e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e everyone it is um uh Wednesday April 3rd 20124 and it is 1206 in the afternoon and I'd like I'd like to call the meeting of the BOK recreational campus Advisory Board to order and we'll begin with the pre Pledge of Allegiance please stand Al to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Jo she's available for a call so we can around here if we vot uh yes that would be lovely um so before we do a roll call I'd like to have a vote of uh all of uh the current present Advisory board members that um Joy Sullivan will be given permission to um um be involved via phone all in favor I I uh opposed there being none motion is carried um unanimously and then we'll begin with roll call we'll begin with um J and welcome glad you're here thank you oh John John Barbara Hill Becky gri Karen Karen Woodson got joh here and Jeff hogy and joy Sullivan is on the phone joy can we hear uh Joy from you want to state your name please is she hearing is she hearing I'm sorry I can't you cut out there oh would you state your name please Joy oh yeah sure joyan okay calling in on the phone wonderful thank you Joy um then we will begin and before we go forward with um the approval of the minutes we have had concerns over the last several months with regard to um unexcused absences and uh we would like to amend minutes from previous meetings that um uh reflect the meetings the minutes of the previous meetings to reflect those that were not in attendance that were not excused and so obviously uh it has presented a problem this was close to again not having a quorum which means that we can't officially conduct a business uh and so uh we would like to amend the minutes from the previous meetings that uh showed that there were people that were unexcused that did not attend uh and I don't believe that can come before a well I guess we can come before a vote with this does anyone want make a motion that we're going to H the minutes from last month say everybody I think we're looking at previous months too I think we were because not just last month okay yeah because the other meeting obviously we didn't have a quorum so um so it looks like we're looking at February here and it looks like February the only one noted that was not here was Becky and it was noted excused okay that was not correct and that's not correct corre right okay I missed that meeting I don't miss meetings and I miss that one I know it says it says excused for February 7th it is excused you're fine you're fine yeah okay no it says that you're excused okay I'm that I mean I did miss that one yeah yes no it's okay you were excused okay but it also says that everybody was present and joy was virtual so that was February so then in March um so there's it says excused on here was Bruce which he was not excused um um John I think you had called and let us know that you couldn't be here yeah we we were trying to technically we couldn't make it happen on the day yeah were um Betty was excused she was ill I think that day and this last one um March last month yeah because we technically didn't even we couldn't get on the phone we couldn't get her on the the phone because because we didn't have a quum right um and Jesse you were not here yeah yeah last meeting yeah I um I'd sent you a note so you you had sent because that's what we need to do is send so so really it would be excused would be John Jesse Betty unexcused was Bruce make sure he didn't have an email okay so no because remember we called him and he forgot oh that's right did he you got it right I did okay yeah that's right okay so that is only for that March what was that date March 7th March 6th March 6th meeting okay and actually those which means that uh as we review the minutes for March 6 we can amend whatever changes we all so want to make an addition to reflect that Bruce butcher was had an unexcused absence so that's now then for the record right so that being said we already have an amendment has everyone had an opportunity to review the minutes from March 6th yes all right is there a motion to approve with said Amendment all motion to approve Becky gidry thank you Becky um second Jesse field Jesse thank you J Jesse uh bar yeah clarification yeah we didn't get a chance to approve the February 7th meeting either because we didn't have a quorum um we could either put it on the next agenda if you guys all want to review it or if you've already reviewed it we can approve it it I don't I whatever you want to do Barbara is that U presented in our is not I just thought of it as we got it so I can send it out for next meeting let's do it next so you can you all have a chance to review it be on the schedule so okay all right great no Quorum it was hard to yes exactly um all right there's a motion on the floor um may I have uh a vote to approve the minutes as amended I I opposed there being none motion carried thank you with that Amendment all right public comment there is no one in the audience so we will then move forward with the staff leaz on report roll call this month first I'm sorry do we need to do anything with the roll call this month who's excused and who's unexcused um yeah that's a great great uh Point um do we have Bruce butcher that's unexcused have not heard from Bruce okay and uh Joy is on the phone and Jesse's here so let the um let the records reflect that we have Bruce butcher as an unexcused absence for today's meeting and Betty Simpson as excused excused and and Betty is excused I have a question really quickly if we cannot be here like joy and we tell you and then we can vote say I'm absent for whatever reason out of town and y'all vote to have me on the phone is that counted as present or still excuse if there's a quum then we vote to let we just you're part of the meeting so yeah all right um Jeff do you have your report um yeah I mean it's it's in the packet um if you've read through it we have a lot going on at Bay Oaks uh and I guess on the campus in general you're sitting in the the chambers which obviously we're all up and running here at Town Hall uh as you know on the Bay Oaks Campus grounds so um uh Oaks itself is is doing well um Danielle is the acting campus manager right now uh we are we do have it out uh for um we have it out for applications for to be submitted and we've had it a number of them from all over the place all over the United States so nice um that's good uh we've had a few internal as well so we'll start that process next we pay we do not I'm just curious who doesn't want to live here we do not um not for these I mean these positions I don't know about any of on but no not the campus manager we don't um a lot of things going on though we uh had a lot of fun days lately we had you know no school for spring break and then they got off for the Friday before Easter and they were off this Monday so um a lot of fun times and the Easter egg hunt went went well um went really well actually a lot of a lot of people um it was good lot of good time so yeah uh we're starting we did hire a new Athletics and fitness coordinator uh shenet Thomas uh she was previously in permitting uh however she had been she's got a background she played college basketball um she's done a lot of work with camps uh rec centers I think she worked at YMCA for a few years as a a program manager so a lot of great experience and she wants to hit the the road you know really fast she's the one doing the men's basketball her name was on the flyer I think that's amazing that basketball she actually started with us as a a part-time worker or not even a temp uh right after the hurricane she worked in our CRC tents she with the donations and the people coming in um saw the potential in her uh the only really positions we had were permitting so she stepped into the RO but she always kind of said Athletics are my thing course uh so we ended up putting it out there for applications and they came in and she was Far and Beyond the best candidate we had Fant um so we are looking at yes men's basketball um some kids events coming up um those will be to be decided but uh we're looking at a bunch of different things she just I said we can start slow if you want cuz there's you know there's not as many residents she go nope I'm hitting we're going we're going to try as many as we can so uh she's she's very excited like football I think she's going to have plans she wants to maybe try soccer down here uh with the younger kids um t-ball on the field uh with the really young ones uh to get that maybe get some interest so we can have a Beach Little League back uh in the future umet which would be great so we're trying to get the kids you know not not necessarily birthed but 3 to five years old to get interested in sports and our our facilities and get them down here um planning is under the way for summer programming already uh uh we're getting to be that time where we're going to be putting that out very soon which is going to be great uh last year we were at Mount house which was wonderful and we're still going to use that facility um from time to time for sure with fishing um kaying and those things but it will be housed at at Bay Oaks this year U but we found a great partnership with the mount house and the grounds last year so we're going to definitely be utilizing that as well um those will all be sent out hopefully they'll be finalized in the next month or so so we can get the field trips and uh everything out to the parents uh pickle ball obviously is is another big one uh both indoor and outdoor um we were a little slow goinging with the indoor weather was kind of nice outside so we had a lot of outdoor but they're starting to come inside um and utilize that as well um uh senior trips boss programs you know Danielle's doing a great job with those as she always has um Can Read they went you know kaying they went on a bike trip I think they just went on one um to uh boka Grand which they had a great time she said they almost lost somebody but they didn't somebody veered off a different route but no I'm just kidding no it was good so that's kind of our saying like even with kids is if you come back with the number you came it was successful always counting always count count so yeah at least we know they were in Lee County at that point because they were in boka so um so that that's Bay Oaks in a in a nutshell it's it's going really well um if you haven't been in there for some reason go look at it we redid the flooring um where we ordered a divider curtain for the gym um so we can we can cut it off you know where if we have pick a ball on both sides the ball doesn't roll around or we can have kids on one side like adult basketball we just like want to separate the the kids a little bit more from the general public uh just for safety issues um and it's a nice buffer uh to have so balls not playing dodgeball they roll all over basketballs whatever so uh that has been ordered and we'll have we'll put it up so it's it's we didn't have enough time or well really money to get um electronic one so this one will just be one that we we pull but it's still all you know really really good thick heavy duty vinyl so should be nice uh baseball field oh tennis courts for anybody that's listening we are getting quotes on resurfacing the tennis courts so that is in the works uh it's just getting people down here to give us quotes is sometimes hard and with the FEMA dollars that we get reimbursed we have to get three quotes so um can't do Soul Source or piggybacking or anything like that on that so we're it's hard on the island it was hard to get people down here before the storm and now it's even harder so but we are working I think we have two people that came out we were looking at that third uh to come and give us a quote on the resurfacing and then we'll we'll do that um the ball field we're still working on the ball field we had a little little bit of extra loan money um that we are using to do we did the new back stop with the netting um we're facing that wall if you go out there with some Decorative Stone um do a little bit more painting uh um there is the Beach Little League contacted me yesterday and they are at there's like four of them playing in Bonita right now and they asked if they could come and play a couple games on on the Little League field here and absolutely let's do that um it's going to be April 10th and may or April 20th and May 10th they'll be having um and then food trucks down here and everything so it' be it' be kind of cool so that's cool have an actual game on the field and get it utilized a little more we still have senior softball playing two days a week and I think they had 34 that's awesome the other day it's great I mean they are using the field and which was the intent um since we only have one and you know they they have the guys that can that can hit hit him out of the park which I I bet they're excited about too um but uh they are having a good time I believe they're well today is their like end of the year uh party I guess you'd say uh at uh at uh where is it at rude shrimp tonight so uh we'll see if I can get there are they even open tonight though are they not I don't I don't know how he put it on with this wind cuz they moved Women's Club was supposed to be there too and they moved it oh tonight because the wind possibly I'll ask how that's something he puts on start raining like five or six too it's not bad but still yeah but I mean the farmers market was cancelled up at um Moss Marine today too because the tents were blowing W like crazy yeah we'll see I guess we'll have to check with Howe I haven't heard yet but they are going to continue to play but they're just he thinks that everyone's going to go home he thought that last week and we ended up with like 31 yesterday so which is great again wonderful I'm glad we we have still people on the island um that are staying and utilizing our facilities and our restaurants and and the beaches um hey Jeff yes ma'am can I ask a quick question about the divider so just just from a visual so it's running between the the pickle ball courts right smack down the middle yeah right down it's going to separate the two basketball courts okay thanks yep so you'll have four pickle ball courts on one side four on the other awesome Yep now we don't have to put those those mats down there those black mats used to be blue yeah yeah that was one of the complaints that I got that the mats kept getting in the way so that's great yeah now it'll be a vinyl beat that's going to get in the [Laughter] way okay great um still not much on the pool um if we can have somebody come in and give us a magical check we'd be happy um but right now we're just waiting on where's the magical check we don't know we don't have one okay if we can get one and somebody wants to present it I'm not going to say no to it we're obviously you know I'm not going to ask somebody to do it anything for free but uh if we had funds come in that was donated we can get this project going so we don't have to waiting for you know FEMA and insurance and we just had a yeah a second FEMA inspection we requested one cuz the valuation of the pool was so low um extremely low like $200,000 for the entire what facility through FEMA from FEMA yeah that would cover the slide not even cover the pump yeah not even so um and it was insurance we didn't I don't know the exact amount but we just didn't get much so really we're without that Park improvement loan and that ending in May there's no way we could get it done in time so right now it's just like the big ball field actually the big Ballfield we have a little bit of money uh to put towards it um from the arpa arpa funds and the the match Grant but we have to get that done by the end of the year too it has to be complete but question when if someone would magically appear with a check M um do they get any kind of sponsorship notoriety naming rights anything like that I mean I know it's part of Bay Oaks but is there something that we can give back to them as a result of that because didn't we do that with this with the little league with the donations that we received the Little League field Little League field that was already wayy Jenkins field um the Little League had named that yeah many years I mean that was but isn't there some kind of sponsorship banners or something that was or was that just for we have banners that yeah that that if people want to donate or the ones that helped out with the in kind donations or you know helping us out with whatever to build the field um which we did I mean MLB IC they were huge but we could have naming rights for the pool right it doesn't have to be beok pool no I no B pool by somebody yeah if you can't rename it yeah I don't think we have any type of I know in other facilities that I've ran there's been actually in contracts you know you donate over $500,000 right you can have naming rights or you donate you know 25,000 you get a room named after you right um so I don't think we have any of that in writing which we we certainly could look at but we could also we could also vote on it and have the ccil decide and that's actually you know a policy that has to be um developed by staff and you know made official by Council to to have those naming rights the other opportunity is of course through friends which was a nonprofit organization that was designed to actually bring the funds in and you know they too would have to have that naming criteria so a million for you know like say the Herz Arena it'll be the you know John John D the pool right we're first going to name the D household once we rebuild right so that'll the naming rights will be on our post and and so I don't know if that's the function of Staff uh with the town to come up with a policy that allows for renaming rights and that could also be applicable to Newton Park to any and anything here at Bay Oaks uh but currently if there isn't any we really can't we should ask I mean Andy about that definitely we could ask we ask Andy if our attorneys can write it up and but yeah I don't I think let's see the let's show me the money first yeah could be aing grant for example if if the town goes for a grant to supplement the FEMA money for the pool and if there's usually a grant requires matching fund so if there's an individual donor that says I'll bring I'll bring up um like a quarter of million if the you know the state comes up with another 250 and then you know it makes that um gift um much more powerful fin there's also and I I didn't know that we would go quite to this level which I'm kind of and we don't have we we actually have on items for discussion pool so I don't know if we want to now we're probably there right now actually so does anybody have any questions for Jeff with regard to his staff uh report no no uh I just want to mention uh since they fall into Parks um Bayside Veterans Park is I was down there on Sunday for the concert again even though it was Easter Sunday it was great um a lot of people down there a lot of I'm assuming people vacationing I saw some you know locals that I recognized um and there was still over 150 people down there wow that's great so great um with you know nervous Nelly's open now that whole corner is just spectacular if you haven't been down for one of the concerts they're they're really nice you know you get people dancing all sorts of music all ages dancing you get the younger ones you have you know the uh and it's going on like you say elderly elderly couples that are slow dancing the music and I like how har redid their out like that whole area looks so good if you haven't been down there I mean the news I was on what two months ago called the new Time Square so it's a news it is the downtown Hub now it's really wonderful so we are always looking you know for for rentals for that facility too um do the concerts go through what are they scheduled for now through May or through April through they were extended though they keep extending them cuz it's been such a great turnout so we'll see what I guess isn't the chamber that is sponsoring some of that yep the chamber is sponsoring some I know with help with from snug and Wahoos I'm not sure if nervous Nelly's is kicking in I don't think snug and Wahoo did they did a majority of it to to begin so I know they have somebody that does they have a music guy that brings in the you know the talent if you will uh but yeah it's been it's been awesome I haven't heard a band that's that's been you know not to my liking and I like all genres but it's been great you know I've missed a couple weeks here and there but uh we try to get down there as much as we can as a family my family too and a good time MH it's really really a dynamic Park and perfectly located and I will mention sorry it totally blew us off 4th of July is coming up we're going to be doing a parade the application's already in for the parade uh in fireworks same zambelli fireworks that did the last ones that was just amazing uh they said we had a meeting with them and they said that our New Year's fireworks were I think he said the biggest at least um oh I'm going to say it boom wise you know the show was the biggest in in Southwest Florida for sure and maybe Florida so what it was said what people are raising for this and it's it's the residents and visitors that are raising money for the fireworks um it's is awesome so we're just going to continue that on and we have a kind of a committee that's not really a committee that's meeting um you know quite frequently have somebody that's really putting their their foot forward and and going to it so um we are looking at having the parade again we're scheduling that with everything getting the ball rolling early and then we'll also have uh the fireworks I have a question um where um the Veterans Park is located you know it's obviously you've got the bay front wasn't there at some point talk of extending that walk along the bay what what happened with that where are we with that it was Moss Marine with oh yeah no that's the Moss Marine talk about at some point was extending it all the way down to matanzas okay when they did that was in their plan for arches Bayfront so that was going through the the park and then all the way to matanzas all the way to matanzas okay it's not just on their property no so it depends on you know they right now they've only put in for rezoning of um because they're zoned a Marina and they have to be zoned commercial pedestrian kind of thing so they put in for rezoning it has not come before LPA or Council yet um and then they have to put in I think they're in the CPD process for um arches Bayfront but it's it's going to be a while it's a huge project right it's a huge project is there any um um change that would happen to our town park and that Bayfront location that would CH or it's just staying the same and then they just could extend it with the walk through going through so I think the way they have it look now you know that ool that is at the um what are that condo Name by Snug Harbor Snug Harbor and the condos behind it yes okay so that walkway yes so that's why they did the tiki all around and that whole thing coming down and then the walkway would continue um I can't remember if it's beh I think it's behind Bayside Park and then along nervous Nellies and then down down to matanza but in the whole plan of scheme of things that pool has to be moved okay cuz this such an obstruction isn't it yes I tried to I tried to get to Moss Marine via snow Harbor Restaurant obviously that did not work and I wondered about that that's an so are you saying that they would be obligated to move the pool um I think that would be they would not be Arch's Bayfront would as part of their whole redo like mitigation got it it's a lot going on yeah there a lot going on um yeah so that's it's all in planning and like first thing that has to happen is the rezoning and then they go in for their permitting or their CPD and then the permitting process and everything so I mean it that that whole thing is a minimum of 6 to n months out probably 9 to 12 yeah mons out before it even starts what about the little pier I think there was some talk obviously before the hurricane about reactivating that Pier that's by the town parking lot there on the other side of um nervous Nelly's closer to the bridge that was part of the moing field kind of thing and now they're looking at different locations rather than there they're trying to look at other possible locations for the morning field right but also along with that the facilities for the moing field because at one time they were at matanzas right then they moved them to Harbor House Harbor House is not available anymore matanzas is still not available um so there's talk right now of uh Jim mold approached Lee County about looking at boage point to actually have a new moing facility there um or some other places that they're looking at is like in back of um where the town where the town offices were and they own all the way back to the canal the canal right as a possibility but everything would have to be built and then they were also talking at some point I heard about redoing the fishing pier the town owning that's what the last heard I just didn't know if there was any update to that but I think it kind of depends where the new moing Fields go and what's going to happen so it's kind of a domino effect so as soon as that all gets decided then there'll be a better idea of what's going to happen with that okay thank you for the update on that Karen I appreciate it um question for Jeff what is Shan is her name shenet shanet how what was her last name Thomas Thomas okay just for reference for me and is she in charge of the entire athletic department then yeah her title is coordinator Athletics coordinator and does that include the fitness program or is yeah it'll it in the whole umbrella it does um Danielle that's kind of her realm too I was going to say so but we'll see how you know of course The Dominoes fall like Karen and and we'll see what happens with you know there you know certain staff move to a different position and take that then we'll have to Rel look at that but yeah the the actual one is part of Fitness has has she already begun or is she she has yeah she started a couple weeks ago already okay yeah she was kind of doing the hybrid where permitting still needed help before you know so we could get we didn't want to leave them high and dry um for sure so she's in there now though she's loving it any other questions for Jeff before we move on no well I kind of I kind of slided nervous Nellies by the way so Bayside Park is presented by the the town and FMB chamber the sponsor is current John King and and uh he's the main sponsor and then title sponsors are nervous Nellies Snug Harbor and waho billies oh so they're all on there good great nervous Nell too that's good to know okay thanks for the good I haven't asked the question now we know yeah that's what's on the brochure anyway okay then we can move on to um pool discussion which of course is of interest to all of us so um continuing what Jeff was saying in his report clearly uh there's no funding available to redo the pool or rebuild the pool or build a new pool or even fix the no that was my yeah that was my my question is even the finance was where's the money going to come from all right let me ask you this has has the town ever come up with the plan or the budget or and the budget proposal in terms of what it is that can best be built given the Restriction of land on that property to at least say okay the budget for doing this and getting us up and running is this do we have that figure we have two very different uh estimates right now they're like okay and what are they uh one is right around maybe 4 to 500,000 um which may or may not include a slide depending on the cost of the pump pump room and everything um and the other one goes up in the millions millions like one point something like6 or something like that I mean it was like drastically different yeah yeah but they're they're yeah they're two different kind of designs one's more of a a Leisure one's bring it back the way it is it's kind of which is not conducive to what we want so you're looking at a best case scenario if funds were unlimited and then this is being the low ball of what is possible to at least get the previous program up and running what's not conducive what part you said it's not conducive to what I mean it's it's it's fine it way it was before just the the setup I mean we you go to some community pools and they they're just set up a lot different um they're not so much concrete they're just just more room for like people to lay out you like how he goes there to just read PS by the pool and reads oh this was this was how's place I mean this is this was how's club by the way so great you're here to you know keep me company and entertain me like the pool robing CL how he was sitting there kind of watching yeah oh oh he's great yeah we're in his entertainment center his new hangout is rude yeah so I guess I guess whatever it is it's hard to kind of plan something when you don't I I mean yes there have been a couple coming in um but it's just where do we come up with that money I mean it's one of those things where we need the money to design because that cost you know thousands of dollars just to do the design we got have to figure out if uh we still don't know if the the underground pipes are okay we're going have to blow them out and see if they're all right which after the start everyone said oh the stuff underground should be fine NOP absolutely not not our overflow drain doesn't work no drain wiring like if it's in conduit it should be okay like we haven't had any any luck with that whether it was BS uh or anywhere so it all got saturated uh it all shifted it all was broken so that's not including those kind of things the piping but that's that's um we know we know what we want part of the package OB we know the the the minimum we want to put back our lap lap swimming pools a place for water aerobics um a structure for the the younger kids so it's going to look I mean the the amenities will kind of be the same I would think in our our eyes it's just maybe upgrading them and so is that what you're saying about the $4 to $500,000 budget that would be yeah and so we're getting 200,000 from FMA so you're actually looking at about 300,000 in terms of extra money to budget for this that's the pool right I'm just talking about the pool we any showers we wouldn't have any I mean we'd have to we have to redo all that the electric so we're looking at quite a I mean is it obligatory that we have the showers available or is that just a yeah it is that's a Cod be a it's a code you have to wrap that up in terms of the total figure then yeah yeah so it's probably more like 800,000 to a million I mean if all that piping needs to be redone and which it will is there any effort from the town staff that is um going for Grants looking to see what kind of funding is yeah we have um not only are our staff looking um we have Title Basin who actively has a grants division too that's been looking as well I just feel like you can't count on whatever FEMA says they're going to give you at this point I mean you might we don't even know if that's but you might get it 10 years from now too we might not get it at all exactly but it's not a guarantee can't Factor it into the price the budget yeah I think we've gotten one check from FEMA so far so so what kind of BU does the rest of the council have for budgeting from operating and reserves to build this pool beyond what FMA provides well reserves I don't think we we're going to have to try know reserves so we have no reserves you know and honestly Barbara I don't think it has not come in front of the council at all um so Monday I think you heard that we put an offer in on a new building yes for Town Hall I saw that so that's been in the works for months and so until that was actually accepted and agreed upon um there has been no thought about because that you know remember we were thinking okay did we build a office or do we build our administration building that includes the community the town hall and the community center and all that kind of stuff did we re rebuild on Town Hall which we were severely underinsured on our town hall so there was not any money really from insurance to even start that project so finding this building and redoing this building and now we have fingers crossed and we see no reason that the state is not going to give the $8 million that they promised it's sitting on D Santa's desk right now so if we get that 8 million so that's going to take care of that building and what about the parking lot next door the 7-Eleven property cuz isn't that contingent on actually doing the town hall there because of par parking we haven't made any offers on that one yet that's that's in the works um because that would be great to have parking next door they're not going to rebuild the 7-Eleven right isn't that the one that's for sale though that somebody said you have to have a convenience store if you buy yeah you can't have a convenience store that's so that parking lot would but I can't imagine that the town would want to purchase something when there's an adequate parking for our use you know if you go by I mean the old town hall didn't I mean it had yeah you know it wasn't a huge parking lot it's terrible F Town Hall we would come for meetings and not be able to par and I think if you really drive around you look at it there's there in my mind and maybe I got to go back and look at it again but there was parking there was probably the the same amount of parking as the Old Town Hall that's what yeah that's it's not no it might not be enough but it's unless we get the 7-Eleven and the other thing too is they still are going to keep all the mechanical and public works and everything at the old lot right next door here so all of those trucks all of those people which took up a lot of space yep they'll still be up here they're not going to be down at the Town Hall okay at the new town hall the goal which we wanted these trailers we thought it was going to be you know 3 four years probably um but we had this opportunity which kind of awesome hopefully you know we get the the money probably be in there within a year that's I heard maybe probably January yeah you know it is a beautiful building it's it's well built it survived Sur it kind of looks like a town hall perfect it does and people keep talking about change of color it'll be all Town Hall colors it'll be Town colors it'll be all new all different colors it's not going to be green I don't think we're going to buy it because of the not buy because of what color you seen all the comments on Facebook oh it can't be that color oh like like somehow yeah reading Facebook comments all right um no but but yeah the goal is to put at least one of these trailers over for Public Works in our our old lot at least the back half maybe and then you know depending on how everything goes out and I don't even we don't need to get into this today which obviously we wouldn't but you know what do we do with a community center do we go forward with it it's not off the table by any means um it just has it's kind of on the back burner because of this um so what do we know do we keep a do we keep a a for like a senior center keep one of these trailers for that I mean the the possibilities are are out there but oh what you're saying in other words these trailers here since they're already can be reloc property could be repurposed for for now and the nice thing would be you know in this in this property this is all graded and compacted pickle Bell courts would fit really nice on exactly exactly so I mean it doesn't offer the Amphitheater that we were looking for the ability to do concerts which we wanted to do on the big balli or multi-purpose events y so it does well the Ballfield still may get yeah right I just like the pool right now opening is more important than building it probably is but but all it's all contingent to funding we got to have money to be able to build it correct I'd rather the money go towards the pool if possible first so let's jump back into the pool so yes I was going to let revisit the pool we're just waiting I see yeah I I can do it all day I don't want to um you did that swimmingly well some well don't trust me don't feed this animal on swimming jokes um I mean just some you know there's a little bit of a gloom and doom feeling but I'm a coach it's nothing but opportunity mhm now that doesn't mean the opportunity was just going to happen but um there are are um there are investment groups that partner with towns mhm that build athletic um anything you want um and I mean I I do know of a couple that's not an answer but where is the town and maybe this is a bigger question where is the town with partnering you know it sounds like we now go into a aggessive creative mode M to get something done right and it you know it wouldn't be as much as a vinyl banner it would be a very professional Investment Group just just this is just one of many options I'm thinking of public private Partners yeah just a partnership um because that can also catapult not do not Domino but catapult into this entire piece of land being built out um and that's totally an Andy yeah and that's where you know that kind of meeting would be great to have um I'm I'm I'm not giving up on getting a meeting I made a promise to the group that it was going to happen and it's it's not finding its way to a calendar but we'll make it happen um I mean investment groups that I know of that are now starting to get interested in Aquatics um that want to build pools fast and they have a purpose behind that and that's the 2028 Olympics mhm most federations from around the world are going to look over these next four years to spending a lot of time in the US doing staging camps and that doesn't stop at swimming that stops in renting gyms uh being on beaches being on flat surface roads that triathlons can can be run on and train on and I mean these groups don't come in and look at 500 to 1 Point anything million doll budgets I know of one that just finished that was uh I think it was a one was 49 million and one was 85 million in different communities where do a meeting well where they I mean they're do some of those are those interesting 100-year rental you know dollar a year for 100 years we come in we build it we run it and your community has an absolute state-of-the-art everything that they tell us they want um and I think John now that we've got the agreement to move forward and the offer accepted on that new building so that's been just you know sitting and waiting and waiting because we can't move on anything until that was it's not quite finalized yet but yeah supposedly it would be closed June 15th or July can't remember July yeah well we'd get them July 1st I think July first um so with that in mind I think it's now is more appropriate time to start those conversations because now we have a direction yeah you know now we can start making other plans because we couldn't before because we're in limbo well and we have other Pro I mean yes this is all of our passion and what we want to see but we have you know the the tier one project going on that's huge and there's other projects going around the north and south tower need to get redone water water quality uh to enhance those so there's other Le county is picking that up aren't they or majority of that majority of it the majority not all of it not all so no I'm not I'm not saying that we shouldn't push forward because that's that's what we're supposed to do the beach renourishment yeah well and I will I mean I will just speak for me but you know the kind of the role of Advisory Board is I mean I've got lots of time and connections to go and do a lot of exploring Ing and come back with a lot of answers or 10 different ways to do something it's kind of the the walk and chew gum we can shoot them down left and right but if we don't ever have them lined up we we can't shoot them down and I know that there's been a couple of different Aquatics thoughts or plans and um that's where I'll get into my own experience I know what works in community mhm and right now to establish there's going to be three or four communities in the US that are going to establish themselves as places for all of these countries to go train and our own country to go train in in the different sports and they want to go to altitude and they want to go to beach communities they do want to go to beach communities 100% why the the the market just in swimming would be like these federations leading up to the LA games but the long term if there was and I'm not trying to sell this just stay in the example if in the footprint of the Aquatic area that we had and it does fit I've obsessed over Google Earth I I've got a hundred different designs that can go on that footprint without expanding it if there's a 50 M Pool there 8 or 10 Lane 50 m pool pool uh we would have teams from all over the United States training here regularly and paying to be in those lanes and that would and paying rarely and paying well and see the yeah the the pool is almost just the pool is just the quote bait and then they're staying in our hotels our airbn bees they're eating in restaurants they're buying our t-shirts they're they're doing all those things and that's what you know the the better we have the better facilities we have right now being zero for Aquatics this could be the home of Open Water training for the world um there are seasons when you train in open water and they happen to be when our water is at the right temperatures which spring and summer right well it's it's late fall through early December okay and then it's it's basically just for it being translatable it's about when school lets out for about a month or so so those are the two timesville that we're not looking at premium rent to to be here to come here to fly here to rent Vehicles all those sorts of things so you know and you can I I don't hide my enthusiasm for that very well um you know that's just one facility there are other sports um if you get into the the paralympic side um that would be a whole different audience for gym use indoor and or outdoor um training on the beach is becoming something where some of the trends are going away from all of the the blood sciences that we do to to track training and we're just getting athletes to kind of get gritty again and training running on Sand is one of the hardest and safest places to do those impact things on your body so there's for all of this there's nothing but opportunity just kind of dangling yeah so if it's a if it's a Leisure Pool with a lot of deck space then I think the town is going to be chasing members all the time and there's going to be you know 25% of the chairs are going to be full there and it's it's going to be more Health Club where some are going to pay some are going to pay by use just when they're here but if we got into the regulation potential training location and the pool is the right size with auxiliary pool for that spill overtime so that you are taking care of people's kids when they're in town you have a whether it's a small uh um flow pool with a lazy river type of pool um a lazy river around that facility if it was a 50 meter pool would eliminate the need for a slide or the splash area it could be a splash area into a Lazy River Pool so I mean the the opportunities are endless I think there is at that investment level in the US it's pretty hot now because those investors are understanding and ready to jump on Wow we not only want this we can do this for LA and then if you become a home of something coming off an enormous event we couldn't be much further from LA but for the international federations three-hour flight 4our flight is is is nothing that's not even a a sleep deprivation flight you know for those of us that that Circle the world pretty often right so right you know I John don't be negative could have been chasing all this stuff for a long time and have a lot of ideas but it go down to to getting to sit down with whoever and getting the yes go these five directions and we'll see what we have kind of the shooting the pellet before we load the cannon it's Andy and Frankie yeah no if answer buts yeah and and I think to more specifically come up with an actual proposal for them to look at comparing contrast in terms of well this will provide this this would be the potential Revenue this is the the group that would be you know the partnership um and I don't know Fort Lauderdale Hall of Fame is that kind of one of the areas that uh we would want to emulate because that's ancient there was a no that was just completely redone okay and that is a potential competitor now it was ancient it's all brand new I mean Red Bull built them a 37 M Tower wow 37 meters is really high but that is that whole thing turned into a whole new diving height for World Aquatics it won't be in the Olympics but it's where is this in Fort Lauderdale oh Fort Lauderdale Lauderdale yeah yeah right right on the Bayside it's been there forever it's deteriorated over years and years and years and the the city and some investors just put I think it was 60 or 70 million in it it has 250 met pools and then a 25 meter by 25 yard diving well so I think using that as an example not to say that we're going to build to that extent that's far enough away that's how public priv private Partnerships work with the qu programs and use that as an example for us and I think it's a question of presenting those new ideas um have a Buy in from the staff and then obviously from councel because it is political well will you know absolutely so I think there's that Stu that you can initiate that would be very helpful yeah and that's you know I I need to get the meeting Jesse your thoughts I need to get the meeting you've been very patient yeah no I've been pretty quiet um look it's a huge opportunity especially in the off season as well what you're talking about it makes all the sense in the world I mean just getting more people here I think is the most important thing um to to your point which you mentioned you know you're only going to get so many people to sign up right you're only going to get so many people that are actually going to end up like paying and it's going to be offseason then inseason and something that's more established where it's an actual destination um changes things dramatically um not just you know putting us on the map but you know it's more of a yearr round destination which is really what we should be shooting for for sure and you know to your point it is very easy to get here um from Europe like it's it's not difficult at all to get to La pretty difficult and um you know I think it's an opportunity we should definitely explore and at least do some sort of Discovery um with the connections that you have you know it can do some really good things for this town for really um long long time are you still how long are you here for John uh I leave tomorrow morning okay so and it's too windy to go play on the golf today so I am I am just open book so if I need to go crash an office after the meeting you know as politely as possible and even to even to you know have a meeting to set the meeting you know I'm I'm I'm warm Clay on this and I want to pounce because you know the some people have come to me on hey do you know this organization exists and this organization exists there's I don't know that we could go to a USA swimming or USA Water Polo or or USA Synchro or any of those Sports because they're all nonprofits as well so yeah we tried going the USA swimming route there was a grant and we were denied so yeah and well it it was late it it was outside of the grant period I did about that from the backside it was well they had it they had oh they had it posted and then when we submitted it they said it was too late so that means you it still means you could they did some no they wouldn't let us reapply they took the post down and this is really how most of the the sports federations work is if you have a facility they want to know how they can help get that facility used MH you know they're not into you know as they call lights and locks yeah they they don't want to build it for you um do they let me ask a couple questions if I may uh the maintenance afterwards do they like if we build this state of the a facility it's going to be cost a lot more maintenance wise is that part of the package well I think those packages are warm clay right now for even those investing groups some of the and then there's sport facility companies that would come in and run the whole facility you know there's there there they're using the the recent College building model yeah the greatest recruiting tool that colleges have done in the last 20 years is build out these incredible recreational facilities it was too expensive the way most University regions looked at it to then maintain them so now there are companies that maintain your facility you know and and it literally either even from um start to finish people at the counters people making sure the towels are clean people making sure the water is taken care of complete facility management through through peace work wow you know and then you can get out of the business of trying to search regionally locally for these contractors that are either have too much work because there are too few of them or they don't want to spend an hour in their truck that they don't have to you know so it's it's kind of a go big or go home kind of situation my head I think budget too and I'm thinking you know what is this going to do to our budget you know we are running on a very limited one as a municipality in general we build this nice thing and we're going to have to maintain you know obviously a certain level we have our staff are all trained not all of them there's a number of them that are trained uh to work on the chemicals and those things but um well this and I'm not I'm not saying that's that's good or bad and there's maybe other opportunities out there to do it uh I just want to make sure if we if we go big that we can sustain it over years of well that's go you know now I feel like the kind of the The Walking orders to do a lot more deep and deeper and more thorough research on what these investment groups really do yep the deals that they have if whatever they're willing to disclose to maybe have a smaller deal here we're always going to be smaller I mean they're they're talking about you know they buil out seven gym gyms imagine on acreage outside I mean we had small scale with with Major League Baseball you know with the partnership and that worked out really well out great um you know we had they gave us in form of a grant but uh they actually spent way more than they they had probably in NE project I think so to help us out so yeah we do we do Partnerships very well yeah so that's not out of the realm so i' KN that maybe you know trying to work the the idea or the quote sale to a group like USA swimming or USA Water Polo hey do you need an East Coast training home do you need this do you need that well this is what it would be either we can get it built and then we need help maintaining it or we need to get it we need somebody to build it and then we'll maintain it um so yeah and wean we I mean I think we get the picture of yeah always busy sometimes but there' be plenty of time for that's the main thing with our residents is they want lap swimming yeah they want water aerobic so you know incorporating all those and I know I know there'll be time there'll be times in the day for that for sure um but we have some pretty strong Believers and yeah cuz what you generally don't want to build in this situation is a competitive Aquatic Center because then it's looking at being closed a lot for competitions and that it in a couple years I'm going to be on Flamingo Street calling how come that pool's closed for another me that's we want we want access to our res get to that problem that so yeah I just wanted to bring that up because that's that's our number one goal a pool is a fitness and a training facility yeah we we try to you know cuz they're taxpayers and we want to have their input too so I think some of their it's a recreational amenity for our residents primarily and buil well it can always have links avilable available and you're talking about Revenue most of it was visitors paying a fee obviously we know that um we didn't have we didn't have all that many memberships to the pool in in Long longevity so I mean yes we we're going to keep the residence on the the front burner but you're on with Andy at 1:30 awesome oh Andy just kidding thank you cuz you know we've been trying and it hases it work so next door the rest of that whole conversation goes to that meeting so I think now that that this is very productive thank you Karen for John if you have contacts and you have you know you can yeah I don't want to control it I want to find it out and hand it over no I know you can present as we go too you're do the R&D we need you to control it at this point yeah I mean control freak so what you are the one with the contact so I'm before we move to the fitness Court I want to ask Joy and Becky if you have any thoughts um with regard to the pool discussion and if not I think we do have a push forward uh and so with that then if there are no other comments only thing I have is that I feel like it's important um just to still incorporate like you're saying like you know if there's a slide or what I mean we have a pool and we would still go to b sometimes because of that aspect you know so I think I discounted it a little bit I don't I just personally like that's important that's the gate that's the gate that pays yeah right when kids were little they would play on the structure and right yeah it still has to be Community yeah oh yeah and not just professional so and all those people that come on training trips at least from the US those are families that are coming with the thing they have in common is once or twice a day they're here at the pool right brothers and sisters want to be going down the slide while the other one's going back and forth and it was huge for I mean Fridays during the summer for bok's kids and you know oh yeah the partnership with the school and swimming lessons there and all that we'd want to incorporate I mean take the look at the gulf today that's a big pool gate day right because you still want to be by water water yet I don't want to get sand blasted exactly that's why I look like this today yeah Joy any comments no I think you all covered it all right thank you Joy all right thank you all uh let's move on to the fitness Court discussion um Jeff you want to lead that uh yes so it's we're getting that thing installed finally after how many years up yeah where it was originally the plan hasn't changed as far as where it's going to go we do have the equipment we ordered it again it is it's sitting up at the pool right now um good so in June 10th through the 14th they'll be here to install it that's the okay that's the time frame um the only thing they really need from us as a town is to decide which option we want a or b I can't really tell and I could get on the email either it wouldn't pull up on email it looks exactly I don't understand the the white and blue I don't it's just the pattern of it oh it's just the pattern at oh it's a decorative element is that what is that theor is it white and blue like these are the colors I think it's white and blue that's what they showed me so they uh they had other ones they had you know you for 25,000 extra you can put your logo on it or you can put you can have an artist for I think it I think it goes up to 150,000 you can have one of our artists do it for you we have good artists on the beach that's right oh we could but that was like another think 25,000 which I don't think we want to put towards this it's going to be cuz it's going to be facing that the condo anyway decal for our logo on it yeah at some point we don't have to have them so do we vote on one of these we can vote on it where is this in your P it's a secret Joy you can't see it I think did I send this out email you did but it didn't actually pull up when you click on nothing comes up um and I didn't look at it till this morning honestly standard fit oh where oh where's the fitness Court uh right is the entrance to the the pool the oneway coming in it's right there the new road that opened when pull in left that we already had poured which is good I took I took pictures and showed them we do have a little bit of cracking um assuming from the big trucks going over them but conrete cracks yeah uh we do we do a little repair on it but yeah we'll put it right there so yeah it's really you're not even going to see this portion of it it's going to be facing that condo and know and offense so I think option A seems to be the the most you know I like option A the best as well so do I right let's do just option A yeah if we do decide to do our own then we've got options are I went over all that I was hoping I was going to hear I'm measuring the pool on earth for those who are I have a meting 130 interested in implementing this among staff I think that the consensus among our AB is option A is preferable thank you for us having the opportunity to weigh in on the Athletics yeah so it hope you know hopefully everything goes on schedule I hope and June 10th will be the day that they come in and they want to have it ripped up in a week a question for you about that area because at the time when we were doing the community center planning there was a question as to whether that was going to be a oneway in or one way out and now you can do one no it's a one way you'll see signs do not enter there's a bunch of signs up there now now okay there's all new signs and it says oneway just coming in and do not enter And they're they're pretty big okay when were those installed couple weeks ago okay so that's yeah cuz I was wondering that was kind of like um the wild west there so there was virtually no signage about anything at that point so there we did put signs up is it going to be just the equipment going in in June we're not like a water water station and everything yet uh no there's a spot for a drinking phone so we have that out on order in June also hopefully okay it's got to get it plumbed in yeah yeah Plumbing you have to do anything with Council on this it's already been voted on okay even that there was an extra 25,000 that we had to pay to install it and then we Council already voted to do that so I already have that in the already been there but no they unless they want to us to give their recommendation for option A and option b that' be that'd be it so is there signage at the entrance there going that the signage has it's been ordered it's in production it's that b Paro there's not yeah office stero not yet it's in production because we to go to the Easter egg hunt the other day I don't think there was a sign I think we just I want to say not 100% but I think we just picked up signs either this morning or yesterday pointing to town hall in B Oaks this way as temporary BAS temporary okay and then we'll have the big huge Bay Oaks Park sign that's over by the Ballfield by then that'll be where the Ballfield no that'll be to the entrance oh it'll be to the entrance okay because originally the sign was closer to the school it was yes when you drove down Bay Ops you had the sign to the right that's the old sign the that's what I'm saying that's where the old sign was when we vot yeah we're going to put Road correct okay all right um member items you think there's a Karen did you bring that question up for Council or did you no I was I couldn't remember oh okay I didn't know if there was something you wanted to bring no two okay no no I just couldn't remember if well it was originally like about three years ago probably voted you enough to talk about when you're in Council yeah you don't want to talk about this artwork no so that's really all that if you have any questions about it it it'll look it look good be good entrance or a dead spot okay uh moving forward um member items uh we'll start with Jesse anything to um comment on um no not at this time okay Jesse thank you John I have a question on Friends is anything going on so I just renewed it I did do that so I just renewed it and I adjusted um all the members on it I'm still looking for somebody that wants to come a member and really help out with it as much as possible um so I've talked to quite a few people um I think everybody's pretty busy yeah um so that's been a struggle but I did just renew it until so we're good there still act so do we have a bank account so that was part of it so when I renewed it um I added myself and actually Becky to make it much easier because there was multiple people on it before okay um so now myself and Becky could realistically go to the bank and set up a bank account no problem before it was like you have to have everybody which was like five different people that's ridiculous it's a little crazy so I just moved it down to myself okay so are you going to open the account at the same place or so I mean I'm a I'm at Wells Fargo so I don't know where you're a member Chase I don't care okay it doesn't matter most fine yeah so the only reason I'm asking is um a friends of Lovers Key we were at BB&T at one point and then we went to 5ifth third which has been not good okay um and we just met with um sand cap sandel cap okay and they are fabulous they want to work with nonprofits they bend over backwards for convenient for me yeah so exactly so I can give you the name of the woman cuz the where she is is actually at the one on McGregor and college to open the account okay but then after that you can go anywhere yeah um and we still have so once we get that open in the town budget still sits at $116,000 from the old friends organization and when I found when I cleaned out my storage and I found all my paperwork the original check I found that original check for $1,743 or whatever it is and of course I didn't bring it today I thought I had it in here and I didn't it's sitting on my dresser but those funds are still in there available and then what we could do Becky is just coordinate when you send me that info that's fine get some time and then we'll coordinate that and actually we have probably way more available than you are so you just tell me when you're available and I'll work it out we have a check from the Women's Club that needs to get deposited too for $631 or something like that that it raised from the chili cook off I believe it was perfect so it's been sitting in our safe and i' been waiting to from Pub from Year from two years ago so okay Mary said to go ahead and deposit it she didn't think there would be a problem of having it go through but if it for whatever reason didn't go through then they would reissue it for us perfect so fantastic let me find out the name of this woman okay it's probably in my email somewhere and um because they were they've just they bent over backward difference that sounds Jesse I'll talk to Nicole or Pio and see if we can oh you know I talked to her about putting it on Facebook or social media about the friends say we're looking for a yes I'll talk to her about that okay yeah she's our new Pio if you didn't know that and I would think that you know maybe the B social seniors uh might be uh interested in becoming active uh because they do they're not running most of them are not running major businesses on the island deal tourism and so season is always really hectic probably those that you've talk to okay but maybe there'll be people that uh do have more time available to help the friends perfect yeah that's a great suggestion I actually have a note to have see if they want to be in the parade too since so they're so active so um so I'll put that on the list for Danielle okay all right and um but we'll we'll try to do some recruiting on our end too okay no I appreciate that will there be a fee to join them the friends uh we haven't discussed that Karen was there a fee prior I don't think so uhuh in my opinion I would say we we get it kicked off if that's want to be in a new bylaw let's yeah CU I don't think there's any fees listed or anything like that there was nothing the meaning we was there a website prior or anything like that at all there was a website which I don't think is functional at all but is the domain still active that I don't know okay I'll look into I'll start looking it up I have a good website guys so okay you can turn it around in like no time hey we need your website guy for folks for friends of Lovers Key because ours is not great so I would he just created one for me in like a matter of a week and half got that you know one thing that may work I like once we get a membership established in terms of friends of Bay Oaks is to do what friends of M house has done because obviously the mount house is town-owned like B Oaks is town-owned and Friends has incorporated the town website in the terms of if you want to become a member of Mount house and a member of friends you put the money in and it's allocated appropriately in the databases are are complimentary Okay so if for example someone becomes a member of B Oaks you know to be the recreational member uh they could also then have the option of becoming the friends of beoke so that's another way to generate new membership and more than more importantly at this beginning stage exposure because a lot of people don't know that we're interested in you know getting this friends group um up and running again and that's where our fundraising efforts can come from too because technically the town cannot do fundraising but a friend's organization can right so exactly Partnerships the town can do fundraising they can Partnerships and accepting donations is it probably are right so a few months ago when we had our meeting and we had the lady here discussing the sunshine laws we asked her about the board of friends of boks and I know she recommended that we should not be on it but I can't remember if she said one person could be on it or nobody I think she recommended kind of a clean split mhm between the two that way there's no voting members on both of them cuz you could you know should be on the board that's what she said as welled having people on the same yeah that was overlaps so but we get it started but then yeah it's it's good to go just renewed it so everything's good we just need to get the bank account and then we can Circle back and say okay if there needs to be a separation we can do that separation no problem um now it's much easier because it's just you and I as supposed to five people exactly it was going to be pretty lengthy process yeah say I'm not going to say YouTube can't right now so we're not only looking for like I mean we're just trying to start this up and you've put so much leg work into it right you know for sure that's not the case it's just we don't want to get in the habit of having you know like our whole committee or our whole Advisory Board be the also the friends of I don't think it would have started without him though like no it wouldn't like he at least needed to up like they would not have gone anywhere without like I want to get this thing going and then if we want to you know maybe so we're looking for members we're looking for board and members really I mean that's but what about like I'm sure you've gone after like all the PTO people for there's not a lot there used to be a bigger PTO at the school and there's only really like two of the parents that are PTO anymore cuz but everybody's so busy too like I know their homes back that's the thing it's exactly right so the people that were super involved you know I mean there's only really two moms that are still doing they kind of do everything right now okay yeah okay and their kids use it they use BS all the time but which they they maybe I mean I'm thinking of Jenny and it's Jenny and Chantel that do the PTA stuff I mean Dustin was on it he's hugely busy and you know yeah I know shantel's Women's Club right she goes to it but she's on the board she's part she's a member but not on the board she's not on the board of Women's Club I think Monica was President I don't know if she still is but Dustin's I mean they're rebuilding their house and all it's a lot right well andica is now the she the M too right yeah she's yeah I don't have anything else to add okay thank you Becky Joy comment yeah yes so um I just wanted to quickly report out on the pickle ball tournament um it was a dinky little tournament however uh we did raise 2300 a little over 2300 um and certainly that was because Alex King covered all the expenses uh so I have asked the participants for feedback I did get a little bit um but on the whole it was um a positive event and um it was I think everyone everyone had a great time fantastic yeah I was hoping you're going to bring it up I I didn't go down there for it and it was it was it was awesome Joy you did a great job of putting it together um you know there's a food truck down there the I loved the quote unquote celebrity match we had um with Beach talk and Jim and Dan uh Kim and Ed shocked at Dan's nimbleness yeah it was cool and it just made me think of all these other things could do with you know them and it just shows you know a nice side instead of just caderie a different side of them you know with both sides I mean it was fun to watch I was down there and I brought my son and he was cheering him on and oh he was that's yeah and uh you know their banter back and forth was was great and you know it was it was really it was really cool and then the whole tournament was was wonderful and I'm glad we could definitely do what we want to do more yeah well Nicole and and Daniel were a big part of that and you know thankfully I had lots of volunteers including kids from FGCU and they ended up we did have a couple of no shows so they jumped in and um filled the Gap so on on the whole I I I'm really happy it went well and I think we'll probably do it again next year um and in fact I need to talk to Danielle so that we can just sort of pencil in you know a date for next here kind of you know exercise it right in between you know the shrimp fest and all the other things that are that are going on um next year um the other thing that um as I was looking through you know the Observer the other day I I just was thinking you know it would be fun to have something that brought boks to the um to The Observer like once a month or something and so I was thinking it be to have like a sportsman of the month or Sports person of the month you know because we I think we there's a lot of go things that are going on I mean obviously the newsletter which by the way just as a Danielle whoever's doing it Danielle I guess the newsletter is fantastic um it's full of information and it makes you really want to participate in all the various activities um but I thought it would be fun if we had like you know we could just have once a month you know we could have a sports person and just pick somebody out it's kind of like what they you all do with your town um employees you know once a month you have like a feature um it would just be a community thing so anyway yeah do you know have have you looked into that at all as how much that would cost well I was kind of hoping it would be nothing but I can reach out to Nathan okay at The Observer and ask him if we did something like this would he charges or would it just be like a news article yeah if he can do that that's great yeah that that's my thing and I always I'm sorry to keep bring bringing it up to every single topic but I I think of budget and you should where that money is going to come from and uh and I do I love the idea cuz I I read it a lot of people read it they page through it it's a it's good it's got a lot of recognition in there uh and I know they put events and everything like that too in there for us so yeah hopefully that that I I love the idea I mean that's great it's exposure it's good for people that want to come down and and be a part of that and little recognition yeah recognition is always good so well we have a member of our excuse me joy we have a member of our um uh Bor cab that just left which means that we no longer have a quorum so and our meting does she count now that she's already on the phone or no yeah she does oh yeah that's right we still have joy yes of course okay so we're still good okay we still have um so anything more to report Joy sorry for the interruption no okay we're good all right um setting the next meeting I believe it's for this time next month that would be May 1st is the first Wednesday May 1st at uh 12 as usual May 1st okay um and I'd like uh to have sorry Mayday May yes maybe um may I have a motion to adjourn please um do we can we set some anything you want on the agenda this time you want to add or we want to no Che with Betty to see you know because she is chair okay to see if she has anything but um I think we definitely would like to have a uh an update uh on the pool um and I just sent you the for sand cap so we can maybe have an update on where we are I'll be sure agenda check to you okay one too then Becky I think I have your number I'll just double check and I have to run too so okay all right U meeting adjourned uh all in favor I I oppose none thank you and it is thanks 131 Take Care thank you too