##VIDEO ID:xbhIEL8ubNU## okay okay good all right good afternoon everyone this is a meeting of the Bay Oaks Recreational campus Advisory Board and we're here at Town Hall Chambers uh it is Wednesday January 15 2025 and it is now 12:04 and I call this meeting to order and we will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance please stand I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States America and to the it stands Nation indivis andice for all thank you uh we'll begin with roll call um and uh we'll begin with Ed uh Ed scon over here Barbara Hill Joyce Sullivan Becky gidry Michelle churny and Jeff hogi and Karen Woodson also is excused she's not going to be here today okay so we have three excused absences we have Betty uh Simpson um Karen Woodson and John yes okay thank you um and at this point I'd like to welcome our new boks member Michelle thank you welcome aboard uh thank you for um jumping in and and uh filling that uh vacant position so much appreciated great I'm excited to be here thank you uh we have the minutes have you all had an opportunity to review the minutes if so I'd like a motion I'll motion to approve them I second and uh that be Joy the second um all in favor I I I oppos None um motion carries thank you very much we'll move on to public comment there is no one in the audience so we'll then go to staff Lea on report well we have uh a lot of uh question marks through report do you have a written report no just the minutes you don't have no uh I was looking for that before I did not find a report from December monthly report but I can send that out when I do find it but I can go through a pretty it's it's always helpful for us to kind of go down so I can I can kind of tell you right now what the monthly report probably would would say we average uh 27 kids at the after school program um per day which is good we had fun days uh the pool update would be that we are hopefully getting the funds February or March as far as part of the cdbg funds to redo the pool once we get those funds we can start the we can't really start much until we do officially get those funds um allocated um it's not one of those things where we can even reach out to contract until we do get the money per uh HUD requirements and uh County requirements and cdgr requirements so we keep kind of reporting that it's it's coming it's coming it's coming and it still reporting it's coming I mean we the funds have been allocated allocated to disperse however there's one more approval process because it does go through the county and the HUD program that the HUD kind of checks on the counties checks on us so it goes through an extra approval it's it's going to be like that probably throughout the entire steps of of this with the cdbg uh brand so uh it'll it'll be a little bit of it's going to be a lot of paperwork uh for sure um but we do are expected to get the funds in February March at the latest and then we can start the planning stage as far as what that might even look like so so you can't start the planning stage until the funds become available for us to hire a design team to then begin the planning and the design correct any money we'd spend right now would be out of pocket for the town right which you're not interested in doing at this point right so you're we don't have those funds available right now um we're just playing the waiting game for a month or two I mean we've been waiting two year two and a half years so three years we finally got funding we'll just have to wait for it and the funding expires or no it will the project project date I think it goes out to 2026 or Beyond we have project dates but the funding hasn't even been allocated so there isn't just want to lose yeah no no we will I shouldn't say we won't lose it but we have a plan in place to to put out bids and um you know start talking about it right away yeah so when you put out bids is that when a design will be finalized or yeah we can do we'll probably have to do an inquiry and talk about what our scope is um but it really nothing major can change on the pool as far as the pool goes the outside of the pool the concrete area can change but we can't like increase the size of the pools um you know we could add things like a splash park or something as part of it um so really we we've had designers contact us but we just haven't got that far as to um designing anything for the pool yet because we weren't sure any funding that we were going to get now that we do we just have to do the waiting game and and start the design so when the designers start are you thinking that there might be Community input or is that what the process is because I you know the designers you hire them and then they have this community meeting and they get input and then they put that into their design is that how it works we could have it just be a bar ad meeting with public comment public oh that's a good idea mhm well probably the process would be very similar to what we did with the Newton park it would seem where yes there were opportunities to brainstorm with within our cell cab group to come up with ideas and we did this with cellc um borab too when we were planning the community center there was a lot of input from the community at large and borab and cell Cab in particular about you know the design that we feel everybody is um buying into yeah I mean we we kind of know the scope that we put in through cdbg it was pretty vague um but definitely we can we'll come to borab and that'll be publicized and is is that something even though the funds can't be allocated until February is that something that we as borab members can begin to have a conversation about beginning the February meeting yeah on the AG we have a conversation about it at any point okay and then maybe you could come uh to the meeting with a site plan of the existing pool and seeing what's um available for conversation sure and are we including like new restrooms are we including a concession I mean yeah all um I think in there we had and I we'll have that all of that ready for next meeting all the site plan what we put in the cdbg um New locker rooms uh we can expand the the office area we can put a concession stand back in there okay um but yeah our main thing is um going to be the pool and then the kind of amendes will be what we can we can look at okay but an overall in other words looking at the overall site from you know boundary to boundary to understand what actually is feasable I'll send it I'll send it out and then we can have it on the screen so fantastic that would be wonderful thank you Jeff um we're just happy to get the funding and be able to actually get it done it's very exciting five million do you say is the budget for the pool alone 4.5 include in that includes the design so things like do we want to add another slide do we want to right you those things we can we can work on for sure the slide was a maintenance nightmare if I remember but it was also a big attraction it was huge for the kids only a maintenance it was only a maintenance nightmare because we didn't maintain it properly does that make sense and probably they're making them better than they used to yes ours was very old it had like 10 coats of paint or whatever fiberglass on it so they are making them better you know more kid-friendly those kind of things good probably the stairs a little more sturdy on those stairs what I'm talking about so yeah there's definitely improvements that we want to make to it but um we need to redo the whole pump room um that kind of thing make a separate space for the chlorine tanks um separate space to to put the acid in but it's going to be all new system so it'll be a little more compact than the old system was which we know was all raised up elevated IE and that's that's something I guess townwide we're doing we're and I can talk about the pool but I'll make a note to talk about Bay Oaks here will that engine room then be um enclosed it looked like the old one was kind of like OD in the open a little bit or just maybe had a fence around it it had a fence and and an awning around it it did have a roof but it was open air yeah we'd like to get at least the chemicals enclosed um in there and away from the elements but yeah enclosing it is going to be a big part of it and ventilated well obviously be I mean you say obviously if you're dealing with chemical it'll be you would think yeah well that's true but as long as it's done properly correct well there'll be codes and everything that control she do there so oh they'll be yeah permitting en codes yeah we'll follow everything we actually had the health inspector show up uh to because they have to come look at the pool every time and she just said let her know and they got they got to walk through so many steps while we're even building it so but she said she signed off on the health inspection of the pool basically we're mitigating the water that's inside of it and there's a fence around it so only you go do what you got to do um any other questions on the pool but we're just just one more Jeff um we're assuming that the shell is is fine on the the existing pools that we have I mean obviously it was holding water but uh what if we run into ini when it's cracking um that'll be part of the re the redesign is to to we have to use the footprint we don't have to use the pool we have to use the footprint okay y yeah I mean I I don't it needed to be done after Ian um we just couldn't find funding so sure anything else cool no um all right so B Oaks um we'll go programming since we're talking about the monthly report we are right now we were just kind of waiting on boks as far as other I know there there's other avenues um to do yoga other places which we can still look at right now our staffing is down to four people that really Encompass uh just the the youth program we don't have a whole lot of extra time to have somebody go down at 6 7 o'clock in the morning and and you know help out with yoga that kind of thing so staff time right now has been primarily with the kids that was a priority for Council so sorry and the school board so we did a new interlocal that kind of focused on the kids and and using that so um so the way it sits with be Oaks um is that we the insurance company this time took over before it was the state that had done most of the the repairs um when gleon first did it after Ian um it took a long time uh there was some feet dragging not putting blame but it it just didn't go as quick I think we all know that um then they also didn't mitigate as much as they we believe they should have so after Milton and Helen and Debbie actually we uh the we we U the insurance after Ian which was beneficial I mean we were so under underinsured during Ian um there wasn't a whole lot we could we could do at that point but we bumped up our insurance um this this time around the insurance company took over um with our deductible they came and they ripped out everything that need to be ripped out including the gym floor so if you haven't been in there the gym floor is ripped out um everything's ripped out the toilets are G are they're there because we can reuse the porcelain but they're they're out there's no running toilets there's the fitness equipment is is gone it was already starting to rust um yeah the two layers of gym floor and underneath I'm glad we took it out this time um they said the air quality tests were fine but it's only so much it can take you know so uh Insurance actually took it over now and gutted it all they have contractors in place or most of them in place to start putting everything back um it's going to go back basically the way it was for the most part I mean we can't do anything with like the restrooms they're going to redo them but a lot of it's going to be epoxy on the floor instead of tile um for instance the basketball court we're just looking at painting lines on the ground and then epoxy over it there's a company that the insurance our insurance company um recommended and I've talked to that they've shown me examples um and you can look them up you know examples online but it looks just like a basketball court but it's epoxy on top um so I'm thinking one side we haven't even gone the final design on the paint or even too far into it um but one side will be primarily pickle ball courts with kind of a faint line for basketball the other side will be primarily basketball courts with faint lines for pickle ball um not faint I mean you'll be able to see them but the primary primary use on the right-handed court or whatever we what side we do will look like a basketball court the other side will look like pickleball courts but it'll be lined for both yeah and you'll have goals for both sides we basketball yep there's four still same basketball okay so those are going to stay those are fine um but yeah we we're going to go that route because we know how important pickleball is and and we only really use one half of the basketball gym but it'll be lined for um pickle ball volleyball and basketball oh good y p you just recently um put like a divider curtain in there we didn't put it up yet okay good so that's going that'll be part of the the remodel um we'll be putting that divider curtain up so uh everything else will be even the when we come in I know we did that nice tile floor or uh the nice um vinyl vinyl floor but didn't hold up no and I we can't keep doing this year after year after year storm after storm after storm so you epoxy the whole place right yeah yep is that the same kind of process that they do for garages yeah in a way yeah okay yeah so there's there's decorative you can put we actually talked about it the first time around and we should have probably done that you know we can do a they have almost like a rubberized epoxy for the the weight room I don't know if we'll do that or have mats that we can roll up um I know we've tried to think of just about everything is there a pulley system we can pull the equipment up towards the ceiling you know because it does take a it does take a while to get that equipment out um it's heavy obviously oh my God yes of course so you can't look at a mey to put that equipment off on WE H we have and we haven't got anything back from the architect yet um we were thinking I mean we've thought of we've been thinking about just about everything to mitigate um raising one side of the the floor up um having more workout space and ball and the lower part um we haven't gotten anything back from the as far as cost I mean it's the same to do that it's going to be a lot of money and we know that but we still want to explore that option um to raise it up um to put the put the floor the gym equipment up there alone I don't I don't know I mean we could we could look at that too for now our plan is to do epoxy and we can build on top of the epoxy if we have the funds available so um I know we I know one of the things is we need a bigger weight room you know that's that's always the case if we can somehow Build It Up in there that's part of what we're talking to the architect with so you know our footprint is is what it is there unless we go up we can't raise the whole building and we don't have funds to redo a whole new Rec Center so the options are still I guess raising the gym floor which is still on the table epoxying it um hasn't I mean expanding the the rec center I mean I I know it gets used enough but it' have to start really getting used I know it's cramped in there but our visitorship isn't very very high you know to justify to justify it right now but that that may change when people start coming in you know when people start moving to the island and we get more guests and um you know people start moving moving back and the the condos or Resorts whatever start starting to build and we know it will happen it'll happen there'll be people that come back so we have a little we have to prepare for that we have a little time insurance will obviously just like everything else will pay for what we had before okay they will pay for all the uh replacement of the J the uh wake up weight room equipment correct um all of the um materials we're going to be on the hook for a little bit because the epoxy is going to be a little bit more than putting in rubberized flooring so the town will be on the hook for a little bit of that but um we have reserves from FEMA money too that we can we can put towards that um how much water was in there for Milton in the building itself like how many three it' be nice to get all the outlets up it would be nice to yeah do all of that that's the thing you learn more with every HC or exterior conduit you know those kind of things but in the gym you don't really want exterior things on the wall but everything's got to be Chest Tire and we had what 11 in there for Ian so basketball hoops so um yeah it was it was a lot but you know we're trying to do things to mitigate it and I guess townwide we're trying to do that too you know with even the they're going to start redoing the concession stand and the restrooms too that's probably going to be the first thing they start on pretty soon we'd already picked out like a slate gray for the partitions and where are you talking concession stand over here the ballpark right right uh and we doing the bathrooms so is that the bathrooms that's the pickle ball players are supposed to use the restrooms out here yeah up here is that not part of the pool I'm not sure what no it's different you know where the ball field is and then you have the concession stand right oh there are restrooms there there are two restrooms they need to be renovated though for sure they're right by the concession yes they had to take out all the partition walls again um we had gotten the fixtures done but you know we we did the electrical we did the new toilets and plumbing but now it just needs it again we got more in there than we did obviously in Bay Oaks just proximity wise but um but we just talked last week about they're going to be getting started here soon so when do you think those would be done I haven't got any timelines on anything yet could you temporarily put a um bathroom back there by pick ball courts they pulled out the temporary we did we we only had a certain amount of time after that that female will pay for certain things temporary bathrooms but I know I went to the Naples one um uh Veterans Park I think it is where they have like kid plays Roller Hockey once in a while and I had to walk even farther than that to use a bathroom so I don't think it's out of the norm to have restrooms right now that are not there I just learned today that these so these are open yeah we're we have signs that we're going to put there open okay they're they're rough they're single use only because there's no partitions but they're going to be redoing them real soon and okay I'll let let them know y so as far as the insurance uh payments are concerned with regard to rehabing the gym uh is that sort of a hot top topic top priority thing for the town to get that in uh motion or are we still it's already in motion okay um he said they're ready we we're talking about the flooring they just need a design to paint it I'm going to do something very simple I don't want to go crazy because it's epoxy and we can't really once it's in it's in so do something a little neutral so you're you're taking the insurance company's recommendations then they're taking over everything they're taking they're they're doing it they're getting the contractors they're oh that's amazing they have pictures yeah this time it is so smooth um you know they're just going to put it back basically the way it was with some mitigation adjustments we're going to obviously raise the HVAC systems up the package units um as far as we can you know appropriately so we're thinking five to eight feet it's probably not going to be high enough but I think that's what we're talking about raising that up um you know so those don't flood every time because we just got those replaced not even a year ago yeah and we're replacing them again so so will the insurance company even consider um raising the gym equipment up they won't do that yeah it would be a capital on our end to do that doesn't help pay for mitigation F doesn't pay anything but ideally do they pay for mitigation like I that was a thing um if it was a day after shelter we would have a a lot better luck at that yeah um we haven't got a lot of luck on the mitigation part even from Ian um it's still in review for Ian so right well it's going to be there 20 years from now too so yeah is there did the insurance company give the town a deadline or a timeline as to what the gym rehab will be no I asked last week and they just said they're working on it but can't give me a timeline oh okay all right we've been talking to them they're the same actually the same company that's doing the library so okay um oh boy uh but they're there in the library was okay except for the elevator except for the elevator you know they order their own part they had they had a company that only did a certain elevator so they had to wait for that where like Town Hall we have an elevator that can be worked on by many companies um um it's the whole thing whatever which makes a huge difference yes so you go to wait for one company versus somebody that can come into it did anybody check the city of santel um um public Recreation Center because they obviously got flooded too I'd be interested in knowing what their Solutions have been yeah no we didn't honestly because you know I think they I'm sure got the same storm surge we did be interesting to see what their Solutions yeah I don't know I don't know how where there is located I don't know where theirs is located is it right on the water it's on sancap road on the way to Captiva along the water oh well it doesn't have to necessarily be on the water because that's all just like just like Bay o it's it's right on the road it's right on sanap road going up to by the it's actually by the Santa Bel Elementary we had some issues of our own that were unique like the the foundation head cracks I mean like a lot of houses even do um that water came in from the underneath so that the epoxy is really going to help with that too so ah right you're probably closer to the water though I mean we have we're right by the Back Bay right and that's the thing is that it comes up right yeah you you dig down even when we were doing the ball field you dig down a foot and a half when we hit water table so well that would be the same for Santa Belle too you know the the elevation is about the same we're trying to mitigate I mean insurance will put it back to to to answer your question insurance will put it back the way it was um anything additional would be Capital funds for instance I was talking about the restrooms and where the the switch gear is we had to had to wait they said it was going to be 10 months eight 10 months for the switch gear to get power to Bay Oaks we had to order one well we had a company come in after Ian and basically tear it apart and redo it instead of ordering a new one um that only took three or four months um and then it flooded again so we had a different approach with a different company and now we're going to hopefully raise it up to the second floor on top so the switch gear is right um you know you're familiar with the is in that little building right by the stairs going up um and it's you know it's up maybe this High inside but we're going to raise it to the roof of that building um and that insurance won't pay for obviously we have to put the bill for that but it's going to save us in the long run um getting it up that High because it's been four times of flooding in the last three years so at least so redoing it that way but yeah so anything anything that was there before they'll they'll put back um anything additional would be on our on us to put the bill and seems reasonable our budget isn't uh unlimited I just say that um so that's kind of boks the Redevelopment our bids all came back too high we were hoping that wouldn't be the case but they did um so the council rejected all of the offers on Monday whenever last Wednesday and we're back to putting it re rebidding it out um we didn't lose any of that that funding um for sure even the match Grant uh we moved kind of money around um so we still have that the the million dollar match for the the the Redevelopment um um but we just got to put it out for bid and hopefully we get you know there's we might put not to exceed an amount the amount that we get for the grant and for the matching so that'd be about 2 million um do it not to exceed and they would have to come in under that I don't it's probably our only option right now we don't have extra funds to put towards say it's our say our funds are 2 million comes back at three and a half we don't have those extra million and a half to put into it right now so it's going to have to be what it is so we can either but we have to have the T the pickle Bell quarts in there we have to have the walking path we have to have lighting um multi-use area and um what else was there oh parking lot those are the elements that we have to have in there we can't really cut them out that's part of as part of the gr so we got to be creative uh to we use that and the material that we can use back here so somebody else well can't that be phased in so you know get the basics in so that that is progressing and as funding becomes available that can be budgeted for CP we basically put in the five elements that we needed and they came back high just those five elements we had phase two which would be in there as a as an option it would be the the build building and we had phase three that would have been the new gym right so we had those in in there but still came back extremely high so we're going to have to come back it was a little vague at the time um so so you're reworking the bid um okay yeah did to make it a little more um ctive attractive and budget friendly yeah some of the some of the items on there uh were pick your material kind of thing I think if we specified you know they were covering their own rear end too on their their bid you know not knowing what exactly was going to used for materials just being more specific yep so we can be more specific in the bid and we can put that out again we're going have to wait 30 days and 30 days after that but so after the town moves into their new facility and the trailers will be pulled out is that funding needed to clean this all up what's going to happen here after the trailers are gone this is going to be parking this will be is that funding needed or is that that's part of the the the grant the grant so until we get that Grant this is just going to be all be dirt back here uh well we have the grant until we get it awarded awarded it'll be dirt so where we sit we'll be parking just on the other side of the trailers will be the pickle ball four pickle ball courts I'd like to do more I would but we're already struggling and getting the bed where we need it um so we'll have we'll see how the pickle ball goes on the ten which we can talk about that um here in a second but are you still considering uh raising the ground that's what yes about three to three to four feet do we think and is that in the bid or is that something that's separ that's in the bid that's part of the bid document yeah and a lot of the material that's back here is going to be used for that so it it'll take a lot more but if we can be creative that way we thought we were being creative by allowing people and compan dump their concrete back there you know it saves cost on them and then we we'll crush it up to use as fill so but just continue to be creative on on ideas yeah we will raise it up for sure do you like what three feet did you I think three to four feet I think that's what we had in there that'll that'll make a huge difference as well as putting in Retention Ponds uh throughout new the park and doing that to capture the water and it's not just sitting there but it is you go back there on any high tide and it's soaked back there you even the ball field about 50 ft in gets wet every time we get a high tide so yeah okay any questions on that also um we just are we lost a lot of a lot of Clay on the field it got compacted or we lost a lot of Clay on the baseball or the softball field so we just yesterday uh Rel laser graded it uh so help with drainage uh and fluffed it up a little bit so it looks really nice out there it's not so hard packed and and everything because it was starting to even with the compaction we had with you know four or five feet of water on top of it compacted it all pretty good so we we got some fresh dirt which which a lot of ballparks do on a a yearly basis they they kind of freshen it up um anyway so that's that's going to be our only field so we're going to try to take care of it as much as possible trying to get the grass to come back um there are areas that that need a little more help we had it aerated last week too just to try to help get some of the the moisture or get the air into the The Roots so we're trying to make that that good um fixed up the fixed up the batting cage a little it was sagging from the last storm so those are those are good to use um we're going to be putting a net in the back in the Outfield probably about 15 20 feet high along the back so we don't lose things into the mangroves um um the softballs that they hit don't go out and get stuck in the mangroves and try to protect those so then that'll keep it from staying in bounds a little bit more it'll still be a home run just you know over the fence but the that'll the that'll get um but yeah otherwise I think we're doing all right the signage on a stero that says Town Hall doesn't indicate there's also bot Park back yep that sign the the BS Park sign if you look out there it's got a stake where it's start where it's going so they came out and staked it now the big sign talking about the big sign yep the one that was originally approved for the B project years ago that's whatever 20 years ago it feels like that's going in they just have they have to finish a little bit on the production side it's mainly ready and then it's going to go on the ground he thought maybe within a month or two so okay so that's and then obviously the town hall sign will be moved because that's going once our sign once our sign even if it goes in before we we'll remove ours because B sign will be really nice okay did you give us the final design of that b Oaks Park sign this the one that we were talking about finalized way before me even that was before Ian we had it we looked at that because we had discussed it did we talked about it because we couldn't figure out if we had officially voted on it or if we just discussed it and it got done but either way it got done yeah it was done before Ian correct well it was started before Ian we discuss it we we put a hold on it because we weren't sure what was happening um and then finally we got back to it it should be end soon yeah but I do have it on an email from way before I don't know if it was voted on or that was I remember but we had a question about it I don't know if there I didn't recall if there were any you know new additions of that signage or if that was the original the only thing with that and if you you looked at it it's we got it cut down about a foot so we're just going to put it in the ground a little bit more it was too high per new code okay so when it was approved the first our sign ordinance because of our sign ordinance we have to it it didn't fit the criteria fit the CR it was it was too tall but it's going to be called Bay Oaks Park right part of the grant requires that yeah or the grant require as opposed to Bay Oaks Recreational campus correct yeah I have a picture I probably have a picture of the sign do you have a picture I Bly remember seeing a picture a long long time ago it was old I think that went the way of all my other being destruct documents well this is all I have but I think it's in here some maybe not goes from the designs it's bought and paid for just waiting on the install I don't know I would have under I actually do have a question but it's not on the agenda it's not related either so I'll I'll bring it up as as a board member item yeah we started I get to tell you we started the the permitting in uh September last year just got it you know the permitting so it'll be coming soon very soon yes I'll uh it's like this sort of I have it here somewhere I just got find it oh you did find it Becky yeah incursive I think that was the way you the first time yeah I said incursive why would it be incursive talked about where to put the welcome you guys approved it I no there was talk about where to put the welcome words it was like G to be up here we discussed I know that it was it was um why can't I find it it was this is what I have I don't know if it's the same it was proposed by staff but it was never um a a conversation between staff and forap it was just sort of f company that I do from June of 22 June 7th the one that was approved you're on here but anyway it's it's coming all right so so you that's that's it for your staff report anybody has additional questions any more questions for no um I have two things one is um I mentioned I lot of grand kits out there and the park is really small out here since the school is open is there any that the Bays could get access to that park for season so that we had some it used to be the playground you're talking about or Justa it used to be on weekends it was open and then after school hours yeah that it was just free to use I don't know if i s this and it was designed a little different or because it was over by Bay Oaks a little farther or quite a bit farther um but we did a land Swap and provided the equipment and it was kind of fenced off double I don't know if that's something we can look into again I know on our inter local agreement with B Oaks and the the after school care we have access to it um so that those will be questions I need to ask yeah it used to be anybody who use it yeah it's not accessible because we we would we would lock it up at night after we were leaving at 6 until a certain hour and then we'd unlock it and then it' be open until 6 and the weekdays and then on the weekends our either our Park staff or Public Works open it up but I don't know it's it's their equipment it'd be up to them it'll be asked here very shortly if we can use it or keep it open um because I I agree it was used in the weekends we would so I don't I don't know what their plan is that would be great just got no accessibility this one's just too small over here for the kids yeah we'll uh that's a question I need to ask yet okay if it can be open for the public I don't know if anything's changed with those laws or like the one by our house we it's locked up we can't use it you know where I live and it's like that with a lot of playgrounds on campuses prob liability I can't use their baseball fields I it's all probably happened after all the school shootings that's why that's why they enclos but I don't know after hours if that's different or whatever but it is a a beautiful playground um and it's just not being utilized and there's kids on the island agreed more than they think that are yeah we're all yeah yeah the kids my son uses the the ball field quite a bit we come down and practice but you know he saw that too he's like can I go I can't yeah so that's not what you told him I'm kidding no I didn't we weren't there I wouldn't no I would not go just kidding I know so no and then um with pick a ball people here can we just review so you're you took the one tennis court you're converting four that into four additional pick a ball courts correct yeah currently we're doing it temporarily with tape pickle ball tape apparently better looked like duct tape to me see um when we ordered it uh and then working with the company that that just redid the tennis courts to reline at least one but that's up for discussion if we want to recommend doing all four or all both courts so there's eight more um I think you should have one that's just in it because it does get confusing that's why I put it on the items for discussion well I just wanted to bring up so what's happening I play every day over there and we've had approximately four I think maybe five of the Nets broken because what's happening at night is we get all the pickle ball set up and the kids are coming to play basketball at night and they're taking the the Nets and just dragging them oh my and they're getting all busted up here here are they in we'll replace them if they're broken for sure I haven't heard anything about it well you've all of the ones from the rec center are outside so there's still like three as a backup aren't the ones outside on rollers uh the roller ones are I think there's only one roller left and all the rest of them check it out I didn't know they by the basketball court where are they even touching them they so the pickleball courts are also the basketball court so they come at night they drag them off on the side it's a shared space I mean I know I know I just didn't know there were people playing basketball well that's why I had came back and talked with Pam and because I played pick ball so I got some feedback on what was going on with the courts when I first met and it was kind of talked about could we take all the tennis ball tennis courts and convert them into eight pickle ball courts and then convert the other one into tennis and basketball because honestly these tennis courts are not getting used one I mean they do get used can't say they don't they they do but not very often I know that I get that that's but then you don't have to move the Nets but why set up the net if there's if it's a shared space it shouldn't be set up till the next morning because then it's like you set up the net and nobody can use the space well if you have that basketball is there at night then if you if you take a tennis court like this and put the basketball on each side they don't have to move the net what's happening right now over at the pickle ball courts is the Nets are on this side and our we go like this right and they they they're dragging a mile because they want the whole Court to play basketball because they need right but what I'm saying is like if y'all are setting the it up can it be unset up in the evening and that way the basketball court is open there's nobody there's like no you never know who the last one is to move them and some times even in the morning like on the weekends you'll have somebody that wants the basketball courts when we're playing pickleball and they could they their first they so it is a first come first sered I would think you need one tennis court there's so many pick like just one tennis court That's Just Tennis just one that's why I thought if we could turn the pickup current pickleball courts into a tennis and then put those basketballs and you decide to make that all into there um I think it would be um maintenance wise it's going to be it's it is tough I don't care what pick I I came the other night with some friends I've never don't usually play at 3:00 and it was on a Saturday and there were some kids out there using the pickle ball mat for um soccer nets so they're just they're getting beat up'll change sounds to me like that might be staff um you know just sort of overseeing the equipment but because you're so short staff you only have I talk to fam yesterday she didn't say anything about the net yeah maybe that be she would there we've got we bring a ruler out and we're like fixing them right back up out there so we've got the um the fixed ones are out in the court right now and then we bring your ruler and set them up but the ones the ones on the wheels hit the salt water and they were just about rusted and busted off I'll get some more ordered for sure because they were there during Ian so we um mil replace those who are the four people now who are your four people toy is is it Jimmy Jimmy Aaron and Skyler what happened to shanetta she's at uh in permitting right now until we get the rec center back open okay you do have Aaron Aaron okay and Jim Jimmy Jimmy jilia he's been there forever oh yes 10 12 years I think yes since he was he probably worked there when he was in like sixth grade right exactly he looks like he still in the sixth grade and then Skyler oh Skyler okay and bar so this is going to sound ignorant and it is an ignorant question there is not one sole basketball court Outdoors that's just basketball no I don't ever go back the last time I was back there pickle ball basketball back there and then the tennis courts are sitting there by themselves I don't think I've been back here since it turned so once we get this Redevelopment we'll have dedicated eight courts on the tennis court or Four Courts on the tennis court Four Courts on the basketball court and four quarts on the Redevelopment and then six to eight quarts inside that'll be the number eight that seems sufficient eight when at the growth that pickle ball is going right now at all ages we're right now with those Four Courts backed up some morning 30 people we're not even we have two more condos about ready to open um it it's it really is crazy and I um that was one of my one of my motivations with getting on this sport is you know if you take a look at um the local areas you know cap Carl's SP ready to have one Naples um these pickle ball tournaments they they people will look at geographics of pickle ball courts and where they decide on their stay oh absolutely and and it's not just pickle ball it's all other amenities the public thing is like how do you balance it all you can't push everything you know this was our plann years ago before Ian came that yes we were going to expand the pickle ball program and add you know a number of I can't remember exactly the number of new pickle ball courts but with these subsequent storms and with the insurance issues that we've had with the town it's just been an uphill battle for so many reasons reasons to uh unfortunately not provide the amenities that we would had we had already planned to provide we had funding for but that's gone and so it's a struggle I think that is an ultimate goal I mean we would love to be able to have major pickle ball tournaments here we were actually thinking I think there was at one point there was supposed to be a basketball tournament that was supposed to happen uh that was number of years ago so all of that was in the planning stage but these hurricanes have really changed so Cape Coral didn't experience what we've experienced so um I I to me it's it's been very upsetting to have this push back on uh but it's because of the storms primarily it's not because we haven't wanted to it's just that we believe me I lost my home too I was two of them here so I'm I'm right with you it but I think just the move of you know looking at it um because since I've been playing P call and they found out from the media that I was on the board they're like why do we have two tennis courts sitting empty every single day when we're all backed up with there that play tennis though I agree are that's like why we're having a multi- field you're not putting a baseball field there because then it monopolizes it as baseball you turn everything in a pickle ball and it monopolizes it as a pickle B I'm not saying there's other things there's only enough utilization for one Court that's what I'm saying you have to leave a court I'm only saying one yeah leave the one I don't know if it's I don't know if it's i' have to i' have to do the numbers but to to switch over those courts like that I we wouldn't have that in our budget right now for basketball or tennis to switch the tennis courts to the having one tennis court on the basketball court and then switching the other one over to basketball and pick ball that's the thing I mean I think you need like I mean maybe just even One tennis court That's Just Tennis I'm not saying you me like even two but then the basketball is the issue there's no the the option baset I guess items for discussion that outar basketball is so different too like it's a different everything is different from indoor basketball so is there nowhere we can put just basketball like even a half court or something like on the side of a building I mean I don't know like a concrete pad you know like if we can't really expand too much wait I mean we talked about that dog park even down there yeah and we couldn't get permitting to put the dog park right right next to the tennis court anymore because of being so close to the water in the bay yeah no I'm saying like even if you have like a basketball go on the side of a building somewhere and have like the half I mean I don't know but there's a group of guys that go down and play basketball full court I mean I they played indoors they play outdoors I mean one play see Jimmy would have an idea because he's big in that I wish we had like an aerial view to look at to figure out if we could put I mean if we're going to be we're a park we're a Rec Center you know we have to have all the things that's the whole point as many as we can accommodate correct that's why we have the multiuse fields you can have succer and Lacrosse and it's not walled off for any one particular sport on that field so I don't know we need like an aerial view where you can figure out we need to buy strand view put a basketball right there right it's just hard to visualize I'm just kidding go a park I saw I saw strand view put a new um seaw wall in like adjacent to you should do the seaw yeah I think they they fixed the one at exactly but it does help they did that I don't well I just maybe there's just a lot of over they saying you just can't share a court I mean between tennis and so old really you go back there and I know some people do play pickle ball later in the night but when I go when I check out the facility at between 3 and 5 there's only one somebody got to move the Nets then that's the trick because then they're you're just going to keep it places and the only other option if we keep a staff down there then we'd have to charge and I'm not doing that right because the people who are coming in and playing basketball if they're all 15 they don't get a crack bu your nets they're just gonna that stinks let's figure out something to yeah new Nets with different wheels or are you going to put a barrier between the tennis courts and the four pickle ball courts on there we're going to do something temporarily right now until and that's the other thing I was thinking thinking if we wanted to do the four pickle ball courts on the one side and only leave one tennis court we could put a permanent fence in between yeah like to do on the other ones but I just don't know I mean the trend on tennis just keeps going like this too I mean sometimes you have a lot of people sometimes you have not many my kids are tennis lessons off Island and there's a lot of kids I have some friends that that are adults and play down in Naples and they play a lot of tennis so it just it's very different than pickle ball I mean yeah it's just one of those those trends that kind of goes up and down right but if you have one that's dedicated to tennis then the other ones can be pickable or tennis right that's what I that's that's the way it's going to be right now different night sizes so and then I think we can begin to look at some of the um Condominiums and Resorts that have tennis courts and pickle ball courts to determine do is that adequately serving the needs of the community in terms of you know the people that live there in a condominium so in other words we don't have to serve those people because they have their own court or their own pickleball well that's the trick they start opening up all these private vs all over the island they're going to have all their own stuff anyway yeah and just a a lesson to be had so SE Seawatch and stero Beach and Tennis Club after the hurricane when our courts were destroyed they got theirs fixed right away so we went over and talked to the man they're like yeah come on over and play come on over and play we don't have enough guest you can use them so what they did was they tried to take one tennis court and they taped it or they set set it up for tennis and pickle ball but they put a fixed ten net in it and you can't do that it's a different net it's a different net it's higher but ours go the other way yeah like the the tennis net is actually going to be a barrier between the right yeah it was more of a just FYI you can't use the same net for both it's really hard you have a bu lines all over the ground it's hard to follow L you get used to it you know what I mean you get used to it because you're so used to pickle ball you know I I play both and you just you get used to it it's like playing on the back you know inside you've got your basketball lines and you got you just know which colors you know you go to some elementary schools and there's pretty much colorful of lines there it's crazy God forbid if you're a color blind so really you know when we redid the tennis courts we got a lot of good feedback on good now we can come down and play you know been waiting for those to come back so it's like it is a it's trendy for all of it we just can't push one of them out I don't feel like correct is there way like can Jimmy just like walk around and see what he talks about basketball I mean he's just so maybe there's nowhere he can look around and be like no there's nowhere you can put a court there's nowhere to do this or maybe he has like an idea and then we could discuss an idea whether it's I mean whether it works or I'm open to looking a great idea I would think basketball that wouldn't be that expensive to yeah I mean it's unless you have to build an asphalt court and then it gets really expensive you like or maybe something we could do later you know what I mean but just to share it is kind of yeah I unless we have to we can look I'll look I I can't think of a place right now I mean that's why I'm saying him also school has called basketball cards well we can't get back there that's what I mean it' be nice to be able to use them we used to be able to get back there so those are questions I'm going ask okay we also used to have more tennis courts over there too right how many more we had how many tennis cours four more they got taken out the asphalt is still there I mean it's just buried under Rubble but they were used the tennis courts were used a lot that's what I'm saying so I think it's just and when we had a full I mean it wasn't used a ton during the day but in the mornings we had quite a few tennis even right before E I feel like it's hard to say what gets used and what doesn't at this point even for the last three years because of the situation once we're back up and running it's different I realized the trend right now is pick a ball so trying to accommodate as much of that as we can without alienating other people yeah and just my words are I'm there from s to 11 every morning and 550 75% of the time nobody plays tenis right every morning so that's me like my kids play but they're in school yeah but like the lessons that they take it's either rutenburg or Three Oaks that's where their lessons are and and there's a ton of kids in lessons yeah they gotta play somewhere I don't know so I'm open to suggestions if you want to still discuss this or no thank you for four exra everybody yeah we'll find some barrier I'll order more Nets I mean I go down there I don't yeah don't get me wrong you had like 12 there's still like six left there's still some left but yeah well well that happened even even before Ian they got they got wrecked we had to replace them a lot but I mean oh yeah I don't think it's from the hurricane I think it's just people being people and we spent the the ones with wheels we spent quite a bit of money on was those lasted D the storms but I'm I'm I'm open to whatever I mean we're lining the four right now and like I said we have plans that there'll be what 24 total courts so but some will be indor some will be out right so it's just a matter of how many more we need can't have enough probably I I've been down to Naples but they have a bigger Community obviously right so they have different Courts for everything that's the thing they have established you know with the national tournaments and all that they actually don't have a bigger Community voter wise they do have uh increased um uh options for budgeting than we do yeah but I mean there's people from it's just easier to get to sometimes too yeah Naples for people like in Estero and you know St Carlos it's hard right now are you talking about the downtown C beer Park um or veterans Naples veterans oh veterans oh but they have the new one too that has veterans is nice veterans is nice yeah um okay any other discussion I mean I we'll do the four for now and if unless you guys want to line them all but I'll try to do a little bit better job of keeping track of uh I'm usually here early in state somewhat late you also have seven jobs right now somewhat but no I mean I I I do walk down there enough um and when we have Bay Oaks open we'll be able to really know yeah you know and they can they can actually but if someone comes at 5 o' play Pick ball they're going to move the Nets back but we can move them out but just never know when someone's going to want to play Pick basketball that's the thing something but I'll get some new Nets open or ordered anyway because we we probably need them take a look yeah take a look but like I said there's still there's a few of them left okay but I do know you know I just never know like we thought we'd need another softball field but the trend isn't going that way we also thought that the seniors could not play on the smaller one and they can't they can't I think you know honestly I I when I go by they seem tojoy you play that's part of my report not saying all seniors but I'm a senior okay what the hell you know but I mean I I think they like it seniors gets lower all the time I think they like they hit it out of the park once in a while the bases are shorter which is good so I'll just say um I played last week and there were I don't know 20 plus people there uh I'm one of two women Ana is awesome just saying it takes me like 10 Strokes to even hit the ball but I'm still out there playing um the people are fun um it's the park is beautiful um some of the guys really love to hit it out but if they hit it out they now have to go get the ball right and I'm going toate that what we're waiting on what we're waiting on right now is locates and we have the poles we have the net we need locates and then there are some dead branches hanging over from the mangroves so we need a d permit to even trim those we're not cutting back the mangroves at all there just a couple that will interfere with the net do that um the ones we're cutting off are are from dead trees that are in the mangr but we still need permit yeah then we get it's a lot of fun and how's awesome he's collecting a small fee um to give back to b Oak so um it's it's yeah I I that's really nice we don't we don't ask that obviously but if he does that that does yeah but yeah I went out there you had right be was it right before Christmas or right after you had must had 30 people out there yeah yeah I was surpris it's been cool so I think people have not it's it's fun I know how always tells me to go in to get swings but I never it's fun we have a we have a blast it's a good time the only downside to it is I was speaking with how once and he said when you do get 30 people because everybody plays right yeah so being on the Little League field gets a little compact for yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's true it's a good you get so do you do this So for anybody watching they play for two hours right right is it the other four hours still accounted for I've seen the shirts it used to be two hours of playing two hours of at the Shamrock two hours of napping two hours of Na yeah they they seem to have a great time everyone know they and they are great with newcomers you know um because there's people that play I don't play every single week they're great they're getting enough on that field where we can almost have two games yeah I mean it's fun that's wonderful it's good anything more to report uh do you have adequate input from us I think so um to kind of move we'll start with the the the four and I know there it's different now because there's the lessons going on and that takes up some of the time on the courts but um you know we're working on more I've always said we could we probably don't have enough at a certain point for a couple hours of the day it's so busy down there I know that so yeah I think we're good all right thank you Jeff um we're gonna go to member items uh and we'll begin with Michelle by the way just as an FYI on our agenda we need to make sure that we include um Michelle's name her it's not yes it's not there yep I'm so sorry apologize no problem we want to make sure that you know that you are not only welcomed but needed thank you so you're welcome anything to report beyond the concern about the Nets um no we talked about the other one was bathrooms but I think we've got us our short-term solution because we have bathrooms back there so I'm good thank you yeah and one one other thing I I talked to Big Jim probably know him back is uh pressure washing the stuff back there because it gets bird Dr drings on it but he said when he goes back there sometimes he gets yelled at for the noise so we got to the pick ball players that makes too much noise but um so he's we're working on keeping that area clean and everything too okay Becky um we need to figure out what to do with friends of B Oaks Jesse wrote to me he is he wants to turn it over um right now he and I are the ones that are on it um and he wants to put me as the main but we need a second but I am under the understanding that I can't even be the main person anyway so I don't know what to do with that I thought I was going to talk to you yeah I mean that ideally not even ideally I think we made a decision that we shouldn't have any warab members on the friend correct so I don't also want it to dissolve um he worked hard to get it back going and we have the bank account we have you know I just don't know I was like don't turn it over yet let me just it what about cellc so we me isn't Ellen on the Ellen uh V isn't she on Cell you can be on friend of she just can't be on the board oh so she's not on the board oh she is on the board that is the conflict we're having issues with regard to that particular well the reason I I brought it up is because it's the same same issue exact yes so we decided we decided as borab this wasn't too long ago that we weren't G to have we had somebody come in and say that it was not recommended lawy yeah and it all it all turns turns out into the the sunshine law that you know you you and Becky can't go to Wahoo Willies and eat and talk about Bor cab outside it has to be a when we talk about borab and we talk about B Oaks and policy um and things that are happening and whatever is going to come before a vote or and or come before a vote um it has to be in a public meeting scheduled public meeting that's recorded and all that so there's no not say there is I'm not saying that but no backend deals or you know that that all of the council members that are are The Advisory board members that are here need to hear the same exact thing so the friends of B votes so like if you and I were both on the board and Friends of B were like oh let's do this for fundraising and then it Blends it Blends into too much it overlap to the Sunshine Law yeah is that is Friends of bail underneath town not really it's a 501c3 that is Loosely an arm of of but not a legal arm it's not a legal arm that's the difference it's a financial arm and only thing that friends of B Oaks is supposed to do not the only thing I shouldn't say that do whatever main thing is to fund raise to help support programming here so we would come in to say we did a huge fundraiser friends of BS did that and then we would request probably at the beginning of the year some kind of budget like oh we'd like 5,000 for this and then they would fund raise for it they don't have any input on what we do that's for cab right um it was like a basketball tournament recently and so there was money in the account and so it was $1,000 to go for the prize for the winning team you you have a website don't you or a Facebook page we don't have anything so it was it was friends of BS and then it adver to get other people that would be interested in thing so it kind of went away and so when Jesse field was on the board who had replaced he created the 5013c again and we have a bank account and everything but when he started it up he put me some as a second person but neither one of us could be on it the goal was to get more people to take it over right so it's that sand capap is the bank account there's money in it there's more money to go in it but we need somebody to actually how do we find somebody to be on that that's the trick I think the issue here is the confusion between what the town can do and what a 50 501c3 can do and what we learned collectively recently is that the town is fully capable of accepting contributions and sponsorships and donations uh my question and I'd like to have this as an agenda item for next month to bring our town attorney in the concern that I have not only for borab but for ccab is that if an individual or Corporation gives a contribution $5,000 say directly to the town the town needs to be obligated to that donor to restrict that contribution for that event and that that donor can use that as a tax deduction I don't think cont ta dble if it's to the town that's the I don't think it is tax deductible if it's for the town that's problem well that's I think there's a difference of opinion about that which you know is why the friends of the friends of Mount house and the friends of uh B Oaks was initiated in the first place because it was the assumption that the town could not expect to give you know take contributions and have it tax deductible I would love for the town attorney to come to us and give us the the ruling on that I've checked I've done some research and there's some ambiguity so just as an example I guess I'm my experience is a community Foundation um we write we would like and we've done this this is something we've done we we need to replace our concession equipment they said okay what basically what's that going to entail they said okay they approved it and we get the money earmarked for concession equipment only right when it goes to finance it's it's set as just that we don't use it for anything else it's reserved it's reserved for for just that we can't use it for anything else unless we go back to Foundation the foundation and say can we use this for something else okay so it is we still have money in there for concession equipment because it's still under but if somebody gives you a donation is a tax deductible because that's a benefit for the 5013c could be you know and I think that's a huge incentive as to why someone and even with stab I saw there was the engineering group that funded one of the talks at the mound house uh did they get a tax tax contribution um because that did not go through friends that went directly to the town yeah and we we've done that I mean well you've had sponsorships for baseball yeah oh that would be more little league I guess but well still we do get sponsorships we have our own Banner program so somebody can pay us or a donation and we put up their Banner well didn't Major League Baseball give you a ton of money for the ballar they gave us a lot of money I would a ton was it a ton no it wasn't ton they they gave us uh enough to redo the infield okay but I guess that's another example right yeah oh yeah yeah you're right no you're you're totally right exactly I'm sorry so did Jesse report into this group then he he was he was he took his spot okay but the friends of BS was actually part of have try to recruit Lally just did the and I think that's the reason can the town put out like a a notice saying that we have this position available I mean he's ready to turn he doesn't have any association anymore completely we could put something out and just say you know because they do support BS we can that the friends of BS is looking for new members or something we're looking for members we need a presid members yeah I mean not president some members and get a group there's nobody but he wants to turn it over I mean not going to have him like waited in the wings for a little while but I know and what happened last time when it dissolved is the town they G the town was holding on to that money town still is there's a big check check I it's not in there I haven't I haven't been to the bank I have no idea oh I think you got I Karen got the what is it 14,000 or something like that something it may have gotten deposited I have I think it got if it did then I'll look into it but it should have could I mean he has like I'm just a secondary to where I have access to it he's got he gets like all the emails I have no idea how to log it's not it definitely needs to be because that's that's the intent right but if it dissolves again because that's what was happening like we had checks that were just sitting there and then you can't deposit them because they're three years old and then you have to have a Rec people on the island so but but you're right to to your point Barbara if it's something that we can give tax deductions for it brings into the reason the friends of boks formed in the first place was because the county this was before a corporation before 1995 and the community got together and said no we do not want this to stay with the county we want the county to give the Bay Oaks to the town and we will you know bring this to fruition so it was a a ground Roots effort to um involve the community in Saving bogs because there was a question that nothing was going to be done there was no funding for Bay Oaks at the time because it was a brand new town you know there wasn't really any funding for any of it so it was a volunteer effort at that point there was no staff same thing with the mount house the mount house was you know had almost no staff it was a volunteer organization that came in and um raised funds and provided you know volunt ER dosent programming and giving tours as a volunteer when an entity a municipality builds its own staff it becomes less important for a volunteer to be involved and it's an evolutionary thing so we're finding the same thing with with friends of um Mount housee is that you know there isn't that direct need as there once was when things start to form discounting the value of those I mean they do some good fundraising too and they they put on some some events that are that are great but but that's the thing is like Town staff is not going to put on the events I mean well and that becomes the the responsibility of Staff that's that staff can't have it both ways they can't you know do all the events and then expect friends one or the other wanted to do them you know have things at Time Square have things at Bayside Park have our own programs like Cape Coral does like Naples does they cap do a great job of in their Parks and Rec Department of doing townwide events it's it would be great to have the Farm's markets back here yeah exactly back here well we wanted to have you know like evening events like you know everything yeah you know concerts exactly I mean I when I found that's the that's the goal of this park you know that's that's what we want did we when you started doing he was I was able to go to office and look at the plans did we actually go out to the town and do a survey of what everybody wanted to see from this part we did that initially and we actually just did it after Ian we had part of the R2 P2 project yes okay um we had it at Diamond Head yeah and one of the the biggest thing was um Trails for bikes and walking that was the number one thing yep um I'd have to look back at my notes but I know that was the the other one was the the bike connection Trail right and the pocket parks and the pocket Parks y okay those were the main things that the resident we had a lot of people there yeah a lot of res you did that before Ian no after yeah okay that was is it possible to copy that report just from my background yeah yeah I me just be can okay so if we could just have the um attorney the uh for next month's agenda and really get into the uh issue of tax deductible contributions and see if there's some clarity as to the purpose of friends of of boks and actually we're our thought when boks was the friends was being reintroduced because it had been dormant for so long we would think that there would be the senior group the senior B Oaks group that would have the time and the inclination to you know get the ball rolling and if staff could say look we're getting the friends group together we want you guys to be involved and you know help us raise money and maybe put on events work with the town nothing came of it so I think the begs the question as to what need does the friends serve that the town staff is not currently doing well right now I don't think we got back's question answered though so tell Jessie to hang on and wait do we can the town put an ad up for Jesse we still have a need here that Jess's got to be reped and how are we unless the town's taking over that's the problem we did talk about set our last meeting as well yeah we tabled to this meeting it's not working the um I think the issue was the same let me just move I'm I'm through with my member report and I want you I'm sorry no no no I I want you to be you're next anyway so I'd like no I'm next yeah oh joy you're next I'm sorry yes you you're are next oh I'm sorry my bad a good discussion all right all right get get finish this conversation my no I'm just I'm just saying it's in our minutes that that we discussed it last time and in November yeah and the um we did the conversation was basically the same one correct I don't think we have an answer to it right now we just don't have the volunteer base so how does he remove it from himself to take that burden off of himself does he just not right now and just say hang on because he's not involved with BS at all anymore he's not he's insan ways and I don't even want to say it would be to close the account but you did say that out loud I heard you I mean that would be one way I I don't know unless it slowly goes into your name but we don't want member to be a part of and I know you don't want but you can't be on it either can you because really honestly my suggestion to him was Jeff can be the second person he's like could be somebody else that right that's not involv I I wouldn't be able to control the money and request the money at the same time that's what basically warab would be doing is we put a recommendation in to request money and that same person could have the power to reject or approve that money that just does not seem yeah right to me so yeah he said I'm looking to transfer the nonprofit over I need one additional person to replace me so we got to recruit somebody's he's that I mean he's literally just kind of like hanging out probably not but I like Jessie sorry wish we could I know have an answer I just don't know it has to be but what about all those guys that you know are playing B softball why would they not be involved in I think that's a great idea every day they need to be recruited exactly our two biggest programs are pickleball and that softball program yeah exactly they always have place every day yeah you think not always I mean recently your senior group was really pretty active when um oh the the boss program yeah the boss the boss program also now cuz we are going to bring that back soon once we got there was a lot of things before you I mean there was Teen programs let me talk to how hoe would be the next president of friends he's already raising money I know I let me let me just see if he has any ideas you're watching careful is I've been talking about him this whole meeting I don't know who that is you don't know who Howe is oh how you don't how it's the plac I don't got kids you you would honest You' recognize him he comes to all of our events he's really supportive you always Facebook picture I want to see what he looks like now oh do I yeah I have them on Facebook all right let's let's move onit I just have one other thing all right but no no go ahead Joy so um speaking of pickle ball so as you all know I did a pickle ball tournament last year and um um after conversations with um my friend Jeff here decided that we're going to um cancel this year however I got a grant to hold it and I got it before Milton came on through so um I wrote them all an email and this is the Cape Coral Community Foundation and they are allowing me to push it nice so there's going to be a 2026 event and um when when Jeff hires the new director um manager I'm still manager director whatever okay I'm not going anywhere all right I know know I know you're to the manager whatever the person that's gonna spend more time over there um I will get with them because it's a joint effort between B Oaks and the Community Foundation so anyway we're going to have the 2026 the grant is still good and I'm thrilled about it yeah we talked it just with you know I don't I don't the bathrooms the just the logis in general and the fact that you know it was a joint effort and you know with Danielle having left I just I needed somebody to yeah we all of our staff time and joy and I talked about it was it's really to the the kids and we only have four of them so right that's it I love it I mean if you want to do it later in 2025 we can certainly no we're going to do it in 2026 in season good so that's wonderful thank you so much Jo for that awesome awesome okay and Ed anything to report uh I was just going to ask Jeff about um other park space in the town that maybe the town doesn't um maintain because I've noticed in some of these development packages that are put together there the town is requesting that the developer develop some park space but but the town doesn't want to maintain it so I'm wondering if we currently have any spaces like that in town that the public could utilize I mean the the park spaces that we have are the beach accesses basically that we maintain um Bas side Veterans Park Time Square Newton Mountain House is mountain house is not really it's a park it's so we do that I'll just put that in there um I mean is there possibly any developments like before your time with a town I don't I don't know that I honest for like be Beach Lane possibly nope that's private I knew you that is private um and we I guess my answer to that is I I wasn't I'm part of those conversations about to maintain them or not um I think the conversation was that they would maintain them as part of the public benefit um I don't know how I don't know I'm not versed well enough to really speak on that and I don't want to say the wrong thing as far as the public benefit goes but um do you think that's something you could look into yeah I mean our our goal has been for pocket Parks we've been trying to we've been trying to get them um especially on the south end where we don't have much at all for Town owned facilities I mean the sou end doesn't really have much for parks at all doesn't have any so it' be nice to get you know chunk of land that we could put a pocket park and M yeah definitely maintain them I mean that's that's not the issue but you got to have parking come back yeah what you got to have parking yeah parking correct I think it'd be beneficial I me like we don't this time of year we don't go downtown it was 2 hours from my house marille the other day I looked on my phone just to see cuz the traffic started before my house like too we're by where the car wash was by the Catholic church I'm even further down yeah yeah and I was like that's we wouldn't go obviously when we that that lady had that accident on the bridge and closed it down I don't know if anybody was in traffic I heard about it took me over three and a half hours ago oh no but that's that's a exua circumstance it's or when the the crane the other day hit the bridge oh man because I have to go to B that's well I mean look at even earlier this year when the sailboats or the shrimp bools hit the bridge it anyway um yeah I mean we're definitely open to to to parks and it would be nice to have a bike trail somewhere yeah that had a pocket parks on there right exactly so yeah so if you could check into that that'd be great yeah I don't know anything that in fact it was a whole it was a whole pocket park idea that got me to thinking about that because I can actually see that part really well out my front window before I see the condos are you talking about back on Lagoon on there I'm talking behind the green condo Beach Lane oh oh yeah that one that one we don't even maintain the road on that one no it's a private road look at all I'm just saying I don't recall I wasn't here when that development agreement was signed but that I don't know either I can I wasn't even here then so and I've been here over six years so I mean to get something down there or even you know we have that whole golf course it's empty and right but I think that's part of Bay Beach yeah it is it is but it belongs to them and they treating it as a preserve right and I think they have very clear um um a direction forward as to what to do with that property but primarily keeping it as a Preserve natural environment well I know some people on that work for mosquito control and they have told me that the biggest hardest problem in town is that area oh really on each lane because of the ponds they built or the Catholic Church to that effect wow so when the wind is blowing just right they end up you know in my garage oh wow that's interesting the church is huge for mosquito I like to go lunak it's not maintained and it's just a mosquito I miss it too I was never he when I was here yeah for what oh the golf course was fun oh I wasn't either but no I mean that's that's their land to do I guess what they how long it were there any I know Council was very supportive of really investigating possible pocket park properties where are they with that and would that be an incentive for a public benefit if a developer said okay I don't have any available property on my area that I'm developing but I would give um a million dollars toward the purchase of a pocket park that would be Town own you mean Seagate I can't yes like Seagate which is you know that train is left um I'll take the need I'm used to it I can't speak for Council but I would be open to that I think we've said that all along I mean I think that was a priority for the residents when we had those visioning sessions for rp2 and other ones um we've talked about it if we ever got a bike lane we we'd love some we talked about purchasing properties when we've tried it a couple times because we can the Florida Land Trust there was one other one I can't remember the name of it that had funding available I mean it wasn't much it was probably under a million can't get a whole lot but a little bit of a land maybe but uh this we I think we had three inquiries and none of them they also they were going to try to sell it on their own I think is what um and we only obviously everyone knows we only have so much land on this island so and what is the um strand view that's off the table now as a possible Town PCH it's not sold yet but yeah 11 million is is that right next to direct next expanding doubling the size of Newton basically yeah but yeah Ed do you know what what we don't have another million to go into the Redevelopment and we don't have 11 million of course of course what are they doing back at the end of your Lagoon entrance where they tore those condos back out that would be in the what northeast corner behind the green ones they tore all those down back there that would be adjacent to the golf course but a separate property right across the water I'm not sure what they're doing back is that the one that is it gated back there no I think it's adjacent to the golf course well right but I think there's water between that and the golf course okay are you talking about at the end of the common area yeah yeah back there in the I thought someone was building a house back there I haven't looked I know that I remember when they were back there demoing it but it just kind of a dead spot back in there I didn't know whether or not those condos were old back there all right we'll get to keep our eyes open if you're ask me or I'm sure your opinions are all the same you can but I'd love to see more pocket pars I don't know why Council ever push that as an option for public benefit oh I I don't know to developers to say I'm not in those planning sessions but right that could have been a huge incentive for um Seagate to say look maybe not restrooms but definitely a pocket park contribution I guess one thing we could recommend the council is to look into that I think that's a possibility I I think I would support that I I would support that um bringing that to the council know we could do anyone like would anyone like to make a motion uh that we explore the options of having the purchase of a pocket park as a public benefit uh opportunity for uh all future Developers that want to develop here on the island anybody want to make a motion you want to limit limit it to that or do you want I'm sorry don't know if I should be or do you want to say addition to providing some of their land I mean they don't have to right if they uh definitely just being part of the package in in other words in addition to yes I know they're doing their big thing is restrooms but yeah put a restroom Park yeah so but that would be certainly a recommendation um anyone want to make that motion I I'll make the motion all right thank you second by who Michelle Michelle Michelle is seconded that motion all in favor I I okay un opposed no no one thank you motion carries unanimously and this will be a recommendation to council we haven't got to vote on anything in a while sorry we haven't got to vote on anything in a while I thought we should since we have a quorum right we should vote you have do that I do have a quick question for you with the kids being off Island from the school does that has that lowered the numbers have you noticed where at what I say 27 something 24 yeah I mean it we were up in the 40s I believe when they were here yeah because we ended up having like 80 some per of the school that's what I thought so when they come back hopefully that goes up yep is it a win or an if oh it's supposed to be win yeah it's a win it's a win they're redoing it oh they are I mean it's from everything I've heard a win good yeah buten I don't know exactly that's great all right I think I did enough so that's that's the end of my items you're okay you're sure you don't have anything more I can't think of anything else no I think I've done enough no this is a great suggestion and to your point though about Bay uh the Bay Beach land there I never realized that was a feeding ground for all the mosquitoes and so that's what I've heard from from staff right I can tell you if we don't drain the pools we can definitely tell it too oh yeah if there's if there's water in the pools it or if we get high tide back oh it's terrible I'm telling you the Catholic church is huge all the the land that's not getting maintained back there it is a mosquito wow it's awful it's a big property yeah um all right uh thank you uh we will set next month's agenda we've got a regularly scheduled meeting for next month I'm not quite sure exactly what date that is we usually do on the third Wednesday which would be the 19th that's the 19th okay so that's February 19th and again at two at 12 does that work for everybody it's regularly scheduled so it doesn't matter to be here can we make it 12:30 and be selfish I know it's my first meeting it depends I got to pick up my kids from we have a I think the chamber is often times not available yeah that's because it used to be at 9: yeah no yeah it' be the February 19th at at 12 okay um in the morning all right do I have a motion to adjourn all a motion to adjourn all right thank you Becky I second second all in favor i oppos n