you guys are all aware of all that stuff cuz that was and they're working on that took forever yeah they're working on the on their side uh the playground equipment still so okay we have the PO approved it's it can be ordered um the school just know they were deciding on color last time I that's what I was wondering about the trails too CU you got to be careful not to be like too close to the school or if you have to block out kids yeah it's it's all fenced off right now so we know a definitive line you know with the surveys but yeah I mean it it can be however we want it to be I know you guys just went to uh conference uh last week and they found even more like outdoor equipment that looked really nice and geared a little bit more towards uh the senior population so um there's just always ideas that are that are coming up so yeah could there ever be dock space just wondering is that even ever an option or because of the mangroves the way they're side you know we besides the maintenance ISS our very first week meeting that we had with the team uh going back a year ago we were all standing and looking at this map in in Andy's office at the time and all of a sudden the light bulb just clicked on hey look how how much that bay comes in here and it's just like right here and all we'd have to do is kind of maybe move a few branches and we could unfortunately it doesn't work that way so in Florida you may think you own the water you may think you own the water in your Canal if you live on a canal property you have a land lease which doesn't it's not worth the paper printed on the State of Florida and the United States govern United States owns that that ground underneath it um and so anytime you start doing that oh my God it would have been a 30-year study by the Army Corps of Engineers just to get us to the water uh through the mangrove so we tried a number of things in that area you know we needed a new pump out station for our Ming field and that and we just you can't get back there the way it sit not now we haven't we haven't you killed that idea so if there's a way he'll find it that's something that we think of every single day when I walk past and I look at that map there there's there there's always a way I'll tell people that all the time there's always a way you just have to find that right dancing partner to get you to that point yeah I mean there's a small dock off of uh was that GF Shore Road yeah you know for people that come in they can with little B that's a scary area area yeah it's like like for us like if we go downtown we're not going to drive we take that CU we're out anyway like people coming in around I mean there's boats everywhere and that's a draw sometimes you know they'll meet like yeah it' be nice to have something like M where you could dock up we're not done yet lot of I'm just curious Bandits out there too raccoons trash trash pandas trash pandas Bandit too no not Bandit you know there's a lot back there but it is a place where you're talking we call them trash pandas trash pandas trash pandas so the pickle ball courts are still part of your notion here yes that's part of the the 1 million and the 2 million match um it actually it paid for parking lots too for the new facility but if new this picture that was in the Strategic plan exactly right gotcha yep so I think on there there was one and then three how they orientated we want to maybe see if we can get six um and then we also if you know if it continues the trend like that we're going to have other areas so we want a bigger weight room we need to have you know decent equipment these people are going to be moving back and there's going to be more in terms of the visitors and tourism that will want that outdoor court that we were talking about the fitness Court man does that get used oh my I'm always hoping it's going to work out early in the morning well the Shad no I would say throughout the day people stop with their bikes out for a little bit but we are we we're just waiting on the polls for the that's going to make it Game Changer so but it I'm really shouldn't say surprised but the amount of people that are working out out there has been fantastic I was blown away you know it's 90° out and it's just like somebody online I think Beach talk posted it which was awesome and then uh he somebody from the Fitness Court like in New York I think it was chimed in and sent videos out to everyone you do like a whole thing and we have a water fountain now it's not chilled but there is a water fountain I actually have it on my Safari here I'll we're going to put a shade sale up and then a couple benches out there too as our that's great yeah I have it that'll help but it's being used so much when it cools off I bet oh yeah you'll have a crowd okay how about Landscaping that area is there any talk about that this point because it looks rather Barren got than uh we were talking about a few shade trees Gumble limos probably um but no we haven't really got to that we're still putting in the drinking fountain like couple weeks ago it's a great start it is so we I mean that's something that this group can can definitely talk about and work with the Garden Club on sweet okay well let's move on uh if we're finished with the ball field update can I just one more I'm sorry so I don't know in our ordinance Andy a town manager and staff have we've been referring to Bayside Park as a park and Times Square as an actual Park M I don't know on the ordinance if that is that falls under Parks what time Square Time Square and Bayside Park Time Square does not b side park does yeah even though it's not a designated park though the parks department so I don't know if we need to change that you know what I mean yeah that's something we can easily do in front of council is yeah because Time Square is always private property and no I know it's not an actual Park and we can't use it as a beach access which is part of the problem with the landscaping and doing things we don't have enough guys to do that down there but and then that's still part of the county property as well right part of it yeah part of it is but I think the Envision I think we talked about that um when we met with the vice mayor um out at Bayside V Park that day when you're standing at either end you envision that Corridor as a park an open Air Park you you want to bring that visitor not only from a function at either end but you want to time in through that whole Corridor and and experience all the shops the restaurants and that that's what helps an area get revitalized not just keep a park and and a space make it all communal I guess what I saying saying it is do we need to adopt something that Bor cab is now going to be taking over kind of that whole Corridor is that something we want CU right now it sits under just originally B part of for cab and it just never was I don't think like we talked about it mhm B bide part not the whole Corridor correct it was bide park right after it opened and then it was going to be and then you know everything happens right I don't was ever official with regard to the actual square footage of what the town owns at Time Square is very limited right and the part of Mak making that was as part of the destination that would be the the anchor tenant if you will on either side would be the T the pier which I'm going to be done for another couple of years and Time Square you know restaurants and all of the facilities there that also won't be done for a few years so what what is that property that we're allow so we're envisioning like for the holiday season we had programs down there you know we had that Parks intered we had Sant to come um we want to have Maybe music down there set up a stage a temporary one um and just control it that way but like we used to like we used to you know if we're talking about any kind of special lighting or anything like that you know we could control that area as Bard Camp too the the paper area who owns that P area some like everything with papers Square papers that's the town is us okay so it basic be the paved area down the street to the park that's kind of what we always Envision as when we say a park or an area you know that that that is an area that we control we maintain it belongs to us and and that's something that you want to tie into that that visual appeal of standing at Bayside Veteran Park and looking down you see the clock uh the pier great and it's awesome that it's coming back but that's not the town exactly the clock was the town the the pavers were the town the the Beast lighting was the town um and and that's kind of the Ambiance and kind of vibe we want to bring back the the vendors that are there um they're they're going to have to kind of work themselves through that process the town can't really bite that Apple so but we do have that paved area and that's something that we I don't want to use the word control but something that we can actually take into consideration as we're looking at this Corridor concept do you have a budget for Holiday lighting that matters at this point yes because you know yes I understand the hurricane you know but even in the years past the town never had tell budget we went in we went in CU we cuz we're putting up banners now we have nice Banners at on old St Carlos and so we went in the other day to our conx to look at stuff we pulled out you know like Old Town Hall and it it's all trash it's it's the lights that were up there so it's awful um real quickly I can add part of the asks through the cdbg was the old St Carlos Lighting project okay so that involves all new wiring all new posts uh light post all new decorative lighting through that whole Corridor um and that was something that was kind of too big for fima was not going to give you any money on we tried to do a couple of quick fixes we figured out very early on that the wiring through that whole thing was just full of seawat the wiring wasn't any good um so yes you could get maybe a pole here and a pole here to light up but it was actually arcing back and causing a a potential huge problem so we shut everything down fire action yeah we went to a solar light system which isn't always the best but it at least provides and it becomes a safety a public safety thing okay so I uh I'm begging people to come to our downtown you know see the new restaurant restaurants that are opening the shops that are opening our our beautiful Park that we have bide park for the concerts and yet hey when it gets dark you're on your own you you can't operate a town that way so we tied that into the the parks portion of the cdbg ask um and that is also something that hopefully we'll be able to announce uh moving forward uh with new poles new light fixtures uh banners uh lighting that we can control any season any color not only during Turtle season when they would be ambered but then through the holiday season when you could have the red green and whatever holiday you're you follow that's what we could do so the the the whole thing is endless and I didn't mean to step on no that exactly what we're so that's they even Loop that into the parks and wreck part of it or the parks um ask of the CD so that's where you're asking if we come in well I don't know if we want to I'm it's just a suggestion I think it's a great idea me when we do fireworks that's the place where we have the music and we so why not I mean it certainly fits the description of what we have as borab that's you know all of these bide B we talked about the beach accesses that's not Park either it's which one the beach access well that's C we kind of meled that right but it's still like a community was that into cellc or was that into it was supposed to be in BO to be I don't know if it's official yet either I don't know all these things we talk about I don't know we did we talked about them but they were never adopted no because we meet again and we don't have a we can never vote on it I think yeah but so like that was two years ago we talked about that correct and then Ian hit so that was the end of those conversations so yeah we need to do something yeah I think there was some uh uh concern about some of the Public Works departments sort of arbitrarily designing these enormous signs that obscured the view of the gulf which was so counter productive and so there were things like that so you know that's not the way Beach acction should actually look so you know if that is we should adopt that soon because we are going to we're getting ready that the beach accesses are going to be turned over to us again to beautify and we have money um both from FEMA coming in and uh and insurance that we we're going to start putting those back soon yeah consistent in terms of how the beach accesses look we would love that great can we get on any of the September agendas to adopt that well I think we have till wedes yeah we have till I don't think it'll be a big discussion I don't think so either but at least we can get it adopted y I can put that on there so we can get it adopted in September that we're on for the rest of these discussions then do we have to vote on that officially how does that work I don't we should probably yeah as a Bard cab unit do we want to do that we should do that yeah how do we want to word that oh I I don't know go ahead Becky make the motion Becky make a motion I don't even know how to word my motion Barbara you make the motion I'll suck at you but we what are we call it the Time Square Park what there should be a name for it what are we calling it what do you call that old St Carlos Park no what do you call it I guess the concept was always just just wasn't St car's park at mobile have a name bide bedrooms and Time Square call so it's just the corridor so you could call it the Bayside veterans uh Time Square Corridor U because that gives you the opportunity to do any kind of decorating CU we don't have anybody to advise to do like decorating of right different festivals or I mean you are the art but if well but I think we professional companies that do this that is what you guys different it's just not the catchiest name in the world walkway anything but just not cor IND hallway when you as a from the planner side when you're looking at something you just want to make sure that it does tie in we went through this whole exercise with the R2 P2 project which is funded through uh the US Department of energy through FEMA and U one of the original architects who did our original comp plan um brought together a bunch of communal and and um Architects and Landscape designers and that was the first thing that they said and we said it right from the Geto was hey you guys should make this a corridor absolutely thought the same thing so so in planners ver where it's Corridor but again you're the not the creative walk they're generally called a mall in every B City generally are not M usually not open the vehicles when it's called the mall but during special events we could we do close it off do close it off you know in special events that we do have with our permits we fence it off we can have you know you have your vendors at these different functions and stuff um mean Libations and food and whatnot um I want to say Al but I'm old but just one those things where that's all okay so um I'd like to make a motion that the um um area of Bayside Veterans Park Park be a join to Time Square Park through old San Carlos uh with a name to yet to be determined um and that have that be part of the uh Parks and Recreation Department so it be from Time Square that Corridor right to bide Park from Bayside Park Square you all people should know I know right I know whoops oh I'll oh thank you you're welcome okay and you seconded that I did Is there further discussion if not all in favor indicate I Yes actually uh wasn't a member of the council speaking of private people putting up uh Christmas decorations and stuff like that during the there was a thought that you could kind of adopt a poll yeah I don't know I don't know if it wins well here's what happens though we don't own so that's all Le County those we so those you will own now oh those we will if we go through with this we do get that funding then Old St Carlos's ours why don't you comp we thought about that too we first have to get the lighting project done and the coals up and I don't think that's even going to happen by this Christmas so we've got a lot of time to think about that and how to do it cuz you can make that a big to do it could be great to do and there's many you know but if it's not if you're rushing till Christmas let's not half you know what let's wait what is this we're running out of time okay we have the motion and the second is there any further discussion if not all in favor indicate by saying I I opposed that passes unanimously that's great thank you I think that moves us on to looking you have words on my head yeah yeah now again you know here's like a Time side but the this agenda should have said board action you know so that in other words if we have to go back and say oh my God what month we make that motion but when was that approved it's it's readily available it will be in the minutes should be in the minutes okay that brings us to item eight member items and reports and uh let's just start around the room Barbara do you want to start start um actually um I have an update with regard to friends and this is specifically for Jesse um I spoke with Denise manand who was the head of the friends group and while she's not available during the day she offered to um help you in any way you uh she can uh she's got um information that would be helpful with regard to bylaws to maybe fund some of the funding and some of the membership uh but because I don't have your telephone number I could not so I'm I'm giving you dena's number and just so it's public information that uh I can send this to Jesse I know it's a it's a it would be a separate thing even off our agenda if you talk to Jesse right it's the friends which we don't even really need to discuss here so right okay okay so that's the only thing I have to report is I will give that information I appreciate that thank you oh so I need you a number 310 everyone think you want you're on camera all right thank you all you again figure out the rest can't forget about that okay that's all I have uh I met with Daniel and and a tour of of the campus at Bay Oaks and got a lot of stuff to do there that's a huge space um I have a lot of ideas that we have time that I can share them but uh thank you anything you want to share now I don't think it's appropriate at this time okay we're just not ready sure good to Jessie is that it yeah I'm sorry that's all yeah uh so I had one two things actually um the Women's Club is meeting at Bay Oaks for our fall meetings September 4th October 2nd and November 6 so we're going to be using the facility um which are you renting the facility Well we haven't quite as a nonprofit We Don't chargeit yeah how about your I thought we charged the church to use the mount house did we yeah we did we got way discounted fee I think I think she's right there is a small charge even for nonprofits but it's really discounted I don't I don't charge it for the I was talk to Danielle after the meeting about the details but we're looking forward to that is it in the is it in the rec center then we're going to use part of it oh yeah you know because there's probably about 50 people that'll be there we won't be able to fit I think in the mural room because on Wednesdays is open basketball volleyball now open volleyball but we can cancel it on those if we yeah we're working with group I just want you to know yeah I only because I read it yeah well and um so and the other thing is um my suggestion is that we think about at some point replacing the flooring in the the gym there are so many dead spots and if you're playing pickle ball it is super annoying actually I talked to I talked to Danielle about this a little bit and I we had to replace a floor like that one time and it was toxic so we had to cut the floor into 12 x 12 squares and and it it was a job and that this gym is large and we thought about it um After the Storm but cost wise we just and then what what kind of flooring is appropriate for that since it does flood you know don't you don't want to put wood you don't really want to put tiles so we did talk about that and it's still something it's something I just wanted to Brak up because there are a lot of dead spots and I don't I should say I don't know if that's the same type of floor so I don't want anybody thinking that there's a toxic floor oh no we we remove it we did mold tests underneath um when we did the building so right shouldn't be that's toxic thanks for bringing whoops um for us friends BS was able to order prize to baskball um I think we'll connect after too um but we want to do more for sure um that you really helped out with that I have some blank checks that I took them out of my car my car in service I didn't want to in there but I meant to bring them to you today no no it's fine so and I have apprciate this as $18,000 for you to is way better than mine sounds good and what that is just for anybody listening um when the friends dissolved the first time they gave us the town the money to hold on to um with the intent to give it back once we got the bank account and everything ready so and they're M Beach I know I was just we open loation going to be the bank on the beach oh nice right ACR literally right across from B right there nice yeah is that where it's going okay mhm cool fantastic yeah better yeah even better they're great over there yeah they are so yeah that's all I have for right now definitely thank you um I just was curious how the small ball field did with Debbie did it flood it yeah it had probably a foot and a half on it okay cuz we were worse than Adalia and I remember it flooded with Adalia so I was curious but it was fine fine we ran the sprink right after got to go to Heavy Rain which helped too true yeah so it washed it off but yeah there isn't any yellow spots it P was so much that it floated away the bases and you kind of know how heavy those are it floated them up into the L field all over them so and they were they were plugged in but everything seems to be be great in the field that's all I had okay and I would just like to thank uh Frankie again for all of the updates that you were able to bring to us today and uh kind of a little insight that uh maybe we hadn't thought of couple items and uh really appreciate that and I think it's outstanding that we today have all seven of our members here uh even though John is he he is very big with us today you take up the whole could be any bigger so it's very much appre appreciated that everybody has made this uh effort to get here especially uh with the rain that we had and what we had to go through this noon so anyway um daddy did maybe John have something to add we'll ask you yeah mine has anything more than anything mine are I don't know if my mic is on really a big thank you to Frankie for coming um the the value of you being in the room is enormous and thank you for that um I just uh I'm glad we went long I got to miss a coach's meeting over in the athlete Village so thank you for going along cuz that's a really long walk and I have legs for power not distance um but the and and clarifying all that was clarified today all the way around the room um that we are more direct advisers to the Town Council and uh Karen knows very well that I'm not shy to advise and say what I think so um I I hopefully everybody at the table is doing the same um and maybe for September also a thank you to uh Jeff and Jacob for making this happen that I could be on the call um I I'm going to be making the same ask for September because my stay here here got extended um last thing is maybe a a a piece of business for September is to whether we name it something who knows but to officially ask the Town Council to to act on the the beach access question on where our involvement is or could be if we can get that on their agenda you know one way or the other cuz we can we can really do some big advising we check Buck or not on on the beach accesses that's it okay thank you John appreciate that all right uh that brings us to our setting the agenda and the date for our next meeting it will be on September or later this month usually we like the first ones yeah but there was a problem in doing the first Wednesdays now yeah I wasn't here at the last meeting and I read through that but I didn't see that yeah I was wondering why it was late yeah with being at council chambers usually the reason we're not at council chambers was because of the primary elections and Le County needed it Tuesday and Wednesday that's why um but I don't know what is it that goes on on that first Wednesday There's a first Wednesday and there's a second Wednesday already taken at council chambers right yes which is why we now move to the third so would be the 18th be the 18th yeah it would be the 18th then September 18th M at noon at com Chambers now Betty if you remember correctly and maybe Jeff you do as well is that we have the map advisor coming um our reviewer and he is designating for all of us to set aside September 18th for that which I think was going to be pretty much a whole day thing which would involve staff some council members and our ccat board right you're right so we need to think about that September 18th date and that that's for uh southc so for our maps program for the town is SC NE yeah yeah right our uh Museum accreditation program oh that's that's Nationwide so do we need a different dat one of our steps is to meet with the joint session with the with Cam and the board we have two cab and Karen W need to be there too as well as myself M really what talk about it I think Amy brought it up the 18th Karen okay what I do calendar a joint session with cellc here right joint session where are we probably in the chambers Chambers I'm assuming will September 18th work then all day no then it won't work so 25th uh what's that following 25th oh sorry it's C Cab join session with Council be the 19th oh yeah I have it on the 19th yeah 19th so we're good on the 18 okay so we're good on the 18th okay so oh I think he left both 18th and 19th so I think at Council they the 19th sorry okay so the 18th over so we can do the 18th at noon I know I won't be here September 18th at noon mhm okay and you won't be I I'm going to be on a cruise good for will you be here a cruise in the Mediterranean nice oh my sorry fabulous you guys you to zoom in while you're they have Wi-Fi packages no you enjoy your time commitment for think anyway okay do we have anything particular that we want to have on that agenda that we can zero in on well is the town council meeting to discuss what we just voted on before this that'll be the ninth be the we need put that on our agenda to talk about the nth not cor a general update October Corridor is a hall oer not a when we were going to talk ask them to move on the ordinance thing cember 9th that's when I go to the council the street so we should have someone from available at that meeting in case there's a question or how this came up and then they get up and we put a plan together on the naming of give an advisory report and that would be on town yeah designate somebody to do that yes uh we can actually maybe do the addresses and then we can come up with a name later yeah is somebody available on September 9th to do that to un packing no you're excused I'm still eating pastries at that point you're what eating pastries okay do you want to do that Barbara is that I'll be happy to if you would like me to yes Barbara and you're taking care of getting it on the agenda I'll get a blue sheet ready put plenty of detail on that or sheet depending marks that would be great thank you all right well we have our next meeting taken care of so I would entertain a motion for adjournment at this time do we have an agenda any agenda items we want to put on there just two um oh we should have a pool update by then that's right we should have some funding information be ready conf conf Sunday information okay or just put down pool pool pool okay pool Aquatic Center aquatic I like the Aquatic Center Aquatic Center yes and I'll bet John likes that name too yeah yeah okay and I just a question on my part but I never quite understood why we had one name for the community pool and another name for for B Oaks why would the pool not be under B Oaks as a as as another activity that's a good question I would that be something that when we do an aquatic center that that be dovetailed right into the whole beok General programming yep cuz now it's beok Park and not Bok Recreation campus right right that's already been decided so it's not even B it's do fail Park file for the oh speaking of where is our sign yeah so we need to have a name change too while we're dealing with the amended ordinance well there's a big sign that's already been it's [Laughter] may call agenda item call yeah there's the agenda item that good item discussion just add it to it but yeah that's I guess good point about the pool I mean the pool is recreational in nature why would it not Beal we'll rename it Aquatic Center younie no sure there'll be a rebranding once the project is done there'll be an entire rebranding on the yes schol SE I would think that by the next meeting that Jeff would have an update on the ball field as well maybe we've been waiting three months so hopefully soon we definitely put it Flo who's in charge of our grants thank you has I think she tries to contact them three times a week at least and we still have not gotten an answer so I wouldn't we we can put on the agenda because hopefully we can have an RFP out at that point trying to get your such keep thank you for that keep every day I come in and ask control okay so actually I have a question for Jeff because I'm not clear I think on our agenda you say Town staff Jeff but is Danielle now our new Point person yes we'll change that to Danielle okay so it's now official as of when well right now she sent out the agendas and we kind of did this one was the transition time so yeah if you have questions um about the agenda you can direct those to Danielle she'll be sending out the agenda and the minutes and next time we'll send out the report as well so you're going to be sending out the agenda you'll be sending out any of the minutes and all the other things and you will have all your contact information on that and obviously my goal is to be at at all work meetings but just the contact you know and she'll give the her report and good but I'll what is your last name I still have you in here is Danielle Fon it's deona now d i b o n a okay Capal d i capital b o n a all right now I got you my maid name is like that and you should Me Badd of people in C really it drives my husband nuts so so I have to kind of do that too yeah I they get funny about that yeah that's right got it okay may I motion to adjourn I still move okay I'll second SC over okay y we have a motion in a second all in favor time my K you guys it's my GL box was like it's not rain car excuse so D [Music] yes you want to do it she's on island so yeah I just got to get it to I got get so I'll do with this resolution good yest just well next time question yeah everybody not related does K play