##VIDEO ID:7Ov3-ZulElI## everybody there Joe Mr Brian Thomas yeah yes Brian everyone is here okay uh quick question for this meeting to kick this meeting off uh am I still the chairman and can I start the meeting or does it not work that way oh well because you're not present what we're going to do is we're going to have Jack um start the meeting and then when it comes to the roll call um after we do the roll call then we'll vote to um allow you to participate remotely and then at that point then you can take over and shair the meeting okay excellent thank you let's just call them call a meeting to order November 14th 2024 it's 10:00 yes um with through the Pledge of Allegiance pled ALG to the flag United States America the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and Justice this would be the the roll call okay I'll just call her name is he here um well Brian is remore so you can call his name Brian Thomas thas this roll call Brian Thomas pres okay Jack L present Debbie dton present Maryanne Shey present Mike Hower present Barber puffer present Dave Sandberg present Scott sords present then we need to ask for a motion in a second to allow Brian Thomas to participate remotely I need a a motion to I nominate or a motion for Brian Thomas to participate nor I need a second second and then a vote all in favor they need to vote okay now what should we do now no they need to vote um all in favor so all all in favor I hi okay so that that allows Brian to participate remotely and then we need to do the same for Mike Hower what do you want me to Sor ask ask for a motion in a second to allow Mye CER to parti I need a motion and a second for Brian Thomas and Mike Hower to participate well this would only be for Mike for Brian's already I move for Mike haer to participate second that all in favor hi hi hi okay so um Brian you may take over now and chairing the meeting okay thank you Joe so uh two things for I just want to mention I know we have I believe two new people David Samberg and Jacob Kendall just want to tell you thank you and congratulations both at the same time um additionally for Mr Scot after congratulations on your recent win thank you um so um item number four we organization I need a nomination for uh chairperson for our Brian I need to clarify something with you I I guess you must not have been um listening when we were discussing this at before the meeting but the Town Council apparently they have to go through like a reaffirmation of the votes that have already taken place they need to revote on um this coming Monday and so at that point it'll become official I guess there's like a illegal technicality that they're they're trying to follow and so we don't have to vote on a reorganization until the next meeting so all the all the positions are still in effect as they have been at this for this meeting okay all right great thank you then I'll move on to um approval of the minutes I assume everyone has the minutes in front of them um do I have a motion for the approval of the minutes I'll move it Barbara thank you Barbara do I have a second second any discussion on the minutes that need to take place okay all those in favor signify by saying I I I all oppos sign all right item number six public comment do I have anybody in attendance todaying public comment okay I'll say I'll take that silence as a no we'll move on to item seven demonstration of the Tyler VP Pro by Jake Kendall L of pyot technologist how's it going thank you for having us um audio cut out there for just a second all I heard was Jak and Kendall Tyler Technologies are we uh able to take the floor now yes sir please all right thank you all right I can share awesome hello everybody thank you for giving us some time we uh I don't want to hijack this meeting at all but Joe has asked us to take 20 minutes to kind of discuss the uh the software that the town of for Meers Beach uh will be acquiring here um replacing their current vendor but I wanted to introduce myself um I'm ja Jacob Kendall County Executive for the State of Florida for Tyler Technologies I just live just north of you guys in new SM Beach um and then I have my colleague Latrice lton she's our Solutions consultant she's out a Texas how you doing Michigan Michigan I get confused that your sister I'm sorry oh she was anyway so she she's here with me today um I'm going to let her speak majority of this time that we have but I just wanted to touch on kind of you know who Tyler is as a whole any of you guys have heard of Tyler Technologies before we are the largest software company exclusively focused on the public sector um we've got over 44,000 software installations across 13 14,000 locations now across the country um another fun fact about us is that 45% of Tyler's 7,300 Workforce uh has worked in the public sector at some point of their lives which is kind of kind of neat to think about um there's a good chance that whether it be your implementation consultant somebody on customer support have worked in uh the public sector at some point apologize if you hear yelling in the background my kid had to stay home sick from school my apologies there um but for that as well I wanted to mention that along with those uh installs we have nationwide just in the State of Florida we have over 50 municipalities uh on the Tyler Erp pro software which the truth is going to be showing here so you know close to you off the top my head Santa Bell Island Water District uh stero fire district some other ones city of okobe Groveland um city of Surfside Orange City so lots and lots of presence in the State of Florida is great for growing and growing um and recently the city of banel had come on to our software as well so lots of lots of good stuff happen in our our Tyler family in the State of Florida um but really what we are hoping with this new transition over top Pro with Fort Myers Beach is that we're really proud of our client retention rate 98% there is a very good chance that this can be the last last Erp purchase that the town really has to make fortive technology consistently reinvests in the software year over year and I think that's what really keeps clients on board of those software um so helping out with offline no more offline reconciliation no more paper no more manual data entry list goes on with conversations that Patrice and I have had with the town about frustrations we're happy to resolve some of those for you uh with that said like I said we've only got about 20 minutes I'm going to pass it on Tre who will now be sharing her screen I want to give you a little highle overview of kind of what to look forward to what the software looks like visually and then she'll jump into some of the key items that we want to discuss thank you thanks for thank you for that Jake uh good morning everyone and thank you so much for carving out a piece of your your you know your precious time to have a look at our Erp pro software solution um forgive me U I'm a little um new to zoom so uh first off can you hear me okay yes yes perfect did I share the right screen you should see like my dashboard and not pictures of kid okay great all right so like uh Jake mentioned for this 20 minutes that we have here I'm just gonna uh give you a high very high level demonstration of the key features and functionality of our Erp pro software first and foremost this this is completely um uh web based solution that can be used in any browser so right now I in Chrome it be Firefox I'm going to show you a little bit later how it's mobile friendly so it can be opened up on an iPad with the correct credentials and everything as well all of it is live uh real time data so anytime you see anything in the system as far as a balance things like that it's all in real time so two seconds later someone PA vend someone you know posted a purchase requisition or something you will see that immediately in the software okay so to give you a breakdown of uh the Erp Pro solution I'm starting off here on what we call my dashboard when you log in for the day your dashboard is going to be specific to your role within the city so right now I started with someone who has you know the most uh access within the software her name happens to be Anita dollarita uh is very uh Finance driven obviously so when she logs in for the day her dashboard is going to be comprised of smart cards that we develop to give her real time uh alerts on things that require maybe her approval or her attention so no longer are you trying to come through emails and you know uh get messages or listen to voicemails or something like that hey I have this uh requisition that I need approved okay as soon as it's your turn within the approval workflow it's going to immediately on your dashboard so up to 99 levels of approval we can accommodate no one goes that far but we like to build off the software to make it as you know uh expansive as possible so when it's her turn maybe she's third in line based on dollar amount or department or GL account code when it is her turn she's going to have a smart card that says hey someone in it would like to make a purchase okay for $34 immediately she can go ahead approve it reject it uh take a look at the record import ly she can click on the budget recap and see if they have if they have enough money in that line item so at the GL account level you be able to see what was budgeted for uh as well as any adjustments any encumbrances reserves and what's available at this point in time so right from here she can go ahead and approve it and move it along the chain again it's all paperless it's all seamless full audit Trail uh to show you uh how how it work through the the system so those smart cards are showing up whenever it's your time to process anything they are also used as you know just uh informational so maybe uh you need to know that there are checks that are still outstanding you haven't cleared these checks uh over 90 days or there are POS that are sitting out there over 180 days we're going to let you know immediately smart cards only show up if it requires your attention so we'll see here the full list of smart cards that Anita has access to uh one of them uh that pop up departments within 10% of their budget so once you set your budget for the year as soon as a department gets within that threshhold that you set whether it's 10% 50% 25% they're going to immediately be listed right here so you can be a little more proactive instead of reactive May kicking off adjustments you'll see that I'll do a quick refresh so it's always getting the most up toate data there's also these uh okay so the smart charts are going to give you a quick little you know information maybe I I'm not looking for the detail here but I need to quickly when I log in for the day see where we are budget wise I able to see our original budget of adjustments uh any activity and then the bottom bottom dollar now this makes for a great view only tool as well so this is you know as a whole for the entire city but maybe I want to give departments access to their own uh account codes or their departments or their segments or projects or programs they'd be able to see that as soon as they log in they just their a piece of the pie also we threw out you know different little uh kpis or smart charts just to give you some idea spending month over month you know as compared to last year as well these are all interactive as well so I can drill in uh if I wanted to click on that January um bar chart there and it'll take me directly to all of the accounts that had active accounts that had activity that uh in that particular fiscal year in period within our software uh we make it really really easy to get information out so if anytime you're in a system that has a list you're going to have this export feature so I can take this if I wanted to get you know export this out to itself own I can go ahead and click that export and it's going to throw it out into Excel document meet rows and columns so then if I wanted to create some trending information or dig down I'd be able to see all that raw data get all that raw data out of there so that's any screen you're in you can take it and uh export it out to itself keep in mind this is a webbased solution if I want to go back to my uh if I wanted to get back to my dashboard click on my little talking te's there and it takes me back to my uh beginning screen some other things I wanted to cow out there uh full menu over here so once you get in for the day you approve all of the everyone's purchase requisitions uh have nothing else as far as your smart cards if you need to go in and do something the full menu was tucked away over here on my hamburger screen so I have a full list based on your permissions maybe you don't have access to all these maybe I don't have access to AP but I do have access to AR maybe uh cashiering or you know fixed assets or whatever if I needed to find a particular menu item let's say I need to you know add a new Revenue code or update a Revenue code I can just start search typing in what I'm looking for and it's going to find the menus that I have access to now it won't show up if I don't have access to it if I don't want to go fishing for over and over again I can go ahead and add to my favorites and now my Revenue codes are seeing up here at the top another very useful feature that uh a lot of our clients um use heavily is This Global search so Global search right here think of this as kind of like um a Google search but it's just Fort Meers Beach data okay so let's say I am uh looking for uh we a copier just broke you know one of our huge copers broke and we need to replace it I can't remember you know what vendor we used I can't remember how much we paid for the last one and I don't want to go thumbing through you know file cabinets of invoices and things like that you can just type copier or any keyword and Erp Pro is going to scw up all of your data and surface all the records that have copy or somewhere in there we have it we filter by category so if I wanted to look at my transactions referencing copier AP invoices fixed assets uh so on so forth you see that right there but I know I'm looking for a purchasing record I'm just going to go ahead and uh narrow it down to my AP invoices you'll notice here I'll just expand all these CC on the description here someone typed copter and that's how come I'm able to find that record this is the one I'm looking for that start we bought it from Staples in 2023 I can go ahead and drill in and view that item now when I load this record even though I'm looking at it from an AP invoice standpoint everything is integrated within our software so you're going to see the full purchasing record here so this is the invoice Header information is going to give me you knowe was this $10.99 uh what was the post date the payable date we have discounts that we they were eligible for I can also see the full purchasing record so I can come out here and see hey uh this is for that record I could see hey these are the payments maybe we paid them a check or maybe we paid them via EFT I'd be able to see that and then you'll see here that there's a hyperlink so I can drill into that record and see the full check we also have a fully integrated document management solution so at the time of entering this invoice we went ahead and scanned in a copy of that invoice so this makes for a good tool for Auditors as well so ERS can come out here and you can give them VI only access or if they wanted to look at a full purchasing record there's no more you know having the staff go out and retrieve all of those documents so I can see the full invoice here a copy of that invoice that we scanned in we've been drag and drop RS out for it but further uh keep in mind that this is a full procurement process that we went through so the related documents are here as well so maybe at the time of that purchase requis I we went ahead and you know acquired our quotes that we were supposed to get so Auditors would be able to see y they did their due diligence get all the quotes necessary uh when the when the department that ordered that particular copy or received it they went ahead and attach that packing slip also what what um the AP uh pay advice so we went ahead and uh since Erp Pro created the AP advice we went ahead and attached that document as well so one location to find all of these uh related documents without having to go you know in the filing cabinets getting paper cuts and all of that no more of that all right also maybe I'm U more interested in this um purchasing how did we pay for it oh that's right this is the GL account that it went to since it is a hyperlink I can click on that GL account code and you'll see that it's opening tabs so I'm not losing my place in other areas either another benefit to the different tabs is if anyone else Works in The Matrix like I do I have like three screens and an iPad and a cell phone and whatever I could take this tab and drag it on to another monitor so that if someone calls me I need to do something else I I I'll get distracted I can keep that record up and still do my research and come back later so that's everywhere with your software so right here i' be able to see a summary of this account code and all of the you know historic transactions I able to see right now I have the24 data but I can toggle back to Prior years and see all that information we do not delete any of your data you're always able to go out there and find this information at your leisure another useful uh purpose for you know Global search could be a power amount maybe we have a um a bank reconciliation issue or we're looking for payment for a vendor or you know a misapplied uh payment or something so you can type in a dollar amount and it's going to find all of the records that have $226 somewhere now if you're in Old systems like this is like the fourth third or fourth Erp software solution that I've ever you know worked in used to have to do queries or something like that or learn SQL or something like that to get this type of information we surfaced it for you to make it really really easy to find that information all right another thing I will point out I talked about how it is U mobile friendly so I'm going to drag another screen over here what you're looking at is uh a mirror of my my uh iPad so this is you know I launched Safari and's see right from here I can go ahead and launch Safari and it's going to take me to the same live data had I been you in the office so let's say you're at a conference or you're like uh Mr Thomas there he's uh offsite or whatever he wanted to see the same information uh that he wanted to see he can bring this conf and it's going to he refresh that screen so I can get the most latest and greatest data there and I can do the same thing I can do in the back office I can see you know our Uh current budget in life uh real time I can also do things like hey let me take a look at you know uh the budget recap so I can do all that live directly from my iPad as well or an Android device doesn't matter works the same the last thing I wanted to talk about which is very very um important to a lot of our uh new clients is reporting options being able to get data out of the software is very important uh and we make it really really easy in a multiple a multitude of ways number one smart cards um B on since we've been in this industry for over 40 years we know the most important things to our clients so we're going to go ahead and cfus those for you so you don't have to run a report to find all the outstanding checks all of the outstanding POS um you also have the ability to create anoc reports from any screen ENT and we saw this earlier so uh let's say I'm looking at vendors or I want to sort by different classes of vendors or vendor balances or something I can take anything that's in a screen here and Export it out to excel we saw that earlier to make a nice neat clean report for you there we go so there you go you can take any screen of data and Export it out to Exel another reporting option happens to be our standard reports so I have that save saved as a favorite we have go to that screen you'll see here that we have about 600 uh plus standard reports across all applications now we're full Erp solution so some of these are utility build about 100 or so so you're not using that be like 500 standard reports in our software okay um the standard reports are going to be you know categorized so you can give people access just to those like AP uh reps just GL reports you know so you can just say hey people have access to you know fix asset reports General reports instead of going through 600 you know online items if I'm looking to run a trial balance I can start typing and I'd be able to see all of the reports that uh meet that criteria and I'll just show you really quickly how easy it is to run a report in our software so we give you lots of filtering options so if I just want to run a report for activity on my general fund for the beginning of last year uh end of last year have to type the dates just use little shortcuts there by default the reports are PDF but we give you a multiple reporting options so it can be exported out as Excel uh text file CSV a PDF a Word document so so run that report it's going to open its own window with that information and our reports are customizable so you'd be able to upload your own uh you know seal there so you know it's an official uh Fort Meers Beach Report there and again the reports have links as well so you can take this report send it out to the different departments where they only see their account information and then they can click on the hyper links that take them directly to those account codes if they have permission so it'll block them if they don't have permission it takes you right to that g account SC that I went to earlier so those are uh the options when it comes to standard reports another thing you can do with our reports is schedule them to run automatically so let's say there's a report that's due every first of the month every rep uh annually even uh I think that was something that came up during our on-site demonstration there's report you have to run every year you forget hey you can you can set it and forget it so you can say hey uh January 1st every year go ahead and grow that report out there or the first Monday of every January or whatever so you can set that up and distribute it to whatever users you want so that make it lot a lot easier you don't forget these things as well so it can be every month every week every day every hour kind of a Overkill there but those are the options the last thing I want to talk about during our very brief overview uh the last reporting option is what we call sell sense so this gives you the opportunity to take maybe you have a very Dynamic U Excel document or Excel report that you need to take to you know committee right uh our reports are good meat clean rows and columns but maybe you want to show trending information so we work very well with Excel and I like to show you what it looks like first so in your folder here I have my income statement and it's empty right now and what we're going to do is have Erp Pro take this uh take the data and automatically load those areas within the spreadsheet go ahead and say I want to load my income statement and all we all we do is a mapping so essentially what we say is hey Erp Pro take this account code the total for this account code and throw it in this cell in this Excel doc just it we work with you implementation to build as many of as you want so when I'm ready to populate my spreadsheet it defaults the current fiscal year periods but you can toggle back to as much data history that you have I'll just populate my spreadsheet I think it has about 75 something like that fields to load just that fast you continue doing other things so now when I load that spreadsheet you'll see here that it loaded that data and went ahead and created those charts and graphs so I can see you know training information and with that being said I want to say thank you for your time um if there any questions or question thanks question yeah let just turn time back over to Joe um I hope that was kind of what you're expecting during this morning's meeting like I said we wanted to keep it pretty brief and just so everybody knows we typically do a a full demo as what we did my it's three four or five hours long sometimes so um keeping it brief is tough but I hope you were able to see kind of the gist and overall look feel of um Jake are you able to hear us I because we do have a question here from one I had a simple question I'm sure you'll be able to answer it so you say it's all web based so the data is housed somewhere where where's the data kept and what's the cyber security around that so uh we we're powered by AWS Amazon web services um so we're uh Le leveraging the AWS Cloud um and we've been working with them for I don't know how long TR would you say we started with cloud services so for quite a while yeah quite a while i' would say at least seven years or so um just a quick question Jake I wondered if you could maybe um run through like the different modules or um components that are included in the package that we're interested in here yeah definitely so let me see if I can actually if I can sh myen would that be helpful to share the screen The Proposal sure rightone see myen yes yes awesome okay so this is what's listed in the proposal and the contract um so we've got our basic Financial Suite inv approvals financials managing contracts fixed assets management a big one online purchasing countable cashing SC also our content manager uh Tyler content manager allow store and house documents online the fing cabinet quite a bit we don't have to do that we got that all on the screen um and then we've got these are just some of the service costs I don't know if you shared any of the cost or anything Joe but it's all right here this is what in the contract as our sofware as well as our service as oh yes I did share it with the committee I had sent them um the contract and just so that they were fully informed as as they would like to be I just wanted to make sure that they had a chance to ask you any questions if they had any yeah looks good so this is actually going to replace your purchas purchasing system too not just your accounting system oh right we don't really even have a purchasing well I mean there's sort of a quasi one included but it's really not usable so this but this certainly is so right now it's just a lot paper well a spreadsheet basically spreadsheet base Joe this a question from Brian Thomas uh will any of the historical data and information that Fort Myers Beach TS be loaded into the system or will you pick a start date and just move forward from that well oh maybe I mean my intention was to move everything but we only have a few years of data in our existing system to begin with that be more and is there conversion cost associated with that yep that's all tied here under the serviceses okay I $4,500 is a one time key correct okay thank you What's the timing how long does it take to launch it fully so uh go live dates uh typically from executed contract any other questions so that they may un leave the meeting if they would like to all right thanks everyone for your time appreciate it thank you thank you thank you much appreciate iture thank you thank you okay Joe are we back ready for discussion involving a recommendation to move forward yes okay um so do we have a motion I I have one question so it's 45 $100 to to transfer the data over how what's the internal cost do do you have an internal cost associate to manh hours and no I I don't um no I never even really thought about that I I was only looking at how much time this was going to save us in the end okay so so in your opinion whatever that cost is it's the the the ease and facility of the software is going to override that just it it will and there there's really no additional cost I mean it's still the same St that we already right we just have to fit fit it in um for every day work okay great I have a question I this is ran Thomas I know he mentioned 67 months for the implementation with the charge of $4,500 I mean I thought the $4,500 for implementation sounded very reasonable but I didn't want to question the the length of time it would take um does that seem reasonable to you bed conversations and discussions that you've had with the company in terms reasonable in the sense that do you think that um it's it's realistic to think that it could be done that quickly is that what you're asking or uh I was kind of asking maybe the opposite question why would it take six to seven months if primarily it sounds like we're not going to be loading a lot of historical data right once they get that map and I'm think into the system I I was just had an expectation in my mind that implementation could be much quicker than that but but possibly not I'll help you with this thank you I was just to say it'll take a while just to prep for it you know they have to understand our requirements our needs and what we have to understand what's the you know how the systems match up and and that type of thing so so there's probably a couple months built in just to just a prep for it and then you have to gather the data and move it and then you have to have a couple months to ramp up because you want to have a couple of month end closes to make sure everything's good before you say it's done and that's true pretty pretty typical about a six Monon window of just exactly what you said I was just saying my company's changing their Erp system and we're starting now we expect to have it done in two and a half years and I could add too that this this is so has so many more features than what we currently have so there's an opportunity to kind of re redesign you know what we our processes to take advantage of this efficiency and what it can offer so I I think we have to go through that thought process as well to just make sure that when we do this setup that we're really taking full advantage of what it has to offer so I think there's a bit of a learning curve on our end just to become familiar with what it all all can do and then from there to translate what we're doing into the way it it would function for us so and I I want to make sure we do take enough time to do that um but certainly we're we're very anxious to get it up and running so we're we're not going to be dragging our keade on it either just a comment again this is Brian it certainly feels like and looks like it has a lot of uh a lot of bells and whistles so I'm sure you and your staff are excited to have this type of information at the tender tips well it also look like you have opportunities once you get comfortable with it to add on additional modules yes as you see fit for what your needs are so expansion to other areas if it works well that and integrates well then you can expand it forward to so look really good looked like a really good system and they they do have um because they do provide for municipalities they do have other areas of software like for example in the permitting department or there's where we're where we're struggling with the software that we have and so they're already looking at that I mean Finance is not but those departments are starting to look at how this may be a possible solution for them and how it integrate into our system so they're already thinking that way so but at getting the financial end of it um established and up and running then from there we can plug in other areas and one of the things I'll be mentioning in my report is finances taken over oversight of the utility billing department and so there already in in the process of converting to a new software but as we get further along this this may be maybe the next step is to integrate them into this as well than any other questions or comments regarding the Tyler VP software so this is Mike I was trying to ask a question while ago I don't know if I came through and I'm sure it's already been thought of but uh this thing will work with our Auditors I'm guessing so oh I guess they have their own sign on and they can do everything remotely yes they it should work very well with them because they would have their own sign and we'd be giving them like view only access and so they'd be be able to um access um all of this information including the backup documentation that would be attached to like invoices for example um they would be able to have that at their fingertips instead of having requested separately from us right thanks Michael anybody else okay um J are we ready for a motion for the recommendation yes I think so okay uh do I have a motion for a recommendation to move forward with the implementation of the title Erp pro software I will motion by Michael do I have a second second uh is that David yep okay good a second by David any comments or discussions regarding the motion or the software there being none um I would look for all those in favor to signify by saying I I I all those opposed same sign motion carries uh Joe Finance director's report please yes um when I prepared this report it was a while ago so you know there have been some new developments but I could just quick highlight the things that I think are of significance in my report and I I did start out by like listing the um the different things I've tried to do along the way since it's been a while since we met last I think it was July so I I have been trying to keep you up to date by providing you with the monthly financial statements as they become available and of course we went through the budget process and I was sending you um the updates on that so hopefully that it's allowed you to be up to speed with what we've been doing um one of the things that has happened since the budget was adopted was that we received um the final um figures from the property appraisers office so according to the um the latest final taxable values we'll be able to generate an additional 190,000 of Ador revenue and then we budget at like 96% of that so that brings it down to 183,000 so that's additional money that we had not included in the the budget but it looks like we'll actually be collecting that um going forward this year um as part of the budget process we were required to um to publicize what the roll back rate would be and because the taxable values have gone up significantly even by keeping the mill rate at 99% % the roll back rate that would be required to generate the same amount of property tax revenue as the 099 had done the previous year we would have had to have lowered our millage rate to 65 61% because we left it the same mathematically that equates to a 50.9% increase over that rollback rate but that's really like an artificial number that is required by Statute to provide to the people um and basically we're we're not even back up to where we started prior to Hurricane and we're almost there because of the property tax taxable values have been increased but we're not quite there so we're still going to be generating a little bit less property tax revenue um next year than we were before in we did get um confirmation that the community disaster loan that we had applied for almost two years ago from FEMA um and and it's something that they recommend that we do especially given the catastrophic damage of Hurrican um the intent of the loan was enable us to continue operations um but unfortunately the reality of it it it took almost two years to get this loan and so it's it's really not even needed at this point but they encouraged us to still accept it and so it's really there as a safety net um it's just over $4 million that we qualify for and we are only allowed to tap into it if it's a last resort um they described it as something that we need to to keep the lights on um I don't foresee that happening especially since we already have the bridge loan and we have other grants um so this this truly would be a safety net to be used as a last resort but it is something that we were um awarded how long is that available I think it it's about they re-evaluate it like within three years and then within five years I think is the limit Jo this is Brian th there's no cost associated with this to the town if they don't access the LA that's true um it's it's there's only an interest cost if we were to use it and that's at 3 and a half% roughly 3 and a half% um it's just a slight difference than the 3 and half it's the rounded up rate of interest so if we do not draw anything down from the loan then we do not pay any interest thank you and I should also clarify that this is not money in our bank it's money that we have to request so we're we're not earning interest on this either um we did receive the reimbursement by the state for the purchase of the new town hall so that was the $7,995 um out of the $8 million Grant from the state so we have less than a million dollar remaining to draw down from and that will be used once we close on the adjacent property which is owned by the 7-Eleven um Corporation and that's it's in the process of being scheduled it'll probably be scheduled any day now and then once once we actually to expend the dollars to close on that property then we'll receive the final reimbursement from this $8 million um Grant and the just so you understand like the financing behind this it's not just um this grant that's being used to finance both the building and the adjacent property it's also um our insurance proceeds so that combined is what's paying for that and then I went on to kind of give you an update on what all of our um available funding sources are it's just it's a lot of detail here and I just I just do that just to kind of keep it up in in front of everyone as far as what all we have to work with um since I sent this out to you and then I had sent out as part of this package the um August financial statements I have sent out to you um the latest Town manager Finance report um that has a few more additional items I thought I could highlight um it's not included in this agenda packet but it was included in that separate um email I sent out to you so there's only a few things I thought I would highlight um and as I had mentioned earlier we we did um assume responsibility for the billing department for water and then that started October 1st of course right afterwards we had the hurricane to deal with um but one of the first things we're looking at is is are the rate adjustments that were scheduled to go into effect so we're currently auditing those to make sure that they were applied correctly and um calculated correctly and so that that's process is is underway just to be absolutely certain that that was done correctly um and then as as we dig into that you know I'll be able to report to you any any issues that uncovered but we're not at a point yet where we have Clarity on what what could be there I should also mention that the utility building system was moved to a new IBM cloud-based server um and that was just done because we did have an issue because it was on a physical server that had went down um and this was I think I think it was the end of August so it delayed our processing of billing few weeks as a result of that so and it's one of the reasons why we're changing softwares was to get out of that old system also so right now we're still on the old system they're transitioning to a new system the new system will be much easier to work with right now the old system all we have are in terms of data you cannot extract data into spreadsheets to do analysis um the reports that are generated are in PDF format you can't easily convert those to excel they're nightmare tried fortunately our Auditors have um I guess a utility that they use to convert PDF into Excel and so they're helping me to like look at the past Year's accounts receivable ledgers also in an effort to just analyze to make sure that the rates that have been applied or correct and that it all makes sense because I'm just now taking over that responsibility I just want to make sure that what we have out there is is accurate and then also then as it gets converted into the new system to have a way of comparing um the the new to the old to make sure that the data was converted correctly so that that's been a very time consuming project so I thought it was worth mentioning that that's what we're also involved in um the bridge loan it was um voted on by and approved by the state legislator laters um and then approved by the governor to extend it out for a full 10year term but it was taking a while to actually get the um official um documents stating that effect but we did finally get that um I think I don't remember the exact date but that has been approved um already by Town Council since you last met so now the maturity date of the bridge loan is May 8th 2033 um since we last met you of course we had hurricane Helen hurricane Milton and just to give you a glimpse as to what we do in the finance department like in preparation for um an event like that because of the vulnerability we have in the trailers and especially with Milton and the forecasted storm surge it it was seems pretty likely that they could be flooded and so we did remove all the contents of the our paperwork our computers um other anything and everything but the furniture um was evacuated um we brought home what we needed to continue operations to each of our homes the information the equipment and um any vacum that we may need to continue working and so we were able to continue um operations during that period it was very brief um we did struggle with um the power out outages like everyone else so um we weren't fully operational but we were able to get some emergency things done um and we kept in communication with cell phones um and then as as people have power through email so it and we checked in with each other for those few days so that it worked well and then of course we had to bring everything back and get reset up so that that's right now with the um processes hopefully then in the new town hall when we'll be elevated we have to do such an extensive evacuation did the trailers get water no in the end they did not um it came pretty close to getting inside but they did not I think because they they're actually elevated enough that the water just came up um to the point of breaching the the doors but it did not get in other facilities like theks they were flooded um okay so that's a glimpse of our emergency procedure um we did um make the escrow payment for the 7-Eleven property that was like one of the preliminary steps to closing that has already been done um a decision has been made to move the contracts and procurement specialist vacancy that's currently in the town clerk's office under the finance department so we're actively recruiting for that person since Finance seems to be really has a strong interest in that aspect of things especially in making sure that documentation is um is obtained and contracts are followed up on for reimbursement purposes for p so that it seems to fit um nicely with that responsibility and we're also keeping track of the purchasing purchase orders so it kind of fits with that too um we're working with the town attorney to establish contract templates um the town cler office has been doing a lot of work in that respect um especially Jason is sitting in the back there he has been a fantastic um help in in getting all of that work done has put in a lot of hours um let's see I think I think that covers all of the main points I wanted to mention regarding an update the last thing would be I did give you um a copy of the September financial statements and I just wanted to point you to the second to the last page which is page 23 and this would be um the statement of Revenue and expenditures budget versus actual by department and this is just within the general fund and again this is page 23 of the September financial statements so this kind of gives you um a glimpse of what all the variances are as we and this is preliminary we're not completely finished with our acrs yet so this this will change but I think this is this gives you a good idea of what it is so we're we're ahead in Revenue by um a total of 290,000 compared to budget and most of that has to do with um interest that was earned the um that negative amount in finance that's because we're we're we're not having to borrow as much from the bridge loan as we budgeted for and the bridge loan was located in the finance department in terms of accounting so that's almost $900,000 less than what we were expecting to use and that has to do with the fact that we brought in more parking Revenue more um Community develop development Revenue more code enforcement Revenue Etc so those larger um positive variances above listed above explain why there's less loan that was needed and we we did um plan on using the bridge loan to make up for the revenue losses so that's why we're using less of it and then on the expense side of things um there's quite a lot of favorable variances most of which had to do with um vacancies and some of it had to do with um charging um expenses of some of the employees who are working on um restoration or recovery work that will be reimbursed by FEMA so that brought down some of the um Personnel costs like for example in public works of course the bay Oak Pool never reopened and so what we had budgeted we had thought maybe it would open halfway into the year but that never happened so we saved quite a bit of of um the expense there and then the negative variances down at the bottom like you start with we had added the grants coordinator position to our department but that was with the understanding that there were going to be vacancies and other departments that would help offset it and so that's why you see that there um there's also an additional $10,000 of audit expense related to the FEMA um auditing mous had more than budgeted but um incorporated into that um 41,000 over budget 26,000 of it is being reimbursed by a grant so that's really not reflected there and then the additional amount was additional repairs that were not budgeted and will not be reimbursed by FEMA um and then the Time Square negative variance that has to do primarily with the Landscaping that we had to replace and that's not reimbursable by FEMA um and Newton Park and uh that was a small small amount we had to put fencing up there which was not budgeting same um with see I'm skipping over legal the legal department that had to do with the additional expenses related to the demolitions and the um the work that they had to do to research um the the behind the scenes research that they um the legal team did for us um to make sure that um properties were eligible for demolition so that's just kind of a snapshot of where we are and then the bottom line there um change in fund balance that that's bringing an additional $2.8 million into the general fund so what I've proposed and is on the agenda for Town Council would be to move at least two million of it into the emergency fund so that would be an additional 2 million because there are expenses that we incur with each hurricane each storm that comes through that are are are not reimbursed by femo and so we need to keep building that the other reason is normally we put a big a large amount like this into Capital but we're prohibited from doing so as long as we have this bridge loan and so that kind of puts us in an unusual situation where we're only allowed to use it for Emer anything anything extra that comes in we're only allowed to use it for emergencies or um for operations so that's why I'm recommending we put at least $2 million into emerc and then once we have the final audited figures that will give us the final figure that we can then make another decision on like of of whatever the final figure is less than $2 million we've already put into the emergency fund then we could also put that amount into the emergency fund or perhaps use it a different way but we only have 60 days which will expire the end of November to amend the 2024 F schol year budg budget and so I wanted to at least get the $2 million in there before we close the year on that so that uh is my my update if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them I would expect that there was quite a bit of expense in October though for all the sand clean up and oh definitely there is yes um moveing into the emergency fund then it gets used it does so it's it's not like it's truly building up it is being expended and and it's also we're not reimbursed instantly it takes um several months if not years to get the full reimbursement so it also helps with cash flow to have it there all right um I have a question related if you're moving forward are you asking a question you're moving forward on the agenda sorry I was going to do both please go no I just wanted to say and I was kind of trying to say this the last time when we didn't have enough people here I don't think we need all this paper this is a great summary I don't know if we all need to vote on just having one or two pages or maybe five pages or something like that just summarizing I don't think we need all this detail every time we meet if everybody agrees or disagrees or has ideas of what you want to see just for clarity then are you saying like for our actual meeting yeah just to have a few pages of just the highle summaries would would you still appreciate receiving like a PDF file with with the detail or um one of the reasons why I've been providing it is I wanted to make sure that every that there's full transparency that there's nothing being hidden and that to give you an opportunity to um ask questions if you see something this is in the record so oh okay but maybe we just don't need to print it all yeah I I agree but it's nice to have the one or two you know like this is a great summary yes that is well I can certainly do that for the next meeting yeah maybe maybe this has a compromise joke have summary available for everybody uh at day of meeting the PDF still goes out with the complete file people can print off and review as much as they wish or or not um and then you know so as always be prep to discuss it when they come to the meeting that sounds good okay with that being said um I'm looking for a motion to approve the finance director's report including the financial statement for period ending September 30 2024 do I have a motion so move second oh second any other uh final discussion or comments regarding okay there being none uh I would look for a um for the motion all those in favor signified by saying I I all opposed stay sign motion carries where uh I guess actually item number eight which is M it and reports do we have any number items and reports okay there being none uh item nine is next meeting which I understand is to be determined um outside are there any other discussions comments that anyone want to bring forward this committee okay I'm going to move to ajour do I have a second oh I'm sorry Brian May I just ask does is there any um consensus or suggestion as to when the next meeting should be did you want to meet in another month and two months some like how how soon would you like to meet I'd be in favor of meeting next month uh obviously subject to you know scheduling for the for the group individually and collectively but that would certainly be my thought I thinke next month would be uh would be appropriate but I'm open to commentary and suggestions otherwise well I could send out another um survey to see when everyone's available so we can make sure we have a quorum um and then I can let you know what the date it would be okay excellent does that work for everyone yeah okay fantastic um I guess maybe just one comment because I'm obviously not on the beach right now um based on the expert fors do we feel there's a a high likelihood that we're going to get another hurricane here in the next week looks like it's going over land right now so that should slow it down yeah the latest models show it going more towards Central America then coming north so okay Jackie is not freaking out yet speak for everybody on this one we would certainly appreciate the pass you know for those of you that water whether it be Debbie colen or Milton my my my thoughts are out to we were fortunate enough to escape debie but not the other two so um you know when we moved to Florida everybody said move to the beach it'll be fun it is okay I'll move to a do we have a second forour I'll second uh Michel the second