e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e start she's going to hand out the minutes in the last three meetings we need to get oh we'll need to I think we should review them first for we I think I did email them all out so should had time to review them but yeah yeah did you want me to pass this down is this the same it's been a while this is the same one no it's not it just has the same date on it February 7th [Music] for e e let's call this meeting to order this is the Bay Oaks Recreational campus Advisory board meeting commonly known as borab and uh it is Wednesday June 5th 20 24 at 12:07 our meeting is now called to order would you all please rise for the pledge to our [Music] flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you okay let's go around the room for a roll call you want to welcome our new member pardon you want to welcome our new member oh yeah I will okay we do have a new member with us Ed it is nice to see you yes thank you and I'm going to let you say just a few words to us okay well I just want you all to know that I have 35 plus years of experience in in Park and Recreation and I just hope to be a good addition to the board well welcome thank you it's nice to have you with us okay so let's start over here and we'll just go around the room Danielle deona Parks and Recreation manager Jeff hogy uh Parks and Recreation director Joyce Sullivan Barbara Hill Betty Simpson Jesse field uh Ed skover Karen Woodson okay very good thank you and uh uh I guess John is the only one that we missing I mean and Becky they're both excused yeah y but I mean I'm thinking that uh uh we were going to talk to him about the pool at some point so uh when do we think he'll be back or we don't have any idea maybe by the next meeting I don't I don't yeah he actually um so he actually spoke with Andy and Frankie about his contacts and things that he has with funding and all that kind of thing so he is working while he's away kind of putting these contacts together and seeing what kind of interest there could be for some kind of funding to come from the USA Olympics or whatever other contacts he has and then he will give that directly to Andy so that they can set up meetings and things so I'm thinking over the next 3 to 4 months M um once we find out about this latest Grant and what is all happening there um and the final Insurance do we get the final insurance yet um yeah but it was minimal right ex I think that and what we're going to be getting from FEMA is only about $200,000 oh jeez okay so anyway so John is trying to work his magic with all of his contacts and then he will give it to Andy and Frankie to take it from there very good so that's where we're at thank you okay let's have approval of the minutes item four on our agenda and from the March 6 Madam chair I'm just going to abstain from this approving the minutes since I wasn't part of the meeting okay yeah and the other the other two that you have I believe we already we already have approved they just need to be signed by the chair so we just handed them all out oh feary and April yeah all right some isues missing sure which so uh you're saying that you're going to approve those minutes I'm just going to I'm just going to abstain because I wasn't here so I don't feel like I would have any choice to disagree or agree with what's on them okay all right can we have somebody that uh approves those minutes um I vote to uh make a motion to approve the minutes thank you Barbara for April 3rd right no just for the March 6th this is March 6th oh April 3rd I'm sorry this says for the March 6 should be March 6 then um do we have the April one too yeah we have March April and right June no June's the agenda sorry April March 6 and April 3rd I believe we have to do because we didn't have a quorum okay okay do we have a second I second okay thank you Joy any discussion if not all in favor indicate by saying I I I opposed okay that passes unanimously thank you and these other minutes we have those uh just need to be signed by you Betty all of them yeah okay that's put the yeah just signatures on those okay thank you I'll take care of that okay so that brings us to public comment your girls want to say anything you want to say anything no I don't think so you guys want to say anything about no BS want to say anything about your dad see anybody lined up that wants to that's sweet you certainly may you're welcome okay thank you uh our staff liaison report yeah before I say that uh so Jesse kids don't have to be on camera but uh his daughters are here and I just want to point out that you know a lot of kids come and they get preoccupied with an iPad or or you know a gaming system they're reading books which is awesome so thank you for that all three of you so that's great tough yeah yeah for sure that's great yeah so you can uh read through the uh report that we have but basically um I'm going to kind of let Danielle talk about what's been going on at the going on at Bay Oaks um I'll talk about kind of the overarching things of of you know the plans and what we've been talking about as far as the ball field and the pool which I I guess I can just do that now and then we'll go over the numbers after that um of course the pool is like we've been talking about still on our radar of course we want to get that open we're just waiting on funding um we have a couple options now that we've written grants for the C cdbg uh grant that we put five I think 5.1 million towards the pool so if that gets approved we'll definitely um have enough money to rebuild so uh timeline on that is we're not sure it it was due I think last week uh so it's in the review process hopefully but we did put 5.1 million for the pool in there um that was one of the projects that obviously the town is wanting to push forward it is a priority for us um so we put that in the in the grant um the ball field we are ready to put it out for RFP finally um for bid uh we hopefully can get we have a loan that's due the end of the month or end of excuse me end of the year but pretty confident we'll get at least a six-month extension uh on that so we can get the ball field and pickle ball courts completed as our Redevelopment plan we are at this point going to hold off on the community center um because this kind of takes the trailers here take away from the parking lot and part of actually the center so um we are going to be putting the ball field all forbid and the pickle ball courts uh as the part of the Redevelopment plan um we are going to use a million dollars from the arpa funds uh to do our match we still have arpa funds that we have to use by the end of the year as well um so that of course that will be the softball field um if you remember the Redevelopment plans um if anybody's watching or when people that are watching sorry not if um you can still go on our website the plans are still on there um to build the the softball field um kind of a multipurpose field so just like the the plans showed before nothing changes except we aren't going to have a building there um the Little League field is the field I it I would say is complete um to where we want it there might be a few little improvements here or there but finally got all the padding in for the back stop um it's been it's been used here and there uh from kids playing baseball to people out in the Outfield playing soccer couple playing football out there which is great we want to use that green space however we have it is open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. the door the gates will be open for everyone um so you can come and and utilize it first come first serve unless we do have something uh coming up um a game or something it'll say reserve on it uh which brings me to the next thing we little league is going to be playing two or All-Star games here on June 15th which is coming up we just got a call from uh the chairman John C uh that we're going to do that and hopefully get some food trucks down down here for that those games but we love that they're using the field um Bonita Springs is going to be using it for their all-star teams and All-Star games so uh we don't know exact details on times yet I don't think but I haven't heard but June 15th there'll be more games down here Little League games for the kids so um restrooms are all done we got power to them finally um that's good some Landscaping is getting done some we did some pavers U where some of the shell was so that's a nice place to gather for for the teams so um yeah I I think things are going well the batting cage is is up and ready and running um you know we're we're just we're trying to improve the park as much as we can um for everyone and uh what about the concessions concessions is not quite ready yet uh we still need to do drywall um that was kind of the catchall for all of our material but that obviously was impacted the most with the storm surge um with completely gutting it redoing it we have to get all the new kitchen equipment in right um that's not going to be ready for okay a little bit uh I don't have a timeline on that it's just our our team is working on doing it piece by piece they did the the the outside we did the windows uh we did the Hardy Board on the on the outside the siding um painted it gave it a new all new outside looks great that's why I was asking yep so then the inside will be next they're GNA do some drywall and we're GNA do a little bit upstairs uh to make it um I'd say to make it almost like a it may be office space and rental space if someone's having a game we're going to do some countertops up there that you can watch it slide the windows open and and watch the game from up there um if if we have some special people that want to be there um but yeah VIP yeah we're not we're not we're not going to try to use it for much storage at all we're going to keep it open um I think it would be great to have you know maybe our our campus manager we haven't talked about it you know up there once we get the pool open cuz you can see the entire park um I don't know if you'd be too lonely up there but maybe get you um but no then you can see you can see you know the pool you can see the park you can see the pickle ball courts you can see both Fields um I it is a great view up there so it's it's a nice spot for for that so good question sounds good uh and then Daniel do you want to talk about some of the numbers and what's going on at BS yeah so uh We've also got the tennis courts those are being resurfaced and the fence is going up around the tennis courts so don't have a timeline yet on when those will be finished but they're currently working on them so that's really exciting um as far as Recreation Center programming we had our free month of May pickle ball which I think was really successful for the month of May which is historically a really slow month for us us even pre storm we still had an average of about five people a day per day and a total of 84 participants so do you have the numbers here starting on page what page okay we're on page four of page four of the report of the report that's where the that's where parks and W starts the first part of it is the culture part of our culture parks and W so page I think it's I think it's page four what say Recreation Center progam Recreation okay so um there's the attendance numbers I don't see right towards the top of page four it says Recreation and then Athletics oh we're on page page five okay so yeah we didn't have you know a group playing every day but many days we had several people playing and I I heard a lot of good feedback so I'd be interested in in running that again in the future a nice promotion for the uh town can I just jump in real y sorry uh one one comment I have is I I walked in the was a couple weeks ago um and there was somebody that wanted to play pickle ball and I just want to give I guess a shout out to uh shanet Thomas our our Athletics coordinator she stepped up and and uh asked if the person wanted to play so someone had somebody to play with so she was out there playing pickle ball and running around and sweating it was just great I mean that's what we want of our staff that's part of the community service and the the what we want from our staff so I I appreciate her going out there and playing and now they're like requesting her so I don't know if she's just not very good and they keep eating her which is fine too but uh I just want to say that as well our staff are doing a great job and along those lines um shanet just got our men's basketball league up and running so that started May 25th and she's got five teams I was surprised we got more than two I mean we've never had this kind of success so five whole teams and it five on five not three on three right yeah so it's it's huge and we almost got a six so she wants to look into running again uh they're talking about you know coming back again now that they've seen our rec center we've heard so many comments that they love the floor and it's just the best place to play so we might be stealing a lot of Y YMCA folks that's good they can play both I guess I guess they can um otherwise everything's been uh rolling out really well obviously we started summer camp just this week but just to keep uh the focus on the month of May the club wreck after school program always goes very good we've got 32 actually we might have a couple more now maybe 34 um kids registered for our after school program and even more for our summer camp but we'll talk about that next time uh so that's going really good and you think about that that's roughly uh what about 60 70% of the school yeah I think it might be more it's well over half I think there was what 52 at the end maybe something like that so 20 kids out of the school didn't come the other 32 did that's oh boy percentage wise I think that's AB y that's excellent and we've been working really closely with Beach Elementary School as well so they've come over to the rec center for any most of all of their programs like they had their spring musical performance May 9th that was really fun so we coordinated with them they we blacked out the windows because they were doing this black light theme so it was really colorful and really fun and they all had a good time all the families came and supported so it was a good turnout and we were really happy to be a part of that good um what El Imaginarium too yes that's right the stem event yeah yeah that one we had I think that was the end of April but that turned out really well too so yeah when they need the space since they don't have their cafeteria they come and and they use bols I'm really glad that we have that partnership with them yeah that's pretty much it that's all we have I did run a quick report in case you're interested on just what our numbers are looking like as far as membership numbers and it's low but I'm still finding it very promising uh since January we sold about 361 memberships and the annual memberships that's all of it annual individual and some um of the employee memberships that was a small amount but yeah that's every type of membership that we sell the grand total was 361 361 yep we had 957 checkins for May so that means it obviously it's going to be the same person that comes regularly right so they get counted multiple times but still I feel like that's good foot traffic I was like wow this is great and then I checked it against May of 2022 and it's half of what we had but it's still it's still good we're getting there about half okay you bet considering we have about half the population yeah right yeah and for an offseason month oh and um sorry last thing the fitness classes are going well too and even though they typically go dormant in the summertime all of the instructors have decided to keep going another few months so they're going to keep teaching through July which means they have at least two or three students regularly so that's really good for us for offseason programming as well um a question Daniel of the uh like the tennis courts for example how many did we have pre hurricane the actual courts just the two two and we have two now correct so there's not been any added on will there be as far as the future plan will'll always remain at two ten Sports what about pickle ball court so pickle ball is where we're seeing the biggest increase and obviously that's why you know part of our next Redevelopment plan is to add those pickle ball courts we currently have three outside and it's on a shared use court so it's also basketball but when we get our new ones it'll be just pickle ball courts can we turn the tennis courts into pick a ball courts as well I mean it's just adding the proper lines we could if the need was there I do feel like it's good for us now to offer the tennis only and I've heard some feedback that they appreciate that we have a few tennis players still and they appreciate not having to share with pickle Ballers so okay I feel like maybe we should wait till that need is really strong but it's it is a possibility cuz there's not any other tennis courts that are available on the island like there used to be either so this is it for tennis players makes sense so yeah it's it's interesting we didn't notice a whole lot of people playing before yeah we've had a lot of requests so maybe it's because there's not any any or there's none anywhere else so hopefully that that comes back um in a big way and it also I think there's a what tournament is right now some tournament is right now the French Open French Open yeah sorry so I just have a question um is there anything going on yet with wave of Vitality coming into to the rec center um we're still working on that um we're not sure if it has to go out for our P or not shoot okay um that's we're trying to get that clarification from the lawyers are you guys familiar with wave of Vitality mhm it's great place they used to be in secr Plaza and they're on the third floor of the library which still isn't open yeah um so he so Kenny Charles is the owner of it he also is a realtor for oh yeah Kenny for um Alex Kenny but anyway so he does not want to go back into sea Grape at all and so he was looking at going into the gymnasium or Borat but it would be such a great fit I mean it's all protein shakes and healthy snacks and food and that kind of thing and um you know even for the kids after school they could get you know a shake or whatever and he makes all kind of cookies and protein balls I mean they're delicious um so he's been I know you guys has been working a long time to see if we can get him in into um the gym the rec center basically yeah I mean we we'd like to get some kind of vending there um as far as somebody in the concession area um we're still working on it okay and you're talking about the concession area that's outside is that where they would be then is that no in in BS there's a concession in B yes I did not know that a little time it's by the back hallway um there's actually a window in the gym roll up window that yeah okay A little the Ada bath right next to it I don't think it's ever it's been used in years we've used it for a few events but but that's about it but it would be a perfect location yeah does that have to go out to bed I'm not sure we're we're checking in on that cuz it is that would be a great use of that it is a vendor that we would use so with any vendor we obviously vet that and you know if we need Landscaping we go out for it's over a certain amount we'll go out to bid if it's over but now with our new policy I don't know oh we'll find out we're still working on it but I know he's anxious so I yeah he text me just Monday asking how I was going said we still working yeah I talked to him the other day so thank you for those comments is there anything else on the report no no that covers it okay yeah I don't think so I just I just want to reassure people we are still working on the pool um we've been trying to do everything we can every grant that comes out we're applying for um it's just a big ticket item that we don't have a funding for so it's nice know if John you know could definitely get us some funding but these other programs we've gotten some the reason they've gone forward is because we've gotten some kind of funding for we either a grant or you know using some fun that go directly towards those programs it's just the pool one we're having I guess issues getting the specific one we need so um we're probably looking at about 3 million to put it back really two and a half three million to do it to do it right um I would think at least at least what about the slide that'll have to get everything everything there will need to get replaced and we're having we've been draining it because that's our town ordinance is you know you have to drain the pools and make sure they're empty so we've been doing that on a regular Bas no ours is above ground above ground it's built into the concrete so okay we don't have issue with that but we're finding that whatever we try it's not draining so those drains are packed full full of or broken so we don't even know that part yet until we start to really dig into it literally so but I mean if poof we got a stack of money here we're going forward with tomorrow so you're suggesting that once the funding comes in then the slide and all the other equipment will be demolished and removed but until then it stays where it is yeah cuz that'll be in the bid it's to remove it's going to cost a lot to take those slides down and right and dispose of them um I just wonder if it was so the demo will be in in the bid as well could they be used any place else not in the condition they're in okay okay I didn't know if I think there's like well some of you may know there's probably like four layers of paint on that at least on that slide and it was chipping off inside and close it because people were getting it somebody got it in their skin or on their shorts or we don't want to go now without shorts on just a duct tape scenario if there ever was one and the yeah just the eye beams and everything just were already going the negative way and the storm and the salt water just wash them so so it all needs to be unfortunately okay okay oh I'm sorry I just glazed I didn't even say this Fitness court is getting installed June 10th which is Monday really go I can't believe I totally forgot I had in my mind to say it and I forgot um So currently right now they're prepping we're going to put sad in too so they're prepping prad so it should be a nice beautiful area um and it'll get installed next week the 10th through the 14th so they're they're flying in to do it all the equipment's here ready to install so I think this thing might actually happen after how many years so that's we've been waiting for fantastic so you bet our logo is going to be on the the shade that we we approved couple oh my gosh four months ago maybe but um yeah so that's actually a project that will be completed yay that's really a positive very exciting okay okay anything else that you're thinking of back there I don't think so okay all right so in terms I I just have one quick question in terms of timing and long range plans because you have mention the community center is sort of off off topic right now um once the town moves to the new town hall and these trailers then are removed is that when the town is really interested having a conversation about the new community center uh that would be the time to talk about what next steps um you know if we just put million and a half million million and a half into the rec center um and redid All That which it needed to be done before so it really hasn't been discussed very much I mean we could have a senior center in the trailers or something we could even do so it hasn't been really higher priority for the town uh not right now just because we can't do anything on that right now so it needs to be discussed I think and it's got to be re re brought up and see if it's a need for the town I think the first priority for the town is going to be the new town hall right so okay that closes I believe in July I think yes um and we did get the state funding for that so we have $8 million that is is literally paying for that new building and there's a million for the um redesign cuz the whole first floor was flooded in that new building too so it needs an elevator um the first floor is going to be reception and the actual council chambers and then the second and third floor are offices the administrative um you know all all the different departments that will go in there but it needs it needs paint it needs new carpeting it needs this and that and I think there's a couple walls they want to take out and make some areas bigger as opposed to just individual offices so that'll all be happening but I think they're talking about like 9 months Max so we could be we could be in the new council chambers by March or April of next year really and that then frees up all of these trailers and all that kind of stuff and yeah they were talking about maybe keeping one and then having and I and I think all the like the town staff equipment and everything that's still going to be over at the old lot or this way sorry yeah you know as long as I know there was some discussion on the what to do with the the old lot but as of right now yeah we have all of our public works so one of these trailers could go over there for them um we are going to set it up kind of with some storage over there too but um it hasn't really even been discussed on what this this tra yeah or you know PRI sell the new lot or sell the old lot over there and you know or just sell half of it or that's all in discussion now but the first thing was to get this new Building closed and then start the Reconstruction of that so we priorities I guess for our department well Town Hall would be one um and then getting these baseball fields and pickle ball courts done the tennis court done um the pool would be then those are all kind of getting in the works so the pool would be the obvious one that's next and then we'll go with whatever we're going to do with this land but I guess when we were conceptualizing this community center it was the idea of integrating the buildings that are by the pool so the changing rooms the showers to have the a better facility to accommodate the people that use the pool and maybe even expanding it so that master plan and again this is long range planning about you know what are we planning for the next 5 years Beyond when Town Hall gets built and moved into what is the conversation going forward because obviously before the hurricane we were ready to go to construction MH so um I don't want to drop that ball saying that we've got too many things going on I do really want to keep that conversation going um and I'd like to hear from other bok's members about how you feel about that well and just I just want to interject once that we had we no longer have that funding for that building right we no longer have that it's extinguished it's gone so we already ran out later earlier this year on the money to build that so that would be another thing kind of like the pool you know um I I don't know we'd have to decide if that's something we want to invest in uh at a later date because before we had the grant to do that you know we had 10 million for all the parks that would be included um the the softball field we ended up getting some extra money for that we can use plus the arpa funds we can use on that so that's where that funding came into place so we'd have to really think about where those funds are going to be coming from as well because that's going to be whatever it was before on construction cost you might as well triple it you know but I also think that um thinking long range might not be a bad idea however I'm not sure I wasn't a part of the original plan and so I think that it's a good time to maybe spend some time talking about long range planning um because I'm not sure the community center is still something maybe that makes sense you know well and at the time and of course BTY remembers a lot of other members are new and certainly um you know Karen remembers this as well is that we were looking to you know have that ball field as multi-use we were looking for an Amphitheater we were looking for concerts and theater groups and food trucks and the events and having it a much more Community activated space beyond Sports and Recreation more in terms of cultural activities as well and so the the whole idea of that central building was going to really uh be a focal point for that activity uh which I think we frankly need now more than ever after the hurricane to get those residents back M so while I understand about the new town hall I understand about how to reconfigure the space will take time and money uh but there are new grants available and is that the town's will politically to move forward with an ambitious plan to keep a community center front and center of U our conversation yeah and that'll be something that will have to come from leadership and borab and ultimately the council right and I think the purpose of bort tab is that we're you know representing the community and say community wanted this the community said let's get this thing rolling but obviously the hurricane let's not drop the ball so we as community members are saying to council we really want this I mean again I need to hear from the rest of you what your um what your thoughts are I think um for me personally I think it's a good idea um but I think with all the people that have Departed the island and some people coming back as well uh it might be in line to do some sort of survey and figure out exactly what people want now and what's most important to them and then you you know prioritize it and it's going to take time obviously if we don't have the grant anymore that's fine um but we've got to start with what is the interest level and what do people want within the community center and then prioritize that and if if it's overwhelmingly yes we want this then it's worth our time to really start planning that's that's my opinion and it's not it's I mean the council has not said or anybody in the town has not said this is off the table you know it hasn't been scrapped if you will it's still it's still in a plan it's in the Redevelopment plan for this part so it hasn't ever been said we're not ever it's done I just think it needs to be affirmed if to your point what the community still wants yeah and we did um had a kind of a brief survey if you will at one of the um oh the FEMA what was it called that Diamond Head there that yeah yeah and but they really was they wanted a bike a bike paath yeah around town with with pocket Parks oh dear which I I would fully support um and I know there's a a presentation on I think next Wednesday night Wednesday at 4 to 6 6 to8 or 6 to8 oh wait no that's the one on Tuesday so Tuesday review with a Wednesday R2 P2 um and that's it's 6 to8 is it 6 to8 okay yeah uh that is one of the projects head right yeah Diamond Head it is one of the projects is is the pocket parks and the the bike trail throughout town so that people can get off of Estero um one of the other ones is uh Newton beach park so um and Time Square so those it's in there um as one of those but yeah it's not off the table we'd obviously have to go out and find some more money for it um for the community center but not saying it's dead in the water right and there's also in conjunction with all that there's I was getting the two confused there's a Time Square reveal on Tuesday the 11th at Diamond Head from 4: to 6 and then the R2 P2 one is 6 to 8 okay Tuesday the 11th Tuesday the 11th at Diamond Head 4 to six and then I have the R2 P2 thing though Community input I have it at Town Hall it's it's not a town hall it's a Diamond Head oh maybe it is here I'd have to clarify sorry yeah I I think it's here okay I think yeah and then it's open invitation Thursday maybe I'm thinking of the other one too Friday the Time Square One yeah Time Square is a Diamond Head okay maybe that's what I was yeah discussion though because no it's not off the table but maybe we find out the community wants something else so they really support it so that's the direction go which is really why it's really important that we get community involvement at that R2 P2 meeting the redevelop what is it R2 P2 R Redevelopment and planning yeah um so that they do hear all of it and you know because this is a free service to us for this whole planning um that's sponsoring who's running it is it the state is it from the state I think yeah Redevelopment and and it's a grant fund kind of thing from the state and so it's totally free to us to see what they come up with with their plans and things so the more so they're basically doing the community input on Wednesday night Wednesday night and then Thursday and Friday from 10: to 4: they will be here and they'll have people can just come in and out and talk and view plans and all that kind of thing make changes give ideas so hopefully a lot of people will participate in that is the state or is this group really providing not only this opportunity to discuss but also to provide funding to implement I think there's some funding connected with it I'm just not sure how that I don't they I think they can assist with finding us funding I believe but I'm not 100% GR things but just to have the whole planning as a free service to us and all the input and all the drawings and then their Arts so I mean it's it's pretty amazing actually which I know it's a little off topic because this isn't Newton Park but you know when we were dealing with um uh cell cab we had this need for our planner to come in and you know plan out that space as to where everything to go and this actually dovetails very nicely if these guys are coming in three to be able to help us decide you know where things are going to go that's a win-win yeah and yesterday we had a meeting with them and we went over I know not not this is off topic but uh about what our our uh thoughts were on that space and right so we were that was good it was a good conversation cuz they had less I would say maybe open space for Event Rentals like they wanted to put in volleyball courts and all sorts of stuff in there so yes in a way it was it's good they're helping but I don't want to get the perception that it still needs to go back to what the purpose is right so just take that for a grain of salt a little bit on on that and again that's like okay if the state wants to do this but the community IE cab and borab really have we have our um ideas about what we know the community wants and what we've already voted to do uh the commitment should be with CCAP not with the state there was a little bit of that um you know back and forth a little bit we we were pushing the the bike path okay which would be excellent that's a big one I mean Time Square 2 is definitely is is needed and important but you know it was by far I would say 80% of the people voted for the bike path over other Recreation things yes okay sorry okay that was a good discussion item that wasn't yeah yeah well we really needed that and that just kind of came from the community center which yeah was so important to us so but anywhere on on the island I mean we we're still looking at pocket Parks um gaining um acquiring land if we will to to do Parks or somebody wants to donate their property to put a park we' definitely be okay with that um Recreation wise townwide cuz I mean we we're kind of right here um' be nice to get something on the south the South Side um but nothing yet we haven't got any we had one that was interested and kind of fizzled out so really was the town hoping that someone would donate land for these um we did have some funds available I'm not even sure if they are still they might be um through a couple programs that we could acquire land at at at market price um and we put that push out that was quite a few months ago now um but we had gotten a couple interests but one was more serious than other ones and it just kind of fizzled out so I think they uh sometimes fair market value around here goes a lot higher on their property so not to say that wasn't a great thought but well and actually six months ago is now you know very different from today in terms of um uh things not selling quite as quickly as they did six months ago so maybe the convers will be different going forward yeah but that's still our our thought is to get Recreation throughout the island and not just at the park absolutely even at Newton you know we're going to have b or something there that's that's Recreation wise okay thank you well that moves us on to item seven items for discussion and as you mentioned this is a very short agenda and uh uh the items for discussion I mean that's really what we've been doing now yeah right now we're like I had mentioned we're kind of in a a pattern right now where we have funding in place for a few projects that are getting ready to start or even finishing up like the Little League field but there are other ones we it's hard to discuss until we have money I know we have to have a vision and we got a plan for things but like the pool we'll see how much comes in like if we get it all if we have to to scale back if we have to you know if we we get more money maybe we'll get another grand and just think what that thing would be for 10 million you know that thing would be like what did Frankie call it Disneyland on the island or something Disney yeah so I mean there there may be that one person or the one grant that we get that really pushes this thing forward and and then we can start with that we can start more of a design process otherwise even with the two or three million dollars it's going to go back to kind of what it was because it wouldn't take long to use that money up probably not no I mean the foundation's already there uh we already were looking at improvements pre-storm on some of the some of the decking that's on there um the concrete gets really hot especially for the little kids I mean for everyone but um burning their feet so we were looking at a different porous surface sure uh to put on there we had some people coming in right before the storm um to give us kind of a quote on that that was I mean two weeks before so we didn't go very far with that but um there's there are definitely some improvements we we would like to make too on the pool but we just want to get it open too so really I mean there's not there's stuff to discuss but maybe more longterm like you said Barbara and that that may be you know a good item for discussion on where our vision is for the next five so years 10 years um and where that might be I just don't know where we sit as far as you know the council and what even to recommend at this point well and we've been in that situation before where we've had an opportunity to say this is what we'd like to have and dream big and we did and we did that with the encouragement of council like to be able to see some encouragement from Council with regard to you know what their vision is for um a community center because obviously we've got other things that have taken priority understood but you know to say that we can't even have a conversation because there's no conversation at the council level is um I think shortsighted I think it really what it comes from the community to your point uh earlier too about you know may maybe getting a survey to see if that level of interest is here for sure and I think that's kind of the way it should be directed this is what the community wants then the council says oh well let's get on Ball and then okay then there's funding opportunities uh you know how big do we want to go and we went through that all before you know dream big get so we came up with a champagne budget with what champagne taste with a beer budget that's right we sure did but it was a great program yeah certainly and there may be funding out there too for the new community center I mean might we might get more money even that we had as they see we're growing well and you've already made substantial improvements to the gym and to the ball fields um you know that were part of that whole um Redevelopment so it's not as though progress hasn't been made correct yeah now we're just kind of pece meing the money into it into the redesign or the Redevelopment well and some of those things you haven't had any choice on correct you know I mean it some of it just some of it fell into our lap yeah you know I mean they kind of tied hands behind your back and well that sort of brings up our strategic plan which we had in place that kind of articulates you know this is coming in you know in two years this is our fiveyear plan this is our you know uh this is the timeline for staff and you know when is it that they're going to come up with be the solution or you know so there was that plan that we've not been able to RIT and I don't know if you ever want to consider that for another agenda item in the future but this conversation kind of speaks to that yeah yeah well and from a strategic plan standpoint we have hired Council um has hired an outside firm that is because our Strate the council's Strategic plan had not been looked at since 2017 so there is an outside firm that we've met with they are meeting individually with us they're putting together there's it's like a four-step process um and that is happening over the next 6 to n months so that we'll have a brand new strategic plan taking everything that we had looked at before what's relevant what's not where do we go forward from here so I think once we have something like that in hand from the town vantage point then we'll see where all these other things fit in with not just Borat but with you know cell cab and mous and because that'll all be part of it yeah and that's what I was going to say I think Barbara we had talked at one point that it'd be really premature to do that without the town's strategic plan being finished so I just to just a comment that we we did talk about that um so I don't know if we want to do the same for B but we have more activity going on now with the rec department you know we have concerts in the park we have Time Square we could rent out concerts we could you know things are starting to move things starting to move so we do have property that we can definitely plan towards utilize utilize and programming that we can we can use so it might not be a bad idea to just take a look at the old one and just see if there strategic plan so Karen as part of the strategic planning process I mean since that strategic plan was sort of in there in our folders I mean are youall looking at that as part of the input in into your process because you know P Oaks is really this you know almost the center of the Island right so it seems to me that you all should be taking that into consideration as part of this six-month effort no it it is it just won't get into that kind of detail that we would be looking for probably but we did give those to them yeah and they have all that information yeah they can move forward the mous par like Ken said I don't know how in depth they're going to get but they're aware that they're there fantastic they have all that information but there might be I mean there might be stuff that's still relevant we can go forward with right now I mean I'm sure there is um you know uh last time we looked at it was you know I'm sure that on the 5-year plan there's still programming ideas or marketing ideas or whatever it is that we can still run with sure not that it's all done because of the hurricane okay well I can see that strategic plan coming up again and the discussion uh it would be interesting to see what our council is coming up with yeah we haven't had our individual meetings yet or I at least I haven't had my individual meeting yet so but I was out of town too too so okay we'll see what happens need definitely needs to be updated though the last one we had was 2017 right so but Karen again I don't want to push on you a little bit but since you're our liaison so I'm assuming that you're going to be talking about bs I realized we're just one little piece but but but every counselor has the liaison role too to other groups and so that's part of their with it so Anchorage you know committee will be on there the Safety Committee the you know any one of us that plays the liaison role it's our job to get that in input in there gotcha so you're basically advocating um a little bit more than average for um what B Oaks is looking to accomplish absolutely good yeah absolutely yeah that would be wonderful to you know and I don't who who is on Mound house is that still JY yeah so JY and then um Dan I think is for Anchorage Anchorage I think Dan is we have Jim atle oh you have Jim and I think John is a John John is on murf oh murf yeah who's on audit uh Scott took over audit Scot since he's Mr MBA Finance that's right makes sense right right so but yes that's all in the works I just don't know what the next dates are or anything and since we're talking about kind of plans and budgets uh not so much budgets but our fees are not going to change uh we're recommending that they don't change for boks right good for for the following year I know we had that discussion pre hurricane that got a little intense with really increasing the the fees so we're not uh our plan is not to increase the fees at this point just so everyone's cuz we're starting to talk about budgets and everything right now all right and Ed maybe we can get a a hockey rank into our hockey rank and you can cut the ice for us got some experience with that I could do that get some men's leagues going even girls leagues going I had a conversation with that before and he used to cut ice all the time or do the research well you know I can see that we have a lot to think about and especially waiting for our Council coming up with their plans and things and we need money that's what we need pardon we need money yeah yeah I mean that would make all the difference in the world yeah get taxes back get our tourists back get things rebuilt right yes yes yes and yes yes yes yeah yep we've got a lot of change coming so well interesting okay uh under items for discussion is there anything else that we want to touch on I think we've kind of don't have anything hit the gamut going around a little bit so if not we'll move on to uh member items and reports uh I I don't want to start with you since you're our new member but if you got something I certainly don't have a report you well you can say anything you want generally in the first meeting I just try to take it all in and and get myself comfortable with you know the process every committee runs a little bit differently but I would like to ask Jeff if if we could set up a like a tour of the facilities sometimes you know off hours or whatever y we can talk after and set some up yeah for sure and usually we require a 12-page report each month so we'll be looking forward it's just I'm just fulfilling a short term so no you're anything else no that's it thank you okay Jesse and I always have to ask you about yeah friends of B yes so uh Becky and I uh were officially able to get the bank account set up um at the SEL Captiva bank and we have our check here so thank you Karen um we're going to deposit that um so it is now official official awesome thank you for putting that effort in this yeah I know they are separate with the friends of B Oaks and and borab but it's always nice to have that backing and yeah you needs so appreciate all your efforts with that yeah and it seems like I ask you that every month so it's done it is done you bet that'll just be habit he'll keep asking them and asking them yes so we'll be depositing our first trck and I will find out uh how much we have left in our cuz it got transferred out when the account closed okay and we still had some money in there okay I don't want to do we have a rough estim there was a 15 or 16,000 that's what I was thinking too okay um yeah so well I'll find myself or Becky can I mean anybody can deposit it um but myself and Becky are the only ones that are on the account as of today okay um okay but you know I've got one right by my house and the other one's not too far away so it's pretty easy I'll talk to finance and see and they were great so thank you Karen see how much is in there and then we'll get that been really good with us too cuz then once we transfer it over we'll probably ask for some yeah have you had some good interest in in the friends I mean uh not as well I wanted to get everything done so um I I'd ask the board here um what the interest level is with people that we know um on island that would be be great so anybody that wants to participate I'd love to have that conversation um and see what we can do about kind of building off of what we have today and then obviously participating in any of the events like the pub and crawl and things like that are are going to be a top priority as well good but we want to will there be memberships so how is that going to be structured in terms of the I would actually I would like to understand how it's set up with some of the other ones today so mous and some of the other ones um and probably mirr something like that for sure um also Karen you have experience in how it was before so we can talk about you know what that looks like and then the different types of events that you know we participated in and all the fundraisers I think that would be a good start and what's still around what's not around anymore what are some of the new things that we can do yeah I think would be great for sure we really active friends of lisy Y group too so and went through all the fundraising and everything else for our welcome and Discovery Center that literally took 10 years from start to finish um but it's functioning yeah and I think what Jesse is trying to say as we y Bor cab is is kind of its own that's that's affiliated with more with the town the friends of of Bay Oaks is really our almost our fundraising arm um for us so if anybody is interested in being on that um or donating to it either one I think is what Jesse's asking is like some some members yes we'd like some members and um I know Danielle we talk so um I know there's different events that we want to be a part of and contribute to I think that's just going to add to the interest so I'm all for it for sure and that's just something that you know I want everybody to just actively be discussing and see who wants to participate we would accept a three and a half million check for the pool if you perfect no problem we're almost there and that kind of brings up an interesting point about you know like the ball field sponsorships would those could you can accept that directly to the town right we do we have the little league or no uh we have our own um uh $250 no two I gotta look at the feed schedule now it's either 200 250 sponsorship for the year to put up a banner okay yeah we reserve the ones in the Outfield um right now for the people that help put the field back either donated a you know their time or a monetary value um in the Outfield so it' be on the the side fences and so they get they get obviously a lot of recognition from the town for that sponsorship I guess the question is if a corporation is interested in helping Bay Oaks do they go to you to give money or do they go to Jesse to get money if it goes towards a specific if they want to if somebody wants to donate money to anybody in the town and it goes they'll have to go towards a specific um I guess project you know like we've had ones for from the Community Foundation I believe about getting a new kayak trailer those kind of things those are specific if they just want to generally donate it would be to the friends but we don't we don't to to to my knowledge we don't have any like naming rights kind of things uh on the books or anything like that but uh let say we don't couldn't and what about increasing the sponsorship levels or having varying cons um sponsorship levels for corporations and who's marketing that who's seeking those sponsorships uh we could I we only really we only recognize ones for the the fields that are not Jesse but the fields uh the field that you know it goes on a banner so you know we can't really do a huge Banner we can't do a smaller Banner it wouldn't look right so that's kind of we stuck to the one fee on that um but we haven't done any and besides that we haven't done sponsorships and the ones the sponsorships we have on the field um are go towards the the supplies on the field so they don't go to general fund or anything like that they're specifically for you know chalk and new equipment and things like that well that sort of could be something too that funds would be involved with but again it's just a question I guess of restricted funds versus unrestricted funds and if you're saying that somebody wants to donate you know $100 but not to anything specific like a sponsorship then it would be appropriately given to friends but if friends wants to um organize an event a fundraising event and funds would go for a purpose because that's how you do raise funds it's got go for a purpose um there really wouldn't be that much different uh you know in terms of you know I guess levels too would be you know in terms of recognition for their contribution yeah that and you know depending on what the purpose is obviously there's a lot of events that kids are doing the Halloween and all of that that happens at Bay Oaks those are the things that we would love to get involved in and obviously participate in fundraise for you know after school programs sporting events things like that where the community just gets involved and obviously if it if it can help out any of the the kids and the events that they have um would be yeah just I guess and Pops in my head just for instance we had this ballpark project going on for the Little League 7-Eleven stepped up and said I want to put $25,000 towards the ball field we accepted that it goes through Council they accept it and then we use it for that purpose only so right and so it's restricted restricted yeah but are they getting a lot of recognition for that in other words the 71 on all our printed Media or they were for our they were for what the ballpark opening the open for the grand opening they were in the media um we obviously recognized them at at Town Council we gave him a plaque a plaque will go on the on now that it's getting close to done we have a different plaque that'll go on the ball fields at sponsorships of getting this back together didn't the Twins they they got the didn't they do something with the field or who was it that did something with the field MLB MLB yeah Major League Baseball and Scots did the major I shouldn't even say the majority because IC materials um I mean if you're talking monetary they probably gave way more with their earth work right ex and leveling it off and you know all that so um Major League Baseball in Scots was supposed to be about 50,000 for just the infield um I know they put in way more than that too um but uh yeah a lot of contributors we had some some little ones in there right so they'll they're all we do have little plaques I guess um um that we're going to put up on the ball field outside as kind of a thank you for putting it back I think one thing to add is you know for for Myers Beast just in general I think doing things for the community is super important but I think one of the biggest things we can do for the community is make this a destination when it comes to tourism and bringing that money back I think is that that's what we should be thinking what is going to bring everybody here while also taking care of the Community as well right so because it it's all encompassing so it is what are those things that we need to do and you know how do we need a fund raise and what are the priorities and what does that look like and then how does borab fall into that yeah and one of the things that's really taken off and if you haven't been there even now in the offseason and I I need to go back because I it's been a quite a few week not quite a few weeks but is the concert the in Bayside Veterans Park is it's still drawing a lot of people and of people it's so great and you know the town's a sponsor which is it's considered a park so it's part of our our jurisdiction if you will so it is a great event if you haven't been down there it's fantastic you can eat eat down there they're saying it's the new Time Square to be honest with you um so you better it is sort of I mean square is not happy about that by the way but that's okay I know was not happy Time Square oh right yeah but Time Time Square will come back come back yeah that just take it's going to take a little more time uh for that but it's going to be awesome to have that whole old San Carlos you can go from one park to the other and it's going to be fantastic so right yeah but Time Square is also under our jurisdiction if you will too so we want to support it'll be fine Jesse do you know um Denise Monahan Denise was the one that really the spearheaded the um friends of B Oaks for many years do not and she's the one that I think would be a terrific resource for you in terms of what they were involved with and what they contributed um and that was the money when the organization kind of died down became in inactive the balance from that is what Karen um ended up getting to ultimately put in to the new bank account okay she she's got a wealth of information that I think would be help should be good okay Denise monam I I have her number okay just share it to me okay she's very active so okay well I think we've pretty well covered that uh any other member that want to make a comment on something yeah sure so um first of all I want to also recognize shanet um for jumping in for pickle ball um in fact I I sent her an email saying can you play tomorrow so I know that she's just really a fun person and she's jumped in and I do really appreciate that because it's super um the next thing is we are planning on a pickle ball tournament again in March um the the Community Foundation is planning that along with b o so we've already got a date on the community calendar for basically a couple three days before um St Patty's Day so we'll probably have the same thing um the other thing I wanted to bring up is I think that we should recognize some key people that have brought a lot of folks back to B Oaks and I've talked to um Danielle and um you know about the notion of recognizing Howie um because you know let's face it uh bringing a group other than pickle ball which I know is just a it's just a normal kind of everybody's coming together but how's really brought a lot of people back and we started using the softball field or the ball field almost immediately and I think we've lost a little Mojo just simply because of you know the um the fact that we're out of season so I was proposing that maybe we could do a certificate of recognition for how we at the very first day that they have in I think November which is I think we were doing Tuesdays and Thursdays so it's something that I don't know that we I it's a proposal I I would like you know either the borab or or staff to recognize him um like I said because I think he's really brought a lot of folks back to the to the um boks any comments I agree with you I think Jesse is a how I'm sorry hoe is a hoot number one Jess Jesse's a hoot too he is but I mean he is he just rallies the troops all the time I mean he's just we had a lot of people this year I mean I played uh a couple of times till I got hurt um but it's not field related right oh yeah I got hit never mind um not safety not safety related no no I was fine um but anyway he brought a bunch of people in and I just think it's awesome so anyway um you know he's he's also been a huge supporter if you've ever met how he sometimes has colorful language he does and he I I really do get along with him very well from day one um I can't tell the story but he told me not to mess up in all certain words the first day I met him don't mess it up but a different word um and since that day we've we've talked a lot and he he comes down to check on on all the staff um you know once in a while brings him treats and yeah um I I I I agree um it's something that we can recognize you know not only at the B cab level but somebody could maybe report on it at the council meeting yeah that would be great but my my question is and I'm all in favor is that do we have we done a recognition before have is there a formal thing we've done with borab any thoughts on that and you know do we just do it as as needed or do we do it on a consistent basis I don't know that we have done it consistently I mean but I know like Mount house has recognized people and um they've presented it at Council I I don't know that we have ever done it but I think all we got to do is talk to Amy and get it on no I yeah that part's easy but I mean as far as a recognition do we just kind of as is or as it's been recommended like Joy did he I don't know how he um is he a pick no no it's softball it's a senior softball but he would spend all of his this whole day at the pool as well so why don't you get like a like a jersey made for him or something I was just even thinking of something simple like a certificate that a frame you know but I he does they do have um shirts that they wear um but I was I was thinking just a certificate you know because these guys are so good at doing graphics and all that so I mean that that's an easy one but easy but anyway I guess Jesse I think the question is do we want to do something else yeah that that would be question not just the softball field it's also the pool Val I would say I I remember how from the pool pror was the pool reading every day oh my gosh helping out he said he made one save I don't know where that was but giving giving us greef pretty much pretty much but that's him I mean you take it for what it's worth and he certainly provided entertainment the but he's he's also a great guy like he will he asks how you're doing ask how my son's doing you know how my family is doing so he is a a terrific guy and all right his new home is um rudri rud shrimp yes yes that's where he lives oh is that where he is right that's where he moved to so I have one other Island he not literally his home he's got a house on the island but might as well be so um do we allow for meetings at Oaks in the gym and do you have to get a special permit or a you know like a special event permit to just do a regular meeting the reason I'm asking is the Women's Club is looking for places to meet um we're bouncing around a little bit and so I was wondering if the gymnasium was available for meetings to yeah the only thing um like in the Summers is it's tough because we have stuff time probably in the fall yeah so as long as it works with the schedules uh I know spoke to somebody about this too and we could do special hours okay you could stay open a little later or use the the community room um do you have a fee there's a rental fee it's nonprofit special fee for nonprofit perfect and it's pretty much once a month yeah I mean we're talking about a meeting it's similar that we did at at Mountain House we did the church right we had Community Foundation and Women's Club that met at at at M house too right after the storm because they didn't have a place to go in this movie okay all right thanks that's all I have it does require a fee and and advanced planning and booking right yeah yes I'll work with Danielle and obviously our our programming does come first take yeah for sure and joy for sure when we get into the new building for Council um the plan is to have some offices and meeting rooms for the public yes so there will be like a schedule and you can sign up it out and that kind of thing but that is the plan I mean obviously that's not until like March April of next year but that is the plan to have open eting areas for the public okay it's a it's a big building inside if you haven't been in it it's yeah we're also going to we have a spot for our uh off topic too but for our um Town collections so to house and the town collections that we have we needed that um oh my goodness we have somebody to do all the inventory so it's that big to do something like that they said they're not keeping it in there no the spa wasn't there a like a Sounder room yeah I don't think it's staying I was like I was harded no I know I know they talk about taking it out and I I'm with you Karen should leave it in there that's okay all right any other members that want to make a comment anything from you add since you're here for the first time I have nothing to add he's like this is all they do okay very good 12-page report okay good can let you slide for the first 12 months all right and now it's time for public comment and it doesn't look like we have any uh our next meeting is the council taking July off yes we are okay okay so we will not meet in July that would make it probably August 7th because otherwise the first are we it's going to be on the 3 um just so you know there is a M&P reschedule meeting on Wednesday August 7th is there I can't remember was it was it because of it we were at the mountain out that we switched it back to Wednesdays at yeah noon yeah because we were Tuesdays at like 9ine originally oh no noon is a good time well we also have special magistrate here on Wednesdays so um what were you saying about the second well I just know that in August there is a management and planning meeting for Council here um it's a reschedule we usually do it on Thursdays but in August there's a conflict so we're doing it on Wednesday the 7th and it'll be in here and sometimes that can go day longer you know we can go to one or two yeah depending on what's on the agenda so see and on my calendar I've always had bore cabin I have to switch it every time on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. yeah it used to be but we can decide on a day and time it doesn't yeah we make that decision today while right now I if noon works with everyone that's great okay are we looking at Wednesdays yeah okay and this room may not be open on Wednesdays though we have special Magistrate on some W Wednesdays right so let's look at another date but I I think too um as was the case today unless we actually have something on the agenda that requires board action or board vote it's not a requirement to meet every month true yeah no requirement M MH so uh because the community center is off the table andless there is that influx of of um response to put out a survey there's really not a lot of action items for us to consider you know hopefully by August we'll have some pool discussion that would be nice you think what about August maybe we'll have some pool discussion what we want that to look like hopefully okay also let's suggest not meeting until August yeah well what day normally we wouldn't meet in July anyway well we could we could yeah I mean I do remember it didn't matter whether the council was meeting or not we would during our time when we were doing the Redevelopment we were meeting every month regarding so August 6 we can meet in July I mean is that what we're saying August 6th at noon Tuesday well I think maybe there's a question of magistrates meeting on Wednesday that's on Wednesdays that's on Wednesday so what originally it was on Tuesdays originally it was Tuesday at 9: at 9: yeah I always have the first Tuesday of every month I always have my friends of Lovers Key executive committee meeting at no okay so that's I can't change that um but if we did but didn't we talk about doing it at noon because of people that were working Jesse being one of them that you could actually make it here over a lunch hour type thing as opposed to a 9:00 a.m. yeah that was the that was the whole premise of having it like yeah M so was there another day beyond Tuesday or Wednesday that which works for our town schedule um what about what about the second Wednesday of every month or is the first one well the first Wednesday except for that M&P reschedule that's usually that's not a magistrate meeting is it today was supposed to be a magistrate it got cancelled though oh it was supposed to be so what about like if it's the second Wednesday if it's helpful I know that we change we used to be the third Wednesday and we've changed now to like the fourth Monday so like the third Wednesday is should be open I don't think there was ever a magistrate meeting on that that third Wednesday and that's on Wednesdays third Wednesday which is wide open on my calendar which would be August 21st and if we cons if we consistently did the third Wednesday sure then it would be September 18th yeah actually my third Wednesday of every month is pretty wide open okay so it would be the third Wednesday of the month third Wednesday of the month which would be a August 21st okay still noon good okay at noon yep okay how is that with everybody yep August 21st at noon yep oh what on my on the calendar sorry it says Lee County Supervisor of Elections and Chambers you know what that would be le County Supervisor of election is there an El no it's on Tuesday the 20th but they still have their equipment in here they still have their equipment in here I think that's what it is I don't primaries here on August 20th uh hopefully they'd be out here by noon but we could always move the meeting to Bay Oaks right Let's do let's just keep it down keep it down for the 21st and if we have to meet over at Bay Oaks we can and I'll find out if like if if they plan on having it all out here by 10 o' something which they could but then yeah just let us know that's right I forgot about that cuz the primaries are two maybe we have it down at Bayside Park maybe we do that's August though that's going to be a little warm nervous Nellies AC Let's see we put it behind the bar we'll vote for that but it might be something in the future that we want to yeah exactly have a fun meeting down there yeah okay but for right now it'll be August 21st yeah at noon yep location Chambers or Chambers or BS or boks or okay all right very refer it here if we can I know it's nice to have it down there but Jacob has all of his equipment set up here it's a little easier if we don't but yeah and if we got something he's more than flexible with us thanks J do we have something specific for that we want to put on the agenda like the strateg just have it here for us to look at I'll send it out strategic plan plan yeah mhm why not good so the agenda item would be the uh strategic plan draft or update let's say MH review review that's yeah I like review and then fingers crossed we can get a pool update okay because we are and we keep saying it but just waiting on the funding right you can add anything to it that you want actually you can maybe reach out to John and have him see if he's going to be here in August and if he could give us any kind of update correct yeah oh good all right is it possible for you to send out your shaaz report in advance of our meetings I will be able to now it was due today so I got it in yesterday okay oh we have till the 5ifth but in in all fairness it is all of May so we got to wait for May to be done and then the staff do the report so it takes a couple days okay and now we'll be meeting the third week that's what I mean so yes won't be as tight for you yep okay just gives us a chance to review it for the meeting which is helpful you bet all right well if there is anything else I'd entertain a motion to ad Jour I still move okay Barbara I'll second okay thank you Ed to have a quum today by the way thank you all in favor indicate by saying I okay we are adjourned then until the 21st of August August good okay nice to meet thank you right